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MDC2: The OVER 9000-verse Diary

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Author: Am3ricanW0lf

Mod Creator: crayon




The sound of rock music screeched throughout a particuler Manhatten penthouse. Red Hot Chili Peppers to be exact. It was 2:43pm on the clock and the sun was up outside, but this one individual wasn't typical. The working class was working, he was not. He was sprawled out on his black leather couch. A bowl of Apple Jacks sat atop his stomach. He mashed buttons together, buttons on fake guitar. "Flip Yeah! one hundred percent!" He shouted. Rock Band was his game of choice. Why go to work, when you're quite possibly the greatest man on the planet. Yes, even greater than Hugh Hefner.


His cellphone begins to ring, startling, knocking over his cereal and causing him to miss 10 consecutive notes, before pausing his game. HE scrambled to find the phone, under the couch cushions? under the coffee table? No. He reaches into his bowl, now only half filled with milk and cereal. He pulls out his cellphone, dripping milk and an applejack stuck on the screen. He whiped it away and answered. "...Hello?" The voice on the other end responded. "Is this Mr. Kid?". Confused, he looks down at the caller ID, to no avail. It's unlisted. He hesitently responds.. "I prefer, Brad".


Brad Kid was his identity and with that. The voice responds again. "I would like to talk to you about a job.. Before you say no, hear me out. This job isn't just for anybody. You will be in-control of numerous beasts, criminals, MONSTERS! You may be asking yourself, That doesn't seem to appetizing....." The voice was cut off, Brad apparently wanted no part in this idea. "Woah.. Woah.. Woah! Thanks for the offer, brah. But the answer is an absolute No!" Brad gets ready to hang up the phone, but pauses and puts it back up to his ear.. "......................I don't think so..."


Brad looks confused as he clicks the end button on his phone. He brushes some of the cereal spit on his couch on to the floor and sits down, unpausing his game and continuing. A load crash is heard in the other room. Brad pauses his game again and looks at the doorway. Trying to talk himself out of walking out into the hallway, but he does anyway. He slowly creeped out looking around, but there was no sign of a mess or anything out of the ordinary. He goes to turn around and head back into the den area.


"That's the last, I remember. I woke up here, wondering what happened.."


To Be Continued...

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