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NYCW: An Effect Revisited (C-Verse '97)

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Main Entry: butterfly effect

Function: noun

Date: 1984


1. a property of chaotic systems (as the atmosphere) by which small changes in initial conditions can lead to large-scale and unpredictable variation in the future state of the system


— ORIGIN from the notion that a butterfly fluttering in Rio de Janeiro could change the weather in Chicago.


In the world of wrestling there are always questions of "what if." What if Sam Strong or Rip Chord had a career ending injury in 1975? What if the Stones and DeColts worked together to keep CWF together instead of starting up two separate companies? What if J.K. Stallings Jr. never decided to open Hollyweird Grappling Company? However, the biggest talking point as of last has got to be, what would have happened if DAVE never won the East Coast Wars? Taking a look at history it could be said that the war was won from one match, a match that wasn't even fought in a DAVE ring.


#5: Nemesis vs. Tommy Cornell (February 1997, Supreme Assault TV)


For one of the most influential matches ever held, this was very low profile. Held in 1997 on SWF's weekly "Supreme Assault" TV show, the match was not even announced as taking place until that very night. Nemesis was one of the hottest heels in the promotion at this time, and was being groomed for a main event run against world champion Christian Faith. Tommy Cornell was a young babyface rookie who was seen as having potential, but hadn't been given much to do other than defeat expendable midcard heels. The match was put together simply to give the two wrestlers something to do, as the main focus of the show was on a main event battle royal that neither was involved in.


What followed was by far the most violent fifteen minutes that SWF had ever seen. After brawling for a few minutes in the ring, the two wrestlers spilled to the outside, where they proceeded to brawl with incredible intensity up the aisle, across the sound stage, through the crowd, and back to the ring. By the time they reached the ring, both men were bleeding heavily from being hit with weapons, with Nemesis in particular virtually unrecognizable thanks to the amount of blood covering his face and upper body. After smacking Cornell with a vicious chair shot to the head, Nemesis ended the carnage by power bombing the youngster through a ringside table, and dragging him back in for the win.


While the match was a superbly intense brawl, and a great match in its own right, it was the shockwaves that it caused that make it so famous. Used to seeing family-friendly entertainment, both the network and SWF were bombarded with complaints from irate viewers, while at the same time a large number of fans who were growing tired of the slow-paced matches that were usually presented to them were ecstatic, wanting SWF to present more of this new extreme style. SWF owner Richard Eisen was furious at the trouble this match had caused, especially as he had not been consulted about it beforehand, and it was long-standing company policy that matches could not have blood or excessive violence without his personal clearance. Nemesis was fired straight after the match after a huge backstage argument; he joined small East Coast promotion DAVE two months later, and almost single handedly turned them into a major player in the US by basing the entire product on a bloody, extreme style. Cornell was punished by being dropped into a bland opening match tag team with Phillip Roberts; he left six months later to join SWF's major rivals HGC. Seven years later he would be the owner of that promotion. As a result of the match, SWF became even more conservative, which helped them keep their lucrative TV show. This would last several years before they had to become more edgy to survive, and this type of extreme match is now a staple of the promotion.


Excerpt from "The Top 10 Matches Of All Time" by Ryan Jalda, GrappleFanatics.net , (June 2005)


As Ryan Jalda states, the match would lead to both Tommy Cornell and Nemesis leading SWF for HGC and DAVE respectively, changing the fortunes of both companies for the better. Tommy would because HGC's rock, propelling them into a National company that would be able to compete with SWF for years to come. And Nemesis almost single handedly put an end to the East Coast Wars with DAVE being the victor. Which leads to us back to the question, if Nemesis/Cornell never happens in February of 1997, who would have won the East Coast War?


Some argue in the case of DAVE because Nemesis or not, it seem like Vibert and company had a product that people just wanted to see. Others say that without Nemesis, XFW would have gotten the credit it deserves for being the "real king of hardcore." There is also a feeling that if the war became a one of attrition, then the winner would have been the family friendly (aka sponsor friendly) RPW. Of course, having Brent Hill and Steve Flash probably plays a big part in those people's minds as well. Finally, there is few people that believe the old school style of PPPW would have won out in the end.


However, I think the real winner of the war would have been the company nobody even thinks of being in the war, New York City Wrestling. By staying out of the war NYCW could have been had one huge advantage that the other companies wouldn't have had, a talent pool. While DAVE, PPPW, XFW, and RPW refused to let their talent be used on each others shows, they all allowed their talent to wrestle at NYCW events. If Nemesis doesn't enter the scene, who doesn't say that NYCW couldn't abuse their unique situation and become the top East Coast promotion? I guess we'll never know.


Or will we?


June 6th, 1999

Pennsylvania Park



I feel like I'm about to throw up and I really don't know why. I've spoken in front of rapid crowds before, this time is no different.


No, that's a lie. This time is different. Real different. If I screw up here, it's all over. Everything I've been working for in the past two years and five months and everything Dave's worked for in the past 11 years will all be for nothing. Heh, I can't believe I've gotten to the point where I'm calling The Stomper by his real name. And his first name at that.


No, focus James. This isn't the time to go off on a mental tangent. It's time. Focus.


Here we go. Lights. Camera. Action.


"Hellllloooo, Pennsylvania!"


After taking a moment to take in massive cheers of a packed Pennsylvania Park crowd, I turn into the camera with a giant Cheshire Cat grin.


"And hello USA. I'm Commissioner James Heatly and you are now watching NYCW Empire TV."



OOC: This is a continuation of NYCW: The Butterfly Effect (CVerse '97). As some of you may know by the countless times I've mentioned it, that diary ended thanks to a good chunk of game play notes getting deleted thanks to user error while I was transferring it to a different computer. After burning out on ideas from my RPW diary, the save state from my NYCW game caught my eye and the wheels in my head started to turn. Just about three weeks later and here we are. I hope you enjoy what I have in store. For those of you that are wondering on what happened from the point the Butterfly Effect ended and where this one begins, fear not for all will be revealed in due time.
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Breaking News From The Tri-States

Reported by S.R. Kowalski

Sunday, May 7, 1999


With the recent economic recession and general disinterest in the wrestling industry, good news has been hard to come by in the wrestling business. From the fall of both SWF and HGC to what seems like slow painful death that is the East Coast Wars, it seems everything is coming up snake eyes in the American wrestling scene. Even success stories like the rise of CZCW are bitter sweet when you realize that the promotion is now more known in Mexico that across the Continental United States.


However through all the Wrestlecrap (like the title reigns of Jim Force, Cheatin' Mike Barstow, and Alex Pierce in SWF), recently there has always been one constant silver lining, New York City Wrestling. While considered stale and old by some, there is no question that the Tri-State's "little engine that could" has been running on all cylinders since the beginning of 1997. Once thought of as an also-ran or at the very best a niche product, NYCW blasted past their east coast brethren with a variety of wrestlers from young upstarts like John Anderson, Jack Bruce, and Rich Money to old veterans like Corporal Doom, Ernest Mason, and Sheik Mustafa. Even after the great "West Coast Exodus," New York's beacon of Old School was able to preserver as new hires like Bryan Holmes, Masked Patriot, and Eric Tyler joined hungry young talent like James Brandon, Edd Chandler, and The New Wave to fill the gaps.


And it seems we here at WrestleCircle weren't the only ones that have noticed this fact. At yesterday's NYCW event Audience Of One (headlined by the double main event of Brent Hill defeating The Stomper in a King of New York Quarterfinal matchup and NYCW World Heavyweight Champion Steve Flash besting Brent Hill's stable mate, JD Morgan, in a non-title contest), it was announced that New York City Wrestling and National Pride TV have come to an agreement on a TV deal. The details aren't known for sure, but the show will be called Empire TV and will begin to air next month. Rumor has it that commercials for this new show will be airing shortly.


Congratulations NYCW. Please don't screw this up.

NYCW King of New York Tournament

(updated as of: 5-7-99)




OOC: Glad to see that my constant blabbering has drawn some interest from some of GreyDog's best as well as a newer member of our forum. Hopefully I'll be able to properly entertain you. :D


Special thanks to: Self [tournament bracket layout] and Scorpion [Purple Danny Fonzerelli/Jay Darkness alt]

Note: I want to give credit to everyone that has made alts and such, so if you see something that another one of our fine members has created and that I some how missed or mislabeled, please notify me so they get their proper due.

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Empire TV Commerical #1


I was put on this world with a talent


A talent that has lead me to live my dream


A dream of being one of the greatest wrestlers on the planet


I don't know when this dream is going to end


But I am sure going to enjoy the ride


My name is Steve Flash





And I am New York City Wrestling



King of New York Semi-Final: Brent Hill vs. Bryan Holmes

Dylan Sidle & John McClean vs. James Brandon & Steve Flash

Eric Tyler & The New Wave vs. Hell Monkey, Kashmir Singh, & Jack Giedroyc

Clark Alexander vs. Sebastian Krause


Special Thanks: FlameSnoopy [steve Flash alt], Kamchatka [National Pride TV logo], Reaper [NYCW World title]

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King of New York Semi-Final: Brent Hill vs. Bryan Holmes

Gotta remind myself that this is 1999. Two future stars go at it but Holmes is the better worker IMO.


Dylan Sidle & John McClean vs. James Brandon & Steve Flash

The face of NYCW gets the duke.


Eric Tyler & The New Wave vs. Hell Monkey, Kashmir Singh, & Jack Giedroyc

Future DaVE stars take this one.


Clark Alexander vs. Sebastian Krause

I think it's time for Clark to get his due.

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King of New York Semi-Final: Brent Hill vs. Bryan Holmes

Tough call but I'll go with Bryan Holmes


Dylan Sidle & John McClean vs. James Brandon & Steve Flash

Eric Tyler & The New Wave vs. Hell Monkey, Kashmir Singh, & Jack Giedroyc

Clark Alexander vs. Sebastian Krause

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This was the last event of the pre-television for New York City Wrestling and while the show wasn't amazing, it was a solid show that left the fans going home happy. By far the great match of the night was the non-title contest between Bryan Holmes and Steve Flash. The result was predictable considering that Steve Flash is currently undefeated and the top champion of the company, but that didn't stop the fans from enjoying the technical showcase that the two babyfaces put on.


Speaking of undefeated streaks, there is now one less streak in NYCW as the Masked Patriot put away the mysterious Phobetor to move on to the Semi-Finals of the King of New York tournament. Before this match Phobetor was 6-0 since debuting with the company in January.


However, the biggest surprise of the night had to be the shocking announcement of NYCW June event, Preparing For War. NYCW's current United States champion and former CGC World and DAVE Extreme champion, Eric Tyler, put out a challenge to Steve Flash for Flash's World Heavyweight title. The Traditionalist stated that his resume alone (16-3 in NYCW, 9-0 in 1999, defeated Shawn Gonzalez for the NYCW United States title at NYCW Phenomena this past February [C+], etc) gives Tyler the right to challenge for the title, but that he is going to do Steve one better and add his NYCW United States title to the mix. Naturally, this brought out Steve Flash. The NYCW World champion responded by saying that Tyler was correct in saying that he deserved a title shot and accepted Tyler's challenge for a Title vs.Title match.


NYCW At The Gates Of Destiny

Saturday, May 20, 1999

2,000 people at Pennsylvania Park


Brent Hill, JD Morgan and Sebastian Krause defeated Jack Giedroyc and Team America in 10:07 when Brent Hill defeated Jack Marlowe by pinfall with a King Of The Hill. - C


Team Chaos Theory cut a promo hyping their upcoming match with The New Wave. Standard babyface promo from the duo of Dean Daniels and Tim Westybrook. - E+


The New Wave defeated Team Chaos Theory in 8:24 when Guide defeated Dean Daniels by pinfall with a Guided Missile. The New Wave make defense number 2 of their NYCW Tag Team titles. - D+


In a shocking announcement, the NYCW United States champion, Eric Tyler, calls out NYCW World champion, Steve Flash, and challenges him to a title versus title match at June's "big show" named Preparing For War. Always the fighting champion, Steve Flash agrees to the delight of the crowd. - C

Notes: Steve Flash is developing better performance skills.


Corporal Doom defeated Kashmir Singh in 5:56 by pinfall with a Corporal Punishment. - D+


Post match, Corporal Doom is in the ring with a microphone. He tears into the crowd for being soft and worthless and demands to know how they can cheer for a man who brings a Canadian flag into an American arena (obviously referring to NYCW World champion Steve Flash) . Doom ends the promo by threatening to do something about if his demands aren't met. - C


James Brandon defeated Nathan Coleman in 12:15 by pinfall with a Big Cat Pounce. - D+


Masked Patriot cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Phobetor. M. Patriot says that Phobetor might dress differently from most of American society and speak in riddles, but that's ok because this America and Phobetor has the choice to dress or speak in whatever manner his wishes. Grinning Patriot finishes his speech by saying that what isn't his choice is the continuation of Phobetor's undefeated streak. That choice was made up for him when he drew the Masked Patriot as an opponent. - C+


Masked Patriot defeated Phobetor in 17:53 by Patriot Powerbomb. Masked Patriot advances to the Semi-Finals of the King of New York tournament. - C


After the match, Masked Patriot is celebrating his win when Phobetor, obviously unhappy with being dealt his first loss, attacks Masked Patriot. The assault is brutal, with Phobetor hitting not only one but two "Fade To Black" Spinebusters on Masked Patriot, leaving him completely annihilated. - C-


Steve Flash defeated Bryan Holmes in 27:46 by pinfall with a Flash Bang. - B-


Overall: C

NYCW King of New York Tournament

(updated as of: 5-21-99)





King of New York Semi-Final: Brent Hill vs. Bryan Holmes

Dylan Sidle & John McClean vs. James Brandon & Steve Flash

Eric Tyler & The New Wave vs. Hell Monkey, Kashmir Singh, & Jack Giedroyc

Clark Alexander vs. Sebastian Krause

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History, Tradition, Respect


These things are lost on today's youth


We are the last bastion of tradition in this world


We will teach the lessons that need to be taught


We will bring back respect into wrestling


One broken body at a time


We are The House of Tradition





And we are New York City Wrestling



King of New York Semi-Final: Brent Hill vs. Bryan Holmes

Dylan Sidle & John McClean vs. James Brandon & Steve Flash

Eric Tyler & The New Wave vs. Hell Monkey, Kashmir Singh, & Jack Giedroyc

Clark Alexander vs. Sebastian Krause




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King of New York Semi-Final: Brent Hill vs. Bryan Holmes

Tough call, but I'll go with Hill this time.


Dylan Sidle & John McClean vs. James Brandon & Steve Flash

It's Steve Flash!


Eric Tyler & The New Wave vs. Hell Monkey, Kashmir Singh, & Jack Giedroyc

Juuusst.. guessing. Though I hope Hell Monkey picks the win, because he is one of my dear favourites.


Clark Alexander vs. Sebastian Krause


Just came back from my cousins, and I should have no idea how this is going to turn out, but because of you giving credits to everyone, that means that I am going to follow :)

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NYCW Empire TV: Episode One

Saturday, Week 1, June 1999

2,000 people at Pennsylvania Park




Action Jackson | Floyd Goldworthy


Dark Match: JD Morgan won a battle royal in 9:33. The final four competitors also included Barry Kingman, Tim Westybrook and Dean Daniels, with Barry Kingman being the final elimination.

Rating: D+


In Ring Promo


"Hellllloooo, Pennsylvania!"


Taking a moment to take in cheers of the packed Pennsylvania Park crowd, I turn into the camera with a giant Cheshire Cat grin.


"And hello USA. I'm Commissioner James Heatly and you are now watching NYCW Empire TV."


After my quick introduction, the screen fades out and the opening video for Empire TV starts to play featuring a Heavy Metal rendition of The Imperial March theme from Star Wars.


Once the video is finish we transition to the announce table with one of the Tri-State's biggest cult icons, Action Jackson, and the loudmouth Floyd Goldworthy. The two put over NYCW as wrestling as it should be and hype the main event of Brent Hill and Bryan Holmes.


Rating: D+

(James Heatly has now switched to a Staff Member gimmick. It has gotten an initial B- rating.)





Clark Alexander vs. Sebastian Krause


In the first opening contest of the first television show in New York City Wrestling's history, two of NYCW's finest youngsters go one-on-one in a highly competitive contest. Clark Alexander has been with the company since the beginning of 1997. Once thought of as a long haired tomato can, "The Ice Man" has proven him to the NYCW crowd with his never say die attitude and rapidly improving mat based skills. While quite popular in the Tri-States and a few other selected markets, there is no question that his opponent, Sebastian Krause, is more known to TV audiences thanks to his on going work with the once unstoppable Supreme Wrestling Federation. And it is this reason why Carl Batch's "German Arsenal" gets the win after some fast pace chain wrestling, winning the match with his patented Krasueface (Crossface).


Result: Sebastian Krause defeated Clark Alexander in 6:35 by submission with a Krauseface.

Rating: C-





In Ring Promo


After Sebastian Krause's victory, Brent Hill and JD Morgan join Krause and Batch in the ring. Carl Batch congratulates Krause on the victory before puts over JD Morgan as the greatest wrestler to come over from England. While the crowd boos this statement (Tommy Cornell says hi), Carl Batch passes the mic to his first and top client, Brent Hill. Brent Hill puts himself over saying that his is a former NYCW World champion and that the only reason he still isn't champion was because of an injury. He tells Bryan Holmes he knows that Bryan is a talented wrestler, trained by the The Stones. However, he says that doesn't matter because, at the end of the day, Bryan Holmes isn't The Complete Package.


Rating: D+





Eric Tyler & The New Wave vs. Hell Monkey, Jack Giedroyc, & Kashmir Singh


Where the opening match was meant to give the fans a small taste of the NYCW product, this match's goal was to showcase NYCW's other heel group, The House Of Tradition. Scout and Guide, The New Wave, show why they are the current NYCW Tag Team champions by dominating the begining of the match with quick tags. After unleashing an impressive array of tag team maneuvers Scout tags in their leader, the current NYCW United States champion, Eric Tyler. True to form, "Traditionalist" used a series of painful holds and submissions on the young Japanese inspired worker known as Hell Monkey till clapping on his "Tradition Lift" Double Arm Chicken Wing. With the deadly submission in place and The New Wave warding off any attempt from his tag partners intervening, Hell Monkey quickly submits.


Result: Eric Tyler and The New Wave defeated Hell Monkey, Jack Giedroyc and Kashmir Singh in 5:13 when Eric Tyler defeated Hell Monkey by submission with a Tradition lift.

Rating: D+





In Ring Promo


After the match, Tyler snatches the microphone from our ring announcer's hand. He puts over The New Wave over as the greatest tag team of the new generation and say that by the end of their careers they will be the best tag team of all time. Tyler also comments that Scout and Guide both have something that few people of their generation have, respect. "Respect for themselves, respect for wrestling, most importantly respect for Eric Tyler."


Rating: D





Backstage Segment


Backstage, a camera man follows NYCW World champion, Steve Flash. Flash makes his way around the hallways of the Pennsylvania Park complex and walks into The Stomper's locker room. Upon his entering, Flash sees The Stomper is coaching on his pupil, James Brandon, as Brandon does a number of squats. Steve asks if Brandon is ready in which The Stomper quickly responds that "The Big Cat" is always ready for battle.


Rating: C

(James Brandon has now switched to a Man On A Mission gimmick. It has gotten an initial B- rating.)





Dylan Sidle & John McClean vs. James Brandon & Steve Flash


It's been a long bumpy road in the past couple of months for "The Big Cat" James Brandon. The Big Cat was a man without a direction after the disbandment of The Stomper's hated Power Game stable and for months was an uncontrollable force bent on destruction. However, in a strange turn of events, Brandon and The Stomper are back together again. And if that wasn't strange enough, the fans are loving it!


Anyway back to the match. Steve Flash and John McClean start off the match with some chain wrestling that ends with Steve Flash getting the early advantage. But this early advantage didn't last long. With a bit of dirty tactics, McClean and Sidle were able to take control of the match, cutting off the NYCW World Heavyweight champion from his partner.


After minutes of punishment from Sidle and McClean, Steve Flash channeled the spirit of Teddy Flame (even though he's still alive), was finally able to counter out of Sidle's signature rest holds errr I mean headlocks, and made the tag to a red hot James Brandon. Like a house of fire, Brandon flatten Sidle with a huge clothline, crashed into McClean (sending him to the floor), and absolutely destroyed a recovering John McClean with a Big Cat Pounce for the victory.


Result: James Brandon and Steve Flash defeated Dylan Sidle and John McClean in 8:07 when James Brandon defeated Dylan Sidle by pinfall with a Big Cat Pounce.

Rating: C






Hype Video


Set to "Orgasmatron" by Motörhead, a hype video plays for the "God of Nightmares" Phobetor and his mistress, the "Goddess of Ghosts" Melinoe. To NYCW regulars this video would have been familiar as it was made from the various hype promos that were shown before Phobetor's debut. In these videos, Phobetor and his mistress were shown in various locations that are commonly thought of as "scary places" such as an asylum, a cemetery, and probably the most disturbing setting, the room of a sleeping child. However, what was new to all viewers was the ending graphic which read, "The Rivers Are About To Overflow."


Rating: C





Brent Hill vs. Bryan Holmes

King of New York Semi-Final


In the main event for the first ever Empire TV was a dream match that has never taken place, NYCW or otherwise. And if you think about it, it's almost insane to think that these two have never squared off. Bryan Holmes is a man that many have labeled "Wrestling's Biggest Secret." Trained by the Stone family, Holmes is one of the best young wrestlers in the business today. Much like one of his trainers and mentors, Duane Stone, Holmes decided to leave the nest that is NOTBPW and set up shop in the Tri-State promotion, PPPW, as well as various promotions in Japan before finally joining NYCW earlier this year. And Brent Hill's resume speaks for itself. Hill has been in the TEW Power 100 each of the past three years and has acquired five major titles in the American indies, including a 10 month reign as NYCW's World Heavyweight champion.


The match itself was a spectacular display of wrestling, though really with the talent involved how could it not. It's just a shame of how short of a match it actually was. Such it the ways of wrestling on TV I guess. The match was a showcase of counter wrestling between masters of the mat. Neither man had any advantage for an extended period of time. But it only takes three seconds to win and match and that was all Brent Hill needed as he reversed a Small Package with one his own.


Result: Brent Hill defeated Bryan Holmes in 15:32 by pinfall with a Small Package. Brent Hill advances to the King of New York Finals.

Rating: B





Hype Video

A quick recap video giving the highlights of the day's events. At the end of the video was the updated standings of the King of New York tournament and a caption reading, "Corporal Doom vs. Masked Patriot Next Week on Empire TV!"


Rating: C-

Overall: B-

Rating: 0.03



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Personal Thoughts: Empire TV #1


First and foremost, thank you for all the predictions and comments. For those of you that haven't attempted a diary before, you don't know how much these mean to writers. Not only does it give our diary a bit more visibility and gives us a little extra boost, but also helps us (well at least me) come up with new ideas for storylines.


As for the first show, I was more than happy with how it turned out in terms of ratings. Everything delivered and I got lucky that Holmes and Hill didn't have negative chemistry.


I also thought that as an introduction event was effective. I wasn't able to put over all the man characters of NYCW, but put over all the champions, both top heel groups, and the authority figures of the company. Hopefully everybody will get a sense of at least all of the major players by the end of the month.


Finally, congratulations to FlameSnoopy for getting a perfect prediction card. For winning you will receive the satisfaction of a job well done and the ability to boast to your fellow GDS members that you are the better human being. ;)

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Truth, Freedom, and the American Dream


These are the values we choose to protect every day


The Truth to speak your mind


The Freedom to seek your own path


The Dream to build a better life for all


This is why we say,


"God Bless America and everyone else"


We are Team America




And we are New York City Wrestling


http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/Empire_TV_banner.pngKing of New York Semi-Final: Corporal Doom vs. Masked Patriot

Non-Title: Eric Tyler vs. The Stomper

Masked Grapplers vs. Team America

Gang Wars Qualifier [NYCW United States]: James Brandon vs. John McClean



Special Thanks: Showtime4Lajf [MrOlympia render]

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Wealth, money, power


These things mean nothing to me


All I care about is competition


The rush of being pushed to your limits


The rush of getting back up


The rush of victory


My name is Bryan Holmes




And I am New York City Wrestling



King of New York Semi-Final: Corporal Doom vs. Masked Patriot

Non-Title: Eric Tyler vs. The Stomper

Masked Grapplers vs. Team America

Gang Wars Qualifier [NYCW United States]: James Brandon vs. John McClean




OOC: I wasn't planning on posting the 4th commercial as I wanted to do a background article explain exactly what the Gang Wars match is and the history of the match. But, I am going camping tomorrow mourning and won't becoming back till some time Sunday. So instead of rushing the article, I just decided to switch the order of them. So, depending on when I get back and how I am feeling, the article will be up Sunday or Monday and the 2nd Empire TV will go up the following day.
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The Gang Wars Match

During the commercials for next week's Empire TV show, there was a mention of a Gang Wars qualifying match between James Brandon and John McClean. Fans new to the NYCW product might be say, "What exactly is a Gang Wars match and why is it important?"


The Concept

The Gang Wars match was brought into being by Commissioner James Heatly to spice up one of NYCW's most prestigious events, Gang Wars. On its own, it's a simple concept that wrestling fans might know as a "Four Corner Survival." The match consists of four wrestlers or teams, however, much like a tag team match only two men can be legal at any one time. The rest of the wrestlers must wait on the outside of the ring and may only enter the match through a tag from one of the two legal men.


Even though the concept of the Gang Wars match is not "new" or "exciting," the match does have historical value. The very first Gang War/Four Corner Survival took place back in the mid 1970s in America's first true wrestling promotion, Championship Wrestling from Boston. NYCW owner, The Stomper, said in a recent interview, "We here at New York City Wrestling have always strived to look back at wrestling's past, embrace it, and finally to improve upon it...The Gang Wars match does just that."


The History

Though its history is short, the Gang War match has proven to play a very important part of the Gang Wars event and NYCW as a whole. "In its debut in 1997, the match served to help solve the ever growing NYCW World scene. “Everyone wanted to be the man to finally knock off Corporal Doom," commented James Heatly, "Beginning in June (of 1997), I had nine of NYCW's best battled each other for a spot in the match. In the end only Brent Hill (defeated Monty Walker), Chris Storm (defeated Shawn Gonzalez & Ernest Mason), Corporal Doom (defeated The Stomper in a NYCW title match), and the debuting Tommy Cornell (defeated JD Morgan) remained." In one of NYCW's best matches of that year, Corporal Doom would successfully defend his NYCW World title against Tommy Cornell, Brent Hill, and Chris Storm by pinning the man that idolized him, Chris Storm (B-).


A year later, the landscape of NYCW had changed completely. Thanks to the wildly successful King of New York tournament, there was already definitive number one contender to Brent Hill's NYCW World title in Shawn Gonzalez. However, thanks in a large part to the dominate tag team of Jack Bruce and Rich Money, the NYCW Tag Team title scene was jam packed with teams trying to knock off the duo. Making it to Gang Wars '98 were the newly formed team of Mr. Rushmore and Jack Marlowe, Ernest Mason and JD Morgan representing Batch International, and finally the muscle and brains behind The Power Game faction, Big Cat Brandon and The Stomper. While the tag match wasn't praised much as the year before, it was one of the best NYCW Tag Team matches that NYCW has ever had (D+) and proved to the wrestling community just how good "The Empire" really was.


Finally, we come to this year. With the King of New York winner currently scheduled to face the NYCW World champion and the NYCW Tag Team title match already set in stone with The New Wave defending their titles against the team they took them from, Team America, this year's contest was set to take place for the highly prestigious NYCW United States title. However, with the news of Tyler and Flash's Title For Title match at NYCW June event, Preparing For War, there is a strong possibly that the match will have to be changed or even scrapped (The Stomper has gone on record saying that he doesn't want to force either Tyler or Flash into wrestling twice in one night). What will happen to this match? One time will tell.



King of New York Semi-Final: Corporal Doom vs. Masked Patriot

Non-Title: Eric Tyler vs. The Stomper

Masked Grapplers vs. Team America

Gang Wars Qualifier [NYCW United States]: James Brandon vs. John McClean


OOC: Looks like catching up from a camping trip takes longer than I thought. I still need to catch up on reading a lot of the diaries on this site! :o That said, the 2nd episode of Empire TV goes up tomorrow.

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NYCW Empire TV: Episode Two

Saturday, Week 2, June 1999

2,000 people at Pennsylvania Park




Action Jackson | Floyd Goldworthy



Opening Video


After the opening video, Action Jackson and Floyd Goldworthy go over tonight's card, focusing on tonight's main event, Corporal Doom versus Masked Patriot.


Rating: C





James Brandon vs. John McClean


In a bit of a continuation from last week, John McClean tries to get some revenge on The Stomper's protégé, James Brandon. McClean tries to out smart the Big Heavyweight with a Cat and Mouse game, pun not intended. This tactic was highly effective against Brandon a few years ago (and even a few months ago for that matter). But thanks to Stomper's physical and mental training, Brandon was able to keep a cool head and picked his spot to attack the "Squeaky Clean Superstar." And what an attack it was. Brandon nailed McClean so hard with his Big Cat Pounce that John flew through the ropes and into the barricade. Needless to say Mr. McClean was unable to reach the count of 10.


Result: James Brandon defeated John McClean in 7:43 by count out after a Big Cat Pounce.

Rating: C





Backstage Segment


Watching from the TV control booth, Commissioner Heatly and The Stomper seem happy with Brandon's win. Unaware of the camera, James Heatly comments that he's happy to finally be working together with Stomper instead of the two being at odds. Stomper confirms the sentiment, but is concerned about what will happen to the Gang War match at Gang Wars '99 now that Eric Tyler or Steve Flash will be holding both belts at the time of the event. James Heatly says that he has everything under control and not to worry, especially since The Stomper is going to need to be focused to beat Eric Tyler later tonight. A year ago this would have been seen as a backhanded compliment, but The Stomper takes Heatly's comment at face value and leaves to prepare for his match.


Rating: D-





Masked Grapplers vs. Team America


In a desperate attempt to take back control of his own company, The Stomper formed "The Power Game" in late 1997. The group consisted of The Stomper, The Stomper's bodyguard Big Cat Brandon, and two masked men known as Grappler #1 and Grappler #2. Under the lead of The Stomper, The Masked Grapplers played a major force in the highly competitive tag team scene of early 1998, even after Grappler #2 was replaced with the younger Grappler #3. However much like Big Cat Brandon, the Grapplers have stumbled since The Power Game broke up. On the other hand, the team of Mr. Rushmore and Jack Marlowe has been on a nice roll since the new became a team in June of last year, carrying the NYCW Tag Team titles from December 1998 to March 1999.


Knowing this, it wasn't a big surprise to see Jack Marlowe pick up the victory for his team after hitting Grappler #3 with a Jungle Jack-Hammer (Northern Lights Bomb).


Result: Team America defeated Masked Grapplers in 4:59 when Jack Marlowe defeated Grappler #3 by pinfall with a Jungle Jack-Hammer.

Rating: E+




http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/resized/JungleJack_alt1.jpghttp://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/resized/MrOlympia_alt.jpg + http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/resized/EricTyler.jpghttp://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/resized/Guide.jpghttp://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/NYCW/resized/Scout1.jpg

Post Match Attack & Promo


While Team America are celebrating their hard fought victory, the House of Tradition (Eric Tyler, Scout and Guide) storm the ring and assault the duo. After "disposing of the trash," Tyler yells at the NYCW stage hands to get Team America out of "their ring." As some NYCW staff member help Mr. Rushmore and Jack Marlowe to the back, Eric Tyler cuts a promo on Steve Flash boasting that he is going to become the 2nd person ever in this company to hold both the United States and World titles at the same time and that the fans better get used to it because he's going to be holding them till he retires.


Rating: D





Eric Tyler vs. The Stomper


It's not often that Eric Tyler is the youngest man in the ring. But that the was situation facing him as he took on the owner of NYCW, The Stomper. Now, The Stomper might be closer to 51 than 49, but the old man still has it and gives the NYCW United States Champion all he can handle. It seemed that The Stomper was going to get the win, but as Stomper was waiting for Eric Tyler to get back for his feet (most likely to hit him with a DDT or lock on the deadly Iron Claw submission), Tyler's girlfriend, Nicole Kiss, distracted The Stomper by blatantly getting up on apron with one of her high heels in her hand. This gave Tyler the time not only fully recover, but also slap on his deadly Tradition Lift submission.


Result: Eric Tyler defeated The Stomper in 9:54 by submission with a Tradition Lift after interference from Nicole Kiss.

Rating: C





In-Ring Promo


Before his semi-final match, Corporal Doom grabs the mic to the groans of fans. Doom gives some more "orders" to the NYCW fans (which he likes to call "maggots"), demanding that they stop for cheering "that Canadian Flag waiving moron, Steve Flash" and proceeds to call his opponent for tonight, Masked Patriot, "a liberal pansy."


Rating: C





Corporal Doom vs. Masked Patriot

King of New York Semi-Final


Last week's contest between Brent Hill and Bryan Holmes was a spectacular display of technical wrestling. This match? Not so much. It was a just a straight up brawl.


Corporal Doom kicked off the match before the ring introductions could be finished, attacking Masked Patriot as he took time to acknowledged the fans. Never the one to back down, Masked Patriot dug deep and fought back by countering a few of Doom's punches with some of his own before taking the big bad Doom down with a deadly spear. From that point on, the match turned into a war of attrition with both men unleashing their most power moves on the other trying to turn a near fall into a victory.


In a situation like this it's usually the man that had the most in the tank who ends up on winning end. And that is what happened on this day and the younger Masked Patriot was able to duck one of Doom's Corporal Punishment (Double-Handed Blow To Throat) and countered it into a Freedom Driver (DVD) for the 1-2-3.


Result: Masked Patriot defeated Corporal Doom in 15:03 by pinfall with a Freedom Driver.

Rating: C+






Recap Video


A quick recap video giving the highlights of the day's events. At the end of the video was the updated standings of the King of New York tournament and a caption reading, "King of New York Finals: Brent Hill vs. Masked Patriot Next Week on Empire TV!"


Rating: B-

Overall: C

Rating: .03


Special Thanks: Showtime4Lajf [Masked Superstar renders]

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Personal Thoughts: Empire TV #2


Making your undercard pay their dues might been a bit boring and sometimes feel that the wrong move when there are less talented people above them, but in the end it's worth it when you don't give people "Jesus pushes." Tonight's opening match is proof of that. Both men have gained their popularity the hard way and are happy little campers in the back because of it.


Seeing the E+ from the Team America/Masked Grapplers showdown reminded me why I was thinking about dropping the masked duo from the roster before I started up the diary again. I swear if it wasn't for Showtime4Lajf's renders of Masked Superstar they would have been gone long ago. I do have two more unused renders. Hmm...


I'd be impressed by Eric Tyler getting a C match with The Stomper, but Brent Hill pulled a B- with the old man right before the start of the diary (Quarter Finals). Just sayin...


The remember a time when Corporal Doom was the main event for NYCW. Good times. Now Doom is one of many main eventers. Better times.


Brent Hill vs. Masked Patriot next week? Should be a good one. ;)

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