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-- The PWTorch Newsletter reports that TNA only pays their mid-card and under-card wrestlers if they work, and it doesn’t cost them anything if they don’t use them at the tapings opposed to the main eventers who get paid whether they work or just sit around backstage. TNA has a lot of talent under contract right now, and the creative team is said to be under pressure to book as many wrestlers as possible per taping because they know they aren’t getting paid unless they work.
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Also in old news there was actually a creative effort to limit the number of performers for quite a while. That was prolly jeffs crew though and with Russo in charge again they will and are using more again although it isn't as bad as it used to be with a battle royal/gauntlet etc every other week. Still they only get 2 hours per week and 1 ppv so it is hard to showcase the talent they do have. Still the torch I just can't recommend given all the tidbits they have produced and are quoted on this site sometimes. Seriously I only believe PWI.
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