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Question on some of the moves and the reason behind some of there settings. I was looking at the DDT and it has listed that it can not be done outside the ring is there a reason why this is set that way? I know I can change this but I was wondering why it is. Does it effect gameplay in an adverse manner? Cleary you can perform a DDT outside of the ring.
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Might be an oversight. Or, considering the fact that the moves section are only for moves you'd want to finish matches with (given the match output), and since matches are generally finished in the ring, that move is set to in-ring only since it wouldn't usually be used for its intended purpose outside of the ring.


There are many finishers in the data that are listed in similar ways. Sleeper Hold, for example. Sure, you can do a sleeper outside of the ring. But would it finish most matches there?

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