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NYCW: Extreme Makeover Edition

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I would like to thank everybody who took the time to make predictions! And anybody who takes the time to read this!


Here are the Prediction records for this card:

Hyde Hill: 5/7

Marcel Fromage: 6/7



Overall records:


Zeel1: 12/14

Win %: .857


Marcel Fromage:11/13

Win %: .846


The Mystery: 5/6

Win %: .833


tristram: 4/5

Win %: .800


Hyde Hill: 26/33

Win %: .788


Bigpapa42: 3/5

Win %: .600


angeldelayette: 5/9

Win %: .556


critical-23: 2/5

Win %: .400




And if anybody has questions or comments or any kind of feedback, either good or bad, by all means voice them.

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Thing is you had the card subject to change on it so wasn't sure if picking was in order, plus the pictures kinda confused things extra like you mentioned. And glad to help on that btw.


Yeah I always put the card subjected to change line in that post, the card is never subjected to change once I post it on here. I just do it because that is what the WWF used to do (they may still do it for all I know) when they listed their cards in the 1980's.

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Here today gone tomorrow:


[Jack Arthur: Jack Arthur is sitting in his makeshift office in the Ministry after the Ball of Confusion was done with. Well it is makeshift in the fact that he has to remove all of jis stuff after the end every show, his legs are resting on a wooden table, while he looks at a box score on his laptop to see how his beloved Baltimore Orioles were doing. He sees that they had lost to the Devil Rays or whatever they want to call themselves! Evan Longoria had hit two home runs! Well it looks like this season is down the drain he mutter to himself! Shortly thereafter there is a knock at the door.]


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Jack Arthur: Enter.


[The door opens and in walks Brandon Smith.]


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Brandon Smith: Can I talk to ya boss or are you busy?


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Jack Arthur: No I am not busy at all, have a seat…


[brandon sits down on a steel chair which is directly across from where Jack is sitting. Brandon appears to be really nervous as he is sweating profusely and he is all fidgety.]


Jack Arthur: Before we talk about what is on your mind I just would like to say that you preformed really well in the battle royal tonight.


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Brandon Smith: Th…thanks! I have to say that match was no cake walk…Land Mass treated me like his own personal rag doll all night long….


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Jack Arthur: Yeah well, if you keep up the great work I think that you will be returning to the main card in no time.


[brandon looks down at the table as soon as Jack says that.]


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Brandon Smith: Well um….that….that was what I would like to talk to you about. You see I have a hectic schedule that I maintain. I mean you know working here, CZCW, and MAW…and I well….


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Jack Arthur: Are you suffering from burnout? Because if you are we can work around your schedule, I mean we can give you next month off…


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Brandon Smith: No its not that…well it is that…but oh hell boss I don’t know any diplomatic way of saying this…I…


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Jack Arthur: Whatever you need to say just say it. I promise that I won’t bite your head off…


[That comment seemed to put Brandon a little more at ease.]


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Brandon Smith: Well two day ago I got a phone call from Koji Kojima. And he offered me a job to work for him in WLW…and well I agreed in principal to join his company on its next tour. However, that means that I am going to have to lighten my workload a bit. And well…


[Realizing what he was about to say Jack interrupts Brandon before he can say it.]


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Jack Arthur: And we pay you the least amount of money, so you are going to have to part ways with us.


[brandon nods his head and seems a bit relieved that this was finally out in the open.]


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Jack Arthur: Look there is no hard feelings about this at all Brandon. You have an awesome opportunity to better your career. I think that I would have been mad at you if you decided not to go to Japan.


I mean yeah it sucks that we are the promotion that got the short end of the stick in this deal. You know that I had big plans for you down the road. However, you have to do what is best for you. And you know what? You absolutely made the right decision. I can not fault you one bit, in fact I am extremely happy for you! I would like to say this to you, if after the WLW tour is over and you need a job, NYCW’s doors will be opened to you and we will welcome you back with open arms.


[brandon is smiling and he wipes the sweat from his brow.]


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Brandon: Thanks boos! Wow…I…I didn’t know how you would react to such news! I am so glad you are cool with it!


[brandon gets up from his seat and shakes Jack‘s hand.]


Brandon: Thank you very much boss for the great opportunity that you gave me!


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Jack Arthur: No problem Brandon, and like I said, keep us in mind when you return to the States!


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Brandon: Will do boss!


[brandon walks out the door and closes the door behind him. Jack now has two things to be miserable about, the Orioles lost yet another game and he just lost possibly the best young talent on his roster…]


occ: While it does suck that I lost BBS, as I did have plans for him, once he was popular enough (I had been using him in dark matches). Hopefully he will resign with me when his tour with WLW is done.

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occ: While it does suck that I lost BBS, as I did have plans for him, once he was popular enough (I had been using him in dark matches). Hopefully he will resign with me when his tour with WLW is done.


That does suck to lose "The Bulldozer". He's a really talented guy that you can sign for super cheap since his popularity is quite low to start with. Which is great, because, Brandon Smith can become a big-time up-and-comer for small companies as he starts off inexpensive and by the end of his first contract, if he's booked right, he can be a vital threat on the roster.


Sadly, though, he has the kind of talent that WILL be sought after once his popularity does rise. Whether it's TCW jumping up to Global, a Japanese company that goes on the rise, or NOTBPW getting to National... Smith is someone that you get super-exicted to have on board (as a small company) only to have him end up as a project that will pay off for ANOTHER company once he leaves you. haha.


That being said....



I have him on my roster and am doing the same thing that you were... Working him through dark matches with the idea of bringing him to the "main show" at some point to play a bigger role. hahaha. :p

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That does suck to lose "The Bulldozer". He's a really talented guy that you can sign for super cheap since his popularity is quite low to start with. Which is great, because, Brandon Smith can become a big-time up-and-comer for small companies as he starts off inexpensive and by the end of his first contract, if he's booked right, he can be a vital threat on the roster.


Sadly, though, he has the kind of talent that WILL be sought after once his popularity does rise. Whether it's TCW jumping up to Global, a Japanese company that goes on the rise, or NOTBPW getting to National... Smith is someone that you get super-exicted to have on board (as a small company) only to have him end up as a project that will pay off for ANOTHER company once he leaves you. haha.


That being said....



I have him on my roster and am doing the same thing that you were... Working him through dark matches with the idea of bringing him to the "main show" at some point to play a bigger role. hahaha. :p


What sucks was I wanted to make him into my own personal Dusty Rhodes or Kevin Steen. I had planned to build him up the card.


Now if he went the Dusty route he would have been made into a big time face. He would eventually lose a losers leave town match and re-debut as The Masked Patriot (in Dusty's case The Midnight Rider) and everybody would know who it was but the heels could never prove it. I always love that gimmick for some reason.


The Kevin Steen push would have seen him paired up with a talented masked wrestler either Amo Del Gato or Dragón Del Arco Iris Jr, whom are both free agents, and have them become a big tag team.


Alas, neither option can happen now. And even if I am able to bring him back in I probably will not use either of those storylines for him now.

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A different kind of crowd:


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Jack Arthur: Stomper sure picks some strange places to have sit down meetings. This month we met at an IHOP, in HICKSVILLE, New York. I live in the city so it is kind of a pain in the ass to have to drive out to Long Island nearly every month. I don’t know what it is, I just do not like going to the suburbs, life is just so mundane out here…


[Jack enters IHOP, he tells the hostess that he is meeting someone and he then goes and looks for Stomper. Stomper is sitting at a table, early as always. He makes the point to look at his watch, like he does each and every time, as if to say “Where were you?”. Jack sits down at the table the waitress comes over and asks if he would like anything to drink and Jack orders a coffee. Stomper seems a bit shocked:]


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Stomper (chuckling): Oh, you actually got something! What about the health kick you have been on for the past couple of months?


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Jack Arthur: A little coffee is not going to kill me…


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Stomper: Suppose so. Anyway, first things first, I would like to congratulate you on making it six months! And for the most part, you have done a great job…I would like to stop the roster bloat, but I did okay every single one of your signings so that is on me as much as it is on you.


My main point for this month’s meeting is the fact that I am not happy with the element that we are attracting to our shows. Since you have taken over, we seem to be drawing more and more gutter trash to our show. This is not the image of what I want NYCW to project.


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Jack Arthur: Well the type of people that we attract can hardly be blamed on me….this isn’t SWF World Wide (the SWF’s B show) where we have tourist in the audience. These people buy their tickets and so I really do not see the problem with them being in our crowd.


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Stomper: Well this element started to show up after you started to book for us. I really do not think that is a coincidence that these people started to show up after you got the job. I mean what really bothered me about the last show was when these people, for lack of a better term, started the, “You’re a hooker” chant.


These people, should not be allowed into our shows! I mean what kind of people would say something like that to a talented young woman? Our old crowd would never say such cruel words…


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Jack Arthur: Well if you want this promotion to get out of the 1970’s and into this century, we have to do gimmicks that are going to draw a different kind of fan. I assure you that we will not do anything too risqué but we need to go in a bit of a different direction. And let us face facts, our wrestlers are just not talented in ring wise to base our cards solely on in ring action. We have to do a gimmick heavy show with a lot of interviews because that is what the fans will respond to. And as far as what the fans chant at the wrestlers, you know that I cannot dictate what they say.


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Stomper: I guess you are right…but maybe we could put on more family friendly storylines, so that these people stop coming to our shows.


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Jack Arthur: Look Derek, I know you are adverse to change but we are not doing anything even remotely dirty. I mean have you watched BSC lately? What they are doing over there is tantamount to soft core porn! We are not going down that road, but we might be closer to that and further away from your old product. We just have to change with the times.


[stomper sits there deep in thought for a minute and says:]


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Stomper: I guess so, but if we get too far off the track, deviate too much from my original idea for this promotion, I will have to reign you in and put you on the right track.


[The two men continue their conversation about various aspects of the company that really do not need to be discussed here.]

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Pratt and Flash upset in their bid to beat Big Problem and Jiminez!


Hey, what is up NYCW fans? It is your boy Rock Downpour here! Well last month’s main event ended in an upset! The fans as well as yours truly was absolutely shocked that the team of The Big Problem and Mr. Jiminez beat the team of Steve Flash and Sam Pratt. Granted Big Problem and Mr. Jiminez had help from both Joanne Rodriguez and Honest Frank. However, it still should be considered an upset in this man’s opinion.


Speaking of Honest Frank, he has made it know to anybody and everybody who will listen that he, in no way shape or form wants anything to do with stepping inside the ring with a healthy Steve Flash. Instead, Honest Frank has used his influence with NYCW owner The Stomper, to get his crony, The Big Problem, a shot a the Empire title at our next event, Top of the World. We here at nycw.com have learned that The Big Problem is under specific orders not to win the Empire title. Honest Frank wants his crony to do just enough damage, to make Steve Flash less effective.


At our show last month the war between The Gang of New York and The Old School Principals had a very unsatisfying ending. As you, all know the match ended in a double count-out, well this fact has angered NYCW’s owner The Stomper. Immediately after Ball of Confusion, Stomper had this to say:


“We here in NYCW take pride in the quality of our matches, so I was a bit disheartened to see the fans reaction after our tag team title match. The fans were not happy at witnessing a double count-out finish and I cannot blame them for this reaction.


Therefore, I as the owner of the company have booked a rematch for our next show, which will be called Top of the World. In addition, just to make this match more interesting, I have decided that one of these men will leave the company after the match is done. That is right, whoever is pinned and causes their team to lose the match will not return to NYCW! So if fighting for the tag team championships is not enough for them, that fact that their job is on the line as well, might give these four men the extra incentive they need to put on a tag match worthy of the fans adulation. ”


Wow, Stomper does not mess around! Man that is some harsh stuff right there! I guess this is a warning to both champions and challengers, if the fans don’t like your work then your ass might be out the door!


I would also like to note that Black Hat Bailey once again managed to evade Whistler not once but twice in the same night. Whistler had this to say about his arch-enemy Black Hat Bailey:


“Okay tough guy, for far to long you have been running rough shot over your opponents! Not only do you always cheat to beat them, but then you stomp them while they are down after you beat them! In my book, that makes you a coward! I know that you are refusing to fight me in the ring again, but I just want to put you on notice tough guy. I will not sit idly by and watch you beat the tar out of your opponents after you have already beaten them in the ring! You want to stomp on them. Well let it be know that I am gonna come out there and stomp on you! Tough Guy! Hoooooooo!”


Bailey is on notice that if he keeps up his post-match antics, he will have to answer for them!


Finally, Lee Wright has made so much noise about age discrimination, that he has forced the championship committee to add him into the Tri-State Regional match at next month’s event. The match, which was originally scheduled to be a one-on-one match between the champion American Machine and Eddie Howard, now has Lee Wright added into the mix. Upon hearing this Lee Wright made this comment:


“The NYCW championship committee has finally seen fit to give me the rematch that I so richly deserve! I am glad the higher ups in NYCW do not take age discrimination charges lightly.”


I am not sure if Lee Wright has a legal leg to stand on or not. However, NYCW’s front office must have because he now has gotten his rematch.



C-ya next month,


Rock Downpour

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Figured I would stop by and check out your dynasty since you are so influential on mine. am liking what I have read so far keep up the good work, I'll have to try and do a game with NYCW in the future because I never have before. You have a reader in me my friend.




PS. I really am into the columns you write such as Rock Downpours Take Etc. I will have to take some notes from this dynasty and use them in my own.

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Figured I would stop by and check out your dynasty since you are so influential on mine. am liking what I have read so far keep up the good work, I'll have to try and do a game with NYCW in the future because I never have before. You have a reader in me my friend.


Thanks a lot Taker!


PS. I really am into the columns you write such as Rock Downpours Take Etc. I will have to take some notes from this dynasty and use them in my own.


I find it a bit funny that you like the Rock Downpour column because I kind of borrowed the idea from you!:D It pretty much is The Kaladaro Kolumn, where you give a straight recap of your events, I use Rock to recap my matches and get across points that I feel were not covered all that well in my writeups. So by all means take some notes because I took the idea from you in the first place!:D

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Those recaps are great. Especially for new readers you can pretty much get caught up instantly and then go back at your leisure to fill in the gaps from the earlier stuff. Like this so far BHK!


Thank you! As you know I am a fan of yours as well so I appreciate the comments!

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NYCW: Top of the World preview:


Well wrestling fans, we here at NYCW have yet another action packed wrestling card that is going to place on Saturday June 28, 2008 at the Ministry in Queens, New York. This is a quick rundown of what our fans will see on that night.


Our main event will see Steve Flash defending his Empire Championship against The Big Problem. This match stems from last month’s show when Steve Flash and Sam Pratt lost to the team of The Big Problem and Mr. Jiminez. The Big Problem has been put on a mission by his stable mate, Honest Frank, to hurt Steve Flash and not try and win the Empire Title. Will The Big Problem adhere to this mission or will he go into business for himself and actually try and win the Empire title for himself? Can Steve Flash possibly beat The Big Problem in a one-on-one match?


In a shocking turn of events, NYCW owner The Stomper has declared that whomever is pinned in the NYCW Tag Team Title match, between The Gang of New York and The Old School Principals, will officially be fired from the company. Can The Gang of New York capture the gold? Or will The Old School Principals retain their championships? Which team will no longer exist here in NYCW?


We will also see a triple threat elimination match for the Tri-State Regional title between the Champion American Machine, Lee Wright, and Eddie Howard! Will Lee Wright recapture the Tri-State Regional title? Will American Machine retain his title with the odds stacked against him? Or will Eddie Howard capture his first title in NYCW?


Also, we will finally get to see Sam Pratt take on his arch-enemy Mr. Jiminez. These two former friends will meet for the first time in a one-on-one match in an NYCW ring. Will Sam Pratt get his revenge against the man whom he blames for costing his job? Or will Mr. Jiminez continue to have the upper hand in his war with his former friend?


Land Mass, Brendan Idol, Dazzling Dave Diamond and more will be in action as well! So bring your friends and family to another great NYCW show! Doors open at 7:00 pm so come early and enjoy the show.


Quick Picks for NYCW presents: Top of the World:


Bradford Peverell vs. Brendan Idol


Mr. Jiminez vs. Sam Pratt


Land Mass vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond


For the Tri-State Regional Title:


Lee Wright vs. Eddie Howard vs. American Machine ©


The Sting vs. Wiley Coyote


For The NYCW Tag Team Title/whomever is pinned is gone from NYCW:


The Old School Principals (Rick Sanders & The Masked Mauler) vs. The Gang of New York (David Bonham & Daniel Elderberry)


Question: Who will be leaving NYCW Rick Sanders,The Masked Mauler, Daniel Elderberry,or David Bonham?


For the NYCW Empire Title:


The Big Problem vs. Steve Flash ©


occ: Not sure when this card will be posted so whomever wants to make picks will have plenty of time to do so.


Also I just wanted to send a quick thank you out to Zeel1 and Oldschool for nominating in the rookie category for Diary of the Month!


And I would like to thank everybody who takes the time to read this.

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I have retained #1 status in predictions, despite not doing one in in-game months. I am king! :p



Bradford Peverell vs. Brendan Idol

Peverell fits the idea of the company a good deal more then Idol does, and I don't beleive Idol's gotten much of a push yet anyway.


Mr. Jiminez vs. Sam Pratt

Just can't see Pratt beating a guy that size..


Land Mass vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond

Land Mass has been presented much more regularly then Triple D, this looks like a routine win for LM.


For the Tri-State Regional Title:


Lee Wright vs. Eddie Howard vs. American Machine ©

AM's title reign is still relatively young, can't see it ending here.


The Sting vs. Wiley Coyote

Since Dodger's doing the Christian Tantrums, I suspect him to keep losing, so he can continue them.


For The NYCW Tag Team Title/whomever is pinned is gone from NYCW:


The Old School Principals (Rick Sanders & The Masked Mauler) vs. The Gang of New York (David Bonham & Daniel Elderberry)

Far more upside, and they've been built strongly. Can't see a reason for them to lose.


Question: Who will be leaving NYCW Rick Sanders,The Masked Mauler, Daniel Elderberry,or David Bonham?


For the NYCW Empire Title:


The Big Problem vs. Steve Flash ©

Still the best choice for champ, and likely will remain that way for a while.

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Bradford Peverell vs. Brendan Idol


Mr. Jiminez vs. Sam Pratt


Land Mass vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond


For the Tri-State Regional Title:


Lee Wright vs. Eddie Howard vs. American Machine ©


The Sting vs. Wiley Coyote


For The NYCW Tag Team Title/whomever is pinned is gone from NYCW:


The Old School Principals (Rick Sanders & The Masked Mauler) vs. The Gang of New York (David Bonham & Daniel Elderberry)


Question: Who will be leaving NYCW Rick Sanders,The Masked Mauler, Daniel Elderberry,or David Bonham?


For the NYCW Empire Title:


The Big Problem vs. Steve Flash ©

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My God! This is just awesome, I never thought I could get hooked to a C-Verse diary that isn't a USPW or a C-Verse 1997 one.

But this is just awesome.

But... Where is the love for Land Mass, I'm currently playing as NYCW in the C-Verse 1997 and I am planning a HUUUGE Land Mass push. :D


Bradford Peverell vs. Brendan Idol

I don't really like Peverell (Maybe it's the picture :p) But I'd still pick him anyday before Idol!!



Mr. Jiminez vs. Sam Pratt

Heel cheating his way to victory.



Land Mass vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond

If Land Mass loses to someone like DDD... The I will never forgive you!!! :confused:



For the Tri-State Regional Title:


Lee Wright vs. Eddie Howard vs. American Machine ©

Chap to retain is always the safe choice



The Sting vs. Wiley Coyote

blaah... Wiley Coyote, Washed up old has beens who can't wrestle... Wait a minute... I always mark for those... Well Wiley Coyote is an exception.



For The NYCW Tag Team Title/whomever is pinned is gone from NYCW:


The Old School Principals (Rick Sanders & The Masked Mauler) vs. The Gang of New York (David Bonham & Daniel Elderberry)


Question: Who will be leaving NYCW Rick Sanders,The Masked Mauler, Daniel Elderberry,or David Bonham?

Really... Get rid of The Masked piece of garbage.



For the NYCW Empire Title:


The Big Problem vs. Steve Flash ©

Huge Problem mark (suprise), But I'm believe it or not an even bigger of a Steve Flash mark. :p


Awesome shows BHK, Will be reading :)

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Bradford Peverell vs. Brendan Idol


Mr. Jiminez vs. Sam Pratt


Land Mass vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond


If you ever do signs I got one: F*ck Land Mass!!!


For the Tri-State Regional Title:


Lee Wright vs. Eddie Howard vs. American Machine ©


The Sting vs. Wiley Coyote


For The NYCW Tag Team Title/whomever is pinned is gone from NYCW:


The Old School Principals (Rick Sanders & The Masked Mauler) vs. The Gang of New York (David Bonham & Daniel Elderberry)


Question: Who will be leaving NYCW Rick Sanders,The Masked Mauler, Daniel Elderberry,or David Bonham?


For the NYCW Empire Title:


The Big Problem vs. Steve Flash ©


Wow, your doing good for yourself. Actually jealous your diary is getting more attention than mine but I guess that XFW ain't that pop here on the forums lol. Anyway good shows BHK keep them up!


And if ya need any logo, gimme a hollar!

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My God! This is just awesome, I never thought I could get hooked to a C-Verse diary that isn't a USPW or a C-Verse 1997 one.

But this is just awesome.

But... Where is the love for Land Mass, I'm currently playing as NYCW in the C-Verse 1997 and I am planning a HUUUGE Land Mass push.


Thank you.


I almost cut Land Mass in month number two!:D However, on menace alone he is worth keeping. As of this point he has been winning battle royals on the dark match part of the card. However, in real life I am on September of 2008 game wise and Land Mass has been featured on every card starting with Top of the World which is the upcoming one. So you will be able to get your Land Mass fix.:D


I actually thought about signing Giant Redwood and having him and Land Mass as a team. However, I just could not bring myself to do it!


Wow, your doing good for yourself. Actually jealous your diary is getting more attention than mine but I guess that XFW ain't that pop here on the forums lol. Anyway good shows BHK keep them up!


And if ya need any logo, gimme a hollar!


Not sure but for anybody reading this go over to Mystery's XFW diary as it is a good read.


And I just might take you up on the logo offer.


If you ever do signs I got one: F*ck Land Mass!!!


I probably will not do signs because I feel that it should be exclusive to angeldelayette's diary. However, there is a good chance that a fan might yell that at him.

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Bradford Peverell vs. Brendan Idol


Mr. Jiminez vs. Sam Pratt


Land Mass vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond


For the Tri-State Regional Title:


Lee Wright vs. Eddie Howard vs. American Machine ©

-Why not? :)


The Sting vs. Wiley Coyote


For The NYCW Tag Team Title/whomever is pinned is gone from NYCW:


The Old School Principals (Rick Sanders & The Masked Mauler) vs. The Gang of New York (David Bonham & Daniel Elderberry)


Question: Who will be leaving NYCW Rick Sanders,The Masked Mauler, Daniel Elderberry,or David Bonham?

-I'm going out on a limb thinking maybe something is up with his contract.


For the NYCW Empire Title:


The Big Problem vs. Steve Flash ©

-That's what I'd do! ;)

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NYCW presents: Top of the World


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Saturday June 28, 2008

Location: Ministry in Queens, New York

Attendance: 690

Overall Show Rating: D


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=MitchNaess_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/MitchNaess_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Mitch Naess: Hello and welcome wrestling fans to NYCW’s annual event Top of the World! My name is Mitch Naess and I am joined tonight in the boot with my broadcast partners Herb Stately and Rock Downpour. Gentlemen, tonight we have yet another action packed card with our main event being The Big Problem taking on Steve Flash for the Empire Championship!



Rock Downpour: Yeah the big man is challenging Steve Flash the title. But what does not make any sense to me is Big Problem’s associate, Honest Frank, has ordered him not to win the title! This just does not make any sense what so ever! I mean one does not get a shot at the Empire Title on a regular basis. My question is, why on god’s green earth will The Big Problem not try to win the Empire Title?



Herb Stately: Because in life there are natural born leaders, and natural born followers. Honest Frank is a leader among men much like F.D.R., Alexander the Great, or our President George Walker Bush!


[Rock and Mitch exchange a WTF look after he mentions Bush. Herb seemingly oblivious to their reaction continues with his tirade.]


Herb Stately: While someone like The Big Problem is best served in the role of loyal follower. The Big Problem is hired muscle, he is not the thinking man in this association, his job is to kick the crap out of the people that Frank wants beat up. And tonight that is his assignment, to kick the crap out of Stevie Flash. I will tell you one thing, I would not want to be little Stevie tonight!


Mitch Naess: On that note it looks like we are just about ready to kickoff tonight‘s action! Let us go down to ringside for our opening match!




[Marv Earnest is standing in the center of the ring about to make his opening announcement, when The Sting enter the ring.]



[Roger Dodger takes one look at Marv and says:]


Roger Dodger: Kindly leave the ring Marv before we have to physically remove you!


[Marv hurriedly leaves the ring, as the You’re a big baby chants start, which are directed at Roger because of the tantrum he threw last month after he and Sammy lost their match.]


Roger Dodger: Last month after we lost, I had a momentary lapse in sanity…I was frustrated because we lost to an inferior team. Frustrated that we, the best looking men on the NYCW roster, lost to a tag team consisting of a California beach bum and a no good dirty rotten Canadian!


[sammy the Shark nods along with everything that Roger is saying. Finally he says:]


Sammy the Shark: Aren’t all Canadians both dirty and rotten, Rog?


[sammy the Shark puts his hand over his microphone and says to Sammy in a low voice:]


Roger Dodger: Dude, it’s not your time to talk…when it is your time to talk I will let you.


[sammy nods his head as well and says in a low voice:]


Sammy the Shark: But Rog, I really hate Canadians….


Roger Dodger: I know…I know…but that is not our point….


Sammy the Shark: Oh…okay well then carry on.


Roger Dodger (now talking louder once again): As I was saying….what was I saying?


[He looks at Sammy who shrugs his shoulders.]


Roger Dodger: Oh…I remember…last month was a total fluke! A momentary setback if you will. Tonight things are going to change for us! Tonight we are going to start down the road to the NYCW tag team championships! Tonight we shall prevail of the man who thinks he is a dog and the other guy with the unwashed hair!


This is a night that you people in this arena will look back fondly on. Because you will all be able to say that you were there when the world’s greatest tag team set out on their journey down the path of greatness!


[Roger Dodger and Sammy the Shark stand in the center of the ring basking in the boos that the NYCW crowd is giving them.]


Roger Dodger: Oh…I almost forgot…it goes without saying that tonight I personally guarantee that my partner and I will defeat dog man and the other guy with the unwashed hair.


[sammy starts to speak on his microphone:]


Sammy the Shark: Living Lar…


[Roger interrupts him:]


Roger Dodger: I thought we talked about that catchphrase last month. It is totally unnecessary….and quite frankly…it is well…um…dumb.


Sammy the Shark (sounding disappointed): Man you never let me say any cool stuff…


[The two men exit the ring as we are brought back up to the booth.]


Mitch Naess: Roger Dodger once again is showing the utmost confidence in his and Sammy’s ability to win tonight.


Rock Downpour: Well I guess if you are not confident in yourself, how are you going to win? That being said I am not sure if it was wise of him to guarantee a victory tonight. I mean we all know how well that turned out for him and Sammy last month…


Herb Stately: That was last month! Tonight a new day dawns, tonight we will witness The Sting take their first steps down the road to tag team gold!


Rock Downpour: Good god man, what are you their press secretary?


Herb Stately: No I just know greatness when I see it. And those two men have greatness written all over them.


Mitch Naess: As much as I would like to continue this conversation gentlemen, we must go back down to the ring for our opening match.


<a href="

http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> with <a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=FernHathaway.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/FernHathaway.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=vs.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/vs.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=LandMass.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/LandMass.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Dazzling Dave Diamond with Fern Hathaway vs. Land Mass


[Dazzling Dave Diamond with his manager Fern Hathaway are already standing in side the ring. Having come down to the ring when the announcers were talking.]


[Land Mass‘ theme starts to play over the sound system as the 433 pound behemoth from Tulsa, Oklahoma makes his way down to the ring. About half way down the aisle Land Mass hears a fan shout, “F**k you Land Mass!” Land Mass walks over to the guardrail and makes it look like he is going to go after said fan but he does not. Instead he just smiles and continues to make his way down to the ring.


Ring announcer, Marv Earnest, once again makes the mistake of announcing Land Mass‘ real weight, which causes Land Mass to come over and threaten him. Marv Earnest corrects himself and announces Land Mass as being the best cruiserweight in wrestling today. Land Mass smiles at Marv and gives him the thumbs up. Marv wipes the sweat off his brow and leaves the ring.]


[This match is your typical Land Mass match, Land Mass beats the ever living crap out of his opponent and the match lasts longer then it should have because Land Mass was toying with Triple D. Land Mass keeps on refusing to pin Triple D, just so he beat the crap out of him some more.


This in turn, brings the mood down of the crowd as they are sick and tired of seeing the same old Land Mass matches. Finally, when Land Mass has had enough of toying with his opponent he places the lifeless body of Dazzling Dave Diamond against the ropes and he hit him with the Ten Ton Avalanche (Running corner body splash) he then moves the lifeless body of Dazzling Dave to the center of the ring and pinned him 1,2,3 for the victory.]


Winner: Land Mass

Time: 5:52

Rating: E+


Mitch Naess: One has to feel for Land Mass’ opponents, the man just absolutely destroys them each and every time.


Rock Downpour: Yeah the man is a beast no doubt. But what is up with him constantly wanting to be referred to as a cruiserweight?


Herb Stately: Are you serious? He was to be referred to as a cruiserweight, because he is a cruiserweight! In fact he is the best cruiserweight in the business today! I mean did you see that Moonsault that he pulled off tonight!


Rock Downpour: What….? Are your glasses fogged up again? There is no way, shape, or form that he could possibly do a Moonsault!


Mitch Naess (trying not to laugh): Well…ah…(he snickers a little) I have word that Honest Frank has requested some face time with NYCW owner The Stomper. Let us go to the back and see what he has to say.


[We are taking to the back where we see Stomper sitting at an old wooden desk with tons of papers on it. On either side of Stomper there is a cheap plastic plant. Stomper is looking down at his paper work as Honest Frank enters his office. Stomper pushes his glasses down the bridge of his nose and looks at Frank over his glasses. He smiles at Frank and says:]



Stomper: Ah, Frankie my boy what can I do for you son.



Honest Frank: Well I wanted to tell you how much I want to step in the ring and kick the ass of that Michael Bolton look a like Steve Flash!


[stomper nods his head. Frank continues:]


Honest Frank: However, if I can be honest with you for a moment, I really do not think that it is necessary for us to rush into this match.


Stomper: The thing is kiddo, the fans really want to see the match, and regardless of our personal friendship, what the fans want is what the fans get. See where I am going with this?


Honest Frank: Yeah I understand, you have to do what is best for business. And I understand that you have to give the fans what they want. I mean, as you know I love the fans. Our fans are some of the greatest in the world, especially that old broad….I mean that lovely elderly woman who sits in the front row each and every month. I really do love the shouts of encouragement that she gives me…


Stomper: Yeah I get it, you love the fans (Stomper winks at Frank because he knows that Frank is lying), but is there a point to all of this?


Honest Frank: Yeah, I just want to ask you to hold off giving me a match against lil Stevie for a little bit. You see I have a plan in the works and I want to see it through. And if I have to face Steve next month, this plan is just not going to work out. So what do you say old buddy of mine? Can I avoid fighting Steve for a little bit?


Stomper: Fine, but I just want you to know, once the fans impatience grows to a fever pitch. Your ass is getting into that ring with Steve Flash, no matter if you are a friend of mine or not.


[Frank nods his head and says:]


Honest Frank: That is all I could ask for boss. Now if you excuse me I have to begin phase one of my plan.


[Frank walks out of Stomper‘s office, and we are taken back to the announcers booth.]


Segment Rating: D


Mitch Naess: What in the world does Honest Frank have up his sleeve now?


Rock Downpour: I am not sure what that dude has up his sleeve. One question that I do have is, why would Frank not want to face Flash for the Empire title? I mean it is the most prestigious title that this company has and yet he does not want to have a chance to win it! Either he is a coward, like we all know he is, or…he is going to pull something that helps his chances of winning the title. Maybe it is a combination of both…


Herb Stately: A coward? How dear you say something like that! Honest Frank is anything but a coward, he is a man of honor and integrity! And there has to be a very good reason as to why he does not want to step into the ring with Michael Bolton’s twin. We will just have to wait and see what that reason is.


Mitch Naess: Well while we are waiting for that reason, we might as well go back down to ringside for our next match-up between Bradford Peverell and Brendan Idol. Which is about to start right now…



[both wrestlers already came down to the ring while the announcers were talking, which shows you how much NYCW management thinks of these two young combatants.]


[This was a rather long squash match, as Bradford Peverell was in control of the match from bell to bell. The fans were bored to death with this match, so much so that it brought the crowd‘s mood down. The fans were finally put out of their misery when Bradford nailed Brendan with a Dream Left Hook, which knocked Brendan out. Bradford made the pin and got the victory.]


Winner: Bradford Peverell

Time: 5:29

Rating: E+


[While Bradford was pinning Brendan, Land Mass came lumbering down to the ring.]



[Right after Bradford was awarded the victory, Land Mass entered the ring and just beat the utter crap out of both Bradford and Brendan. This relentless assault lasted for quite awhile as Land Mass was unleashing some pent up anger that he had. Finally, NYCW officials managed to get Land Mass out of the ring. After Land Mass left ringside, NYCW’s medical staff rushed out and looked over the falling wrestlers. Brendan, who took the brunt of Land Mass’ rage, had to be taken out on a stretcher. After a few minutes Bradford left of his own volition.]


Segment Rating: D-


Mitch Naess: What was that all about?


Rock Downpour: I don’t know, maybe Land Mass just found out that The Stomper is no longer going to have craft services for the talent.


Herb Stately: Keep on making your jokes Rock. You should be happy that you can no longer wrestle or that might have been you.


Mitch Naess: Well fans we will keep you updated on the status of Brendan Idol and Bradford Peverell when we find out anything. Let us go to the back where the newest member to our backstage team, Cheerleader Nicki, is standing by with Lee Wright, who is set to take on both Eddie Howard and American Machine in a triple-threat match for the Tri-State Regional title a little later on tonight.



[We are now brought to the backstage area where Cheerleader Nicki is standing next to Lee Wright. They are standing in front of an old brick wall, with an NYCW banner hanging on it.]


Cheerleader Nicki: That is right Mitch, I am here with Lee Wright who has a big match later on tonight! So Lee how does it feel to have a shot at the Tri-State Regional title later on tonight.


[Lee looks at Nicki with complete and utter disgust and anger as he responds:]


Lee Wright: What’s some matter Barbie, couldn’t hack it as a manager?


[Nicki looks at Lee and then at the camera like a deer caught in the headlights. Lee laughs at her for a second and then says:]


Lee Wright: Look all you have to do is stand there and hold the microphone and look pretty. That is the only reason why they hired you in the first place.


[Nicki jaw drops and then she pouts and just stands there and holds the microphone.]


Lee Wright: Six months ago, I lost my Tri-State Regional title to that talent less hack American Machine. After losing my title, I thought that I would get a rematch for it, on our card the following month. I did not get my rematch the following month, I did not get it the next month either.


I quickly came to realize why the NYCW championship committee did not want me to get my rematch. They did not want me, the oldest member on the roster to win the title back! It would not be sexy for a man whom they see as an over-the-hill biker holding one of their precious titles! So I complained to Stomper, telling him how his championship committee was discriminating against me because of my age!


Stomper agreed and order those pricks on the championship committee to give me my rematch. So what did those gutless pricks do? That made me fight Eddie Howard for the right to my rematch! And through pure luck, Eddie Howard beat me for my rematch. The championship committee must have been so happy when the young pup beat the old dog. Well they were not gonna get rid of me that quickly…no way no how!


You see when Eddie fought Machine in my rematch, I had to force myself into that match. That was why I attacked Eddie Howard last month. I did it because it was the only way that the championship committee would take notice of me. And you know what? It worked! Tonight I am gonna face Eddie and Machine in a triple-threat elimination match! And one of us is going to come out the champion. And it aint gonna be either one of yous twos!


[Lee looks at Nicki and says:]


Lee Wright: C-ya later toots!


[Nicki looks shocked as Lee Wright gives her a pat on the ass as he leaves the interview. The camera now focuses solely on Nicki who has the look of utter disgust on her face after what had just happened.]


Cheerleader Nicki: Ew…that was gross… I mean he is old enough to be my grandfather! Back to you Mitch.


Segment Rating: E


Mitch Naess: Well Lee Wright continues saying that he is being discriminated against. What are your thoughts about that gentlemen?


Rock Downpour: I think that it is a load of bull! No way, the championship committee is discriminating against him. They probably just feel that there are wrestlers who are more deserving of a title shot than Lee.


Herb Stately: More deserving than Lee! How could you say such a thing! I can’t believe that we don’t have people protesting in front of the area due to the championship committee’s blatant age discrimination against Lee!


Mitch Naess: Well I am sure the A.A.R.P. will come right down and start that protest. While we are waiting for that to happen, let us go back down to the ring for our next match.


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http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=RogerDodger_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/RogerDodger_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=SammyTheShark.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/SammyTheShark.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=vs.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/vs.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=WileySteinway.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/WileySteinway.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=CoyoteDynamite.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/CoyoteDynamite.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


vs. Wiley Coyote


[The Sting step out from the backstage curtain and the are immediately greeted with the You’re a big baby (which is directed at Roger) chant from the crowd. Once inside the ring Sammy walks to the middle of the ring and spreads his arms apart looking very much like the Christ the Redeemer Statue in Rio de Janeiro. While Sammy stands next to him showing off his deck of cards.]


[The minute the theme song form Rawhide starts to play the crowd goes wild as Wiley Coyote steps out from the backstage curtain. These two men have not been seen together in the ring as a tag team for the last couple of months. So the fans look upon this as a bit of a treat. Upon entering the ring Coyote climbs the ropes, lifts his head up and howls. The crowd responds with howls in kind.]


[Well this match was a total squash, as The Sting got next to no offense in. In fact the team of Wiley Coyote made the Sting look down right bad due to their no selling. The crowd could clearly care less about this match and most of them were relieved when it was finally over. It ended when Coyote Dynamite hit Roger Dodger with a Spinebuster. He then pinned him for the victory.]


Winners: Wiley Coyote

Time: 3:45

Rating: E +


[After the match Roger Dodger repeats what he did the previous month, we he lays down on his back and starts flaying his arms and legs around yelling, “It‘s not fair!” And this time it doesn’t looks like he is crying because he actually is crying! The fans are loving this as they chant Big Baby and Cry Baby at him.]


Mitch Naess: I think it is safe to say that nobody is going to mistake Roger Dodger for a modern day Nostradamus!


Rock Downpour: Yeah man, if I was Roger, I would quit making those guarantees from here on out.


Herb Stately: What you saw tonight was a temporary set back for the Sting. Next month they will regroup and start down the path to the NYCW tag team championships!


Rock Downpour: Yeah and if you believe that, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I would like to sell you.


Mitch Naess: Well with that being said, let us go to the back where Cheerleader Nicki is standing by with The Gang of New York.


[Cheerleader Nicki is standing in the same area as she was when she interviewed Lee Wright. However, this time she is flanked by the Gang of New York.]



Cheerleader Nicki: Guys tonight you have a match for the tag team titles against you arch-enemies The Old School Principals. And whoever gets pinned tonight will have to leave NYCW for good. Are you guys afraid that you might not be a tag team after tonight?


[Daniel Elderberry looks at Nicki and smiles and says:]



Daniel Elderberry: Afraid…? Afraid….? We aint afraid of nothing! In fact that word isn’t even in our vocabularies! No, the ones that should be afraid tonight are our opponents The Old School Principals. You see since we showed up here in New York we have had one goal in mind…win the NYCW tag team titles.


Last month we had our first crack at em and we did not deliver. Well this month we will deliver! We will walk out of this arena as the NYCW tag team champions. And Old School Principals, one of your sorry asses will not be around here after tonight!



David Bonham: Aint that the truth! You see Old School Principals, you might preach the virtues of being old school but me and my partner, really are old school. We come to the ring drink our beers, enter the ring and kick some ass, leave the ring and drink some more beers. You might say that that is as old school as you can get. So tonight you guys have something that we want and we aint gonna rest until we beat ya and send one of your asses home for evah!


Daniel Elderberry: Dave I think we’re done here!


[David nods his head and says:]


David Bonham: You’re damn right bro, let’s go kick some ass!


[The Gang of New York leave the interview area and Cheerleader Nicki says:]


Cheerleader Nicki: It looks like they mean business tonight! Back to you Mitch.


Segment Rating: E+


Mitch Naess: That they do Nicki. Well fans it is now time for the triple threat elimination match for the Tri-State Regional Title. Let us go back down to ringside for the introductions.


For the Tri-State Regional Title


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vs. Eddie Howard vs. American Machine©


[Lee Wright is the first person to come out from the backstage area. He is immediately greeted with an A-A-R-Lee chant (For those of in the audience that are not American, they are making fun of Lee because of his age. The A.A.R.P. is the American Association of Retired Persons a non-profit group which is dedicated to enhancing quality of life for all as we age, yes I lifted their mission statement off of Wikipedia.). Lee is not to happy with this new chant, well in all honesty Lee is never happy. Lee stands in his corner glaring at the wrestler‘s entrance for his opponents to come out.]


[Out next is Eddie Howard, and once again the fans show Eddie a lot of love. I have said it before and I will say it again, it amazes me how much Eddie has caught on with the NYCW fans in just six months.]


[Finally, Jimi Hendrix’s version of The Star Spangled Banner starts to play and out steps the reining Tri-State Regional champion, American Machine, much to the delight of the fans. As Machine makes his way down to the ring he slaps the fans hands. When he enters the ring he gives a stone cold stare to Lee Wright.]


[Machine hands the Tri-State Regional Title over to NYCW‘s senior official (and only official for that matter) Michael Bull who walks to the center of the ring and holds up the title for all in the arena to see.]


[Michael Bull tells the time keeper to ring the bell, and the match begins. This match is one giant cluster f**k of a match. With the wrestlers going all over the place. What is weird is the fact that the faces did not assist each other in taking out Lee. Instead all three men go at each other, and there is little double teaming in this match at all. You see a lot of what typically happens in this type of match, one guy throws someone out of the ring so that it can be two on two for awhile.


Lee Wright started to look very winded at around the seven minute mark. So it was not real surprise to the fans when he ended up being the first man to be eliminated from this match. He was eliminated after Eddie Howard hit him with a Crash and Burn (Swinging Fisherman Suplex) and pinned him. The time of Lee’s elimination was at eight minutes and ten seconds.


Lee’s elimination from the match setup another face on face match between American Machine and Eddie Howard. This match got much better once Lee was eliminated, as both men gave it their all. Both Eddie and Machine got almost an equal amount of offense in. Machine finally is able to get the advantage and lifts up Howard and gives him his Old Glory slam (sidewalk slam) and pins him 1,2,3 for the victory!]


Winner and still Tri-State Regional Champion: American Machine

Time: 12:10

Rating: D-


Mitch Naess: Wow what a great match! American Machine once again over come to odds and retains his Tri-State Regional title!


Herb Stately: Yeah great champion…whatever…you know what? I still say Machine is a paper champion! If he was any sort of man he would be willing to face Lee Wright one-on-one!


However, we all know that is exactly what Lee is trying to avoid. He does not want to step into the ring with Lee and face him one-on-one. And that is why he has to hide behind the championship committee, he has them and Eddie Howard do his dirty work. Well that my friend makes me just sick to my stomach!


Mitch Naess: Well while you take some pepto bismol, we will go back down to the ring where our broadcast partner Rock Downpour is standing by with New York City’s Finest!




[We see Rock Downpour standing in between The Big Problem and Honest Frank.]


Rock Downpour: Thanks a lot Mitch. Ladies and gentlemen as you can see I am here with New York City’s Finest. Now Frank you called me down here because you have to big announcements that you would like to make about your plan.


[before Frank can start to speak, the fans start the You‘re a Liar chant. As always this chant infuriates Frank and he looks angrily out at the crowd and says:]


Honest Frank: That is right you troglodytes keep it up! You people are proving yourselves to be just as dumb as Whistler! You people do realize that you are being taped right? The reason why I ask is because I am going to use this tape and many others like it as evidence in my court case against you the NYCW fans! That is right, I am still going ahead with my lawsuit and you foolish people are just helping my case!


[The crowd chants even louder at him. Frank paces back and forth and then yells out:]


Honest Frank: Serenity now!


[The Big Problem walks over to Rock and says:]


The Big Problem: While the boss is trying to calm down, I would like to talk about why we came out here!


[The fans start to boo The Big Problem and now they switch their chant over to Big Flop.]


The Big Problem: Shut your faces! I am not a flop! I am the best technical wrestler in the world today! Bar none!


[Having seemingly calmed down Frank walks over to Rock and says:]


Honest Frank: I am calm now, as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted by this slandering fools, I have a plan going forward over the next couple of months. I have made it my mission to win the Empire title. However, I am not going to do it on anybodies schedule but my own. When I feel that I am personally ready to take on Little Stevie Flash I will! And I will not do it a moment sooner!


You fans so desperately want me to get in that ring and get my ass kicked by your hero!


[The fans start to cheer after that comment.]


Honest Frank: However, I am not in any way shape or form going to step into that ring with Steve Flash until I am ready. And that leads me to my plan, you see tonight my associate is going to take on Steve Flash for the Empire championship. However, I have given my associate his marching orders, which are he under no circumstances should try and win said title.


Now one might ask why would someone as talented as The Big Problem not try and win the Empire title? Why? Because I told him not to that is why! Have no fear, The Big Problem will be treated financially very well if he does not win the title tonight.


[He turns and looks at Big Problem and says:]


Honest Frank: Your only goal tonight is to make sure that Steve Flash comes out of your match hurting. Now I don’t want you to end his career, that would not be good…but I would not mind if you say…I don’t know maybe broke one of his arms…


[The Big Problem nods as Frank starts to laugh at what he just said.]


Honest Frank: Yes in fact that would be perfect! Work his arms, break one of the if you have to, just make sure that he is not one hundred percent after your match with him is over! If you do that for me tonight, you will be seeing your bank account go up tomorrow.


[The Big Problem smiles upon hearing that comment. Honest Frank continues:]


Honest Frank: Now onto our other business. Three months ago, I brought back to NYCW the best technical wrestler in the history of wrestling. My associate and I decided that our partnership would be called New York City’s Finest because after all we are the best wrestlers in the company today!


[The fans start to boo again, and Frank just smile and says:]


Honest Frank: Boo all you want, but even you troglodytes must understand that my words are true! Anyway, when we formed our alliance, my associate and I had always planned on expanding our ranks. Because after all, there is power in numbers! So my associate and I searched far and wide for a wrestler who was able to live up to our standards of greatness. Finally, after three long months of searching for such talent we found him. So without further ado, I introduce you to one of the best young talents in the industry today and the newest member of our alliance, Mr. Kirk Jameson!



[Kirk Jameson is only known to a handful of people in the NYCW audience tonight. However that does not stop him from receiving a chorus of boos upon his debut. The boos are more of a guilt by association thing, as the fans hate this young man already, not because he has done anything bad but because he is chosen to align himself with two of the most hated men in the company. Kirk make his way to the ring, while Frank and Big Problem clap for him.


Once inside the ring, Kirk walks over to The Big Problem and shakes his hand, he then proceeds to walk over to Honest Frank to shake his hand as well. However, Frank will have none of it. Instead he stretches his arms out and hugs Kirk. Finally Kirk walks over to Rock, Rock looks at him and says:]


Rock Downpour: Hey kid, are you really sure that you want to associate with them?


Kirk Jameson: Are you kidding me man? Of course I want to be associated with them! What kind of stupid question is that old man? My question to you is, why would I not want to be associated with them? Why would I not want to be apart of the greatest alliance in NYCW history?


Look I agreed to come to NYCW because I wanted to be apart of one of the most elite groups in wrestling history! And now that I am, there is nobody that is going to stop us!


[Honest Frank walks over to Rock Downpour and says:]


Honest Frank: And that’s the honest truth! Come on guys let’s go!


[The three of them leave the ring. Rock says:]


Rock Downpour: Back to you Mitch.


Segment Rating: E+


Mitch Naess: Well it looks as if New York City’s Finest has gotten just a little bit stronger with the addition of the youngster Kirk Jameson!


Herb Stately: I can’t believe what I am about to say, but I agree with you one hundred percent Mitch! With the addition of Kirk Jameson, NYC’s Finest have just become the most powerful group in our company today!


Mitch Naess: Up next we have our tag team title match, remember fans that whichever wrestler gets pinned tonight, causing his team to lose, will be gone from NYCW! That’s right whatever team loses tonight will have to disband! Herb, what are your thoughts on our next match?


Herb Stately: Well, after the matches is over with tonight I will be extremely pleased.


Mitch Naess: Why is that?


Herb Stately: Because after tonight’s match is over one of those walking cancer factories will be leaving NYCW! And I will be able to breath a little better!


Mitch Naess: So your prediction is that The Old School Principals are going to win tonight?


Herb Stately: Why was there ever any doubt that would be the outcome?


Mitch Naess: Well I don’t know, but one thing that I do know is the match is about to start. Let us go back down to the ring for the wrestler’s introductions.


For the NYCW Tag Team Championships:


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vs. The Old School Principals ©


[The house lights dim and the spotlight starts circling the arena as nobody knows where The Gang of New York are going to come out. Bad To The Bone by George Thorogood comes blasting over the sound system. After a few seconds the crowd starts to go wild, as The Gang of New York walk through the crowd drinking beer and smoking their cigars. While this is going on Herb Stately starts to cough in the booth.]


[Finally, after their customary lengthy walk to the ring The Gang of New York enter the ring and the crowd is still going wild for them.]


[The Old School Principals do not get such a warm welcome when they come out from the backstage area. Instead they have to dodge various pieces of garbage that is hurled at them, while the walk to the ring. When the duo get in front of Front Row Franny, she starts yelling at them, “One of youz is going home!”. Rick Sanders looks at her and says, “Why don‘t you go back to whatever old folks home you came from.”


Finally, the tag team champions enter the ring and they stand in their corner staring daggers at their challengers. Referee Michael Bull takes the tag team titles from The Old School Principals, he walks over to the challengers and shows them the titles. He then proceeds to walk to the center of the ring and hold the tag titles high above his head.]


[The match starts and it just one big brawl just like last month when these two met. The offense was equal, as both teams had time to shine. All though this match was much better than the previous month‘s match, the fans still seemed to lose interest.


This match was much more of a traditional tag team match and not the wild brawl. With the heels cutting off the ring and beating down the Daniel Elderberry for much of the second half of the match. Finally, Daniel was able to hot tag his partner and David Bonham gained control of the match for his team. The match came to an end when David Bonham hit Rick Sanders with the Grease Spot. David then proceeded to pin Rick, Michael Bull makes the count





Ladies and Gentlemen we have new tag team champions!]


Winners and new NYCW Tag Team Champions: The Gang of New York

Time: 8:53

Rating: D-


[As The Gang of New York celebrate their victory, The Masked Mauler rolls back into the ring to check on his now former partner. Rick Sanders comes to but does not fully realize what has just happened. The Masked Mauler fills him in and a look of disappointment creeps across Rick Sanders face. He stands up and the crowd actually starts to applauded for him!


Even though the fans never liked Rick all that much, that does not mean they did not respect him (despite the fact that they threw garbage at him all of the time). The Masked Mauler holds his former partners hand up and the crowd starts chanting, Thank You Rick! Rick takes a bow and he and The Masked Mauler leave the ring, for the last time as tag team partners.]


Mitch Naess: Wow, I did not see that coming! Well I guess The Gang of New York have finally achieved their goal of becoming the NYCW tag team champions!


Rock Downpour: Yeah what a great victory for the Gang! I do have to say one thing though, I have to give mad props to Rick Sanders for all that he has meant to this company. The man always gave it his all no matter what. And at the end of the day, I have nothing but respect for a man like that.


Herb Stately: You are absolutely right Rock. Rick has been with this company for quite a while and has worked his ass off in that ring night in and night out. Even these moron fans could see that and that was why they gave him a standing ovation!


Mitch Naess: No doubt Rick will be missed. However, life must go on here in NYCW and we are now going to the back where Joanne Rodriguez and Mr. Jiminez have requested some time.



[We go to the back where we see J-Ro, who is wearing a short, low cut purple dress, and Mr. Jiminez standing in the same interview area where the previous two backstage interviews occurred. Mr. Jiminez whispers something in J-Ro‘s ear and she smiles and she then begins to talk:]


J-Ro: Sam Pratt, my client Mr. Jiminez wants you to know that the beating you took last month was just a mere prelude to the beating that you are going to get later on tonight.


[Mr. Jiminez whispers in her ear once again, J-Ro nods and continues:]


J-Ro: My client would also like to issue an ultimatum to you, either back out of your match with my client later on tonight or face a beating the likes of which you have never received before. You see Sam, my client is sick and tired of beating you from pillar to post month in and month out. He does feel guilty about beating you like a government mule, after all you were once a good friend of his and despite you recent petty squabble, my client is willing to show you mercy.


[Mr. Jiminez whispers in her ear for a third time. J-Ro nods and says:]


J-Ro: My client wants you to know Sam that he is a benevolent man. A man who gets no joy in beating you like the bitch ass that you are. So Sam please do my client and yourself a favor and back out while you still have a chance.


Segment Rating: D-


Mitch Naess: Something tells me that Sam Pratt is not going to back out of his match later tonight.


Rock Downpour: Yeah, the chances of that happening are slim to none…


Herb Stately: Well if Sam Pratt had any brains he would heed Ms. Rodriguez’s warning and high tail it out of here. I mean Pratt has to ask himself, is it really worth the beating that Mr. Jiminez will surely give him. I know if I was Sam I would get the hell out of here. Especially after the kind hearted Mr. Jiminez has basically said all transgressions will be forgiven, if Sam does not show up tonight.


Mitch Naess: What….I just got word in my headset that something is about to go down in the back. Lucky for us are cameraman Rick is back there. Let’s see what is happening....


[We cut to the back where Black Hat Bailey and Whistler are engaged in a brawl.



These two men are hitting each other with everything that they can get their hands on. And they are fighting all over the backstage area. Finally, Bradford Peverell and Franklin Carson jump in and try to separate these two men.



However, it is to no avail as they are drawn into this battle as well. Finally, NYCW officials manage to separate all involved in this brawl. The camera shows that Bailey may have gotten the worst of this brawl as his face is covered in his own blood.]


Segment Rating: D-


Mitch Naess: I looks like Whistler has finally caught up to Bailey and is giving him the beating that he so richly deserves.


Herb Stately: Whistler is so dumb it took him an entire month to find Black Hat Bailey. Words just do not describe how dumb this man is. In fact just last week I saw Whistler in Times Square, grilling the Naked Cowboy, as to the whereabouts of Black Hat Bailey. Someone should really find this man a hobby…


Mitch Naess (trying not to laugh): Um….well I looks like Bradford Peverell is feeling fine seeing that he just took part in that brawl…


Rock Downpour: Yeah the dude has had a busy night…


Mitch Naess: Unfortunately, we have no word on the condition of Brendan Idol as of this time. Well it looks like we are ready for our next match so let us go back down to ringside.


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vs. Sam Pratt


[Reggaetón Latino starts to play across the sound system and out steps Joanne Rodriguez in the same low-cut, short purple dress that she had on earlier. She is shortly followed by her client, Mr. Jiminez. The minute Mr. Jiminez is in front of the crowd, the crowd start a Super Starfish chant. Mr. Jiminez looks angrily at the crowd as he walks to the ring.


Finally, Mr. Jiminez and J-Ro make it to the ring where Mr. Jiminez follows J-Ro up the ring steps and instructs her to hold the ring ropes open for him. Which she does, Mr. Jiminez enters the ring and walks to the center of the ring. J-Ro joins him in the center and she holds up his right hand while pointing at him with her left hand. The crowd boos loudly at this duo.]



[The fans are next greeted by Van Halen‘s Jump, and out from the backstage curtain comes Sam Pratt. The fans go nuts, as Sam runs to the ring and slides underneath the bottom rope. Sam walks over to his corner and eyes his mortal enemy.]


[The timekeeper rings that bell and this match is on like donkey kong! These two men go at it tooth and nail. Sam actually gets in a lot of offense in the early part of the match. Despite being in control for a good portion of the match, Sam seemed off his game tonight, he blew a few spots which no only made him look bad but also Mr. Jiminez as well. Because Mr. Jiminez being the pro that he is had to sell moves that clearly did not come anywhere near him.


This match came to an end when J-Ro, who was standing on the ring apron, started yelling at Sam. Sam walked over to her and grabbed her by the back of her head. J-Ro struggled in his grasp, and Sam made it look like he was going to hit her. However, he leaned in and gave he a kiss on the lips. When he pulled away, J-Ro slapped him across the face. A shocked Sam went to grab her but he soon found himself being rolled-up in a pin by Mr. Jiminez. Referee Michael Bull made the count 1,2,3 and Mr. Jiminez won the match.]


Winner: Mr. Jiminez

Time: 13:01

Rating: D+


Mitch Naess: Once again, Mr. Jiminez gets another cheap victory due to interference. I think we are starting to see a trend here.


Rock Downpour: No doubt man, Mr. Jiminez might have earned the victory tonight, but mark my words this war between he and Sam Pratt is far from over.


Herb Stately: I say a win is a win, no matter what you have to do to get it. I want to know how people could cheer Sam Pratt after he forced himself on poor defenseless Joanne Rodriguez! What the hell kind of role model is that?


Mitch Naess: I would hardly say that Joanne Rodriguez is a defenseless woman…anyway it is now time for our main event of the evening. Tonight we will see Steve Flash defend his Empire title against The Big Problem. Any thoughts gentlemen on our main event?


Rock Downpour: I think that Steve Flash will have his work cut out for him tonight. Especially now that he not only has to contend with Honest Frank being at ringside, he also has to contend with Kirk Jameson as well. The odds are not in Steve’s favor tonight.


Herb Stately: Exactly, Rock! With the addition of Kirk Jameson, NYC’s Finest will truly be an unstoppable force! I will shock you however, because I am going to pick Steve Flash to win tonight!


Rock Downpour: Hold up! You are picking Steve Flash to win tonight….maybe the Mayan calendar is right and the end of the world is coming in four years!


Herb Stately: Well I wouldn’t go that far my friend. The only reason why I say Steve Flash is going to retain is, well The Big Problem has marching orders not to win the title. And The Big Problem being the loyal soldier that he is, will not deviate from those orders.


Mitch Naess: We will see about that, it looks as though we are read for the main event. Let us go back down to ringside for the wrestler’s introductions.


For the Empire Championship:


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=NYCW_Empire.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/NYCW_Empire.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=TheBigProblem_alt9.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/TheBigProblem_alt9.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> with <a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=HonestFrank.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/HonestFrank.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> & <a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=KirkJameson.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/KirkJameson.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=vs.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/vs.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/?action=view&current=SteveFlash.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/NYCW/SteveFlash.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


vs. Steve Flash ©


[The house lights dim as the spotlight shines on the wrestlers backstage entrance. Metallica’s Better Than You starts to play on the arena’s sound system. Out steps Kirk Jameson and Honest Frank who are followed closely by The Big Problem. Each man is wearing matching white satin jackets with NYC’s Finest stitched onto the back of their jackets in red lettering. Each man also has his first name stitched onto to the front jacket, I guess this is their because they might forget their first name. Anyway, the crowd boos the three men as they make their way down to the ring. Finally, when The Big Problem is in front of Front Row Franny. Before she can say anything to him he turns looks at her and says, “Keep your trap shut you old broad!” The three men then enter the ring waiting for Steve Flash to come down to the ring.]


[The house lights dim once again, the spotlight shines on the wrestler’s entranceway, and the familiar Rolling Stones hit Jumping Jack Flash starts playing across the arena. Steve Flash soon appears from behind the backstage curtain and he runs down to the ring. The crowd goes nuts for their favorite wrestler as they sing along with the Rolling Stones hit.]


[steve enters the ring and climbs the ropes and faces the crowd. He holds his Empire Title above his head with his right hand. The lights are still off and all you can see is the spotlight shining on Steve as countless flashbulbs go off in the crowd.


As Steve climbs down from the ropes, the house lights come back on slowly. Both men go and stand in there respective corners staring each other down.]


[After the in ring introductions by Marv Earnest, NYCW Senior referee Michael Bull holds the Empire Championship Title above his head and then proceeds to show walk to each side of the ring so the fans can gaze at the title. He then pauses in front of the challenger, The Big Problem, and shows him the title.


After handing the title over to the time keeper, Michael Bull motions for both of the competitors in tonight’s match to come to the center of the ring. Marv Earnest stands behind Michael Bull and holds the microphone underneath the arm of Michael. Flash has his normal deadly serious look on his face as he comes face to face with his challenger. The Big Problem looks equally serious.]



Michael Bull: Okay gentlemen, we went over the instructions in the back and I expect a good clean fight. Any questions?


Both fighters shake their heads no, as they keep their opponent’s stare.


Michael Bull: Okay then shake hands and return to your respective corners.


[The Big Problem actually puts his hand out to shake, Steve Flash goes into to shake his opponent‘s hand. However, Steve Flash is brought to his keens as The Big Problem squeezes Flash‘s hand with all of his might. Referee Michael Bull tries to get The Big Problem to let go. The Big Problem refuses to let go, Michael Bull realizing that this is a lost cause tells the timekeeper to ring the bell, signaling the start of the match.]


[The Big Problem continues to make Steve Flash look like his personal rag doll, tossing Flash all over the ring. Flash is just getting the tar kicked out of him. This match is a one sided affair for a good portion of the match. The Big Problem is just having his way with Steve Flash and in the process looks really good (No doubt because he is in the ring with Flash.).


Finally, as if harnessing the energy of the crowd, Steve Flash mounts a comeback or as the NYCW fans like to say he Flashed-Up. It does not matter what The Big Problem does, Steve Flash no sells because Steve is in the zone where nothing hurts him. Honest Frank has seen enough of this, as his associate The Big Problem looks like he is about to keel over and die due to exhaustion, he enters the ring and creams Steve Flash with a steel chair right in front of referee Michael Bull. Michael Bull has no other choice but to D.Q. The Big Problem and award the victory to Steve Flash.]


Winner and still Empire Champion: Steve Flash

Time: 9:28

Rating: D+


[New York City‘s Finest is not done with Steve Flash, they continue their post-match assault on the Empire Champion. Beating the ever living crap out of Steve Flash. Honest Frank leaves the ring and grabs a microphone from Marv Earnest, he then reenters the ring as Big Problem and Kirk prop Steve Flash up. Honest Frank starts to slap Steve Flash in the face and then he yells at Steve Flash:]


Honest Frank: I will fight you on my timeline! And not a moment sooner! And that is the Honest truth!


[He then looks at The Big Problem and says:]


Honest Frank: Big man you know what to do!


[The Big Problem picks up Steve Flash by his throat and slams him down onto a steel chair. New York City‘s Finest stand there admiring their handiwork as the NYCW medical staff come into the ring to check on the fallen NYCW Empire Champion. The camera fades to black….]


Segment Rating: E+

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I would like to thank everybody who took the time to make predictions! Congratulations Zeel1 you picked every match right! And anybody who takes the time to read this!


Here are the Prediction records for this card:


Zeel1 7/7


Lexa90 6/7


The Mystery 5/7


Hyde Hill 5/7


Purple Cowboy 4/7



Overall records:


Zeel1: 19/21

Win %: .905!!!


Lexa90 6/7

Win %: .857


Marcel Fromage:11/13

Win %: .846


tristram: 4/5

Win %: .800


Hyde Hill: 31/40

Win %: .775


The Mystery: 10/13

Win %: .769


Bigpapa42: 3/5

Win %: .600


Purple Cowboy 4/7

Win %: .571


angeldelayette: 5/9

Win %: .556


critical-23: 2/5

Win %: .400

And if anybody has questions or comments or any kind of feedback, either good or bad, by all means voice them.

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We here at nycw.com have learned the contracts of former NYCW Tag Team champion Rick Sanders and announcer Marv Earnest have not been renewed. Both men were a great service to this company and we wish them good luck in the future.


occ: Okay I really wanted to keep Rick Sanders. I wanted to drag the feud between The Old School Principals and The Gang of New York for at least another two shows. It was always my plan to have The Gang of New York as my champions. However, liked I said it happened sooner then I would have liked.


I was actually not allowed to resign Rick Sanders. I offered him $1,500 per match and he said no he wanted more money. I went to the next highest offer and The Stomper said that he was not willing to pay Rick Sanders that kind of money. In a way it was kind of good getting rid of him as he was a main eventer and if he would have stayed I would have had to job him out to The Gang of NY who are just Upper Midcarders.


Now my problem is what the hell to do with The Masked Mauler. I was thinking about putting him into another tag team but I am not sure because that might seem lame. So if anybody has any thoughts on that it would be a help to me. However, just so everybody knows I am heading into my Septemeber show so any suggestions made would show up then.


The Marv Earnest release happened once I hired Mitch Naess. There was no real need for Marv to be in the company. It also gave me the option to move Cheerleader Nicki to the interview spot because she was usless as a manager.

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I really hate to do this but, this diary is probably going to have to come to an end. You see I am not the smartest person in the world:D. I was going to load my save which this diary was in and me being the dumbass that I am eliminated the save!


I have no rational reason why I did it, I truly thought I was loading it. So I have a question to anybody who reads this.


Should I continue this diary, while changing the default data to match it up as closely to my previous save as possible (Granted the other promotions would not match because I was not paying attention to them.)? Or should I just end this diary all together?


I do have two more shows saved into my word document so I will write them up. However, after that I have nothing else.


So I am sorry for anybody who likes and reads this diary. It was truly a dumb thing that I did.

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Unfortunately **** like that does happen to everyone, so don't worry about it to much. I was enjoying this dynasty however I would probably enjoy anything you do so if you do start another one I will be reading.




Yeah I am always doing dumb crap like that. What ticks me off is that I saw the X clicked on that and the prompt asked me if I was sure I wanted to delete and I clicked yes! And I have no real reason for that.

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