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I remember reading something on these boards that if Wolf Hawkins' contract expires, Tommy Cornell will renew it due to Wolf's protégé status.


In my game, I tried to negotiate with Wolf and we couldn't strike a deal.


Is he now leaving? Will Cornell save the day at the end of the month and resign him?

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I find it best to let Rip handle the contracts of Jay/Antonio/Valentine as he'll get the best deal out of them.


However, on the one occasion I tried and wasn't able to strike a deal, Jay left MAW. However, he had dropped down to the second-last smilie in terms of how angry he was with me, so I guess it might have been that he didn't want to stick around whatever.

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Depends sometimes Cornell will sometimes he won't. If you couldn't strike a deal because Cornell wouldn't let you spend X amount of money on him he will probably let him go. Best is to make Cornell les stingent and/or lower Hawkin's overness a bit via losses while keeping him happy with dark match wins over jobbers and renegotiate.
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Rejoice! Cornell and Wolf worked at a deal on their own, for about $10,000 a month less then what he rejected from me.


When I thought he might be leaving, I had the Syndicate jump him after he dissed Cornell in an interview, engaged botched interference against Brent Hill and lost to Joey Minnesota then Sean McFly...now that he is staying I can see where I wanna take this angle...my recent signing of Dan Stone Jr should make things even more interesting...

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