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Update on myself (Running MAW)

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Ok so I thought that since the release of this game as freeware has sparked a ton of commentary that I'd update everyone on my own fed.


In previous posts I've talked about starting off with MAW and trying to work my way up. I did give myself some extra money and raised my popularity some. I have two custom fighters (two of them are remakes from my WMMA mods) but beyond that everything is by the book. I hired a slew of free agent/non exclusive workers, even building out a women's division. And now I have my first TV show.


Thoughts: Having played WMMA it always seemed like the time slots for your TV shows were kind of meaningless. In this game I found myself clamoring for a decent time slot! It sucked but I liked it at the same time. My show is on the National Pride network at 11pm and QTV at 12am (stinking Quebecers!).


I threw in all of my workers that had some degree of popularity (Billy Russel, American Buffalo, Cherry Bomb, etc) and the beginning of the show was tanking hard. E's and D's to start. That was before I had Wanda Fish and Jessica (can't remember her last name) got into an arguement and had a bikini contest.


Safe to say the card turned around and I pulled out a C+. Not bad for an hour of Monday Night MAW! Yeah I went there


I do have a question though: I've stumbled onto some "good chemistry" matches (Billy Russel vs Jack Gierok or however you spell that name and American Buffalo vs Steven Flash). How can I tell ahead of time who will work well with one another? Is it just similar styles?


Also, since I'm running two weekly shows now (one TV one non TV) how badly does that wear down wrestlers? I know in WMMA you could wear someone down pretty far in one year of work if you let them work too much.

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I'm going to answer these questions out of order, as the mood strikes me.


As far as I've ever been able to tell, you can have your guys work 100 matches each, per month, and the only detriment you'll have is paying for them (obviously) and the fact that every match has a slight (and equal) chance of leading to an injury. It wasn't until TEW 07 that fatigue became a noticable factor.


There is NO way to tell beforehand who will have positive or negative chemistry. It's got nothing to do with styles, talent, popularity, or anything else. It's totally random, and isn't decided by the game until they've met in the ring, 1-on-1 for the first time. Trial and error, and cross your fingers.


Monday Night MAW is fantastic, and I'm a little bit in love with you for it. Just a little bit.


There is absolutely nothing (NOTHING!) that has the level of guaranteed success that "Sex Sells" angles have. I have one at ALL of my shows, although usually in the pre-show.


Sounds like you're well on your way to Cult, if you're not there already. Keep up the good work, and feel free to keep us posted.



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Ok starting to get some where now that I cut down to 1 show a week. I had two shows going, one non televised and one on tv. Just like WMMA it's getting hard to turn any profit or stave off the negative income but my US ratings are coming up.


So my question now is at what level do you get the ability to run PPV? Because I know that's when the money starts coming in :) Since the USA is my base of operations how high do I have to go popularity wise to hit Cult status? The midwest is in the 40's, mid atlantic and the south are in the 30's, the rest is 10 and under. 30ish in Quebec, and 16ish in Ontario.

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Anyone have an answer?


"Since the USA is my base of operations how high do I have to go popularity wise to hit Cult status? The midwest is in the 40's, mid atlantic and the south are in the 30's, the rest is 10 and under. 30ish in Quebec, and 16ish in Ontario."


That aside I'm finding it hard right now to break into the next tier of TV. I can get a show if it's in the US or Canada but only if it's a Very Small network. Any idea how high I'd need to be to get a Small network to start showing my stuff?

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Ok so I managed to make it up to cult size and signed a PPV deal with a custom (I want to say very small or tiny) PPV carrier 'Versus'. Yes I ganked the name but oh well. My regular roster was getting a little big so I signed with The Fight Network (yes another shameless ganking :) ) which is a small TV network. That lead me to the belief that a brand split would be good.


So now we have Monday Night MAW and their brand is MAW is WAM (Vince McMahon, fear me). And I have Thursday Night Backlash which is branded as Backlash. But now I'm running into a new problem.


Since making two different brands I ended up some new belts to go with each brand. One of which still sits on Joey Minnesota's waist (due to be determined in a 4 way rumble with Jack Gierdock, American Buffalo, and Sgt Bubba!) while the other one went to American whatshisname (guy wearing a mask and he's a high flyer. Starts off as a free agent). If I had the game in front of me right now I'd find out his name. But alas...


I can't get him over to save my life. And he's got great skills. Course he and Champaign Lover seem to get along real well now that I have both of them.


Now I'm looking for jobbers. But for now Monday Night MAW (Because MAW.......Is....WAM!!!) has been pretty solid and Backlash is underway. My first PPV drew a whopping 434! It was enough to post a profit though so I wont knock it :)

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American Elemental. Possibly he's hit his overness cap. It's quite a bit easier to find out overness caps in 05 with peeks in the editor - lord knows, I blatantly abused this in my old 05 diary - and American Elemental was one of those who hit a cap. The overness cap is a hard cap - they just wont be able to get over it. Not everyone is born to be a star.


Now you've got a PPV deal, one piece of advice - make sure your PPV's are actually set to PPVs. Obvious, I know, but it killed me a few times.

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  • 1 month later...

Ok after some computer problems I'm back into the swing of things. I figured I'd update here again detailing what's occurred so far.


Horray for backed up save game!


Anyways: MAW has just begun their series of PPVs as I detailed in my last post. And I think what I'm going to do is try and run the TNA model for PPVs (monthly PPVs) for now to try and generate some income. I tend to bleed money with this company and I need to do something otherwise it will be shut down. In fact I have to cheat and give myself money to stay afloat :) I call it the Prophet X stimulus package.


So I just got done hosting the Revolutions PPV. It's the 2nd PPV for MAW and drew a 425 (the PPV network is tiny). This however was the best overall show, including TV time, MAW has had. It was a solid C rating with the top match of the night being MAW's first B- match.


Kurt Laramee vs Joey Minnesota for the MAW Heavyweight Championship.


Currently Thursday Night Backlash is my best show as far as brands go. Plus it's longer than Monday Night MAW so I need to fix that.


Engyma was just released from SWF for some reason. So I'm on that like white on rice. Compared to what I have this could be like a Chris Jerico to the WWE type of signing.


I do have a couple of questions though


1) My two hot spots, the Mid West and Mid Atlantic, both keep dropping in popularity. Now I know this has to do with the shows and whatnot. But if I have a popularity of 48-50 to what level do I have to have my shows at? Because I've pulled a C+ show and still watched it go down some. Granted the UK, Canada, and other parts of the US have gone up a little.. (Backlash shows in all three, Monday Night MAW is in the US only)


2) I know it was mentioned earlier about the overness cap, but is there a way to actually see that and/or adjust it?

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