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Decline of Mike Watson

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Has anyone had problems with Mike Watson? In my game now, he got knocked out by Linfield Ballard, so i dropped him to MW, since then he has been afraid to stand and strike, he submitted his first opponent at MW, then got submitted by Ashley Ballard of all people and just now he was Knocked out by Thorbjorn Rekdal by knees, he is currently 13-3 instead of using his great striking skills he tries to take his opponents down. Has this happend to anyone else?
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Yeah, I've seen Watson have similar problems before. In one game, I've just signed him to Alpha-1 in September of 2000 after GAMMA declined to extend his contract. He's 11-3 in that game with 2 of his 3 losses being fairly perplexing. Since he hasn't yet fought for my company, I haven't seen one of his fights play out first hand--but judging by the results he's been going to the ground when he shouldn't be. He's been submitted by Asanovic, which is hardly a terrible loss, but he's also been submitted by Christian Mountfield and Mark Cohen, neither of whom have much of anything in the way of submission skills. In fact, in all of the games I've played, I could probably count the number of fights I've seen Cohen win on one hand. His two in-game wins are over Jerry Bogdonovich and Glenn Pimm by TKO. So yeah, I don't have high hopes of him turning things around in the Alpha-1 LHW or MW division, but he still had enough name value and reputation to be worth bringing in.
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Watson is very annoying in my game. I'm in 2005 and Watson has been with me for a couple years but I still haven't been able to build him into a main eventer. He is just too inconsistent. He is the type of guy who can beat anybody on any night but can also lose to anybody on any night.
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When I was using GAMMA I tried to make him my go to LHW star but then he lost two, and had approximately 0 patience in negotiating and then went to SIGMA. I was planning to pick him up again but then he lost to cans in SIGMA and wasn't even worth it anymore.
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