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WWF - Everybody's Got a Price (FTC-1991)

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December 23, 1990

Shocking news has reached us from WWF headquarters in Stamford, Connecticut. Head Booker Pat Patterson has been removed from his position with immediate effect following a clash with owner Vince McMahon. Rumour has it that McMahon was less than satisfied with Patterson’s vision for this year’s make or break Wrestlemania in the Los Angeles Coliseum.


As we understand, Patterson had decided to hot-shot the WWF title on to Sgt Slaughter and have him carry the strap to the main event of Wrestlemania and pass the torch back to Hogan. Although he personally sanctioned the move and has been grooming him for the top slot for a number of years, McMahon has placed full responsibility for the flop of The Ultimate Warrior’s title run squarely on Patterson’s shoulders.


McMahon was heard to scream at Patterson late last night: “How the hell do you expect to sell out the Coliseum with Bob in the main event? You’d be lucky to fill half of the Sports Arena!”


The normally placid Patterson was escorted from the building by Rene Goulet, Jack Tunney and Jack Brisco. It has not been fully established, however, sources suggest that Patterson and Gerald Brisco came to blows and that this fight may have accelerated Patterson’s exit from the company.


Patterson’s picture has already been removed from the Titan Towers walk of fame and it has been made clear in no uncertain terms that whoever takes over the job will most certainly not be able to re-hire Patterson in any capacity.


It is understood that Gorilla Monsoon will take over the book while a full time replacement is sought.




December 27, 1990

Returning early from his Christmas break, Vince McMahon is interviewing a wide range of candidates for the post of Head Booker both internally and externally.


Candidates include JJ Dillon, Jack Tunney, Jack Brisco, Jim Cornette and hot favourite for the post Dusty Rhodes.


Previous favourite Gorilla Monsoon has made it clear that he’s happy to hold the book on a temporary basis to cover but would prefer to work on his on-screen persona to help get the talent over.


McMahon has also taken the unusual decision to interview potential enhancement talents personally in the absence of his head booker. It is understood that McMahon has acted to take off some of the pressure currently being felt by Monsoon.




December 29, 1990

The stormy relationship between Dusty Rhodes and Vince McMahon has soured again. Rhodes is said to be furious at the news that McMahon will not be offering the book to him. The two had reached an impasse when Vince revealed that he was uncomfortable giving a controlling power in the company to a man that would be free to negotiate with his competitors in only a few days time. Dusty, meanwhile, refused to sign a new contract until he was guaranteed booking privileges.


Rhodes has sent a come and get me plea to WCW declaring that he has no further interest in working for Vince McMahon or his family.


This latest twist in the tale is another set back for Gorilla Monsoon who is looking more and more jaded at the thought of having to build towards a PPV in only a few weeks time with no real vision of where the company should be going.




December 31, 1990

... and in other news the WWF have signed unknown Scottish Lightweight wrestler Ritchie Lamond to a two year contract. With no development territory on the books, it appears that Lamond will be utilised as an enhancement talent. He has already been the target of jealousy by some backstage and the decision to take on an unproven worker to a written contract has been described as erratic to say the least.


Finally, Gorilla Monsoon appears to have been far more relaxed over the last few days. Either he’s beginning to settle into the role or Vince has finally made up his mind as to who gets control of the book at this most critical moment in the company’s history.

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Week 1, January 1991


EXCLUSIVE! Vince gets his man!


In what ranks as one of the biggest upsets in the history of the business, the WWF have appointed 20 year old jobber Ritchie Lamond as his head of booking.


Lamond, who we revealed just yesterday had signed a written contract with the company, was expected to take up a position as an enhancement talent but was unveiled to the boys last night as their new boss.


Reactions were said to be positive from the workers if a little perplexed. One insider commented that there was a real sense of relief hanging in the air that Vince had brought in an outsider who wouldn’t have pre-conceived ideas of who should and should not be pushed.


Lamond took time out to speak to Bob Remus (Sgt Slaughter) personally and assured him that even though the original plans for him to headline Wrestlemania had been removed at this stage, there was still plenty of opportunity for Slaughter to earn a high profile place on the card and that he would remain a part of his plans.


The only real discenting voice was said to be Steve Lombardi (Brooklyn Brawler) who voiced his opinion, once again, that Pat Patterson, McMahon’s former head booker, had been treated shamefully by the company.


Less than ten minutes later Lombardi was joining Patterson on the unemployment line after Lamond, working on McMahon’s instructions, terminated the Brawler’s service with the company.


Sources close to the McMahon family insist that Lombardi will not be the last casualty as Lamond looks to give the company a kickstart by shaking some of the deadwood from the tree.


With Dusty Rhodes already confirmed as leaving at the end of the month, we understand that Bill Eadie (Ax), Wayne Ferris (Honky Tonk Man), and Akio Sato are coming up for the end of their contracts. It remains to be seen whether Lamond will move to keep any of the ageing grapplers on his books.





Week 1, January 1991

“Welcome to the first transmission of Mean Gene’s Wrestling Hot-line where we bring you all of the inside stories that are set to break on your television screens and at our live shows thoughout the United States, Canada and the World!”


“I’ve had the pleasure of spending some time with new WWF superstar Shane Douglas and I have to tell you, he’s a big admirer of Greg Valentine! He tells me that the opportunity to work alongside ‘The Hammer’ is one of the main reasons why this plucky kid decided to join the big leagues.


“The Nasty Boys have arrived in the World Wrestling Federation and have made no secret of their desire to strip the Hart Foundation of the gold. I spoke to their manager, Jimmy ‘The Mouth of the South’ Jimmy Hart and he told me that The Hitman and The Anvil had better start watching their backs. I hope that the Foundation have someone watching their backs because Jimmy Hart doesn’t know the meaning of playing fair!


President Jack Tunney has confirmed the following matches for this week’s Wrestling Challenge: Greg ‘The Hammer’ Valentine will be taking on Brian Donahue while The Rockers clash with the Orient Express. Mr Tuneny has also confirmed that Randy Savage will be in attendance at the show.


“The Ultimate Warrior s not afraid of Randy Savage and insists that with the power of his little Warriors behind him, the Macho King is no threat to him. Warrrior insisted that he doesn’t think Savage has earned the right to fight for the number one wrestling title in the world.”


“Mr Perfect is another name who fancies himself as the number one contender. He told me that just as The Ultimate Warrior before him progressed to the World Title at Wrestlemania VI, Perfect wanted to work his way into the main event and would start by making an example of Davey Boy Smith.”


“Tito Santana is a big fan of the Chicago Blackhawks and will be going along to their next game when the WWF return to Chicago for Prime Time Wrestling on Wednesday night.


“The Million Dollar Man contacted my office ten minutes before this recording went on air insisting that we hold back the taping as he had some big news that he wanted to share with his public, news that would blow them away with excitement. I told him in no uncertain terms that the fans of the World Wrestling Federation come first and I didn’t have time to wait for him and his messages! Knowing Mr Dibiase as well as I do, whatever he’s got to say will only be of benefit to himself!


“That’s all we’ve got time for on today’s Hotline. Be sure to call us again on Wednesday morning when we’ll be exclusively revealing the line-up for this week’s Prime Time Wrestling.”

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