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Sports Entertainment comes to Japan

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December 31st, 2007

SWF Headquarters



The Beginning



"Hey Jerry, look I need to speak with you, it's important. Could you drop by my office for a moment."


"No problem dad."


A confused Jerry Eisen hung up his cell-phone as he walked to a door, a gold nameplate on it read Richard Eisen. Jerry entered the office of the single most powerful man in professional wrestling, his father Richard Eisen was seen by many as either a genius or an *******. What couldn't be denied was that he knew the sport of Professional Wrestling and revolutionized the business by inventing sports entertainment and of course Strong-a-Palooza. As Jerry entered the office he could immediately tell that his father was deep in thought, sitting in an huge oversized chair with his back turned to his son, a moment passed before Jerry spoke up.




"Ah yes, Jerry I didn't see you come in...."


"You called me? You said you needed to see me?"


"Yes, yes of course."


Richard rose from his chair and walked over to a window where many of the SWF's top stars were preparing to head home, to spend New Years with their families. Jerry walked to his fathers side.


"It is a new year son... a new era..."


"Dad... what are you thinking?"


An alarmed look came across Jerry's face, his father had said those exact words to him exactly a year ago when he thought up the "SWF Election" storyline. Even though he believed the angle would make Jerry and his brother Eric superstars, it wound up hurting both of their careers with many fans and reporters pegging it in the top 10 stupidest storylines of all time.


"A thought has come to me Jerry, a thought that I believe will change the face of this business, you see I have already conquered the North American wrestling industry, but there has always been one place I would like to own."








"Of course not!"


"United Ki-"


"No, no, no! Japan boy! I mean Japan, there are plenty of wrestling fans their, why hasn't the SWF exploded in popularity as it has in America?"


"Dad, Japanese fans take wrestling very seriously... no angles, gimmicks or anything sports entertainment-related. Plus they love... brutality, a Christian Faith vs. Runaway Train match would end with both guys being booed out of the building. Our product just isn't fit for Japan."


"Nonsense! It is lack of exposure boy! The TV networks and PPV carriers refuse to put SWF on the air, they say they do not want to disrespect fans by airing Sports Entertainment."


Richard spits angrily.


"They don't respect me or what I've done for the business! Puro is crap and everyone knows it, they are robbing their fans of seeing true wrestling like the SWF presents!"


"So why did you need to tell me this?"


"Because boy! You will be the one to bring Sports Entertainment to Japan!"


"Wha... how?"


"You see because the SWF was built in America, we built our reputation in America eventually we gained TV deals and PPV deals... do you see my point boy?"




"You will go to Japan, you will start a wrestling company their, you will bring it to prominence! And then the SWF will merge with this company and I WILL RULE THE WORLD!"


"But I've never even watched a Japanese wrestling show!"


"Who cares, you will run SWF style shows with Japanese wrestlers boy."


"But, I don't even know what to call a company in Japan?"


"You'll think of something boy."


"What if the fans don't buy into it? What if this company flops?"


"It won't."


"When should I start though?"


"Now boy. Happy New Years."


And with that Jerry exited his fathers office with plenty on his mind, he would be single-handedly bringing the wackiness of Sports Entertainment to the ultra-serious environment of Japanese wrestling. But the first thing he needed to do was buy a plane ticket, he was heading East.

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OOC Post: This is my first attempt at one of these, I've been inspired by the many great writers on this forum. I decided to go with the CornellVerse because of the amount of great WCW dynasties going, that is likely the only real world company I have an interest in running in TEW, but I think tackling Sports Entertainment in Japan should be fun to do and write about. I'll have the roster and name up tomorrow, too damn tired right now. :)
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Finding a Head Booker




Jerry Eisen had barely arrived in Japan before news of his intentions to form an SWF-styled promotion in Japan had reached the fans, it was almost universally agreed that the whole idea was extremely stupid and that it would sputter and die just like the XBA (A short-lived basketball company Richard Eisen started in 2001). Although the website articles were more articulate on why this was a stupid move for the Eisen's, most forum posters had their own words, normally along the lines of: "What a bunch of ****ing gay n00bs, jeRRy Eisen is teh suck. TcW 4 life!" Jerry himself found it hard to disagree with them. The articles, not the forumers. But he was faced with much more serious problems than critisicm, as he now needed to find someone with knowledge of Japanese fans and wrestlers.



This is where I enter the story. My name is Kenta Nakashima (Thanks random name generator....) and for a long time I have been considered the elite announcer in all of Japan. I have a bit of a cult following in Japan, many of my supporters actually started a petition for PGHW to sign me only one year ago. But, I have never been interested in commentating Puro, I have a long list of failed companies to my credit. Each of them based on the American style of entertainment. Ever since I saw the SWF, I fell in love with the idea of Sports Entertainment. Wrestling and drama seemed like the perfect fit for me, and I believed that if the Japanese fans were able to see this it would completely revolutionize the business here. However, my many attempts at achieving this always failed due to lack of money and talent, yet I kept trying and taking jobs in independant companies to fund these ventures. At the very beginning of 2008, my latest invention had just been finalized: Sports Entertainment Japan, or SEJ for short. I had yet to sign any talent or buy any belts, so I was just beginning from scratch... again.



Jerry Eisen was told by someone of my attempts and love for the business, and he contacted me. He offered me to fund a company based off of his fathers invention of Sports Entertainment with me booking the matches, angles, storylines and everything of the sort. What this tranlated to for me was that I now had the Eisen family behind my latest attempt to revolutionize wrestling in Japan... and nothing was going to stop me, Sports Entertainment was coming to Japan.




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Name: Sports Entertainment Japan (SEJ)


SEJ World

SEJ Continental

SEJ Tag Team

Size: Japan (E/D- Kinki)

Finance: $1,000,000





-Main Event-




-Upper Midcard-









-Lower Midcard-











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Never been to interested in Japan. But this is different and fresh. so you have yourself a reader :)


BTW you need Bruce The Giant on your roster lol he'll suit the company and I think his pretty popular in Japan too. (Plus I totally Mark out for him lol)

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Aye good luck with this and altough Bruce is kinda a far stretch there are plenty of Menacing and entertaining wreestlers out there without a job or loyalty. Eguchi The Amazing springs to mind being one of the very rare Japanese entertainers.
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Spirit of the Shark and Lizard in the upper midcard..


.. This is going to be a good diary. I'll read anything from Japan, so you have a reader/observer :) But why is Toyokuni Hardcore only an announcer? He's awesome and would be instantly main event calibre player in your company.

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Spirit of the Shark and Lizard in the upper midcard..


.. This is going to be a good diary. I'll read anything from Japan, so you have a reader/observer :) But why is Toyokuni Hardcore only an announcer? He's awesome and would be instantly main event calibre player in your company.


Thanks for the comments guys, and I'm using Toyonuki Hardcore's picture for my User Character. I'm actually not sure why, I was just going through looking for one and he kind of fit in.

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Just wanted to let you guys know the first show will be posted sometime tonight or tomorrow, if anyone wants to do predictions heres the card.


SEJ Ring Warriors

Hidekazu vs. Amane Shunsen - Contenders Match

Silver Shibanuma vs. The Fire Fox (Washichi Inao) - Contenders Match

Mamoru Nagahama vs. Tornado Nagai

The Apocalypse Riders vs. Big BOSS Kotoku & Booger Man

The Big Problem vs. SUKI

Haruhiro Tsumemasa vs. Tempest Appleby


And anyone who can think of a tag team name for Big BOSS Kotoku and Booger Man gets a bonus point (!)

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Hidekazu vs. Amane Shunsen - Contenders Match

Silver Shibanuma vs. The Fire Fox (Washichi Inao) - Contenders Match

Mamoru Nagahama vs. Tornado Nagai

The Apocalypse Riders vs. Big BOSS Kotoku & Booger Man = Big Picks

The Big Problem vs. SUKI

Haruhiro Tsumemasa vs. Tempest Appleby

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SEJ Ring Warriors

Hidekazu vs. Amane Shunsen - Contenders Match

Silver Shibanuma vs. The Fire Fox (Washichi Inao) - Contenders Match

Mamoru Nagahama vs. Tornado Nagai

The Apocalypse Riders vs. Big BOSS Kotoku & Booger Man

The Big Problem vs. SUKI

Haruhiro Tsumemasa vs. Tempest Appleby

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SEJ Ring Warriors

Hidekazu vs. Amane Shunsen - Contenders Match

Hidekazu is cooler.

Silver Shibanuma vs. The Fire Fox (Washichi Inao) - Contenders Match

I prefer Silver but think fire fox takes it

Mamoru Nagahama vs. Tornado Nagai

Tornado is my man he sorta rules so gotta go with Tornado

The Apocalypse Riders vs. Big BOSS Kotoku & Booger Man

I like the pairing of Big BOSS and the Booger! Minus bad chemistry notes and we got us a winner!

The Big Problem vs. SUKI

I see a skyrocket push to stardom for the SUKI!

Haruhiro Tsumemasa vs. Tempest Appleby

Tempest? Are you serious? NAH!


Nice start I will be reading. Have to agree with FIN about Toyokuni Hardcore being a main event cailber star in your company. I would just revert him back to his Toyokuni Strong alt. COME ON! Toyokuni Strong?!?! A Japanese Sam Strong impersonator? .. It be cool. Anyway - I am reading KUTGW.

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SEJ Ring Warriors

Hidekazu vs. Amane Shunsen - Contenders Match

Shunsen isn't that popular while Hidekazu is a solid performer.


Silver Shibanuma vs. The Fire Fox (Washichi Inao) - Contenders Match

Inao is pure awesomeness, Shibanuma isn't.


Mamoru Nagahama vs. Tornado Nagai

Nagai is getting old, Nagahama has good entertainment skills.


The Apocalypse Riders vs. Big BOSS Kotoku & Booger Man

Oh man. :D The worst match of the night I suppose.


The Big Problem vs. SUKI

I guess that Young Lion thingy isn't on in your company, so thus I'm going with SUKI who will without a doubt be the main player in your company in the long run due to the loyalty and his awesome skills.


Haruhiro Tsumemasa vs. Tempest Appleby

Appleby is unknown opener, Tsumemasa has atleast some popularity.

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SEJ Ring Warriors

Wednsday, Week 4, January 2008


Arena: Kyoto Arena (Kinki)

Attendance: 1,827


SEJ's debut show begins with a nifty video highlighting tonights double main event. First longtime rivals will meet as the heroic Silver Shibanuma takes on the dastardly Fire Fox in a highly anticipated showdown. And then martial arts master Amane Shunsen meets the technician Hidekazu. The two winners will fight next month at Box Office Smash to crown the very first SEJ World Champion.


Now in the arena, Munemori Umari makes his way down to the ring with a mi


(all talking segments are translated obviously)


"Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great pleasure that I welcome my new client here in Sports Entertainment Japan to the ring... world reknowned Sumo wrestler; Haruhiro Tsumemasa!"


Haruhiro Tsuememasa makes his way down to the ring at a slow plodding pace as if he is much larger than he is. In truth, he is average sized, and the fans seem confused as he steps over all three ring ropes to enter the ring.


"My client has already dominated in the sumo rings, now he has come to this sport of professional wrestling to dominate! Now bring me a scale!"


A couple of backstage workers rush to the ring with a scale, they set in the ring before leaving quickly. Haruhiro Tsumemasa then steps on the scale as Umari observes.


"Yes, the scale does not lie... an astonishing 250 pounds! And now every month my client will gain 50 pounds before reaching his ultimate destiny of 1,000 pounds! Now bring out the first victim..."


http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/2909/haruhirotsumemasa.jpg v http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/9256/tempestappleby.jpg

Haruhiro Tsumemasa vs. Tempest Appleby


Tsumemasa continues to put over his seemingly enormous weight, while a baffled Tempest Appleby watches. Appleby attempts to rush Tsumemasa but he runs right into a clothesline. Tsumemasa proceeds to slam Appleby around the ring for a few minutes before Sumo-style pushing him, Appleby falls over the ropes and lies motionless as the referee counts him out.


Winner: Haruhiro Tsumemasa by Count Out


After the match Tsumemasa brings Appleby back into the ring and slams him a few more times as Umari cheers him on, security eventually makes the save as Tsumemasa lumbers to the back with Umari right on his tail.


Backstage we see SUKI standing with his usual c.ocky smile on his face.


"Right now you people are looking at the greatest talent in wrestling today, I am SUKI. Tonight you will see my greatness in the center of that ring, for I am SUKI. The Big Problem has a big problem tonight as he is fighting SUKI, and I am SUKI."


http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/8343/thebigproblem.jpg v http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/4272/suki.jpg

The Big Problem vs. SUKI


The Big Problem is much larger than SUKI, but that doesn't make much of a difference in this match as SUKI dismantles him with a series of submission maneuvers that leave The Big Problem clutching many of his body parts in pain. Finally SUKI puts The Problem away with a SUKI Special III for a three count and the victory.


Winner: SUKI by pinfall


A highlight package is shown hyping up The Apocalypse Riders, tonight they face the makeshift tandem of Big BOSS Kotoku and Booger Man.


http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/7659/spiritofthelizard.jpghttp://img268.imageshack.us/img268/5/spiritoftheshark.jpg v http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/1023/bigbosskotoku.jpghttp://img189.imageshack.us/img189/8323/boogerman.jpg

The Apocalypse Riders vs. Big BOSS Kotoku and Booger Man


Although Big BOSS Kotoku and Booger Man were a makeshift tag team tonight, they showed excellent chemistry together tonight so it is likely this won't be the last time we see them together. Thats where the good news ends for them though, The Apocalypse Riders overwhelmed them with double team moves for the majority of the match before capping things off when Lizard his Booger Man with a reptile bomb.


Winners: The Apocalypse Riders by pinfall


After the match The Apocalypse Riders celebrate in the form of a couple of high fives, as they are doing this though Circus of Death slides into the ring and lays waste to the Riders. After getting some good moves in, COD takes off into the sunset with their message sent.


We are shown a video of a funeral happening, as the process continues Tornado Nagai bursts out of the casket and starts dancing. The attendees respond to this by yelling "ahhh man" in unison. We then switch to a wedding, Nagai bursts out of a wedding cake just as the ceremony is about to begin, he starts dancing as everyone yells "ahhh man". Nagai than is shown backstage dancing his way to the ring.


http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/8748/mamorunagahama.jpg v http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/7088/tornadonagai.jpg

Mamoru Nagahama vs. Tornado Nagai


After Nagai dances all the way down to the ring, Nagahama storms down and the match begins. Nagahama overwhelms Nagai early by tossing him on his head a couple of times and on his back a few times too for good measure. Nagai battles back with his trademark burst of suplexes, as he nails 5 consecutive suplexes on Nagahama, gaining a near fall. Nagai goes to the top rope but isn't fast enough as Nagahama gets to him and tosses him down, Nagahama proceeds to go up top but Nagai gets to him and tosses him down. Nagai goes up top but Nagahama throws him down again. Nagahama goes up again and Nagai throws him down again, Nagai second guesses going up top again and jumps back; placing his elbow in Nagahama's face.


Nagai goes for a pinfall, but Nagahama kicks out early. Nagai suplexes Nagahama and starts dancing in celebration, Nagahama responds by punching him in the face - hard. Nagai goes down on his ass. Nagahama lifts him to his feet and German Suplexes him right on his head, the referee drops down to count.






Ding Ding Ding



Nagahama jumps to his feet to celebrate, but the ring announcer gets into the ring to interupt him.


"Ladies and gentlemen after 15 minutes of action, this match has been declared a time limit Draw!"


Winner: Draw


Nagahama is visibly pissed off at the end result and he argues with the referee. Nagai climbs to his feet and dances in celebration of a good match or having barely escaped without a loss. Nagahama responds to this by beating the crap out of him, before dropping him on his head with another German Suplex.


Backstage Amane Shunsen is sitting cross legged on a couple of bricks meditating, as his apprentice Dynamite Narahashi paces around in the background. Visibly frustrated Narahashi interupt's the peace;


"Sensei shouldn't you be preparing for your match?"


"I am, my apprentice."


"You are only sitting down sensei! How is that preparing for an important match?"


"Patience young one, soon you will understand that the mental battle is much more important than the actual battle."


Narahashi stills looks p.o.'d as his sensei goes back to meditating.


In the streets of Kinki we see Silva Shibanuma soaring around, as people all around look and point "OHMIGAWD IT'S SHIBANUMA!" Shibanuma lands right in the arena for tonights show and begins to walk to the ring, as several ring crew workers applaud his awesomeness. Suddenly though, the dastardly Fire Fox appears in a flash and dropkicks him. The Fire Fox disapears and re-appears in the ring. Shibanuma climbs back to his feet and sees Fox is in the ring on the monitor and rushes to meet him !

http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/9420/silvershibanuma.jpg v http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/316/washichiinao.jpg


Silver Shibanuma vs. The Fire Fox


An angered Shibanuma bum rushes his arch-nemesis right from the start but that works against him as he runs right into a dropkick. Fire Fox proceeds to control the first few minutes of action as he flies around the ring landing a wide array of dropkicks and wheel kicks that continually floor Shibanuma. However Fire Fox soon gets c.ocky with his success and Shibanuma takes advantage by putting his foot in Fox's face, flooring him and shifting the momentum. Shibanuma goes up top and lands a spectacular shooting star press for an incredibly close near fall. Shibanuma follows up by landing a standing moonsault for another near fall. The Fire Fox however is still in the match though as Silver Shibanuma approaches him, Fox punches him below the belt unbeknownst to the ref.


Fox rolls Shibanuma up and gets a very close near fall. Shibanuma rolls out of the ring and Fox bounces off the ropes and flips over the ropes on top of Shibanuma. Both men are down as the referee begins to count 1...2...3...4...5....6 Shibanuma clambers to his feet and goes to slide into the ring, but Fox pulls him back and climbs in himself. 7...8...9 at the last second Shibanuma gets into the ring but Fox is waiting for him and wheel kicks him in the face dropping him. Fox pins 1....2.... but Shibanuma pops his shoulder up just in time. Fox argues with the referee over the count, Shibanuma rolls him up though 1....2.....3 !


Winner: Silver Shibanuma by pinfall


After the match The Fire Fox looks stunned at the outcome and Silver Shibanuma tosses him out of the ring. Shibanuma climbs up on the turnbuckles and poses for the fans. Shibanuma is the first contestant in next months World Title match at Box Office Smash.


A video is played hyping the last match tonight and the second of tonights double main event, martial arts master Amane Shunsen fights the dynamic Hidekazu. The winner will face Silver Shibanuma next month at Box Office Smash in a match to crown the very first SEJ World Champion.


http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/7323/hidekazu.jpg v http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/2181/amaneshunsen.jpg w/ http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/5349/dynamitenarahashi.jpg


Hidekazu vs. Amane Shunsen w/ Dynamite Narahashi


The veteran martial artist Amane Shunsen enters with his apprentice Dynamite Narahashi while Hidekazu goes it alone. The two lock up to start the bout and Hidekazu quickly slips behind Shunsen and places him in a hammerlock, Shunsen rolls forward to escape and then backflips on top of Hidekazu to score a near fall. Narahashi looks ecstatic at ringside, but Hidekazu is quickly back in control though as he suplexes Shunsen onto the mat. Hidekazu then tosses him out of the ring and taunts disrespectfully. Narahashi hops into the ring to avenge his sensei but the referee gets in front of him just in time. Hidekazu takes advantage of the distraction by choking Shunsen with the ropes, the referee eventually sees and pulls Hidekazu off, Shunsen slowly slides back into the ring.


Shunsen reverses a DDT attempt with a Northern Lights Suplex for a near fall. Shunsen looks as calm as ever though and climbs to the top rope, he dives off for a moonsault but Hidekazu rolls out of the way leaving Shunsen writhing in pain. Hidekazu then locks Shunsen in a figure four leglock, after a few moments of intense pain Shunsen is forced to submit to the hold.


Winner: Hidekazu by pinfall


After the match has finished Dynamite Narahashi looks like he is about to attack Hidekazu but Shunsen intervenes, stopping his apprentice dead in his tracks. Hidekazu responds by attacking both of them, tossing Narahashi out of the ring where he convieniently rolls around in pain while Hidekazu places Shunsen in the figure four for a second time. Silver Shibanuma shows up though and makes the save, Hidekazu backs out of the ring and back up the ramp as the two contestants in next months title match stare each other down as the show ends...


Overall Rating: D

Any comments would be welcome, tips on writing style and length and whatnot is much appreciated.

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Thanks for the comments guys - segment ratings are something I'll work into the next show for sure. For anyone who wants to do predictions heres the card:


SEJ Box Office Smash

Hidekazu vs. Silver Shibanuma - SEJ World Title

Lethal Weapons (Shunsen/Narahashi) vs. The Fire Fox & Tornado Nagai

Reaper Dante vs. Spirit of the Lizard

SUKI vs. Booger Man w/ Big BOSS Kotoku

The Big Problem vs. Black Eagle

Haruhiro Tsumemasa vs. Evil Spirit

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Hidekazu vs. Silver Shibanuma - SEJ World Title

Lethal Weapons (Shunsen/Narahashi) vs. The Fire Fox & Tornado Nagai

Reaper Dante vs. Spirit of the Lizard

SUKI vs. Booger Man w/ Big BOSS Kotoku

The Big Problem vs. Black Eagle

Haruhiro Tsumemasa vs. Evil Spirit

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SEJ Box Office Smash

Hidekazu vs. Silver Shibanuma - SEJ World Title

Lethal Weapons (Shunsen/Narahashi) vs. The Fire Fox & Tornado Nagai

Reaper Dante vs. Spirit of the Lizard

SUKI vs. Booger Man w/ Big BOSS Kotoku

The Big Problem vs. Black Eagle

Haruhiro Tsumemasa vs. Evil Spirit

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RIP Arturo Gatti



Show will be posted sometime tonight, meant to put up last night but I ended up watching UFC 100 twice and then falling asleep.

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I appreciated the show for I am Astil


Hidekazu vs. Silver Shibanuma - SEJ World Title

Lethal Weapons (Shunsen/Narahashi) vs. The Fire Fox & Tornado Nagai

Reaper Dante vs. Spirit of the Lizard

SUKI vs. Booger Man w/ Big BOSS Kotoku

The Big Problem vs. Black Eagle

Haruhiro Tsumemasa vs. Evil Spirit


These people shall win ... for I am Astil! I have picked these people because ... I am Astil.



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SEJ Box Office Smash

Wednsday, Week 4, February 2008


Arena: Kyoto Arena (Kinki)

Attendance: 2,000 (SELL OUT!)


SEJ Box Office Smash begins with a highlight package of last months two contender matches. Silver Shibanuma vs. The Fire Fox and Amane Shunsen vs. Hidekazu. In the end Silver Shibanuma and Hidekazu were left standing and tonight will meet in the middle of the ring to crown the very first SEJ World Champion! (D)


Inside the ring we see Munemori Umari and Haruhiro Tsumemasa. Umari hops on the microphone as he did last month and calls for a scale. After it is brought down Tsumemasa steps on it, trying to look as imposing as possible and even though he doesn't look much larger at all Umari shouts the results of the weight;


"300 lbs! Remarkable! In just one months time my client has gained 50 lbs!"


The fans boo, it's pretty clear that Umari is full of it because Tsumemasa barely looks 250 as marketed the previous month.


"I truly feel bad for whoever faces the Sumo legend and future wrestling mega-star tonight, now bring him out!" (D-)


http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/2909/haruhirotsumemasa.jpg v http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/4003/evilspirit.jpg

Haruhiro Tsumemasa vs. Evil Spirit


Tsumemasa tries to look as menacing as possible, but the fans aren't buying it as he plods slowly around the ring while Evil Spirit arrives. The fans didn't know who to cheer for in this one, but Tsumemasa didn't give them much time to think it out as he threw Spirit around the mat for a few minutes before tossing him out of the ring and getting a count out victory.


Winner: Haruhiro Tsumemasa (E-)


Backstage we see The Big Problem walking. He is trying to look as menacing as he possibly can as he walks slow and swings his arms wide around during his trip towards the ring where he will be facing Black Eagle up next. (D)


http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/8889/blackeagle.jpg v http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/8343/thebigproblem.jpg

Black Eagle vs. The Big Problem


A heavy contrast in size and styles as these two face off. Problem seemed to pose a problem (heh) with his strength as he tosses Eagle around during the opening moments. Eagle uses his speed, to mount a comeback though and winds up winning the match with a New Jersey Turnpike.


Winner: Black Eagle (E+)


Backstage SUKI has a microphone.


"I am SUKI, tonight I face Booger Man and I will win therefor I am SUKI, for the winner will be SUKI and I am SUKI. Booger Man will be a step behind SUKI tonight and I know this because I am SUKI, enjoy this match tonight or I am not SUKI - which I am."


http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/4272/suki.jpg v http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/8323/boogerman.jpg

SUKI vs. Booger Man


SUKI dismantles Booger Man easily with a series of intricate moves that ends with SUKI hitting his signature SUKI Special III for the pinfall victory.


Winner: SUKI (D-)


A highlight package is played hyping up Reaper Dante and Reaper Cicero - Circus of Death - ending with a video of them attacking The Riders of the Apocalypse last month. (E-)


http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/760/reaperdante.jpg v http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/7659/spiritofthelizard.jpg

Reaper Dante vs. Spirit of the Lizard


The bad blood between these two led to both of their teammates being banned from ringside and for good reason. The match began with them wildly brawling around the ring with Reaper Dante getting the edge eventually and landing a spin kick. Dante proceeds to systematically break down Lizard with basic moves like punches and kicks. Eventually though Lizard comes back with a flying forearm to knock Dante off his feet, at this point Spirit of the Shark runs down to the ring, he tries to distract Dante but Reaper Cicero shows up as well and attacks Shark, the referee is furious and it looks like we might have a DQ on our hands but he decides to let the match continue.


Back in the ring, Dante takes advantage of the distraction in the form of a dropkick to the back of the head for a near fall, Dante awaits Lizard to get back to his feet and than nails a Backflip Face Crusher for the pinfall victory.


Winner: Reaper Dante (E)


Outside of the ring Reaper Cicero has gotten the advantage over Spirit of the Shark and lays him out with a DDT before entering the ring. He and Reaper Dante proceed to beat the crap out of Spirit of the Lizard until Shark recovers and chases them off with a steel chair. (F)


Backstage Amane Shunsen is sitting while Dynamite Narahashi paces around - impatiently might I add - in the background before bursting out angrily;


"Sensei, why didn't you let me help you in your match? You could have won and been in the championship match tonight."


"Patience my apprentice, winning a match is important but it is not victory if you cheat to accomplish your goal."




"Now tonight me and you have a tag team match, you must prepare for this as I am."


Narahashi sits beside his sensei but still looks angry. (E+)


In another section of the backstage area The Fire Fox is going through his collection of dynamite, he starts to put it away in his "How to kill a hero for dummies" kit before Tornado Nagai dances into the room, after a few moments of dancing he points at Fox as if expecting an "Ahhhh man!" but Fox just looks at him. After a few moments Nagai just walks out, Fox shakes his head and follows. (D-)


http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/2181/amaneshunsen.jpghttp://img151.imageshack.us/img151/5349/dynamitenarahashi.jpg v http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/316/washichiinao.jpghttp://img189.imageshack.us/img189/7088/tornadonagai.jpg

The Lethal Weapons vs. The Fire Fox & Tornado Nagai


Shunsen and Narahashi have much more trust for each other than the makeshift team of Fox and Nagai. Amane Shunsen takes control early as he uses several stiff strikes to hurt The Fire Fox and ending the combination with a spinning back fist that knocked Fox to his corner where he tags out to Nagai. Nagai storms the ring and launches a series of suplexes on Shunsen. Narahashi tries to enter the ring for the save but the referee intervenes and Nagai uses the ring ropes to choke the life out of Shunsen for a moment. After the referee's attention is returned to the match and counts a near fall for Nagai. Nagai is visibly frustrated and goes to life Shunsen who excecutes a dropkick that knocks Nagai down and launches Shunsen to his corner where he tags out to Narahashi.


Narahashi interupts Nagai as he tries to tag out and tosses him against the corner and punches him in the face repeatedly before flinging him across the ring with a belly to belly suplex. Narahashi goes to follow up but takes a kick to the gut from Nagai who climbs back to his feet and looks to set up a DDT when Mamoru Yamaguchi arrives and takes Nagai's head off with a clothesline.


Winners: The Fire Fox & Tornado Nagai (D-)


Yamaguchi begins to pound on Nagai as Fox, content with the win walks out. Shunsen goes to intervene but eats a clothesline of his own. Yamaguchi drops Nagai on his head with a DDT and locks him in a leglock before getting punted in the head by an enraged Dynamite Narahashi who beats him up until security shows up and separates the two. (E+)


http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/9420/silvershibanuma.jpg v http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/7323/hidekazu.jpg

Silver Shibanuma vs. Hidekazu



What was expected to be a solid match wound up blowing all of the other matches SEJ has presented in its short history away. Shibanuma started the match out by attacking Hidekazu with a flurry of kicks and a springboard dropkick to cap things off, Shibanuma climbs up top but Hidekazu runs towards him and hits a Super Northern Lights Suplex for a near fall. Hidekazu locks in a series of submission moves, key locks, armlocks and tries to wear Shibanuma down this way but Shibanuma bursts back into action when he used his legs to flip Hidekazu over, he jumped to his feet and onto the top turnbuckle before flying through the air with a moonsault that lands on a now standing Hidekazu but Hidekazu isn't done yet as he gets out of the following pinfall. Shibanuma waits for Hidekazu to stand to his feet and looks for a jumping clothesline but Hidekazu ducks and Shibanuma actually tumbles over the ropes.


Hidekazu bounces off the ropes as Shibanuma climbs onto the apron, Shibanuma counters Hidekazu by flipping over the ropes and landing a hurricanrana. Hidekazu is right back up though and he tosses Shibanuma through the air with a german suplex. Hidekazu follows up with a nasty kick to the back of Shibanuma's head and pins him - only getting a two count. Shibanuma counters a second pin attempt by rolling Hidekazu up almost getting the win himself, but as he goes to get to his feet Hidekazu latches on a figure four leglock, after several moments of intense pain Shibanuma is forced to submit to the hold. Hidekazu is crowned the very first SEJ World Champion!


Winner: Hidekazu ©


Overall Rating: D+

Not much going on for this show, I was pleasantly surprised by the main event but the rest of the card was really kind of meh... booking and writing-wise.

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SEJ to be aired on PPV;



Sports Entertainment Japan, the controversial creation of Jerry Eisen has inked a deal to air their shows on Jade 237 after running just two cards. The deal is expected to last one year and Jade 237 are getting about 90% of the revenue generated by SEJ. SEJ is best known - as it's name indicates - for bringing the American professional wrestling base of "Sports Entertainment" to the highly Puro pro area of Japan, the results have been mixed so far but with only two shows down it is hard to tell how this will end for sure.

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