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Age you got into the EWR/TEW series?

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Loved wrestling as a kid but never knew about the game. Went to college and re-kindled my love for wrestling with some buddies and actually wound up buying SVR for ps3. I hated GM mode was so bland and there was no depth to the storylines and I wanted so much more. I began surfing the web and got lucky to stumble upon EWR- and have been hooked ever since. So I was 19 when I discovered it.
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Let's See...


I turn 19 in September, and I started out with Extreme Warfare Revenge, and that was 2002, Started playing Total Extreme Wrestling, then played 07, loved it, and it took me awhile to even notice TEW 08 was out, and when I bought that, I joined the forum, so it's been 7 years, and I started playing at 12

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Tough call...probably at ~18. I found EWR on "Home of the Underdogs" while browsing their games and thought it was awesome.


I remember the old site before it was Grey Dog Software but I never signed up. I just browsed for things like pic packs and updates. Then i stopped playing, college hit etc.


I was playing some wrestling game on the PS2 when I remembered this game, and curious to see if there was a newer version I investigated and found this site 3 years ago, right in time to pick up '07 when it came out.

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