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WCW 1999: We Three Kings

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As WCW Thunder hits the airwaves, we bypass the usual welcome from our esteemed broadcast collegues and instead join a loud and angry confrontation inside Kevin Nash and Stings dressing room. Most of the dialogue is unaudible as they shout over each other, but we pick up on a few choice comments.


STING- What the hells going on around here! Which one of you idiots told Jarrett to do that....


HALL- What is your problem Page? I helped you out, the least I expect is for you to return the favour bro!


DDP- Me? I never asked for your help, "bro!"


STING- When I get my hands on that son of a bitch I swear to god....




SHUT UP!!!!!


The room goes quiet and everyone looks towards Nash


NASH- The time for arguing is over. We've been careless...too careless, and look whats happened to us. Well I say tonights a night for action and asserting our dominance in the face of adversity. Can't you see what's happening around here? We are being targeted, and one by one we will be picked off, unless we stick together. Thats why we asked you here guys. Scott, Dallas, we need to keep our friends close because we don't know who our enemies are anymore. Jarrett, Flair, hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Bret Hart was in on it all along! Thats why me and Sting want you to join us.


DDP and Scott nod in approval but Sting interjects


STING- Not so fast Nash. They've got to prove to us that they've put their differences behind them.


NASH- Way ahead of you Stinger. Our esteemed governor aint going to be here tonight so I spoke to easy E directly. It seems Flairs decision to sack Hogan hasn't gone down too well with the higher ups either. So guys, you're gonna be teaming up together tonight...against Savage and Goldberg.


HALL- Whoa whoa whoa wait a minute buddy...


NASH- I aint playing around tonight Scott! You either do this or you're dead to me!


HALL- Yo, I'm cool, bro. Page better have my back tonight, that's all....


STING- We all look out for each other from now on guys. If Jarrett and Flair want a war then that's what their going to get. Now are you with us...or are you against us?


Sting and Nash put in their hand signals. DDP looks at Hall before doing the same


HALL- What the hell...I always said I was in this...for life!


Hall joins them and they all embrace




Did I just see that right Bobby? Are...are...



Don't you dare say it Mike! The last thing we need around here is the return of those guys!


TENAY- Well, you heard Kevin Nash say it folks, Governor Flair will not be in attendance tonight as he has been advised to step away from the controversy surrounding the firing of Hulk Hogan. One thing is for certain, Jeff Jarrett certainly has a lot to answer for...


BOBBY- Yeah, and Nash and Sting are worse than the Spanish Inquisition!

"American Made" by the The Wrestling Boot Band hits the speakers but it is not The Immortal one who saunters through the curtain




Jarrett soaks in the boo's as if he just hit the winning ball at the world series. Bedecked in the famous red and yellow of The Hulkster he takes his time heading to the ring, trusty six string in hand, huge grin plastered across his face. Finally he enters the ring and dares to mock the ear cupping and muscle flexing of Hogan. Eventually, he grabs a microphone and begins to speak.


Let me tell you something slapnuts! I just want to say a huge thankyou for that warm welcome from all my Double J-aniacs in the arena tonight, Brother!

The booing starts up again as Jarrett continues to revel in it.


I want you all to take a long hard look at this crap I'm wearing, because I promise you, it's the last time you will ever see it in a WCW ring, Jack!

Jarrett rips off his "Hulk Rulez" T'shirt, again mocking Hogan. He takes off the bandana and blows his nose on it before throwing it out of the ring.


I promised you all that I was going to make an impact on Nitro and a Jarrett promise is one you can take to the bank. Everywhere I go, people keep asking me why, why would I cost Hulk Hogan his WCW contract. Well let me ask you slapnuts here tonight, how many people have tried to end the career of Hulk Hogan? You can go all the way back to the early eighties and great wrestlers like Andre the Giant, Abdullah the Butcher and Antonio Inoki were already pissed off with Hogan's antics. Later, there would be the likes of Rowdy Roddy Piper, King Kong Bundy, Randy Savage, The Undertaker, Zeus, Sgt Slaughter, Vader, The Giant... the list goes on and on!


They all failed...They all spent months, even years, trying to cut short the legacy of Hulk Hogan...yet I accomplised it in a matter of seconds with one swing of a guitar. Now, when historians look back on the career of Hogan, there will only be one name linked to his demise...MINE! Hogan defeated a lot of great wrestlers in his time, but he couldn't match wits with me!


And now Ric Flair has decided to take the night off because he can't handle all the heat on him, where as I relish it! In fact, I'm declaring Marshall Law on Thunder tonight, anything goes, no sin goes punished!


You see, it pays to be smart around here. I'm sure a lot of you are wondering why I'm not getting my ass handed to me by Kevin Nash or Sting or Bret Hart at this moment. Well, y'see, Bret is a smart man too. He realises that what I did was not a selfish act, it was a selfless one. Believe me, WCW is a lot better off without that orange goblin running wild, and Bret Hart realises that. I think, deep down, he even respects me for it. As for big Kev and his new playgroup... I had a feeling they's be calling a mothers meeting tonight, which is why I did this...


We see a video on the tron, presumably of earlier in the night. We see a door marked as Stings dressing room. We can hear the raised voices of Nash, Hall, Sting and Page behind the door, as Jarrett rides past on a fork lift. He parks it in front of the door and removes the keys before walking off laughing.


Like I said, it pays to be smart around here! Good luck finding another set of keys, guys....oh, and you better hurry, because your bonding excercise against Goldberg and Savage is up next!


His work done, Jarrett leaves the ring with the look on his face of a man in control of his own destiny.




Goldberg and Savage make their way to the ring seperately, as the camera keeps cutting to the back to show the officials trying to move the truck away from the dressing room door. Sting and his crew bang viciously at the door and swear revenge on Jarrett.




I don't think their gonna make it, Brain! The referee has given a ten count for Hall and Page to make it to the ring, and their still trapped in the dressing




Ha! Nobody outsmarts Jeff Jarrett! What a way to make an impact in WCW!


The referee reaches ten and there is still no sign of them. He has no choice but to award the match to Goldberg and Savage via disqualification. They look at each other in disgust as they were clearly ready to get their hands on Scott and DDP.



Meanwhile, backstage, Jeff Jarret passes by the locker room laughing to himself. Officials are still trying to free them. Jarrett shouts through the door


Y'all got all the time in the world to bond together now, slapnuts!


Kevin Nash begins to bang harder and harder on the door. Eventually it becomes clear that he has a fire axe and is chopping through the door! Jarrett see's Kevin emerge from the shattered wood and

flee's the scene.



La Parka brings somebody to the ring with him. It soon becomes clear that it is a translator. La Parka whispers into his ear, and the gentleman gives us the english translation


La Parka would like to announce a new match that will take place at Halloween Havoc...The Masquerade Brawl. La Parka would like to issue an invitation to all the masked superstars on the WCW roster to compete. The match will have no countouts, no disqualifications, no holds barred. Competitors will be eliminated until one stands tall, the winner of the Masquerade Brawl.


La Parka whispers into his ear again and the man smiles


La Parka says that since there is no authority here tonight, he has decided that the following match will also be no countouts, no DQ and no holds barred


The match begins hard and fast but quickly degenerates into a hardcore brawl. La Parka favours his trusty chair, whilst Blitzkrieg prefers anything he can launch himself off of. They work in some innovative spots to give the crowd a taste as to what could happen at Halloween Havoc, but this is definitely a starter and not the main course. Parka picks up the victory via a chair assisted leg drop from the top rope.




Those guys are crazy, Mike! Why would anybody willingly put their body through a match like the Masquerade Brawl?



We have some very hungry young men in that locker room, Brain, and they all want to be on a great PPV like Halloween Havoc whatever the personal cost. Their masks may hide some of the pain, folks, but make no mistake La Parka and Blitzkrieg are really hurting after that one.


BOBBY- What a chaotic night so far! I can't believe that I'm going to say this but I miss Ric Flair!


TENAY- I believe we are going to the back now where Mean Gene is in the interview area, Gene?



Indeed I am, Mike, and with me is a very bruised, very emotional Bret Hart. On Monday Night, Bret, you suffered a severe blow to the head at the hands of Jeff Jarrett, costing Hogan his WCW contract. As you heard earlier tonight, Kevin Nash has accused you of being in cahoots with Jarrett and Governor Flair, that it was all a ruse, and your plan was to get rid of The Hulkster all along.




Look at me Gene! Look at my face! Look at the blood that still seeps from my wounds, look at the 48 stitches across my forehead, look into my black and bloodshot eyes from too many sleepless nights! Do you honestly think I would go through all this just to pull a fast one on Hulk Hogan? On monday I wanted to prove I was a better wrestler than Hulk Hogan once and for all but Jeff Jarrett wanted to make an impact...


Jarrett, you better hope that Kevin Nash and Sting catch up with you before I do and that they send you to the hospital for a very long time, because if I catch you, I promise I will leave ten times the impact on you than you left on me!


Bret Storms off the set in search of Jarrett.






With so many combustable elements in this one, along with the lack of leadership on tonights Thunder, it isn't long before things turn nasty. The referee struggles to keep the action under control but all eight men are intent on fighting it out in the ring at once! Kanyon Cutter to Stevie Ray! Chokeslam to Rick Steiner! Axe kick to Konnan! The mayhem continues and the ref has little choice but to throw this one out! The wrestlers pay little heed to the ring bell and continue to slug it out!


The action spills to the outside and into the crowd Stevie Ray and Booker pair off against Bam Bam and Konnan as they brawl up the ramp. Harlem Heat is in the ascendancy, sending the tequila slammers further and further to the entrance.


Meanwhile, Kanyon and Vicious are getting the better of The Steiners. With The Slammers under control, Booker charges back into the crowd, saving Rick Steiner from a Kanyon Cutter.


On the ramp, The Slammers have started to stir and are now double teaming Stevie Ray. They double chokeslam him on the ramp! With Stevie felled, they start a four on three assault of The Steiners and Booker. Konnan, Bam Bam and Kanyon hold back Booker and Scott whilst Sid drags Rick Steiner to the concessions stand. Sid Vicious chokeslams Rick Steiner through the merchandise table!


Booker and Scott fight back and chase the heels away whilst Rick Steiner lays motionless on the concrete. Booker and Scott look over him concerned whilst Stevie Ray slowly regains consciousness himself.



Boy did that get ugly in a hurry! I think Rick Steiner is seriously hurt after that one!




I have a feeling your right Bobby! I still havent seen Rick move after that violent assault by Sid. We need medics out here fast...



BOBBY- And what about poor Stevie? He was left out there on his own to fend off two men at once! I don't care what anybody says, there are still problems in the Harlem Heat camp.


TENAY- Luckily, Stevie Ray seems to be ok, or as ok as you can be after being chokeslammed onto solid steel. I just hope that...


Tenay is rudely interupted once again by the CCTV camera


VOICE- We interupt those boring dinosaur ass hats on commentary once again to bring you the latest news from backstage. First of all, after what we just witnessed, everybody here at CCTV would like to offer our condolences...to everybody who wanted to purchase an el dandy T-shirt tonight, because they all just got flattened by Rick Steiners fat ass!


Nash, Hall, DDP and Sting push past the camera in pursuit of Jeff Jarrett


VOICE- As you can see,things have goten more than a bit crazy around here tonight...hardcore matches, arena wide brawls, even a fricking fork lift truck! And as interesting as all that is, we here at CCTV know what our millions of fans want to see....which is why we bring you live and exclusive coverage of....Jamie Knoble getting ready for his match!



Knoble is surrounded by Brian Knobbs, Shannon Moore and Jim Duggan whist he drinks a yard of ale.




He finishes the drink as the three men roar and pat him on the back.


DUGGAN- Hey tough guy, aint you got a match tonight?


KNOBLE- Aww hell...hey, get that camera oughta here!


The cameraman turns and leaves hastily


VOICE- Thankyou for joining us yet again on CCTV! We aint sure where we'll pop up next, but when we do, you'll know about it! Back to you ass hats!




I don't know about you, Brain, but I'm beginning to get sick and tired of whoever is behind that CCTV!



I know, Mike, he called you an ass hat! How dare he! That's my job!


TENAY- What the hell is going on around here tonight! It's like the inmates are running the asylum! Jamie Knoble is usually such a quiet and studious individual, a real profesional, but there he is drinking before such an important match!


BRAIN- Hey, we all need a little drink to loosen the nerves from time to time.


TENAY- All I know is that Jamie Knoble better be ready to face Rey Mysterio Jnr because their match is next.



They start evenly enough with Mysterio giving a lot of respect to Knoble. Eventually, the alcohol begins to kick in, and fast! Before long Knoble is stumbling around the ring, struggling to even stay on his feet. Mysterio is unsure how to act at first, but quickly takes advantage of the inebriated Knoble with a schoolboy roll up for a three count.




Backstage, Jarrett is on his cell phone.


Listen...I'm on my way to the back doors now, just make sure the car's ready and waiting, moron!




Jarrett turns the corner and comes face to face with The Hitman


Going somewhere Jeff?


Jarrett turns back on his self and tries to run in the opposite direction...




...but runs straight into four familiar faces. Nash is still holding the fire axe and swings for Jarretts head! Jarrett ducks just in time, pushes past Bret Hart and runs towards the open doors and his getaway car. His five assailants are in hot pursuit but Jarrett has a lead on them. He dives into the car and it screeches out of the car park leaving behind a cloud of smoke.




Alright, it looks as if Jeff Jarrett will at least live to fight another day. My guests at this time were the subject of a cruel and unusual prank on Nitro which revealed that they are more than just friends. I'm talking about Billy Kidman, and...well I guess his girlfriend, Torrie Wilson. Is that right?



TORRIE- Well, I guess the whole world knows by now, right? Yeah, me and Billy are in a relationship, Gene. And we have been for several months


GENE- I guess congratulations are in order then guys!


BILLY- Congratulations, Gene? After what that sick pervert behind CCTV did to us on Nitro? I don't know who you are and you better hope I never do!


TORRIE- Calm down, Billy, it's ok...I don't agree with what they did but at least our love is out in the open now. No more tip toeing around backstage, no more sneaking in time together, don't you see!


BILLY-...yeah, I guess. I don't care who knows any more Torrie.


GENE- Does all this mean that you will be offering your managerial services to Billy?


TORRIE- Uh....Billy has his career, and I have mine, Gene. I'm currently very involved with Shane Douglas...and I think taking on another client at this time wouldn't be very beneficial


BILLY- Torrie is very successful at what she does...but we don't want to mix business with pleasure.


GENE- Alright, thankyou for clarifying things guys, back to you Mike and Bobby.




On a crazy and unpredictable night, the only thing we could have counted on was a high quality matchup between these two amazing atheletes. In contrast to the mayhem and carnage going on around them, Benoit and Hennig were the calm in the storm. Crisply they worked from move to counter move in a flowing encounter that highlighted both mens ability inside the square circle.


Benoit was as intense as we had seen him and took the match to another level. A level that, in his prime, Hennig would have matched Benoit step for step. Tonight, Hennig was bested, but only just.



From the sublime we return to the ridiculous of the backstage area. Kevin Nash and Sting are making their way to the ring when they pass Bret Hart and stop in their tracks.


NASH- You know something Bret, it was lucky for Jarrett that he was able to sneak past you like that...real lucky.


HART- You better think long and hard before you accuse me of anything.


STING- We aren't in the business of making false accusations Bret. Afterall, who knows better about being screwed than you, eh? All we're saying is...if we find out you had something to do with Jarrett, I hope you understand who you're messing with...




Sting and Nash have not had a good night and it shows. They take out their anger on Bagwell and Jindrak but, in their rage, they make too many mistakes. Jindrak and Bagwell are allowed a lot of offence and score several near pinfalls. Nash and Sting are clearly frustrated, what they had planned to be a night in which they reasserted their dominance over the WCW roster had turned into a string of embarrasments. All this weighed heavily on their mind as they struggled to get into the match.


Thats not to take anything away from Jindrak and Bagwell. The rookie team looked their most cohesive yet. Surely their first win was not far away. They would have won it too, if it wasn't for the interference of Scott Hall and DDP. Page ran to ringside, distracting referee Nick Patrick just enough for Scott Hall to enter the ring and waffle Bagwell with a chairshot to the cranium. As Patrick turned around he counted the academic 1...2...3 as Bagwell held his battered face in his hands.




Bagwell and Jindrak have been cheated out of a victory they deserved! I might have known that a night like tonight would end the way it started!



If the ref never saw it then it never happened, Mike, you know that. These four guys may just have salvaged some dignity.



Nash, Sting, Hall and Page stand tall in the ring. They eventually go to leave but Sting holds them back. They are going to make an example of somebody tonight, Bagwell and Jindrak are in the wrong place at the wrong time...



But here comes Goldberg and Savage! They clear the ring! Savage Elbow to Page! Spear to Hall! The crowd goes banana's! Goldberg and Savage pick Bagwell and Jindrak off the canvas and climb the ringposts to the roar of the crowd as Thunder fades to black...

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Hi everyone.


I don't know what you thought of Thunder this week, but for me, it was both physically and mentally draining! Keeping up with all the action in and outside of the ring proved a difficult task for both me and Bobby Heenan! It seems that some of you had it all figured out though as we again have a three way tie for the number one position! At this rate, Bagwell and Jindrak are going to be the most elaborately named tagteam in history!


pate 22/29

totti 22/29

hyde hill 22/29

tristram 20/29

dse 14/18

jingo 11/17

turbinetrigger 11/17

zeel 9/17

chuck 9/12

olympia 8/12

huntman 3/6

jesushat902 3/6

daveEFC 2/5

astil 1/5



First of all I'll give you the bad news...Governor Flair will again be absent. The good news is that hopefully we will not see the chaos we did on Thunder as Eric Bischoff will temporarily take on the role until Flair returns.



The master of the big wiggle will be in singles competition against an as yet unnamed competitor. His opponent is said to be a brand new member of the WCW roster signed by Eric Bischoff himself only days ago. Everybody who has met this new young grappler is said to have left in a state of awe.




Dean Malenko has really taken Elix Skipper under his wing lately, teaching him almost everything he knows. Observers have seen a real change in this young kid, leading them to be nicknamed The Icemen. On the flipside, Eddie and Berlyn continue to try and outdo each other, each man wanting to prove he knows the most dirty tricks! Dusty Rhodes met them backstage and said they were like two wayward sons and the name seems to have stuck! A tough call as to a winner in this one.






Six of the best cruisers in WCW team up in what should be an awesome six man tag. This will be the first chance Cruiserweight champion Rey Mysterio Jnr. has had to face the number one competitor Chavo Guerrero Jnr. and the winner will take the bragging rights into their match at Halloween Havoc.




In what should be a matt classic, Englands finest Steven Regal takes on Perry Saturn. Saturn is keen to show that he is a much better wrestler than his showing against Kevin Nash would suggest. It could be a case of out of the frying pan and into the fire though as Regal is certainly no pushover.


Lastly, Shane Douglas will try and answer the age old question...who betta than kanyon? Kanyon will surely be nursing some wounds after the wild brawl that took place on Thunder but he should not be underestimated by The Franchise.


A great card on paper I'm sure you will agree. Tony and Dusty will be live on the mothership later tonight so get your predictions in as soon as possible! As for me...I need a long lie down in a dark room!


"Iron" Mike Tenay


Quick Picks


Norman Smiley vs Question Mark

The Icemen vs The Wayward Son's

Chavo Guerrero Jnr, Psicosis and Shane Helms vs Rey Mysterio Jnr, Billy Kidman and Kaz Hayashi

Lord Steven Regal vs Perry Saturn

Shane Douglas vs Chris Kanyon

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Norman Smiley vs Question Mark

The Icemen vs The Wayward Son's

Chavo Guerrero Jnr, Psicosis and Shane Helms vs Rey Mysterio Jnr, Billy Kidman and Kaz Hayashi

Lord Steven Regal vs Perry Saturn

Shane Douglas vs Chris Kanyon

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Norman Smiley vs Question Mark - I'm guessing my mum, but since she didn't have a passport at this time, my second guess is Phileas Fogg, but I'm guessing he was dead for a good 120 years, so I will settle on Lance Storm


The Icemen vs The Wayward Son's - Berlyn can't lose, when you have the Knight Rider David Hassellhoff on forums supporting him, his political pull will get him over


Chavo Guerrero Jnr, Psicosis and Shane Helms vs Rey Mysterio Jnr, Billy Kidman and Kaz Hayashi - If Psicosis loses again, I'm dropping your sister like a dropped pie


Lord Steven Regal vs Perry Saturn - Saturn. Made to destroy. And good at baking cakes too.


Shane Douglas vs Chris Kanyon - Obviously Douglas wins, but I will riot if you don't go against the odds and give it Kanyon.

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Norman Smiley vs ??? - Hardcore Hak (The Sandman).

The Icemen vs The Wayward Son's

Chavo Guerrero Jnr, Psicosis and Shane Helms vs Rey Mysterio Jnr, Billy Kidman and Kaz Hayashi

Lord Steven Regal vs Perry Saturn

Shane Douglas vs Chris Kanyon

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Norman Smiley vs Question Mark-Never doubt the power of the question mark.As for a guess,I'm hoping for RVD,but I doubt it.


The Icemen vs The Wayward Son's-They have momentum,and I think they'll keep building it up.


Chavo Guerrero Jnr, Psicosis and Shane Helms vs Rey Mysterio Jnr, Billy Kidman and Kaz Hayashi- Someone needs to be built to look credible against Rey and I believe that will start in this match.


Lord Steven Regal vs Perry Saturn- I dig Saturn.


Shane Douglas vs Chris Kanyon- We want Kanyon!

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Sorry I havent been around for a while. Been using my mad job hunting skills to get myself back into gainful employment. As such, I might not be able to keep up the pace with the diary but will try my best not to leave big gaps between cards. I plan on doing a lot of writing today so might be able to get ahead of myself.


Norman Smiley vs Question Mark-Never doubt the power of the question mark.As for a guess,I'm hoping for RVD,but I doubt it.


The Icemen vs The Wayward Son's-They have momentum,and I think they'll keep building it up.


Chavo Guerrero Jnr, Psicosis and Shane Helms vs Rey Mysterio Jnr, Billy Kidman and Kaz Hayashi- Someone needs to be built to look credible against Rey and I believe that will start in this match.


Lord Steven Regal vs Perry Saturn- I dig Saturn.


Shane Douglas vs Chris Kanyon- We want Kanyon!


Norman Smiley vs ??? - Hardcore Hak (The Sandman).

The Icemen vs The Wayward Son's

Chavo Guerrero Jnr, Psicosis and Shane Helms vs Rey Mysterio Jnr, Billy Kidman and Kaz Hayashi

Lord Steven Regal vs Perry Saturn

Shane Douglas vs Chris Kanyon


Norman Smiley vs Question Mark - I'm guessing my mum, but since she didn't have a passport at this time, my second guess is Phileas Fogg, but I'm guessing he was dead for a good 120 years, so I will settle on Lance Storm


The Icemen vs The Wayward Son's - Berlyn can't lose, when you have the Knight Rider David Hassellhoff on forums supporting him, his political pull will get him over


Chavo Guerrero Jnr, Psicosis and Shane Helms vs Rey Mysterio Jnr, Billy Kidman and Kaz Hayashi - If Psicosis loses again, I'm dropping your sister like a dropped pie


Lord Steven Regal vs Perry Saturn - Saturn. Made to destroy. And good at baking cakes too.


Shane Douglas vs Chris Kanyon - Obviously Douglas wins, but I will riot if you don't go against the odds and give it Kanyon.


Norman Smiley vs Question Mark I am going with Mike Awesome

The Icemen vs The Wayward Son's

Chavo Guerrero Jnr, Psicosis and Shane Helms vs Rey Mysterio Jnr, Billy Kidman and Kaz Hayashi

Lord Steven Regal vs Perry Saturn

Shane Douglas vs Chris Kanyon


Norman Smiley vs Question Mark

The Icemen vs The Wayward Son's

Chavo Guerrero Jnr, Psicosis and Shane Helms vs Rey Mysterio Jnr, Billy Kidman and Kaz Hayashi

Lord Steven Regal vs Perry Saturn

Shane Douglas vs Chris Kanyon


Thanks for all the predictions. Its good to see a wide variety of names being mentioned as the debuting worker. I can say that nobody has guessed yet and the worker isnt quite as big a name as those predicted so far, but ihave high hopes for him!


Two things I want to mention,


A) BAH GAWD! Is it just crazy wrong or am I finding myself marking out for Jeff Jarrett? I llloooovvvveeeeeeed the forklift trick.


B) Masquerade Brawl. Heh. Mayhem, can't wait.


Great card, mate.


A) Glad you like the goings on with Jazzy Jeff! I hope for him to be a big part of this diary but know that people have very differing opinions of him. Personally, I was one of the few chanting "THANKYOU JEFF!" when TNA toured England this January!


B) The Brawl is shaping up to be a good match and should help distinguish WCW from WWF in the eyes of the fans. It's truly a match that could only happen in WCW, and I mean that in a good way, not a coalminers glove on a pole match kind of way!


Anyway, I'm writing Saturday Night as we speak so look out for it soon!

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Live from The Augusta Center, New England, its WCW Saturday Night! Here are your hosts, Dusty Rhodes and Tony Shiavone!




Eric Bishoff starts us off in the ring. He seems conflicted


Welcome, New England, to WCW Saturday night! Unfortunately, Governor Flair will not be here tonight, so to avoid the anarchy that occured on Thunder, I'm going to be your temporary governor. A lot of people have been asking me why Flair has been kept away from our last two shows...and despite what certain internet, "experts," have been saying, there are no problems between me and Ric. It's true that Hulk Hogan and I have been friends for a number of years, and it may not have been a decision I would have made, but I stand by and 100% support the ruling made by Governor Flair on Nitro. At the request of WCW security, Ric has been asked to sit out the next couple of shows due to concerns for his safety. His ruling certainly ruffled a few feathers backstage and the fear of reprisal is high. I'm sure Ric will return in good time and that his governorship will benefit WCW greatly.


With that said, I don't mind telling you, Jeff Jarrett has pissed me off! Only one week into his WCW tenure he turns the company on its head and puts us in an impossible situation! Jarrett, you will get your comeuppance, and it begins in two days on Nitro. You see, the WCW draw machine gave us some very interesting tournament matches to look forward to, and the one that sticks out to me is Bret Hart vs Jeff Jarrett! That match will take place on Monday and it will be contested under hardcore rules!


Now, with all that being said, we've got a lot to get through tonight, including the debut of a brand new star that I'm personally very excited about. So without further ado, lets get this show started!



Young Chris Daniels makes his WCW debut! Smiley seems not to know his opponent and seems confident he can obtain victory. Daniels eyeballs Smiley in the center of the ring and Norman can't seem to take his eyes off him...he finally steps back and shakes the cobwebs out of his head.


A fast paced matchup this one. Smiley proves to be more than the comic relief he has been made into and holds his own with Daniels. His underrated technical skills help him out of several difficult situations as Chris continually has to change his gameplan.


As the match wears on, Norman finds himself in the rare position of dominance over Daniels! Smiley showboats for his adoring public, giving them the big wiggle they had craved all match, before hitting The Norman Conquest on Daniels for the victory!




Norman did it! Chris Daniels certainly seems to be one to watch in WCW but Norman Smiley just had too much for him tonight!



He certainly did Tony! I think Daniels was very impressive in defeat, if you weeeeeell, but I don't think we saw the best of him, if you consider the way Eric Bischoff has been praising him!


TONY- Well, I'm sure that's not the last we have seen of...wait a minute....I'm being told to pass this one back to ring announcer Dave Penzer




Ladies and Gentlemen, the referee has ruled that the three count in the previous match was too fast, and has declared that the match must continue!




I can't believe that decision right there, partnah! Daniels was well and truly beaten brothah! That was a regulation three count if I evah saw one!


The ringbell is rung once more and the match continues. Smiley is still argung with the ref as Daniels rolls him up for a victory!


Here is your winner...CHRIS DANIELS!




That was certainly an interesting ending to the matchup. I'm with you, Dusty, I don't think there was anything wrong with the initial three count.




He wus robbed, Tony! Norman Smileh had him beat fair and square only to be cheated by that crooked refareeh!


TONY- Steady on there, Dusty, I'm sure Charles Robinson felt he had made a quick count. I think its a brave decision to make.


DUSTY- Brave my Texan ass! I knows a crook when I see's one Toneh!


We go to commercial with the image of a perplexed Norman Smiley arguing with the ref. When we return, Mean Gene is in the interview area




Welcome back to WCW Saturday Night. With me now is the victorious debutant Chris Daniels, and Chris, talk us through what happened at the close of that match.



It's real simple Gene. The referee made a mistake and he was man enough to admit it.


GENE- But we all saw the count, Chris! You can't tell me that it was fast! If anything, the second count was quicker than the first.


Daniels smiles and puts his hand on Gene's shoulder


CHRIS- Look at me Gene. Look into these eyes. You saw both counts, and deep down, you know that I was cheated by a fast count, am I right?


GENE- I...I'm not sure...


CHRIS- OK, Gene, think back to what you've just seen. Imagine the events playing out in your mind. See clearly in your head the count...1...2...3. Now, tell everybody at home, was that a fast count or not?


GENE- I....that is to say... now that I think about it, that was a mighty fast count! I can't believe an experienced official like Charles Robinson could make such a rookie mistake!


CHRIS- That's what I thought Gene.


Gene wanders off muttering to himself about the lack of professionalism around here as Daniels smiles into the camera.




What the heyell just happened there Partnah! I aint ever seen Mean Gene with his tongue tied in such a way!



There's something that makes me feel uneasy about Chris Daniels but I can't quite put my finger on it...


DUSTY- Y'know what else makes The Amercan Dream feel uneasy, Jack? It's those flippety floppy cruiserweights! It's a good thing ah had an early dinner partnah, cuz we gots six of em flying around the ring!






Dusty and Tony didn't really have a chance of keeping up with the action in this, and they seemed to give up about half way through, instead focussing their commentary on the upcoming matchup between Rey and Chavo. They also discussed Psychosis' potential involvement in the Masquerade Brawl.This was a great showcase for some of the up and coming talent in WCW, particularly the ever evolving Rey Rey and Billy Kidman who came out of the match looking a million dollars.


Despite their amazing display, it was Chavo and amigo's who were able to pick up the relatively clean victory after a Chavo and Psychosis double team on the isolated Kaz.


After the match Chavo celebrated a physical and psychological victory over his Halloween Havoc opponent.


Here are your winners; Chavo Guererro Jnr, Psychosis and Shane Helms!




Ok folks, next up, we want to take you back to Nitro and Thunder and the events that have transpired between the Kevin Nash, Sting, Bret Hart and Jeff Jarrett in the aftermath of the firing of Hulk Hogan. At the close of Thunder, Mean Gene Okerlund was able to conduct an interview with Jarrett, but first, WCW champion Sting and Big Sexy Kevin Nash.




What a week it's been here in WCW, and in particular, my next guests Sting and Kevin Nash. The loss of Hulk Hogan must be a huge blow to you guys in your bid to keep the WCW title within your little group...



Little group? LITTLE GROUP?! You watch your mouth when you talk about the most dominant force in WCW history Mean Gene!

Hulk Hogan is and always will be the biggest superstar in this industry and of course we feel his loss. And whilst others would have crumbled, we consolidated and came out the otehr side stronger than ever! Kevin and I recruited the best there is, and now our, "little group," consists of the four remaining Icons in WCW



What the hell is going on around here, Gene, buddy? Hogans gone, Flair's on some sort of sabatical...I mean whose next? That mean old bully Jeff Jarrett's running everybody I hold dear out of town!


GENE- Do I detect a little insincerity in your voice?


NASH- No **** Sherlock.


STING- What Kevin is trying to say, Gene, is that Jeff Jarrett will have to answer some very difficult questions and we intend on asking them.


NASH- And don't think we've forgot about you Bret! I know your involved with all this somehow!


STING- You see, what it all boils down to, is that it doesn't matter who stands in our way. Jarrett, Bret Hart, Ric Flair...you will all fall short of your goals, and this obscenely sexy, one of a kind, twenty four carat slice of pure gold will remain firmly around my waiste...and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it!


The camera zooms in on Sting's title as we fade to black





Alright, with me now is one of the most controversial figures in WCW history, Jeff Jarrett. After what transpired on Nitro this past week, a lot of people including Sting and Kevin Nash have been asking whether there is a collusion between you and Bret Hart...




Shut up Slapnuts! It's about time that you and the rest of the world learned a thing or two... Jeff Jarrett does not want or need anybodies help to get rid of a sack of crap like Hulk Hogan! I am smarter, stronger and faster than anybody you have ever seen here in WCW! If you need proof of that, just look of the chaos I've caused around here in the past week and compare it to what people like Sting and Kevin Nash have done in their entire careers!


Now, like I said, I don't need anybodies help...but maybe some of the guys around here need Jeff Jarrets help...


GENE- Just what do you mean by that?


JEFF- I'm not one to kiss and tell Gene! Lets just say a certain somebody wanted to know if Jeff Jarrett was able to help lay the "foundations" for title run of their own.


GENE- You mean...


JEFF- Take that any way you want Mean Gene, all I'm saying is that Jeff Jarrett likes to help out the needy, and sometimes I don't have the Hart to say no! Now get that thing out of my face!



Does that mean what I think it means Dusty?




Steady on now Partnah! You gotsta take anything Jeff Jarrett says with a huge grain o salt! I prefer to see what Bret Hart has to say about the matta before I go jumping to particular conclusions.




Two men considered by their peers to be legitimately tough put on a match that could only be described as stiff. Perhaps it was too stiff for the tastes of the WCW fans as they failed to get behind either wrestler.


They took turns trading hard chops, seemingly taking pride in their red chests. The suplexes were hard and crisp, the holds unforgiving. In the end, Saturn took the close contest, but must have felt in just as much pain as Regal.


Here is your winner; Perry Saturn




An impressive outing from Perry Saturn! Anybody who witnessed the disturbing scene during Thunder, in which Sid Vicious powerbombed Rick Steiner through our merchandise tables, will know that Steiner was taken straight to hospital. Joining us from his hospital bed right now is a very hurt, very medicated Rick Steiner.



Hey Tony, Dusty, thanks for lettin me say my piece tonight!




Its a pleasah to have you Rick! Anybody who can take a beating like that and live to tell the tail is OK by me, brothah! It was sick and dispicable what Sid Vicious put you through on Thundah!


RICK- Sid Vicious better enjoy that moment for as long as he can! The doctors tell me I won't be able to prowl my yard for a while cos I'm pretty banged up... but you failed to put this dog down for good Sid! Sooner or later I'm going to be back and I'm going to be snapping at your ankles just like before!


TONY- Do you know how long you're going to be out for Rick?


RICK- I dunno yet Tony. Could be a couple of weeks, could be a couple of months.. any time at all is too long in my eyes... Sid, you've taken money out of my pocket, you've taken food out of the mouths of my family, and you've taken pride from my soul, but I'm going to get it all back from you one way or another!


TONY- Thankyou Rick. Everybody at WCW and all the fans wish you a speedy recovery and we hope to see you back in the ring soon.




Backstage, Shane Douglas and Torrie Wilson walk to the ring for Shane's match


TORRIE- You feeling it tonight, Franchise?


SHANE- I'm feeling it baby!


TORRIE- Kanyon doesn't stand a chance!

They carry on walking as we go to commercial




Kanyon has a surprise in the form of his valet for the evening Madusa. A new alliance or a clever way to combat the Torrie factor? Both ladies play cheerleader on the outside as their charges do combat. Shane was in the ascendancy to the point where the crowd knew it was only a matter of time before he finished Kanyon off.


Madusa, sensing the end was near, worked her way to the franchises corner and grabbed Torrie by the feet, dragging her off the apron! Torrie took a huge bump on the ring apron on her way down to the floor! Seeing Torrie down, Shane stopped his offence and went to her aid...but Kanyon caught him off guard and delivered a terrific Kanyon Kutter! Kanyon covers...1...2...3!


Here is your winner: Chris Kanyon!


After the match, Torries boyfriend Billy Kidman came to her aid and carried her to the backstage area. As Douglas came too in the ring, he held his head and watched on as Billy and Torrie headed through the curtain. Shane Douglas scowls as we cut to commercial.




Backstage, Kidman is arguing with Douglas, as Torrie is being checked over by medical staff.


BILLY- What the hell was going on out there, man!?


SHANE- Torrie knows what to expect out there, Billy, she knew what she was getting into when she agreed to work with me! I can't watch her back every second!


BILLY- Don't give me that bullcrap!


TORRIE- Calm down,guys, I'm fine! No harm,no foul...


SHANE- See, she's fine, so get off my case!


BILLY- And what about next time? Huh? Torrie is a manager and a promoter, not a wrestler!




Hey Hey Hey! Cut this out! Why the hell are you two arguing with each other? From what I saw out ther Chris Kanyon had all this planned from the beginning! He's the one you should be mad at! So here's what I'm going to do for you...Monday Nitro, you two better settle your differences because your going to gt a chance for revenge against Kanyon and Sid Vicious! Now shake hands and get out of here!



Wow, what a match that should be!




No doubt about it Partnah!


TONY- Before our main event tonight, we want to take you to a pre recorded interview, conducted as always by Mean Gene Okerlund.




Alright, with me now are two men who were involved in a vicious brawl on Thunder, they are the current and reigning WCW tag team champions. I am, of course, talking about Booker T and Stevie Ray of Harlem Heat. Now guys, talk me through, if you will the events that transpired on Thunder.



BOOKER- It was what it was dawg, I tried to help Rick Steiner out but Konnan and Bam Bam got the jump on me.


GENE- And how did you feel, Stevie, when your brother left you to fend for yourself against The Tequila Slammers?


STEVIE- Whoa, back up a minute suckah! Let's get one thing straight, Booker didn't leave me to fend for myself! We beat the crap out of The Slammers together, and then Booker tried to help out Scott and Rick whilst I held them off! If you ax me, thats a pretty noble act right there, suckah.


BOOKER- Your damn skippy, hippy! In case you forgot Gene, because most peoples around here seem to, I've got a United States title shot coming up against Sid Vicious, yet all he wants to do is get freaky with The Steiners! Well thats just fine with me, Dawg, but when he starts putting good peoples in the hospital, well I aint down with that.


STEVIE- You see, me and Booker didn't get in this game to look after each other, or hold each others hands. We came to WCW to make a difference and do the right thing. Booker did the right thing on Thunder but I seem to be the only one who thinks so. Everybody wants to make up stories about us...well they better be telling stories about the New US Champ Booker T in two weeks time!


GENE- And if Booker does win the US title, will that spell the beginning of the end for Harlem Heat?


BOOKER- Harlem Heat aint going anywhere, playa! We are here to stay! And to prove it, how about we take on The Tequila Slammers one more time on Nitro, brother?


STEVIE- You know, that sounds like a plan, Book! We beat those punk bitches once, we can beat them again! Why don't you tell everybody about that on your damn Hotline Gene!?



And here we have our main event of the evening, The Waywards Sons vs The Icemen. Dean allows Elix to start the match as a testament to how much he respects the ever improving Skipper. Eddy insists he starts whilst Berlyn argues. Quite the contrast. Eddy and Berlyn continue their quest for one-upmanship, breaking the rules at every turn in ever increasingly elaborate ploys.


Malenko finally gets into the ring and restores order to proceedings, imposing his harsh but fair style on the Sons. They retreat to their corner and try and gather their bearings. Eventually, Eddy comes out swinging, and the chemistry between him and Dean Malenko is clear to see. Eddy seems re-focused, prepared to face Malenko in a wrestling contest instead of a lawless shootout.


They go at it, matching each other, blow for blow whilst their partners shout their encouragement. With both men down, Eddy manages to tag out to Berlyn who is met by a fresh Elix Skipper! Skipper is cleaning house! High dropkicks to both men...Elix looks for the Instant Replay on the legal man Berlyn...but Eddy grabs the feet of Elix from the outside to distract him and Berlyn hits the bridging german suplex for the victory!


Here are your winners: The Wayward Sons!


Eddy and Berlyn celebrate in the ring as Saturday Night fades to black...

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Predictions With The Professor


Welcome to the latest installment of Predictions With The Professor. I am your guide and mentor through the rough and tumble world of WCW wrestling, "Iron" Mike Tenay and things show no sign of slowing down as we head towards Halloween Havoc. Interesting times on our leaderboard as for the first time ever we have a clear leader as well as a new name in the chasing pack.



hyde hill 26/34

tristram 25/34

pate 24/34

totti 22/29

jingo 16/22

turbinetrigger 16/22

dse 14/18

zeel 9/17

chuck 9/12

olympia 8/12

huntman 3/6

jesushat902 3/6

daveEFC 2/5

astil 1/5


Congratulations to everybody who had a clean sweep in the predictions for Saturday Night, of which there were many, perhaps my advice is finally paying off!



The highlight of the wrestling week WCW Monday Nitro rolls into Boston tonight with a stacked card that you dont want to miss.




And our already announced main event will see the controversial Jeff Jarrett versus The Hitman Bret Hart. Eric Bischoff made this a hardcore rules match and it is for a place in the final four of the number one contenders tournament. Jarrett insinuated on Saturday Night that there was a professional relationship between Bret and himself created to rid WCW of Hulk Hogan. Bret has been silent on the issue since the interview leading many to suggest the comments were true. This observer has a little more respect for The Excellence of Execution to take it at face value but I will be glued to the ring to see how things turn out.




In our second tournament matchup and co main event of the evening, Bill Goldberg will take on Scott Steiner in the battle of the big men. Both these impressive specimens are sure to go all out but external factors could prove to have the biggest impact. For Goldberg, his continued problems with Sting and Co. must be waying heavy on his mind whilst for Steiner, the condition of his brother Rick at the hands of Sid Vicious must be a concern.



After the match that never was on last weeks Thunder, DDP and Scott Hall look to finally team up together as they take on Randy Savage and Chris Benoit, who will be substituting for Goldberg as he already has a match tonight. Page and Hall have yet to prove they can work together as a unit whilst Savage has recent history with both men. Chris Benoit has been impressive in tag and singles competition lately whether on the winning or losing side.



In a match that Harlem Heat requested, Booker and Stevie will take on Konnan and Bam Bam of The Tequila Bombers. Previous results show that Harlem Heat should have the upper hand, but will the simmering tensions between the brothers rise to the surface and cost them a victory?




Our third tag match of the evening is a contest made by Eric Bischoff on Saturday Night. As in most disputes, this one centers around a woman, the beautiful Torrie Wilson. Whilst Torrie has made a full recovery from her tumble, the two men in her life, Kidman and Douglas will team up to defend her honor. It remains to be seen whether the hot headed duo will be more concerned with extracting revenge or continuing their own war of words.



Finally, two more competitors confirmed for The Masquerade Brawl have been announced and they will be competing tonight. Psychosis, who was very impressive in the six man tag on Saturday Night, will go one on one with the plucky youngster Sharkboy. Both competitors are a testament to the depth of the WCW Cruiserwieght division and are sure to put on an awesome display. Psychosis may have the experience but Sharkboy has the surprise factor. Time will tell which will win out.


Who will progress to the final four of the tournament? Will the CCTV camera's make another appearance tonight? All this plus appearances from Sting, Kevin Nash, Rey Mysterio,Buff Bagwell and Mark Jindrak will make for another action packed Nitro. I'll see you there.


"Iron" Mike Tenay




Bret Hart vs Jeff Jarrett

Goldberg vs Scott Steiner

Scott Hall and DDP vs Chris Benoit and Randy Savage

Harlem Heat vs The Tequila Slammers

Kidman and Shane Douglas vs Chris Kanyon and Sid Vicious

Psychosis vs Shark Boy

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I like what you seem to be doing with Chris Daniels's gimmick. he has a lot of potential and could be a face of the company some day.


Thanks Darth! I have quite a lot planned for Daniels and hopefully it will be a great journey to the top for him.

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Bret Hart vs Jeff Jarrett

Goldberg vs Scott Steiner

Scott Hall and DDP vs Chris Benoit and Randy Savage

Harlem Heat vs The Tequila Slammers

Kidman and Shane Douglas vs Chris Kanyon and Sid Vicious

Psychosis vs Shark Boy


Loved the Chris Daniels debut great gimmick idea.<!-- / message -->

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Oh man,I totally forgot about Daniels :/ haha he should be a great addition to the roster.


Bret Hart vs Jeff Jarrett-I'm sensing maybe someone helps Jarrett or maybe he cheats to win,but I still think Bret should keep being built up as one of the top faces with a win.


Goldberg vs Scott Steiner- After watching BFG last night, I'm on a huge Steiner rush.He's still more talented then Goldberg ever was,so hopefully Scotty gets the win.


Scott Hall and DDP vs Chris Benoit and Randy Savage-Some kind of shenanigans happens.


Harlem Heat vs The Tequila Slammers-It seems like Heat's eventual break-up may be held off for a ppv,so they will probably keep winning until then.Then again,maybe it doesn't happen and they just team less often.


Kidman and Shane Douglas vs Chris Kanyon and Sid Vicious-My gut says something threatens Torrie,Billy gets distracted and Douglas is left to get the loss,furthering the tension with Billy and Shane.


Psychosis vs Shark Boy-Psychosis is being built up nicely,this just builds his momentum.

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Bret Hart vs Jeff Jarrett - I'm going Jarrett, because I see Jarrett as more able to go with the flow in a hardcore match, and secondly, because I loved what you did with him with the forklift and as such I'm even considering baking you some sweet American Pie to congratulate you on a job well done, you deserve a bit of tension relief Jim


Goldberg vs Scott Steiner - In this case, Scott Steiner is like Wile E Coyote. Meep meep!


Scott Hall and DDP vs Chris Benoit and Randy Savage - the whole smootcheroo, build 'em up butter cup and then let Benoit over after you've put all the momentum into Hall and Page. I like it. Just like French champagne.


Harlem Heat vs The Tequila Slammers - I swear to goodness heeby jeebies, if you don't put Bam Bam over then I'm rioting and I'm bringing Major Payne and the platoon with me


Kidman and Shane Douglas vs Chris Kanyon and Sid Vicious - I love Kidman, I kinda like Douglas, but the fact of the matter is Chris Kanyon is my shizzle on my nizzle and if you aren't down with that I just have two words for you - Boo hoo


Psychosis vs Shark Boy - If you do this any other way I will be forced to come over there and make you cheese omelettes and it will not be pretty! Don't make me come over there and smack your bottom!

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This WCW production is brought to you by The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers who remind you to respect each others differences


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Live from The Agannis Arena, Boston, It's WCW Nitro! Hosted, as always, by Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay and Bobby Heenan


The show begins with a video highlighting the current tensions between Sting, Nash, Bret and Jarrett. The voice over begins...

" A career has been ended..."


We see Jarrett's vicious chairshot to Bret Hart and the subsequent firing of Hulk Hogan.



"Battle lines have been drawn..."



The forklift truck trick features prominantly, along with the following pursuit of Jarrett through the backstage area before his escape.

"Motives have been questioned."


Next, we see the confrontation between Nash and Bret where Nash questions Bret's motives followed by Jarrett claiming that he and Hart are in cahoots. The video closes with a close up of each man as the voice over asks;

"Good friends; Better enemies...but who can be trusted..?"




We cut live to the car park of the arena, where Jeff Jarrett arrives, trusty six string in hand. He steps out of his limo and lowers his sunglasses with a half grin. He talks to himself as he looks for the entrance


" What a dump! I swear to god when I'm WCW champion I aint ever coming back this crap hole!"




Welcome to WCW Monday Nitro and let me be the first to say that the views of Jeff Jarrett are representative of WCW as a whole...




Speak for yourself Tony! You know there's one great feature about this town...the road out of it!




Oh boy, its gonna be one of those nights is it?


TONY- Well I personally am thrilled to be here tonight for what could be a historic night for this great sport.



Sting saunters down to the ring at his own pace, failing to acknowledge the crowd, and takes a microphone to his lips


Consider this. Over the past two weeks there has been no end of controversy. There have been childish pranks that have cost men their livelihood. There has been name calling, back biting, double crossing and mind games all in an attempt to get closer to this ridiculously obscene, one of a kind, 24 carat slice of pure, sexy, deep fried gold that hangs around my waist. I humbly stand alone tonight. There is no cavalry, no tricks up my sleeve or ulterior motives to my actions. I stand alone, unafraid, because there is nothing left to fear.


The sham that is The Number One Contender Tournament has exposed the myth that the WCW is a level playing field. It has laid clear, for all to see, that WCW consists of Sting, Kevin Nash, DDP, Scott Hall, and then everybody else fighting for the scraps that fall from our round table. Is it any wonder that I look to recruit challengers from within my own ranks?


I mean look at the "talent" that remains. Scott Steiner may be a physical specimen but is letting anger rule his head. The sentimentality he shows towards his wounded brother is holding him back. Chris Benoit would rather put on the best match of the night and lose than fight ugly and win. Bret Hart is only in this tournament because he is opportunistic and Jeff Jarrett is more concerned with ending careers than advancing his own.


Then there's Bill Goldberg. The biggest joke in professional wrestling! A man who hides his vunerability behind an elaborate entrance and pyrotechnics. A man who operates under a regime of fear that masks his easily exploited shortcomings.


I still care about the prestige and honor that is attached to my title. The WCW championship should be contested between the two greatest wrestlers in the company, not a string of has beens and never weres. Sting vs DDP or Sting vs Kevin Nash are the only marquee matches left. Don't hate me or my cohorts for actively encouraging the likelihood of those matches. I do it because WCW needs me to, whether they realise it or...



Ric Flair returns to WCW! Sting is clearly upset about being interrupted by the returning nature boy


Whoooooo! Sting! I've heard just about enough of your crap to last me a lifetime!


STING- Nice of you to grace us with your presence Governor. Your still our governor right? I mean you haven't been stripped of your title after your embarrassment of controversies have you?


RIC- I'm still holding all the cards, Sting, don't you worry. I've made a career out of making the tough decisions, which is why I've held that belt your keeping warm more than anybody else! You want to talk to me about,whooooo, controversy? The Nature Boy doesn't run away from controversy, he creates it and he revels in it baby!


Flair enters the ring and goes face to face with Sting


RIC- I see right through your act, Stinger, old buddy! I know how scared you are of putting your title on the line against a real opponent, and you know theres a whole lot of them coming after you!


STING- I'm not afraid of anything or anyone! They should all be afraid of ME!


RIC- Y'see the thing is, Stinger, I'm not afraid of you either.


Flair slaps Sting hard across the face! Sting stumbles back and holds his face before looking for retaliation. Sting thinks better of it, however, and leaves the ring with a smile on his face.




When we return from commercial we finally get our first match of the evening. The announcers hype that these two will be in the Masquerade Brawl match at Halloween Havoc. Shark Boy is game, and it seems like there are a few converts to the cult of Shark Boy in the crowd, but the experience of Psychosis is just too much too soon for our aquatic friend. Psychosis looks to finish things...but the live feed fizzles out and we are joined by the CCTV camera


VOICE- We interupt the boring asshats in the ring to bring you another highly anticipated episode of CCTV! It seems a lot of my fans want to know what life is like inside the dressing room of Kevin Nash, the most exclusive locker room to get into...which is why I installed a hidden camera earlier today! Lets watch now shall we..?




Nash is flanked by DDP and Scott Hall


I don't want you two to just beat Savage and Benoit tonight, I want you to destroy them! It's about time we started sending a message to the whole roster. I got enough problems with Jarrett and Hart tonight, I need to know I can trust you two on your own out there.


HALL- Yo, no problem Big. We got this one.


DDP- Yeah don't sweat it Kev. Me and Scott are on the same page now bro.


NASH- Alright, you better be...Yo, Scott, why don't you go get us a couple brewski's?


HALL- What your last slave die of Chico?


NASH- Just do it dude! They're on me!


HALL- Why didn't you say that in the first place? Double vodka all round!


Scott leaves the dressing room and Nash pulls his chair closer to Page He checks the door is closed before continuing to talk


NASH- Ok, Dallas, my man. You sure you're OK doing this?


DDP- You still got the money and I'm still cool Kev.


NASH- Alright...I mean, its all for the greater good, you understand? I owe you one for sure.


DDP- Kev...the money?


NASH- Yeah I got it.


Nash begins counting out hundred dollar bills as DDP's eyes light up. The camera feed starts to crack up before cutting out all together.


VOICE- And, alas, that is where our story ends...for now! Back to the asshats on commentary...



I can't believe this guy! Cutting into our commentary is bad enough, but cutting into a match..?




A match which Psychosis did indeed win folks via a beautiful Psycho Stunner.




You know it really makes me sick fella's


TONY- Im glad you agree for once Brain. The actions of that idiot with a camcoder are despicable!


BOBBY- Huh? Oh I meant giving away all that money! Which way is Kevin's locker room anyway?


TONY- Can you be serious for one minute!


BOBBY- I can but it'll cost ya!


Meanwhile, backstage, Bret Hart enters the office of Governor Flair. Flair stands up to greet him.




FLAIR- There he is! My main man Bret Hart! You know I'm your biggest fan right? Sit down, sit down, what the hell can I do, whoooo, for you kid?


BRET- Thanks Ric...I just wanted to put your mind at rest regarding this whole Jeff Jarrett fiasco....


FLAIR- Hold it right there buddy boy, no explanation required! I know you'd never have anything to do with a bozo like Jarrett!


BRET- That means a lot to me Ric, I just wish everybody else around here felt the same way that you do.


FLAIR- Take no notice of those guys Bret. You just stick to what you do best and prove yourself in the ring tonight. I'll be watching....




Just then, Sting and Nash burst through the door.


NASH- Flair! Who the hell bugged my locker....What the hell? Oh this looks very cosy...


FLAIR- Bret was just leaving guys...


STING- How convenient! You been plotting how your gonna bump us two off next hot shot?


BRET- Hey! I had nothing to do with Hogan. In case you forgot I was the one who ended up with stitches!


NASH- Play any more tricks tonight and I'll personally make sure you leave here tonight bleeding out the other side of your head!


Bret stands up and goes face to face with Nash


BRET- Oh yeah? That sounds like a threat to me...


NASH- That aint a threat Hart...it's a promise!






Before the match begins, Kidman tells Torrie to go and watch the match backstage. The crowd boo's as she pleads her case before reluctantly walking back up the ramp. Douglas and Kidman argue allowing Kanyon to get the jump on them.


What follows is a fairly even contest...until Sid is tagged in and begins to methodically pick apart Kidman. Kidman and Douglas tried their best to work as a unit and get back into the match but failed to make much of an impact.


Sid left Kanyon to finish things off with a Kanyon Cutter...




...but here comes Scott Steiner! The referee has no choice but to end the match in a disqualification for Kidman and Douglas.

Here are your winners via disqualification, Chris Kanyon and Sid Vicious!

After the match, Steiner continued to punish Sid, the image of his brother being powerbombed through the conscessions stand still fresh in his mind. Sid was helpless against the attack...until Kanyon got involved and the tables turned. Kanyon cutter to Steiner! Scott looks out of it....Sid slowly picks him up, laughing in his face, and signals that it's time for another Powerbomb, this time through the announce table! Sid drags Steiners prone body up the ramp and towards the announce booth...




...but Booker T is out before the heinous crime can be committed! Booker goes to work on Sid whist Steiner gets his second wind and chases off Kanyon! Kanyon and Sid make their escape through the curtain as Steiner and Booker stand side by side, physically and emotionally drained. They thank each other and pose for the crowd.




Whoa, if it wasn't for Booker T, Scott Steiner would have just faced the same fate as his brother!




I know...and to think I used to like that guy!




A very noble act from Booker thats for sure, but will it be one he regrets, as his tag match against The Tequila Slammers is next!




This is a rematch from two weeks ago and a match requested by Harlem Heat. Stevie Ray is none too pleased with his brother for his previous actions. The Slammers seem to have gained some cohesion since their last outing and go at The Heat from the start, focussing their attacks on an already exhausted Booker T.


Stevie takes control of the match through nessecity and puts up an impressive display against Konnan and Bam Bam. Stevie ducks and dives his way into setting Konnan up for a slapjack but Konnan muscles out of it! Booker rushes the ring and tries to axe kick Konnan...but he hits Stevie Ray instead! Booker can't believe what he's done! Bam Bam uses the distraction to clothesline him over the top whilst Konnan hits a Tequila Sunrise on Stevie!

The ref counts...1....2...3!


Here are your winner: The Tequila Slammers!




An impressive victory for The Tequila Slammers in their third tag match together as they continue onwards towards the fifty grand.




Impressive but advantageous none the less. I can't help but think there is more to the problems between Harlem Heat than they want us to believe! Lets head backstage now where Mark Jinrdack and Buff Bagwell are standing by.




BUFF- Thankyou Mike. WCW have asked us to take this time to address the WCW.COM prediction competition, in which one lucky winner will be able to pick our tag team name.


MARK- Thats right Buff. It seems that WCW management are a little concerned that the winner might pick a name that they would deem...inappropriate.


BUFF- So, without further adieu, here are the official WCW guidelines...Number one...WCW will not tolerate any name that contains profanity. Thats right, we cannot be named the -BEEP-, the -BEEP-ing -BEEP-'s or the -BEEP- and -BEEP- connection. If anybody enters one of these names they will be royally -BEEP-ed...wait, I can't even say -BEEP-? What a crock of -BEEP-!


MARK- Moving on...WCW will not accept any name that contravenes any existing copyright laws. I mean, WCW can't afford to lose any money on this one, not whilst were paying Paul Orndorff $2000 a week to sit at home with his thumb up his ass... So that means there will be no Pepsi-cola Playa's, Lego Land Legends or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.


BUFF- And finally, but perhaps most importantly, we will not accept any names that are designed to be offensive or derogatory to anybody who works for one of our rival's. Triple H Penis extensions, Jerry Lawler Schoolgirls and Mr McMahon Monkey-BEEP-s, whilst hilarious, are all totally unacceptable.


MARK- Totally! The winning entrant along with our new name will be announced in less than two weeks at Halloween Havoc where Buff and myself will be taking on Konnan and Bam Bam Bigelow of The Tequila Slammers. We now return you to your previously sheduled programme!




Well there you have it folks, and what a blockbuster match added to the already stellar Halloween Havoc card.




Indeed it is Tony! That match joins Sid vs Booker T for the US title and Chavo Guerrero Jnr. vs Rey Mysterio Jnr. for the Cruiserweight title...




And don't forget The Masquerade Brawl! That things going to get ugly! And I don't just mean because La Parka's going to be competing...I mean, gee's have you ever seen him under that mask?


TONY- And of course Sting will defend his WCW World Heavyweight against one of seven remaining competitors in the Number One Contenders Tournament.




And those seven will quickly be narrowed down to five by the end of this one. Steiner comes into the match carrying the emotional baggage from his brothers hospitalisation as well as physical problems following the brawl with Sid earlier in the evening. Never one to use excuses, Steiner stood toe to toe with his opponent.


This was a contest based around raw power. Perhaps the two biggest physical specimens in the whole of WCW beat the tar out of each other from ring bell to ring bell. If Gorilla was still around, he would no doubt exclaim, that this was a case of the immovable object meeting the irresistable force.


In the end, despite his best efforts, the exernal factors caught up with Scott. A spear and a jackhammer where needed to finish things, and on another night, perhaps things could have played out differently. I think, from the look on both mens faces, they knew it too.


Here is your winner: Bill Goldberg

After the match, Goldberg picks up a microphone

Two more to go Sting! Two more to go...




After a short break, Hall and DDP make their way to the ring looking confident. They are clearly prepared to make ammends for the shambles that occured on Thunder. Benoit also looks focussed, and Savage...is f'n Savage!


Benoit goes to work doing what he does best whilst Savage helpfully points to the ceiling. DDP and Hall work well as a team, clearly their problems are behind them and they are ready to fight the good fight.


As the match progresses, Savage is seething on the outside and desperate to get his hands on either of his nemesis's....nemesi's...nemeseees...enemies.

Chris Benoit was getting the stuffing kicked out of him thanks to some dubious manouvers from the heels. If there's one thing Benoit is good at, though, it's taking a beating. He inches ever closer to the desperately outstretched arm of Savage...and he gets the tag!


Finally Savage unleashes on Page and Hall, one after the other, then both at once for good measure! The rage, or madness if you will, is strong within Randy Savage, yet it is this that proves to be the undoing for his team. Perhaps it was ill advised to ascend the top rope given his history with his opponents, and it proved to be the case, as he was again pushed off. This time Savage took a terrible spill to the outside, smashing his ribs into the unforgiving steel of the barricade. The ref, who conveniently missed the entire escapade, had no option but to count Savage out as Benoit tried to help him to his feet. A victory for Hall and DDP, but another hollow one for sure.

Here are your winners: Scott Hall and DDP




As Benoit helped Savage to the back, they ran into some old friends...




EDDY- Hey yo, holmes, unlucky out there man! Hehe How's the ribs holding up old timer?


SAVAGE- Who you calling old timer, punk?


BENOIT- Take it easy, Randy, I got this one.


Benoit takes his arm from around Savages shoulder and grabs Eddy by the throat. Berlyn and Chavo tried to restrain him but his grip was iron cast.


BENOIT- You think this is funny Eddy? You think this is all a big joke? I thought you had more pride than that. If you hadn't turned your back on me it could have been you and me taking on Hall and DDP tonight! How long have we been held back the likes of Hall, Sting, Nash and DDP, huh? This should be our time, Eddy! This should be our opportunity but you'd rather joke around with your new buddy here! At least Chavo understands he has to take his chances. Your nephew here earned his shot at Rey Mysterio. He's more Guerrero than you'll ever be...


Benoit lets go and takes Savage to the medics. Eddy grabs his throat and reprimands Chavo and Berlyn for not doing more to help him.



Strong words there from Chris Benoit, guys, who you gotta believe will always fight the good fight for WCW whatever the odds.




That goes without saying Tony, and I can't help but admire him for taking exception to the effort of others. Guerrero is a great talent, no doubt about it, but he doesn't always apply himself.




Hey, If you guys had half the talent that guerrero has, and you could get away with only giving half as much effort half of the time, wouldn't you?


TONY- So what's that, an eighth?


BOBBY- Don't try and confuse me with science, numbskull!


TONY- Anyway...one man who I expect to give nothing less than 100 percent is Bret Hart. Much maligned in the past week, his character compromised by the ridiculous accusations of Kevin Nash and Jeff Jarret, I'm sure he will do all he can to prove the doubters wrong.


BOBBY- Wait a minute Tony... what proof do you have that Bret hart is telling the truth? How do you know he hasn't been working with Jarrett all along?


TONY- Given Harts past conduct I have to give him the benefit of the doubt Brain. I have faith in him.


BOBBY- Faith? Give me a break! How many years you been doing this job Tony? And how many times have we seen people turn on their friends, family, and way of life to get ahead? Huh? Ric Flair, Sting, even Hulk Hogan, we never though those guys would turn against the fans, but they did. Don't talk to me about faith!


MIKE- Whatever your take on this one folks, the issues between Bret, Jarrett and Kevin Nash will be settled one way or another, after this short break.




And so it comes down to this. All the questions promise to be answered before the close of the show. Jarrett and Bret make their seperate entrances, eyeballing each other all the way. The ring announcer clarifies that the match will be contested under hardcore rules, meaning there will be no countouts, no disqualifications, no holds barred, no illegal objects. The crowd cheer the prospect of seeing these two go at it.


They circle. Never taking their eyes off each other. Suddenly, Jarrett gives Bret a huge smile and lies on his back in the center of the ring! Jarrett's going to let Bret win! Bret looks at Jarrett as Jeff motions for him to pin him. "Come on!" he shouts. "Just like we planned!"




Some familiar music hits the speakers and Kevin Nash marches down to ringside, admonishing Bret on the way. He surveys the scene before him then picks up a microphone.


Try and explain your way out of this one Hart! I knew you were trying to screw us all along!


Nash enters the ring. Jarrett is still laid on his back, screaming at Bret to pin him before Nash foils their plan.


NASH- Everybody said I was crazy accusing somebody as moralistic as Bret Hart...but I see a side to you that nobody else does! I've seen the goody two shoes act too many times, Bret, and it don't wash with me!


Bret has had enough and grabs the microphone back from Nash


BRET- You've got to believe me, Kev, I haven't a clue what Jarrett's trying to acheive, but I swear to god I have nothing to do with it.


NASH- Oh come on! The gig's up! Be a man for once in your miserable life and admit you were behind this from the start!


BRET- Listen...I know we haven't always seen eye to eye but I would never cost another man his career just to further my own. I had nothing to gain from getting Hogan fired. I pride myself on being the best in the ring, do you really think I'd take the low road? Look at me Nash, and tell me you don't think that if I wanted to get the better of Hogan or you or Sting or whoever, I wouldn't do it in the ring...one on one.


Nash looks confused. Some of what Bret has said seems to have hit home, but the fact remains, Jarrett laid down for him.


NASH- You know, I've watched pretty much every Bret Hart match there is, and even in the early days of The Hart Foundation, you were always the moral compass. What changed Bret? What made you so bitter that you had to end the career of a living legend like Hulk Hogan?


HART- For the last time,Nash, It wasn't me! I'll beat the crap out of Jarrett right now whilst he 's on the floor if I have to! Hell, I'd rather I lay down and he beat me than have my character assassinated like this!


NASH- Hold on a minute now Bret, that's not going to be necessary, look, I believe you. I know you're not capable of screwing with somebodies life like that...BUT I AM!


Nash sucker punches Bret who stumbles and urns around into another wicked guitar shot from Jarrett! Jarrett covers and the ref has to count. 1....2......3! Jarrett jumps around the ring and right into the arms of Kevin Nash!


Here is your winner: Jeff Jarrett!



What the hell just happened? Words cannot do justice to the earth shattering shock of what just took place!




What does this mean? Was Nash in on it all along...wait....does this mean Kevin Nash was involved in the ending of Hulk Hogan's career?





No way! Kev was just giving Hart a taste of his own medicine! Nash and Hogan were best friend...he'd never do that would he?


TONY- I don't know what to believe any more! We're quickly running out of time wrestlefans! I...I'm still in shock, I don't know what to tell you! Goodnight!

Jarrett and Nash continue to celebrate on the ramp as Bret starts to come to in the ring and Nitro fades...to....black

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Predictions With The Professor


Hi everybody and welcome to Predictions with yours truly! Another Rollercoaster edition of WCW Monday Nitro saw six stellar and clearly unpredictable matchups as only one person managed to correctly predict every contest. As a result we now have a new leader and a little bit of daylight between the top two and the chasing pack.


tristram 31/40

hyde hill 30/40

pate 24/34

totti 22/29

jingo 20/28

turbinetrigger 19/28

dse 18/24

zeel 9/17

chuck 9/12

olympia 8/12

huntman 3/6

jesushat902 3/6



Remember there is still a lot to play for with five more shows before Halloween Havoc. Speaking of the upcoming PPV, the card is taking shape and promises to be one you don't want to miss. Here's a quick rundown of the lineup so far.


United States Championship match

Champion Sid Vicious vs Booker T


Cruiserweight Championship Match

Champion Rey Mysterio Jnr vs Chavo Guerrero Jnr


Buff Bagwell and Mark Jindrak vs The Tequila Slammers

Masquerade Brawl Match

(Confirmed Participants) Psychosis vs Shark Boy vs La Parka vs Blitzkreig

World Heavyweight Title Match

Champion Sting vs Jeff Jarrett or Kevin Nash or DDP or Goldberg or Chris Benoit


Onto tonights edition of WCW Thunder and what a night it promises to be. The situation surrounding Kevin Nash, Bret Hart and "The King of Controversy" Jeff Jarrett took another shocking turn on Nitro, with Nash seemingly siding with Jarrett and costing Bret Hart his place in the contenders tournament. All three men along with WCW champion and associate of Nash, Sting, will be in attendance. Will the issue finally be resolved for good?




Five becomes four in the hunt for a Heavyweight Title match as long time friends DDP and Kevin Nash do battle for the last spot in the semi finals. This is a difficult one to call if you factor in all the variables...will Jarrett be involved? Have DDP and Nash truly settled their past differences? Will Bret hart be looking for revenge? I personally hope this comes down to the two men in the ring trying to out wrestle each other, but I'm an old fashioned kinda guy, what do I know?






Following the strong words made by Chris Benoit in the direction of Eddy,Chavito and Berlyn, the trio insisted that Governor Flair give them a match to prove their focus and dedictation. Benoit didn't hesistate in accepting the challenge and found himself two incredibly skilled partners. Has Benoit lit the competitive flame inside Eddy and his tag partner Berlyn? Will Chavo continue to one-up his Halloween Havoc opponent Rey Rey? Am I going to continue asking questions without providing definite answers???




Young Chris Daniels was victorious in his debut last week against Norman Smiley only after a decidedly screwy overturning of the referee's decision. Nobody can doubt the obvious skillbase this newcomer posesses but he cannot rely on the officials to get him through his next match! Perry Saturn is perhaps the most underrated talent on the WCW roster and comes into this match with an impressive victory over Steven Regal under his belt.




Despite some impressive displays and a captured audience, so far, Buff Bagwell and mark Jindrak have been unable to pick up a W. Things don't look to get any easier tonight as they try and avoid going 0-4 against Lex Luger and Curt Hennig. Hennig and Luger have been out of the frame in WCW lately and will surely want to make themselves a more permanent fixture by dominating this match. Bagwell and Jindrak have improved with every outing and are likely to be hard to beat to say the least.



Kanyon has been a recent ally of US Champ Sid Vicious and will look to test the single's mettle of Booker T here. Sid will no doubt use this as a scouting excercise as he looks to turn his attention away from The Steiner Brothers and towards his number one contender.




Sid himself will compete against Bookers tag partner and brother Stevie Ray in a non title matchup. The current strength of relationship between Stevie and Booker is unclear but Stevie is sure to want to soften Sid up as much as he can with Halloween Havoc less than two weeks away.



Finally, in perhaps the biggest match of his WCW career, La Parka will go one on one with the Champion and Icon Sting. As an afront to Governor Flair and Sting's notion that the contender tournament is a failed endeavour, Sting has hand picked his own number one contender and will put his title on the line tonight! The experience factor has to go with the current champ but as we have seen so many times in the past anything can and will happen in WCW!


As well as all this Governor Flair has two announcements to make. One apparently concerns the young lions eager to impress and move up the ranks in WCW. The other concerns an exciting and world famous music act that will be performing live at Halloween Havoc. Make sure you leave your predictions and don't miss one minute of WCW Thunder tonight!


"Iron" Mike Tenay


Quick Picks


Sting vs La Parka

Booker T vs Chris Kanyon

Stevie Ray vs Sid Vicious

Bagwell and Jindrak vs Luger and Hennig

Benoit, Rey and Malenko vs The Wayward Sons and Chavo

Kevin Nash vs DDP

Chris Daniels vs Perry Saturn

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