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WCW 1999: We Three Kings

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WCW World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting © vs Goldberg


DDP vs Kevin Nash (?) Will it happen? No


United States Championship Match

Booker T vs Sid Vicious ©


Cruiserweight Title Match

Rey Mysterio Jnr.© vs Chavo Guerrero Jnr.


Bagwell and Jindrak vs The Tequila Slammers


Masquerade Brawl Match

La Parka vs Psychosis vs Blitzkreig vs Juventud Guerrera vs SharkBoy


The Wayward Sons vs Chris Benoit and Billy Kidman

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WCW World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting © vs Goldberg


DDP vs Kevin Nash (?) Will it happen? (One point for correctly guessing whether the match will or will not take place)

I can a swerve here as Nash refuses the challenge and sends someone else in for the match - which DDP wins after taking a brutal beating....then Nash runs in delivers the JackKnife for his win.

so "no" at first in a tease - but yes eventually


United States Championship Match

Booker T vs Sid Vicious ©

Sid RULES the World!


Cruiserweight Title Match

Rey Mysterio Jnr.(c) vs Chavo Guerrero Jnr.


Bagwell and Jindrak vs The Tequila Slammers

they may be getting a name.....just not a win....yet


Masquerade Brawl Match

La Parka vs Psychosis vs Blitzkreig vs Juventud Guerrera vs SharkBoy

after a high spot fest lucha-war that leaves the crowd breathless, Shark boy school boy rolls La Parka to steal the win in a "low spot"


The Wayward Sons vs Chris Benoit and Billy Kidman

what a way to start things off - Kidman shines and gets the win. Shooting Star Press takes out Berlyn while Eddie and Chris battle it out on the floor and in the aisles.

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Sweet wonderful you... you make me happy with the things you do...


I don't believe in miracles... but I have a feeling its time to try... I don't believe in the ways of magic... but I'm beginning to wonder why


You... make WCW fun... Yooouuu... make WCW fun...


(Extra credit to you, Boom King the man of many monikers and many creative love juices if you know what song that is a direct rip off from...


- A hint, I am an old school fan of the band, and they recently played down under at a wine vineyard in what I can only describe as the best concert I have ever seen.


WCW World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting © vs Goldberg - Dodge city ending, bringing in some kind of triple threat at the grand-daddy of 'em all


DDP vs Kevin Nash (?) Will it happen? (One point for correctly guessing whether the match will or will not take place) - I think we see an imitation Nash, myself. So yes to match, no to being as named.


United States Championship Match

Booker T vs Sid Vicious © - I will have your babies if you put Booker over


Cruiserweight Title Match

Rey Mysterio Jnr.© vs Chavo Guerrero Jnr. - I would be tempted to let Chavo go over for the simple reason that I feel Rey is probably at this stage getting too good for the Cruiserweight Championship and could fill a spot higher on the card...


Bagwell and Jindrak vs The Tequila Slammers - big Bam Bam fan... look, I almost went Bagwell and Jindrak because the fact they are going to named the Pre-pubscent Porn Stars of Silicon Valley when I take out the tipping competition means they need a win before they get the big shine on rub off rub...


Masquerade Brawl Match

La Parka vs Psychosis vs Blitzkreig vs Juventud Guerrera vs SharkBoy - Would lloooveee to see this. I love 'em all. Shark Boy is probably actually my least favourite, but I tend to remember you having some good uses for him already, so it says to me that you're a Jaws-head. Personally, I would go Blitzkreig, that guy blew..my...mind.


The Wayward Sons vs Chris Benoit and Billy Kidman - By the way, this is my favourite Alex Wright guise, and for that reason I nearly went them. But... well, I have no reason other than the fact that I like cheese. There, I said it... Go on, sue me!

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An open letter to the fans of WCW


Dear fans,


I'm sure you have all heard the rumors by now. It seems the whole world has an opinion on whether WCW is up for sale or not, so I wanted to address the issue head on, straight from the horses mouth as it were. I can categorically state that neither myself, Vince Russo, nor any other third party has made an official bid for WCW, nor have we been presented with the opportunity to do so. As far as I or anybody else is concerned, the company is simply not up for sale.


I have it under good authority that this is the situation, and that I will be amongst the first to know should the situation change. Believe me, this not an angle, this is not an attempt to work you fans in the know. This is simply a statement of fact. Russo and I are very happy working under the current regime, and as far as we are concerned, long may it continue!


I hope, but doubt, that this will put the rumors to bed. I guess the only way to prove beyond any doubt is to continue with the Halloween Havoc PPV that we booked, as planned, and continue to do our jobs.


Yours faithfully


Easy E, Eric Bischoff, Booker (nothing more, nothing less)

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So im sitting here in Atlanta wondering what the hell is going on because once again I seem to be the last to know! I don't know any other way to get through to the powers that be, so hopefully somebody reads this and gets in touch with me.


Screw whatever 'Easy E' wants to tell you cos it aint worth the keyboard its typed on! It's now, what, five hours before Halloween Havoc, and for all I know, WCW aint WCW no more...thats the only thing I can presume because nobody seems to want to answer my calls!


I'm supposed to be the one in charge and I havent got a clue what's going on so what does that tell ya? If I don't hear anything in the next hour then good luck booking Halloween Havoc on your own Bisch.


You know where I am



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You have one new message from today at three thirty PM. To play the message, press one...




" Hey, Vinnie, you there man?


Whats the point of having a cell phone if you're never going to answer it? Well if you get this message, I'm at the GeorgiaDome already, think I'm the first one here...again. Didnt your mother ever tell you it's polite to be punctual? So I'm gonna try the side door..which is locked too! Great! Will you hurry up screwing with the internet geeks and get here already, we've got a show to put on in case you forgot...oh wait a minute, there's a couple of cars pulling up, I think it might be Eric...



...Holy crap! Vinnie, for the love of God you gotta get down here! You aint gonna believe who just pulled up! Ring me back, Venom, I gotta go...


by the way, I'ts Ed. Kay, bye, and hurry up!"


To repeat the message, press one



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An open letter to the fans of WCW


Dear fans,


I'm sure you have all heard the rumors by now. It seems the whole world has an opinion on whether WCW is up for sale or not, so I wanted to address the issue head on, straight from the horses mouth as it were. I can categorically state that neither myself, Vince Russo, nor any other third party has made an official bid for WCW, nor have we been presented with the opportunity to do so. As far as I or anybody else is concerned, the company is simply not up for sale.


I have it under good authority that this is the situation, and that I will be amongst the first to know should the situation change. Believe me, this not an angle, this is not an attempt to work you fans in the know. This is simply a statement of fact. Russo and I are very happy working under the current regime, and as far as we are concerned, long may it continue!


I hope, but doubt, that this will put the rumors to bed. I guess the only way to prove beyond any doubt is to continue with the Halloween Havoc PPV that we booked, as planned, and continue to do our jobs.


Yours faithfully


Easy E, Eric Bischoff, Booker (nothing more, nothing less)


So im sitting here in Atlanta wondering what the hell is going on because once again I seem to be the last to know! I don't know any other way to get through to the powers that be, so hopefully somebody reads this and gets in touch with me.


Screw whatever 'Easy E' wants to tell you cos it aint worth the keyboard its typed on! It's now, what, five hours before Halloween Havoc, and for all I know, WCW aint WCW no more...thats the only thing I can presume because nobody seems to want to answer my calls!


I'm supposed to be the one in charge and I havent got a clue what's going on so what does that tell ya? If I don't hear anything in the next hour then good luck booking Halloween Havoc on your own Bisch.


You know where I am





Niiiiiice. I like the ... out of ring stuff. Brings together a lot of friction and commotion and endless possibilities. I love it so much I want it to have my babies.. ok, maybe not that much, but still, duly noted I like it very much.

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Meanwhile, in RadioLand...


As I'm sure you all know, WCW is putting on their Halloween Havoc PPV later tonight, and what an awesome lineup they have. I'm talking Sting vs Goldberg, Rey vs Chavo, we might even get DDP vs Big Kev, but one name missing from the list is that of The Immortal Hulk Hogan....


...Well all that could be about to change. For those not in the know, Hogan has been suspended from WCW for the past couple of weeks, but I got a rather intruiging message from him earlier today that he wanted me to share with all of you.


'Hey Bubba Brother. I got a call from WCW earlier today asking me to be at the GeorgiaDome for Halloween Havoc. I don't know whether I'm lacing my boots, getting revenge on The Untouchables, or just there for moral support...all I know is that you better order the PPV brother, because things are getting interesting!'


So there you have it, folks, Hulk Hogan will be BACk at Halloween Havoc, but even he doesnt know in what capacity. Your local neighbourhood love sponge will keep you informed all I can.

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Well, the show will be up in a day or so, so unless our esteemed joint leader predicts shortly, then Tristram will get to name Bagwell and Jindrak! Can you send me your name for them please Tristram so I can write it into the show if necessary?


Bro shizzle, sent you a PM. If it's out of the ones I've already blasphemously nominated, the one I like the most is original:


Team Electric Boogaloo


Of course, you may have some other ideas and may want to PM me some alternates which I'll be deeelighted (like my Teddy Roosevelt speaketh) to pick from.


Two other comments, I want more Kanyon Cutters, and more of Kim in the sea-through graphic you use for her... wi wi missuer, mon amour.

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WCW proudly presents, Live and from The GeorgiaDome and exclusive to PPV, Halloween Havoc! Here are your hosts for the evening, Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone and Dusty Rhodes!




TONY- Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to the tenth annual Halloween Havoc! A night like no other in the professional wrestling calender...a night where the unexpected becomes the expected, where the preposterous becomes commonplace, a night where anarchy rules!


MIKE- It sure is a hell of a show in prospect, folks. We have three grade A title defences to come, two heated tag team matches, and who can forget, the first ever masquerade brawl match!


DUSTY- Ooooooh bebeh! I always say that the freaks come out at night, and I'm feelin a little freaky tonight, if you weel! There's gonna be plundah and thundah in that there masquerade brawl, but how can you look past tonights main event!? The Untouchable Sting vs Da Man Bill Goldberg! Man, I'm getting cheels just thinking about it partnahs!


TONY- The wait is almost over, folks, we are less than three hours away from our epic main event, but before we get to that...

Tony looks solemnly into the camera. He removes his tie in a show of sincerity and adopts a less hyperbolic tone


Allow me to take this opportunity to address the rumors floating around the internet that there is internal change here at WCW...I can officially confirm that the company has been taken over by a new owner or owners...details are still thin on the ground. So thin, in fact, that I can neither confirm or deny that this will be WCW's last PPV in its current guise. If this is the case, and this proves to be my last ever night calling WCW in ring action, then I just want to thank each and every one of you for letting me be the voice of WCW for all these years. Now with that said, on with the show...





DUSTY- Now wait just a minute Partnah! This here aint a part of our Paypahview broadcast! What in the hell do these idiots want?


MIKE- Since when have The Untouchables cared about anything but themselves guys? They don't care that their eating up valuable PPV time!

The two untouchables enter the ring and Sting grabs a microphone away from Dave Penzer.


Atlanta, Georgia, Live in the GeorgiaDome...I think I can officially declare that it is...SHOWTIME! Can you smell that Jeff? The excitement in the air? Can you feel the electricity coursing through the building? Can you sense the expectation that something......something BIG is going to happen tonight?


I can see it in their eyes. Everybody here tonight thinks tonight is the night that Bill Goldberg wins the WCW Heavweight Championship! Am I right?


The crowd roars in approval as Jarrett grabs the microphone and leaves the ring.


I'm gonna keep things real simple tonight...


He puts the mic in the face of a young fan at ringside


Who dya thinks gonna win the main event tonight, Sting or Goldberg?




He carries on down the front row, allowing each person to shout their answer into the microphone.




Hall shakes his head and re-enters the ring. He gives the mic back to Sting The crowd have started an impromptu 'Goldberg' chant.


Just as I thought. But you know what, I've come to expect that from you people. You see, Bill Goldberg...Bill Goldberg is a lot like...The Atlanta Falcons. He's on a roll of a lifetime, he's beaten all the competition, and now he stands just one match away from the biggest prize in the game. He, like you, is confident of a victory. He, like you, has pinned all his hopes and dreams on winning the big one. He, like you, will leave the arena tonight empty handed and broken hearted!


Thats because in order to achieve his dream, he has to get past me ...The Denver Bronco! And just like back in January at Superbowl XXXIII, I guarantee that your Atlanta Falcon Bill Goldberg will be beaten!

Sting soaks in the boo's of the crowd, but is swiftly interrupted by some familiar music.






I didn't come out here to play your silly games, Sting. You all know why I'm here. I'm here to see if Kevin Nash has the balls to accept my challenge! I've given him all week to respond, yet here we are, Halloween havoc, and I still don't know whether I've got the privelige of kicking his ass all over the GeorgiaDome!


JEFF- Whoa, hold up a minute, Page! You're tellin me you were actually serious? You really want a piece of him?


DDP- You know damn well what I want, and I aint leaving here without it!


JEFF- Page, buddy, seriously... why don't you ride out of here in the rental car you rode in and do everybody a favour. This is a big night for us and we don't need a little distraction like you running around. So, if you know what's good for you, go home brother.


DDP- So that's it huh? That's all you gotta say on the matter? You don't want to...I don't know... talk about the fact that Nash and Hall aint even here tonight?

Jarrett and Hall look at Page, their eyes screaming at him not to go off topic.


DDP- You don't want to talk about the fact that I was supposed to kick Kevin's ass tonight, yet as the 11th hour approached, he conveniently found something else he had to do? You know, I've always been thankful for the breaks guys like Kevin and Scott have given me over the years, but that doesn't mean I have to put up with their ego stroking powerplays!


STING- Now hold on a minute Page...


DDP- No! YOU wait a minute Steve! I'm not nearly done yet! You of all people know that the politics of the Hall and Nash have put the ratings and the buy rates in the toilet! You really wanna help them protect their spot? They can go to hell for all I care! You wanna sit at home and get drunk, get stoned, whilst we cover up for you guys? Not in MY WCW!


I don't know what the future holds for WCW, and if this really is our last night, then how about we go out with...a BANG!

DDP grabs hold of Sting and delivers a vicious Diamond Cutter before escaping the ring and throwing up the diamond on the ramp. JJ eventually helps Sting to his feet and the two men look on at a clearly disguntled DDP.


TENAY- Well...that certainly was an interesting way to kick things off!


DUSTY- I've knowd DDP for a long old taahm and I gotsta believe that he was chomping at the bit to get his hands on that coward Kevin Nash tonight! You can't blame DDP for bein a little hot headed.


TONY- It looks like were winging things tonight, huh, guys? Whatever...can't be much worse than the crap they usually write...





The first match of the show see's The Wayward Sons do battle with Benoit and Kidman, a match which promises much, and doesn't dissapoint. Back and forth they go, crisp move into slick counter, The Wayward Sons certainly came to fight! Benoit controls long sections of the match, confident of his ability to take out The Wayward Sons single handidly, but the numbers game eventually catches up with the Canadian. With a very confident Billy Kidman in his corner, however, a hot tag is never far away.


A tag which Chris eventually makes, allowing Kidman to display his expertise. He finally sets up Berlyn for the SSP, but Eddy manages to pull him out of the way, as Billy crashes and burns. Berlyn groggily tags to Eddy as Kidman struggles to his corner...and he tags in Benoit!


Eddy begs off, but Benoit is having none of it! Hard knife edge chops in the corner bring Eddy to his knee's. Out of desperation more than anything else, Eddy swings wildly at Benoit, leaving himself prone to a hard German Suplex!


With Eddy lying prone in the ring, Benoit signals for the end, but out of the corner of his eye he see's Kidman begging for the tag. Benoit understands the situation and tags Billy. Kidman ascends to the top rope...as does Benoit in the other corner! Dynamite headbutt from Benoit! SSP from Kidman! Kidman covers.....1....2.....3! He got it!


Here are your winners: Chris Benoit and Billy Kidman


After the match, Benoit and Kidman celebrate in the ring as the crowd cheer in approval. Eddy finally gets to his feet and Berlyn enters the ring to check on him. Eddy and Berlyn offer their hands to Kidman and Benoit...and all four men embrace in the center of the ring.


TENAY- What a show of class from these four men. After a grueling 25 minute match, how can you not respect the effort put forward by your opponents?


DUSTY- Absolutely right partnah! This might well be the last tahm they wrestle in dubyaseedubya, and what a match to go out on! They have certainly given the new owner something to think about!


Meanwhile, backstage...



A dejected Hulk Hogan is seen storming down the long corridors of The GeorgiaDome as Mean Gene chases after him




Hulk! Hulk! Can I get a quick word with you?


HOGAN- Make it snappy, brother.


GENE- Hulk, we havent seen you since you were suspended by Governor Flair several weeks ago. Does your presence here tonight have anything to do with the new ownership of WCW?


HOGAN- I've known you a long time, Gene, and I've always answered the difficult questions...but all I can say tonight is...it's big


Hogan continues on his journey and enters an undisclosed door


TONY- Whoa...Hulk Hogan is here! Just when you think things can't get any more interesting we get another curveball! It makes you wonder what else we are going to see before the night is through.


TENAY- Indeed it does Tony! I personally have not been involved in a more bizarre broadcast than tonight is turning out to be.


DUSTY- And it only gets more bizarre babeh, as coming up next, it's The Masquerade Brawl!


TONY- And of course, that can only mean one thing...ladies and gentlemen....ITS THE PRODIGY!


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The Prodigy play their world-wide smash hit as all five competitors make their way to the ring.




Remember, this one is contested under hardcore and elimination rules. La Parka, of course, already has his chair in hand, and wastes little time in swinging for the fences! Sharkboy ducks, as does Psychosis...but Blitzkreig isn't so lucky! Blitz rolls out of the ring as La Parka swings for Juvi, but Juvi ducks and spin kicks the chair right into the face of La Parka! Parka is down, clutching the chair to his chest...Sharkboy see's the opportunity to springboard off the top rope with a corkscrew leg drop onto the La Parka and the chair!


The move clearly took a little out of Sharky too, and Psychosis capitalises on this with a Tilt-a-whirl headscissors takedown! He wedges La Parka's chair inbetween the belt buckles as Juvi and Blitzkreig trade blows on the outside. As he is setting up the chair, Psychosis see's Juvi and Blitz, and decides to go to the high risk district...MOONSAULT OFF THE TOP ROPE TO THE OUTSIDE!


Sharkboy slowly stirs and see's the carnage on the outside...His elaborate mask fails to hide the glint in his fishy eye...and Sharkboy suicide dives to the outside onto the three men!!!


Finally, La Parka emerges from his slumber, and instead of looking for his fellow competitors, he seems more concerned with finding his beloved chair! He finds it wedged in the corner and tries to remove it...but SharkBoy is back to his feet...he leaps onto the apron, holds onto the ropes and kicks La Parka's head into the chair! Was that the origins of the 619?!?!


The cult of Sharkboy has grown to epic proportions here at Halloween Havoc as the crowd stand on their feet and cheer for the young grappler. Sharky enjoys the adulation for a little too long, allowing Blitzkreig to drag him off the apron, smashing his face into it on the way down.Blitz is the first man to search under the ring for some plunder, and drags out...a table! Sharkboy sets up the table in the corner and drags La Parka to his feet. He whips Parka into the table but Parka reverses it and sends Blitzkreig crashing into the table! The table fails to break, so La Parka whips him into his chair in the opposite corner! Skull meets metal and metal wins!


Blitzkreig falls backwards to the canvas and La Parka quickly covers him for the first pinfall of the match...1...2....3!


Blitzkreig has been eliminated!


Rather than celebrate the pinfall, La Parka goes straight back for his precious chair, but it is still lodged into the corner. Psycosis and Juvi are back in the ring, and in a rare moment of teamwork, Juvi whips La Parka into the table, then whips Psychosis after him, who splashes La Parka, breaking the table! As Psychosis turns around, Juvi nails him with a tornado DDT!


This allows Juvi the opportunity to search under the ring for more plunder...and he finds...a ladder! The crowd sense that things are about to get interesting! He sets up the ladder in the ring and smashes Psychosis' head into the steel rungs. He loops Psychosis' arm through the rungs, then retrieves La Parkas chair. He swings the chair at Psych's arm but he moves just in time, leaving Juvi to swing at the ladder. He drops the chair in agony as Psych bulldogs him face first into it! Juvi is flat on his back as Psych grabs the chair and ascends the ladder.


He reaches the top and wedges the chair under his leg...it looks like he's going to attempt a chair assisted leg drop...but Shark Boy is climbing up the other side of the ladder. Psych sees him coming and they trade blows on the top.


La Parka stumbles to his feet in time to see Psych and Sharky fighting over the chair. Like a jealous lover, he pushes the ladder over, crotching them both on the top rope! With his trusty chair back in his posession, La Parka does his trademark wiggle...allowing Juvi to level him from behind with a baseball bat!


Juvi rushes over to Sharkboy and goes for a pin....1....2....3!

Sharkboy has been eliminated!


Juvi quickly tries the same again on Psych....1...2....no! Psychosis kicks out! Juvi is enraged! He picks Psychosis up and throws him to the outside and onto the announce table. Juvi gets a mad look on his face as he sets the ladder up on the outside. He ascends to the top and attempts a somersault leg drop onto Psychosis....but he moves out of the way! Psychosis drapes an arm over the motionless Juvi....1.....2......3!

Juvi has been eliminated!


Psych slowly makes his way back to the ring. He gingerly grabs the baseball bat as La Parka works his way to his feet, chair by his side. They stand off on opposite sides of the ring as the crowd egg them on....


The two men charge at each other, Psychosis swings the bat but La Parka easily shields himself with the chair. Psychosis swings again and again La Parka blocks, forcing the bat out of Psychosis hand! Psychosis begs off as La Parka advances with the chair. He throws the chair at Psychosis, who catches it, and ducks a dropkick attempt from La Parka. Psychosis throws the chair back at La Parka and attempts a dropkick of his own, but this time La Parka dodges!


La Parka grabs the chair and smashes it against the back of Psychosis! With Psychosis down on his knee's, La Parka hits a chair assisted Shining wizard on his opponent! Psychosis is down on the canvas and La Parka senses the end is near...he goes up top and...La Parkinator! La Parka goes for the pin....1....2....3! La Parka has done it!

Here is your winner: La Parka!

As La Parka gets to his feet, barely able to support his own weight after a hellacious match, the arena lights go out...


...when they return, somebody has joined him in the ring...






TENAY- Vince Russo? What the hell is he doing here?


TONY- For those who don't know, Russo joined WCW as head booker when Eric Bischoff returned this month. He vowed that he would NEVER appear on a WCW broadcast


DUSTY- Well here he is partnahs, so he must have something important to say! I wonder if he knows who the new owner is?

Russo has a microphone in hand as he paces around the ring. He looks over at a bemused La Parka.


RUSSO- First of all, I want to apoligise to you, La Parka. I know you expected somebody else to come out here tonight. The thing is, there's a lot of **** going on backstage tonight, and as such, it seems that all the storylines I had going on are going to be dropped!


Now I've been called a lot of things, but one thing I've always prided myself on is that I'm a realist. And realistically speaking, I'm probably going to find myself out of a job in the moring.


So I have here a list....a list of all the things I had planned for the next couple of months that arent going to see the light of day due to the changes going on in the back.


Number one, a new wrestler named The Firestarter was supposed to debut right now, kickstarting a fued with La parka, but obviously that aint gonna happen any more.


Number two, you know the CCTV guy that's been running around backstage? Well that was going to lead to the debut of Chris Candido tomorrow night.



Finally, somebody in the back turns off Russo's mic. He taps it to try and get it working but to no avail. Realising what has happened, Russo goes for another microphone but nobody will give one to him. With security closing in, in one last act of defiance, Russo flips the bird to the camera before being escorted from the building by security.


TONY- What else is going to happen here tonight? The backstage problems are clearly having a drastic effect!




Undoubtedly a great showcase for the cruiserweight division, but one that is perhaps underwhelming given who is involved. Chavo continues to show his sporting side, with clean breaks and a handshake before the match.


The athleticism of both men in unquestionable, and the match gives both men ample opportunity to display it.


The end of the match comes after Chavo tries to go for the loco lock, but Rey counters into a schoolboy, and pulls chavo's tights! The ref counts it...1....2......3!

Here is your winner, and STILL WCW Cruiserweight champion: Rey Misterio Jnr.


After the match, Chavo is clearly irate that the ref didnt see the pull of the tights! He grabs him by the shirt and looks to punch the ref, but calms himself down at the last minute. A smile comes across the face of Chavo and he applauds the efforts of Rey.


Meanwhile, Backstage...



Bret Hart is walking backstage with a sly grin on his face. Does he know something we dont or is he simply bemused by the goings on. He continues down the corridor until he is met by a familiar face.




'So, you got the call too?'


BRET- They asked me to be here yeah


RIC- You know who it is?


BRET- I know as much as anybody else. You?


RIC- Not a clue...but I guess there's only one way to find out.


And with that, Ric and Bret continue down the hall to an unmarked door.



The second of our title matches tonight see's Booker T get his shot at the US title. Before the match can begin, however, Stevie Ray comes down to ringside to offer support to his brother.


Despite Bookers own impressive strength, he is no match for the powergame of Sid, which he realises early on. To his credit, he changes up his game plan on the fly, ducking and weaving, and hitting only when the time is right.


This proves to be the formula of the match in the early going, until Sid finally catches Booker with a big boot off the ropes. With the match back in his favour, Sid snake eyes Booker on the top rope the hits him with the sidewalk slam for a two count.


Sid has Booker right were he wants him and goes for the chokeslam...bu Booker powers out of it and hits an Axe kick out of nowhere! Instead of going for the pin however, Booker decides to show the crowd the move they have been waiting for...THE SPINAROONIE!


This delay allows Sid to get back to his feet and trade blows with Booker. Sid seems to be getting the better of the exchange, until Booker ducks a wild right, and whips the gargantuan Sid into the ropes. Booker goes for a clothesline but Sid has the same idea, and both men are down!


On the outside, Stevie tries to rally Booker and get the crowd involved, which they do. Seeing that Sid is recovering quicker than Booker, Stevie slides a steel chair into his brother and distracts the ref on the apron. The plan backfires however, as Sid is able to snatch the chair from Bookers grasp and level him with the chair!


Sid throws the chair from the ring before the referee turns, and goes for the chokeslam once more. This time, Booker is unable to counter, and Sid gets the academic three count.


Here is your winner, and STILL WCW US champion, Sid Vicious


Post match, Stevie helps Booker to his feet and tries to apoligise, but Booker just walks off without saying a word.



Meanwhile, in the medical bay, Sting is being checked over by the medical staff after the vicious Diamond Cutter from DDP earlier in the night.


JEFF- Diamond Cutter or not, nothings gonna stop you retaining your title tonight champ! We got this, first we take care of Bill Goldberg, then we take out DDP. Your untouchable baby!


Eric Bischoff storms by the doorway of the medical bay.


STING- Bischoff! What the hell is going on here tonight!


Bischoff stops in his tracks and backs up.


ERIC- Hey champ, hows the neck? That was one hellacious Diamond Cutter you took out there...


STING- Cut the crap Bischoff! If you know who the new owner is you better start talking!


Eric- First of all, it's owners, plural. Second of all...you know I can't tell you! What I will say is this...whatever you do tonight, make sure you leave here with the WCW title. Things are going to change very quickly around here, and we are all going to need all the leverage we can get. Hell, if nothing else, you might have the honor of being the last ever WCW heavyweight champion! So good luck out there tonight, champ.

Bischoff carries on down the hallway, whistling as he goes.




What a crazy, crazy night it has been so far! I'm Kimberly page and with me right now is none other than Da Man, Bill Goldberg! Now, Bill, we are now minutes away from our main event, which see's you finally get your well earned shot at Sting and his WCW title. We all saw my hot headed husband Diamond Cut Sting at the start of the show, so do you think you have the advantage now going into the match?


Goldberg just looks at her and ****s his head to the side.


KIM- Do you think Jeff Jarrett will be a factor in this match, given The Untouchables history of foul play?


Again, Goldberg just stares a hole right through her.


KIM- OK...what about Eric Bischoff saying that tonight could be the last ever WCW title match? Does that add pressure to an already combustable match?

Without saying a word, Bill simply turns and leaves, prepared to let his actions speak louder than his words.




Roddy Piper makes his way to the ring as the fans cheer his presence.


Before anybody asks, I don't know who the new owner, or owners, of WCW are, nor do I give a rats ass! As long as there's a place in which The Hot Rod can raise some hell, I'll be there!


Now I'm out here to introduce to you two guys that I've been...mentoring over the last couple of weeks, who are still, might I add, looking for their first win as a tag team. You all know about my history but I'm gonna repeat a little bit of it for you ya lucky swines! I've smashed beer bottles over my own head to prove a point, yeah its true. I've smashed my opponent square in the mush with a coconut and smashed it in half! I've been in some of the most notoriously violent matches in the history of this business, and I've been in some of the worst movies in the movie business....but none of it...none of it was as painful, as brutal, as devastating...as spending five minutes in the company of these two Laverne and Shirley wannabees!


So, without further ado, as chosen by prediction contest winner Tristram...wait a minute, Tristram? What kinda lilley livered, pansy pickin name is that? Were you born in the seventeen hundreds or something, dude? Wait, you are a dude right? Anyway....before I get sued...again...allow me to introduce to you, the newly named...



Buff Bagwell and Mark Jindrak, Team Electric Boogaloo?




Whether it was the new name, the rousing introduction from their mentor, or simply the fact that they were perhaps fighting for their careers, Team Electric Boogaloo started the match like a house on fire!


The Slammers were a little slower to get out of the gate, maybe underestimating their talented opponents. Piper, deciding to decline his managerial duties, joined the commentators in the booth for this one.


There was a crispness in the tags and a fluidity to the actions of TEB that had been missing from their matches prior, something that The Slammers found out the hard way! Conversely, Konnan and Bam Bam were still working out the kinks in their tandem, something that they had been able to hide behind their massive strength against lesser tag teams.


When the time came, Bagwell hit a mean looking kick to the mid section of Konnan, and picked K-Dawg up over his knee. He pointed at Jindrak to go up top before shouting, 'HEY YOU!' When Jindrak got up top, he busted out a bit of body popping! He drops Konnan with a twisting elbow drop from Bagwells leg, as Piper on commentary proclaims that we have just witnessed the Rock Steady Screw! What a finisher! Bagwell covers for the three count!


Here are your winners: Team Electric Boogaloo


TEB celebrate in the ring like they just stopped bulldozers from destroying the neighbourhood! Even Roddy Piper has to stand up and applaud his protoges for a deserved victory.



Meanwhile, Arn Anderson is seen deep in conversation with Randy Savage backstage


SAVAGE- Come on double A! I know you and Flair are tight! Spill the beans! Whose the owner?


AA- I swear to you I don't know! Even if I did, I couldn't betray Ric like that, like you say, we go way back...

'Me and you go way back too, buddy...'

They turn to see the owner of the voice offscreen.




AA- Steamboat! You old dog! I might have known you'd have something to do with all this!


RICKY- Now wait a minute, I don't have a clue what's going on, all I know is that I got a phone call asking me to meet with the owners tonight, and that's where I'm going right now.


SAVAGE- Steamboat! Me and Arn are going to be right here waiting for you when you get out of that particular office, diggit?


RICKY- I'm sworn to secrecy guys, sorry...



As Steamboat leaves, somebody else passes by...




Chris Candido confidently saunters up to Savage and Arn


Well if it isn't my two favourite ass hats! So you really wanna know whats going on behind that door huh? I'm sure you guys are familiar with my 'work?' I can get a camera into anywhere I damn well please...just ask Miss Elizabeth!

Arn has to stop Savage from clocking Candido! When Savage eventually calms down, he listens to what Candido has to say.


CANDIDO- All I'm saying is that if you want to know who the owner is, then I can hook you up! Just keep an eye on the monitors fella's and all will be revealed!


<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acFiz093JDI&hl=en_GB&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acFiz093JDI&hl=en_GB&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>




And so it comes down to this. Sting vs Goldberg. A match for the ages. Perhaps the match to mark the end of an era. Both men seem to acknowledge the scale of the contest, but both seem up for the challenge. After the super serious in ring introductions, after the capacity crowd finally take their seats, Goldberg and Sting circle the ring.


Nobody wants to make the first mistake, leading to a cagey opening few minutes. They lock up several times, and each time they end up either tangled in the ropes or in the corner, forcing the referee to break the holds. The ref, Charles Robinson, lets the match flow as much as possible. He knows people came here to see a showdown, and as such is being as lax with the rules as he legally can be.


As Goldberg powers Sting into the corner once more, Robinson insists on the break which is forthcoming. Bill backs off...and Sting see's his first opportunity, poking the eye of the big man.


Sting tries to capitalise on the advantage, clubbing blows reign down on the back of Goldberg, but Bill has waited too long for this opportunity to show any weakness now. In a massive show of strength, and in what must be a huge use of stamina, Goldberg manages to not only stay on his feet, but turn the tides on Sting!


The crowd is electric as Goldberg pummels Sting, forcing the untouchable to find a quick escape out of the ring. He gathers his bearings, perhaps considering the possibility of escaping through the curtain and living to fight another day. Sting shakes off the very prospect, determined to back up the many claims he has made over the past few weeks.


Sting gingerly re-enters the ring and looks like he wants to lock up again. Goldberg is more than happy to oblige, but Sting kicks Goldberg in the midsection! With Bill doubled over, Sting plants a huge uppercut on the iron jaw of Goldberg, staggering him backwards. Sting runs the ropes and delivers a clothesline as Goldberg staggers some more, but remains on his feet. Bill tries to shake the cobwebs but Sting has other ideas as he clips the legs of Goldberg, finally taking him down to the canvas.


From there, Sting is like a vulture, twisting the legs of Goldberg to many inconcievable angles. Perhaps Sting studdied the tape of Goldbergs match with Benoit, because he seems to think that working the legs is his best strategy for success.


With Goldberg writhing in agony on the canvas, Sting tries to end things early with his patented Scorpion deathlock. He has the move half applied, but Goldberg is able to kick him off, sending Sting into the turnbuckle. Another show of strength from Da Man, but how much does he have left in the tank?


Goldberg tries to get to his vertical base, but the legs are clearly causing him pain. As Goldberg gets to his knee's, Sting drags him up the rest of the way and hits a one handed bulldog for a one count.


With Goldberg down on the canvas, Sting again goes for the legs, elbow dropping the knee's of Goldberg. Sting again goes for the Deathlock, and this time he has it applied!


The crowd comes unglued, pleading with Goldberg to break the hold! Goldberg screams a deep, gutteral scream of pain, as he tries desperately to pick the lock. With no escape in sight, Goldberg comes mere inches from tapping out to the hold. As his hand comes to the canvas, he finds something deep within. A power he has never had to use thus far in his WCW career. With Sting cinching back on the move with ever increasing viciousness, Goldberg begins the long painful journey to the bottom rope. With each stretch he inches ever closer, as Sting cannot believe it!


Finally, Goldberg makes it! He holds onto the rope for dear life as Sting tries desperately to pull him back to the middle of the ring. Seeing it is no use, he releases the hold...then drops his elbow right onto the small of the back of Goldberg.


Sting is confident of a victory, yet beginning to get frustrated at the superhuman strength of Goldberg. He decides to go a little out of his comfort zone...the top rope. With Goldberg in prime position, Sting actually attempts a moonsault...but Goldberg moves at the very last second!


Sting cant believe it! Perhaps more in shock that actual pain, Sting struggles to shake off the effects of the missed moonsault. Goldberg, unable to put his full weight on his knees, drapes an arm over Sting in a desperate pin attempt.1....2...no! Sting has enough to kick out.




With both men down in the ring, The King of Controversy makes an appearance to give Sting some moral support. He pleads for Sting to get up. Sting duly obliges, and goes to pick up the fallen Goldberg. He gets him halfway before Bill elbows him hard. Goldberg tries to pick himself up,using the body of Sting as leverage. He manages, just, and actually hits a belly to belly suplex on Sting! Goldberg hangs onto him, still using Sting as a crutch, and hits another belly to belly!


Goldberg seems to be getting some feeling back in his legs, gesturing to the crowd that he's still got something left in reserve...it looks like, yes! Goldberg is setting up for The Spear!


He stalks his prey in the corner as Sting slowly gets to his feet, unaware of the pain that awaits....but Jarrett is now on the ring apron! Goldberg see's him and kicks him off the apron! Goldberg turns to face Sting once more...but Sting is already on his feet and Stinger Splashes Goldberg in the corner!


Sting goes for another, and it connects! A third, a fourth, a fifth! Sting is clearly just moments away from victory but he wants to rub it in. He signals for a sixth, but Charles Robinson insists that Sting goes for the pin. Sting refuses and goes for the splash anyway, catching Robinson in the process!


With the ref down, Jarrett enters the ring for the first time. He picks Goldberg out of the corner and holds him whilst Sting takes jabs at him. Sting then leaves the ring and reaches under it...only to come back with his baseball bat! He pokes Goldberg in the chin with it, forcing his head up so he can see the carnage about to be unleashed on him...




...but DDP comes rushing to the ring! He dives onto Jarrett and takes him over the top rope! DDP and Jarrett are brawling on the floor, as Sting puts his head in his hands as he watches the fight! He seems to decide to let them go at it and turns to finish off Goldberg....who hits him with an almighty spear! Goldberg goes for the cover but the ref is still out of it. Goldberg tries to revive the ref, which allows Sting time to recover and hit Sting over the back of the head with the bat! Exhausted, Sting falls on top of Goldberg as Charles Robinson finally starts to come to. He see's Sting lying on top of Goldberg and makes the count.....1...........2...............3! Sting retains!


Here is your winner, and STILL WCW World Heavyweight Champion: Sting!


TONY- Sting has done it! He promised the world he would retain, and by hook or by crook he did it!


DUSTY- Things did't need to go down that way babeh! That was one of the best physical encounters I have ever witnessed until Jarrett and the bat came into play! It was a match for the ages, ruined by unsportsmanship, and I for one aint likin it!


TENAY- In what could go down as the last ever match in WCW, Sting proves that it's not always how you do it that's important, but who gets the three count come the end of the night. I've got to believe that Goldberg had the match won with the Spear, and would be our Champion right now if it wasnt for the ref being incapacitated!

Jeff Jarrett re-enters the ring and drapes Sting over his shoulder. Unable to stand under his own volition, Sting leans heavily on Jarrett as he holds the title aloft.


TONY- There were a lot of ways I envisaged my WCW career coming to an end, if indeed it does, but not like this! Not after witnessing a mugging like that! In all my years as.....he wait a minute!


The big screen cuts to an image of the corridor backstage. It moves towards an open door as several of the people we have seen throughout the night exit. Bret and Ric look purplexed, Hogan looks genuinely mad, Bischoff is uneasy and Ricky Steamboat is flat out laughing. Vince Russo is nowhere to be seen.


CANDIDO- So that cats out the bag, CCTV was me all along, but that's not gonna stop me! This may be my last ever CCTV segment, so I'm going to make it my biggest scoop yet! Beyond this door lies the masterpiece I have been craving...every voyeurs dream, the scoop of a lifetime. Follow me as we find out who the new owner of WCW really is...



The Camera sees the door open wide. There is a desk and an office chair. A chair that has its back to the camera. Candido goes closer to get a better look, he spins the chair around and whispers the immortal words...



CANDIDO- Smile....your on Candido Camera!
















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And so the mystery remains unsolved!


That was a really fun show to write, but I'd wager it is a bit of a cluster to read! I got into writing some matches and not so much with others, so the match lengths vary a LOT! I was going for a kinda half work, half shoot show, so you can try and piece together what was real and what wasnt.


This show marks the end of this diary, but fear not, because I plan to do a TEW2010 diary based one day after the events of this PPV. All will be revealed in due course, but in the mean time, have fun trying to work out who the owner or owners are! Could it be:


The conspicuous by their absence outsiders?


The histrionic Vince Russo?


An unusually quite Hulk Hogan?


Scruffy the mild mannered janitor?


Somebody else? ????


Don't ask me, ask Tristram! He knows! (Well, he halfway knows, and he only half knows what he thinks he half knows at that! HA!)

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