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Rise of the Undertaker - Take #2 - Mark Calaway

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<p>week 2, July 1985 - Tuesday</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Championship Wrestling from Florida</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

presents</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

The Endless Beach Tour</strong></p><p><strong>

Location: South East (USA)</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>


The Stretchers</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

vs.</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>


</strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Mark Calaway</span></strong><strong> & Bobby Jaggers</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

60-minute time limit</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">blow-by-blow</span></strong></p><p>

The kick to gut didn't seem to faze Mark Calaway, who just stood there and glared at Boris Zhukov</p><p>

Mark Calaway finds himself on the receiving end of a standing side headlock</p><p>

Boris Zhukov hit the punch</p><p>

Boris Zhukov hit the forearm blow</p><p>

Mark Calaway finds himself on the receiving end of a standing side headlock</p><p>

Zhukov with a full arm drag and twist</p><p>

The punch flurry was countered into a punch</p><p>

Mark Calaway hit the toss to corner</p><p>

Mark Calaway brings Boris Zhukov out of the corner</p><p>

Boris Zhukov easily blocked the throat thrust</p><p>

Mark Calaway hit the punch</p><p>

And that'll slow you down in a hurry! Zhukov took that shot right in the throat</p><p>

Mark Calaway picks up Boris Zhukov</p><p>

Mark Calaway hit the toss to corner</p><p>

Boris Zhukov easily slipped out of the corner punch flurry</p><p>

The fans are really starting to get riled up, folks</p><p>

Boris Zhukov hit the hammerlock drive</p><p>

Boris Zhukov tags out to Buddy Landell</p><p>

Landell leans in to Calaway...He's got that tag rope and is choking Calaway!! REF!?!</p><p>

Just listen to those fans count down the punches..."1...2...3...4..."</p><p>

Landell is measuring with his knee...He drops that knee right across Calaway's head!</p><p>

Mark Calaway easily broke the the figure four leglock</p><p>

And that'll slow you down in a hurry! Landell took that shot right in the throat</p><p>

The referee warns that that was illegal</p><p>

Mark Calaway tags out to Bobby Jaggers</p><p>

Buddy Landell recovers and stands up</p><p>

Buddy Landell slipped out the back of the arm wringer</p><p>

Buddy Landell hit the forearm to back of head</p><p>

Landell with a full arm drag and twist</p><p>

Look at it! Look at it! It's a top wrist lock!!</p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#008000;">The fans boo Buddy Landell, trying to distract him</span></strong></p><p>

Buddy Landell hit the forearm to back of head</p><p>

Buddy Landell hit the forearm to gut</p><p>

Landell with a full arm drag and twist</p><p>

Buddy Landell applied the front facelock</p><p>

Bobby Jaggers finds himself on the receiving end of a standing side headlock</p><p>

Buddy Landell hit the forearm blow</p><p>

Buddy Landell hit the punch</p><p>

Look at it! Look at it! It's a top wrist lock!!</p><p>

Buddy Landell hit the forearm to gut</p><p>

Bobby Jaggers moved and the kick to knee missed!</p><p>

Buddy Landell finds himself on the receiving end of a standing side headlock</p><p>

Bobby Jaggers hit the punch</p><p>

Buddy Landell took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack</p><p>

Buddy Landell hit the punch</p><p>

Buddy Landell hit the short arm knee to stomach</p><p>

Bobby Jaggers easily blocked the knee breaker</p><p>

Bobby Jaggers slipped out of the backslide</p><p>

Jaggers with a full arm drag and twist</p><p>

Bobby Jaggers applied the hammerlock</p><p>

Bobby Jaggers hit the clubbing blow</p><p>

Buddy Landell moved and the grounded double axe handle missed!</p><p>

And just look at Landell wail away on Jaggers with a flurry of punches</p><p>

Bobby Jaggers easily blocked the short arm knee to stomach</p><p>

The small package was countered into a eye rake</p><p>

The referee warns that that was illegal</p><p>

Bobby Jaggers applied the bear squeeze</p><p>

Jaggers grabs the top rope, leaps...Ohh, a knee right to the back of Landell's head!</p><p>

Buddy Landell broke the grounded head twist by reaching the ropes</p><p>

The standing double axe handle was countered into a snap mare takedown</p><p>

Bobby Jaggers counters by fighting back</p><p>

And Bobby Jaggers unloads on Landell with a brutal standing double axe handle</p><p>

Bobby Jaggers hit the standing clothesline</p><p>

Landell smartly rolls out of the way of that knee</p><p>

Landell carefully measures before dropping an elbow drop onto Jaggers</p><p>

Buddy Landell tags out to Boris Zhukov</p><p>

Bobby Jaggers moved and the knee jab missed!</p><p>

Bobby Jaggers hit the headbutt</p><p>

Boris Zhukov blocked the boot lace rake</p><p>

Boris Zhukov recovers and stands up</p><p>

Bobby Jaggers hit the punch</p><p>

The eye rake was countered into a bodyslam</p><p>

Zhukov drapes Jaggers on the ropes...he runs...Zhukov nails Jaggers with a butt drop!!</p><p>

Jaggers is having none of that, as he smartly escapes that attempt</p><p>

Boris Zhukov counters by fighting back</p><p>

The punch flurry was countered into a punch</p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#008000;">The fans try to help Bobby Jaggers by chanting his name</span></strong></p><p>

Bobby Jaggers hit the bear hug turnbuckle smash</p><p>

Boris Zhukov counters by fighting back</p><p>

Uh-Oh! Bobby Jaggers is helpless in those ropes...Zhukov takes advantage!!</p><p>

The referee is furious at that breach of the rules</p><p>

Jaggers gets blasted with a knee jab. Boris Zhukov shows good form with that one</p><p>

Bobby Jaggers blocked the double knee back breaker</p><p>

Boris Zhukov picks up Bobby Jaggers</p><p>

Bobby Jaggers moved and the running russian sickle missed!</p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Bobby Jaggers takes a moment to rub his sore neck, apparently in pain</span></strong></p><p>

Bobby Jaggers tags out to Mark Calaway</p><p>

The choke throw was countered into a forearm blow</p><p>

We've got a pier-6 brawl, ladies and gentlemen...Zhukov with a punch flurry!</p><p>

Mark Calaway easily broke the hammerlock drive</p><p>

Mark Calaway hit the toss to corner</p><p>

The corner high knee was countered into a kick to gut</p><p>

Boris Zhukov hit the roundhouse punch</p><p>

I'm going commie after seeing that scikle!! Calaway just might, too!</p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#008000;">The crowd start chanting to taunt Boris Zhukov</span></strong></p><p>

The referee begins the count</p><p>



This could be it!</p><p>

Kick out at two-and-a-half!</p><p>

Boris Zhukov hit the piledriver</p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#008000;">The crowd start chanting to taunt Boris Zhukov</span></strong></p><p>

The referee begins the count</p><p>



This could be it!</p><p>

Kick out at two-and-a-half!</p><p>

I'm going commie after seeing that scikle!! Calaway just might, too!</p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#008000;">Boris Zhukov stops to shout some abuse at some fans in the front row</span></strong></p><p>

The referee begins the count</p><p>



Kick out!</p><p>

We've got a pier-6 brawl, ladies and gentlemen...Zhukov with a punch flurry!</p><p>

The running russian sickle was countered into a backdrop</p><p>

Mark Calaway tags out to Bobby Jaggers</p><p>

Boris Zhukov recovers and stands up</p><p>

Boris Zhukov moved and the mad man clothesline missed!</p><p>

The running powerslam was countered into a eye rake</p><p>

The lariat clothesline was countered into a clothesline</p><p>

You aren't whistling Dixie, folks...Zhukov is centering those blows on Jaggers's ear</p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Boris Zhukov slams both knees into Jaggers's back...he's got that double knee backbreaker!</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

The referee checks the submission</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

It seems to be locked in!</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

Will this be it?</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

It's still locked in!</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

The referee has called for the bell!</span></strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><span style="color:#008000;">The fans start a chant of "That was awesome"</span></strong></p><p><strong>

Match Time</strong>: 16:10</p><p>

<strong>Match Rating: </strong><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">A</span></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Card Results</span></strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">The Stretchers defeated Calaway and Jaggers</span></strong></p><p>

Eric Embry defeated B.Brian Blair</p><p>

Michael Hayes defeated Stan Lane</p><p>

The Purple Haze defeated Kevin Sullivan to retain the Florida Brass Knuckles title</p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">Superstar Billy Graham defeated Greg Valentine</span></p><p>

Jake Roberts defeated Dusty Rhodes to win the Florida Heavyweight title</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="ShadowedFlames" data-cite="ShadowedFlames" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24496" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I literally did a double-take at this sentence. Talk about "does not compute...."</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I don't know whether or not this is your first post, but welcome aboard and if you want me to follow a wrestler that is not already being followed, just let me know.</p><p> </p><p> Apparently, the AI seems to like the Wild Samoans because way back in '83 in this thread, Afa defeated then WWF Heavyweight champ Bob Backlund for the title.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="captainlou" data-cite="captainlou" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24496" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I don't know whether or not this is your first post, but welcome aboard and if you want me to follow a wrestler that is not already being followed, just let me know.<p> </p><p> Apparently, the AI seems to like the Wild Samoans because way back in '83 in this thread, Afa defeated then WWF Heavyweight champ Bob Backlund for the title.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> First time poster in this thread, have been watching it for a while. This thread, and Greg McNeish's Hitman thread, is what really inspired me to dust off my WS2 copy and try a few new things on the forums. (That, and I'm a Mark Calaway fan by association. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> )</p><p> </p><p> Though, if a headline ever gets stumbled across to the effect of "Afa/Sika defeats Hulk Hogan / Andre the Giant for the WWF Title," then I may have to call shenanigans on that.</p><p> </p><p> And who knows? If things go halfway decent with the project I'm planning for WS2 at the moment, I may try my hand at a RTL thing myself--as long as the data doesn't get lost on me after three matches like my last attempt did. <img alt=":mad:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/mad.png.69834f23b9a8bf290d98375f56f1c794.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Tuesday</span></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

NJPW</strong>: Tiger Mask defeated Dynamite Kid to retain the WWF International Heavyweight title</p><p>

<strong>AJPW</strong>: Kawada and Kung Fu defeated The Lone Gunmen to retain the All-Asia Tag Team titles</p><p>

<strong>AJPW</strong>: Kengo Kimura defeated Kuniaki Kobayashi to retain the NWA International Junior Heavyweight title</p><p>

<strong>AJPW</strong>: Magic Dragon defeated Ashura Hara to retain the All-Asia Heavyweight title</p><p>

<strong>WWF</strong>: <span style="color:#FF0000;">Steamboat and Flair defeated Kernodle and Dibiase</span></p><p>

<strong>WWF</strong>: Sika defeated Jay Youngblood to retain the WWF Heavyweight title</p><p>

<strong>MACW</strong>: Bob Orton Jr defeated Ivan Koloff to retain the United States Heavyweight title</p><p>

<strong>MACW</strong>: Jim Duggan defeated Assassin #2 to retain the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight title</p><p>

<strong>MACW</strong>: Wahoo McDaniel defeated The Assassin to retain the NWA World Heavyweight title</p><p>

<strong>MLW</strong>: <span style="color:#FF0000;">Morrow, Rotten Ron and DeBeers defeated Anderson, Dino Bravo and The Beast</span></p><p>

<strong>WWC</strong>: Luke Williams defeated Bob Sweetan to retain the WWC World Junior Heavyweight title</p><p>

<strong>ASWUK</strong>: Steven Regal defeated Rocky Moran to retain the British Commonwealth Middleweight title</p><p>

<strong>ASWUK</strong>: John Quinn defeated Wayne Bridges to retain the World Heavyweight Title title</p><p>

<strong>STL</strong>: Rip Oliver defeated Thunderbolt Patterson to win the St.Louis Triple Crown title</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">John Kobal extends deal with CSW</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Yvon Cormier extends deal with MLW</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">

El Matematico extends deal with UWA</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>


<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Wednesday</span></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

AWA</strong>: <span style="color:#FF0000;">The Hulkster and Martel defeated Greg and Hawk</span></p><p>

<strong>AWA</strong>: Wahoo McDaniel defeated Jesse Ventura to retain the AWA World Heavyweight title</p><p>

<strong>GCW</strong>: Jake Roberts defeated Jerry Stubbs to retain the National Television title</p><p>

<strong>GCW</strong>: <span style="color:#FF0000;">The Non-Conformists defeated Ole and Spoiler to retain the National Tag Team titles</span></p><p>

<strong>MSW</strong>: Terry Taylor defeated Ted Oates to retain the Louisiana State Championship title</p><p>

<strong>MSW</strong>: Tommy Rich defeated Baron Von Raschke to retain the Mid-South Television title</p><p>

<strong>AJW</strong>: Kyoto Inoue defeated Akira Hokuto to retain the All-Japan Womens title</p><p>

<strong>UWA</strong>: The Maniacs defeated Hands Of Death to retain the UWA World Tag Team titles</p><p>

<strong>UWA</strong>: Tatsumi Fujinami defeated MS-1 to retain the UWA World Junior Lightweight title</p><p>

<strong>UWA</strong>: Gran Hamada defeated El Solitario to retain the UWA World Middleweight title</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Dick Murdoch extends deal with CSTATE</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Jackie Sato extends deal with AJW</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Tomas Marin extends deal with WWC</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>


<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Thursday</span></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

NJPW</strong>: Dynamite Kid defeated Shiro Koshinaka to retain the WWF Junior Heavyweight title</p><p>

<strong>EMLL</strong>: Halcon, Villano III and Lizmark defeated Son of the Saint, Kendo and Eme Ese Uno to retain the CMLL World Trios titles</p><p>

<strong>EMLL</strong>: Blue Panther defeated Ultraman to retain the NWA World Lightweight title</p><p>

<strong>MACW</strong>: Bob Orton Jr defeated Dory Funk Jr to retain the United States Heavyweight title</p><p>

<strong>MACW</strong>: Assassin #2 defeated Jim Duggan to win the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight title</p><p>

<strong>MACW</strong>: Wahoo McDaniel defeated The Assassin to retain the NWA World Heavyweight title</p><p>

<strong>ASWUK</strong>: Steven Regal defeated Rocky Moran to retain the British Commonwealth Middleweight title</p><p>

<strong>ASWUK</strong>: John Quinn defeated Wayne Bridges to retain the World Heavyweight Title title</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Terry Taylor extends deal with CWA</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Toshiaki Kawada leaves UWF</span></strong></p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="ShadowedFlames" data-cite="ShadowedFlames" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24496" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>First time poster in this thread, have been watching it for a while. This thread, and Greg McNeish's Hitman thread, is what really inspired me to dust off my WS2 copy and try a few new things on the forums. (That, and I'm a Mark Calaway fan by association. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> )<p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> What association?</p>
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week 2, July 1985 - Friday



Pacific Northwest Wrestling




Big Time Wrestling (TV)

Location: North West (USA)




Stan Stasiak & Dutch Savage





Adrian Adonis





Mark Calaway


60-minute time limit



Mark Calaway easily broke the standing arm bar

Mark Calaway hit the punch

Mark Calaway hit the punch

Mark Calaway hit the punch

Mark Calaway hit the punch

Mark Calaway hit the kick to gut

Calaway with a full arm drag and twist

Mark Calaway hit the kick to gut

Mark Calaway hit the punch

Adrian Adonis easily blocked the punch

Mark Calaway whips Adrian Adonis into the ropes

Mark Calaway hit the clothesline

Mark Calaway picks up Adrian Adonis

Mark Calaway hit the kick to gut

Adrian Adonis moved and the kick to gut missed!

Look at it, Dutch! Look at it! It's a side headlock!

Adrian Adonis applied the front facelock

Adrian Adonis hit the punch

Mark Calaway easily broke the arm wringer

Mark Calaway hit the kick to gut

And that'll slow you down in a hurry! Adonis took that shot right in the throat

The referee warns that that was illegal

Adrian Adonis counters by fighting back

Adrian Adonis hit the forearm blow

Mark Calaway took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack

Mark Calaway hit the kick to gut

Mark Calaway hit the punch

Mark Calaway hit the punch

Mark Calaway hit the punch

Mark Calaway whips Adrian Adonis into the ropes

Adrian Adonis moved and the backdrop missed!

The european uppercut didn't seem to faze Mark Calaway, who just stood there and glared at Adrian Adonis

Adrian Adonis hit the punch

Adonis with a full arm drag and twist

Adrian Adonis applied the front facelock

Adrian Adonis hit the punch

The forearm blow didn't seem to faze Mark Calaway, who just stood there and glared at Adrian Adonis

Adonis with a full arm drag and twist

The samoan drop was countered into a punch

Mark Calaway hit the punch

Adrian Adonis moved and the kick to gut missed!

Adrian Adonis hit the spinning head scissors

And Adonis starts grinding his forearm into Calaway's shoulder

Adonis has a body scissors lock applied to Calaway...Wow! Driving body scissors!!

Mark Calaway easily broke the straddled arm bar

The big man picks him up in a suplex and...OH, Adonis is dropped to the mat!

Mark Calaway picks up Adrian Adonis

Mark Calaway hit the toss to corner

Adrian Adonis easily slipped out of the corner punch flurry

Mark Calaway easily broke the hammerlock single leg takedown

The running clothesline was countered into a forearm blow

The airplane spin was countered into a punch

Calaway levels Adonis with a big roundhouse punch!!

Adrian Adonis counters by fighting back

Mark Calaway blocked the spinning head scissors

Adrian Adonis hit the charging forearm

Mark Calaway easily broke the arm bar with forearm grind

Calaway levels Adonis with a big roundhouse punch!!

Mark Calaway picks up Adrian Adonis

Adrian Adonis moved and the big roundhouse punch missed!

Adrian Adonis hit the airplane spin

The fans boo Adrian Adonis, trying to distract him

Adrian Adonis displays that amateur background, putting together a hammerlock takedown

Mark Calaway easily broke the arm bar with forearm grind

And just look at Calaway wail away on Adonis with a flurry of punches

Mark Calaway picks up Adrian Adonis

Mark Calaway whips Adrian Adonis into the ropes

Mark Calaway hit the big boot

Mark Calaway picks up Adrian Adonis

Adrian Adonis moved and the big roundhouse punch missed!

The fans boo Adrian Adonis, wanting to see him take, not give, punishment

Adrian Adonis hit the airplane spin

The charging forearm was countered into a kick to gut

Calaway levels Adonis with a big roundhouse punch!!

Adrian Adonis counters by fighting back

The arm lock and wrist bend was countered into a punch

Mark Calaway stops to acknowledge the fans at ringside

The punch flurry was countered into a snap mare takedown

Mark Calaway suddenly sits up, then stands

Adrian Adonis takes a moment to rub his sore neck, apparently in pain

Adrian Adonis hit the airplane spin

Mark Calaway slipped out of the hammerlock single leg takedown

Mark Calaway hit the running clothesline

Adrian Adonis moved and the seated hammer missed!

Mark Calaway easily broke the hammerlock drive

Calaway levels Adonis with a big roundhouse punch!!

Mark Calaway picks up Adrian Adonis

The big roundhouse punch was countered into a low blow

The referee was not happy with that move

Mark Calaway easily broke the arm bar with forearm grind

Mark Calaway whips Adrian Adonis into the ropes

The lariat clothesline was countered into a kick to gut

Mark Calaway slipped out of the rope arm tie punch flurry

Mark Calaway whips Adrian Adonis into the ropes

Adrian Adonis easily blocked the leaping side suplex

Mark Calaway hit the running clothesline

The big elbow...and no one is home!

Mark Calaway easily broke the spinning toe hold

Mark Calaway hit the toss to corner

The corner clothesline was countered into a kick to gut

Adrian Adonis hit the DDT

The referee begins the count



This could be it!

The referee's hand starts coming down


The fans boo, unhappy after a dull match

Match Time: 15:30

Match Rating: D


TV Show Results

Matt Borne defeated Bobby Eaton

Dr.Tom Prichard defeated Joe Malenko

Dean Malenko defeated Jesse Barr to retain the PNW Television title

Adrian Adonis defeated Mark Calaway

Tito Santana defeated Randy Savage to retain the PNW Heavyweight title

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NJPW: Tiger Mask defeated Dynamite Kid to retain the WWF International Heavyweight title

JPUK: Marty Jones defeated Brian Maxine to retain the British Light Heavyweight title

JPUK: Roberts and Finlay defeated Wright and Kilby to retain the World of Sport Tag Team titles

AWA: Steve Regal defeated Ricky Morton to win the AWA Light Heavyweight title

AWA: Your New Heroes defeated Stone Cold Killers to retain the AWA World Tag Team titles

WCCW: Subbacultcha defeated David and Murdoch to retain the WCCW Texas Tag Team titles

WCCW: Kevin & Kerry Von Erich defeated Valentine and Roberts to retain the WCCW American Tag Team titles

WCCW: Don Kernodle defeated Jim Garvin to retain the WCCW American Heavyweight title

MSW: Tommy Rich defeated Bill Irwin to retain the Mid-South Television title

WWC: Luke Williams defeated Bob Sweetan to retain the WWC World Junior Heavyweight title

CSW: Bret Hart went to a double count out with Loch Ness Monster

DCW: Team Symphony defeated Cataclysm to retain the Detroit Tag Team titles

DCW: Sabu defeated Spike Huber to retain the Big Time Television title


Candi Devine extends deal with GLOW

Bobby Jaggers extends deal with CWF

Sweet Daddy Siki extends deal with WWC

Steve Keirn signs with MACW

Bugsy McGraw gone from MACW

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What association?


Via my father. He was a fan during the "Mean" Mark Callous days of WCW, and it carried over into The Undertaker. I was/am more of a technical wrestling fan (I still maintain that Ken Shamrock should have gotten a WWF Championship run, but I'm biased like that), but after sitting through multiple viewings of the old "Undertaker: He Buries Them Alive" VHS tape it sort of grew on me. :o

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Via my father. He was a fan during the "Mean" Mark Callous days of WCW, and it carried over into The Undertaker. I was/am more of a technical wrestling fan (I still maintain that Ken Shamrock should have gotten a WWF Championship run, but I'm biased like that), but after sitting through multiple viewings of the old "Undertaker: He Buries Them Alive" VHS tape it sort of grew on me. :o


I've got that one too. I also have "Tombstone: The story of the Undertaker" (or whatever the last part is). I also have Bret Hart's DVD, "Hulk Hogan Still Rules" (or whatever that title is), Goldberg's "Who's Next" and "Best of Wrestlemania, Volume 1".


Hopefully I can get this to 1989 and Mark to MACW and you (and he) can "see" Mean Mark in action. I may have to get him into GCW as well because the territories in the game don't get bought out and/or merge.


Any recollections of your dad's watching of Mean Mark in WCW would be great to know. I don't have any footage from WCW.

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I've got that one too. I also have "Tombstone: The story of the Undertaker" (or whatever the last part is). I also have Bret Hart's DVD, "Hulk Hogan Still Rules" (or whatever that title is), Goldberg's "Who's Next" and "Best of Wrestlemania, Volume 1".


Hopefully I can get this to 1989 and Mark to MACW and you (and he) can "see" Mean Mark in action. I may have to get him into GCW as well because the territories in the game don't get bought out and/or merge.


Any recollections of your dad's watching of Mean Mark in WCW would be great to know. I don't have any footage from WCW.


Nor do I, for that matter.


First time I saw Mean Mark in action was at a televised Clash of the Champions on TBS. Think my father was most impressed by a guy his size being to athletic and well-balanced (walking the top rope). That, and his Heart Punch finisher was simple yet effective. I almost wish they'd have kept that for the Undertaker character, but I guess it makes more sense to use a Tombstone. Dad always wanted them to give Mean Mark a bona fide title shot, but that never happened--guess WCW management felt he was just another big man midcarder.


When he debuted as 'Taker, my father was quick to point out who it was...then again, he's always been good at identifying them quicker than I could. But between the gimmick and his skills in the ring, it sort of grew on me to be a Calaway fan.

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Nor do I, for that matter.


First time I saw Mean Mark in action was at a televised Clash of the Champions on TBS. Think my father was most impressed by a guy his size being to athletic and well-balanced (walking the top rope). That, and his Heart Punch finisher was simple yet effective. I almost wish they'd have kept that for the Undertaker character, but I guess it makes more sense to use a Tombstone. Dad always wanted them to give Mean Mark a bona fide title shot, but that never happened--guess WCW management felt he was just another big man midcarder.


When he debuted as 'Taker, my father was quick to point out who it was...then again, he's always been good at identifying them quicker than I could. But between the gimmick and his skills in the ring, it sort of grew on me to be a Calaway fan.


He was taught how to walk the top rope while he was trained by the great Don Jardine, AKA The Spoiler. William "Paul Bearer" Moody saw Mark and told Fritz Von Erich about him. Fritz then called his friend Don Jardine. The rest, as they say, is history. William Moody was also the manager known as Percy Pringle III. You are correct in that WCW felt that way about him as he only got a token shot at Lex Luger's United States Heavyweight title. Also, I don't recall the match, maybe it was one against Bret Hart, in which he attempted a heart punch but the opponent broke free. He also had used the claw at times because he used it in one of his matches against Hulk Hogan.

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Also, I don't recall the match, maybe it was one against Bret Hart, in which he attempted a heart punch but the opponent broke free. He also had used the claw at times because he used it in one of his matches against Hulk Hogan.


January 31, 1992 - Madison Square Garden

Bret Hart vs. The Undertaker





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Thanks for the links. I never saw that match.


There's a few matches there that I never saw either. There's even the match between the New Skyscrapers and The Road Warriors from Clash of the Champions in 1990.

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NJPW: Dynamite Kid defeated Shiro Koshinaka to retain the WWF Junior Heavyweight title

JPUK: Jim Breaks defeated Fit Finlay to retain the British Lightweight title

JPUK: Marty Jones defeated Bobby Barnes to retain the British Light Heavyweight title

MACW: Assassin #2 defeated Jimmy Valiant to retain the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight title

MACW: Bob Orton Jr defeated Jim Garvin to retain the United States Heavyweight title

GCW: Jake Roberts defeated Ted DiBiase to retain the National Television title

GCW: Zbyszko and Spoiler defeated Leduc and The Raging Bull

CSTATE: Super D and Kirby defeated Full Force to retain the Central States Tag Team titles

CSTATE: Terry Funk defeated Crusher Blackwell to win the Central States Heavyweight title

CWA: Rick Rude defeated Bobby Fulton to retain the CWA Mid-America Heavyweight title

CWA: King Kong Bundy defeated Road Warrior Hawk

CWA: The Perfect Criminals defeated Stone Cold Killers to retain the AWA Southern Tag Team titles

SECW: Bill Dundee defeated Jimmy Golden to retain the Alabama Heavyweight title

SECW: Adrian Street defeated Austin Idol to retain the Southeastern Brass Knuckles title

ASW: Moose Morowski defeated Nikolai Volkoff to retain the Canadian Heavyweight title


Yoshihiro Momota extends deal with AJPW

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week 2, July 1985 - Sunday



Championship Wrestling from Florida




Championship Wrestling from Florida (TV)

Location: Mid West (USA)




Gordon Solie & Buddy Colt




http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm185/doncoryell/ws2pics/MeanMark.jpg Mark Calaway




http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm185/doncoryell/ws2pics/EricEmbry.jpg Eric Embry


steel cage - 60 minute time limit



Eric Embry moved and the kick to gut missed!

The punch didn't seem to faze Mark Calaway, who just stood there and glared at Eric Embry

Mark Calaway slipped out of the arm wringer

Mark Calaway hit the punch

Mark Calaway hit the punch

Mark Calaway hit the punch

Mark Calaway whips Eric Embry into the ropes

Eric Embry moved and the backdrop missed!

Eric Embry hit the kick to gut

Embry rakes his fingers across the eyes of Calaway

Eric Embry hit the forearm blow

Mark Calaway took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack

Eric Embry moved and the punch missed!

Embry with a full arm drag and twist

The punch didn't seem to faze Mark Calaway, who just stood there and glared at Eric Embry

Eric Embry hit the forearm blow

Look at it, Buddy! Look at it! It's a side headlock!!!! Wow

Embry goes to work on Calaway's arm with that standing arm bar

Eric Embry hit the forearm blow

Look at it, Buddy! Look at it! It's a side headlock!!!! Wow

Embry with a full arm drag and twist

The punch didn't seem to faze Mark Calaway, who just stood there and glared at Eric Embry

Eric Embry hit the forearm blow

Embry goes to work on Calaway's arm with that standing arm bar

Eric Embry hit the jab punch flurry

Mark Calaway moved and the charging forearm missed!

Mark Calaway hit the kick to gut

The big man picks him up in a suplex and...OH, Embry is dropped to the mat!

Eric Embry moved and the stomp missed!

And Embry begins getting the crowd into it!

Mark Calaway moved and the punch flurry missed!

Mark Calaway hit the punch

Calaway with a full arm drag and twist

Mark Calaway hit the arm whip

Mark Calaway hit the arm wringer smash

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage

Calaway levels Embry with a big roundhouse punch!!

Mark Calaway waits as Eric Embry stands

Mark Calaway hit the running clothesline

Mark Calaway picks up Eric Embry

Calaway levels Embry with a big roundhouse punch!!

Mark Calaway picks up Eric Embry

The big roundhouse punch was countered into a forearm blow

Eric Embry hit the charging forearm

Mark Calaway easily broke the straddled arm bar

Calaway levels Embry with a big roundhouse punch!!

Mark Calaway picks up Eric Embry

The fans try to help Mark Calaway by chanting his name

And Calaway starts violently tugging at Embry's arm...Embry is brought to his knees!

Mark Calaway picks up Eric Embry

Embry is dazed.....The running elbow is right on target!

Mark Calaway picks up Eric Embry

And just look at Calaway wail away on Embry with a flurry of punches

Mark Calaway picks up Eric Embry

The crowd is solidly behind Mark Calaway, and he is obviously feeding off their energy

The running elbow smash was countered into a charging forearm

Calaway is having none of that, as he smartly escapes that attempt

Eric Embry easily blocked the toss to corner

Mark Calaway whips Eric Embry to the corner

Eric Embry broke the corner punch flurry

Eric Embry hit the jab punch flurry

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage

Would you just look at how Embry plays to the crowd!

The punch flurry was countered into a big roundhouse punch

Mark Calaway picks up Eric Embry

Mark Calaway hit the DDT

The fans try to help Mark Calaway by chanting his name

He is trying to escape

Could this be the end?

He is getting closer!

He is almost there!

He hits the floor!

The fans start a chant of "That match sucked"

Match Time: 10:30

Match Rating: F


TV Show Results

Mark Calaway defeated Eric Embry

Buddy Landell defeated Mike Graham

Michael Hayes defeated The Purple Haze to win the Florida Brass Knuckles title

Dusty Rhodes defeated Buddy Roberts

Superstar Billy Graham defeated Kevin Sullivan

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AJPW: Kawada and Kung Fu defeated Dragon and Honaga to retain the All-Asia Tag Team titles

AJPW: Kengo Kimura defeated Kuniaki Kobayashi to retain the NWA International Junior Heavyweight title

AJPW: Stan Hansen & Bruiser Brody went to a double DQ with Robinson and Mascaras to retain the NWA International Tag Team titles

WWF: Ricky Steamboat defeated Masked Superstar to win the WWF Intercontinental title

WCCW: Bobby Duncum Sr defeated David Von Erich to retain the WCCW Television title

WCCW: Kevin & Kerry Von Erich defeated "Gorgeous" Jimmy and Roberts to retain the WCCW American Tag Team titles

WCCW: Greg Valentine defeated Bob Roop to retain the WCCW Texas Brass Knuckles title

HCW: Weingeroff and Nagasaki defeated Crews and Michaels

HCW: Scott Casey defeated Steve Williams to retain the Houston Television title

HCW: JYD and Jaggers defeated Spoiler and Igor

IWA: The Exiles defeated Hostile Intent to win the International Tag Team titles

IWA: Jacques Rougeau defeated Hulk Hogan

AGPW: Street and Hito defeated Ritchie and Petitpas to win the Maritimes Tag Team titles


David Schults extends deal with CWF

Rick Martel extends deal with AWA

Jack Hart extends deal with CWF

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week 3, July 1985 - Monday



Pacific Northwest Wrestling




PNW @ The Portland Sports Arena




http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm185/doncoryell/ws2pics/MeanMark.jpg Mark Calaway




http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm185/doncoryell/ws2pics/BobbyEaton.jpg Bobby Eaton


hardcore - 60 minute time limit



Mark Calaway hit the punch

Mark Calaway hit the punch

Mark Calaway hit the punch

The headbutt was countered into a forearm blow

And Bobby Eaton clamps on a standing side headlock

Bobby Eaton hit the jab punch

Bobby Eaton applied the front facelock

Bobby Eaton hit the kick to gut

Eaton with a full arm drag and twist

The forearm blow was countered into a punch

Bobby Eaton moved and the throat thrust missed!

The punch was countered into a punch

Mark Calaway hit the punch

Mark Calaway hit the punch

Mark Calaway whips Bobby Eaton into the ropes

Bobby Eaton moved and the backdrop missed!

Mark Calaway moved and the knife edge chop missed!

Calaway with a full arm drag and twist

Bobby Eaton easily slipped out the back of the arm whip

Mark Calaway easily broke the arm wringer

Bobby Eaton easily slipped out of the arm wringer smash

The crowd start chanting to taunt Bobby Eaton

Look at it, folks! Look at it! It's a side headlock!!!!

Bobby Eaton hit the knife edge chop

Bobby Eaton hit the punch

Mark Calaway finds himself on the receiving end of a standing side headlock

Mark Calaway rolled through with the arm wringer

The punch was countered into a knife edge chop

Bobby Eaton hit the forearm blow

The knife edge chop didn't seem to faze Mark Calaway, who just stood there and glared at Bobby Eaton

The jab punch didn't seem to faze Mark Calaway, who just stood there and glared at Bobby Eaton

Look at it, folks! Look at it! It's a side headlock!!!!

Bobby Eaton hit the jab punch flurry

The fans boo Bobby Eaton, trying to distract him

Mark Calaway easily broke the short arm clothesline

Mark Calaway whips Bobby Eaton into the ropes

Mark Calaway hit the clothesline

Mark Calaway picks up Bobby Eaton

Mark Calaway hit the punch

The punch was countered into a side headlock punch to face

Bobby Eaton hit the short arm knee to stomach

Mark Calaway easily broke the hammerlock drive

Mark Calaway hit the punch

And that'll slow you down in a hurry! Eaton took that shot right in the throat

Mark Calaway picks up Bobby Eaton

Bobby Eaton counters by reversing on Mark Calaway

Mark Calaway suddenly sits up, then stands

Mark Calaway moved and the plancha dive missed!

Bobby Eaton counters by fighting back

Bobby Eaton hit the jab punch flurry

The crowd start chanting to taunt Bobby Eaton

Bobby Eaton hit the short arm knee to stomach

Bobby Eaton grabs Calaway...walks him over to the table...and slams his head into it!!!

Bobby Eaton has got Calaway's arm locked in that straddled arm bar...that looks painful

Mark Calaway moved and the measured knee drop missed!

Mark Calaway picks up Bobby Eaton

Calaway levels Eaton with a big roundhouse punch!!

Mark Calaway waits as Bobby Eaton stands

Calaway levels Eaton with a big roundhouse punch!!

Bobby Eaton counters by fighting back

The jab punch flurry was countered into a punch

Bobby Eaton easily blocked the ringside table face smash

Calaway levels Eaton with a big roundhouse punch!!

Mark Calaway rolls Bobby Eaton back into the ring

Mark Calaway picks up Bobby Eaton

Bobby Eaton easily blocked the toss to corner

Mark Calaway whips Bobby Eaton to the corner

Mark Calaway unleashes a vicious flurry of punch combos!

Mark Calaway picks up Bobby Eaton

Mark Calaway hit the toss to corner

Mark Calaway hit tht corner elbow

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage

Mark Calaway brings Bobby Eaton out of the corner

Mark Calaway whips Bobby Eaton into the ropes

Mark Calaway hit the powerslam

Calaway is stalking Eaton...Mark Calaway clamps on the iron claw...This could be it, folks!

Bobby Eaton is busted open

The referee checks the submission

It seems to be locked in!

Will this be it?

It's still locked in!

The referee has called for the bell!

Match Time: 11:50

Match Rating: C


Card Results

Dr.Tom Prichard defeated Joe Malenko

Mark Calaway defeated Bobby Eaton

Dean Malenko defeated Jesse Barr to retain the PNW Television title

Gibson and Borne defeated Kiss This

Tito Santana defeated Manny Fernandez to retain the PNW Heavyweight title

Adonis and Oliver defeated Playboy and The Outlaw

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AJPW: Kawada and Kung Fu defeated The Lone Gunmen to retain the All-Asia Tag Team titles

AJPW: Kengo Kimura defeated Kuniaki Kobayashi to retain the NWA International Junior Heavyweight title

AJPW: Magic Dragon defeated Rocky Hata to retain the All-Asia Heavyweight title

AJPW: Stan Hansen defeated Mil Mascaras to retain the NWA United National Heavyweight title

CWA: Mark Lewin defeated Dick Slater to win the AWA International title

CWA: Mr.USA, Savage, Taylor and Bundy defeated Patera, Sweet Stan, Hawk and Boogie Woogie Man

CSW: DiSalvo and Jason defeated Bruce Hart & Davey Boy Smith to win the CSW International Tag Team titles

CSW: Leo Burke defeated Mr.Hito to retain the British Commonwealth Mid-Heavyweight title

CSW: Singh and Stomper defeated Bret & Owen Hart

UWA: Gran Hamada defeated El Solitario to retain the UWA World Middleweight title

GLOW: Hollywood and Beastie defeated Bitch Slap to retain the GLOW Tag Team titles

GLOW: Candi Devine defeated Wendi Richter to retain the GLOW Championship title

AGPW: Murder Inc defeated Missing Link and Hogan

ASW: Jeff Costa defeated Rick Davis to retain the All-Star Television title

ASW: The Nightmares defeated Murdoch and Moose to retain the Canadian Heavyweight Tag Team titles


Shiro Koshinaka extends deal with NJPW

Lord Athol Layton extends deal with MLW

Joe Higuchi extends deal with AJPW

Mike Graham extends deal with CWF

Don Kernodle extends deal with WCCW

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week 3, July 1983 - Tuesday



Championship Wrestling from Florida




The Endless Beach Tour

Location: Mid Atlantic (USA)





The Stretchers





Mark Calaway and Stan Lane


2 vs 2 - 60 minute time limit



(Boris Zhukov & Mark Calaway in ring)

The kick to gut didn't seem to faze Mark Calaway, who just stood there and glared at Boris Zhukov

Zhukov rakes his fingers across the eyes of Calaway

The punch didn't seem to faze Mark Calaway, who just stood there and glared at Boris Zhukov

Mark Calaway slipped out of the arm wringer

Mark Calaway hit the punch

Mark Calaway hit the headbutt

And that'll slow you down in a hurry! Zhukov took that shot right in the throat

Mark Calaway picks up Boris Zhukov from behind

Mark Calaway hit the forearm to back

Mark Calaway hit the forearm to back

Mark Calaway hit the forearm to back

Mark Calaway hit the arm wringer smash

And that'll slow you down in a hurry! Zhukov took that shot right in the throat

Mark Calaway picks up Boris Zhukov

Mark Calaway hit the toss to corner

Boris Zhukov easily slipped out of the corner punch flurry

Boris Zhukov hit the forearm blow

The punch didn't seem to faze Mark Calaway, who just stood there and glared at Boris Zhukov

Boris Zhukov hit the headbutt

Boris Zhukov hit the european uppercut

The crowd start chanting to taunt Boris Zhukov

Mark Calaway easily broke the hammerlock drive

Calaway levels Zhukov with a big roundhouse punch!!

Mark Calaway picks up Boris Zhukov

Mark Calaway throws Boris Zhukov to ringside

Boris Zhukov counters by fighting back

And Zhukov begins getting the crowd into it!

Boris Zhukov stops to shout some abuse at some fans in the front row

We've got a pier-6 brawl, ladies and gentlemen...Zhukov with a punch flurry!

Mark Calaway easily broke the hammerlock drive

Mark Calaway hit the mafia kick

Boris Zhukov counters by fighting back

Mark Calaway rushed the incite the crowd

Mark Calaway tags out to Stan Lane

Stan Lane hit the short arm knee to stomach

Stan Lane hit the atomic drop

And Sweet Stan with a step over toe hold! This is a painful hold, folks

The referee checks the submission

It seems to be locked in!

Will this be it?

A short struggle ends with the escape!

Boris Zhukov moved and the enziguri kick missed!

Stan Lane counters by fighting back

Boris Zhukov easily slipped out of the sleeper hold

Stan Lane counters by fighting back

ENZIGURI!!!!! Sweet Stan...Sweet Stan...Sweet Stan!!!!!

The referee begins the count



This could be it!

The referee's hand starts coming down


The fans start a chant of "That match sucked"

Match Time: 6:40

Match Rating: F


Card Results

Eric Embry defeated B.Brian Blair

Calaway and Sweet Stan defeated The Stretchers

The Purple Haze defeated David Schults

Michael Hayes defeated Bobby Jaggers to retain the Florida Brass Knuckles title

Dusty Rhodes defeated Bobby Duncum

Jake Roberts defeated Superstar Billy Graham to retain the Florida Heavyweight title

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NJPW: Tiger Mask defeated Dynamite Kid to retain the WWF International Heavyweight title

AJPW: Kendo Kimura defeated Kuniaki Kobayashi to retain the NWA International Junior Heavyweight title

AJPW: Magic Dragon defeated The Amazing Kung Fu to retain the All-Asia Heavyweight title

AJPW: Stan Hansen defeated Giant Baba to retain the NWA United National Heavyweight title

WWF: Ric Flair defeated Baron Von Raschke

WWF: Sika defeated Bob Backlund to retain the WWF Heavyweight title

MACW: Assassin #2 defeated Chris Adams to retain the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight title

MACW: Wahoo McDaniel defeated The Assassin to retain the NWA World Heavyweight title

MLW: Don Muraco defeated Arn Anderson

MLW: Team Maestro defeated Dino Bravo and The Fish to retain the Canadian Open Tag Team titles

WWC: Nikita Koloff defeated Leroy Brown to retain the WWC North American Heavyweight title

WWC: Luke Williams defeated Bugsy McGraw to retain the WWC World Junior Heavyweight title


Buzz Sawyer extends deal with MACW

Jack Tunney extends deal with MLW

Bambi gone from GLOW

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week 3, July 1985 - Wednesday



Championship Wrestling from Florida




Florida Beach Tour

Location: North West (USA)




http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm185/doncoryell/ws2pics/MeanMark.jpg Mark Calaway




http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm185/doncoryell/ws2pics/EricEmbry.jpg Eric Embry


60 minute time limit



Mark Calaway hit the punch

Mark Calaway hit the punch

Mark Calaway hit the kick to gut

Calaway with a full arm drag and twist

Eric Embry easily slipped out of the arm whip

Embry with a full arm drag and twist

Eric Embry hit the punch

Embry goes to work on Calaway's arm with that standing arm bar

The forearm blow didn't seem to faze Mark Calaway, who just stood there and glared at Eric Embry

Look at it! Look at it! It's a side headlock!!!!

The punch didn't seem to faze Mark Calaway, who just stood there and glared at Eric Embry

Embry with a full arm drag and twist

The forearm blow didn't seem to faze Mark Calaway, who just stood there and glared at Eric Embry

And Eric Embry clamps on a standing side headlock

Embry and Calaway lock up in a collar and elbow tie up

The punch didn't seem to faze Mark Calaway, who just stood there and glared at Eric Embry

Eric Embry hit the forearm blow

Look at it! Look at it! It's a side headlock!!!!

The kick to gut didn't seem to faze Mark Calaway, who just stood there and glared at Eric Embry

Embry with a full arm drag and twist

Eric Embry hit the punch

Eric Embry hit the jab punch flurry

Mark Calaway moved and the punch flurry missed!

Mark Calaway hit the arm wringer smash

Mark Calaway hit the punch

The fans rally behind Mark Calaway, trying to get him fired up

Eric Embry moved and the punch flurry missed!

Eric Embry hit the running dropkick

Embry with an arm bar..No! He leaps into the air..a knee across Calaway's arm!!

Eric Embry has got Calaway's arm locked in that straddled arm bar...that looks painful

Calaway's arm is held by an arm bar...OH! Embry drives an elbow into that arm

Calaway is having none of that, as he smartly escapes that attempt

The big roundhouse punch was countered into a forearm blow

Eric Embry hit the jab punch flurry

The charging forearm was countered into a big boot

Mark Calaway picks up Eric Embry

And just look at Calaway wail away on Embry with a flurry of punches

Eric Embry easily blocked the elbow drop on knee

The crowd start a chant for Mark Calaway

Eric Embry counters by fighting back

Eric Embry hit the running dropkick

Mark Calaway easily broke the straddled arm bar

And that'll slow you down in a hurry! Embry took that shot right in the throat

Mark Calaway hit the toss to corner

Mark Calaway hit the corner elbow

Eric Embry easily slipped out of the corner punch flurry

And just look at Embry wail away on Calaway with a flurry of punches

Eric Embry hit the jab punch flurry

Say goodnight, Calaway...Eric Embry with the sleeperhold!

The referee checks the submission

It seems to be locked in!

Will this be it?

A short struggle ends with the escape!

And just look at Embry wail away on Calaway with a flurry of punches

Mark Calaway ducks quickly, narrowly avoiding the running knee!

Mark Calaway hit the kick to gut

The punch flurry was countered into a forearm blow

Say goodnight, Calaway...Eric Embry with the sleeperhold!

The referee checks the submission

It seems to be locked in!

Will this be it?

It's still locked in!

No, there is the escape!

The brass knuckles punch was countered into a punch

Eric Embry moved and the big roundhouse punch missed!

The running knee to head was countered into a backdrop

Mark Calaway picks up Eric Embry

Eric Embry easily slipped out of the DDT

Mark Calaway easily broke the sleeper hold

Mark Calaway whips Eric Embry to the corner

Mark Calaway hit the corner clothesline

Calaway is stalking Embry...Mark Calaway clamps on the iron claw...This could be it, folks!

The referee checks the submission

It seems to be locked in!

Will this be it?

It's still locked in!

The referee has called for the bell!

Match Time: 10:00

Match Rating: C+


Card Results

Mark Calaway defeated Eric Embry

Bobby Jaggers defeated Jack Hart

Buddy Roberts defeated Mike Graham

The Purple Haze defeated David Schults

Superstar Billy Graham defeated Buddy Landell

Greg Valentine defeated Dusty Rhodes

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AWA: Steve Regal defeated Ricky Morton to retain the AWA Light Heavyweight title

AWA: Roop and The Hulkster defeated Pedro and Superstar

AWA: Wahoo McDaniel defeated Jesse Ventura to retain the AWA World Heavyweight title

GCW: Jake Roberts defeated Dory Funk Jr to retain the National Television title

GCW: The Non-Conformists defeated Spoiler and Ole to retain the National Tag Team titles

MSW: Tommy Rich defeated Jim Duggan to retain the Mid-South Television title

MSW: Ted Oates defeated Terry Taylor to win the Louisiana State Championship title

MLW: Col. DeBeers defeated Arn Anderson

MLW: Ivan Koloff defeated Nikolai Volkoff to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title

MLW: Team Maestro defeated Flair and Dino Bravo to retain the Canadian Open Tag Team titles

AJW: The Perfect Criminals defeated Stretching Crew to retain the All-Japan Womens Tag Team titles

UWA: Tatsumi Fujinami defeated The Invader to retain the UWA World Junior Lightweight title

UWA: Villano III defeated Gran Hamada to win the UWA World Middleweight title


Villano I extends deal with UWA

Terry Adonis extends deal with ASW

George Cannon extends deal with IWA





NJPW: Tiger Mask defeated Dynamite Kid to retain the WWF International Heavyweight title

EMLL: Blue Panther, Caras and Guerrera defeated Halcon, Villano III and Lizmark to win the CMLL World Trios titles

EMLL: Kung Fu defeated Canek to retain the NWA World Middleweight title

WWC: Nikita Koloff defeated Leroy Brown to retain the WWC North American Heavyweight title

WWC: Mark Lewin defeated Luke Williams to retain the Universal Heavyweight title

UWA: Tatsumi Fujinami defeated The Invader to retain the UWA World Junior Lightweight title

ASWUK: Steven Regal defeated Rocky Moran to retain the British Commonwealth Middleweight title

ASWUK: John Quinn defeated Wayne Bridges to retain the World Heavyweight Title title


Wayne Bridges extends deal with ASWUK

Stan Stasiak extends deal with PNW

Kevin Von Erich extends deal with WCCW

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week 3, July 1985 - Friday



Pacific Northwest Wrestling




Big Time Wrestling (TV)

Location: North West (USA)




Stan Stasiak & Dutch Savage




http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm185/doncoryell/ws2pics/MeanMark.jpg Mark Calaway




http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm185/doncoryell/ws2pics/DeanMalenko.jpg Dean Malenko ©

PNW Television title holder


non title - 60 minute time limit



Mark Calaway hit the punch

Mark Calaway hit the punch

Mark Calaway hit the punch

Mark Calaway hit the kick to gut

Mark Calaway hit the punch

Mark Calaway hit the punch

Mark Calaway hit the punch

Mark Calaway hit the arm wringer smash

Dean Malenko counters by reversing on Mark Calaway

The punch didn't seem to faze Mark Calaway, who just stood there and glared at Dean Malenko

Dean Malenko hit the forearm blow

The Iceman with a full arm drag and twist

And Dean Malenko clamps on a standing side headlock

Dean Malenko hit the forearm blow

Mark Calaway took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack

Mark Calaway whips Dean Malenko into the ropes

Calaway with a backdrop and The Iceman is flat on his back!

Mark Calaway hit the big elbow drop

Dean Malenko counters by fighting back

The punch didn't seem to faze Mark Calaway, who just stood there and glared at Dean Malenko

Look at it, Dutch! Look at it! It's a side headlock!!!!

Mark Calaway slipped out of the front facelock

Mark Calaway throws Dean Malenko to ringside

Dean Malenko counters by fighting back

The Iceman with a full arm drag and twist

The Iceman goes to work on Calaway's arm with that standing arm bar

The fans boo Dean Malenko, wanting to see him take, not give, punishment

The forearm blow didn't seem to faze Mark Calaway, who just stood there and glared at Dean Malenko

Dean Malenko applied the front facelock

Dean Malenko stops to shout some abuse at some fans in the front row

Look at it, Dutch! Look at it! It's a side headlock!!!!

The fans boo Dean Malenko, trying to distract him

Dean Malenko hit the running dropkick

Dean Malenko hit the handstand knee drive to leg

Mark Calaway easily broke the straddled arm bar

Mark Calaway throws Dean Malenko to ringside

Mark Calaway leaves the ring

The referee begins counting the competitors out

Mark Calaway picks up Dean Malenko

Dean Malenko blocked the ring apron ram

The referee reaches the halfway point of his count

The crowd start a chant for Mark Calaway

Mark Calaway grabs The Iceman...walks him over to the table...and slams his head into it!!!

The referee is almost ready to count both competitors out

Mark Calaway rolls Dean Malenko back into the ring

Mark Calaway picks up Dean Malenko

Mark Calaway hit the toss to corner

Mark Calaway hit the corner clothesline

Dean Malenko moved and the big legdrop missed!

Mark Calaway easily blocked the wrenching hammerlock

Mark Calaway suddenly sits up, then stands

Dean Malenko hit the repeated european uppercuts

Dean Malenko hit the running dropkick

Dean Malenko has got Calaway's arm locked in that straddled arm bar...that looks painful

Calaway is trapped in a head and straight arm lock

Mark Calaway easily broke the texas clover leaf

Mark Calaway hit the toss to corner

Mark Calaway hit the corner clothesline

Mark Calaway hit the seated punch flurry

Dean Malenko counters by fighting back

Dean Malenko hit the repeated european uppercuts

Dean Malenko whips Mark Calaway into the ropes

The running dropkick was countered into a running body smash

The big elbow...and no one is home!

Dean Malenko picks up Mark Calaway

The arm lock and wrist bend was countered into a punch

Mark Calaway whips Dean Malenko into the ropes

Mark Calaway hit the giant big boot

Whew! Dean Malenko narrowly escapes that claw attempt!

Wow...that was a very nice move by The Iceman...Calaway is trapped in the arm scissors

Mark Calaway easily broke the texas clover leaf

Calaway levels The Iceman with a big roundhouse punch!!

Calaway is stalking The Iceman...Mark Calaway clamps on the iron claw...This could be it, folks!

The referee checks the submission

It seems to be locked in!

Will this be it?

It's still locked in!

The referee has called for the bell!

Match Time: 10:30

Match Rating: C


TV Show Results

Robert Gibson defeated Bobby Eaton

Mark Calaway defeated Dean Malenko

Rip Oliver defeated Ron Bass

Santana and Playboy defeated Team Greatness

Adrian Adonis defeated Billy Jack

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JPUK: Bobby Barnes defeated Tony St.Clair to retain the World Mid-Heavyweight title

JPUK: Fit Finlay defeated Jim Breaks to win the British Lightweight title

JPUK: Marty Jones defeated Dave Bond to retain the British Light Heavyweight title

AWA: Steven Regal defeated Ricky Morton to retain the AWA Light Heavyweight title

AWA: Jesse Ventura defeated Pedro Morales to retain the AWA Television title

WCCW: Don Kernodle defeated Kamala to retain the WCCW American Heavyweight title

CSTATE: The Stunners defeated Super D and Kirby to win the Central States Tag Team titles

CSTATE: Terry Funk defeated Harley Race to retain the Central States Heavyweight title

WWC: Nikita Koloff defeated David Sierra to retain the WWC North American Heavyweight title

WWC: Luke Williams defeated Bob Sweetan to retain the WWC World Junior Heavyweight title

WWC: Dirty Dick and Lewin defeated Colon and Universal Hearthrob to retain the WWC World Tag Team titles

CSW: DiSalvo and Jason defeated Bruce Hart & Davey Boy Smith to retain the CSW International Tag Team titles

CSW: Mr.Hito defeated Bret Hart

DCW: Team Symphony defeated Cataclysm to retain the Detroit Tag Team titles

PPW: Samu defeated Lars Anderson to retain the Polynesian Pacific Heavyweight title


Mil Mascaras extends deal with HCW

Jean-Louis Cormier extends deal with AGPW

Nikolai Volkoff extends deal with MLW

Pedro Morales gone from WWF





JPUK: Roberts and Finlay defeated Wright and Kilby to retain the World of Sport Tag Team titles

JPUK: Bobby Barnes defeated Clive Myers to retain the World Mid-Heavyweight title

JPUK: Marty Jones defeated Mal Sanders to retain the British Light Heavyweight title

MACW: Assassin 2 and Hacksaw defeated Boogie Woogie Man and Adams to retain the Mid-Atlantic US Tag Team titles

MACW: Bob Orton Jr defeated Jim Garvin to retain the United States Heavyweight title

GCW: Ole and Spoiler defeated Team Slaughter

GCW: Jake Roberts defeated Mr.Wrestling II to retain the National Television title

CSTATE: Skip Young defeated Tommy Rogers to retain the Central States Television title

CWA: Rick Rude defeated Bobby Fulton to retain the CWA Mid-America Heavyweight title

CWA: Mark Lewin defeated Ken Patera to retain the AWA International title


Larry Matysik extends deal with CSTATE

George Scott extends deal with MACW

Les Thronton gone from AGPW

Randy Rose gone from SECW

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<p>week 3, July 1985 - Sunday</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Championship Wrestling from Florida</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

presents</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Championship Wrestling from Florida (TV)</strong></p><p><strong>

Location: South East (USA)</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>


Gordon Solie & Buddy Colt</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><span>http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm185/doncoryell/ws2pics/EricEmbry.jpg</span><strong> Eric Embry</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

vs.</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><span>http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm185/doncoryell/ws2pics/MeanMark.jpg</span><strong> </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Mark Calaway</span></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

2/3 falls - 60 minute time limit</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">blow-by-blow</span></strong></p><p>

Mark Calaway slipped out of the standing side headlock</p><p>

Mark Calaway hit the toss to corner</p><p>

Eric Embry moved and the corner elbow missed!</p><p>

The kick to gut didn't seem to faze Mark Calaway, who just stood there and glared at Eric Embry</p><p>

Embry goes to work on Calaway's arm with that standing arm bar</p><p>

The punch didn't seem to faze Mark Calaway, who just stood there and glared at Eric Embry</p><p>

Eric Embry hit the forearm blow</p><p>

Mark Calaway easily broke the hammerlock</p><p>

Look at it, Buddy! Look at it! It's a side headlock!!!! Wow</p><p>

Mark Calaway hit the arm wringer smash</p><p>

Mark Calaway hit the punch</p><p>

Mark Calaway hit the punch</p><p>

Mark Calaway hit the punch</p><p>

Mark Calaway whips Eric Embry to the corner</p><p>

Mark Calaway hit the turnbuckle smash</p><p>

Mark Calaway picks up Eric Embry</p><p>

Mark Calaway hit the punch</p><p>

Mark Calaway hit the punch</p><p>

Calaway levels Embry with a big roundhouse punch!!</p><p>

Mark Calaway picks up Eric Embry</p><p>

Mark Calaway hit the toss to corner</p><p>

Mark Calaway looks sharp, he knows that the match has swung in his favour</p><p>

Mark Calaway hit the corner clothesline</p><p>

Mark Calaway picks up Eric Embry</p><p>

Mark Calaway whips Eric Embry to the corner</p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#008000;">The fans try to help Mark Calaway by chanting his name</span></strong></p><p>

Mark Calaway hit the corner clothesline</p><p>

Eric Embry counters by fighting back</p><p>

The punch was countered into a punch</p><p>

Embry is dazed.....The running elbow is right on target!</p><p>

Eric Embry counters by fighting back</p><p>

Mark Calaway moved and the forearm blow missed!</p><p>

Mark Calaway hit the DDT</p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#008000;">The crowd senses that Mark Calaway has the momentum, and are going crazy for him</span></strong></p><p>

The referee begins the count</p><p>



Kick out!</p><p>

Mark Calaway hit the snake eyes</p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Eric Embry is busted open</span></strong></p><p>

Eric Embry broke the grounded iron claw by reaching the ropes</p><p>

Mark Calaway whips Eric Embry into the ropes</p><p>

The lariat clothesline was countered into a kick to gut</p><p>

Mark Calaway slipped out of the arm wringer</p><p>

The throat thrust was countered into a forearm blow</p><p>

Look at it, Buddy! Look at it! It's a side headlock!!!! Wow</p><p>

The punch didn't seem to faze Mark Calaway, who just stood there and glared at Eric Embry</p><p>

The kick to gut didn't seem to faze Mark Calaway, who just stood there and glared at Eric Embry</p><p>

Embry rakes his fingers across the eyes of Calaway</p><p>

Look at it, Buddy! Look at it! It's a side headlock!!!! Wow</p><p>

Eric Embry hit the punch</p><p>

Eric Embry hit the forearm blow</p><p>

Mark Calaway slipped out the back of the standing side headlock</p><p>

Eric Embry easily blocked the dragon sleeper</p><p>

Eric Embry blocked the double backbreaker. This is the second block in a row, and Eric Embry takes control</p><p>

Embry goes to work on Calaway's arm with that standing arm bar</p><p>

Eric Embry hit the forearm blow</p><p>

Eric Embry hit the punch</p><p>

Eric Embry applied the hammerlock</p><p>

Mark Calaway rolled through with the arm wringer</p><p>

Mark Calaway hit the kick to gut</p><p>

Eric Embry moved and the punch flurry missed!</p><p>

Embry goes to work on Calaway's arm with that standing arm bar</p><p>

Embry and Calaway lock up in a collar and elbow tie up</p><p>

Eric Embry hit the forearm blow</p><p>

We've got a pier-6 brawl, ladies and gentlemen...Embry with a punch flurry!</p><p>

Eric Embry hit the running dropkick</p><p>

Calaway's arm is held by an arm bar...OH! Embry drives an elbow into that arm</p><p>

Calaway is having none of that, as he smartly escapes that attempt</p><p>

Eric Embry moved and the big roundhouse punch missed!</p><p>

Eric Embry hit the charging forearm</p><p>

Calaway's arm is held by an arm bar...OH! Embry drives an elbow into that arm</p><p>

Eric Embry has got Calaway's arm locked in that straddled arm bar...that looks painful</p><p>

Embry drapes the leg...grabs the top rope and leaps...Ohh, that had to hurt!</p><p>

Calaway's arm is held by an arm bar...OH! Embry drives an elbow into that arm</p><p>

Eric Embry has got Calaway's arm locked in that straddled arm bar...that looks painful</p><p>

Eric Embry applied the single leg boston crab</p><p>

Calaway's arm is held by an arm bar...OH! Embry drives an elbow into that arm</p><p>

Mark Calaway easily broke the boston crab</p><p>

The big roundhouse punch was countered into a forearm blow</p><p>

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage</p><p>

And just look at Embry wail away on Calaway with a flurry of punches</p><p>

Mark Calaway slipped out of the sleeper hold</p><p>

And just look at Calaway wail away on Embry with a flurry of punches</p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Calaway is stalking Embry...Mark Calaway clamps on the iron claw...This could be it, folks!</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

The referee checks the submission</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

It seems to be locked in!</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

Will this be it?</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

It's still locked in!</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

The referee has called for the bell!</span></strong></p><p>

Eric Embry moved and the big roundhouse punch missed!</p><p>

Eric Embry hit the jab punch flurry</p><p>

The brass knuckles punch was countered into a punch</p><p>

Mark Calaway whips Eric Embry into the ropes</p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Mark Calaway hit the lariat clothesline</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

The referee begins the count</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

1!</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

2!</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

This could be it!</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

The referee's hand starts coming down</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">


</strong><strong><span style="color:#008000;">The fans applaud the efforts of the wrestlers</span></strong></p><p><strong>

Match Time</strong>: 13:50</p><p>

<strong>Match Rating: </strong><strong><span style="color:#006400;">B-</span></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TV Show Results</span></strong></p><p>

Boris Zhukov defeated B.Brian Blair</p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Mark Calaway defeated Eric Embry</span></strong></p><p>

The Purple Haze defeated Buddy Roberts</p><p>

Dusty Rhodes defeated Buddy Landell</p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">Superstar Billy Graham defeated Kevin Sullivan</span></p>

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