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The Curious Case of WCW

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My name is Uatu. I am known on your world as The Watcher. I exist to observe and record, but to never interfere.


I have violated my oath.


At some point in the past, events were set in motion that would destroy the professional wrestling industry by the year 2009. I am determined to set right that which went wrong.


The year is 1997.


The name of the place is World Championship Wrestling…

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OOC: I will be using a lot of custom graphics for this diary. If you like them, please let me know. Don't use them without permission though. They take a lot of time to make. Hopefully they add some enjoyment.




WCW: The Story Thus far

October 1st, 1997


World Championship Wrestling was invaded by Scott Hall and Kevin Nash over 1 year ago. At Bash at the Beach 1996, Hulk Hogan destroyed Hulkamania and betrayed WCW, joining forces with these Outsides to form the New World Order. Since then, the nWo has dominated the company, scoring numerous victories for more than a year.


As the nWo forces grew in number and power, forces within WCW began to rise up against them. Men like Sting, Lex Luger, The Giant, and of course, The IV Horsemen. Circumstances led Sting to feeling betrayed by his comrades, and he has left them in their fight, fleeing to the rafters. He watches in silence as the company he once loved fights for its life.


The Horsemen became WCW's frontline of defense. They added to their membership the great Curt Hennig and were poised to fight off the nWo once and for all. At Fall Brawl 1997 however, the door was literally slammed shut on those hopes when Curt Hennig betrayed the Horsemen, joined the nWo, and slammed a steel door on the head of Ric Flair.


Today is October 1st, and the future of WCW is uncertain.


But even as the nWo celebrates its dominance and WCW recoils from the latest round of stinging defeat, a silent warrior stands tall in the rafters. And with him, stands hope.
















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First Nitro will be up today, here are the quick picks. Nothing overly exciting for the first one as I haven't developed anything yet...



WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hogan vs Lex Luger

Ultimo Dragon vs Eddie Guerrero (Non-Title)

Goldberg vs Jim Duggan

Wrath vs Greg "the Hammer" Valentine

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Damn, why doesn't somebody fire that Uatu already? He breaks his oath every ten minutes!


First Nitro will be up today, here are the quick picks. Nothing overly exciting for the first one as I haven't developed anything yet...


WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hogan vs Lex Luger

Ultimo Dragon vs Eddie Guerrero (Non-Title)

Goldberg vs Jim Duggan

Wrath vs Greg "the Hammer" Valentine

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First Nitro will be up today, here are the quick picks. Nothing overly exciting for the first one as I haven't developed anything yet...



WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hogan vs Lex Luger

Ultimo Dragon vs Eddie Guerrero (Non-Title)

Goldberg vs Jim Duggan

Wrath vs Greg "the Hammer" Valentine


nWo need to be strong at the start. A win by Luger would be awful, because there's been no build.


A non-title match win for Ultimo Dragon would set up a title match nicely.


It's Goldberg


Wrath is a monster. And should be treated as one. With the proper build, I'd pay to see a competitive match between Wrath & Goldberg.

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Nice.... I'll be checking this out


WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hogan vs Lex Luger

Ultimo Dragon vs Eddie Guerrero (Non-Title) - some heelery to set up a title shot

Goldberg vs Jim Duggan

Wrath vs Greg "the Hammer" Valentine

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Can't wait to see how this unfolds.



WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hogan vs Lex Luger

Although I do expect Sting to make his presents felt


Ultimo Dragon vs Eddie Guerrero (Non-Title)

Dragon gets the win, Eddie gets mad, a feud is born


Goldberg vs Jim Duggan

No Brainer


Wrath vs Greg "the Hammer" Valentine

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hogan vs Lex Luger - Cheat win.

Ultimo Dragon vs Eddie Guerrero (Non-Title) - Interference by someone else to start fued.

Goldberg vs Jim Duggan- It's Goldberg

Wrath vs Greg "the Hammer" Valentine- As stated before Wrath rocks!


edit: Isn't this a bit too few matches for a 2 hour show? Or where they running 1 hour at that time don't remember.

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hogan vs Lex Luger - Non-finish, both guys need to be kept really strong.

Ultimo Dragon vs Eddie Guerrero (Non-Title) - Non-title usually means upset, setting up a rematch or two.

Goldberg vs Jim Duggan - Squash.

Wrath vs Greg "the Hammer" Valentine - Wrath was always one of my favorite midcarders in WCW, a good push and you could have a star on your hands.

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The show goes live from the sold out Charlotte Coliseum in Charlotte, North Carolina. At the announce table are Tony Schiavone, Bobby “The Brain” Heenan and Larry Zbyszko. Larry is taking his customary bow for the crowd chanting “Larry, Larry” as Nitro goes live.]


Tony: Hello ladies and gentleman and welcome to Monday Night Nitro, live from Charlotte, North Carolina. I am joined by the great Bobby Heenan and the living legend himself, Larry Zbyszko! Folks, tonight is going to be a huge night, headlined by possibly the greatest main event in Nitro history…Lex Luger vs Hollywood Hogan for the World Heavyweight Championship!


Larry: That’s right Tony, and you just have to hope that THIS time, Lex can get his hands on that slimy snake Hogan without the meddling of the n…w…o.


Bobby: This rematch will be huge! Lex Luger has been dying…flat out dying to get Hogan in the torture rack, and guys, I for one think that tonight, we’re going to have a NEW world champion.


Tony: We’ll have to see guys, but first, it’s time for our opening bout…


[the announce team is cut off when the lights dim in the arena and white spotlights shine around rapidly. The old familiar beat of the nWo theme blares over the PA system and out walks Eric Bischoff, smiling the way only he knows how. Behind him, Hollywood Hogan struts playing his air guitar on the world title. Joining the two “leaders” of the nWo are the Outsiders, Randy Savage, Elizabeth, Buff Bagwell, Scott Norton, Syxx, and of course, the newest member of the New World Order, Curt Hennig. The crowd in Charlotte shows them no mercy as they make their way to the ring. Once there, Scott Hall gets a microphone while Hennig climbs a turnbuckle, spits his gum and swats it into the crowd. Just perfect]





Scott Hall: H…h…h…hey yo!


{the crowd in Horsemen country boos}


Scott Hall: Perhaps you’ve heard, but me and the boys, we’ve been taking ourselves a little survey. How many of you backwater rednecks came to see…the N…W…O!


{the crowd boos}


Hall: Ok ok. How many of you here came to see…DUBYA…C…DUBYA?”


{The crowd cheers wildly. As the camera pans the arena, it is clear that these fans have come to see WCW, but more specifically, the IV Horsemen}


Hall: Well, it was close. But survey says? One more for the good guys.


{Hall starts laughing as he hands the microphone to Curt Hennig. When Hennig touches the mic the crowd explodes with boos. Hennig smirks and points at himself as if to say “Who me?” A “We Want Flair” chant erupts in the building and Hogan walks over to massage Hennig’s shoulders as he prepares to speak.}


Hennig: You want…who? Ric Flair? Leader of the GREAT group of professional wrestlers, the Horsemen? Well life’s tough! You see, last night I did what many a men have been dying to do in this company for over a decade. I slammed the door SHUT on Ric Flair. You can “wooooo” to that!


{The crowd is booing mercilessly as a video clip shows the events of Fall Brawl. Hogan and the nWo does the “We’re Not Worthy” bow to Hennig}


Hennig: I get the feeling that we won’t be seeing Ric Flair around for a LONG time. You see, I came to WCW with a plan. The plan was to be part of the greatest organization of professional wrestlers ever assembled, the NEW…WORLD…ORDER! But to make this plan, all too sweet, I decided to take a little detour…right through the heart of the Horsemen. Who can forget Arn Anderson acting like a little girl, handing over “HIS” spot in the Horsemen? Who can forget Fat Tony over there blathering all over himself like a 12 year old in a chocolate factory, screaming about the odds being even? And then who can forget the look on Mongo’s face as I sized up that white haired melon and BANG! Slammed the steel door shut! Hahaha! It was all simply per…


{Hogan grabs the microphone away from a shocked Hennig}


Hogan: Brother, you remember what Eric said about using the “P” word?


{Hennig laughs as Hall and Nash begin to act mockingly afraid}


Hogan: That’s right all you NWOites. The New World Order is growing faster than you can imagine. Our power reaches from all corners of the globe. We can’t be stopped. And tonight, when I face Luger yet again, I will prove to all the doubters out there that I am STILL the best this business has to offer! Now, hit the music!


{the nWo music blares again as the group makes their way back up the ramp. As they go, Nash walks in a manner that clearly is meant to mock The Giant.}


Larry Zbyszko: I get so tired of listening to those guys run their mouths, week after week. I sure hope Luger shuts them up once and for all tonight!


Tony: Well fans, as you just saw, the nWo is still on top here in WCW after Curt Hennig betrayed the Horsemen at Fall Brawl, forcing Mongo to submit on behalf of his team in order to preserve Ric Flair’s health. We know that tonight, Chris Benoit, Steve McMichael, and Arn Anderson are here in the building. What we don’t know, is whether or not Ric Flair is here, or even if he’s in a state to be walking around. We’ll just have to wait and see on that.


http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/WrathCW2.jpgw/http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/SinisterMinisterCW.jpg vs.http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/GregValentineCW.jpg

Wrath w/ Sinister Minister vs Greg “The Hammer” Valentine


The match was over before it began really. Tony and the boys spent the bulk of the match discussing the main event (some more) and running down the night’s card. Valentine is clearly past his prime at this point and he didn’t look particulary good in this one. The lack of selling was obvious. Wrath took Valentine down after a massive big boot to the face followed by the Meltdown for the pinfall. After the match, The Sinister Minister stood in the ring applauding as the show went to commercial.


Winner: Wrath via pinfall

Time: 4:53

Match Grade: D


When Nitro returns from commercial, Mike Tenay has temporarily replaced Bobby Heenan in the broadcast booth for the upcoming cruiserweight contest.





Psicosis, El Dandy and Super Calo vs Juventud Guerrera, Essa Rios, and Prince Iaukea


An absolutely fantastic, high paced lucha match unfolds between the two teams of three. Mike Tenay fills your brain with a plethora (Jefe, what is a plethora?) of information regarding the international stars. Throughout the match, Tony and Larry pontificate on the location and status of The Nature Boy Ric Flair.


The fans slowly begin to get into the match as the action goes to the air. Juventud Guerrera hits Super Calo with a Juvi Driver. His pinfall is broken up however by a stiff kick to the head by El Dandy. The debuting Essa Rios then hits a flying dropkick to knock Dandy out of the ring. As he turns around he his hit with a superkick by the Prince who missed on Psicosis. Psicosis then tosses Prince out of the ring, climbs the turnbuckle and nails Rios with a guillotine legdrop for the pinfall.


Winner: Psicosis via pinfall after the guillotine legdrop from the top rope

Time: 8:12

Match Grade: C


Tenay: Wow! Fantastic action from the luchadores! Only in WCW can you see that type of action!


Tony: Fans, I'm told that the newest member of our broadcast team, Joey Styles is backstage with Diamond Dallas Page! Joey...




Joey: Thanks Tony. I'm here with DDP-Diamond Dallas Page, and I'm told that you have something serious you need to get off your chest.


DDP: Welcome aboard pal. Hey! Savage! Last week you and your wench harassed my wife outside the arena. NOT OK! So right now, DDP is calling you out. The way I see it, we're 1 and 1 in this little feud of ours. Time for the rubber match. You, me, tonight!


{Elizabeth walks up and sneers at Page. Page looks like he is contemplating hitting Elizabeth when Randy Savage jumps him from behind. He is joined by Scott Norton. The two men beat the hell out of Page.}


Savage: Hey John give me the mic. Page, you want me? Uh-hu dude. You aren't even in my league, oh yeah. But I'll tell you what. You beat my buddy Scott next week on Nitro and I'll give you one more shot at the Madness. In the meantime, I'm gonna go pay a visit to your lovely wife Kimberly. Maybe she'll give me a private pose...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH YEAAAAAAAAH!


Tony: Just more of the same guys from these thugs in the New World Order.


Larry: These guys think they're tough. I've had enough. I'm calling out the nWo. Any of them. Meet me in the ring next week on Nitro and let me teach you a lesson!


Tenay: Oh wow! A major callout!


Tony: We'll be right back folks with more cruiserweight action!


WCW returns from commercial break and Eddie Guerrero is walking down the rampway with the World Cruiserweight Championship over his shoulder. Standing in the ring is his opponent, Ultimo Dragon.


http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/EddieGuerreroCW2.jpg vs.http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/UltimoDragonCW5.jpg

Eddie Guerrero vs Ultimo Dragon


This match began as a counter-takedown attempt-counter fest. At one point Eddie Guerrero jabbed the eyes of Ultimo Dragon while going for a strength test that the referee missed. He took control of the match for the next 3 or 4 minutes. Guerrero tried for a series of rolling suplexes at 9:00 minute mark, only to have it reversed into a snap suplex by Dragon.


Ultimo Dragon locked an abdominal stretch on Eddie Guerrero who refused to submit. Dragon then let go and bounced Guerrero off the ropes to connect with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. As Eddie stumbled to his feet, Ultimo Dragon grabbed him and locked in the Dragon Sleeper. Always aware of his place in the ring, Guerrero managed to get a foot on the ropes.


At the 14:15 mark, Sonny Ono made his way down to ringside. Dragon saw him and went to the ropes. The two began exchanging "pleasntries" when Ono spit in his face. An irate Dragon climbed the middle turnbuckle. As he was preparing for what appeared a dive off the ropes onto Ono, Guerrero grabbed him from behind, powerbombed him from the middle rope and held him down with the ropes for the pinfall.


Winner: Eddie Guerrero via powerbomb

Time: 15:00

Match Grade: B+

After the match, a laughing Eddie Guerrero grabbed his title and made his way up the ramp. Sonny Ono climbed into the ring laughing and pointing at Ultimo Dragon. Ultimo got to his feet and grabbed Ono by the collar. His grip loosened quickly after Yuji Nagata slid into the ring and grabbed him by the mask, locking in the Dragon Sleeper! Dragon fought it as long as he could, but ultimately he passed out. Nagata and Ono left together, but not before Ono got a kick to the ribs in.


{WCW goes to commercial break. An advertisement is made for WCW Halloween Havoc, sponsored by Snickers.}


{Backstage, Curt Hennig is walking towards a waiting limousine. From around the corner come Arn Anderson, Steve McMichael and Chris Benoit, all carrying tire irons. Hennig looks justifiably scared as a roar is heard in the arena. Hennig begins fumbling with the door handle on the limo as three Horsemen surround him.}


AA: Curt, you messed up big time boy. The nWo isn't here to bail you out now son.


{Suddenly, the limo door swings open violently, slamming into Hennig's side. He drops to the ground and out steps Ric Flair in a suit! Flair is wearing a bandage on his head and his face is bruised badly.}


Flair: Wooooooo! Get hit boys!


{At that order, Flair and the Horsemen begin beating down on Hennig. Buff Bagwell, Syxx, and the Outsiders come running down the hallway and the Horsemen make their getaway.}



Tony: Oh boy! Ric Flair is alive and well!


Bobby Heenan: That's a victory for WCW right there Tony. Ric Flair just told the nWo that WCW isn't just going to lie down and die!


Tony: One of the best moments in my career!


{The camera jumps backstage where Gene Okerlund is standing with the Steiner Brothers and Ted DiBiase}


Gene Okerlund: Rick and Scott, Ted DiBiase, I know the three of you gentlemen have some serious thoughts to get off your chest. Scott?


Scott Steiner: Hey nWo! We're sick and tired of you running and dodging us. After we beat these two punks tonight, we want our shot at the World Tag Team Titles, and we want it next week!


Ted DiBiase: You cowards have hidden long enough Hall...Nash. It makes me SICK to think I ran around with you and threw my money around. I'm ready to make a deal. You give these men a title shot next week on Nitro, and I'll put a million bucks of my own money on the line!


Gene: A million bucks! Wow! Even the Outsiders can't turn that kind of money down!


Rick: Woof Woof! A million bucks? Well worth it!


{The Steiners storm off as Gene Okerlund looks on in shock.}


WCW returns from commercial break and Eddie Guerrero is walking down the rampway with the World Cruiserweight Championship over his shoulder. Standing in the ring is his opponent, Ultimo Dragon.


http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/ScottSteinerCW6.jpghttp://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/RickSteinerCW3.jpg w/http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/TedDiBiaseCW.jpg vs.http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/RoccoRockCW2.jpghttp://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/JohnnyGrungeCW2.jpg

The Steiner Brothers w/ Ted DiBiase vs The Public Enemy


The Steiners made their way down to the ring where The Public Enemy was already waiting for them. As they climbed into the ring to a pretty loud crowd reaction, Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge jumped the two men and a brawl erupted. The match stayed as a brawl for the first three minutes. Eventually the match spilled to the outside. Rocco Rock grabbed a chair and tried to hit Scott Steiner with it, but he dodged it and hit a belly to belly suplex on the concrete.


Inside the ring, Johnny Grunge and Rick Steiner were in a slugfest. Tony Schiavone informed the viewers that Rick Steiner might be the toughest man in the history of professional wrestling. Grunge hit Steiner in nuts with a low kick, inciting boos from the crowd. Scott slid into the ring and while Grunge was taunting the crowd, Steiner grabbed him and hit a release German Suplex. Rick and Scott then hit a double Steiner line on Grunge, and Scott then nailed him with the Steiner Screwdrive for the pinfall.


Winner: Scott Steiner via pinfall after the Steiner Screwdriver

Time: 9:00

Match GradeB-


Tony: And the Steiners do it again! Wait a minute...


{Ted DiBiase is yelling something to Schiavone...}


Tony: Wow! Fans, I've just been told by Ted DiBiase that he has received confirmation. Next week on Nitro we will have a huge main event! The Steiner Brothers will challenge the Outsiders for the World Tag Team Championship. Ted DiBiase will put $1 million on the line!


Bobby Heenan: A million dollars? He is insane! If they lose that match he'll end up at the local Denny's eating a ham and egg sandwich with the rest of these bozos!


Larry: Yeah but that's how bad these guys want it. They want the Outsiders so bad they'll do anything!


Tony: Fans, we'll be right back after this commercial break!


{WCW returns from commercial}


Tony: Folks, you aren't going to believe this. During the commercial break, nWo member Konnan came to ringside, and hold your breath...he has accepted the challenge of Larry Zbyszko!


Larry: That punk thinks I'm old and washed up so I can't handle him. We'll see next week!


Tony: This is shaping up to be the best Nitro of all time fans, be sure to watch! Now, backstage Joey Styles is standing by with Eddie Guerrero...



Joey: Thanks Tony. Last time was a little too close! Eddie Guerrero you won your match tonight under questionable circumstances...


Eddie: Questionable esse? Questionable? Listen holmes, in this business you win however you win man, and I won. This is what I've been trying to teach Rey Mysterio.


Joey: Rey Mysterio, Jr., the former cruiserweight champion?


Eddie: That's right holmes. I've been trying to teach that young man about the intricacies of winning in this business, you know what I mean man? So Rey Mysterio, watch the master work, and learn a thing or too. Viva la raza!


Joey: Tony, Larry, Bobby...back to you guys.




Tony: Thanks Joey. And now folks, it's time for a match that you'll be sure to want to watch. Goldberg vs Hacksaw Jim Duggan!


http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/GoldbergCW2.jpg vs.http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/JimDugganCW.jpg

Goldberg vs Jim Duggan


Jim Duggan was already in the ring, inciting a "USA! USA! USA!" chant from the live crowd. Goldberg's music hit and he received a decent ovation as he made the way to the ring, erupting with violence on the entrance ramp. He climbed into the ring and he and Hacksaw shook hands quickly.


Tony: Love to see that type of respect.


Bobby: Hacksaw knows that this youngster is a powerful guy and you gotta believe he wants to put him down.


Duggan initiates the match with a series of shoulder tackles that seem ineffective against the jacked up Goldberg. Hacksaw bounces off the ropes for a third one but is caught by Goldberg and hiptossed. Duggan grabs his back and slowly gets to his feet to receive a standing sidekick from the bald behemoth.


Tony: WOW! That kick was perfectly executed!


Duggan gets back up with the help of Goldberg and his then taken down with a drop toe hold. Duggan uses his wrists to block the impact though and rolls away from Goldberg. He uses the ropes to get to his feet, runs at Goldberg for a clothesline and his hit with the SPEAR. Goldberg explodes in the ring, lifts Hacksaw up, and drops him with the Jackhammer for the pinfall.


Winner: Goldberg via pinfall following the spear and Jackhammer

Time: 5:00

Match GradeC


{WCW goes to commercial break}


When WCW returns from commercial, the crowd erupts in the Coliseum when the sound of galloping horses is heard over the PA system. Out of the entrance tunnel comes Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Chris Benoit, and Steve McMichael! The Horsemen make their way to the ring without interacting with the crowd at all.


Flair: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Hennig, what happened earlier tonight is only the beginning "pal." What you did last night, when you slammed that door on my head, you sealed your..WOOOOOOOOO...fate! Who do you think you are? You say you came here to be the best? Well pal, to be the man, you've got to beat the man buddy. So Hennig, I want you at Halloween Havoc inside the steel cage. Just you and me. Two men walk that aisle, only one man walks out alive. Can you handle that jack?


{Arn Anderson grabs the mic}


AA: Hennig...I don't even know where to begin. I trusted you. I loved you like a brother. I gave you my spot. I didn't give you A spot, I gave you MY spot. And you have the nerve to mock me? You've messed with the wrong group of men you son of a...


{Flair grabs the mic}


Flair: You son of a bitch! I know Arn here doesn't want to be the one to catch a fine so I'll say it for him. You're a son of a bitch! Curt Hennig...Curt Hennig? I'm Ric Flair! WOOOOOOOOOO! NWO, you wanted a war. You begged for a war. And then you started a war. Well prior to tonight the Horsemen were just fighting a battle, but now...YOU'VE GOT A WAR! WOOOOOOOOOOOO!


{The crowd goes crazy as WCW goes to commercial break}


When WCW returns from commercial break, The Giant is seen backstage tearing down the equipment. He is screaming for Kevin Nash as he heads into the driveway. He sees Nash at the last moment as Nash hops into an nWo hummer and speeds off. In a feat of strength, The Giant goes to the nearest car and flips it over, screaming like a monster the entire time.


Tony: Wow! The Giant is furious. He clearly wants to get his hands on Kevin Nash!


Larry: Can you blame him? That Neanderthal has been mocking him for months now!


Tony: Time for the main event folks! Luger vs Hogan is next! The biggest main event in Nitro history!



Main Event

http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/HulkHogan2CW.jpg vs.http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/LexLugerCW11.jpg

Hollywood Hogan © vs Lex Luger

for the World Heavyweight Championship


Michael Buffer: Ladies and gentlemen it is time, for the main event of the evening. Are you ready?


{Crowd cheers}


Buffer: Are...you...rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeady!


{Crowd erupts}


Buffer: Then for the thousands in attendance, and the millions watching around the world, ladies and gentlemen, llllllllllleeeet's get ready to rrrrrrrrrrumble!


{The crowd erupts as Lex Luger's music hits and he makes his way to the ring wearing a WCW shirt.}


Buffer: Introducing first, the challenger! He stands 6 feet, 4 inches and weighs in at a chiseled 270 pounds. From Atlanta, Georgia, the Master of The Torture Rack of Doom...Llllllllllllllexxxxxxxx Luger!


{The crowd erupts for Luger who flexes his pectoral muscles for the crowd. The cheers turn to boos quickly however as nWo music takes over the PA system.}


Buffer: And his opponent, hailing from Hollywood California, he is the most recognizable name in the history of this business. The reigning and defending, heavyweight champion of the world........Hollywood...Hulk...Hooooooooooooooooogan!


{The crowd boos mercilessly as Hogan climbs through the ropes and holds up the belt. The bell rings}


Tony: Bobby Heenan can you believe we are seeing this match tonight on Nitro? These two men have no love for each other, I can tell you that much.


Bobby: These ham and eggers are so lucky. These two men have met before on ppv, and these fans tonight get this for free!


Tony: Let's not forget that Lex Luger defeated Hogan for the world title in August.


{The action begins slowly with the two veterans circling the ring. Hogan stops circling and flexes for Luger. Luger smiles and flexes back with a roar to which the crowd responds with a huge pop. Hogan looks scared and begs the crowd to be quiet. Luger calls for the strength test. Hogan grudgingly accepts and the two men lock up.}


Larry: Two bulls right here. Luger the stronger of the two, but he needs to be careful.


{Luger powers Hogan down and locks his fingers. Hogan is crying out in pain. He slowly starts to power his way back up but is forced back down by Luger. He finally managed to get his hands free and hits Luger in the midsection to end the standoff. Hogan slowly gets to his feet. Luger is toppled over, dramatically selling the vicious punch to the midsection. Hogan grabs Luger by the hair and tries to slam his head into the turnbuckle, but Luger blocks it and elbows him in the midsection. Luger then spins around and lifts Hogan up, nailing him with an inverted atomic drop. Hogan backs up holding his groin and Luger drops him with a clothesline}


Bobby: That's right! Go get get Lex!


Tony: What a huge victory this would be for WCW!


{Luger lifts Hogan to his feet and hits him with another inverted atomic drop. Hogan is writing in pain as Luger tries to put him in an abdominal stretch, but Hogan rakes his eyes to escape. Luger stumbles around like a 90 year old blind man while Hogan catches his breath. This time, Hogan successfully grabs Luger and slams his head onto the turnbuckle. Luger rebounds off and stumbles to the middle of the ring holding his forehead. Hogan gets a head of steam and tackles Luger with a clothesline. Hogan poses for the crowd}


Larry: Look at the ego. Keep posing you clown!


{Hogan points at Zbyszko and mocks him. While he is distracted with Larry, Luger gets back to his feet, bounces off the ropes and hits a flying forearm smash as Holywood turns around. Luger then begins signaling for the Torture Rack when Konnan runs down to ringside.}


Tony: And here come the reinforcements!


Larry: Not tonight Ton!


{Larry drops his headset and meets Konnan on the apron, throwing some right hands. The two men fight with Konnan eventually retreating up the apron with Larry Zbyszko in hot pursuit!}


Tony: Alright Larry Legend!


Bobby: But Luger is distracted, Luger is distracted!


{Right on cue, Hogan rolls up a distracted Luger. 1..2..kickout!}


Tony: Almost lost right there Bobby.


{Luger gets to his feet after the kickout and the two men begin circling each other once more. Suddenly there is an enormous pop from the crowd.}


Tony: Oh my god! Look in the rafters! It's Sting! Sting is standing in the rafters watching this match!


{Luger looks up as does Hogan. Hogan looks startled to see Sting and suddenly begins to try to leave the ring. Lex Luger grabs him by the back of the hair though and whips him into the ropes. Hogan bounces back and is met by a stiff Flying Forearm Smash.}


Tony: That's two forearms! Luger is signaling for the Torture Rack!


Bobby: It's over! We're gonna have a new champion!


{Luger picks up Hogan and puts him in the Torture Rack! Hogan is writhing in pain, preparing for a tapout. Suddenly, Eric Bischoff runs to ringside and begins yelling something to the referee. He is clearly telling the referee to leave the ring. Luger drops Hogan and walks to the ropes. Michael Buffer gets on the microphone.}


Buffer: Ladies and gentlemen, I have just been informed that referee Mickey Jaye has been replaced in this match. Your new official is Eric Bischoff!


{The crowd begins to boo mercilessly as the smiling devil Easy E removes his jacked to reveal a striped jersey. He climbs onto the apron and is grabbed by the neck by Luger. As Luger prepares to slingshot Bischoff into the ring, he is hit on the back of the head with the world title belt by Hogan. Easy E climbs in the ring pretending not to see what is happening}


Tony: This is pathetic. A setup. Once again, Eric Bischoff is abusing his power!


{Hogan picks a groggy Luger up, whips him to the ropes and hits the Big Boot! He then drops the Hollywood Leg Drop on him}


Bobby: God...I HATE that move!


Tony: 1..2..KICKOUT! Lex Luger kicked out!


{Hogan begins yelling at Bischoff for not counting fast enough and Easy apologizes. Luger rolls Hogan up and holds him down for a good four seconds, but of course, no count from Bischoff. Instead, Scott Hall makes his way to ringside.}


Tony: Ridiculous. As if it wasn't bad enough already, it just got worse.


{Hall slides into the ring and kicks Luger in the ribs to break up the roll up attempt. Hogan and Hall then begin to violently beat on Luger, Hogan using his belt. Finally, Hall picks Luger up and holds him from behind. Hogan balls his belt up on his first and swings with a haymaker, but Luger moves out of the way and Hogan decks Hall! Hall drops to the mat and Luger picks Hogan up for the Torture Rack once again!}


Tony: Luger is on fire! Luger is on fire!


{Hogan is visibly tapping out when Bischoff drops to the ground and hits him with a low blow. Hogan stumbles around and is tended to by Bischoff. Hall gets back up, picks up the world title belt and lays out Luger once again. Hogan then hits the Hollywood Leg Drop for the second time.}


Tony: And there it is, 1..2...3. The numbers game just caught up to him.


{Bischoff signals for the bell}


Michael Buffer: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner via pinfall, and STILL, Heavyweight...Champion of the World...Hollywood Hulk Hogan!


Winner: Hollywood Hogan via pinfall following the Hollywood Leg Drop

Time: 22:00

Match Grade: A


Tony: As if winning the match wasn't enough...


{Inside the ring, Hall and Hogan begin assaulting the downed Luger. In the rafters, Sting watches, not moving, just watching. Down the runway comes the Giant!}


Tony: Finally! Kick their butts big boy!


{The nWo runs away as The Giant climbs into the ring and checks on the assaulted Luger. The Giant looks up to the rafters and begins yelling at Sting as Nitro fades to black}


Final Results

Show Grade: B+

Attendance: 26,860


Wrath defeated Greg "The Hammer" Valentine (D)

El Dandy, Psicosis, and Super Calo defeated Juventud Guerrera, Prince Iaukea, and Essa Rios ©

Eddie Guerrero defeated Ultimo Dragon (B+)

The Steiner Brothers defeated Public Enemy (B-)

Goldberg defeated Jim Duggan (C-)

Hollywood Hogan defeated Lex Luger to retain the World Heavyweight Championship(A)


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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hogan vs Lex Luger - Non-finish, both guys need to be kept really strong.

Ultimo Dragon vs Eddie Guerrero (Non-Title) - Non-title usually means upset, setting up a rematch or two.

Goldberg vs Jim Duggan - Squash.

Wrath vs Greg "the Hammer" Valentine - Wrath was always one of my favorite midcarders in WCW, a good push and you could have a star on your hands.


WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hogan vs Lex Luger - Cheat win.

Ultimo Dragon vs Eddie Guerrero (Non-Title) - Interference by someone else to start fued.

Goldberg vs Jim Duggan- It's Goldberg

Wrath vs Greg "the Hammer" Valentine- As stated before Wrath rocks!


edit: Isn't this a bit too few matches for a 2 hour show? Or where they running 1 hour at that time don't remember.


Yeah it is a 2 hour show (actually might have been 3 hour already at this point) but those were only the matches I was giving ahead of time because they are only the ones I originally advanced booked. You'll usually see more than that.


Can't wait to see how this unfolds.



WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hogan vs Lex Luger

Although I do expect Sting to make his presents felt


Ultimo Dragon vs Eddie Guerrero (Non-Title)

Dragon gets the win, Eddie gets mad, a feud is born


Goldberg vs Jim Duggan

No Brainer


Wrath vs Greg "the Hammer" Valentine


Nice.... I'll be checking this out


WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hogan vs Lex Luger

Ultimo Dragon vs Eddie Guerrero (Non-Title) - some heelery to set up a title shot

Goldberg vs Jim Duggan

Wrath vs Greg "the Hammer" Valentine


nWo need to be strong at the start. A win by Luger would be awful, because there's been no build.


A non-title match win for Ultimo Dragon would set up a title match nicely.


It's Goldberg


Wrath is a monster. And should be treated as one. With the proper build, I'd pay to see a competitive match between Wrath & Goldberg.


I love Wrath. Expect him to receive a good push.


Damn, why doesn't somebody fire that Uatu already? He breaks his oath every ten minutes!


Haha! Glad people know who he is!


Hollywood Hogan vs Lex Luger

Ultimo Dragon vs Eddie Guerrero (Non-Title)

Goldberg vs Jim Duggan

Wrath vs Greg "the Hammer" Valentine


Hollywood Hogan vs Lex Luger

Ultimo Dragon vs Eddie Guerrero (Non-Title)

Goldberg vs Jim Duggan

Wrath vs Greg "the Hammer" Valentine


The perfect 10




Thanks for the views guys. My writing style will be changing as I get my feet wet, so hopefully I didn't disappoint.

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The Ratings are in!


WCW Monday Night Nitro (B+) scored a 4.47 rating on TNT

WWF Raw is War (A) drew a 4.23 rating on the USA Network


Raw is War Results

Ken Shamrock defeated Jesus Castillo (C-)

Steve Blackman defeated Doug Furnas ©

Tiger Ali Singh defeated Jim Neidhart (C+)

Owen Hart defeated Stone Cold Steve Austin (A+)

HHH&Kama defeated The Gangstas (B-)

The Undertaker and Goldust went to a no-contest (A+)



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OOC: This will be my way of reporting news to you guys from the wrestling world.



The Styles Report


-My employment with World Championship Wrestling came about sort of last minute. It was almost like some sort of cosmic super being prodded me into it. Bizarre.


-In sad news, Greg Valentine suffered what was likely a career ending injury last night in his match with Wrath. "The Hammer" suffered a broken neck during the match. Never say never, but this would seem to bring an end to the man's legendary career.


-The WWF really lucked out with the tremendous success of two of their matches on Raw. Hard to compete when your competition pulls down two A* matches on one card. Oh wait? What am I talking about? WCW won the ratings war. Again.


-WCW management is said to be incredibly high on Wrath, both as a worker and a character. Fans with a keen ear will notice the name change for James Vandenburg to The Sinister Minister. It just worked. That pairing has tremendous upside.


-WCW is looking to expand. Expect some big names to be contacted, names that are working here stateside, and names that are working internationally.


-The success of the cruiserweight matches was a real eye opener for management.


-The heat on Curt Hennig is so hot it was melting my ear piece.


-Hollywood Hulk Hogan is getting a lot of heat backstage for what his fellow workers are calling "an ego out of control, even for him"


-WCW has purchased a development territory in Texas, Texas Pro Wrestling. I'm told we've got quite a few good looking hands down there.


-Halloween Havoc is set to take place from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada. Look for that event to be packed full of exciting matches.

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great show, loved the WCW era details.


hope to see more, and the format is good, I hope you find those one or two tricks to tweak it and make it great.


also the reporting style is really neat, keep it all coming.



(PS that has got to be one of the best responses to card I have seen in a long time, especially considering that it was not posted for all that long before the show went up!)

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Just a few nitpicks justty check the start of the luger vs hogan match and goldberg vs duggan as you revered to earlier matchups there. And eddy vs ultimo was a B+? wow was there good chemistry or did you make em more over then they where at that point? Also I prefer Wrath without the mask always envisioned him and Kanyon joining he Flock to give that more oomph.


Overall very good show mate.

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Goldberg d. Chris Adams (B-)

Harlem Heat d. Bobby Eaton & Dave Taylor ©

Disco Inferno d. La Parka to retain the TV title (C+)

Curt Hennig d. Ray Traylor w/Ted DiBiase to retain the US title (B-)

Show Rating: B-

Attendance: 5,000

TV Rating: 0.19



WCW Monday Nitro Week 2 October


Chris Jericho vs Kidman

Wrath vs Ray Traylor

Rey Mysterio, Jr. vs Psicosis

Konnan vs Larry Zbyszko

DDP vs Scott Norton

Main Event: The Outsiders © vs The Steiner Bros. in a steel cage for the WCW World Tag Team Championship. Ted DiBiase has put $1 Million on the line.

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Just a few nitpicks justty check the start of the luger vs hogan match and goldberg vs duggan as you revered to earlier matchups there. And eddy vs ultimo was a B+? wow was there good chemistry or did you make em more over then they where at that point? Also I prefer Wrath without the mask always envisioned him and Kanyon joining he Flock to give that more oomph.


Overall very good show mate.


Yeah, I somehow missed that in my screen. I was rushing to get done before my laptop's power died. Eddy and Ultimo had great chemistry, plus I tweaked WCW's product a little to allow for talent to shine. As Ultimo is one of my favorite wrestlers ever, I also may have overdone him a little when I created his stats. Sorry! Hopefully you guys don't mind too much.

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Mah great chemistry is probably the reson just wondering what the product settings are then atm.


PS did you include Reece aka The Yeti aka Big Ron Studd by any chance? somehow he is always missing from mods around those times. Sorry I have a little comradebot in me that marks for Big guys.

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Chris Jericho vs Kidman

Wrath vs Ray Traylor

Rey Mysterio, Jr. vs Psicosis

Konnan vs Larry Zbyszko

DDP vs Scott Norton

Main Event: The Outsiders © vs The Steiner Bros. in a steel cage for the WCW World Tag Team Championship - draw


wow thats a lot of left best to do heels one side and faces other instead o winners lol.

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Mah great chemistry is probably the reson just wondering what the product settings are then atm.


PS did you include Reece aka The Yeti aka Big Ron Studd by any chance? somehow he is always missing from mods around those times. Sorry I have a little comradebot in me that marks for Big guys.


Yeah, Reese, Riggs, and Lodi are all in the game, but not Sickboy. I must have accidentally deleted him.

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