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PSW: The Evolution of Greed

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Cool to see Holmesy coming in. I've seen him get released from PGHW in a CZCW game I was playing, but be warned that he tends to go back by the end of 2008 anyway. If you can get a working relationship set up I say go for it- you can keep him around, plus a connection with a legitimately bad-ass wrestling company like PGHW doesn't harm your underground vibe at all.


As for Russell's debut, don't forget that Wolvie sucks. I'm betting that that was the reason for the lacklustre grade.

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Cool to see Holmesy coming in. I've seen him get released from PGHW in a CZCW game I was playing, but be warned that he tends to go back by the end of 2008 anyway. If you can get a working relationship set up I say go for it- you can keep him around, plus a connection with a legitimately bad-ass wrestling company like PGHW doesn't harm your underground vibe at all.


As for Russell's debut, don't forget that Wolvie sucks. I'm betting that that was the reason for the lacklustre grade.


It was just a mismatch and I noticed that it wasn't a Hardcore match(?). I tend to run only Hardcore, high risk matches with Hardcore/Garbage promotions because of the bonus and those are the matches where the Wolverine should only be used, since otherwise he will suck bad.

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Or in the case of Russel making it a high risk brawl based match if available. Nice to see Holmes coming in he can work wonders. Morgan vs Holmes is almost a gaurentee for a couple of C- to C+ rated shows hehe. Also agree that a working relationship with Inspire and or PGHW doesn't seem like a bad idea and could add to the direction PSW is going and of course don't forget Wexxy.
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Cool to see Holmesy coming in. I've seen him get released from PGHW in a CZCW game I was playing, but be warned that he tends to go back by the end of 2008 anyway. If you can get a working relationship set up I say go for it- you can keep him around, plus a connection with a legitimately bad-ass wrestling company like PGHW doesn't harm your underground vibe at all.


As for Russell's debut, don't forget that Wolvie sucks. I'm betting that that was the reason for the lacklustre grade.


Yea, that's what my fear is as of right now. However, if I can just hold out for a bit then I'd be happy. He'll probably get a better offer with time (at least a bigger company going after him... He has a pretty decent contract with me... one stip being "Creative Control"). Either way, I did think about linking up with a company like PGHW if they allow it to happen. Still an idea to kick around though.


It was just a mismatch and I noticed that it wasn't a Hardcore match(?). I tend to run only Hardcore, high risk matches with Hardcore/Garbage promotions because of the bonus and those are the matches where the Wolverine should only be used, since otherwise he will suck bad.


With most events, If I have four matches on the card... One tends to always be just a standard match. Why? Mostly because I don't want to over-use weapons, blood, carnage and everthing. If every match was like that then it would start to get somewhat old. Therefore, a match like Wolverine vs. Russell was a standard match seeing how the action was not set to break out into chaos... rather, a short match for Russell to show his dominance. I agree with you though FIN... It seems Wolverine is only good when put in a garbage situation. ha


Or in the case of Russel making it a high risk brawl based match if available. Nice to see Holmes coming in he can work wonders. Morgan vs Holmes is almost a gaurentee for a couple of C- to C+ rated shows hehe. Also agree that a working relationship with Inspire and or PGHW doesn't seem like a bad idea and could add to the direction PSW is going and of course don't forget Wexxy.


Morgan vs. Holmes is truly an epic affair, however, the storyline coming up wil show whether or not that match will take place. ;) The second I signed Holmes that's what I thought of though... Morgan vs. Holmes. Then again, we'll have to see how it unfolds as I don't want to give too much away.

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"The Vile and the Vengeful"

Saturday, 3rd Week of July 2008

PSW Event #5

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Alex Braun vs. Primal Rage w/ John Greed


Billy Russell vs. Nelson Callum


Teddy Powell © vs. Frankie Future

[PSW National Championship Match]


Johnny Martin/Bryan Holmes vs. Mr. Morgan




Johnny Martin vs. Mr. Morgan/Bryan Holmes

[Handi-cap Match]

[bryan Holmes set to choose his side]



"Thoughts of Greed":

Mitch and I spoke at length about how to best utilize a talent like Bryan Holmes. I mean... No one in their right mind would have EVER thought that a superstar at the caliber of Holmes would end up shaking up with PSW! Even those who consider themselves as die-hard fans... Never... ever... Would have saw this coming. So, to keep the suspense alive... We've moved forward with plans to have Bryan Holmes ultimately CHOOSE what side he wants to lie on... Johnny Martin's or Mr. Morgan's...


Explanation of the Main Event: Bryan Holmes is set to debut with PSW this month and will be given the choice to either side with Johnny Martin or Mr. Morgan in the main event. Thus, making it a handi-cap match in one of their favors.
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Alex Braun vs. Primal Rage w/ John Greed


Billy Russell vs. Nelson Callum


Teddy Powell © vs. Frankie Future

[PSW National Championship Match]


Johnny Martin vs. Mr. Morgan/Bryan Holmes

[Handi-cap Match]

[bryan Holmes set to choose his side]

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Alex Braun vs. Primal Rage w/ John Greed


Billy Russell vs. Nelson Callum


Teddy Powell © vs. Frankie Future

[PSW National Championship Match]


Johnny Martin/Bryan Holmes vs. Mr. Morgan - or fooling us all and tweener winning himself hehe.

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Alex Braun vs. Primal Rage w/ John Greed


Billy Russell vs. Nelson Callum


Teddy Powell © vs. Frankie Future

[PSW National Championship Match]


Johnny Martin/Bryan Holmes vs. Mr. Morgan




Johnny Martin vs. Mr. Morgan/Bryan Holmes

[Handi-cap Match]

[bryan Holmes set to choose his side]

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Alex Braun vs. Primal Rage w/ John Greed


Billy Russell vs. Nelson Callum


Teddy Powell © vs. Frankie Future

[PSW National Championship Match]


Johnny Martin/Bryan Holmes vs. Mr. Morgan




Johnny Martin vs. Mr. Morgan/Bryan Holmes

[Handi-cap Match]

[bryan Holmes set to choose his side]

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Alex Braun vs. Primal Rage w/ John Greed


Billy Russell vs. Nelson Callum


Teddy Powell © vs. Frankie Future

[PSW National Championship Match]


Johnny Martin/Bryan Holmes vs. Mr. Morgan

I think it'll be a no contest when Holmes doesn't really get involved in the match until he lays them both out to make himself a tweener who isn't interested in any kind of alliance

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Alex Braun vs. Primal Rage w/ John Greed


Billy Russell vs. Nelson Callum


Teddy Powell © vs. Frankie Future

[PSW National Championship Match]


Johnny Martin vs. Mr. Morgan/Bryan Holmes


I've fallen in love with this diary haven't followed a diary so much since the hiiiiilarious USPW diary from yonder back.

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I've fallen in love with this diary haven't followed a diary so much since the hiiiiilarious USPW diary from yonder back.


I, also, was a huge fan of the J Silver's USPW Diary. True comedic gold. ha.


Thanks for stopping by and giving this one a read, however. There is a lot on the verge of developing (Storyline, and character wise) so def. keep checking back. :D


It's always a great source of motivation for any diary write to hear from others who like your work. Reminds you that there are people out there who dig what you're putting together. So, for that, Thank you!

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+ Streaming LIVE via PSW.com +

"The Ministry" Event Center





Alex Braun vs. Primal Rage


The crowd, still standing from the opening of the show, was treated to an opening match that could only be described as: Deeply Brutal. Alex Braun, known for his ability to take a beating and keep on coming, brought his "A Game" tonight as the aging veteran had an "axe to grind" with "The Deadly Sin's". Last month, at "Extreme Roulette", Braun was taken out of the main event match-up entirely via a sneak attack laid forth by the demonic stable (powerbombed off of the apron and onto the cement floor below by Killer Colossus at one point). So, from the very first bell, Braun came prepared with a segment of chain-links wrapped around his right fist. With each and every strike... Primal Rage's face began to turn "beat-red"... Getting to the point, half-way through the match, where the large bruises on his face began to break open into bloody wounds. It became so bad that by the end of the match... You couldn't even see rage's face paint anymore as his entire face was red with blood. Meanwhile, Alex Braun was taking quite a beating as well... Rage, like a defensive animal, began to aggressively claw across the face of Alex Braun... At one point, almost ripping his mo-hawk off with an Irish-whip (using his mo-hawk as his leverage in the throw). In the end, "The Deadly SIN's" (now at ringside with John Greed) tried to interfere on the action... However, were unsuccessful as Braun was able to fend off both Acedia and KILLER Colossus with a steel chair that had been brought into the ring minutes before their attempt. As Rage pulled himself back to his feet... Braun finally finished the match off by hitting his signature "Braun Damage" in the middle of the ring. Blood flying from Rage's face as the "Stonewall Veteran" found a way to overcome the odds and defeat a member of the monstrous stable, "The Deadly Sin's".


Alex Braun defeats Primal Rage in 10:46 via "Braun Damage".

Grade: D-


Mitch Naess: What a win! Even in the twilight of his career, Alex Braun can still find a way to squeak out a big victory like this.

Doc Messing: No one in wrestling has the kind of Heart that Braun has. He's bounced around the Indy circuit for years now and you would still think by his performance tonight that he was wrestling on the grandest of stages.

Mitch Naess: A true "Ring Warrior", That's for sure.



Alex Braun

... Gearing up for a fight ...


[Despite ailing from an intense battle with Primal Rage, Alex looks as if he's ready to continue his waged warfare with the monstrous stable, "The Deadly Sin's". With his string of chain-links still wrapped around his right fist, Alex barks outwards toward his demonic enemies... Ordering them to enter the ring and "finish what they started" (as it pertains to them trying to interfere in Rage's and Braun's match previously). Barely able to stand, really only functioning on pure adrenaline, Braun continues to call outwards to wards the menacing monsters sprawled out around the ringside area.... Seconds from climbing into the ring.]



"The Deadly Sin's" - John Greed, Primal Rage, KILLER Colossus and Acedia

... 3 on 1 Attack orchestrated by John Greed ...


Once in the ring, their numbers became their ultimate advantage as it literally became a 3 on 1 brawl. Sure, Braun was able to "hold down the fort" for a few seconds... Using his chain-link wrapped fist to floor a few of his attackers, however, in the end... Everyone knew that he was bound to become a victim in this ordeal. It only took a few seconds for the embattled Braun to crash to the canvas below.... Floored by a stream roller-like Big Boot from KILLER Colossus. A strike that would almost flip Braun over entirely.]


[With Braun out cold at this point, John Greed calmly informs the monsters at his beckon call to lift Braun up off of the mat.... Which they did rather forcibly, while John Greed stands inches from his face... A purely devilish smile upon his face as he practically peers into the soul of the fallen Braun.]


John Greed: Alex, Alex, Alex.... [sly Smirk] Look at what you've become. A shell of your former self.... A desperate soul gripping to the notion of Immortality all in the name of what? Pro Wrestling? [Laughs] You see, Alex... You and I have a lot more in common than you may think. Both of us are men filled with the utmost pride in our work.... [Pauses] However, I... have the ability to "call a spade a spade" where as you continue to defy your own sense of self.... Instead, pretending like you're some great and wonderful figure... Practically tearing your body apart for what? The love of these people? [Crowd pop's] Well, F*CK these people... Alex. [Laughs as the crowd boo's like crazy] You don't need to live in this constant state of hell, Alex. No.... You deserve better.... You DESERVE MORE! [Pause] And that's why we are offering you a place at our side. The only thing that you need to do... Is to admit your glaring SIN. That's right, Alex... Let these people know exactly what plagues you.... [Pause]... That endless sense of PRIDE that you bestow into your work is... for a lack of a better word... A biblical SIN. A wrongful decision... A sign of your own inability to control yourself, Alex. [smirks] Join us Alex... Let your true colors show to the world and JOIN "The Deadly Sin's"... [Pause] Take MY side as a prideful SINNER.


[Alex, barely able to stand as both Acedia and KILLER Colossus are holding him up on each side of his body, slowly begins to shake his head "no"... Finally, projectile spitting square in the face of John Greed. Upon impact, Greed doesn't even flinch... Actually, he doesn't even wipe Braun's spit from his face. Instead, he calmly looks to Colossus, Acedia, and Rage... Proclaiming for them to....]


John Greed: Dispose of him...


[And that's exactly what they did. A senseless beating would follow as Alex was practically torn limb from limb by all three monsters. The attack finally coming to a close as Primal Rage is seen executing a snap DDT square onto a steel chair... Putting Braun out for good... and leaving a blood stain square in the middle of the chair's seat.]


[Following the Attack, "The Deadly Sin's" slowly file out of the ring and exit toward the back... Surprisingly calm only seconds after such a brutal beatdown.]


Grade: D+


Doc Messing: Someone should check on Alex....

Mitch Naess: I don't think I've ever seen such a dominating force as "The Deadly Sin's". Not only are they severely brutal in their actions but they show absolutely no remorse for the violence they generate.

Doc Messing: I... I... God, look at Alex. Is someone going to get out here and check up on him? He hasn't moved an inch since that DDT.



Billy Russell vs. Nelson Callum


As the opening bell rang, Billy Russell slowly lifted the black hood from covering his face.... Staring down Nelson Callum as the youngster didn't seem impressed. Instead, Callum began to inch his way toward Russell... "jaw-jacking" the entire time as he attempts to insult the former MMA star. As Callum grew closer, Nelson stepped straight up into Russell's face... Insulting him in the process and raising the overall intensity around the ringside area. Just then, Callum lunged forward with, what he thought was, a sneaky strike out of nowhere... However, Russell was waiting for him.... Ducking underneath the throw... Grabbing hold of Nelson's arm... Twisting it inward to wards his body and then rolling over onto the mat... forcing Nelson to the canvas along with him. It only took a matter of seconds before Russell's signature Twisting Arm-Lock Submission was fully administered.... Pushing the arrogant youngster to tap within seconds.


Billy Russell defeats Nelson Callum in 0:34 via a Twisting Arm Lock Submission.

Grade: E+


Doc Messing: That's what I'm talking about!! Right there... Billy Russell sticking it to a young punk like Callum in under a minute. [Laughs] It just goes to show you that you may THINK that you're a "big shot", however, when push comes to shove... It's those who do the talking with their actions who ultimately come away with the victory.

Mitch Naess: It's true, Doc. Anyone can talk about their supposed "greatness"... However, what you saw tonight was a perfect example of the downside of a truly arrogant persona. Nelson thought he had this one in the bag from the start... however, he forgot one thing... He wasn't stepping into the ring with an un-proven slouch... He had an renown international fighter on the other side of the ring and all it took was a few short seconds to teach him a lesson I'm sure he'll never forget.



Bryan Holmes

... Greatness Cometh ...


[shortly following Billy Russell's quick defeat of Nelson Callum, We now cut to a live shot via a webcam camera of the "Ministry" Event Center's basement level. This room was once a church basement where weekly breakfast meetings took place... Now, a make-shift locker room for violent competitors looking to inflict pain and suffering. Quite the contrast. A nearby dented, and tagged, grey door slowly begins to open as the newest member of the PSW roster, Bryan Holmes, steps through the doorway with a black Adidas gym bag over his shoulder. It looks as if the accomplished technician is ready for battle, already, as he enters the arena in his wrestling attire... A glaring sign of his signature legendary focus.]


[While we may not know who he will ultimately align with tonight, at this point.... One thing is for sure.... PSW has finally found its potential "Franchise" in the name of Bryan Holmes.]


Grade: C


Doc Messing: You know... You can have your Christian Faith's... Your Ricky Dale Johnson's... Your Bruce the Giant's... [silence] We don't need them. why? because of THAT man! The Greatest pound for pound wrestler in the world today, Bryan Holmes.

Mitch Naess: He may not be what first comes to mind when the word "Hardcore" is brought forth... However, a man like Holmes can get the job done in any promotion... Within any style of wrestling. Just like Billy Russell... He's a "human weapon" all in his own.



Teddy Powell © vs. Frankie Future

[PSW National Championship Match]



In what was the biggest letdown of the night, Teddy Powell (the ultimate self-absorbed superstar) was forced to defend his PSW National Championship against the recently turned babyface, Frankie Future. How could such a big match between two high profile PSW superstars come out as a letdown? It all stemmed from their overall lack of chemistry. While the story was still left in tact, the overall in-ring action was somewhat forgettable. Powell, attempting to defeat Frankie in as little of time as possible, left the door wide-open to a string of botched aerial spots that ultimately had the crowd somewhat bored. There was one lasting moment from the match which came in the final moments as "The Ring Generals" made their way down to the ring with evil intentions in mind. Frankie Future was in firm control at this point, Teddy Powell was retreating and showing obvious signs of being overwhelmed, So, When Frankie was calling for the "Frank-N-Hurter" as Powell slowly raised back up to his feet following a spike DDT... The crowd was expecting to see a new champion! However, that never came to pass as... instead... "The Ring Generals" made their presence known by distracting Frankie enough to allow Teddy Powell to land his signature "Motion Censor" (leaping superkick) out of nowhere as Future spun around to execute his finisher (Following a brief verbal altercation with Dean Waldorf.) In the end, Powell retained the PSW National Championship... However, not in convincing fashion what so ever.


Teddy Powell defeats Frankie Future in 12:35 via a "Motion Censor".

Grade: E+


Mitch Naess: Frankie was "that" close to coming away with the PSW National Championship, however, it seems that his feud with "The Ring Generals" has been elevated to a new level.

Doc Messing: This has gone past Frankie's victory last week over Marv.... Even past Nicole Kiss it seems.... Now it just comes down to the simple fact of a "generational war". Future the voice of the "past", The figure of honor and respect for oneself and others & "The Ring Generals", the voice of... well... "the future", a product of our "me-me-me" culture in the U.S. today.

Mitch Naess: I'm sure that Frankie will have A LOT to say over the next few months as it pertains to "The Ring Generals".


http://i880.photobucket.com/albums/ac8/TonyZobeck/Show%20Minis/MarvStatler.jpghttp://i880.photobucket.com/albums/ac8/TonyZobeck/Show%20Minis/DeanWaldorf.jpg +http://i880.photobucket.com/albums/ac8/TonyZobeck/Show%20Minis/HonestFrank.jpg

"The Ring Generals" and Frankie Future

... 2 on 1 Assault ...


[Frankie Future knows exactly what is coming next... That's why he instantly tries to pull himself back up to his feet, fighting consciousness following a "ring rattling" "Motion Censor" from Teddy Powell to close the match. However, despite his awareness of the situation... His lack of numbers is what really did him in. "The Ring Generals", waging a personal vendetta against the aging veteran, quickly ascend upon the ring... Laying a stiff beating upon Frankie, all the while he still attempts to fight back. A right hand here... a kick to the stomach there... Frankie actually looked pretty decent very early on, however, nothing in his arsenal could make up for the fact that "The Ring Generals" heavy outnumbered him.]


[Marv and Dean dispose of Frankie pretty quickly following a double front face suplex onto a folded up steel chair in the middle of the ring. Frankie's head, bouncing off of the cold steel, violently turns sideways upon impact... His breathing very heavy... His body.. Motionless. Meanwhile, Dean quickly grabs another steel chair from ringside... Climbing back into the ring and taunting to the crowd that he was about to sandwich the veteran's head between the two chairs.]



Nicole Kiss

... Re-paying the Favor? ...


[However, shockingly, Nicole Kiss is seen running out of the back with tears in her eyes... Courageously sliding into the ring and attempting to stop Dean from doing so. As she leans down between Frankie's attackers and Frankie himself... She begs with "The Ring Generals" to stop this carnage.... Internally blaming herself for getting Frankie into this mess.]


[However, the ultra arrogant duo never really saw eye to eye with Nicole's plea... Instead, Lifting her up by her hair.... and executing a wildly unpopular double-spiked piledriver on the beloved Kiss. The crowd, absolutely livid over what has just transpired, begins to yell obscenities in the direction of "The Ring Generals" as the two of them stand before their victims... Basking in their misguided praise.]


Grade: E+


Doc Messing: That was just sick.... To lay your hands on an innocent girl like Nicole. Just sick.

Mitch Naess: I guess the devil's advocate in this all is that she placed herself in the middle of a fight. Not saying that it was justified, however, why did Nicole Kiss see to it to come out and plead for Frankie's safety?

Doc Messing: Re-paying the favor?



Teddy Powell

... Leaving the show early ...

[in a shocking move, Teddy Powell is seen leaving the "Ministry" Event Center through a side door as the carnage between Frankie Future, Nicole Kiss, and "The Ring Generals" has come to a close. With his National Championship in hand, Powell makes a quick exit toward a silver car rental parked inches from the complex. In a matter of seconds, Powell has gone from retaining his Championship to now... speeding off into the midnight air.... Leaving the show early despite the fact that his tag partner, Mr. Morgan, is set to compete in the very next match.]


Grade: D+


Doc Messing: Uh.... Okay?

Mitch Naess: It looks as if Teddy Powell has left the building.

Doc Messing: So... Is this the end of "The Untouchables"? Are we witnessing the writing on the wall as we speak?

Mitch Naess: That I'm not sure of, Doc. However, one could definitely come away with that idea following Powell's actions here tonight.

Doc Messing: All because he's jealous of his partner's success...



Mr. Morgan/Bryan Holmes vs. Johnny Martin ++ or ++ Mr. Morgan vs. Johnny Martin/Bryan Holmes

[2 on 1 Handi-cap Match]

[bryan Holmes to chose whose side he's on]


No one had a clue as to what was about to happen... That is no one outside of Bryan Holmes. The highly anticipated debut of the former PGHW, and DaVE, superstar sent shockwaves through out the "Ministry" Event Center as his appearance felt god-like; in a sense. With an eager crowd awaiting his arrival... Bryan Holmes slowly made his way out of the back... taking his time to the ring... surveying both wrestlers in the ring in the process... Adding to the suspense of it all. As his theme music came to a sudden halt (a mixture of Gregorian chanting and pure metal)... There he stood... Standing across from both Mr. Morgan and Johnny Martin (both standing in the middle of the ring looking at him... Neither knowing what is about to transpire next). In what felt like forever, Holmes stood like a Greek statue... Methodically plotting his devious strategy... Seconds from making PSW history.


After walking to the middle of the ring, Holmes stepped into both competitor's faces... Finally turning and striking Mr. Morgan square between the eyes with a vicious right hand. Both Morgan and Martin were caught off guard (you could say Morgan more so) as Bryan Holmes began to lay into the PSW Champion with a series of heavy strikes... Finally taking him to the mat with an aggressive head-lock toss. From there, Martin and Holmes would work in tandem... Dominating the PSW Champion in the process & ultimately displaying how dangerous their newfound alliance could be. Without Teddy Powell in house, as he left seconds before the Main Event, Mr. Morgan was all by himself... No one to turn to for help... Instead, he was practically a "sitting duck"... Attempting to defend himself, however, with the knowledge that it was almost entirely impossible to come away with a win in tonight's Main Event.


Following a "Cyclone Shock Kick" (Standing Spinning Heel Kick) square to the Jaw of Mr. Morgan... It was only a matter of time before someone went for a pinfall. However, instead of ending it that easily, Johnny Martin landed some damage of his own... Adding insult to injury by executing his own signature move the "Twist on the Rocks" upon the semi-conscious PSW Champion. Ultimately picking up the victorious pinfall on the very man who claimed the Championship, he once held, last month.


Johnny Martin and Bryan Holmes defeat Mr. Morgan in 15:02 via a "Cyclone Shock Kick"/"Twist on the Rocks" combo.

Grade: C-


Mitch Naess: And so it goes into history, Bryan Holmes pulls in a victory on his very first night here in PSW.

Doc Messing: Not only did he win in his debut match... It looks as if he and Johnny Martin have forged some sort of alliance. I don't know if Johnny knew this was coming tonight, however, how could you not accept?

Mitch Naess: There are some that wonder, even with this tentative alliance on hand, if Bryan will ever allow anyone else to grab the spotlight from him. That's why alliances with people like Holmes can end up being an "up-and-down" kind of ordeal. One week he....



Johnny Martin and Bryan Holmes

... Not so Fast ...

[Johnny Martin is celebrating before the crowd with his typical "just another day at work" mentality as Bryan Holmes stands a few feet away looking out upon the crowd. As Holmes leans his arms on the ropes, not even paying attention to what Martin is doing, Mitch Naess is rambling on about what an alliance with the newcomer could potentially mean for any suitor. It looks as if the show is coming to a close as Mitch's speech pattern starts to resemble his typical "lets wrap this up" approach.... However, that would all come crashing to the canvas seconds later as PSW is, once again, rocked off its axis.]


[As Martin looks out onto the crowd with his right arm raised high as the victor by PSW referee, R.M. Stones, the shocking happens.... Bryan Holmes shows his true colors by assaulting the former PSW Champion from behind. Martin, caught totally by surprise, never really has a chance to regain control of the situation as Holmes continues to lay into his supposed "Ally"... Stomping repeatedly to Johnny's face and, at one point, seemingly breaking the former Champ's nose. With his message sent loud and clear, the PSW crowd showers the once perceived babyface with a heavy display of hatred in the form of booing. Here, the most anticipated wrestler ever to debut in PSW had come into the "Ministry" Event Center as a potential savior to the "hardcore masses" only to show himself to be a vile competitor with nothing more than his self-interest at heart.]


[At this point, Johnny Martin is struggling to breathe as his nose fills up with blood... He pulls himself back up to his feet by using the ring ropes to his side, however, wouldn't be upright for much longer as Holmes lands his signature "Cyclone Shock Kick" square to the side of Martin's head.... Buckling his knees upon impact and sending the beloved PSW superstar back to the mat. From there, Holmes now stands over his victim... Looking down upon the bloody carnage he has created as the PSW Crows is absolutely livid... Throwing their trash into the ring in a show of disrespect toward the newest addition to the companies roster.]


["The Vile and the Vengeful" comes to a close as Bryan Holmes slowly exits the ring.... Leaving behind both Johnny Martin and the PSW Champion, Mr. Morgan, laying unconcious... side by side in the middle of the ring]


Grade: C


Doc Messing: What the HELL?!?! Just seconds ago it seemed like these two were on the verge of a budding alliance!

Mitch Naess: The one thing that I know of Bryan, after working with him for a few years previously, is that he only truly cares about himself. It doesn't really matter who thinks they are close to him... In the end, He will always come back to the notion of advancing himself. That's how he's become such a great wrestler in himself. He never really cared what others were thinking.

Doc Messing: So this whole match was a hoax in a sense? Is that what you're telling me, Mitch?

Mitch Naess: Appears so. An alliance with Johnny Martin never seemed realistic if you ask me... I'm sure it will come out in the future, however, these two have a very tumultuous history.

Doc Messing: Do you mean during their days in DaVE? The internet rumor sites were always buzzing about their relationship behind the scenes... Is that all true?

Mitch Naess: I'm sure you'll see with time.... All in all, it looks as if Bryan Holmes has brought forth a heavy sense of baggage with him to PSW.






Overall Show Grade: D+

Attendance: 557

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Solid show, even if the rating doesn't reflect it. Not like it really matters in PSW, but is Holmes a face or a heel who is making a statement by laying out one of the biggest names in the comapny?


And I still can get behind The Ring Generals, though I can see you are trying. Can't wait for more.

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"The Vile and the Vengeful" results are posted on the previous page (page 11). If you don't want to read spoilers from the event then don't read what is posted below. To those who haven't had a chance to give them a read just yet... Swing by if you're bored and looking for something to do. Leave some feedback behind if you liked/disliked the show! Always good to hear from readers... new and old. cheers.

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Solid show, even if the rating doesn't reflect it.


Thank you, foolinc. At this point, popularity is still weighted more heavily than performance so all of my grades are pretty base level. However, as the "hardcore transition" continues to move forward I'm sure a lot of these match grades will begin to rise as people like Billy Russell, Bryan Holmes, Mr. Morgan, and 2 other superstars set to debut with time all get their time in the ring.


Not like it really matters in PSW, but is Holmes a face or a heel who is making a statement by laying out one of the biggest names in the comapny


Bryan Holmes "in game" disposition is Heel, however, he's kind of a middle of the road kind of guy. Mostly due to the fact that he isn't on Mr. Morgan's side ("The Untouchables", despite having troubles, are still the main heel faction in PSW) and he isn't on Martin's side (as seen at the end of the show).


So, Holmes made a statement by laying out Johnny Martin, Who is the #1 babyface in the company right now... Loved by the crowd and praised as a "rocky" like persona. So, to have Holmes lay him out in the fashion that they did was what pissed the fans off. To make it seem like he was going to be another face for them to fall behind... Only to have him turn on Martin and lay him out.


Opens up a 3 way storyline where the lines are blurred with disposition (as my face/heel divide is "Medium")



And I still can get behind The Ring Generals, though I can see you are trying. Can't wait for more.


You can get behind them or you can't? ha. Sorry, I'm a little confused as to what the second part was saying.


It's hard to get "The Ring Generals" across as they have terrible entertainment skills... So, all of their character development has to be done through actions or by others talking about them. The storyline that they're intertwined with Frankie Future and Nicole Kiss has many more levels to go.... ;)

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Thank you, foolinc. At this point, popularity is still weighted more heavily than performance so all of my grades are pretty base level. However, as the "hardcore transition" continues to move forward I'm sure a lot of these match grades will begin to rise as people like Billy Russell, Bryan Holmes, Mr. Morgan, and 2 other superstars set to debut with time all get their time in the ring.




Bryan Holmes "in game" disposition is Heel, however, he's kind of a middle of the road kind of guy. Mostly due to the fact that he isn't on Mr. Morgan's side ("The Untouchables", despite having troubles, are still the main heel faction in PSW) and he isn't on Martin's side (as seen at the end of the show).


So, Holmes made a statement by laying out Johnny Martin, Who is the #1 babyface in the company right now... Loved by the crowd and praised as a "rocky" like persona. So, to have Holmes lay him out in the fashion that they did was what pissed the fans off. To make it seem like he was going to be another face for them to fall behind... Only to have him turn on Martin and lay him out.


Opens up a 3 way storyline where the lines are blurred with disposition (as my face/heel divide is "Medium")




You can get behind them or you can't? ha. Sorry, I'm a little confused as to what the second part was saying.


It's hard to get "The Ring Generals" across as they have terrible entertainment skills... So, all of their character development has to be done through actions or by others talking about them. The storyline that they're intertwined with Frankie Future and Nicole Kiss has many more levels to go.... ;)


I was talking about the diary in general when I said I can't wait for more.

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NEWS: Harry Allen leaving TCW.... for PSW?

1st Week of August 2008





From the South West to Pittsburgh?


In most cases rumors tend to stay as exactly that, however, in this case, it looks as if one glaring rumor may be on the verge of coming true. Harry Allen, one of the most accomplished TCW superstars in history (according to titles won), is on the "out-and-out" with the Cornell-led promotion.


A former TCW World Tag Champion, 4x TCW Cruiserweight Tag Champion, x2 TCW Cruiserweight Champion, x2 TCW All-Action Champion, Harry is widely considered one of the most underrated wrestlers on the roster despite his high level of golden success. It's this fact that has driven Harry, in recent years, to become quite vocal about this "place" within the company. However, now it seems that his wish has finally been granted and Harry is being released from TCW later this month.


While the move is shocking enough, It seems as if Harry Allen may be on the verge of jumping to the regional sized Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. Shocking because PSW doesn't currently have a TV show or PPV contract in place. So, needless to say, he would be potentially working in more of an Underground situation. When contacted about such a move... Harry had this to say.


"TCW has been very good to me over the years, however, it's time that I look for a new challenge in my career. I've been in contact with officials within PSW and will be making my choice very soon. With the rise of the internet as a powerful promotional tool... Wrestling fans can access companies like PSW from anywhere on the globe. Something that can't be said about companies like TCW... Where they are truly bound to PPV and TV for their broadcasts."


"I would like to thank my fans for your continued support. These next few months will be littered with changes, however, in the end, I believe that this is what's best for my career."


- Harry Allen


It should be noted that, as a clause in Harry's release, there is a 60-day "no compete clause" set in place. With that being said, no matter what company it is that Harry eventually signs with... He will not physically be able to be present with said company until mid October 2008.


Either way, it looks as if Harry Allen is on his way out of Total Championship Wrestling...

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1st Week of August 2008

... Money, Money, Money ...



"We've managed to do something for the first time since PSW opened its doors in 2007".


Mitch proclaimed with a confident smirk built squarely upon his face.


"Piss off the anti-violence crowd that sits outside of the Ministry Event Center before each event? Professing that you will 'go to hell if you follow through those doors'?"


..... Is what I wanted to say, however, we both knew that members of their organization have been leading protests for quite a long time... Far before I was ever brought on board.


"What's that?"


I responded quite quickly as to hide the fact that my mind was already starting to wander.


"We're making money hand over first and I have you to thank for that. You're idea to strip our shows down to only one hour have really eased up our pocketbooks. So, thank you."


I felt a sense of confidence rush through my body... Was I actually succeeding thus far as a headbooker in PSW? Well, I had that thought for a few seconds before the ever-stern Naess comes back with this major blow..


"With that being said, I want more out of you."


More? More? I wanted to tell him that I answered every god-damn phone call he made at 4 AM, been to every single mindless meeting.. nit picking over the smallest of details... Even being his "bitch" in some cases when I've had to deliver bad news to several superstars backstage.




"You've done a great job. Don't get me wrong, John. However, I know that you can do more... I know that there's another level in that mind of yours. Another stage of creativity... They say that sometimes those who are psychotic are also great creators of art."


Did he want me to become a psycho in the name of PSW? Hmm... Knowing Mitch probably.


"With the money we've saved (with Geico. had to do it...) we've been able to reach out to new wrestlers... bringing in the likes of Larry Wood ("KILLER Colossus"), Billy Russell, and Bryan Holmes. I NEED you to build upon the success you've had thus far and push this company to the brink of insanity."




I was confused... well, maybe more so shocked than confused as I already knew that this was Mitch's approach to everything... Insane Obsession.


"PSW is going through an ever-evolving state at this point... Build off of that. Each month it seems like there's a new face in the Ministry... Every month it seems like this or that superstar is on the verge of dying a slow death via blood loss.... Build off of that! Go with it... Push the envelope even farther... Challenge our fans to question their own comfortability."


"So, you want me to..."


Even before I could finish my statement, Mitch continued onward..


"We are going to make some changes to the way we approach our in-ring action to better give you a sense of realism for our fans. We want people to walk away from each and every event wondering if so-and-so really did break his leg? Or if this-or-that superstar really has wrestled their last match due to injury? This is what we want... Brutal, Animalistic, Violent wrestling being brought forth by Vile, manipulative, border-line psychotic people."


Okay, it seems that Mitch has finally lost his mind... I sat on the other side of his desk, wanting to scratch my head in confusion but trying to play it cool, Like we were on the same page so that way he didn't end up turning this explanation into a 3 hour event.


"Sure, we're still going to play to the entertainment side of things because that's what we do. Small tidbits of comedy, dark overtones for our characters, moments that teeter on hardcore and traditional spots of wrestling, however, in the end... I want our fans to walk away each and every month with their bodies drained of energy. Tired, satisfied, and hungry for more. Can you deliver that for me?"


I slowly nodded my head in approval, however, feeling the pressure of it all weighting down on my shoulders.


... I had to find this "other level" that Mitch speaks of before I'm labeled as a bust ...




<hr color=black>

... The Breakdown ...

<hr color=black>



+ PSW has a bank of 141,723. That's shows a profit of +41,723 since March 2008.

+ PSW's product has raised its "realism" level to "Medium".

+ PSW's product has lowered "comedy" to "low".

+ The product change now makes popularity and performance - 50/50.



I understand that some may not like the fact that I've bumped up PSW's realism levels (and dropped comedy levels down to low to counter-act the rise in realism), however, it was done so for one major reason.... I want this version of PSW, in this diary, to resemble more of the old-school ECW product versus a copy of DaVE. As most of you know, I've given my own definition of what "hardcore wrestling" really means and I believe that it's this focus that has lead to the rise in "realism". There will still be the majority of the focus on "entertainment", however, now the in-ring action will also take on a broader level of realism so that brawlers can use their approach to make their fights look more realistic.


Just to make it clear, though, I'm not going to try to run ECW in the Cornellverse. Rather, just wanted the same sort of product style (making minor shifts in PSW's original product) to create a more hectic atmosphere.

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More. They always demand more out of you. No matter how you give, there are asking for and demanding more. Nice to see Mitch Naess is no better than Richard Eisen in that regard....


Looking forward to Mr. Allen and how he fits into your vision of PSW. Let's see if we can get some "whole f*cking show" chants going for the man....

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More. They always demand more out of you. No matter how you give, there are asking for and demanding more. Nice to see Mitch Naess is no better than Richard Eisen in that regard....


Yea, it's always been much easier to write boss characters as pushy, success-obsessed, alpha-personalities. ha. I guess Mitch isn't much different.


Then again, his persona is much deeper than any other boss I've attempted to write for as, yes, Mitch is extremely driven, however, it's all generated by his fear of failure more so than anything else. He saw DaVE fall apart and was a vital figure from within. So, now with his own company, he's deathly afraid of following down DaVE's pathway (thus why he was happy to have made money for once.. ha. Then again any boss would be i guess).


He's neurotic, obsessive, with levels of OCD (as some would label excessive levels of want for success can generate such a personality trait). So, a man who will not take anything less than your absolute best as he fears your worst will bring on death for the thing he loves the most... His ability to prove the skeptics wrong by pushing a "Hardcore Company" to fame.


Looking forward to Mr. Allen and how he fits into your vision of PSW. Let's see if we can get some "whole f*cking show" chants going for the man....


I wasn't planning on going after him at first, however, when I actually looked at his track record along with his shocking ability to actually work... I couldn't turn it down. TCW didn't want him so he'd be a perfect "cast-off" personality... Jaded and emotionally bruised by the fall-out. Hell-bent on redemption.... What PSW loves ;)

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