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RIPW: Nero Fiddled While SWF Burned (C-Verse)

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Chapter 1

The Calm Before the Storm




Wednesday, Week 4

June 2008


The locker room was abuzz and the anticipation over the next couple of weeks had been almost palpable. Eisen was coming to RIPW for his semi-annual review. Development trained workers would show off their stuff, and lucky non-development workers might get selected to be an opponent and thus get mat time in front of Mr. Supreme himself.


Unlike the other workers, I wasn't too thrilled. My last encounter with Richard Eisen had been less then awe-inspiring. The other wrestlers may kowtow before him to curry favor and earn a shot at the big time, but I still had college to think about so I had no real plans of leaving RIPW anytime soon. Plus I had made some good friends down here, hanging out with Lisa and Dillon. Even Justin and Raphael were fun to hang out with once and awhile.


Some of the roster was eager to leave, however, having been in development for years, and with each review their attitude got a little more and more desperate. John Greed and Atlas were two big names that came to mind. They'd joined RIPW right as it was forming up but still hadn't been called up. Aristocrat ahd moved on up, Nevada Nuclear had been called up just a couple months before and yet John Greed and Atlas lingered in limbo, stuck in RIPW. THey couldn't break their contracts without some serious legal help and they still had 3 more years left of the 5 year written development contracts SWF was so fond of handing out.


And yet they heard and saw what happens when a worker goes out and hits the indy's hard. Not everyone lands in SWF in the end, but a nice contract to USPW or TCW is still better and bigger then sticking in the tiny RIPW.


I was busy untaping my ankles when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Greed, and he had a serious look on his face.


"Listen, Dante. I've been meaning to talk to you. I was wondering if you wouldn't pull some strings with Nero and be my opponent when Eisenn comes. I think we clicked pretty well together, I mean, you got hired..."


"Yeah, thanks again for carrying me that match. I hadn't wrestled in years and suddenly they expect me to put on a match. I'll see what I can do."




"John, I gotta ask you...why are you so keen on working for SWF? I mean, you've met Eisen, right? The real Eisen and not the friendly, nice guy act he puts on for the cameras?"


"Yeah, I've seen him when he gets pissed off. It's not a pretty sight."


"Yeah, I mean, you've got talent. Real talent. You could have your choice of promotions. You're probably too light and too talented for NYCW or USPW, but you could really shine in CZCW."


"And wha? Work hard for 5 more years trying to drag myself out from being just another jobber? Then maybe I'll get a shot at the big times where I can spend another 5 years working my way towards a title? Listen kid, I appreciate the talk and all but I don't have time for that. You, you've got your whole career in front of you. If you work ten more years, you're still younger then I am. I don't have time to work my way up any longer. I've paid my dues. I'm finally winning some titles and so this SWF gig is the last shot I have at actually making something of myself."


He paused a bit, letting his temper cool a bit, letting the words said a bit too harshly leave the room.


"Listen, thanks for agreeing to partner with me, you do a good job in the ring. Probably will end up being better then I am."


"Yeah...no problem."


John quickly gathered up his things and left, leaving me to wonder what my future plans were for wrestling. It was a fun part-time job while I was in college, even if it sucked my social life dry, but what about afterwards? Would I end up like Greed? Toiling away in the indies year after year, hoping someone important would notice me? Or would I end up like Keith, kissing ass and playing the political game to get my shot at fame and glory? Or would I end up like Nero, a fading legend working for a complete *******?


Thinking about it further, I decided I didn't want to be like any of them. I decided then and there that I would wrestle for myself. I wouldn't kissass nor would I compromise myself. Eisen may hold all the keys to success but I wouldn't whore myself out for him.


I stood up, resolute that I would make a stand for my morals and integrity. And that started with not getting kicked in the nuts every single match!


RIPW Armaggeddon

Dark Match: House Mix vs. Jerry Martin & Marshall Dillon


Cheetah Boy vs. Rafael Ruiz


American Spirit © vs. Heartbreakers for RIPW Tag Team Championship


Brendan Idol vs. Mr. Electricity © for RIPW Championship

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RIPW Armageddon

Friday, Week 4 June 2008




Pre Show:


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/RIPW/DanteOrrinson_alt3.jpg & http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/RIPW/unt.jpg w/ http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/RIPW/CatJemson.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/RIPW/JerryMartin.jpg & http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/RIPW/MarshallDillon.jpg

House Mix vs. Jerry Martin & Marshall Dillon


The only real item of note is that during this match Marshall Dillon revealed his new weapon of choice, a pair of iron bars with pistol grips that allow him to spin and holster them like they were real revolvers. He unleashes these bad boys on DJ Inferno during the match causing him and Jerry to be DQ'd.


House Mix defeated Jerry Martin and Marshall Dillon in 11:47 when Marshall Dillon was disqualified while fighting DJ Inferno.

Rating: F+




Rafael Ruiz issues a press release in a DVD extra.




Rafael: "I am here now to issue a warning to the monster Gargantuan. I have witnessed him interfering with matches that he has no business to interfere in. In my country, when we are fighting lucha libre style, such actions do not get ignored. Such actions get punished severely. SO Gargantuan, I am warning you now. Keep the fight to yourself and your matches. Stop interfering with others or I will stop you."


Dante's Notes: I believe Nero was making sure he could cut a decent English promo before putting him in front of a crowd. Nothing ruins the "bad ass wrestling machine" image like a ridiculous accent and flustered speech.


Rafael Ruiz cuts a promo saying that he's going to stop Gargantuan's wild rampage.

Rating: D+




Main Show:


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/RIPW/CheetahBoy.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/RIPW/RafaelRuiz.jpg

Cheetah Boy vs. Rafael Ruiz


The match proceeds slowly with the crowd not entirely sure who to root for. Cheetah relies on speed and aerial attacks while Rafael tries to keep Cheetah grounded, trying to slap on a submission hold. Halfway through the match, however, Gargantuan descends from the entrance ramp, grinning in his trademark, sinister way and casually loosening up his neck and arms. Cheetah and Rafael slow down and eventually stop, keeping their eyes on Gargantuan and waiting for him to interfere. Rafael starts shouting out warnings at Gargantuan, and Gargantuan just eggs him on.


Rafael gets red faced and rushes to the ropes, warning Gargantuan that if he interferes, Rafael will bring the pain. With a sudden burst of speed, Gargantuan lunges forward and up the apron, grabbing Rafael by the throat and choke slamming him out of the ring onto the floor.


The ref has no choice but to ring the bell and disqualify Cheetah Boy, but Cheetah doesn't care as he leaps over the ropes to aid Rafael and try and take down the monster that Eisen unleashed on RIPW.


Cheetah Boy defeated Rafael Ruiz in 7:40 by pinfall with a Flying Cheetah Pounce following interference from Gargantuan.

Rating: E






Cheetah's suicide dive barely staggers Gargantuan, but it gives Rafael a few precious moments to recover from his brutal slam, He trips up Gargantuan and tries to slap on an armbar but Gargantuan easily lifts up Rafael and tosses him aside.


The three workers continue to brawl through the crowd and out the doors to the back hallway. Cheetah Boy has speed and Rafael has a bit of size and power, but in a pure straight back hall brawl, Gargantuan's sheer size and freakish power account for so much more. Rafael tries to run interference, going toe to toe with the big monster while Cheetah tries various support tactics, from hitting Gargantuan with a chair to jumping off a table, but Gargantuan barely staggers back from the chair shot or the dropkick to the chest.


Meanwhile Rafael is quickly losing steam, his punches and recovery coming slower and slower after every massive punch Gargantuan lands. Finally Rafael and Cheetah Boy team up in a last ditch effort attack. Trying to recreate the maneuver that expelled Gargantuan from the Jungle Jam, Rafael drops down to give Cheetah Boy a boost so he can land a big Superkick to Gargantuan's face. Gargantuan goes down, but after spitting a bit of blood out comes back with full fury.


First he powerbombs cheetah Boy so hard the poor kid bounces off the concrete and then he delivers a massive lariat to Rafael, dropping the Mexican wrestler like a ton of bricks. With a victorious roar, he presses Rafael up above his head before dropping him nearly 5 feet onto his knee, delivering the Ultimate Backbreaker.


As a final act of disrespect, Gargantuan spits on the unconscious form of Rafael. He then lumbers off, grinning that evil, sadistic grin.


Rafael Ruiz and Cheetah Boy are just finishing a match when suddenly Gargantuan bursts into the ring attacking both wrestlers. The three brawl into the back hallways before Gargantuan beats both wrestlers down to the ground.

Rating: E+




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/RIPW/KentuckyBill.jpg & http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/RIPW/Lassana20Makutsi_FIN.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/RIPW/JustinSensitive.jpg & http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/RIPW/Raphael.jpg w/ http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/RIPW/Emmy.jpg

American Spirit © vs. The Heartbreakers



for RIPW Tag Team Championship



Lassana Makutsi really shined in this otherwise lightweight battle. He has the speed and agility to keep up with the cruiserweight opponents but the size and raw power to dominate the Heartbreakers. The two heels attempt every trick in the book, trying to regain momentum with low-blows and eye rakes when the ref isn't looking. Emmy uses her feminine wiles and shrill voice to keep the ref distracted, preventing two early pinfalls.


In the end though, the Heartbreakers run out of stunts to pull and then a fresh Kentucky Bill gets tagged in, continuing the Heartbreaker beat down. When Emmy interferes yet again, Kentucky Bill tags in Lassana and two hit the All-American Assault (Avalanche followed by facebuster) on Raphael, dropping him to the center of the ring. Kentucky Bill slides out and prevents Emmy from distracting the ref while Lassana picks up the pin.


American Spirit defeated The Heartbreakers in 11:41 when Lassana Makutsi defeated Raphael by pinfall with an All-American Assault. During the match we also had Emmy distract Kentucky Bill. American Spirit make defence number 2 of their RIPW Tag Team Championship titles.

Rating: E




The backstage camera peeks into the women's locker room to catch sight of Hannah adjusting her top. The crowd pops in more ways then one.




Hannah Potter is shown backstage, getting ready.

Rating: C




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/RIPW/BrendanIdol.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/RIPW/KashmirSingh_alt2.jpg w/ http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/RIPW/ProfessorNero.jpg

Brendan Idol vs. Mr. Electricity ©



for RIPW Championship


Brendan Idol is walking towards the ring, hot and ready for his match but Mr. Electricity sneaks down behind him attacks Brendan before the match. The two brawl a bit before re-entering the ring and the match starts in earnest. These two tear up the ring, keeping the pace fast and action-packed. Mr. Electricity breaks first, rolling outside to catch his breath and plan strategy with Nero. Mr. Electricity looks concerned but Nero is calm and confident, urging Mr. E. to get back in the ring.


Mr. Electricity is finally forced back in by threat of a count-out and he and Brendan tear it up again. Momentum swings back and forth as they outmaneuver each other, reversing and countering each other. Finally, Brendan sets up the Idolizer, dropping Mr. Electricity. The crowd roars as it looks like Brendan should easily pick up the pin.


Professor Nero, however, throws a wrench in that plan by tripping up the ref with his cane and dragging him out of the ring. The ref takes the bait and roars at Nero, yelling for security to bar Nero from the ringside. Nero yells right back and keeps up the theatrics, keeping the ref's eyes from the ring.


From out of the crowd ambles Marshall Dillon. He's wearing his gunslingers belt with his pair of iron bars holstered. He rolls into the ring while Mr. Electricity and Brendan are continuing the match, carefully selects one and casually spinning it around his finger gunslinger style before cracking one over the back of Brendan's head, dropping the crowd favorite. He casuall rolls out and exits, letting Mr. Electricity take control.


Mr. Electricity showboats around, playing up his apparent impending victory, batters Brendan around a bit more and casually steps on his chest for the c0cky pin. The ref hits the mat once…twice…thr—Brendan kicks out! The crowd goes crazy as Brendan rolls out and sweeps Mr. Electricity’s legs. Fired up, Brendan starts on a massive offensive on the stunned Mr. E. Nero shouts out from the corner and Mr. Electricity rolls out of the ring. Brendan suicide dives after him and the two continue brawling around the ring. The ref starts to count both people out but neither one is willing to disengage. Finally at ‘9’ Brendan dashes back into the ring, but Mr. Electricity just stands on the outside, smirking. The ref hits ‘10’ and signals for the bell. Brendan won, but because it was a count out the title doesn’t switch hands. Mr. Electricity starts showboating as if he won, shining up his title and raising it high so the light reflects off of it.


Brendan Idol defeated Mr. Electricity in 17:53 by count out. During the match we also had Marshall Dillon run in and attack Brendan Idol.

Rating: D-




Brendan Idol grabs a mic and calls out Mr. Electricity.


Brendan: “So is that the kind of champion you’re going to be? Too afraid to actually enter the ring with a challenger so you’ll just keep your belt through countouts and DQ’s. Why even bother showing up then? Just no-show all your matches like the coward you are."


Mr. Electricity starts to shout back but Nero holds him back and grabs a mic to respond.


Nero: “A coward ya say? A coward? Them’s fightin’ words if’n I evah heard them. Now, you can talk big all you want, but let there be no doubt in anyone’s mind that if my client had stepped back in that ring, your back would be kissin’ tha mat. My client is not afraid of anyone, we just decided that your level of talent, if it could even be called that, was not up to par with Mistah Electricitah, so instead of prolonging tha inevitahble, we threw you a bone and let you pick up tha win. Considah it a gestah of goodwill.”


Brendan shakes his head and looks incredulous.


Brendan: “Really? I’m not “good” enough to wrestle your client?”


Nero: “That’s right…”


Brendan: “So even after your hired gun came in and blindsided me, even after your client failed to pin me, I’m not “good” enough.”


Nero: “No sah, Ah’m afraid not.”


Brendan: “Well, then I guess you wouldn’t be opposd to a rematch then?”


Nero: “Now now, the match is done. You had your shot at tha title and you blew it.”


Brendan: “Oh, I get it. Mr. E is too scared to face me, that’s fine.”


Nero: “Now, that’s not what Ah said…”


Brendan: “It’s fine. I get it. He’s just scared that after I whip his ass in front of everyone, the ladies will go back to ignoring him. I can completely understand….”


Mr. Electricity is getting furious at the insults being hurled his way, and Nero’s having a hard time keeping him off the mic.


Brendan: “I mean, that title is really the only thing going for him. If he lost that, he’d never get to talk to a woman again…"


Mr. Electricity’s finally had enough. He pushes Nero aside and grabs the mic.


Mr. Electricity: “You think you’re the only one popular with the ladies? You may have your groupies here but that’s because MY ladies have better things to do, like modelling. Yeah, that’s right. I date models. And another thing, I’ve already beaten you time and time again. I’ll beat you anytime, anywhere. This title is mine because I am the best. The best in the ring. The best in the bedroom. The best in the hallway…it doesn’t matter where I go. I am stunning. I am shocking. I am electrifying. I am MR. Electricity.”


Brendan: “Fine then? Anytime, any place? How about next show? Two weeks time? For the title of course.”


Mr. Electricity: “Title or no title, it doesn’t make a difference. You’ll have your match and I swear I will make you pay for every insult you’ve said.”


Brendan smirks again and throws a wink at his fan club.


Brendan: “I look forward to it.”


Before Mr. Electricity can respond, Professor Nero grabs him and hauls him away, scolding him for falling into such a predictable trap.


Brendan Idol taunts Mr. Electricity and Professor Nero into giving him another title shot.

Rating: D




Overall: D-

Attendance: 75 people

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Chapter 1

Mid-Year Review




Friday, Week 4

June 2008


The crowd was filing out of the arena, fairly satisfied. The show had been decent, not as great as previous ones but acceptable for RIPW's “B” show. Howe, gver, the lockerroom was nearly electric with tension, everyone backstage knwe the real show would start once all the fans had left.


The bleachers and tables emptied, the show room around the ring grew quiet until only a single sole remained.


“Hey, Nero! I thought I told you I wanted that kid kicked in the nuts!”


Richard Eisen got up from his table in the back and grabbed a font row seat. Nero came out from the back and took a seat next to him.


“Well, after the first couple of times we felt that the bit might be wearing a bit old, so we retired it a bit. “


“I'm not paying to see that kid wrestle, I'm paying him to keep the fans entertained. He's about as bland as plain toast, like a cake without a stripper inside. I sat with the fans tonight, I know what they want and they want to see that guy get pegged right in his marble sack. Anyway, glad to see you listned to me about Gargantuan and kept up the monster heel push. I tell ya, that's what every promotion needs. It's why TCW's in the ****ter because they turned their monster heel face. Who the hell does that? That dumbass Cornell, that's who. Anyway, who's up...and WHY IS HE STILL HERE?”


I jumped in surprise at the sudden vehemence in Eisen's words.


“I...uh...I'm just getting ready. I'm wrestling against John Greed tonight.”


“Well, get your ass back to the locker room. I'm discussing private matters with your boss here.”


Without further ado, I hurried backstage. I didn't need to warm up any more, I was ready to go. I had been mustering up the courage to talk to Eisen about hoisting myself out of the “comedy jobber” niche I'd somehow gotten myself into and split up from that albatross around my neck that was Keith Vegas. This whole week he'd been insufferable, first blabbing on and on about how Eisen was going to bring him up to SWF, and then complaining bitterly when Nero said he wouldn't be wrestling that night. To make matters worse, all the development workesr were visibly relieved that they wouldn't be paired with a terrible wrestler like Keith, although in Keith's defense he had improved considerably since joining. He still couldn''t tell a story to a 6 yr old but at least he had the basics of wrestling down and could sell enough to not completely ruin a match.


Nero hobbled backstage and gave us the order. Basically it would be in reverse order, so first Gargantuan would be facing Kentucky Bill, then Lassana Makutsi vs. Mr. Electricity and so on until it finally reached back to John Greed vs. me.


As the night grew on, we were nervous. Sometimes we'd hear Eisen crack a loud joke, his abrasive, braying laugh finding us even through concrete and closed doors. It was hard to tell what was going on out three. Some guys came back beaming, like Bekowski, grinning like an idiot. He wouldn't say why when asked, but he was definitely feeling smug about something. Others, like Cheetah Boy and Marshall Dillon came back looking like they were about to spew all over the floor. Trust me, big heavyweights can throw up a lot of chunks, it's not pleasant.


Again, they wouldn't say why and that only made me more nervous. Even Greed, who was a highly competent wrestler was getting nervous. Finally it was our turn in the ring, and boy did we turn up the juice.


Greed and I tore up the ring, putting on stellar match that I was sure would leave Eisen breathless. Greed was able to compensate for my 'bland” offense by unleashing his spectacular arsenal of aerial and cruiserweight maneuvers. I was able to help him out by selling like a pro, taking my beating when it was time for some heat and cleaning house when it was the face's time to shine. We were both in excellent shape but were sucking wind by the end, such was the intensity we put on.


Eisen gave us a smile, nodded and said.


“Good work.”


And that was it. Now I understood why nobody had said anything because there was nothing to say. Eisen's face was as unreadable as any poker player and he was treating us with professionalism. It was a side of Eisen I'd never seen before, but I guess this was the side he chose to show towards his employees, which might explain why they could stand to work for him.


Greed thanked Eisen and headed out. I started to follow but paused by the entrance ramp, once again trying to muster up the courage to confront Eisen with my newly found backbone. I had just started to walk back out when I overheard Nero and him talking. I don't know why, but I paused to listen. Some part of me knew that I shouldn't eavesdrop, but my curiosity squashed my sense of self-preservation in a rather quick match and so I stayed in the shadows, listening.


“Well, I don't know about you but here's my recommendations.”


There was a pause as some papers were shuffled around.


“What, are you kidding me? 6 more months for Atlas? Two years for Bear? Mycroft, you're killing me.”


“You asked for my opinion and here it is. There's only one person ready to be called up and you just turned him down not five seconds ago.”


“But he's just wrong for the company. People don't want to see a bunch of flippity floppity guys, they want to see real men with real muscle beating the tar out of each other. I've got plenty of young cruiserweights with loads of talent, I don't need anymore. What I need are some nice big brutes. Who knows how much longer Faith will be in the ring, Runaway Train's on the wrong side of 40, Skull's not far enough behind him that I'm comfortable with. Eric Tyler's pushing 50.... I need middleweights and I need bruisers.”


“That's fine, if that's what you need then that's what I'll train but you've got to give them more time.”


“With TCW nipping at our heels, time's not something I can give you. Here's the list of people I'm calling up, plain and simple. They might not be ready but they'll learn more from jobbing out in SWF then they will in this rinky-dink set-up you got going on here.”


“The set up you set up for me. The set-up you gave to me to train these youngsters. They're not ready.”


“Then you haven't been doing your job. I'll have...whatserface...the girl with the huge jugs, I'll have her fax you our scout reports so you can start looking for replacements.”


There's more shuffling of papers.


“This is going to be a huge blow to RIPW, you're practically gutting it.”


“Don't worry, you have until September to get things finished.”


“Listen, what about...”


Nero paused mid-sentance as the door to the backstage area opened loudly.


“Oh, there you are. I've been looking all over for you.”


“Not now Keith.”


“No, really. Did my name come up? Does Mr. Eisen need someone new, someone fresh? The next Rip Chord in action?”


“Shut up, Kieth” I hissed, but it was too late.


“Hey, you, both of you. What are you doing over there.”


Keith snapped to attention and ran front and center, caught in the dilemma of whether to bow, salute, or kowtow in front of Eisen. He ended up trying to pick “all of above” and ended up appearing to convulse into seizures for a little bit. I was far more reluctant to approach, now nervous more then ever to confront Eisen.


Nero eyed my suspiciously but threw me a huge bone by grilling Keith first.


“What're you doing here?”


“I was just hoping to get a chance to meet the man who single-handedly changed the industry. Mr. Eisen, I am a fan and it is a privelge to be in the presence of a man with such vision, a pioneer, an explorer in a sea of medioctiry. Your name echoes across the land from...”


Surprisingly, even though Nero and I were both about to gag, Eisen was the one who stopped him.


“Listen...kid. I know I'm great but I don't have time for this. As a...pioneer, I have a very busy schedule.”


“Of course sir. Mr. Eisen. The Supreme One...”




Keith nodded so hard his flapped together and he sprinted out of the room. I was never a huge fan of Eisen's antics, but during his one moment at least I found considerable respect for him. Anyone who could see through Keith's transparant acts of sychophantism was worthy of at least a little respect in my book. That only made what I was about to do even harder.


“Mr. Eisen, sir. I'd like to talk to you about my booking...”


“You too? Nero, where do you get these kids?”


“From you, Richard.”


“I know that, I was being precentious, pretensish...preten....ironic. I was being ironic. Anyway, kid, what makes you think you know better then me about booking.”


“Well, for starters you asked me to be teamed up with that tool.”


Eisen paused a bit, I swear his mouth even dropped a bit. My heart skipped a beat, then another.


What the hell was I thinking, talking back to Eisen. He's going to can me this very instant or worse...make me job TO Keith. Oh god what was I thinking.


To my surprise, instead of hearing the words “You're fired” I heard something completely unexpected.


“HAR HAR HAR! You make a good point kid.Alright, you've got my attention but the span is only a couple of seconds. Start your pitch and make it good because I'm not going to be listening for long.”


“Well, I was hoping to split with him. A feud between us would give us both a little boost and we can pursue different paths. I could go single for awhile, jobbing to the singles wrestlers and maybe working towards RIPW's lowest level belt for a bit, and he can go single as well, or find a new tag partner, or...maybe even be quietly let go...”


Eisen narrowed his eyes at me, immediately catching my devious second agenda. Now I swear, I'm not normally the kind of guy to try and pull this backstage political stuff, but Keith was the one exception. It wasn't because he was a terrible wrestler, it wasn't because I was worried he was holding me back, it was because the man was such poison backstage. Everyone in the business in North America knew how disruptive Rip Chord was. That man was like Neo-**** at an Israeli peace conference in terms of disruptiveness. But the man could wrestle, the man put butts in the seats and cash in the coffers, so as much as people hated him, they tolerated him because they figured it was best for business in the long run.


Keith, however, wasn't Rip Chord. He acted like him, but he wasn't talented or charismatic, he didn't put butts in seats or even pennies into the coffers. He was the only member of the roster to have sold exactly $0 in merchandise. Even I had sold a DJ Inferno coffee mug. Granted it was a present from my mom, but the point remains that he was as unlikeable to the fans as he was to the other wrestlers.


“Listen, kid, I'll let you onto a little secret about business. You see, there's always that one guy in every bunch, the guy everyone else loves to hate. And let me tell you, you need that guy. It unifies everyone else and acts like an emergancy valve in a crisis. Let's say I were to fire that guy everyone hates now, while everyone's happy and six months down the road things take a turn for the worst. Sure people are going to be pleased now but they were pleased anyway. Six months later nobody is going to remember what's-his-face. However, let's say I wait until times are tough and then I fire that guy. Boom, instant morale boost. People stop talking about how rough things are and start talking about how happy they are that the locker room's a better place. Instant morale boost and I become a hero when otherwise everyone would be hating my guts. Morale is as much a resource and currency as dollars and pennies. You have to always be thinking ahead.”


I had never seen such intelligence or shrewdness in Eisen's eyes before, and a man I had formerly took to be nothing but an egotistical pig suddenly transformed into the business genius that had taken the North American wrestling world and wrapped it around his finger.


“Now, get the hell out of here. I'll let Nero decide your fate because right now I'm late for a very important meeting. Hey Nero, could you get Tits McGee to run down here to deliver something? I love watching her Baywatch style.”


I left as Eisen started to mimic the infamous beach patrol run, complete with hand gestures to imitate the jiggly factors, and as quickly as it began, the genius faded back into the egotistical pig.


Sometime later Nero sent me a copy of his “official” report to Eisen about the roster as a whole and it's improvements. When I asked him about it he said he was doing me a favor and showing me how he felt everyone was doing as well as trusting me that I would keep any information learned in the highest of confidentiality.


Mr. Eisen,

Here is my analysis of how the workers and personalities have matured over the last 6 months. As traditional, I've ranked everyone on an A-F scale with +'s and -'s as appropriate. Generally speaking, everyone has shown at least a bit of growth, in particular I feel that Bear Bekowski, Jerry Martin and Justin Sensitive have shown tremendous growth while everyone else on development contracts have shown at least a small amount of improvement. It is my personal recommendaion that John Greed is ready to be called up to the main SWF roster, with Atlas and Cheetah Boy to be ready in 3-6 months. The two managers, Hannah Potter and Emmy, should be ready for major booking within the year, and the younger development workers should be ready for SWF's roster in two years. This includes Bear Bekowski, Lassana Makutsi, the newly hired Gargantuan, and Marshall Dillon.



  • Mat: F- -> F
  • Submissions: F -> F+
  • Respect: E- -> E


Bear Bekowski

  • Popularity: F -> F+
  • Hardcore: E+ -> D-
  • Mat: F- -> F
  • Power: B+ -> A
  • Basics: E+ -> D-
  • Psychology: F -> F+
  • Consistency: C- -> C
  • Selling: E+ -> D-
  • Respect: F -> F+



Brendan Idol

  • Popularity: F+ -> E-
  • Brawling: E+ -> D-
  • Stamina: C+ -> B-
  • Basics: C -> C+


Cat Jameson

No change


Cheetah Boy

  • Pop: F+ -> E-
  • Hardcore: F -> F+


David Poker

  • Refereeing: C -> C+


DJ Inferno

  • Brawling: E -> E+
  • Hardcore: E- -> E
  • Flashiness: E -> E+
  • Chain: E- -> E
  • Star Quality: B+ -> A



  • Acting: E- -> E



  • Pop: E- -> E
  • Brawling: E- -> E
  • Acting: E+ -> D-
  • Basics: F+ -> E-


Hannah Potter

  • Pop: F+ -> E-
  • Microphone: E -> E+
  • Acting: E+ -> D-



Jerry Martin

  • Pop: F- -> F+
  • Mat: F- -> F
  • Chain: F- -> F
  • Stamina: D- -> D
  • Power: D -> D+
  • Psychology: E+ -> D-
  • Sex Appeal: D- -> D


John Greed

  • Pop: F -> F+
  • Brawling: E -> E+
  • Submissions: F+ -> E-
  • Stamina: C- -> C


Johnny Vegas

  • Pop: F- -> F
  • Brawling: F -> F+
  • Hardcore: F -> F+
  • Basics: D+ -> C-
  • Safety: D+ -> C-
  • Sellingn: C -> C+
  • Respect: F- -> F


Justin Sensitive

  • Pop: F -> F+
  • Brawling: F+ -> E-
  • Puroresu: F- -> F
  • Hardcore: F -> F+
  • Flashiness: C+ -> B-
  • Mat: E- -> E
  • Chain: E -> E+
  • Submissions: F+ -> E-
  • Acting: D -> D+
  • Toughness: E+ -> D-
  • Stamina: C+ -> B-
  • Consistency: E -> E+
  • Respect: F -> F+


Kentucky Bill

  • Pop: F+ -> E-
  • Psychology: C- -> C


Lassana Makutsi

  • Pop: F -> F+
  • Hardcore: E- -> E
  • Submissions: F- -> F


Lion Heart

  • Brawling: E+ -> D-
  • Toughness: D- -> D
  • Stamina: D -> D+
  • Consistency: D+ -> C-
  • Selling: F+ -> E-
  • Sex Appeal: D -> D+


Marshall Dillon

  • Puroresu: F -> F+
  • Aerial: F- -> F
  • Flashiness: F+ -> E-
  • Mat: F- -> F
  • Chain: F -> F+
  • Submissions: F- -> F
  • Stamina: D -> D+
  • Psychology: E -> E+
  • Consistency: D -> D+


Mayhem Midden

  • Pop: D -> D+


Mr. Electricity

  • Pop: F+ -> E-
  • Puroresu: E+ -> D-
  • Acting: D+ -> C-


Rafel Ruiz

  • Brawling: E+ -> D-
  • Selling: C+ -> B-
  • Respect: D -> D+



  • Pop: F -> F+
  • Aerial: C- -> C
  • Microphone: D- -> D
  • Acting: E -> E+
  • Stamina: C+ -> B-
  • Respect: F -> F+


Rob L Miskovsky

  • Pop: E- -> D (F- -> E- in Maritimes)

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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:24px;">Chapter 1</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p><strong>

</strong></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Noble Intentions?</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Monday, Week 1</strong></p><p><strong>

July 2008</strong></p><p> </p><p>

A final report was never given, we were told that anybody selected to be called up would be contacted privately and that anyone who wasn't shouldn't take things personally. The locker room eventually settled back down into its familiar routine but I couldn't help but think about what I'd overheard. Eisen had mentioned that Nero would have until "September" so I was betting that's when the call ups would happen. I didn't say it to anyone as I didn't want to explain why I had been eavesdropping, but I figured we had another month before we received any more news.</p><p> </p><p>

In the meantime, I had more things I wanted to do. Standing up to Eisen had given me a surge of confidence and I felt that I could accomplish anything. Now that I had settled some issues with my career, it was time to settle some issues with my personal life.</p><p> </p><p>

Lisa was working behind her desk, beautiful as always. Without a moments hesitation I walked right up to the desk and laid it out on the line.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#006400;">"Would you like to go out with me? This Friday, I know a good steak joint in the area."</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

She paused, stunned by my sudden and bold approach. This was completely unlike me and I loved it.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#4B0082;">"Wha-...what?"</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#006400;">"I asked would you like to go out with me Friday night."</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#4B0082;"><strong>"Like, out out? Like a date out?"</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#006400;">"Yeah, no friends, no co-workers, just you and me."</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

I flashed my most seductive smile, but instead of swooning she spun her chair around and stopped facing me, burying herself back into the memo she was typing up.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#4B0082;">"I'm busy that night."</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Confused, I decided to press on anyway.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#006400;">"Well, what about Saturday night?"</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#4B0082;">"No, I'm busy that night."</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#006400;">"Well fine, when </span></strong><strong><span style="color:#006400;"><em>aren't</em></span></strong><strong><span style="color:#006400;"> you busy."</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

She didn't respond. I started to panic, maybe I'd waited too long, maybe she had already found a new boyfriend. She was definitely attractive and pretty girls don't stay single for long.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#006400;">“Lisa, what the heck is going on?”</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#4B0082;">“I'm sorry Mr. Orrinson but Professor Nero isn't in his office. If you'd like to leave a message...”</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#006400;">“Lisa, cut that out. What the hell is wrong with you? I'm trying to ask you out and you’re blowing me off?”</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

As soon as the words left my mouth I regretted them. I was just so confused and panicked and worried that someone else had stolen my girl out from under me. I didn't even realize I was angry until it was out in the open, and I could see the edge to my voice had cut her deeply. Her eyes reddened with tears and she abandoned all pretense of doing work and buried her face in her hands.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#006400;">“Listen, Lisa, I'm sor....”</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#4B0082;">“Who the </span></strong><strong><span style="color:#4B0082;"><em>hell </em></span></strong><strong><span style="color:#4B0082;">do you think you are saying that to me?”</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Her head shot up, her face a mask of pain and anger. Tears were falling fast but she looked like she was about to tear me from limb to limb. Shocked, I recoiled back, my mind reeling as things quickly spiraled out of control.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#4B0082;">“You insult me behind my back and then expect me to just roll over for you if you show me a little attention? Think I'm just another piece of ass to mark on your bedpost? Now you're pissed off because I"m not as easy as I look, is that it?”</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

My mouth opened and closed several times. Of course what she was saying was ridiculous, I was far from a ladies man or Casanova. I had been pretty scrawny and awkward most of my life, and by the time I bulked up I was already an outcast at school. I wanted to tell her that she was being crazy, that she was my friend and I'd never say anything to hurt her, but the words never came. I was just too far into shock as the scene before me played out so differently from what I had envisioned. I had imagined that she would have been thrilled, eagerly accepting and already planning what she was going to wear for the night out. It was a pretty fancy joint, so I'd even planned on renting a suit (or borrowing one from Nero if it fit), getting some flowers, the whole deal.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#4B0082;">“No, I get it. Some other bimbo canceled on you so you figured you'd go with your back up. Good ole' Loose Lisa, for the times when you don't have some other whore to play with.”</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#006400;">“Lisa...I...wha....what are you talking about?”</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

I'd finally recovered and tried my best to repair the situation.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#006400;">“I thought we were friends. I thought we had fun together. Why would you hang out with me so much if you hated me so much?”</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#4B0082;">“Really? Friends? Do friends call you a whore behind your back?”</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#006400;">“I never called you a whore! Never!”</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#4B0082;">“Oh yeah? What about when you're with Eisen.”</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

My heart sank, I knew where this was going...</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#4B0082;">“I heard you guys. What, you think I'm too stupid to know when you're calling me Tits McGee. You think I like being objectified like that? Well news flash bub, I didn't even want the damn things. But you know what, I'm proud of who I am and if you can't respect that, well then **** you!”</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

The venom in those last words stung, and the pain like a poison coursed from my heart through my body, freezing my blood and trying to paralyze my mind, but feeling that truth and right were on my side, I powered through it and continued.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#006400;">“Eisen is a pig. I had no part in any of that.”</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#4B0082;">“Really? Because I don't remember hearing you sticking up for me. I don't remember anyone sticking up for me. Some friend you are, or maybe you just didn't care if I heard it or not.”</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#006400;">”I...I didn't know you, I didn't know Eisen. He caught me by surprise, and I didn't know you enough to risk my career to stand up for you.”</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#4B0082;">“And what about last week? I thought we were friends but again I don't remember hearing you stick up for me when Eisen started calling me a whore again.”</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#006400;">“I...but Nero...”</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#4B0082;">“Your Uncle apologized yesterday. He specifically found me out and apologized for Eisen's actions. When Eisen starts </span></strong><strong><span style="color:#4B0082;"><em>HE</em></span></strong><strong><span style="color:#4B0082;"> is the one who at least </span></strong><strong><span style="color:#4B0082;"><em>TRIES</em></span></strong><strong><span style="color:#4B0082;"> to change the topic. He at least things of me as a human being instead of just a piece of ass. “ </span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

She had me reeling again, knocking me around worse then Gargantuan ever could. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#006400;">“Lisa, we're friends. We hang out all the time, you know me.”</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#4B0082;">“No, I </span></strong><strong><span style="color:#4B0082;"><em>thought</em></span></strong><strong><span style="color:#4B0082;"> I knew you. I </span></strong><strong><span style="color:#4B0082;"><em>thought</em></span></strong><strong><span style="color:#4B0082;"> you were a decent guy who was too focused on his career, but now I realize just the kind of guy you are. You obviously don't care about me or respect me, I’ve heard what you said about my intelligence...”</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Just when I think I've come up with a good counter-argument, she lands a sucker punch. Unfortunately for me, that part was true. Early on before I'd gotten to know her I did make a few jokes at her expense. I was new, I was trying to fit into the locker room without being ostracized for being Nero's nephew. I'd heard about how people hated Eric Eisen for the special treatment he got from Richard, so I did my best to fit in as “one of the guys.” Unfortunately that means making a few sexist remarks...apparently.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#4B0082;">“So, why would someone who doesn’t really care about you ask you out for a date? Now, despite what you think and say, I'm not a total ditz. I know that you don't ask out a bimbo to get married and raise a family, you ask out a bimbo for this...and this”</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

She was standing up now, pointing at certain parts of her body to emphasize the point. I think she was also driving home all the things I wouldn't be getting...ever.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#4B0082;">“So, which one of your whores cancelled on you? Or did you just think that if you take me to a concert and buy me a steak that my clothes will just melt off of me?”</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

She gathered her purse and started walking out. I should have stopped her. I should have poured my heart out about how she was beautiful and a wonderfully kind person, someone who almost always saw the bright side. Someone who's confidence and enthusiasm for life made me swoon. But I didn't. She marched right past me, drying her tears on a tissue she had pulled from her purse.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#4B0082;">“Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off for lunch.”</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

A glance at the clock showed it was barely 10:30am. Quite a bit early for lunch.</p><p> </p><p>

I just stood there, listening as the soft clicks of her heels echoed down the hallway behind me. I stood there as the elevator opened with a soft ding and then quickly slid shut. I just stood there, lost in my thoughts as I waited for her to return. A half hour went by, then another and still she never came back. After yet another half hour slid by I finally realized that she wasn’t coming back.</p><p> </p><p>

I stirred myself from my waking coma and walked home, my mind a blur questioning everything I had done. Was I really the guy I thought I was? Was I even worthy of Lisa? Or was she just acting crazy? What could I do to win her back and restore our friendship?</p><p> </p><p>

Those questions and more buzzed through my head, occupying my every thought. I returned to my dorm room without remembering the trip and crashed on my bed.</p><p> </p><p>

I just laid there, replaying that scene over and over again. After what felt like hours of reflection I decided that I had answered my questions.</p><p> </p><p>

Yes, I was a good person, I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Yes, I would make a great boyfriend. Yes, I cared about Lisa, she was a wonderful woman and definitely worth the effort. Yes, Lisa was just overreacting, and if she would just take a moment to calm down and listen to me, she’d have to see that I wasn’t the guy she thought I was and that she was completely wrong.</p><p> </p><p>

She’d just have to see that and forgive me, right?</p>

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 1

Back to Reality


Thursday, Week 1

July 2008


The next day things settled back into a normal routine. Nero had upped all of the training regimens during the summer as most of us were able to clear more of the day for RIPW. Lisa too threw herself into her work, becoming too busy to eat lunch with me or hang out after training was done. I figured it would take her a while to calm down and realize how much she’d overreacted so I didn’t let it bother me.


The locker room was getting pretty tense, nobody had heard anything official, or at least they weren’t talking about it if they did, but the whispers going around backstage were saying that September would be the key month.


Nero called a special three hour meetiing where he outlined the resolution of the main RIPW storyline at the moment and talked about how he would slowly start integrating the new people over the course of August to make the transition from one “class” to the next smoother.


As usual, the meeting mostly focused on the upper card guys, Brendan and John Greed factored heavily into it as the leaders of the faces and heels of the roster. John looked really nervous as Nero outlined the eventual path to the blow off match, in fact he had seemed off his game ever since Eisen and come for his mid-year inspection.


Nero concluded by putting up on the board the card for next week’s show.


Dark Match #1: Gargantuan vs. Justin Sensitive

Dark Match #2: Atlas vs. Bear Bekowski


Cheetah Boy vs. Marshall Dillon

American Spirit vs. House Mix for RIPW Tag Team Title

Rafael Ruiz vs. Raphael

Brendan Idol vs. Mr. Electricity

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RIPW July Massacre

Friday, Week 2 July 2008



Dark Match #1: Gargantuan vs. Justin Sensitive

Gargantuan defeated Justin Sensitive in 5:32 by pinfall with a Choke Slam.

Rating: F+


Dark Match #2: Atlas vs. Bear Bekowski

Atlas defeated Bear Bekowski in 9:57 by pinfall with a Kronus Bomb.

Rating: E-






The show opens up with a backstage shot of Gargantuan. He's stalking around backstage, obviously looking to hurt someone. Officials and other backstage personnel quickly clear out of the way, and he brutally shoves aside anyone who lingers to long and gets caught in his path.



Gargantuan is backstage, hunting around and looking mean as hell.

Rating: C+




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/RIPW/CheetahBoy.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/RIPW/MarshallDillon.jpg

Cheetah Boy vs. Marshall Dillon


The fastest man on the roster faces off against the slowest. Marshall Dillon is powerfully built and has a considerable reach advantage over the smaller Cheetah Boy, but nevertheless, Cheetah uses his blazing speed to wrestle circles around Dillon. Towards the end, Dillon does land a few solid blows on Cheetah Boy, stunning him long enough for Dillon to whip Cheetah into a turnbuckle. When Dillon charges in, Cheetah ducks aside at the last minute causing Dillon to hurl himself into the post instead. Cheetah scrambles up top and hits a Flying Cheetah Pounce, toppling Dillon over and Cheetah Boy picks up the 3-count.


Cheetah Boy defeated Marshall Dillon in 9:54 by pinfall with a Flying Cheetah Pounce.

Rating: E-






As Cheetah Boy celebrates, running around the ring at top speed slapping hands with the crowd, Marshall Dillon quietly rolls out of the ring. Atlas descends and hands Dillon his gun belt, and Dillon unsheathes his pair of irons, twirling them round his fingers. Cheetah Boy turns the corner and nearly bumps into the pair. He realizes what's about to happen and turns to flee but for once he's not fast enough. Dillon cracks Cheetah Boy over the head with an iron bar and Cheetah Boy drops. Atlas and Dillon then start brutally beating down Cheetah Boy for a bit. Officials swarm down and break up the fight and Dillon and Atlas back off without much of a struggle, satisfied with the damage they'd caused. As officials haul Cheetah Boy away, Atlas hands something, a necklace of some sort to Dillon, who grasps it carefully as they head backstage together.


Cheetah Boy is in the ring, celebrating when suddenly Atlas and Marshall Dillon appear and beat him down.

Rating: D-






Dillon disappears, but Atlas remains at the top of the ramp, soon joined by Professor Nero and John Greed.


Nero: "Ah ha ha, that sure shows Cheetah Boy. Betcha it'll be tha last time he calls one of us too slow. That's right, Marshall Dillon has come to his senses and thrown his lot in with us."


Greed: "I was thinking the other day about how I could possibly break through to all you sheep and pull the wool from your eyes and I realized something. I realized I could nnot do it alone."


Nero: "Humble words from a good, humble man."


Greed: "I realized that everyone here, the wrestlers, the fans, they all are in such rut, blinded by their own way of thinking that me and a few others just couldn't do it alone. So I have decided to spread my enlightenment, to allow others to join my crusade to free your minds and spread the word. Marshall Dillon is just the first of many that are flocking to my...to our banner. The Deadly Sins will grow until I can prove to you all, beyond any reasonable doubt, that by freeing yourself of the shackles of thinking that these so called "Deadly Sins" are wrong. The Sins are not wrong, they are in fact the most natural parts of humanity. Understand, ignorant sheep, that all I'm trying to do is return you and the rest of humanity to it's natural place. I will do this by showing you that there is nothing lost and much gained by embracing the deadly sins.”


John Greed, Professor Nero and Atlas announce that they are expanding their alliance.

Rating: D-




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/RIPW/KentuckyBill.jpg & http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/RIPW/Lassana20Makutsi_FIN.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/RIPW/DanteOrrinson_alt3.jpg & http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/RIPW/unt.jpg w/ http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/RIPW/CatJemson.jpg

American Spirit vs. House Mix



RIPW Tag Team Championship



A pretty standard squash match. Kentucky Bill and Lassana Makutsi alternate between dominating the match while first DJ Inferno then Johnny Vegas get battered around. Both teams stay honorable so the match doesn't get much heat behind it. However, when it finally comes down for House Mix to unleash it's deadly weapon, something goes wrong. DJ Inferno is prepped to start the ReMix and Johnny Vegas is getting into his groove, but when DJ plays the record, instead of some kind of Techno song it plays classical music. Both DJ and Johnny are shocked and surprised, and Lassana tags in Kentucky Bill and the two launch an All-American Assault on Johnny before DJ can find the right record. After the match, Johnny is furious, yelling at DJ to get his albums straightened out.



American Spirit defeated House Mix in 7:48 when Kentucky Bill defeated Johnny Vegas by pinfall with an All-American Assault. American Spirit make defence number 3 of their RIPW Tag Team Championship titles.

Rating: E-






The 'tron switches to a backstage camera where Rob L Miskovsky is about to interview Mr. Electricity.


Rob: “Mr. Electricity, so far your title reign has been a successful one...”


Mr. E: “Damn straight. All the ladies in the house know Mr. E is on fire!”


Rob: “...yes, but many are looking at Brendan Idol as the man that will dethrone you.”


Mr. E: “Dethrone me? DETHRONE ME!? Don't make me laugh. HA! HA HA HA! Brendan Idol couldn't dethrone a drunk off a toilet.”


Rob: “But the last time you faced Brendan, he drew with you, and he's had some pretty big wins recently, especially at the Jungle Jam.”


Mr. E: “I don't care how many wins he gets or who he beats, Mr. Electricity is not going to let anyone take this belt from me. You have no idea what seeing this bit of gold around my waist does for the ladies, and I'm not letting any man touch this belt. The ladies can touch it all the want, but for Brendan Idol, it's hands off and it's going to be that way for a long, long time.”


Rob: “Do you have any concerns that this being a cage match, your Deadly Sins allies will not be able to assist you like they have before?"


Mr. E: “What are you talking about? Mr. E doesn't need any assistance in defending his belt. Sure, Mr. E has many friends who watch his back, but I won this belt fair and square and that's how I'll keep it. Not my fault all those losers out there are jealous of me. You see, they all call it “cheating” when a real man, a real wrestler would realize that it's just superior tactics. That's how I win, skill and superior tactics.”


Rob: “Thank you for your time, Mr. Electricity, and now back to the ring.”


Rob L Miskovsky is backstage interviewing Mr. Electricity about his upcoming match against Brendan Idol.

Rating: E






Back in the ring, Hannah Potter has come out to shoot t-shirts or hand out magazines or some other excuse to get her jiggling in front of the crowd. The crowd is going wild, but suddenly from out of the crowd comes Emmy, carrying a bucket of water. She tosses the bucket over Hannah, humiliating her in front of everyone. Hannah, for the first time ever, looks pissed and chases Emmy out of the ring and backstage.


Hannah Potter is in the ring. Emmy comes down the aisle, carrying a bucket of water. She enters and teases throwing it over Hannah, getting the crowd to react. Eventually, she dumps the entire bucket over her, drenching her, and leaving her humiliated in front of the entire crowd.

Rating: D-




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/RIPW/RafaelRuiz.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/RIPW/Raphael.jpg

Rafael Ruiz vs. Raphael


A pleased-looking Emmy walks down Raphael, who is trying to look confident but it's apparent he's not too pleased to be facing the Mexican Pitbull. Rafael Ruiz comes down, warmed up and ready to roll. The match starts out pretty honest, but Rafael quickly wrestles Raphael into knots and the lone Heartbreaker quickly resorts to heelish tactics like eye rakes and low blows. However, such is Rafael's focus and determination that the cheap tactics do little in the way of stopping him. Even a groin kick barely stuns the wrestling machine and Rafael quickly responds by dropping Raphael and locking in a Ruiz Wrench, causing Rafael to tap out quickly.


Rafael Ruiz defeated Raphael in 12:43 by submission with a Ruiz Wrench.

Rating: E+





Before the ref can even raise Rafael's hand, Gargantuan burst out from backstage. Rafael immediately rolls out of the ring to meet Gargantuan head on, but the bigger man has so much momentum behind him he just bowls Rafael over, flipping him head over heels with a powerful lariat. Rafael recovers quickly, but having just wrestled a match, he's pretty worn out already. Gargantuan lands some heavy blows to Rafael's head and then whips the man into the steel ring steps, sending them flying. Raphael, cautious at first but emboldened by Gargantuan's destruction, joins in and starts to put the boots to a downed Rafael, pissed at being stretched so badly in the match. He pauses though as a shadow looms over him. Turning around, he comes face-to-chest to Gargantuan, and the monster unleashed does not take kindly to anyone else “helping.” With one hand he lifts up Raphael and chokeslams him on top of Rafael, roars with fury and then storms back up the ramp, leaving both men broken and destroyed.


Rafael Ruiz and Raphael are just finishing a match when suddenly Gargantuan bursts into the ring attacking both wrestlers, quickly beating both of them down into the mat.

Rating: D-




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/RIPW/BrendanIdol.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/RIPW/KashmirSingh_alt2.jpg w/ http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/RIPW/ProfessorNero.jpg



RIPW Championship

Brendan Idol vs. Mr. Electricity for the RIPW Championship in a Modern Cage Match


The cage is constructed rather quickly as Brendan and Mr. Electricity wait around, playing to the crowd. They almost get into a fight once or twice but officials keep them seperated until it's time for the match. The two men enter and David Poker locks the door behind them. Brendan Idol and Mr. Electricity start things off nice and slow, engaging in a back and forth powre exchange. Mr. Electricity quickly dominates this, packing considerable amount of muscle onto his small frame, but Brendan realizes that this is a bad avenue for him and he speeds things up, even taking to the air a few times. Mr. Electricity is able to keep up with him, but just barely. Brendan gets more and more fired up as the match continues and Mr. Electricity seems ot wear down more and more. Professor Nero is ringside shouting advice to him, even trying to sneak his cane in between the bars to trip up Brendan but his cane is too short and the cage is too large, for the first time he is unable to interfere. Even the referee ignores him, causing him to shout and cures with all his might.


Meanwhile, back in the ring, Mr. Electricity starts resorting to low blows and eye rakes, but even then it's only a temporary advantage as Brendan recovers before Mr. Electricity can launch any serious offensive and a quick reversal here or a sidestep there and Brendan is back in control. Professor Nero even tries to pick the cage door lock but to no avail.


The crowd is cheering, sensing that finally Mr. Electricity's time is up. It happens quickly, Mr. Electricity brings Brendan Idol to the top rope for a Superplex when Brendan counters wit some punches, stunning Mr. Electricity enough for Brendan Idol to pull off a reverse Idolizer on Mr. E, planting him into the center of the mat. Nero is screaming for Mr. E to get back up but the ref's hand hits the mat once, twice...three times! Brendan Idol wins! Brendan Idol is the new RIPW Champion!


Brendan Idol defeated Mr. Electricity in a 1 vs 1 Cage Modern (RIPW) match in 23:41 by pinfall with an Idolizer. Brendan Idol wins the RIPW Championship title.

Rating: E+






As Brendan rushes through the crowd holding the title aloft, the jumbotron jumps to a backstage camera shot of Gargantuan. From the camera angle it's apparent that he's watching Brendan from backstage, grinning his evil, sadistic grin.


Gargantuan is backstage, hunting around and looking mean as hell.

Rating: B-




Overall: E+

Attendance: 90 people

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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:24px;">Chapter 1</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p><strong> </strong></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Nero's Plan</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Monday, Week 3</strong></p><p><strong> July 2008</strong></p><p> </p><p> Lisa continued to avoid me, and today was no different. As I walked into the waiting room, she immediately picked up the phone and started dialing. I wanted to make her see that she was wrong about me, or at the very least get some closure. Uncle had other plans, however. He immediately called me into his office.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">"Listen, m'boy. Now that you're being spun off as a singles wrestler for awhile, you've got to spend more time training. If you screw this up, Eisen could easily pull your contract and you'd be out of RIPW."</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#006400;">"You wouldn't hire me on to a PPA?"</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">"Couldn't, Eisen would suspect nepotism and get the board to veto the hire. I know, ironic considering Eric is still headlining Supreme TV. He'd hate for me to get anyone working here more loyal to me then him. You're here because he's smart enough to recognize talent when he sees it, but despite his "sunny" disposition, you're walking on thin ice."</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#006400;">"But...if Eisen hates me so much, why didn't he just fire me when I asked to go single in the first place?"</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">"Don't flatter yourself, Eisen doesn't hate you personally, he's just very cautious around me. Sees me as a threat because the board listened to me over him on more then a few occasions, and despite throwing Sam Keith under the bus, he's still in a fair amount of hot water over the Election fiasco."</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#006400;">"But what could Eisen possibly be afraid of from you?"</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">"He's afraid RIPW will wiggle out from under his thumb and be spun off into its own promotion. No more board control, no more Eisen input, I'd get to run it exactly how I want to. We'd be competition springing up right in Eisen's backyard."</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#006400;">"Why would the board ever agree to that? That seems like a huge hit to SWF..."</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">"Well, maybe the board doesn't see it that way because maybe I've been pitching it as a way to capitalize on a growing market, to create a new product and a new revenue source. And by making RIPW independent, it would be able to generate a profit without the expensive overhead of SWF supervision."</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> He flashed a wicked grin.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">"The key is that the board only looks at the short-game, how much they stand to earn next quarter. Spinning RIPW off would save them a bundle in the short term, but in the long run...eh, that's for Eisen to settle. Eisen and his family still have majority control but most of the rest of the board is against him so all it takes is Eric or Jerry to flip sides and RIPW cuts off its parent company."</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#006400;">"Do you really think that would happen?"</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">"No, but it sure as hell pisses Eisen off and that's enough for me. Now, let's go over next week's card, shall we?"</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Next Show: RIPW Vengeance</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23365" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> John Greed vs. Lion Heart</p><p> Bear Bekowski vs. Jerry Martin for RIPW Hardcore Title</p><p> American Spirit vs. The Simmering Sins (Atlas & Marshall Dillon)</p><p> Brendan Idol vs. Gargantuan for RIPW Championship</p></div></blockquote>
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The Abrupt Ending


With 2010 pending release, I put the diary on hold to wait and see how the data for RIPW ended up. I was hoping that the transition from this diary to 2010 would be a smooth one. I was kicking around the idea of jumping this diary forward or just finishing this out to 2009 and starting a 2010 game in 2009. However, the data released and I was crushed.


RIPW is not what I would hope it would be. Although some things did fall into place, many others did not. John Greed was called up, Brendan Idol was let go. Cheetah Boy is still around, and the new replacements are to me just carbon copies of Bear Bekowski. Big heavyweights with no talent.


I could have altered my storylines to fit canon, I could have thrown canon to the wind and just continued on. But looking at doing a diary with such generic, faceless copies didn't appeal to me. At least, not at the moment. So RIPW and Nero's plans will fade into the archives.


Perhaps in the future I'll dig up Dante, Nero, and the rest of RIPW to stomp around 2010. Perhaps not.


I would like to say that I had a blast writing this diary, and I'd like to thank all my readers for the support you've shown me. I do plan on writing a new diary for 2010, so if you enjoyed this, keep an eye out in the new dynasty forum for it.

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