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WCW A Change In Power

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Well my first PPV is in one day. My Uncle Ted told me I need to get a B show for some of the guys that don’t get used on Nitro so I’m going in talks starting the first of February. I have also have got a Child Promotion East Coast Wrestling Association. I have sent down some workers and there names will be released later.

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Part 1



N.W.O/WCW Sold Out



MT: Welcome everyone to N.W.O/WCW Sold Out we have a good show for you here tonight headlined by the highly anticipated match between Hollywood Hulk Hogan and Brett the hitman Hart.


TS: Those two have been going at it for a month now and last week we saw the formation of the HWO.


Match 1: Kid Crusher V. Disco Inferno

Kid starts off fast with with a dropkick followed by an Elbow Drop. Disco gets to his knees but gets kicked right in the head. Kid goes for the pin 1...kick out. Disco gets up and takes Kid down with a Arm Drag but Kid gets right back up and goes to the top and hit’s the Kid Killer ( A flying Corkscrew Forearm off the top rope.) and goes for the pin 1...2...3 the bell rings and this ones over.


Winner and new WCW T.V Champion: Kid Crusher

Rating: D



MT: Kid Crusher has beat Disco Inferno for the T.V Title.


TS: Mike, This Kid is on a roll. He has not lost yet in WCW.




Match 2: Chris Benoit V. Chris Jericho

Jericho puts Benoit in a Wrist Lock to began this match. Benoit reverses it and sends Jericho to the corner he then hits with five knife edge chops to he’s chest. Jericho falls to the ground and Benoit locks in a Sharpshooter, Jericho works up enough power to get to get to the ropes. Jericho then gets up and spits in the face of Benoit. Benoit gets pissed and takes it out on Jericho, he whips Jericho into the corner and hit’s a running clotheslines. He then picks him up does a Dragon Suplex and goes for the pin 1...2...3



Winner: Chris Benoit

Rating: C+



MT: The young Jericho could not hold off the veteran Benoit.


TS: Yea, but Jericho has a lot of time left in this company and will continue to improve.


MT: Yes and when he does it will be a treat to watch.





Backstage is a bloody Rick Steiner with no one having a clue how did this to Scott is screaming for help and says it was the Outsiders who they fight next.


Rating: C+


MT: I’m getting word from Wesley Tyson that the match will continue as a Title match but it will be a handicap match.



Match 3: The Outsiders V. Scott Steiner for the Tag Team titles

Nash starts off for The Outsiders. Steiner doesn’t waste no time on offence he hit Nash with a Clothesline followed by a Elbow Drop. He then lefts Nash up and hits hit with a pump handle slam. Hall then steps in put the ref stops him from getting involed, but while the ref had his back turned nash Hits Steiner with a low blow. Nash then tags in Hall and Hall hits him with a Razors Edge and then goes into the cover 1...2...3 the match is done


Winner and new WCW Tag Team champions: The Outsiders

Rating: B



MT: I can guarantee you that Scott and Rick want be happy with the decision by Wesley Tyson to keep this a title match after Rick was injured back stage.


TS: Yea I’m sure they will have something to say tomorrow night on Nitro.




The Steiner’s bust into Wesley tryson’s Office and demand a title shot. But Wesley lets them know that they didn’t have a rematch claws in there contract so tomorrow on Nitro it will be The Steiner Brothers V. Harlem Heat for number one contender for the Tag Team Champonship. ( C-)




Match 4: Raven V. Curt Henning V. DDP for the U.S Heavyweight Title

Raven and Henning team together to start the match and beat down DDP. Rave sends DDP to the corner flowed by an Elbow by Henning. DDP strugles out the corner but gets nailed by a Big Boot by Henning. DDP gets up and hit Henning with a Low Blow right in front of the ref. The ref ring the bell.


Winner: Curt Henning because of the DQ DDP keeps the U.S Title.

Rating: B


MT: What a cowardly thing to do.

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Part 2




MT: In a sad story tonight’s cruiserweight title match has been changed because La Parka was found dead in his California home yesterday but as they say the show must go on.



Match 5: Eddy Guerrero V. Rey Mysterio Jr. For the Cruiserweight title

Eddy starts off strong with a flying kick to the head of Rey. Rey the gets up and hit’s a tornado DDT he then goes for the cover 1...kick out. Eddy kicks out and then gets Rey in an Arm Bar but Rey flips out of it and then gets pushed to the ground by Eddy. Eddy the picks him up and hits with the Three Amigos. After that he Climbs the top rope and connects with a Frog Splash and covers Rey 1...2...3 the match ends.


Winner and still champion: Eddy Guerrero

Rating: C-



MT: Eddy retains tonight but good fight by Rey to stay in it.


TS: Yea, Rey I feel is much underrated just because of his size but he has one of the biggest harts in the business.



Match 6: Roddy Piper V. Buff Bagwell

Piper starts off with a slap to Bagwell followed by some insults yelled at him. Bagwell then runs towards Piper but Piper pulls down the top rope and Bagwell falls out. The ref begins his count 1...2...3...4...5 Buff rolls back in the ring. Piper the does a body slam on Bagwell followed by an elbow drop. Buff then gets up and sends Piper into the ropes and hit’s a monster Clothesline. Buff bends down to pick piper up but Piper thumbs Buff in the eye and rolls him up for the pin he has a handful of tights 1...2...3


Winner: Roddy Piper

Rating: B


MT: Piper pulled out the win here tonight.


TS: yea but not with out cheating.


Match 7: Randy Savage V. Ric Flair

Ric starts off good with a couple of knife edge chops. Savage recovers fast though and hits Flair with a Body Slam followed by an elbow drop. Randy starts working on the right knee of Flair. Flair thumbs Savage in the eye and gets a sleeper hold locked in on Randy. The ref asks Randy if he wants to stop the match but he refuses to, Randy finally gets to the ropes after three minutes and breaks the hold.


Randy starts to take the advantage with a monster clothesline that almost takes flairs head off. Randy then goes to the top and tries to hit the elbow drop and connects 1...2...Flair kicks out. Savage then goes for the pile diver and hits it and goes for the pin 1...2...3



Winner: Randy Savage

Rating: A



MT: That was a great match, and this has been a classic Pay per View tonight.


TS: Yes and we still have are main event left with Bret Hart and Hollywood Hulk Hogan and that is coming up.



Main Event: Bret Hart V. Hollywood hulk Hogan

Hogan whips Hart into the corner and hit’s a running shoulder block. Hart is dazed and gets hit with a big clothesline followed by a missed leg drop by Hogan. Bret then goes for a pin 1...kicks out. Bret then picks Hogan up and locking in a dragon sleeper. Hogan starts to fade away from the dragon sleeper but gets to the ropes before any more damage is done. Hogan goes outside the ring to catch his breath but Hart is right behind him. Hart bangs Hogan’s head against the barricade and busts Hogan open Hogan the whips Hart in the steel steps but the ref is now at 8 Hogan gets in the ring but goes right back out starting a new count.


Hogan is losing a whole lot of blood and it’s showing as he looks dazed and confused he enters the ring followed by Hart. Hogan hits Hart with a big boot that busts Hart open. Hogan then attempts a big leg drop but missies as Hart rolls out of the way. Hart then pulls Hogan to the center of the ring and locks in the Sharpshooter. Hogan is screaming because of the pain. He tries to get to the ropes but couldn’t Hogan finally taps with no were to go and the match is over.


Winner and new champion: Bret Hart

Rating: A


After the match the members of the HWO come out to celebrate with Hart as the show goes off.



Final Rating: A


Quick picks

Hyde Hill 7 / 8

randomfreeze 3 / 8

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WCW Nitro Feb. week 1 card


Chris Benoit V. DDP for the WCW U.S Championship

After last nights performance from Benoit, Wesley has granted him a U.S title shot and if DDP gets counted out or Disqualified he will lose his belt.


Raven V. Curt Henning

This match is for the number one contender for the U.S Championship.


Sting V. ???

Extra point for correct guess of mystery opponent


The Steiner Brothers V. Harlem Heat for Number One contender for the Tag Team Tittles

This match was made at last nights N.W.O/WCW Sold Out when Rick Steiner got hurt and that caused the Steiner Brothers to lose the title.


Benoit V. DDP

Raven V. Henning

Sting V. ???

Steiners V. Harlem Heat

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WCW Nitro Feb. week 1

MT: Welcome to the First Nitro after N.W.O/WCW Sold and it was a great show.


TS: Yea Mike, we crowned a new World Heavyweight Champion as Bret Hart made Hogan tap.


MT: Let’s get started with a one one match right now.



Match 1: Curt Henning V. Raven

Henning starts off fast as he throws Raven with a Belly to Belly Supple. Raven gets up and connects with a right hand knocking him almost to the ground he then hit him with a Clothesline knocking him down. He hits with an Elbow Drop, then picks him up and hit’s a Raven DDT and goes for the pin, 1...2...3


Winner: Raven

Rating: C+


MT: That was a solid match with Raven coming through with a win.


TS: Yea, Curt Henning doesn’t look to happy about it ether.



Hulk Hogan comes down to the ring with the N.W.O with him and says that he knows he can beat Bret and wants a rematch. He also says that he is so sure that he will put his career on the line.


Rating: A


MT: Wow, Tony did you see that coming?


TS: No I didn’t Mike, but I feel that Bret should watch his back because the N.W.O isn’t going to let Hogan lose if the match is made.



Match 2: DDP V. Chris Benoit

Benoit shots DDP into the ropes and hit’s a Germen Suplex. He goes for the cover 1...kick out. DDP gets up and slaps Chris Benoit, Benoit then snap DDP to the mat and locks in a Sharpshooter; DDP gets his power up and gets to the ropes. DDP sends Benoit to the ropes and hits him with a forearm. He picks Chris up and hit a Diamond Cutter and goes for the pin, 1...2...3 DDP gets the win.


Winner: DDP

Rating: C+


MT: That was a great match but DDP continues his roll and beats Benoit.


TS: Yea Mike, DDP has been pretty much unstoppable lately.





Ric Flair comes down to the ring grabs a mic and says that he proved his legendary status as a wrestler at last nights PPV. He goes on to say that Randy Savage can’t beat him even if he was blindfolded. Then Wesley Tyson comes out and tells Ric that next week he will be in a Blindfold match against Savage.


Rating: B+



Match 3: The Steiner Brothers V. Harlem Heat

Scott and Stevie start off the match with a lock up in the center of the ring. Scott pushes Stevie down and Hit a Clothesline after he gets up. Scott then tags Rick in and Rick goes to work on Stevie. Stevie tries to get up but Rick drops an Elbow Drop on the back of his head. Stevie dazed in the middle of the ring works his way to Booker for the tag. Booker comes in on fire with a Clothesline for Rick and a Forearm to Scott. Booker then runs at Rick but gets laid out with a Monster Clothesline.

Rick tags in Scott and Scott locks in a Steiner recliner and makes Booker Tap out.


Winner: The Steiner Brothers

Rating: C+





Backstage we see Kevin Nash and Hulk Hogan arguing. We hear Hogan tell Nash that he is not holding up his end of the N.W.O and needs to improve. Nash then tells Hogan to lighten up because there is no way Hart will retain the World Title come SuperBrawl and that he has some business to take care of and will talk to him later.


Rating: B+


TS: Kevin and Hollywood Hogan have tension between the two of them listing to that. Could there be trouble with in the N.W.O?


MT I doubt it Tony, these guy have known each other for years now and will settle it soon.



Main Event: Sting V. Kevin Nash

Nash starts off slow getting whipped into the corner and hit with a Stinger Splash. Sting locks in a head lock on the ground on Nash. Nash stands up with Sting still apllying the head lock and Slams him to the mat. Nash picks Sting up and puts him on his shoulders and hits with a Soma Drop. Nash goes for the pin 1...2...kick out. Nash then picks Sting up and then Nash lays down. He tells Sting to pin him! Sting goes for the pin 1...2...3 and gets the win.


Winner: Sting

Rating: A


After the match Nash rips off his N.W.O Shirt and has a HWO shirt on!! Hogan the comes down to the ring but gets attacked by Scott Hall, who is also wearing a HWO shirt!


MT: Oh my god Tony The Outsiders are part of the Hitmans World Order.


TS: This will change the face of WCW forever!


Final Rating: C+

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Nitro Feb. week 2 card</p><p> </p><p>

Disco Inferno V. Kid Crusher</p><p>

A non title match were Disco wants to prove his spot in WCW</p><p> </p><p>

Sting V. Hulk Hogan V. The Giant</p><p>

The main Event for the show. Neutral Giant has not picked a side will he chose one.</p><p> </p><p>

Kevin Nash V. Rick Steiner</p><p>

Nash and Steiner will lock it up this Monday will Rick get revenge on Nash for knocking him out two weeks ago?</p><p> </p><p>

Harlem Heat V. Ric Flair and Lex Luger</p><p>

Harlem Heat feel they are disrespected in WCW and challenged two veterans Luger and Flair.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Quick pick</p><p> </p><p>

Inferno V. Crusher</p><p>

Sting V. Hogan V. Giant</p><p>

Nash V. Steiner</p><p>

Heat V. Luger and Flair</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Hyde Hill 3 / 4</p><p> </p><p>

Lolo5227 3 / 4</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p>Inferno V. <strong>Crusher</strong></p><p>

<strong>Sting</strong> V. Hogan V. Giant</p><p>

<strong>Nash</strong> V. Steiner</p><p>

Heat V. <strong>Luger and Flair</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Getting better which each show mate keep reading other people's stuff and keep working at it.</p>

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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>Wrestlingnews.com</em></strong></p><p><strong><em> </em></strong></p><p><strong><em>

WCW has relased information that they will start a WCW hall of fame. All that’s known for now is that wrestlers will be Eligible from the Jim Crockett promotion days. More when we get the Info.</em></strong></p><p><strong><em>


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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Development Roster</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

Blitzkrieg </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

Bobby Hennan (Training wrestlers)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

Dusty Rhodes (Training Wrestlers)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

Ernest Miller</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

Glacier </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

Harley Race (To train wrestlers)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

Johnny Grunge</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

Larry Zbyszko (To train other wrestlers)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

Prince Iaukea</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

Sick Boy</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

Dave Finlay ( To train other wrestlers)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

Yuji Nagata</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

More will be moved in coming days.</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p>The Brains Examination on WCW</p><p> </p><p>

Welcome to the brand new WCW website I’m The Brian of WCW Bobby Henning. This is a report of everything interesting in WCW. This week we have four subjects to discuss so lets get started.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ted Turners Health and Wesley Tyson being in charge of things.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Ted Turner is doing fine; the recent rumors are just those rumors. I personally am a friend with Ted and he has explained to me why he has chose Wesley to take Eric’s place as Head booker/designs making in WCW. Eric had some family issues and is currently attending to them at his home. He has not said if he will come back to wrestling. Wesley in my opinion has a great mind for the booking side of wrestling and will get better as time goes on. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WCW V. WWF</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The ratings war has continued (but really no contest) WCW has ran over WWE in the ratings the last two months. Vince is said to be pretty mad about this but he don’t know what to do. There is also rumors on a WWE star jumping ship to WCW I can not confirm that so as of now it false.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The H.W.O V. N.W.O</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Here’s what I think about this we have six legends on one side in the H.W.O, and then we have the N.W.O with Hulk Hogan. If this continues it should be great. Bret V. Hogan is always a classic but with Hogan putting his career on the line at the next pay per view should make it one of the best of all time.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Superstar of the week</strong></p><p> </p><p>

This is something ill do each week I will chose a WCW superstar and give an insite of there career and life. This week is Ric Flair. Ric is a living legend he has won the NWA world championship and WCW heavyweight championship so many time I lost track. Ric is still going at a unbelievable pace and is sure to win a couple more titles before it’s said and done. Ric has some good friends in the company to, Dusty Rhodes is one of his closest. They have traveled together for years and consider eah other brothers. Ric is a true legend in the Business.</p>

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  • 3 weeks later...
The Brains Examination on WCW


Welcome to the brand new WCW website I’m The Brian of WCW Bobby Henning. This is a report of everything interesting in WCW. This week we have four subjects to discuss so lets get started.



Ted Turners Health and Wesley Tyson being in charge of things.


Ted Turner is doing fine; the recent rumors are just those rumors. I personally am a friend with Ted and he has explained to me why he has chose Wesley to take Eric’s place as Head booker/designs making in WCW. Eric had some family issues and is currently attending to them at his home. He has not said if he will come back to wrestling. Wesley in my opinion has a great mind for the booking side of wrestling and will get better as time goes on.





The ratings war has continued (but really no contest) WCW has ran over WWE in the ratings the last two months. Vince is said to be pretty mad about this but he don’t know what to do. There is also rumors on a WWE star jumping ship to WCW I can not confirm that so as of now it false.


The H.W.O V. N.W.O


Here’s what I think about this we have six legends on one side in the H.W.O, and then we have the N.W.O with Hulk Hogan. If this continues it should be great. Bret V. Hogan is always a classic but with Hogan putting his career on the line at the next pay per view should make it one of the best of all time.


Superstar of the week


This is something ill do each week I will chose a WCW superstar and give an insite of there career and life. This week is Ric Flair. Ric is a living legend he has won the NWA world championship and WCW heavyweight championship so many time I lost track. Ric is still going at a unbelievable pace and is sure to win a couple more titles before it’s said and done. Ric has some good friends in the company to, Dusty Rhodes is one of his closest. They have traveled together for years and consider eah other brothers. Ric is a true legend in the Business.


I'm sorry, I thought you said you worked on your spelling, just in the intro, I've noticed too many mistakes. :confused:

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I'm sorry, I thought you said you worked on your spelling, just in the intro, I've noticed too many mistakes. :confused:

Um, If your not going to give adivice or make picks why dont you stop reading? I'm doing this for fun not to please you.

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Um, If your not going to give adivice or make picks why dont you stop reading? I'm doing this for fun not to please you.


Sorry if I come off as a jack ass but Most people aren't going to continue reading if you don't try working on your spelling. There are plenty of careless mistakes in there, and you're not doing anything to draw anybody else in. I mean, I step in to every diary and usually give it a read, and If I see potential, I give it some predictions, this is of course after at least one show. But, there aren't any pictures, it's one line match reports basically, and really, if a promo is graded an A, there should be at least 4 lines of writing. Seriously, take a look at other people, like Nevermore, BigPapa, James Casey, Tigerkinney and Keefmoon's diaries, and look at how long their posts are, just take a moment and look, so you can strive for that. I'm glad you're doing this for fun, and I know you're not trying to please me, but I'm trying to help you by telling you to review your spelling so more people can be attracted to the diary, but it seems you don't want to take it nicely and treat me like I'm a complete Moron, no disrespect intended, but I think you're coming off as overeager, uncaring, and not willing to try to improve your writing. I know this is a forum, but come on. These are mistakes that can easily be repared. Brains is spelled Brain, you spelled in Brian. Seriously. Preview your post and spell check it.


Rant Over.

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