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WWE 2006: New Year, New Stars, New Beginnings

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World Heavyweight Championship:

Rob Van Dam © vs. Kurt Angle

(If Angle Loses, both he AND the World Heavyweight Championship become the property of ECW)

-RVD NEEDS this one.


Edge & John Cena vs. Mick Foley & Tommy Dreamer

-All things even, Edge & Cena should take it. But with all the animosity between them, I just can't see them working together long enough to win this match.


Rey Mysterio vs. Rhino

-Rey Rey gets the win in perhaps the only hostile environment he's encountered since signing with WWE.


Sabu vs. Shelton Benjamin

-Sabu's best days are behind him, while Shelton is gonna be a star.


Gregory Helms vs. The Sandman

-I really don't see Sandman winning a lot in the new ECW, at least not against anyone of relevance. I expect him to mainly hang around, take up 8 minutes drinking in the stands, and hit random dudes with his kendo stick.


Jerry Lynn vs. ???

Considering ??? was originally supposed to be Justin Credible, I don't think you have any big surprises up your sleeve here.


The Bashams vs. Whipwreck & Tajiri vs. Stevie & Nova

-I don't think much of the Bashams personally, but you seem to be positioning them as the standout tag team of ECW.


Balls Mahoney vs. Masato Tanaka

-This really all depends on whether Masato will be full-time for ECW. If he is, he is far better than Balls IMO, and has a lot more to offer.

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World Heavyweight Championship:

Rob Van Dam © vs. Kurt Angle

(If Angle Loses, both he AND the World Heavyweight Championship become the property of ECW)


Edge & John Cena vs. Mick Foley & Tommy Dreamer


Rey Mysterio vs. Rhino


Sabu vs. Shelton Benjamin


Gregory Helms vs. The Sandman


Jerry Lynn vs. ???


The Bashams vs. Whipwreck & Tajiri vs. Stevie & Nova


Balls Mahoney vs. Masato Tanaka

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World Heavyweight Championship:

Rob Van Dam (c) vs. Kurt Angle

(If Angle Loses, both he AND the World Heavyweight Championship become the property of ECW)


RVD gives ECW the big boost to begin their brand off on the right foot


Edge & John Cena vs. Mick Foley & Tommy Dreamer


Edge and Cena seem near incapable of working together


Rey Mysterio vs. Rhino


Rhino just doesn't seem quite over enough to take down Mysterio


Sabu vs. Shelton Benjamin


Benjamin could well be the breakout star of ECW and i say he starts with a win.


Gregory Helms vs. The Sandman


A tough call, but i want to go with a feelgood win for a true ECW star


Jerry Lynn vs. ???


Normally i never go against the ???, but Lynn's original opponent was only Justin Credible, and i see him winning the original match.


The Bashams vs. Whipwreck & Tajiri vs. Stevie & Nova


A big win to carry their momentum forward.


Balls Mahoney vs. Masato Tanaka


Tanaka takes this hard hitting matchup

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World Heavyweight Championship:

Rob Van Dam © vs. Kurt Angle

(If Angle Loses, both he AND the World Heavyweight Championship become the property of ECW)


Edge & John Cena vs. Mick Foley & Tommy Dreamer


Rey Mysterio vs. Rhino


Sabu vs. Shelton Benjamin


Gregory Helms vs. The Sandman


Jerry Lynn vs. ???


The Bashams vs. Whipwreck & Tajiri vs. Stevie & Nova


Balls Mahoney vs. Masato Tanaka

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World Heavyweight Championship:

Rob Van Dam © vs. Kurt Angle

(If Angle Loses, both he AND the World Heavyweight Championship become the property of ECW)

I'm going to go against the grain here and pick Angle i just smell swerve and i'd rather see the ECW Title back than turning the World Heavyweight into a new ECW

Edge & John Cena vs. Mick Foley & Tommy Dreamer

It may make them unhappy but it means more for the ECW guys to win here, and thats whats important!

Rey Mysterio vs. Rhino

Even things up abit/give WWE an advantage

Sabu vs. Shelton Benjamin

A start to the rising star that is Shelton Benjamins career.

Gregory Helms vs. The Sandman

I like Sandman always have always will no matter what he does or how out of shape and beat up he becomes i'll always cheer him on.

Jerry Lynn vs. ???

Because its Mr. ???

The Bashams vs. Whipwreck & Tajiri vs. Stevie & Nova

I'm sure i'm wrong here but i like the unholy alliance.

Balls Mahoney vs. Masato Tanaka

I'd imagine Tanaka is only temporary i just don't see him getting over as a WWECW wrestler, and end of the day this is the WWE 'Universe'

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World Heavyweight Championship:

Rob Van Dam © vs. Kurt Angle

(If Angle Loses, both he AND the World Heavyweight Championship become the property of ECW)


Edge & John Cena vs. Mick Foley & Tommy Dreamer


Rey Mysterio vs. Rhino


Sabu vs. Shelton Benjamin


Gregory Helms vs. The Sandman


Jerry Lynn vs. ???


The Bashams vs. Whipwreck & Tajiri vs. Stevie & Nova


Balls Mahoney vs. Masato Tanaka

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(O.O.C: Some of the match write-ups are fairly long, and I hope they aren't too daunting for some, but as this is a pretty special show, I felt that it warranted them. Anyway, enjoy!)


The Hammerstein Ballroom hosts ECW One Night Stand

The Official attendance is 5,000 (Sell-Out)


The One Night Stand Official Theme is “The Arms of Sorrow” by Killswitch Engage.




And now, ECW and Subway Present...




The show opens with a camera shot of the rabid crowd inside The Hammerstein Ballroom, the velocity and intensity of the crowd sending shivers up the spine for what is sure to be a monumental night. The electricity in the air was incredible, and it soon went up a notch as “This is Extreme” by Harry Slash and The Slashtones hit, and out stepped Co-Owner of ECW Paul Heyman. The fans were on their feet applauding Heyman as he stepped into the ring, microphone in hand. It was several minutes before Heyman managed to utter a single word, as the crowd in attendance were chanting loudly, with “Thank you, Paul” and “ECW” chants flooding the building. Finally, with a slight tear in his eye, Heyman finally began.


Heyman: On behalf of every wrestler that wanted to be hardcore more than they wanted to be a Superstar, on behalf of everyone who lived the dream, fought the fight and never gave up hope....THE TRIBE OF EXTREME HAS RISEN AGAIN!


The crowd roared their approval as Heyman had his army hanging on his every word.


Heyman: This is the beginning of a brand new chapter in wrestling history. This is the start of a new breed unleashed. This didn’t happen because of me. It didn’t happen because of Tommy Dreamer. It didn’t happen because of Mick Foley. This happened because of each and every one of you. And on behalf of everybody in this company, thank you. From the bottom of my heart thank you to each and every one of you. You made this possible. I mean if ever the phrase “Back by popular demand” rang true, it’s now. I don’t know if you noticed, but we’re on Pay Per View tonight. We return to T.V, in a much better deal than we used to have, this Thursday Night on F/X. We are going to bring “professional wrestling” back to prominence. We are going to show the world that ECW was the company that reinvented this business, that made it what it is today. And we are going to continue to change the face of this great sport of ours. This is it, this is our moment. And tonight, we give you just a sample of what you can expect. Ladies and gentlemen, this is BETTER, than Monday Night Raw. This is BETTER than Friday Night Smackdown. Welcome to the rebirth of EC ****IN’ W.


The crowd were once again on their feet, the building almost shaking as the chants became louder and louder. Finally, the opening video was played, and the show could finally begin.




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Styles: The Hammerstein Ballroom is completely sold out as we welcome you to the rebirth of ECW. I’m Joey Styles, alongside my broadcast partner, former TWO TIME ECW World Champion, Tazz. And Tazz, tonight’s Main Event may very well be one of the most important matches in the history of ECW.


Tazz: You’re not kidding, Joey. Rob Van Dam will defend the World Heavyweight Championship against WWE’s Kurt Angle. But Angle will be fighting for more than a title, for more than just his company. If Angle loses then he, along with the World Title, will become property of ECW. Angle has a LOT to lose tonight, Joey.


Styles: I couldn’t agree more, Tazz. But right now, were going to open up with ECW’s flagship match, The Three Way Dance.







The fired up crowd in The Hammerstein Ballroom were firmly behind the two original ECW Tag Teams in The Unholy Alliance as well as former bWo members Stevie Richards and Nova. But the same can’t be said for Doug and Danny Basham, who were torn apart verbally by the rabid ECW faithful. The match began with Doug, Tajiri and Richards, with Tajiri the clear favourite between the three, the “Welcome back” chants reverberating around the building. And Tajiri was in charge for the majority of the time he was in the ring, with stiff kicks to both men, and an especially hard kick to the head of Doug Basham, which gained him a two count.


The Bashams did manage to get themselves back into the match, and actually surprised the ECW veterans with a great display of team work. Danny Basham almost caused the first pinfall of the match after a vicious Tilt-a-whirl Back Breaker on Tajiri, but Whipwreck managed to make the save for his team. Tajiri managed to get the tag to Mikey eventually, and the crowd responded positively as Whipwreck cleaned house, taking out Doug and Richards, as well as knocking Nova and Danny Basham off the apron. But Mikey became a victim of a devastating DDT by Doug Basham. Doug was also knocked down after a Stevie Kick from Richards. It seemed as though Stevie was going for the first pinfall of the match, but he was spun around and was the recipient of the Green Mist from Tajiri. Richards stumbled around the ring, and walked right into the Whipper Snapper by Mikey Whipwreck. Mikey made the cover and got the first pinfall.


Stevie Richards and Nova are eliminated. The match continues.


It was down to The Bashams and The Unholy Alliance. The Bashams were intent on walking away with their first ECW victory, and immediately went to work on Whipwreck, Danny laying into him with boots in the corner. Tajiri’s attempt to make a save was thwarted by Doug Basham, who sent Tajiri sailing over the top and into the guard rail on the outside. This gave Doug and Danny the chance to double team Whipwreck, and a Double Hip Toss into a Back Breaker rocked Mikey, but he managed to kick out at two. Mikey tried to fight back, throwing rights and lefts at the former WWE Tag Team Champions, but the numbers advantage was too much, and The Bashams finally put an end to Mikey’s suffering, hitting the Last Impression (Russian Legsweep/Lariat combination). Danny went for the cover, but he was saved by Tajiri, much to the relief of the ECW fans. Tajiri went to town on both Doug and Danny before hitting a Double Handspring Back Elbow. Mikey cleared the cobwebs and joined his partner in taking on The Bashams, and a stiff kick to the skull of Danny by The Japanese Buzzsaw caused him to walk straight into another Whipper Snapper. Tajiri made sure Doug was kept from making another save, hitting a sick Side Kick to the head. Mikey made the cover and got the three count. The Unholy Alliance makes an impressive return to the Land of Extreme.


Winners: The Unholy Alliance


Styles: A very impressive showing from all involved, but in the end it was the team of Whipwreck and Tajiri that walk away with the win.


Tazz: Well, it’s been a while since they teamed together, and they looked a little rusty to begin with, but their experience shone through in the end. Congratulations to The Unholy Alliance.




The cameras head backstage, where we see Rhino in the hallways, punching his fist through the walls before turning to the camera to address his opponent for the evening.


Rhino: MYSTERIO. So you wanna blame me for you losing the World Heavyweight Championship? Good, I’m glad you do, because it’s been a long time since I’ve had a good old fashioned FIGHT, so I hope you’re gonna bring your A game tonight. I’ve been lost in the wilderness for the past few years, overlooked and underappreciated. Not anymore. NOT ANYMORE. Tonight, I show the world that The Man Beast is STILL the biggest threat to human health in this business. I prove that I’m STILL the baddest son of a bitch walking the earth. And I prove why I was, and in my eyes why I STILL AM, ECW World Champion. Mysterio, you’re just the first of many who will fall to me as I prove to everyone that the face of ECW is standing right here.


Tazz: Oh, man. I don’t care who you are, I wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of Rhino tonight.


Styles: Well, there’s a reason he was ECW’s last EVER Television and World Champion. Mysterio will have his hands full tonight against The Man Beast.




The Instrumental version of “Trust” by Megadeth hit, and the fans instantly came to life as Jerry Lynn walked through the curtain, the fans cheering wildly for him. Lynn slapped hands with the fans as he made his way to the ring, a smile spread across his face, clearly appreciative of the warm reception he received at the hands of the ECW faithful, who welcomed Lynn back with open arms. Lynn stood in the ring, awaiting the arrival of his mystery opponent. The fans all became silent as they too awaited the big reveal. Suddenly a voice boomed through the speakers: “Did you guys miss me?


There was a mixed response as a familiar face walked through the curtain. Although his look had changed, his attitude clearly had not...




Yes, “The King of Old School” Steve Corino was standing in an ECW building. The majority of the fans were happy to see the former ECW World Champion, but they soon turned against him as he began to speak.


Corino: Please, save your cheers and praise for somebody who gives a crap. You think I’m here for you people? You think I’m here because I WANT to be? I’m an International Superstar. I’ve travelled the world, making a name for myself, trying to get the stench that is ECW off of me. Chairs, tables, barbed wire? What is that crap? I’m the best damn wrestler in the world today. So why come back to ECW you ask? It’s pretty simple really; when somebody offers you the kind of money that could set you up for life, you jump at it. So I have to wrestle in front of a bunch drunk, sweaty parasites. It doesn’t matter; it’ll all be worth it when I’m sitting by my pool, in my mansion at 60 years old enjoying the high life. But I figure while I’m here, I may as well make the most of it. And when Justin Credible got injured, I thought what better way to start my assent up the ECW ladder than by defeating the very man I beat to win the ECW World Championship. Jerry, I beat you then, and I can beat you now. The only difference now is I have SO much more experience under my belt. If I could beat you then, just imagine what I can do to you now. Jerry, I’m afraid tonight just isn’t your night. You WILL fall at the feet of “The King of Old School”, guaranteed.


With that, Corino dropped the microphone and stepped through the ropes. The official called for the bell, and the match was on.





After Corino’s blatant disrespect of ECW prior to the match, the fans were clearly on the side of Jerry Lynn for this contest. And the match was very even during the first half of the match, with a great deal of mat wrestling going on. Lynn was continually getting the upper hand over Corino, frustrating “The King of Old School”. Corino finally had to head to the outside to regroup, unable to get the advantage over Lynn. But Jerry caught him with a Baseball Slide and followed up with a Slingshot Cross Body over the top, landing on Corino. Lynn and Corino brawled on the outside of the ring for a while, where Lynn attempted an Irish Whip into the guard rail. But Corino countered the move, sending Jerry into the steel. Corino came charging at Lynn, but Lynn hit a Back Body Drop, sending Corino flying into the rabid New York crowd. Lynn followed him out into the fans, and continued the beatdown of Corino, even resorting to throwing a steel chair into the face of The King of Old School. Lynn finally led Corino back to the ring, where he continued the punishment.


Lynn attempted to pick apart the former ECW champ, and looked to hit a Springboard Dropkick. But Corino side stepped the manoeuvre, and somehow managed to connect with a Neck Breaker as Lynn came crashing down. Corino made the cover, but could only manage a two count. From there, Corino went to work on the neck of Lynn, trying to wear it down. With Lynn down face first on the mat, Corino locked in a Bridging Cobra Clutch, cranking on the neck and causing Lynn to scream in agony. Lynn was clearly hurt, but he did manage to free himself by getting to the ropes. Corino would not relent however, and continued to use a variation of submission holds to, hopefully, cause Jerry to submit. The crowd were urging Lyn to get himself back into the contest, which he did so with several elbows and right hands to the face before reversing Corino’s attempt at a Tilt-a-whirl Back Breaker into a Head scissors. Lynn followed up with a beautiful Tornado DDT, which got a VERY close two count.


The two traded close falls back and forth with each other, neither man wanting to lose in their first match back. Corino hit a sick Leg Lariat on Lynn, but he made the mistake of not going for the pin and, in trying to pick him up, he was rolled up with the Small Package, but he JUST managed to get the shoulder up at two. Corino was not a happy man, and as Lynn got to his feet, he went for a Lariat, but Lynn ducked it and hit a Drop Kick to the face, followed by a second, and then followed that up with a Lariat of his own for a two count. Lynn looked to end it with the Cradle Piledriver, but Corino got free before rolling Lynn up and, grabbing hold of the ropes, stole himself the three count and the surprise victory over Jerry Lynn, much to the crowds annoyance.


Winner: Steve Corino


Styles: Who ever thought we would see Steve Corino back in ECW, never mind pick up a victory here tonight against Jerry Lynn?


Tazz: Nobody saw it coming, Joey, especially not Lynn. But it doesn’t look like it’s over.


Indeed it wasn’t over as Lynn, obviously upset at the way the match had ended, attacked Corino from behind. The official tried to stop the beating, but Lynn pushed him down to the mat, giving Corino the chance to hightail it to the back. Lynn was quickly on his tail, and chased him all the way to the backstage area.




The camera backstage gets a close-up shot of the face of Sabu, the crowd going nuts at the mere sight of the ECW Icon. But in the background, the familiar sound of a whistle was heard, and the fans knew immediately what it was. The camera zoomed out and, low and behold, there stood “The Manager of Champions” Bill Alfonso.


Alfonso: Shelton Benjamin, tonight you take your first step into an ECW ring. You think because you made a name for yourself in WWE that you can just walk right over the ECW roster? You’ve beaten some big names in professional wrestling, but you’ve never stepped into the ring with The Human Highlight Reel, The Suicidal, Homicidal, Genocidal, Death Defying Sabu. Sabu has fought and bled on every continent in the world, including right here in New York. And he isn’t afraid of doing it all over again to put his name back on the map, daddy. Benjamin, people say you are the future of ECW, and you very well may be. But Shelton, you are NOTHING until you beat a man like Sabu. So lace up those boots and get ready, because the fun is just about to start.


Tazz: Will somebody please take that whistle away from Alfonso before the match? I swear to god I can’t stand that thing.


Styles: Well, Alfonso is the least of Shelton Benjamin’s problems here tonight.




The camera is now zoomed in on a shiny pair of black shoes. The camera pans up to reveal the face of a certain individual and the crowd go insane...




Yes, the one man who could get ECW taken off the air, Joel Gertner, is stood backstage.


Tazz: Oh god, no.


Styles: Do we have the censors on standby?


Gertner: Well, well, well. If you’ve got an hour, I’ve got the power. For it is I, The Quintessential Stud muffin, Joel “Squeeze my lemons until the juice runs down my leg” Gertner.


Style: Dear lord.


Tazz: We’re gonna get thrown off the air. It was fun while it lasted, Joey.


Gertner: And I would like to say what an honour AND a privilege it is to be back home here in ECW. And because we all know that ECW just wouldn’t be the same without yours truly, I would like to announce that starting this Thursday Night, Joel Gertner will present...


Joel never did get to finish his announcement, as he was attacked from behind by a clearly unstable Kurt Angle, who bounced Gertner’s head off of the brick wall over and over again. The blood began to pour down the face and into the eyes of Gertner as Angle laid heavy fists into the skull of Joel. Angle pulled Gertner up by the hair and, showing his face to the camera for the world to see, Angle addressed Rob Van Dam.


Angle: VAN DAM. This, THIS, is just a small taste of what you can expect later on tonight. Heyman, you can’t hold me prisoner here, I won’t let you. Tonight, I take MY World Heavyweight Championship home, back to a REAL wrestling company, not this piss poor imitation of what you see as wrestling. Just like I did to this fat piece of crap here tonight, Van Dam, I’m gonna make you bleed. I’m gonna make you hurt. And then, after all of that, I’m gonna make you tap. That’s true. That’s DAMN true.


Angle delivered one last stiff shot to the head of Gertner before storming off set, the jeers in the Hammerstein Ballroom deafening.




We head outside of The Hammerstein Ballroom. A car pulls up outside, and out step “The Rated R Superstar” Edge, who is joined by Lita. There are fans hanging outside the building, shouting abuse at the both of them. Edge simply flips them off before heading inside the building to prepare for his match, teaming with John Cena against Foley and Dreamer.







The fans showed their appreciation to both men before the match, the two individuals clearly beloved by the ECW faithful. The two began the match...with chain wrestling? Yes, the two started the match by trading holds and counter holds, reminding the fans that they can do more than just swing a chair. But eventually, Mahoney got bored and headed to the outside and grabbed a chair. Tanaka immediately did the same, and the two met back in the ring, steel in hand. The two duelled with the weapons, the metal slamming together. But Mahoney knocked the chair out of the hands of Tanaka and landed a chair shot to the gut before slamming the steel down HARD on the spine. But Tanaka seemed unfazed, and immediately retaliated with a kick to Mahoney’s gut before picking up a chair and driving HIS chair into the back. A hard slap to the face of Tanaka put a stop to his attack, as did a brutal DDT onto the steel for a close two count.


The two continued to use the chair to good effect, but when Tanaka took a swing with the steel, Balls ducked it and landed a hard left jab, the crowd chanting “Balls” with every jab that connected before winding up and hitting a hard right, sending Tanaka to the mat. Mahoney used this opportunity to get a table from outside the ring and setting it up in the corner. But after setting it up, he turned straight into a HARD shot to the head with the chair. Tanaka made the cover, but only managed the two. Tanaka tried to take advantage, but Mahoney lifted Masato up before driving him through the table. The crowd were pumped as Mahoney lifted a steel chair above his head, and as Tanaka rose up, Mahoney swung with all his might, the chair cracking the skull of Tanaka, the noise echoing throughout the arena. The match was surely over, but Tanaka somehow got straight to his feet, much to the shock of Mahoney, who nailed another HARD shot to the head, denting the chair. But Tanaka popped up again before delivering a Roaring Elbow from nowhere. Tanaka then grabbed a chair himself and headed to the top rope. The crowd were on their feet, as was Mahoney, and Masato Tanaka came off the top and drilled the chair into the head of Mahoney, who crumpled to the mat. Tanaka made the cover, but he ONLY managed a two count. Tanaka decided to put an end to the match, grabbing a table and setting it up in the centre of the ring. Tanaka lifted Mahoney up and drilled him with a Running Death Valley Driver through the table. Tanaka made the cover one last time, gaining the three count and the victory after a vicious brawl.


Winner: Masato Tanaka


Styles: Oh my god. What a war between these two men, and I don’t think anybody expected anything less.


Tazz: No doubt about it, you just witnessed two of the toughest S.O.B’s put it all on the line here tonight. I got a headache just watching this thing Joey.


Mahoney finally got to his feet, grabbing the ropes to hold him up. Tanaka was there waiting, and extended his hand to his former partner. The two men shook hands and hugged as the crowd showed their appreciation for the effort of both men.




A video was played to the fans in attendance as well as the many watching at home...


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name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="300" height="255"></embed></object>


Styles: Well, that was...different.


Tazz: Absolutely. But I’ll admit I’m intrigued. ECW was always about giving the new blood a chance to shine, so I’m interested to see how these guys cope here in Extreme Championship Wrestling.




The camera gets a shot of WWE Champion John Cena walking through the backstage area of The Hammerstein Ballroom, and the fans immediately scream their lungs out in anger at Cena. Several ECW stars are lining the hallways as Cena walks through. He ignores every one of them as he heads to the locker room.




” by 36 Crazyfists hit the P.A, and out through the curtain stepped “God’s Gift To Wrestling” Gregory Helms. There were scattered applause for one of the New Breed of ECW, but the majority of the crowd were certainly against Helms. Helms however was not alone, as he held a Singapore Cane in his hand, much like his opponent for the evening. Helms grabbed a microphone and stepped through the ropes.


Helms: So this is it, is it? ECW, the company that shaped the wrestling landscape. Well tonight, the landscape changes once again, because right now, you geeks are in the presence of a true wrestling deity. Extreme Championship Wrestling is now the home of God’s Gift to Wrestling. And tonight, I start my rise to the top by taking out an uncouth, unwashed, UNWORTHY bum, The Sandman. Listen to that, all you people cheer at the very mention of his name. How can you look at a man like him and CHEER for him? He is nobody, a drunken bum who doesn’t deserve to step foot into the same ring as a wrestling deity such as myself. He can’t...


Gregory Helms was cut short when the opening chords of “Enter Sandman” by Metallica hit, and the crowd rose to their feet in unison, awaiting the arrival of The Hardcore Icon. And out on the balcony of The Hammerstein Ballroom stood the beer swilling, cane swinging, ass kicking Sandman, the fans around him going wild as he opened a beer and chugged it before smashing the can on his head, busting himself open. The crowd loved it, singing along to the song as Sandman slowly made his way to the ring. But as he jumped over the guard rail, the party was cut short when Helms met him with a Singapore Cane to the head. The bell was rung, and the match was on!





Helms started the match with the upper hand, continuing to lay into The Sandman with hard shots with the cane, but a low blow by Sandman was all it took to change the tide, and he began to cane Helms, Helms desperately trying to escape The Hardcore Icon. But as he chased Helms around ringside, he was drilled face first into the steel steps with a Drop Toe Hold. Helms rolled Sandman into the ring, where he shortly followed.


Helms then went against everything Sandman stood for, and as Sandman attempted to brawl with the former Cruiserweight Champion, Helms took him to the mat and attempted to keep him grounded with some sound mat wrestling. Sandman was getting frustrated, as he simply wanted to swing for Helms. Sandman did eventually get to his feet, but he was quickly sent back down to the mat with a Dropkick that landed squarely on the jaw, gaining Helms a two count. Helms decided to try to pick apart The Sandman, and went to work on the arm, locking in a Short Arm Scissors, trying to cause damage to the arm, reducing the chance of Sandman being able to swing a weapon at him. Helms continued applying several holds to the elbow joint, but Sandman retaliated when he grabbed his Cane and landed a low blow to Helms with the object, Helms gasping for air. Sandman got to his feet and, with the cane across his throat, he dropped back and hit the White Russian Legsweep. It should have been over, but Helms somehow kicked out at two.


Sandman was looking to put an end to God’s Gift to Wrestling permanently, and he grabbed a ladder and bought it into the ring. But as Sandman slid back in, he was hit with a Shining Wizard. Helms made the cover, but he only managed a two count. Helms was now the one becoming frustrated, and he vented his anger by landing a Suplex on the ladder, which again only gained him a two count. Helms hit the ropes as Sandman got to his feet, but Sandman lifted Helms high and hit a Flapjack across the ladder, Helms doubling over in pain. Sandman then placed the ladder on top of Helms and came off the top rope with a Senton, causing severe damage to both himself and his opponent. Sandman made the cover, but Helms AGAIN kicked out at two. The crowd were urging Sandman to finish him, and he did just that, swinging his cane with all his strength and almost decapitating Helms, who fell hard to the mat. Sandman made the cover and finally got the three count.


Winner: The Sandman


Tazz: Oh man, what a fight we just witnessed.


Styles: What a fight indeed. Congratulations to The Sandman, but you have to give credit to Gregory Helms for taking the punishment he did here tonight.


The crowd continued to show their respect to The Hardcore Icon as he made his way to the back, playing to the fans the entire time.




The cameras pan around at the red hot crowd that are packed into the Hammerstein Ballroom. But the fans soon begin to boo venomously as they see a figure who certainly looked out of place in the Land of Extreme, John Bradshaw Layfield. JBL had a microphone in hand and began to speak, although it was difficult to hear him over the noise of the ECW fans.


JBL: That’s right, boo me, tell me I suck. Because we all know that if anyone knows talent, it’s an ECW fan. You cheer for drunks, drug addicts and talentless hacks, and yet you have the nerve to boo a true wrestling god. While you’re all sat out here, ready to watch a bunch of no talent rejects attempt to have a match, I am preparing myself for a match against The Undertaker at The Great American Bash. Whether I like him or not, the fact is I’m facing somebody who has made a name for himself in the WWE for almost 15 years. And yet you people still boo me. And why? Why do you hate me so much? Oh, that’s why; because last year, a certain blue, fat piece of **** got his ass beat in the centre of that ring by me. He is the epitome of ECW; someone who sat in the crowd one day and thought to himself “I’m gonna be just like them”, and wouldn’t you know, now he thinks he’s a wrestler. He’s a god damn disgrace to the business. And yet you “smart marks” jump onto your internet and say “JBL is a bully”. No, I’m a realist. And the reality is that he got exactly what he deserved. And if he was stood in front of me now, I’d do the exact same thing. Because...


Bradshaw was cut off when there was a commotion on the other side of the building. Suddenly, the fans were on their feet as a true wrestling icon made his way through the crowd...




It was none other than “The Living Legend” Terry Funk, who was being mobbed by the fans, who were chanting his name. Funk jumped the guard rail and grabbed a microphone before rolling into the ring. He looked up into the balcony and addressed JBL.


Funk: That’s right, John. You stand all the way up there and bad mouth a company that you know nothing about. If you’re such a tough son of a gun, why don’t you drag your ass into this ring and let me show you just what we’re all about.


JBL: Funk, you’re 108 years old. What could I possibly gain by coming down there and dropping you on the spot?


Funk: I knew you were a no good, lousy bastard, but I never had you down as a scared little bitch, John. Come on, have some guts. Maybe, maybe if I make sure I’m defenceless like the Blue Meanie was last year, maybe then you would take a swing, you no good son of a bitch. You’ve got no heart, you’ve got no guts, and John, you have no talent. You despise ECW because you know you would never last five minutes in this company. You wouldn’t be able to hang with the likes of Rob Van Dam, Sabu, The Sandman, Shane Douglas, Raven or even a broken down old man like Terry Funk. Brian Heffron, The Blue Meanie, he’s a good man. He may not look the way YOU feel a wrestler should look. He may not work the way YOU feel a wrestler should work. But he has heart, he has guts and he has more passion for this business than you could imagine. And that’s the difference, John. He isn’t in it for the money or the fame like you. He does it because he LOVES performing. But you know, maybe I’m the wrong man to be standing up for him. Maybe, just maybe, there are two men here tonight who are FAR more qualified to make a stand than I am.


Bradshaw looked down at Funk, confused as to where the conversation was going. That’s when the crowd rose to their feet once again, and JBL felt the presence of not one, but two individuals. He turned around and was immediately beat down by Meanie’s former bWo running buddies Stevie Richards and Nova, the crowd eating it up with “bWo” chants echoing through the building. The two continued to lay the boots into JBL before dragging him from the balcony and dragged him down the steps and into the crowd. The two tried to drag JBL down to the ring, where Funk had set light to a branding iron, awaiting the arrival of JBL. But it never came, as upon seeing the flames in the ring, JBL broke loose and high tailed it back through the crowd, who were trying to block his patch. But he managed to charge through the crowd and escape the building. Richards, Nova and Funk stood in the centre of the ring, posing for the crowd in attendance, which were standing in unison.


Styles: I think it’s safe to say JBL won’t be bothering us again.


Tazz: John is an EXTREMELY lucky man to escape The Hammerstein Ballroom with his life here tonight.







Rhino was never one of the more beloved individuals in ECW, but on this night he was certainly the fan favourite against Rey Mysterio. Rey was not used to the abuse that he was receiving from the crowd, and it seemed to affect him as Rhino took control of Mysterio in the early going, completely overpowering him. In fact, Rhino was very close to finishing things early with a Gore, but Mysterio avoided it, and Rhino was sent straight into the ropes, perfectly set for a 619. But as Rey hit the ropes, Rhino was quick to his feet to deliver a devastating Spine Buster for a two count.


Rhino continued to keep the former World Champion subdued, his raw strength overwhelming Mysterio. Rey tried to retaliate with a Springboard Cross Body, but he was caught and sent crashing to the mat with a vicious Power Slam for a two count. Rhino reached through the ropes and grabbed a steel chair, but as he turned, Rey was there with a drop kick to the steel, sending the chair crashing into the skull of Rhino. Mysterio followed up with a Springboard Moonsault from the second rope, but he also only managed a two count. Mysterio made pretty good use of the chair, placing it across the face of Rhino and dropping down with a Leg Drop, crushing the face of The Man Beast. The fans, whilst obviously rooting for Rhino, seemed appreciative of the efforts of Rey. But that didn’t stop them from raising the roof when Rey attempted a Springboard Hurricanrana, but Rhino caught him and sent him through a table on the outside, causing the crowd to erupt with “ECW” chants. Rey was in genuine trouble, but it was about to get a whole lot worse as Rhino grabbed not one, but TWO tables from underneath the ring, sliding them into the ring before throwing Mysterio in with them. Rhino set a table up in the centre of the ring before lifting Rey up and throwing him into the ropes. Rhino looked to hit a Spinning Spine Buster through the table, but Rey managed to reverse it by hitting a DDT on a chair that was laying on the mat, gaining a close two count. Rey decided to do some serious damage, grabbing the chair and swinging, cracking it against the skull of Rhino, who collapsed onto the table. Mysterio took the opportunity, heading to the apron before taking off and hitting a Springboard Frog Splash on Rhino through the table. Rey made another cover, but AGAIN Rhino kicked out at two, much to the annoyance of Rey, and much to the relief of the ECW faithful.


The match continued in the same way for some time, both men trading momentum. The fans in attendance were actually chanting for Rhino, and he would need all the support he could get as Mysterio drop kicked him into the ropes before dialling it up and connecting with the 619, the fans jeering the manoeuvre venomously. Rey leapt to the top and looked to finish the match once and for all with a Springboard Frog Splash. Rhino rolled out of the way, but Mysterio managed to land on his feet. But from nowhere, Rhino charged, looking for the Gore, but Mysterio hit another dropkick to the knee, setting Rhino up for ANOTHER 619. But as he went to connect, Rhino moved and, in one quick movement, drilled Mysterio with a Gore. Both men were groggy, and Rey rolled to the outside. Rhino finally got to his feet and set up the second table in the corner. Rhino reached through the ropes to grab Mysterio, but he was struck with a steel chair, rocking The Man Beast. Mysterio stepped into the ring with the chair and, as Rhino spun around to face him, he swung as hard as he could with the chair. However, Rhino ducked the move, and Rey was in serious trouble as Rhino looked to Gore Mysterio through the table. But Rey side stepped him, and Rhino went crashing through the wood. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Mysterio placed the steel chair on the head of Rhino before heading to the apron and connecting with a Springboard Legdrop onto the steel, crushing the skull of Rhino. Mysterio made the cover and got the win, surprisingly picking up the win in the hostile environment that was The Hammerstein Ballroom.


Winner: Rey Mysterio


Styles: Despite being a former World Champion, I have to say I’m a little shocked that Mysterio didn’t allow this hostile crowd to get to him, and even more impressed that he pulled out an impressive victory against The Man Beast.


Tazz: Absolutely, Joey. As big a fan I am of Mysterio, I really never expected this. But I guess congratulations are in order, so big props to Rey here tonight.


Mysterio didn’t hang around after his victory, quickly heading to the back. Rhino finally rose from the mat, and that’s when the realisation hit, and he immediately dropped the official with a Gore before slamming a steel chair repeatedly on the ring post. Rhino was irate, and continued to trash ringside before finally heading to the back, his face red with anger.




We now head backstage, where The Impact Players, Lance Storm and Justin Credible, are stood, waiting to deliver a promo. Credible’s head is taped and bandaged after being knocked almost unconscious at last night’s Head to Head event.


Credible: So, Heyman and company thought that they were doing me a favour by taking me out of my match against Jerry Lynn tonight. They thought they would give me time to heal. Listen, I don’t need time to heal. I’m Justin Credible. I’m a former ECW World Champion. I’m the best of the best. I DON’T NEED TIME TO REST.


Storm: Justin, calm down. What my partner here is trying to say, is that what you are looking at is the toughest of the tough and the best of the best. We’ve wrestled through injuries before, and we have still come out of it the victors. We were on the losing end last night against Paul London and Brian Kendrick, but don’t think for one second that means we aren’t a threat around here. We are, without a doubt, the best tag team in professional wrestling’s past, present OR future. We’ve held the gold before, and we intend to hold the gold again. So whether it be The Basham Brothers, The Unholy Alliance, Stevie and Nova or any other team that crosses our path, we are putting you on notice; The Impact Players are looking to dominate, by any means necessary.


Credible: And that’s not a threat, that’s a promise.







From the moment John Cena walked through the curtain and into the ring in The Hammerstein Ballroom, he was a major target for the blood thirsty ECW fans, who were baying for HIS blood in particular. But there was one sign up in the balcony of the building that summed up the feeling of the fans in attendance...




But Cena had more than that against him, as Edge eyed his partner up. The two wouldn’t have any time to argue among themselves, as Dreamer and Foley went straight at them, with Foley sending Edge to the outside with a clothesline, following him out. Meanwhile, Dreamer was busy scrambling Cena’s brains with a trashcan lid, rocking the WWE Champion, the crowd roaring their support with every shot. But Cena ended the beatdown with a HARD Clothesline which sent Dreamer to the mat, the fans jeers almost deafening.


On the outside, Foley was busy putting a beatdown on Edge, something he has been wanting to do since their epic showdown at Wrestlemania. Edge was swinging blindly, trying to get away from The Hardcore Legend. But Foley was on his tail the whole way, and he threw The Rated R Superstar over the guard rail and into the crowd. Foley followed him out, steel chair in hand as the fans surrounded the scene. As Foley approached, Edge landed a kick to the gut and, grabbing the chair from Foley, he slammed the steel into his spine, sending him to the concrete. Edge continued to reign down with chair shots to Foley, rendering him almost unconscious. Meanwhile, Tommy Dreamer had his hands full with John Cena in the ring, who had acquired a trash can and was slamming it down repeatedly over the head of Dreamer, much to the fans disgust. But a swift kick to the groin of Cena soon put an end to it, and from nowhere Dreamer dropped him with the DDT. He attempted the cover, but could only manage a two count. Dreamer was looking for inspiration, and he found it as he headed to the outside and looked under the ring, finding a ladder. He headed into the ring with the ladder, where Edge had joined Cena. Dreamer placed the ladder over his own head and, in tribute to his idol Terry Funk, spun around with the ladder, knocking down anything and anyone that moved. Edge did manage to duck the ladder at one point however, and Dreamer was quickly dropped with a Spear. Edge never did get a chance to make the cover, as Foley had somehow managed to get back to ringside and drag Edge to the outside, the blood flowing from Foley’s head after the brutal chair shots from earlier. Cena had Dreamer where he wanted him in the ring, and he lifted him up onto his shoulders for the F-U. But Tommy managed to get himself free before lifting Cena and drilling him with the Spicolli Driver. Dreamer made the cover, but Cena managed to kick out at two.


The fight was extremely intense for the remainder of the contest. On the outside, Foley was looking under the ring when he pulled out a wooden board completely covered in barbed wire, the fans whipped into a frenzy at the sight of it. Foley slid it into the ring, but he was hit with a steel chair from behind by LITA, who had made her way down to ringside. She went to deliver another shot, but the chair was quickly grabbed from her...by BEAULAH MCGUILLICUTTY. The fans were cheering wildly as Dreamers wife slammed the chair over the head of Lita, sending her to the floor. In the ring, Dreamer set up the barbed wire board in the corner of the ring, and he then turned his attention to Cena. Dreamer attempted to whip Cena into the wire, but Cena reversed it, and Dreamer went sailing towards the sharp barbs. But he was almost saved in a way when Edge appeared from nowhere and drilled Dreamer with a Spear as he was just inches away from landing in the wire. Cena began berating Edge, asking why he would step in the way. The two began a shoving match, which ended when Cena hit the F-U on The Rated R Superstar. But Cena was in for a world of pain when Foley entered the ring from behind and shoved Cena straight into the barbed wire, causing a thunderous roar from the ECW fans, the “Holy ****” chants ringing in everybody’s ears. Cena was screaming in shock and agony, but the screams were drowned out by the “Make Him Bleed” chants. Foley made the cover on Cena, but he somehow got his shoulder up at two. The barbed wire was still set up in the corner, but that wasn’t enough for the Hardcore Legend, who headed outside and produced a SECOND barbed wire board that he set up on the outside. Foley stepped up to the apron, but he was hit HARD with a steel chair by Edge, who was up on his feet in the ring. Foley staggered on the apron, where Edge delivered another shot to the head. Foley was grabbing onto the ropes tightly to stop himself from falling, but Edge swung on more time at Foley, and the impact was enough to send him sailing off the ring apron and into the barbed wire, the fans starting a second “Holy ****” chant. Foley was rolling in the barbed wire, screaming in pain.


Edge looked down at Foley, but as he turned around, he was hit with the DDT by Dreamer. Tommy then pulled something out of his pocket: a bottle of lighter fluid. He took a look at the barbed wire board that was set up in the corner before dousing it in the fluid. He then grabbed a lighter from Beulah, who was still stood at ringside. Dreamer pointed at the prone body of Cena, his back bleeding from the barbed wire cuts. The fans were salivating at the thought of Cena going into the flames. With a flick of the lighter, Dreamer set the board alight. He lifted Cena to his feet and went to whip Cena into the flames, but Cena reversed it. Dreamer was able to put the brakes on before he hit it, but when he turned again, Cena hit a Back Body Drop. As Cena turned back towards Dreamer, he was struck in the skull by a ferocious chair shot by Edge, who looked down at his “partner”. Dreamer struggled to his feet, but he was grabbed by Edge and, in a scene that is sure to be replayed for years to come, Edge threw Dreamer into the flaming barbed wire boards, the fans exploding upon the impact. Dreamer was hurt, and hurt badly. Edge grabbed Cena and dragged him on top of the lifeless body of Tommy Dreamer before walking out of the ring and straight to the back. The official made the three count, the bell rang, and the riot was about to commence.


Winners: Edge & John Cena


Styles: I....I don’t believe it. Edge and John Cena just defeated Mick Foley and Tommy Dreamer. They just defeated the very embodiment of ECW.


Tazz: I’m just as shocked as you, Joey. But I think this crowd are about to cause a riot.


The security in the crowd had to physically hold back some of the fans in attendance, who were livid that Cena had stolen a victory over two co-owners of ECW. Some were ready to jump the rail. As security held the fans back, even more security flooded out from the back. They immediately dragged Cena out of the ring and rushed him to the back out of harm’s way, the fans cries of “Bull****” ringing out. Finally, Paul Heyman arrived with several EMT’s, who checked on the condition of both Tommy Dreamer and Mick Foley, who had to be cut from the barbed wire on the outside. Both men were loaded onto stretchers and carted out of the building, the fans giving them both the standing ovation that they rightly deserved.




The cameras get a shot backstage, where it seems Steve Corino and Jerry Lynn have reignited the battle from earlier in the night, brawling in the backstage area, using any object they can get their hands on to bludgeon each other. Finally, the locker room clears out and it takes several of the ECW contingent to physically hold them back. Lynn was desperate to get his hands on Corino, but “The King of Old School” knew when to cut and run, and simply walked away from the scene, leaving Lynn to stew in his own anger and frustration.







The crowd had calmed down a little after the events of the previous contest, but there was still a buzz in the building. The fans were happy to see Bill Alfonso return at the side of Sabu. But the crowd were a little surprised to see FRANCINE, “The Queen of Extreme” accompany Shelton Benjamin to ringside, Francine clearly getting her hooks into Benjamin after their brief encounter at Head to Head. The contest surprisingly began with some impressive mat wrestling displayed by BOTH participants; however Shelton clearly had the edge in this area, and kept Sabu grounded in the first few minutes. Sabu managed to battle back to his feet however, landing hard elbows the ribcage before hitting the ropes and attempting a Drop Kick. Benjamin managed to side step the move, and as Sabu hit the mat, Benjamin immediately locked in a Boston Crab in the centre of the ring. Sabu struggled, but he did eventually get himself to the ropes, where Alfonso was waiting with a chair. Sabu grabbed the steel contraption and managed to position his body as such that he could take a swing with the chair, forcing Benjamin to break the hold. As Benjamin rose to his feet, he felt the full force of the steel as Sabu threw the chair into the skull of Shelton. Sabu made a cover, but only managed a two count.


The rabid fans of New York were solidly behind “The Human Highlight Reel” Sabu, who put the steel chair to good use, proving exactly why he is a former TWO TIME ECW World Champion. Benjamin had no response to Sabu’s offence, as Sabu whipped Shelton into the corner before setting the chair up in front of him and hitting Air Sabu, crushing the chest of Benjamin. Sabu hooked the leg for the cover, but he could only muster a two count. Sabu looked towards Alfonso, and he knew exactly what to do, heading underneath the ring and producing a table, sliding it into the ring. The crowd were electric as Sabu set the table up in the centre of the ring. He lifted Shelton to his feet and began drilling his fists into his skull as he set him up on the table. With Benjamin lying across the wood, Sabu grabbed the steel chair and headed up top, seemingly looking for the Arabian Face Buster through the table. But he wasn’t counting on Francine jumping on the apron and sweeping his legs, sending him crotch first into the top turnbuckle. This gave Benjamin enough time to recover and, seeing Sabu perched on the top, Benjamin headed up and hooked him for a Superplex. But Sabu managed to fight him off, sending him to the mat. But Benjamin sprang to his feet and, with almost cat-like agility, leapt back up to the top and hit a Superplex from the top, sending both men crashing through the table. The fans were cheering wildly, with “ECW” chants once again ringing out. Shelton groggily made the cover, but he could only manage a two count, frustrating the “New Face” of ECW.


The two threw everything they had at each other, neither man willing to give up. Benjamin asked Francine to look under the ring, where she produced a lead pipe, handing it to Benjamin. Shelton held the pipe firmly in his hand and, as Sabu got to a vertical base, Benjamin swung the pipe at the head of Sabu. Luckily, Sabu was able to duck the shot and sprang off the ropes with a Springboard Leg Lariat for a close two count. Sabu once again made use of the steel chair, placing it on the face of Benjamin and hitting a Springboard Leg Drop from the second rope, but once again it wasn’t enough to gain a three count. Sabu threw Benjamin to the outside, where Bill Alfonso had been busy setting up a table. Sabu took another chair and again threw it into the exposed skull of Benjamin. Sabu placed Benjamin on the table and headed back inside. The crowd were on their feet, anticipating what was going to happen. Sabu set the chair up in the ring, ready to finish Benjamin off once and for all. Sabu hit the ropes before jumping from the chair to the top rope and diving to the outside towards Benjamin. Unfortunately for Sabu, Francine was there to pull Benjamin out of the way, sending Sabu crashing through the wood once again, the fans chiming in with “Holy ****” chants. Francine helped a dazed Shelton Benjamin to his feet, clearly still a little woozy from the earlier chair shot. Benjamin eventually rolled Sabu back into the ring, where Benjamin grabbed the chair. Sabu pulled himself to his feet, but he was caught off guard when Benjamin tossed the chair at him. Sabu caught it, but he immediately regretted it as Benjamin landed a Super Kick, sending the chair crashing into the head of Sabu. Sabu staggered into the ropes before walking straight into the Exploder Suplex. Benjamin made the cover once again, this time gaining the three count and picking up the victory.


Winner: Shelton Benjamin


Despite Sabu being the clear fan favourite, the fans in attendance were appreciative of the efforts of Shelton Benjamin. Francine stepped through the ropes and handed a microphone to Benjamin. Shelton was slightly out of breath after his war with Sabu, but he carried on regardless.


Benjamin: What you just saw right here is the death of the old school, and the birth of The New Breed. Shelton Benjamin is the true leader of the revolution. Shelton Benjamin is the elite, the gold standard, the FACE of Extreme Championship Wrestling. Whatever the outcome of tonight’s main event, just know one thing; I AM the future of ECW. I WILL lead this company into the stratosphere. And, like it or not, I AM the NEXT ECW World Champion...Guaranteed.


Styles: Very strong words by Shelton Benjamin, and after the performance he put on tonight, we know for a fact that he can back up his words.


Tazz: No doubt about it, Shelton Benjamin is the real deal, Joey. It’s going to be interesting to watch the rise of, in his words, “The Gold Standard” of ECW.




A video is played hyping up the main event of the evening, Rob Van Dam versus Kurt Angle. The video highlights the events leading up to tonight’s showdown, including Van Dam cashing in his Money in the Bank briefcase against Rey Mysterio, as well as Angle defeating THREE other men to earn a shot at Van Dam.






Bob Artese: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is set for one fall, and it is for the ECW and WWE World Heavyweight Championship.


The crowd were pumped and ready for the main event of the evening as the familiar theme of Kurt Angle hit, and out stepped the Olympic Gold Medallist. Although not quite as ferocious as the reception John Cena received earlier in the evening, the fans still jeered Angle loudly as he made his way to the ring. The crowd were screaming abuse, but Angle didn’t seem to notice as he marched to the ring with a purpose, his face emotionless as he stood and waited for his opponent. The fans were already going wild, “RVD” chants ringing loudly in the ears of Kurt Angle. But when the opening chords of “Walk” by Pantera hit, the roof almost came of The Hammerstein Ballroom. Finally, out stepped World Heavyweight Champion Rob Van Dam. The fans in the building were going crazy for “Mr. PPV” as he headed to the ring, slapping fans with the fans around ringside. RVD stepped through the ropes and began a stare down with Angle, whose eyes were still cold and emotionless.


Bob Artese: Introducing first, the challenger; From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Weighing in at 240 lbs, he is Professional Wrestling’s ONLY Olympic Gold Medallist; KURT ANGLE.


The fans jeers were absolutely deafening towards Kurt Angle, but he clearly didn’t care, focused solely on his encounter with RVD.


Bob Artese: And his opponent; From Battle Creek, Michigan. Weighing in at 237 lbs, he is the current reigning and defending WWE World Heavyweight Champion, ladies and gentlemen, this is ROB VAN DAM.


The crowd exploded at the mere mention of his name. The building was almost shaking as “RVD” and “The Whole ****in’ Show” chants rang out. Van Dam handed his title to the official, who held it high above his head. Finally, he called for the bell, and the match was on!


ECW/WWE World Heavyweight Championship:





The second the bell rang, Angle went straight to work, charging towards Van Dam and taking him to the mat with a Waist Lock Takedown before immediately looking to lock on the Ankle Lock. Luckily, Van Dam’s speed helped him to escape the hold. But Angle took him down again with a Double Leg Takedown before AGAIN looking for the Ankle Lock, and Again RVD escaped. Van Dam got to his feet, and was almost hit with the Angle Slam, but he escaped the move and dropped Angle with a Spin Kick to the jaw. Angle headed to the outside to regroup as the fans cheered wildly for RVD as he posed for them. Angle had to create a new game plan if he was to defeat the unorthodox Rob Van Dam.


Angle did eventually get back into the ring, and altered his game plan slightly; rather than going straight in for the kill, Angle tried to wear down RVD, particularly the legs, trying to damage Van Dam’s most offensive weapons. Angle began stomping away at the knees in the corner before locking in a Kneebar, trying to hyperextend the knee of Van Dam. Rob had his other leg free however, and swift boots to the face quickly broke the hold. But Kurt was on him at every opportunity, trying his best to keep him grounded. But Angle wasn’t prepared for RVD to take him down with a drop toe hold before attempting to lock him in his own hold, The Ankle Lock. Angle quickly escaped and headed to the outside to regroup once again. But Van Dam gave him no time to rest, hitting a Suicide Dive over the top rope and onto the Olympic Gold Medallist. Van Dam then quickly leapt up onto the guardrail and hit a Moonsault on the floor. The crowd loved every second of it, and Van Dam lifted Angle up before draping him over the guard rail. RVD jumped up onto the apron and, pointing his thumbs in unison with the crowd, came crashing down onto the spine of Angle with a Corkscrew Leg Drop, the fans eating it up. Van Dam continued to control the match on the outside, slamming Angles head onto every conceivable object. But RVD was stopped dead in his tracks when Angle grabbed him by the tights and pulled him head first into the ring steps. With RVD dazed, Angle grabbed a chair and slammed the steel across the ankle of Van Dam, crushing it between the chair and the steps, causing Van Dam to let out a guttural scream, the pain shooting up his leg. Angle connected with a second shot, and then a third. Van Dam was in serious pain as Angle rolled Van Dam back in the ring. Angle made the cover, but could only gain a two count.


The crowd were genuinely concerned for Van Dam, who was struggling to stand after the damage caused to his leg. But that didn’t stop the ruthless Kurt Angle, who continued to work on the leg of Van Dam. Angle set RVD up in the Tree of Woe in the corner before once again slamming the chair down on the knee cap of RVD, Van Dam clutching his leg in pain. Angle then placed the chair across the face of Van Dam and looked to nail a drop kick into the steel. But Van Dam used every ounce of strength he had to lift himself up on the turnbuckle as Angle slide towards him and, in one quick movement, dropped down with a Split Legged Moonsault. He made the cover, but Angle was able to escape at two. Van Dam was visibly limping, but managed to put the boots to Angle in the corner. Van Dam grabbed a steel chair and lifted it high in the air before charging towards Angle and hitting a Running Drop Kick with the chair, the impact of the kick sending the chair into the skull of Angle. He went for another cover. But Angle kicked out at two again. Van Dam then resorted to desperate measures, placing the chair over the face of Angle, still sat in the corner of the ring. Van Dam slowly climbed up the turnbuckles on the opposite side of the ring, and the crowd knew exactly what was coming next, and they rose to their feet. Van Dam’s balance was off due to the injured leg, but he managed to stay perched on top. Van Dam pointed the thumbs before taking to the skies with the Van Terminator. But Angle moved at the VERY last moment, and RVD was sent crashing down to the mat. Angle was quickly up however, and locked in the Ankle Lock on a clearly injured World Champion. The fans were begging Van Dam to hold on, but the pain looked like it was too much for RVD to take. He looked close to tapping but, with the rabid support of the fans in attendance, he crawled his way to the ropes and, pulling himself up on the ropes, he went for an Inziguri, which was ducked. But Van Dam immediately came back with a Heel Kick to the face. The fans were on the edge of their seats, urging Van Dam into the match.


Van Dam began to fight his way back into the contest, landing heavy rights to the head of Angle. RVD whipped him into the ropes before hitting a Spinning Heel Kick to Angle. He followed that up with the Rolling Thunder, but he only gained a very close two count for his troubles. Van Dam grabbed the steel chair once again, tossing it to Angle and looking for the Van Daminator. However, Angle ducked the move before slamming it into the head of Van Dam. Angle then went for the cover, but he too could only get a two count on his opponent. Frustrated, Angle pulled a table from underneath the ring and set it up in the ring. But Van Dam was waiting, and hit a sickening Jaw Breaker followed by a ferocious kick to the head. Van Dam then grabbed the chair and tossed it to Kurt, this time connecting with the Van Daminator, but AGAIN only gaining a two count. RVD set Angle up on the wood, the crowd electric as Van Dam headed up top for the Five Star Frog Splash, looking to finally put an end to the contest. But Angle had quickly gotten up from the table before jumping up to the top rope and delivering a Belly to Belly Suplex from the top, sending RVD through the table. The crowd were hot, but they were biting their nails as Angle made the cover....and Van Dam kicked out. The ECW faithful were going nuts as Angle had a fit in the ring, wondering what he had to do to defeat “The Whole F’n Show”.


Angle was frustrated, and the straps came down as Angle was set to synch in The Ankle Lock. Angle grabbed the foot, but Van Dam was able to somehow roll Angle up in a Small Package, but he only managed a two count. Van Dam got to his feet and hit a Springboard Side Kick to the head, which was surprising considering the injury he was carrying. Angle came charging again, but Van Dam leapfrogged him before hitting a Cross Body for another two count. Angle was livid, and came charging towards RVD one more time, but Van Dam had it covered, throwing a steel chair full force at the head of Angle. The crowd were on their feet, going wild as Van Dam headed up top one more time. Van Dam looked down at his opponent before coming down with the Five Star Frog Splash. The fans were pleading with Van Dam to make the cover and end the match. Van Dam was resting against the ropes, trying to catch his breath. That’s when ECW’s world was turned upside down as, from seemingly nowhere, REY MYSTERIO slid into the ring and connected with a 619, and followed up with a Springboard Frog Splash. Mysterio had finally gotten payback for his title loss to RVD. Mysterio headed to the back, and the crowd was absolutely livid. Angle got to his feet and, grabbing the steel chair, he slammed it repeatedly into the ankle before applying the Ankle Lock. Van Dam was screaming, tears rolling down his eyes, the pain overpowering him. Angle then grapevine the legs around Van Dam’s. The crowd were almost praying, begging Van Dam to hold on, but the pain was just too much and, after fighting so hard, Van Dam had no choice but to tap out. The official reluctantly went to call for the bell...when the lights in The Hammerstein Ballroom went out. The fans were suddenly cheering at the distraction, wondering what else could happen. But they could never have imagined what they witnessed when the lights came back on. The official was down on the mat unconscious, and Angle was face to face with ECW’s saving grace...




Nobody could believe it; RAVEN was standing in the centre of the ring, staring a hole through Angle, who looked mortified. The building was shaking; such was the noise that was emanating from the crowd. Raven then kicked Angle in the gut before drilling him with the DDT. The fans were whipped into a frenzy as Raven helped Van Dam to his feet before exiting the ring. RVD was confused, but upon seeing Angle lifeless on the mat, he wasted no time, slowly climbing to the top rope before crushing Angle with the Five Star Frog Splash. Van Dam made the cover, but there was no official to count it. Luckily, Paul Heyman made his way to ringside, and he was practically dragging a second official out to the ring. He slid into the ring and made the count. One...two...THREE. And just like that, not only was Van Dam STILL World Heavyweight Champion, not only was Van Dam the NEW ECW World Champion, but finally, Paul Heyman and ECW had acquired the one Superstar he could never have, and Angles life was about to change forever.


Winner, still World Heavyweight Champion, and NEW ECW World Champion: Rob Van Dam


The crowd were absolutely on fire as they cheered, high fiving each other, “RVD” chants drowning out anything Joey Styles and Tazz were saying on commentary. After so many years, RVD was finally ECW World Champion, the one championship he believed he would never hold. The locker room emptied out with the ECW stars, climbing into the ring as Angle rolled out of the ring and crawled up the entrance way. Van Dam was helped to his feet before the ECW contingent lifted Van Dam onto their shoulders, parading him around as he held the WWE World Heavyweight Championship aloft. Angle was stood watching from the entrance, and the reality of what just happened was finally sinking in. In the ring, Paul Heyman handed RVD a microphone. It was several minutes before he could get a word out as the fans were still screaming his name. There were genuine tears in the eyes of Van Dam as he began to talk.


RVD: First off, I want to dedicate this win to the love of my life, my soul mate Sonya. I couldn’t do it without you. I love you. Secondly, I want to thank everyone in this building, everyone watching at home for supporting me, for giving me the opportunity to come out here night in, night out and prove to the world why I’m The Whole ****ing Show. I want to thank Paul.E and, I know they are on their way to the hospital, I wanna thank Foley and Dreamer too for making this possible, for giving me and for giving the fans what they want; ECW. And finally, I want to thank you, Kurt. I want to thank you for trying to cripple me tonight, for trying to end my career. Because all it did was urged me on. And now, for the next 12 months, you are OUR bitch. And for that, you can thank me, Mr. Pay Per View, Mr. Thursday Night, The Whole ****ing Show; ROB VAN DAM.


The fans once again went wild as Angle threw a fit on the entrance way. Van Dam headed out of the ring and into the crowd, where the fans mobbed him, lifting him up and literally body surfing him around the building. The final scenes of ECW One Night Stand was the fans holding Van Dam high in the air as the ECW stars applauded in the ring, a thunderous “ECW” chant shaking the building. The revolution had finally begun.








The Unholy Alliance over The Basham Brothers and Stevie & Nova D

Steve Corino over Jerry Lynn C+

Masato Tanaka over Balls Mahoney D+

The Sandman over Gregory Helms C-

Rey Mysterio over Rhino C

Edge & John Cena over Mick Foley & Tommy Dreamer B-

Shelton Benjamin over Sabu B-

Rob Van Dam over Kurt Angle B+


Show Rating: B-




The Celt - 7/8

The Final Countdown - 4/8

smurphy1014 - 5/8

Arogue - 5/8

JudgeJuryExecutioner - 8/8

Jingo - 5/8

MichiganHero - 5/8

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<p><hr></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24967" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/wrestlexperts.jpg</span><p> <span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>---TOP NEWS STORIES---</strong></span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24967" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/wwe/ECW.jpg</span><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;"> NEWS AND NOTES REGARDING ECW</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> - The closing moments of One Night Stand had to be drastically changed apparently. The rumour going around is that, following the RVD/Angle match, John Cena was to head to the ring and ATTEMPT to steal the World Title belt to take back to Vince before being attacked and beaten by several ECW Originals. However, those plans were scrapped when McMahon became worried for Cena's safety after his win earlier in the night. Cena was said to be genuinely terrified and in fear for his safety when the fans became incensed over his win, and so the plan was scrapped, hence the reason RVD gave his heartfelt speech instead.</p><p> </p><p> - The plan as it stands is to have ECW filmed in smaller buildings in order to keep an authentic ECW feel to the product. It has already been stated that the first four weeks of shows will be filmed at The Hammerstein Ballroom before branching out to other areas. The word is that they may venture to bigger arenas for Pay Per Views and such.</p><p> </p><p> - Speaking of Pay Per Views, the plan at the moment is to hold around 5-6 Pay Per View per year, depending of course on the success of the brand. This will also mean that many of the feuds will be played out primarily on their TV show on F/X.</p><p> </p><p> - Paul Heyman and company will apparently be holding a tournament in the next few weeks to crown a new Television Champion. The plan is to slowly bring back the Television AND Tag Team Titles, as Heyman wants to build those divisions up. We will have more news on ECW and more when it becomes available to us.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>---Other News---</strong></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">OVW close to losing TV slot?</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> AJ Styles on the brink of quitting TNA?</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> New Stable headed to Raw?</span></p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote>
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Awesome show. Nice job on the surprise appearances of Corino and Raven; never saw those coming.


I laughed, HARD, when Angle beat the hell out of Gertner. There's just something about Gertner cutting his typical perverted promo, only for Angle to destroy him, that I find hilarious.


I'm glad you're going to put ECW on their own PPVs, rather than just including them on the WWE's shows. Clearly, you're going to continue to actually establish ECW as its own identity, rather than just another "brand." Also, good decision to not run once a month; 5 or 6 PPVs per year should be perfect.


Have you given any thought to re-signing Dawn Marie? To me, the Impact Players aren't the Impact Players without her.

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Awesome show. Nice job on the surprise appearances of Corino and Raven; never saw those coming.


I laughed, HARD, when Angle beat the hell out of Gertner. There's just something about Gertner cutting his typical perverted promo, only for Angle to destroy him, that I find hilarious.


I'm glad you're going to put ECW on their own PPVs, rather than just including them on the WWE's shows. Clearly, you're going to continue to actually establish ECW as its own identity, rather than just another "brand." Also, good decision to not run once a month; 5 or 6 PPVs per year should be perfect.


Have you given any thought to re-signing Dawn Marie? To me, the Impact Players aren't the Impact Players without her.


Thank you, as always, for your support and comments.


The truth is, I was always planning on bringing Corino in. Raven, however, was kind of a last minute thing. I was struggling to think of a finish for the match when I came up with the idea, and from that I now have a lot of ideas floating around for a Raven/Angle feud, so I'm pretty happy with with how that went.


I'm glad you enjoyed the Gertner/Angle segment. Again that was really a last minute deal, as I had hired Gertner, yet I had no idea how I would use him, and the idea kinda just popped into my head. I found it amusing, good to see others did as well.


I wasn't sure what to do about PPV's as, despite being a "Seperate" company, I thought a PPV every month would be overkill. Plus it makes the brand stand out as a lot of the major matches and storylines will be played out on T.V.


And as for Dawn Marie? It never even crossed my mind to hire her, but I can see what you mean. She was a pretty important factor in The Impact Players success, so I guess it wouldn't hurt to negotiate with her.



While I'm here I would just like to take this time to thank everybody who have read and supported this diary. BIG thanks to regular readers such as The Final Countdown, The Celt, Jingo, MichiganHero etc (apologise if I've missed anyone) to guys such as keefmoon and Tristram who gave great advice and praise during the early days of this diary.... I'll stop there as it is now starting to sound like an Oscar winning speech. :oI really don't want to sound like I'm brown nosing, but I really do appreciate the support. I feel I've worked hard to get to this point, and it's nice to see that so many enjoy it and support it the way they do. Very much appreciated. Anyway, enough of that. I just want to announce that the style may change slightly, meaning that some match write ups will be a little shorter than usual for TV, which I hope you can understand as I now have to write THREE different shows, plus despite being part of the same company, I am pretty much booking two separate companies, so I hope you can bare with me as I get things up and running again. Again, thank you very much for all your support. Hopefully I can keep your interest as we move forward. Plus, as I feel I now have a solid number of predictions coming in, I will be announcing a new prediction game which, as far as I know, has never been done before (and if it has, I'll be doing it anyway). Stay tuned!!!

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="MichiganHero" data-cite="MichiganHero" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24967" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>For ECW, maybe a big TV card at the end of the month?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I never really thought about that, but that could be a good idea. Would certainly make it "must-watch TV". I'll have to keep that idea in mind. </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Final Countdown" data-cite="The Final Countdown" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24967" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I certainly understand if you decide to shorten your match write-ups for your TV shows. It would be tough to write up 3 shows (or 5 hours, assuming ECW is one hour long) a week with the sort of length you've been producing. Hell, I can't imagine even doing it with Raw & Smackdown, much less with ECW thrown in as well.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'll obviously try to do longer write ups for matches I deem important enough to warrant them, but it would just be too much to write three six hour shows (ECW is a 2 hour show. Not sure if that was a wise move or not. We shall see). I just don't want to get burnt out with it all, as I have a lot planned for all three "brands" and I want to see them through.</p>
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Greetings, and welcome to another instalment of "The Truth" with me, Jack Savage. As usual, I will be delving into the big stories surrounding the wrestling world. On today's edition, we look at the first Pay Per View in the new Era of Extreme, ECW One Night Stand. So, without further ado, let's get straight to it.


- The show opened with Paul Heyman giving a heartfelt promo in the centre of the ring. I'll admit it; I actually got goosebumps as Heyman announced"The Tribe of Extreme has risen again". Seeing the crowd roar, it truly was like a religious cult clinging on to every word of their leader. A great way to open the show, this segment gets a B+.


- The opening Three Way Dance was a bit of a disappointment. There was nothing WRONG with it, but I expected a little more. Despite getting the win, Whipwreck and Tajiri didn't seem to gel at ALL like they used to. Stevie and Nova did fine, and the Bashams played their heel role to perfection (which didn't take much, as the crowd truly HATED them).


The Savage Truth: I expected more from this. Nothing terrible, but certainly not one anyone will remember. This match gets a D from yours truly.


- Rhino cuts an intense promo backstage, hyping his match with Mysterio. I REALLY hope Heyman and co. push him to the main event. He really has been under appreciated in almost every company he has worked for (with the exception of the original ECW). Hopefully now he is under the wing of Heyman once again, he can finally get the push he deserves. He can also cut a good promo, as shown in this segment, which gets a B- rating.


- The reveal of Steve Corino was done very well in my opinion (which gets a C-). I'm VERY surprised that Corino has signed a contract with WWE, as he has stated many times that he would much rather work the indies and he didn't believe a company like WWE would not know what to do with him. That is my worry for Corino. Despite Heyman pretty much being in charge, it is still Vince's decision who gets pushed and who gets left behind, and I'm worried that McMahon will not use Corino to his full capabilities. Corino can work wonders with a microphone, and he is a good in ring worker too. There really is no way you can go wrong with a Steve Corino, but this is Vince McMahon we are talking about. As for his match with Lynn, I thought they put on a tremendous bout, and it looks like they may be feuding, which is fine by me. I was surprised Corino took the victory, but hopefully it will build to a follow up match in the not too distant future.


-The Savage Truth: A great return bout for BOTH men, putting on a great display. Hopefully BOTH of them will get a chance to shine in the new ECW. This match gets a C+ rating.


- Bill Alfonso is in ECW....I'm not sure about this really. No doubt, he is a great manager, but he doesn't really fit the mould that WWE usually look for. Like Corino, he's another person that McMahon may not no what to do with. However, Sabu does need a mouth piece, and their promo to hype Sabu's match with Benjamin did it's job, and gets a C rating.


- I'll admit it; I laughed at the sight of Joel Gertner getting beaten and bludgeoned by Kurt Angle. I could watch it over and over again (and I have. God bless YouTube). This was a great way to hype the match between Angle and Van Dam, and really showed Angle's twisted side. I'd like to think they will use Gertner regularly, but I don't really think that Gertner would get away with HALF of the things he used to in the original ECW, so it will be interesting to see how he is used. Anyway, this segment gets a B+ rating from me, really enjoyed that.


- The next shot was simply Edge and Lita arriving to the building. That wouldn't usually be news worthy, but the shot of him having to walk through the fans outside really makes you see how passionate the ECW fans really are, as they screamed abuse at the two. Edge, as always, dealt with it well, arguing with them before storming in the building. Nice little segment that gets a B+.


- The crowd seemed to really enjoy the Balls Mahoney/Masato Tanaka match. It was a decent hardcore match, but I much preferred last years offering between Tanaka and Mike Awesome. Speaking of Awesome, it seems WWE have an interest in bringing him in on a Pay Per Appearance deal. Whether he accepts or not is uncertain, as he announced his retirement only a few short months ago, so whether he would be willing to work for them with no guaranteed contract remains to be seen. Anyway, the match between Mahoney and Tanaka was good, but nothing too spectacular. Tanaka gets the win in this one.


The Savage Truth: A decent match, but again, nothing that will stick in the memory for too long. A D+ is all this match gets from me.


- A video plays hyping the début of a stable known as "The Broken", which consists of Shelly Martinez, Shannon Moore and Trent Acid. I'm VERY intrigued by this team, and it will be interesting to see where Heyman takes them. As I've stated before, I'm a HUGE Trent Acid mark, so it's good to see him make the jump to the big leagues. Let's hope his supposed "attitude problems" don't hinder his chances. The video clip gets a D-.


- Another quick shot backstage, where Cena arrives and walks past several ECW stars. The crowd absolutely BURIED Cena the second they saw him. A B+ for this segment.


- Gregory Helms cut a good heel promo prior to his match with The Sandman. It's good to see Helms get a chance to shine on the mic again, as he has been in the background lately in the whole WWE/ECW battle, and he can cut a great promo when he has to. The promo gets a B. After that, "Enter Sandman" hit, and Sandman made what I still believe to be the best entrance in wrestling history. The fans go nuts for it every time. The match itself was OK, but that's about as much as you can expect with The Sandman. He's no Steamboat. But it was OK.


The Savage Truth: The match was fine. Nothing glaringly bad about it, but nothing to write home about either. Sandman gets the win, and the match gets a C-.


- The segment with JBL and Funk was great in my opinion. JBL is a heat magnet, it seems he is genuinely hated by EVERYONE, so to see the reaction he got as he basically gloated about his actions the previous year against The Blue Meanie was amazing. The appearance of Terry Funk brought the crowd to life, they genuinely love the guy. I think segments like this would be the best way to use Funk, as he really shouldn't be put in long matches (Funk is only on a Pay Per Appearance contract). The beatdown of JBL by Stevie and Nova, and then Stevie, Nova and Funk posing for the fans was a nice little feel good moment for the ECW crowd. The segment gets a B+.


- The Rey/Rhino match was a bit of a let down in my eyes. There were some good moments in the match (Rhino going through the table after his Gore attempt got a pretty big reaction) buy Rey just seemed to be off his game. Perhaps it was the environment he was in, as he is not used to being booed so venomously, and it seemed at times he really didn't know how to deal with it.


The Savage Truth: I expected SO much more from this. There were some decent moments in the contest, and the crowd SEEMED to be into it, but there was certainly something missing. This gets a C from me.


- The Impact Players were up next, and they cut an average promo hyping themselves up. I think bringing Dawn Marie back into the fold would be beneficial to Credible and Storm, as without her they seem just another tag team with no real personality. I like Storm's work, and Credible is passable on the microphone, but they don't really stand out. Also, the rumour going around (and again, it is ONLY a rumour) is that Credible wasn't actually injured AT ALL, and he was pulled from his match against Jerry Lynn due to an incident he had backstage at Head to Head with Kurt Angle. Take that for what you will. Anyway, The Impact Players segment gets a C-.


- I was shocked that Cena and Edge went over in this match, but not as shocked as the reaction to Cena getting the pinfall victory. The fans were almost literally jumping the guard rail, and Cena was whisked to the back quickly before things could escalate. I think the fans may have taken things a little too far, as it genuinely turned into a war zone. As for the match itself, I REALLY enjoyed it. Foley seemed a lot more focused than he was in his Wrestlemania match with Edge, and the bump he took into the barbed wire was sick. But not quite as sick as the flaming barbed wire board shot taken my "The Innovator of Violence" Tommy Dreamer. Everybody played their part superbly in this contest and, up until the finish, the fans loved it.


The Savage Truth: A superb effort by all involved. Too bad the mood was soured by a few overly aggressive fans. This match gets a B-.


- I was pleasantly surprised by the Sabu/Shelton Benjamin match. I've really become a HUGE fan of Benjamin since his rivalry with Shawn Michaels started in February, and I think he has really upped his game drastically, putting on great matches with everyone. He proved he could do it with the big boys (HBK and Chris Benoit) and he proved it at One Night Stand against Sabu. Sabu did his part as well and, although nowhere near where he used to be, Sabu can still put on an entertaining match. I also quite like the Francine/Benjamin combo, and she could add a different layer to Benjamin's character.


The Savage Truth: Another great showing from Benjamin, and just another reason I believe Benjamin will be a World Champion before the years end. This match gets a B-. Following the match, Benjamin cut a pretty decent promo, claiming to be "The Gold Standard" of ECW (that nickname sucks. But it's something I guess). He also mentioned several times about being the leader of The New Breed. I just have a funny feeling that they may have been subtle hints that Benjamin may lead his own stable in ECW. If that's the case, I'm all for it. The promo gets a B-.


- The atmosphere for the Kurt Angle/RVD match was absolutely electric, the fans behind RVD 110%. This was by far the match of the night, both men put on an outstanding performance and they really seemed to gel quite well. I wouldn't be disappointed at ALL if we get another showing from these two men. The crowd were HOT when Mysterio interfered, and I REALLY did think it was over when Van Dam tapped to the Ankle Lock. But I don't think I've EVER heard a pop quite like the one Raven received on Sunday Night. This is another example of how much faith McMahon is putting into Heyman and his head booker, as I never thought in a million years Vince would agree to hiring Raven after their troubled past. But I'm so glad that he did, it was a great moment. It's going to be a lot of fun to watch just how Angle copes now that he is a part of ECW. Let's hope they can keep things interesting.


The Savage Truth: A fantastic match with an epic finish. I loved every second of it. A B+ for this great match.


So, there you have it. A great Pay Per View overall. Some disappointing moments (Rey/Rhino in particular), but the positives FAR outweighed the negatives. ECW One Night Stand gets a B- rating overall from me.


***In Other News***


- The news going around is that Carlito is in hot water after a bust up with Edge backstage early last week, and he may even be close to losing his job. If this is true, it will be a pretty big blow considering he is currently in a high profile feud with Shawn Michaels, plus the fact he is the current Intercontinental Champion.


- The news going around is that Kane will return within the next few weeks, and he has been given a new look. WWE plans to TRY to push Kane as the monster heel he was when he first entered the WWE. However, this has been tried before with little success, so it will be interesting to see if this takes off or not.


- The women's division is going to become a prominent factor on Raw within the next six months according to inside sources. WWE management are desperate to build the division and, while they are happy with the work Mickie, Trish, Victoria and company have done, they feel it is only a matter of time before the matches get tired and overdone. They have some talented women in their developmental ranks, so expect to see some new faces in the coming months.


That's it for this edition of "The Truth". Join me again in three weeks time when I will review this years Great American Bash. Until then stay safe, and stay true.


Jack Savage

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  • 2 weeks later...





After one of the darkest days in recent memory, World Wrestling Entertainment picks itself up and dusts itself off as we present Monday Night Raw. Intercontinental Champion Carlito will be in non title action as he takes on one half of the World Tag Team Champions, Elijah Burke. And Mickie James will be in one on one competition in preparation for her match against Victoria at The Great American Bash when she faces Maria.


Plus, WWE Champion John Cena will be in the building and, following his brutal match at One Night Stand, it will be interesting to see just what shape he will be in. Also, both Triple H and Tyson Tomko will be in the building, but how will they cope knowing that they CANNOT touch each other until Great American Bash? And following the loss of the World Heavyweight Championship to ECW at One Night Stand, WWE Chairman Vince McMahon will be on hand this Monday to make an important announcement regarding the future of the company. All this and so much more, be sure to tune in to Monday Night Raw on USA


Quick Picks:


Edge vs. Triple H


Non-Title Match:

Carlito vs. Elijah Burke


Eugene vs. Tyson Tomko


Jimmy Snuka Jr. vs. The Big Show


Non-Title Match:

Maria vs. Mickie James



(I guess now would be as good a time as any to announce the new prediction game which, as far as I know, hasn't been done before. I want to make this diary a little more interactive, so I will add up all future scores, and the person (or people) with the highest score at the end will receive a personal message to their inbox, which will be a "Backstage Pass", where you will be taken around the backstage area, meet some of the superstars, and maybe get a glimpse of some things that maybe you were not meant to see. It may only be minor events you see, or it could be something big. Then it is your job to post a message into the diary giving the rest of the readers a recollection of your experience. Do not feel that you HAVE to write anything, it is totally your choice. Anyway, hopefully this goes well. Fingers crossed)

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<p><strong>Edge</strong> vs. Triple H</p><p> </p><p>

Non-Title Match:</p><p>

<strong>Carlito</strong> vs. Elijah Burke</p><p> </p><p>

Eugene vs. <strong>Tyson Tomko</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Jimmy Snuka Jr. vs. <strong>The Big Show</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Non-Title Match:</p><p>

Maria vs. <strong>Mickie James</strong></p>

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<p><strong>Edge</strong> vs. Triple H</p><p> </p><p>

Non-Title Match:</p><p>

<strong>Carlito</strong> vs. Elijah Burke</p><p> </p><p>

Eugene vs. <strong>Tyson Tomko</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jimmy Snuka Jr.</strong> vs. The Big Show</p><p> </p><p>

Non-Title Match:</p><p>

Maria vs. <strong>Mickie James</strong></p>

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<p>Been catching up with this the past few weeks and it is a brilliant read mate. Thoroughly enjoyable. Keep it up. I hated WWE arouond this time period, but if they had booked it like you I wouldn't have stopped watching. The new predictions system sounds good aswell mate.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Edge</strong> vs. Triple H</p><p> </p><p>

Non-Title Match:</p><p>

<strong>Carlito</strong> vs. Elijah Burke</p><p> </p><p>

Eugene vs. <strong>Tyson Tomko</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Jimmy Snuka Jr. vs. <strong>The Big Show</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Non-Title Match:</p><p>

Maria vs.<strong> Mickie James</strong></p>

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Location: Florence Civic Center (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 8,625


Announce Team:


Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler




In the evening’s dark matches, Lance Cade toppled the unknown Jon Ryan in quick fashion, and Val Venis defeated Rob Conway in a surprisingly exciting encounter.




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Ross: A cloud has descended over World Wrestling Entertainment as we welcome you to Monday Night Raw. I’m Jim Ross, alongside Jerry “The King” Lawler. And King, after the events of last night at One Night Stand, you have to wonder just what lies ahead for us.


Lawler: It truly was one of the darkest days in the history of this company, and I’m sure McMahon will not take it lying down.


Almost on cue, “No Chance in Hell” hit the speakers, and out stepped WWE Chairman Vince McMahon, who was followed by Raw General Manager Eric Bischoff, both men looking solemn as they made their way to the ring. McMahon grabbed a microphone from ringside and addressed the crowd.


McMahon: Just 24 hours ago, World Wrestling Entertainment experienced one of the darkest moments in its entire history. We lost a world class performer in Kurt Angle. But we also lost something a lot more valuable; Paul Heyman, Mick Foley, Tommy Dreamer and Extreme Championship Wrestling STOLE Smackdown’s World Heavyweight Championship, leaving them without a championship belt. They pretty much stole their identity. Now I’m going to make a vow right now; whether it be this week, this month or this year, I promise you we WILL get our property back from the clutches of ECW. And if that means sending our Superstars over and disrupting their programme much like they have done to us over the past couple of months, so be it. But I’m not going to let what happened last night destroy this company. We need to dust ourselves off and continue as best we can. So at this time, I would like to call out the WWE Champion, John Cena. John, please make your way to the ring.


There was a slight delay before Cena’s music hit, and out came the WWE Champion, the majority of the fans on their feet for the champ. Cena was visibly limping after his brutal war the previous night, but he slowly made his way into the ring before grabbing a microphone of his own from ringside.


McMahon: John, thank you very much for coming out here tonight. And I want to thank you for what you did last night, for putting your body on the line for this company. You have no idea how much I appreciate that. Now, as you know, last night ECW gained possession of OUR World Heavyweight Championship. Now I am making it my mission to retrieve that belt by any means necessary. But in the mean time, it leaves Smackdown without a World Champion, without a figurehead. So I would like to inform you John that, from now until further notice, the WWE Championship will be defended on both Monday Night Raw AND Friday Night Smackdown. Now, I know it’s a big task to ask of somebody, but I feel you are more than capable of carrying the load until we can retrieve the World Heavyweight Championship. And I would like to announce that I have asked Teddy Long to find an opponent for you to defend your title against this Friday night, and he has assured me that he WILL have an opponent for you for this week’s edition of Smackdown. Now I...


McMahon was cut off by the opening chords of “Metalingus”, and out through the curtain stepped “The Rated R Superstar” Edge, closely accompanied by Lita. Edge also had a slight limp in his step after his match at One Night Stand. Edge grabbed a microphone from ringside, McMahon looking rather annoyed at the interruption.


Edge: Well, it looks like once again I’ve been written off by the powers that be in this company. Did I hear you right, Vince? Did you say you thought Cena could carry the load until you retrieve the World Heavyweight Championship? In case you forgot, in three weeks time, John Cena defends the WWE Championship...against ME. If anybody is going to carry the load for this company, it’s ME. Cena, you have three weeks as champion, maybe less if you lose it before then. But whatever happens, it’s irrelevant. Because at The Great American Bash, a great injustice will finally be rectified, and “The Rated R Superstar” will once again be at the top of the mountain where he belongs.


Cena: Edge, you’re lucky I haven’t knocked you on your ass already. You walked out on me last night at One Night Stand. You dropped me in the middle of the ring and then left me to fend for myself. I had your back, I put all differences aside, but you just couldn’t do that. I’m not at 100% right now, but I say to hell with it; how about we go right here, right now.


The two men got nose to nose as the crowd were cheering wildly. The cheers increased when “Play The Game” hit, and out stormed Triple H, a scowl etched on his face. McMahon was about to welcome him into the ring, but Hunter grabbed the mic from Vince’s grasp.


HHH: You know, for the past week, I’ve been sat at home, trying to figure out a way to vent my frustrations. Last week Vince, you told me that I can’t lay a finger on Tyson Tomko until our match at The Great American Bash. And after everything he has done the past few months, I’ll be honest, it’s easier said than done. At The Bash, Tomko will find out first hand why I am considered the best in the world. And honestly, I’m finding it harder and harder to keep my anger bottled up, I need an outlet. And after listening to Edge bitching and moaning out here, I had an idea; how about tonight, in this very ring, I take out my frustrations on “The Rated R Superstar”.


The crowd were going nuts at the prospect of seeing Edge and Triple H go at it. But Edge wasn’t as receptive to the idea.


Edge: Nice try, bucko. Real nice try, but it ain’t gonna happen. I have enough things to worry about. I have a title match in three weeks time, not to mention the fact that I’m still suffering from last night. So as much pleasure as I would get in kicking your ass, I’ll have to decline.


Bischoff: Hold on a second. Last time I checked, I still run this show, and I’m the one who books the matches, not you. It seems Hunter wants this match, and judging by the fans here tonight, they want this match. So I say let’s give the people what they want; right here in this very ring tonight, “The Game” Triple H will go one on one with the Number One Contender for John Cena’s WWE Championship, “The Rated R Superstar” Edge.


The crowd exploded as a sick smile spread across The Game’s face. Edge looked worried as he argued with Bischoff. Edge then let his frustration out when he turned and Speared Cena out of his boots before rolling out of the ring and heading to the back. Triple H kept his eyes locked on Edge as McMahon checked on the WWE Champion.


Ross: What a Main Event made by our General Manager here tonight; Triple H versus Edge one on one.


Lawler: Well, McMahon said it would be business as usual here tonight, and what a way to show that here tonight.




Non-Title Match:


Maria vs. Mickie James


Maria was completely dominated from the get go in this contest, barely getting a shot in. Mickie almost toyed with her prey before finally putting her out of her misery with a Mickie-DT for the emphatic victory.


Winner: Mickie James


Following the match, Mickie grabbed her Women’s title and clutched it close to her as she got on her knees, mesmerized by the gold in her hands. She called for a mic, and the official nervously handed her one.


James: Isn’t it beautiful? Look at how the light shines off of her. She is a true thing of beauty. Trish Stratus was like that once. She was everything I wanted to be. She was a work of art. I loved Trish Stratus, but she never loved me back. She snubbed me at every turn. So I beat her down and I made her suffer. And now, now I have a new love, and I’m holding it in my hands. The only problem is, her beauty is such that every woman in this company wants her for their own. But she isn’t going anywhere. She’s MINE. And Victoria, at The Great American Bash, you can bring everything you have. It won’t be enough. SHE LOVES ME. SHE LOVES ME, NOT YOU. She loves.....me.


Mickie dropped the mic as she held her title close to her, whispering to herself as the fans looked on perplexed.


Ross: Mickie has issues, SERIOUS issues.


Lawler: I feel sorry for Victoria more than anyone. She’s gonna need all the help she can get at The Great American Bash.




Coachman: Ladies and gentlemen, at this time I am joined by Matt Striker and Charlie Haas. And Matt, I guess the question on everyone’s mind is why the two of you attacked The Brooklyn Soldiers last week.


Striker: It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out, Coach. Take a look at Charlie Haas and what do you see? Because what I saw was one of the most talented athletes in the world get buried, never getting the opportunities he deserved. When I walked out several months ago, I didn’t know if I would ever return. But I kept watching the show, and I saw that Haas was getting treated like dirt. He’s a champion in the making; he just needed a little guidance. And then I saw JTG and Elijah Burke; The Brooklyn Soldiers, a team of street thugs who just waltzed into this company and took the World Tag Team Titles. There are men in this company, men like Charlie, who have busted their ass for years to get a shot at the big time. They walk in, and after only a few weeks, they have gold around their waists. When I lost to Chavo Guerrero at Backlash, my confidence was shot, and I felt like I wasn’t good enough. Watching the two of them walk around like big shots, it re-inspired me. All I had to do was find me a partner. And really, it was a no brainer. I was going to pick by far the best athlete on Raw, Charlie Haas.


Haas: I came back to the WWE with a simple goal; to become a champion, to finally break from the shadow of Mr. Big Shot Shelton Benjamin. This was my chance to prove MY worth. And when the time came, what happened? I was booked in non televised matches, where nobody could see my true talents. I needed to do something big, something to get me noticed. So when Striker asked me to be his tag team partner...


That’s as far as Haas got before the two men were blindsided by the World Tag Team Champions. The two teams began throwing fists through the corridors of the arena before Road Agents finally arrived to break up the brawl. The champs were screaming at Striker and Haas. Haas was like a wild animal, almost foaming at the mouth trying to get to the champs. But Striker kept a level head, finally calming Haas down, and the two finally left the scene, leaving The Brooklyn Soldiers fuming.




The opening lines of The Big Show’s theme hit, and out came the big man himself. He looked slightly nervous as he headed to the ring. He wrapped his huge hand around a microphone. He sounded confident as he spoke, but he looked terrified.


Show: Kane, last week I laid down the challenge. This has been going on for way too long. I’m the largest athlete in the world. I should be concentrating on bigger things, like becoming WWE Champion. Instead I’m constantly looking over my shoulder, wondering whether you’re going to jump out. Don’t mistake this for fear, Kane. I’m not afraid of you and I’m not intimidated by you. You’re just a mild annoyance to me. We need to end this here and now. So come on out and face me like a man. It ends tonight. Come on.


The crowd were chanting for The Big Red Monster. Then there was a hush in the crowd as they awaited his appearance. Suddenly, the fires of hell opened up and Kane’s theme played, the crowd coming to their feet for the return of the monster....only it never happened. The music played for a good thirty seconds before the arena lights returned to normal, the fans jeering the fact that Kane wasn’t there. Big Show almost looked relieved, but he dug himself deeper as he continued to talk.


Show: Well, now the entire world knows what I’ve known all along; Kane is a coward. Kane is weak and Kane is pathetic. He knows that he can’t stop The Big Show. Kane, let me give you some advice; stop with the mind games. Because when it comes down to it, you CANNOT beat me. And that’s a fact.


Show then dropped the mic and headed to the back, the boos echoing throughout the arena.


Ross: I really thought we were about to see the return of The Big Red Monster Kane, but it wasn’t to be.


Lawler: Big Show says Kane is afraid of him, and after seeing that, I think he may be right.




The cameras head backstage where Eric Bischoff and Vince McMahon are in deep discussion, when suddenly the door bursts open and in walks WWE Champion John Cena.


Cena: Eric, I want Edge tonight.


Bischoff: Excuse me?


Cena: You heard me Eric. Screw the Great American Bash, I want Edge tonight. He wants to keep jumping me, I say we settle it now.


Bischoff: John, first of all you’re in no condition to be in competition tonight. I commend you for even showing up here tonight, but there is no way I’m putting you in the ring. And besides, Edge is already booked to face Triple H. I’m sorry.


Cena: Eric, I’m not interested in your excuses. Vince, you’re the man in charge. Just put me in the ring with him.


McMahon: Look, Eric is the General Manager. And to be quite honest, I agree with him. You have to just slow down and...


For the second time in two weeks, a brawl broke out in the GM’s office, this time when Edge charged through the door and Speared Cena out of his boots before laying into him with heavy lefts and rights. McMahon and Bischoff had to physically pull Edge off the champ. Edge looked at the two, a crazed look in his eye, before storming out, leaving Cena on the floor for the second time in one night.





Eugene vs. Tyson Tomko


Eugene stood no chance in this one as Tomko brutalised him, using him as a human punch bag. Eugene did attempt to fight back, but he was never in a position to make a comeback. Tomko finally put him away with a sickening Big Boot to pick up the win.


Winner: Tyson Tomko


The fans threw abuse in Tomko’s direction following the “match”, but it didn’t faze him as he grabbed a microphone from ringside.


Tomko: Hunter, I know you’re watching, and I know you just saw what I did to this piece of crap. It’s NOTHING compared to the pain I will unleash on you at The Great American Bash. You think you made me who I am? You’re sorely mistaken. Three weeks Hunter, three weeks. And after that, I finish you once and for all. Enjoy your freedom while it lasts, because in three weeks, I end the game; PERMANENTLY.


Tomko dropped the mic before leaving the ring. However, as Eugene got to his feet, Tomko rushed back and delivered another jaw shattering Big Boot, laying Eugene out. Tomko smiled at his handy work before finally leaving the ring and heading to the back.


Lawler: I hate to say it, but I think we may be seeing the last of The Game at The Great American Bash.


Ross: Never count Triple H out, King. But I have to say it doesn’t look good for the game.




We return from commercial, where there is a red carpet set up in the ring, along with a director’s chair. A table is set up next to it with a champagne bottle and two glasses set up. And sat in the chair is “The Idol” Aaron Stevens, accompanied by his Personal Assistant, Michelle McCool. The crowd’s jeers were deafening towards Stevens, but he simply shrugged it off.


Stevens: Thank you as always for that warm greeting. It truly does bring a tear to my eye. You know, ever since I came to the WWE several months ago, I have been overlooked. Despite the fact that I destroyed “The Nature Boy” and put him on the shelf, despite the fact that I was inches away from beating the WWE Champion, people still overlook “The Five Star Superstar”. And so people ask me why I have taken a sudden interest in Chavo Guerrero. You see, why I’m trying to work my way up the WWE ladder, trying to build a name for myself and reach my ultimate goal of becoming WWE Champion, Chavo Guerrero is handed everything he wants on a silver platter because of his last name, because he’s a Guerrero. I’ll be honest, I’m a fan of the Guerrero Family; Hector, Eddie, Chavo Senior. But I’m not a fan of somebody who rides the coat tails of men you could only dream of becoming to make it to the top. You take the Guerrero name and you expect everything to be given to you. So I watched as you had these fans cheering your every move. You became a favourite to become the next WWE Champion. Well, I crushed those dreams Chavo. Because right now, you are LOOKING at the next WWE Champion. And I’m not going to do it by leeching off of my family name. I’ve earned the spot I have right now, and I’m going to continue to do so. With the assistance of the beautiful Michelle McCool, there’s no stopping me. I’m the future of this business, “Chavito”. You had your chance and you blew it. You need to face the fact that you never have been and never WILL be Championship material. You’re the past, and I’M the future. So maybe it’s about time you hung you’re boots up, jumped back across the border and enjoy retirement.


The crowd suddenly came unglued as Chavo sprinted to the ring with fire in his eyes. Stevens was up and ready to fight, but Chavo quickly took him down and started throwing fists at Stevens, the crowd’s cheers becoming louder with every blow. Michelle McCool tried to stop Chavo by jumping on his back, but Guerrero simply threw her to the mat over his shoulder. That’s when Chavo felt the impact of the champagne bottle smashing over the back of his head courtesy of “The Idol”, Guerrero crumbling to the mat. The blood began to flow as Stevens put the boots to Chavo. Stevens grabbed the director’s chair he was sitting on and threw it onto the prone body of Guerrero before throwing the table on top of him too. Stevens helped McCool to her feet before escorting her out of the ring and into the back. Chavo managed to get to his feet, but he was holding the back of his head, trying to stop the bleeding as the crowd chanted for “The Latino Warrior”.


Ross: Stevens really has made an impact since his arrival here on Raw, but I think he may have picked a fight with the wrong man.


Lawler: Stevens is either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid. Either way, Chavo isn’t going to take this lying down.




Bischoff is in his office, trying to clear the mess that Edge and Cena had left, when in walks Jimmy Snuka Jr.


Snuka: Mr. Bischoff, can I talk to you please?


Bischoff: Can’t you see I’m Busy?...Wait, you again? Don’t you get the hint? I gave you two try outs. You screwed up both times. Just cut your losses and go.


Snuka: Sir, with all due respect, I can’t do that. This is my dream, to work for this company, to work for you. I know I can bring something special to the company, just like my father did. Please, I just want one more shot.


Bischoff: You want another shot? Here’s what I’m gonna do; I’m gonna give you one last shot. If you win, I’ll give you a contract and you become a fully fledged member of the Raw roster. But if you lose, you stay away from this show, you stay away from this building, and you can go try your hand in ECW or some other low level company. But you stay away from here. Do we have a deal?


Snuka: We have a deal sir. Thank you.


Bischoff: Well you better get your ass out there now because your match is next. And your opponent....is THE BIG SHOW.


Snuka: But sir...


Bischoff: But sir nothing. Get out there, or grab your bags and hit the bricks. It’s your choice.


Snuka looked dejected, but he finally agreed to the match. Bischoff simply shook his head before continuing to clear the mess in his office.





Jimmy Snuka Jr. vs. The Big Show


This one should have been a no brainer, but Snuka surprised everyone by taking it to the giant. However, Show’s size and strength shone through, and he began to pick apart Snuka. It seemed Big Show was going to polish off the rookie with The Show Stopper Chokeslam, when suddenly a huge explosion erupted from the ring post and the ominous video began to play...


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Big Show was spooked once again, and never saw the incoming Snuka, who hit a perfect Dropkick to the back of Big Show’s head, knocking him to the mat. Snuka then seized the moment, heading up top and, in tribute to his father, came crashing down with the Snuka Splash. Snuka hooked the leg and picked up the shocking victory, earning himself a contract with the WWE.


Winner: Jimmy Snuka Jr.


The fans exploded, as did Snuka, who rushed out into the crowd to celebrate. Big Show finally came to and realising what happened, went stir crazy, smashing his fist into the canvas, putting a hole through it. Snuka finally made his way to the back while Big Show seethed in the ring.


Ross: What an upset here tonight, but congratulations to Jimmy Snuka Jr.


Lawler: I’ll be honest; I never saw this coming at ALL. As if Big Show wasn’t dangerous enough before, he’s down right pissed now.




After the ring crew fixed the damage to the ring caused by The Big Show, the crowds jeers started up once again as Intercontinental Champion Carlito made his way to the ring for his match with Elijah Burke. Before Elijah made his entrance however, Carlito had a few things to get off his chest as he grabbed a mic.


Carlito: You know, every week I come out here, and I try to do what McMahon asks me to do; to take out Shawn Michaels once and for all. I have a job to do. And yet some punk in a mask keeps stopping me, jumping the rail and helping Michaels. That’s not cool. HBK, you claim you don’t know who this guy is. Maybe you do, maybe you don’t. But I think it’s about time we ALL found out who this mystery man is. I know your here somewhere. So why don’t you drag your ass to this ring and we can find out the truth.


Carlito stood in the centre of the ring, begging the mystery individual to show his face. But instead “Side to Side” by Three 6 Mafia hit, and out stepped Elijah Burke, dressed and ready to face the Intercontinental Champion. Burke stepped through the ropes, the bell rang, and the match was on!


Non-Title Match:


Carlito vs. Elijah Burke


Burke and Carlito surprised everyone by having one of the best matches of the night. The two were evenly matched, and Carlito looked in genuine trouble in the opening minutes. But he managed to get back into the swing of things and looked to finish Burke with The Back Stabber. That’s when he spotted Shawn Michaels stood on the entrance way, watching the match intently. The match continued on with Carlito keeping an eye on Michaels at all times, and after a scary moment when Burke almost rolled Carlito up for the shock victory, he kicked out and immediately got to his feet, hitting the Back Stabber and getting the three count.


Winner: Carlito


Carlito’s hand was raised in victory, but he wasn’t content with that, and called for Michaels to come down to the ring. Michaels obliged, although it was clear that he still wasn’t at 100%. Michaels rolled into the ring, and Carlito immediately attacked, stomping away at HBK, especially targeting the back. Michaels was swinging wildly, showing more guts than brains, but Carlito continued with the beatdown. That’s when Michaels mystery saviour jumped the rail and got into the ring, knocking Carlito down with a Super Kick, sending him through the ropes. Carlito was handed his title and he struggled up the ramp and into the back. The masked man looked down at Michaels once again before jumping the rail and heading out of the building once again, much to the confusion of everybody, especially HBK.


Lawler: Who the hell is this guy, JR?


Ross: I’m in the dark as much as you, King. But I don’t think anybody is as confused about it all as Shawn Michaels right now.




We head backstage, where Chavo Guerrero is being stitched up by EMT’s after the attack by Aaron Stevens, when in walks former Women’s Champion Trish Stratus, wearing a concerned look on her face.


Stratus: How are you?


Chavo: I’ve felt better, Trish.


Stratus: I’m sure you have. I can’t believe they did that to you. I’ve got a little unfinished business with McCool myself. She cost me a shot at the Women’s Title, so you’re not the only one.


Chavo: Tell me about it. Only a few weeks ago I was on the verge of becoming WWE Champion, and now I have to deal with all of this. I just want to make my uncle proud, you know?


Stratus: I know, and I’m sure he’s proud of you Chavo. You’re gonna be a champion someday, I just know it...WHAT THE-


The two were cut off when Aaron Stevens and Michelle McCool stormed into the room and began their assault on both Chavo and Trish. Stevens grabbed the needle that was being used to stitch Guerrero up and began using it on Chavo’s forehead, opening him up again. Meanwhile, McCool was putting the boots to Trish in the corner of the room. The two finally stopped the assault and, looking at their handy work, quietly left the room as EMT’s checked on the two once again.


Ross: Aaron Stevens really has gone too far. He made his point earlier in the night. Something needs to be done about the so-called “Idol”.




The cameras get a shot of Triple H walking the corridors as he makes his way to the ring for his match with Edge. Suddenly he comes face to face with his Great American Bash opponent Tyson Tomko. Tomko looks dead in Hunters eyes, almost laughing in his face, begging him to hit him and get himself suspended. Triple H’s face was red with anger, trying so hard to bottle up his frustration. The Game finally managed to compose himself and headed to the ring, Tomko smiling, happy with the fact that he was under the skin of Triple H.





Edge vs. Triple H


Edge was fighting for survival for the entire time as Triple H took out all his frustrations on “The Rated R Superstar”. Edge was constantly trying to defend himself, The Game beating on the Number One Contender with venom. A low blow soon slowed him down however, and Edge managed to get himself into the match. From there, it was a pretty even playing field, and in the dying moments of the contest, Edge was poised to hit the Spear, but Hunter moved as he came charging towards him, and the official got drilled with the move. Edge got to his feet and was planted with The Pedigree. It should have been over, but Hunter was distracted when Tyson Tomko strolled out to the ring, jumping on the apron and begging Triple H to take his best shot. The distraction was enough for Edge to get to his feet and hit Triple H with a Spear. But things took another turn when John Cena stormed to the ring, pulling Tomko from the apron and sending him into the steps. He then jumped into the ring and drilled Edge with the F-U. He placed Hunter on top of Edge before waking the official, who made the count and awarded the match to “The Cerebral Assassin”.


Winner: Triple H


The crowd came alive as the official announced Triple H as the winner, with Tomko on the outside, fuming at what Cena had done.


Ross: With three weeks to go until the Great American Bash, what else could possibly happen between these men?


The show closed with Triple H celebrating in the ring as John Cena watched from the safety of the entrance ramp.








Dark Matches:

Lance Cade over John Ryan C-

Val Venis over Rob Conway C+


Main Show:

Mickie James over Maria D+

Tyson Tomko over Eugene C+

Jimmy Snuka Jr. over The Big Show C

Carlito over Elijah Burke B

Triple H over Edge B


Show Rating: B-



MattitudeV2 - 3/5

The Final Countdown - 3/5

pauls07 - 3/5

^{-kelly-kelly-}^ - 4/5

totti - 3/5

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<IMG SRC="http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/JohnCena.jpg" ALIGN="left">



John Cena's first Smackdown opponent has been announced, and this Friday John Cena defends his WWE Championship against former World Heavyweight Champion Rey Mysterio. It was announced this Monday on Raw that until further notice, the WWE Championship will be defended on BOTH shows. The plan is to see how the company will cope with one champion, and if it is a success, they may think of making it a permanent move.


<IMG SRC="http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/MickieJames2.jpg" ALIGN="left">



WWE management have apparently been extremely impressed with Mickie James recently, and feel that she SHOULD be the one to carry the Women's Division. With Trish Stratus hinting at retirement recently, WWE are looking to get Mickie ready to become their top Diva. There are reports that the Women's Division will also be strengthened in the coming months.


<IMG SRC="http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/AaronStevens2.jpg" ALIGN="left">



Reports have filtered in that Aaron Stevens apparently has a ton of heat on him from some of the top stars in the company. Stevens has struck up a strong friendship with WWE Champion John Cena, and some feel that he is using that friendship to work his way up the roster. How true these reports are remain to be seen, as there is a whole different section of the roster who have been impressed by Stevens matches, and they see him as a future Main Eventer within the next couple of years.


---Other News---


Orlando Jordan set for a push?

Kurt Angle in heated argument with the Head Booker?

ECW to announce signing of Japanese Superstar?

CM Punk seen falling out of a nightclub drunk?

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