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Visiting a region too often?

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Just wondering if anyone has done tests to demonstrate how many times you can visit a region in a month or whatever before you start receiving penalties.


Are the penalties only in attendance? Or popularity as well?


I'm a regional fed with 39.8% popularity in Tri State.


I tried many different search terms but "too" and "often" were eliminated, so...

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If you are a regional promotion, I wouldn't even worry about that penalty. You won't have to worry about until you hit National. Trust me, your second biggest worry is going from Regional to Cult, and your biggest worry is going from Cult to National. You are going to hit with a lot of minimum expenses, it's not even funny.


My suggestion is actually keep working at it the Tri-State to as high as popularity as you can get it, and then try to get a TV deal within the Tri-State area, but one that gives you the most revenue and offloads the least amount of production costs to you. That can REALLY kill you. Take a TV Deal with a smaller station if you have to do so. You can ALWAYS upgrade later.

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Well the reason I asked was that Dean Malenko and Steve Austin have great chemistry, and I was planning on them headlining one show per month the next 2 months (I run 2 shows per month normally). But then Dean Malenko signed an exclusive deal with NJPW, and I want to rush those 2 shows in 1 week. I just don't want to take too large of a penalty. I already did one of them, and it didn't seem like a problem, so we'll see.
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