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The Curious Case of WCW

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WCW Monday Night Nitro goes live from the Target Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota in front of a capacity crowd of 15,000. The crowd goes wild as Larry Zbyszko returns to his chair after his customary bow.




http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/JushinLigerCW.jpg VS http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/PsicosisCW.jpg

Jushin Liger vs Psicosis


This match was an evenly contested match between two fantastic cruiserweights. Liger was the obvious favorite of the crowd in the match. The two battled move for move for the first 5:00 minutes of the contest. At the 5:15 mark however, Liger missed a suicide dive attempt on Psicosis and crashed into the guardrail. Psicosis then jumped onto the ring apron and came crashing down on Liger with a Guillotine Legdrop. The crowd went bananas.


Tony: Wow! Amazing!


Psicosis rolled Liger back into the ring, but he had taken too long and only got a 2 count. Psicosis controlled the match for the next 2:00 minutes, using a chinlock to wear Liger down further, followed by a surfboard. Neither could get Liger to submit. At the 8:27 mark, Psicosis went for the Guillotine Legdrop off the top and Liger rolled away. This gave Liger the momentum he needed and he bounced off the ropes and hit a baseball slide into the face of the downed Psicosis.


Tenay: Fantastic cruiserweight action!


The two men then went back and forth again, neither being able to get off their move. At the 9:27 mark, Psicosis took down Liger with a head scissors and tried for another Guillotine. Liger hopped to his feet quickly however, caught Psicosis, and dropped him with the Liger Bomb.


Tony: 1…2…3!


Winner: Jushin Liger via pinfall following the Liger Bomb

Time: 10:04

Match Grade: B


Tenay: The cruiserweight action here in WCW is top notch guys!


Tony: Wait a minute, I’m told something is happening in the back…


{WCW cuts to a backstage scene}




Backstage, Hall and Nash arrive in their limousine. As they step out of the limo, they are attacked by Lex Luger and Kevin Nash. A brawl erupts between them. The Giant throws Kevin Nash into the side of the limousine. Pandemonium has broken out as security rushes the scene, trying to separate them. Hall escapes Luger and climbs into the limo, and Nash does the same while security holds Lex and the Giant. The Outsiders close the doors, and Nash cracks the window, screaming at security to get them out of here. Giant throws off the guards holding him and storms to the limo again. He doubles his fists up and smashes through the window!


Tony: My god! My god!


Giant grabs Nash by the throat and Hall yells to the driver to get out of here. The limo speeds off, knocking The Giant to the ground as it does.


Tony: I don’t believe that! That was out of control! Fans, we have to go to commercial, but we’ll be right back!


{WCW Goes to commercial break}


When WCW returns, Disco Inferno is in the ring with a microphone and his music stops playing.


Disco: You know, I woke up this morning and looked in the mirror and realized, you know what? Disco Inferno is what damn good looking dude! I mean, I’m really blessed! And then I realized, not everyone is as blessed as I am. So to give back, I’m instituting the Disco Invitational. Every Monday night, I’ll give one wrestler a shot at my title, right here on Nitro! So who’s it going to be tonight?


La Parka’s music hits and he makes his way out to the ring, carrying a chair.


Tony: It’s the chairman of WCW!


http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/DiscoCW.jpg VS http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/LaParkaCW.jpg

WCW Television Championship

Disco Inferno © vs La Parka


Much to the surprise of Disco, La Parka was incredibly aggressive to start the bout and used his strength to knock Disco down three consecutive times with a shoulder block. He then strutted for the crowd. Disco pleaded to the referee to stop the bout.


Tony: What in the world? Why is he asking for the bell?


Disco began to fake an injury in the ring and hobbled around. La Parka acted thrilled to see Disco with an injured leg and began attacking the leg. Disco revealed the fakeness though by attempting a quick rollup!


Tony: 1…2…kickout!

Disco jumped to his feet and threw a tantrum in the ring over the slowness of the count and got rolled up himself with a schoolboy!


Larry: 1…2..!


Tenay: We almost had a new Television champion!


Disco then gets to his feet and runs away from La Parka, sliding out of the ring at the 5:30 mark. La Parka follows, and Disco gets back in the ring. La Parka gets back into the ring and Disco tells the referee that La Parka has something in his boot. The referee begins admonishing Parka and orders him to take his boot off. La Parka begins to and…


Tenay: Schoolboy rollup! 1…2…3!


Tony: Disco retains, but not in a way he should be proud of!


Disco starts jumping for joy, grabs his TV title and runs up the rampway.


Winner: Disco Inferno via pinfall flash pinfall to retain the CW Television Championship

Time: 6:37

Match Grade: C


Tony: Well guys, I’m told that Gene Okerlund is standing by backstage with Chris Jericho. Gene?




Gene: Thanks Tony. Alright fans, I’m here with “The Lionheart” himself, Chris Jericho! Chris, you have a big opportunity this Sunday night at Halloween Havoc, what’s on your mind?


Jericho: Well Green Gene, what I’m thinking about right now is Rey Mysterio, Jr. That guy is an amazing talent isn’t he? I’ve been watching him, and I have to admit, I hope to be everything he is one day. So Rey, this Sunday at Halloween Havoc, I want you to know that when we get in the ring with Eddie Guerrero, even though we are opponents, I’ll have your back. None of Eddie Guerrero’s tactics will work this time Rey. I give you my word pal.


Gene: Allies? In a triple threat match.


Jericho flashes a smile and walks off.



{WCW goes to commercial}




When WCW returns from commercial, we are shown the backstage area where Hogan and Savage are arguing.


Hogan: Look what you did brother? I was supposed to be off on Sunday, but your little stunt has gotten me into a match dude.


Savage: Look Hollywood, don’t you start talking to me that way. I’m not your little boy toy Eric Bischoff, uh huh, and I won’t put up with it.


Hogan: Brother, you need to figure out what’s important to you. Because if the nWo is what matters dude, you need to realize that Hollywood Hogan is the top dog, not the Macho Man.


Savage: That may be true, uh huh, but it’s only because you’ve got the gold so you make the rules. But the day may come when the Maaacho Maan has that strap. And when THAT day comes, I’ll be the leader of the NOW…ooooooooooh yeaaah!


Hogan grimaces and then storms out while Savage nods.


Tony: Fractures in the New World Order guys?


Larry: I told you guys last week that Hogan wasn’t going to be happy about facing DDP at Halloween Havoc, and I was right.


Tony: That you were Larry, that you were. Fans, still to come tonight, JJ Dillon will reveal WHO exactly is going to be the “Special Enforcer” for Sunday Night’s main event, at Halloween Havoc.


Tenay: That’s right guys, and if you haven’t ordered yet, do so right away!


http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/ReyMysterioCW.jpg VS http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/ChavoGuerreroCW.jpg w/http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/EddieGuerreroCW4.jpg

Rey Mysterio, Jr. vs Chavo Guerrero, Jr. w/Eddie Guerrero


Before the bell rings, while Rey is making his way to the ring, Eddie Guerrero is admonishing Chavo and giving him instructions on what to do. Rey gets in the ring and the bell is announced.


Tenay: This match should be absolutely fantastic!


Chavo turns around after some last minute instructions and is caught instantly with a hurricarana into a pin!


Tenay: 1…2…3! WOW!


Tony: The fastest match ever on Nitro! I don’t believe it and neither can Eddy Guerrero!


Eddie looks on in total shock as the crowd goes crazy with the announcement of the winner.


Winner: Rey Mysterio, Jr. via pinfall following a hurricarana

Time: 0:38

Match Grade: C+


{WCW goes to commercial break. When they return, Eric Bischoff makes his way to the ring, looking irritated. He is alone.}




Bischoff: Hello Minnesota! First let me tell you, your hero, Curt Hennig is here tonight!


The crowd reacts with a good pop for the hometown hero.


Bischoff: But before he comes out here, and before this show goes any further, I have an announcement to make. Moments ago, Minnesota state troopers, at my instruction, removed The Giant and Lex Luger from the premises!


The crowd boos this decision.


Bischoff: That’s right, their criminal assault has gotten them in some hot water now. The Outsiders are on their way back to the arena and WILL defend their titles tonight, without having to worry about those criminals! Thank you Minneapolis, and enjoy the show!


The crowd boos Bischoff as he walks backstage.


Tony: Well, how about that guys? The Giant and Luger gone!


http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/GoldbergCW.jpg VS http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/StevenRegalCW.jpg

Goldberg vs Steven Regal


Bobby “The Brain” Heenan has joined Tony and Larry at the broadcast booth.


Tony: Welcome Brain, we’ve missed you for the first part of this show tonight, and I know your glad to be here for what should be an intense matchup.


Brain: I’ll tell you what Schiavone, I think tonight, Steven Regal is going to put down Goldberg. I’m not sold on this guy at all. He’s nothing more than a powerhouse animal, and there’s been plenty of those in this business who never went past the first month of their career!


After the entrances, Goldberg is the clear fan favorite in the match, and his reception is growing. Steven Regal helps his reaction from the crowd by spitting on a fan who’s wearing an American flag shirt in the audience. A USA chant starts and Regal looks offended while Goldberg just smiles.


The first three minutes of the match are absolutely dominated by Goldberg, who overwhelms Regal with his size and power. He nails Regal with shoulder blocks, a powerslam, and a gorilla press slam all in the first three minutes. Regal is forced to roll out of the ring, holding his back, to avoid the onslaught. He gets back in the ring at the 4:00 minute mark and side steps a thrust kick from Goldberg and then drops him with a hiptoss. With Goldberg on the ground, Regal puts him in a chicken-wing submission. Goldberg powers out of the move at about the 5:00 minute mark and uses his power to take Regal down again.


Tony: Guys, Regal is clearly the more experienced wrestler here and is a master technician, but Goldberg’s power may be too much!


The next few minutes are spent with Regal avoiding Goldberg and occasionally getting caught with a power move. At the 9:00 minute mark, Regal catches Goldberg with an incredibly stiff left fist that stuns Goldberg. Regal gets admonished for using a closed fist but he brushes the referee aside. As he does, Goldberg tries for the spear, but Regal saw it coming and uses a drop toe hold to put him down, and then locks in an Indian Deathlock!


Tony: Regal is so sound fundamentally!


Goldberg battles for about a minute before he finally drags himself to the ropes and Regal is forced to let go. Not relenting however, Regal stomps away on Goldberg who is clearly stunned on the mat. He lifts Goldberg up and drops him with a vertical suplex. Regal then starts mocking the crowd…


Tony: GOLDBERG BOUNCED BACK UP! Regal doesn’t see it!


Goldberg was undamaged by the suplex at the 13:00 minute mark and when Regal turns around he his flipped over the head of Goldberg with a release belly to belly suplex!


Brain: Wow, there’s a new move for him!


Regal stammers to his feet and Goldberg drops him down into a triangle choke! Regal’s arm is flailing and he taps out!


Tony: Wow! What a move from Goldberg!


Winner: Goldberg via submission following the Triangle Choke

Time: 14:01

Match Grade: C+


After the match, while Goldberg is standing in the ring, Yuji Nagata slides in and attacks him from behind. He drops Goldberg with a chop to the throat and security pulls him out of the ring while Goldberg writhes around in pain on the mat. As Yuji makes his way up the ramp laughing, WCW cuts to a backstage scene.




Styles: I am here with the challenger for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, this Sunday at Halloween Havoc, Diamond Dallas Page, and DDP, I know there are some things you want to say.


DDP: Hey Hogan, I saw your little spat with Savage earlier tonight. Looks like the honeymoon is over huh? Whatever. All I care about this Sunday is getting my hands on that title. But I do want to make an announcement. Savage…I’ll make you a deal. That’s right, a deal. You make sure the nWo doesn’t interfere in my title match, and you’ll get a shot at the strap if I win.


Styles: Wow! Offering a deal to Savage?


DDP: Hey, it doesn’t mean I like him any more, it means I’m smart. I want the title and I want my shot at Savage. This kills two bird…


Styles: OH MY GOD!


From out of nowhere Hogan knocks Page down with the World Title and begins stomping on him.


Hogan: Listen up brother, when you’re nWo, you’re nWo 4 life. You need to mind your own business dude. What you need to worry about, is whatcha gonna do, when Hollywood runs wild on you!


Hogan laughs at his line as he walks off the set.


http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/ScottHallCW5.jpghttp://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/KevinNashCW6.jpg VS http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/BookerTCW3.jpghttp://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/StevieRayCW4.jpg

WCW World Tag Team Championship

The Outsiders © vs Harlem Heat


The Outsiders make their way to the ring, where Harlem Heat is already waiting. Before the bell rings, Scott Hall takes a survey which was actually incredibly close, and The Giant mocks the Giant with a faux chokeslam signal.


Tony: It’s easy to mock him when he’s not in the building, huh big boy.


The bell rings and the match gets underway, beginning with Nash and Stevie Ray. Nash dominates Ray and tosses him into the corner right off the bat. Hall subtlely holds the back of Ray’s suit while Nash nails him with a series of knees into the midsection. He then steps back and measures up his jaw and crashes in with an elbow. Booker T is yelling at the ref about Hall, but the ref starts admonishing Booker.


Tony: It’s started early tonight guys.


Hall and Nash start double teaming Stevie Ray in the corner, stomping him down to the ground, and Nash claps his hands in the air to make the sound of a tag as the ref turns around. Hall is stomping down on Stevie Ray in the corner. At the 4:00 minute mark, Hall lifts Stevie Ray back to his feet and bounces him off the ropes dropping him with a back body drop. Hall then throws his toothpick at Booker T, enraging him even further. Stevie Ray gets to his feet and Hall grabs his arm, ramming him with the shoulder three times, before arm dragging him to the ground and putting him in a shoulder lock.


Tony: You’ll remember fans that it was about 1 year ago that The Outsiders defeated Harlem Heat for the tag titles to begin with.


Stevie Ray powers his way up and then flips Hall over using his raw power. He catches his breath and Hall gets to his feet. The two men exchange right hands for a moment before Hall nails him in the groin with a kick at the 7:00 minute mark. Hall grabs his wrist and drags him to the corner, making the tag to Nash. Nash gets back into the ring and drops Stevie Ray with a sidewalk slam. He then turns and mocks Booker T. Nash dominates Stevie Ray for the next two minutes while Booker T goes crazy.


Tony: Guys, we are nearly 10 minutes into this match, and Booker T hasn’t been tagged in one single time. This is brilliant strategy by the Outsiders.


Brain: They aren’t the tag team champions for nothing Schiavone!


Finally, Stevie Ray is whipped into the corner and the 10:01 minute mark and Nash comes charging in with a big boot attempt. Ray ducks away and Nash straddles the turnbuckle in pain. He stumbles out of the corner and both men reach for the tag…


Tony: Ray got it! Here comes Booker T!


Nash tagged Hall as well and he gets dropped with a Harlem sidekick. Booker then kicks Nash in the gut and hits him with a Scissors Kick. Hall gets to his feet and misses with a haymaker and gets kicked in the gut and HE gets dropped with the Scissors Kick! Booker T raises the roof and the crowd goes wild. Syxx runs to ringside and gets on the apron. The referee is distracted and Booker T comes over and nails Syxx with a sidekick, throwing him off the apron into the steel guardrail below. As he talks trash to Syxx on the ground, Nash nails him from behind with a double ax-handle low blow!


Tony: Oh my!


Booker T then stumbles forward and Hall catches him, dropping him with the Outsider’s Edge for the pinfall.


Winner: The Outsiders via pinfall following the Outsider’s Edge to retain the WCW World Tag Team Championship

Time: 15:14

Match Grade: B


After the match is over, the Outsiders decide to add insult to injury. Syxx slides a table into the ring and then handcuffs Booker T to the ropes. Nash and Hall begin to assault Stevie Ray two on one until he stops fighting back. Hall then drops him with a mini-chokeslam!


Tony: This is all about sending a message to The Giant and Luger, nothing more!


Hall laughs as he does his (hilarious) impersonation of The Giant, and then tells Syxx, who has been attacking Booker T to get a chair. He does, and tosses it to Hall. Hall then sets it up on top of the table and tells Nash to do his thing. Nash drops the sides of his top and holds up the “Two Sweet” sign. Booker T is going crazy in the ring when Nash sets Stevie Ray up…


Tony: Oh my! Not this! NOT THIS!


JACKNIFE POWERBOMB through the chair and the table!


Tony: We need medical attention out here right away!


Booker T looks on in disbelief as security and medical personnel rush the ring and an unconscious Stevie Ray twitches violently in the rubble.


Tony: We’ll be right back folks! I can’t believe what we’ve just seen here tonight!


{WCW goes to commercial}



Main Event


http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/RicFlairCW5.jpg vs.http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/HollywoodCW2.jpg

Ric Flair vs Hollywood Hogan


Before the main event begins, Curt Hennig comes to ringside to his traditional nWo music. The crowd is going crazy for him in Minnesota and he joins the broadcast team.


Tony: To what do we owe this, Mr. Hennig?


Curt: I just want to be here to see my good friend, Hollywood Hogan, take out the garbage tonight.


Tony: You mean you want to be sure you can throw in if need be, right?


Curt: I don’t like your tone Schiavone!


Michael Buffer climbs into the ring.


Curt: Man I love this guy!


Michael Buffer: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is your main event of the evening. Are you ready?

{Crowd cheers}


Buffer: Are...you...rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeady!


{Crowd erupts}


Buffer: Then for the thousands in attendance, and the millions watching around the world, ladies and gentlemen, llllllllllleeeet's get ready to rrrrrrrrrrumble!


Tony: Guys, I have goosebumps. Ric Flair vs Hollywood Hogan, right here on Nitro. There was a time when nobody thought they’d ever see this match, and now we give to you right here on Monday Night!


Curt: Shut your rambling Schiavone.


Voodoo Child blares and a pretty even crowd reaction occurs as Hogan makes his way to the ring, playing his air guitar on the World Title.


Buffer: Introducing first, hailing from Hollywood, California standing 6 foot, 7 inches and weighing in tonight at 302 pounds, he is the most recognizable name in the history of this business. The leader of the New World Order, master of the Hollywood Legdrop, and the current Heavyweight…Champion of the World! Hollywood…Hulk…Hogan!


Hogan gets into the ring and flexes for the crowd. The reaction is nearly 80% positive when Flair’s famous music hits the PA system next.


Michael Buffer: And his opponent, standing six feet tall, and weighing in at 230 pounds, he is one of the most recognizable and most decorated names in the history of the business. He is the master of figure four leglock and the leader of the Four Horsemen. A former FOURTEEN TIME…HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD…He is the one…the only…the Natuuuuuuuuuure BOOOOOOOOOOOOY….Ric…Flair!


Flair comes to the ring, like Hogan, unaccompanied. As he does his spin in the ring and hand off of his robe, he turns to Hennig at the booth and talks trash before the bell finally rings.


Curt: Make sure you focus on your match old man.


Tony: How about a little respect?


Curt: Respect? For Flair? Not in your life Schiavone. You just call the action and don’t worry about me.


In the ring, Hogan and Flair exchange words before locking up. Hogan throws Flair to the mat and flexes at him, demonstrating what we all already know, he is the far stronger of the two men. Flair gets to his feet and they lock up again. Hogan again tosses Flair to the mat.


Curt: That’s right Hollywood, throw him around like a ragdoll!


Tony: You know Curt, you are talking really big here tonight, but I’m curious, what are you going to do this Sunday, when you are in cage with Flair all by yourself and the nWo can’t help?


Curt: Trust me Schiavone, it’s all under control!


Back in the ring, Flair gets to his feet and bounces off the ropes, only to get taken down by a shoulder block. He gets back to his feet and stares at Hogan. Hogan flexes him for him once again and then removes his bandanna, throwing it in Flair’s face. Flair takes it in his hands, spits in it and then throws it back at Hogan. Hogan nods his head and the two men lock up again. This time, Flair wins the tie up and puts Hogan in a side headlock. Hogan powers him out though and bounces him off the ropes and then flips him with a back body drop.


Curt: That’s right Hogan, break the old man’s back!


Flair gets to his feet and gets dropped by a lariat from Hogan. He rolls around in the ring and slowly gets back to his feet. Hogan begins to taunt Flair at the 4 minute mark, mocking the fact that Flair can’t get any offense in on him. The two men lock up for a fourth time and Flair again gets Hogan in a side headlock. This time though, instead of trying to hold the move, he thumbs Hogan in the eye! He then starts to strut off and mule kicks Hogan in the groin!


Curt: Hey! Hey ref are you blind? DQ!


Tony: You’ve done worse Hennig.


Curt: How many times do I have to tell you to shut your mouth Schiavone?


Flair is now in control in the ring and he chops away on Hogan for a minute or so before setting up for a vertical suplex.


Brain: Look at how long he holds him in the air! Flair is stronger than you think!


Flair holds Hogan up for a good 30 seconds before dropping him with the hanging vertical suplex. Hogan holds his back and Flair gets to his feet and does a mocking pose of Hogan. Hogan gets back to his feet and Flair drops him with an atomic drop that sends Hogan stumbling over the ring rope and to the floor below. Flair climbs out of the ring and pursues Hogan around the outside, but Hogan slides back in and catches Flair with a stomp as he tries to follow. Hogan removes his belt and begins whipping Flair before the referee can take it away from him.


Tony: Now what about that Hennig, shouldn’t THAT be a DQ?


Curt: Are you kidding me? That’s part of his attire, perfectly legal!


Hogan picks Flair up and drops him with a stiff right shot. He then lifts him again, whips him off the ropes and drops him with the Big Boot!


Curt: It’s all academic now Schiavone!


Hogan proceeds to drop the Hollywood Leg Drop, but stops dead in his tracks when realizes that Sting is watching from the rafters. Hogan starts mouthing to Sting in the rafters, but Sting merely points his bat at him.


Tony: School boy rollup by Flair! 1…2..kickout!


Flair’s attempt to grab the win fails and he and Hogan get back to their feet. Hogan tries for a right hand but is blocked and then dropped with a vicious chip across the chest. Flair sets him and locks in the Figure Four!


Tony: He’s got it! He’s got it!


Curt: That’s it!


Hennig drops the headset and rushes the ring. He gets onto the apron and yells at the ref who quickly runs to stop him. While arguing with the ref, he subtely tosses a foreign object to Hogan.


Tony: Hogan just nailed Flair with the knucks! The ref didn’t see it!


Hogan tosses the knucks out of the ring and Hennig drops back to the floor. Hogan then drops the Hollywood Leg Drop and gets the 1….2…3.


Winner: Hollywood Hogan via pinfall following the Hollywood Leg Drop

Time: 17:26

Match Grade: A


After the match ends, Hennig slides into the ring and he and Hogan begin to viciously attack Flair.


Tony: Somebody needs to stop this! This is ridiculous!


On cue, the Horsemen rush the ring and brawl with Hennig and Hogan, followed by the nWo. Chaos has broken out in the ring, but the nWo seems to have the best of it. Finally, not a member of the Horsemen is standing. The nWo are celebrating their dominance when the quiet but stern voice of JJ Dillon is heard. They turn around and JJ is on the rampway.




JJ: Stop it! Stop it right now! The next person to throw a punch in that ring is suspended indefinitely!


The nWo stops their assault as the members of the Horsemen are laying motionless.


JJ: Now, I told you that tonight I’d reveal the special enforcer for the main event at Halloween Havoc, and that’s what I’m about to do. So please, without further a due, welcome the special enforcer for the main event, the one and only…ROWDY…RODDY…PIPER!




Tony: Piper’s back! Piper’s back! And Hogan looks terrified! Fans, we are out of time!


Final Results

Show Grade: B+

Attendance: 15,000


Jushin Liger defeated Psicosis (B)

Disco Inferno © defeated La Parka to retain the WCW Television Championship ©

Rey Mysterio, Jr. defeated Chavo Guerrero, Jr. (C+)

Goldberg defeated Steven Regal (C+)

The Outsiders © Harlem Heat to retain the WCW Tag Team Championship (B)

Hollywood Hogan defeated Ric Flair (A)


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This Sunday, live from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada, WCW brings you Halloween Havoc! The scariest event of the fall.




I'm Gene Okerlund with your hotline report! The card for WCW Halloween Havoc is finally set. My sources tell me that two additional matches will be added on Saturday Night, but I'm breaking it for you right here on the Hotline!


WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hogan © vs Diamond Dallas Page

Special Enforcer: Rowdy Roddy Piper


WCW United States Championship

Steel Cage Match

If any member of the nWo interferes, Curt Hennig loses the match and his title, and becomes the personal assistant of Ric Flair for the remainder of his career. If Ric Flair loses, the IV Horsemen must disband!

Curt Hennig © vs Ric Flair


WCW Tag Team Championship

The Outsiders © vs The Giant & Lex Luger


Mortis w/Sinister Minister vs Rob Van Dam


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Eddie Guerrero © vs Rey Mysterio, Jr. vs Chris Jericho


Yuji Nagata w/Sonny Ono vs Goldberg


WCW Television Championship

Disco Invitational

Disco Inferno © vs ????


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I’ll be the leader of the NOW


The crowd boos Bischoff as he walks backstage.[/center


Just trying to help


Great show mate! And loved the Disco comedy seeing as the whole point of the tv belt is that you have to defend it every monday lol.

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Hollywood Hogan © vs Diamond Dallas Page- piper gets involved setting up piper vs hogan and ddp vs macho man

Special Enforcer: Rowdy Roddy Piper


WCW United States Championship

Steel Cage Match

If any member of the nWo interferes, Curt Hennig loses the match and his title, and becomes the personal assistant of Ric Flair for the remainder of his career. If Ric Flair loses, the IV Horsemen must disband!

Curt Hennig © vs Ric Flair - draw hehe


WCW Tag Team Championship

The Outsiders © vs The Giant & Lex Luger- its the f'n Outsiders!


Mortis w/Sinister Minister vs Rob Van Dam - Wrath interferes and Mortis makes it 1-1


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Eddie Guerrero © vs Rey Mysterio, Jr. vs Chris Jericho- Jericho stabs Rey in the back to win.


Yuji Nagata w/Sonny Ono vs Goldberg - its goldberg


WCW Television Championship

Disco Invitational

Disco Inferno © vs ???? - someone will get him sooner then later Raven/Saturn

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Just trying to help


The tags are driving me absolutely insane. LOL I struggle reading computer screens so I constantly miss those damn closing tags!


Great show mate! And loved the Disco comedy seeing as the whole point of the tv belt is that you have to defend it every monday lol.


I'm glad you enjoyed Disco. I want to point out that I absolutely hate him. :) But yeah, the title is supposed to be defended on every Nitro. Glad you picked up on the humor in that.

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hogan © vs Diamond Dallas Page

Special Enforcer: Rowdy Roddy Piper


WCW United States Championship

Steel Cage Match

If any member of the nWo interferes, Curt Hennig loses the match and his title, and becomes the personal assistant of Ric Flair for the remainder of his career. If Ric Flair loses, the IV Horsemen must disband!

Curt Hennig © vs Ric Flair


WCW Tag Team Championship

The Outsiders © vs The Giant & Lex Luger


Mortis w/Sinister Minister vs Rob Van Dam


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Eddie Guerrero © vs Rey Mysterio, Jr. vs Chris Jericho


Yuji Nagata w/Sonny Ono vs Goldberg


WCW Television Championship

Disco Invitational

Disco Inferno © vs ????

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hogan © vs Diamond Dallas Page

Special Enforcer: Rowdy Roddy Piper


WCW United States Championship

Steel Cage Match

If any member of the nWo interferes, Curt Hennig loses the match and his title, and becomes the personal assistant of Ric Flair for the remainder of his career. If Ric Flair loses, the IV Horsemen must disband!

Curt Hennig © vs Ric Flair


WCW Tag Team Championship

The Outsiders © vs The Giant & Lex Luger


Mortis w/Sinister Minister vs Rob Van Dam


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Eddie Guerrero © vs Rey Mysterio, Jr. vs Chris Jericho


Yuji Nagata w/Sonny Ono vs Goldberg


WCW Television Championship

Disco Invitational

Disco Inferno © vs ????

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I'm glad you enjoyed Disco. I want to point out that I absolutely hate him. But yeah, the title is supposed to be defended on every Nitro. Glad you picked up on the humor in that.


yeah hated his guts as well but he is someone you love to hate and where is his dancing partner? aka Alex Wright? And I thought the T.V. title was cool as they had some good up and comers wearing it and the epic altough repetitive Booker vs Benoit fued, it was more a midcard belt imho as the tag and especially american title where more main event titles.


edit: ya still forgot to change NOW in macho's speech into NWO but it being macho and his slurring of words it could be intentional lol.

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hogan © vs Diamond Dallas Page

Special Enforcer: Rowdy Roddy Piper


WCW United States Championship

Steel Cage Match

If any member of the nWo interferes, Curt Hennig loses the match and his title, and becomes the personal assistant of Ric Flair for the remainder of his career. If Ric Flair loses, the IV Horsemen must disband!

Curt Hennig © vs Ric Flair


the horseman gone forever! YESSSSSS


WCW Tag Team Championship

The Outsiders © vs The Giant & Lex Luger


Mortis w/Sinister Minister vs Rob Van Dam


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Eddie Guerrero © vs Rey Mysterio, Jr. vs Chris Jericho


Yuji Nagata w/Sonny Ono vs Goldberg


WCW Television Championship

Disco Invitational

Disco Inferno © vs ????

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hogan © vs Diamond Dallas Page

Special Enforcer: Rowdy Roddy Piper

Though a Page win would be special, especially handing a chance to macho, I just don't see Hogan dropping it to him (well maybe when the 4 horse men interfere but still)



WCW United States Championship

Steel Cage Match

If any member of the nWo interferes, Curt Hennig loses the match and his title, and becomes the personal assistant of Ric Flair for the remainder of his career. If Ric Flair loses, the IV Horsemen must disband!

Curt Hennig © vs Ric Flair

I would hate to see the Horsemen gone, but maybe Hennig wins this by dq or something, creating controversy over the state of the horsemen


WCW Tag Team Championship

The Outsiders © vs The Giant & Lex Luger

by dq the Outsiders retain


Mortis w/Sinister Minister vs Rob Van Dam


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Eddie Guerrero © vs Rey Mysterio, Jr. vs Chris Jericho

He lies he cheats he steals


Yuji Nagata w/Sonny Ono vs Goldberg

He's Goldberg for crying out loud


WCW Television Championship

Disco Invitational

Disco Inferno © vs ????

and make it a big ???

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hogan © vs Diamond Dallas Page

Special Enforcer: Rowdy Roddy Piper


WCW United States Championship

Steel Cage Match

If any member of the nWo interferes, Curt Hennig loses the match and his title, and becomes the personal assistant of Ric Flair for the remainder of his career. If Ric Flair loses, the IV Horsemen must disband!

Curt Hennig © vs Ric Flair


WCW Tag Team Championship

The Outsiders © vs The Giant & Lex Luger

Better team wins here.


Mortis w/Sinister Minister vs Rob Van Dam

RVD is hot right now.


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Eddie Guerrero © vs Rey Mysterio, Jr. vs Chris Jericho

Champ retains through clean wrestling--couldn't keep a straight face. Eddie cheats to win.


Yuji Nagata w/Sonny Ono vs Goldberg

Love the way you are building up Nagata but we all know who Goldberg is and with that new Triangle Choke in his arsenal? Come on. . .


WCW Television Championship

Disco Invitational

Disco Inferno © vs ????

Still like this character today.


A few things: Love the title, love the back story, love how you are building up some of my favorite wrestlers (Nagata for a GREAT example), I just love, love, love, love this diary and KUTGW. I am reserving my front row seat now!!

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hogan © vs Diamond Dallas Page

Special Enforcer: Rowdy Roddy Piper

I almost see Piper joining the NWO here, but I would hate that so I'm hoping u will too



WCW United States Championship

Steel Cage Match

If any member of the nWo interferes, Curt Hennig loses the match and his title, and becomes the personal assistant of Ric Flair for the remainder of his career. If Ric Flair loses, the IV Horsemen must disband!

Curt Hennig © vs Ric Flair

I can actuallt see some humor in Henning being the personal assistant to Flair so we will go with that, but I dont see that happening really


WCW Tag Team Championship

The Outsiders © vs The Giant & Lex Luger



Mortis w/Sinister Minister vs Rob Van Dam


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Eddie Guerrero © vs Rey Mysterio, Jr. vs Chris Jericho

Eddie wins maybe creating a feud with Jericho and Mysterio


Yuji Nagata w/Sonny Ono vs Goldberg

The streak continues


WCW Television Championship

Disco Invitational

Disco Inferno © vs ????

No idea who the ??? is



Loving this man keep up the great work

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hogan © vs Diamond Dallas Page

Special Enforcer: Rowdy Roddy Piper


WCW United States Championship

Steel Cage Match

If any member of the nWo interferes, Curt Hennig loses the match and his title, and becomes the personal assistant of Ric Flair for the remainder of his career. If Ric Flair loses, the IV Horsemen must disband!

Curt Hennig © vs Ric Flair - Tough Call, but Hennig needs it just a little more at this point.


WCW Tag Team Championship

The Outsiders © vs The Giant & Lex Luger - I gotta feeling this could go in any direction. Perhaps a "BIG" nWo turn . . .


Mortis w/Sinister Minister vs Rob Van Dam


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Eddie Guerrero © vs Rey Mysterio, Jr. vs Chris Jericho


Yuji Nagata w/Sonny Ono vs Goldberg


WCW Television Championship

Disco Invitational

Disco Inferno © vs ???? - My prediction is that this is the triumphant return of The Z-Man. Hey, never say never lol.


This is Awesome so far. Cant wait for the card.

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hogan © vs Diamond Dallas Page

Special Enforcer: Rowdy Roddy Piper


WCW United States Championship

Steel Cage Match

If any member of the nWo interferes, Curt Hennig loses the match and his title, and becomes the personal assistant of Ric Flair for the remainder of his career. If Ric Flair loses, the IV Horsemen must disband!

Curt Hennig © vs Ric Flair


WCW Tag Team Championship

The Outsiders © vs The Giant & Lex Luger


Mortis w/Sinister Minister vs Rob Van Dam

WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Eddie Guerrero © vs Rey Mysterio, Jr. vs Chris Jericho


Yuji Nagata w/Sonny Ono vs Goldberg


WCW Television Championship

Disco Invitational

Disco Inferno © vs ????

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hogan © vs Diamond Dallas Page

Special Enforcer: Rowdy Roddy Piper


WCW United States Championship

Steel Cage Match

If any member of the nWo interferes, Curt Hennig loses the match and his title, and becomes the personal assistant of Ric Flair for the remainder of his career. If Ric Flair loses, the IV Horsemen must disband!

Curt Hennig © vs Ric Flair


WCW Tag Team Championship

The Outsiders © vs The Giant & Lex Luger


Mortis w/Sinister Minister vs Rob Van Dam


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Eddie Guerrero © vs Rey Mysterio, Jr. vs Chris Jericho


Yuji Nagata w/Sonny Ono vs Goldberg


WCW Television Championship

Disco Invitational

Disco Inferno © vs ????


I gotta say this was my favorite time period of WCW and you are doing it great justice. KUTGW!!!

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The Ratings are in!


WCW Monday Night Nitro (B+) scored a 4.49 rating on TNT (Declined)

WWF Raw is War (B) drew a 4.01 rating on the USA Network (Declined)


Raw is War Results

Gangstas d. Too Cool ©

Mark Henry d. Doug Furnas (D-)

Droz d. 8-Ball (D+)

Crush d. Ken Shamrock (B-)

Goldust & Hawk went to a no-contest (B-)

Kane d. Animal (B)




Saturn d. Super Calo (B-)

Fit Finlay d. Rick Martel (D+)

Chris Jericho d. Essa Rios ©

The Faces of Fear d. Public Enemy(C-)

Wrath d. Brian Knobbs ©

Buff Bagwell d. Steve McMichael (B)


Show Rating: B-

Attendance: 3,736

TV Rating: 0.14 (Declined)


OOC: Sorry guys! Had a family emergency that got me whisked out of town. I'm back though and Havoc should be up tonight or tomorrow morning!

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Try to get it in before it's posted... Great stuff here man... I don't always predict or comment, but you've got some good stuff going here


WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hogan © vs Diamond Dallas Page

Special Enforcer: Rowdy Roddy Piper

Roddy Piper' "true colors" show and we'll see Piper do what Hogan wants, after all, without Hogan, Piper never would have been anyone in this business and vice versa


WCW United States Championship

Steel Cage Match

If any member of the nWo interferes, Curt Hennig loses the match and his title, and becomes the personal assistant of Ric Flair for the remainder of his career. If Ric Flair loses, the IV Horsemen must disband!

Curt Hennig © vs Ric Flair


WCW Tag Team Championship

The Outsiders © vs The Giant & Lex Luger

Giant and Luger as tag champs? eh!


Mortis w/Sinister Minister vs Rob Van Dam


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Eddie Guerrero © vs Rey Mysterio, Jr. vs Chris Jericho


Yuji Nagata w/Sonny Ono vs Goldberg


WCW Television Championship

Disco Invitational

Disco Inferno © vs ????

I see this being a "Brooklyn Brawler" like swerve to help build Disco

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hogan © vs Diamond Dallas Page

Special Enforcer: Rowdy Roddy Piper

Hmmmm, Going with Hogan here. I Never thought DDP was anything better than US Title material and I wasn't big on Hogan-Piper. Unless Piper is with Hulk?


WCW United States Championship

Steel Cage Match

If any member of the nWo interferes, Curt Hennig loses the match and his title, and becomes the personal assistant of Ric Flair for the remainder of his career. If Ric Flair loses, the IV Horsemen must disband!

Curt Hennig © vs Ric Flair

Gotta go with Ric here as the IV Horsemen vs. the nWo is a money feud.


WCW Tag Team Championship

The Outsiders © vs The Giant & Lex Luger

The Giant and Lex pick up the titles to make the face crowd happy.


Mortis w/Sinister Minister vs Rob Van Dam

Van Dam is an easy winner in this one.


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Eddie Guerrero © vs Rey Mysterio, Jr. vs Chris Jericho

Jericho was the man then, and he's still being under pushed! Give Chris a HHH type push!


Yuji Nagata w/Sonny Ono vs Goldberg

Goldberg squashes Nagata


WCW Television Championship

Disco Invitational

Disco Inferno © vs ????

Disco was always funny. I'm sticking with Disco.

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Tony: Welcome ladies and gentlemen, to WCW’s Halloween Havoc, brought to you by Snickers. Tonight is going to be a huge event, one of the biggest in the history of our business, and to discuss it further, I welcome my broadcast partner for the night, the one and only, the legend himself, Bobby “the brain” Heenan, working his final broadcast in the wrestling industry. Brain…


Brain: That’s right Schiavone, it’s a historic night indeed. What a lineup we’ve got going! And I for one can’t wait to see what the Hot Rod looks like tonight!


Tony: Bobby obviously referring to the huge announcement from this Monday Night Nitro, when JJ Dillon informed Hollywood Hogan and Diamond Dallas Page that none other than the Rowdy Scott himself would be the special enforcer for their title match tonight.


Brain: Absolutely Schiavone. You just know that Piper would love nothing more than to get his hands on Hogan. There’s no way he can keep his nose out of it tonight, I'll tell you that.


Tony: Well he did say on our Saturday Night broadcast that he just wanted to make sure this match is absolutely called down the middle, but I’m with you Brain, there’s no way he can keep that promise, there’s just no way.


Brain: You know Schiavone, I think we may be in for a surprise. What if Piper is fooling all of us? What if HE'S nWo?


{Tony and Bobby are interrupted by Disco music playing in the arena and it’s time for the show to begin as Disco Inferno makes his way to the ring.}




Disco Inferno: Well all you groovy dudes and smashin ladies, don’t you worry! Disco is here to entertain the crowd! I know that you all came here tonight, hoping to get a look at the Disco stud himself, and I aim to please as always! Let the Disco Invitational begin!


Disco begins dancing when “Back in Black” begins blaring over the PA system. The crowd erupts into a cheer when a beautiful, and all too familiar face emerges on the ramp way, dancing like a little vixen…




Tony: Wow! Tammy Lynn Sytch is here in WCW! Fans, I think she was on our competitor’s show just last Monday night! The most beautiful woman in wrestling is here!


Brain: Yeah, but why is she coming out to the Disco Invitational? Does she want to wrestle?


Tony: Look in the ring Brain!


As Tony says that, Chris Candido spins Disco Inferno around and drops him with a Northern Lights Suplex and the bell rings.




WCW Television Championship

Disco Inferno © vs. Chris Candido w/Tammy Lynn Sytch


Tony: We have a pinfall attempt! 1…2…kick out!


Disco kicks out of the suplex attempt and slides out of the ring, stunned beyond belief. Tammy gets in the ring and poses with her man. The crowd is chanting “Sunny” as she blows them a kiss and gets out of the ring.


Brain: Who in the world is Sunny?


Disco gets back into the ring and the two men battle it out for about four minutes, with Disco Inferno getting in very little offense. Candido dominates the match with a variety of exceptional moves, including suplexes and submission holds. At about the 5:00 minute mark, Disco Inferno retakes control of the match and locks Candido in a head lock near the ropes. Tammy gets up on the ring apron and begins to unbutton her bra…


Tony: Oh my!


Disco gets to his feet, a look of delight on his face and Tammy drops to the floor, shooting Disco the middle finger. He gets enraged and begins stomping on Candido. Disco climbs to the top rope for an elbow drop, but Candido hops to his feet and grabs him in mid-air, power bombing Disco Inferno onto the top turnbuckle and then spinning him out and power bombing him to the mat.


Tony: Cover! 1…2…3!


Brain: I guess that wraps up the Disco Invitational Schiavone!


Tony: Well I for one am a bit disappointed. Fans may find this hard to believe, but my favorite movie is Saturday Night Fever!


Brain: I don’t think they’d find it that hard to believe actually.


Winner: Chris Candido via pinfall following the Blonde Bombshell to win the WCW Television Championship

Time: 6:35

Match Grade: C


Candido and Tammy celebrate in the ring together as the scene cuts to backstage…



Backstage, a limousine pulls up. The door opens and out step “Macho Man” Randy Savage and Elizabeth…alone.




Savage is grinning like the Cheshire Cat as he walks into the arena.


Tony: Well Brain, we just saw the Macho Man arrive in the MGM Grand Garden Arena, and Brain he was NOT with the nWo.


Brain: That’s right Schiavone. Very interesting. We all heard DDP make the proposal to Savage on Nitro, and if this is any indication, we could have a new champion tonight!


Tony: Well, we’ll just have to wait and see as that is tonight’s main event, but first, a match that has been garnering a lot of international press…



Yuji Nagata w/Sonny Ono vs. Goldberg


After a few more seconds of Tony and Bobby talking, Yuji Nagata’s music hits the PA system and the crowd gives a tempered round of boos as the Japanese import makes his way to the ring, accompanied by his manager, Sonny Ono. The boos turn to a solid round of cheering when Goldberg’s increasingly familiar music blares and he makes his way to the ring in his now customary explosive, spazz out routine.


Tony: Brain, this should be a fantastic matchup between one of the toughest men from Japan and the monster Goldberg.


Brain: Goldberg’s never been in the ring with a guy like Nagata, and as powerful as he may be, I doubt he can hang with Nagata for a full match. He’s just too green, too raw. Nagata will win this one for sure!


Goldberg gets into the ring and the bell rings. The two men circle each other, Nagata acting calm and stoic and Goldberg stretching his jaw and throwing random uppercuts. He is like a caged animal. Goldberg tries for a tie-up but is taken down by a drop toe hold from Nagata and he locks in a Crossface!


Tony: Wow! A submission move from Nagata already!


Goldberg powers his way up though and lifts Nagata up into the air, dropping him with a gorilla press slam. Nagata rolls away from Goldberg as he barks at him. Nagata tries for a kick on Goldberg, but Goldberg catches his leg. Nagata drops him with an Enzuigiri. Sonny Ono is jumping up and down outside the ring like a 12 year old cheerleader as Nagata circles the fallen Goldberg who is face down on the mat. Nagata drops down to the mat, putting his knee on top of Goldberg’s head and locks in a wrist lock. Goldberg starts writhing on the mat, but Nagata’s knee is keeping him down.


Brain: I told you Schiavone! Nagata is just ten times the wrestler Goldberg is. He has no chanc…


Heenan stops in his tracks as Goldberg rolls out of the lock and after a few transitions on the ground locks Nagata in a triangle choke!


Tony: The Triangle Choke! We saw Goldberg use this to win on Nitro! Nagata is going to tap!


Nagata is reaching for the ropes, but he’s a few centimeters too far. Ono jumps to the apron and pulls Nagata’s hand to the ropes. The ref admonishes Ono and kicks Nagata’s arm off the rope.


Brain: He can’t do that!


Nagata though was moved just far enough that now he reaches the ropes on his own. The ref orders the choke released. Nagata falls to the mat, nearly passed out at this point and Goldberg gets to his feet. He picks Nagata up and whips him to the ropes, dropping him with an incredibly stiff super kick as he comes back. Goldberg goes for the cover.


Tony: 1…2…uh oh!


Ono pulls Goldberg’s feet to break the count and Goldberg begins eyeing him, looking furious. Goldberg slides out of the ring and chases Ono for a few seconds. Ono slides in the ring and runs across to the other side. Goldberg slides in after him. As he starts to get off the mat to pursue the chase, Nagata rushes in and jumps off Goldberg’s knee to kick him in the side of the head!


Tony: WOW! Goldberg is down!


Brain: He calls that the Shining Wizard, Schiavone!


Tony: 1…2…kick out! Goldberg kicks out!


Goldberg kicks out at the last possible millisecond. Nagata lifts Goldberg to his feet and then takes him down with an Exploder Suplex. He makes the cover but pulls Goldberg up himself after the two count, laughing.


Tony: That might come back to bite him Brain…


Brain: Shut your mouth Schiavone!


Nagata lifts Goldberg back up and sets him up for a German Suplex, but Goldberg locks Nagata’s leg and blocks the attempt. He elbows Nagata in the head to break away. Nagata stumbles backwards. He then charges in at Goldberg who kicks him in the gut and then locks him in a full-nelson! Instead of holding them for a submission though, Goldberg lifts him up and slams him to the mat. Goldberg then stumbles back into the corner and shakes off the stars.


Tony: Wow fans, what a match this is between these two bulls.


The chemistry between these two has led to a fantastic match. Nagata gets to his feet and Goldberg comes out of the corner. The two men stare into the other’s eyes. Nagata slaps Goldberg with a stiff chop. Goldberg tells him to do it again. Nagata complies. Goldberg screams “AGAIN!” and Nagata does. This time Goldberg just screams in Nagata’s face. Nagata runs to the ropes, bounces off and gets dropped with the spear!




Goldberg explodes in the ring, making the crazy murderer eye. He lifts Nagata up and drops him with the Jackhammer.


Tony: Jackhammer! 1…2…3!


Brain: FLUKE!


Winner: Goldberg via pinfall following the Jackhammer

Time: 12:45

Match Grade: B


Tony: Wow what a match! I don’t know if anyone can stop Goldberg!


Brain: Give me a break Schiavone, that was a fluke and you know it! Nagata wins that match 9 out of 10 times!


Tony: Well tonight must…wait…fans I’m told something is going on backstage.




{Backstage, Arn Anderson, Ric Flair and Steve McMichael are gathered around Chris Benoit. Benoit is out cold and is covered in blood, a tire iron lying down beside him.}


Flair: I’ll kill him! I know it was Hennig that son of a bitch! Hennig!


{Medical personnel arrive and put Benoit on a stretcher as Flair runs off in a rage searching for Hennig}


Arn: Listen Mongo, I’ll ride with Chris to the hospital. You stay here and watch out for Ric. Don’t let him cost himself that match tonight. And if you get a chance, give Hennig a shot from this for me.


{Arn hands Mongo the tire iron. Mongo nods his head, a stern look on his face as the screen fades to black.}


Tony: Outrageous Bobby The Brain, outrageous. The nWo never stops with their brutality do they?


Brain: I hope they find out who did that to Benoit and they press charges!


Tony: In the meantime fans, it’s time for our second of five, that’s right, FIVE, title matches here tonight!




WCW World Cruiserweight Championship

Eddie Guerrero © vs. Rey Mysterio, Jr. vs. Chris Jericho


Rey Mysterio, Jr. comes out first, with the crowd electric for him. Jericho follows with a positive, but significantly less enthused reaction. Eddie comes out last, generating a good amount of heat. The bell rings and the three men stand in their corners just eyeing each other.


Tony: I am joined of course now by none other than the Professor himself, Iron Mike Tenay. Mike, this should be a great match shouldn’t it?


Tenay: Absolutely Tony. Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio are two of the best high flyers to ever come out of Mexico, and of course Chris Jericho is an incredibly talented young cruiserweight from Canada.


Chris Jericho gets Mysterio’s attention and then indicates the two men should team up. Rey looks puzzled for a moment and Eddie starts to act nervous, but Jericho insists he is on Rey’s side. Rey shrugs his shoulders and agrees and the two men charge at Eddie who slides out of the ring. He points to his head to indicate he’s too smart for that. Rey spins quickly in the ring, expecting Jericho to try to take him out, but Jericho backs off, hands in the air. Rey looks stunned and then leaps over the top rope nailing a suicide dive on Guerrero!


Tenay: An amazing suicide dive from one of the most exciting young men in the business today!


Mysterio gets Guerrero back into the ring and Jericho do some double team work on him. The match continues for several minutes, alternating between Rey and Jericho double teaming Guerrero and then Rey and Jericho working each other over. Jericho goes to great lengths to avoid doing anything to catch Mysterio by surprise however during the match, being incredibly respectful of the young luchadore.


Tony: Mike, explain to me what is going on? Why is Jericho so fond of Rey Mysterio?


Tenay: It’s obvious that there is a respect there Tony and why wouldn’t there be? Jericho recognizes that Rey Mysterio, Jr. is simply put, amazing.


At about the 9 minute mark, Rey and Jericho try for a double suplex on Eddie Guerrero, but he drops both men with a double DDT. He then covers Jericho but only gets a 2 count. He tries to cover Rey but only gets a 1 count. He is incredibly frustrated and tries to cover Jericho again, but only gets a 1 count. He tries for Rey and gets another 1 count before stomping around the ring throwing a fit. Jericho is first to his feet. He charges Eddie Guerrero and gets dropped face first onto the bottom turnbuckle with a drop toe hold. Eddie begins laughing. He turns around and gets caught by Rey who has bounced off the ropes and takes him down with a head scissors.


Tony: Mysterio with the cover, 1…2…kick out!


Eddie kicks out and is furious as he gets to his feet and slams Rey across the face. Rey reacts with a forearm shot to Guerrero’s jaw that knocks him back. Rey jumps off the middle rope with a cross body for a cover, but again only gets a 2 count. Jericho is coming to his feet now at the 12 minute mark. He turns around and gets taken down by a dropkick from Rey Mysterio, Jr. Mysterio covers him but gets pulled off by Guerrero! Guerrero sets Rey up and nails him with a snap suplex. He lifts him for it again…


Tenay: Eddie Guerrero trying for the Three Amigos, three snap vertical suplexes.


As he tries for the second one though, Jericho drop kicks him in the back of the head to break up the maneuver. Eddie stumbles forward and falls down onto his back. Jericho runs and jumps off the middle rope, nailing Eddie with a Lionsault. He makes the cover…


Tenay: 1…2…


Rey pulls Jericho off. Jericho hops to his feet and then backs off Mysterio, smiling and nodding. He claps his hands, as if to say good job to Mysterio. Mysterio looks puzzled. He starts asking Jericho what’s going on when Eddie Guerrero spins him around and drops him a neck breaker. Jericho runs in and hits Guerrero with a running bulldog. Cover!


Tony: 1…2…kick out!


Jericho then sets Eddie up for a power bomb! He drops him with the power bomb!


Tenay: Another one! And another one!


Jericho nailed Eddie with three power bombs and the sets him for the Liontamer!


Tenay: Jericho has the Liontamer locked in!


Tony: Look at Mysterio!


Mysterio climbs the top turnbuckle, behind Chris Jericho. He leaps off and nails Jericho with a bulldog!


Tenay: We could have a new champion!


Tony: Here’s the cover! 1…2…3!


Winner: Rey Mysterio, Jr. via pinfall following a bulldog off the top rope to win the WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Time: 14:05

Match Grade: A


After the match, Rey Mysterio, Jr. runs around the ring with the Cruiserweight title. He climbs the turnbuckle celebrating as Guerrero storms up the ramp way. Jericho then pulls Rey off the turnbuckle.


Tenay: Uh oh! We could have a confrontation here!


Instead, Jericho smiles and raises Rey’s arm. He starts screaming out “Rey is awesome!” to the crowd. The crowd reacts and a chant builds up “Rey is awesome, clap-clap-clap.” Rey looks absolutely stunned as the screen cuts backstage.




{Backstage, Randy Savage is confronted by Hollywood Hogan}


Hogan: Mach, listen brother, I need to know where you stand dude.


Savage: Know YOU listen “brother.” The Macho Man stands where the Macho Man always stands, uh huh, and that’s on the side of the Macho Man. As long as it’s in the Macho Man’s interest to help you out, then he will. But make no mistake, the day will come when the Macho Man will be at the top of the WCW once again, wearing that title belt. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH YEEEEEEEEEEAH


{Elizabeth gives Savage his crutches and he walks out of the dressing room, leaving Hogan looking nervous.}



Rob Van Dam vs. Mortis w/Sinister Minister


Mortis makes his way to the ring with Sinister Minister who is lecturing him the whole way there. The crowd gives him some heat, but not a ton. They do pop pretty well when Rob Van Dam’s music, “Walk” by Pantera, hits the PA. He makes his way out to the ring.


Tony: This is rematch from Monday Nitro Brain, and in the original match, Rob Van Dam took care of Mortis with a move he calls the VanDamninator.


The match begins and is pretty evenly matched. Mortis controls for a few minutes using his power and size to an advantage. The offense though is pretty fast and furious, with Mortis nailing RVD with a variety of innovating moves out of the firemen’s carry, and RVD responding with impressive aerial moves and stiff leg kicks. At about the 6 minute mark, Mortis tries to drop Rob Van Dam with a Flatliner, only to have it reversed into a DDT by RVD.


Tony: great move by Rob Van Dam, who has been developing quite the following in his brief time here in WCW.


Van Dam sees Mortis roll over onto his back and then bounces off the ropes and nails Mortis with a Rolling Thunder. Not ready for a pinfall attempt, he gets back to his feet and the drops a spinning leg drop across Mortis’s sternum.


Tony: 1…2..kickout!


Mortis kicked out at the two count and begins to get back up. RVD runs and leaps to the top rope and then does a moonsault off the top onto Mortis into a pinfall.


Tony: 1…2…another kick out!


Brain: I hate these high flying moves. You can ruin your career!


RVD then picks up Mortis and whips him to the ropes, bending over for a blackbody. Mortis though hooks RVD as he comes back and drops him with a face drop onto the knee. We are at the 9:00 minute mark now and Sinister Minister is barking some orders at Mortis. Mortis lifts RVD up onto his shoulders and climbs the turnbuckle. He’s trying to do a Samoan drop off the top rope. RVD though slides over his shoulder and drops him down with a neck breaker from the top! Mortis bounces around in the ring before coming to a stop in the middle, laying sideways, out cold.


Tony: RVD climbs up top! He leaps! Five Star Frogsplash! 1…2…3!



Winner: Rob Van Dam via pinfall following the Five Star Frogsplash

Time: 10:08

Match Grade: B


After the match is over, Rob Van Dam makes his way back to the dressing room and Sinister Minister begins berating Mortis in the ring. Mortis hangs his head in shame and turns around to be leveled by a big boot from Wrath! Wrath then sets Mortis up and drops him with The Meltdown! Minister begins laughing hysterically as a video package begins to play.


A video package plays, highlighting the long history between the Outsiders, Lex Luger, and the Giant. It includes Luger’s injury at Bash at the Beach 1996, Luger & The Giant winning the tag titles from the Outsiders earlier in 1997, having the titles stripped from them the following night, a match between Hall and Luger, Nash hitting Giant with a chair, The Giant being tossed from the nWo, etc.


Tony: As you can see fans, this match has a lot of bad blood built up in it. The hatred between these four men runs deep. Hall and Nash, the Outsiders, invaders of WCW, trying to destroy everything that WCW stands for, everything that Lex Luger holds dear to him. We all know that The Giant was once a member of the New World Order. He had the audacity to ask for a title shot against the leader, Hollywood Hogan, and then he was thrown out, beaten down by Kevin Nash. Thus far, Kevin Nash has refused to face The Giant one on one, but tonight, The Giant will get Kevin Nash, albeit in a tag match.




WCW World Tag Team Championship

The Outsiders © vs. Lex Luger & The Giant


The match starts with Luger and Scott Hall in the ring, but the crowd is booing, clearly indicating they want The Giant and Kevin Nash. Luger and Hall listen to the crowd and then Hall does the hands to Nash which draws a cheer. Luger laughs and points at Giant which draws a louder cheer. Hall and Luger then tag their partners in and the crowd erupts as Nash and The Giant climb over the ropes to face each other.


Tony: This is what the fans want to see! The two Giants of our sports, the two real Giants, colliding at last!


Nash and Giant face off against each other, staring into each other’s eyes.


Brain: Only one of them is a Giant Schiavone, the other looks like you standing in there.


Tony: Oh no Brain, Kevin Nash is no slouch himself. He’s a legitimate 7 footer!


The Giant raises his paw high into the air to call for a strength test. Nash, knowing he can’t reach that high smirks at the now laughing Giant. He then drives his knee into the gut of the Giant which forces him to bend down.


Tony: And here we go!


Nash then nails The Giant with a stiff right hand into the head. The Giant stumbles backwards but doesn’t fall over. Nash bounces off the ropes for a big boot but The Giant throws the leg aside and grabs him by the throat for the Chokeslam!


Tony: Chokeslam! That will do it!


Hall gets into the ring though and breaks up the pinfall at 1 and is then chased away by Luger. The Giant begins lifting Nash to his feet for another one but Nash breaks free of the chokehold and nails The Giant in the jaw with an elbow. The Giant stumbles back and Nash holds his back in pain. He whips the Giant off the ropes and drops him with a sidewalk slam. Nash gets to his feet holding his back, as if he pulled a muscle on the move. He stumbles to the corner and tags in Hall. Hall gets in the ring and then does his impersonation of the Giant who is trying to get to his feet. Hall stomps on the Giant’s back to keep him down.


Tony: Certainly not what I expected Brain.


After about 5 stomps, the Giant catches Hall’s leg and hurls him backwards into the turnbuckle. The Giant then tags Lex Luger in and the crowd pops. Hall stumbles out of the turnbuckle and gets taken down with a clothesline. For good measure, Luger drops Nash off the ring apron with a flying forearm. He then signals for the rack.


Tony: Lex Luger is signaling for the Torture Rack! He wants to end it right here!


Luger tries to lift Hall up for the Torture Rack, but no dice as Hall slides off his back and then shoves Luger from behind into the Giant, knocking him off the ring apron as well. Hall and Luger then begin to brawl in the ring while The Giant tries to get himself together, having landed face first on the steel guardrail. Kevin Nash is now walking around the ring, eyeing The Giant like a viper. Inside the ring, Luger drops Hall with an atomic drop that sends him reeling.


Tony: Nash is going after The Giant on the outside, and fans, this is not good right here!


As Nash reaches the Giant, he tries to slam him face first on the guardrail again, but Giant blocks it and then picks up Nash, dropping his throat down on the railing! Nash rolls around in serious pain. The Giant signals for the Chokeslam.


Tony: Wait, is that Syxx? What’s that in his hands?


Syxx comes running down the ramp way, carrying a pot of coffee in his hands. As The Giant lifts Kevin Nash up for the Chokeslam, Syxx hurls the coffee into the face of The Giant!


Tony: Was that coffee Brain? Was that coffee?


Brain: It looked like Folgers French Brew Schiavone!


The Giant is stumbling around, screaming in pain on the outside, holding his eyes. Nash begins pummeling him and Hall walks over to the ropes laughing. The ref is asking what happened, having not seen any of it. From behind, Luger picks up Hall and locks him in the Torture Rack!




Nash immediately tries to climb in the ring, but though blinded, The Giant grabs the back of his pants to hold him.




Winners: The Giant & Lex Luger via submission following the Torture Rack to win the WCW World Tag Team Championship

Time: 15:04

Match Grade: B


As the bell rings, an irate Kevin Nash drops The Giant with a stiff right hand. He begins to climb into the ring wear Luger has dropped Hall. Luger is waiting for him but gets taken out by a chair shot to the back by Syxx that causes him to stumble forward, falling right between the legs of Kevin Nash. Nash proceeds to drop Luger with the Jacknife Powerbomb. Hall gets to his feet, and Nash yells out to him for tapping out, clearly angry. He looks out to floor to see medical personnel tending to The Giant, whose eyes are red from the coffee. Nash climbs over the top rope and throws the medical personnel away and rolls The Giant into the ring. He gets back in as the Giant gets to his feet. Syxx tosses Scott Hall a steel chair and he drops The Giant with the chair. Nash drops his shoulder straps down and throws up the clique sign.


Tony: No way. He’s not going to try it…


Brain: He can’t do it even if he does try!


Nash sets The Giant up for the Jacknife and lifts him up…





To be precise, he didn’t hit a full-out Jacknife. Instead, he dropped The Giant on his neck. The Giant is completely motionless in the ring.


Tony: Wait a minute Brain, wait just a minute. This does not look good.


Brain: Wow. I think he might have broken his neck.


Nash and Hall throw the tag titles down over the Giant and Luger and then walk out with Syxx as medical personnel rush to the Giant who is still motionless.


Tony: I’m afraid something really bad has happened here tonight Brain, really bad. The Giant is not moving at all. Lex Luger is now tending to him, and folks, this isn’t good.


The crowd is dead silent as they bring out a stretcher for the Giant. The Steiner Brothers rush to the ring, accompanied by DiBiase, followed by Booker T and several other WCW wrestlers. They all help put the Giant on the stretcher, who is now wearing a neck brace. He is slowly wheeled up the ramp way by personnel, not moving a single muscle the entire time.


Tony: Oh my god. Fans, we will obviously keep you posted, but at this time…well…this looks grim to say the least.




{The scene cuts backstage where Ric Flair and Mongo are watching The Giant get loaded into an ambulance}


Flair: That’s two Mongo, that’s TWO of WCW’s warriors that have been taken out tonight.


Mongo: Damn the new world order! Damn them to hell!


Flair: Listen, you just keep your eyes open. Use that trusty tire iron and make sure none of those punks get to ringside during this match. I don’t care what contract Hennig signed, I don’t have a good feeling about this.


Mongo: You take care of your business Ric, I’ll take care of the trash.


{Flair nods his head and starts heading towards the entrance way.}



WCW United States Championship

Steel Cage Match

Curt Hennig © vs. Ric Flair


Tony: Well Brain, this just might be the most anticipated match of the night right here. Ric Flair vs. Curt Hennig, at last!


Brain: That’s right Schiavone, Flair has been desperate to get his hands on Hennig, one on one, and he gets it at last!


nWo music plays and the crowd in Las Vegas begin to boo loudly with some sporadic cheering. Curt Hennig makes his way to the ring taunting a few fans in the audience who are wearing IV Horsemen shirts. He goes as far as to take a sign that reads “On the 8th day God created Flair” away from a fan. He pulls a magic marker out of his boot, draws a line through Flair and replaces it with Hennig, handing the sign back to the fan. The young fan looks devastated.


Tony: You know Brain, I just can’t believe the lack of class demonstrated by Curt Hennig each and every week. I expected so much more out of him, and each week he disappoints me further.


The crowd then explodes when Ric Flair’s music plays over the PA system. He makes his way out onto the ramp way and stops at the top, turning and posing for the crowd. He is in a red robe with silver accents. He makes his way to the ring, stopping at the young fan whose sign was vandalized by Hennig. He takes the sign away from the fan and tears it up before making his way to the ring. Flair climbs in and David Penzer does the introductions. Hennig hands the US title to the referee and the bell rings as the cage lowers around the men.


Tony: Now remember fans, this is not your traditional steel cage match. There is no escape from this cage, no climbing out over the top, just mayhem locked inside the walls of steel. No exits, no entrance. Just Ric Flair and Curt Hennig, a battle until one man is left standing!


Flair slaps his shoulders and struts for a moment as Hennig spits his gum out and swats it at Flair! Hennig then does a mock “Woooooo!” for the crowd which responds with animosity. Flair then calls for a strength test but instead slaps Hennig and gives the crowd his own “Woooo!” to which they respond in kind. Hennig nods his head as if he understands his role in this match now. The two men lock up and struggle for position for a moment before Flair gets Hennig in a side headlock. Hennig tries to do the hop step and throw Flair off, but Flair grabs Hennig’s locks and pulls him to the mat.


Tony: Dirtiest player indeed Brain!


Brain: Like I always say, they don’t just give you names in this business for nothing!


Hennig gets to his feet and protests to the referee about the hair pulling but is ignored, as this match is obviously no disqualifications. Not paying attention for a moment, Hennig is caught from behind, again by the hair, by The Nature Boy. Flair turns him around still holding his hair, and then drops him with STIFF chop that elicits a Wooo! from the crowd. Hennig then crawls away from Flair on the mat. Flair doesn’t let him get far though before he starts stomping on his back.


Tony: I’m not sure Curt Hennig truly realized what he was in for tonight Bobby Heenan.


Flair then drops down on the back of Hennig who is on the ground and starts slapping the back of his head. Hennig covers up to protect the sides of his face. Flair gets up and then stops the back of Hennig’s head with his boot.


Brain: I hope nobody ordered this expecting these two to have a wrestling match!


Flair picks Hennig up, Hennig clearly disoriented, and throws him face first into the cage. We are about 6 minutes in now and Hennig is shaken already. He stumbles backwards but Flair grabs his hair again and tosses him face first into the steel again! Instead of letting him go though, Flair proceeds to rub Hennig’s face into the steel!


Tony: Oh that might be the most painful thing I’ve ever seen!


Flair finally lets Hennig go and he drops to the mat, holding his face. Flair drops a running knee across his forehead, adding further injury to the head. With Hennig writhing around on the ground, Flair gets down with him and locks in a sleeper hold!


Brain: That sleeper is probably doubly effective now after all the damage to the head Hennig has taken!


Tony: And remember Bobby, the nWo cannot interfere, Hennig is all alone!


Hennig powers himself half way up, grabs one of Flair’s legs and lifts him up, dropping his weight on the other leg, forcing Flair to let go of the sleeper. Hennig takes a breather leaning against the cage while Flair stumbles around holding his leg. He turns around and is caught be a dropkick to the face by Hennig. Hennig then locks in a spinning toe hold on Flair which causes Flair to writhe in pain!


Brain: This is brilliant strategy by Curt Hennig, weaken the legs of Ric Flair to nullify the Figure Four!


Hennig lets go of the hold and pulls Flair up to his feet. He starts to whip him towards the far side of the cage, but then reverses it and uses the momentum to slam Flair face first into the near side of the cage. Flair bounces off the cage, walks a few feet towards the center of the ring, and then takes a dive to the mat, face first.


Hennig continues to dominate the match for the next 2 or 3 minutes, stomping on Flair. At the 17:00 minute mark, he lifts Flair up and drops him with a vertical suplex. Hennig makes the cover and gets a 2 count. He picks Flair up again and sets him up for another vertical suplex but is reversed into a small package! 1..2..! Another near fall. Irate, Hennig gets Flair to his feet and throws him face first into the cage again. Flair bounces off and before he can fall down, Hennig repeats the move, this time knocking Flair to the ground. Flair twitches on the mat for a few seconds and Curt Hennig walks around the fallen legend. He does a mocking Flair strut before attempting a figure four leg lock!


Tony: Not this…not this! He’s got it locked in!


Flair struggles for about 30 seconds in the Figure Four before he goes limp on the mat. The ref counts his shoulders down, 1…2…kick up! This is repeated two more times before the “Nature Boy, Nature Boy” chants seem to inspire Flair and he reverses the Figure Four!


Brain: Flair’s reversed the pressure! It’s all on Hennig now!


Hennig screams out for a moment but finally escapes the hold. He stumbles to his feet. Flair is still down, struggling to catch his breath. Hennig walks over and grabs Flair by the hair…BAM!


Tony: Oh there it is! The great equalizer from the Dirtiest Player in the Game!


Flair’s low blow topples Hennig over and gives Flair the time he needs to catch his breath. He then starts a Chop assault on Hennig, landing what must have been seven of them with Hennig’s back pressed up against the cage. Desperate to get out of the chops, Hennig thumbs the eye of Flair and then tries to climb the cage. He obviously can’t get out, but he starts kicking the corner at the top to see if it is possible.


Brain: That won’t work Curt!


Giving up, Hennig drops back to the mat and tries to stomp on Flair, but Flair rolls away from the stop and gets to his feet. Flair shows Hennig FOUR fingers and yells “WOOOOO” to which Hennig merely laughs. The two men begin pacing each other again. They tie up and Hennig locks in a side headlock on Flair. Flair tries to reverse it into a backdrop, but Hennig slips over the back and nails Flair with a German Suplex.


Tony: Shades of Chris Benoit right there Brain.


To further mock the Crippler, Hennig does the throat slash gesture to which the crowd responds with an audible booing. Hennig picks Flair up to his feet and goes for the Hennig Plex, but Flair wraps the leg and won’t go over. He then begins punching Hennig in the gut with his free hand until Hennig let’s go of him, and Flair then sets him up and drops him with a vertical suplex. Flair then gets to his feet and lifts Hennig to his. He grabs Hennig by the hair and slams him into the cage wall yet again!


Tony: This is what Flair wanted!


Flair rubs Hennig face against the cage and then let’s go, with Hennig stumbling backwards. Flair then drops him to the mat with a chop. Hennig rolls over to his stomach and as Flair lifts him up to his feet by his hair, the crowd reacts with a loud pop as it becomes obvious that Hennig is bleeding from his forehead.


Brain: Curt Hennig is busted open! Flair is like a rabid animal now!


Indeed, Flair is pummeling Hennig’s forehead with his closed fist as Hennig looks stunned. Flair let’s go of him for a moment and Hennig just drops to the mat. Not ready for victory yet, Flair picks Hennig up again and runs him to the cage, slamming his head into the side again. Hennig bounces off and drops the mat, spread eagle, seemingly out cold. Flair begins to set up the Figure Four when Buff Bagwell and Scott Norton run down the ramp way. Eric Bischoff quickly emerges and cuts them off, calming them down and ordering them to go back to the back.


Tony: That’s right! You interfere and it’s even worse for Hennig!


The nWo makes their way back to the back with Bischoff flashing a sly smile towards the ring. The distraction proved timely as Hennig as begun to retake control of the match. He slams Flair head into the cage three times and then drops him to the mat with a backbreaker. He picks him back up and drops him with ANOTHER backbreaker. Flair is holding his back in severe pain as Hennig picks him up again and puts him up on the top turnbuckle. Hennig climbs up with him and jumps off dropping him with a third backbreaker from the top turnbuckle!


Tony: Wow. Wow. Fans, this is not looking good. Flair’s back was injured years ago in a plane crash, and the ruthless Curt Hennig is trying to cripple him. This isn’t about winning a match, he wants to end the career of the Nature Boy!


Hennig then struts around inside the cage before making a pinfall attempt.



Brain: Just give in already Flair!


Tony: He can’t Brain. The future of the Horsemen depends on Ric Flair tonight, and you can be sure he’ll never give up! As long as there is breath in his body he will fight for the Horsemen!


Hennig picks Flair up again and then topples over after a low blow! Steve McMichael runs down to the ring, carrying a tire iron.


Tony: Hey! They didn’t say the Horsemen couldn’t interfere!


Flair turns to see McMichael who is pushing the iron through the cage wall. Flair walks over and kneels down to get the iron from Mongo. As he does it, Mongo pulls a pouch out of his jacket pocket and slings in Flair’s face! It’s salt! Flair stumbles backwards, dropping the tire iron on the mat.


Tony: What have you done! Steve McMichael has thrown some sort of diabolic salt into the eyes of Ric Flair!


Hennig gets to his feet and picks up the tire iron. Flair turns to him and gets walloped over the head with it. He drops down on top of Flair, barely covering him.


Tony: I’ll be damned! I’ll be damned! 1…2…3! Steve McMichael has given Curt Hennig the victory! The Horsemen are through! Steve McMichael has killed the Horsemen! He has betrayed Ric Flair, the man who had confidence in him to begin with! I don’t believe what I’m seeing!


Brain: You can’t ever trust a football player Schiavone!


Winner: Curt Hennig via pinfall to retain the WCW United States Championship

Time: 26:08

Match Grade: B


With Arn Anderson gone from the arena with Benoit, Ric Flair has no allies in the building. Mongo and Hennig stomp and stomp on Flair. As the cage rises, the nWo floods the ring, attacking the defeated Flair. The bell is rung multiple times and security floods the ring. Ric Flair is a bloody mess on the mat as Curt Hennig grabs his US title and Ric Flair’s robe. He puts Flair’s robe on and drapes the title over his shoulder. Eric Bischoff gets in the ring with a briefcase. He hands the case to Mongo. Mongo looks down at Flair, almost with a look of sadness, and then leaves the ring, briefcase in hand. As the nWo tries to leave the ring, Ric Flair lunges through security and begins to attack Hennig.


Tony: Flair isn’t dead yet!


Brain: Stay down Flair!


Flair pummels Hennig but is quickly overpowered by the nWo members. Security again breaks up the assault. The nWo leave, with Flair being tended to in the ring, a bloody mess.


Tony: Fans, I am in shock. I can’t believe what I’ve seen here tonight. Ric Flair, defeated by Curt Hennig, but really it was the betrayal by Steve McMichael, Ric Flair’s friend that cost him this match. You have to wonder what this means for WCW at this point Brain. The Horsemen are through, Flair has been defeated, the Giant suffered what appeared to be a significant neck injury in the tag title match…Brain…I just don’t know what to make of this.


Brain: It’s been a disastrous night to be sure Schiavone. I have to say that part of me is glad I won’t be there at Nitro tomorrow to have to witness the nWo gloat over this!

Tony: Well, we still have one more match, so maybe, just maybe…things will turn around.


The screen cuts to quick commercial for WCW’s next PPV event: Mayhem.


Three Rings. Sixty Men. One Winner.


Pure Mayhem.


Tony: Fans, Mayhem will be brought to you live from the Astrodome in Houston, Texas four weeks from tonight. But first, it’s time for the main event!



Main Event






WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hogan © vs. Diamond Dallas Page

Special Enforcer: Rowdy Roddy Piper


Michael Buffer: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is your main event of the evening. For the Heavyweight…Championship…of the world! Are you ready?

{Crowd cheers}


Buffer: Are...you...rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeady!


{Crowd erupts}


Buffer: Then for the thousands in attendance, and the millions watching around the world, ladies and gentlemen, llllllllllleeeet's get ready to rrrrrrrrrrumble!


Tony: Brain, before this match gets started, I want to tell you that it has been my honor to be your broadcast partner these past few years, and I wish you all the best going forward.


Brain: Well thank you Schiavone, I want you to know that all those mean things I’ve said to you and about you through the years, whether to your face or behind your back…well I meant every one of them.


Tony: Bah!


Bagpipes begin to play in the MGM Grand Garden Arena and the crowd erupts as Piper makes his way out to the ring. His hair is wet and he looks like a nut job.


Buffer: Introducing first, hailing from Glasgow, Scotland, he is one of the most recognizable names in the business. The master of the Sleeper and the hero of the Scotts, your special enforcer for this match…the Hot Rod…RRRRRRRRRowdy…RRRRRRRRRRoddy….PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPiper!


Tony: You know Brain, we haven’t seen Piper in awhile, but it was just one year ago today that he returned to WCW for the first time and laid the challenge down for Hogan and the nWo. Piper went on to defeat Hogan in a non-title match, but he never could quite get his hands on the World Title.


“Self High Five” plays through the arena and DDP stomps out onto the ramp way throwing up the Diamond Cutter sign. The crowd is popping pretty hard for him.


Buffer: And introducing the challenger, hailing from the Jersey Shore, he stands 6 feet 5 inches tall and weighs in at 253 pounds, the Master of the Diamond Cutter…DDP! Diamond…Dallas…Page!


Page slides in the ring and holds up the Diamond Cutter sign for the crowd. He bangs it down screaming “BANG” at the top of his lungs. “Voodoo Child” begins to play and the crowd boos mercilessly.


Buffer: And now his opponent, hailing from Hollywood, California standing 6 foot, 7 inches and weighed in tonight at 302 pounds. He is the most recognizable name in the history of this business. The leader of the New World Order, master of the Hollywood Leg drop, and the current reigning and defending, undisputed…WCW Heavyweight…Champion of the World! Hollywood…Hulk…Hogan!


Hogan gets into the ring and flexes for the crowd. There are a few people in the front row doing the “We’re Not Worthy” bow, but for the most part, the crowd is nearly 100% against Hogan. The bell rings and the two men begin circling.


Tony: Well fans, this is a match that I personally know Diamond Dallas Page has been wanting for a long time. He’s feuded with the nWo for a year now and all he’s wanted, all he’s ever wanted, was a fair shot at the World Title, something he’s never gotten.


Brain: And he may not get it tonight Schiavone! I know Piper. I’ve seen Piper’s act for years, and I’ll tell you what. DDP better keep an eye on him for sure!


Tony: Are you insinuating that Roddy Piper is a member of the nWo Brain? That’s preposterous.


Brain: You can call it preposterous, a platypus or even a hippopotamus for all I care, but I know a rat when I smell one!


Hogan tears his nWo shirt off in a faux display of power. Page mouths whatever at him and then has the shirt thrown in his face. Page smiles and uses the shirt to wipe his underarms before tossing it to the crowd. The two men lock up and Hogan quickly wins the tie up and puts Page in a side headlock. Page tosses him off into the ropes and gets taken down with a shoulder block. Page rolls over and gets to his feet while Hogan flexes and screams at him. Page and Hogan tie up again and Hogan wins again with another side headlock. This time he is able to hold it for a few moments. Page throws him off again and ducks a clothesline attempt by Hogan, bouncing off the ropes. He comes back at Hogan and drops him with a spinning neck breaker.


Tony: Strong neck breaker by DDP there Brain.


Page lifts Hogan to his feet sets him up for a belly to belly suplex, but Hogan uses his power to break out of the hold and then drops Page with a stiff right hand. Page rolls to his feet quickly and is dropped by a clothesline. Hogan then flexes, kisses his muscle, laughs and drops the elbow across the chest of DDP. He then picks DDP up and whips him to the ropes, himself bouncing off the other side and drops Page with an Axe Bomber.


Brain: I’ve seen Hogan win matches with this move!


Tony: Here’s a cover…1!2! Kick out!


Page kicks out of the cover attempt and Hogan begins barking at referee Nick Patrick who simply nods. Hogan goes for it again but Page kicks up before Patrick can even count to 1. Hogan starts to lift Page up when he rolls him up!

Tony: Roll up!


Patrick looks at the pinfall timidly for a few split seconds before finally dropping to the mat and beginning the count.


Tony: 1…2…kick out!


Brain: Nick Patrick has been bought off Schiavone!


Page gets to his feet and starts barking at Patrick. He gets rolled up with a schoolboy from behind!


Tony: 1…kick out!


Patrick tried hard to get to two before the kick out however. Page and Hogan get up and Page points at Nick Patrick and starts barking at Hogan. Hogan gives the “What did I do?” look and then laughs. He calls for a strength test. Page agrees and the two men lock up. Hogan is winning but then Page kicks Hogan in the midsection. Page puts Hogan is a wrist lock and then slams him with three shoulder blocks. He tries for a forth but Hogan pulls him down by his hair instead. DDP hops up and yells at Patrick about the hair, but Patrick says he saw nothing.


Tony: I don’t believe it. It appears the fix is on Brain.


While DDP is arguing with Patrick, Hogan rakes him across the back. Page stomps around, holding his back in agony. He turns back towards Hogan who drops him with a scoop slam. Hogan puts one boot on Page and flexes for the crowd in a pinfall attempt. Patrick hits the mat for a quick two count before the kick out.


Tony: This is ridiculous. When is Piper going to do something about this?


Brain: I told you Schiavone, Piper is nWo!


Tony: I refuse to believe that Brain.


Hogan picks Page up and whips him to the ropes and drops him with a back body drop. He then does the ear thing which the crowd reacts to with a boo. Hogan laughs and then bounces off the ropes and drops the leg…


Tony: DDP moved! Hogan is writing in pain!


Page rolled at the last second and Hogan is holding his back trying to climb to his feet. He does and Page then wails away with stiff rights. After three shots he spins and drops Hogan with a discus Lariat. Hogan gets to his feet and DDP lifts up and drops him with an inverted atomic drop. Hogan stumbles to the turnbuckle, holding his back the whole way. DDP charges after him in the turnbuckle, but Hogan pulls Nick Patrick in front of him. Page stops in time before hitting Patrick and then Hogan pushes Patrick away and burst out of the corner with a clothesline.


Tony: What a coward!


Brain: The man is yellow I tell you! There’s a reason he wore those colors all those years!


Hogan begins to mock the crowd and he takes off his belt. He begins violently whipping DDP with the belt and Nick Patrick turns away telling a fan something, obviously intentionally ignoring the actions in the ring. Piper slides in the ring and grabs the belt from behind Hogan and yanks it out of his hand. The two men have a stare down while Page crawls around the ring. Patrick turns back and then starts yelling at Piper. Piper palms Patrick’s face and pushes him away. Hogan shoves Piper. Piper gets that insane look in his eyes and shoves Hogan back, right into a schoolboy rollup! Piper throws Patrick to the ground to make the count!


Tony: 1! 2! Hogan kicks out!


Hogan indeed kicks out in time, though the count was slow. Piper begins arguing with Nick Patrick and it is pretty heated. DDP lifts Hogan to his feet, but Hogan drops him with a low blow that neither Piper nor Patrick saw. Hogan then climbs to the top turnbuckle and jumps with a double axe handle to the back of the head of Piper! Piper falls forward, his head colliding with Nick Patrick! Patrick stumbles backwards and falls down, appearing to be out cold. Hogan rolls Piper out of the ring and to the apron.


Tony: Oh my goodness! Piper is down! Nick Patrick is down!


Hogan lifts DDP back to his feet and tries to nail him with a right hand, but Page blocks it, locks Hogan up and drops him with a belly to belly! DDP takes a breather for a moment and then gets back up, lifting Hogan to his feet. He whips him to the ropes and tries for a clothesline but Hogan ducks it. As Hogan bounces off the other side, both men clothesline each other at the same time and fall to the mat.


Tony: Now both men are down!


Brain: And no referee for the ten count Schiavone!


Tony: Wait Brain…here comes the Macho Man!


Brain: And he’s got a steel chair!


Tony: But who is he here to help!


Savage hobbles down to ringside, carrying a steel chair. He tries to slide into the ring with the chair as both Hogan and Page lay motionless on the mat. Piper grabs his legs though and pulls him out of the ring, leaving the chair inside.


Tony: Piper and Savage are going at it now!


Brain: Piper is nWo! Savage was here to help DDP!


Tony: What in the world are you talking about?


Savage is getting the upper hand in their brawl on the outside when Piper thumbs him in the eyes. Inside the ring, Hogan has picked up the steel chair and wallops DDP as he gets to his feet. Hogan then drops the Hollywood Leg Drop on him! Nick Patrick comes to and goes for the count…


Tony: 1…2…wait! Piper has drug Patrick out of the ring!


Brain: But did he count to three?


Piper drags Patrick out of the ring and begins yelling at Nick Patrick. Patrick begins yelling right back.


Tony: Did Hogan get the pinfall or not?


Hogan is celebrating in the ring and climbs out to get his title. On the other side of the ring, Patrick turns to call for the hell but Piper decks Nick Patrick! Patrick is down! Hogan is going back up the ramp-way with his title, believing he has won the match, but the bell has not rung. From behind, Piper grabs Hogan by the hair and drags him back to the ring, sliding him in!


Tony: What in the world?


Brain: I guess this match is going to continue Schiavone!


DDP begins wailing away on Hogan with a flurry of right hands and then drops him with a discus lariat. Referee Charles Robinson runs up the ramp-way and checks on Nick Patrick. Hogan nails Page with a low blow in the ring and goes back gets his chair. He tries to swing it at Page, but Piper grabs the chair from behind and pulls it from Hogan. Savage pulls Piper out of the ring and decks him. Hogan turns around…BANG!




Tony Schiavone is literally having an orgasm as Charles Robinson slides in the ring. Piper and Savage are brawling on the outside as Robinson hits the mat.





Pandemonium ensues as the crowd goes absolutely insane as Michael Buffer gets on the microphone.


Buffer: Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner of the match and NEEEEEEEEW…WCW…Heavyweight Champion of the World…DDP…DIAMOND…DALLAS…PAGE!


Tony: I don’t believe what I’ve seen!


Brain: I’m in total shock! I’m glad this was my last match!


Winner: Diamond Dallas Page via pinfall following the Diamond Cutter to win the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Time: 23:08

Match Grade: A




DDP is given the belt and holds it up in the air celebrating. Savage has taken out Piper on the outside and looks stunned. He starts his back up the ramp way, pointing at Page. The nWo rush behind him and charge the ring. Diamond Dallas Page flees the ring, making his way out through the crowd as Hogan throws a tantrum in the ring with the nWo surrounding him. He begins screaming at Page who is moving through the crowd. Savage is on the ramp way and turns around to see Eric Bischoff who gives him an incredibly stern look.


Tony: What does this mean for WCW? What does it mean for the nWo? What started as a lousy night for WCW is suddenly looking a lot better! Tune in tomorrow night fans to Nitro to find out where we go from here. From the MGM Grand Garden Arena, this is Tony Schiavone saying goodnight! Bobby, one last time, thank you for everything, you’ll be missed.



Final Results

Show Grade: A

Attendance: 15,000 (sellout)


Chris Candido defeated Disco Inferno © to win the WCW Television Championship

Goldberg defeated Yuji Nagata

Rey Mysterio, Jr. defeated Eddie Guerrero © and Chris Jericho to win the WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Rob Van Dam defeated Mortis

Lex Luger & The Giant defeated The Outsiders to win the WCW World Tag Team Championship

Curt Hennig © defeated Ric Flair to retain the WCW United States Championship

Diamond Dallas Page defeated Hollywood Hogan © to win the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

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Amazing show man, I gotta say I like the Candido swerve I didn't see that coming at all. I was a little shocked/disappointed yto see DDP win to be honest. I love DDP, but the Hogan Sting build was so perfect at Starcade and now this obviously takes away from it. Still great stuff man can't wait to read more
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The Styles Report


-Obviously a huge night for WCW at Halloween Havoc. While the official buyrate isn't in, WCW execs have said it is expected to be in the "high teens." WWF's Judgement Day PPV wasn't as successful. The show pulled a B rating and was generally pathetic outside of the Bret Hart v Undertaker main event.


-BANG! Diamond Dallas Page is the new WCW World Heavyweight Champion, although there is clearly some controversy involved. It will be interesting to see how Easy E and Hollywood Hogan react to the loss on Nitro.


-The Giant's neck injury looks BAD. I was watching that from the back and let out a pretty sharp "Oh my god!"


-Chris Candido is the new television champion, and perhaps more importantly, he's brought his beautiful executive assistant along with him! There are sunny days ahead in WCW! The contract with Candido was agreed upon Sunday morning, but I'm told he wasn't expecting to appear at Havoc. He and Tammy were all set to make their splash arrival on Nitro. Things changed however...


-Raven missed the show for unexplained reasons. This is his second no show for a WCW event. I'm told that there is a hot debate going on about how to discipline him. What I do know is that he was prepared to answer the Disco Invitational at Halloween Havoc. His loss, Chris Candido's gain.


-Speaking of missing the show, Larry Legend also missed the show, but he had a valid excuse.


-Goldberg and Yuji Nagata had great chemistry and it really turned what was expected to be a stiff but sloppy match into a pretty strongly rated matchup.


-WCW execs were INCREDIBLY disappointed with the Flair/Hennig match. Ric Flair was off his game at the pay-per-view and it showed. The match which was expected to steal the show turned out to be a solid, yet unspectacular match in terms of work rate. The fans were still eating it up though.


-Nobody works harder than DDP. Nobody. He carried Hogan to his highest rated match in years.


-The Cruiserweight triple threat match stole the show.


-This will be the last Havoc to appear at the MGM Grand Garden Arena according to execs in the company. There is a feeling that WCW has been incredibly moronic with the booking of their ppv venues the last few years, throwing away gate revenues like crazy. Last night for example, 15,000 people? We could have sold 50k easily.


-Starrcade is two months away, but expect the build for it to begin immediately. The company has been wasting the opportunity to market the granddaddy of them all and has watched as Vince has turned Wrestlemania into a bigger event. Expect that to change.


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WCW Monday Nitro Week 1 November


On the heels of Halloween Havoc, the Macho Man finally returns to the ring after being cleared to wrestle by nWo doctors and he'll face none other than the Rowdy Scott, Roddy Piper! Two titles are defended, and an international invasion takes place, live from Detroit, Michigan!


Goldberg vs Riggs

Great Sasuke, Jushin Liger, and El Samurai vs La Parka, El Hijo Del Santo and Psicosis

Syxx vs Chris Jericho

Chris Candido © vs Magnum Tokyo WCW Television Championship

Lex Luger & The Giant © vs Vicious & Delicious WCW Tag Team Championship

Main Event: Randy Savage 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper


Plus!: The controversy surrounding the WCW World Heavyweight Championship will be addressed, the Horsemen disband and the nWo make a SHOCKING announcement regarding their membership!


I'm putting this up now to give people a chance to make predictions and leave feedback and suggestions while I write up my month in review post and tabulate the prediction count thus far.

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Great Sasuke, Jushin Liger, and El Samurai vs La Parka, El Hijo Del Santo and Psicosis

Syxx vs Chris Jericho

Chris Candido © vs Magnum Tokyo WCW Television Championship

Lex Luger & The Giant © vs Vicious & Delicious WCW Tag Team Championship

Main Event: Randy Savage vs 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper


ehm feedback ehh great ppv, good presentation, good reasoning behind stuff bit long in the tooth though but I liked it anyway except for The Outsiders loosing clean grrrrr.

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Great Sasuke, Jushin Liger, and El Samurai vs La Parka, El Hijo Del Santo and Psicosis

Syxx vs Chris Jericho

Chris Candido © vs Magnum Tokyo WCW Television Championship

Lex Luger & The Giant © vs Vicious & Delicious WCW Tag Team Championship

Main Event: Randy Savage vs 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper

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Goldberg vs Riggs - Riggs can't win, how can you stop the spear when you can't even see it?


Great Sasuke, Jushin Liger, and El Samurai vs La Parka, El Hijo Del Santo and Psicosis - some of my favourite ever wrestlers here, La Parka is an absolute legend in my book, as is Psicosis, but I've gone for Lyger's team because frankly he is a legend.


Syxx vs Chris Jericho - I kinda want Jericho to job here, but with a schmoz finish. I'd love to see Jericho in a full blown feud against the nWo.


Chris Candido © vs Magnum Tokyo WCW Television Championship


Lex Luger & The Giant © vs Vicious & Delicious WCW Tag Team Championship


Main Event: Randy Savage v 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper - I'm assuming a typical Piper WCW finish, you know, the sleeper, and then wham 694,955 nWo members converge on the ring... I suppose Piper should win then by DQ, but... I love Savage so I've given Savage the rub here :D



You continue to astound me with your vision of WCW. Really, I mean that. I'm glad to see WCW continue to rebound in the diaries and become prominent again. You are bringing back a lot of cherished memories mate, and for that I am very grateful.

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