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USPW: Patriot Games

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“Fantasy Feature huh?”


[i looked down, then looked up. I had hoped for a quick firing but this was going to be one of those long drawn out situations. Most of the time when people tell you that when your 61 year old boss gets in your face screaming you should knock him on his ass. I’m not sure what I’m going to say when I tell them my 61 year old boss knocked me on mine.]


“Yes sir Fantasy Feature”


[i don’t even know how Strong was still sitting, hell he wasn’t even yelling yet. It’s a good thing I got no wife or kids or this would be real tough to get fired right before the holidays. All over some stupid fantasy booking report I did online for the company the last few months. Strong said he wanted new and fresh ideas for the website, and he repays me by firing me?]


“I like it”


[There it was I was finally fired, took him long enough to come out and say i-]


“Sir I know and I'm sorry but if you would just let me ex-Wait….WHAT”


[sam got up out of his seat and started to walk over to the other side of the desk. I didn’t know what to do so I stayed seated hoping I didn’t come across disrespectful.]


“I like it Steve. Now I’ll tell ya I didn’t know what the hell it was until Danny and Shane showed it to me. But I like it, I like it a lot. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about this company Steve and I’ve notice that your writings on there, well their in line with the way I’m thinking these days”


[i shifted uncomfortably in my chair. The most famous wrestler of all time and not to mention my boss has not only hasn’t he fired me, but he’s actually praising my work. People in this business don’t get a lot of praise from their bosses, most likely because the guys getting the praise in my business would turn right around and ask for a bigger payout.]


“Sir I’m glad you liked it, but if you don’t mind me asking……why call me all the way across town to tell me you like what I’m doing online.”


[sam found his way back behind his desk. He took a bit longer to sit, staring at me, not saying a word. He brought his hands onto the table, leaning in.]


“I’m going to tell you a few things Steve and for right now its very important they stay between you and I.”


[i nearly just got fired, at this moment in time I’m doing whatever the boss asks me to do. Including keeping whatever it is he’s about to say a secret.]


“I’ve spoken with Shane earlier and relieved him of his booking duties. Not because he’s done a bad job, but because I myself want to take a more hands on approach with the company. You see Steve I’ll admit that I hate being the number three guy. All my life I’ve been the number one guy, I didn’t put millions into this promotion, whore my name out there to the t.v networks to get us a deal, and finally sweet talk pay per view companies all while I come in third place.”


[i was so badly wanting to know why he was giving me all of this information. I’m starting to fear its too much info, if something like this finds a way to leak then its going to be me right back in this room getting fired for real next time.]


“Steve I love what we do here, we offer good guy vs. bad guy, we offer some great wrestling, and on top of that we have a helluva lotta guys that are performers and entertainers. We got it all here, I just need someone to put a 21st century spin on things. Cornell’s got the wrestling, Eisen’s got the entertainment, I want to have both. I want some EDGE to go along with my slice of Americana…that’s where you come in Steve”


[i took a deep breath and a hard swallow. I didn’t know if he wanted me to talk, listen, or what he wanted. When in doubt I’ve learned in this business to play the game and shut your mouth.]


“The things you were doing online, I want some of that. It was edgy, it felt new, but it still felt respectful to what Danny, Shane and myself have been doing the last decade down here. However your resume does not scream head booker, or the top creative guy. So I’m going to stay in that role for now, while I lend an ear to your ideas.”


[Great so I’m not fired, he likes my ideas, but I’m not head booker…..do I atleast get to keep my online job I wonder.]


“What I want from you Steve is a good t.v format, I want to constantly be moving, constantly having things happen, I want drama, I want excitement, and I want that old school USPW feel. We’ll see how this works for now. You book the t.v shows, and I’ll book the pay per views.”


[i felt like this was the perfect time to get in a word edge wise so to speak. I took it and ran with it.]


“Mr. Strong I’m glad you, Shane, Danny and the others think enough of me to give me this shot. I’d love to give it a shot, and you don’t even gotta tell me the whole “you can lose this spot at anytime” spiel. I know the only for sure in this business……is nothins for sure”


[sam seemed to approve of my attitude towards the whole thing. He flashed a smile and we shook hands. I got up and left the room feeling a 360 degree turnaround from when I entered expecting to be fired. I went in there to be fired, walked out the top creative advisor for Sam Strong…..not bad for a days work. Unfortunately something tells me now wasn’t the time to take a half a day off.]



(credit goes to Finisher, Marhsall and that whole crew of guys that do the pic alts. Also huge props to Reaper for the awesome titles he makes. Kam shout out for the b.a logos and anybody elses work that I may borrow for this diary.)

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Just a bit of info about what I'm starting here. I'm starting with the default data and the default start time. Because of this I'm not going to fill up the first page with rosters, bios, and current champions. I started this game around a month ago. I've already written over a months worth of shows.


I hope that covers the basic diary start up questions and comments. If you want to know anything I left out please feel free to ask. Of if you just want to share a mutual love for all things USPW drop on in and leave me one. I'll be back later on today to add to the story.



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Its being reported that Sam Strong has relieved Shane Sneer of head booking duties for United States Wrestling. Although Sam says it had nothing to do with Sneer’s talent as a booker Sam wants to move the direction in a younger direction this year. Oddly enough that being said Sam who is older than Sneer is now the head of creative.


However this story gets even stranger when online web creative director Steve Stennick has been named his heir apparent and the man in charge of formatting the television. Its unknown how much creative control Stennick wields at this time but many in the company believe Sam is head creative director in name only to prevent a bigger backlash from the boys. No word yet on how Shane appears to be taking it.


A lot of people felt Shane booking USPW was a nice transition from Southern Class as an olive branch from Strong. Its important to remember Sneer atleast at this time is still their color commentator it will be interesting to see how he reacts as he settles into his new role. More n this breaking story as it continues to unfold…

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[i couldn’t believe I was even bringing this up less than 24 hours after we had our discussion but screw it. If I was truly to be in some sort of strange position of power then I needed to be able to speak up to Sam and let him know what I was thinking.]


“The roster is thin Mr. Strong. We keep rehashing the same things over and over again. I’m not asking to try and lure anyone away from TCW and SWF I’m not stupid. I’m just asking that we grab a few indy guys, sign them to ppa and if nothing more use them as cannon fodder to put our guys over. The core of Justice, Bruce, Force, Rex, Caulfield, Champion, Devine, not to mention the girls we got a great core. We just need about ten guy new guys to use as cannon fodder, maybe pick up some younger guys and start using them in dark matches”


[sam stared across at me rubbing his hands over his face. The hands slowly raked over his face revealing his bloodshot eyes staring back at me. I maybe have just lost this job before I even got to my first show.]


“That’s fine, but I want to have personal approval over any name on your list. I’m talking right now write out a list of guys, give it to me, and I’ll approve who I’m going to improve and then let you make a case for anyone I cross off the list”


[Wow it worked, I figured I’d be sent packing as soon as I got in here. Instead I might walk away with atleast half the guys I’m interested. This turned out to be a risky, but smart move if I do say so myself. I quickly made up my list which I admit I spent most of last night already fine tuning. After a little over and hour of back and forth games between Strong and myself we seemed to have come to a common ground agreement on most of the guys on my list. Some of which he admitted to taking my word on since he had never heard of or seen them before. ]

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“You want to WHAT?”


[Great another day, another game to play with Sam. I was starting to see a routine here.]


“I love Danny, but I need someone different out there. Things are so much different, so chaotic back here with very little time between creative transfers that I just think Danny could be used in the back in the road agent role. Especially with you taking a more on air role like we discussed.”


[sam let out a growl in his throat, thankfully he was just clearing it.]

“Its too damn early in the morning to argue with you so I’ll let you do it for the first show. But after that if I’m not satisfied with your play by play, or if Sneer isn’t satisfied with it then Danny’s back in the booth where he belongs.”


[i was just begging to get fired wasn’t I? I was doubling his roster, I wanted to take his best friend out of the booth, what could I possibly think of next to dare Sam Strong to release me before I ever get to see my first show come to life? All I could think of as I stepped back into the Florida sun is that I’m sure tomorrow would bring a new thrill to these daily emergency meetings between Sam and myself.]

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Its being reported that Steve Stennick for all intents and purposes the new head of creative in USPW is really trying to force Strong’s hand on “getting younger”. Although no releases are expected to be made, Stennick is said to be using the weak and not so put together tag division as an excuse to bring in a group of about ten to twelve younger indy workers to develop as tag teams. Strong seems to already be approving workers to be signed as the hope is by the time their first pay per view hits the air later this month they’ll have talent debuting atleast in dark matches.


Stennick is said to be keen in bringing in half younger guys and the other half established vets such as Alex Braun. So far all reports are Strong and Stennick seem to be on the same page and still working towards the same goal. Many in the past have felt Strong was a control freak so their a bit shocked at how much power he’s allowing or it appears he’s allowing Steve Stennick to have so early on. No one will speak up on whether they expect this partnership to last through even the first pay per view.

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LIVE on USPW American Wrestling! It’s the first show of 2008 and it sounds like Sam Strong is kicking things off with a huge state of the promotion address at the top of the show. What does the biggest name in the industry and owner of United States Pro Wrestling have in store for us? ALL Titles will be on the line this week.




Alicia Strong VS. Cherry Bomb




Nicky Champion vs.Darryl Devine




The Towers of Power vs.The Forces of America



Chris Caulfield vs. Giant Redwood




James Justice vs.Peter Valentine


All this and MORE this week LIVE on USPW’s American Wrestling.

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Alicia Strong VS. Cherry Bomb

Alicia will probably win via creative control but I'm hoping for a Cherry Bomb victory!


Nicky Champion vs.Darryl Devine

Devine is probably on his way out so you leave=you job.


The Towers of Power vs.The Forces of America

The Champs retain.


Chris Caulfield vs. Giant Redwood

See Darryl Devine.


James Justice vs.Peter Valentine

A good match to start with. I got a pretty good grade from it, anyway.


Good luck on this USPW diary! I'll be rooting for ya!

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[i walked into the show that day and as they were hanging banners and setting up the ring I took a moment to myself. I knew I wasn’t the one that owned this thing, and I also knew my job was the easiest job in this business to lose. However its almost one of the most empowering, amazing jobs as well. I couldn’t help but think to myself that in a few short hours these people are going to be packed in here cheering and booing characters that I’m pulling the strings on. I was snapped back to reality by a big hand patting me on the back.]


“Hows it goin? Ya nervous”


[i didn’t know how to answer that. Of course I wasn’t nervous, I felt like the fans of USPW would welcome the change I had in store for them……or for my sake I at least hoped. However I couldn’t say I wasn’t nervous so I figured I’d go with a non answer.]


“I haven’t had time to think about it Mr. Strong. Between being in and out of your office, on the phone with guys getting them to the shows, and thinking about the next show already I haven’t had time to think about nerves. Maybe after the show starts I’ll get nervous…”


[sam released his hand from my back and stood next to me staring down at the ring as well.]


“I’ve never gotten nervous before a show. You just gotta remember we’re in control, both as performers and as creative. We decide our own fates Steve, remember that”


[As Strong walked away I didn’t even remember the advice he had just given me. I remembered two other things instead. The first being how in the hell a 61 year old man can make even a pat on the back hurt….and 2 who knew Sam Strong was so deep and thoughtful?]

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[The screen goes black, before a bright light flashes and the USPW logo takes up the entire screen. Some hard rock music plays as we enter the arena with 2000 fans cheering us on. The camera pans the crowd taking in the different signs and merchandise the fans have on them before taking it down to ringside.]


Steve Stennick: A new year and obviously we have a few changes. I’m Steve Stennick sitting along side the always opinionated, yet hardly ever right Shane Sneer. I know some of you are used to Danny calling the action alongside Shane but he’s now our official backstage interviewer. He’s the only man a lot of these wrestlers trust to get their message across and I can’t say I blame them, he’s a heck of a guy….


Shane: You know I’ve worked with Danny a lot over the years and the one thing I can say about this move is…..GOOD RIDDANCE!


Steve Stennick: Fans I’m going to ignore Shane and break the action down for you right here. Tonight we have Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb for the USPW Women’s Championship, Nicky Champion defends his USPW T.V Title against Darryl Devine, and the main event tonight is none other than James Justice vs. Peter Valentine with the USPW World Heavyweight Title on the line. Two hours, three title matches and SO much more to come right here on USPW American Wrestli-



[steve is cut off as a feed from the back has a shot of two giant double doors to the arena wide open and the wind whipping around the doors. As the camera pans down they see Bruce the Giant on all fours clutching his stomach. The shot pulls out to reveal Micky Muscles dropping a ball bat and Danny Rushmore charging in with a VICIOUS kick to the skull of Bruce the Giant. Bruce falls to the cold arena floor while Danny and Mick walk off laughing.]


Steve: What he hell? Bruce the Giant I would only assume was coming into the arena and I guess the Towers of Power attacked him as he entered the building. The question is why attack the largest athlete in pro sports today?


Shane: The answer is “WHY NOT”. You just said it, tag teams, singles ranks, its always smart to take out the big dog….and its even smarter to do it by attacking them from behind. Looks like more than just the play by play man is changing around here and I like it….



[back out to the arena Sam Strong is standing in the ring, the fans cheering him on as he paces around the ring, a frustrated look on his face.]



Sam: I want to thank each and every one of you USPW Addicts for coming out to the show tonight. Its people like you all across this country that make these shows possible. From January until December we’ll be out here giving you everything we got. You know though, I always get a certain spark in the new year, a certain itch I don’t get any other time of the year. I’m ashamed to say in years past that itch isn’t as strong, that spark isn’t as bright. That’s why I’ve decided that 2008 that’s going to change. Men like James Justice, Chris Caulfield, Nicky Champion, their the future of this company, their the future of this sport. So in this new year we’re going to see more of them, and less B.S like I just saw with the Towers of Power attacking a man from behind. This year you’ll be held accountable for your actions from the lowest to highest guy in the company…..even if you happen to be the tag champs…


[sam walks off looking frustrated still for the attack that went down on Bruce just moments ago.]


Steve: Sam echoing your thoughts on this being a new dawn, a new ERA in USPW if you will Shane…


Shane: Are you kidding me? He’s just upset his bestest buddy Bruce the Giant was attacked. Get over it Strong, this is pro wrestling, these things happen….





Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb


Steve Stennick: Alicia a new comer to USPW but I think the fans have seen she’s a chip off the ole block…


Shane: Yeah you said it Stennick, she’s here six months and gets a shot at the USPW Women’s Championship…..HMMMM


Alicia starts the mach out on the mat trying to prevent Cherry from using her power. Cherry takes over with an elbow to the head throwing Alicia around the ring with various suplexes. Cherry sets Alicia up top and it looks like she’s calling for the super Cherry Bomb. Alicia kicks Cherry off and comes off with a flying clothesline, Alicia hooks the leg but Cherry is in the ropes. Alicia gets up and charges Cherry, Cherry bails out of the ring to a chorus of boos from the fans. Cherry is jawing with the fans while Alicia joins her on the outside. Cherry lures Alicia in before grabbing the USPW championship and smacking her in the head with it. The fans booing as the referee calls for the bell. Alicia holding her head as Cherry tosses her back in the ring, the fans still pouring on the hate for Cherry Bomb.


Steve Stennick: I think Cherry got frustrated with Alicia and that near fall there and decided to take the cowards way out…


Shane: Cherry threw her all around that ring, she’s just giving her a belated “welcome to the division” that’s all…


Winner via DQ @ 12:22 Alicia Strong

Rating: C-



[As the bell continues to ring Cherry pulls Alicia up by her long blonde hair before smacking her back down to the mat. You can hear Cherry screaming but its so loud its hard to make out what she’s saying as she taunts her on the mat. Finally Cherry lays the USPW Women’s championship across the mat and pulls Alicia up into her Cherry Bomb powerbomb. Alicia is weakly trying to fight out of it but Cherry spins and drops Alicia with the Cherry Bomb. The fans booing as Alicia lays sprawled out. Cherry pulls her championship up from under Alicia’s motionless body staggering to the back amongst a chorus of boos, Cherry stops looking into the camera. She wipes the messed up, bright red hair that was draped in front of her face revealing a satisfied smirk to crawl over her face.]


Steve Stennick: We need medical attention for Alicia Strong, Cherry Bomb felt like she was shown up on national t.v and took it out on Alicia….


Shane: She didn’t become the champion of the women’s division by being kind and caring Stennick. She got where she’s at by doing whatever it takes, including teaching her own bosses daughter a hard learned lesson….





Nicky Champion vs.Darryl Devine


Steve Stennick: This is a match up between two of the brightest, best young stars we have in United States Pro Wrestling. Nicky of course won the title tournament late last year to take the honor as first champion. The rules are simple the championship is defended on every television broadcast with a ten minute time limit…


Shane: Nicky Champion has surprised a lot of people but don’t forget Darryl Devine not only wrestles here but he wrestles throughout Canada on the days he’s not with us, so he’s seeing all sorts of different styles every night. I hate to say it but both these kids are two of the best athletes we got it should be a helluva a match….


Nicky tried to dominate early on with his power but Devine continuously slipped from Champion’s clutches and delivered lighting quick counters to all of Nicky’s mainstay power moves. Nicky finally was able to catch Devine while he was going for the Devine Intervention (springboard back elbow) and start really pounding on him. Halfway through the match and the excitement builds as Devine counters quickly with a few real quick near falls. For the rest of the match each man is going back and forth trading momentum. Finally with under a minute to go Devine pushes Champion into the ropes hitting a lightning fast dropkick to the face. Champion goes down hard with just under 45 seconds to go. The fans are counting down with the clock as Devine quickly scrambles to his feet. Champion staggers to his, Devine grabs him for the Devine Dream Drop (facebuster), Champion shoves off into the ropes, Devine ducks a clothesline, kick to the gut and the DEVINE DREAM DROP!!!! The fans are cheering he’s got ten seconds and all he has to do is cover Nicky Champion. Devine is down, Nicky is down and the ten count begins. At the count of seven Devine dives onto Champion. The fans are counting along with the referee ONE……TWO…..TH-BUZZZZZ-EE.




Shane: I’m not the man in the striped shirt I couldn’t tell you?


The referee shoots to his feet, Devine staggers to his looking at the referee. The referee walks over to the ring announcer telling him something. Devine is raising his hand in victory, Champion still barely moving on the mat. The announcer steps into the ring, Devine is growing more upset just wanting to take his newly won championship.


Ring Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen referee Robbie Sanchez has declared that the winner of this match CANNOT be decided due to the ten minute time limit running out exactly ONE second before the three count was made. Therefore the match will end in a time limit draw and Nicky Champion is STILL the USPW Television Champion….


Devine is arguing with the referee about the clock while Champion staggers to his feet taking his title from the time keeper. The fans booing wanting to see a pinfall in this amazing bout. Nicky can barely walk as he stumbles to the back Devine is left to plead his case to referee Sanchez in the ring.

Time Limit Draw @ 10:00

Rating: D-


Steve Stennick: So Nicky Champion just BARELY holds onto that title. The decision came down to the last second literally….


Shane: Devine may want to take this up with the big boss man, I’d be asking for a review of that clock/three count it was that close…




[The Forces of America’s music hits and the fans are cheering. Force charges to the ring like a lunatic while Captain USA shoots red, white and blue confetti out of a cannon. Jim Force grabs the mic as Captain enters the ring.]


Jim Force: As our fate and destiny intertwine in this singular moment in time, it us the Forces of America which must do the forcing upon the evil doers of this dimension. Only then will our inner demons be released and our souls able to rest in solitude….Toooowers of Power you WILL FEEEEEEEL THEEEEE FOOOOORCE!!!!


[Captain USA quickly grabs the mic from a now jogging in place Jim Force.]


Captain USA: What uh, what Jim here is trying to say is that we’re not getting any younger….especially me. So if we’re going to get back to the top, if we’re gonna have one last “run” as a team there is no time like the present. Towers of Power we’re four time USPW World Tag Team Champs, that gives us a right to start at the top and not the bottom. So we looked at the run sheet and you don’t got nothing going on tonight, so how about we give the fans here tonight a World Tag Team Title match….that is unless your uh…..SCARED?



Steve Stennick: Thank God for Captain USA, he’s always there to translate…Jim’s uh “colorful” expressions on the mic….


Shane: Flat out the guys a lunatic who should be banned from the ring….just my opinion though




Towers of Power vs. Forces of America


The Forces of America are ready for the tag champs and it shows from the opening bell. Jim Force cleans house leaving the Towers of Power to jaw with fans on the outside before stepping back in the ring. Force destroys Mick before Mick finally gets a tag to Rushmore. Force does the same to Rushmore until a blind tag gets Force double teamed while Captain USA is held back. The two men work Force over throughout the next four to five minutes. While Force is battling Rushmore in the ring, Mick pulls USA off the apron nailing him with one of the tag titles. The referee misses it as Jim Force looks nearly out of gas in the ring. Danny picks Force up, Force pushes off, here comes Mick into the ring and Force with a FLYING DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE! Force looks over for USA but he’s still laid out with the tag title shot to the head. Force is slow to get up and when he does Rushmore and Mick meat him with a double spring board shoulder block. Its too much for the master of the force to overcome and the Towers of Power retain.


Steve: The Forces of America took the world champs to the limit tonight…


Shane: Yeah and the Towers of Power reminded Jim and Captain why THEIR the tag champs, brilliant game plan by the Towers of Power here tonight…


Winners via Pinfall @ 8:59



[Des Davids stalks to the ring silently the fans giving him a fair amount of cheers.]



Des Davids: For a while now I’ve been hearing “greenhorn” “rookie” “football player” and all kinds of other cute terms, out here, over at the commentary booth, and especially in the back. I’m gonna say this one time and one time only. I’m a professional wrestler, not only am I one, but I’m one of the best. Those are the facts, if you wanna prove me wrong then come on out here and do it…..that is if you don’t mind being embarrassed and humiliated on national television…



Steve Stennick: It sounds like Des Davids has had enough with the comments. Apparently people think because he’s fairly new to the business, or that he’s a former football player that he can’t hang with the best of the best here in USPW…


Shane: Time will tell, you have so many former world champions in this company, Des Davids is going to have to do more than talk if he wants to get by here…



Des Davids vs. Anger

Anger starts out with some strong brawling and cheap tactics. It does take long for Anger’s big hard punches to get countered and for him to get pulled into some suplexes. Anger is reeling as Davids follows that up with some hard clotheslines. Anger tries to fight back by gouging the eyes and hitting a powerslam. Davids seems almost possessed or out to prove something. Davids lands a BIG TIME T Bone suplex on Anger. Anger staggers up and Davids finishes him off with the QB Sack (spear).

Winner via Pinfall @ 8:08 Des Davids



Steve Stennick: Des Davids made easy work of a tag team legend in this business…


Shane: Anger is one of the toughest, meanest….ANGRIEST men around. This was just an off night for him..


[Cutting to the back we have Danny J standing by with Chris Caulfield and Seduction.]



Danny: Steve….Shane I’m standing by with Chris Caulfield and the always well….beautiful Seduction. Chris you requested this interview time so I thought I’d go ahead and let you speak your mind here…



Chris: Thanks Danny, your right I requested this time to clear the air to the fans and to anybody else that’s wondering. Yes I came from DAVE, yes I came from the most blood thirsty, hardcore, demanding promotion in the history of this business. But this isn’t DAVE, I’m not that Chris Caulfield, I came here to do two things. I came here to become a World Champion, and I came here to help Sam Strong, my personal hero and sole reason I got into pro wrestling to take this company to the next level. So don’t come out here challenging me to hardcore matches, don’t go provoking me just to see if “the dog still has teeth”. You’ll wind up on your ass and me stepping over you to another World Title defense….



[With that Chris and Seduction walk off handing the mic back to a surprised Danny J.]


Steve Stennick: Well I’m not sure anyone could make their intentions any more clear than what Chris Caulfield just did…


Shane: He’s going to find that becoming, and staying World Champion is a lot harder than anything he did in that glorified backyard promotion…



Chris Caulfield vs. Giant Redwood


Steve Stennick: Talk about former champions, and talk about wanting to become champion. Giant Redwood is a FOUR time USPW Champion. This is an important match for both of these men, you’d have to assume the winner of this match would be fast tracked to a shot at James Justice or whoever the World Champ may be…


Shane: You don’t assume anything in this business, this match is important, but I’d hope it takes a streak of big time matches like this for the unproven Caulfield…


Redwood literally tosses Caulfield around the ring. Redwood dominates the early part of the match but becomes frustrated when Caulfield refuses to stay down. Redwood comes charging in with a big boot, Caulfield pulls the top rope down and Redwood goes crashing to the outside. Caulfield gets in his offense out there, before finally rolling the enormous man back in the ring. Redwood catches Caulfield on the return throwing him into the ropes. Caulfield is in trouble as Redwood sets him up top calling for an off the top Chokeslam. Caulfield kicks Redwood in the face coming off with The Danger Drop (Reverse DDT) off the top. The fans cheering as Caulfield is quick to finish the match.

Winner via Pinfall @ 8:01 Chris Caulfield

Rating: C


Steve Stennick: Chris Caulfield just took on a man twice his size and got a huge win. As I said earlier Redwood is a four time USPW World Champion….


Shane: Yeah the W in USPW stands for Wrestling….too bad Caulfield doesn’t WRESTLE….



[After the match T Rex comes charging down to the ring like a charging rhino. He slides in as Caulfield is getting up. BOOT to the face of Chris Caulfield. The fans booing as Caulfield collapses to the mat. Seduction jumps into the ring trying to cover Caulfield. Rex’s raw power removes her from him with ease. Rex picks Caulfield up and is choking him in the air with two hands. Referee, agents and security are running into the ring. Rex THROWS Caulfield over the top as his lifeless body makes a sickening thud on the outside of the ring. Rex laughing as he walks off, Sheik Mustafa at the top of the ramp shouting instructions to the man beast as he stalks towards his manager laughing EMT’s are checking in on Caulfield. ]



Steve Stennick: What the HELL? T Rex came charging into the ring, no warning, no words, just pure destruction and carnage at the hands of this monster. Seduction tried her best to stop further damage but this was clearly a man on a mission…


Shane: The question is who’s mission, his or his manager the Sheik’s? I guess Caulfield’s not too concerned with who’s idea it is, he’s spending more time thinking about those broken ribs I’m sure he has after being tossed to the outside like he was a doll….


[James Justice is out with a look of concern on his face as Chris Caulfield is helped to the back by medics. He steps into the ring thrusting his USPW Championship into the air, the fans responding with cheers.]



James: First and foremost, Chris Caulfield, your one of the toughest guys I know. I hope ya get to feeling better soon cuz I’m lookin forward to you kickin Rex’s ass all over this ring (huge burst of cheers). Enough about things that ain’t my business, that’s how a guy gets into trouble ya know. I’m out here to start some of my own business. Peter Valentine these people don’t like you (another burst of cheers). Can’t says I blame ‘em I don’t care for ya too much either, so why don’t ya come on out here and we can take care of your bad attitude for ya…

Rating: B


Steve Stennick: James Justice seems ready to throw down with the legendary Peter Valentine…


Shane: Well just as long as he remembers this little pep talk when he’s staring up at the lights….and Valentine with the championship after this match…




James Justice vs. Peter Valentine

Valentine cheats, claws and scratches..literally his way to control of the match. He keeps the brawler Justice on the mat for most of the match, slow, methodical, but effective moves on Justice. He’s taunting the fans while working over the shoulder of Justice preparing him for the heartbreaker (shoulder breaker). Justice wiggles out of it and down with a sunset flip that gets a VERY near two . Valentine tries to take advantage but Justice stays on him with hard rights and lefts. Just catches a kick to the gut and spins Valentine around into the Liberation Slam (rock bottom). Valentine with a hard chop to the shoulder and Justice breaks loose. Justice is clutching his arm. Valentine picks Justice up in the Heartbreaker again, Justice slides down the backside again, pushes Valentine into the ropes. Valentine staggers out of the ropes and Justice quickly hits the Liberation Slam clutching his shoulder as he quickly pounces on top for the pinfall. The fans cheering as Justice rolls off of him still clutching his shoulder.

Winner via Pinfall @ 10:29 and still USPW World Heavyweight Champion James Justice



Steve Stennick: Peter Valentine was so close, so many times to becoming the Champion…


Shane: James Justice needs to thank the big man upstairs for this one and not climb back in the ring with Peter Valentine for a very long time if he intends on staying champion…


Steve Stennick: Fans I’m Steve Stennick alongside Peter Valentine, we want to thank you for tuning into the first USPW American Wrestling of the new year, we’ll see you nex-



[Just as Stennick is about to sign us off the air Danny Rushmore and Mick Muscles charge the ring. Justice turns from thrusting his title into the air into a double big boot. The fans booing as Muscles picks Justice up on his shoulders. James is wobbling nearly unconscious already as Rushmore FLIES off the top with a vicious shoulder block to the chest of Justice. James falls to the mat the USPW Title flying out of the ring. The Towers of Power just stand over the fallen World Champion, their arms in the air celebrating their dominance over James Justice as the fans shower them with boos.]


Steve: The Towers of Power have just assaulted the World Champion, first Bruce the Giant, now James Justice, they seem to be taking this company apart from the top down…


Shane: Like I said you take out the biggest, baddest dogs first and your left with scared puppies who don’t want to get in your way. These two big boys got a plan, and I may be the only one but I sure want to see where this plan goes…


Steve: Fans I have no idea what these Towers of Power have planned, but you can bet its something big if they have just attacked the two BIGGEST names in all of United States Pro Wrestling within two hours of each other. Something big is on the horizon I’m just not sure when we’ll find out what it is. As I said earlier thank you for tuning in fans, check our website for an update on the conditions of Bruce, Caulfield and James Justice. We’ll see you next time wrestling fans…











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Ehm some of the angles seem a bit how to put it inflated? Especially cherry and alicia. Did you ad bruce, justice and strong to each angle for better ratings? Nothing wrong if ya did just wondering. Also are protection pacts up or just ignoring you will loose devine and caulfield?
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No I didn't. If their not in the segment then they aren't used in the segment at all.


The thing is though that Bruce, Justice and Strong are on about half my show. The only rating I saw that was out of the ordinary was Des David's challenge which was an open challenge so I defaulted with Strong. However that segment was like two minutes long so it wasn't part of the show rating and didn't even help get Des over. It was an experiment on if I could get Des to cut a good promo.


It was also just one of those things where sometimes you start a game and you get about one grade higher than usual when you perform certain segments. I've written the first month out already and trust me when I tell you that these ratings don't stay this way.


As far as the inflated angles I'm not sure what you mean. The way I see it is anyone that starts this game we got one month to introduce you to our characters, present them in conflicts with each other, and then build those conflicts to a pay per view. So we gotta do all that in four shows.


I wanted to give off the feeling of people are tense, on edge, the show is moving quickly, things are happening, who knows whats next. Trying to give off a very 96 Nitro feel with who knows whats going to happen next.


Anyway I hope you enjoyed some of it and I hope I answered some of your questions. Looking back aside from the Des Davids rating I'm just not sure what ratings look higher than normal.


Also protection pacts are in place and I'll be addressing that in diary. I'm a huge Devine and Caulfield fan their part of what makes it so fun to play as USPW. It might not be "fair" but as I said their two of my top five characters in USPW and I didn't want them going anywhere.

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with inflated I meant higher ratings and you already adressed that. Hell it's USPW hehe the more angles the better for them imho. The other one I felt was a tad high was the Cherry Bomb Alicia Strong one. As thier overness isn't high at the start of the game and from the angle description it was either overness/overness or Menace/Overness.
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[After the show I felt relieved, the crowd reacted when I wanted them to, and how I wanted to. I couldn’t believe how next level these performers were. These weren’t guys still learning their craft they knew how to get the message across and did it far better than I expected. I’ll admit I was feeling full of myself as I strided through the entrance curtain. That smile, that feeling of self worth, the accomplished mindset were all instantly evaporated when I saw Sam Strong with his arms folded staring directly at me as I passed through. I tightened up as I approached him. I was prepared for the worst, and expected even worse than that.]




[it was the best I could come up with. I didn’t want to sound too eager and I certainly didn’t want to sound full of myself. I figured it was innocent enough that he couldn’t be too hard on me.]


“I liked it”


“Sir to be fair your not giving it a chan….wait….WHAT”


“I liked it. Like I told you during our first meeting, the reason I wanted you alongside me for this is your ability to make good television. I felt like this show was a story from start to stop. You started the show in a manor and you ended it in that same manor. The things in between flowed nicely separate and together…..however”


[i knew I wouldn’t get out of this unscathed but just to hear him be so forthcoming with his praise was a relief and honestly a confidence booster. I went light on this show for fear Sam would reject too much. I had so many plans running through my mind I almost forgot to listen.]


“This is a family show, I’m ok with some edge, I’m ok with some in your face attitude, but what I won’t be ok with is unnecessary language. Any language above PG level needs to be cleared with me before you clear any of the boys to use it. This is wrestling its gonna be violent, but we don’t need the language to be dirty in order to get that across. I expect this won’t happen again.”


[its amazing how as small and easy as a language problem seems to be to fix, Sam still made it very clear and very convincing that this was not a problem he wanted to have again. If his biggest problem with this show was a few Asses and Hells then I got no problem…begrudgingly atleast toning that down. I thought about pitching my case that these are grown men having problems with one another and that language won’t always be clean but I decided for a few weeks to leave this battle alone. Afterall I had a second week of television to start on.]

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[Growing up in the Midwest it was somewhat of a tradition to wake up on a cold January morning and running out to the car in as many layers as clothes as possible just to START it. Then of course you’d run back in and get ready. All the while wasting a quarter of a tank of gas just to be warm on your way to work. Working in Miami is different, you don’t run out to start your car in the morning. You run out to make sure your car is still THERE. None the less these are the things you talk about when talk radio is hurting your head. I entered the building to a site I wasn’t sure I’m prepared to see yet.]








“I don’t give a good god damn who you think you are”


[After that I saw a horde of security surround two girls. I was confused did that blonde haired girl look liked Alicia Strong. Not sweet innocent Alicia Stro-]


“I’ll show you who I think I am”


[With that Alicia slipped out of the what I’m sure was loose grip on Alicia Strong as she ran and tackled Seduction. As security was pulled the two girls apart they made sure to leave with parting gifts in the form of the others hair. Just then a loud boom voice echoed through the office halls.]




“What the hell is goin on out here”


[These two security guards who seemed so in control while breaking up two gorgeous women from fighting were now at a lost for words fumbling around trying to explain to an already frustrated Sam Strong why they had his daughter pinned down.]


“Yes sir we uh….well you see….ummm Seduction there she was uh…”


“Your daughters a rumor spreading bitch”


[With that Alicia charged at Seduction again. The guards were too busy trying to explain to Sam what happened. Luckily Sam grabbed Alicia from attacking a cringing Seduction.]


“Seduction do what you need to do and get the hell out of here for the day. Alicia I don’t give a damn who said what, this is a business, this is MY business and I don’t need you in here getting pissed off everytime one of these girls makes a comment about you having your spot because of who I am. You have to be confident enough to know that you got your spot because of skill. Now like I told her do what you need to do and get the hell outta here for the day”


[sam looked at me, I looked at him back. It was all I could do not to burst into laughing. It was nice to know that even in pro wrestling kids can be a hassle in the work place. I guess Sam wanted me to say something, I chose to stick another drink of green tea in my mouth and start to walk off. As I walked past him to my new desk I heard him grumbling under his breath.]



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[After the Alicia incident I truly believed that would be enough drama for one day. Shortly after lunch….if you want to call it that. In all due honesty I ran across to a local deli, got a sandwich and headed back to my office. I had been making phone calls all day long from Steve Flash to Ben Williams. I needed to know what these guys’ schedules were. The only way this talent influx was going to work was if I set up a schedule with who was working what other shows and what nights they were working them. I had just finished the last bite of my honest mustard chicken sandwich when Sam came barreling into my office. He tosses some papers down right into the ranch dressing I had on my desk. I picked up the papers and looked at Sam’s face. I thought to myself what could be so wrong, before I could finish my thought Sam was already telling me.]


“Have you seen these?”


[before I could even think of a response as simple as “no” Sam was back on the attack.]


“First of all we got these damn dirt sheets trying to make it sound like we’re the damn best of friends and that I’ve ousted Shane from the only damn thing in this world he cared about. Truth of the matter is Shane is part of the reason you GOT this position. Shane loved you in SCCW as an agent, travel coordinator and even creative guy. Then after having this filth brought into me I get in the t.v ratings from yesterday”


[Just like that I had discovered the bad news. Sam rarely gets mad over the “dirt sheets”. This can’t be good news at all. I was already preparing the “give it another few weeks before you cut me Sam” speech when he started in again.]




“.52 DOWN from last week? Is that even possible Sam?”


“No you dummy, .52 is the rating, the highest rating we had done before that was somewhere in the mid .4’s. Apparently after the attack on Bruce and the time limit draw T.V Title match the viewers kept coming in. I’m not ready to sing your praises as much as those dirt sheets say I am. However I will tell you this…..keep it up”


[Wit that Sam turned around and left the room. Leaving me to deal with the mess these papers and the ranch dressing had created on my desk. I shouted sarcastically through the already closed door.]


“Thanks Sam….and YOUR WELCOME”


[All joking aside it should be me thanking him for giving me this chance to shine.]

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In a shocking turn of events in last weeks ratings “war”. USPW adds ten percent more viewers to their shows than they have in the HISTORY of their company. It would be cliché to report that everyone in USPW feels good about this. However some feel that a rating like that only solidifies Steve Stennick in his current role.


In other USPW news we’ve learned that several indy workers have not only come to pay per appearance deals with them, their set to debut for the company on this weeks edition of American Wrestling. Some of the wrestlers that we’re hearing are confirmed are as follows.



Sarie Marie York.


Steve Stennick and Sam Strong both agree they have the pay per view and television outlets to make their women's division THE spot for women's wrestling on this side of the world. That combined with several women being fed up with Anne's oldshool mindframe is making it easy for Strong to lure the top women to compete on his show.



The American Psycho's


Just like Strong and Stennick are bolstering the women's division they feel the tag division is in need of a make over. Virtually all four teams currently active in the promotion have been there since before Strong took over. Although these two men are expected to only be around as fill in that could change with a solid showing in their debut.


Apparently they have a fairly big name their trying to keep under wraps. Their plan is to throw this name right into the main event scene. We’ll continue to follow the story closely in hopes of getting a leak of who the name is.

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USPW presents American Wrestling LIVE Tonight! The Towers of Power viciously attacked Bruce the Giant as he entered the building at the start of the show. They ended the show doing the same to James Justice. What action will these men have in store for Danny Rushmore and Mick Muscles? Will Sam Strong be involved in any punishment? Sam Strong promised a new year and a new direction for United States Pro Wrestling. He looks to continue that tonight as SEVERAL new faces debut in USPW. Among those new faces ONE of them will get a shot in their first ever match in USPW against James Justice. All of this and MORE tonight on American Wrestling.




Cherry Bomb vs.Sarie Marie York

Cherry Bomb was DQ’d last week in her title defense against Alicia Strong. After the match she proceeded to attack Alicia out of frustration. Will Alicia be there tonight to make sure the same thing doesn’t happen to Sarie? Or will Sarie prevent it from happening by becoming the new USPW Women’s Champion?



Darryl Devine vs. JD Morgan

Darryl Devine challenged for the USPW Television Title last week. He took Nicky Champion the distance in what many are calling one of the best matches they’ve seen for that title yet. This week Devine will have to start climbing the ranks again as he takes on cult hero JD Morgan. JD being new to USPW could put himself in line for a Television Title shot with a victory over Darryl Devine.



Forces of American vs. American Psychos

The Forces of America proclaimed they were after gold. Although they came up short in their battle with the current champions last week we haven’t seen the last of them. They look to begin the long climb back to the top taking on one of the most violent, extreme tag teams in the world today. The American Psycho’s have been spending time in Japan following the crash of DAVE. They make their way back to the states this week. They could make their stay a lot longer by beating former USPW World Tag Team Champions tonight.




Nicky Champion vs.Chris Caulfield

Nicky Champion has vowed to be a defending champion. He went the distance with Darryl Devine last week. No one would fault him if he picked from the outer fringes of the talent pool in hopes of giving himself an easy week. Instead some might say he’s gone the opposite direction. He’s chosen Chris Caulfield. The “Hardcore American” spoke openly last week about doing whatever it takes to become a champion in USPW. However it should be noted that was said before T Rex destroyed him after his match with Giant Redwood. This match up could steal the show.




James Justice vs. ?

James Justice upset Bruce the Giant for the USPW Championship last year. Since then he’s taken on any and all comers. Last week he defeated Peter Valentine in a hard fought match up. The rumors are piling up who Sam Strong has hand picked James Justice to defend that championship against this week. The only thing we know for sure is Sam Strong doesn’t disappoint…..and neither does a James Justice main event title match.


All of this plus SO much more live, tonight on USPW American Wrestling.

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[it seems no matter how early I try to get to a show or a creative meeting, something, anything happens and I wind up just barely making it on time. Of course this time was leaving some of my notes in my car on the new workers I was bringing in. Being the play by play guy they’d be depending on me to get these guys most USPW fans had never seen before across as legit superstars. I came staggering into the building right as I seen Sam ushering in our biggest “recruit” to the locker room. Sam returned grinning ear to ear.]

“I thought it was a bad idea to bring this guy in. I didn’t think he fit our style, the fans don’t know him, but I think the fact he’s so unorthodox AND the fans don’t know him is going to make him scary.”


[i didn’t know what to say, its always tough when Sam compliments you.]


“I think if we build him like we want from this show on not only will the fans fear him….they’ll hate him too”


[With that I had to bail out to the booth. Truth be told as much as I loved writing the shows, I loved being the play by play guy just as much. That on top of Sam and me working well as a team and I think all things are transitioning nicely.]

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[before the show even does its opening scene we’re met with a violent scene in the back. Bruce the Giant is beating on a door. He’s yelling something but he’s so angry and its so loud you can’t even make out words. As the camera pans back the door reads “Towers of Power” . Finally Bruce steps back and KICKS the door in. The door goes flying into the dressing room. Aides everywhere are scattering as Bruce starts flipping furniture and tosses chairs around the dressing room. Finally he picks up an aide that was previously cowering on the ground.]




Bruce the Giant: (in a mumbled barely intelligible tone) WHERE……ARE……THEY….


Aide: I uh….I don’t know. They haven’t arrived yet. They always arrive late, being the tag champions they always make people in the arena go over their dressing room several times to make sure its up to their standards. I don’t know where their at sir…..PLEASE don’t kill me….


[bruce had already started to drop him as he looked around before stalking out of the now completely DESTROYED dressing room.]



[The screen goes black, before a bright light flashes and the USPW logo takes up the entire screen. Some hard rock music plays as we enter the arena with 2000 fans cheering us on. The camera pans the crowd taking in the different signs and merchandise the fans have on them before taking it down to ringside.]





Steve Stennick: WOW! We’re picking up where we left off last week apparently. Bruce the Giant of course was attacked at the top of the program last week. Bruce the Giant doesn’t look like the type that would let that go unavenged. Although he didn’t get TO the Towers of Power I’m sure they got the message loud and clear…


Shane: Got what message Steve that a crazed giant of a man is looking to injure them? Come on there is no excuse for what he did, attacking the arena’s property, picking on that aide, Bruce the Giant should be FIRED by Sam Strong immediately…..


Steve Stennick: Fans I apologize for not giving you a run down of tonights events I think we’re all in shock to see Bruce acting this way towards someone, anyone. He’s always been the “gentle giant” so its strange to see this violent streak come alive in him. Tonight we got Nicky Champion defending his T.V Championship, we got James Justice defending his World Championship, Alicia Strog in action, Darryl Devine in action after that classic bout with Nicky Champion last week….


Shane Sneer: Since your too busy rambling on about who their going to see I’m going to let them know that last week’s USPW was the highest rated in HISTORY. We had a ten percent viewer increase over night, so if you fans are still with us stick around because it seems like things around here are gonna get real heated…..REAL quick…


[sam Strong’s music hits and the place comes ALIVE with cheers. Sam is smiling and doing a posedown as he enters the ring however when he grabs the mic he lets the cheers subside before coming off completely serious.]



Sam Strong: Last week I promised a new era here in USPW and you fans helped prove me more right than I ever imagined by making it our highest rated show in history. I promised you last week that a new era meant a tightening of the rules around here. Towers of Power your not going to go around attacking World Champions and global icons. You two are multiple time world tag team champions, you’re the current reigning champions, but you got a long way to go before your mentioned in the same breath as Bruce and James. So tonight you boys get your first lesson in respect, while Bruce gets a much deserved chance at revenge. Tonight it will be Bruce the Giant vs. Danny Rushmore (HUGE cheers from the fans) VE




Shane: WHAT? They’ll rip Bruce limb from limb in there Sam….


Sam Strong: This new era is about more than teaching the residents that reside in this promotion about respect. Its about bringing in the best talent from the USA, its about bringing in the best talent in the world. United States Pro Wrestling should be that, the best pro wrestling in the United States. So if you start seeing new names popping up on the cards, just know that these men are accomplished the world over and I’m bringing them in here to compete against who I feel are the best core of pro wrestlers on the planet. So heres to making this show, bigger, badder and better than last week….



Steve Stennick: Sam seems to really be wanting to make this the mecca for pro wrestling in the United States and I’m all for that. The announce team here will do our best to bring any information on any of these new wrestlers that we can. Hopefully if their as good as Sam says they are their in ring work will do the talking….




Cherry Bomb vs. Sarie Marie York

Cherry starts out over powering York. She’s almost taunting her in the beginning of the match until York starts to fire back. The fans are completely in the new comer York’s favor as she battles back against Cherry. Cherry takes several breaks to the outside to jaw with fans before being snuck up on by York and tossed back in the ring. Cherry takes several more minutes to get herself back in the match but after a York mistake Cherry starts to get vicious. Cherry whips York into the ropes, York comes back with a ‘rana onto Cherry, Cherry lifts her up, spins and DROPS her with a Cherry Bomb ending a back and forth bout for the Womens Championship.

Winner via Pinfall @ 6:34 and still USPW Women’s Champion Cherry Bomb

Rating: D+


[Cherry picks York up and drops her down with ANOTHER Cherry Bomb. The fans are booing as Cherry stands over York’s motionless body slapping her around shouting at her. Cherry then lays the championship across her face and starts to climb to the top rope. The fans BURST into cheers, here comes Alicia from the back in street clothes. She shoves Cherry off the top rope. Cherry luckily lands on her feet, she grabs her championship and slithers out of the ring. Alicia and Cherry never take their eyes off each other as Alicia helps York up to her wobbly legged feet.]

Rating: B+


Steve Stennick: Cherry Bomb seems to be the big bully on the block in this women’s division here in USPW..


Shane: I’m telling you its that mentality that’s gotten here where she’s at, the top women wrestler in the United States…


Steve Stennick: With the way her and Alicia seem to be butting heads I would imagine Alicia would like a chance to be considered that…



Darryl Devine vs. JD Morgan


Steve Stennick: Fans I promised to bring you as much information as I could on these new faces. JD Morgan is a new face here in USPW but this man is accomplished the world over. One of the most technically gifted, violent, physically intense men in pro wrestling today. At one time many considered him the best non heavyweight in wrestling. Its because of men like Morgan that we have light heavyweight championships and divisions…


Shane: One word to describe this guy would be utterly, physically, intense….


Steve: Uh Shane….


Shane: Shut up


Morgan starts out immediately taking Devine to the mat. He starts to do his best to outclass him on the mat. Devine tries to keep up but Morgan’s experience and somewhat larger size keep him from countering a lot of Morgan’s hard edged submission and strike moves. Finally Devine kicks the legs out from under Morgan and goes to work flying around the ring. Morgan now having trouble keeping up with the smaller, quicker Devine. Devine attempts a running bull dog, Morgan counters into a blue thunder bomb, Devine counters that into the Devine Dream Drop (face buster). The fans cheering as Darryl Devine quickly covers JD Morgan for the three count.

Winner via Pinfall @ 7:43 Darryl Devine



Steve: What a match here between JD Morgan and Darryl Devine. Their apart in age but in talent they looked virtually the same out here…


Shane: I’m not afraid to say that I think Devine is THE top prospect in USPW Wrestling. That being said, prospect or not, win or not, he’s going to know and feel that he was in the ring with JD Morgan tonight for quite some time…



[The Forces of America’s music hits and the fans are cheering. Force charges to the ring like a lunatic while Captain USA shoots red, white and blue confetti out of a cannon. Jim Force grabs the mic as Captain enters the ring.]


Jim: Individuals are incapable of pre determining their path to eternal remembrance. All each spiritual exsistance can do is strive towards the rarity we as humans call immortality. The Towers of Power decided to explode our physical hopes and dreams. However our spiritual willingness to succeed in all forms of exsitance continues to lead us down this path. Now all in our path in this life we walk will FEEEEEEL THHHHHHHE FOOOOOOORCE!


Captain USA: What uh, what Jims trying to say is. The Towers of Powers beat us, their the champs, they proved their self worth and that’s something Jim and I gotta live with. However that doesn’t mean the fight is over. We’re out here now and every week from now proving ourselves to whoever it takes to gain a rematch with the Towers or whoever may be the tag champs at this time. This thing Jim and me got goin ain’t over by a long shot….




American Psycho’s vs. Forces of America


Steve Stennick: Talk about starting at the bottom and working your way up. This team their facing the American Psycho’s did just that in Japan. They are known as not only one of the more violent American teams overseas but one of the most violent teams period. This is going to be a real test for the Forces of America, especially coming off of that close match with the tag champs last week…


Jim Force and Doug Peak start things off. Force overpowers Peak and throws him around the ring with various slams. Peak seems barely effected by most of it getting in quick tag to Lee. Lee provokes Force to join him on the outside where the American Psycho’s take advantage of their hardcore experience. Finally after double teaming Force for some time Force fires back with a big double clothesline. Captain USA is in the ring clearing out Doug Peak and then beating on Henry Lee. Captain USA locks Lee in his finisher the “Hail to the Chief” (Full nelson slam), Lee breaks out and with a kick to the gut has USA ready for his dealy Asylum buster (leaping DDT). Force from the top rope with a diving Shoulder to the head of Lee. USA rolls him up for the pinfall while Force holds off Doug Peak.

Winners via Pinfall @ 6:08 The Forces of America

Rating: D-


Steve: What a match and what a win for the Forces of America. They were again brought to the limit this week but they managed to pull it out. What a big win and confidence builder for them.



Des Davids: Last week I came out here and told the world I wasn’t playin around no more. The only way I’m gonna be considered one of tha best is ta beat tha best. So if your in the back, in the audience, wherever and you feel like getting beat on for five minutes. Better yet you THINK you can beat me? TRY ME!



Steve Stennick: Des Davids last week made work of the tag team legend Anger. He seems dead set on proving he’s not a football playing fluke, he wants to SHOW people he’s earned everything and wants to continue to earn it. You gotta respect that…


Shane: I don’t “gotta” do nothing Stennick cept die…


Steve Stennick: And pay taxes….


Shane: Pay what?



Alex Braun vs. Des Davids

Des tries his power attack on Braun to start. Braun has none of it and just throwing fists at Davids. Braun is really laying into Davids with just violent strikes. To Davids credit he takes everything Braun has, and when Braun lets him he goes right on the offensive. Davids throws Braun around the ring with several exploder, and t bone suplexes. Braun is staggering in the corner, Davids is running in for the QB Sack (spear) Braun dives out of the way and Davids crashes into the ring post. Davids comes staggering out of the corner, Braun with the “Braun Damage” reverse enziguri. Davids ducks, Braun crashes to the mat. Now Braun to his feet and Davids with the QB SACK! Davids wastes no time putting Alex Braun away with a quick three count.

Winner via Pinfall @ 6:36 Des Davids

Rating: D-


Steve Stennick: Des Davids continues to prove that not only is he one of the best young talents in USPW, he can take on some of the most accomplished men Sam Strong can find. Last week a multiple time tag champion, this week a hardcore legend….


Shane: This guy is a beast of a man. He’s looking unstoppable so far…




Nicky Champion vs. Chris Caulfield w/ Seduction


Steve Stennick: Last week Nicky Champion went the distance with Darryl Devine in a back and forth classic. You’d think he might want to convince Sam Strong to give him a “easier” opponent than the hardcore American himself Chris Caulfield. Caulfield of course just last week said he wanted to become World Champion, winning this T.V Title would be a HUGE step forward.


Caulfield starts off in control brawling around the ring with Champion. Champion has several false starts but Caulfield remains in control for over half the match. The fans seem to be leaning towards Caulfield since he’s the bigger star but when Nicky starts to make his comeback there are more than enough cheers in the audience. He’s clotheslining and powerslamming Chris Caulfield all over the ring. Nicky NAILS Caulfield with a flying forearm that everyone in the audience thought was the end. At the last possible second Caulfield counters it by picking Nicky up into the air and dropping him with a DANGER DROP! The crowd erupts, Nicky is barely moving as Caulfield stumbles down for the pin. The entire arena is shouting along with the ref’s cadence OOOONE…….TWOOOO……THREEEOHHHHH

Winner via DQ Chris Caulfield @ 7:51



Steve: What just happened?


Shane: Look out to the side here Steve…



T Rex has drug Chris Caulfield out of the ring. He whips Caulfield into the stairs. The stairs make a sick sound as they scatter across the concrete arena. Rex picks Caulfield back up and whips him hard into the steel guard rail. Caulfield staggers out clutching his back and Rex lets out a primal growl as he charges towards Caulfield delivering a VICIOUS boot to the skull of Caulfield. Caulfield drops to the concrete floor. Rex slowly turns after surveying the damage done on Caulfield. Nicky Champion is still unconscious in the ring, Rex grabs the top rope and begins to stalk his way into the ring. The fans booing, the other half deadly silent in fear of what he may do next. Before Rex can continue his carnage a burst of cheers is heard. Darryl Devine is charging down to the ring at light speed. He pulls Champion out of the ring, helping him away from T Rex. Rex stands and stares as Devine disappears with Champion behind the entrance curtain.



Steve Stennick: Something has to be done about T Rex. Two weeks in a row he’s left Chris Caulfield laying unconscious. On top of that this week he very well may have cost Chris Caulfield the USPW Television Title….


Shane: Who’s gonna stop him Stennick? You? ME? Chris Caulfield is called the HARDCORE American and look at him.



Bruce the GIANT vs.Danny Rushmore


Steve Stennick: Fans we saw how Bruce reacted earlier tonight when he DIDN’T get his hands on the Towers of Power. It might be a good idea in light of that to have the children on stand by to leave the room. As far as we’re concerned this is a standard one on one match. However that being said who knows whats racing through Bruce’s mind


Bruce is in the ring and he has a crazed look in his eyes. Rushmore’s music plays and he doesn’t appear. Finally they play it again and while Bruce is yelling at the ref to go find him. Rushmore sneaks in from the stands and attacks Bruce from behind. Rushmore results to eye scratching, low blows, choking , any dirty, easy, cheap tactic he can find to keep Bruce not in this match. Finally though Bruce explodes and just utterly DOMINATES Danny Rushmore. Bruce grabs hold of Rushmore and DESTROYS him with a Giant Chokeslam. The fans are cheering as Bruce covers OOOONE…..TWOOOO….THRENOOOOO. Bruce lifts Rushmore off the canvas and picks his lifeless body into the air for a second Giant Chokeslam. CRACK!!!! The fans booing its Mick Muscles with a chair to the head. The fans are waiting on the ref to make the DQ but he’s out of it. Another vicious crack to the back and then two more to the head. Finally Muscles with a RUNNING chairshot to the head and Bruce falls to the mat. Another referee a few moments later runs down to the ring. The fans booing as Rushmore covers Bruce OOOOONE…..TWOOOO……THREEEE! The fans seem nearly ready to riot as Mick Muscles pulls Rushmore out of the ring as the two slowly walk to the back. Bruce is in the ring barely moving as the fans continue to shout at the Towers of Power.

Winner via Pinfall @ 6:19 Danny Rushmore

Rating: C-


Steve Stennick: I can’t believe it, the Towers of Power no matter how many chairshots it took just landed the biggest upset maybe ever. Danny Rushmore was a goner. Mick Muscles and Danny Rushmore have won this match but was it WORTH it? Do they know what their doing? Do they realize that Bruce will retaliate and their only making him more angry?


Shane: Do they care Stennick? There is no reason for them to care, their sending a message to Bruce, James and anyone else in USPW. Their the top dogs, not anyone else….



After the match Bruce slowly rises to his feet. The fans are cheering him on. At first he slowly steps outside of the ring before letting out a growl and just tosses the steel steps into the ring piece by piece. He’s still not done he yanks the steel guard rail and tosses that in the ring as well. The arena is completely silent as Bruce lets out another growl and starts stalking towards the back.



Steve Stennick: No one has ever seen Bruce this angry before, Shane if your right and the Towers of Power are doing this on purpose I fear their the ones that need to be checked for their mental health….



[James Justice heads to the ring just as their finished clearing it out. He takes a look around and lets a smile cross his face as he looks into the cheering crowd.]



James Justice: Looks like SOME people are havin all the fun around here these days. Here in a few minutes I hope to have a bit of fun of my own. Earlier Sam Strong was talking about bringing in talent from all around the world and that’s fine by me. Here in USPW we got Giants, Hardcore American’s, Dinosaurs, hell we got it all daddy. So if if some forgien stars want a shot at me? I say you know where to find me……as for last week and those two goons that attacked me? Let me tell Ya I understand your angry and feel like you need to prove yourselves. Hell its obvious to everybody around you theres not a man between the both of ya’s….





James Justice vs. Acid


Steve Stennick: Fans this Acid, he’s held championships everywhere. Sam Strong has brought him in to square off against James Justice. Little is known about the guy other than he can flat out wrestle…


Shane: He’s a winner, like you said everywhere he goes he does nothing but win. With James still recovering from that attack last week its very possible we could see this championship change hands on live television…..


James Justice comes in for a handshake to start things off. Acid responds by taking his head off his shoulders with a nasty roundhouse kick. Acid then just begins to work James Justice over with a hybrid mix of kicks to the ribs and midsection to slow his breathing and quick leg drops and elbows. Finally Acid has him worn down enough to start suplexing him around. Justice will get in a good shot or two but he’s so worn down from the attack last week and that roundhouse from the start that Acid’s quickness is too much for him. Acid with a springboard heel kick to the face and Justice goes down. Acid wastes no time at all heading up top for his Acid Rain Bomb (Swanton Bomb). He’s looking to end it. James staggers up diving on the ropes crotching Acid. Justice climbs up top and the two men are brawling on the top rope while the fans watch on. Finally Justice grabs hold of him for a top rope liberation slam. Acid shoves him off and comes flying off with a rana, Justice catches him in mid air and attempts a power bomb. Acid rolls over the top for a sunset flip that gets two. The crowd is rabid as both men shoot to their feet. Acid goes for another nasty roundhouse like the one he used at the start of the match, Justice blocks it, spins him 360 degrees and NAILS the Liberation Slam. The fans cheering as Justice literally collapses on Acid OOONE TWOOOO THREEEE! James Justice just BARELY pulls this one out at the last possible moment.

Winner via Pinfall and Still USPW Champion @ 14:32 James Justice

Rating: B


Steve: WHAT a match. This is the kind of match that you can’t say anything bad about anyone. They both gave us 200 percent…


Shane: James Justice was reeling, it looked bad but as much as I hate to say it the champ did what champions do and pulled one out….



After the match James Justice is clutching his USPW World Championship. The fans cheering as he wipes the blonde locks that were covering his face he can’t help but smile and appreciate the war he just had for the last 15 minutes. As he’s about to leave the ring Acid stumbles to his feet grabbing his arm. Justice spins ready to fight but Acid puts his hand out for that handshake James wanted at the start of the match. Justice isn’t sure at first he looks at his hand then he looks out at the crowd. The fans are cheering, so finally James smiles and shakes Acid’s hand. The crowd cheers on as the two men raise each others hands. Acid lets go of James’ hand and as he’s about to walk away Acid MISTS James Justice in the face and delivers a nasty roundhouse kick to the face knocking Justice through the ropes. The cheers turn to boos as Acid once again sprays mist into the air.



Steve: What the?


Shane: Now THAT’S sportsmanlike conduct I can take…all this handshaking nonsense makes me wanna puke sometimes. I don’t know where this Acid guy came from or how long he’s here….but I hope he sticks around I like this guy….


Steve Stennick: Apparently Acid must be a bit blurry on American customs. I’m sure in his country roundhouse kicks to the head after blinding someone with mist is a sign of respect for the man that just beat you. Fans thank you for tuning in. We’ll see you next week America….



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[it’s a strange reeling when your walking while thousands of people are exiting, chattering about in the arena. You’d think you wouldn’t be able to hear yourself think. For me however it’s the opposite effect, I seem to zero in on my thoughts. Walking through the curtain I expected Sam to be happy with the show, in fact if his only complain last week was the language then he’d have nothing to complain about tonight. Clearly I was wrong.]


“We need to talk”


[You see last week I thought it was bad and it was good. This week I thought it was bad….and well I just had a feeling I had gotten it right this week.]


“Don’t take it the wrong way when I say this but I felt the show was flat. We started out hot with Bruce tearing things up and then the crowd seemed to get lost. I think we need more Bruce, more Towers of Power on the show”


[He was right in the aspect that Bruce was the biggest star we had. Now the question is do I dare tell my boss, the biggest star in wrestling history what he was wrong about?]


“I agree with you Sam in the aspect that Bruce is by far the biggest star we have. Hell in my eyes he’s the biggest star in wrestling today. However we agreed to do a youth movement. We only got two hours, if we want to get Des Davids out there, if we want Devine, Champion, Caulfield, Alicia, Cherry, JoRo, the Forces of America. If we want to jam all these guys into two hours we gotta do some give and take.”


[sam didn’t say anything for a moment. At first he looked like he was going to really make this a heated discussion. Instead he took a deep breath and said in a much more calm tone than he began the conversation with.]


“I understand what your saying and I’m not saying the show was bad. As a fan I want to explore this Bruce and the Towers of Power thing for more than two segments. We’ll play with the numbers maybe shorten a few segments up and fit in an extra segment or two”


[sam walked off without even hearing my thoughts on that. I turned and looked at the ring crew who were staring at me as Sam all but reprimanded me in public….again. He was already halfway down the hall congratulating the boys on a great show but I decided I was going to get the last word in….even if I was the only one that heard it.]


“Whatever you say Sam”


[i had to just keep reminding myself that it was whatever he said. He was the man in charge and unless I could make him forget about it I would be fitting in more Bruce segments even if I didn’t agree with it.]

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[i had jus gotten off the phone with a few more new guys confirming their availability when like clockwork here came Sam barging into my office. He started going on a rant about everyone complaining to him about Peter Valentine’s attitude after being left off the last show. I had hoped Sam wouldn’t have noticed and apparently he didn’t. That is until Peter apparently brought it up to every single guy in the back that would listen. While listening to Sam tell me how important is that we use Peter’s name value and experience in that ring while we still had it, I wondered how many people in the back must really hate this guy.]


“Sam you know the plan we got in place for Peter. It’s the ultimate rookie/vet storyline. Its going to play off of Peter’s well for lack of a better term prickish ways.”


[sam looked a bit frustrated and maybe a bit embarrassed going to bat for Peter when it was Sam and I both who agreed that the plan we had in store for Peter was the best one available at this time.]


“Well that’s not the only reason I came in here. The ratings are back from last nights show”


[i had a feeling that this large lump that appeared in my throat everytime he said that in his super serious tone wasn’t going to go away anytime soon. I could barely form words as I encouraged him to continue.]






“WHAT we only rated a damn .3 on the show? The guys doing the ratings need to go back and recheck that. I’ll bet my job that their wrong”


[Ok well since I didn’t have a another job lined up, and the job market in 2008 wasn’t the greatest maybe I should refrain from betting my job. I was upset, confused and worried that this rating would COST me my job.]


“Calm down it was .3 HIGHER. Which means .55 is now our record for our highest t.v show rating EVER. Keep it up”


[With that he tossed the papers on my desk and walked out. As I sat there staring at the .55 and Sam’s words of best t.v show rating ever echoing in my head it was hard not to become full of myself. I had to tell myself it was a coincidence and that it had nothing to do with me. Even if deep down I wanted it to have EVERYTHING to do with me.]

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