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PSW: The Evolution of Greed

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I'm almost halfway through writing "Survival of the Vicious" and I must say... Things are getting much much darker with a slew of new storylines coming through. It may not be that apparent but while writing the show I could sense a def. shift.


I have no idea how youre going to make your writeups darker than they are now already but im intrigued. Thats what I like about your diary as it seems like what a cult company should really be about. Very dark and on an adult level. Looking forward to what this next show brings.

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I have no idea how youre going to make your writeups darker than they are now already but im intrigued. Thats what I like about your diary as it seems like what a cult company should really be about. Very dark and on an adult level. Looking forward to what this next show brings.


Thanks man!


My focus from the very start was to create a progressive story about John Greed as a person, as a headbooker, and as a budding creative mastermind. Not overly confident in his own work, at this point, however, coming into his own overall.


It's always been my focus for the creative aspect of things (The PSW shows/storylines/characters) to be very dark, very gritty, and very realistic to what my vision of "cult entertainment" is all about. In a sense, I look at PSW as a cross between 90's ECW and a cult-based, gritty, Comic book. The characters are grand... The stories are deep and often polarizing... The violence is well... Extreme in some cases. In a way, I wanted to stray away from anything light-hearted and move toward a world where even the babyfaces had shades of grey (Meaning that they were not "perfect" in any way... They are flawed just as much as the bad guys making there no clear distinction between good and evil... Just a collection of choices).


Anyways, Thanks for picking up on all of that, CZCW! I'm excited to see what others think of the show, when it gets up sometime tomorrow probably.



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"The Ministry" Event Center

PSW Event #15






Unknown Shadowed Figure

... Taking control by Brute Force ...


[We open "Survival of the Vicious", PSW's annual May live event, with the view of a darkened back alley. The thick, almost smoke-like, midnight air engulfs the stone alley; only inches from the infamous "Ministry". As a thick layer of fog descends upon our scenario, A shadowy figure is seen leaning his back up against the grey stuckle outerwall of the PSW's tattered, yet beloved, homebase. With a dim, almost non-existent, light hovering above the shadowy figure... All that is seen of this mysterious person is the outline of the lower part of their body. As the camera man grows closer, The unknown man begins to speak in a raspy, intense, manor.]


Unknown Figure: While the cats away... The mice.... Will play...


[With that the mysterious figure delivers an uneasy chuckle that initially sends chills down your spine. In what seems to be a patched in video, Almost as if it wasn't suppose to take place during tonight's event, the unknown voice continues to speak in a quiet and raspy, yet intense, tone.]


Unknown Figure: However, even in a state of anarchy, Mice NEED need a unified voice... Whether it's voluntary.... or inflicted upon them...


[The shadowy figure shockingly extends his right hand outward into the dim light before him... Dangling a dead mouse by its tail. Sick? Sure. However, it's all seems to have a point.]


Unknown Figure: Anarchy, while it typically derives negative connotations to the masses, is nothing more than a state of renewell... A moment of brief loss of stability in which to bring forth a new rule... A new way of life. [Pauses] It's all in the natural order of the world... A leader finds himself unable to control the situation, ditches his environment... Leaving his once ruled society in ruins... Only for another to sweep in and restore faith to the masses. A Divine being... if you will... An all-powerful figure to build upon the ruins... [Pauses] That's exactly what I have come here to do. [Pauses] Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling is in an unstable situation... Pleading, No... Praying... For a new voice... A new direction... A NEW Leader.. And I'm simply here as an answer to their prayers. [Pauses] Blood my be shed... Violence may ensue... Vengeance may develop... However, it will all be in the name of progression.... All in the belief of a "Divine Calling". [Pauses] In the next coming months, Battlelines will be drawn... Physical harm will be administered... And the breaking of souls that defy my rule will transpire. [Pauses] With an army of the wicked, I will drive these weakened souls from the "Steel City"... Ultimately leaving PSW in a state of prosperity... On a course toward the riches of the world. [Pauses] For the time being, however, it will all come down to one simple choice...


[A brief silence fills the scenario as the shadowy figure adjusts his body slightly... His lower body is shown in the light much more, at this point, showing that this mysterious figure is wearing a black-on-black form of camouflage.]


Unknown Figure: To accept me as your new savior... OR... To suffer in the depths of my generated Hell... [pauses] It's as Simple.... as that.


[With that, The scene slowly fades to black... All the while, Left with glaring questions... Who is this shadowed figure? How did they find PSW? And do they have the power, as they say they do, to instill his own rule upon a company forced into anarchy? Only time will tell...]


Grade: D+


Doc Messing: What the Hell was that?

Remmington Remus: It appears that someone wants to control PSW with an iron fist following the personal exile of our former owner...

Doc Messing: So, in a sense, we may have our own Military coup waiting in the wings to force their hand on us all?

Remmington Remus: That's what it looks like...



Madman Boone vs. KILLER Colossus vs. Lead Belly

[barbed Wire Match]

["Extreme Roulette" Qualifier]


In one of the bloodiest affairs in PSW history, Lead Belly, Madman Boone, and KILLER Colossus walked away with, quite possibly, THE most talked about moment of the show. Why? The severe level of violence seen administered by all three competitors. In other companies, a barbed wire match is a fancy way to make things look different for a brief second... The barbed wire ropes are hardly ever used, except for a lame bump after what seems like hours of teasing, and the word: Hardcore doesn't really come to mind. That's not what came to happen in tonight's opening bout... It was as bloody, as violent, as visually grotesque as ever seen in Pro Wrestling.


KILLER Colossus, the odds on favorite to win the match due to his overpowering size & lack of remorse, was really the lead figure through out most of the match. It appeared that the psychotic behemoth had all but destroyed Madman Boone in the opening minutes of the match... Chokeslamming Boone onto the barbed wire rope... Cutting his back up pretty badly in the process. Lead Belly, trying to keep himself alive basically, quickly ascended upon the towering monster... Finding enough room to cut open KILLER's forehead with a round of wicked steel chair strikes to the top of KILLER's head. Blood poured excessively as Lead Belly appeared to take full control of the situation.


Madman Boone, recovering from his fall, was like a man possessed... Trying his best to physically dismantle his long time rival, KILLER Colossus, with the help of Lead Belly. While it may not have been a comfortable sight, It was obvious that these two were firmly in "survival mode"... Knowing that they had a better chance of walking out of tonight's match alive if they teamed together to slow down the rabid monster.


Sadly, for Lead Belly and Madman Boone, even their alliance couldn't prove to be enough to slow down KILLER Colossus as the 7 foot psycho regained his control of the match... Using the nearby barbed wire ropes as his #1 weapon in the process. With a sadistic smile on his face, KILLER was seen grating Boone's face across the barbed wire... Even spearing Lead Belly into the barbed wire at another instance. Needless to say, it looked as if the end was sealed... KILLER Colossus was going to go on to take part in next month's "Extreme Roulette" match...




He, and none of us, were expecting what came next...


KILLER Colossus had an extremely bloody Madman Boone exactly where he wanted him.... Lifting him high off the ground with a double-handed choke... Looking deep into his arch-nemesis's eyes as he attempted to choke the life out of the veteran.


Just then...


The Lights went out...


Mass hysteria is heard from the crowd, just as whenever the lights go out at a wrestling event, however, it would pale in comparison to the horror that was witnessed the second the lights came back up...


Madman Boone is still in the air, motionless, as KILLER Colossus begins to fling him around like a rag-doll... Choking every last inch of life out of him... However, now with the lights back up, we can see that the mysterious Alastor is now standing behind KILLER Colossus with a steel rod in his hands. With a sadistic smirk of his own running across his face... Alastor frees Boone from his own personal hell... Slamming the cold steel across the back of KILLER's head. It took 8 shots to the back of the head for KILLER Colossus to finally stagger down to one knee... Looking back up at Alastor, KILLER tries to grab him by his throat (still showing how powerful he really was)... However, it wouldn't come to pass...






Overhead Swing.... BAM!!!


Blood spills all over the canvas as Alastor stands over the top of KILLER Colossus. The steel rod he used to floor his victim is dripping in the monster's blood as Alastor slowly ****s his head to the side looking down upon the violence he had just unleashed. However, this wasn't enough, Colossus... In a super-human like showing, Attempts to pull himself back to his feet... That was until Alastor landed one final blow...




Square between the eyes. In a bloody heap, KILLER Colossus collapses on the canvas below... Meanwhile, while Alastor looks down upon his victim, Madman Boone watches on in a state of shock... Witnessing what he had just seen. He slowly begins to walk over toward the carnage that had just ensued.... However, Alastor doesn't even flinch... Actually, doesn't even take his eyes off of the fallen Colossus. As this goes on, Lead Belly is seen climbing back to his feet... Running across the ring in a thunderous drive... Slamming his giant foot into the side of Madman Boone's head... Folding him up sideways and opening up the chance to pick up the shocking 3 count from R.M. Stones as Alastor continues to stand over the motionless KILLER.


Lead Belly defeats Madman Boone and KILLER Colossus in 9:41 after pinning Madman Boone following a Big Boot.

Grade: D+


Remmington Remus: I don't know if the rest of the event can continue like this... The ring is literally soaked in blood... There has to be some sort of health code against that.

Doc Messing: We break health-code all the time, Remmy. [Laughs] Good God what a match though! I DID NOT see it ending up like that though... Who thought that Alastor had that in him? I have NEVER seen someone physically man-handle KILLER Colossus like that... It's unreal.

Remmington Remus: I suppose that the steel rod he had in his hands was the great equalizer..

Doc Messing: Equalizer or not, That man may have a death wish by doing something like this... Having a monster on your tails is bad enough but having a bloody, bruised, and near-death behemoth is something that can end only in your death...



The Ring Generals + Nicole Kiss

... Verbal Attack on Holmes/Martin ...


[We cut backstage to instantly see a zoomed in view of a female's breasts, practically, falling out of a tight black bikini top. A few seconds pass as the camera angle still does not shift... Instead, we hear the overly arrogant tamber of Dean Waldorf's voice peering through the scenario.]


Dean Waldorf: The only difference between Bryan Holmes.... And these....


[Dean's pointer finger is seen shooting in from the side of the camera lens... Pointing at, what we now expect to be, Nicole Kiss's breasts before us.]


Dean Waldorf: Are that THESE are REAL.


[An arrogant stint of laughter is heard as the camera view slowly begins to pan out. There stands Nicole Kiss, whose boobs we were just admiring, standing between her boys... Dean Waldorf and Marv Slater. With an overt display of confidence, both Dean and Marv are seen/heard laughing in a "We hit the nail on the coffin" kind of way.]


Dean Waldorf: Bryan, Bryan, Bryan... How you taught us ohhhh so well. [Laughs] Do you remember what you first told us? The very first thing that you said to us following the creation of our alliance? [Pauses] "Don't you ever.. and I mean ever... F*ck this up for me". You see, we KNEW that you were using us as decoys... As mindless bodies in which to make sure that the title stays around your waist. For months, Marv and I, slaved before you... Working our asses off to ensure that you could continue your reign over the "Steel City"... And what did it ever get us? [Dean's demeanor turns rather pissed for a brief second] A boot in our face? A steel chair across our heads? F*ck that, Bryan... and F*ck you!


Marv Slater: We carried your ass as long as we could... Stood in the wings and allowed you to take the limelight. Why? Because we were paying our dues for a man that we respected. We don't respect you anymore. Why? You turned soft, Bryan. You allowed those nimrods at ringside to turn your focus... Hell, you practically were crying on your way out to the ring. What a F*cking baby! Boo Hoo.... Oh, Boo Hoo... Get over yourself. [shakes his head in disapproval].


Dean Waldorf: Not only that... But we stuck to our guns... We saw that you were succumbing to your own emotional sh*t... And we made sure that we continued to show our respect for a man WE THOUGHT we knew. But you're not that man... Bryan. You F*cking lied to us... you F*cking lied to everyone... We all thought you were this battle-tested warrior that could do no wrong. Then what did you do? As Marv said... You softened up. [Pauses] We came down to the ring to make sure that you didn't lose the title... For your own good... Knowing that you were slippin... And what did you do? [shakes his head as he increasingly becomes more and more pissed off] You F*cking knocked our heads off... Caught us off guard as we came out to do YOU a favor.


Marv Slater: We were sick of your bull-sh*t... Your "take it for the team mentality"... Because you showed, in that one out-burst, that you weren't in it for "The team"... You were in it for yourself and yourself only. So, as Dean said, F*ck.... You.... Bryan Holmes. Good Riddance.


Nicole Kiss: If there's one thing I can't stand... It's a man whose gone.... soft. [sly smirk as she licks her lips] Luckily, for us, we can get onto Bigger.... [Looks down at Dean's waist].... And Better.... [Looks up at Marv standing to her other side] ... things.


[With that, The controversial Trio arrogantly walks off the scene with the knowledge that they had physically destroyed our former dominating PSW Champion, Bryan Holmes, sending him off to retirement with a vicious, career-lifting, beating.]


Grade: D-


Doc Messing: God, I hate that B*tch...

Remmington Remus: Nicole Kiss? I would think any man would love her...

Doc Messing: Not my "cup of tea"...

Remmington Remus: Fair enough.



Johnny Martin vs. Dean Waldorf w/ Nicole Kiss & Marv Slater

["Extreme Roulette" Qualifier]


With an arrogant grin running from ear to ear, and a band of two in his corner, Dean Waldorf looks to be overly confident as it pertains to measuring up to the former PSW Champion, Johnny Martin. Who wouldn't feel positive about their chances knowing that they had others firmly in their corner... Focused on pulling out a victory for you at all costs... And "all costs" they would certainly try to pull. Through out the entire match, Marv Slater and Nicole Kiss were seen distracting Martin... At one point, following a major superplex from Martin, Marv Slater was seen rushing into the ring and slamming Martin back to the canvas with a rib-shattering shoulder-block. Either way, it was going to take A LOT from Martin to walk out of tonight's match-up with a win.


Johnny Martin made a run for a favorable outcome after knocking Marv Slater off of the apron with a hard right hand. However, as Johnny looked to execute his famous "Twist on the Rocks" finisher... Nicole Kiss is seen leaping off the top rope and onto the back of Johnny Martin... Attempting to put the former Champion to sleep with a sleeper hold. Luckily for Martin, bad for Nicole, her submission lock was rather weak... Opening up the chance for Martin to flip her over his back... Slamming her harshly on the canvas below. While it looked rather vicious, to the average wrestling fan, it excited the PSW crowd into a frenzied pitch as most of them only want to see Nicole take off her clothes... Other than that... They can't stand her.


The exchange gave Dean the ability to quickly slide in...


Dean Waldorf goes for his former leaders finisher, "The Final Impact" (Spike DDT)....


Martin blocks....


"TWIST ON THE ROCKS" (Twisting Fisherman's Brainbuster Suplex)!!!!


With that, R.M. Stones drops to the canvas, relaying a standard three count in favor of the former PSW Champion, Johnny Martin! Despite his confidence, Dean Waldorf will NOT Be going to "Extreme Roulette" to compete in the Main Event match under the same name.


Johnny Martin defeats Dean Waldorf in 7:40 via a "Twist on the Rocks" (Twisting Fisherman's Brainbuster Suplex).

Grade: D


Remmington Remus: The crafty veteran, and former PSW Champion, shows exactly why he's still considered to be a dangerous competitor... Pulling out a shocking victory over the up and coming Dean Waldorf!

Doc Messing: It just goes to show you... You can have all the talent, determination, and numbers in your corner... However, it takes a little moxxy to be successful here in PSW.

Remmington Remus: Can Johnny Martin continue his roll of momentum and walk out of next month's main event with the PSW Championship once again?

Doc Messing: So far, we've got Lead Belly and Johnny Martin set for the "Extreme Roulette" match... To me, It's a toss up... Then again, there's no way that Lead Belly will be 100% next month following the vicious beating he took tonight.




... Rationale for Stalking/Attacking KILLER Colossus ...


[The shaky, low grade quality, web camera sifts through a darkened hallway leading toward a dusty set of wooden steps. At the base of said steps is an open area only inches from the "locker room area", in all reality a former church basement, as well as a gang-tagged grey door leading to the alley way seen at the opening of the show. As the web camera man descends to the bottom of the steps, He notices the figure of a smaller man (smaller than the shadowy figure seen at the opening segment of the show) seated away from the camera lens on a former church pew (one that had been removed from upstairs but saved as a remembrance of the former church). The pew, close to 100 years old most likely, was a few feet from a large cinder block wall... Facing away from the steps and the locker room area. As the camera man grew closer we begin to make out who it is... with each and every step it comes apparent that the person seated in the church pew is none other than Alastor.]


Alastor: The voices keep questioning WHY?. Why would I stalk KILLER Colossus? Why would I zero in on a man as dangerous... As psychotic as he? WHY.... Would I then violently assault that monster and ultimately put myself in danger by doing so?


[in a truly creepy fashion, Alastor whips his head around surprisingly to look square into the camera lens (only a few feet away at this point). Alastor, twisting his head awkwardly toward the camera, looks to be "mentally gone" at this point... A victim of his own psychosis.]


Alastor: You see... I long to be.... KILLER Colossus. I wish to understand the depths of his psyche... I WANT to live in his limitless state of violence. [Eeiry Laughter] No one ever questions a psycho after they've committed an act of violence. Instead, They chalk the situation up to the fact that they... "can't help themselves"... That they're just acting on behavioral impulses. [Pauses] Why cant that be ME?! In my previous life, The second I lost a match... I was written off like a nobody... trying to ride in on my Father's coat-tails. Then, when it all came crashing down... When my mind finally snapped under the pressure... The pressure that YOU bestowed upon me... I was written off as a talentless hack that had "finally seen reality"... That I wasn't "good enough" to cut it in this industry. [Pauses] When KILLER loses... Do you question his ability to derive fear in the hearts of the masses? Do you write him off like he's a nobody? Do you dare challenge his name? NO!! You idle on by... Hiding behind your computer screens... Peeing your pants at the idea that you would EVER have to cross paths with his wrath. Even as he racks up loss after loss... You still fear him. Why? Because his psychosis has freed him from any sort of limits... He carries out his actions... Inflicts copious amounts of pain and agony... Yet, doesn't understand that it's been dubbed as "wrong" by society. You see... KILLER can carry out his existence without the FEAR of being labeled... being judged... For he doesn't understand the process of being labeled... of being judged.... I WANT THAT!! WHY..... NOT....... ME!!!


[Alastor shakes his head violently, Letting out a scream as if he, was too, a mental patient shoved in the back cell of a psych ward.]


Alastor: You may call me.... crazy... For attacking KILLER Colossus.... but I don't see it that way... [Laughs]. KILLER Colossus has what I want... He carries what I possesses... and I will not rest until it's.... MIIIIIIINEE!!


[Alastor, obviously "not well", in any sense of the term, slowly turns his head back toward the wall... Laughing the entire way around... As we now, once again, fade to black.]


Grade: D-


Doc Messing: Riiiiiiggghhhhtttt......

Remmington Remus: Is it just me... or has PSW quickly become a haven for psychopaths? Well, even more so than it use to be...

Doc Messing: This place will do that to you... Get out while you still can, Remmy. [Laughs] That was F*cking crazy though!

Remmington Remus: You just wonder, once KILLER Colossus gets his hands on Ash... or Alator... Whatever you want to call him... Will he continue to live in one piece?

Doc Messing: He was successful in slaying the monster tonight, however, in the long run, I put my money on KILLER Colossus... My reasoning? Look at Alex Braun, Shawn Gonzalez, Primal Rage, and Madman Boone... All of those men have felt the intense pain that comes from that Freak!

Remmington Remus: I have a feeling that this brewing situation isn't going to end peacefully...

Doc Messing: Nope.... most likely it will end after Alastor loses his life.



Marv Slater vs. Mr. Morgan vs. Malietoa vs. Frankie Future

["Extreme Roulette" Qualifier]


The 3rd qualifying match for next month's "Extreme Roulette" Main Event started off in a truly hectic scenario. Dean Waldorf, pissed off that he had lost his earlier match, was hell-bent on proving his worth by interfering quite early on in the match. Helping his tag partner, Marv Slater, Dean was seen taking it to Frankie Future straight out of the gate... Pretty much removing him from the match-up all together as the two of them continued to brawl around the ringside area... Waldorf pissed that he did not win earlier... Frankie Future pissed because this arrogant youngster was trying to "make a name for himself" at his expense. Either way, no matter what their intentions were to start with, their constant brawling turned into an extremely heavy personal affair.


The other major highlight coming from this match was the fact that Malietoa looked like an absolute beast from the very onset. The Samoan Heavyweight went toe-to-toe with PSW veteran, Mr. Morgan, and was seemingly winning their battle through an array of hard strikes. It appeared that Malietoa was actually going to win the match pretty early on as he was physically dominating Mr. Morgan.... However, just as Johnny Martin showed that craftiness can always trump excessive energy, Mr. Morgan found a way to force Malietoa into a major mistake... Missing Morgan with a diving closeline... Then being backdropped over the top rope, Crashing to the cold cement below. From there, an injured Malietoa was running on 90%... Not fully 100%, however, still going as strong as he possibly could.


Johnny Martin, coming out to the aide the other half of his tag team championship tandem, quickly rushed upon the ring with a steel chair in hand... Flooring Dean Waldorf from behind with ease. Marv Slater, trying to stop the carnage, quickly rushed the scene as well... However, was disposed pretty quickly as well from Martinl; as the steel chair in his hand had become the ultimate silencer. In matter of a few seconds, Johnny Martin had floored both "Ring Generals" and was not turning his attention to Nicole Kiss... Screaming at him from afar... Back peddling away and looking down upon her 'boys' with fear for their health. In a, somewhat, shocking move from a blue-collar man like Martin... Johnny quickly grabbed Nicole by the back of her hair.. Pulling her inward... And DDT'ing her on the concrete below!! Martin, rising up while flexing and yelling in a battle-cry kind of way, is showered by the fans with a major show of respect... Loving the fact that Martin had "gone there"... Especially after he's been somewhat of a class act up until now.


Meanwhile, in the ring, Mr. Morgan has locked in a belly-to-back suplex... However, Malietoa is using his strength to block the attempt... Instead... Landing a hard right elbow to the side of Morgan's temple. Despite that, He went for the move yet again.... NO! Another hard right elbow to the temple of Morgan... Forcing him to stagger away for a brief second to cover up his throbbing headache... However, just as he comes back... Malietoa has slipped in behind him... Aggressively throwing him to the matt while locking in a reverse choke-hold at the same time. Upon impact, The submission hold turns into a rear-naked choke as Morgan's face is slammed into the canvas below... barely able to breathe... the former PSW Champion tries his best to wiggle free... but it was too much.... In one of the most shocking upsets in PSW history... Malietoa had forced Mr. Morgan to submit... Moving him onto next month's Main Event.


Malietoa defeats Marv Slater, Mr. Morgan, and Frankie Future in 9:50 after Malietoa forced Mr. Morgan to submit following a rear-naked choke hold.

Grade: D


Doc Messing: HOLY SH*T.... Malietoa just beat Mr. Morgan! What an upset...

Remmington Remus: It may be an upset from the standpoint that Malietoa really hasn't been here all that long but hey... The guy is a human weapon...

Doc Messing: True, but... He just beat a former PSW Champion... Whether you love, or hate him, this is a major feat for the young Samoan.

Remmington Remus: This makes it.. Lead Belly, Johnny Martin, and now Malietoa for next month's Main Event. What a match that's shaping up to be!!

Doc Messing: After his performance tonight, I think it's hard not to put your money on Malietoa to walk away with some sense of gold next month. Hell, in just a few short weeks... He could be our brand new PSW Champion... God, can you imagine that?

Remmington Remus: We still have two competitors to unveil tonight... Plus, a third coming sometime after tonight's broadcast... With that being said, anything can still happen, Doc. I wouldn't put all my money in this kid just yet.

Doc Messing: Fair enough. I'm just saying... What a fighter!



Harry Allen

... Walking to the Ring ...


[PSW National Champion, Harry Allen, is seen slowly walking through the locker room area with his newly acquired title belt gleaming on his right shoulder. As he walks past a few un-named backstage officials, nodding to them silently as if to say "What's up", he now walks into the same darkened room that Alastor once found himself. However, at this point, Alastor is no longer there... Instead, an unknown shadowy figure is seen leaning up against the cinder block wall... Standing far away from the camera lens's light... And seemingly focused on Harry Allen.]


Unknown Figure: I wish you the best of luck tonight... Harry...


[it's almost as if Harry knows exactly who stands in the darkness... The mysterious figure who said, tonight, that he was fixing to take control of PSW through some sort of military-like coup. Allen, dips his head slightly in a "thank you" like gesture, as the Unknown Figure speaks one final time before the scenario comes to a close.]


Unknown Figure: Show the world, tonight, exactly why you've been hand chosen to carry that Championship gold.... Why you're the "golden child" in our Family of Vagabonds...


Harry Allen: Will do... You can count on me, Sir.


[With that, Harry continues on his way up the dusty wooden stairs... Inching ever closer to the ringside area. Meanwhile, the mysterious shadowy figure is seen lighting up a large cigar... The flame from his match showing an outline of the same black-on-black camo outfit that was seen before. What is Harry Allen's connection to this unknown figure? Is he the only member of this, so-called, "Family"? Little is known at this point..]


Grade: D


Doc Messing: I'm completely speechless tonight... I have.... NO.... Idea what's going on right now.

Remmington Remus: It seems that only a select few know exactly what's taking place...

Doc Messing: Who the Hell is that mysterious figure in the darkness? Also, what the F*ck is up between he and Harry Allen?

Remmington Remus: I'm not totally sure but the shadowy figure said something about a "family"... Whatever that means.




Harry Allen © vs. Teddy Powell

[PSW National Championship Match]

["Extreme Roulette" Qualifier]


If you ever questioned the level in which the PSW crowd loves Harry Allen.... Tonight was your theoretical "Pie in the face". Allen, the newly crowned PSW National Champion, came out to the ring to an overflowing show of respect. The quirky, somewhat awkward, "Forgotten Soul" has made quite the home here in PSW and it's evident whenever he's seen entering the ringside area. That being said, the opposite reaction was bestowed upon the National Championship's former owner... The mischievous, often calculating, Manipulative, Teddy Powell. It was a classic bout of "good vs. evil"... Not in the biblical sense but rather an easy depiction of the companies top babyface versus the very man who has made a negative name for himself since joining the company in it's early days.


So why didn't the crowd eat this one up? Little is known why. Their chemistry wasn't flawed... Emotion was running strong within each of them... And the overally storyline was that of Teddy Powell trying to regain the very title he once held for a PSW record, 10 months.


The action was strong... A typical back-and-forth, high paced, cruiserweight type affair. While neither man is known for being "amazing" at their aerial attmepts... They both are quite confident in their above average abilities in that aspect. With that being said, their affair was a great compliment to the, often, hectic approach to the rest of tonight's action... As both men were all by themselves... The only person they had to contend with was each other. With that fact in mind, Tonight's National Championship match was a prime example of what a "Chain Wrestling" match-up looks like. Neither man really gaining full control of the situation... Rather, both men pushing their bodies to the extreme and back at a fevered pace... Move after move without any real sense of lag.


Without any interference, The match had come to a close in a truly "clean" way as Harry Allen caught Teddy Powell on the top rope with a round of punches to the forehead... Finally, ripping the semi-conscious Powell off the top rope with a MAJOR Hurricanrana into a pinning combination... Upon impact, Powell looked to be out-cold... However, as the 3rd, and final, count was delivered by R.M. Stones, Powell had come back too and attempted to kick out.... BUT... It was too late. The match had been called in Harry Allen's favor... Giving him the ability to take the National Championship into next month's main event, "Extreme Roulette".


Harry Allen retains the PSW National Championship by defeating Teddy Powell in 12:33 via a Top Rope Hurricanrana/Pin combination.

Grade: D


Remmington Remus: What a Finish!

Doc Messing: It looked as if Powell was about to kick out but was just a second too late... [Laughs] Fine by me though... can't stand that punk.

Remmington Remus: You say that every month, Doc... But why do you really hate Powell that much? I mean, I understand anyone's general hatred of the guy... But you seem so focused in your hatred!

Doc Messing: I don't know, Remmy... [Laughs] I just can't stand the little punk... It's as simple as that.

Remmington Remus: A deep hatred built upon a general feeling?

Doc Messing: Sure, lets just run with that...



Grease Hogg and El Demonio Volador

... Pre-Match Brawl ...


[There doesn't seem to be much hatred between these two competitors, that we know of at least, however, you never would have thought that just seconds before their Main Event match-up came together. Even before we could make it to a live feed of the ringside area, We are treated to the sight of Grease Hogg and El Demonio Volador brawling like drunken sailors in the backstage hallways of "The Ministry". Several lower-level PSW roster members are seen standing around, watching, as both Hogg and Volador continue to lay into each other with an overly reckless tone.]


[The shaky, low-grade, web camera follows closely behind the two of them as they make their way through the backstage hallways, through the black ringside curtains, and down the isleway toward the ring. Volador appears to be taking the brunt of their fight, showing signs of injury as he hobbles away from Hogg, once they've made it to the ringside area. Then again, that was dropped pretty quickly as Volador leaps up onto the ring apron and, in a split-second decision, executes a standing moonsault off the apron and onto a waiting Grease Hogg outside of the ring.]


[The rabid PSW crowd is absolutely loving the action thus far as PSW senior referee, R.M. Stones, decides to make the maneuver official... Calling for the bell... And starting their epic main event match-up with the Winner earning a title opportunity in the "Extreme Roulette" match next month!]


Grade: D+



Remmington Remus: Tonight's Main Event is shaping up to be on hectic affair! Can Volador rise to the occasion and defeat the often-violent, always grizzly, Grease Hogg?

Doc Messing: Keep on pulling off moves like that & I think he's got a shot!

Remmington Remus: However, All it takes is one blown maneuver & I'm sure Grease Hogg will walk away easily with the win.

Doc Messing: That's always a possibility when you deliver a high risk/high reward kind of offense.



Grease Hogg vs. El Demonio Volador

["Extreme Roulette" Qualifier]


Tonight's Main Event was a showing of complete, and utter, domination at the hands of Grease Hogg. While El Demonio Volador is widely considered to be one of the hottest new stars to dawn the blood soaked canvas of PSW, High high paced lucha-libre style was over matched by the pure grit that Grease Hogg continually brings forth. With the fact that both competitors had opened tonight's match already entrenched in action, brawling for 6 minutes prior to the start of their official bout, the overall tone of their affair drastically favored the much larger, much stronger, Grease Hogg, as Volador couldn't match up from a fist-by-fist scenario.


What felt like the entire match, Grease Hogg was always in firm control of the situation. Sure, Volador was able to catch the tough as nails biker off guard on a few occasions, however, in the end, the middleweight flier was unable to sustain any sense of momentum. Case in point, El Demonio Volador countered a heavy irish whip from Grease Hogg (Attempting to throw his opponent into the corner where a steel chair was wedged)... Leaping up to the middle rope on a dead jump... Then flinging himself backward with another high arching Moonsault. The impact of such a move certainly floored his opponent, however, when Volador attempted to keep control of the match... He was caught in the middle of a running spinning heel kick... w/ Grease Hogg catching Volador's legs in air... And flinging him around his body in a modified sidewalk slam.


The wedged steel chair did come in handy, however, as Grease Hogg practically torpedo'd his opponent in a true powerhouse fashion... Knocking the steel chair out of it's hold upon impact as Demonio's head slammed into the unforgiving steel. Volador, now laying on the concrete floor on the outside of the ring, is seen laying on his back... Breathing heavily... Attempting to regain composure... However, also trying to formulate a plan. In no way could the newcomer overcome the odds of Hogg's overall dominance, as he's shown thus far, however, if a proper plan could come together then quite possibly... maybe... Demonio could pull out a shocking upset in dramatic fashion.


Grease Hogg, seeing an opening to end it all, quickly climbed out of the ring (stepping over the top rope)... Pulling Volador up off of the concrete by his own hair... Dragging him to the other side of the ringside area (by said hair)... And then laying his head across the bottom step of the nearby steel ring steps. Calling for a steel chair, a fan in the first row quickly handed him one, as the sold-out "Ministry" fans watch on partly in horror... partly in anticipation of what could come next. Grease Hogg, lifting the steel chair over his head, goes to swing downward... However, Demonio was able to move out of the way just in time...


Hogg went for another swing as Demonio crawled away from the scene... however, this time, missed and hit the chair across the top of the steel guardrail at ringside. The impact of steel on steel, yet again, forced Hogg to drop the chair... Wincing in pain... This gave Demonio enough room to quickly leap atop of the nearby guardrail, landing in a great show of balance, and then, once again, flinging himself around with a modified twisting body splash. The impact, once again, is thwarted as Grease Hogg came to in enough time to catch the smaller Demonio in the air... Slamming him down to the concrete below with a powerslam heard around the room. The sickening thud of Demonio's body leaves a lasting impression as the demonic luchador appears to be in a great deal of pain..


Knowing that the match is coming to an end, Grease Hogg methodically pulls Demonio off of his feet, once again by his hair, tossing him back into the ring. After a round of leg drops across the throat of Demonio, Grease Hogg slowly walked to the other side of the ring... Bending down slightly... Clenching his fists as he awaits for Demonio to rise back to his feet... Setting him up for his signature, "Grease Stain" (Running Spear).






Demonio is slowly getting up...




Demonio is on his feet...


Grease Hogg charges...


Demonio moves out of the way in a subconscious ditch effort...


Grease Hogg hits the uncovered top turnbuckle with his head... Steel on Forehead...


Demonio quickly slides in for a school boy roll-up as Grease Hogg staggers backward...








In a shocking turn of events, after being physically dominated through out the entire match, El Demonio Volador found a way to overcome the odds by simply moving out of the way... Using Grease Hogg's momentum against him. Hogg, instantly pulling himself off of the mat following the loss, appears to be extremely pissed off at the situation... Kicking everything in sight, even R.M. Stones, as Demonio Volador makes a quick escape... Diving out of the ring and walking back up the rampway. Meanwhile, his opponent, Grease Hogg continues to show his unadulterated rage for the situation at hand.


El Demonio Volador defeats Grease Hogg in 12:02 via a school-boy-roll-up.

Grade: C-


Doc Messing: What the F*ck? Is that how it's going to end? After all of that... Grease Hogg practically mowing over Demonio from the start... and this is how it ends?

Remmington Remus: You may not like the outcome, however, El Demonio Volador made a great move by moving aside... using Grease Hogg's momentum against him!

Doc Messing: I know that it was a great move by Demonio... I'll give him that... But come on! This is how, after all of that, this match comes to an end? F*ck... I hope Mitch Naess decides to give Grease Hogg a second chance... We still need a 6th competitor for next month's Main Event... You HAVE to give the shot to Grease Hogg after such an outcome..

Remmington Remus: That could possibly happen... Mitch is set to address the PSW fans from Canada sometime before next month's event to give us an idea of who will take that 6th spot in the Main Event... however, at this point, We've got... Lead Belly, Johnny Martin, Malietoa, Harry Allen, and El Demonio Volador set for next month's "Extreme Roulette" match! Regardless of who is named to be the 6th and final competitor, That's one hell of a match-up!

Doc Messing: Mitch... If you're watching... Give Grease Hogg the 6th spot... If you don't... You're a F*cking idiot! Yea, I said it... You don't want to show up to any of our events... That's fine. You'd rather sit back in Canada and make money off of what we do... I get it. However, if you have even the slightest sense of knowledge in this sport... You MUST Give the final spot to Grease Hogg.

Remmington Remus: We'll see if Mitch heard your plea... Stay tuned to PSW.com in the next coming weeks to find out who the final competitor will be!






<hr color="black">Overall Show Grade: D+

Popularity Increased!

Show Attendance: 1,000<hr color="black">

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This is really needless to say, but you put together yet another great show! And this show was well worth the wait!


Thank you, BHK!


I was hoping that it would be worth the wait as lately I haven't had as much time as I would like to devote to write-ups. It typically spans 2 days for me to write these shows as I typically write either all the matches first and then write all the segments the next or vice versa. That way I don't get super burned out but as you can guess... It does make the writing process stretch out over a couple of days most times.


I'm happy with how the show came out. Would have liked a better overall grade but it seems that most of my match-ups continue to fall a little short. This is why I love a smaller company though as it feels more like a drive toward a better grade versus pulling down A* week in and week out.


Powell/Allen grade was a little dishartening... However, the triple threat barbed wire match made up for that in my mind. Great to see Colossus finally compete in a bigger grade match. Plus, I'm loving the storyline with Alastor thus far... Should be a fun one to write. Same with the overthrow/family/cult storyline that's starting to take over.... As that one will only get crazier as time continues to go.


All in all, Thanks BHK! Great to know that you enjoyed the show.

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Great show!! I kind of sucked at the predictions but oh well! I'll get over it. It was very interesting to see both of The Ring Generals lose as it seems like they would be getting a push so it will be fun reading where they go from here. Despite me losing a few matched I am glad to see the guy I think who will the title is in!


Who is Alastor? I can't seem to picture anyone who looks like that in the C-Verse.


This mystery man is VERY intruging!

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Great show!! I kind of sucked at the predictions but oh well! I'll get over it.


ha. This show was probably the hardest one to ever predict thus far. Mostly because there really aren't any clear cut "Main Eventers" in PSW at this point. With the loss of Bryan Holmes that's even more apparent. ha. So, really anyone had the chance to walk away with a win (especially since I'm looking to develop some new stars).


It was very interesting to see both of The Ring Generals lose as it seems like they would be getting a push so it will be fun reading where they go from here.


"The Ring Generals", to me, aren't singles stars just yet. Therefore, it was easier to pull the plug on them winning their matches. Especially since, for that to happen, Dean would have to beat Johnny Martin and Marv would have to beat Mr. Morgan, Malietoa, and Frankie Future. Just didn't seem in the cards just yet.


They were able to beat up on Holmes, and gain some traction that way, however, their attack wasn't to instantly catipult them into the Main Event scene... or the singles scene for that matter. :) So, needless to say, they're going back to what they do best (I guess if you could say that) and that's Tag Team Wrestling. With how the show came together, It's easy to see that the Generals will be squaring off against Martin and Future in a Tag Team War.


Who is Alastor? I can't seem to picture anyone who looks like that in the C-Verse.


Alastor is actually Ash Campbell. He spent most of 2008 losing matches (didn't win one actually) and then finally snapped toward the end of the year. A few shows back, He came back under his new persona... Alastor!


This mystery man is VERY intruging!




That's awesome to hear! The storyline is what's keeping me motivated right now!

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I am not in favor of breaking up the Ring Generals at all. To me the more tag teams the better and it seems like they are something like Bobby Eaton and Stan Lane. As a team they are great but as singles wrestlers yeah they are still good but there is just something off about it. I guess that is why after Stan left (Or was he fired?) they kept on putting Bobby with different tag team partners.


Plus, I'm loving the storyline with Alastor thus far... Should be a fun one to write. Same with the overthrow/family/cult storyline that's starting to take over.... As that one will only get crazier as time continues to go.

Yeah I forgot to mention that in my first post, I am liking what you are doing to Alastor. You vision of him is something that I would have never thought of in a million years.


The family thing has caught my interest as well and I would like to see where this goes.

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I'm almost tempted to say that Lead Belley carried Collosus and Boone to a better match :p Interesting explanation for Alaston antics. I really had no idea where it was going and was about to give up on that storyline without more clues.


Is it just me... or has PSW quickly become a haven for psychopaths? Well, even more so than it use to be...


Remmy has never been closer to the truth !

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I am not in favor of breaking up the Ring Generals at all. To me the more tag teams the better and it seems like they are something like Bobby Eaton and Stan Lane. As a team they are great but as singles wrestlers yeah they are still good but there is just something off about it. I guess that is why after Stan left (Or was he fired?) they kept on putting Bobby with different tag team partners..


My thoughts exactly. Now, I'm sure both of them can some day, potentially, move on to great singles careers... however, to me, "The Ring Generals" are your perfect examples of people who are made for Tag Team Wrestling. As singles stars they can come close to a win, however, will almost always certainly lose. As a tag team, They don't win much more than that (up until now), however, I was taking some time to give them some depth before they really got their big tag push. Rather than giving them a god push out of nowhere and ruining any sense of credibility in their rise.


Alligning with Bryan Holmes was their first chance at stardom, however, after he retired... They seemed like the best viable option to give him a "parting gift". ha. While it was a huge moment for them, I didn't want to then push them as huge singles stars... So, needless to say, they have the aura that they could win... but would ultimately lose to the more established singles stars.


Next show, though, You'll continue to see the Tag Team Championships feud move forward.


I'm almost tempted to say that Lead Belley carried Collosus and Boone to a better match :p


You're probably right about that one... hah. Sadly. Boone nor Colossus have been able to really pull great matches, however, on the other hand, Lead Belly has proven to be quite the singles star.


Interesting explanation for Alaston antics. I really had no idea where it was going and was about to give up on that storyline without more clues.


I left the Alastor/KILLER Colossus storyline rather vague up until this point on purpose. I thought there would be a chance that people would just write it off for whatever reason but I wanted to give a little more suspense to the feud. ya know? Make people question, in their own ways, on why Alastor would have any sort of connection with someone like Colossus.


Their fued, barring any sort of issues, should be a great one to write up. Not sure if It will deliver in the grade standpoint though, sadly.


Remmy has never been closer to the truth !


PSW has really become the land of the misfits and psychopaths. haha. Then again, Someone would have to be a little "off" to want to subject themselves to the horror of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. I mean, you have to have somewhat of a death wish to want to compete in such an environment. :)

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Who will Mitch Naess declare as the 6th competitor?

NEWS: Mitch Naess to declare 6th Participant for "Extreme Roulette".


At this point, We know 5 of the 6 competitors for next month's main event gimmick match, "Extreme Roulette". In just a few weeks Johnny Martin, El Demonio Volador, Harry Allen, and Lead Belly will via for, both, the PSW National Championship, and the recently vacated PSW Championship, in our hectic gamble of a ladder match.


Despite the outcome, We are still one competitor short, by design, with PSW Owner, Mitch Naess, only a few days away from announcing who will take the final spot in the Main Event match-up. Funnily enough, The very man who has spent little time with the company lately will be the one who decides the final competitor. This notion has not been a popular backstage as most PSW superstars feel that Mr. Naess should completely sever ties & continue on his path in freelance work with NOTBPW. Needless to say, Mr. Naess's decision will most likely not be a popular one, outside of the person he names.


The rumor mill has stated that Mr. Naess may be looking toward his former allies, "The Ring Generals", as a potential suitor. Then again, That's nothing more than a rumor at this point.


There is, however, a low buzz circulating through PSW that the "unknown figure" who debuted just a few days ago may try to intervene on such a decision from Mr. Naess. While we don't know who he is... We do know that the shadowed voice may be formulating a coup in which to take over PSW from the ground-up. With that being said, will there be any resistance from the mysterious cult, "The Family", brewing within the depths of the "Steel City"?


More to come...

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The "Unknown Figure" speaks...

NEWS: The "Unknown Figure" speaks out against Mitch Naess; vows to not 'accept' his 6th competitor.


In shocking news this morning, The Mysterious, shadowed, figure that made his debut just last week during PSW's may live event, "Survival of the Vicious", has come forth with a mandate against the exiled PSW owner, Mitch Naess, stating that he, and his supposed allies, will "not accept his choice in a 6th competitor" for next month's main event, "Extreme Roulette".


Here is the actual statement made by the underground coup leader...


"Mr. Naess has made it very clear that he would rather hide in exile versus standing his ground here in Pittsburgh. These men do not need a 'voice from afar' to deliver major policy decisions. We, the voices you can not supress... The violence you'll never hinder... And the instigators of a new era in the PSW landscape, are standing by our decision to NOT accept Mr. Naess's decision for a 6th competitor. I, the true divine voice of PSW, will, instead, make a decree of my own... Thwarting any sort of potential word from the exiled owner. His days as the "iron fisted ruler" have come to a close as I, now, stand before you the centralized voice of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. It will be MY decision who will take the final spot in next month's main event, not Mr. Naess's, as I am the only one who has been granted the divine right to lead this company into a new generation. My decision will come during the night of our next event... "Extreme Roulette". That is all."


As you can see, The budding, cult-like, faction that has vowed to overthrow Mitch Naess from power through a bloody military coup, has made it their focus to thwart the, still, owner at every cost. What will eventually end up happening? Will Mr. Naess's decision for a 6th competitor stand or will the underground coup muscle their way into their own decision?


Only time will tell...

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Early June 2009

... Goodbye, My Friend ...



Always a bridesmaid.... Never THE Bride.


While I'm sure it makes for an awkward visualization, especially for a company entrenched in violence and blood, this is exactly how I would best sum up Teddy Powell's time here in PSW. He came here, originally, as a last ditch effort to save his career following being backstabbed by his long-time DaVE tag partner, Sammy Bach.


In a sense, it was a match made in heaven from the start. Powell, the perfect example of a PSW superstar in it's infancy (Jaded, Aggressive, out to prove everyone wrong, etc.), and PSW, the young company in desperate need of some actual credibility as it pertains to name value. Needless to say, how it all came together was rather perfect. Mitch Naess, before our little rift became so deadly that it forced us to two different countries all together, use to say that Teddy Powell was his Middle Child. Not in the sense that he was actually a member of the Naess family, but rather that Teddy was always valued, however, never really got to that next level. It would be said if that was the only placed he experienced this, however, sadly... This has basically been whats haunted Teddy through out his entire career.


So, when I came on board, I fell in love with the guy. Again, not in the "cupid hit me with an arrow" kind of way but rather that I could relate with his grit determination... His jaded mentality... And his NEED to prove himself week in and week out due to previous failures.


To me, Teddy Powell was the perfect example of what PSW was all about..... Sure, he wasn't known for swinging a chair or using a barbed wire bat.... No. It was that same grit determination fused with an absolute need to succeed. He wasn't going to let ANYTHING hold him back... Even if that meant pretending to be the owner of a company in which to use and abuse a much larger Kanishoki. Hell, writing for the guy was something I looked forward too month in and month out.


Even though Harry Allen currently possesses the PSW National Championship, and is rightfully considered to be a 'huge force' within the company, I'm sorry... The National Championship will always belong to Teddy Powell. He held the title for 10 whole months, granted not always defending said title every month, but it was the way he gripped onto that strap... The way he looked into the gleaming gold before him... The way he LIVED and BREATHED that title was truly an inspiration to watch.


Sadly, with that being said, Teddy Powell's time here in PSW has come to a screeching halt. I understand his plight with me... I placed a mid-card title reign in his contract, not thinking that he would carry the title as long as he did and would eventually win the title back at a later date, however, sadly, I wasn't able to hold up my end of the bargain. At this point, He'll speak to me... Talk about every day issues... But the second I bring anything up about the company, or him resigning, he won't go a step forward. Maybe a change would do him good? A change may even do us good. Who knows...


Either way, It saddens me to realize that the very man I loved to write for... The very wrestler who gripped onto the PSW National Championship with all of his might for 10 months... Will be leaving the company at the end of this month. Nothing I can do, as it would completely destroy our company creatively, therefore, it's best to just let time progress as it is.... Maybe to have him resurface with us at a later date.


Just maybe...

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Snap, losing Powell? That hurts.


Yea, it was completely my error in the end too. I wasn't expecting to have the title on Powell for that long (10 months), so, when I re-signed him he was early in his Championship reign and I was thinking... "Hey, He'll lose it probably pretty soon and then i'll just have him comeback and swap the title back at some point". Sadly, for awhile there, I couldn't foresee the title on anyone else... So... It ended up forcing me to forget about the whole "needing to give him another reign" until after it was said and done and I would have to completely overhaul my booking plans just to make it work.


Teddy was, and has been, one of my favorite wrestlers on the PSW roster. However, It had come to a point where I didn't really have anything for him to do. He probably would have slipped back down to the midcard and would have been a stepping stone for up and coming babyfaces to move on up the card. I just can't do that to the guy. ha. It's probably best to see him move onto something else before he ended up falling apart in PSW.


Then again, It always makes for a historic comeback in the end... ;)




Diary Note: There is a post, 2 posts back, that shapes up why we're talking about Teddy Powell leaving PSW (in case you didn't get to see it before we moved on to the next page).


Also, The "Extreme Roulette" card is fixing to come out tomorrow (9/23/09). So, if you want to leave a prediction and/or feedback about the show then certainly do so! It's always great to see consistent readers, new readers, and really anyone who swings through to give my PSW diary a chance at entertaining you.

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NEWS: "Extreme Roulette" Match is Explained.

1st Week of June 2009




PSW gambles on "Extreme Roulette"


Ever since Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling made it official that their upcoming live event in the "Ministry" Event Center was entitled "Extreme Roulette" there has been a lot of questions circulating about it's signature match. That Main Event, under the same name as the show itself, is a tricky competition between four men were both the PSW National Championship and the PSW Championship could change hands within the opening and closing bells.


Here is a collection of bullet points to help shape what "Extreme Roulette", the Main Event Match, will look like:




* Both the PSW Championship and the PSW National Championship are hanging 15 feet above the ring. With one Championship being on the opposite side of the ring as the other.


* There are 4 ladders present positioned around the ringside area.


* The match takes place in 2 stages. After one of the Championship belts are taken down from where they are hanging, The person who captured the title is now the new champion. That champion is not excluded from continuing and will still be eligible to obtain the 2nd Championship as well. (so, in a sense, someone could walk away with both the PSW Championship and the PSW National Championship)


* Once both Championships are retrieved... The match is ended.


As you can see.... Anything can happen while playing "Extreme Roulette"... We could have 2 brand new champions, both champions retain, or one person walk away with 2 Championships to their name...



<hr color="black">

This is a re-post from earlier on in the diary (a year ago "in-game" wise). Instead of re-writing the stipulations for the upcoming Main Event match, "Extreme Roulette", I thought it would be best to re-post this here so that when the card goes up readers know what kind of match the Main Event really is.
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<hr color="black">

"Extreme Roulette"

Monday, 4th Week of June 2009

Run-Time: 1 HOUR 30 MINS

PSW Event #16

<hr color="black">

Grease Hogg vs. Primal Rage


Alastor vs. KILLER Colossus


Mr. Morgan vs. Teddy Powell


El Demonio Volador vs. Harry Allen © vs. Johnny Martin vs. Lead Belly vs. Malietoa vs. ???????? [6th Competitor yet to be chosen]

["Extreme Roulette" Match]

[PSW Championship & PSW National Championship Title Match]



It's that time again, "Extreme Roulette" has made its triumphant return to the "Steel City" marking its second showing in PSW history. The annual event houses one of the most chaotic gimmick matches we've ever developed and this year is no different. Six men, all viaing for Championship gold (potentially walking away as a double champion), will not only have to stave off their known opponents but also need to review who could potentially be their surprise competitor. PSW is locked in the middle of an uprising, a civil war if you will, with each side vowing that they will decide who will go on to take the final spot. Will the 6th competitor be named by PSW owner, Mitch Naess? Or will the opportunity fall in the hands of the underground militia led by the shadowy figure who debuted last month? We'll find out shortly. However, until then... The ultimate question is WHO will walk away with Championship Gold at "Extreme Roulette"? Could we have the crowning of a double champion? Either way, with the PSW Championship currently vacated due to Bryan Holmes's retirement, we WILL be crowning a NEW PSW Champion!


Tune in LIVE via PSW.com on the 4th Monday of June 2009...


"Thoughts of Greed":

The underground militia has fastly become my most focused development. Why? Civil war is always intriguing as it typically displays two sides of an argument, both believing that they are right, however, neither realizing that their actions could potentially wound the state they are fighting for. In this case, This will mark the first show that the cult-like, underground army, overthrow regime will slowly begin to show their "faces".


With that being said, The greatest weapon at the hands of a secret society looking to overthrow their current "oppressor" is to stay in the shadows... Dictating tactical moves from afar & Ultimately separating the company internally, to a point, where it becomes much easier to conquer.


<hr color="black">

"Extreme Roulette" Quick Picks

Grease Hogg vs. Primal Rage

Alastor vs. KILLER Colossus

Mr. Morgan vs. Teddy Powell

El Demonio Volador vs. Harry Allen © vs. Johnny Martin vs. Lead Belly vs. Malietoa vs. ????????

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Grease Hogg vs. Primal Rage

Alastor vs. KILLER Colossus

Mr. Morgan vs. Teddy Powell

El Demonio Volador vs. Harry Allen © vs. Johnny Martin vs. Lead Belly vs. Malietoa vs. ????????



I think the mystery man is John Greed himself!!!!!!!!!!


Harry wins the world title

Demonio wins National

And I also believe that they are both part of the militia along with Greed!

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Grease Hogg vs. Primal Rage

Rage hasn't been doing a great deal lately, Hogg is a DWB. Go figure.


Alastor vs. KILLER Colossus

Seems no matter what you're doing, Colossus won't get over, whereas Ash *ahem* Alastor seems destined for big things.


Mr. Morgan vs. Teddy Powell

Can't see any logic behind giving a departing Powell the win.


El Demonio Volador vs. Harry Allen © vs. Johnny Martin vs. Lead Belly vs. Malietoa vs. ????????

I sort of agree with PoisonedSuperman here. I think Allen and Volador have something to do with this new mystery man. For this reason, I don't see one of them holding the World title because in my eyes it would cause conflict between the 2. Both want to be World champ, I think. So, I see two title changes. Lead Belly realizes his dream after being screwed by Naess, and Malietoa shows his true potential becoming National champion.


Over analysis? Probably!

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Over analysis? Probably!


You can never over analyze with this diary, UK! :) I enjoy hearing what others think may/could happen. It shows those who are following this thing pretty closely when they can talk at length as you did. Which, I appreciate a great deal!


This show is shaping up to be absolute craziness; to be honest. I'm really excited about this one, more so than any other show I've ever ran, So, any sort of feedback/comments are awesome to see as it gives me even more motivation to knock the ball out of the park with this next show.

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First things first: Where is Acedia? How come you haven't put my boy in any matches lately?



Grease Hogg vs. Primal Rage


I did not even realize that Primal Rage was still around.


Alastor vs. KILLER Colossus


I agree with everything that UKWrestleFan said in regards to this match.


Mr. Morgan vs. Teddy Powell


Well seeing how Teddy is out the door it really does not make sense to have him win.


El Demonio Volador vs. Harry Allen © vs. Johnny Martin vs. Lead Belly vs. Malietoa vs. ????????


Not sure about this match. I think Harry Allen will retain his title as he has fought to long and hard to get it and you tend to keep titles on people for some time (see Powell,Teddy).


As for the PSW Championship, that I am up in the air about. I think the safe bet would be Johnny Martin as he was a former champion so I am going with the safe pick.


Oh and the leader of the underground group has to be John Greed.

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