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Dear Journal;


Being a booker isn’t what some crack it up to be. I mean, come on – it’s time for me to get myself in check. It’s not all about just booking random ass matches which let the crowd go wild. It’s also about trying to keeping your peers happy, keeping your critics at bay and such.


Though I have come to realise that this job may be tougher than some expect. Of course, I am here with a boss who is kind yet ruthless and demanding in what he wants. The son of the boss is like his father, minus the demanding. And well the other son – he’s a total idiot. He thinks that just because he’s the boss’ son, it entitles him to bossing everybody about.


The roster is somewhat split into so many halves, it leaves my head spinning. Even on my first day (which of course I didn’t have to work, more like observe the goings on) – I’ve met people I’d like to associate with and some I’d like to just keep away from. A steroid junkie who’s always loud and obnoxious is the main problem of the roster, however it doesn’t quite matter to me because I feel that he won’t be coming to me as often as I first thought.


My first day has been somewhat exhausting if not great. At the start of the day, I met the boss and we sat down had a quick chat and what he expected from me; he then went onto asking me what I expected from him. As you can expect, when you’re talking to a business mogul such as him – you just do not know what to say about that question. We then went up to the skybox of the V. Thompson Arena where I watched on at the action of his house show. He told me to take notes, and that I did. One of the most important notes I took down was to make everything gel nicely. And that’s what this man’s television show did.


He soon spoke to me once again, and told me to observe the backstage area – and that’s lead me to the second and third paragraph. We crossed paths once more and he asked me to go get some rest for tomorrow and he’ll e-mail me (damn, I didn’t know people in their late fifties could use computers...) tomorrow.


So out of a pretty eventful day, I’ve been lead here and I am writing under the bright light of a lamp in some hotel, sitting on a creaky old wooden chair and it smells like nicotine in here...And before a person comes to read this and starts to think that I am a smoker – you are terribly mistaken as I am a person who does not do drugs or drink alcohol (for now; this jobs more likely to lead me to the substance at one time or another). So here’s my schedule:


1. Meet up with boss.

2. Observe roster

3. Introduce myself

4. Watch the television show from the crowd


Seems like a decent enough plan. But anyway, I must leave now as I need as much rest as possible for tomorrow’s first day on the job.


Yours Truly;

Joel Leon

Head Booker

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Tuesday, Week One, February

Getting To Know Everyone


This was a job I viewed with the upmost respect as it can only be known as a ‘booker’s dream’. I am somewhat amazed at the atmosphere backstage as it is livelier than last night’s house show. Though when I entered the small boardroom located in the southwest corner of the arena, tucked away from the other establishments which included a burger bar, a small replica of a pub and of course the merchandise stands selling t-shirts of their beloved stars.


As I made my way through a swarms of paying customers, I met a flamboyant man – I did not have time to catch his name, but he was very kind towards me and was willing to show me around the locker room sometime. I thanked him for his kindness and walked off, and even down the long straight I could still see his purple shirt as it shone brightly within the crowd of black t-shirts. I continued down the corridor and soon found the boardroom, and placed my hand on the cold handle before pushing down on it to open the large mahogany door.


It was clear the boss was talking about something, and I had interrupted him. He didn’t care though, he welcomed me in and proclaimed that I was what was going to steer the company to a new height. The man was basically grooming me to be the Jesus Christ of booking, and it was unnerving. I made my way through the smoke polluted room as my seat was at the far end of a long table.


Walking behind the chairs of others, I managed to catch a glimpse of who I was working with. There was an American-Indian man who was trying to push the boss into making a decision about god knows what. There was another man, in his late sixties – he was a wrestling veteran, and a good one at that. Right next to him was a big fellow; he was very quiet and didn’t seem to say much except from “indeed”. Finally, I reached the end of the table and sitting right next to me was another former wrestler who was smoking heavily. He was part of the promotion’s child company and was trying his best to convince the boss that a wrestler was indeed ready to take up a place in the main roster.


I sat in the leather clad seat as the boss looked eye to eye at me and welcomed me, before telling others to do the same. They did so, and they announced their names. The American-Indian introduced himself as Chief Two Eagles, a big time wrestler from back in the 1970’s and 80’s. The man in his late sixties was yet another big time wrestler from way back; ‘Perfect’ Pat Deacon. He was a good brawler and highly respected road agent who’d from what I gather sit in on meetings. I laid eyes on the big fellow as he introduced himself as Peter Michaels. A former head booker who stood down in order to spend more time with his family; though he still takes time to be a regular announcer on the main television show. And finally there was the final guy, who was smoking. Mayhem Midden. Or Ken Midden, is what he liked to be called – he looked like a biker, with his leather jacket and sunglasses on which accompanied the long beard.


Finally the boss spoke up and re-introduced himself. He was Richard Eisen, the man who destroyed the territorial system in favour of building his empire which has know become known as the global phenomenon – Supreme Wrestling Federation. The meeting ended as soon as I entered and all the men introduced himself, as Eisen came over to me. He slid over a piece of paper with a couple of notes on the roster (assorted gimmick) and such...









Christian Faith

(42, Face, Bad Ass)

Christian Faith is one of the most enduring figures in US wrestling, having been a headliner for the Supreme Wrestling Federation almost continually since the 1980's. While not great in the ring, he has massive charisma and knows how to put on an exciting match. Early in his SWF career he struggled to break out, stuck in the shadow of the legendary Sam Strong and Rip Chord. However, once those two left, his career went into super nova, and some would even say he has now eclipsed both men. He is highly respected within the wrestling community, as is called "The Iron Man" by his peers due to the legendary work ethic and resilience; in two decades of work for the SWF you can count the amount of shows he has missed through injury or illness on one hand.



Eric Eisen

(29, Heel, Chosen One)

Eric Eisen is the youngest son of SWF owner Richard Eisen. Being brought up around the wrestling industry, it was unquestioned that he would end up working in the business, but what surprised many was that he chose to pursue a career as an active wrestler rather than the easier path of becoming an announcer or backstage worker. He's not a great worker by any means, even after training with some of the best wrestlers around, but he is respected by his peers for his strong work ethic and attitude.



Jack Bruce

(35, Face, Chosen One)

Flamboyant New Yorker Jack Bruce is a talented all round worker, whose big break was when he was hired by Total Championship Wrestling in 1998 to be the lead singer of their rock band \ stable "Painful Procedure". That role, which he played to perfection, sky-rocketed him from unknown to superstar almost overnight. In August 2004, he chose to "defect" to TCW's big rivals the Supreme Wrestling Federation, which was one of the biggest news stories of the year. He quickly established himself as one of SWF's biggest and brightest main event stars, and capped off his rise to the top when he defeated Runaway Train in August 2007 to capture the SWF world title.




(25, Heel, Bad Ass)

Remo Richardson is one of the brightest young prospects in wrestling. Discovered by the SWF scouting system while he was just 19 years old and fresh out of training, Remo has been with the promotion ever since, slowly being groomed for success. A true powerhouse, he is known for his explosive attack style and surprising athleticism. Over the years he has developed into a great worker, and he seems to be virtually guaranteed to eventually be world champion.



Runaway Train

(43, Heel, Monster; w/ The Guru)

Runaway Train is most famous for being SWF's premier monster heel since 2000, a status he earned thanks to a legendary angle when he put Christian Faith into temporary retirement with a powerbomb off a sound stage. Prior to his SWF career, he worked under his real name, Barry Bowen. While his potential was obvious, he didn't really accomplish as much as was expected, with a short main event run with CGC in Canada being the highlight. He has been an almost constant SWF main event presence since 2004, but after having his second world title reign ended by Jack Bruce in August 2007 it does appear that the ageing warrior is slowly being phased out, having his monster heel status transferred to Vengeance instead.



Steve Frehley

(24, Face, Bad Ass)

"The Dark Destroyer" Steve Frehley exploded onto the world stage in the summer of 2004 when he scored an upset victory on his SWF debut against the veteran Sam Keith, forcing the wrestling world to take notice. Since then, he has done little wrong; his high-impact style was showcased to its full extent as he bulldozed his way through opponent after opponent, eventually capturing the world title in 2006. He suffered his first defeat in October that year, losing the title back to Runaway Train.




(36, Heel, Vigilante)

Vengeance is the psychotic alter-ego of the Supreme Wrestling Federation's Skull DeBones. Coming into the promotion after a successful run with DAVE, Skull quickly became one of the promotion's most popular and marketable babyfaces thanks to great booking and his own strong work ethic. In 2007, with the promotion looking to replace ageing long-time main event monster heel Runaway Train, they pulled the trigger on a Skull heel turn. After being screwed out of several world title winning moments, DeBones began to act increasingly erratically, even starting to carry a large chain around with him. Eventually he snapped, bloodying and choking out the legendary Christian Faith to begin a hot feud. It was at this point that he started calling himself Vengeance.





Brandon James

(31, Heel, Franchise Player; w/ Emma Chase)

"Big Money" Brandon James is one of SWF's brightest young stars. Prior to joining the company he achieved success as Big Cat Brandon in DAVE, where his combination of intensity, power, and superstar aura took him all the way to the company's Unified title. When DAVE went out of business a bidding war for the highly coveted free agent broke out between SWF and TCW, with the former eventually winning courtesy of a five year deal with creative control, something that SWF had never offered to anybody before - a sure sign that Richard Eisen saw dollar signs when he looked at the powerhouse. "Big Money" debuted during the summer under the management of fellow DAVE alumni Emma Chase, making an instant impact by destroying fan favourite Lobster Warrior on pay-per-view during a post-match assault.




(32, Face, Mysterious)

Enygma is a former SWF world champion, who burst onto the scene out of nowhere in 2002 and quickly became massively over thanks to a huge push and accompanying undefeated streak. However, a poorly booked short world title reign in 2004 (which some blame on backstage politics) basically killed his momentum dead, and he has been gradually falling further and further down the SWF pecking order ever since, as without the undefeated streak, his less than stellar skills are brutally exposed.



Groucho Bling

(27, Face, Fun Babyface)

(High Concept; w/ Elmo Benson)

Greg Black is better known as Groucho Bling, one half of the High Concept tag team with Elmo Benson, one of the Supreme Wrestling Federation's main tag team attractions. Originally trained in Canada by the Stone family, he used to work under the name Greg Wright, teaming with Art Reed as Reed and Wright, but it was when he was picked up by SWF in 2003 and teamed up with Benson that his career picked up, and he is now considered one of the SWF's brightest young talents.



Joe Sexy

(35, Heel, Ravishing)

Joe Sexy is a big brawler who is most closely associated with the Supreme Wrestling Federation, having spent his entire career with them. He debuted late in life, at the age of 29, but has risen fast since then and is now one of the most valuable talents on the SWF roster, and is a former North American champion. He is by no means a great worker, just a pretty good one, but he more than makes up for that with his natural charisma.



Lobster Warrior

(34, Face, Comic Book Hero)

Chris Morrisette is a talented, versatile worker, best known for his work as Lobster Warrior in the SWF, where he has become one of the most popular and marketable stars in North America's biggest promotion. Prior to joining the SWF, his best work had been done in Canada, where he was an integral part of the CGC promotion, first under his real name, and later as "Lobster Man", his own creation and a prototype for the character that would eventually lead him to stardom in America. After years of sterling midcard work, 2007 saw the SWF finally start a big push for Lobby with the "commotion in the ocean" storyline; the break-up of the Underwater Union gave him both huge momentum and positioned him well as a top singles contender.



Rich Money

(32, Heel, City Slicker)

Rich Money first came to attention as one of the star workers of the fast-rising United States Pro Wrestling, putting in performances that convinced SWF to sign him up in 2005. Since then he has been one of the company's true MVPs, and is clearly being groomed for an eventual main event run. His plays his super-arrogant, rich bully character to perfection, and has the in-ring skills to back his entertaining gimmick up with awesome matches too.



Squeaky McClean

(33, Heel, Straight Edge)

Squeeky McClean is one of the most consistent wrestlers in North American wrestling, turning in solid technical displays at every turn. He began his career in Canada with CGC, under his real name of John McClean, but never really broke out of the midcard. Nowadays, his most recognisable role is as an annoyingly self-righteous heel with the Supreme Wrestling Federation, a character that became popular enough to take him all the way to a North American title reign in 2006.





Big Smack Scott

(32, Heel, Egomaniac)

Big Smack Scott (Scott Sinclair) is infamous as one of the most disliked and controversial wrestlers around, not just because of his giant ego and attitude problems, but also because he is well known as a sloppy worker whose unsafe moves have injured many of his peers. However, it is undisputable that he does have a magic "X factor" about him which makes him an incredibly effective heel, and that might explain why the SWF took a big risk (and upset half the locker room) by signing him in 2006.



Brett Biggz

(30, Face, Teen Idol; w/ Jessie)

(The Biggz Boyz; w/ Bart Biggz)

Brett Biggz is best known for his successful tag team with his brother Bart. When they debuted for SWF in 1999, their flashy aerial warfare was a breath of fresh air for a tag division used solely to plodding heavyweights, and they quickly became two of the promotion's most marketable stars. Recently they've begun to feel the pressure though, as several new, younger teams have appeared, and the Biggz brothers have begun to look very tame in comparison.



Elmo Benson

(27, Face, Fun Babyface)

(High Concept; w/ Groucho Bling)

Benson "Benny" Crane is an extremely charismatic Canadian high flier, better known as Elmo Benson in the Supreme Wrestling Federation, one half of the High Concept tag team along with Groucho Bling. Trained by the Stone family up in Canada, he used to work under the name "Beautiful" Benny Benson, but got his big break when SWF signed him in 2003. High Concept's high flying style soon made them popular with the fans, and they won their first tag team titles in October 2004.



Enforcer Roberts

(39, Heel, Enforcer)

Phillip "Enforcer" Roberts is highly respected as one of the best, most consistent wrestlers in North America. He first came to national attention when he joined SWF in 1996, and while his performances were excellent, his lack of charisma held him back badly. Fortunately for him, he was soon repackaged into a character that was specifically designed to hide his flaws - he became Enforcer Roberts, Richard Eisen's silent threat. Ten years later, he is now considered part of the backbone of SWF.



Frederique Antonio Garcia

(32, Heel, Fabulous Heel)

Frederique Antonio Garcia is the wrestler formerly known simply as Flex. Under that name, he was one half of the "Flex and Pecs" tag team, a duo who first came to people's attention with USPW, but became nationally known when they joined SWF in 2005. They split up in August 2006, having gotten lost in the promotion's heavily populated tag division, and Garcia debuted his "fabulous" new ring name and character just a few months later; the change clearly boosted his career, as pretty soon he was rising up the card and had become one of the most entertaining acts in the promotion.



Jack Giedroyc

(31, Face, Old School Face; w/ Dawn The Cheerleader)

Jack Giedroyc is a very solid British wrestler who has charisma to spare, and is a distant cousin of Canadian worker Joey Poison. He built up a reputation for excellence on the UK scene over the course of many years, which led to a huge break in 2006 when he was signed by American promotion DAVE. He was an instant hit with the fans, and by October had already gotten his first taste of gold, scoring a hugely impressive pinfall victory over Big Cat Brandon to win the Brass Knuckles championship. What could have been a career unsettling event - the demise of DAVE in April 2007 - proved to be little more than a bump in the road though, as that actually opened the door for him to be signed up by the world's biggest promotion, the Supreme Wrestling Federation.



Kurt Laramee

(31, Heel, Bad Ass)

"The King Of The Streets" Kurt Laramee is a tough, rugged brawler. He was picked up by DAVE very early in his career, and he went on to win a record-breaking five Brass Knuckles titles. He was being groomed to be their next figurehead, with people talking about Phil Vibert's genius at having made a raw rookie into a star, but Kurt shockingly walked out on them in 2006 when SWF came calling. He is now attempting to adapt to life in the less hardcore atmosphere of SWF.



Marc DuBois

(20, Heel, ****y Youth)

"The Can't Miss Propsect" Marc DuBois is a young French-Canadian wrestler, who is a fabulous athlete with a natural ring presence and timing, and should go far. He was the undoubted star of the class that graduated SWF's private training school in December 2005, and he made an instant impact on SWF, pinning the veteran Lobster Warrior on his debut. Just two months later he defeated Warrior's stable mate Calamari Kid to win his first title, the Shooting Star championship.



Robbie Retro

(21, Face, Disco Stud)

"The Disco Stud" Robbie Retro is a big 278lb rookie brawler, who made his pro debut in 2004. His enormously fun character very quickly won him a cult following on the Northern independent circuit, and many who have met him have confirmed that "The Disco Stud" is merely a version of his real life wacky personality, just amped up a bit to make it more over the top. Seeing his potential, SWF signed him in 2005, and he has steadily been working his way up the promotion ladder ever since.




(27, Face, Patriot)

Valiant is a young worker who seems to have unlimited potential. With his muscular physique, long hair, and all-American smile, he is perfect for the role of babyface hero, which is how most promoters use him. After breaking through with CZCW in 2006, he caught the eye of the SWF management team, who saw him as a future star and quickly signed him up to a development contract, sending him to RIPW. His one year run there was essentially just to groom him for success, and in late 2007 he got the inevitable call up onto the main roster.





Bart Biggz

(27, Face, Thrill Seeker; w/ Jessie)

(The Biggz Boyz; w/ Brett Biggz)

Bart Biggz is best known for his successful tag team with his brother Brett, having won four SWF tag team titles since 2001. In recent years the team has begun to look quite stale though, mainly because there has been a new wave of younger, more exciting duos debuting in the promotion. At their peak, Brett always got more plaudits, due to his more flashy ring work, but now many are thinking that Bart may have the better singles career, as he has developed into a really solid wrestler.



Kid Toma

(24, Face, Show Stealer; w/ BJ O'Neill)

(The Samoan Wildboyz; w/ Akima Brave)

Tama "Kid Toma" So'oialo is another member of the extended family of Samoans within the wrestling industry, being the younger brother of Samoan Machine (Bali So'oialo). He was trained in the famous SWF training camp, graduating in 2005 in the excellent class that also included Marc DuBois and the Bumfhole brothers. Making his SWF debut in December 2005, Kid Toma spent 2006 establishing his Samoan Wildboyz tag team with Akima Brave as one of the most exciting duos in wrestling.



Paul Huntingdon

(22, Heel, High Society)

"Blue Blood" Paul Huntingdon. is a wrestler who, even though he is still young, already has a lengthy and varied career behind him. He got involved in the business at just 14, doing various odd jobs for what independent promotions would let him help. By 18 he was doing ringside work as a manager, playing a snobbish rich kid under the name Lord Geoffrey Windameer. Using the contacts he had already built up he began training with a variety of different wrestlers, and eventually got a big break when he was signed by RIPW, the SWF's feeder league, in 2006. His time there, working as Aristocrat, saw him develop quickly from an inconsistent spot monkey into a pretty solid competitor, and in December 2007 he got his dream move when he was called up to the main SWF roster. He debuted on the very final show of the year under his new ring name.



Randy Bumfhole

(23, Face, Teen Idol)

(The Amazing Bumfholes; w/ Zimmy Bumfhole)

Randy Bumfhole is a young star from Florida, who graduated from the SWF training camp in 2005. Debuting alongside his brother Zimmy in December of that year, the Amazing Bumfholes quickly established themselves as one of the hottest tandems in the business, defeating High Concept for the prestigious SWF Tag Team titles in 2006. Both Randy and Zimmy seem to have all the tools necessary to become huge stars in the business.



Zimmy Bumfhole

(24, Face, Teen Idol)

(The Amazing Bumfholes; w/ Randy Bumfhole)

Zimmy Bumfhole is one of the brightest young stars in America, and regarded by many as a potentially huge superstar in the making. Debuting for the SWF in December 2005 alongside his brother Randy, The Amazing Bumfholes quickly established themselves as a force to be reckoned with, winning the world tag team titles off High Concept within a year of their debut. In December 2006, Zimmy added the Shooting Star title to his resume, beating Bart Biggz in a fantastic ladder match.





Akima Brave

(25, Face, Blue Chipper; w/ BJ O'Neill)

(The Samoan Wildboyz; w/ Kid Toma)

Malili "Akima Brave" Umaga is a young risk taker, part of the extended Samoan family of wrestlers (his older brother is Rav "Rhino" Umaga of Golden Canvas Grappling fame). He graduated from the Supreme Wrestling Federation training camp in 2005, making his pro debut in December of that year. He is best known as one half of The Samoan Wildboyz tag team, alongside Kid Toma. A daring worker with a lot of heart, Akima is one to watch for the future.




(25, Heel, Rapper)

(Death Row; w/ Shady K)

Peter "Knuckles" Roach, who teams with Shady K as Death Row, was one of the 2005 graduates of the famous SWF training camp class that included workers like Marc DuBois and the Bumfhole brothers. While not a great in-ring wrestler by any means, Knuckles is smart enough to play to his strengths - intense brawling and crowd interaction - and has youth and desire on his side. Death Row look set to be a big part of SWF, already having beaten former two time tag champs Jumbo Shrimp and Calamari Kid.



Shady K

(25, Heel, Rapper)

(Death Row; w/ Knuckles)

One of the graduates of the exceptional Supreme Wrestling Federation training camp of 2005, Shady K (AKA Karl Thompson) is one half of the Death Row tag team with Knuckles. A decent brawler with time to improve, the self-proclaimed "Ultimate Thug" could go far. That potential was certainly in evidence in December 2005 when Death Row made their debut, as they managed to get a victory over former two time tag team champions Jumbo Shrimp and Calamari Kid.





Andre Jones

(22, Heel, Lackey)

Andre Jones is a youngster from North Dakota, who joined the Supreme Wrestling Federation in 2004 as a rookie. Originally a bland babyface curtain-jerker, he began to show more character when he became The Guru's lackey and chief interference runner. That relationship ended toward the end of 2006, when Jones switched allegiances to become the silent muscle backing up Frederique Antonio Garcia. A little known fact is that Andre is also a world calibre volleyball player.



Greg Rayne

(21, Face, Underdog)

Greg Rayne is a rookie who came through the Supreme Wrestling Federation training camp. A good looking kid with lots of athletic ability, he debuted for the promotion in August 2007 with a loss to Rich Money. Since then he has remained in the lower reaches of the card, slowly developing his skills and character.





Richard Eisen

(53, Heel, Authority Figure)

Richard Eisen is famously the promoter of the Supreme Wrestling Federation, the most successful promotion of all-time in North America. A controversial figure, his ruthless business sense is what allowed him to create a global empire, but also has made him many enemies, mostly amongst old-school figures who are bitter about the way SWF's rise destroyed the American territorial system. He is possibly the most powerful person in wrestling today.





BJ O'Neill

(28, Face, Beach Babe; Samoan Wildboyz)

BJ O'Neill is from Hawaii originally, but also has Samoan heritage. She spent many years on the Southern Californian wrestling scene as a valet, where she developed a solid reputation as a charismatic, beautiful ringside manager. This apparently put her on the radar of the USA's biggest promotion, SWF, and in 2006 she was given a development contract with the new Rhode Island Pro Wrestling company, with a view to eventually moving to the main SWF roster. That big move happened in November 2007, when she was brought up to manage the Samoan Wildboyz.



Emma Chase

(31, Heel, Sports Agent; Brandon James)

Emma Chase is an ultra-charismatic and beautiful young manager, who was discovered by DAVE owner Phil Vibert when she was still an unknown on the independent scene. After becoming a big name with DAVE under the name Easy Emma, she branched out into other promotions, and made waves in NYCW (as Emma Extreme) and USPW (under her real name). She is widely regarded as one of the best managers in North America, and that prompted DAVE to sign her to a lucrative written contract in 2006 to keep her from being stolen. Unfortunately that did little good, as the promotion itself went out of business the following year. That left the door open for the SWF to finally sign their long-time target, and Emma debuted during the summer in the role of a power-hungry sports agent; her first client was revealed a few weeks after her debut as fellow DAVE alumni Big Cat Brandon, working as "Big Money" Brandon James.



Dawn The Cheerleader

(23, Face, Girl-Next-Door; Jack Giedroyc)

Dawn The Cheerleader is an extremely pretty young valet, who was born and raised in Hollywood. She is far from limited to just being a manager in the wrestling world, having many other strings to her bow; she has already appeared as an actress in cameo roles in several sitcoms, and been on several major shoots as a fashion model. In 2006 she was signed to a lucrative deal by the Supreme Wrestling Federation, after months of negotiations, to become their primary female manager.




(32, Face, Girl-Next-Door; The Biggz Boyz)

Jessica "Jessie" Gilmore (formerly Pearce) is best known for being one of the most popular managers in SWF history, where she is closely associated with the Biggz Boyz, having managed them since her debut in 2002. She is married in real life to Tom "Angry" Gilmore, although that has never been acknowledged on screen. She wasn't involved in wrestling prior to her marriage, but when her husband joined SWF in 2002, Richard Eisen instantly saw her star potential, and soon hired her too.



The Guru

(39, Heel, The Brain; Runaway Train)

The Guru is a manager from Maine, who has found fame as one of the Supreme Wrestling Federation's main heel characters. He was originally a wrestler, but he soon realised that his charisma and microphone skills far outstripped his fairly poor abilities in the ring, and so he became a full time ringside manager instead. His most celebrated partnership is with Runaway Train, who he has been managing ever since the monster's debut in 2000, and has led to the SWF World championship.





Angry Gilmore

(29, ???, Traditionalist)

Tom "Angry" Gilmore is a Canadian worker who has an international reputation for excellence. When he first began his career he was seen as an innovative high flier, mixing traditional mat work with some flashy daredevil tactics. The pinnacle of this part of his career was winning the coveted Burning Junior title in Japan. He came to wrestle in America with SWF in 2002, bulking up his muscle mass and changing his style accordingly. He has become one of their most reliable stars since then.




World Heavyweight Championship


Jul 72 - Micky Starr - Nov 78

Nov 78 - Corporal Doom - Feb 80

Feb 80 - Sam Strong - Jul 84

Jul 84 - Dread - Jun 85

Jun 85 - Micky Starr [2] - Oct 85

Oct 85 - Rip Chord - Aug 86

Aug 86 - Sam Strong[2] - Feb 88

Feb 88 - Rip Chord[2] - Dec 88

Dec 88 - Sam Strong[3] - Jan 90

Jan 90 - Rip Chord[3] - Jan 92

Jan 92 - Sam Strong[4] - May 93

May 93 - Bruce The Giant - Oct 93

Oct 93 - Christian Faith - Mar 94

Mar 94 - Bruce The Giant[2] - Nov 95

Nov 95 - Sean McFly - May 96

May 96 - Sam Keith - Jan 97

Jan 97 - Christian Faith[2] - Jul 97

Jul 97 - Sam Keith[2] - Feb 98

Feb 98 - Sean McFly[2] - Oct 98

Oct 98 - Sam Keith[3] - Jan 00

Jan 00 - Christian Faith[3] - Mar 02

Mar 02 - Sam Keith[4] - Jan 04

Jan 04 - Enygma - Feb 04

Feb 04 - Christian Faith[4] - Jan 05

Jan 05 - Runaway Train - Jan 06

Jan 06 - Steve Frehley - Oct 06

Oct 06 - Runaway Train[2] - Aug 07

Aug 07 - Jack Bruce -



World Tag Team Championship


Apr 99 - Lords of War - Feb 00

Feb 00 - Enforcer Roberts and Black Hat Bailey - Jul 00

Jul 00 - Lords of War[2] - Feb 01

Feb 01 - The Biggz Boyz - Jul 01

Jul 01 - Lords of War[3] - Jan 02

Jan 02 - The Biggz Boyz[2] - Oct 02

Oct 02 - The Brothers of Darkness - May 03

May 03 - Underwater Union - Aug 03

Aug 03 - The Biggz Boyz[3] - Nov 03

Nov 03 - Underwater Union[2] - Feb 04

Feb 04 - Lords of War[4] - Oct 04

Oct 04 - High Concept - Jul 05

Jul 05- Underwater Union[3] - Nov 05

Nov 05 - High Concept[2] - Apr 06

Apr 04- The Amazing Bumfholes - Aug 06

Aug 06 - The Biggz Boyz[4] - Jan 07

Nov 07 - The Amazing Bumfholes[2] -



North American Championship


Jul 96 - Nemesis - Jan 97

Jan 97 - Black Hat Bailey - Aug 97

Aug 97 - Jim Force - Feb 98

Feb 98 - Enforcer Roberts - Jul 98

Jul 98 - Captain USA - Nov 98

Nov 98 - Black Hat Bailey[2] - Mar 99

Mar 99 - Jim Force[2] - May 00

May 00 - Enforcer Roberts[2] - Dec 00

Dec 00 - Freddie Datsun - Jul 01

Jul 01 - Black Hat Bailey[3] - Oct 01

Oct 01 - Skull DeBones - Nov 02

Nov 02 - Angry Gilmore[2] - Jun 03

Jun 03 - Lobster Warrior - Nov 03

Nov 03 - Enforcer Roberts[3] - Feb 04

Feb 04 - Lobster Warrior[2] - May 04

May 04 - Remo - Jan 05

Jan 05 - Freddie Datsun[2] - Apr 05

Apr 05 - Angry Gilmore[2] - Nov 05

Nov 05 - Joe Sexy - Apr 06

Apr 06 - Squeaky McClean - Sep 06

Sep 06 - Rich Money - Aug 07

Aug 07 - Eric Eisen - Dec 07

Dec 07 - Rich Money[2] -



Shooting Star Championship


Aug 05 - Elmo Benson - Nov 05

Nov 05 - Calamari Kid - Feb 06

Feb 06 - Marc DuBois - Aug 06

Aug 06 - Bart Biggz - Dec 06

Dec 06 - Zimmy Bumfhole - May 07

May 07 - Brett Biggz - Aug 07

Aug 07 - Marc DuBois[2] -






Supreme TV

Live on C.A.N.N. on Tuesdays; 9:00 to 10:30

Taped on UK Broadcasting Secondary on Fridays; 8:00 to 9:30


PPV Schedule

January, Week 2, 2008; When Hell Freezes Over

February, Week 2, 2008 Nothing To Lose

March, Week 2, 2008; Awesome Impact

April, Week 2, 2008; The World Is Watching

May, Week 2, 2008; Master of Puppets

June, Week 2, 2008; Times of Trouble

July, Week 2, 2008; The Supreme Challenge

August, Week 2, 2008 Welcome to the Jungle

September, Week 2, 2008; Under Control

October, Week 2, 2008; Let the Games Begin

November, Week 2, 2008; Break Like the Wind

December, Week 2, 2008; Christmas Clash


After I read the whole piece of paper; I stood up and asked which way the locker room was. Eisen, was more than willing to show the way as we walked through the corridor. Our journey was slowed down by paying customers who wanted a piece of the successful business mogul. When we got past the crowd, Eisen started to talk about the guys back there. He said that one of them was a booker; Peter Michaels to be more specific. The others were Road Agents and he said that I’d meet the whole team in due time. We finally reached the other side of the arena, and Eisen opened the door to a noisy locker room. His presence had stopped the bickering in the locker room as Richard and I walked into the middle of the room – the man who owned the company made it clear that he wasn’t in the room itself to talk business. Instead he was there to introduce me. When he said my name, I stood out from behind the man and introduced myself. The wrestlers looked like they couldn’t care less if they had a new head booker because they believed it would still be the same game – like last time. How wrong they were. I basically told them that they’re not gonna have the same experience as last time – infact they’d have to think of it as a new experience.


I went on swiftly from the locker room to the arena as I watched on from the skybox, much like last night. The arena was packed as I saw the likes of Christian Faith battling ‘Big Money’ Brandon Smith, the Biggz Brothers taking on the Bumfholes (Seriously, who thought of that name...Note to self, change it into something more serious), Rich Money battling Lobster Warrior and finally Vengeance’s no contest epic with Jack Bruce (the man I met earlier). After watching the show, I began to realize how important Supreme Wrestling Federation was to the wrestling fans. It was not only because of their eardrum destroying sounds they made whether they’re favorite wrestler came out – or even when they’re most hated wrestler came out; it was their pure dedication to the company. 90% of the fans were wearing t-shirts of their favorite wrestler. And when I left the arena, I saw the kids have a smile on their face along with the adults as happy as can be.


Thus, this ends another chapter in this book – I start next week. And it will definitely be one helluva week.




Editor's Notes: First and foremost I need to give thanks to The Canadian Destroyer for letting me use his roster -- it saved a lotta time. But anyway; I will not be doing all backstage things like this -- instead I choose to do meetings that are really, really, really important in full detail in a different style. So I hope you'll enjoy this as much as I will.

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TotalExtremeWrestling.com – Supreme Report

Supreme Wrestling Federation has appointed a new head booker as Joel Leon, who hails from New York City joins the cast of other bookers including Peter Michaels. The legendary announcer had to step down from his role due to him wanting to spend more time with his family; Michaels however will remain on the booking team and will still be announcing.


A few wrestler’s have confirmed their signings with the biggest wrestling promotion in the world. The first to do it was Danny Rushmore. The 37-year old who has been in Sam Strong’s washed up United States Pro Wrestling is a good worker; and may need to take this opportunity to actually break out of being an independant wrestler. This has been a great pick-up for the promotion as Rushmore is a great brawler; though his downfall has always been his lack of charisma. The second to go public about his signing with Supreme Wrestling Federation is ‘Hardcore Assassin’ Chris Caulfield who has also been down in USPW. The former DAVE wrestler was pleased to be signed by the company as he felt that USPW was just too different to the environment he was used to. Caulfield, who has been called to have excellent work ethic is a great brawler much like Rushmore but lacks the charisma. Finally; Steven ‘The Future’ Parker has confirmed his signing with SWF. Parker who is most probably one of the most outstanding wrestler’s in the US independents today has been reported to be happy with the confirmation of the signing.



Here are the results for yesterday’s Supreme TV in quick detail...
  • Brandon James defeated Christian Faith following Vengeance’s interference in the match. This lead to Vengeance attacking Faith afterwards.

  • Rich Money made it clear that he was a World Title contender by taunting Jack Bruce. The North American Champion made his sights set on the belt that Bruce is currently holding, though ‘The Long Island Angel’ did not come out or anything to tell Money to bring it on. The Big Money Incorporated leader just continued to insult the World Champion because of Bruce not showing up.

  • The Biggz Boyz defeated The Bumfholes in a good match which the crowd failed to get into. Following the decision, the Biggz made their way backstage and demanded a World Tag Team Title Match at ‘Nothing To Lose’ and they were granted that opportunity by Richard Eisen.

  • Eric Eisen called out Steve Frehley regarding their match at When Hell Freezes Over. Frehley comes out, but is jumped from behind by Eisen's main associate: Runaway Train. Train lays some boots into Frehley as Eisen smiled.

  • Lobster Warrior defeated Rich Money in a sold one-on-one encounter. The match was back and fourth and the crowd really got into it as Warrior picked up the win when Remo tried to interfere but was tossed off the apron when Money collided with him, allowing Warrior to lock in the Lobster Trap for the victory. The camera’s went backstage to see Jack Bruce laughing at Money’s misfortune.

  • Finally; Jack Bruce went to a no-contest with Vengeance thanks to interference from Rich Money and Christian Faith. Money brawled with Bruce whilst Faith and Vengeance went all over the place, and their brawl ended in the carpark when Vengeance tossed Faith through a car windshield to end the night.



[*] Finally; Supreme Wrestling Federation has announced that they have a new television show. The show which has yet to be named, will be shown on USA Sports 1. It is believed that the show will be at Supreme Tv’s level of importance.




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Friday, Week One, February

A Possible Change


I arrived in the airport via a taxi as I was immediately directed to Richard Eisen’s change. He had invited me to take the flight as on the journey we would talk about ‘business’. Standing outside the airport, with a makeshift sign saying: ‘Mr. Joel Leon’, was a small man. He was incredibly pale for his colour and was holding up the sign in his right hand, whilst he had his hat in the left. He should of left it on as it showed his hair which looked like he was having a midlife crisis. I went up to him and he asked whether I was Joel Leon, I replied: “Who else would I be?” – He didn’t bother replying and lead me through the path to the hangar which contained Eisen’s jet.


We reached as the plane had been set to take off. Eisen’s jet was coloured in the way of the Supreme Wrestling Federation logo, turquoise. An SWF emblem was on each side of the plane and it was noticeably clean. Suddenly the door opened and there was Eisen himself, standing in the doorway – he told me to come on in. I picked up my suitcase and headed inside the plane. I climbed the many steps and then entered as Eisen was on his way to sit down on the plush baige coloured seats. My eyes paced back and fourth, observing the whole plane as it was like first class was indeed the only class. Richard invited me to sit down right next to him, and not wanting to make him mad – I did what he said.


...“Listen Joel. I don’t want to beat around the bush or anything like that. But I am going to tell you this straight – your powers have been expanded” Eisen told me. I stared at him blankly for a minute as if to say: “Really?” Sensed that I was shocked at the announcement, he continued: “Now I am giving you the power to hire whoever you want, suspend whoever you want and on the odd occasion fire whoever you want – as long as you take it up with me first.” My mouth opened, but yet I couldn’t say a word – but Eisen took the words right out of my mouth: “I guess your trying to say thank you, your welcome.”


For the rest of the flight to Virginia, me and Eisen just talked about subject happening in the world today such as poverty, new cars, politics and among other thing women. Now there’s one thing about this fifty-three year old that stands out from the rest of the people in his age category – he had a brilliant taste in women. But what am I doing talking about that when I’m supposed to be writing about business?


...Hours later, the plane touched down in Richmond International Airport. The plane steered into a hangar and the boss and I got out before going to a limousine. The ride to a rented out boardroom down in Downtown Richmond was much like the plane ride to the state; casual conversation. But when we got into the boardroom, we got down to business. Richard done what he said he’d do, which was introduce me to the booking team. I already knew Peter Michaels, along with Chief Two Eagles and Pat Deacon. There were two more I hadn’t actually seen in the boardroom before. Richard’s eldest son: Jerry and The Guru. The Guru was the only one I haven’t actually spoken to in anyway shape of form, whilst Jerry I spoke to on the Tuesday when I made myself known to the roster. And to be honest, Jerry came across as a real dick – bossing people around and whatnot.


The first subject that came up in the meeting was the next taping for Supreme TV; the major parts of it anyway. I was silent for the first few minutes as Guru and Jerry tried to push Big Smack Scott to take up a North American Title Match against Rich Money. Though Eisen liked the idea, I did not. Though I had potential to be overruled in this situation – I wasn’t going to let a hard worker miss out on an opportunity where he’d be available for a push. Big Smack Scott is not a deserving or hard worker, in fact he’s a well known ****y son of a bitch, who tends to not sell or even perform moves correctly when he is booked to lose. And it is well known that he is using steroids, but yet nobody has done anything about it. I broke my silence. “I think it’d be suitable for Lobster Warrior to actually go against Rich Money”. The whole room fell deathly silent as I was seconds before I made the suggestion. Whilst Jerry and Guru looked mortified, Chief Two Eagles actually gave a slight nod and said nothing else. Eisen questioned me about my suggestion, and why I suggested it.


“It’s simple. Lobster Warrior beat Rich Money last week, and we could make a title match for the actual two sort of like a revenge match. This could be the opportunity to actually make Lobster Warrior seem like he’s actually moving up in the ranks. Or we could simply have a match at ‘Nothing To Lose’. It would be perfect to see Rich Money go against Lobster Warrior and Jack Bruce all in one night, whilst defending the North American Title in one match and then trying to gain the World Title from Jack Bruce in another match which will definitely bring the name to the pay-per-view into play.” Obviously, Eisen went for the latter. But I continued: “We could also try and make Eric (Eisen) versus Steve Frehley sound a lot more exciting. Right now on the card for ‘Nothing To Lose’ is Frehley versus Eric and of course the Biggz Boyz versus The Bumfholes. And Frehley versus Eisen is going to be a main draw for the pay-per-view. We need to focus on that somehow. There is also Marc DuBois; who has nothing to do on ‘Nothing To Lose’ and it would be quite interesting to see him duke it out with another for the Shooting Star Title. Though I guess it’d have to be decided via a #1 Contender Match. Finally, the Vengeance versus Christian Faith program. It actually needs to improve before their already scheduled encounter at ‘Nothing To Lose’”


They were bowled over by my contribution as Eisen decided to move onto the actual pay-per-view itself which is next week. The matches on the card thus far were: Rich Money versus Jack Bruce for the World Title, Christian Faith versus Vengeance, Steve Frehley versus Eric Eisen and the Biggz Boyz versus The Bumfholes. Each member of the booking team excluding Eisen, pitched in an idea and I began to have the final say on it. Chief Two Eagles and The Guru wanted Runaway Train to be involved in a ‘big’ thing, though the idea was dismissed by me as I already had plans for Runaway Train at the pay-per-view. Jerry Eisen of course tried to get Big Smack Scott in the pay-per-view and yet much like the Runaway Train idea, it was dismissed as I had plans for BMS.


Moving away from booking subjects; we moved on to a new method introduced during January of 2007 – which was Drug Testing. The test itself was coming up before the pay-per-view as Chief Two Eagles insisted Richard Eisen not to go easy on anyone. Though Eisen utilized on the new powers he gave me – “It’s not up to me boys, it’s up to him” and he nodded in my direction. Two Eagles claimed that many have escaped the drug testing and called for better and tougher policies to prevent them from doing any drugs. I could understand Two Eagles’ point and he then brought up the fact for a three-strike policy. I was intrigued by what he had said and asked him about what he meant. Eagles laid it out like this: basically, if the worker violates a drug policy for the first time, he gets a warning. The second time, he gets a 30-day suspension and on the third-strike, much like baseball – he’s out. I said I’d take up the idea.


Before the meeting came to a close; Eisen reminded us about planning ahead for the Supreme Challenge 25 as he planned to top last year’s spectacular 24. With the meeting done, everybody headed to the outside and got inside their rental cars. But I was accompanying Eisen to the hotel; and before I could enter the luxury limousine – I was stopped by Chief Two Eagles. He asked whether I’d use the system proposal, and I told the American-Indian that it was certain to keep drug usage low. I accompanied Eisen back to the hotel and got inside my room, thus ending the day and the week possibly.

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Tuesday, Week Two, February

Before The Show


“...So you want me to do some scouting?”


I said this in a way that I was shocked. Richard Eisen was telling me to do scouting; a guy who pretends that nothing goes on outside Supreme Wrestling Federation, is asking me to do some scouting...


“I guess it comes with the job.”


“With all do respect sir, at times you do act like nothing is happening outside of the SWF – and for you to tell me this is kinda a shock to me.”


Eisen turned red at my comment, but refused to let his anger out. Instead he just went back to the colour of his skin and continued.


“Listen; we have competition coming from all corners. Of course they are not major threats now, but the way that Total Championship Wrestling and United States Pro Wrestling are rising – they could be within a couple of months. I need you to goto some shows in whatever area we’re in, try to find somebody that actually could be a potential future in this company.”


“But why? Nearly everyone from your son to Skull DeBones are still going to be in shape come next month, next week or even next year.”


“Don’t take chances. I’ve made that mistake many times. The roster is ageing and ageing quite fast. As head booker I gave you some powers to hire, fire and do whatever in that region – you need to utilize on the ‘hiring’ part. Listen, we’re in Canada for about two shows in a couple of weeks – I suggest you hit up the promotions around there.”


“Richard, what kind of people do you want me to sign?”


“If they don’t have the look, just see if they’ll actually be marketable. And I want someone who is actually experienced in wrestling.”


“Okay...So when we reach Canada, I start scouting. Just one question...Do you mean scouting as in going backstage and stuff or just going there and watching the shows?”


“As long as you have permission to go backstage, do it – but you’ll have to attend the shows, no matter how bad they are.”


“Whatever Mr. Eisen, I guess that’s perfectly fine.”


I decided to take a step outside for some fresh air. Standing right on the outside was Big Smack Scott. Infamous for his backstage run-ins with people on the higher-tier of the card, infamous for his steroid use and infamous for not selling during the matches he loses. BMS was just there, smoking a cigarette whilst leaning on the wall of the entrance. Scott was dressed in one of his hoodies made by the SWF, and black jeans. I walked past him up the pathway...




I tried to avoid a conversation with him...


“Hey! Hey!”


I continued to walk up the pathway.




At this point I thought walking of was a bad thing to do as he clearly wanted my attention. I faced him and walked up to him...


“What’s the matter...”




“Yeah; what’s the matter Scott?”


“Well, y’know – I was just wonderin’ when are you gonna use me on a show?”


I strived to come up with a fake answer, but none popped into my head so I had to tell him straight...


“Scott, we just don’t have any plans for you whatsoever...”


“Whatdya mean?”


“I mean we don’t want to use you in any programs right now.”


“...And yet you’re usin’ vanilla boys who just fly about in the ring. I got the X-Factor – and Mr. Eisen said so.”


“But did I say so?”


“It don’t ****in’ care what you ****in’ say because your not Mr. Eisen.”


“...Sorry to interrupt you, but kid you need to calm down on the cursing. Could get you into real trouble.”


“Listen, I’m gonna make this clear to you: If you don’t book me – I’m leavin’!”


Shall I not book him then?


“Oh, you will be definitely leaving in due time...”


“What do you mean by that? Are you being smart with me...”


Scott was about to put his hands on me...


“I am most definitely not being smart with you. It’s a well-known fact that drug testing is coming up before the pay-per-view Scott – and word in the locker room is; your still using steroids. It’s like your eighteenth strike, and with this new system in place which will be made publicly before the pay-per-view, I don’t think you have a chance...”


Scott eased up.


“...But remember, I’m Eisen’s golden boy – You can't fire me! Haha...”


Scott laughed as I went back inside, deciding that I didn’t need the fresh air at all. In fact, I just needed to the office, sit down and observe the show.

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With only officially four days to go until ‘Nothing To Lose’; we make one final stop as this week’s Supreme TV will be undoubtedly the best episode of the year thus far.


With the events still unfolding after the crazy all-out show-ending brawl Richard Eisen, chairman of the SWF has confirmed that Christian Faith will team with the World Champion Jack Bruce to take on Vengeance and ‘The Long Island Angel’s’ opponent at ‘Nothing To Lose’ – Rich Money. What will happen when these four men collide in the ring? There’s only one way to find out – and that’s at Supreme TV.


One of the biggest matches to be held at ‘Nothing To Lose’ has to be Eric Eisen’s encounter with Steve Frehley. For weeks these two have torn eachother apart, all in the name of entertainment. But at ‘Nothing To Lose’, Frehley will take on Eisen. But on Supreme TV this week, Frehley will prepare for his encounter with Eisen as he goes against the man who attacked him last week from behind – Runaway Train. But this will not be any ordinary match as Street Fight becomes the stipulation. Will Frehley gain any momentum heading into his match with Eisen in just four days time or will he be run over by the Runaway Train?


Also on this final stop before ‘Nothing To Lose’: Marc DuBois will find out who he’s defending the Shooting Star Title against as four men will engage in a Threefold Threat Match. Enygma, Akima Brave and Jack Giedroyc will fight for a chance to be on the pay-per-view against Mar DuBois for the Shooting Star Title. Also, ‘Big Money’ Brandon James will be taking on Robbie Retro and finally the Biggz Boyz will be against High Concept before their big Tag Team Title Match at ‘Nothing To Lose’. All this and more at the next Supreme TV!


Confirmed Matches

Jack Bruce and Christian Faith versus Rich Money and Vengeance

Steve Frehley versus Runaway Train – Street Fight

Enygma versus Akima Brave versus Jack Giedroyc – Threefold Threat #1 Contender’s Match

Brandon James versus Robbie Retro

Biggz Boyz versus High Concept



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Jack Bruce and Christian Faith versus Rich Money and Vengeance

Steve Frehley versus Runaway Train – Street Fight

Enygma versus Akima Brave versus Jack Giedroyc – Threefold Threat #1 Contender’s Match

Brandon James versus Robbie Retro

Biggz Boyz versus High Concept


Nice Writing, you've got some real skill there, hopefully it lasts longer then the other ones

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Tuesday, Week Two, February


There’s Nothing To Lose


The night kicked off initially with Big Money Incorporated inside the ring. The North American Champion Rich Money, flanked by Remo, ‘Big Money’ Brandon James and Emma Chase. Money was obviously inside the ring to talk about his World Title match in two days. He spoke and the words coming out of his mouth were the things he thought of ‘Long Island Angel’ Jack Bruce. Money’s tirade was going smoothly until the chairman of the Supreme Wrestling Federation: Richard Eisen stepped out to massive cheers in the Virginia Park Fields. Eisen first and foremost, thanked the crowd in Virginia for coming out before turning his attention to the North American Champion. “You think your such a big man – don’t you Money?” questioned Eisen as he made his way down the rampway and into the ring. The two began to argue off microphone until Eisen told Money straight – there would be nothing to lose for him at Nothing To Lose. Confused, Money told Eisen to get his head checked out because he wouldn’t be defending the North American Title at NTL. Uh uh, Richard Eisen had plans for Money as he designated a North American Title match for the pay-per-view in two days. Money shouted: “I-I-I can’t wrestle twice in one event…” – Eisen just shrugged his shoulders and called out the challenger for the title…It was Lobster Warrior. The people of the Underwater Universe went wild for the announcement as Warrior stood on stage with a suit on and parts of his wrestling attire (claws and head). The show cut to a commercial with Money and co’s priceless look at the decision…


…When we returned, Brandon James had returned to the ring as Robbie Retro made his entrance to some old-school disco music, whilst breaking out moves you’d see in a film like Dirty Dancing. Retro entered the ring and continued his dance routine before being attacked from behind by ‘Big Money’. With Emma Chase at ringside directing James, there was no chance that he would lose. The stomps on his opponent started to nearly knock Retro out cold, but ‘The King Of Retro’ was saved by referee Ric Young. He managed to stand on his feet, but grabbed his midsection which allowed Smith to take him down with an Big Money Spear. The contest looked to be one-sided, but after Brandon James missed the Big Money Move (Corner Spear), Retro took advantage, dancing around his opponent and punching away at him. The dance moves were even copied by the crowd as Retro slammed Smith down with a Body Slam. Retro hit a Leg Drop which scored a two, and immediately Retro set up for his Murder On The Dancefloor; which was a Superkick. As he stalked Brandon Smith to his feet, he was stopped by Chase, allowing Brandon to hit the Brandon Bomb Drop (Chokebomb) for the victory.


After the victory, Emma stood inside the ring with a microphone: “On behalf of Big Money Incorporated – I am issuing a challenge, for this man right here. Brandon James. The alpha dog in SWF. So anyone, come out…” And somebody did come out. Joe Sexy infact. The man who teams with Angry Gilmore as Sexual Aggression, walked right out in front of the crowd to a mixed reaction. Joe met the challenge with open arms and was willing to put James in his place. As Brandon snarled, Sexy didn’t take any notice, instead he was looking at the women in the crowd as we cut to a video promotion Nothing To Lose.


The Biggz Boyz took on High Concept in a high-flying tag team match full of jaw-dropping aerials. Brett Biggz and Groucho Bling started off the match, flying around everywhere with Arm Drags and Headscissors before tagging out to Bart Biggz and Elmo Benson respectively. Both did the same as Bling and Brett, and they got a better response. Both members of the teams were now in the ring, showing why they were the best tag teams in the business. But after Groucho Bling was knocked down by a Biggz Up (Flapjack Cutter) from Brett, he couldn’t recover and failed to get involved for the rest of the match. Meanwhile, his partner Benson was just getting annihilated until it all came to an end with a Aided Biggz Up (Flapjack Lift into a Cutter), for the Biggz to take the victory sending a message to their opponents at Nothing To Lose.


Jack Giedroyc, Enygma and Akima Brave were next after a commercial break. The Threefold Threat Match was to determine who would face Shooting Star Champion Marc DuBois at Nothing To Lose in two days time. Obviously Enygma and Brave flew about, but Giedroyc was smart and kept grounded and only flew when necessary. The match started off with all three men trying to get one-up on eachother, and it was Enygma who came out on top, drilling both Giedroyc and Akima with a Tornado DDT, and on impact both slid to the outside. Seizing the opportunity, the former SWF World Champion ran back and fourth before performing a big Somersault Plancha onto the both of them. The second to take to the air was Akima, who recovered incredibly quickly from that dive. He climbed up on the apron and got both Giedroyc and Enygma with the Asai Moonsault. Seconds later, Enygma found himself on the receiving end of a Samoan Suplex before the Samoan called for the Suicide Headbutt. He didn’t even manage to climb up to the top turnbuckle as Giedroyc took him back down and tossed him overhead with a German Suplex, before locking in a Knee Bar. The Knee Bar was proceeded by a Single Leg Crab as Akima looked like he was going to tap, but Enygma stopped that. He pulled Giedroyc up and sent him into the second rope before calling for the Enygma Variation (Tiger Feint Kick) but it was intercepted by Akima who hit the Samoan Suplex, which was a perfect position for the Suicide Headbutt. He ascended up to the top rope and leaped off for the Headbutt itself, but much like the Enygma Variation, it was intercepted, but by Jack Giedroyc as he performed the Crashing On (Codebreaker) in mid-air for the victory and the chance to gain the Shooting Star title in two days time.


The Guru was backstage prior to Runaway Train’s Street Fight with ‘The Dark Destroyer’ Steve Frehley. Guru basically told interviewer Ana Garcia that Train will help Eric Eisen by halting Frehley’s momentum. Guru walked off with Train as Frehley made his entrance first, dressed in street clothes. Looking to gain an early advantage, Frehley hid behind the stage searchlight – out of sight. Runaway Train made his entrance, and as soon as he stepped through the curtain, he found himself on the steel stage floor with Frehley throwing some punches at his face. The two moved down to the ringside area where Frehley tossed the steel steps at his long-time nemesis before tearing open the ring apron and searching for something to hit Train with. Though the always-meddling Guru tried striking Frehley with a steel chair, but it didn’t affect ‘The Dark Destroyer’ as he grabbed ahold of Guru’s shirt collar. Though this gave Train enough time to recover from his surprise attack and blindside Frehley with a knee to the head, the cover on the floor followed by Frehley kicked out. Runaway Train is handed a trash can by Guru as he lifts it above his head and brings it down on Frehley’s head. More shots follow until Frehley fights back and tosses the Runaway Train inside the ring and Frehley starts to throw weapons inside the ring. He rolled inside the ring and used a cookie sheet, a trash can lid, a Singapore cane and of course the steel chair on Train to wear him down. And it was about time to put the match away with the Frehley’s Comet (F5) but it didn’t quite connect as Train slipped down behind and hit the Locomotion Backbreakers. Three weren’t enough. Train had to perform eight of them to try and keep Frehley down, but Frehley wouldn’t go down. Runaway called for something as the Guru slid it in, and it was a table. Train set it up in the middle of the ring and lifted Steve up to try and hit the Train Wreck (Dominator) through the table, Frehley struck him in between the legs and then hit the Frehley’s Comet through the table for the win.


As his music played, Frehley had his arm raised, but soon saw Eric Eisen walking down the rampway. Eisen, dressed in a suit just looked at Frehley before entering the ring. ‘The Dark Destroyer’ stood and the two met in the middle of the ring as the staredown begun. Eisen though pulled away and extended his hand, this raised a few eyebrows as Frehley accepted it – but pulled Eisen in for the Frehley’s Comet! And it connected! Steve stood over Eric and shouted at him: “Nothing To Lose Eisen. Nothing To Lose.” and he rolled out. The cameras faded to Ana Garcia who was with Rich Money; and Money was obviously furious at Eisen’s decision to make him wrestle twice. Though Rich Money claimed that he had a ‘masterplan’ to get him through Nothing To Lose before walking off.


The main event of the evening was the World Champion Jack Bruce teaming up with Christian Faith to take on Bruce’s challenger to the World Title and Faith’s opponent at Nothing To Lose: Rich Money and Vengeance. Bruce and Money engaged in a short exchange which was a taster for their encounter at Nothing to Lose. Both men performing mat wrestling and such until Money tagged out to Vengeance. And it was Vengeance who missed out on a chance to become World Champion – and he was going to get back at Bruce. Though Christian Faith intervened, tagging himself in and staring at Vengeance. The two behemoths kicked and punched eachother to the limit until Vengeance hit an early Six Feet Under (Chokeslam). Frequent tags between the big man and Rich Money began as Christian Faith was picked apart. Though when he managed to hit a Clothesline on Money, he made the hot tag to the World Champion who came in a house of fire. Knocking Vengeance off the apron and delivering a nice DDT to Money. The two opponents battled back and fourth until Money hit a Bank Roll (Hero’s Welcome) on Bruce. But Money got to ****y and tried to hit the Bank Roll on an unsuspecting Christian Faith, who entered the ring. Faith powered out of it, pushing Money into Vengeance on the apron – Money rebounded back and got swatted like a fly by Faith’s arm. Faith called for the Test of Faith, but was attacked by an oncoming boot from Vengeance who then hit the Six Feet Under on him. Following that he pulled up Money and hit a Skull Krusher (Tombstone), the North American Champion was out cold and now Vengeance was unleashing the evil inside of him – that was until an Enziguri knocked him down. Jack Bruce didn’t waste time in hitting a New York Minute (Snap Reverse STO) on Money as he got on his knees. The academic three followed and Faith and Bruce picked up the win. The show went off air with both men holding their arms up in celebration.



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TotalExtremeWrestling.com – Supreme Reoport


  • SWF’s ‘Nothing To Lose’ is only a few hours away and the Supreme Wrestling Federation has added a few more matches to the card. The first of the few matches added was Robbie Retro versus Frederique Antonio Garcia and High Concept face the Samoan Wildboyz in a tag team match. Finally, Remo will be in attendance to wrestle Enygma.
  • Nothing To Lose comes live from the Nevada State Armory near the Las Vegas Strip in the city that never sleeps Las Vegas. The event has been selling well, though Richard Eisen doubts a sell-out crowd.
  • The drug tests were held today; though we cannot get a hold of the results until next week. The first two of the lot are Donnie J and James Prudence, formerly known as the Fly Boys down in Costal Zone Championship Wrestling. United States Pro Wrestling’s Darryl Devine has also signed. Devine who has looked promising in coming months is set to be a future star, no doubt. ‘The Bronzed God’ Zeus Maxmillion has finally signed with the league after months of anticipation. Maxmillion is a great addition and no doubt entertaining with his gimmick – but will it fit into the SWF?




Live From: Nevada Guard Armory, Las Vegas, Nevada



‘The Long Island Angel’ Jack Bruce© versus Rich Money



Vengeance versus Christian Faith



‘The Dark Destroyer’ Steve Frehley versus Eric Eisen



Rich Money© versus Lobster Warrior


Remo versus Enygma



‘The Can’t Miss Prospect’ Marc DuBois© versus Jack Gierdroyc



‘Big Money’ Brandon James versus Joe Sexy



The Amazing Bumfholes© versus The Biggz Boyz


Fredrique Antonio Garcia versus Robbie Retro



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Live From: Nevada Guard Armory, Las Vegas, Nevada


The fireworks sounded as Supreme Wrestling Federation’s Nothing To Lose starts. The stage setup, which looks like a casino lights up the whole arena when the whole fireworks display is done and the fans are welcomed by Peter Michaels, Duane Fry and of course Jerry Eisen. The three reminisce about their times in Las Vegas before Eisen moves onto to the actual pay-per-view itself... “Fans, if you joined us last month on pay-per-view and thought it was great, you don’t want to miss this one because it’s going to be a barnstormer!” Michaels laughs and says that Eisen says that line every pay-per-view until a serious expression etches across his face. His hand on his earpiece. Ana asks what’s wrong and Michaels says that there’s something going on backstage as the camera switches from the Nevada Guard Armory to the backstage area...


Big Money Incorporated were huddled, each hurling abuse at something on the floor. Brandon James steps aside to reveal that they were hurling abuse at Lobster Warrior, who is laid on the floor with the parts of his lobster attire scattered around the concrete flooring. Remo steps away as the North American Champion takes a few more cheap shots. Rich Money, who Lobster will be facing in Money’s first match of the night, continued to beat down on the ‘Underwater Warrior’ as the whole Underwater Universe in the arena looked on. Money’s assault got so serious, he had to be pulled off by Remo before the triumvirate hightailed it through the maze known as the backstage are of the Nevada Guard Armory. We return to the announcer’s booth as Peter Michaels expresses his disgust at Big Money Incorporated: “I’ve known Chris (Lobster Warrior) for years, and tonight may have been his biggest match to date – and it’s been taken away from him by that bastard Rich Money!” He can’t go further as some fast-paced disco music comes on and we all know who’s coming out...


Robbie Retro danced his way down the rampway with some new disco moves. The whole 22,484 in attendance dance along and ‘The King Of The Dancefloor’ enters the ring. His disco music is stopped and several high-pitched screams, shouting: “FABULOUS!” took over. Frederique Antonio Garcia flanked by what he called his “big hunky muscleman backup” Andre Jones walked down the ramp. FAG dressed in his flamboyant black tights with the word “FAG” going down each leg coloured in bright pink, which accompanied the pink elbow, knee and kickpads – and of course the pink fluffy thing he puts around his neck. Garcia entered the ring as his bodyguard stood around at ringside. The match started off with the bigger man (Retro) taking the initiative, using his raw power to floor Garcia. Garcia came back though and with a uppercut at that before showcasing some of his dancemoves. Feeling enraged that someone tried to take his spotlight, Retro drilled Garcia with a right hand, sending him leaning against the ropes. Retro lined up for the Clothesline, and it did not connect as FAG pulled down the top rope causing ‘The King Of The Dancefloor’ to crash down onto the canvas. FAG in an attempt to distract the referee starts making advances towards him, and at the same time Andre Jones is just dominating Retro, throwing him into anything that is standing still – he throws him inside the ring as Frederique drops the Fabulous Knee on his opponent and then calls for that dangerous Suplex Lift Neckbreaker known as the Romeo Is Bleeding. He tries to lift Retro skywards, but Retro hooks the outside leg and spins out to scoop FAG up onto his shoulders and then immediately hits the Murder On The Dancefloor Death Valley Driver for the victory. Post-match, Retro celebrates with his fans by dancing on the barricade...


Once again, the camera wonders backstage to see Emma Chase standing by with Ana Garcia. Ana welcomes the fans and hoped that they enjoyed the opening match as she moves onto asking Emma what the hell went on a couple of minutes prior to the opening match. “It’s just business.” claims the ever-so-beautiful Emma and she demanded that Garcia talk about Brandon. Doing what’s she’s told, Ana asked whether Brandon would suffer against the technician specialist Joe Sexy later on tonight. The question upset Emma, and she went into a rage shouting at Garcia: “SEXY IS NOTHING COMPARED TO BRANDON! YOU HEAR? NOTHING!” Clearly having enough, she leaves the interview hotspot.


Backstage in his office, Richard Eisen was on his mobile phone. “Is he going to be alright doc? Is Lobster going to be okay?” It is revealed that Eisen is talking to a doctor at the lopcal hospital, and he tries to see if Lobster would still be able to wrestle – “He can? But you wouldn’t recommend it...Why thank you for your help.” he put the phone down and in comes Rich Money, claiming that Lobster cannot compete tonight. Eisen however broke the news to Rich, telling him that Lobster Warrior will be able to wrestle tonight – and Money, like expected threw a hissy fit shouting at Eisen. We leave the area to goto the luxurious stage...


The Supreme Wrestling Federation’s World Tag Team Champions make their way down to the ring as The Amazing Bumfholes elict a deafening response from the crowd. The yare followed by The Biggz Boyz and Jessie who are the challengers to the first title match of the night. Brett Biggz and Zimmy Bumfhole kicked things off, trading rest holds and Arm Drags until Zimmy hit a big-time Dropkick which got him a two count. The Bumfhole In One was supposed to follow, though Jessie helped one of her boys out by latching onto Zimmy’s leg, preventing anything from happening. Taking advantage of the situation Brett moved fast and threw Zimmy off the top rope with a Arm Drag. The tag to his brother Bart Biggz lead to a series of double team moves whilst Randy Bumfhole attempted to get in the ring, thus providing a distraction and allowing The Biggz to hit a nice Double Suplex for a two. Zimmy was constantly double teamed for another two minutes until the referee intervened. This allowed Zimmy to get some retribution; and he done that with an amazing counter. He followed through a Clothesline from Bart to climb up to the top rope and hit a Moonsault Bodyblock, and it got the crowd going. Randy Bumfhole got the hot tag and came in a house of fire, knocking both Biggz brothers down and hitting the Bumfhole Buster (Spinning Facebuster) for a remarkable two. Bart Biggz was out of it totally, and when Jessie sensed it, she needed to act upon it. She climbed onto the apron, grabbing the attention of Randy who went up to her and engaged in an argument, he didn’t see Bart coming from behind – but instinctively stepped to the side, allowing him to knock the lovely Jessie off the apron. The Amazing Bumfholes got pay back for the double teams earlier and struck Bart with a Bumfhole Buster/Bumfhole In One combination – Brett received the same treatment, though it was Bart that was the legal man and he was pinned which allowed the Bumfholes to retain their titles.


After the tag team match; we venture back to the interview hotspot where Ana Garcia is standing with Eric Eisen. Eisen, who later on tonight will go one on one Steve Frehley told Ana that he looked forward to administering the beating Frehley has deserved for months. “Unlike last month – I will not fail to beat Steve Frehley!” – The intent in his eyes when he said that sentence told the tale of a man distressed, though his distress could all come to an end within an hour. When asked what would he do once he’d beaten Frehley, Eisen told Ana straight – he was going for the World Title.


We move to the arena and Jack Giedroyc flanked by Dawn The Cheerleader stepped out in front of the 22 thousand fans. Giedroyc, who is the #1 Contender to the Shooting Star Title may have his chance to take the title from it’s current holder – Marc DuBois. Though ‘The Can’t Miss Prospect’ looks to be ready to put up a fight. Once Giedroyc entered the ring, Marc walked out with the belt in hand; and he was not a crowd favourite. The ****y youth annoyed the fans by shouting that Giedroyc was nothing compared to him; and when he got in the ring – Jack proved how wrong he was. Giedroyc within the opening minute headed for the legs in an attempt to stop DuBois from performing his spectacular high-impact moves. The initiative changed and DuBois locked in an Arm Wringer on Giedroyc, though ever alert Gierdroyc rolled through and locked Marc in a Arm Wringer of his own, before applying a Hammerlock. ‘The Can’t Miss Prospect’ struggled to find a way out of the hold, but he was released as Giedroyc began to circle the ring. In an attempt to stop Giedroyc from hitting the Crashing On – DuBois remained on the defensive for a couple of minutes, allowing Giedroyc to attempt a move such as a Suplex and countering it into another move. DuBois eventually nearly fell prey to the Crashing On though his instinct allowed him to pull away from Giedroyc’s grip in mid-air, Giedroyc landed on his back and Marc DuBois hit a Standing Moonsault which was proceeded by a Double Stomp for a two. Both men got up to a vertical base, though an Arm Drag attempt by DuBois went awry allowing Jack to roll him up with a Sunset Flip. Pinfalls galore followed and it ended with the British wrestler hitting a Sunset Flip and instead of a pinfall, he locked in a Sharpshooter. This prompted the beautiful Dawn on the outside to start a chant: “Give me a T! Give me a A! Give me a P! Give me a O! Give me a U! Give me a T! What does that spell? TAPOUT!” The dreaded Sharpshooter wasn’t enough to keep DuBois down, let alone tap, and he reached the ropes. When he started to stir and eventually stand on his feet, Jack hit the Crashing On – though the Shooting Star Champion was fast to roll out of the ring in an attempt to avoid being pinned. Beside him was Dawn, and inside the ring was Jack getting ready for a Suicide Dive and DuBois performed a cowardly move, placing Dawn in front of him, causing Giedroyc to stop. DuBois re-entered the ring and ensued his match with Jack, and then out of nowhere he hit the Marc Of Excellence (Springboard Moonsault DDT) for the victory. Post-match, DuBois took his belt and held it in the air which irked some fans.


Rich Money was in his luxourious locker room, pacing back and fourth. Sitting down on a leather sofa behind him, sat Remo and ‘Big Money’ Brandon James. Money kept on asking himself: “How am I going to dispose of Lobster Warrior to keep me fresh for the World Title Match?” Emma Chase waltzed in and informed Money that every member of Big Money Incorporated was banned from ringside. It was dubbed ‘news’ by Chase, and in the eyes of Money it was dubbed ‘a scam’. It was as if Richard Eisen was trying to prevent Money from retaining his North American Title – though Brandon pointed out that Lobster was injured heading into the match. Money snapped his fingers and shouted: “THAT’S IT!” – He needed to create a gameplan around the injured body of Lobster – and it needed to allow him to get the pinfall quickly, so that he’d be fresh for the World Title Match. Money was about to shout your a genius at Brandon, but withheld the saying and left the locker room with Remo.


Christian Faith was standing by with Ana Garcia at the internet hotspot; Faith who later tonight tries to tackle the monster known as Vengeance was asked about the match itself. Faith told Ana that he realized that this match may be a losing effort, but he had faith and he was willing to take Vengeance to the limit. Ana expressed her concern to Faith, telling him that Vengeance might end his career – though once again Faith claimed he had faith.


Remo made his way our when the camera’s returned to the Casion-esque stage at Nothing To Lose. Remo, as always, was not in a docile mood and in fact wanted to add another win to his resumé. His opponent for the night walked out and the fans nearly blew the roof off the Nevada Guard Armory; the masked wrestler known as Enygma walked down the rampway locking his eyes on Remo. When he entered the ring and focused on his opponent it was on. Both men locked up in the middle of the ring, and to make things harder, both were intent on getting that first move, and it was the much larger Remo using his massive bicep to choke the life out of Enygma. Though Enygma managed to break out of it. The masked man tried to apply a headlock of his own, but it was foiled by the raw power of Remo who just threw Enygma into the sky, and what goes up must come down. Remo stomped on the kidneys of Enygma before getting into a Camel Clutch position and trying to yank his mask off his head. This enraged Enygma and he broke out of the position, firing chops at the chest of Remo – and Remo could not return the favour because Enygma’s chops were so devastating. Enygma grabbed Remo’s arm and scaled the top rope and the fans knew exactly what was coming next. Enygma done his ropewalk routine and reached the middle of the top rope; he balanced for a short while and then jumped off hitting a Hurricanrana. The move tossed Remo across the ring and Enygma followed up with the cover but it wasn’t to be. Enygma continued his dominance as the crowd genuinely believed that he would come out on top. It was time for that Enygma Variation (Torture Rack Piledriver) – though Remo slid down behind Enygma and turned him around, a One-handed Backbreaker nearly forced Enygma out of wrestling forever and that was followed by the dreaded Lumbar Puncture (Lungblower), but Enygma kicked out just before 3. Enygma drew in the crowd’s chants and cheers for momentum, and stood on his feet; Remo lunged for the Clothesline but Enygma ducked and levelled him with a Enziguri, the smacking sound was heard throughout the Nevada Guard Armory as the crowd cheered. Enygma was indeed feeling it, and he lifted Remo up and hit the Enygma Variation which should’ve been it. But the masked wrestler picked Remo up and called for another one, it was a grave error on Enygma’s part as Remo (like the first attempt) slid down behind him and hit the Lumbar Puncture, which lead to Enygma being put in the tree of woe. And oh woe it is. With Remo on the top rope, Enygma tried his best to escape what was coming next...The Destroyer (Double Stomp) rocked Enygma as he slumped down into a heap, and Remo was the one to get the pinfall.


It was only a couple of seconds into his music that Remo asked for it to be cut. “Listen – all you punks out there know that I am the Alpha Dog. All of you punks out back, all around the world know that I am the Alpha Dog. And I am going to exercise my right of free speech right here, right now. So here it goes. I am sick and I am tired of beating the same people – over and over again. Look at Enygma right now, this is like the eighth time I’ve beaten him down. I want a new challenge – and that challenge will come in the form of one man. Angry Gilmore The crowd gasped as Angry Gilmore is due to return to the SWF in a couple of weeks time. “Gilmore. I want the chance to face you – your the only person I haven’t faced whilst I have been in the SWF; and next month at Awesome Impact – me and you, one on one.” He dropped the microphone on the canvas and left the ring as Peter Michaels and company start to discuss the challenge.


After a quick hype video for the next pay-per-view – we return to the stage, where it is now time for the third title match of the night. The North American Champion: Rich Money, who will take on the ‘Long Island Angel’ Jack Bruce later on tonight as well, walked out in black tights with a green dollar sign down the side of each leg. The belt firmly attached to his shoulder, Peter Michaels claims that Lobster Warrior is in no shape to compete whatsoever. When Money entered the ring, Lobster Warrior limped out. The Underwater Universe cheered though Lobster was so out of it, he didn’t realize the appreciation. Lobster sluggishly rolled inside the ring and Money’s dominance started. The attack from earlier effect was shown as Money opened up a cut on the forehead of Warrior thanks to a Knee Drop. Big Money Incorporated’s figurehead soon started to take advantage of the situation, mocking Lobster at every corner and going so far as to take parts of his attire off (claws and head) before putting them on and parading around the ring. The actions of the ‘Richest Man In Wrestling’ proved to be a bad one and Lobster Warrior came back all guns blazing. The Shell Fish Shock (Cradle Brainbuster) came out of nowhere, and Nothing To Lose imminent from the Nevada Guard Armory was going to witness an upset. As Lobster tried to apply the Lobster Trap, Money began to squirm and was eventually locked in it. As Lobster wrenched back, suddenly The Amazing Bumfholes came down. Both Randy and Zimmy looked on before entering the ring, then both men struck Warrior in the back of the head with a stereo kick causing the referee to call for the disqualification. The Supreme Wrestling World Tag Team Champions, have just screwed Lobster out of the North American Title (as rules state, the title can be retained by disqualification). Both Zimmy and Randy drag Lobster to the middle of the ring where Randy hits the Bumfhole Buster which allows Zimmy to hit the Bumfhole In One. The bell rings numerous times as Money walks up to both the Bumfholes, and gives them a hug – the crowd are quick to express their disgust as Money and the Bumfholes celebrated inside the ring...


We went backstage to see Vengeance, pacing back and fourth – his hands clasped around his temple. It seems to be that he’s talking to himself. He says he must destroy Christian Faith, before lashing out in a violent outburst tossing a chair across the backstage area and moving down the hallway. A hype video for the match is shown, seeing how this feud started – and it started when Vengeance (then Skull DeBones) turned on Christian Faith and brutalized him. It then goes to Christian Faith prolonging the match itself before the match was announced. We are taken to the Casino stage where Faith makes his entrance, but he is attacked from behind by Vengeance as the match gets started prematurely. And Vengeance is all over Faith, throwing him into the stage set and into numerous barricades before finally entering the ring. Faith manages to battle back and hit a big-time Big Boot which is followed by a nice Suplex. Peter Michaels said that this would be a brawl, and in every way it is beginning to seem like that as both men don’t even bother doing the normal wrestling procedures such as restholds. Eventually Vengeance delivers a thunderous right hand though Faith isn’t rocked and ends up delivering the Test Of Faith (Rock Bottom) which doesn’t even keep the former Skull DeBones down. ‘The Avenging Angel’ sits up but receives another one, and just for good measure Faith hits the Leap Of Faith (Flying Elbow Drop) which still doesn’t keep Vengeance down long enough for a pinfall attempt. The action spreads to the outside, and Vengeance is back in control – he grabs Faith by the throat and delivers the Six Feet Under right through the Spanish announcer’s table. Faith lays there in a heap of wood and Vengeance gets a hold of a steel chair, the referee intervenes but gets struck causing a second referee to come out and call for the disqualification. This sends Vengeance into a frenzy. ‘The Avenging Angel’ enters the ring where the second referee is and starts to beat him up – road agents run out, but all get the same treatment which just leaves one man – Richard Eisen. Eisen ran down to the ring and slid inside before shouting at Vengeance. Though Vengeance wasn’t having any of it, and grabbed him around the throat. Before he could even hoist Eisen up for the Six Feet Under, Christian Faith makes the save and delivers the Test Of Faith. Eisen bails and Faith starts to beat down on Vengeance as security come down to restrain him...


We wonder backstage once again to see Eric Eisen talking to Runaway Train and The Guru. Eisen claims that he does not need any help from Train, as he needs to do this alone. Runaway agrees and so does the Guru as Eisen walks off. Eric Eisen versus Steve Frehley was next, Eisen of course made his entrance first and done a few taunts for the clearly unimpressed crowd. The crowd though were impressed for Steve Frehley, who walked out and let out a loud roar which triggered many fireworks. Frehley made his way down the ramp, and the fans couldn’t get enough of him. Each one tried to reach out and touch ‘The Dark Destroyer’ and each fan tried to get an autograph, but Frehley was too focused for any fun-time. Soon both men are inside the ring and the intensity is extremely high. Both lock up and as to be expected, the much smaller Eisen gets the advantage quickly, slipping through the arms of Frehley and taking him down with a Headlock Takeover. Frehley manages to power out of the move and get to his feet, Eisen once again though takes the initiative. This time applying an Arm Wringer. Frehley returns the favour, but breaks the hold and throws Eisen into the corner where he started punching and chopping away at the youngest son of Richard Eisen. Frehley then tosses Eisen across the whole length of the ring, just to show how much raw power he’s packing. An early attempt for the Frehley’s Comet, but Eisen countered somehow with a DDT which leaves both men floored. ‘The Dark Destroyer’ rose along with Eisen as both men got back to a vertical base, and as expected Frehley got the upper hand hitting a forearm smash to the temple; Eisen went down onto one knee leaving him open for a boot to the face. A pinfall attempt followed though it was not to be and Eisen kicked out at one. Frehley pulled Eisen up to his feet and once again went for the Frehley’s Comet – and once again, Eisen countered, but this time with the Silver Spoon Shock (Shellshock). He was too weak to make the pinfall, but by the time he hooked the leg Frehley kicked out. Seeking any option to beat Frehley, Eisen kicked him to the outside – and what followed was a spectacular Twisting Plancha...But Eric got caught! Frehley manhandled him onto his shoulders before delivering a massive Powerbomb against the barricade, Frehley proceeded to beat the living daylights out of Eisen until they reached inside the ring and finally Frehley put the match to rest with the Frehley’s Comet. Once the bell rung, Steve Frehley had his arm raised as the crowd cheered his effort. Meanwhile, crawling up the rampway was Eric Eisen, his hand positioned on the back of his neck, and screaming in pain.


Almost instantaneuously after the next match, we move onto the penultimate match of the night: ‘Big Money’ Brandon James versus Joe Sexy. And as expected the Big Money Incorporated representative walked out to numerous boos as Emma Chase directed him down to the ring. Joe Sexy made his appearance known as he strolled out to women screams. The big man started to thrust his hips and perform a little show for the ladies before walking down to the ring. The bell rung, and both men locked up – neither got the advantage though, as they remained locked up for the better part of two minutes. Finally some progress is committed and Sexy applies a headlock, though ‘Big Money’ powers out of it with a Back Suplex for a two. Brandon delivers a wicked Leg Drop to follow up from his Back Suplex, once again getting a two. Sexy is forced to stand by his behemoth opponent who tries to swat him like he’s a fly, but Joe Sexy makes the counter with a big-time Spinebuster. With the tables turned Sexy begins to taunt Emma Chase at ringside with pelvic thrusts before dropping her man with a Suplex for a two. It was clear that Sexy was in control, and it was abundantly clear that Brandon was regretting having Emma set an open challenge and he was regretting it even more when he was the victim of Joe Sexy’s Senton. ‘The Sexiest Man Alive’ eventually hit the One Night Stand (Jacknife Powerbomb); and this lead to Emma Chase trying to intervene. As the beautiful young woman entered the ring, she met Sexy’s hands as he planted a kiss on her. Emma, in disgust, tried to get away, but couldn’t as Sexy was too strong – but ‘Big Money’ tackled Sexy into the corner before hitting the Big Money Move. The Corner Spear, left Sexy winded and left him open for the Brandon Bomb Drop giving Brandon the victory. Post-match, Emma Chase starts to kick the downed Joe Sexy as Brandon James headed up the ramp. He tugs on her leg as she tried to get out of the ring, causing her to trip. And when Brandon turned around on the ramp, he saw Chase being hoisted up for the One Night Stand. He ran as quick as he could, but it was too late, and Sexy hit the One Night Stand before hightailing it through the crowd.


The main event was just minutes away; and after a hype video for it – we were backstage with ‘The Long Island Angel’ and SWF World Champion: Jack Bruce. Ana Garcia stood by and asked Bruce whether he was nervous or not – and Bruce replied by saying he was as cool-headed as ever. The flamboyant New Yorker was told that it was time for him to make his entrance – and he left the interview hotspot. And he appeared on the Casino stage, dressed in purple tights and a purple headband. The SWF World Champion looked ready and raring to go and when he entered the ring, his opponent stepped out. Rich Money had the North American Title firmly placed around his waist, as he came out clad in new tights coloured black and having a dollar bill with his face on it on each leg. And when he entered the ring, the introductions followed. Rich Money billed as ‘The Richest Man In Wrestling’ whilst Bruce was dubbed ‘The Long Island Angel’. Finally, the bell rang and it was on. Bruce took the advantage with some slick restholds, keeping Money (who bear in mind has already wrestled once tonight) floored. Bruce went for the back which was worked over when Money was locked in the Lobster Trap and Bruce stole the manoeuvre for a quick second or two. Money broke out of Bruce’s version of the Lobster Trap and applied a nice headlock, before being sent to the westbound ropes. He rebounded back with a Shoulder Block, which lead to him trying for the Knee Drop that busted Lobster open earlier – though Jack stopped him just in time with a Drop Toe Hold, before getting up himself and trying to hit a elbow to the sternum, which did not connect due to Money kiciking him in the face. The action winded down as ‘The Long Island Angel’ was on the receiving end of a few submissions until Money went for the Bank Roll – however his timing was misjudged and Bruce capitalized with a beautiful Enziguri for a two. Both men started trading punches, kicks and chops for over a minute until Bruce hit a Spinning Roundhouse, catching Money right in the temple, sending him into a trance – though Bruce tried for the New York Minute and like Money with the Bank Roll, misjudged the timing which allowed the tables to be turned and now Money was in control. Bruce struggled to fight back and was on the receiving end of a brutal Clothesline which lead to the Money In The Bank (Lifting Reverse DDT) for a surprising two. Money tried with for the Dollar From The Heavens (Flying Kneedrop) but ‘The Long Island Angel’ recovered fast enough to climb up to the top rope and hit a Superplex which started another turning point in the match. Bruce went for the home straight, climbing to the top and setting up for his Missile Dropkick – though when Money rose and Bruce jumped, ‘The Richest Man In Wrestling’ put the referee in harms way, causing him to be struck with the Missile Dropkick. And with no referee; there were no rules. Money immediately took advantage of a shocked Jack Bruce, hitting the Money In The Bank for a second time though there was no referee to count the pinfall. Money called for his associates, though his associates didn’t come down – in fact all of them were seen being escorted out of the building by the security – all of them but two. The Amazing Bumfholes came down to the ring but were followed by Lobster Warrior, who limped down to the ring. The Bumfholes tried to get Warrior, but didn’t quite manage to as the SWF World Tag Team Champions were disposed of leaving just Money and Warrior. Both men went at it though Money didn’t see the Shell Fish Shock coming. And once it hit, Warrior left the ring and went out of sight. Both Bruce and Money rose towards their feet, and it was Money who went for the Bank Roll – but Bruce countered with not one but two New York Minute’s. And as the referee rose, he went to the ropes and hit a Springboard Moonsault for good measure allowing the referee to count the three – and Bruce retains the SWF World Title. The show went off air as Jack Bruce was handed the World Title and ‘The Long Island Angel’ celebrated with crowd members, leaving Money inside the ring laid out...



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Thursday, Week Two, February



The night had been a successful one; and the fans enjoyed every part of it. However, before I was going to embark to the local bar – just down the road, I was stopped by Richard. Richard had seemed very happy at first, but his docile demeanour would change slightly.


“Hey kiddo.”




“Listen, Nero just called and...”


“And what?”


“He said that your sending Big Smack Scott down to Rhode Island Pro Wrestling. May I ask – why?”


“He needs to improve upon his ring skill.”


“Ring skill? Who cares about goddamn ring skill?”


“The fans – and the wrestlers he is wrestling with.”


“What do you mean?”


“What do you mean – what do you mean? Look at the guy; he’s incredibly sloppy inside the ring, he has no skill whatsoever and all he wants to do is shoot steroids in himself to give him the ‘look’ and being look conscious in this company, is not something I’m going to dispose of.”


“Listen, I said he had the x-factor – and that’s all he wanted to hear. Now he didn’t need the skills when he’s a natural heel.”


“A natural heel needs at least decent skills to get by.”


“Who told you that bull****?”


“Nobody – I thought it up myself, and it’s actually a logical explination.”


“But if BMS is going down – what are we going to do with Kurt? I mean, the guy can’t function on his own.”


“Actually he can – if you bothered to check.”


Richard looked bothered as his face turned red.


“What do you mean if I bothered to check? I did – all he can do is wild brawls and—that’s it!”


“Exactly. Wild brawls. And it will certainly give an edge to his character – but if we pair him up with another group, say Death Row – we got ourselves a couple of winners.”


Eisen smiled and he escorted me out the door. I chose not to hail a cab, instead go with Eisen to the bar. The limousine that we were riding in passed the many flashing lights of the Las Vegas Strip, and along with those flashing lights were beautiful women dressed to impress. Irking memories of my first time in Las Vegas, where I got drunk and ended up in some flashy hotel with a flashy woman. The limo eventually pulled up to an exclusive bar called ‘The Joint’. When me and Eisen ventured inside, the bar was full of wrestlers. From the right there was Joe Sexy and Brandon James downing a few beers, and as my eyes wondered across the room I saw Robbie Retro dancing, Andre Jones and Eric Eisen playing some arcade game thing and finally Enforcer Roberts chatting to some ladies.


“Sit down, I’ll buy you a drink.”


The invite from Richard was a good one – and that obviously lead to some problems. I had a lemonade, and Richard hit it hard with some Budweiser...continuously. I didn’t drink alcohol for the night, because I was more interested in keeping my eyes peeled for something – and something nearly did happen. On the far right of the bar, Steve Frehley bumped into Peter Michaels by accident. Michaels, was drunk, no doubt about it (as he was stumbling about and doing ridiculous things such as putting on the lampshade cover, over his head). And Michaels reacted violently, but shoving Frehley. Though Steve knew that he (Michaels) was under the influence, it did not stop him from trying to swing – and that’s when I intervened. I got between the two, and the bar manager ordered Michaels to leave. And it was my job to ensure he got taken to the hotel; so I had Angry Gilmore accompany him back. I went and sat back down to see Richard Eisen out of it completely...


“Look at the hooters on that babe. Har har. Man I’d love to let her ride the Richard Eisen rollercoaster. Har har.”


It was arguably one of the longest nights in my life, and I managed to get back to the hotel safely with Eisen, before having some hotel staff accompany him. I went up to my room, and just laid down...And that was it for the night.

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Supreme TV comes to you live from Manhattan this week as we are experiencing the fallout from Nothing To Lose, which will definitely lead to Awesome Impact next month. And as you all know, Rich Money retained his North American Title against Lobster Warrior – and lost the World Title Match against Jack Bruce, because of Lobster Warrior. In a rematch from that match Rich Money will be going against Lobster Warrior – inside a Steel Cage, for that North American Title. And it is most certainly going to be a great match.


‘The Long Island Angel’ Jack Bruce will be looking to continue his success following his victory in Las Vegas at Nothing To Lose. But at Supreme TV, he returns to his home state of New York to team with High Concept in a bid to defeat ‘Big Money’ Brandon James and new Big Money Incorporated associates the Amazing Bumfholes; who are now known as Randy Carter and Zimmy Carter. The duo helped Rich Money retain his North American Title, and couldn’t do the same for their boss in the World Title Match – and they are looking to score brownie points from Money if the defeat Jack Bruce and High Concept.


Also in action on Supreme TV this week is Valiant. ‘The All-American Hero’ is going to try and make some waves in the Supreme Wrestling Federation when he takes on Frederique Antonio Garcia; one on one. Though Garcia is coming off a loss, he may be able to strike back thanks to his bodyguard Andre Jones. Can Valiant score one for the country, or will FAG gain the victory?


At Nothing To Lose, Steve Frehley defeated Eric Eisen in impressive fashion. Now Frehley is focusing on Vengeance. Vengeance at Nothing To Lose suffered a disqualification loss to Christian Faith when he snapped. Vengeance attacked many staff members including referees and road agents; and in a bid to make him pay Richard Eisen has pitted him against the man who beat his son. What will happen when these giants collide?


Finally; Marc DuBois goes against newcomer Darryl Devine.


Confirmed Matches

Rich Money© versus Lobster Warrior – Steel Cage North American Title Match

Jack Bruce & High Concept versus Big Money Incoprorated

Steve Frehley versus Vengeance

Valiant versus Frederique Antonio Garcia

Marc DuBois versus Darryl Devine



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