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Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling || The Final Bullet

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Chapter 1

The Pistol, is Loaded.


I know, that you know who I am. I'm Pistol Pete Hall, one of the best, and a Huge Star on the Golden Canvas, and that's how I started. In the early 80's, I was in demand in Japan, and the only place for me, was the Golden Canvas. But after 12 years of wrestling, a recurring Knee Injury ended my career. I obviously thought my career was cut short, so I wanted to stay active in the wrestling business, instead Training upcoming workers, and bringing them up the right way, instead of having them screw themselves up halfway through their career. I kept this up until the early 2000's, but then, the news came. The doctors had apparently figured out a way to fix my knee, in proper fashion, which would allow me to return to the wrestling business, except this time with a minor setback. My schedule was to be sporadic for the next 10 or so years, and every so often I would have to come back to this office and check out my knee. I managed to convince them to allow my usual doctor to come with me along my wrestling career, to help me out with my knee, because let's be honest, I didn't want to have to go see a new doctor every week, granted I already had a problem with going to doctors in Japan, First off, I didn't know the people that were fixing me up, and second, I'm an American, do you expect me to be able to understand Japanese ? So, my doctor came with me as I made an undercover return to the American Independant Circuit, but my knee was still bothering me. I took another lay-off. Long, but not nearly as long as the last one, as I got an interesting phone call from somebody that I had idolized in my youth, but had stopped wrestling just as I started...


"Pistol Pete, Finally managing to get a hold of you. Do you know who this is ?"


"I'd like to say I do, but truly, I really don't, who is this ?"

"Come on, you don't recognize who this is ?"


"Please Sir, Tell Me now, I'm really starting to get pissed right now..."


"Name's Hanshiro. Furusawa, that is."


I dropped the phone, Immediately, and I mean, Immediately, the dial tone hit as soon as it hit the ground, and this was as loud as it could have ever been. I was imagining that on the other side he was still saying my name, wondering what had happened to me, but I was honestly too choked up to gain the courage to call him again. I Mean, this is a guy, who displayed so much courage every time he entered the ring. Got on the canvas, and fought in the cage. This is the guy, I watched as a kid, this was the guy, I wanted to be when I was younger. I was up until the next day trying to get his moves down, trying to be as close to him as I ever could, and now, he's phoning me. I didn't know what to say. But I knew I had to do something, so I checked my caller ID, but just as I did that, the phone rang. I picked up as fast as possible.




"Hello Sir or Madame, are you in need of a vacation, are you tired of the same routine over and over again, well now, with Captain..."


Hung up almost on instinct, damn telemarketers, never giving me a break. As I frantically waited, pacing back and forth in my living room, begging for him to call back like a little high school girl. It eventually hit the point where I was lying in my living room at 1 O'Clock in the morning, just so I could make sure that he would call. I didn't get any sleep that night, and nor did I for the next 2 or 3, because he still had not called back. The Next day, I was shocked. The doorbell rang, and I did not expect this...


It was Hanshiro.


Now, How the hell did he track me down ? I don't know, but If he was able to find my phone number, from all the way in Japan, something told me that he knew how to do something other than just take a wild guess.


"Hello Pete, You recognize me ?"


"Of Course, Your Hanshiro Furusawa, and you're in my house. Tell me again why you didn't phone instead ?"


"Pete, Something tells me that you don't understand the cost of International Phone Calls, from Japan, that's a hell of a lot of Yen. But, I needed to come to talk to you about something else, something that I couldn't do over the phone."


"What is it. If it's important enough for you to come all the way from Japan, it's got to be..."


"I need you to come to the Golden Canvas. Will you sign a contract to come with me to Japan ?"




I was obviously shocked, and I needed to answer something before I fainted.


"YES ! Yes I will. When do I start ?"


"Friday. 3 Days from now, I need you and anybody that you need with you to come to Japan tonight with me, and Tomorrow, I will introduce you to the Golden Canvas, and I'll show you your opponent. Deal ?"


"Works for Me, I'll get my doctor and start packing my bags, See you tonight"



I prepared my bags for the big trip, and got my doctor on the way to the airport. I met up with Hanshiro, and we got on the plane. I remember most of the trip, I slept most of the way, because it was about an 8 or 9 hour flight. I watched the Movie, but it wasn't all that good, which led me to sleep. Woke up and saw the rising sun over Japan, and it was amazing. One of the very few sights that you should see at least once in your life. I got off the plane, headed with Hanshiro to the Golden Canvas Headquarters, and an hour later, I finished the signing of my contract, and was immediately a Main Eventer, and it was great to be able to be back on the Golden Canvas. My First fight was with Kazu Yoshizawa, and boy was I excited. But first, I had to get some sleep...

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Chapter 2

Two Times The Gold, Only one Canvas


I was back, for good this time, at 43 years old, this was probably going to be my last run with a wrestling promotion, and with a bum knee, it was probably all I could get. I fought my first fight on friday, and my training was top notch. I brought one of the best ever with me, as the man himself, Hanshiro Furusawa helped me out. I was coming in with a world of confidence, dominating Kazu Yoshizawa to a TKO victory. I used my full arsenal of slams, takedowns and punches. I came in Harder, Faster, Better and Stronger then I was before, and it was all thanks to Hanshiro. I continued getting fights on the tour, and by the time I noticed, it had been 2 years since I had been fighting for Golden Canvas again, and eventually, I got the title shot. I fought Hiroyasu Gakusha, and All I remembered thinking was, something like, "Man, am I really doing this ? Am I really fighting for the same title that some of the greatest fighters ever had gotten before me, Can I live up to their legacy ?" It was just the toughest feeling in the world to overcome. Come Fight Night, I mean, it was all butterflies in my stomach, I could not get into the fight. About 10 Minutes into the fight, I get clipped, and finally get my senses back in me, and I finally start fighting back, and eventually knock him down in the 20th minute of the fight. I didn't want to stop punching, and eventually won by Choke submission. I got up, and I didn't even realise it, until Hanshiro told me that I had just won the world championship. I got the belt, and I was just completely in awe, and just trying to get myself together.


The Next day, I remember reading the headline in Japan, and I guess the shock of winning the world title must've gotten to me, because I just remembered that I had no clue in how to read Japanese. So I brought it to Hanshiro's office, and he translated it. Turns out, it said "Two Times the Gold, on One Canvas." I'd Made it. I've arrived in Japan. 2 Years after my return to the Golden Canvas, and I've won the belt, and now, I'm finally getting to defend it, it's just, the best feeling in the world, but at the same time, it was just, Me against the World...

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Chapter 3

Shot Down, on the Golden Canvas


It had been about 6 Months since I had won the title, and I'd been defending it about twice a week, so that had given me about 30 defenses or so. I was on a high, still, just from winning the belt. Then, I started prepping for my next fight, and again the sporadic routine and frantic schedule continued to return. Damn, I wish I had actually listened to the rest of that Telemarketer's speech. I could reallly use a vacation now. I continued to defend my title, and eventually asked Furusawa for a Vacation. He said sure, and that I had a month off, and that this would give him the ability to put on a contenders tournament, since he was running out of credible fighters to pit me against. I took my month off very lightly, and relaxed, no training, pretty much all lying down, and watching movies, and hanging out with some friends. But when I came back to the Golden Canvas, I got some news that I wasn't expecting. Hanshiro wanted to talk contracts. Now, I never believed this story, but most told me that when Hanshiro wanted to talk contracts, it pretty much meant that you were going down. I went to the office, and eventually heard the news myself.


"Pete, Sit down, I need to talk to you about something. Now how was your month off ?"


"Good, Good, just got to relax, and really helped me out"


"That's Good, now there's one thing on my mind. During the tournament, I discovered two major stars. Mabuchi Furusawa, my son to be exact and Nathan Coleman, a worker from DaVE. Now, I don't want to show favoritism, but I think you'd have a good match-up with my son. Which leads me to this. Since I think he's such a prospect, I expect him to become the champion in this next match, which leads me to your contract, which I'm cutting down the pay. How much are you earning right now..."


He checked his computer.


"Ahh, 40,000 per event, now, we're looking at half of that, 20,000. That's as much as I can give you, because in the position we are in right now, we have to give our champion the most, because we do not have enough money to give every star as much as they deserve. So 20,000 is as much as I can give you."


Granted I wasn't very happy about the situation, I understood the situation, but there was one thing that I was wondering, why would he already be cutting my pay, if I haven't lost the title yet, and if the big title fight between us two was going to be in December, why would he cut it now ? But then I realised it, and as I did, he told me...


"Pete, you're going to have to lose this title fight. I need a new champion, and Mabuchi can be that champion. I know this isn't what the Golden Canvas stands for, but he is the future of this promotion, and I need this to happen."


"And What If I don't let this new guy win ?"


"Then I'll be forced to cut your pay to Zero, Indefinitely. You're fired. After this fight, for sure. So do we have a deal ?"




I stormed out, right there, not allowing him to finish what he started



Deep down, I knew what was going to happen today, I immediately went to the gym before the match, and started working my ass of, trying to prepare myself to the fullest, so I didn't let this guy win. If he was going to take my title, he was going to have a hard time doing it. The Fight was in an hour, so I went to the Golden Canvas, and started training mit work with my coach. I made my way to the ring, and was welcomed with a chorus of screams of enjoyment, and happyness, which really humbled me. The fans loved me, and Hanshiro was about to make a huge mistake. Mabuchi entered, and I wasn't too happy about it. The look on my face showed it all. The bell rang after the introductions, and I stormed out, looking to beat him down quickly. But he really jumped on me, and started pounding away. I tried throwing him off, but this is a Furusawa that we're talking about, and you can never doubt them. He came at me harder and harder each round, and eventually took my title. I was shut down in this fight, and the headlines seemed to say the same. I walked into Furusawa's office, got my pay off, and left. Went back to my apartment, and told my doctor, that's it, and it's time to go. He asked me where we were going now, and I remember hearing about the Downfall of DaVE, so I immediately thought of Mitch. An old friend who I hung out with as a teenager, well, baby sat actually, due to some connections his father had with mine, and apparently, he'd gone back to the wrestling scene, with a new promotion, out of Pennsylvania, and I immediately found some tickets, and brought my Doctor to the airport. He had no idea what we were doing, but he had to follow, and we were on our way again...

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Chapter 4

When Pistols are fired.


This was it, I'm back in Pennsylvania. Back where I belong, and I made a surprise visit to Mitch's Office. He immediately recognized me, and got up to give me a hug. We chatted, and I told him I was out of a job, and I still wanted to wrestle. He turned around, and went to his desk, and sort of acted like he was this huge business man, like he used to when he was a kid, and just pulled out the papers, out of his sleeve, litterally. It's like he expected me. I signed, and he gave me a great deal, If I remember correctly it was 35,000. I knew the hometown fans very well, and He knew I'd be popular with them. I explained to him that I was going down in my career, and I thought I'd be better off as an occasional wrestler, but he thought of something else, he offered me the position as Head Booker. I accepted, he and I both knew that I wouldn't be able to wrestle for much longer, and I knew how my body worked, and he didn't want a friend to get hurt. The Next step was assessing the roster, but that's scheduled for Saturday morning, so I've got time to get settled back in Pittsburgh, maybe go see some old friends or so. But Pittsburgh is where I started, and It's where I'll end, this truly is, the Final Bullet...

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Roster Assessment


First time back in the office, and I'm still glad to be here. Mitch wanted me to look over the roster, and see where we were at, and work on potential storylines. Since we're definitely a Face vs Heel promotion, with a lot of T&A, so definitely a lot of feuds and stuff like that in the works. Mitch functioned a lot differently with me than with the other bookers he's had, as this time, he gave me a paper with each member of the roster, with their push, age, alignment, and name obviously. He wanted me to write down my thoughts on each member of the roster individually, and this would help with setting up the storylines. Oh, and for my own personal addition, I gave them my own little nickname.



[The Never Say Die Warrior]

Alex Braun

46, Main Event, Face

Alex is definitely getting old, he's as old as me to be exact. But he is not low on spirit, that's for sure. I remember watching this guy in SWF in the 80's while I was wrestling with GCG, that he was truly the guy, that would never quit. He kept coming and coming until he couldn't come back. He's definitely somebody I want to keep on the roster, and can still put on some good matches for the promotion.



[The Son of a Legend]

Ash Campbell

19, Lower Midcard, Face

The Name Nemesis Ring a Bell ? Well this is his son. I've been watching Nemesis ever since I fell in love with wrestling, and if his son keeps the attitude that Nemesis had towards wrestling, he can definitely go far. He's Charismatic, Active, Strong, and very solid as a wrestler. As he grows older, it's going to be hard to spot a weakness.



[The Hardcore Ninja]


19, Enhancement Talent, Face

Brimstone, is just, Brimstone. He's a Hardcore-High Flyer. Not exactly the most skilled wrestler in the world, he attracts crowds to come watch him because of his giant risks with big top rope jumps, steel cell jumps, interactions with the crowd. Pretty much everything a popular wrestler should be able to do. But just being popular won't cement you a spot with my promotion, he'll really need to work on his all around game.



[The Monster]

Dead Bolt

30, Lower Midcard, Heel

Dead Bolt is exactly what PSW needs. A Giant. Standing at 6'6" and at least 300 pounds, Dead Bolt is a straight up, in your face, Brawler. Punches, Kicks and the odd Choke Slam make him a dangerous opponent for anybody. However, once opponents figure out how to escape danger with him, there's little he can do, other than use his Menacing stature to scare his opponents.



[The Tag Team Enthusiast]

Dean Waldorf

22, Midcard, Heel

Dean Waldorf, is somebody I can't really put my finger on to be exact. He's a tag team enthusiast, in my own words, that means somebody who really only works with a team member. I've yet to see him work as a Singles worker. If Marv Statler ends up leaving the promotion, or the other way around, he'll need to figure out how to work as a singles worker. He's definitely somebody I intend on trying to build up, as I see a lot of potential in.



[The Doctor]

Doc Messing

31, Color Commentator, Face

Doc Messing is one of my favorites here in Pittsburgh. His all out, "I don't give a crap" announcing style really draws me in. I find his comments comedic most of the time, granted he does know about the business. He's definitely a keeper for PSW, and I really hope we can keep him long enough, because it's only a matter of time before another promotion snaps him up.



[The Old Bump Machine]

Fabulous Frank

49, Road Agent, Heel

I'll be honest here, when I watched Fabulous Frank wrestle in his youth, I wasn't really impressed. He was a good, if not unspectacular wrestler, who was just like the others. A guy who blends in. However, since he started working as a road agent here in Pittsburgh, I'll be honest, I'm glad to have him here, he's a great road agent, and he'll be a good member of the roster.



[The Last Honest Man in Pittsburgh]

Frankie Future

37, Upper Midcard, Heel

Frankie is a great wrestler, he always knew how to impress me every time a saw him. Now, I get to work with him. I know every wrestler is going to make some mistakes, especially the heels, because sometimes, it's hard to get out of character. Frankie is somebody I know can hit it big, so I want to keep him out of trouble, as much as possible. A definite plus for our roster.



[The King of Mat Work]

JD Morgan

39, Main Event, Heel

JD Morgan is definitely one of the brightest stars on the PSW roster. Straight from the UK, he's been a dominant force in the US, ever since DaVE. I was so impressed when I saw his highlights on tape, that I needed to keep this guy. I had to keep this guy. Injuries had plagued his career, but he's fresh now, and I'm pretty sure he's going to stay injury free for his last years.



[The Legend of the East Coast Wars]

Johnny Martin

38, Main Event, Face

Johnny Martin is another one of the guys from DaVE, and a dangerous one. A cult legend after his time in DaVE, that when it died, he was a Cult Legend. Thus the name of the Legend of the East Coast Wars. Johnny is a Main Eventer here in PSW, and he's a Champion. He'll be at the top for a long time, and you should expect some fireworks in all his matches. Literally, Fireworks, I've heard things...



[The Couch Potato]

Lazy Joe

33, Midcard, Face

Lazy Joe reminds me of the days I used to spend lying on the couch for my vacation time with GCG. But, the difference is, I did it temporarily, this guy keeps this character day in and day out. He's Never training, never really doing anything other than the days that he's actually at the shows wrestling. I plan on kicking his butt into gear, and will get him off the couch at least 2 days a week.



[The Little Dude with Bad Intentions]

Little Bill Lebowski

33, Opener, Face

Bill is a little guy, and that probably won't change. He's a small sparkplug, that won't quit, who just wants to dominate. His spirit is just that never say die attitude that you see in Alex Braun. Almost the same, his stature isn't something that you would usually see in wrestling, but he's just so admirable, in the attitude that he shows towards wrestling. I want this guy to do good, and I'm going to train him personally for that wish to come true.



[The Marvelous One]

Marv Statler

22, Midcard, Heel

The other member of the tag team enthusiasts, and is a good technical wrestler in his own right, but is really just like Dean, who needs to learn how to wrestle as a singles wrestler before he'll ever earn his own title, or really be recognized as his own person, other than riding the tail of Dean Waldorf. If he'll ever break out, it will be when he's separated from Dean.



[The Big Kahuna of PSW]

Mitch Naess

31, Announcer, Face

I almost burst out in laughter when I saw this page, I thought it was a joke, but he had a serious look in his eyes when he gave it to me, so I was compelled to write "Nice Guy ! Very cool dude and I intend on treating him nicely and following the rules of PSW and hope not to get fired by this great friend of mine" I saw a gleam of humor in his eyes when I gave it back, I knew he was making a joke about it, the dude's got quite the poker face.



[The New Breed of Hardcore]

Nelson Callum

19, Opener, Heel

Nelson Callum is a prospect. Though I didn't know much about him, after watching a highlight or two, I knew he was going to be big, and a top notch contender. I hope he doesn't let it go to his head, and hope that he continues to perform the way he is, because this guy will be the champ in about a year or so.



[The Man's Woman]

Nicole Kiss

29, Manager, Face

Nicole Kiss is definitely the "T&A" Girl of PSW. The best chick for Sex Appeal, no doubt in PSW, is also the on-screen girlfriend of up-coming threat Steven Parker. Though he mistreats her most of the time, she never finds the courage to get away from him on-screen. This really brings out the best of both of them. Nicole with her sex appeal, and Steven with his Heel appearence. It's a great storyline to run, and it should pay off in the future.



[The Loose Cannon]

Primal Rage

37, Lower Midcard, Heel

Primal Rage is one of the most intimidating, animalistic heels in PSW today. But he didn't start that way, starting out with CZCW instead, winning the Coastal Zone Championship, and after feeling he earned all he could with CZCW, he left in 2006. But just a year later, he re-appeared with PSW, and has stayed ever since. Being one of the top brawlers in PSW, he is on his way to be a very popular cult wrestler with the fans.



[The Man Who Makes the Calls]

R.M. Stones

28, Referee, Face

R.M. Stones is the referee from DaVE, and he was recognized as their head referee for the most part. After it's demise, it was almost a sure thing that he come over to Pittsburgh for the inagural run of PSW.



[The Next Big Thing]

Steven Parker

23, Upper Midcard, Heel

Steven Parker is that guy. The "It" Factor of PSW. He is probably the best athlete that has ever come on scene with PSW. After joining the revolution that was PSW, he immediately started ringing up a storm. After starting out as a masked man in NOTBPW, being trained by Dark Angel himself. He headed over to MAW, and became the Champion. Held the title for almost a year, and was sent over to bigger challenges by Rip Chord, and thus, his career with PSW as a dangerous Heel had begun.



[The Right Hand Man]

Tank Bradley

30, Upper Midcard, Face

Tank Bradley is a good wrestler in his own right, but not enough to be a real breakout star. He made his name riding the tail of Tag Team Partner Alex Braun, throughout his run in DaVE, and in PSW as well. At Thirty years old, he'll probably never have the abilities to be his own man, and will probably spend the rest of his time with PSW.



[blonde Action]

Teddy Powell

28, Upper Midcard, Heel

Teddy Powell is a tough as nails, action packed, lightweight wrestler who got his start with USPW. After being beaten on for about 2 years, he found a way to make it big, forming Adrenaline Rush with Sammy Bach. After dominating the DaVE tag team division, TCW eventually made offers, just not to Teddy. Sammy got the offer, and took it. Angry at the lack of loyalty, Teddy Swore revenge on Sammy, joining the DaVE originals at PSW, where he has stayed ever since.



[Genuine Toughness]

The Punisher

41, Midcard, Heel

The Punisher is a tough customer for anybody to handle, and he's shown it in his past ventures with SCCW and now PSW. After winning the Tag Team Titles at SCCW, he had a good run, and was given another chance at winning the gold with PSW in 2007, where he's stayed ever since.



[The Grizzled Veteran]

The Wolverine

42, Main Event, Heel

The Wolverine is probably one of the older men that serve for PSW fans. Working in the main event, but before that, he worked with Big Cat Brandon at DaVE as the Animalz. In 2006, he stepped down from that job, instead working backstage for the promotion, and after it's downfall, He started wrestling again, and headed over to Pittsburgh, for the new upbringing that was PSW with Mitch Naess.



[The Country Bumpkin]

Thimbleby Langton

23, Midcard, Face

Still Very Young at only 23 years old, Thimbleby Langton is a Very Dangerous Brawler. Hard-Hitting, and almost unable to be out brutalized. So Tough, even that Alex Braun commented that he and partner Wooton Fitzpaine were like "An American version of the McWade Brothers at NOTBPW". A Huge Compliment. He and Wooton could be the new breed of tag team hardcore wrestling at PSW, and will be a driving force in the next few years.



[The Fist from the Mid-West]

Wooton Fitzpaine

23, Midcard, Face

The Other half of the "Good Ol' Boys" alongside Thimbleby Langton, is a brutal, toe-to-toe, vicious brawler, who likes to stand straight forward and just swing for the hell of it. Perhaps the new breed of tag team wrestling, he could easily become champion with the right training.



The Champs




Johnny Martin

Previous Champion : Vacant




Steven Parker

Previous Champion : Vacant




The Deadly Alliance

Previous Champions : Vacant

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[steven Parker is on his way out of PSW]


"I want to say I didn't see this coming, but, I really did. Steven Parker is leaving, but luckily, the timing is just right, as PSW No Vacancy is coming up, in 6 days to be exact, and with his contract expiring in 7 days, it's perfect. He'll probably be losing his title, because him leaving the organization, and plus, to Richard Eisen, is already bad enough, and for him to vacate the title himself is even worse in my book. I want titles to be won fair and square, by beating the better man. Steven Parker is a great wrestler, he knows how to put on a good match, and a brutal showing, and he will be missed here at PSW."


-Pistol Pete Hall


"PSW was a home to me, and it always will be, but right now, I'm taking a chance. If Richard Eisen wants me up there at SWF, I'm going to take the shot, it obviously means I'm ready for the big time. If I ever get released, or if SWF goes under, I told Pete and Mitch to contact me immediately, or that I would contact them, because I'll never forget my roots, and that truly is PSW. I'm sure I'll be back soon, but right now, I have to weigh my options."


-Steven Parker


"Steven Parker was one of the first people I thought of when I founded PSW. I mean the kid was a former champion before he even turned 23, he's a phenomenal athlete. He's very classy outside of the ring, despite being a heel. I like the guy personally, he's a good friend of mine, and I only hope the best for him. SWF will do him good, and I hope that they realize how good this kid really is, because he's going very far in this business, and if they blow that opportunity, you can bet PSW is going to take another shot at getting him back. I don't want to see this kid be wronged. PSW is his home, and he'll come back soon enough. Right now, we'll continue working our way up without him, and eventually get him back, it's a huge opportunity and I want him to take it. It's a huge blow to the company, but we'll get by"


-Mitch Naess

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Damn Freewebs :p


I've been workin on a site for about 3 or 4 hours now, and Now, as Im working on it, it's just told me that I've reached my limit on pages. Damn it, and to get more pages, i'll have to pay more money, screw that ! I'll just keep my updates here then :p


Still though, really annoying

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<hr align="center">


<vb> </vb>

<vb>PSW No Vacancy 2008</vb>

<vb>Saturday, Week 2, January</vb>


<vb></vb> <vb></vb>

<vb> <vb></vb></vb>

<hr align="center">

Alex Braun vs Teddy Powell


The Good Ol' Boys vs The Deadly Alliance

[PSW Tag Team Championship]


Johnny Martin vs Tank Bradley

[PSW Championship]


Steven Parker vs JD Morgan

[PSW National Championship]

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