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PSW: The Evolution of Greed

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First things first: Where is Acedia? How come you haven't put my boy in any matches lately?.


With the shifting storylines I've had to focus more on others in which to get those storylines off the ground. Plus, there are a slew of new characters coming in, and Acedia was always a secondary character to "The Deadly SIN's" stable that is no longer around. With that being said, I'm not sure where he really resides right now to be honest.


Thanks for everyone's predictions/feedback thus far!

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Grease Hogg vs. Primal Rage


Alastor vs. KILLER Colossus


Mr. Morgan vs. Teddy Powell


El Demonio Volador vs. Harry Allen © vs. Johnny Martin vs. Lead Belly vs. Malietoa vs. ????????[6th Competitor yet to be chosen]

["Extreme Roulette" Match]

[PSW Championship & PSW National Championship Title Match]



I too think the mystery man will be Greed also. He will win the PSW Championship and Allen retains the National.


I know a little out there but with all the crazy going on might as well keep it up :-)

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"Extreme Roulette" Quick Picks


Grease Hogg vs. Primal Rage

Can you say squash? Rage can.


Alastor vs. KILLER Colossus

Colossus has been a big part of this diary but with the lack of great grades theres a chance that you might give alastor his shot.


Mr. Morgan vs. Teddy Powell

Powell is leaving so I can see his former tag partner pick up the win to put a final nail in their feud.


El Demonio Volador vs. Harry Allen © vs. Johnny Martin vs. Lead Belly vs. Malietoa vs. ????????


Harry Allen wins the PSW Championship after being one of your most consistent characters since leaving TCW.


Lead Belly wins the National Title in which to show that he can be a singles wrestler too.

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Quick Diary Update:


It's great to see so many people leave behind their predictions/feedback for the upcoming show. Very cool. I appreciate it.


I have booked "Extreme Roulette", however, I have not started writing the show yet as I've been pretty crazy at work. With that being said, I will get my first crack at writing the show tomorrow night... So, there's a chance that the show could be up anytime between Sunday and Wednesday depending on how much motivation I can generate.


Either way, Just wanted to leave behind a time table for the next show as it's, quite possibly, the biggest event (as it pertains to what happens) thus far in the diary. Now, If only the grades would show it as such.. hah.

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Grease Hogg vs. Primal Rage


No question here who should and will win.


Alastor vs. KILLER Colossus


Good showing from Alastor though but Colossus wins.


Mr. Morgan vs. Teddy Powell


Maybe a new midcard belt or he wins back the national or the tag so he stays as you are quite fond of him.


El Demonio Volador vs. Harry Allen © vs. Johnny Martin vs. Lead Belly vs. Malietoa vs. ????


Main goes to Demonio secondary to the surprise.


My Guess for the mystery man: Travis Century.

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The Night Before "Extreme Roulette"

... Big Time Signing ...



Holy Sh*t


That's the only thing that ran across my mind as I saw him climb out of a small, commuter, jet. The blazing summer heat engulfing my existence as small beads of sweat began to roll from my hairline. Was it actually due to the heat bestowed upon me OR the fact that I was subjected to a truly surreal moment... Christmas in June, if you will.


That's exactly what It felt like. As if I was a 5 year-old boy once again, scrambling down the creaking wooden floorboards, the idea of presents cluttering my brain. Here he was.... THE man who could potentially change the landscape of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling for years to come.... And he was all ours... Well, for the time being... However, there was a real hope, almost a desperation, from within that felt we could potentially work-out a long term arrangement.


Either way, HE was here.... Only 24 hours away from shocking the wrestling world... Adding to the newly minted "Golden Age" in North American Pro Wrestling....


... The "monster" has arrived ...

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Possibly another refuge from the big two?


No matter who it is it seems youre excited to have him on board. I'm excited to see who it could be. I'm also guessing that this will end up being the unknown 6th wrestler in the main event?


Get the show up!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanna read it!!

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OOC: I'm visiting my girlfriend right now, and am out of town to do so, so, I don't really have a consistent internet connection. I'm at a nearby coffeehouse posting this right now and won't really be around all that much for the next two days outside of a few opportunities to hop on and respond to any sort of feedback left by those who read this next show! All in all, I hope you enjoy it all! It was extremely fun to write up!<hr color="black">



+ Streaming LIVE via PSW.com +

"The Ministry" Event Center

PSW Event #16





[The opening segment for tonight's live event, "Extreme Roulette", takes place in a dreary, damp, and extremely darkened alley-way positioned right out back of the former steel district church, "The Ministry". The thick midnight air blankets the entire area as the only light that escapes its wrath dimly shines above a small, grey and graffitid, doorway that leads into said former church, now home to "Steel City" wrestling promotion... PSW. A plume of smoke billows from a turned over, metal, trash can that appears to be housing an internal flame. The sudden flick of light, coming from the far reaching combustion, reinforces the fact that a weakened blaze could potentially grow stronger... In turn, developing a raging inferno at any given point.]


[Meanwhile, a homeless man in tattered flannel clothing is seen bolting away from the turned over trash can... Flailing his arms in a sign of life-altering fear.... Gasping for air as he dodges past various items sprawled about the alley-way. After running into, what seemed to be, a wall of wooden crates... The homeless man looks square into the camera with widened eyes, obviously in a state of absolute fear, as blood begins to trickle slightly out of his mouth.]


Homeless man: está aquí.... él está aquí..... Anticristo.... él respira....


[With that, the fear laced tyrant comes to a close as the unknown homeless man scurries off into the foggy midnight air.... Never to be seen, or heard from, again. However, we are not alone in the dimly lit alley-way. A darkened shadowed like figure slowly walks...]


... Click....

... Clack ...

... Click ...

... Clack ...


[The sound of a heavy dress shoe hits the cracked pavement below as the shadowed figure continues his path toward the camera lens. However, before we can really get a good view of said figure, he stops dead in his tracks... Standing a good 6-7 feet away... Giving himself enough room to escape any sort of light that may come from the doorway entrance of "The Ministry", or the slightly jumping flames jetting out of the turned over trash can inches behind the action. A few seconds pass as the silhouetted man reaches down... Places something in his mouth and then ignites a large flame on a match using his right wrist as the fire starter. In a slow, calculating, fashion... The figure lights his cigarette... Puffs a cloud of smoke into the air... And then begins to speak.]



"The Unknown Figure"

... The Word of the Unknown ...


"Unknown Figure": I've been projected in many ways.... Expected to fall on many before today.... However, we now mark the true moment of our societies unraveling. I, the bearer of great destruction, have taken my rightful place within the hierarchy of the PSW culture. Sure, Mr. Naess may still plaster his name all over company documents.... Holding onto the last shred of power that he loosely posseses... However, I will not defy his right in doing so. Why? [Pauses] I don't WANT to be the owner of PSW.... [Takes a hit of his cig] No, I want to be it's all-powerful, never-ending, leader. [Takes another hit] The "suits" will scramble... Try to limit my chances of physically taking over... However, there attempts will fall short... As I've already "moved in"... I've already staked my claim.... [Pauses] I've already won the war.


[The Unknown Figure takes another hit from his Cigarette.... Blowing the cloud of smoke out of the corner of his mouth ever so slightly.]


"Unknown Figure": Tonight, "Stage 2" of my plan will finally set in motion.... Mr. Naess wanted to send his desired choice for the 6th competitor from afar.... Again, attempting to regain any sort of ground he thought he could force... Sadly, for Mr. Naess, the PSW locker room has certainly shut his opinion out. Why listen to the week? The exiled? [Laughs] When you have divinity already in your corner. So, with that being said, I've made my point very clear.... And will follow up with my decree that I, and I alone, will unleash the 6th competitor HERE.... TONIGHT!


[slight pause from the mysterious, shadowed, figure as he takes, yet another, hit from his cig.]


"Unknown Figure": Now, there is chatter brewing via the internet that I may be the final competitor in tonight's main event.... While there is something to be said about getting the job done yourself if you want it done "right".... I am no competitor. My fight does not lie between the ropes.... [Pauses] My war stands in every nook and cranny within this god-forsaken building. For this, I have searched the globe for a true suitor.... A man, a monster, that could carry my message.... That could stand as my "Physical hand in carnage". [Pauses] I found that man.... and he will be here..... later tonight...... My gladiator; to start the "End of Days" as it pertains to Mr. Naess's reign...


[With that, The scene slowly fades to black as we witness the "Unknown Figure" flick his cigarette in the direction of the camera lens... Small sparks shoot out from the tobacco stick as we move forward... into "The Ministry" for tonight's action... Knowing that something was bound to happen tonight.]


Grade: D


Remmington Remus: I have a very.... very... bad feeling about tonight, Doc...

Doc Messing: Blood will, certainly, spill over tonight as the "Unknown Figure" appears to have a deadly gameplan in his corner.... Who will his 6th competitor be for tonight's main event?

Remmington Remus: Well, as he said, it will NOT be him.... That's all we know to this point...

Doc Messing: While we don't know his identity, From what I've heard at least, this "Unknown Figure" Doesn't seem like one to physically take action.... He's more of a persona that likes to place others to do his actions for him...



Grease Hogg vs. Primal Rage


The opening match for "Extreme Roulette" was encompassed within a cloud of sheer anticipation for brutal violence. The blood thirsty "Steel City" crowd came into tonight's event with the hell-bent notion that they were not going to accept anything short of an all-out war. There were no real battlelines set, outside of the brewing underground militia that was threatening to overthrow Mitch Naess's "iron handed grip" on the company, however, you never would have known that as the predominately male, 18-40, audience eagerly watched from all corners of the "Ministry"... Hoping to see as much carnage as possible in one night.


Luckily for them, while the match didn't carry any sense of weight outside of a typical one-on-one affair, the opening match of the night was a match built around that exact notion... Absolute, Simple, Carnage. Grease Hogg, a former PSW Tag Champion of a year w/ Lead Belly, was the true instigator of the situation as he came down to the ring with a long steel chain in his hands... Using the weapon right away... Practically tearing Rage's head off after wrapping the chain-link around his neck a couple of times... Wrenching back & forcing the face-painted fighter, Primal Rage, to turn purple in his face. Somehow, someway, the former "Deadly SIN" member (Primal Rage) was able to escape the shackles of his competitor... Making a strong comeback with a slew of weapons of his own... Utilizing the same steel chain-link, a collection of steel chairs, and even a STOP sign which was tucked under the black and silver PSW ring apron. At one point, Grease Hogg lunged forward with a steel chair, looking to take Rage's head off with an over the shoulder strike, only for Primal Rage to quickly move out of the way... Landing an upper-cut followed by a snap DDT square onto a pile of rogue steel chairs at their feet. Sounds like a lot of steel chairs, right? It was exactly that, as... At one point, The canvas was littered with 10-12 chairs all around the ring. Not really being used at first... However, there for any sort of impactful move in which to drive their opponent further into injury.


In the end, though, the collection of chairs within the ring is what brought us our final outcome as both competitors slammed each and every one over the other... Grabbing one... Striking... Taking a shot from their opponent... Staggering... And then grabbing another steel chair... Hoping to bend that one even more over the others skull. This went on for a good couple of minutes as, by the final shots, neither man was really able to stand on their own two feet alone... Using the nearby ring ropes as their leverage in the ordeal.


Primal Rage grabbed the final chair... Slowly lifting it over his head, extremely groggy from the lack of blood (all of it soaking into the canvas below), attempting to land one final shot on his equally injured oponent. However, just as Rage tried to force his weapon downward... Grease Hogg gained a final wind... Breaking free from his, violence induced, coma in which to subconsciously leap in Rage's direction...


"Grease Stain"!! (Running Spear)


The PSW crowd roars in appreciation as Grease Hogg collapses on top of Rage following the impact of his signature spear. From there, neither man moves as PSW referee, R.M. Stones, counts a standard three count in favor of the unconscious Grease Hogg.


Grease Hogg defeats Primal Rage in 11:34 via a "Grease Stain" (Spear).

Grade: D


Remmington Remus: You know that you're one hell of a fighter when you're able to rely on second-nature in which to mow over your oponent.... Grease Hogg looked as if he was on the verge of passing out following all of those chair shots... And YET... He was able to "Snap to" for a split second... Hitting the "Grease Stain" in dramatic fashion! What a Finnish!

Doc Messing: THIS is why I love Grease Hogg... "The Dirty White Boys" for that matter.... These guys won't give you a hip toss or a wrist-lock anywhere in their fights... They don't care about the technical side of this sport... Hell, I don't think they even care about winning our losing to some extent. To them, it's more about beating the living SH*T out of the other person to the point where they can show that their physically superior to another. It's a simple "Alpha Male" mentality... I'm tough... I'm a ball full of rage... F*ck with me and you'll end up in the hospital. [Laughs] How can you NOT love these guys...

Remmington Remus: Exactly, They will NEVER be respected by those "wrestling snobs" down in the South East, however, do you think they really care? [Laughs]

Doc Messing: Not in the slightest... My Heros.



"The Ring Generals" + Johnny Martin and Frankie Future

... A heated exchange ...


[We cut backstage to see an argument that's, seemingly, already in play. The newly crowned PSW Tag Champions, Johnny Martin and Frankie Future, appear to be exiting from the "Ministry" Locker room area (The former church basement) as they were cut off at the pass by the often-arrogant, and overly self-centered, tag team... "The Ring Generals". Along with their, for a lack of a better word, sl*t of a ringside valet, Nicole Kiss, the self-absorbed youngsters inch ever closer to generating a fight between themselves the the veteran team of PSW originals.]


Dean Waldorf: blah... blah... blah... [Motioning his hand in a talking gesture] Don't you get it, Johnny? We carried that f*cking scum-bag for months on end... Screwed you out of one to many matches... All in the name of pushing the "Holmes Brand". Needless to say, When we saw our former fearless leader turn a complete 180 and start sobbing on your shoulder... We had to "get the job done". [smirks] Did we break "The code"? Attacking "Grandpa" on his way out? [Looks to his partners in crime, laughing] Honestly, we don't really give a damn...


Frankie Future: You act tough right now but I bet you, if Bryan was standing right here... right now, You'd have a different story all lined up. Wouldn't you?


Marv Slater: We wouldn't need another story... We did WHAT we did because it was NEEDED. They say you're not suppose to ever meet your heros... They always let you down in the end... Bryan did exactly that... He let us down... He cracked under the pressure and let you, and all of those nimrod PSW fans, influence his final hours with the company. A sign of utter weakness...


Johnny Martin: You know, boys.... [The mention of the word "boys" seems to piss off both members of the Generals] I know your type... You're young, flashy, hot tempered.... Hell, you've got all the talent in the world... BUT... Your inability to hold back your own ego has put you in an awkward situation. I've seen it time and time before... And do you want to know what typically happens to punks like you? [Pauses] After months of talking trash, laying in cheap shots, and professing yourselves as the "next great tag team in pro wrestling".... You'll end up just like the rest of them.... Bruised, Broken, and without anything to show for...


Dean Waldorf: Is that right? [Arrogant Laughter] They say we won't amount to anything.... [Looks over at Marv]. You're sadly mistaken, Gramps...


[With that, Dean lands a hard right hand across the jaw of the unsuspecting PSW original, Johnny Martin, staggering him backward in the process. Meanwhile, Marv quickly asserts himself into the action by forcing Frankie up against a nearby wall with an elbow strike. A wild brawl ensues as both tag teams look to surpass any sort of vocal argument... Rather, settling their differences through force. Sadly, for the "Ring Generals", all the youthful aggression in the world couldn't match up against the crafty veteran duo as both Martin and Future quickly gain control of the situation. That was.... Until Johnny Martin was completely laid out from behind by a towering presence.]


[in a swift move, from nowhere, the SWF superstar, Knuckles, is shown as the man who just walloped Martin from behind.]




... Surprising Attack ...


[With Knuckles help, "The Ring Generals" regain control of the fight with, both, Waldorf and Slater focusing their attention on Frankie Future as Knuckles lays into the current PSW Tag Champ, and former PSW Champion, Johnny Martin. In the end, both Martin and Future are seen knocked out cold... Laying on the cement floor at the feet of the debuting Knuckles. Meanwhile, "The Ring Generals" look to have no real connection with the towering biker outside of the fact that they slightly teamed together for a second. With a slight look of shock on their faces, "The Generals", slowly exit the scene as we receive one final view of Knuckles hovering over a semi-conscious Johnny Martin.]


Grade: D-


Remmington Remus: Was that?

Doc Messing: I think it was....

Remmington Remus What's he doing here? This isn't New England...

Doc Messing: I have NO idea... Is he even under contract? Was this a hit straight from the "Land of Supreme"?

Remmington Remus: If so, why Johnny Martin, though? Martin never worked for them... It wouldn't be any sort of payback.

Doc Messing: Who the F*ck knows.... Their owner is f*cking crazy man....



Alastor vs. KILLER Colossus


Have you ever witnessed a violent predator forced into defense mode? That's exactly what we saw from KILLER Colossus tonight as, for the first time, there was a sense of desperation to his approach. It was only a month ago that Alastor, his opponent for tonight, finally displayed WHY he had been stalking the 7 foot behemoth & ultimately why he also assaulted said monster during the same event. With that being said, It was as if the young Ash Campbell's attack had awakened the hidden human nature of the, now, victim... KILLER Colossus.


With that being said, Alastor made his entrance the only way he knows how, as of late, as the lights drastically fled the "Ministry"... Leveling a heavy darkness, slightly penetrated by camera flashes every once in awhile.


Once the lights came back up...


There he was.... Alastor.


The sight of his attacker sent KILLER Colossus into a fit of rage... Instantly rushing the much smaller, less imposing, Alastor with a bear-like rush.... Physically mauling his newly created arch-nemesis in the process. The attack seemed to last forever as Alastor didn't even raise a hand to block Colossus's onslaught.... Shockingly taking each and every blow full-on.... Blunt-Force Trauma inflicted with each and every strike. However, when it was all said and done (The initial attack for that matter), Alastor is seen laying on the canvas below... Barely able to breathe... However, Smiling... Laughing.... Even nodding his head in approval as he fights for each and every breathe.


The rather odd exchange continues through out the matches entirety as Alastor never really defends himself. Instead, allowing KILLER Colossus to physically man-handle him at every turn. Throwing him viciously into the steel ring post, Guerrilla Press Slamming him from inside the ring out onto the concrete floor, Clubbing his fist across the back of Alastor's head repeatedly, and even powerbomb'ing the much smaller Alastor straight into a nearby turnbuckle (looking as if Ash's back is broken in half in the process). Needless to say, everything carries a very ugly, and extremely odd, feeling as the burned behemoth continues to roll over his opponent.


In the end, with a smile on his face, Alastor pulls himself back to his feet... Barely able to stand... Practically begging KILLER Colossus to "End it"... Screaming in his face in between his fits of laughter.


This didn't last very long...


KILLER Colossus, becoming increasingly enraged by being antagonized, executes his signature Running Big Boot....


Connecting straight with Alastor's jaw...


Flipping him over in a complete back-flip like motion...


Following the impact, KILLER Colossus drops to his knees... Placing his hand across Alastor's throat in an aggressive manor... Choking the youngster as R.M. Stones quickly delivers a standard 3 count in favor of the monster before him. Hoping that such an outcome would finally put all of this craziness to rest.


KILLER Colossus defeats Alastor in 5:33 via a Running Big Boot.

Grade: D


Doc Messing: What the F*ck was that all about? Alastor just stood there.... He took an absolute beating from KILLER Colossus and didn't even raise a finger against him... [silence] Especially after last month's attack... Don't you think he would continue with his momentum? But no, He literally stands there and takes the beating of a lifetime from a man who could practically KILL him in one fatal strike. I just don't get it...

Remmington Remus: To be honest, Doc, I don't think we'll ever understand what's going through his head.... From his mental breakdown, to his stint of being M.I.A. here in PSW, and now to this new persona he's crafted... Alastor... I, honestly, don't expect to understand what he's thinking. You would need to some of the top world-wide psychologists you really make sense of what's rattling in that skull of his.

Doc Messing: Don't get me wrong, I love what he's become... Mental Breakdown or not.... But, God-Damnit... At least put your hands up and block some of those shots... Do you have a death wish kid?

Remmington Remus: He just may? At this point... Even his Father has come forth saying that he feels he has "lost his son".... Who knows, Doc. Who knows...



Alastor and KILLER Colossus

... FINISH ME! ...


[The match has come to a close and KILLER Colossus is seen, finally, releasing his ground-based choke-hold (which was counted as a pin none the less)... Lifting his massive hand off of the throat of Alastor... Leaving a red mark in the process. However, as the towering monster, appears to make his way out of the ring... Alastor slowly, using all of his force, raises his head off of the canvas... Laughing in between his stints of coughing (most likely from the choke hold/pinfall administered by Colossus just a few seconds ago).]


[instead of a, somewhat, calm ending to their ordeal... Alastor struggles to speak... Catching KILLER's attention as he stops dead in his tracks... Still facing outward... Away from a laughing Alastor.]


Alastor: What? Was that it? [sadistic Laughter & Coughing all wrapped into one] I expected better from you.... I mean, The legend that they crafted was far more vicious... more vile... More of a..... [Pauses] Monster.


[KILLER Colossus, interested in what is being said, doesn't move... Rather, continues to look outward as Alastor continues to struggle to speak despite still suffering from a throat injury following KILLER's choke]


Alastor: I know who you are.... [unsettling Laughter]... I know where you came from.... I know EVERYTHING about you.... About Dr. Wilson.... The cement hole.... I know it all...


[upon hearing Alastor's claim, KILLER Colossus quickly snaps his head around to look at his fallen victim. His eyes, practically peering through Alastor with rage, fixates on the situation at hand as his body language becomes increasingly aggressive. Alastor, laughing once again now as he continues to cough heavily, nods his head in a way to say "Yea... I know your secret"... Something that sends KILLER Colossus completely psychotic.]


[KILLER aggressively stepping toward Alastor... Reaches down and forcibly lifts the much smaller Alastor off of the canvas in one major swift... Holding him high into the air with a standing double-handed chokehold. Awkwardly enough, once again, Alastor doesn't seem to fight his entrapment. Instead of trying to fight through the hold, like most before him have tried, Alastor continues to allow his body to go limp... Giving KILLER Colossus the ability to literally choke him into unconsciousness. Meanwhile, KILLER is seen violently swinging Alastor too-and-fro... Screaming outward in a desperate, almost scared, like manor.]


[While no one knows WHAT Alastor was talking about... It's plain to see that there's some sort of shared history between these two...]


Grade: C


Remmington Remus: Dr. Wilson? The Cement Hole? I could, once again, question what Alastor is talking about but we've already touched on this.... Interestingly enough, however, it seems that someone finally understands what may be going through his head.... KILLER Colossus.

Doc Messing: Either Alastor has stumbled across something pertaining to KILLER's past... or... Both of these men have frequented the same places at some given point....

Remmington Remus: Either way, Did you see KILLER Colossus absolutely lose his mind there? I mean, we've seen KILLER act out in a violent manor before but.... but... We've never seen him practically cry out in pain while doing so. It seems that Dr. Wilson, and the Cement Hole, are two keys of information to KILLER's past... Things that, obviously, he doesn't want to focus upon.



Mr. Morgan vs. Teddy Powell


Everyone knew... Not a single person in the "Ministry" felt that Teddy Powell had a legitimate reason to walk away with the win tonight as EVERYONE knew he was on the verge of leaving the company. Even Teddy himself, coming down to the ring in a deathly serious manor (a stark contrast to his typical - "Egocentric" heel persona), showed his dis-comfort with the situation... Rather than toying with the crowd before Mr. Morgan came out (as he typically would have done in any other match he had encountered here in PSW), He instead spent the time stretching by pulling on a nearby ring rope... Not making eye contact with anyone in the arena.... Let alone the gang of extremely vocal 20'somethings in the first row... Throwing their beer in his direction and spouting off with explicit tirades directed toward him.


It was almost a sense of relief for Teddy once the match finally started. He was able to block out the hundreds of rabid PSW fans vocally "tearing him a new one" as, instead, he was focused on his former tag partner, and final opponent in PSW, Mr. Morgan.


Now, Teddy has never been known as an "amazing" mat technician or a Chain Wrestling "Genious"... However, for one night only, he silenced all of his critics with a centered approach that truly challenged the "ring master" that is Morgan. At one point, It seemed as if Teddy was, dare I say, out wrestling Mr. Morgan... As if he wanted the win that much more, and for that matter he had become super-human in his delivery. Powell looked to connect with everything... Flooring Morgan on several occassions... And ultimately making him look as if he was unable to keep up with the departing PSW original.


Mr. Morgan was able to force his hand toward the middle-point of the match, however, as Teddy didn't slow down... It was that Mr. Morgan had finally stepped his game back up to Powell's level. Back and forth... Tooth for Tooth... Nail for Nail... Each of the competitors were bound and determined NOT to end up as a foot note.... Morgan, to end up as Powell's final victory in PSW, and Teddy Powell, to end up as a failure in his final venture with the company he helped develop from its infancy. All in all, their focus was borderline obsessive as both DID NOT want to lose..


In the end, Mr. Morgan locks in a butterflied belly-to-back suplex... Only for Teddy Powell to break out of the hold with a purely legal (as there are no DQ's in PSW) back kick to the groin of the unsuspecting Morgan. Following the impact of the back of Powell's booed, Mr. Morgan slowly staggers away from the action... Grabbing his "man-region" as he attempts to lessen his pain in which to come back toward Powell.... Sadly, for Morgan, Teddy was awaiting him...






Belly-to-Belly Suplex from Mr. Morga...


NO! Blocked by Powell!








Mr. Morgan ducks under the attempt....


T-BONE SUPLEX from Mr. Morgan!!








Teddy was unable to break the pin count in time as he lays semi-motionless on the canvas below. Meanwhile, Mr. Morgan, appearing to look like he had absolutely "nothing left", puts all of his body weight into the pin... Picking up the major victory as the departing Teddy Powell falls victim to his former tag partner and the man he screwed out of the PSW Championship in 2008.


Mr. Morgan defeats Teddy Powell in 14:31 via a T-Bone Suplex.

Grade: D


Doc Messing: [Attempting to Sing] DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD!!!

Remmington Remus: Today's your lucky day, huh, Doc? Teddy, as we all know, is leaving PSW due to contractual differences and tonight marked his final match with us. While many disliked the "mind games" he delivered in his tenure here.... You can't deny the fact that he put on an amazing effort tonight.

Doc Messing: Good God, Remmy... Who cares? [Laughs] No more Teddy Powell... My prayers have been answered.

Remmington Remus: You don't seem like the prayer-type, Doc...

Doc Messing: Meh... If it means "bye-bye" Powell... Then i'll become pope for all that matters...



Teddy Powell and Mr. Morgan

... Respect where it's due ...


[Want to know when Kayfabe goes straight out the door? When someone is about to leave a company such as PSW. To come to the "Steel City" you have to have three things in your back pocket: 1) The ability to take a beating and still come back for more.... 2) A lust for blood.... and 3) A constant "death wish". As it is, these traits aren't carried by every single individual in the wrestling industry... thus, those who are special enough to posses these traits... Tend to completely love Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling for everything it's worth. It becomes a cult-classic with not only the rabid PSW fans, but also, those who are fortunate enough to compete within its ropes.]


[in an act of true respect for one another... After competing with, against, and around eachother for the last 2 years... (Going back even farther during their DaVE days)... Mr. Morgan quickly embraces his good friend with a hardened handshake and a hug. The PSW crowd, showing their support for the once hated superstar, delivers a standing ovation directed squarely upon the departing Teddy Powell... A gesture that generates a true... "Heart Warming" situation. If there ever could be such a thing in a company such as this.]


[The segment draws to a close as Mr. Morgan quickly raises the hand of his oponent... Creating a display of complete respect for a man who has literally aided in the development of the "Steel City" promotion as one of the companies greatest heels and longest running National Champion (10 months).]


Grade: D-


Remmington Remus: Change your thoughts on Teddy?

Doc Messing: Morgan can show him respect... I get it... I'm not on board with it though. I'm still just as happy as I was before to see him go...

Remmington Remus: Fair enough. Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, marks the final night that you will see Teddy Powell in a PSW ring.... We thank him for his service & will never forget what he brought to the table as one of THE most hated individuals in PSW history! Best of luck going forward...


http://i880.photobucket.com/albums/ac8/TonyZobeck/Show%20Minis/Demonio.jpghttp://i880.photobucket.com/albums/ac8/TonyZobeck/Show%20Minis/vs.jpghttp://i880.photobucket.com/albums/ac8/TonyZobeck/Show%20Minis/HarryAllen_alt4.jpghttp://i880.photobucket.com/albums/ac8/TonyZobeck/Show%20Minis/vs.jpghttp://i880.photobucket.com/albums/ac8/TonyZobeck/Show%20Minis/JohnnyMartin.jpghttp://i880.photobucket.com/albums/ac8/TonyZobeck/Show%20Minis/vs.jpghttp://i880.photobucket.com/albums/ac8/TonyZobeck/Show%20Minis/LeadBelly.jpghttp://i880.photobucket.com/albums/ac8/TonyZobeck/Show%20Minis/vs.jpghttp://i880.photobucket.com/albums/ac8/TonyZobeck/Show%20Minis/RhinoUmaga.jpghttp://i880.photobucket.com/albums/ac8/TonyZobeck/Show%20Minis/vs.jpg ????

El Demonio Volador vs. Harry Allen © vs. Johnny Martin vs. Lead Belly vs. Malietoa vs. ??????

["Extreme Roulette" Match]

[PSW National Championship Match]

[PSW Championship Match]


There was a heavy sense of anticipation circulating within the walls of "The Ministry" as to WHO will represent the "Unknown Figure", and his underground faction as a whole, as the 6th competitor in tonight's main event. The entrances of all, known, five men continued to unfold with said glaring question still residing above the action. Who would walk through that curtain as the mystery competitor? Was it someone already on the PSW roster? A new face in which to carry out the deeds of a mysterious voice? Little was known, and for that reason, there was much eagerness to understand the unknown. As always, the unknown plagues us with a heavy combination of lust, eagerness, and confusion.... Wanting to know what's beyond our understanding but, ultimately, also fearing it at the same time. That was the very feeling sweeping the live PSW crowd as they looked to the entrance way....


But nothing came to happen...


No 6th competitor arrived...


Instead, the bell was rung as the 5 competitors present for tonight's main event quickly shrugged off their own confusion in which to focus on the task at hand.... The two PSW Title belts hanging high above the ring.


The battle continues like a nuclear bang as bodies converge between the ropes... Fists flying, body toppling, injuries developing... It was truly a chaotic sight as each man was set out to capture championship gold by any means necessary. What do we mean by that? Here's an example. Harry Allen and Johnny Martin are widely considered to be two of the more popular wrestlers in all of PSW... Neither have had any sort of issues with one another, and both are considered to be men built upon respect and pride, however, tonight's main event set them on opposite sides of a battlefield.... Forcing the two to violently interact with one another. Allen, sniffing out his own National Championship, was forced from the top of a nearby ladder by Martin as the former PSW Champion shoves the "championship stairway" out from underneath Harry. With a thunderous fall, Harry Allen slams viciously down upon the canvas... Potentially injuring his back as he plummets a good 12 feet straight to the unforgiving canvas below. Martin, sensing that an opening had developed, quickly dived upon his victim... Laying into his forehead with fists of fury.... Something that we didn't expect to see from Martin, attacking a fellow super popular babyface in PSW, however, an ultimate sign that there were no friends... no allies.... No respectful disagreements in this match.... It was all about taking the chances, the advantages, that were set before you... And if you didn't... You might as well kiss your chances of winning goodbye.


Lead Belly, carrying a beer bottle with him to the ring as he drove his steel hogg (as always), used said weapon right away.... Slamming it square over the head of Malietoa as he quickly bolted in his direction. It was quite comical, actually, as Malietoa delivered a loud battle cry... Flinging his arms around in a traditional Samoan war dance.... Then running full speed at a lackadaisical Lead Belly.... Who, then in turn, did nothing more than strike the crazily aggressive Malietoa over the head with his used beer bottle. A waterfall of alcohol fell to the canvas upon the bottles impact as Malietoa slowly staggered away... Dropping to his knees... And then face first to the canvas as blood quickly poured from his forehead... Fusing together with a nearby puddle of alcohol in the process. The crowd absolutely loved what had happened... Starting a chant of "F*ck yea, L-B" (Lead Belly) and showering the respected tag team wrestler with an amazing ovation. Holding his end of the bottle up in the air with his right hand, Lead Belly is seen celebrating after one strike... Smirking as if he had won the match already.... Throwing the end of the bottle into the crowd as a souvenir (an extremely dangerous gesture to throw broken glass into a crowd however).


El Demonio Volador, the lucha-cult-classic wrestler who actually hails (in a sense) from New England, was the talk of the match, however, as the speedy, almost reckless, high flier delivered a string of jaw-dropping bumps, lightning quick moves, and technically sound maneuvers. In a sense, the crazy addict looking luchador was a smash hit with the PSW crowd tonight. His greatest moment came as the high octane wrestler worked a clinic in chain wrestling for an exhausting 2 minute interval with the equally intense Malietoa. Both competitors went back and forth... Creating a crazed sequence of events until El Demonio Volador was finally able to break the streak in his favor following a dead-sprint toward a nearby turnbuckle (following an Irish whip from Malietoa)... Leaping up to the top rope in a single jump... Malietoa ran, trying to push Demonio off the top rope, however, El Demonio Volador was able to flip himself backward in a matter of seconds... Landing over the top of Malietoa and locking in a reverse DDT... Slamming Malietoa's head on the canvas in one fluid motion upon landing. Such and impact not only energized the severely inebriated crowd but also knocked Malietoa into "next week"... Slowing down his momentary adversary and ultimately staking claim as the victor in their small battle within a battle. The intoxicated PSW crowd quickly started a chant of "Holy Sh*t" following the impact of the moonsault/DDT.... Then turning completely crazy after Volador, grabbing a nearby steel chair, landed a quick standing leg drop with the chair positioned under his legs on the, already, bloody Malietoa.


As the match continued to move forward, Rivalries began to take shape as Harry Allen and El Demonio Volador began to scuffle, Lead Belly and Malietoa continued their rage-filled assault on one another, and Johnny Martin picked his battles... Moving in for the kill on whatever brawl was not paying attention to him enough. At one point, Martin had almost decapitated Lead Belly with a steel chair shot from nowhere as Lead Belly sped toward Malietoa for a massive closeline. Martin, who was pretending as if he was quasi-conscious with a chair in hand as he rest up against the ropes, quickly swung the chair in Belly's direction... Knocking him straight to the canvas in only one strike as the "tough as nails" biker had NO IDEA that such a shot was coming his way.


All of this....


And yet...


Still no 6th Competitor... No entrant from "The Unknown FIgure"...


Was it all a hoax? A trick played by one man upon an entire building's worth of people?


Whether that was true, or not, the first half of the match was starting to draw to a close as the "perfect situation" begins to unfold. Lead Belly and Malietoa are seen brawling outside of the ring as Johnny Martin does the unthinkable... Using the top rope to leap himself over and onto the brawling tandem on the outside of the ring. Sadly, for Martin, he missed pretty much everybody... Slamming his body up against the nearby steel guardrail and ultimately crashing to the cement ground below. Sure, he did collide with Malietoa slightly... But not enough to really turn the situation. However, Malietoa would end up floored himself after a baseball bat shot from the "Dirty White Boy" himself, Lead Belly. With the baseball bat in hand... Belly stood over Malietoa... About to land a few more shots.... But as he goes to do so, El Demonio Volador runs to that side of the ring... Diving through and landing on the back of Lead Belly... Slamming him up against the guardrail as well & hitting himself in the head, on accident, with the same baseball bat he just used as a weapon on Malietoa.


Back in the ring, Harry Allen quickly set up a nearby ladder and began his ascent toward championship gold... But what title would he choose? Seeing how he was closest to the right side of the ring, where the National Championship was hung, Harry quickly climbed up the ladder... Focused in on the title he had brought to the dance tonight. However, El Demonio Volador was now back in the ring and quickly scurrying up the other side of the ladder... Meeting Harry at the top of the ladder as both threw hard striking punches back and forth... Blow by blow... Both looked to be on the verge of falling off the ladder at given moments, however, were meraculously able to keep their balance in the end.


That was until...


El Demonio Volador slammed Allen's head on the top of the ladder forcibly... Allen, looking woozy and barely holding on, started to lose his footing.... Just as Demonio reached across the ladder and set the current PSW National Champion up for a super-plex off the top of the ladder.


He lifts...








Harry lands a quick jab to Demonio's throat... Causing him to cough like crazy... However, as he comes back to once again attempt something off the top of the ladder, Harry Allen simply punches the lucha high flier square in the jaw... Rocking him so badly that he holds onto the top of the ladder with one hand.... Slipping.... Slipping....




Another hard right hand to the jaw sent Demonio Volador to "Dream street" as he crashed to the canvas below. It looked like a classic boxing KO as Volador's head snaps viciously to the side... Spit flying... His eyes rolling into the back of his head... And, unlike boxing, a fall 12 feet to the canvas below. The impact of Demonio's body resonates through out "The Ministry" as Harry Allen slowly raises his arm up in the air...




He's got it!!


Harry Allen has finished the first half of the "Extreme Roulette" match by achieving possession of the PSW National Championship... Walking out of tonight, at least, with the title he brought into the match. The PSW crowd, a collection of Allen fans for the most part, erupt into a huge ovation as Harry holds the National Title up with his right hand... A smile forming on his face as he had come away with championship gold.


Harry Allen retains the PSW National Championship in 14:22 by defeating El Demonio Volador, Johnny Martin, Lead Belly, and Malietoa.

Grade: C


Doc Messing: Hells-F*cking-Yea, Harry Allen is STILL the PSW National Champion! Could he do it? Could Allen walk out with both title belts here tonight?

Remmington Remus: There's a good chance of it now as we are only one title away..... My question is, though, where is this 6th competitor? Were we all dooped into thinking that there would be another competitor? I Just don't get why we haven't seem them yet...

Doc Messing: By all views, at this point, it seems that the "Unknown Figure" is full of sh*t! There isn't a 6th competitor.... We should have listened to Mitch Naess's decision instead of allowing this scared little F*cker to dictate what our main event would look like.

Remmington Remus: Maybe we were all too naive to believe that this shadowed figure could restore PSW into a state of prosperity.... He spoke a big game... But.... Didn't deliver!

Doc Messing: One who did deliver is Harry Allen, though! 'Atta boy... What a huge victory for the young champion!



[Harry Allen, widely considered to be THE most popular figure in Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling today (At least, So says the "creative minds"), has overcome 4 other superstars in which to retain his PSW National Championship... A feat not to be taken lightly as the odds are heavily stacked against you that you WILL end up losing your held championship before you would ever have the chance to squeeze by four others; all desperately trying to gain gold for themselves. Needless to say, Harry looks as if he's already "spent"... Physically exhausted from his constant engagement with the high flying, high paced, reckless ability, of El Demonio Volator. With that being said, outside of some heavy breathing, Harry gears up to continue to compete for the PSW Championship... Knowing that he could potentially walk away with a "Clean sweep" (pulling in both PSW Singles Championships in one night). As Demonio looks on from the other side of the ring, intently staring at his well-respected enemy for tonight only, barely able to hold back his addict-like shaking... Twitching in his fingers as he heavily anticipates the start of the second wave of tonight's Main event.]


Doc Messing: Why are there, still, only five competitors for tonight's main event? The "Unknown Figure" spoke of one final entrant.... Where is he? What's taking so long?

Remmington Remus: I'm not quite sure, Doc. All I know is that it looks like this match will continue without the mysterious final member of the match... Was this all a ploy by the underground militia? I just don't...


[With that, A massive, prehistoric sized, muscular behemoth practically tears through the thick, black, ring entrance curtains. His frame, filling up the entire isleway it seems, generates an encompassing shadow as the lights from above gleam off of his sweaty, chiseled, physique. Those closest to the entrance way look upward with a combination of shock, awe, and sheer horror as, quite possibly, the most menacing figure in all of pro wrestling has made his way to PSW.... Here he stands.... The giant known as.... Marat Khoklov.]



Marat Khoklov

... Entrant #6 into "Extreme Roulette" ...


[it's as if "The Ministry" went completely still... Everyone watching, gawking, at the "freak of nature" on his way down to the ringside area. Marat, scowling like the cold-hearted Russian that he is, slowly maneuvers his way down the isleway... Zeroing his focus primarily upon those who stand before him in the ring.]


Remmington Remus: Oh.... my..... God....

Doc Messing: Holy-Sh*t, Remmy! It's f*cking Marat Khoklov!! I can't believe my eyes.... this is just.... surreal...

Remmington Remus: Is this the 6th competitor for tonight's Main Event? Is this the "Unknown Figure's" trump card? His "hand in carnage"?

Doc Messing: Who the HELL is this "Unknown Figure" that he was able to pull someone like Marat into PSW? He talks of an overthrow.... Pushing Mitch Naess aside and taking Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling by force, if need be, and who better to be your instigator of Violence? [silence] God-Damn.....


[El Demonio Volador, acting most likely in a form of second-nature, quickly runs toward the side of the ring where the isleway leads.... Diving over the top rope with a suicide-type dive... However, upon descending toward Marat, He is literally thrown to the floor aside him as Marat Khoklov shoves his attack off as if he was batting a fly. Marat's body doesn't even more in the process outside of the fact that his arms physically pushed Demonio to the floor in a sheer showing of dominating force. With Demonio rolling around on the cement floor in pain following his sickening bump, Marat continues his journey toward the ringside area... Climbing up onto the apron in one giant step... Finally, Stepping over the top rope in another display of giantism. As he does this, The rest of the 4 competitors left in the ring stand motionless... Watching on as everyone appears to be in a state of shock.]


Grade: B


Doc Messing: It's Marat..."F*cking"... Khoklov! Holy Sh*t, Remmy....

Remmington Remus: This HAS to be the "Unknown Figure's" 6th competitor for tonight's main event.... What a moment!! [Laughs] How can ANYONE stop this man? This beast from taking the PSW Championship?

Doc Messing: Did you see him simply bat El Demonio Volador to the ground? [Laughs] A move like that would have floored any other superstar... No matter who they were... However, Marat literally shoved him to the side without much force. You're right, Remmy.... No one can stop this man.... Even if all 5 superstars teamed together... There's no way that they can slow this man down.



El Demonio Volador vs. Harry Allen © vs. Johnny Martin vs. Lead Belly vs. Malietoa vs. Marat Khoklov

["Extreme Roulette" Match]

[PSW National Championship Match]

[PSW Championship Match]


It really wasn't all that fair as the other 5 competitors had already wrestled for, almost, 15 minutes... Only to have a rabid beast grace the scene. His amazing strength, brought forth by his steroid-like chiseled body, was already a mis-match for everyone... And now you add the fact that he's ten times more "Fresh" then the rest of the competitors and you've got a recipe for absolute carnage.... And that's exactly what happened.


Harry Allen, still standing on the top of the ladder, quickly leapt down in a heroic gesture... however, just like El Demonio Volador before him, Allen was caught leaping down upon the much stronger Marat Khoklov.... Catching all of his body weight and flinging him like a rag-doll with a standing side throw. Allen, crashing to the canvas below, looks to be dazed and potentially hurt upon impact as Marat Khoklov has already levied war-like casualties upon Allen and Volador before the bell could even be rung.


The match itself went on for longer than you would have thought with such an iconic entrance from Marat, however, the theme was pretty consistent.... Marat Khoklov is far too powerful, too dominate, too vicious to be held back. Even Lead Belly, the largest competitor outside of Marat, looked like a small cruiserweight as the towering Russian overpowered him... Slamming him down to the canvas repeatedly with an array of sidewalk slams, chokeslams, and back-breaking drops. Martin, and even the heel Malietoa, tried their chances at taking down the monster... But, in the end, neither were really able to slow down such a powerful impact.


With unconscious bodies scattered all over the ringside area, all done by Marat himself as he floored all 5 of them despite it being literally a 5 on 1, Marat slowly ascended up the ladder... Retrieving the PSW Championship as the, often, sturdy ladder he stood on began to buckle under his weight.


Marat Khoklov wins the PSW Championship in 8:01 by defeating El Demonio Volador, Harry Allen, Johnny Martin, Lead Belly, and Malietoa.

Grade: D+


Doc Messing: GOOD GOD, Remmy. Marat Khoklov is the PSW Champion.... He's THE "Franchise Player" in PSW right now.... All in one night....

Remmington Remus: A PSW "Franchise Player"? or the Top Commander in the "Unknown Figure's" army of violence? I just... wow.... I don't know what to say...

Doc Messing: Holy F*ck is a good place to start...

Remmington Remus: Holy... F*ck....



PSW Champion, Marat Khoklov

... He's Unstoppable ...


[The highly anticipated main event match-up, "Extreme Roulette", the very bout that gave this months event its name; has finally come to a close. The victor? A giant of a man, a rage-filled monster, and the supposed "Smighting hand" of the "Unknown Figure", Marat Khoklov. Upon the final bell toll, officially naming Marat as the unquestioned champion, head referee, R.M. Stones, quickly receives the PSW Championship from a nearby ring attendant... Looking down at the shiny golden plate before him... Then looking up, very high up, to its new holder... Almost shaking at the idea that HE would have to be the one to hand the title over to the volatile monster-of-a-man.]


[With a heavy sigh, R.M. turns toward Marat... Walking forward with the PSW Championship in hand.... However, he was never able to actually, physically, hand the title over to its new possesor... As, just as R.M. was only a few steps away, Marat fills the "Ministry" with a loud, lion-like, roar.... Snatching the Championship gold from Mr. Stones in an aggressive manor... Practically pulling the head referee to the floor in the process. Upon no longer holding the title, R.M. is seen quickly sliding out of the ring... Watching in horror as Marat Khoklov raises the PSW Championship high into the air... Continuing to roar in a menacing fashion.]


[The show comes to a close, at this point, as we are treated to a few final moments of the debuting Marat Khoklov, the new PSW Champion, using his massive frame, and overly chiseled-steroid-like physique, to strike utter fear in everyone within a few hundred feet of the ring.]


Grade: B+


Remmington Remus: Get use to this image... There's a good chance that the PSW Championship will be firmly around his waist for years to come...

Doc Messing: There isn't one wrestler on the PSW roster, to be honest, who could give this man a run for his money.... The closest I could conjure up is KILLER Colossus but even in his case... I still can't see Marat Khoklov losing the title.... End of point.

Remmington Remus: We can only hope that the "Unknown Figure's" motive is not to generate carnage for the sake of ruling with an "Iron Fist" here in PSW... because if so... There's a good chance that some, if not most, could lose their careers in this time of uncertainty.

Doc Messing: Sadly, with most coup's.... I don't see this ending in a calm manor... Just you wait... Hell, on earth, will soon follow.... And that man, Marat Khoklov, will be the "Unknown Figure's" servant of destruction.






<hr color="black">Overall Show Grade: D+

Popularity Increased!

Show Attendance: 1,000<hr color="black">

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Awesome show, nice pick up and look at the grades for him!!!! Also I thought Harry Allen would help the mystery man since they are in the same clique but I'm sure everything has its reasons!


Got to agree with everyone else, great show! And like PoisonedSuperman said I am glad the game is finally giving you the grades that your company deserves!


And John Greed has to be the mystery man, I just know it.

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