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WWE 2006: New Year, New Stars, New Beginnings

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WE'RE BACK! After five long years, ECW returns to television. And as a treat for the die hard ECW faithful, Paul Heyman has booked the Main Event for ECW's first show on F/X, as ECW World Champion Rob Van Dam will be in non title competition as he takes on a man he knows only too well in Jerry Lynn. Also, in a rematch from One Night Stand, Shelton Benjamin will face off with Sabu. And Gregory Helms will also be in action, looking to regain momentum after his loss to The Sandman, when he takes on one half of The Unholy Alliance, Yoshihiro Tajiri.


Also on the show, Paul Heyman will present Rob Van Dam with his newly won ECW World Championship, as well as introduce the ECW world to their newest acquisition, Olympic Gold Medallist Kurt Angle, who is sure to have a few words for Raven. Plus, a "Next Generation Showcase" match will see two relative unknowns try to make an impact in the Land of Extreme, and "The Man Beast" Rhino will also be in the building. With all this and more, make sure you don't miss this historic event, ECW on F/X.


Quick Picks:


Non-Title Match:

Jerry Lynn vs. Rob Van Dam


Sabu vs. Shelton Benjamin


Gregory Helms vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri


The Impact Players vs. The Originals (Nova & Stevie)


"Next Generation Showcase":

Brent Albright vs. Ken Doane

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Non-Title Match:

Jerry Lynn vs. Rob Van Dam

-Wow, that's one heck of a match for the first show!


Sabu vs. Shelton Benjamin

-Shelton will be feuding with RVD in the very near future.


Gregory Helms vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri

-I prefer Tajiri, but my hunch is you'll go with Helms.


The Impact Players vs. The Originals (Nova & Stevie)

-If I could be serious for a minute...


"Next Generation Showcase":

Brent Albright vs. Ken Doane

-Could go either way, depending on which guy you anticipate as being more important going forward.

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Non-Title Match:

Jerry Lynn vs. Rob Van Dam

The best possible main event to restart ECW!


Sabu vs. Shelton Benjamin

This should really drill in that Benjamin is gunning for number one


Gregory Helms vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri

Helms is on a "I'm a big deal" push so I think he'll take this one


The Impact Players vs. The Originals (Nova & Stevie)

Lance "Countdown" Storm: If I could just be serious for a moment...

Justin "Celt" Credible: That's not just the coolest, and that's not just the best, That's from Calgary...Alberta Canada, and that's Justin Credible.


"Next Generation Showcase":

Brent Albright vs. Ken Doane

I'm going with Doane just on the basis that he be more popular with the audience having already been on WWE TV, nailing that leg-drop of his.

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@Countdown Personally I've always felt Justin Credible was under-rated. He might not have been one of the true elites of ECW but he was hardy hardcore soldier who excelled under the right circumstances. I think the reason he's put down alot is because he was ECW Champion for a very extended period which was outside his skill set to maintain really. Credible was a guy you can trust to be upper midcard in ECW just not the main focus of the company. Even outside his awesome tag team with Storm I liked him as "ECW's biggest Punk", going around being trying to be the biggest a**hole ECW had ever witnessed, complete with his own entourage.
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Location: Hammerstein Ballroom (Tri State)

Attendance: 5,000 (SELL OUT)

Announce Team:


Joey Styles and Taz




In the Dark Match of the evening, Masato Tanaka made quick work of Roadkill, picking up the win with the Roaring Elbow.




We have a quick recap of the goings on at Sunday’s One Night Stand event, focusing primarily on Rob Van Dam’s title win, the acquisition of Kurt Angle and the return of Raven, before “The Enemy” by Godsmack plays and ECW’s new opening video rolls to open the show...


<object width="300" height="255"><param name="movie" value="

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRDQBVebQ4Y?fs=1&hl=en_GB&color1=0x402061&color2=0x9461ca&border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRDQBVebQ4Y?fs=1&hl=en_GB&color1=0x402061&color2=0x9461ca&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="300" height="255"></embed></object>


Styles: The Hammerstein Ballroom is electric as we welcome you to the premier of ECW on F/X. I’m Joey Styles, alongside my broadcast colleague, former TWO TIME ECW World Champion, Taz. And Taz, what a night we have lined up for the fans tonight.


Taz: You’re not kidding, Joey. Tonight we will witness Jerry Lynn and Rob Van Dam go toe to toe and, if you’re a fan of the old school ECW, you know that one is gonna be off the chain.


Styles: Not only that, but Kurt Angle will make his first appearance as a member of the ECW roster, and we have Raven to thank for that.


Taz: I never thought in a million years that we would see Raven here in ECW again, but boy did he make an impact....hold up, looks like the boss is on his way out.


Indeed the boss was on his way to the ring, the fans giving Heyman a standing ovation as he stepped through the ropes. Heyman grabbed a microphone from ringside, but he had to wait as he was drowned out by “Paul. E” chants ringing out in the Hammerstein Ballroom.


Heyman: After months of hard work, after months of getting our name back out there, after months of making an impact, it is with great joy that I say welcome to ECW on F/X.


The crowd roared their approval, “ECW” chants booming through the building.


Heyman: Now, I have a few things I need to get through here tonight, so I’ll try not to take too much of your time. First of all, I want to send my best wishes to Mick Foley and Tommy Dreamer, who are sitting at home tending to their injuries. We wish you both a speedy recovery and we can’t wait to have you guys back here. Next, I want to make an announcement concerning next week’s episode of ECW on F/X, because next week, we will begin a sixteen man tournament to determine a new ECW World Television Champion. The names will be drawn at random, and the participants will be announced next week. Now, as for tonight, we want to say thank you to the fans of ECW, for supporting us, for sticking by us through the good times and the bad. And so, for your viewing pleasure, we have put on what we believe to be a stellar Main Event; ECW World Champion Rob Van Dam going one on one with a man he knows EXTREMELY well, Jerry Lynn. Speaking of RVD, tonight I also have the pleasure of handing him his newly won ECW World Championship in the centre of this ring. Also on tonight’s show, we have a...


Heyman’s speech was cut off when “Minerva” by Deftones hit the P.A system, and out through the curtain stepped ECW’s newest acquisition, Kurt Angle, his face emotionless as he looked out at the crowd. The rabid fans were hurling abuse at the former Olympian, with “You’re our Bitch” chants ringing in the ears of Angle. Heyman had his usual sadistic grin on his face as Angle stepped through the ropes.


Heyman: You know, I was going to wait until later on tonight to do this. But what the hell, let’s get it over and done with right now, because I have waited so long to look you in the eye, face to face, and know that I OWN you. For twelve months, I OWN you Kurt. And you know what; I am going to make it my mission to make your life as miserable as possible for what you did to me and this company all those years ago. But Kurt, you don’t have to put up with it. You can always turn around, jump in your car, drive back to Pittsburgh and sit at home for twelve months. But if you do that, you will be in breach of your contract, and I will sue you for EVERYTHING you are worth. And so that leaves you with the second option, which is to take what is coming to you, to take your punishment like a man. It’s your choice, Kurt.


Angle had heard enough, and he grabbed the microphone from Heyman’s grasp. His once emotionless eyes now burned with hatred, but not for Heyman.


Angle: Paul, I’ve done it all and I’ve been through it all. I became a Superstar in the BIGGEST and BEST wrestling company in the world. So anything you wanna throw at me, I can take it. Because if you think you have my number, you are sadly mistaken. Because as long as I am here, I am going to do everything in my power to burn this stinking company to the ground, oh it’s true. And it starts tonight, and it starts with you, RAVEN.


The mere mention of his name brings the crowd to life, with “Raven” chants ringing out.


Angle: Raven, who the hell do you think you are? Who do you think you are to involve yourself in MY match, costing me the match, costing me the title and costing me my job in the most prestigious wrestling company on the planet? You’ve got some nerve Raven, to interject yourself in MY business. I said I’m going to tear this place apart from the inside, so since you want to stick your nose where it doesn’t belong, it looks like I’m gonna have to start with you. So get your ass out here you son of a bitch, and take what is coming to you.


The place was rumbling in anticipation of the arrival of Raven. Suddenly, the lights in the Hammerstein Ballroom went out, sending the crowd into another frenzy. After several seconds, a single spotlight shines into the crowd, and standing with the rabid ECW fans was Raven, his arms outstretched as the fans chimed in with “ECW” chants.


Raven: For years, I have been trying to find my identity, to distinguish just who I am, what made me tick. I’ve been around the world and back again, bleeding on almost every continent on the globe, trying to find somewhere that I truly belong. And after searching far and wide, I came to the conclusion that Raven was only ever truly happy when he performed in the Land of Extreme. I had my problems, and I don’t think that I will ever find anywhere where I am truly accepted, but I know this place is the closest thing to family, the closest thing to normality that I will ever encounter. And so when I heard that ECW had risen from the dead, I was ready to embrace it once again. I was ready to give back to the family that gave me so much. So I gave Paul Heyman his greatest gift; YOU, Kurt Angle. Despite my personal problems with Paul, he was still the closest thing to a father figure to me, and so I was going to do whatever I could to make sure his vision, his dream, became reality. His dream was to revive ECW, to bring it back to prominence. And so I did what I felt necessary to give Paul what he wanted. Kurt, this is just the beginning. All the pain and suffering I have endured over the years, it will be nothing compared to the torture that you will experience in the next twelve months. You claim that I’ve made an enemy out of you, but I think you will find that it is YOU who should fear for your life. My identity has been revealed, my family have accepted me back once more and my career has been reignited, and Kurt, you are the first in a long list of men who will fall as I once again ascend to the top. And that is my guarantee to you. Quote The Raven, Nevermore.


The crowd were going insane as Raven once again stretched his arms out wide in his signature crucifix pose. Heyman was laughing manically in the ring as Angle simply stared a hole through Raven.


Styles: In the space of just a few days, this thing between Kurt Angle and Raven has escalated dramatically.


Taz: I’ll tell you what, Joey; I cannot wait for the day when Angle and Raven step foot in the ring one on one. It’s bound to happen, and it’s gonna be off the hook when it does.





The Impact Players vs. The Originals


Both teams looked to pick up their first victory in the new ECW, and both teams were very evenly matched. Lance Storm looked impressive as he came inches away from picking up the win with a vicious Missile Dropkick from the top, connecting with Nova’s jaw, but Stevie managed to break up the count. After several minutes of intense action, Stevie Richards picked up a somewhat surprising victory after delivering a Stevie Kick to Storm. Justin Credible attempted to make the save, but Nova had him covered, and The Originals picked up their first win in the new and improved ECW.


Winners: The Originals


Styles: Great performances by both teams, but Stevie and Nova, I guess surprisingly, have walked away with the win.


Taz: A well deserved win if you ask me. Hold up, what’s going on here?


The crowd became extremely hostile as Doug and Danny Basham were stood at the entrance way, mockingly applauding the victors of the match. Nova and Stevie looked on confused, and the distraction was enough as Justin Credible and Lance Storm attacked from behind, Credible swinging the cane across the back of the skull of Nova whilst Storm struck Stevie with a steel chair. The Bashams looked on as The Impact Players continued to beat down Stevie and Nova, culminating when Justin drilled Nova with That’s Incredible on the chair. The Impact Players posed above the prone bodies of The Originals, the crowd showering them with abuse as Doug and Danny continued to look on.




The camera heads backstage, where Steve Corino is stood, preparing to deliver a promo.


Corino: So, it looks like things haven’t changed here in “The Land of Extreme”. It’s just like old times, because once again Steve Corino is overlooked. Despite the fact that at One Night Stand I DEFEATED Jerry Lynn, despite the fact that I proved who the superior wrestler is, I am still treated like a second class citizen. Jerry Lynn, despite losing to me, is involved in the main event of the first ECW show against the World Champion. Everybody knows that I deserve to be the main event. I was the one who pinned Jerry’s shoulders to the mat. Heyman, you have always had it in for me. Yet you know that you NEED Steve Corino. You know that I’m the best thing you’ve got. So Jerry, make the most of your moment in the spotlight tonight, because this will be the last time you EVER steal my spot. After tonight, you WILL bow down to The King of Old School Steve Corino. I guarantee it.


Styles: A little bitterness by Steve Corino there.


Taz: He does have a point though, Joey. He was the victor at One Night Stand, maybe he DOES deserve to be in the Main Event.




“We Gave it Hell” by 36 Crazyfists hit, and out stepped “God’s Gift to Wrestling” Gregory Helms, who was roundly booed by the ECW faithful. Despite his loss at One Night Stand, he looked confident as he stepped through the ropes and grabbed a microphone from ringside.


Helms: You know, after losing to The Sandman at One Night Stand, you would expect that “God’s Gift to Wrestling” would not be in the best of spirits. But the truth is, I’m delighted. You see, One Night Stand was a minor blip in the career of Gregory Helms, a bump in the road, and I can guarantee you that something like that will NEVER happen again. But at One Night Stand, I also got to witness firsthand what I knew all along; that there is not a single wrestler on the roster who even comes close to being on the same level as yours truly. From top to bottom, the card was filled with a bunch of inept, untalented has-beens and wannabes who can’t hold Gregory Helms’ jock. One Night Stand was a stroke of luck by The Sandman, so tonight we begin the new era of Extreme and you people have the privilege of being on hand to watch as Gregory Helms skyrockets to the top of this profession. It starts with you Tajiri, and it ends with me becoming YOUR ECW World Champion. And that is a promise, courtesy of “God’s Gift to Wrestling”.


The crowd continued to heckle Helms, but they soon came alive when Yoshihiro Tajiri made his way to the ring, accompanied by his Tag Team partner Mikey Whipwreck. Tajiri stepped into the ring, the bell sounded, and the match was on!



Gregory Helms vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri


These two were familiar with each other from several years ago as they did battle for Vince McMahon’s “wrestling” company, and it seemed both men still had the chemistry and both put on an entertaining performance. During the course of the match, a Handspring Elbow attempt by The Japanese Buzzsaw was avoided by Helms, who retaliated with a low blow, and followed that up with the Shining Wizard, but Tajiri surprised everyone when he kicked out at two. Helms was irate, but he soon had Tajiri screaming in pain when he locked in The Gift from God (Cross Face Chicken Wing with a Body Scissors), giving Tajiri no choice but to tap out, giving Helms his first victory in the Land of Extreme.


Winner: Gregory Helms


Styles: As much as I hate to say it, I was very impressed with Gregory Helms here tonight.


Taz: I agree, Joey. A great effort by Tajiri, but that new submission manoeuvre of Gregory Helms, The Gift from God, was just too much. And Joey, he hasn’t released the hold.


Taz was right, as Helms continued to hold on to the submission move as Tajiri’s face began to turn blue, the official trying to pry Helms away from Tajiri. Mikey Whipwreck finally jumped into the ring to make the save, trading blows with Helms. But Helms landed a low blow on Whipwreck before delivering another deadly Shining Wizard. Helms looked down at the bodies of his two victims, pleased with his work, but he obviously never heard the roar of the crowd as through the crowd came “The Hardcore Icon” The Sandman. Sandman slid into the ring, and as Helms turned around, he was blasted across the skull with the Singapore cane, sending him crashing to the canvas. The crowd were going insane as Sandman hoisted his cane high in the air before retreating once more through the crowd.




A video is played to the fans in attendance as well as to the audience at home...


<object width="300" height="255"><param name="movie" value="

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEuVyu7hLWI?fs=1&hl=en_GB&color1=0x402061&color2=0x9461ca&border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEuVyu7hLWI?fs=1&hl=en_GB&color1=0x402061&color2=0x9461ca&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="300" height="255"></embed></object>


Styles: These guys are certainly different, I’ll say that much.


Taz: Absolutely, but I’ve heard a lot of good things about this Trent Acid kid, and we all know that Shannon Moore can go, so I’m pretty psyched that these cats are heading to the Land of Extreme.




We head back to the ring, where we are set for the “Next Generation Showcase” match between newcomers Brent Albright and Ken Doane. The crowd were already giving Doane abuse for his days as a “Cheerleader” in WWE, with “**** you, Kenny” chants echoing around the building. Finally, Doane grabbed a microphone from ringside.


Doane: Shut up! Shut the hell up! Those days are gone. You think I enjoyed doing that crap, being humiliated week after week, wearing a ridiculous outfit and made to look like a complete idiot? I’m a finely tuned athlete, the best in the world, and yet I was made to look like a joke. Well tonight, I erase that memory, and I show the world that...


Doane was cut off when Albright grabbed the microphone from him and threw it down to the mat. Brent was here to fight, and he was more than ready to show the ECW crowd what he was all about.


"Next Generation Showcase":


Brent Albright vs. Ken Doane


The fans were certainly not behind Ken Doane in this match, but the fans were also impressed with newcomer Brent Albright, whose hard hitting style was a hit with the ECW fans. The two put on a respectable showing, and Albright looked close to gaining a victory after a Trifecta of German Suplex’s, following it up with a Bridging Northern Lights Suplex, but Doane just managed to get his shoulder up at two. Doane did eventually get himself into the match, and after a Gutwrench Back Breaker to Albright, Doane headed up top and delivered a beautiful Top Rope Leg Drop before hooking the leg and gaining the victory.


Winner: Ken Doane


Styles: If this is the future of Extreme Championship Wrestling, I think we can safely say that things are certainly looking up.


Taz: No doubt, these two put on a tremendous effort here tonight, and I can’t wait to see what else these two men have to offer-WHAT THE HELL?


The celebrations were cut short when Kurt Angle stormed the ring, attacking Ken Doane and drilling him with the Angle Slam. Albright should have stayed on the mat, as when he got to his feet, he too was hit with the Angle Slam. Angle wasn’t done with Albright, locking in the Ankle Lock on the newcomer. Albright was screaming in agony, but as officials rushed the ring to break it up, Angle jumped out of the ring and headed to the back, sending a clear message to Paul Heyman and ECW. The officials checked on the condition of Ken Doane and Brent Albright in particular, who was still clutching at his ankle.




We head into the locker rooms, where ECW World Champion Rob Van Dam is preparing for his main event contest with Jerry Lynn. RVD looks at the WWE World Heavyweight Championship which he still has possession of, smiling as he continues to prepare. That is when he is joined by his opponent for the evening, Jerry Lynn. RVD rises to his feet before the two shake hands and hug.


Lynn: So, how’s it feel to be ECW Champ?


RVD: It’ll feel a whole lot better when Paul hands me the title later tonight.


Lynn: Well, you got other business to take care of first.


RVD: Sure thing man, ready to tear the house down one more time?


Lynn: I was born ready, you know that. Just go easy on me; I’m not as young as I used to be.


RVD: Jerry, you know I can’t go easy on you.


Lynn: Yeah, I never really expected anything less. Anyway, just wanted to say good luck tonight.


RVD: And you, man. Let’s give them something special.


The two men hugged it out one more time before Jerry left, leaving Van Dam to continue to prepare for their showdown.


Taz: A ton of respect between those two men, and I can’t think of a better main event for our first show back.




The crowd began to jeer the moment Shelton Benjamin made his way out to the ring, ready for his rematch with Sabu. Benjamin was once again accompanied by “The Queen of Extreme” Francine, who handed Benjamin a microphone as they stepped into the ring, the crowd continuing to get under the skin of Benjamin.


Benjamin: This past Sunday, I thought I had buried the career of Sabu. I put him in the ground, where he should have stayed. Sabu clearly didn’t learn his lesson at One Night Stand. I’m the future of this company, no; I’m the future of this BUSINESS. I’m the man who will lead the New Breed of professional wrestling to prominence. I’m The Gold Standard of this sport. Sabu, you are the past, you are everything that is wrong with this business; a man who is way past his prime and doesn’t know when to hang up his boots. Well I am going to hang them up for you right here tonight. You may have been an Icon in your time, but those days are LONG gone my friend. You are looking at the future, you are looking at the best and you are looking at the NEXT ECW World Champion


Benjamin dropped the mic to the mat as the familiar theme of Sabu hit, and out came the ECW icon, along with “The Manager of Champions” Bill Alfonso. Sabu threw a chair into the ring before diving in himself, the bell rang and the carnage began.



Sabu vs. Shelton Benjamin


Much like their battle at One Night Stand, both Sabu and Benjamin went all out to put on a tremendous performance, but it was clear from the get go that Benjamin was focused and hungry to succeed in ECW, and he picked apart Sabu. That’s not to say Sabu didn’t get any offence in, as an Arabian Skull Crusher with the chair from the top almost spelt the end for “The Gold Standard”, but he just managed to get his shoulder off the canvas. Alfonso tried to help Sabu, but his distraction of the official only gave Francine the chance to hit a low blow on Sabu, setting him up for the Exploder Suplex onto the steel chair, giving Benjamin his second victory over “The Human Highlight Reel”.


Winner: Shelton Benjamin


Styles: Shelton Benjamin with ANOTHER win over the former ECW World Champion.


Taz: Like him or not, Shelton Benjamin has backed up every word he has said since arriving in Extreme Championship Wrestling.


Francine quickly helped Benjamin to the back as Bill Alfonso checked on Sabu, who was still laid out on the canvas.




We head backstage, where Balls Mahoney is talking with Roadkill, although Balls seemed to be the one doing most of the talking as Roadkill simply stared into space, looking utterly confused as to what he was even doing there. But their conversation was shot dead when Kurt Angle arrived at the scene, steel chair in hand, and laid out both men with vicious shots to the head with the steel. Angle went nuts, nailing them both with violent shots with the chair whilst they were on the ground. Officials once again came to the scene to stop the attack, and once again Angle fled, leaving Mahoney and Roadkill rolling around on the concrete as officials and road agents attended to the fallen duo.


Styles: Once again Kurt Angle has struck. Is this what we have to look forward to for the next twelve months?


Taz: I have no idea, but I don’t think he’s gonna stop until he gets what he wants. I right now the one thing he wants is Raven.




Non-Title Match:


Jerry Lynn vs. Rob Van Dam


The crowd were red hot for this contest, every single fan on their feet as they got set to witness Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lynn square off for the first time in almost 10 years. And from the get go, it looked like both men hadn’t missed a beat, putting on a tremendous battle. Lynn had Van Dam’s number in the opening minutes of the match, countering every move that Van Dam threw at him. Lynn almost picked up a shocking upset when he set RVD up for the Cradle Piledriver, but Van Dam escaped and rolled to the outside. But Lynn wasn’t about to let the World Champion rest, and came crashing down to the outside with a Springboard Cross Body, the fans going nuts with “ECW” chants.

The two continued to battle on the outside for several minutes, and the two men even made it out into the crowd when RVD’s attempt at a Side Kick from the guard rail was thwarted as Lynn pushed him into the crowd before leaping onto the rail himself and landing a Clothesline to Van Dam. The two did eventually make it back to the ring, but not before RVD hit a Corkscrew Leg Drop from the apron onto Lynn, who was draped over the guard rail. The two continued to go tooth and nail, the crowd eating it up. But things would take a drastic turn when, after a Tornado DDT from Jerry Lynn, Steve Corino headed to the ring looking to cost Lynn the match. Jerry didn’t notice the distraction and turned into a deadly Lariat from “The King of Old School”. Corino was soon sent to the outside however when RVD got to his feet and hit a Springboard Side Kick to the head of Corino. RVD could have gone for the pinfall on Lynn, but RVD’s respect for Jerry shone through when he helped him to his feet, not wanting to earn such a cheap victory. The move almost cost him, as Lynn rolled him up with a Small Package, but Van Dam managed to kick out at two. After several more minutes of fast paced action, Van Dam finally hit a Rolling Thunder before heading up top and delivering the Five Star Frog Splash and getting the well deserved victory.


Winner: Rob Van Dam


The crowd came alive as the official raised the hand of the World Champion, Van Dam looking exhausted after his gruelling battle with Lynn. Jerry was struggling to his feet, and Van Dam decided to help his long time friend to his feet. Steve Corino was up on the apron, and it looked as if he was about to strike once again, but upon seeing both men on their feet, he thought better of it and retreated to the back. Both Lynn and RVD hugged in the centre of the ring after their hard fought battle, the fans chanting “You’ve still got it”. That’s when the theme music of Co-Owner Paul Heyman hit, and out came Heyman with a bag in his hand. Jerry shook Van Dam’s hand one more time before heading to the back, giving Van Dam his moment in the spotlight. Paul Heyman asked for a microphone from ringside.


Heyman: First of all, congratulations on your victory tonight. I knew you and Jerry could still put on one of the best matches in wrestling today. Trust me folks, you won’t find action like that anywhere else. But right now, I’m here for a different reason entirely. At One Night Stand, not only did you retain that “Other” belt from that “Other” company, but thanks to your hard work and determination, you became ECW World Champion for the very first time. So it is with great pleasure that I present to you YOUR ECW World Championship belt.


Heyman opened the bag he was carrying and revealed Van Dams new Championship belt...




Van Dam looked like he was going to break down as Heyman handed the gold to RVD. The fans were ecstatic, pleased to see that their hero had finally reached the holy grail. But Van Dam’s world came crashing down when, from seemingly nowhere, “The Man Beast” Rhino entered the ring and took Van Dam out with a sickening Gore, surely cracking the ribs of “The Whole ****in’ Show”. Paul Heyman was going nuts, asking Rhino what in the world he was thinking, but Rhino was too busy looking down at the lifeless body of Van Dam. Rhino picked up RVD’s title belt, looking at it with an almost glazed look in his eyes.


Styles: We are out of time here tonight, but make sure you tune in next week. What in the world is this about? Rhino has taken out the ECW World Champion.


The show fades to black with the image of Rhino holding the new ECW World Championship high in the air as RVD writhes around in pain on the canvas, Heyman still trying to get answers from “The Man Beast”.








Dark Match:

Masato Tanaka over Roadkill E


Main Show:

The Originals over The Impact Players D+

Gregory Helms over Yoshihiro Tajiri C+

Ken Doane over Brent Albright D

Shelton Benjamin over Sabu C-

Rob Van Dam over Jerry Lynn B-


Show Rating: C+



^{-kelly-kelly-}^ - 4/5 (Total Score: 8)

pauls07 - 4/5 (Total Score: 7)

The Final Countdown - 3/5 (Total Score: 6)

The Celt - 4/5 (Total Score: 4)

Jingo - 3/5 (Total Score: 3)

BoomKing - 2/5 (Total Score: 2)


MattitudeV2 - N/A (Total Score: 3)

totti - N/A (Total Score: 3)

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<IMG SRC="http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/carlito.jpg" ALIGN="left">



Carlito is apparently STILL rubbing people the wrong way within WWE. A few weeks ago we reported that Carlito had gotten into an altercation with Edge. It seems that now he has been talking to several members of the Raw roster, telling them that Triple H is "killing his push" because HBK is Hunter's closest friend. There has been a lot of talk about Carlito possibly being released after his programme with Michaels concludes.


<IMG SRC="http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/KenKennedy.jpg" ALIGN="left">



Mr. Kennedy is just weeks away from returning to in ring action after getting the all clear from doctors. Kennedy felt he was at full health weeks ago, but management didn't want to take any chances, and so he remained behind the announce desk. He is set to begin his feud with CM Punk when he returns, which they have been building since Punk's debut. It is uncertain on who will take Kennedy's place at the announce table along side Michael Cole.


<IMG SRC="http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/BallsMahoney8.jpg" ALIGN="left">



Reports have filtered in that Balls Mahoney has been tested positive for Marijuana after a random drugs test. Whether management will take any action remains to be seen. It will be quite amusing to see just how much of the ECW roster will survive the next set of Wellness Policy drug tests considering their history.


---Other News---


CM Punk upset over new signing?

ECW TV Title tournament already facing problems?

Bryan Danielson set to début sooner than expected?

Hunter/Stephanie marriage in turmoil?

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Friday Night Smackdown returns this week, and what a historic night it will be as, after the events of One Night Stand, the WWE Championship will be defended for the first time in several years on Smackdown when WWE Champion John Cena puts the gold on the line against Rey Mysterio. "The Rabid Wolverine" Chris Benoit will also be in one on one competition when he takes on "The Fighting Irishman" Finlay. And One half of the WWE Tag Team Champions, Paul Burchill, will step through the ropes and take on the high flyer Paul London.


Randy Orton will also be in the building, and after his problems with Benoit, Matt Hardy AND Bobby Lashley, it will be interesting to see what happens there. And JBL will also be in attendance, but will he have the nerve to finally get face to face with "The Phenom" The Undertaker? With all this action to sink your teeth into, you would be a fool to miss this week's edition of Friday Night Smackdown on The CW.


Quick Picks:


WWE Championship:

John Cena © vs. Rey Mysterio


Chris Benoit vs. Finlay


Orlando Jordan vs. The Undertaker


Paul Burchill vs. Paul London


CM Punk & Super Crazy vs. The Pitbulls

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<p>WWE Championship:</p><p>

<strong>John Cena © </strong>vs. Rey Mysterio</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chris Benoit </strong>vs. Finlay</p><p> </p><p>

Orlando Jordan vs. <strong>The Undertaker</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Paul Burchill</strong> vs. Paul London</p><p> </p><p>

CM Punk & Super Crazy vs. <strong>The Pitbulls</strong></p>

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Location: Five Seasons Center (Mid West)


Attendance: 9,207


Announce Team:


Michael Cole & Mr. Kennedy




In the evenings Dark Match, Nunzio and Tony Mamaluke, The F.B.I, gained the hard fought victory over Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins.




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Cole: We are here at the Five Seasons Center for another exciting edition of Friday Night Smackdown. I’m Michael Cole, alongside Ken Kennedy...


Kennedy: That’s Mr. Kennedy to you, Mikey.


Cole: Sure, whatever. But anyway, tonight will be a historic night as, for the first time in several years, the WWE Championship will be defended on Smackdown as former World Heavyweight Champion Rey Mysterio challenges against John Cena.


Kennedy: Speaking of Mysterio, it looks like he’s on his way to the ring now.


Mysterio was indeed on his way towards the squared circle, the fans up on their feet in support of The Master of the 619. Mysterio slapped hands with the fans at ringside before grabbing a microphone and stepping through the ropes. Mysterio waited for the fans to calm themselves before he began.


Mysterio: Thanks guys, I really appreciate the support. You know, last Sunday night, I was involved in a war, a war with one of the most dangerous men in this industry, Rhino. And I took some punishment. I took a HELL of a lot of punishment. But in the end, I was victorious. My hand was raised, and I could walk out of the Hammerstein Ballroom with my head held high. So you would think that I would be on a high right now, but the truth is, I’m not. Because while they may not have taken MY pride, they took Smackdown’s identity; The World Heavyweight Championship. That title was the Holy Grail for every member of the Smackdown roster, something we all worked hard to win. And now it is on the shoulder of Rob Van Dam in ECW, and the truth is we may never see it on Smackdown again. But we can’t let what they did to us keep us down. We have to pick ourselves up, brush ourselves off and keep going forward. We need to look at this as a positive, not a negative. Because the positive is now Raw and Smackdown are ALL striving for one thing; to become the WWE Champion. And tonight, I get the first shot against John Cena. John, I have all the respect in the world for you, but you need to understand that I am going to give you everything I’ve got and more to become champion. I was World Heavyweight Champion for a month, ONE MONTH, and I had it stolen from me. But I got a taste of what it was like to hold the gold, to be on top of the mountain. And I want it again, John. I want the feeling of being the...


Rey was quickly cut off when the familiar theme of John Bradshaw Layfield hit, and out came the White Stretch Limousine. JBL stepped out, followed by Orlando Jordan and Jillian Hall. JBL looked annoyed to say the least, and he grabbed a microphone and stepped through the ropes, ready to vent his frustration.


JBL: What the hell is going on? When the hell was it decided that YOU would face John Cena here tonight? Once again I’m getting overlooked in favour of a midget in a Halloween costume who doesn’t deserve to breath the same air as a wrestling GOD like me. Rey, face facts; you are NOT World Champion material. The reason you lost your World Heavyweight Championship isn’t because you were screwed, it wasn’t because you were robbed. It was because you were NOT GOOD ENOUGH to be a champion. You were NOT GOOD ENOUGH to carry this brand on your shoulders. What these sheep in the audience think is irrelevant. They have never stepped in this ring and done what we do. They don’t know what it takes to be a success. They see the flashy moves and the fancy costumes and think that you’re the real deal. But I know the truth. And the truth is if ANYONE deserves that shot against Cena tonight, it’s ME. Not you, ME.


Mysterio: You know what John, why don’t you show me just how much you want this title shot. Step up right now and take your best shot. Come on, you’ve got Orlando here to back you up. Show me just how tough you really are. DO IT.


JBL looked down at the smaller Mysterio, unsure on whether or not to take the bait. He didn’t have the nerve to stand up to Mysterio, but he was more than happy to send Orlando Jordan, who attacked Rey and began to put the boots to him. With Mysterio down, Bradshaw suddenly found the guts to join in on the assault, and the two began a vicious beatdown on Mysterio. That is until “My Time is Now” hit, and out from the locker room came WWE Champion John Cena, who slid into the ring. JBL immediately bailed, leaving Orlando Jordan to take the beating that Cena administered, ending with a back breaking F-U. JBL pulled Jordan from the scene and headed up the ramp with him, grabbing a microphone on his way up.


JBL: Cena, welcome to Smackdown, kid. And now you’re here, just know that every day you hold that belt is just another day avoiding the inevitable. Your five month title reign will end at the hands of the man who through hell fire can hold his hand to his chest and claim to be what I have always claimed to be, and that is that I’m am a WRESTLING....GOD.


The second JBL finished his sentence, the infamous gong of The Undertaker hit, and the lights in the Five Seasons Center began to flicker, spooking JBL, who quickly headed to the back with Jordan and Hall, as Mysterio and Cena finally lock eyes with each other.


Cole: What a way to kick off Friday Night Smackdown, and what a Main Event we will have here tonight between those two men right there.


Kennedy: Can’t wait, Cole.




Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, up next we were scheduled to see the rematch between Kid Kash and Super Crazy for the Cruiserweight Championship. However, earlier in the week we got a call stating that Kid Kash had severely injured himself at a House Show and could not compete, and so the contract for the match was torn up and is set to be rescheduled for a later date. However, earlier in the day, Kash was seen in the backstage area, and it was obvious that he had faked the injury, and so a match was made for tonight between The Pitbulls taking on the two individuals they attacked last week, CM Punk and Super Crazy. But just moments ago, we received this “fan made” video. This is completely absurd, but please take a look.


A video is played where somebody with a hand held camera is filming Kid Kash backstage. The person holding the camera is clearly Jamie Noble, doing by far the worst impression of a female known to man as “she” praised her hero Kid Kash. But Kash appeared to slip on a wet floor, screaming out in “agony” as Noble called out for help, Kash clutching at his clearly uninjured ankle.


Cole: Because of this, Kash has been replaced in this bout by Psicosis. Can you believe that?


Kennedy: Hey, he looked injured to me. If I was Kash, I’d sue.



CM Punk & Super Crazy vs. Jamie Noble & Psicosis


Super Crazy was on fire in this contest, clearly angered that his scheduled Cruiserweight Championship match had been postponed. Both he and Punk seemed to have control of the match from start to finish, and it seemed Psicosis had no interest in getting in the ring with his former partner, leaving Noble to take the punishment. During the course of the match, Kid Kash made his way to ringside on crutches, clearly milking the “injury” he sustained earlier. The match was put to rest when CM Punk hit Noble with an incredible Fireman’s carry into a knee strike to the face, a move he calls the Go to Sleep. Crazy followed up with the Trifecta Moonsault, hooking the leg and gaining the three count for the victory.


Winners: CM Punk & Super Crazy


The official raised the hands of CM Punk and Super Crazy in victory, but the celebration was cut short when Psicosis attacked Super Crazy from behind, laying him out. Punk got a few shots in on Psicosis, trying to save Crazy, but he was surprised when he felt Kid Kash’s crutch smash across his spine. Kash was clearly fine as he put the boots to Punk before throwing him to the outside. Then began the three on one assault as Kash, Noble and Psicosis began to put the boots to Super Crazy. On the outside, Punk was struggling to his feet, but Kennedy was also stood up from behind the announce desk. It looked as though Kennedy was going to strike, but Punk made eye contact with him, and the two began to stare a hole through the other. After what seemed a lifetime, Punk finally grabbed a steel chair and re-entered the ring, chasing off the three men before helping Crazy to his feet. But Crazy seemingly didn’t want the help, pushing Punk to the mat before chasing after The Pitbulls and Psicosis, leaving “The Straight Edge Superstar” looking perplexed in the ring.


Cole: Crazy just snubbed Punk after he tried to help him, but I can understand he must be irate with being conned out of his title match twice in one week.


Kennedy: You’re surprised he snubbed CM Punk?


Cole: While we’re on the subject; what the hell was that about with you and Punk a second ago?


Kennedy: You’ll find out soon enough.




We head into the office of Smackdown General Manager Theodore Long, who is sat in his chair looking tired and drawn. But his peace was shattered when “The Legend Killer” Randy Orton stormed into the room.


Long: What can I do for you Randy?


Orton: What can you do? Have you not been watching these past couple of weeks? Every week I’ve had Matt Hardy and Chris Benoit trying to beat me down. Add to that the fact that I have that psycho Bobby Lashley on my tail. I’m sick of being jumped. I’m sick of having to watch my back constantly. So I think it’s about time you did your damn job. I want your word that those three men are not allowed within 100 feet of me. I’m sick of it, it needs to end now. So do what you’re paid to do and keep them away from me.


Long: You really think after the months you spent threatening me and forcing me into situations that I need to do ANYTHING for you? You got some nerve, playa. So you know what; you can go to hell.


Orton: Unless you want to lose your job I suggest...


Long: When are you gonna wake up, son? You have no power over anyone. You have no pull in this company and you can’t get what you want just by shouting and demanding. But here’s what I AM going to do; at The Great American Bash, you will face off against BOTH Chris Benoit AND Matt Hardy in a Triple Threat Match.


Orton: You got to be kidding me!


Long: You better believe it, playa. But not only that, but the winner will become the Number One Contender for the United States Championship and will face the champion at the following Pay Per View, Vengeance. And on a personal note, I hope Benoit and Hardy rip you apart. Now get out of my office.


Orton’s face was bright red with anger, the venom spewing from his eyes before he finally retreated, leaving Long alone once again.


Kennedy: I’m sorry, but that isn’t the kind of man you want as a boss. How could he do that?


Cole: Come on, after everything Orton has done to him over the past couple of months, he deserves everything he gets. But I gotta say, I can’t wait for the Triple Threat at The Great American Bash.




The crowds jeers began to echo through the building as the newly christened “British Uprising”, Paul Burchill and William Regal, made their way to the ring, their newly crafted custom made title belts draped across their shoulders. You would think that the two men would be elated, but both men wore stern looks on their face as they stepped through the ropes into the ring where Regal grabbed himself a microphone.


Regal: Is there some sort of bloody conspiracy going on around here? We are the WWE GREAT BRITISH Tag Team Champions. We won these belts fairly. And yet it seems we are being screwed over again and again. We have just gotten word that apparently, some bright spark decided it would be a good idea for us to defend these titles against Paul London and Brian Kendrick AS WELL AS Nitro and Mercury in just a few weeks at The Great American Bash. When the hell was that decided? What did EITHER of those teams do to deserve a shot at these belts? We have faced, and we have BEATEN both of them. We have nothing to prove to either, and yet we have to put these belts on the line. But if that’s the way WWE Management want to play things, then so be it. Tonight, my boy Paul here is going to annihilate Paul London, he’s going to crush him like a bloody bug. London isn’t even going to make it to The Bash if The Burch has anything to do with it. So London, come on down and take what’s coming to you. The Uprising begins right now.


Burchill was still furious over the news that they would be involved in a three way at The Great American Bash, but he had to take it one step at a time as first he would have to take on Paul London, who got a great ovation as he made his way to the ring. Brian Kendrick was by his side to ensure that Regal didn’t try anything to prevent London from gaining a win. Finally, the bell rang and the fight was on!



Paul Burchill vs. Paul London


Burchill was clearly the favourite to take the win going into this match, and he spent the early going completely overpowering the smaller London. But London had a few tricks up his sleeve, and managed to get himself back into the contest, running circles around Burchill and trying to wear him out. London came close to picking up a win with a Standing Star Press, but Burchill powered out at two. Regal then attempted to distract the official, jumping on the apron and sneakily throwing a pair of brass knuckles to Burchill. But the plan backfired big time, as with the official distracted on the apron, it gave Kendrick a chance to slide into the ring and hit the Sliced Bread #2 on Burchill. London knocked Regal off the apron before heading up top and crashing onto Burchill with the London’s Calling, hooking the leg and gaining the pinfall, much to the surprise of the fans, who were happy nonetheless.


Winner: Paul London


Cole: Can you believe it? Paul London picks up the surprise victory against one half of the Tag Champions.


Kennedy: That’s GREAT BRITISH Tag champions, Cole. And no, I can’t believe it. But they better watch their backs right now.


They did indeed have to watch their back. As London celebrated his victory with Kendrick, both men were jumped by Regal and Burchill, who proceeded to beat the holy hell out of the two. Regal grabbed hold of the brass knuckles and connected with Kendrick’s jaw, knocking him out cold. He then ordered Burchill to finish London off with a sickening Curb Stomp. But the champs were stopped in their tracks when Johnny Nitro and Joey Mercury stormed the ring, exchanging blows with Regal and Burchill. Nitro and Mercury connected with stereo Dropkicks to both men, sending them over the top rope to the floor. Burchill was ready to get back in the ring and lay waste to both men, but Regal managed to convince him to fight another day and they quickly retreated to the back. Nitro and Mercury looked at the fallen bodies of London and Kendrick, and it looked as if they may put a beating on them, but they pulled the two men up to their feet. But London and Kendrick were clearly weary of their Great American Bash opponents.




We are in the locker room, where Orlando Jordan is preparing himself for his match with The Undertaker coming up next. John Bradshaw Layfield and Jillian Hall are also on hand, and JBL is barking orders at Jordan. Finally, Orlando snaps and gets in the face of his associate.


Jordan: Hey, here’s a question for you; why is it that you always get me to do your dirty work for you?


JBL: Excuse me? Do you realise who you’re talking to?


Jordan: Yeah, I realise who I’m talking to. Every week you send me into the firing line whilst you sit back and watch it all unfold. I take beating after beating and you do NOTHING to stop it. I’m sick of it John. You left me to get dropped by Cena tonight, and now I’m being forced to soften The Undertaker up for you?


JBL: Let me make one thing perfectly clear; I’m the only reason you still have a job here. You were floundering in this company, jerking the curtain and making little to no impact. But I saw something in you and I picked you up. I gave you back your confidence and I bought the best out of you. So if it wasn’t for me, you would be stacking shelves at the 7/11 right now. So shut your mouth, go out there against The Undertaker and do your damn job. Are we clear?


Jordan never answered JBL, instead staring deep into his eyes before storming out of the locker room, leaving Jillian and Bradshaw looking perplexed and more than a little annoyed.





Orlando Jordan vs. The Undertaker


Jordan was alone in this contest, but he was determined not to be taken lightly, and actually gave The Deadman a hell of a fight. Jordan worked on the legs of Taker, trying to take him off his vertical base. But The Undertaker managed to strike back with vicious rights and lefts, rocking JBL’s associate. Taker looked to finish Jordan with the Chokeslam, but Orlando broke free and managed to drop The Undertaker with The Blackout (Reverse STO), hooking the leg and gaining a VERY close two count. Jordan was in total control for several minutes, and it seemed he may actually pull off the upset. But a Big Boot by The Phenom changed that, and Taker finally managed to drill Jordan with a Chokeslam for the hard fought victory.


Winner: The Undertaker


Cole: Credit where it is due, Orlando Jordan put up one hell of a fight. But in the end The Undertaker was just too much for him.


Undertaker dropped to one knee, ready to do his signature pose. That’s when he saw JBL out of the corner of his eye coming over the guard rail and sliding into the ring. Taker looked him dead in the eyes, and JBL knew instantly that his plan had backfired, and he immediately got out of the ring. Orlando slowly began to stir, and The Deadman looked to send a message to JBL, lifting Jordan up and planting him into the canvas with a Tombstone Piledriver. JBL continued to look on as Jordan was out cold, the fans going wild as Undertaker made the cut throat signal to Bradshaw.


Cole: One of those two men will be stuffed inside a casket at The Great American Bash, and I’m willing to bet my life that it won’t be that man right there.


Kennedy: This thing has been brewing for months, and it will all come to a head at The Bash.




Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, we have just gotten word from General Manager Teddy Long that next week, Kid Kash will be FORCED to defend his Cruiserweight Championship against Super Crazy. And he has stated that if Kid Kash cannot defend the title, then the belt will be STRIPPED from him and awarded to Super Crazy. Let’s see Kash get out of this one.


Kennedy: How can you make an injured man wrestle in a match? That’s blasphemous.


Cole: If he’s injured then I’m Orlando Bloom.


Kennedy: .....No comment, Cole.




We get a shot of United States Champion Bobby Lashley walking through the corridors of the arena when he is approached by Teddy Long, looking to grab a quick word with the champ.


Long: Bobby, I need to talk to you for a second. Listen, I know you’re the champ and I know you’re probably going to want to get a closer look at your possible opponents, but I have to ask you not to interfere in any match involving Orton, Benoit OR Hardy. We need to resolve all of this one way or another. I can’t have the four of you jumping each other from behind week after week. And I know...I know you haven’t been yourself lately, and I’m not going to pretend that I’ve been happy with some of your recent actions, playa. But I’m proud to have you as a champion, and I just ask that you don’t get yourself involved. Please, Bobby.


Lashley looked Teddy over before laughing hard in his face and walking away, leaving Long to wonder just what else he can do.


Cole: This new attitude of Bobby Lashley is disturbing. He used to be the nicest guy you could possibly meet.


Kennedy: Nice guys always finish last, Cole. You should know that. Lashley is finally looking out for number one, and I love it.





Chris Benoit vs. Finlay


Both men put on a hard hitting performance, as was expected between these two individuals. But Benoit was clearly the favourite, and laid into The Fighting Irishman with vicious, violent chops to the chest, turning Finlay’s skin into a bloody mess. Finlay wasn’t going to hold back either, pounding Benoit into the mat whenever he got the opportunity. During the contest, United States Champion Bobby Lashley appeared on the entrance way, and observed the brutality that was taking place inside the squared circle. After a pretty even match with both men getting in plenty of offence, Benoit put an end to it, reversing an attempted Clothesline from Finlay into the Crippler Crossface, giving the Irishman no choice but to tap out.


Winner: Chris Benoit


Cole: Benoit may have sent a message to Randy Orton and Matt Hardy, as well as that man right there, Bobby Lashley.


Kennedy: Benoit is as tough as they come, no doubt about it. But it’s going to be an uphill battle to beat not only Randy Orton, but also Matt Hardy at The Great American Bash.


Benoit locked eyes with the champ, whose face was expressionless, emotionless. Suddenly, a smile broke out across the face of Lashley, a somewhat disturbed look in his eyes. But that looked quickly disappeared when he was spun around and nailed with an RKO, courtesy of Randy Orton. Orton looked down at Lashley, motionless on the steel ramp way, before looking at Benoit, who hadn’t moved an inch as he watched. Orton grabbed the United States Championship and held it high in the air, the fans jeers almost deafening inside the arena.




We head backstage, where we see Johnny Nitro and Joey Mercury discussing the events that unfolded earlier in the night involving London and Kendrick and The British Uprising. Suddenly they were approached by their former manager Melina, the sly grin etched across her face.


Mercury: To what do we owe this pleasure?


Melina: I guess you think you have everything covered, don’t you? You get rid of me, suddenly you’re getting close to London and Kendrick and suddenly you have a title shot at The Great American Bash. Things seem to be going well for you, don’t they?


Nitro: Yeah, they do. It’s amazing how well things have been going without you around our necks. We don’t have you dragging us down. And as for being friends with Paul and Brian, let’s make one thing clear; we are FAR from friends. But unlike The British Invasion, we DO respect them. And besides, what we get up to and who we become friends with, quite frankly, is none of your concern anymore.


Melina: Oh Johnny, so naive. You just don’t listen do you? I’ve told you before; you don’t just walk away from me, not after what you did. You’re time is coming, sooner than you think.


Mercury: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, “Watch our backs”. You’ve been spinning the same line for weeks, toots. It’s getting old. Why don’t you get on with whatever it is you’re doing these days, and let us get on with our thing. I think you need to be more worried about Hamada than the two of us.


Melina: Hamada? She will get what’s coming to her. And so will the two of you. I guarantee it.


With that, Melina stormed off, leaving Nitro and Mercury shrugging their shoulders, not troubled in the slightest by Melina’s threats.


Kennedy: I think it is a BIG mistake on the part of Nitro and Mercury to dismiss Melina’s threats. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. I’m sure you know all about that, Cole.




WWE Championship Match:



John Cena© vs. Rey Mysterio


The crowd were split down the middle in this bout, rooting for both Cena and Mysterio. The two clearly respected each other, but they were not going to hold back, both men looking to leave with the gold. Mysterio did a good job of running circles around the WWE Champion, wearing him out before connecting with a Springboard Cross Body for a two count. The match spilled out all over the arena; in the ring, outside the ring and even at one point into the crowd when Cena hit a Hip Toss over the barrier, sending Rey into the fans. Back in the ring, Cena took control, using his obvious size advantage to wear Mysterio down, the fans getting behind the underdog. Cena continued to beat down Mysterio throughout the match, until a Drop Kick to the knee set Cena up for the 619. But as Rey came through the ropes to deliver the move, Cena caught him and, using his superior strength, lifted Mysterio onto his shoulders for the F-U. But Mysterio fought his way out and hit a drop toe hold, setting Cena up once again in the ropes. This time Rey connected with the 619, but his attempt to finish him off with the Springboard Frog Splash cost him, as Cena moved out of the way before locking Mysterio in the STFU. Rey held on for what seemed a lifetime, but it was all too much for him, and he was given no alternative but to tap out to the hold.


Winner and STILL WWE Champion: John Cena


Cole: What a battle we just witnessed between these two individuals, and I pray that this isn’t the last time we see these two men square off.


The majority of fans were on their feet in support of the WWE Champion, who held the gold high in the air. Cena looked down at Rey, who was still on the canvas in pain, before grabbing him by the arm and slowly helping him to his feet. Then, in a show of true sportsmanship and respect, Cena extended his hand to Mysterio, who accepted the handshake and the two hugged, the fans applauding both men. But if the ovation was loud for that, the roof almost blew off the place when familiar music hit...


<object width="300" height="255"><param name="movie" value="

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Kennedy: What the hell?


The fans exploded as “The Animal” Batista walked out onto the entrance way. Cena and Mysterio looked on in amazement as Batista stood before them. The show closed with the image of Batista looking down at the ring before making the belt motion around his waist, declaring that he was gunning for the WWE Champion. The Animal is back, and business is about to pick up.








Dark Match:

The FBI over Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins C-


Main Show:

CM Punk and Super Crazy over Jamie Noble and Psicosis C+

Paul London over Paul Burchill C+

The Undertaker over Orlando Jordan B

Chris Benoit over Finlay B-

John Cena over Rey Mysterio to retain WWE Championship B


Show Rating: B-




pauls07 - 4/5 (Total Score= 11)

^{-kelly-kelly-}^ - 3/5 (Total Score= 11)

The Final Countdown - 3/5 (Total Score= 9)

Jingo - 5/5 (Total Score= 8)


The Celt - N/A (Total Score= 4)

Mattitude V2 - N/A (Total Score= 3)

totti - N/A (Total Score= 3)

BoomKing - N/A (Total Score= 2)

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Guest cmdrsam
I have poked in here a few times to see what your doing here. Its clean, good reading. I like what you have done here. Running 3 shows and posting them the way you have done is a credit to your writing sir. Great job.
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I have poked in here a few times to see what your doing here. Its clean, good reading. I like what you have done here. Running 3 shows and posting them the way you have done is a credit to your writing sir. Great job.


Thank you very much. Glad you enjoy it. It is pretty tough writing three shows, and I wish I could get them posted on a more regular basis. But I'm proud of what I've achieved so far and luckily I'm still REALLY enjoying writing this diary and have a lot planned, so hopefully you will stick around for it. Thanks once again for your support. Much appreciated.

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