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Journal Entry: January 18, 2010


I read another article today on one of more popular wrestling sites on the 'net these days. It had been titled, "James Valentine: The WWE's Savior or Destroyer?" There has been a lot of that type of talk these days. I've been, on one hand, praised for creating some memorable moments this past year. The shocking arrival of Sting into the WWE? And his subsequent feud with HBK? Fans loved it. They ate it up, especially since it gave Micheals a chance to be the arrogant heel once more.


Yet they complain about me hiring this new talent and "holding them down". Hiring the Briscoes and making them into a jobber team? Re-splitting the Tag Titles again despite not having a large tag team division? They are valid complaints, yet its not like I'm trying to tank the tag division. It takes time.


I guess I've been guilty of "shocking y'all" a bunch since Extreme Rules, but why not? The WWE, for a long time now, was cookie cutter, boring if you will, when it came to their storylines. I've given so much to the fans already. Orton "injuring" Trips. Jeff Hardy having a fantastic feud with CM Punk. I turned John Cena heel for Christsakes. A heel turn that has been successful since it occurred. The return of that crazy SOB, Kurt Angle?


They have accused me of using the old talent too much. Bringing in the washed up "has-beens" of the eighties. But look at the phenomenal stories that occurred? Edge vs. Hogan? And the subsequent Edge face turn? What Sting vs. Micheals? Sting vs. HHH? Sting vs. Jericho? Sting vs. Orton? All have been great matches and stories.


Now granted I got guys like the Briscoes, Low-Ki, Elijiah Burke, Petey Williams, Jay Lethal, etc, and I haven't pushed them to the moon. Never fear, these guys will get time to shine eventually but its time to set the table for those that are very close to making it to the main event. And the hottest name of them all right now? The Guru of Greatness, the Friday Night Delight, the Shaman of Sexy himself, John Morrison. This guy is going to my breakout star.


Just wait and see.


-James Valentine

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-Excerpt from the notes of James Valentine, Head of WWE Creative


A look at the WWE RAW Roster!


Beth Phoenix: Beth has a win-loss record of 7-6. The horrible WWE Womens Division has been a future project. Right now, it has been limping along. When it finally shapes up to what I want it to become, Beth will be one of those cornerstones of the division. She won the WWE Womens Title in December and has been the reigning champion.


Christian: 25-14-1, Up until the end of the ECW brand at the start of December, Christian was a steady fixture in the ECW Title chase, holding the title 3 times. He often feuded with Jack Swagger and Tommy Dreamer. Since coming to the RAW roster after the "WWE: Reborn" reset, Christian has been teaming on and off with his on-screen brother, Edge.


Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder: 3-8 & 3-11 respectively. Both men were largely jobbers this year. The move was made to team them up as a way to help shore up the struggling tag divisions.


The Hart Dynasty (David Hart Smith & Tyson Kidd): 22-9-1 & 21-9-1 respectively. The next generation of the Hart Family has been a staple of the ECW and RAW tag team rosters during my creative tenure. They won the Unified Titles from Cryme Tyme at Hell in the Cell and have been a steady fixture on WWE TV. They currently seem to be heading into a program with Legacy (Randy Orton/Ted Dibiase).


Unnamed British Stable (William Regal, Nigel McGuinness, Paul Burchill, Drew McIntyre, Katie Lea Burchill): 10-9 & 3-4 & 6-13 & 3-2 & 0-5, Needing a program for Regal, he has been aligned with three other British competitors (and Katie Lea) in the WWE to create a new stable, currently unnamed. With such talent grouped together, this stable should become a force down the line.


Edge:19-16-4, Edge may have unseated fellow blonde haired Canadian, Chris Jericho, as WWE's Teflon man. Edge has won barely more matches then he has lost but has been a popular fixture during my tenure. First as a dastardly heel (being a thorn in the side of both Jeff Hardy and an increasing heelish CM Punk), and then as a crowd-popping face after the iconic moment where he embraced Hulk Hogan following their bitter feud. Currently teaming on and off with "brother" Christian. Held his 5th World Heavyweight Title this past April/May.


Elijiah Burke: 5-4, another one of the criminally underused talents right now. Burke was beginning to become a fixture on ECW TV but hasn't shown up on RAW since the reset. May show up and or may spend some time in FCW until Creative has a spot for him.


Evan Bourne: 7-20, To be honest, this kid is so exciting that one just itches to book him to the moon. But right now, Bourne is more of a midcard jobber at the moment.


Finlay:17-14, ECW really seemed the place for "you've earned it old-timer" reigns this year. First Tommy Dreamer and then the tough Irishman finally got a heavyweight title run. Finlay has still been popping up in matches up to the end of the year. Is this the end of the run for Finlay or does he have enough left for Wrestlemania 26?


Gail Kim: 3-6, for Gail, it has been largely the same thing as Beth Phoenix. She is a talented competitor but the Womens Division hasn't been rebuilt into something really important yet.


Jeff Hardy: 21-20-2, Hardy was the main rival for both Edge and CM Punk for the first half of 2009, even gaining his second world title. After his push stagnated, it got reignited as he was part of the huge trade that sent HHH to SD! and himself to RAW. A feud with the heel champion, Cena, was big but he has settle into the midcard for now.


Cryme Tyme (JTG & Shad):9-10 & 8-10, these two have been steady in the RAW Tag scene, even getting a token WWE Tag Title reign in. The two could have big things in store, especially after a controversial segment where Shad chokeslammed RAW GM Rick Steamboat.


Kane:15-6, Kane has been more or less an aimless fixture at the top of the RAW and SD! rosters. Despite this, he was involved in one of the top highly rated matches over my tenure, a World Heavyweight Title match against CM Punk on Smackdown. So maybe the show isn't even for Glen Jacobs yet.


Kenny Dykstra:9-10, currently Kenny is a midcard staple. Getting a win here, losing there. However Kenny is young, so the sky is the limit for the kid.


Kofi Kingston: 13-15, Kofi is another one of the steady mid-carders. He got a run with the United States title earlier but currently is floating.


The Hooliganz (Paul London & The Brian Kendrick): 11-11 & 7-8, I rehired London a while back and teamed him back up with Kendrick, however having Kendrick maintain his arrogant HBK-ish gimmick. These two have been also a midcard fixture.


Legacy (Randy Orton & Ted Dibiase Jr.) 21-18-1 & 15-14, Legacy may have lost Cody Rhodes to a face turn and a move to Smackdown!, but they are still a force to be reckoned with on RAW. Orton was a early fixture in the RAW WWE Title scene until early June when he lost the title. He is currently teaming up with Dibiase who is the reigning IC Champion.


Rey Mysterio: 11-21, despite his ugly win-loss record, Rey has had two IC Title runs, is still popular and even had a fantastic feud with Jericho had people seriously thinking he was going to lose his mask.


R-Truth: 1-12, not a huge fan of the R-Truth gimmick despite Killings talent. Really has just been a really flashy jobber.


Shawn Micheals:16-6-4 HBK really has been the go to guy this past year. Has been a constant fixture in the main event as both a heel and face. And was part of one of the more memorable feuds when he competed against the debuting Sting in a series of 3 matches that stretched from Summerslam to Bragging Rights. Was on Smackdown after the reset but asked to be traded to RAW, the reason why is still unknown.


Triple H:14-12, yes that win loss isn't a typo. Maybe the Game is actually learning to put people over? He did get his 14th title reign in and has been a mainstay in the main event. Will HHH ever have a lengthy reign again?




Umaga: 6-21, the Samoan Bulldozer may be impressive looking but he has really become an impressive looking jobber. However with a gimmick that is over like his, "Umanga" may find a winning streak eventually.



....next up...a look at the Smackdown roster.


in the on deck circle? WWE RAW on USA!

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Interesting, I haven't caught a diary that started in the future before, but I've seen some that end up there, lol.


I'm curious... you played the game up till now I'm guessing, and instead of "backtracking" to things you probably didn't keep a great record of, figured you would just jump us in where you are now (or close)?

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Interesting, I haven't caught a diary that started in the future before, but I've seen some that end up there, lol.


I'm curious... you played the game up till now I'm guessing, and instead of "backtracking" to things you probably didn't keep a great record of, figured you would just jump us in where you are now (or close)?


Kinda, sorta. It is a combination of a roughly six months or so of game time that I never typed up. However, I do have great recollection of it. The problem I felt I might run into is that my mind is set on all these ideas that will be occurring on the Road to 'Mania and I would lose interest in the earlier stuff before I could get to 'Mania...if that made any sense.


I plan on revisiting some "Big Moments" throughout the diary. Like the Sting/HBK feud, Hogan vs. Edge, etc.

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Excerpt from the notes of James Valentine, Head of WWE Creative


A Look at the WWE Smackdown! Roster!


The Murder City Machineguns (Alex Shelley/Chris Sabin) : 5-7 & 6-5, the MCMG in the WWE. One of the first "poachings" James Valentine made from TNA. The Guns have been a rather successful team except for against the reformed World's Greatest Tag Team. Will they get the monkey off their back and in turn eventually become champions?


Batista: 16-16, sometimes Animals go bad. And that was the situation when Batista turned on the 'Taker when he went to Smackdown in his first match on Smackdown after the reset. Bats has been on an even keel so far, time will tell if he reclaims gold.


Carlito: 18-12, be it turning on his cousin, Primo, or winning his second US Title, Carlito has kept himself in the thick of things. Despite recently losing the US Title to MVP at the start of the year, Carlito may be in line for a push down the line.


World's Greatest Tag Team (Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas): 20-9 & 19-12, despite success as a singles competitor (including another IC Title run) Benjamin reformed WGTT with Haas and they won the reactivated tag titles on Smackdown.


Chris Jericho: 17-21, perhaps Jericho doesn't have a winning record but pretty much every loss has been a big loss. So Jericho still has found himself in the main event, even stopping for a cup of tea in the form of a 9th IC Title reign. As one of the most versatile competitors the WWE has, Jericho has alot left in him.


Cody Rhodes: 13-11, Rhodes left Legacy behind and eventually headed to Smackdown. He has reunited with his father, Dusty, and looks to be making his own impact. One that is in the singles competition.


The Perfect Team (Dolph Ziggler and Joe Hennig): 10-11, 5-2, Ziggler was sort of floating in the WWE, his push having stalled. However, salvation appeared in the form of the third generation Hennig. The two have formed a team of arrogance personified. And so far? Seems to work.


Big & Bad (Ezekiel Jackson & Vladimir Koslov): 6-3 & 6-11, what do you do with two big tough SOBs that don't have much for an angle or program? Put them together! And watch the fun as they seemingly try to outdo each other.


Jay Lethal: 3-13, Oh Yeah! Dig It! Yep, even to the WWE, the Macho Man tribute gimmick has followed the talented Lethal. However, success hasn't.


Jesse & Festus: 2-13 &1-22, jobber-iffic! Although after their latest loss, Jesse stormed out on Festus. Is the redneck jobber team on the rocks?


Jim Duggan: 0-6, Duggan is a nostalgic act that never gets tired. Even if he never ever wins a match again, the fans go HOOOOOO!


Jimmy Wang Yang: 1-9, the Asian cowboy is still a redneck jobber. Fancy Smackdown having alot of those. Redneck jobbers that is.


John Cena: 15-16-3 Three things. First off, Cena did regain the WWE Heavyweight Title. Not surprising. Second, he did it by turning heel against HHH in a screwjob off all things. Now that is surprising. Third, he has a losing record. Wait back that up, Superman has a losing record? And yes, that is one of the things the IWC loves about James Valentine's creative tenure.


John Morrison: 29-10-1, Mr. Mojo Rising has been the breakout star this past year. He even holds a victory over HHH and another reign with the IC Title. He is currently on a hot streak and is generally considered the second best behind HBK right now when it comes to a great match.


Low Ki: 15-5, held the ECW TV Title (the only champion during its brief WWE Tenure) and has been a very solid peformer. Currently showing up in multi-man matches but it shouldn't be long until Creative finds a feud for him.


Kurt Angle: 19-4-1, who would have seen this coming? Kurt Angle returned at The Bash under the guise of "Mr. America" and defeated The Big Show. And he has been red-hot since he came back. And he capped off the year with a title win over Cena at Armageddon. Will Angle be able to hold onto the title considering he has a rematch with Cena at Royal Rumble?


MVP: 14-12-1, well MVP hasn't had a banner year but he did maintain a healthy following of fans as a babyface. He also won the US Title twice and is the current holder of the title.


Matt Bentley: 3-7, the cousin of Shawn Micheals. Yep, that is the biggest thing about Bentley now. And with the crowded roster, it doesn't look like it'll improved any time.


Matt Hardy:14-13-1, Matt hasn't reached the World Title like his younger brother but has maintain a steady position, including two reigns with the US Title.


Mr. Kennedy: 15-8, Mr. Kennedy has won a lot of matches. But that is about it. Poor Kennedy has been floating for the longest time. He is high enough on the card where he has gotten a healthy chunk of wins but they are largely been wins that led nowhere.


Petey Williams 0-5, "The Definition of Definition has yet to find his mark in the WWE. Maybe he'll be able to flex some of that "Maple Leaf Muscle" and gain himself a win or two.


Primo: 15-11, he has been left in the dust a few times but still manages to actually have a winning record. Biggest highlight so far was his winning of the short lived WWE Cruiserweight Title after its reactivation.


The Hurricane: 7-11, The Hurricane has been crazy over since going back to his old gimmick. Despite a less than stellar win/loss record, he has been a popular fixture.


The Undertaker: 9-4-2, What can be said about the Undertaker? He has wrestled a handful of matches, 15 of them to be exact but he still commands a huge pop when he arrives. On top of that, he puts on a great match no matter what.


....up next...the January 18, 2010 edition of Monday Night RAW!

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For quick reference...the current title holders are...


WWE Heavyweight (SD)- Kurt Angle

WWE IC (RAW)- Ted Dibiase

WWE Tag Team (SD)- World's Greatest Tag Team


WWE Womens (RAW)- Beth Phoenix

WWE World Heavyweight (RAW)- CM Punk

WWE World Tag Team (RAW) The Hart Dynasty


WWE RAW Quick Predictions...


Shawn Micheals vs. Kenny Dykstra


The Hart Dynasty vs. Londrick


Kofi Kingston vs. Nigel McGuinness


Legacy (Orton/Dibiase) vs. Mysterio/Bourne


Melina/Mickie James/Gail Kim vs. Beth Phoenix/Michelle McCool/Katie Lea Burchill


Edge/Christian/HHH/Jeff Hardy vs. CM Punk/William Regal/Kane/Umaga


Card should be up sometime tomorrow morning.

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I don't normally do this, but what the heck, lol.


Shawn Micheals vs. Kenny Dykstra


The Hart Dynasty vs. Londrick


Kofi Kingston vs. Nigel McGuinness


Legacy (Orton/Dibiase) vs. Mysterio/Bourne


Melina/Mickie James/Gail Kim vs. Beth Phoenix/Michelle McCool/Katie Lea Burchill


Edge/Christian/HHH/Jeff Hardy vs. CM Punk/William Regal/Kane/Umaga

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Live from the Manhattan Center live on the USA Network!


Welcome Home RAW...


RAW opens with no pyros, no commentary, just the jam packed Manhattan Center and WWE CEO, Vincent Kennedy McMahon standing in the middle of the ring. The father of sports entertainment has a microphone in hand and begins to speak.


Vince: *in that trademark McMahon voice* WELCOME TO MONDAY NIGHT RAW!


Huge pop from the crowd. McMahon lets the crowd die down and continues.


Vince:A long time ago, I, Vincent Kennedy McMahon, had a dream. A dream to have the largest promotion in all of sports entertainment. I made that dream a reality. I beat everyone. I beat the Crocketts, the Gagnes, and the Von Erichs of the days when "Rasslin'" was a territorial buisness. No one, not one promotor, had the vision I did. Thanks to my creation, Wrestlemania, the WWE was a cultural phenomenon in the '80s.


One man dare to stop that dream. That one man, Ted Turner. Now I'm standing here in the middle of a *adds emphasis on the next word* WWE ring, so we all know who won that war. Part of winning that war? Well that had to do with another dream of mine.


Vince turns to the tron and it cues up highlights of the original Monday Night RAW. Clips from that very first show included a Banzai Splash on HoF'er Koko B. Ware by Yokozuna, shots of the Steiner Brothers in their glory, Shawn Michaels dancin' and prancin' the only way he knew how and the Undertaker.


Vince:Now seventeen years later, I stand here in the ring, a self made billionaire. The CEO of the largest Sports Entertainment promotion ever. After putting the competition out of business, becoming a publicly traded company on the New York Stock Exchange and celebrating 25 years of Wrestlemania, I stand here in this ring. I stand here and all I have to say is...


Cryme Tyme's theme song plays and out steps Shad Gaspard. JTG enters behind his partner for a moment and he seems to be begging his partner for something. Shad ignores JTG and makes his way down the ramp and into the ring where a confused and slightly annoyed Mr. McMahon stands.


Shad:Yo, Mr. Mac-Man, I'm out here for one reason and one reason only! So if ya will hear me out, Mr. Mac-Man, I have something to say.


Vince: You interrupt me, Vincent Kennedy McMahon, in the middle of my speech? What makes you think I'm going to even listen to you instead of just telling you that *makes that Vince "I'm Going to Fire You" face* YOU'RE---


Shad holds up his hand, cupped slightly like a choke hold. The CEO of the WWE does that trademark gulp.


Shad:Yo Mr. Mac-Man, I got but one reason for you to listen to my one reason, you feel me? Now its simple bossman, me and my boy JTG, we don't feel like we have been getting a fair shake. Ya know what I am getting at? It seems they are only picking those pretty white boys like those Canucks and those pretty boys that be livin' off their father's legacies. You see, Mr. Mac-Man, I think there is a "Cryme" being committed against us. I told that to "Da Dragon" last week and yo' boy didn't listen. All I'm gonna say is, bossman, if we keep on being victims of yo' hate "crymes"...


Shad stares Vince down.


Shad: Everyone be payin' da TYME!


Shad adjusts Vince's collar, dusts off his bosses' shoulders and pats Vince on the shoulder before leaving. As Shad leaves, Vince collects himself and gets back on track.


Vince:Where was I at? Ah yes, *still flustered, he takes a look at some notecards* I stand here and all I have to say is...Thank You.


And with that, RAW goes to commercial break.



Kenny Dykstra vs. "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels


Dykstra is already in the ring when "Sexy Boy" begins to play over the PA system and Shawn Michaels makes his way out. The camera shows a shot of the three RAW broadcast members, Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler and Joey Styles.


JR: Good evening and welcome to Monday Night Raw! This is Jim Ross here calling the action for Monday Night RAW alongside Jerry "The King" Lawler and Joey Styles!


King: I still can't believe what we just saw at the start of the show, JR. Shad pretty much committed career suicide.


Joey: Last week, it was him taking his anger out on RAW GM, Rick Steamboat, and this week he actually threatens the owner of the company.


JR: We'll have to wait and see what occurs with Shad, but right now we have "The Heartbreak Kid", Shawn Michaels entering the ring to take on the young, Kenny Dykstra.


Joey: This match is obviously a nod to the humble beginnings of Monday Night RAW. Since tonight we are emanating from the Manhattan Center, what better idea than to have the first match involve one of the two Superstars that competed on that show seventeen years ago?


In the ring, the bell has rung and from the get-go, it is HBK on the advantage. For the first few opening minutes, HBK proceeds to go through a sizable chunk of his repertoire. The absolute highlight of the early goings occurs when he ducks a Dykstra punch and lifts him up and slams him down with a back suplex. Shawn proceeds to dust off his hands and prop himself up on the top turnbuckles, lounging around in vintage HBK fashion.


JR: It has been all HBK so far tonight. We need to go to a quick commercial break and we'll be back with more action!




JR: Welcome back fans to RAW. If you are just joining us, we are live from the Manhattan Center, the original site of this show 17 years ago!


King:And if you are just joining us, you see HBK getting his rear handed to him by Kenny.


Joey: Oh! And what a vicious clothesline from Dykstra! He really rebounded off the ropes with a head full of steam!


A split-screen shows what was going on during the break. It shows Kenny gaining the advantage after dodging a Michaels bodypress attempt that sent HBK flying through the middle ropes.


Meanwhile, back in current time, HBK has been trapped in a rough looking sleeper hold, Dykstra really cinching it in.


King: Things don't look good for the Showstopper!


Styles: Think of what a win over HBK would do for Kenny. It would shoot him up the ranks here in WWE!


JR: Well you shouldn't count your cards until the dealings done folks...because HBK is making a comeback!


The Heartbreak Kid is getting a second win and has battled his way back up to his feet. Kenny still holds onto the sleeper but finds it harder to do with HBK slamming his elbow into his rib cage. Another shot, and another...and Kenny lets go of the hold. As soon as Kenny lets go, Shawn nails him one more time and then...Manhattan Drop! He rebounds off the ropes, flying forearm. As per custom, Michaels ends up lying on his back along with Kenny but...quick as a whip...he nips up and starts playing to the crowd. Kenny is up...and scoop slam!


JR: HBK is feeling the roar of the crowd now.


King: And the Icon is going up top. Wonder what he has in store for Kenny?


Styles: If I was a betting man, King, I would say it probably starts with the word "Flying" and ends with the word "Drop"!


And ether Styles can predict the future or he has just seen too many HBK matches, because Michaels does come crashing down off of the turnbuckle with a picture perfect elbow drop! HBK gets up and heads to the corner...and begins to stomp the mat.


JR: And it looks like HBK is tuning up the band...


King: I don't think Kenny will like the tune he is going be played.


Styles: And Sweet Chin Music! HBK for the cover...hooks the leg...one...two...three!


"Sexy Boy" plays as HBK's hand is raised, the winner at 12:54


HBK: The Reason Why


After a few moments, Shawn Michaels asks for a microphone and his music dies down.


HBK: You know, since the start of the month, a lot of people asked me, "Why Shawn Why?". "Why would you ask Teddy Long to trade you to RAW?" "Are you wanting to face CM Punk?" "Is DX getting back together for the one millionth and two hundred-fifty first time?" "Do you not like working Friday nights?"


HBK pauses.


HBK:The answers are simple to those questions. Of course I would love to face the World Heavyweight Champion, but that isn't the reason I came back to RAW. And at least for now, I don't plan on running roughshod over the show with my best friend. And...well actually...I do hate working Friday nights because usually on Friday nights...the kids are gone...me and the missus get alone time and...ahh...better not go into that one on live TV.


HBK grins.


HBK: I came back for one reason and only one reason. And there is only one person that can help me. And that is why, I need to ask Rick Steamboat to come out here.


Ricky Steamboat's music hits and the RAW General Manager makes his way out and down the ramp.


JR: What does HBK need with GM Steamboat?


King: I don't know but Steamboat doesn't look in the best of moods tonight.


Styles: He got chokeslammed by Shad Gaspard last Monday. I wouldn't be in a great mood either.


Steamboat is in the ring and once armed with a mic, he's ready to go.


Steamboat: I'm a bit surprised to be called out here. What do you want Shawn?


HBK: Well first off, it's great to see you "Dragon". I guess it kind of makes a guy feel good to stand in the ring with you. I mean, back when I was still a brash young wrestler, I remember watching you wrestle the greatest Wrestlemania match of all time. Remember that one? Coming back from a crushed larynx? Winning the Intercontinental Title? It may not be as iconic of a moment as some big orange goblin bodyslamming a giant, but it is widely regarded as the greatest match in Wrestlemania history. Ever.


Michaels runs a hand through his hair and takes a breath before continuing.


HBK: Don't get me wrong when I say this, but I hate the idea of that. I'm Shawn Michaels. I am the Heartbreak Kid. The Showstoppa! The Icon! The Main Event! And most importantly, I am Mr. Wrestlemania. You know why I got that nickname? Because I am, undoubtedly, the best big match performer in WWE history. And it doesn't get ANY bigger than 'Mania. So I won't lie, its always nagged at my mind. That despite Iron Man at Wrestlemania 12, despite facing Angle at 'Mania 21, Flair at #24, and Taker at #26....despite all those great matches... Mr. Wrestlemania still hasn't been in the greatest Wrestlemania match of all time.


Steamboat: I hope I don't come across insulting but what exactly are you trying to get at, Shawn? And I really don't see why your quest to be the best in Wrestlemania history involves me.


HBK: Oh "Dragon", this involves you. You see, sometimes the world doesn't get a chance to see the things that rightfully should occur. Tyson vs. Ali. Petty vs. Johnson. Montana vs. Brady. Thez vs. Angle. We don't know why, maybe its just the different times they may have lived in. Or perhaps its the same reason the fans never thought they would see HBK vs. Angle, HBK vs. Hogan. They never thought they would see those matches because I retired due to a back injury.


Michaels cracks a smile.


HBK: And for the longest time, I thought I would never get a chance to do what I'm doing now. Because of "fate", because of "destiny", the wrestling world would never get "that" match. The match that could possibly be the greatest in Wrestlemania history. Vinnie Mac was out here earlier talking about "dreams" and I have a dream too. I have a dream for Wrestlemania 26. "The Heartbreak Kid" vs..."The Dragon". And only you, Mr. Steamboat, can make that come true.


The arena erupts in cheers at the thought of that match.


JR:HBK...Steamboat...could you picture such a match?


GM Steamboat is quiet for a few moments, lowering his head to the mat. He then looks up at Shawn and shakes his head no.


Steamboat: Shawn, I have to say no. As alluring as the sound of stepping back into the ring, at Wrestlemania no less, is...I have to decline. My return last year was a one shot deal, done out of anger. I am not in the shape, nor the mindset to do that. I'm sorry Shawn. Really I am.


HBK: No?


Shawn hangs his head and breathes a deep sigh.


HBK: I'm sorry too, "Dragon". Never wanted it to come to this...


Styles: OH MY GOD!


JR: Sweet Chin Music! Shawn Michaels has just laid out our General Manager, WWE Hall of Famer, Rick "The Dragon" Steamboat! I can't believe we just saw that!


King: Look at HBK's face. There is no emotion on his face.


The camera fades to commercial break as HBK stands over a fallen Steamboat.


The Hart Dynasty vs. Londrick


JR: Welcome back to RAW. I still can't believe what just occurred fans. HBK laying out GM Steamboat with a superkick after Steamboat refused the proposed "Dream Match" at Wrestlemania 26.


As the commentary team talks about the previous segment, the music belonging to the "Hooliganz" begin to play and out runs both Paul London and The Brian Kendrick. London does the exact same slide into the ring and pops up to the turnbuckle as Kendrick simply stands, looking arrogant. As London does his flip, Kendrick simply crosses his arms across his chest.


Out next is the WWE World Tag Team Champions, the next generation of the Hart Family, the Hart Dynasty! First out is Natayla Neidhart who turns to introduce David Hart Smith and Tyson Kid. The three make their way to ringside.


JR: What a show so far folks and we follow it up with a match up between the tag champs and the high flying team of Brian...


King: The Brian Kendrick, get it right JR.


JR: The team of Kendrick and Paul London.


Styles: This could be a very even affair. It looks like the thing that could play into the Harts' favor is that they have the strength advantage in the form of Smith.


And from the start of the bell, it is a steady flow of action. Kidd and Kendrick start off, trading quick offense. The action goes back and forth between the two, with Kendrick utilizing quick tags with London to isolate Kidd. An attempted dropkick is dodged and Kidd follows up with a dropkick of his own before getting over to Smith for the tag.


JR: Kidd with the fresh tag...


Smith gets in and for the next few minutes, he pulverizes London with an assortment of power moves. He even busts out the stalled vertical suplex, a move his father made famous. He holds London in the air for good half a minute, letting the blood rush to his head before dropping him back. Smith then proceeds to attempt a powerslam, but London slides out of it. He vaults to the top rope and when Smith charges at him, he leaps and nails the mushroom stomp. Kidd rushes in and London dodges a clothesline...dropsault to Kidd and he lands on Smith!


Styles: London decides not to go for the pinfall on Smith and instead...tag to Kendrick!


Kendrick gets the hot tag and comes in, knocking down both individuals as London recovers in the corner. After a flurry of offence, he grabs Smith by the head and attempts to execute "The Kendrick" but Smith shoves him off into the center of the ring. The Brian Kendrick immediately gets up and flies at Smith but Smith catches him...Kidd flies in...HART ATTACK!


King: Hart Attack! That has to be all!


JR: Kidd knocks London out of the ring...cover...one...two...three! The Hart Dynasty are the winners and show the rest of the WWE why they are the tag champs.


And as the Hart Dynasty is handed their belts, having won the match at 7:57, they celebrate as RAW goes to commerical.


{Part Two of Monday Night RAW will be up tomorrow. For the first RAW and Smackdown, I'm trying a rather wordy attempt to hopefully be able to get some of the stories across. I will probably scale it back to brief notes for the match write-ups for TV shows. Any comments on the first part of RAW are welcomed}

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Matt Bentley: 3-7, the cousin of Shawn Micheals. Yep, that is the biggest thing about Bentley now. And with the crowded roster, it doesn't look like it'll improved any time.


I went to high school with this guy. Good kid. He was in my brother's class. Good Ol' Clinton High Skool

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And Monday Night RAW returns from what seems like half a week of programming's worth of commercials...


The show comes back from break and William Regal is already standing in the ring, flanked by his British counterparts...Nigel McGuiness, Paul Birchill (accompanied by the lovely Katie Lea) and Drew McIntyre.


Regal: If there is one thing I hate, its how you bloody Americans idolize the worst of the worst. Your favorite Hollywood actor turns into a drug addict? You turn a blind eye from his problems because he makes "real good movies". And you WWE fans are just the same. You cheer that insolent toe rag, Jeff Hardy, despite his past! Jeff Hardy was a miserable attempt at a human being then and he is just as worthless now!


"No More Words" begins to play over the PA system and the crowd pops as out from the back is Jeff Hardy. No doing his weird mannerisms or "dancing", the charismatic enigma looks more stoic then he has been in a long time.


Jeff: There you go again, running your mouth around Regal. You know, it seems ever since you hooked up with your friends there, you think you can just run roughshod over RAW. But as you've seen since November, I don't back down. I don't give up. I keep fighting!


Regal: You'll keep on fighting, huh? Maybe your "personal demons" have made it a little tougher to think clearly Jeffery. You don't seem to understand what exactly you are dealing with. We are the best Jeff. The best that the Queen herself would send. You keep on fighting and we will knock you down so you bloody well will NEVER get up again.


Jeff: Well why don't you put your money where your mouth is, Regal? How about next Monday, on the RAW before the Rumble, you and your gang team up against a team of my choosing?


Regal: I agree to that! You see, the problem you'll find Jeffery, is that being a lone wolf leads to being alone at the time you need the help the most.


Regal smirks and Jeff simply smiles and leaves Regal with these parting words.


Jeff: Well sometimes "Willy", the lone wolf finds his pack.


Kofi Kingston vs. Nigel McGuiness


Regal and his charges stay at ringside for the upcoming match between Nigel and the Ghana born star, Kofi Kingston, who is making his entrance following the departure of Jeff.


JR:Some strong words we just witnessed between Jeff Hardy and William Regal.


King: And its led to a match being signed for next RAW! Jeff Hardy and partners of his choosing taking on Regal and his gang!


Styles: The question on our minds is who can Jeff find?


JR: We'll find out next week because right now the exciting Kofi Kingston is prepared to square off against of those tough Brits, Nigel McGuiness.


The story of this match was Kofi trying to escape the clutches of Nigel, knowing full well that the Brit was the superior when it came to mat wrestling. So Kofi focused on keeping Nigel off balanced with his very unorthodox style. However Kofi also has to contend with the constant threat of interference from Regal and the rest.


Three minutes and some change later, near the end of the match, Kofi slips out of a Nigel powerslam and nails a springboad diving crossbody off the ropes. He pantomines to the crowd which knows what is coming next.


JR:Kofi going for the Boom Drop!


Boom! Boom! Boom!


King: That Kofi is... JAMAICAN me Crazy!


Styles: King...he isn't from Jamaica. Nevermind, Regal is up on the apron! Kofi is distracted by Regal...Nigel going for the Jawbreaker Lariat!~


JR: But Kofi ducks...Trouble in Paradise! Ref turns around...one...two...three!


Trouble In Paradise...


Kofi has gained the pinfall at 5:34 but not a moment goes by before the entire British faction has stormed the ring and rushes Kofi. He tries fighting them off but soon falls victim to them. Burchill hits the C4 on him. Drew nails the Double Underhook DDT. Nigel, having recovered from Trouble in Paradise, nails the Jawbreaker Lariat and Regal then, with the aid of his hooligans holding up Kofi, nails the running knee on Kofi. The four men and Katie raise their hands in the air as the show goes to break.


Legacy (Randy Orton & Ted Dibiase) vs. Rey Mysterio and Evan Bourne


Rey and Evan get a decent pop from the crowd as they make their entrance. The chorus of boos for "Legacy" is pretty loud, most fans having the memory of Orton attacking Sting at Armageddon following the legend's title match against CM Punk, still ingrained in their mind.


JR: The high flying tandem of Rey and Bourne will be tested tonight as they take on the Legacy, led by that no good "Viper", Randy Orton.


King:I would be careful with your words around him JR! You saw what he did to Sting!


Styles: And the match starts early with a cheap shot attack from behind on Rey and Bourne. Orton and Dibiase are every the opportunists.


After the initial attack, Rey and Bourne hold their own against the former Heavyweight Champion and the current IC titleholder. Everytime Orton gets into the ring, he is greeted by chants of "We Want Sting!". After an initial set of tags that help show each competitor's move set, the Legacy gains the advantage with Orton blind-tagging himself in after Rey had whipped Ted into the ropes. As Rey hopped over the incoming Dibiase, he was smothered by a devastating clothesline from Orton.


For the next few minutes, it was pure dissection of Mysterio. The cagey New York crowd chanted "No More Headlocks" towards Orton, making fun of Orton's propensity to use the headlock. Orton instead focuses on attacking Rey's much maligned knee, paying extra attention to it, going into a few extra stomps to the knee following the Orton Stomp.


JR: Rey is in serious trouble here and Orton drives a diving knee into Rey's head! That "Viper" is sensing the end!


King: If there is one thing I wouldn't want to have waiting for me is Randy Orton.


Styles: Anyone else just get creeped out by the look on Orton's face?


Orton has Rey set up for the RKO but pauses as the lights flicker a bit. Orton looks around the arena, puzzled by the brief flickering of the lights. He turns his attention back to Rey, but Rey has already gotten up and leaps across the ring, getting the hot tag to Bourne. Bourne starts unloading on Orton and Dibiase with his unorthodox style. After Bourne's initial flury, Orton tags out and Ted comes in. The "Million Dollar Legacy" eats a dropkick to the chops and Bourne leaps to the top rope. Dibiase gets up, just to suffer a high crossbody from Bourne.


JR: Bourne going up top...he could be looking for the Airbourne!


Styles: Orton shoves Evan off!


King: And there is a Dream Street from Ted!


JR: And there is the three count! Legacy has stolen this victory from the young high flyers! (Fall occurred at 8:33)


Styles: But Orton still has that look of worry on his face. I wonder if he thinks the same thing we are thinking.


JR: For Orton's sake...I hope not.


RAW Live! Hype Packages


Close Your Eyes...And Go To Sleep


Backstage Todd Grisham stands with the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, CM Punk.


Todd: CM Punk, in a little less than two weeks, you defend your World Title against Christian. What are your words on that.


Punk: What is there to say Todd? Christian is one of those men that are hooked on the sound of his own name. His entire career is modeled around his arrogance. From his days of "look at me, I'm a goth poser" to "Look at my five second poses because I'm craving attention. Please look at me!" to modeling himself after the greatest egomaniac there ever was...The Rock "Yo...These are My Peeps...and That's How I Roll!"


Punk rolls his eyes.


Punk: Christian, you are hopelessly addicted to the fame and adoration that comes along with being a WWE Superstar. You crave the cheers of the fans like a heroin junkie craves the needle. Like an alcoholic craves the burn of the whiskey going down his throat. Just like those addicts destroy their bodies with their addictions, you too destroy yourself. You put your body on the line in ladder matches, you fall through tables, and for what? For the adorations of these idiots? That will be your downward spiral, Christian. And come Royal Rumble? The five second pose, "for the benefit of those with flash photography", will be of you lying on the mat, defeated, as I hold my title high in the air.


Six Diva Tag Match: Melina/Mickie James/Gail Kim vs. Beth Phoenix/Katie Lea/Michelle McCool


Well...maybe ten minutes for a Divas match wasn't the best idea in all the world. It was a servicable match. All six Divas did their thing but to be honest, the fans really didn't like the match. The end of the match came after Beth had gone on a devastating run, bowling through the three face Divas. However, Michelle got angry when Katie was tagged in. This started an argument in the heel Divas corner between Beth and Michelle. This distracted Katie allowing Melina to roll her up for the victory at 10:44


After the match, as the faces celebrate on the rampway, the heels stare them down. Well...Katie does. Beth and Michelle are too busy staring each other down, fuming at each other.


JR: Tension between the two...


King: They need to kiss and make out...err make up.


CM Punk/William Regal/Kane/Umaga vs. Edge & Christian/HHH/Jeff


JR: This 8 man main event has alot riding on it. Not only do we have certain issues occurring between these 8 men, but all four men facing off against Punk have their eyes set on the champ's title.


Styles: We should see if we will see the tension between Regal and Hardy blow up again.


King: I think Kane and Umaga just want to hurt people.


The first part of this match was, to the delight of the fans, all HHH and his team. All their usual high spots are shown, mostly against Regal. Hardy gets his go-round and Regal tags out to Punk. Hardy has the advantage for awhile but when he attempts a Whisper in the Wind, Punk dodges it. And from there, it is a recreation of last summer with Punk and Hardy going at it. Punk largely controls the tempo of the match, stemming off the occasional hope spot from Hardy.


JR: And Punk is showing, like him or not, why he is the World Heavyweight Champion. He is tearing away at the popular Hardy.


Styles: And now he takes him the Samoan Bulldozer!


King: I would hate to be Jeff right now.


Umaga goes through all his usual spots, nailing a Samoan Drop. He whips Jeff in the corner and tries to go to the big butt slam in the corner but Jeff dodges out of the way. Jeff pops to his feet...takes a few steps and then flops forward, out cold.


JR: This crowd, including his teammates, are cheering on Jeff!


King: And bad news for Jeff because Umaga has tagged the Big Red Machine!


Hardy is up to his feet again and takes a few stumbling steps towards his corner but Kane has came off the ropes and slams into from the side with a hooking clothesline. Kane raises his hand for the chokeslam and grabs Jeff by the throat...


Styles: Chokeslam!


Kane looks like he was going to go for the pinfall but Regal shouted at him, wanting the tag. Kane looked at Regal...looked at Hardy...and grudgingly tagged Regal in. Regal covered Hardy....looking for the easy victory.


JR:Hardy kicks out! Hardy kicks out!


Styles: Regal can't believe himself and he sees Kane pointing his finger at him...Regal isn't paying attention...reverse Twist of Fate!


King: But that took everything Hardy had. I don't know if Jeff can find anything else inside him to get up.


JR: Never say never with Jeff Hardy! Hardy has struggled to his feet...he tags in Christian!


As soon as Christian is tagged in, it turns into a pier six brawl that leads to the entire heel team, with the exception of Regal, being knocked out to the floor.


JR: That dastardly Regal has found himself in the middle of four men he wants no part of.


The first to attack is Jeff Hardy, barraging him with a series of punches and kicks...following up with another Twist of Fate. Hardy picks him up and throws him into an awaiting Edge spear! Edge picks him up and chucks him to HHH who nails the Pedigree on him. And finally, they pick him up and hold him in place for Christian to set up the Killswitch. It looks like Christian mouths "This one is for you" to Punk who watches on in seething anger, before dropping Regal with the Killswitch at 15:57.


JR: And there is the academic pin on Regal. Is this harbinger of what is to come? Is CM Punk's terrorizing reign as champion nearing its end?


Styles: We will have to wait until the Royal Rumble for that but for "Good Ol' JR" and "The King", I'm Joey Styles thanking you for tuning in to Monday Night RAW. Hope we see you for another seventeen years!


And the show fades to black with the four faces celebrating in the ring.

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