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USPW: Marrying into greatness

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Most men in life probably hate me, I mean c'mon I got everything they ever wanted...I do the job they all dreamed of in their youth because every night I go out to the ring to perform, I have money in the bank from being talented at what they do but most of all....I'm married to the hottest woman in wrestling right now....


Let me introduce myself, the name is Jack Starr....and by Starr you are correct in thinking Micky is my grandfather and with him being that you may see where this all started to go right.


2006 was quite a big year for me. I debuted around America getting some small time gigs using the family name to good effect. People took notice however of my wrestling ability and the women took notice of my sexual ability too. Hell I was only 20; bars weren't letting me in but people weren't letting me out so it was a rather...strange time.


Then I met her.


The daughter of a icon, the woman who in part I grew up with but hadn't seen for a number of years. Miss Strong. I'll be the first to admit she may be a better wrestler than me but hell I won't be the only one to say she is the most beautiful thing on the planet right now. Yes, she may be a tad driven at times and a fair bit of a ruthless person when she needs to be but I've never met anyone as humble and graceful as her. We hit it off again instantly. She was only back for a visit before heading off to Japan again to train with Ogiwara but the connection was so strong that I took the chance to go over with her. Hell I got taught a thing or two about wrestling while I was there too. Just as I arrived Eisaku Hoshino left PGHW and was working as a freelance agent. I took no time in using my contacts through my grandfather to get some personal training time with a legend. It meant learning Japanese fast but in time he also learned a considerable amount of English to get a better understanding. I'm not afraid to say that he changed my career for the better.


Me and Alicia stayed strong and on Christmas Day 2006 I proposed to her...they say things never run smoothly and I couldn't agree more. Let's just say a incident with a powercut in Atlanta where we were all at, my car breaking down, an attempted break in at the USPW arena; by the time I did propose it was 23:59 and we were all a lot worse for where.


Sam and Granddad where overjoyed, it was like these two guys who had traveled the roads for so long where finally family in some ways. My cousin Brett was happy for me too, he was just starting to train with Micky in his spare time and you could see he had awesome potential which is exactly what we needed to be a member of this family.


Me and Alicia jetted back out at the end of January for more training in Japan. You could tell Alicia was almost ready as Sam was at home planning a women's division to be started in the spring. Things with Eisaku were going good as well, he was quite happy in his freelance work but you could tell he missed the big crowds and the atmosphere or a huge event. I gave my future father-in-law a call, there was plans afoot.


Myself, Alicia and Eisaku all came back in April to the US for Alicia's debut. We took Eisaku mainly for the fact Sam wanted a meeting with him (and it could only be about one thing); there was talk of a huge expansion to rival TCW and hopefully one day the SWF which had Eisaku quite interested but he did say until he finished all work in Japan he couldn't make a move.


I sat and watched as Alicia walked out that first night for USPW. Man I gotta tell ya I was so proud. Sam had taken up the Gorilla position backstage. He wanted some time away from the screen and was working as a agent with Granddad.


The next few months were almost a blur to be honest. I kept in contact twice a week with Eisaku, the guy was like a uncle to me and I wanted to make sure he was safe before he came back over. Alicia went crazy with the wedding organizations. She had it made we would marry live on television on Christmas Day (1 year to the day I proposed) on USPW: American Wrestling. Of course I didn't see the idea as a good one at first. I wasn't known and I've seen wedding angles in wrestling before and they always look corny. But Alicia and Sam both wanted this realistic to the tee and thats what it was.


Christmas Day came, Alicia and myself wed. Sam took his daughter down the aisle in his first TV appearance in over 3 months. Eisaku was my best man in what was his first night for USPW TV. I couldn't of asked for a better best man.


Sam placed me in the head bookers role the minute Danny Jillefski asked for it to be given away at the start of December and the goal really is to go forward as a company.


So here we are, January 2008....who knows what the future brings....well I do :)


Jack Starr



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Agreed. I haven't read far into many of the USPW diaries because either the attitude annoyed me a la J Silver's 65 and Over or they've just started off blah to me. This I can see myself following. Using the relationships of the Starr and Strong families as a jumping off point makes for a very intriguing foundation.
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Monday, Week 1, January, 2008


Got into work quite early this morning. Had a meeting with Granddad Micky and Sam at 8am (what can you say; early bird catches the worm and all that). Jillefski turned up late again, I’m starting to see why that man gave up being head booker; the poor guy looks exhausted and yet he still agreed to work as the USPW.com editor. He’s promised to bring a lot of stuff to the website to try and hit a younger demographic than we currently have as our target range.


I got word from Sam when I went in this morning that he’s contacted Freedom Championship Wresting about working as our child company. I like the arrangement if I’m going to be perfectly honest as it does mean we have somewhere to nurture our future talent which right now is a huge plus for us.


Got wind of a slightly hilarious phone message left by Cornell this morning too. I gotta say the ego on that man must be nothing short of mega. Basically he’s told Sam that if we try to challenge TCW in any way that we will be “taken off the face of this earth and left to rot in some little Indy fed in Idaho”....sounds like Tommy Cornell Wrestling to make idle threats they cannot keep. Time to show the little ones how the big boys play.


Speaking to Jillefski and Granddad about storylines we realized we need Shane Sneer away from the commentary booth permanently. Now while I have two ideas of some talent I worked with around the US and Canada in terms of Wednesday night Granddad is gonna step in to commentate. He is one of the most charismatic men I’ve met in USPW so really it can’t be a bad thing.


We wrapped up the meeting with a few more topics about production values and wrestlers. I’ve been given the right to bring in 3 more wrestlers that I think could help the brand (one of which will need a manager for sure). I’ve been told to get some working deals with some federations too. I’m guessing Sam knows the best talent is under contract and if were gonna rival anyone we need to get them here now and again.


Went straight down to the USPW arena. The place is quite cosy for a large arena. The arena has a 4,500 seat capacity with a 500 standing area around the ring. For the money spent on it (Which trust me was quite a fair bit) it turned out quite well and is fit and ready to be debuted on Wednesday night.


Got greeted by a few of the wrestlers using the gym there when I arrived. Bruce the Giant was quite a gentlemen showing me around and introducing me as well as James Justice and Chris Caulfield. The problem with Chris I have is can you really book him for any length of time, rumour has it that SWF are already swooping for him and Devine but I guess it’s really a waiting game or at least offering a new contract.


Eisaku seemed happy to see me. He has such a wave of momentum which I’m happy about, Sam did a great job with him and hyping up his debut which I will bring this week. I already have a huge name lined up if we can get the deal done.


Had a small conversation with Corporal Doom and a more in depth with Danny Jillefski, were going in different directions with them after this week. Just as I was leaving Eisaku ran over to give me a phone number...lets just say this person is defiantly worth a ring.


Off for dinner now with Alicia and Sam and his lovely partner Jean. I predict a nice, quiet evening before what is only going to be described as a rough Tuesday.


For now, signing off


Jack Starr





OOC: Data Added


  • Jack Starr has a strong dislike of Tommy Cornell
  • Sam Strong has a strong dislike of Tommy Cornell
  • The USPW Arena added to data (Small Arena, South East)
  • Asked for a Child Company deal with FREEDOM
  • Made numerous offers for working agreements with companies (More info in Tuesday's post)
  • War between TCW and USPW initiated

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Tuesday, Week 1, January, 2008


Well now that is some major news....


First and foremost USPW is being taped on a Thursday for the remainder of this month. You'll understand why as you read on down.


So I got into the offices at the arena this morning, walked over to my answering machine...10 new messages! I mean c'mon I was up for a nice, relaxing day...instead I looked to have to spend a day sat behind a desk.


But as they say, all clouds have a silver lining and I managed to get 2 last night. While FREEDOM declined Sam's offer for them to be our child company, every deal I asked for last night came through like nothing I've ever seen before.


CGC, NOTBPW, INSPIRE and PGHW. 4 federations with very little in common with each other bar some being in the same country...what brings them together is that each now has a deal with us. The 4 working agreements that can give us access to Japan and Canada's best talent. I'm still in talks with Burning Hammer in Japan but its only a matter of time. This should show Tommy exactly what were made of.


But back to the best news. I knew if I could get some people in now would be the time to do it the same day they accepted, so it was written and so it has been done.


Announced for the very first time ever anywhere in the world


USPW Stars, Stripes and Slams!


A 3 time CGC World Heavyweight Champion and regarded as the best worker to come out of his family name takes on a 5 time NOTBPW Canadian Champion and a man regarded as one of the best wrestlers of his generation...


Steve DeColt vs Dan Stone Jr....USPW Stars, Stripes and Slams!


This is the reason we've moved to Thursdays. Stone is coming by private helicopter from Canada the minute NOTBPW finishes its event on the Wednesday so we can have him and his swap Eisaku Hoshino available all month. DeColt is traded with Bruce the Giant in what I hope will boost some more popularity in Canada for us.


Nobody is more stoked than me right now dude, I got two names from arguably the 2 biggest Canadian families of all time onto my show, my first PPV. Now I got 3 appearances with each man so I'm going to work them on different schedules leading up to the big match.


We got in contact with a color commentator too. She is a pioneer for what she does being a female and we do hope to have her on board considerably soon.


We lead into the big night Thursday and Danny is preparing his internet report for tomorrow before the big night.


I gotta travel down to the BSC show tonight, we need to build onto the women's division and hell some of these girls do have potential.


For now signing out


Jack Starr






Working agreement between NOTBPW, CGC, INSPIRE and PGHW

Trade for 3 appearances between Dan Stone Jr and Eisaku Hoshino

Trade for 3 appearances between Steve Decolt and Bruce the Giant

Schedule change to Thursday

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