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WWE 2006: New Year, New Stars, New Beginnings

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WWE management have come to terms on the release of the following performers:


Brian Black (Palmer Cannon)

Big Vito

The Boogeyman

The Great Khali

Jim Duggan

Nick Mitchell

Chuck Palumbo

Andy Baker (OVW)

Bamm Bamm Penders (DSW)

Jerome Crony (DSW)

Roadkill (OVW)

The Freakin' Deacon (OVW)

Mellisa Coates (DSW)

Robbie Dawber (DSW)


We wish them all the very best in their future endeavours.


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  • Replies 519
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Damn, can't belive Khali and Boogeyman are gone! You're harsh, bro, way harsh! On the plus side I'm glad to see Haas is hanging in there.


It wasn't just the fact that I don't like them much (which I don't). I just didn't really know what to do with them. I'm sure Khali's popularity may have gotten some other superstars over. However there is only so many times you can have an up and comer defeating him before it become boring, both for the reader and for myself. There may be more cuts to come. Haven't quite decided yet.

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Noooooooooo! Not Khali! Damn you, JW!


Really enjoying the start to this diary. I really hope you stick with this one because it's a really good read so far. I'm not decided on the bait and switch with Orton getting a shot at the US Title, but it's different and interesting and I give you a hullava lot of marks for that.


Great start buddy, keep up the good work for sure!

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The Fleet Centre is the place to be this Monday night, as RAW rolls into town with an action packed show. The third spot in The Money in the Bank match will be contested for, as the ****y Carribean, Carlito, will go head to head with the one and only "Nature Boy" Ric Flair. After Flair's epic encounter with John Cena for the title at No Way Out, Flair will be looking to get one more shot at the gold. And a victory over Carlito will put him one step closer to his goal. Also, for the first time since the passing of his uncle, Chavo Guerrero returns to RAW. But he will certainly have his hands full when he takes on the Intercontinental Champion, Shelton Benjamin. Will Chavo make it a return to remember, or will the champion be able to end the fairytale comeback? And what role, if any, will Shawn Michaels play? Plus, the WWE Champion will have a rough night as he faces off with the "The Problem Solver" Tyson Tomko. Triple H will surely be keeping an eye on this one.


Also, we have an exclusive interview via satellite with Mick Foley, who was bludgeoned by Edge last week. He has asked for this time to address Edge as well as his fans. What will the hardcore legend have to say? And what condition will he be in? All this and so much more. You would be a fool to miss this weeks Monday Night Raw on USA!


Quick Picks


Edge vs. Rob Van Dam


John Cena vs. Tyson Tomko


Carlito vs. Ric Flair


Chavo Guerrero vs. Shelton Benjamin


Shawn Michaels vs. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch


Candice Michelle & Victoria vs. Trish Stratus & Mickie James


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Quick Picks


Edge vs. Rob Van Dam


John Cena vs. Tyson Tomko


Carlito vs. Ric Flair


Chavo Guerrero vs. Shelton Benjamin


Shawn Michaels vs. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch


Candice Michelle & Victoria vs. Trish Stratus & Mickie James

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Location: Fleet Centre (South East)

Attendance: 10,000 (Sell Out)


Announce Team:

http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/JimRoss.jpg & http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/JerryLawler.jpg

Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler



The usual pyro and video introduction of Monday Night Raw was not present this evening, as the show kicked off with “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels making his way to the ring, his face emotionless. Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler only have a short time to hype the evening’s proceedings, which includes Carlito taking on Ric Flair in a Money in the Bank Qualifying Match, as well as Chavo Guerrero returning to Raw after 4 months to take on the Intercontinental Champion, Shelton Benjamin. Michaels grabs a microphone from Lillian Garcia. As the chants of “HBK” die down, Michaels begins to speak.


Michaels: Congratulations, Vince. For months, you have tried to convince me to bring the “old” HBK back. You keep trying to convince me to bring back that fire that burned inside of me for all those years. Well you know what? Be careful what you wish for.


With that, Michaels strikes, nailing a vicious Sweet Chin Music on one of the cameramen standing on the apron, sending him crashing down to the floor on the outside. Michaels headed to the outside of the ring before continuing.


Michaels: Is this really what you wanted, Vince? Is this the fire that you craved from me, Vince?


Michaels struck again, hitting a Superkick on the time keeper. Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler are screaming for security to come and do something. Michaels passes the announce desk, before heading back and hitting a final Superkick on Jerry Lawler of all people. Jim Ross is going insane, asking Michaels “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? THIS ISN’T YOU, DAMMIT!”. Shawn re-entered the ring before continuing.


Michaels: Vince, I can do this all night. So I don’t care if it’s you, or your BITCH Shelton Benjamin. One of you better get your ass down here now, because I think I’m gonna do something I regret. Get down here, Vinny. Bring it on!


The crowd are stunned by Michaels actions, however they are still behind “The Heartbreak Kid” as chants of “HBK” echo throughout the arena. But the mood quickly changed when General Manager Eric Bischoff made his way onto the entrance ramp.


Bischoff: Shawn, what the hell are you doing? You can’t just go around attacking people just because you don’t get your own way.


Michaels: Eric, I think you will find that I can do whatever the hell I want. And besides, I don’t remember asking for you. So either Vince or Shelton come down here and take everything I’m gonna dish out to them, or I’m gonna keep doing some serious damage. What’s it gonna be, Bischoff?


Bischoff: Look, Shelton is getting ready for his match tonight. And Vince isn’t even in the building yet.


Michaels thinks about what he just heard before continuing.


Michaels: Well Vince may not be here, but I do believe I just heard you say that Shelton Benjamin is. Looks like he’s about to get acquainted with my boot.


The crowd roar their approval as HBK attempts to get out of the ring to get his hands on Benjamin. Bischoff has other plans however.


Michaels: Now hold up, Shawn. I said Vince isn’t here. But I still have strict orders from him. And he has informed me that if you so much as LOOK at Shelton Benjamin the wrong way, you will be suspended without pay.


The crowd jeer at Bischoff after that announcement. But the General Manager wasn’t through with him yet.


Bischoff: But if you want action tonight, you’re gonna get it. Because Mr McMahon also informed me that tonight, you will be in competition. And your opponent, or should I say OPPONENTS, will be the Number One Contenders for the World Tag Team Titles, Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch. So Shawn, I suggest you get ready. I thank you very much.


Eric leaves the entrance way to a barrage of boos and cat calls as Shawn Michaels stands in the ring, his face beet red with anger.




The cameras head backstage where Jonathan Coachman is standing by with one of the participants in the upcoming Money in the Bank Qualifying match.


Coachman: At this time, may I introduce to you “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair. Now Ric, you get a chance to go to Wrestlemania as a Money in the Bank participant, but in order to do so, you must face and defeat Carlito here tonight. Your thoughts?


Flair: My thoughts? Coach, it was just two short weeks ago when “The Nature Boy” walked that aisle at No Way Out. Two weeks ago that I stepped into the ring with the WWE Champion John Cena. And it was two weeks ago that I came so close to becoming “The Man” one more time. And I’ll tell you something, Coach. It makes me want it so much more knowing that I went the distance with one of the best in the industry. So tonight, I beat that little punk Carlito, I go on to Wrestlemania and I ascend that ladder, grab that briefcase and get my shot at becoming the champ one more time. Carlito, your ass belongs to “The Nature Boy”. Woooooo!!!




Money in the Bank Qualifying Match:

http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/Carlito2.jpg vs. http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/RicFlair.jpg

Carlito vs. Ric Flair


Once again, Flair proved that he can still hang with the younger generation, putting on a fantastic display with the youngster Carlito. Carlito had a lot a difficulty in keeping Flair down, clearly taking the legend for granted, and almost paying for it when Flair locked the Figure Four on the Caribbean superstar. Carlito managed to crawl to the ropes and break the hold. But Carlito managed to regain momentum, and finally put Flair away around the 11 minute mark with the Back Stabber to advance to Wrestlemania.

Winner: Carlito




Following the bout, Carlito headed to the corner, and the fans in attendance could clearly see what was going to happen, as he picked up the apple. He stood over the prone body of Flair and took a huge bite of the apple, ready to spit it in the face of “The Nature Boy”. But Carlito never saw Flair’s boot connecting with Carlito’s apples, sending him to the mat. Flair followed up by locking in the Figure Four, causing Carlito to scream out in agony, tapping furiously on the mat. The official was finally able to get Flair to release the hold, but the damage had clearly been done.




We head backstage, where a limo is arriving into the arena. The driver gets out of the vehicle and opens the back door. Out steps Triple H, removing his sunglasses and placing them in the pocket of his expensive pinstripe suit as he makes his way into the arena before we head to commercial.




Following commercial, a video is played in the arena as well as to the millions watching at home...


<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="





The cameras catch a glimpse of Chavo Guerrero coming out of his locker room, heading towards his ring for his first match in over 4 months. Chavo seems to have a smile on his face, the break clearly doing him a world of good.




http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/ChavoGuerrero2.jpg vs. http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/SheltonBenjamin3.jpg

Chavo Guerrero vs. Shelton Benjamin


Chavo clearly hadn’t lost a step in the four months he had been away, as he and Shelton went all out, putting on a great contest for the fans. Chavo had Shelton on the ropes for the majority of the bout, eager to make his return bout a memorable one. But Shelton was able to mount a comeback, throwing everything he had at Guerrero. However, Shelton could not pin Chavo’s shoulders to the mat. Benjamin finally resorted to holding Guerrero’s trunks as he rolled him up in a Schoolboy pin, finally getting the victory. The crowd gave Guerrero a standing ovation following the bout, welcoming Chavo back to Raw.


Winner: Shelton Benjamin




Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler hype the fact that Mick Foley will be joining us via satellite from WWE’s Headquarters in Stamford, CT later on for an in-depth interview.




“The Coach” is on interview duty once again, this time with “The Rated R Superstar” Edge, along with Lita.


Coachman: Ladies and gentlemen at this time I am joined by none other than “The Rated R Superstar” Edge, as well as the lovely Lita. Now last week, you brutally attacked Mick Foley in the centre of the ring, causing serious damage and, for one of the only times in Foley’s career, causing him to take a trip in an ambulance to a local Emergency Room. My question to you is why?


Edge: Wow, do they actually pay you to do this job? You seriously want to know why? Foley has been sticking his nose in my business for months. He was hogging my spotlight after the rumble. And I took him out. He cost me a shot at the title at No Way out. And guess what? I took him out. And if he has any sense, he will stay away. It’s about time he gave it up. He’s still clinging to the past. But I’m the future. And I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let him take my spotlight any longer. He is a has been that has no business....what the hell do you want?


None other than Rob Van Dam walks into shot, causing the fans in attendance to break into an “RVD” chant.


RVD: You know something; you really think you’re something special, don’t you? Let me tell you something. When I first broke into this business, Mick Foley was there. When I was making a name for myself, he was there. When I was hired by WWE, he was there. Hell, just last week when I won my shot in the Money in the Bank match at Wrestlemania, he was the first person to congratulate me. He was there. And I know damn well that if I ever need his help, he will be there. Now last week, I left the building after my match. I wasn’t there to protect him from what you did. But I’m here now. So maybe you want to pick a fight with somebody who can protect himself. How about you step in the ring with me tonight in the Fleet Centre?


The crowd obviously approve this suggestion. Edge has a confused look on his face. He then smiles at Van Dam.


Edge: Are you serious? You seem to forget that if it wasn’t for Foley, I would have had you and Triple H beat at No Way Out. But if you want to step in the ring with me once more, then you’re on. But don’t expect to make it to your little Ladder Match at Wrestlemania. In fact, I wouldn’t expect you to be at Wrestlemania at all after I’m through with you.


RVD: Whatever, dude. You talk a lot of trash, but let’s see if you can back it up against me...R.V.D.


The two men stare each other down before Van Dam walks away, causing Lita to drag her man away from the scene.




Handicap Match:

http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/ShawnMichaels2.jpg vs. http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/LanceCade.jpg & http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/TrevorMurdoch.jpg

Shawn Michaels vs. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch


The decks were certainly stacked against The Heartbreak Kid in this one. Cade and Murdoch really put a beating on Michaels. Shawn somehow managed to fight his way into the match, and almost scored a double pin on the two men after hitting a moonsault on the both of them. But the numbers game was too much for Michaels. Just when it seemed it was the end for HBK, he was saved. Saved by the World Tag Team Champions, who had clearly seen enough from the two contenders for their titles. The four men slugged it out as the referee called for the bell, awarding the match to Cade and Murdoch via disqualification.


Winners: Cade & Murdoch (Via DQ)




Following the bout, the two teams continue to do battle, eventually going back through the curtain on the entrance way. As Michaels finally rises to his feet, a figure jumps the guard rail and slides into the ring. It is only when Michaels sees the intercontinental Title being swung at his head that he realises it is Shelton Benjamin. The belt connects with Shawn’s skull, sending him to the canvas. Benjamin mounts HBK and delivers stiff blows to the face, scrambling Michaels’ brains. From the backstage area comes Mr. McMahon, who stands on the stage, watching the beatdown. Benjamin lifts HBK to his feet by the hair, yelling in his face. He finally delivers an Exploder Suplex on Michaels before exiting the ring with his belt. He joins Vince on the stage. The two men laugh at the destruction caused by Benjamin as we head to commercial.



Raw returns from commercial, and JR and “The King” hype next week’s Money in the Bank Qualifying Match, and Chavo Guerrero and Matt Striker will do battle for the final RAW spot in the match.





Speaking of Chavo, he is backstage with Jonathan Coachman.


Coachman: I’m here in the backstage area of the Fleet Centre with Chavo Guerrero. Now Chavo, first of all it’s good to have you back on Raw. But tonight didn’t quite go as you had planned.


Chavo: You’re right, it didn’t go the way I wanted to. Shelton clearly grabbed the tights to get the win. If that’s the way he wants to conduct business, that’s his cross to bear. I can’t judge him. Let’s face it, my family have been known to cheat our way to victory on more than one occasion. But I couldn’t be happier to be back here on Raw. It’s been a tough couple of months for me and my family with Eddie’s passing. But you know what, I know he wouldn’t want us to go through life with our heads hung low mourning his death. We have to continue with life. And I know that he wouldn’t want me to give up my dream. And my dream is to reach the heights that my uncle reached. My dream is to become WWE Champion. And next week I get that opportunity when I face Matt Striker for a spot in Money in the Bank. Now Matt is a tough guy, I’m not disputing that. But me? I’m a Guerrero. And I will do whatever it takes to win. And if that means I have to lie, cheat or steal my way to victory, so be it. Chavo Guerrero WILL be in the Money...


The interview is cut short when Matt Striker runs into shot, taking out the young Guerrero. He lays into him with hard boots before grabbing the mic from Jonathan Coachman.


Striker: How touching, Chavo. But let me make something perfectly clear. Next week, this little dream of yours? It ends. And it ends because of me. It’s finally time for Matt Striker to reach the heights that he has been held back from for so long. That Money in the Bank briefcase has one name on it. And that name is Matt Striker.





http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/CandiceMichelle2.jpg & http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/Victoria.jpg vs. http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/MickieJames2.jpg &http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/TrishStratus.jpg

Candice Michelle & Victoria vs. Mickie James & Trish Stratus


The four Divas put on a decent display in this one, with the champ and her Wrestlemania opponent taking control. However, things went very wrong for the two when Mickie entered the ring and accidentally hit a Mick Kick on her partner Trish. Candice threw Mickie out of the ring, allowing Victoria to nail Trish (not like that) with the Widows Peak for the victory.


Winners: Candice Michelle & Victoria




After the match, Mickie is desperately trying to apologise to Trish for her mishap, but Trish is furiously shaking her head, unsure of why Mickie would try to interfere. Trish finally leaves the ring, leaving Mickie practically in tears in the centre of the ring as we go to commercial.



Raw returns as “Play the Game” by Motorhead plays, signalling the arrival of “The Game” Triple H. Jim Ross questions Triple H’s arrival, as he is not scheduled to be out there. Lawler then reminds him that John Cena’s non-title match with Tyson Tomko is up next. Triple H pulls up a chair next to Jim Ross and sits at ringside. He doesn’t put on a headset, he just sits watching the ring, clearly preparing to scout his opponent for Wrestlemania.




http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/JohnCena.jpg vs. http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/Tomko.jpg

John Cena vs. Tyson Tomko


The larger Tomko gives Cena a lot of trouble in this bout, trying to keep the champ grounded with boots and fists, and even delivering a devastating powerbomb that almost ended the match early on. The fans in attendance were clearly in Cena’s corner, and helped him to mount a comeback. Cena managed to connect with a Five Knuckle Shuffle, dazing Tomko. He was about to follow up with the F-U to end the contest when Triple H jumped to the apron, distracting the official. Cena approached and swung for Hunter, who jumped from the apron. As Cena turned around, he was met with a violent Big Boot by Tomko, knocking Cena out. Tomko made the cover and got the pinfall, earning himself a shocking victory over the WWE Champion.


Winner: Tyson Tomko




When the match was over, Triple H entered the ring and began putting the boots to Cena. He looked over at Tomko, who was standing in the corner of the ring. “The Game” then lifted the champ to his feet and held him up. Tomko charged from the corner, delivering another Big Boot. The two stood over the body of the WWE Champion and both smiled to each other. The damage was done, and the two men left the ring together, leaving Jim Ross to question whether this had been planned all along.



Ross and Lawler announce that next week, the World Tag Team Champions would be in action against Carlito and Chris Masters.




http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/Edge.jpg vs.http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/RobVanDam.jpg

Edge vs. Rob Van Dam


Van Dam was looking for revenge in this contest after what happened to his friend Mick Foley last week. And RVD wasted no time in taking the fight to Edge, using his feet as lethal weapons, sending Edge to the outside. Van Dam continued the fight there, nailing a moonsault from the security wall surrounding the ringside area. But Edge was able to turn things around, throwing Van Dam into the ring steps. The fight finally made its way back into the ring, and Edge really laid into his opponent. Edge was horrified however when RVD was able to kick out of the spear. Livid, Edge crouched in the corner, waiting for Van Dam to rise. As Edge charged, RVD leapfrogged him, sending him crashing into the ring post and down to the mat. Van dam jumped to the top, ready to end things with the Five Star Frog Splash, when Lita jumped on the apron and pushed him off, sending him to the canvas. Edge had just enough energy to deliver one final spear to RVD, finally pinning his shoulders to the mat for the three count.


Winner: Edge



Van Dam attempted to get to Edge following the match, but was held back by the official. Several more referees had to come down and escort RVD away from ringside. Edge grabbed a microphone and began to speak.


Edge: Thanks for coming “Superstar”. Now that that’s out of the way, I think it’s about time I addressed you, Mick Foley. Apparently, you and JR over here are supposed to be having some kind of interview. Well sorry Jim, but I’m gonna take this one. Ladies and gentle, live via satellite, its the “Hardcore Has-Been”, Mick Foley.


Foleys face appeared on the big screen as the fans showed their appreciation to the Hardcore Legend. His eyes are completely red and his left cheek is badly bruised.


Edge: So Foley, my first question to you is this. How did it feel to be humiliated last week? How did it feel to be bludgeoned? How did it feel to leave the arena in the back of an ambulance?


Foley: You know, I’ve spent so many years in hospital rooms around the world that they have become like a second home to me. I feel comfortable there. But usually, i’ve been in hospital rooms because of my own doing. Throwing myself onto concrete floors, going through barbed wire, setting myself on fire. Crazy, I know. But it was all me. But in two months you have sent me to the hospital twice. I’ve been humiliated by you twice. The first time, you hurt my pride, and I had to take action. But you see, this past week, I’ve had time to reflect on things. Reflect on my career and reflect on my life. And I know what I need to do. You see, I have three beautiful kids at home. I have a wife who has seen me go through some devastating matches just to prove I still can. Just to feed my ego and keep my pride. And the truth is, I really can’t do it anymore. So maybe you were right, Edge. Maybe I am too old for this. Maybe I should give up. And as much as I hate to do it, maybe I should just admit defeat.


Edge: Wow, is that it? I didn’t think it would be so easy, Mick. You really are pathetic, aren’t you? I’m giving you the chance to tell me how much you hate me, how much you wanna destroy me, and you wanna talk about your wife and kids? Mick, let’s face facts, you don’t give a damn about your kids. You don’t give a damn about your wife. Let me take you back. Royal Rumble 98. Mick Foley versus The Rock. The Rock beat you within an inch of your life. The blood was flowing from your skull. And who was there in the front row? Your wife and your kids. You allowed them to sit and watch as daddy was beaten half to death. You scarred your children for life just so you could give these fans a moment they will never forget. But it wasn’t the last time you did that was it Foley?


Foley: I think you better watch your mouth.


Edge: Or what, Mick? You’re not even here. You can’t do a damn thing. Is your wife their with you to Mick? You know, I gotta ask you something. How did a beat up, broken down bum like you get a smoking hot wife like yours? I mean, you are batting WAY above your average there. And how did you produce three kids that look like like they grew up next to a power plant? They must have got their looks from their father, because they sure as hell didn’t get them from that red hot wife of yours.




Edge: Oh, did I hit a nerve Mick? Well too bad. You can’t do a damn thing about it.


Foley: That’s where you’re wrong, Edge. That’s where you’re wrong.


Foley rips the mic from his shirt. The camera follows Foley, who proceeds to walk down a corridor...inside the Fleet Centre. Mick Foley is in the building! The fans are going absolutely insane as Edge completely flips out in the ring. Foley makes his way to the ring, the crowd blowing the roof of the arena at his arrival. Edge makes a quick exit through the crowd, with Lita a few paces behind. Foley chases the two through the crowd and back out to the back. Edge is knocking tables and chairs onto the floor, blocking the way for Foley (and Lita). Edge finally makes it to the parking lot, where he jumps into his car. Edge speeds out of the arena, leaving an out of breath Lita behind. Lita wasn’t alone however, as Mick Foley grabbed her and dragged her to his car. He threw her into the backseat of his car and climbed into the driver’s seat. The show ends with Foley driving out of the arena, with Edge’s girlfriend bundled in the backseat.






Carlito over Ric Flair B

Shelton Benjamin over Chavo Guerrero B

Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch over Shawn Michaels by DQ B-

Candice Michelle & Victoria over Mickie James & Trish Stratus C-

Tyson Tomko over John Cena B-

Edge over Rob Van Dam B


Show Rating: B-



Destiny - 2 out of 5 (Total= 12)

Huntman - 3 out of 5 (Total= 11)

Jingo - 3 out of 5 (Total= 13)

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RAW Rating, more releases, OVW News, more


-This weeks edition of Raw scored a 3.91 in the ratings on USA, which is up from the 3.51 they got last week. They also got a 0.06 on Sky Sports.


-There have been more cuts in WWE, although this time it is more of the development talent from DSW and OVW. Some of the names include Chad Wicks (DSW), Mike Knox (OVW) and KC James (OVW). This appears to be the last of the cuts for now, although there could be more after Wrestlemania.


-OVW crowned new Tag Team Champions this week, With the team of CM Punk and Seth Skyfire taking the vacant titles. This is another strange move on the part of OVW, as Punk is another athlete who has been rumoured to be moving to the main roster very soon.


- It has been rumoured that Joey Styles has already signed a contract with WWE. He was rumoured to be in talks with the company, but the deal hadn't been finalised. It appears that the contract is signed and he could be appearing as early as this week, although what role he will take is unknown.


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Really enjoyed that show, yet again. I like having Shelton get involved with the Vince - Shawn storyline as a Wrestlemania classic with Michaels could be enough to elevate him. Loved the segment at the end with Foley and Edge, kind of reminded me a bit of when Cactus Jack came back before the 2000 Royal Rumble, which is certainly a good thing. And that's a nice little tag for Aaron Stevens, can't believe you've actually got me looking forward to him debuting!


I know you are only a few shows in but this is my favourite new diary by far, I hope you stick with it and carry it through because it's a great start.

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I really appreciate that keef. There seems to be alot of WWE diaries popping up on this forum, and it means alot knowing that mine interests you as much as it does. I will certainly be sticking with this diary. I have plenty of ideas floating around at the moment that I hope will interest everybody. It may not be updated as regularly as others, but I will certainly be sticking with it.
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The Wachovia Centre plays host to this weeks Friday Night Smackdown. And this weeks show will certainly be one to watch. The Number One Contender to Kurt Angle's World Heavyweight Title, Rey Mysterio, will head into the battlefield with the winner of last week's Money in the Bank Qualifier, William Regal. Speaking of Money in the Bank, the next spot in the Wrestlemania match will be up for grabs this week, when Finlay and Matt Hardy go head to head. Plus, Chris Benoit will be in non-title competition when he faces William Regal's protégé, the violent Paul Burchill, and the Number One Contenders for MNM's Tag Team Titles will be decided when The Mexicools (Psicosis & Super Crazy), The Pitbulls (Jamie Noble & Kid Kash) and London & Kendrick face off in a Triple Threat Tag Team match.


Plus, Randy Orton is said to still be livid over what happened last week with Teddy Long and Chris Benoit. As a result, Orton has been banned from the arena for the safety of the General Manager and his employee's. But will this keep "The Legend Killer" from showing up? And Booker T is also scheduled to be in the Wachovia Centre. Will he have more heated words for Lashley? Or perhaps he will do his talking with his fists. And The Undertaker will also be in the arena. JBL may have to watch his back with The Deadman looking to get his hands on him. All this and so much more, this week on Friday Night Smackdown on The CW.


Quick Picks


Rey Mysterio vs. William Regal


Bobby Lashley vs. John Bradshaw Layfield


Non-Title Match

Chris Benoit vs. Paul Burchill


Money in the Bank Qualifying Match

Finlay vs. Matt Hardy


Number One Contenders Match for WWE Tag Team Championships

The Mexicools vs. The Pitbulls vs. London & Kendrick


Non-Title Match

Gregory Helms vs. Stevie Richards

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Quick Picks


Rey Mysterio vs. William Regal


Bobby Lashley vs. John Bradshaw Layfield


Non-Title Match

Chris Benoit vs. Paul Burchill


Money in the Bank Qualifying Match

Finlay vs. Matt Hardy


Number One Contenders Match for WWE Tag Team Championships

The Mexicools vs. The Pitbulls vs. London & Kendrick

Non-Title Match

Gregory Helms vs. Stevie Richards

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Rey Mysterio vs. William Regal


Bobby Lashley vs. John Bradshaw Layfield


Non-Title Match

Chris Benoit vs. Paul Burchill


Money in the Bank Qualifying Match

Finlay vs. Matt Hardy


Number One Contenders Match for WWE Tag Team Championships

The Mexicools vs. The Pitbulls vs. London & Kendrick


Non-Title Match

Gregory Helms vs. Stevie Richards

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Rey Mysterio vs. William Regal


A man can dream...


Bobby Lashley vs. John Bradshaw Layfield


JBL should put Lashley over handsomely.


Non-Title Match

Chris Benoit vs. Paul Burchill


Burchill via some sort of shenanigans


Money in the Bank Qualifying Match

Finlay vs. Matt Hardy


Hardy makes more sense in this environment


Number One Contenders Match for WWE Tag Team Championships

The Mexicools vs. The Pitbulls vs. London & Kendrick


Perhaps the greatest WWE tag time in recent times deserve a shot at the belts


Non-Title Match

Gregory Helms vs. Stevie Richards


Nothing would please me more than a victory for the good doctor stevie, but I just don't see it

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Rey Mysterio vs. William Regal


Bobby Lashley vs. John Bradshaw Layfield


Non-Title Match

Chris Benoit vs. Paul Burchill


Money in the Bank Qualifying Match

Finlay vs. Matt Hardy


Number One Contenders Match for WWE Tag Team Championships

The Mexicools vs. The Pitbulls vs. London & Kendrick


Non-Title Match

Gregory Helms vs. Stevie Richards

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Location: Wachovia Centre (Tri-State)

Attendance: 13, 267


Announce Team:

http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/MichaelCole.jpg & http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/Tazz3.jpg

Michael & Tazz




<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/sdvid.flv">


The opening video plays and the pyro explodes throughout the arena as Michael Cole and Tazz welcome us to Friday Night Smackdown from the Wachovia Centre, where over 13,000 have arrived to watch the exciting show in store, which will include Rey Mysterio facing William Regal in the Main Event, as well as a 3-Way Elimination Tag Team Match to become the Number One Contenders for MNM’s Tag Team titles between The Mexicools, The Pitbulls and London & Kendrick, as well as a Money in the Bank Qualifying match between Finlay and Matt Hardy. They also mention the fact that Randy Orton has been ordered to stay away from the building tonight by request of Teddy Long to ensure the safety of his employee’s.




Non-Title Match:

http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/GregoryHelms.jpg vs. http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/StevieRichards.jpg

Gregory Helms vs. Stevie Richards


A good start to the show, with Richards surprising Helms on a number of occasions, using his experience advantage against the Cruiserweight Champion. However, Helms proved exactly why he is dubbed “God’s Gift to Wrestling”, managing to regain the upper hand and finally put Richards away with the Shining Wizard for the convincing victory.


Winner: Gregory Helms



After Richards has left the ring (or more accurately, is thrown from the ring), Helms gets a mic from ringside, and, to the delight of nobody, begins to speak.


Helms: Once again, I prove why I am God’s Gift to Wrestling. And once again, you people don’t even appreciate it. You people don’t know talent when you see it. And Teddy Long sure as hell doesn’t know talent when he sees it. Teddy, I still have no opponent at Wrestlemania. The grandest stage of them all and I still have no opponent. Teddy, I don’t care who it is, because you know as well as I do that I will defeat anybody you put in front of me. But you better find me an opponent, and you better find him fast. Because if you don’t, let’s just say there could be quite a big disruption in Chicago at Wrestlemania, courtesy of God’s Gift to Wrestling, Gregory Helms.


Helms drops the mic as the crowd lets him know exactly how they feel about him.




The cameras cut backstage, where security is desperately trying to hold back Randy Orton, who despite orders from the General Manager, has turned up at the Wachovia Centre. He is frantically screaming for Teddy Long and Chris Benoit to show their face. He is still trying to fight his way into the arena as we head to commercial.




We return from the ad break, where Michael Cole and Tazz revisit the events of last week, where Finlay and Matt Hardy were brawling in the backstage area before officials separated the two. They then hype the next match, the Money in the Bank Qualifier.



Money in the Bank Qualifying Match:

http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/Finlay.jpg vs. http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/MattHardy2.jpg

Finlay vs. Matt Hardy


These two men held nothing back in this brawl. The Fighting Irishman ferociously beat Hardy down in the early going. But the Belfast native failed to capitalise on it, and it almost cost him when Hardy caught him with a Twist of Fate for a very close two count. The bout was a back and forth affair. But the match came to an end after a brutal 14 minutes when Hardy slipped out of a Celtic Cross and nailed Finlay with a Side Effect to finally pick up the victory and earn his shot in the Ladder Match at Wrestlemania.


Winner: Matt Hardy




We head backstage, where Paul Burchill is lacing his boots, preparing for his bout with Chris Benoit. William Regal enters the room and sits beside Burchill.


Regal: So, you ready for Benoit tonight?


Burchill: I think so, sir.


Regal frowns at his protégé. He then grabs Burchill by the face and looks him dead in the eye.


Regal: You THINK you’re ready? You THINK you’re ready to face Benoit tonight? Listen, sunshine. I know Benoit. I know what he is capable of. I know that he is a dangerous man between those ropes. He has no remorse when it comes to battle. He will break you in half just to get a victory. He will sniff out ANY sign of weakness you show to him. So if you only THINK you’re ready, you may as well pack your bloody gear up and sod off home. Now, are you READY for tonight, Paul?


Burchill: Yes, sir. I’m ready.


Regal: I can’t bloody hear you, are you ready?


Burchill: YES, SIR!


Regal slaps Burchill hard across the face.




Burchill: YES, SIR!




Burchill storms out of the locker room. Regal soon follows behind him, the smile clearly evident on his face.




The cameras cut to Theodore Long’s office. He is on the phone with somebody.


Long: Hey, we miss having you here on Smackdown, playa. As soon as you’re fit and ready to go, you just give me the call and we will find a place for you on the roster, dog. It’s been too long....look, I’ll call you back.


Long ends his phone conversation when Doug and Danny Basham enter his office. They both stand either side of the General Manager, clearly trying to intimidate him. Teddy stares at the two before addressing them.


Long: How can I help you, gentlemen?


Danny: How can you help? You can help by telling us what the hell you think you are doing?


Long: I...I don’t understand.


Doug: Let me make it clear for you then “Boss”. You see, you got a Three Way tag team match later on tonight with the winners going to Wrestlemania to face the champs. The question we wanna ask is, why the hell are we not involved? What have those border jumping Mexicools done to deserve a shot?


Danny: Or those wannabe tough guys, The Pitbulls?


Doug: Or those no talent rejects London and Kendrick? Why them and not us?


Long: Look, the match has already been signed, there’s nothing I can do.


Danny: Nothing you can do? You’re the General Manager, for crying out loud. Of Corse there’s something you can do. Why don’t you...


Long: No, why don’t you listen to me? I’m sick of people pushing me around, trying to push me into making decisions. Randy Orton tried it, and just look what happened to him. If you’re not happy with it, maybe you can find a job elsewhere. But my decision is final. Now please, I have other business to attend to.


The two men look at each other before finally leaving. As Long picks up the phone to make a call, Doug makes his way back in. He gets right into Teddy’s face.


Doug: You just made a big mistake, my friend. A BIG mistake.


Doug finally leaves, leaving Teddy to digest what he has just heard.




Non-Title Match:

http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/ChrisBenoitCW6.jpg vs. http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/PaulBurchill.jpg

Chris Benoit vs. Paul Burchill


Regal’s motivational speech before the match clearly had an effect on Burchill, who put on a fantastic performance against the United States Champion. With Regal at ringside cheering on his protégé, Burchill was able to go move for move and hold for hold with Benoit, even locking Benoit in his own Crippler Crossface at one point. Benoit, being the veteran that he is, was able to get himself to the ropes and break the hold. Regal’s voice must have broken at some point during the bout, as he screamed instructions at Burchill. But Benoit managed to regain his composure, and ended the bout after a Diving Headbutt and finally finishing Burchill off with the Crippler Crossface, making the tough as nails Brit tap out.


Winner: Chris Benoit




Burchill rolled out of the ring following the bout, where William Regal checked on him. As Benoit was celebrating for the fans in attendance, his attention was drawn to the entrance way, where Randy Orton was trying to fight his way through security who were barricading him from the ring. His face was red with rage, but this did not faze Benoit in the least, as he let out a chuckle to himself before getting a mic.


Benoit: Randy, why are you so angry? You’re upset because you didn’t get a World Title shot at Wrestlemania? Orton, can I make a suggestion? I suggest you stop worrying about the World Title. Stop worrying about Teddy Long. Randy, you need to worry about me. You want to worry about what I will do to you at Wrestlemania. You want to worry about the pain your body will endure when I get you in the ring in Chicago. The pain you are going through mentally right now, it pales in comparison to the pain that I will put you through physically at Wrestlemania. Orton, I am the WWE United States Champion. I didn’t win it by throwing my weight around. I didn’t win it by intimidation. I didn’t win it by threatening people. I won it by being the best, by breaking bones and by any means necessary. Orton, at Wrestlemania, you will tap out. And there’s nothing you can do to sto...


That is as far as Benoit got before Regal and Burchill jumped the U.S Champ, beating him down into the canvas. Orton suddenly stopped struggling on the entrance ramp, a huge smile spreading across his already smug face. Orton calmly walked to the back, followed by security, as the beating in the ring continued. Regal demanded Burchill lift Benoit up, which he did. Burchill was then instructed to “Finish him off, sunshine”. Burchill hit Benoit with a C-4, sending him crashing to the mat. The two men stood over Benoit, hands raised in the air as the crowd in attendance jeered at the two brits.




Michael Cole and Tazz warn that if what just happened is anything to go by, then Stevie Richards could be in serious trouble next week, as he will be facing Paul Burchill to decide the final Smackdown spot in the Money in the Bank match at Wrestlemania.




Backstage, a car arrives in the parking lot. The front door opens, and out steps Booker T, causing the fans in attendance to let their feelings be heard. Booker screams for somebody to get out the car. The back door slowly opens, and out steps Sharmell, who has clearly been crying. Booker hands her his bag and heads for the arena, with Sharmell slowly following behind.




http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/BobbyLashley3.jpg vs. http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/JohnBradshawLayfield.jpg

Bobby Lashley vs. John Bradshaw Layfield


Possibly the best match of the night as they both put on a tremendous effort. Lashley had the upper hand for the majority of the bout, using his strength to his advantage and almost ending it when he hit the Dominator on the former WWE Champion. JBL was too close to the ropes however, and managed to get his foot on the rope to end the count. JBL almost got a cheap win when he hit a low blow on Lashley. He stalked Lashley as he rose, and charged, ready to hit the Clothesline from Hell. But the infamous gong of The Undertaker stopped him in his tracks. The lights went out in the arena. When the lights returned, JBL was nowhere to be seen. The official had no choice but to count Bradshaw out, awarding the match to Lashley.


Winner: Bobby Lashley (Via Count out)




Lashley raised his arms in victory in the ring. What he didn’t see coming was Booker T, who beat Lashley down from behind. Booker lifted him from the mat and hit him with not one, but two Book Ends. Booker headed to the outside and grabbed a steel chair from ringside. Booker re-entered the ring and waited for Bobby to rise from the canvas. He was quickly sent to the mat again when Booker swung the chair at the head of Lashley, busting the big man open. Booker wasn’t finished, as he waited for Lashley to rise again. And once again, he sent him down again with another sickening shot. As he waited to strike again, Booker’s wife Sharmell ran to the ring. She slid into the ring and stood in front of her husband, begging him to stop. Booker shouted at his wife to move, but she would not get out of the way. Booker finally dropped the chair and dragged his wife from the ring and up the ramp as EMT’s ran to the ring to check on the condition of Bobby Lashley.




Michael Cole and Tazz try to compose themselves after what just happened with Booker T and Bobby Lashley. They hype the upcoming 3 way elimination Tag Team match between London & Kendrick, The Mexicools and The Pitbulls, with the winners facing MNM for the Tag Titles at Wrestlemania.




We get a shot of Randy Orton backstage. The Legend Killer is calmly heading towards the exit, with security behind him. From nowhere, Teddy Long appears with more security surrounding him. Randy stares a hole through the General Manager before calmly walking away, a smirk on his face. Orton leaves the arena without causing a problem, leaving Long slightly confused.




Three Way Elimination Tag Match For the Number One Contenders for Tag Team Titles:

http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/PaulLondon.jpghttp://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/BrianKendrick2.jpg vs. http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/Psicosis.jpghttp://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/SuperCrazy.jpg

vs. http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/JamesGibson.jpghttp://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/KidKash.jpg

London & Kendrick vs. The Mexicools vs. The Pitbulls


Kid Kash and Jamie Noble started very aggressively in this contest, trying to prove a point against the two fan favourite teams. Noble almost picked up the win towards the end of the bout, locking a Dragon Sleeper on Psicosis. The hold was broken by Super Crazy however, which in turn caused London, Kendrick and Kid Kash to enter the fray. The official struggled to keep control of the match. He also didn’t realise who the legal participants were, as Brian Kendrick hit a Sliced Bread #2 on Jamie Noble, getting the pin fall and earning himself and Paul London a shot at the Tag Team Titles in Chicago at Wrestlemania.


Winners: London & Kendrick




The two fun loving competitors London & Kendrick celebrated in the ring, even going so far as to grab the official and do a little jig with him. The smiles soon faded as Johnny Nitro, Joey Mercury and Melina all appeared on the stage. The three of them began sarcastically applauding them over their victory as London & Kendrick looked on. Melina pointed at the belts around the waists of her two men. She can be seen saying that the belts will remain around the waists of MNM at Wrestlemania.




Michael Cole and Tazz are on hype duty once again, as they hype up tonight’s Main Event between Rey Mysterio and William Regal. And that match will be next.




Before the match begins, Cole and Tazz are joined by the World Heavyweight Champion Kurt Angle, who will be providing guest commentary on the next match.




http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/ReyMysterio3.jpg vs. http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/WilliamRegal7.jpg

Rey Mysterio vs. William Regal


A fantastic main event to end the night between The Number One Contender and The Blackpool Brawler. The different styles of these two men seemed to work very well together. Regal used everything in his arsenal to keep the high flying Mysterio on the ground. But Rey’s speed soon became an issue for Regal and Regal took the fight to the outside. The match would soon end in controversial fashion however. As Angle was looking behind him at some fans giving him trouble, Regal took his opportunity, throwing Mysterio into Angle, knocking him out of his chair and to the floor, Angle, believing that Mysterio had intentionally attacked him, saw red and began beating Rey down. The official called for the bell, awarding the match to Mysterio.


Winner: Rey Mysterio (Via DQ)




The beatdown continued after the bell had rung, as Angle locked the Ankle Lock on his Wrestlemania opponent on the outside. Regal was more than happy with his handy work, and quietly made his way to the backstage area. Mysterio’s screams could be heard throughout the arena as Angle refused to let go of the hold. Officials and road agents finally rushed to ringside area, attempting to get Angle to release the hold. After what seemed like an eternity, the champ finally released the hold. The show ended with Rey clutching his ankle in pain, as Angle backed up the ramp, the crowd giving him an extremely mixed reaction.






Dark Match:

Simon Dean over Daivari D+


Main Show:

Gregory Helms over Stevie Richards C

Matt Hardy over Finlay B

Chris Benoit over Paul Burchill B

Bobby Lashley over JBL via Count Out B

London & Kendrick over The Mexicools and The Pitbulls C+

Rey Mysterio over William Regal via DQ B


Show Rating: B



Jingo – 3 out of 6 (Total= 16)

Doe-Bomb – 6 out of 6 (Total= 6)

Boomking – 4 out of 6 (Total= 4)

Huntman – 4 out of 6 (Total= 15)

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Smackdown Rating, Paul Burchill, TNA News, more


- This weeks Friday Night Smackdown! scored a 4.37 in the ratings on The CW, as well as a 0.06 on Sky Sports in the UK.


- Management are said to be very high on the teaming of Paul Burchill and William Regal after there segment on this weeks Smackdown, as well as their respective matches. Burchill was said to be somebody to keep a close eye on, as many were very surprised with the high quality of his match with Chris Benoit.


-TNA held Destination X sunday night, with the main event seeing Christian Cage retain his NWA World Heavyweight Title against Brother Runt. The event itself was a huge success for the company, with many going as far as to call it the best TNA PPV of all time. Certainly a step in the right direction for the company.


-In another "True or False" rumour circulating the internet, word is going around that several former ECW Stars have been contacted by WWE. Names that include Sandman, Sabu, Balls Mahoney and Raven to name a few. However when questioned, both Sandman and Raven denied any contact with the company. More on this when we get it.


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San Antonio's Freeman Coliseum plays host to this Moday's enthralling edition of Raw. The Main Event of the evening will see San Antonio's own "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels go head to head with "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair. This match was made by Eric Bischoff at the request of Michaels himself, and Bischoff has made the ruling that there will be no outside interference from anybody, including Shelton Benjamin. So you can expect an absolute classic between these two men. Also scheduled for the show will be Chavo Guerrero taking on Matt Striker for the final Raw spot in the Money in the Bank Match at Wrestlemania, and after Striker's attack on Guerrero last week, expect this one to get ugly. And the World Tag Team Champions, Kane and The Big Show, will be competing in a non-title match against "The Masterpiece" Chris Masters and one of the confirmed Money in the Bank competitors, Carlito.


Plus, Tyson Tomko will also be in action this week. Both Triple H and John Cena will be in the building. And it has been announced that Mick Foley will be at the Freeman Coliseum. With all this and so much more, you would be a fool to miss Monday Night Raw on USA!


Quick Picks


Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels


Money in the Bank Qulifying Match:

Chavo Guerrero vs. Matt Striker


Edge vs. ???


Non-Title Match:

Rob Van Dam vs. Shelton Benjamin


Non-Title Match:

Carlito & Chris Masters vs. Kane & The Big Show


Tyson Tomko vs. Val Venis


Non-Title Match:

Candice Michelle vs. Trish Stratus

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Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels


Money in the Bank Qulifying Match:

Chavo Guerrero vs. Matt Striker


Edge vs. ???


Non-Title Match:

Rob Van Dam vs. Shelton Benjamin


Non-Title Match:

Carlito & Chris Masters vs. Kane & The Big Show


Tyson Tomko vs. Val Venis


Non-Title Match:

Candice Michelle vs. Trish Stratus

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Loved the show. Fantastic reading. I'm loving Orton's intelligent psycho character change, makes great sense to put him in a US Title feud with Benoit. Burchill is looking like a million bucks which is a great move. And the MNM-Londrick math for Wrestlemania is a good choice too as they could have a great sleeper hit. And the fact that you have gotten me interested in the Bashams is fantastic booking!


Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels

Nice little match, guaranteed to deliver on some level but without distracting from the real feuds


Money in the Bank Qulifying Match:

Chavo Guerrero vs. Matt Striker

I think Matt Striker has a lot of potential in a lower midcard with little depth but I'd love to see a bit of a Chavo push as fans are finally buying him and relate with him after the Eddie death, so it could start here


Edge vs. ???

I'm guessing this will be someone like Terry Funk with a hardcore history but that can lose on Raw, but Edge is the next huge star


Non-Title Match:

Rob Van Dam vs. Shelton Benjamin

I'm expecting Shelton to get attacked by HBK as RVD gets momentum as he wins MitB


Non-Title Match:

Carlito & Chris Masters vs. Kane & The Big Show

To cause a bit of dissension


Tyson Tomko vs. Val Venis

Unfortunately, Val is nothing more than a jobber now and isn't going anywhere. Tomko has that Cena win to his name and needs to keep going from there


Non-Title Match:

Candice Michelle vs. Trish Stratus

She is more important going to in to the conclusion of one of the best women's storylines I've seen

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