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Speaking of Storylines...

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Does anyone ever have trouble with them progressing even after you have followed the instructions on who to put where (catalyst, target, etc.) I have tried twice to move two fueds along, but after each show they still show the storyline at the same place. I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong.
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There has NEVER been an issue with this actually happening, in every case that was ever reported it turned out to be user error. :) Done it many times myself by just picking an angle that was the wrong type or with the wrong type of role... I started scribbling things down on paper when flicking between screens to make sure I didn't make those mistakes. It's easier in TEW08, you can call up the storylines screen on the angles section. :)
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I'm sure you are right. I think it's just me.


I think I might be misunderstanding some of the "instructions" in the storyline. Not the creator of the games fault - just my little mind. Either way, love this game!!!


Thanks for confirming what I figured... it's probably me :p

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