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WWE 2009: Putting the E back in WWE

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The biggest and best known promotion in North America, if not the world, WWE has had its fair share of problems and criticism but remains in pole position.


Although it has evolved and developed over time, the basics remain the same - good guys fighting bad guys, slick presentation is everything, appeal to the masses, stick with what works, and if you push someone enough they will eventually get over.


The WWE often attracts criticism, particularly with some of its questionable storylines and use of talent, but the bottom line is that they have an iron grip on their position as North America's favorite promotion and seem completely out of reach of anyone else.


With all this being true WWE is starting to slip a little bit, TNA is picking its game up slowly and Vince is unhappy with the booking. Vince has taken full control of booking and is ready to help the WWE be better then ever. And best of all the have dropped the stupid pg rating thing they were experimenting with.


( This takes place the Monday before Hell in A Cell and all matches will be the same as in real life so the card will be up shortly)

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RAW Preview Mon/week 1/2009


Tune in to the last raw before Hell In a Cell the guest host will be the currently injured Edge. Edge has big plans for RAW and the main event for this Mondays show. Three matches have been confirmed for tonight, Jerishow (Big Show /Jericho take on MVP and Mark Henry in a non title match, Shawn Michaels V. Ted Dibiase Jr., and Kofi Kingston goes up against Jack Swagger and The Miz in a handicap match. Tune in this Monday live at 9:00est time to see what goes down on RAW.


Quick Picks


Jerishow V. MVP/Mark Henry

HBK V. Ted Jr.

Kofi Kingston V. Jack Swagger and The Miz

(more matches will be on the show.)

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RAW Monday/October week one/2009


The show opens with Edge coming out to huge heat from the crowd


Edge: Welcome to Monday Night Raw I’m your host for the night Edge, and before you all get your panties in a bunch let me tell you all what I have in store for the night. The main event will be John Cena versus Triple H….


Jerishow music hits and they come out.


Jericho: Well well well, if it isn’t the no good man that left me to find a new partner after we won the titles. You know I’m glad you got hurt to be honest because if you and me were still a team you would hold me down. But you know what..


Edge: Shut the hell up Chris, no one here wants to hear your mouth.


Big Show steps up to Edge.


Edge: Listen, I’m still hurt but Show if you want to fight I already have a match planed for you both. You will face MVP and Mark Henry.


Jericho and Big Show leave the ring looking mad. ( B+)


Kofi Kingston V. The Miz and Jack Swagger


Swagger starts the match off for his team he sends Kofi to the corner and hit’s a clothesline followed by an elbow drop. Swagger tags in Miz, Miz locks in a head lock and uses the ropes as leverage the ref sees it a The Miz breaks the hold at a three count. Kofi fights back and whips Miz to the ropes and kicks him in the head Kofi goes for the pin 1..2..Swaggers in to break it up. Swagger then pushes Miz, Miz gets mad and slaps Swagger in the face. The match gets out of control and is thrown out.

Winner: Draw

Rating: B-


Cole: Well King, this match turned out to be a brawl.


King: That’s why these three guys are facing each other a Hell In a Cell.


Cole: Next up is Jerishow V. Mark Henry and MVP


MVP and Mark Henry V. Jerishow


MVP and Jericho start off this match, MVP hits Jericho with three right hands followed by a dropkick. MVP lifts him up and sends him to the corner. He tags in Henry, Henry gets in a does a splash to Jericho in the corner. Henry the walks on top of Jericho’s chest and goes for the pin, 1...2...kick out. Jericho runs to the other side of the ring and tags in Big Show. Big Show and Mark Henry stand face to face in the ring Big Show pushes Henry, Henry pushes him back and Show hits with a big clothesline. Henry tags in MVP and MVP isn’t to successful Big Show Knocks him out with in 30 seconds of MVP being in the ring, 1...2..3

Winner: Jerishow

Rating: B


Cole: What a match vintage Big Show with that big right hand to knock out MVP.


King: I hate to say it but Jericho and Show make one hell of a team


Legacy ( Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase) come down to the ring.

Cody: DX this Sunday at Hell In a Cell my and Ted are going to show you we’re the future of this company and yall are just the old beatd down past of WWE.


Ted: That right Cody, see DX we are learning from the best and unlike you Triple H we don’t have to sleep our way to the top we will earn it. As for Cena you might as well not even show up on Sunday you have no chance.


DX’s music hit’s and the crowd goes crazy.


HBK: Hunter, I think we might have interrupted Ted.


HHH: We might have….but you know what I don’t care do any of you?


The crowd agrees with Triple H.


HHH: Yea that’s what I thought. See Ted the thing you kids don’t get is that your so called friend is using you Randy has you for a bitch and your to dumb to see it. But most of all your disrespectful and that’s why me and Shawn will beat you until your ass is ready to think straight this Sunday.


HBK: And that’s why I’m going to beat your ass tonight.


Rating: B+


Cole: That’s up next as we have Shawn Michaels taking on Ted Dibiase.


King: Tonight has been a hell of a night and I would like to take this time to tell everyone to vote for me for mayor of Memphis.


Cole: I think you have a good chance of winning this one King.


King: Thanks Michael, I would also like to say that I will be focusing specifically on politics for the near future so this Sundays Hell In a Cell will be my last show for awhile.


Commercial Break


Shawn Michaels V. Ted Dibiase


Ted slaps HBK and HBK shoves Ted, the match then kicks off. HBK whips Ted to the ropes and hit’s a backdrop. HBK the goes to the top rope but Ted gets up and throws him off and hits him with a knee to the face. Ted doesn’t let up, he works on the right arm of HBK with a nasty looking arm bar for about two minutes until HBK gets to the ropes. Ted then goes on to drop a knee on the arm. Ted then lifts Shawn up to his feet and goes for a big boot HBK ducks out of the way and hit’s a Sweet Chin Music. 1...2...3

Winner: Shawn Michaels

Rating: B+


Cole: Ladies and Gentlemen we have a special annoucement from Mr. McMahon who is on the titantron Mr. McMahon nice to see you.


Vince: You to, lets cut to the chase after Hell in a Cell there will be no more brand split except for on ECW who will have the young guys.


Cole: What made you make this decision?


Vince: Well, the recent economy and I think the fans want to see all the biggest stars on the same brand. Also the Divas Champions, US Championship and the World Heavyweight Championship will be retired and the Cruiserweight title will be back. As for the current holders of those titles don’t worry all title will be vacated so everybody will have a chance at the championships.

Rating: A


Commercial Break


John Cena V. Triple H


They tie up, lock hands and do a test of power with Cena getting the leverage until Triple H hits him with a knee. He then runs Cena into one of the turnbuckle corners. Cena throws a combination of punches and then charges Hunter, but is hit by a clothesline. Hunter goes for a cover, but Cena kicks out. Hunter whips Cena into the corner hard and Cena goes down. Large "Cena" chant breaking out. Another hard throw and Cena goes crashing back-first into the other corner. Two count, followed by a third irish whip into the corner. Hunter attempts a pedigree, but Cena reverses and launches Hunter to the corner flipping him over it.



Hunter has the advantage. He hits a back-breaker on Cena, goes for a pin, but gets another two count. Hunter starts working over Cena's back with some knees and ramming him into the corner repeatedly. Cena starts trying to come back and they trade punches in the middle of the ring. Cena finally gets the upper hand with the punches and goes off the ropes, ducks a clothesline and hits a shoulder block. He goes back off the ropes for another shoulder block but Triple H ducks and Cena lands hard on the mat. When Cena quickly tries to take Hunter back up on his shoulders, Hunter jumps off and goes back to the knee. Cena suckers him in and while Hunter approaches him, Cena takes him down and tries to get his STF submission on him, but Triple H gets to the ropes.


Cena starts getting some offense in hitting a fisherman Suplex, but Triple H reverses a bulldog. Triple H goes for a pedigree, but Cena reverses into the STF and locks it on. Triple H claws his way to the bottom rope, but before he can reach it, Cena drags him back to the middle of the ring. Triple H gets to the bottom rope, gets up and hits the Pedigree. He goes for the cover, but Cena gets his foot up on the rope.




We're back and Hunter again has the advantage. They show a replay from the break and Hunter threw Cena into the ring steps on the outside. Hunter counters another Attitude Adjustment attempt and locks a Figure Four on him. It shows Orton in the back watching the match as Cena reaches the ropes and breaks the hold. A couple of shoulder blocks from Cena, another slam, and the Five Knuckle Shuffle. He measures, takes Hunter up on his shoulders again, but Hunter counters and hits a couple of knees. A clothesline and a big Spinebuster. Hunter then hits another pedigree, goes for the pin, but Cena kicks out! He tries for another one, but Cena takes him up and hits the Attitude Adjustment, but Hunter kicks out of that! Real good match up this point.


Cena goes to the top rope with Michael Cole putting over how rarely he does it. He tries a leg drop, but Hunter gets out of the way. He goes for another Pedigree, Cena counters into an Attitude Adjustment attempt, Hunter counters into a third Pedigree and finally gets the three count.


WINNER: Triple H

Rating: B


After the match Randy Orton and Legacy come out and beat down John Cena and Triple H. Shawn Michaels comes running down but doesn’t last long as he get beatin down to. The show goes off the air.

Rating: B+


Show Rating: B+

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Ok,first thing slow down as you are going way to fast for people to read or to care.


and Two,your promos are way to quick as with your Mr. McMahon promo Michael Cole introduces himself and then Mr. McMahon all of sudden wants to cut to the chase for WHAT to tell us the brand split is over also if your going to stop the brand split why in the blue hell is ECW still involved!

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Please explain how its rushed so I can improve it


Well lets see you have to give people time to pick their picks and your writting seems very stale or flat nothing jumps off the page.


Need more pause for cause I think. That McMahan statement should have rocked the house....


Vince: We are ending the Smackdown/Raw Brand split. ECW will remain the same.


Lawler: WHAT!! What a Revelation! I can't believe this, all the stars on ONE SHOW! All of them Cole, can you believe that?


Cole: Sounds exciting! Why would he do that?


Lawler: I think he's going to tell us now!


Vince: This is to provide our WWE Universe with all their favorite stars on both shows!


Lawler: He's doing it for the fans Cole, can you believe it!?!

Cole: Wow! This is great news.

Lawler: I can't wait... Undertaker on Raw, this is going to be excellent!


I don't know. Something like that possibly.


I take it ECW is your "B" show, and that is why it stays as is (or just for up and comers).


One thing I really don't like in Diary's, but other's seem to.. IS when you skip kafabe all together and say stuff like "ECW will be used to showcase young talent as always", instead of "ECW Will remain it's own brand!" Let us realise that it's for young talent on our own, don't tell us. It's the same when they say "HE NO SELLED IT COMPLETELY!" when it could have been stated that "He was hit, but it didn't seem to phase him at all!" and I would be alot happier with it (Unless it's part of the storyline, and you want/have to include it).


Other then that, carry on.. I think I like where this might be going.

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Styles: Welcome to ECW I’m Joey Styles here with Matt Striker, and Matt after that huge announcement on Raw last night ECW will be the only brand left.


Striker: Yes, Mr. McMahon wanted to keep the ECW name alive so ECW will still have its on wrestlers, and if you ask me it’s a brilliant decision and will make ECW the most watched part of WWE.


Styles: I agree, lets head to the ring for the opening contest.


<a href="http://photobucket.com/images/vladimir%20kozlov" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v508/IrWrestler86/Vladimir-Kozlov.jpg" border="0" alt="Vladimir Kozlov Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a> V. <a href="http://photobucket.com/images/tommy%20dreamer" target="_blank"><img src="http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm154/MikeAvar/TommyDreamer.jpg" border="0" alt="Tommy Dreamer Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a>



Kozlov takes control early sending Dreamer to the corner and hitting with a big boot. Kozlov then drops a knee on Dreamer and goes for an elbow drop but Dreamer rolls out of the way. Dreamer then kicks Kozlov in the back of his knee bring him to one knee. Dreamer then goes for a DDT but is unsuccessful. Kozlov then gets in the driver seat running the ropes and hitting Dreamer with a Battering Ram Headbutt. 1..2..3

Winner: Vladimir Kozlov

Rating: C


Styles: That was a great opening bout showing you what the modern day ECW is all about.


Striker: Yes it is Joey, and we have more were that came from after this break.






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Hurricane locks up with Reks Helms pushes him down Reks gets back up looking mad he slaps Helms in the face Helms sends him to the ropes and hit’s a big flying clothesline he the climbs to the top rope but out comes Paul Burchill and pushes Hurricane off the top rope the ref ends the match.

Winner: The Hurricane Via DQ

Rating: D+


Styles: The Hurricane cant be too happy with what just happened.


Striker: Yea, Burchill has been on a mission to end The Hurricane but has been unsuccessful.


Styles: Well, The Hurricane has been around a long time and seems to know all of Burchills tricks.


Striker: That’s true but if Paul keeps….wait a minute here comes Sheamus


<a href="http://photobucket.com/images/sheamus" target="_blank"><img src="http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x22/beastieb0ys/sheamus-2.jpg" border="0" alt="Sheamus Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a>


Sheamus: You know I have been very misused here in ECW. Christen I know you have a match tonight but come out here.


Christians music hits and the crowd goes wild, out comes Christian


<a href="http://photobucket.com/images/christian%20cage" target="_blank"><img src="http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh203/UnleashedFX/Christian_Cage.jpg" border="0" alt="Christian Cage Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a>


Christian: Ok first off can you please talk so we can understand you?


Sheamus: You know what fella, I could kick your arse..


Christian: You mean ass?


Sheamus: That’s what I said arse


Christian: No that’s not what you said you need to go back to Australia.


Sheamus: I’m not from Australia but that’s off subject, at Hell in a Cell I want a shot at your title.


Christian: Sorry fella, that’s not going to happen. You know why The cards already final but maybe another time.


Sheamus: That’s it I’m done with ECW I’m going to start competing for the WWE after Hell in a Cell

Rating: C+

Styles: That’s a huge loss for ECW.


Striker: Sure is Joey, and if think about it maybe its best for Sheamus.


Styles: I doubt it he will get lost in the shuffle with Raw and Smackdown becoming one.


Striker: That remains to be seen, but up next is the main event.



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Goldust extends his hand for a lock up, Christian locks hands and Goldust locks in a wrist lock. He sends Christian against the ropes and hits an arm drag followed by an elbow drop. Goldust then goes to the top Striker points out that he doesn’t go up a lot. He jumps and hit’s a flying clothesline. Christian gets up and hits Goldust with a Clothesline followed by a tornado DDT.


Sheamus comes out and distracts Christian but is sent to the back by the ref. Christian stays on offense with a couple of let hands followed by a right. He then whips Goldust to the corner and sets up on the turnbuckle and hit’s a kill switch from the top rope. 1...2...3

Winner: Christian

Rating: B-


Christian is in the ring celebrating when the lights go out.


Styles: What the hell?



A monstrous looking guy appears in the ring and turns Christian around he looks shocked. He sets Christian up in-between his legs and sets up for a power bomb. He holds Christian for three minutes.


Striker: Look at this power from this guy.


He power bombs down to the mat the force behind it makes Christian go through the mat.


Style: OH MY GOD!!!!


Striker: We need some help out here someone call EMS.

Rating: D+


Show Rating: C

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First off the first thing that caught my eye was Strikers first what in the blue hell is he saying. Also what in the hell was up with the Sheamus,Christian segment oh you didn't give me a title shot so I'll just leave I never see that on TV also rosters would be nice and announcer lineups to how da hell did Joey Styles get back on ECW as Josh Matthews was working with Striker.


please explain this to me?

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1st time diary, and moving forward is good.


Keep with it, I believe this is your first diary, and your starting at a time when there is an unbelievable amount of great reads out. So your going to get alot of criticism, just try to take it all as professional critique's, don't take any of it personal.


I wanted to get that out, because I like seeing all these diary's, and I'm sure your going to take me into a different direction then what I might expect.


Just think of this as a learning experience. The longer you keep it going (and get comments, good or bad), the more your going to learn from it. The better the diary will get over time, pluss, if you ever start a new one you will have all the information you learn from doing this one.


I say this as a person that hasn't been able to get past the first show for a diary yet. There are many people just like me, that just read, but don't have diary's of their own. So realise that not everyone expects perfection (in fact most do not), and that most comments are meant to help, no matter how they actually look. In a forum it's hard to come accross the exact way you would if you were face to face (meaning, alot of times it comes off harsher then what the post was meant to be).

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Hey ECW. This diary has a lot of potential sir. Like dj said don't take too many of the comments to heart but make sure you learn from all the advice given to you.


Just a couple of points...as mentioned before it's a good idea to try and make your anouncements mean something. It's a good way to keep readers coming back and makes shows feel more important.


The back and forth between christian and Sheamus was really good...but SOS's decision to leave ECW kinda came out of the blue. Plus, does Sheamus have the power to walk out of ECW and straight int WWE? I'm not trying to be overly critical, but again, a little more explanation and build up leads to more interest from the reader.


Other than that, great first couple of shows, I look forward to seeing how this advances!

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Smackdown Card


John Morrison V. Rey Mysterio

A rematch from the classic these two had a few weeks back. Rey tries to gain momentum going into HIAC.


Michelle McCool V. Natalya Niedhart

This is for the WWE Womens Championship


Drew McIntyre V. R Truth

These two go one on one before they face each other in a no DQ match at HIAC


The Hart Dynasty V. Cryme Tyme


CM Punk V. Matt Hardy

These two have a big history and Hardy’s trying to get his name in the title picture.

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Smackdown Card


John Morrison V. Rey Mysterio

A rematch from the classic these two had a few weeks back. Rey tries to gain momentum going into HIAC..

Although I would like to see John win this, in almost every database I've seen, Mysterio needs a couple of win's to get him where he needs to be. I think Rey gets him this time, but probably won't keep John down to long.


Michelle McCool V. Natalya Niedhart

This is for the WWE Womens Championship.

It's time Michelle drops the title. Although, I am really up in the air with this one, since I'm taking a big leap that your not going to save all title change's for PPV's.


Drew McIntyre V. R Truth

These two go one on one before they face each other in a no DQ match at HIAC.

Drew was on a roll, but R. Truth is the one that needs to move up. I don't know what I would do with Drew, outside of work with his promo's more.... He has potential in my eyes, but he's not ready yet.


The Hart Dynasty V. Cryme Tyme.

Hated the Hart Foundation, love the Hart Dynasty... LOL


CM Punk V. Matt Hardy

These two have a big history and Hardy’s trying to get his name in the title picture.

Hardy for that reason... to get his name in the title shot area. Punk's should be there already.
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Ross: Welcome to Smackdown I’m Jim Ross here with Todd Grisham and tonight will be a good show.


Grisham: That’s right JR, tonight we have CM Punk Vs Matt Hardy in our Main Event.


Ross: And not to mention our first match John Morrison Vs Rey Mysterio, and that’s next.


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Mysterio Irish whipped Morrison and tried to cross body him, but Morrison moved and Morrison when for the pin for a two count. Morrison applied an armbar submission to Mysterio. Mysterio did a 720 hurracrana type takeover for a nearfall. Morrison went for a cover but Mysterio kicked him and hit a springboard moonsault for a nearfall. Mysterio hit a leg drop for a nearfall and placed Morrison in a headlock.



Morrison side slammed Mysterio for a nearfall. Morrison applied a body scissors to Mysterio. Mysterio slapped and hit a baseball slide to Morrison. The ref began the ten count and it reached six. Mysterio hit a springboard leg drop for a nearfall. Morrison hit a inverted power bomb for a nearfall. Morrison hit that nasty knee to Mysterio’s dome for a nearfall. Mysterio hit an spinning springboard and goes for the pin 1...2...3

Winner: Rey Mysterio

Rating: B-


Ross: What a match, these two guys put on a hell of a slobber knocker to start off this show.


Grisham: Sure was and this young kid Morrison is impressing me every week he steps in the Smackdown ring.


Ross: He reminds me of a cross between Mr. Perfect and Rick Rude with his looks and charisma with no lack of wrestling skills.


Grisham: The kid has a bright future no doubt, after we return we have Divas action.




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McCool slap Neidhart which pisses her of and she goes crazy. She drives McCool’s head into the turnbuckle post followed by a foot to the throat of McCool. Neidhart takes time to raise her hands and shout something, which was a mistake because McCool comes up behind her a yanks her down by her hair. McCool picks her up in a body slam position and slams her down on her head. 1...2...3

Winner: Michelle McCool

Rating: C-


The camera cuts to the back as we see Drew McIntyre walking to the ring Josh Mathews stops him and asks for a few words .


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Mathews: Drew why have you been attacking R-Truth in the recent weeks.


McIntyre: Why? Why you ask, first of all I’m Mr. McIntyre to you. The reason why is because he comes around here acting like he’s somebody, dancing, singing, he makes WWE look like a big party I hate parties.


Mathews: Well this Sunday at Hell In a Cell…


McIntyre: No, we have no match this Sunday we have a match tonight and tonight he goes down like the descries he is…


R-Truth runs and attacks McIntyre slams his head into the video screen


<a href="http://photobucket.com/images/r-truth" target="_blank"><img src="http://i568.photobucket.com/albums/ss128/adamherd/R-Truth.jpg" border="0" alt="R-Truth Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a>


Truth: Brother you haven’t seen a party yet. I just go out of Teddy’s office and has informed me that our match is right now and no DQ.

Rating: B


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Still backstage Drew is busted open Truth picks him up takes him take him to the food table. He drives Drew’s face into the mashed potatoes sitting on the table. He follows up by picking up a glass container and trying to smash it over McIntyre’s head but Drew moves out of the way and takes the Jar away from him. He then kick Truth below the belt and cracks him in the head with the jar. Knocking him out. Drew the drags Truth on to the food table. He drag a ladder over there and sets it up he climbs to th fourth step and hit’s an elbow drop which brakes the table he gets his arm around 1...2...3

Winner: Drew McIntyre

Rating: B-


Grisham: That was a brutal match if you could even call it a match.


Ross: Yes these two guys, made Smackdown look like the old ECW with that one.


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DH and Shad started the match with the Harts working on Shad’s legs. Teddy Long and Jericho were watching backstage. DH placed Shad in a half figure four to twist his knee. DH then applied an ankle lock on Shad. Shad broke out and tagged JTG. JTG hit some fast offense and worked on both heels. He hit the Mugshot to Kidd in the corner. JTG hit his finisher on Kidd and goes for the pin, DH breaks up the count. Kidd gets back up tags DH back in. DH sends JTG into the corner and hits with a big clothesline JTG falls to the mat. DH tags in Kidd and DH knocks Shad off the apron. The set JTG up for the Heart attack and pin. 1...2..3

Winner: The Hart Dynasty

Rating: B-




Grisham: Welcome back, as for you all who saw ECW this Tuesday you saw a monster a unknown man attack Christan after his match.


Ross: That’s right Todd, tonight we have heard that he is here and has something to say.


The Million Dollar Mans music hits.


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MDM: Hello, It’s been a while since I have been on WWE TV, and I belve the first time on Smackdown.


Ross: That would be correct this is his first apperence on Smackdown.


Grisham: Whats he up to?


Ross: We’re about to find out.


MDM: I’ve been saying for years that everyone has a price, and I proved that right with the deal I just struck. I would like to call by latest client to come out to the ring.


The lights dem The Halloween music comes on and the man that was on ECW comes out.


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Ross: Wow, this monster has singed with The Million Doaller Man?


Grisham: I guess so.


MDM: This guy is the future of WWE, he has size, skill, agility, and smarts. The reason he is so bad so evil, is that it runs in his blood…but that’s another story.


Ross: Whats he mean by that?


Grisham: My guess would be as good as yours JR.


MDM: My message to the WWE Locker rooms is to watch your backs.

Rating: D+




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Hardy goes straight for Punks face with lefts and rights. He sends Punk into the corner and hits with a knee to the mid section. Flying cross body off the top rope! Matt walks into a face crusher variation. Back heel kick off the second rope, Matt goes down. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! Punk looks shocked. Driven DDT by CM Punk. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Matt counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Hard back Suplex on Punk. Spinning bulldog in the corner, Punk is down. Punk blocks a Suplex attempt. Flying cross body off the top rope! Matt Hardy Version 1.0 gets whipped into the turnbuckles by Punk. Pepsi Plunge, forget about it. 1....2...3!

Winner: CM Punk

Rating: B


The lights go off lighting sounds and bells ring. On the screen we see little girls jump roping in a cemetery, and a grave that’s says “RIP CM Punk.”

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Undertaker: I’ve been through hell and back, and every time I’ve been victorious, Punk this Sunday you become just another tombstone in my graveyard. When I’m done with you, not only will you not be able to wrestle, you will REST IN PEACE!!!



Grisham: I think Taker made his point loud and clear to Punk.


Ross: He sure did, and this Sunday they will settele this once and for all. That’s all for Smackdown, thanks for watching.


Show Rating: B-

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WWE holds its new “Hell in a Cell pay-per-view this Sunday. The event, which replaces No Mercy in WWE’s event calendar, takes place in Newark, NJ and features multiple Hell in a Cell main event matches.


Winner gets first round bye in WWE Title tourny Hell in a Cell

CM Punk © vs. The Undertaker


WWE Championship - Hell in a Cell

John Cena © vs. Randy Orton


Hell in a Cell

DX vs. Legacy


Unified Tag Team Championship

Chris Jericho and The Big Show © vs. Batista and Rey Mysterio


Intercontinental Championship

John Morrison © vs. Dolph Ziggler


Winner gets first round bye in Inter. championship tourny

Kofi Kingston © vs. The Miz vs. Jack Swagger

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Ok for the match write up for this PPV will be strigt from a wrestling website because all the results are the same. That way everything is the same as it was after the HIAC PPV, except for the things I noted and I can get on with the new chapter of WWE.
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Ross: Welcome to WWE Hell In a Cell I’m JR here with Jerry The King Lawler and Matt Striker, and guys tonight is all about the devil’s structure.


Striker: That’s right JR, Hell In a Cell the mast dangerous match in WWE history and we have three of them tonight.


King: Oh boy I cant wait for tonight to get started up.


Ross: Well King you don’t have to wait any longer cause we get started right now.



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The Cell is lowered and C.M. Punk's music hits, it looks like the World Heavyweight Championship match will start things out for the night (a bit strange if you ask me). The gong sounds and the crowd goes nuts. Taker makes his way to the ring to a huge ovation from the crowd, and this one looks set to get underway. Undertaker closes the door behind him as he enters the cell, and CM Punk still looks unshaken, for the most part. Taker makes his way up the stairs, brings up the house lights, and Punk is out on the floor, grabbing on to the cage, looking a bit more nervous.


Punk tries to stay away from the Undertaker at the outset of the match, hitting him with a couple of quick strikes before bailing to the floor. Undertaker follows Punk to the outside and sends him into the cage multiple times, sending him crashing headfirst into the cell wall. Undertaker props Punk up in the corner of the cell and pounds on him for a little bit before sending him head first into the cage yet again. Taker sends Punk back into the ring, but things spill outside again when Undertaker boots Punk off the apron into the cell wall. On the floor, Taker goes after Punk, but Punk dropkicks the steel stairs into Taker's knees, sending him down. Punk continues to work over Taker's legs, stomping away. The crowd starts a dueling Undertaker/CM Punk chant as Punk tries to wrap Taker's leg around the ring post. Taker fights out though, and Punk and Taker fight on the apron. Punk hits the running knee, but when he tries for the bulldog off the apron, Taker holds on and shoves Punk into the cage.


Taker hits the big leg drop on the apron and both men are on the floor again. Taker rolls Punk back in the ring and attempts to follow, but Punk kicks Taker back into the cage wall and follows after him with a suicide dive and both men are down. Punk is first to his feet and he quickly sends Undertaker back into the ring. Punk and Taker fight each other . When they make their way back to their feet, Taker gets the advantage with a couple of quick punches and he tries for the Tombstone, but Punk fights out. Taker continues to dominate Punk and even scores a near fall, but he can't keep Punk down. Taker tries for the chokeslam, but Punk targets the knee again and tries for the G2S, Taker counters into tombstone position, but Punk counters out and attacks the legs yet again.


Punk goes under the ring and grabs a chair, back in the ring he swings for the fences and cracks Taker over the head. Punk goes for the pin but he can only get a two count. Undertaker pulls himself up in the corner just in time to get caught with a running knee, but Taker holds on to Punk and hits him with a big Last Ride, but Punk kicks out!


Taker picks Punk off the mat and goes for Old School, but Punk catches Taker with a kick as he comes off the top rope. Punk goes for a quick set of pins, but he can't keep Taker down for more than two. Punk looks to be getting frustrated as he goes for the steel chair. Punk charges Taker in the corner, but Taker gets his boot up and sends the chair back into Punk. Taker hits a big chokeslam and signals for the tombstone. Taker connects with the tombstone, pins Punk, and we have a new World Heavyweight Champion.

while on their knees, neither man gaining

Winner: The Undertaker

Rating: B+


Striker: Wow what a match!


Ross: Sure was these to guys set the bar high for the rest of the night.


King: But the card has the matches that can top that tonight.


Ross: No doubt King and that’s the best thing about the WWE we have the most talented workers from all around the world.




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Mathews: I’m here with the ECW champion Christian, and Christian after last Tuesday you look to have to problems to deal with in The Black Pain and after ECW GM Tiffany has said that Sheamus has no right just to head out of ECW him.


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Christian: Well Josh, Those two guys are young still learning the ropes and have great potential but when you attack me for no good reason on God’s green earth we have a problem. Black Pain you might be bigger than me but my harts bigger and I can kick your ass or as Sheamus says ares. As for Sheamus you got your chance at the ECW title if you can beat Black Pain on ECW this Tuesday.


On of no were The Black Pain and Sheamus attack Christian


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Sheamus: Listen fella, I’m to good for ECW and I’m to good for you but my good friend Black Pain and I are going to take you out so watch your back.



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The Million Dollar Man comes over to Christians body Sheamus hands him the mic


MDM: Once again everyone has a price.

Rating: D+


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Morrison is out first to a nice pop from the crowd as JR hypes the 30 year history of the IC title. Ziggler doesn't really get much of a reaction at all as he makes his way to the ring, making belt motions around his waist. Both guys talk trash to each other before locking up. Morrison takes Ziggler to the mat and the two start some serious ground wrestling, trying to tie each other up with various pins and submissions. Ziggler makes his way to the ropes, causing a break, and both men are back to their feet.


Ziggler catches Morrison with a punch to the face, and he takes him down to the mat, locking in a front face lock. Morrison makes his way back to his feet and sends Ziggler into the ropes, but he quickly falls victim to a shoulder block, it's not long before Morrison comes back with a beautiful dropkick though. Morrison hits his break-dance-y leg drop before locking in a modified sleeper. Ziggler fights back and locks in a sleeper of his own, taking Morrison down to the mat and applying pressure. Morrison tries to fight out, but Ziggler takes him back down to the mat and switches things up into a front face lock.


Morrison finally fights out before tripping up Ziggler and hitting a big springboard cross body. Morrison goes for the Star Ship Pain, but Ziggler moves out of the way and goes for a quick cover. Morrison kicks out at two, and Ziggler goes for his high impact elbow drop. Ziggler locks in another modified sleeper, but Morrison fights out and catches Ziggler with a big European uppercut. Morrison tries to follow up, but Ziggler hits him with a power slam and a quick running neckbreaker. Ziggler chokes Morrison on the bottom rope, using the five count to his advantage. Ziggler sends Morrison into the corner and follows up with a big splash. Ziggler tries for another pin, but he can't keep Morrison down. Ziggler starts to get a bit frustrated and pounds away on Morrison, but he still can't keep JoMo down for the three.


Ziggler hits a couple of impressive fireman's carry takeovers, but while going for a big move, Morrison counters into a DDT and both men are down. They get to their feet at about the same time and square off with punches, with Morrison getting the advantage. Morrison hits a big standing shooting star press, but again, it's not enough to keep Ziggler down. Ziggler rolls up Morrison and grabs the ropes but the ref sees it and doesn't allow it. Morrison gets a roll up of his own, but can't hold Ziggler down. Morrison and Ziggler duke it out on the top turnbuckle. Morrison jumps off the top rope, and Ziggler tries for something, but Morrison grabs his legs instead and catapaults him into the corner turnbuckle. Morrison goes for his springboard kick, but he misses and Ziggler hits a big German suplex for a quick near fall.


Ziggler is up first and he hits a big rocker dropper, but again it's only good for a near fall. Ziggler charges Morrison in the corner, but Morrison gets his feet up. Morrison goes for Star Ship Pain, but Ziggler sees it coming and launches Morrison across the ring instead. Ziggler tries for the Zig Zag, but Morrison holds on to the ropes and hits Ziggler with a big kick to the head. Morrison follows up with his finisher, Star Ship Pain, and pins Ziggler for the three.


Winner and STILL IC Champion: John Morrison

Rating: B-


After the match Dolph grabs a mic


Ziggler: Damn it I’m Dolph Ziggler, I’m better then you. I should have won that you got lucky damn it!


Morrison: Take it easy Dolph, its alright I’m just…better


Ziggler: You know what I’m done, I’m through.

Rating: C+


King: I think Ziggler might be a little jealous of John.

Striker: Can you blame him, he cant pick up a win against the man.




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JeriShow comes down to the ring as they get a lot of heat from the crowed.


Jericho: You know Show, these parasites think that they can boo me and it makes a difference on how I feel, but it the opposite it gives me pleasure to see all of you get worked up. I’m the greatest wrestler of all time and Big Show is the best big man of all time.


Show: That’s right I’ve been around a lot longer then most of these chumps in the back and over the last few months me and Jericho have proved our dominance in the ring and that will continue now.

Rating: B


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Mysterio and Jericho start things out for their teams, with Jericho getting the advantage right off the bat. When Jericho sends Mysterio into the ropes though, he caught with an arm drag and monkey flip. Mysterio goes for the 619 early, but Jericho moves and Rey connects with a standing lionsault instead. Batista tags in and immediately begins pounding on Jericho.


Mysterio goes after the Big Show's legs, but Show picks up Mysterio by the next and sends him to the mat. Big Show steps on Mysterio's stomach, and sends him to the floor with a big chop to the chest while Mysterio sits on the top turnbuckle. Show brings Mysterio back into the ring, from the ring floor, with one hand, and takes Mysterio down to the mat. Jericho tags back into the match and he slingshots Mysterio between the bottom two ropes. Mysterio locks in a modified half nelson, but Mysterio fights out and connects with an enzugiri. Mysterio tries for another 619, but it's a trap by Jericho, who hits Mysterio with a big lariat.


Mysterio and Jericho go up to the top turnbuckle, where Jericho goes for Mysterio's mask, but Mysterio fights out, sends Jericho to the mat, and follows up with a sit down senton. Mysterio tags in Batista, who comes in a cleans house on Jericho before sending Big Show down to the floor. Jericho tries for a crossbody, but Batista catches him. Jericho fights out but immediately falls victim to a spear. Batista teases the bomb, but Big Show makes his way into the ring. Batista sends Jericho into Show and follows up with a spinebuster, but it's only good for two. Show distracts Batista and Jericho hits a code breaker, but again, it's only good for a near fall. Jericho tags out to Big Show who comes in and starts stomping away at Batista. Big Show tries for a leg drop, but Batista rolls out of the way. Both men make their way to their feet and Batista hits Show with a couple of right hands. Show connects with a choke slam out of nowhere, but Mysterio breaks up the pin attempt with a springboard splash.


Jericho tags back in and tries for a lionsault, but Batista rolls out of the way. Batista makes the hot tag, and Jericho tags in Show. Mysterio uses his speed to try and take Big Show off his feet. Mysterio stands on the top rope and hits a big time DDT, but he can't keep Big Show down for the three. Mysterio sends Show to the outside with a low bridge and sets up Jericho for the 619. Jericho moves and Mysterio connects with Show.


Winners and STILL WWE Unified Tag Team Champions: Big Show and Jericho

Rating: B


King: Wow, what a night we’ve had so far and we still have more JR can you belive it?


JR: I sure can King next is the WWE Championship match.


Striker: This feud has been heated for some time now and tonight could end it for good.



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Cena and Orton start things out with punches, and Orton immediately bails to the floor to try and escape the cell. Back in the ring, Orton catches Cena off guard and stomps away at him. Cena fights back and tries for the AA, but Orton fights out and connects with a scoop slam for a quick near fall. Cena starts to fights back with rights hands, and hits a shoulder block, but he goes to the well once too often and when he tries again, Orton ducks and Cena crashes and burns. Cena pulls himself up on the apron and Orton quickly launches him off into the cell wall.


Orton grinds Cena's face into the cell, burying his knee in Cena's back and pushing his face into the cell wall. Orton tries to send Cena face first into the cage, but Cena fights back and picks Orton up in scoop slam position. Cena slams Orton into the cage twice, shoulders Orton and tries to ram him into the cage, but Orton fights out and pushes Cena into the steel stairs. Orton stomps at Cena's wrist while it's on the stairs before doing the same with Cena's head.


Orton picks up stairs and throws them into the ring (although they almost fall back on his head). Orton climbs in the ring, and positions the stairs. Cena climbs to the apron and Orton grabs him for the rope assisted DDT on to the stairs. Cena counters thought, by putting his hands down, and he sends Orton to the floor with a back body drop over the ropes. Cena picks up the stairs and throws them over the ropes at Orton, but Orton ducks out of the way and the stairs connects with the cell. Back in the ring, Cena tries to maintain his advantage, but he quickly falls victim to the Orton backbreaker.


Orton charges Cena in the corner, but Cena gets his boot up. Cena connects with a couple of shoulder blocks and a side belly to back suplex before going for the five knuckle shuffle. Cena goes for the AA, but Orton grabs the ropes and reverses. Orton climbs back in the ring and hits the rope assisted DDT and both men are down. Orton tries for a cover, but Cena kicks out at two. Orton begins his RKO set-up of pounding his fists on the mat. Orton tries for the RKO, but Cena counters straight into the AA. Cena goes for the pin, but Orton kicks out.


Cena puts Orton on the top turnbuckle, and he goes for a top rope AA, but Orton counters with an electric chair drop instead. Orton tries for a cover, but again Cena kicks out at two.

Orton punches at Cena, who's standing on the apron, before slamming his head into the turnbuckle. Orton pulls Cena up to the top turnbuckle and tries for the superplex, but Cena fights it off. We get a Greco-Roman knuckle lock on the top rope and Cena gets the advantage. Cena tries for a top rope rocker dropper, but Orton moves out of the way and Cena crashes and burns yet again.


Orton goes under the ring to grab a chair and he slowly makes his way back into the ring. Cena jams the chair down into the back of Cena's neck before rolling him over and hitting the front of Cena's neck. Orton goes for another pin, but he only scores a near fall. Orton tries for a chair assisted knee drop, but Cena moves and Orton connects with the chair. Cena locks in the STF, and even though Orton makes it to the ropes, Cena isn't forced to break the hold. Orton eventually works his way out of the hold by crawling under the bottom rope. Orton launches Cena into the ref, and Cena locks in another STF. Orton taps, but the official is still out, so he can't make the call.


Cena tries to revive the ref, but he turns around right into an RKO, but Cena kicks out at two! Orton traps Cena's arms in the ropes, and Orton locks in a sleeper hold. Cena looks to be fading quickly, and he looks to be out when Orton releases the hold. The ref helps Cena out of the ropes, but Cena just falls face first to the mat. Orton punts Cena in the side of the head, and he covers Cena for the three count.


Winner and NEW WWE Champion: Randy Orton

Rating: B


King: Match of the night so far if you ask me.


Striker: Yes King me too, that match had it all


Ross: I like what I’m seeing here tonight, because after tonight Raw and Smackdown are one.


King: Yes and it’s sad that I want be able to call the matches for a while, JR thanks for taking my place on RAW.


Ross: No problem King any time buddy.



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Swagger ties Miz up in a tree of woe, which Miz gets out of just in time to be caught with a back suplex from the second rope. Swagger hits a Vader bomb on Miz, but it's only good for a near fall. Kingston hits Swagger with a flurry of moves before hitting the boom drop. Miz connects with his finisher on Kingston, but Swagger gets Kingston's foot on the ropes to break things up. Swagger connects with a lariat on Kofi and a gut wrench powerbomb on Miz. Kingston hits trouble in paradise on Swagger, pins Miz, and gets the three.


Winner: Kofi Kingston

Rating: C


King: Time for the main event JR and Mat are you ready?


Striker: I sure am King and this crowd is to listen to them chanting DX already.


Ross: No question who’s got home field advantage here.


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HHH clotheslines Ted over the Raw announce table and DX mounts their comeback against Cody Rhodes. Hunter clocks Cody with the moniter and DX hits a double suplex on Rhodes on to the Smackdown announce table (it doesn't break). Ted is back in the match and he attacks Hunter out of nowhere, throwing him into the crowd. Ted suplexes Hunter back to the ringside area just as HBK throws Cody into the barricade.


Cody and Ted hit Hunter with a double DDT on the entrance ramp. Rhodes connects with cross Rhodes on Hunter on the ramp and Legacy makes their way back down toward HBK. Ted and Cody double team HBK, slamming his leg in the cell door. Legacy lock themselves in the cage with Michaels while HHH is still prone at the top of the ramp. The bell rings and this one has officially started. HBK finally realizes that he's locked in the cage with Legacy. Legacy continue to work over Michaels, hitting a chop block/shoulder block combo. But Michaels will not stay down.


HBK grabs a chair from under the ring and throws it at Cody, but Ted is quick to the rescue, slamming HBK's head into the cell. Cody slingshots HBK into the cell, and Triple H has finally made his way down to the cell. Michaels fights back against Legacy, but only for a second, as the double team advantage is just too much to handle. Hunter tries to find a way in, and HBK sends Ted into Cody, launching Cody into the cell wall. Legacy takes Michaels down with a well placed chair shot. Hunter grabs a chair and tries to wail away on the door lock, while Cody powerbombs HBK into the cell wall. Ted then gets HBK in powerbomb position and slams him into the other side of the cage. Hunter looks at HBK and walks up the ramp to the back. Legacy continue to taunt and work over Michaels.


Cody and Ted work over HBK's back, sending him crashing into the cell wall multiple times. Legacy sends Michaels back into the ring where they stalk HBK. Michaels starts to fight back yet again, catching both Cody and Ted with right hands before Ted takes him down with a lariat. Rhodes stands up HBK with a chair in front of his face and Dibiase hits a big dropkick. Rhodes and Dibiase lock in the same ring post assisted figure four/million dollar dream submission that won them breaking point, and Triple H finally makes his way back to the ring with bolt cutters.


Hunter is in the cage just as Ted hits the dream street. Hunter comes in and immediately begins to clean house on Legacy, connecting with a facebreaker on Ted before throwing Cody into his partner. Hunter hits a spinebuster on Cody and tries for the pedigree, but Dibiase is quick to break it up. HBK is back in it, back body dropping Ted out to the floor. Hunter grabs the chain from the ref and wraps it around his fist. Michaels holds up Ted and Hunter lays into him with a big right hand. Hunter connects with a pedigree to Dibiase on the floor and HBK drags Ted out of the cell.


Hunter and HBK make their way back into the cell with the bolt cutters and lock the door behind them. Hunter hits a big spinebuster on Cody. Hunter traps Cody's neck in a folding chair and Michaels connects with a top rope elbow drop. He then pins him.


Winners: DX

Rating: B+


Show Rating: B-

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ECW Roster




Black Pain


Eric Escobar


Chris Masters

Vladimir Kozlov

Ezekiel Jackson

Tommy Dreamer

Slamm Master J



Heath Slater

Johnny Curtis

Joe “ Perfect” Hennig

Zach Ryder

Mark Henry

Yoshi Tatsu

Tyler Reks

The Miz


( The ECW show has been extended to an hour and thirty minutes)

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Tune into raw this week as it marks a new era in WWE history. The first raw since The Raw/Smackdown brand split has ended and anything can happen, The following match have been announced for RAW. JeriShow holds a open challenge for the Unified Tag Championships. We also have Triple H V. CM Punk in one of the first round matches of the WWE Championship #1 contender tournament, followed by the second tourney match of the night Shelton Benjamin goes up against “The Heart Break Kid” Shawn Michaels.


Quick Picks

JeriShow V. ??? and ???

HHH V. CM Punk

HBK V. Shelton B.

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ECW Roster




Black Pain


Eric Escobar


Chris Masters

Vladimir Kozlov

Ezekiel Jackson

Tommy Dreamer

Slamm Master J



Heath Slater

Johnny Curtis

Joe “ Perfect” Hennig

Zach Ryder

Mark Henry

Yoshi Tatsu

Tyler Reks

The Miz


( The ECW show has been extended to an hour and thirty minutes)


explanations please.

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the miz and carlito probly not goin 2 be there long, i called up a few guys from fcw and put them there and some vets to help train i over all just expaned on what WWE had on ECW from the beginning but to give some more young guys some exposer expanded the time too. I think I might have a TV title on ECW I haven't decided yet.
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