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The Curious Case of WCW

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As a mad WCW fan, really looking forward to seeing this pan out. You've come in at a time when so much is going on, not least of all Curt Hennig having slammed the steel cage door on Flair's head. WCW was truly hot at this time.


One thing, you have Sinister Minister as Wrath's manager. Is that by design, because in WCW he was known as James Vandenburg... One other thing, you have Essa Rios in here, he was WWF from memory...


Otherwise fantastic start, looking forward to it developing. THe backstory is quite unique I must say :) Can't wait for Flair to REALLY get his revenge

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As a mad WCW fan, really looking forward to seeing this pan out. You've come in at a time when so much is going on, not least of all Curt Hennig having slammed the steel cage door on Flair's head. WCW was truly hot at this time.


One thing, you have Sinister Minister as Wrath's manager. Is that by design, because in WCW he was known as James Vandenburg... One other thing, you have Essa Rios in here, he was WWF from memory...


Otherwise fantastic start, looking forward to it developing. THe backstory is quite unique I must say :) Can't wait for Flair to REALLY get his revenge


Yeah, I hate the James Vandenburg name. I mentioned that in the Styles Report. I change that instantly in any game I ever play. Also, Essa Rios was someone I "recruited" to WCW. That was his debut match. I'm a big fan of his. There will be a lot of things in here that won't follow exactly. One thing I can promise you my fellow hopeless WCW mark, Ric Flair will NOT be made to look a fool in my company.

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Chris Jericho vs Kidman

Wrath vs Ray Traylor

Rey Mysterio, Jr. vs Psicosis

Konnan vs Larry Zbyszko

DDP vs Scott Norton

Main Event: The Outsiders © vs The Steiner Bros. in a steel cage for the WCW World Tag Team Championship. Ted DiBiase has put $1 Million on the line.

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B]Chris Jericho[/b] vs Kidman

Loved Jericho back then, Kidman didn't really grow on me until later


Wrath vs Ray Traylor

I see the push coming let's hope he can handle it


Rey Mysterio, Jr. vs Psicosis


Konnan vs Larry Zbyszko


DDP vs Scott Norton

I can maybe see some interfereance coming towards DDP but we will see


Main Event: The Outsiders © vs The Steiner Bros. in a steel cage for the WCW World Tag Team Championship. Ted DiBiase has put $1 Million on the line

This was a kind of hard pick being that it's inside the cage and all, but still its the NWO they will find a way to cheat

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Ahhh, thanks for that info. Glad to hear that the Flair legend will be well managed, I just thought in real life WCW didn't truly capture that feud well. Even now I think back to two massive heat popping moments, you have thye cage door slam and also Hennig giving Hogan Flair's sequined robe as a gift, yet I don't think they executed it well for the big pay off. Hennig came into WCW and teamed with DDP at Fall Brawl, turns on DDP during the match, then he takes the Enforcer's role (kinda wrong build up of character to take Arn's spot), but then they get it all good again by those two heat-poppers only to kinda fast track it all and it all seemed to get lost in the maze of Sting-Hogan and then the arrival of Bret Hart.
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Chris Jericho vs Kidman

Wrath vs Ray Traylor

Rey Mysterio, Jr. vs Psicosis

Konnan vs Larry Zbyszko

DDP vs Scott Norton

Main Event: The Outsiders © vs The Steiner Bros. in a steel cage for the WCW World Tag Team Championship. Ted DiBiase has put $1 Million on the line.

Creative Control = Dibiase heel turn

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Chris Jericho vs Kidman - leteth the maneth start taketh possessions from the vanquished... I was a mad Jericho fan back in his WCW pomp, some of his stuff was just straight out hillarious and a hell of a great wrestler to boot


Wrath vs Ray Traylor - I've found it hard to really use Wrath how I've wanted, but I do of course remember the lead in to I think it was World War III 1997 and the talk around Wrath being the next big thing was huge


Rey Mysterio, Jr. vs Psicosis - I'm a big time Psicosis fan, but at this stage Rey was sizzlin


Konnan vs Larry Zbyszko - maybe the set up for Larry-land to go after the nWo again? A cheat job?


DDP vs Scott Norton - I would naturally go with DDP, but I suggest Savage/Hennig will be up to something and this will build heat for a DDP superface comeback


Main Event: The Outsiders © vs The Steiner Bros. in a steel cage for the WCW World Tag Team Championship. Ted DiBiase has put $1 Million on the line - my view on Ted DiBiase is he won't turn on the Steiners as above, only because he was from a storyline perspective one of the founding and funding fathers of the nWo movement who kayfabe got sick and tired of it... This was probably the time when I really enjoyed tag team wrestling the most in WCW, you had these two teams and of course you had Harlem Heat. Steiners and Harlem Heat go down in history as two of the most legendary tag teams of all time, and Outsider's work at this point is pivotal to the evolution of WCW and of course pure gold.



I kind of see this show for some reason being full of heel acts to bring the feeling of destitute to WCW's core here, to surge them on for the big comeback.

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I don't read real-world these days, but decided to make an exception since it's late 90's DubSeeDub. Really good stuff so far, well done! I can practically hear Tony Schiavone hyperventilating at the start of the show. :)


And Wrath push will be AWESOME. :D

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Chris Jericho vs Kidman

Wrath vs Ray Traylor

Rey Mysterio, Jr. vs Psicosis

Konnan vs Larry Zbyszko

DDP vs Scott Norton

Main Event: The Outsiders © vs The Steiner Bros. in a steel cage for the WCW World Tag Team Championship. Ted DiBiase has put $1 Million on the line.

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The show goes live from the Thompson-Boiling Arena. At the announce table are Tony Schiavone, Bobby “The Brain” Heenan and Larry Zbyszko. As we go live, Larry “The Living Legend” Zbyszko is doing his humble bow for the crowd behind Nitro’s broadcast booth who are ardently chanting “Larry, Larry, Larry!”



Tony: Welcome ladies and gentlemen, to Monday Night Nitro on TNT! I am Tony Schiavone and as always I am joined by my esteem colleagues, Bobby “The Brain” Heenan, and of course, the man who will be taking his shot at the nWo tonight, Larry Zbyszko!


Larry: Tony I can’t wait. That punk Konnan thinks this is going to be easy for him, but he’s in for a major shock!


Tony: Well we can’t wait for that contest, but that’s not the only big match we have tonight fans. Tonight, in what might be the biggest main event in Nitro history, The Steiner Brothers will FINALLY get their tag title shot against The Outsiders. But not just any match folks, this will be a steel cage match!


Bobby: You left out the worst part Tony. DiBiase put a million dollars on the line! If the Steiners lose, Ted will be a million dollar-less man!


Tony: Whoa there Brain, let’s not get Raw on Nitro!

[before Tony can delve any further into his snarkiness, Lex Luger’s music hits the PA system an elicits an enormous pop from the crowd. He makes his way out onto the rampway followed closely behind by The Giant. The duo make their way to the ring where Luger is handed a microphone.]



Lex Luger: Cut the music. Last Monday night, I was once again screwed out of the World Heavyweight Championship. Hogan, you coward. You couldn’t beat me by yourself so you had to bring your lapdog Bischoff and your acolyte Scott Hall. I’m sick of it! I’m sick and tired of the nWo thinking they can get away with anything in this company. My friend and I here are taking a stand. When tonight’s main event comes around, the two of us will be sitting at ringside in our nice chairs making sure NOBODY from the nWo gets down there to help you guys. So Hall, just get ready. Because tonight, nothing will protect you from the Steiner Brothers!


Giant: Hey Nash, big ugly. You’ve been dodging me for too long now. I know you’re not man enough to face me here tonight on Nitro, so what do you say we do this at Halloween Havoc? One on one. Giant vs not so Big. We all know the inevitable outcome Nash. You’ll climb over that top rope and I’ll wrap my hand around your throat, lift you up, and slam you down. 1.2.3. Simple math. Or maybe I just won’t let go of your neck until I’ve choked the life out of you.


Luger: There’s one other thing that needs to be addressed. Sting…I saw the tape. I know you were in the rafters last Monday. You better have a good explanation for that pal. Leaving a friend out to dry? It’s time you make your position clear. Are you with us, or are you against us?


{Luger and Giant drop their mics and the pair make their way back up the rampway to a good ovation}


Tony: Strong words from The Total Package guys. I think he’s had just about enough of the lurking.



http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/ChrisJerichoCW5.jpg vs.http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/KidmanCW3.jpg

Chris Jericho vs Kidman


Chris Jericho has been a little stale since his last title run with the cruiserweight strap. None the less he is given a good response. Kidman on the other hand is greeted rather blandly. He comes to the ring scratching himself, but generally appearing to be directionless. Before he climbs into the ring he walks to ringside where Raven and Saturn have taken up residence. He gets a brief talking to from them before sliding into the ring.


The action was fast and furious. Jericho immediately caught Kidman with a dropkick and attempt the Lion Tamer. Kidman squirmed away. The two men displayed exceptional chemistry throughout the bout. Kidman threw Jericho over the top rope at one point and Jericho got defensive around Raven & Saturn. Instead of attacking him, the two men just watched. Jericho turned around to get hit by a suicide dive by Kidman. The crowd reacted with a good pop for that.


Kidman rolled Jericho back in the ring and climbed the top turnbuckle, signaling for a shooting star press. As he jumped, Jericho hopped up and caught him mid-air, dropping him with a powerbomb. In a show of strength over the smaller Kidman, Jericho lifted him back up for a second powerbomb, this time locking in the Liontamer. Kidman quickly tapped out.


Winner: Chris Jericho via submission with the Liontamer

Time: 8:09

Match Grade: B


After the match, Raven and Saturn jumped the guardrail. Jericho ran off quickly, but Raven and Saturn showed him no attention anyway. Kidman got to his feet only to be slapped by Raven. Kidman began to appear to protest only to be lifted up and nailed with a Death Valley Driver by Saturn. Raven shook his head and then lifted Kidman onto his shoulders and he and Saturn carried Kidman to the back.


Tony: What in the world was that about?


Bobby: Trouble in the Flock perhaps Tony?


Tony: Looks like tou…wait a minute. I’m getting word that something is happening in the back…


{The screen quickly jumps backstage where Chris Benoit is seen standing in a hallway holding a tire iron. Around him in a semi-circle are Curt Hennig, sporting a black eye, Scott Norton, Buff Bagwell, and Syxx.}


Hennig: What’s the matter Chris? Didn’t expect to run into anyone in this hallway, huh?


{Without warning, Benoit lunges at Hennig with the tire iron but misses and the nWo members proceed to beat him down.}


Tony: This is outrageous! Someone get back there and help him! Folks, we’ve got to go to commercial…


When Nitro returns from commercial, the cameras are still backstage where Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, and Steve McMichael are tending to a downed Benoit. The Horsemen thwart off any help from the medics. Flair is screaming Hennig’s name like an insane man.


http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/WrathCW2.jpg w/http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/SinisterMinisterCW.jpg VS http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/BossmanCW.jpg

Wrath w/Sinister Minister vs Ray Traylor


Tony: Obviously fans we will keep you posted on that situation, but it’s time for our next match.


{Wrath and Sinister make their way to the ring, hearing the boos from the crowd. They stare down fans as they make to their way down. Ray Traylor makes his way out afterwards without any music playing. He slides into the ring and stares Wrath in the face.}


Tony: Ray Traylor has gained some fans here in WCW since leaving the New World Order.


The match began with Traylor trash talking an emotionless Wrath. After a few seconds of talk, Traylor tried to take Wrath out with a flurry of stiff right hands. He was overpowered quickly by Wrath who tossed him into a turnbuckle and nailed him with a running big boot. Wrath proceeded to work Traylor over in the corner and control the match for a solid 2 minutes.


Tony: I don’t know about you guys, but Wrath has really impressed me lately. Say what you want about the Sinister Minister and his tactics, but there is no denying the force that Wrath has become. He might be the most powerful wrestler in WCW today.


Bobby: I’d like to see him take on The Giant. That would be good television.


The match continued with Traylor catching Wrath by surprise with a DDT to stop the action. Traylor stood up in the ring to catch his breath. He began shouting something out to the crowd about the nWo “sucking” to which the crowd responded with a pop. His distraction was foolish however as the DDT did not immobilize the powerful Wrath. Wrath jumped to his feet and lifted the large Traylor above his head for a gorilla press slam. On the outside, Minister began laughing and did the cut throat sign to urge Wrath to finish the match. Wrath attempted to set Traylor up for the Meltdown, but Traylor fought him off and a slugfest ensued. Traylor tried for another DDT, but Wrath powered him up into the air and dropped him with a backbreaker. Traylor stumbled around and got kicked in the gut….BOOM. Meltdown.


Tony: Wow. One of the most devastating moves I’ve EVER seen. 1.2.3.



Winner: Wrath via pinfall after the Meltdown

Time: 6:01

Match Grade: C-


Larry: That’s a bad man right there folks.


[sinister Minister climbs into the ring and begins feeding Wrath with advice as WCW goes to commercial]


Tony: Fans, Joey Styles is screaming “OH MY GOD” into my earpiece, telling me something big is going on backstage. Joey?




Joey: Tony you aren’t going to believe this. But Randy Savage just stormed the Nitro Girls dressing room and…well…he has kidnapped Kimberly. Oh my god! Kimberly was kicking and screaming the whole time and Elizabeth slapped her across the fac…


DDP storms onto the scene.





DDP: Where is she Styles? Where the hell is my wife?


Joey: Savage took her Page. He had her over his shoulder.


DDP: Savage! If you hurt a hair on her head!


Page storms off as Styles looks back into the camera and the scene fades back to the arena.


Tony: Wow. The nWo has gone TOO far this time guys. It’s too far.


Larry: I’ll tell you what Ton. In about 20 minutes I’ll be climbing into the ring with that weasel Konnan, and if he knows anything about this, I give you my word DDP, I’ll get it out of that slimeball.


Tenay: I’m…I’m in shock guys. But I do know that it’s time for another exciting bout of luchadore action!


http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/ReyMysterioCW5.jpg vs.http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/PsicosisCW.jpg

Rey Mysterio, Jr. vs Psicosis


After both luchadores had entered the ring, Eddie Guerrero made his way down the ramp and joined the guys at the announce table. Both Rey Jr. and Psicosis watched him carefully.


Eddie: How’s it going holmes?


Tenay: What exactly are you doing here Eddie?


Eddie: I’m just scoutin the competition man. Thas all, don’t get defensive man.


The action in the ring began and it was fast paced all the way. Throughout the match, Tenay constantly reminded the viewer about the exciting feud these two men have waged in Mexico prior to coming to WCW. Psicosis took control of the match early and nailed Rey Mysterio, Jr. with a tornado DDT from the middle turnbuckle. Instead of going for a pinfall, he went to the ropes and motioned to his waist as if to indicate he wanted a title shot. Quite the foolish move as Rey rolled him up for a two count.


Eddie: See man, that’s the stuff I’m talking Esse, these kids today…they don’t know how to focus man…


Tenay: Eddie, these are two of the finest athletes in the world today, their matches in Mexico have received rave reviews. I think they know how to focus just fine!


After the Psicosis kick out, the two men battled with competing dropkicks and chest slaps. Neither seemed to be able to get an advantage. Both men bounced off the ropes and tried for a moonsault, but the two men collided in mid-air in the middle of the ring and dropped to the mat.


Crowd: This is awesome! This is awesome!


Tenay: Two evenly matched competitors and the crowd loves it!


As the two men got back to their feet, Psicosis climbed the top rope for god knows what reason, but had his feet knocked out from under him quickly by Rey Mysterio, Jr. Rey jumped up to the top, wrapped his legs around Psicosis and flipped him over into the ring with a Hurricarana from the top into a pinfall attempt.


Tenay: Wow! That move is called a H-U-R-R-I-C-A-R-A-N-A and is one of the top luchadore moves in the business.


Eddie: I’m not stupid Esse.


Tony: 1.2.3! Rey Mysterio, Jr. with the pinfall, and Eddie, I think he’s coming for your belt next!


Winner: Rey Mysterio, Jr. via pinfall following a top rope Hurricarana

Time: 9:47

Match Grade: B

After the match, Eddie Guerrero stands up at the table and applauds Rey Mysterio, Jr. Mysterio looks at him and does the same belt motion that Psicosis had done earlier. Chris Jericho comes running down the rampway and slides into the ring. Rey never sees him, but instead of attacking him, Jericho comes up and stands right beside him doing the same motion. Guerrero looks puzzled and Rey realizes what is happening. He turns at looks at Jericho who reacts as if he hadn’t known Rey was there. The two men exchange words as Rey lectures Jericho and Jericho acts innocent.


{WCW goes to commercial break. An advertisement is made for WCW Halloween Havoc, sponsored by Snickers.}


Tony: Ladies and gentlemen, you’ll notice at this time, that I am joined only by my colleague Bobby “The Brain” Heenan. That’s because our partner, “The Living Legend” himself as made his way to the ring for our next bout, where he will FINALLY….FINALLY, get his hands on a member of the New World Order. Bobby?


Heenan: This might be the DUMBEST thing that’s ever happened. There’s no way this match is a one on one match, and I predict that we’ll be flying with out Larry the rest of the night after what happens in that ring!


Larry Zbyszko is standing in the ring (unfortunately NOT wearing a shirt) and the crowd is chanting “Larry, Larry, Larry!” as he warms up. nWo music hits and the chants turn to boos as Konnan makes his way to the ring, accompanied by Buff Bagwell.


http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/LarryZCW.jpg vs.http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/KonnanCW.jpg

Larry Zbyszko vs Konnan


Bobby: See Schiavone, this is what I was afraid of! Buff Bagwell coming to ringside with Konnan equals bad news!


Konnan gets into the ring and Larry immediately begins pointing to ringside at Buff Bagwell. Konnan seems to intimate he’s just there for protection and Buff raises his hands in innocence. Grudgingly, Larry starts the action and the two men tie up. The crowd erupts as Zbyszko wins the tie up and tosses Konnan to the mat! A furious Konnan then hopped up and charged The Living Legend tackling him and pounding away with right hands.


Tony: Oh boy Brain, I’m starting to think maybe Larry got more than he bargained for here!


Zbyszko delights the crowd as he tosses Konnan off of him and stumbles back to his feet. The two men exchange headlocks in rope whips. Surprisingly, the two demonstrated excellent chemistry in the ring. Konnan slapped Larry at the 3 minute mark only to get decked by a stiff right from Zbyszko! The crowd popped as Konnan whined to the official about using a closed fist. Konnan got back to his feet and while Larry was arguing with the referee, he kicked him in the gut and dropped him with a DDT!


Bobby: See, when you retire you should STAY retired!


Konnan grabs his pants and begins screaming something in Spanish to the crowd who respond with a violent string of boos. He turns around and begins setting The Legend up for a Tequila Sunrise, but Zbyszko is out yet and rolls him up! 1..2..Near fall!


Tony: Oh ho ho! Konnan almost got pinned right there! Go get em Living Legend!


Zbyszko climbs to his feet and an irate Konnan gets in his face hurling insults in Spanish. Zbyszko knees him in the groin! The crowd erupts as Konnan turns around in agony.


Tony: Ha ha! Playing by their rules tonight!


Bobby: I love it!


Zbyszko climbs to the middle turnbuckle!


Tony: Air Larry! Air Larry!


Zbyszko jumps from the middle turnbuckle and nails Konnan with a bulldog! He goes for the cover!


Tony: 1! 2! Oh no!


Buff Bagwell slides into the ring and begins stomping on Zbyszko. The referee calls for the bell as Buff beats down on The Living Legend. Zbyszko fights his way to his feet and tries to fight back against Bagwell, but Konnan quickly nails him from behind with a low blow.


Tony: Damn them! Damn that New World Order! Somebody get out here and help him! Stand up for him WCW!


Winner: Larry Zbyszko via DQ

Time: 5:00

Match GradeB


After the match, the abuse continues. Schiavone is screaming bloody murder and damning them to hell, when suddenly the crowd explodes!


Tony: The Horsemen! The Horsemen are coming!


Konnan and Buff make a quick exit as the Horsemen slide into the ring, Benoit amongst them.




Flair: You nWo punks are all the same. You’re a bunch of a cowards! Not a single one of you is man enough to face any of us one on one! You’re all cowards! COWARDS! COWARDS!


Flair’s ranting turns incoherent, but the crowd loves it anyway. Suddenly, nWo music blares and the crowd boos as Flair and the Horsemen turn their attention to the entrance ramp. Mongo is tending to Zbyszko.




Easy E: Cowards Flair? Nobody in the New World Order is afraid of you old man. Nobody in the New World Order is afraid of any of your followers in the ring. And to prove it, I’ve made a match for later tonight. A one on one affair. Curt Hennig will defend his United States championship in that ring, and the nWo AND the IV Horsemen are barred from ringside!


Flair: It’s about time! I’ll tear him apart!


Easy: Whoa whoa whoa Flair. I didn’t say against YOU! He’ll defend his championship against Chris Benoit! Have a great night!


Flair: You son of a bitch!


Tony: Fans, you heard it! Curt Hennig vs Chris Benoit is on for tonight, but one has to wonder what kind of shape Benoit is in at this point after that absolutely heinous assault earlier in the evening at the hands of the New World Order.


Larry: Tony, you know what kind of condition he’s in. He’s hurting. That’s the only way this group knows how to fight. Their like a gang. They only pick on those who are weaker than them.


Tony: Folks, I’m told that backstage, Gene Okerlund is standing by with the commissioner, JJ Dillon. Geno?




Gene: Thanks Tony. Alright, I’m here with WCW commissioner James J. Dillon, and JJ, you told me there are some things you need to take care of. Go ahead.


JJ: Well thank you Gene. I’ve been watching what’s been happening the past few weeks, and I’m prepared to announce some matches. First of all, at Halloween Havoc, Ric Flair will get his wish. Curt Hennig will meet Ric Flair at Halloween Havoc in a steel cage match.


Gene: Alright!


JJ: Furthermore, should Hennig leave tonight with the US title around his waist, the title will be on the line! Also, Randy Savage and Diamond Dallas Page will met one on one, one last time in a Last Man Standing match.


Gene: DDP will be thrilled to hear that!


{Eddie Guerrero walks up}




Eddie: Hey esse, JJ, I’ve been wondering, who will the Latin Superstar be putting his title on the line against at Havoc?


JJ: Well, it’s funny you should ask Eddie. First, next week you will put that title on the line against the international superstar, Jushin “Thunder” Liger!


{Eddie looks stunned}


JJ: The winner of that match will defend the Cruiserweight championship at Halloween Havoc in a triple threat match, against Chris Jericho and Rey Mysterio, Jr.


Eddie: This isn’t cool Esse, This isn’t cool at all.


{Eddie storms off and JJ nods to Gene and walks off as well.}


Gene: Well Tony, Bobby, Larry, you guys heard it! Halloween Havoc is shaping up to be…wait…who in the world are you?


Stranger: Me? Well that’s simple…


{The stranger steps onto the screen}










RVD: I’m Rob…Van…Dam!


{Rob Van Dam smiles and nods as the screen fades to commercial}


WCW returns from commercial break at the announce table. nWo music is playing in the background and Scott Norton is walking to the ring.


Tony: Well, we just heard some big matches announced for Halloween Havoc guys, and as much as we want to discuss them, we’ve got a big one coming up.


Bobby: That’s right, DDP vs Scott Norton. You have to wonder though, what kind of condition is Diamond Dallas Page in at this point, not knowing where his wife is.


Larry: My guess is he wants to put down Scott Norton as quick as he can, and then get back to searching for Savage. chiavone...}



http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/ScottNortonCW.jpg vs.http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/DDPCW2.jpg

Scott Norton vs Diamond Dallas Page


Norton comes to the ring by himself, surprisingly. The crowd is booing, but not mercilessly as Norton isn’t seen as a huge heel for some reason. Suddenly, the arena fills with what sounds eerily similar to a Nirvana song, and Diamond Dallas Page hits the entrance ramp. He rushes the ring, all business.


Tony: Wow guys! DDP doesn’t look to be in any mood for games tonight!


The match begins instantly with Page wailing away with right hands. He hits a discus lariat on Norton to knock him down and then begins yelling at the top of his lungs. Norton gets back up, dazed by the quickness of the assault, but not really injured. Page charges at him for another clothesline but Norton shoulder blocks him to the ground. The powerful Norton then stomps away on Page. Page rolls away from Norton and explodes up from the mat with a clothesline! Norton stumbles backwards into the ropes and his arms get tangled.


Larry: Oh yeah! Time for some sweet revenge here!


Page yells at Norton “Wear is she!” but Norton only spits at DDP. DDP then begins pummeling him with rights and lefts. Buff Bagwell comes running down the rampway to help his tag team partner. He jumps up on the apron but gets a jawbreaker on the top rope from DDP. Bagwell flies off the apron and lands on the steel guardrail on the outside. The force of the jawbreaker freed Norton from the ropes however and he stumbles forward.


Tony: Wow! What action! DDP is a one man army! We have to go to commercial, but we’ll be right back!


{WCW goes to commercial. It’s a spot for Halloween Havoc detailing the animosity that exists between Flair and Curt Hennig.}


Tony: Fans, we’re back from commercial break, and things have changed. While we were at commercial, Buff Bagwell finally got to DDP, hitting him with a steel chair while referee Charles Robinson was arguing with Scott Norton. That has obviously changed the tide. Our own Larry Zbyszko once again has gotten involved in this mess, chasing Buff Bagwell backstage.


Inside the ring, Norton is holding Page in a sleeper. His arm is dropped for the second time, and the crowd begins to rabidly chant DDP…DDP. Page fights up after the third attempt on his arm and throws some elbows to get out of the sleeper. He bounces off the ropes and tries for a lariat, but Norton lifts him over his head and drops him with a gorilla press slam. He picks Page up and sets him up for a tombstone piledriver. DDP kicks as hard as he can however and reverses the move!


Tony: Page with the Tombstone! This one is over! 1…2…




Savage: Hey Page...Page!


DDP gets up at the two count to see Randy Savage and Hollywood Hogan on the screen, holding Kimberly hostage. She is bent over Savage’s lap, bound and gagged.


Hogan: You know what brother? Now I see why Hef asked her to pose!


DDP is irate as Hogan begins spanking Kimberly’s rear end and he and Savage laugh. The screen turns off and Norton nails DDP in the back of the head. He whips him into the ropes and nails him with a vicious shoulder block. Norton sets up Page for the powerbomb…


Tony: And that will take care…wait! Page with the reversal! He spins Norton around! DIAMOND CUTTER!


Page slid over the back of Norton’s powerbomb, spun him around and nailed him with the Diamond Cutter for the three count. Their chemistry in the ring way awful, but DDP got the win. His music plays and he quickly runs backstage to find his wife.


Winner: DDP via pinfall after the Diamond Cutter

Time: 10:20

Match Grade:C+


{WCW goes to commercial break}




When WCW returns from commercial, Joey Styles is standing backstage with Sonny Ono and his client Yuji Nagata.


Styles: I’m here with Sonny Ono and Yuji Nagata, and guys, what in the world is going on with you and Ultimo Dragon?


Nagata stares at Styles without any emotion.


Ono: What’s going? Ultimo Dragon is a fraud, that’s what’s going! He should have been my client, my greatest client! Instead, he chose to represent himself in this company. Well guess what Dragon? I found an even BETTER client. Yuji Nagata is the greatest Japanese wrestler of all time! And at Halloween Havoc, he wants YOU, one on one! And to make sure you accept the match, if you win, you can have me in the ring for 5 minutes!


Styles: Wow! Now that’s a challenge! Tony, Bobby, back to you guys.

Tony: Wow, Bobby the Brain, Halloween Havoc is looking to be the biggest card in WCW history!


Brain: Yeah, it’s shaping up nicely Schiavone, but before we ever get to Halloween Havoc, we’ve got to see the next match between Hennig and Chris Benoit!


http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/CurtHennigCW.jpg vs.http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/ChrisBenoitCW2.jpg

United States Championship

Curt Hennig © vs Chris Benoit


Curt Hennig makes his way to the ring as the fans boo mercilessly. He is unaccompanied, due to the stipulation set earlier that the nWo and the IV Horsemen are ALL banned from ringside. Hennig gets into the ring, and points at his United States Championship with an arrogant smile. He hands the title to the referee and then climbs the turnbuckle. He spits his gum out and swats it into the crowd, mouthing the word “perfect” as he does it.


Tony: Look at the arrogance Bobby.


Brain: He’s arrogant because he’s good Schiavone. This guy is just a great, great wrestler.


Tony: There’s no denying that…wait, the roof is about to come off this place!


The crowd erupts as the sound of galloping horses fills the arena. Chris Benoit slowly makes his way out on the rampway, walking very gingerly. Arn Anderson comes out and tries to tell him not to go down to the ring, but Benoit yells at him to get backstage. Arn reluctantly agrees, and Benoit makes is way down and climbs in. He is clearly favoring the right leg.


Tony: I don’t like the look of this Bobby, Benoit seems to barely be able to stand!


Brain: Hennig smells blood in the water Schiavone!


Hennig certainly does. He instantly begins attacking the leg of Benoit who seems almost helpless to fight off the Pride of Minnesota. Hennig takes down Benoit and puts him in a step over leg lock. Benoit is writhing in pain as Hennig gloats for the crowd. Benoit uses his left leg to push Hennig off and then crawls to the ropes. The referee stops Hennig from attacking and allows Benoit to get to his feet. At this point the leg seems to be bothering him even more. Hennig walks up to him and tries to hit the leg again, but is caught off guard by a stiff chop!




Tony: He was playing opossum!


Benoit wails away on Hennig’s chest with the chops, each one eliciting a louder “Wooo” from the crowd. Benoit then sets Hennig up and nails him with a snap suplex. Benoit gets to his feet and snorts out snot from each nostril on Hennig. Hennig jumps to his feet, clearly not amused and slaps Benoit across the face. And angry Benoit slaps Hennig back, but Benoit’s slap is so vicious is knocks Hennig down, much to the delight of the crowd.


Brain: Hennig doesn’t want to get into a physical matchup with Benoit.


Tony: They don’t call him the Rabid Wolverine for nothing!


Hennig climbs to his feet only to be grabbed from behind and nailed with a German Suplex! Benoit picks him up again and nails a second one! And a third! He tries for a fourth but Hennig kicks his leg backwards for a low blow!


Tony: And there’s the good ol’ nWo way!


Hennig falls down after Benoit hits the mat and catches his breath. The 3 Germans clearly took a lot out of him. Benoit and Hennig both start to get to their feet at the same time. Benoit walks over to Hennig with a furious look on his face, but Hennig spots him coming and lunges forward with his shoulder into Benoit’s right leg. Benoit topples over in pain, holding the leg.


Tony: Oh no Brain, I think that might have just hurt him pretty bad.


Brain: He might have just dislocated that knee!


Hennig sees that Benoit is in severe pain and starts laughing. He does the Ric Flair strut in the ring and then drops the patented rolling Flair Knee Drop on Benoit’s head. Benoit tries to get away, but Hennig starts stomping him in the chest. Benoit is almost completely helpless at this point. Hennig picks Benoit up to his feet and then jabs him in his eyes. Benoit takes his hand off his leg to cover his eyes and Hennig kicks the knee again. Benoit falls over, once again holding the knee in agony. Hennig mocks the crowd by giving a loud “WOOOOOOOOOOO!”


Tony: What’s he doing…Oh no…no that!


Hennig wraps Benoit’s legs up and drops into the Figure Four Leglock! Benoit is screaming in pain, but is refusing to submit.


Brain: Don’t be stupid Benoit, tap out! Tap out!


Benoit still refuses to submit, but is screaming in agony. Finally, Benoit gives up and taps out.


Winner: Curt Hennig via submission following the Figure Four, and still WCW U.S. Champion

Time: 10:06

Match Grade:B-


Tony: Now that’s enough! Let him go!


Hennig refuses to let go of the Figure Four, and the crowd erupts as Ric Flair, Arn Anderson and Steve McMichael come charging down the rampway. They slide into the ring and Hennig makes his getaway, laughing the whole time. Flair is absolutely out of his mind as WCW goes to commercial break.



{WCW cuts to commercial. When they return, footage is being shown of Benoit being taken out on a stretcher. Television censors are bleeping out nearly every word out of Ric Flair’s mouth.}


Tony: Well fans, you just saw what happened and I…I’m just sick. This has gotten completely out of control. Wait…something backstage? Fans we are going backstage where I’m told…well let’s just see…




Randy Savage, Hollywood Hogan, and Elizabeth are trying to force a gagged Kimberly into a limousine. She is fighting with all her strength though.


Hogan: Feisty one right here.


Hogan rears back to slap her when DDP jumps into the picture and nails Hogan with a forearm. He tackles Savage and starts beating him down. Hogan pulls DDP off of him to get leveled with a fist! Savage picks up a steel pipe that is conveniently laying around in the lot and swings at Page. He misses however and smashes out the window on the limo. Elizabeth runs off screaming as Page pounds on Savage. He grabs the steel pipe and wails away on Savage’s hip and shoulder. Finally, Hogan nails him from behind with his World Title. Savage and Hogan hop into the limo and speed off, but Kimberly has managed to escape. She tends to DDP who is stunned, but conscious. Page gets up and throws the steel pipe in the direction of the speeding limousine, but obviously to no avail.


Tony: Wow! DDP got his wife back, but something tells me he isn’t done with Randy Savage!


Brain: I’d say not Schiavone!


Main Event

http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/KevinNashCW5.jpghttp://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/ScottHallCW6.jpg w/http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/SeanWaltmanCW4.jpg


http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/RickSteinerCW3.jpghttp://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/ScottSteinerCW6.jpg w/http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/TedDiBiaseCW-1.jpg

WCW World Tag Team Championship

The Outsiders © w/Syxx vs The Steiner Brothers w/Ted DiBiase


Michael Buffer: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a steel cage match for the WCW World Tag Team Championship and is your main event of the evening. The rules of the match are simple. All four men will enter the cage at the same time. The first man to climb over the top of the cage and escape will secure the victory for his team. Are you ready?


{Crowd cheers}


Buffer: Are...you...rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeady!


{Crowd erupts}


Buffer: Then for the thousands in attendance, and the millions watching around the world, ladies and gentlemen, llllllllllleeeet's get ready to rrrrrrrrrrumble!


Tony: This is a dream matchup right here Bobby the Brain, and you’re getting it right here on Nitro. Not on ppv, no on Raw and certainly not on ECW, but right here on Nitro!


The crowd explodes as “Steinerized” blares through the PA system and the Steiner Brothers make their way out of the tunnel with Ted DiBiase in tow.


Michael Buffer: Ladies and gentlemen, making their entrance to the ring, both wearing red with their traditional black and white mixed and matched boots, they come from the motor city, Detroit, Michigan! They are accompanied by their managed, the infamous, Ted…Dibiase! First, weighing 261 pounds, the master of the Steinerline…Rick…The Dog Faced Gremlin…SSSSSSSSSSSteiner! And his partner and brother, weighing 282 pounds, the innovator of the Frankensteiner, Scott Steiner! Together they form one of the greatest tag teams of all time, Theeeeeeeee…STEINER BROTHERS!


Tony: The crowd here loves the Steiner Brothers! Heck, everyone loves the Steiner Brothers!


The crowd begins to boo as the Steiners climb into the cage and nWo music blares.


Michael Buffer: Coming to the ring accompanied by their nWo brother, the master of the Buzzkiller, Syxx, first, wearing black with red and weight 287 pounds, he’s famous for the Outsider’s Edge…Scott Hall! And his partner, wearing red with black, weighing 306 pounds, the master of the Jacknife…Kevin Nash! They represent the New World Order, and are the reigning and defending, Tag Team Champions of the World…they are..Theeeeeeeeeeeeee Ouuuuuuuuuuutsiders!


The crowd boos as the Outsiders walk up the cage and begin trash talking to the Steiners who are already waiting inside. The bell rings, Michael Buffer exits the cage and the Outsiders give him a little razzing as he walks to his chair. Then they slowly climb into the ring. Inside the cage, the Steiners are in their familiar pose with Rick below Steiner barking. The crowd is reacting with an audible bark as well. Hall mocking barks along with the crowd as The Outsiders step into the cage and the door is slammed shut behind them. Syxx and DiBiase exchange words of warning on the outside.


Tony: Man, I’m getting goosebumps! Has there ever been a bigger main event on Nitro Brain?


Brain: Hard to say Tony. I feel like we have this discussion EVERY Nitro!


Inside the cage, the two teams are sizing each other up when the crowd explodes with cheers. Lex Luger and The Giant are making their way down to ringside, carrying steel chairs. On the outside Syxx is looking very nervous. He hops the guardrail and makes his way through the crowd to escape. Luger and The Giant set their chairs up in the middle of the aisle way and motion for the two teams to begin.


Tony: Oh yeah! Reinforcements are here at last!


The action in the ring begins with both teams just brawling away. Nash vs Scott and Hall vs Rick. The Steiners take an early lead in the brawl for it all and they execute a tag team dropkick to take down both members of the Outsiders. Hall and Nash get to their feet and are taken down again by duel Steinerlines! The crowd is going crazy as Rick runs around the ring barking. Scott lifts Kevin Nash up by the hair and is nailed with the low blow.


Brain: Everything is legal Schiavone!


Nash tosses Scott into the steel cage wall and he bounces his head off and hits the mat. Rick charges at him and jumps on his back to take him down. Rick is pummeling on the back of Nash’s head when Hall lifts him up and drops him with an atomic drop. Rick stumbles around before getting nailed by a big boot by Nash. The Outsiders hold up the Wolfpac sign for a moment before switching opponents. Nash picks up Rick Steiner while Hall beats on Scott. Nash puts Rick on his shoulder and throws him into the cage wall with a snake eyes. Scott begins to fight back against Hall and Nash comes over and drops him with a stiff elbow. The Outsiders do a mocking of the Steiners as Hall runs around the ring barking and the slides under Nash’s legs. The crowd boos mercilessly.


Tony: Oh come on you guys, that’s just uncalled for!


Hall goes over to pick up Rick Steiner but is nailed in the guy with a stiff right hand and then dropped with a jaw breaker. Nash comes over to take out Rick but is nailed in the back of the leg by a shoulder from Scott Steiner. He stumbles forward and takes a stiff right from Rick that spins him around into the arms of Scott Steiner.


Tony: Belly to belly suplex on Nash! Oh yeah!


After the suplex, Scott flexes his muscles to show his power and is slapped slightly by Rick who tells him to stay focused. They pick up Hall and do a double team flapjack on him. Hall holds his midsection in pain as Scott once again does some showboating. Rick yells at him again to stay focused. Scott shakes his had in acknowledgment and then goes to pick up Nash. Nash is waiting for him though and drops him with an elbow to the jaw. Rick runs at Nash and gets caught in a sidewalk slam.


Brain: Nash’s size and power makes him the great equalized in this match.

Nash begins to climb the side of the cage.


Tony: Have you ever seen a man that large climb a cage!


Scott Steiner hops to his feet though and climbs up next to Nash. The two men start battling on the side of the cage. Nash looks incredible wobbly, but he managed to hit Steiner in the throat to knock him off. Instead of hitting the mat however, Scott Steiner is caught in the arms of Scott Hall.


Tony: Fallaway slam by Scott Hall! Oh man!


Nash starts to make his way up to the top when Luger and The Giant run to the side of the cage and begin slamming their chairs on the side. Nash drops back down to the mat and begins to hurl insults at the duo. Hall joins him, yelling profanities while Luger and Giant laugh.


Tony: Wait, here comes the nWo!


Buff Bagwell, Scott Norton, Konnan, Syxx, Vincent, and Curt Hennig run down to ringside to attack Luger and Giant. The crowd erupts as right behind them comes Ric Flair followed by Larry Zbyszko, Arn Anderson, Steve McMichael, and Harlem Heat!


Tony: A show of unity by WCW! At last!


Brain: I’m amazed!


A brawl erupts on the outside and in the midst of it Flair gets his hands on Hennig for about two seconds before he wiggles away and runs up the rampway to escape. Inside the ring a brawl has erupted as well as the Steiners are back to their feet, exchanging rights and lefts with The Ousiders. Hall swings for a haymaker on Scott Steiner but is caught and nailed with an over the head belly to back suplex. Nash has Rick Steiner setup for a Jacknife but is nailed from behind by Scott. He spins Nash around and drops him with another belly to belly. He then tells Rick to go up the turnbuckle! He picks Nash up and puts him up on his shoulders…


Tony: Wow! What strength!


Rick jumps off the top rope, grabs Nash’s head and drops him with a bulldog from the top rope. He runs around the ring barking and the crowd is going crazy. On the outside, all but Luger have cleared out as the brawl has gone back up the rampway. Scott and Rick both start climbing the side of the cage. Hall grabs Rick’s leg to hold him, but Scott has made it nearly to the top. Seeing his brother in trouble, Scott dives off the cage and nails Hall with a double axe handle!


Tony: Oh my! Air Steiner!


Brain: STUPID! He had the match won!


Brain, as usual, is on point. Nash has gotten to his feet at this point and nails Scott Steiner with a big boot. Rick Steiner is climbing to the top and is straddling the top of the cage, but Nash has Scott Steiner set up for a Jacknife inside the cage. He yells at Rick to get back in the ring or he'll do it.


Brain: Don't be stupid, go for the win!


Tony: That's his brother Brain!


Rick is hesitant but ultimately begins to climb back into the ring. Lex Luger is going crazy on the outside when he is hit from behind by a steel chair. The perpetrator? Syxx of course. Syxx tosses the chair (originally belonging to Luger) over the cage top and Nash catches it. As Rick drops to the apron he turns around is leveled by a vicious chair shot.


Tony: This is bad. This is really bad fans.


Scott Steiner gets to his feet and is leveled by Nash as well. Hall gets up and the two of them spit on the Steiners. Syxx throws another chair into the ring, this one belonging to The Giant. The Outsiders set the two chairs up side by side in the ring. Hall then sets up Rick and Nash sets up Scott.


Tony: Oh no, I can't watch!


Hall drops Rick on the chair with an Outsider's Edge and Nash drops Scott on the chair with a Jacknife. Both men break the chairs they are dropped on and writhe around in pain. The Outsiders high five about their accomplishment and Nash tells Hall to go over the top. Hall complies and climbs over the cage, dropping to the floor below.


The bell rings.


Michael Buffer: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner via escape from the cage, Scott Hall, and still WCW World Tag Team Champions…Thhhhhhhhhhhhe Outsiders!


The crowd boos wildly as the Outsiders make their way up the rampway holding the tag team belts with Syxx cheerleading for them. Luger slides into the ring and tends to The Steiner Brothers as WCW Nitro fades to black.


Winners: The Outsiders via escape from the cage, and still WCW Tag Team Champions

Time: 17:05

Match Grade: B



Final Results

Show Grade: B-

Attendance: 28,555


Chris Jericho defeated Kidman (B)

Wrath defeated Ray Traylor (C-)

Rey Mysterio, Jr. defeated Psicosis (B)

Larry Zbyszko defeated Konnan (B)

Diamond Dallas Page defeated Scott Norton (C+)

Curt Hennig © defeated Chris Benoit to retain the WCW United States Championship (B-)

The Outsiders © defeated The Steiner Brothers to retain the WCW Tag Team Championshps (B)


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The Ratings are in!


WCW Monday Night Nitro (B-) scored a 4.40 rating on TNT

WWF Raw is War (A) drew a 4.34 rating on the USA Network


Raw is War Results

The New Blackjacks d. DOA (C+)

Steve Blackman and Flash Flunk went to a no contest (B-)

Mankind & Kane defeated Phil LaFon and Doug Furnas (C+)

Vader defeated Crush (B)

Too Cool defeated The Gangstas ©

Bret Hart defeated Mosh (?) and Goldust to retain the Federation Championship(A)



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wow an A with Mosh involved? Wtf? And overall show an A with all those C's wtf seems tew's david meltzer is an E fan.


They only ran like 3 angles and they all got A+ ratings. Drives me nuts about the AI in this game to be honest. They never run segments like a real promotion of their type would have to.

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Excellent show you put on there....I was hoping to get in on the predictions but didn't get back before you posted. All good though, consider me a reader of this great time period in WCW.


Definitely agreed with the thought of Scott turning, the teases were excellent, but I would much prefer to see him stay out.

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Dark Match: Hugh Morrus d. Norman Smiley (C+)

Dark Match: Taka and Funaki d. El Dandy and Super Calo (C-)

Goldberg d. The Barbarian ©

Ultimo Dragon d. Chavo Guerrero, Jr. (C+)

Steve McMichael d. Alex Wright (C+)

Yuji Nagata d. Bobby Eaton (D+)

Vicious and Delicious d. Harlem Heat (B-)

Show Rating: C+

Attendance: 5,000

TV Rating: 0.16 (Declined)



WCW Monday Nitro Week 3 October


Juventud Guerrera and Psicosis vs Rey Mysterio, Jr. and Chris Jericho

TV Title Match: Disco Inferno © vs Prince Iaukea

Raven vs Scott Riggs

Cruiserweight Title Match: Eddie Guerrero © vs Jushin Liger

Mortis vs Rob Van Dam

Lex Luger vs Syxx

Main Event: Scott Hall vs Ric Flair


Plus!: Announcements regarding Halloween Havoc!

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Excellent show you put on there....I was hoping to get in on the predictions but didn't get back before you posted. All good though, consider me a reader of this great time period in WCW.


Definitely agreed with the thought of Scott turning, the teases were excellent, but I would much prefer to see him stay out.


Glad to have the reader. Even if you don't make it in time for predictions, I appreciate the feedback. Normally I won't knock out two shows that quickly, but this weekend I was stuck in the house with nothing to do!


Great show. While reading, I was kind of expecting Scott to turn, but honestly, I hope you really don't turn him. I wasn't really a big fan of him after he went Big Poppa Pump. He just lost most of his abilities from the 'roids.


Surprised so many people feel that way about Steiner's heel turn. Put me in the camp that liked him so much better as a face and hated what happened to him after the Big Poppa Pump era.


Pretty good first show i liked it, Are you booking Goldberg as heel?


Sorry I missed this post earlier. Goldberg is a face, but he's not a solid face at this point.

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Juventud Guerrera and Psicosis vs Rey Mysterio, Jr. and Chris Jericho

TV Title Match: Disco Inferno © vs Prince Iaukea

Raven vs Scott Riggs

Cruiserweight Title Match: Eddie Guerrero © vs Jushin Liger

Mortis vs Rob Van Dam

Lex Luger vs Syxx

Main Event: Scott Hall vs Ric Flair

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Juventud Guerrera and Psicosis vs Rey Mysterio, Jr. and Chris Jericho

I like EVERYONE involved in this match, but with Rey and Jericho in the triple threat at HH, seems like a good chance for some mo.

TV Title Match: Disco Inferno © vs Prince Iaukea

Disco fever!

Raven vs Scott Riggs


Cruiserweight Title Match: Eddie Guerrero © vs Jushin Liger

While I would like to see Liger take the strap right off, getting Guerrero to HH with the belt will set up a great 3 way dance!

Mortis vs Rob Van Dam

Good debut here for RVD

Lex Luger vs Syxx


Main Event: Scott Hall vs Ric Flair - no contest...see some nWo/Horseman hijinx getting this one thrown out.

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Juventud Guerrera and Psicosis vs Rey Mysterio, Jr. and Chris Jericho

TV Title Match: Disco Inferno © vs Prince Iaukea (Prince who?)

Raven vs Scott Riggs

Cruiserweight Title Match: Eddie Guerrero © vs Jushin Liger

Mortis vs Rob Van Dam

Lex Luger vs Syxx

Main Event: Scott Hall vs Ric Flair

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Juventud Guerrera and Psicosis vs Rey Mysterio, Jr. and Chris Jericho

TV Title Match: Disco Inferno © vs Prince Iaukea

Raven vs Scott Riggs

Cruiserweight Title Match: Eddie Guerrero © vs Jushin Liger

Mortis vs Rob Van Dam

Lex Luger vs Syxx

Main Event: Scott Hall vs Ric Flair

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