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WWE 2006: New Year, New Stars, New Beginnings

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Location: Hammerstein Ballroom (Tri State)

Attendance: 5,000 (SELL OUT)

Announce Team:


Joey Styles and Taz




<object width="300" height="255"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRDQBVebQ4Y?fs=1&hl=en_GB&color1=0x402061&color2=0x9461ca&border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRDQBVebQ4Y?fs=1&hl=en_GB&color1=0x402061&color2=0x9461ca&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="300" height="255"></embed></object>


Styles: The Hammerstein Ballroom in New York once again plays host to ECW on F/X. I’m Joey Styles, joined as always by TWO TIME ECW World Champion Taz. And Taz, I believe the action is going to be off the chart tonight.


Taz: No doubt about it, Joey. The First Round in the Television Title Tournament kicks off tonight, not to mention RVD going up against Lance Storm in Non Title action. And don’t forget that Brent Albright has surprisingly challenged the Olympic Gold Medallist Kurt Angle to a match following his attack last week. Buckle up, Joey. Things are...hold up, is that Rhino?


Taz and Styles were soon cut off as the Hammerstein Ballroom descended into boo’s when “The Man Beast” Rhino strolled to the ring. There was no music and no fancy entrance as Rhino, still dressed in his street gear, grabbed a microphone and rolled himself into the ring, the fans not letting up with “**** you, Rhino” chants ringing out.


Rhino: So I guess people want answers. I guess they wanna know why I did what I did to RVD last week. Well I don’t owe you people $***. If anyone deserves answers, it’s me. I want answers and I want them now. So Heyman, get your fat ass out here now, because you have a LOT of explaining to do.


Rhino waited impatiently for Heyman to arrive, his face growing a bright shade of red as he awaited his arrival. But he was surprised, as were the fans in attendance, to hear “Man in the Box” by Alice in Chains hit, and out stepped Co-Owner of ECW Tommy Dreamer, making his first appearance in The Hammerstein Ballroom since his brutal tag match at One Night Stand. The rabid crowd were on their feet as they applauded “The Innovator of Violence”, who grabbed a microphone of his own before entering the ring. It was clear he was happy to be back, but the smile soon left his face as he got down to business.


Dreamer: What can I do for you, Rhino?


Rhino: Well, either Heyman has dropped a couple of pounds in the last week, or you have something wrong with your hearing and mistook his name for your own. I said I want Heyman, and I’m not leaving until he gets his ass out here.


Dreamer: Well he’s not here yet, a family emergency. He’ll be here later on tonight. Until then, as Co-Owner, I’m in charge. So whatever you wanted to say to him, you can say to me.


Rhino: I don’t think you heard me, Dreamer. I want Paul out here right now.


Dreamer: And I don’t think you heard me. If you have a problem with management, you take it up with management. And guess what; I’M management. So if you have a problem, spit it out.


Rhino: Well if you’re part of management, then you’re part of the problem. Let me ask you a question, Dreamer; who was the VERY LAST ECW World Champion when ECW folded in 2001? Come on Tommy, even you should know that. Let me give you a hint; you’re LOOKING at him. I was the very last ECW World AND Television Champion. I was the man, I was the top dog when this company went under, nobody could touch me. When Paul came to me and told me he was resurrecting ECW, I was happy to help, because that was my chance to continue where I left off, to leave my mark on the wrestling landscape by tearing through the opposition as I always did, defending MY ECW World Championship. But what happened, Tommy? I towed the line and I did everything Paul asked of me. I did everything in my power to get this company back on track. And what happened? You handed Rob Van Dam MY World Title. That was MY TITLE, Tommy. I never lost it. I thought maybe things would have been rectified last week. I thought the least “management” would do is give me the first shot. Didn’t happen, did it Tommy? You gave my shot to Jerry Lynn. After everything I did to help this company back on its feet, you screw me over, treat me like a bitch. I’m no bitch, Tommy. So I want you to give a message to Paul; you tell him that I will not stop until I get what is rightfully mine. Rob Van Dam is going to feel every ounce of anger and frustration that has built up inside of me until I get what I want.


Dreamer: What is it you want?


Rhino: Surely even you aren’t that stupid. I want my shot at the ECW World Championship. That title should be around my waist as we speak, but if this is the game “management” want to play, then I’ll play. Get me my title shot, and maybe, just maybe, I’ll let Van Dam keep his ability to walk.


Dreamer: First of all, I don’t know how they did things down in Orlando, but in this company you don’t get what you want by threatening people and throwing a fit. And you sure as hell don’t get it by getting in my face, so I suggest you back up. Secondly, I can’t just grant title matches whenever I please. It’s a joint decision between me, Paul and Foley. But I’ll talk to them, see if they will agree. We have enough problems with Kurt Angle running around attacking people to get what he...


Rhino: I don’t give a $*** what Angle does. This is about me. I suggest...


The two men were suddenly cut off by the appearance of “The Gold Standard” Shelton Benjamin, who as always was accompanied by Francine. The two stood at the entrance, Benjamin holding a mic in hand as the fans began giving the newcomer a less than warm reception.


Benjamin: You know, this is all very well and good, but I really have to disagree with you big man. Because if anybody deserves a shot at RVD, it’s ME. Let me ask you; how many times have you beaten Shawn Michaels on the grandest stage of all? That’s right, NONE. How many times have you been a state high school heavyweight wrestling champion? NONE. When were you ever a two time All-American? NEVER. I’m the best pure athlete in this business bar none. I’ve faced, and I’ve BEATEN the best. And yet I get looked over at every turn. Not anymore. I’m in ECW for one reason; to be the best. I proved it when I beat Sabu not once but TWICE. And now I prove it when I get MY shot at RVD. I’m at the forefront of the New Breed, and if I have to knock the old guard down one by one, I got no problem in doing so. So I’m afraid you’re gonna have to head to the back of the cue, because nobody is getting that title shot before “The Gold Standard”.


The fans jeers echoed through the ballroom as Benjamin stood, a smile spread across his face. That smile was soon wiped off however, as he was levelled with a chair from behind by Sabu. The Homicidal Maniac began beating on Benjamin as Francine tried desperately to pry Sabu away from her man. She then resorted to drastic measures, grabbing the steel chair across the spine of Sabu. This only angered Sabu, who chased her to the back. Back in the ring, Dreamer was watching the action in the entrance way, and he was oblivious to the fact that Rhino was crouched down in the corner. Dreamer finally turned around and was hit hard by a brutal Gore, sending him crumbling into the mat. Rhino looked down at the ECW Co-Owner before leaving the ring, Dreamer clutching his ribs in the centre of the ring.


Styles: Well, what a way to kick things off this Thursday night. But if Rhino is looking for a title shot, he sure is going the wrong way about it.


Taz: Hitting your boss with a Gore isn’t going to do you any favours, Joey. But he sure did send a message to everyone here in ECW, especially the World Champ RVD.




ECW World Television Title Tournament Round 1:


Balls Mahoney vs. Steve Corino


Despite his recent run-ins with Jerry Lynn, Corino seemed surprisingly relaxed and confident as he stepped up against “The Chair Swinging Freak” Balls Mahoney. Mahoney put on a respectable showing, and almost picked up the victory after hitting a Sit-Out Spinebuster on a steel chair, but Corino somehow managed to get his shoulder up at two. After several minutes of back and forth action, Corino managed to fight his way back into the match, finally nailing Mahoney with a Superkick and following up with the Old School Expulsion for the victory, advancing to the next round of the tournament.


Winner: Steve Corino


The fans bombarded “The King of Old School” with abuse following his victory, but Corino ignored it as the official raised his arm in victory. Suddenly, the fans were on their feet as Jerry Lynn slowly made his way to the ring, hatred burning in his eyes. Many believed that Corino, being the man he is, would bolt from the ring immediately. But he actually encouraged Lynn to step through the ropes and try to get his hands on him. Lynn was wary of Corino’s new found confidence, but he still stepped through the ropes. That’s when Corino’s plan came into action, as from the crowd came a monster of a man, who slid into the ring and nailed a boot to the back of Lynn’s head. It was only when the camera got a close look that the man was identified as former WWE “Superstar” Luther Reigns. Luther began to put heavy boots into the skull of Lynn as Corino stood in the corner, laughing hysterically at the carnage that Reigns was dishing out. Balls Mahoney was slowly making it up to his feet, but he too was beaten down by Luther, who dropped him with a Rolling Cutter. He then turned his attention back to Lynn. Corino instructed Reigns to lift Lynn to his feet. Corino began talking trash to Lynn as Luther held him up before delivering an Old School Lariat, almost taking Lynn’s head off. Happy with their work, the two finally left the ring and headed to the back as the abuse continued from the rabid ECW crowd.


Taz: I had the opportunity to watch Luther in action during my days on Smackdown, and if there is one thing I know it’s that he is a VERY dangerous individual. If Corino has paid for his services, I think he made a damn good decision.


Styles: Well if what we just witnessed is anything to go by, Steve Corino just made himself a hot favourite in this tournament, especially with that animal in his corner.




The cameras get a shot backstage where we see Kurt Angle arriving into the building, the same emotionless stare that seems to accompany him wherever he goes these days. Angle is making his way to his dressing room, but when he arrives, his eyes widen in anger as, spray painted across his door, reads one simple word; NEVERMORE. Angle seethes as he looks at the door before finally snapping, throwing his bag at the door before kicking the door off its hinges. Angle is almost foaming at the mouth as he looks down at the door.


Taz: Oh man, Raven is getting into Angles head big time, Joey. I’ve never seen Kurt like this.


Styles: Raven is the master of the mind games, but he may be biting off more than he can chew going after a former Olympic Gold medallist.




We now get a shot of one of the “New Breed” of wrestlers in Extreme Championship Wrestling, Ken Doane, who is set to cut a promo.


Doane: My name is Ken Doane. You may remember me from such god awful gimmicks like “The Spirit Squad”. You know, after being subjected to such humiliation week after week, being forced to dress in a ridiculous cheerleading outfit and made to look a fool, a lot of people would have given up. Most people would never live it down. But not me. Out of everybody who was put through that hell, I’m the only one still standing. Whist the rest of them were feeling sorry for themselves and licking their wounds, I picked myself up and I turned things around. I made sure I was going to leave that behind me and that I was going to make a sudden impact wherever I went. Last week went some way to removing the stench that was The Spirit Squad off of me when I beat Brent Albright. But next week, I truly leave my past behind when I face and DEFEAT Yoshihiro Tajiri and advance to the next round of the ECW Television Title Tournament. Tajiri, you’re an ECW Original, you’ve almost done it all in this company. Which is why it will be all the more satisfying when I pin your shoulders to the mat and take the next step towards gold. What better way to cement my name in the annals of Extreme Championship Wrestling than by defeating an ECW Icon? You people still think I’m a joke? Just watch what I do next week. Maybe then you’ll change your tune. Ken Doane, like it or not, is the TRUE future of ECW, and Ken Doane, like it or not, is your NEXT ECW Television Champion of the World. Choke on that.





The Bashams vs. The Unholy Alliance


The Bashams were absolutely slaughtered by the fans inside The Hammerstein Ballroom, the mere sight of them enraging the ECW faithful. Despite that, Doug and Danny managed to stay composed and were able to go move for move with Whipwreck and Tajiri. In fact, the two had control for the majority of the match, keeping Whipwreck in their corner and preventing him from making a tag. But Mikey managed to fight his way out after a brutal Dropkick to the jaw of Doug before making the tag to Tajiri. The Japanese Buzzsaw cleaned house, and looked to earn his team the win. But he may have made a big mistake when he tagged Whipwreck back in. With all four men in the ring, Tajiri hit a devastating kick to the back of Danny Bashams head. He then went to hit Doug with the Green Mist, but he ducked and the liquid went into the eyes of his partner, blinding him. Doug then threw Tajiri out of the ring and made the cover on Whipwreck, gaining the three count and the victory as the fans continued to abuse the newcomers.


Winners: The Bashams


Taz: Well, you gotta give props to Doug and Danny. Despite this rabid crowd getting on their backs, they managed to pull through and get the win here.


Styles: The Bashams cementing their place in the tag team ranks of ECW with that victory, and surely one of the favourites to become Tag Team Champions in the near future.




We once again head to the backstage area, where we see “The Hardcore Icon” The Sandman sat in the locker room, a cigarette in one hand and a beer in the other as he prepares to cut a promo. Sandman takes one last chug of his beer before opening another and continuing.


Sandman: Gregory Helms; God’s Gift to Wrestling. You know, I’ve had a lot of people ask me why I attacked Helms last week. I mean it’s not like I have anything to prove to him, I already beat him at One Night Stand. So why am I so “obsessed” with Helms? I’ll tell you why; it’s about respect. This “New Breed” of talent that’s been filtering into ECW, the majority has no respect. Helms, Ken Doane, Shelton Benjamin; they’re all the same. They all make the same claims; “We are the future. We’re taking over”. I got news for you boys. You don’t become top dog in this company overnight. You work hard, you pay your dues and you EARN your spot. I EARNED my spot in ECW, and yet punks like Helms think that it’s there’s, that it should be handed to them. Not while I’m around boys, because if I have to beat some respect into you I will. But you will learn; these old dogs still have a few tricks up our sleeves. There may be a New Breed in ECW, but the old school isn’t ready to pack our bags just yet. So Gregor...


Sandman was suddenly cut off by a HARD Singapore Cane shot by Gregory Helms, coming out of nowhere to beat down The Hardcore Icon. Helms continued to rein blows down on Sandman with the cane before hitting another violent shot across the skull, busting him open. Helms then began throwing right hands, opening the cut further and deeper. With The Sandman incapacitated, Helms finally left the locker room, but not before giving him one last boot to the face. Sandman was barely moving as the blood flowed from his head.


Taz: What a statement Gregory Helms just made. He just completely annihilated a former FIVE TIME ECW Champ. If that’s not making an impact, I don’t know what is.


Styles: He may have knocked Sandman down, but he didn’t knock him out. There is going to be brutal retribution coming the way of “God’s Gift to Wrestling”.




We get yet another shot backstage, where we see Shelton Benjamin and Francine literally hiding behind security as Sabu attempts to get his hands on them. Bill Alfonso is desperately trying to get Sabu to retreat, as are several officials, but Sabu is relentless in his pursuit to get to the both of them. Benjamin finally sees an opening, and he makes a run for it with Francine. Sabu tries to go after them, but he is finally held back by security. Alfonso tries to calm his client down, but it is no use.


Styles: Benjamin may never get a shot a the title if Sabu has anything to do with it. The man’s gonna kill him.


Taz: Sabu’s a little nut’s, I’ll give you that. But Shelton’s a smart individual. He’s sure to have a plan when it comes to Sabu.




ECW Television Title Tournament Round 1:


Justin Credible vs. Masato Tanaka


Both Tanaka and Credible were on their game in this contest as they both looked to make it through to the next round of the tournament. Credible proved just why he was a former World Champion as he played it smart and tried to keep the larger Tanaka on his back and off his feet. His strategy worked for a while, until Tanaka fought back to his feet and delivered heavy elbows to the head of Credible, rocking the Impact Player. The two continued to trade blows, with neither man looking to back down. But after Tanaka ducked an attempted Superkick from Credible, he immediately spun around and knocked Credible out cold with the Roaring Elbow. Tanaka made the cover and picked up the win, advancing to the next round of the tournament.


Winner: Masato Tanaka


Styles: A HUGE win for Masato Tanaka here at The Hammerstein Ballroom and Tanaka moves one step closer to becoming Television Champion.


Taz: And now it’s confirmed; Steve Corino versus Masato Tanaka in the next round of the tournament. That’s gonna be off the chain, Joey.




ECW World Champion Rob Van Dam is backstage as he gets set to cut a promo.


RVD: Last week, I had another knockdown, drag out match with Jerry Lynn. And as always, we blew the god damn roof off the place. And once again, RVD came out victorious. But then somebody had to come out and spoil the moment; YOU, Rhino. Listen, if you want a title shot, I’m more than happy to give it to you. But it’s not my call; it’s Paul’s, Tommy’s and Mick’s. You know, in some ways I agree with you. Since you never technically lost this belt, you SHOULD get a shot at the belt. Then maybe we can prove who the TRUE World Champion really is. But the way you go about getting it, that sucks man. Your attitude sucks. So if Paul and the rest of the guys agree to it, I’ll be waiting for you. But until then, I have to concentrate on tonight’s match with Lance Storm. Me and Lance, we’ve had some battles in the past. Remember ECW’s first Pay Per View in 97 Lance? I took you to the limit and I came out with my hand raised. Tonight will be no different, well, I guess the only difference is now I’m the ECW World Champion. I got more to prove now than ever. I was once called the greatest wrestler never to win a World Title. But now I have the gold, my goal is simple; to be the BEST World Champion in history. And it starts tonight with you, Lance. RVD is going to prove exactly why they call me “The Whole ****in’ Show”. Oh, and a shout out to Mick Foley, hope to see you back soon dude.


Taz: RVD is pumped and ready for tonight, Joey.


Styles: I agree, but he doesn’t want to take Lance Storm lightly tonight.




We get a camera in the back, where Tommy Dreamer is being checked over by the company doctor after the devastating Gore he received earlier in the night, when he is joined by Paul Heyman who finally arrives to the building.


Heyman: What the hell happened to you?


Dreamer: That son of a bitch Rhino, that’s what happened. He thinks Goring me is gonna get him a title shot. He’s a moron.


Heyman: You gonna be ok?


Dreamer: I’ll be fine, don’t worry. Anyway, did you want something?


Heyman: Well, actually I did. I heard you’ve entered yourself into the Television Title Tournament next week.


Dreamer: Yeah, that’s right. Why?


Heyman: Tommy, you need to understand something; you’re the Co-Owner of this company now. You have responsibilities. You can’t just enter yourself into a Title Tournament. How is it going to look if you actually win? The politics in this business are bad enough, and if you become TV Champion, that’s exactly what it will look like; you abusing your power. You don’t need that, Tommy, that’s not you.


Dreamer: With all due respect Paul, I’m a wrestler first, an Owner second. Wrestling is what I do, and that’s what I’ll continue to do. If people think I’m abusing my power and playing politics, that’s there call. I’ll deal with it. But I’m not going to stop doing what I do just because I work in the office now. So I appreciate the concern, but I can handle it.


Heyman: As long as you know what your doing. I’ll speak later.


Styles: As much as I hate to admit it, Paul may have a valid point there.


Taz: I don’t know. Tommy is passionate about what he does. He shouldn’t have to sacrifice that because he’s the boss.





Brent Albright vs. Kurt Angle


On any other night, the young Brent Albright may have actually given Kurt Angle some problems. But with the foul mood the Gold Medallist has been in since being forced to work for the company, Albright didn’t stand much of a chance. Angle beat on Albright from pillar to post, finally finishing the newcomer off with an Angle Slam and following up with the Ankle Lock for the victory.


Winner: Kurt Angle


The match was finished, but Angle clearly wasn’t as he grabbed a microphone from ringside.


Angle: Raven, I’m sick of this bull****. Let’s settle this right now. I know you’re in here, so get your ass out here and stop with your stupid games.


Angle waited impatiently for Raven to arrive, and after several seconds it seemed he was not going to show. But up in the balcony of The Hammerstein Ballroom stood Raven, his arms outstretched as the ECW faithful surrounded him, Raven chants echoing around the building. Angle was begging Raven to come down to the ring to face him, but Raven stood motionless as he watched on. Brent Albright got to his feet in the ring, and he become the target of Angles frustration as Kurt toom him down and applied the Ankle Lock. Angle locked eyes with Raven as he tried to snap the ankle of Albright, but Raven wasn’t going to move. Eventually, officials filtered out from the back to stop Angle from causing serious injury to Albright. Suddenly, Raven had a microphone in his hand as Angle struggled to get away from the officials who were trying to hold him back.


Raven: Angle, your time will come. And when it does, the anger you feel now will be replaced by fear, suffering and anguish, of that you can be certain. Quote the Raven, Nevermore.


And just like that, Raven left, leaving Angle even more incensed as officials continued to hold him back.


Taz: Raven is the absolute master of mind games, and he is proving it with Angle. Kurt’s lost it.


Styles: Once again, you have to question whether it’s a wise choice to enrage Angle any further than he already has.




A video is played in the ballroom as well as to the viewers at home...


<object width="300" height="255"><param name="movie" value="

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEuVyu7hLWI?fs=1&hl=en_GB&color1=0x402061&color2=0x9461ca&border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEuVyu7hLWI?fs=1&hl=en_GB&color1=0x402061&color2=0x9461ca&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="300" height="255"></embed></object>





Rhino vs. Stevie Richards


Destruction; possibly the only word to describe what happened during this match. Richards was barely able to get a shot in as “The Man Beast” annihilated him, throwing him around the ring like a rag doll. Richards did come to life at one point and attempted to hit a Stevie Kick from literally nowhere, but his foot was caught and he got sent to the canvas with a devastating Spinebuster. Rhino followed up with a bone shattering Gore before hooking the leg and picking up the emphatic victory.


Winner: Rhino


Taz: Wow! If he gets a title shot against RVD like he wants, I’m afraid to say my moneys on Rhino.


Styles: I have to say I haven’t seen this side of Rhino in quite some time. RVD is in serious trouble if Rhino does indeed get a title shot.



Backstage, officials are STILL trying to contain Kurt Angle, who is being berated by Paul Heyman. Suddenly, Tommy Dreamer enters the fray and gets in Angles face.


Dreamer: What the hell was that, Kurt? Are you trying to cripple the kid? Whatever problem you have with us, Raven or anyone else, you take it up with them. But you don’t take it out on Brent, you hear me. You got problems, you take it up with me.


Angle: Fine, you’re the boss.


With that, Angle broke free of the officials and took Dreamer to the floor and the two began rolling around on the floor. Heyman was livid, now berating both men as more security was called in to break the two up.


Taz: This is getting way out of hand with Angle. I’m starting to think maybe it was a mistake to bring him in.




Non-Title Match:


Lance Storm vs. Rob Van Dam


As always the crowd were firmly behind “The Whole ***in’ Show” Rob Van Dam as he went to battle with Lance Storm. But RVD was stunned, as were the crowd, at the fight Storm put up. In fact there were times when it looked like Storm would steal a victory from the World Champion. RVD was on the back foot as Storm worked on the legs of Van Dam, looking to weaken him for the Canadian Maple Leaf submission. But Van Dam, as he has done many times, fought through the pain and began to fight back, with stiff kicks to the chest, legs, head and any other exposed body part he could connect with. A rolling Thunder by Van Dam almost did it, but Storm was able to kick out. The fans were clearly enjoying the action being displayed by both men, and a Springboard Cross Body by RVD gained him a LONG two count. The end came as Storm attempted a Handspring Clothesline in the corner, but RVD was able to move before nailing a Springboard Side Kick to the skull. Van Dam followed it up by heading to the top and, with the crowd firmly behind him, he came crashing down with the Five Star Frog Splash. RVD made the cover and got the count of three, picking up a hard earned victory.


Winner: Rob Van Dam


The rabid crowd rose to their feet as RVD was announced as the winner. But things were about to take a turn for the worse as Rhino sprinted towards the ring. He slid under the ropes and charged at Van Dam, looking for the Gore. But Van Dam managed to side step the move and Rhino crashed into the turnbuckle. Van Dam then nailed Rhino with several right hands before hitting a Spin Kick to the jaw of The Man Beast. Van Dam looked to hit the Rolling Thunder, but Rhino decided to retreat, rolling back out of the ring. The crowd were electric with “RVD” chants as the two had an intense staredown. But the mood was changed when from the crowd came “The Gold Standard” Shelton Benjamin. Benjamin spun RVD around and delivered a devastating Exploder Suplex to the champ, the fans bombarding Benjamin with abuse.


Styles: What the hell is going on around here? Why is Benjamin even out here?


Taz: It’s pretty obvious; he’s staking his claim to the World Title. Benjamin just put his name in the hat to be the next in line for a title shot.


The show ended with Benjamin looking down at a prone Van Dam as Rhino looked on from the entrance way.








Main Show:

Steve Corino over Balls Mahoney C

The Bashams over The Unholy Alliance D+

Masato Tanaka over Justin Credible C-

Kurt Angle over Brent Albright C+

Rhino over Stevie Richards D+

Rob Van Dam over Lance Storm B


Show Rating: B-




pauls07 - 6/6 (Total Score= 21)

The Final Countdown - 6/6 (Total Score= 21)

Jingo - 2/6 (Total Score= 15)

totti - 4/6 (Total Score= 10)

Doe-Bomb - 4/6 (Total Score= 8)


^{-kelly-kelly-}^ - N/A (Total Score: 11)

Scotland - N/A (Total Score: 5)

Hartattack - N/A (Total Score: 4)

The Celt - N/A (Total Score= 4)

Mattitude V2 - N/A (Total Score= 3)

TracyBrooksFan - N/A (Total Score: 3)

BoomKing - N/A (Total Score= 2)

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<p><hr></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24967" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/wrestlexperts.jpg</span><p> <span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>---TOP NEWS STORIES---</strong></span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24967" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><IMG SRC="<a href="http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/wwe/ECW.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/wwe/ECW.jpg"</a> ALIGN="left"><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">BREAKING NEWS-ECW.COM TO MAKE MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT LATER TODAY</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> ECW.com have promised a major announcement to be revealed later on today. Although reports are sketchy, the rumour is that they are to announce their next Pay Per View event. There has been talk of another ECW Pay Per View to take place in August, but there has been nothing set in stone. We will keep you updated on this story as it filters in.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24967" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><IMG SRC="<a href="http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/MikeyWhipwreck2.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/MikeyWhipwreck2.jpg"</a> ALIGN="left"> <div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>WHIPWRECK FAILS TO IMPRESS</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> There is word that several people in management, Stephanie McMahon in particular, who have been far from impressed with Mikey Whipwreck. Although Whipwreck is well liked in the ECW locker room, management have not been particularly happy with his in ring performances, especially when teaming with Yoshihiro Tajiri. Whilst some believe it may not be long before Whipwreck gets his marching orders, others believe he will be kept around, as he is VERY well liked among many.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24967" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><IMG SRC="<a href="http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/TravisTomko9.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/TravisTomko9.jpg"</a> ALIGN="left"><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">TOMKO CONTINUES TO SHINE</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> WWE Creative are set to continue with there mega push of Tyson Tomko. McMahon and company have been extremely impressed with not only his in ring work, but also his attitude behind the curtain. There are even rumours that he has even won over the admiration of "The Game" Triple H, who as we reported several months ago, was unhappy at being placed in a programme with him, claiming he wasn't "Main-Event material". It would be unsurprising to see Tomko enter the WWE Title picture in the near future.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>---Other News---</strong></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Major star headed to TNA?</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> WWE look to make more cuts?</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> More Tag Teams set to debut on RAW?</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> Joel Gertner arrested for indecent exposure?</span></p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote>
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ECW.com is pleased to announce that on August 13th 2006, ECW will hold their next Pay Per View, Heatwave, LIVE from The Asbury Park Convention Hall in Asbury Park, New Jersey, home of some monumental moments in ECW's history, including the now infamous TV Title match between "The Human Suplex Machine" Taz and "The Beast from the East" Bam Bam Bigelow. And speaking of the TV Title,we can confirm that at Heatwave, the ECW Television Title Tournament Final will take place, with the winner becoming the NEW ECW Television Champion. We will keep you up to date on any news concerning Heatwave right here on ECW.com

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With less than two weeks until The Great American Bash, we are sure to have an EXPLOSIVE edition of Friday Night Smackdown. And after the shocking return of "The Animal" last week following the Rey Mysterio/John Cena title match, Batista will make his in ring return as he faces off with "The Worlds Strongest Man" Mark Henry. Speaking of Mysterio, he is said to be upset with the turn his career has taken as of late. But he will have to have his head in the game this week as he takes on "The Fighting Irishman" Finlay. Also, Matt Hardy, after being put on the shelf by "The Legend Killer" several months back, finally gets his shot at revenge as he faces Orton in one on one competition. And Kid Kash, after conning his way out of a title defence last week, will have nowhere to run as he is forced to defend the Cruiserweight Championship against "The Insane Luchadore" Super Crazy.


Plus, after several weeks of being in her homeland to attend to family issues, Hamada returns to Smackdown as she takes on Melina one more time. United States Champion Bobby Lashley will also be in action. And JBL is set to make a statement in regards to his Casket Match with The Undertaker at The Bash. With all this and more, be sure to tune in to Friday Night Smackdown on CW.


Quick Picks:


Batista vs. Mark Henry


Matt Hardy vs. Randy Orton


Non-Title Match:

Bobby Lashley vs. William Regal


Finlay vs. Rey Mysterio


WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

Kid Kash © vs. Super Crazy


Hamada vs. Melina

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  • 3 weeks later...



Location: Hara Arena (Great Lakes)


Attendance: 10,000 (SOLD OUT)


Announce Team:


Michael Cole & Mr. Kennedy




In the Dark Match of the evening, Nunzio pulled off a hard fought victory over Zach Ryder, hitting him with the Sicilian Slice for the win.




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Cole: The Hara Arena is completely sold out as we welcome you to Friday Night Smackdown. I’m Michael Cole alongside my broadcast partner Mr. Kennedy. And Ken we are just over a week away from The Great American Bash.


Kennedy: Thank you Captain freakin’ Obvious. But we still have tonight to concentrate on, and the big in ring return of “The Animal” Batista.


Cole: Absolutely, I can’t wait for that one. Also Rey Mysterio will be here and has a huge announcement...hold on a second.


Cole and Kennedy are cut short when the lights in the arena go out, and a single purple spotlight illuminates two druids who slowly march to the ring pushing a casket as eerie music plays in the background. There was a hushed silence in the crowd as the casket was placed next to the ring. The two druids then slowly lifted the lid, and inside was a mannequin dressed to look like The Undertaker. The lights in the arena came back on as the druids lifted their hoods to reveal Orlando Jordan and Jillian Hall. That’s when the familiar music of John Bradshaw Layfield hit, and he rolled out in his white Stretch Limousine. JBL was all smiles as he headed to the ring and grabbed a microphone. He stood in the squared circle with his two associates as the crowd bombarded him with “You Suck” chants.


JBL: That right there is a glimpse into your future, Undertaker. That is a glimpse of where your career is headed. At The Great American Bash, this battle ends, Dead Man. For months, you and I have battled back and forth with seemingly no end in sight. But at The Bash, we battle one last time, and this time we battle in a Casket Match. Only one way to obtain victory; to stuff your opponent into a casket and slamming the lid closed. Now I know, I know a lot of people think I’m at a disadvantage here. I mean, this is The Undertakers match, it’s his speciality. And surely I have absolutely no chance of beating him. But I know something that he doesn’t. And I KNOW that at The Great American Bash, I will lock The Undertaker inside that casket, close the lid and finally rid the world of The Phenom. And when I do that, I will be the TRUE Phenom of the WWE. And when I rid the world of The Dead Man, I can FINALLY concentrate on my goal of becoming WWE Champion. This little feud has gone on WAY too long. You stuck your nose in my business all those months ago, and at The Great American Bash, you finally pay for YOUR sins.


JBL then turns to Jordan, who hands JBL a box of matches. JBL takes the item in his hand before heading over towards the mannequin that is stuffed inside the casket on the outside.


JBL: Undertaker, for 15 years, you have been the dominant force in the WWE. You have left a legacy that could NEVER be duplicated. That is until now, because there is a new Phenom in the WWE, and his name is John Bradshaw Layfield. I am the shining light of Sports Entertainment. And at The Great American Bash, your legacy, your career, your very EXISTANCE, is going to go up...in...flames.


And with a flick of the wrist, JBL struck a match and threw it into the casket, setting the mannequin on fire as the arena lights dropped again, the flames being the only light emanating from the arena. But the crowd soon came to life when the lights came back on, and in the ring stood The Undertaker, his face etched with rage. JBL and Jillian quickly bolted, leaving Jordan to once again take the beating, Taker grabbing him by the throat and drilling him with a Chokeslam. Orlando rolled out of the ring in pain as JBL backed up the ramp way, the fear evident on his face. Undertaker then dropped to one knee in his signature pose as the lights dropped one more time, Undertaker saluting the burning casket as the fans went nuts for The Dead Man.


Cole: JBL may have bitten off more than he can chew trying to play mind games with The Undertaker.


Kennedy: I hate to agree with you Cole, so I won’t. JBL is more than capable of beating The Undertaker, especially with Orlando Jordan watching his back.




WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match:




Kid Kash © vs. Super Crazy


After weaselling his way out of defending his title last week, Kash was afforded no such luxuries this time, and Crazy went all out in his attempt to regain the Cruiserweight Championship. Kash was stunned by the relentless attack by The Insane Luchadore, showing a side of him that many had never seen before. Kash was saved however when a distraction from Kash’s tag partner, Jamie Noble, allowed the champ to land a low blow. The momentum was now in Kash’s favour, and he showed just why he holds the gold, picking Crazy apart and working on the legs, taking away a majority of his arsenal. But Crazy’s heart shone through, and he fought back, taking it to the champ. Noble jumped up on the apron to distract Crazy, but he was quickly sent to the floor by a Super Crazy right hand. But the distraction was enough, and Crazy turned around and was greeted by a sickening Money Maker. Kash made the cover... but Crazy got his foot on the rope! Kash was livid, and lifted Crazy up to attempt a second Money Maker, but he was hit with a picture perfect Dropkick to the jaw, followed by a Tornado DDT. Crazy then signalled to the ropes, where he went for the Trifecta Moonsault. But Crazy’s dream was crushed when from nowhere, Psicosis made his presence felt, climbing up on the apron and crushing Crazy’s skull with a steel chair, causing the disqualification. Crazy may have won the match, but Kid Kash still leaves with the gold.


Winner via Disqualification: Super Crazy


The crowd were less than happy with the outcome of the match, and they became more irate as Psicosis entered the ring and put the boots to his former partner. Kid Kash began to stir, and upon seeing the carnage, he too joined in the beating. Jamie Noble soon joined the fray, and it was a three on one mugging of Super Crazy. That was until “The Straight Edge Superstar” CM Punk hit the ring, steel chair in hand, looking to get a measure of revenge for the recent attacks that he himself had suffered. The three men quickly bolted, with Psicosis heading through the crowd whilst Noble and Kash headed back up the ramp. Punk looked dead in their eyes before looking towards the announce desk, where Mr. Kennedy was stood, staring a hole through Punk. The two men looked into each other’s eyes for what seemed a lifetime before Punk went to the aid of Super Crazy. But Crazy wanted nothing to do with him and pushed him away before heading to the back himself.


Cole: Who knows what would have happened if CM Punk hadn’t come to the aid of Super Crazy.


Kennedy: Who cares?


Cole: Seriously, you have to spill the beans. What is your problem with this kid?


Kennedy: How about a little less talking and a little more shut the hell up, Cole?




Grisham: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, “The Legend Killer” Randy Orton. And Randy, in just over a week’s time you will be involved in a Triple Threat Match to determine the Number One Contender for Bobby Lashley’s United States Championship. But tonight you will be in singles action against one of your Great American Bash opponents, Matt Hardy.


Orton: What’s your point, Todd? Why is it that people seem to think that I’m intimidated by somebody like Bobby Lashley? Who put Chris Benoit out of action? I did, Todd. Who sent Matt Hardy to the hospital? I did, Todd? Who is going to walk out victorious at The Great American Bash? I AM, TODD. And who is going to take back HIS United States Championship, and in the process put the so called monster Bobby Lashley in a god damn coma? I will, Todd. I have faced and BEATEN the best in the business. Triple H, Mick Foley, Ric Flair, the list goes on. I am intimidated by absolutely nobody. And tonight, I prove it when I break the hearts of millions of fans worldwide by taking Matt Hardy out one more time. And then, then it will just be me and Benoit. And Benoit, if I came close to breaking your neck last time, I can guarantee that this time, I’ll take your head clean off. And that, that is a promise.




We head into the locker rooms, where William Regal is pacing the floor, his tag partner Paul Burchill trying to calm his nerves.


Regal: I mean, what are they thinking? First they tell us that we have to defend our titles against London and Kendrick AND Nitro and Mercury at The Bash. And now to top it all off, I have a match against that bloody nut case Bobby Lashley tonight. I mean, they couldn’t find anyone else to face him? He’s a bloody mad man. Why me, Paul? Why choose me? It’s a bloody conspiracy.


Burchill: Billy, for Christ sake settle down, mate. You’ve got nothing to worry about. I’ll be out there, right by your side. When have I ever let you down? Bill, we are the Tag Team Champions, the GREAT BRITISH Tag Team Champions. We can handle anything that they throw at us. Just think of the momentum we will gain if you beat the United States Champion tonight. It will force EVERYONE to open their eyes and take notice. And it’ll send a clear message to those pretty boys Nitro and Mercury as well as those pansies London and Kendrick. We’re The British Uprising for crying out loud. If anyone can pull this off, it’s us. Let’s show these Yankee wankers what we can do.


Regal: Ok, just make sure you’ve got my back out there tonight.


Burchill: When have I ever NOT had your back? Don’t worry, I’ll be there by your side. I’m the Tony Blair to your George W. Bush.


Regal: Oh, that’s very reassuring, mate. Let’s go before I change my mind about you.


Cole: It’s Regal versus Bobby Lashley, and it’s coming up next!




Non-Title Match:


Bobby Lashley vs. William Regal


If Regal was nervous before the match, he was clearly petrified when Paul Burchill was sent to the back by the official before the contest even started, enraging the veteran brit. Lashley was almost salivating as he went to work on Regal, completely dominating him, giving Regal no chance to retaliate. Regal did eventually find a way in however after ducking a Clothesline and immediately hitting Lashley with the dreaded thumb to the eye. From there Regal did manage to get the U.S champ off his feet, and he did a good job of keeping him grounded, applying various submission holds on the huge legs of Lashley. But Bobby’s strength soon proved to be the deciding factor, and after fighting his way to his feet, Lashley finally put Regal away after hitting the Dominator before following up with a brutal Triangle Choke, causing Regal to tap furiously on the mat.


Winner: Bobby Lashley


Cole: I gotta ask; is there anyone on Smackdown, or in the WWE for that matter, who is as dominant as Lashley has been recently?


Kennedy: Honestly, I don’t think there is. This new attitude of Lashley has really bought out the best, and some might say the WORST, in him. I would be extremely wary if I was Hardy, Orton OR Benoit.




We go backstage, where JBL is throwing a fit in the Locker Room, upset over what transpired earlier with The Undertaker.


JBL: I’m sick of this. People are laughing at us for crying out loud. They actually think I’m intimidated by him. I’M NOT INTIMIDATED. And you, what the hell were YOU thinking?


Jordan: Who? Me?


JBL: Yes Einstein, you. You were supposed to be my back up. And yet you just let him manhandle you. And it’s not the first time it’s happened, is it? What the hell do I pay you for, huh? You seem too busy taking care of that monstrosity you’ve grow on your head these days to focus on what’s important.


Jordan: And what’s important, John?


JBL: I’m sorry, but who the hell do you think you’re talking to you ungrateful little..... look, what’s important is me ridding this company of The Undertaker and finally becoming WWE Champion again. So I think...


Jordan: Well you know what? I’m sick of taking orders from you. I’m sick of being the one who takes the beatings whilst you walk away and leave me behind. I’m sick of being the punching bag for all your enemies, and let’s face it; you have a LOT of enemies. I’m a former United States Champion, and yet I’m stuck doing YOUR dirty work. I can make an impact in this company.


JBL: Well then do it. Go out there, show some initiative and make an impact. And when you fail at that, come crawling back to me when you realise that you are NOTHING without me. I MADE you. I pay your salary. And without me, you just another job boy. So go ahead. Prove to me you’ve got something resembling a set of balls.


Jordan: You want an impact? I’ll show you an impact.


With that, Jordan stormed out of the locker room, leaving JBL irate, and leaving Jillian Hall utterly confused by the whole scenario.




The cameras are suddenly rushed backstage, where trainers and EMT’s are checking on the motionless bodies of Johnny Nitro and Joey Mercury, who are laid out, blood dripping from their faces. Teddy Long is stood over the two, the panic etched across his face.


Cole: What in the world has happened here? Who would do this? And what condition are these two men going to be in when they challenge for the Tag Team titles in just over a week at The Great American Bash?




The fans in the Hara Arena rose to their feet as “Booyaka” by P.O.D hit, and out stepped Rey Mysterio to a thunderous ovation. Mysterio however looked anything but upbeat; his shoulders slumped as he slowly dragged himself to the ring. Mysterio grabbed a microphone from ringside before stepping through the ropes. The “619” chants rang out loud, but Mysterio seemed almost oblivious to them.


Mysterio: You know, this year has been a roller coaster ride for me. I’ve reached the highest highs, and I’ve hit the lowest of lows. At Wrestlemania, I did the one thing I was told I could never do; I became a World Champion. For a brief moment, I was the man. I was on top of the mountain. And then, just 3 weeks later, it was stolen from me. And ever since then, everything has been going downhill for me. I had a chance at becoming WWE Champion last week when I faced John Cena, and I blew it. And who knows if I’ll ever get another shot at the gold. I mean, look at the competition I’m competing with; Edge, Batista, Triple H, The Undertaker. WWE Management wouldn’t ever consider me a top contender. It seems I’m always overlooked. And to be quite honest, I’m not sure I can take it anymore. It just isn’t worth it. So I am out here tonight to make an announcement that will change my life forever, and that announcement is that I have a family to look after at home. I have children that miss their father. And at this point in my career, I don’t have much left to prove. So tonight, my match with Finlay will be my final match in the WWE.


The crowd were stunned, and boos echoed loudly throughout the arena as the fans begged Mysterio to reconsider.


Mysterio: I just want you people to know that this decision has nothing to do with you guys. I love you more than you could possibly imagine. But I know that the longer I stay, the further I’m going to be dragged down and the longer I’m going to be overlooked. I had a good run, and I don’t regret a single second of what I have done. I’ve lived a dream, and I only hope that you people don’t forget Rey Mysterio. So tonight, I’m going to put on the performance of my life, just for you. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for the years of support you have given me, and I will never forget it. Thank you very much.


The fans were politely applauding, but many were stood in shocked silence. With a tear in his eye, Mysterio went to leave the ring...until “I Walk Alone” by Saliva hits, and out through the curtain steps “The Animal” Batista, who got a huge response from the Hara Arena crowd. Dressed in his best suit, Batista soaked in the applause as he walked towards the ring, Mysterio watching intently from the confines on the squared circle. Batista stepped through the ropes before grabbing a microphone and addressing the crowd.


Batista: Hold on, Rey. I’ve got a few things I’d like to say, and I want you to be here to listen to them. First of all, I gotta say it’s damn good to be back. I’ve been sat on the sidelines since January, and since then a lot of things have happened. And I have been kicking myself, wishing I could have been here to contribute. I watched as Rey here became World Champion, overcoming the odds. I watched the rise of the WWE’s future stars like CM Punk, The Brooklyn Soldiers, Aaron Stevens etcetera. I watched as Paul Heyman and his crew tried to rip the heart out of this company. I watched it all and in my heart, I was wishing that I could be here, to see it all, to be a part of it all. But the important thing is I’m back. And I’m gonna pick up where I left off; by becoming a champion once again. But Rey, I need to ask you to please reconsider what you’re gonna do. Nobody wants to see you leave. I certainly don’t wanna see you go. When I came out after your match with Cena last week, it was nothing against you. Honestly, it was nothing against Cena either. I just wanted the world to know my intentions, and my intention is to become WWE Champion. Rey, you have been a good friend to me these last several months. I don’t let many people into my close circle of friends, but I allowed you in because out of everybody in that locker room, you were the only person to call me every day and ask me how I was. You took me into your home as a guest and you treated me like family. And Rey, I consider you family. I’m not here to steal your spot or knock you off the ladder. I’m here for the same reason you are. Please Rey, don’t go. I want you to stay. These people want you to stay. The people watching at home want you to stay. Please don’t go.


Rey was tearing up as the crowd chanted “Please don’t go”. But Rey’s mind was made up.


Mysterio: I’m sorry, Dave. I can’t. I’m sorry.


And with that, Mysterio left the ring as he entered it, with his head hung low and his shoulders slumped as the crowd begged him to stay. Batista looked on from the ring, clearly worried about his broken hearted friend.


Cole: I don’t know what to say. Rey Mysterio will wrestle his final match for this company tonight. I knew he had a big announcement, but I never envisioned what he just dropped on us all here tonight.


Kennedy: Whatever I think of the man personally, I gotta say it’s gonna be a huge loss to the WWE. Mysterio faces Finlay tonight in his last match for the WWE.





Hamada vs. Melina


Melina had a slight swagger in her step as she paced the ring for her match with Hamada. But she was soon fighting for survival as Hamada looked to gain a victory over her arch rival. Melina, even after the several matches she has had with her, still seemed confused as to how to combat against Hamada’s unique style. Hamada ran rings around Melina, and Melina soon found herself in trouble when Hamada nailed a vicious Headbutt and followed up with a Superkick, almost knocking Melina out cold. Hamada made the cover, but Melina got her foot on the rope at two. The fans were really getting behind The Japanese Sensation, clearly impressed with her in ring abilities. But an attempted Missile Dropkick attempt was thwarted when Melina side stepped it. She then lifted Hamada and nailed the Primal Scream. But she was stunned when Hamada somehow kicked out of the move. She was even more stunned when Hamada made a comeback, rocking Melina with stiff kicks and right hands. Hamada was close to finally picking up a win against Melina, looking to hit the Fisherman Driver, but Melina somehow escaped the move before rolling Hamada up and, pulling hard on the tights, gained the pinfall, much to the disappointment of the fans in attendance.


Winner: Melina


Cole: How close was Hamada to finally picking up a victory over Melina? She was robbed here tonight.


Kennedy: Robbed or not, it looks like she has won the respect of the fans here in the Hara Arena.


Kennedy was right, as when Hamada finally got to her feet, the crowd rose to theirs and gave Hamada a standing ovation for her efforts. Hamada looked genuinely choked up as she bowed to the crowd as they showed their support for The Japanese Sensation.




Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, we have just gotten word from General Manager Theodore Long that after what transpired earlier tonight during the Cruiserweight Championship Match between Champion Kid Kash and Super Crazy, he has decided to book a Fatal Four Way Elimination Match at The Great American Bash that will see Cruiserweight Champion Kid Kash face Super Crazy, Psicosis AND CM Punk with the gold on the line. What a Blockbuster announcement.


Kennedy: And what about Noble?


Cole: I’m sorry?


Kennedy: They put some unproven, unworthy little PUNK in the match, and leave out a talent like Jamie Noble? It’s disgusting.


Cole: You really need to lay off the kid.




The cameras are in the parking lot, where a car has pulled into the arena. The door opens, and the fans go nuts (the majority of them anyway) when WWE Champion John Cena steps out. Cena takes his title from the car and heads into the arena when he is stopped by Josh Matthews.


Matthews: Mr. Cena, it’s good to see you here, but I have to ask; you don’t have a title match scheduled, so why are you here?


Cena: Well thanks for the warm welcome, Josh. I do have a reason to be here though. Last week we saw the return of “The Animal” Batista. And he made it pretty clear that he is gunning for my title. So since he’s making his return to the ring here tonight, I figured I may as well get a closer look. Now if you’ll excuse me, my people are waiting.


Cole: John Cena is in the building.


Kennedy: Are you announcing for the blind, Cole? We can see he’s in the freakin’ building. But what is he going to do here tonight?





Finlay vs. Rey Mysterio


The crowd were clearly in support of Mysterio, supporting him as he took part in his final match for the company. And Rey stood by his word, putting on a tremendous display for the fans. But he still had a tough time against The Fighting Irishman, who looked to use his obvious power advantage in his favour. The contest went back and forth for most of the match, but as Finlay went to finish Rey with the Celtic Cross, Mysterio slipped out of the move before hitting a Springboard Cross Body for two. From there, Rey took control, wearing Finlay out and running rings around him, his speed an obvious advantage. Rey looked to end things, hitting a Dropkick to the back of Finlay and trying to knock him into the ropes. But Finlay was sent flying straight into the official, knocking him down. Finlay charged at Rey, but a Drop Toe Hold sent Finlay into the ropes. Mysterio dialled it up and connected with a 619. But Rey’s world soon came crumbling down. As Rey sprung to the top rope, he was hit HARD in the knee with a steel chair being swung by none other than ORLANDO JORDAN, who made good on his promise to JBL to make an impact. He woke the official as Finlay made the cover and picked up the win, the crowd furious with the outcome.


Winner: Finlay


Cole: What in the world was that?


Kennedy: That my friend was Orlando Jordan making an impact. And what better impact than to send Rey Mysterio back to San Diego in the back of an ambulance. And it doesn’t look like he’s finished.


Indeed Jordan wasn’t finished, as he entered the ring following the match and began to stomp on the injured knee of Rey Mysterio, causing Rey to scream out in pain. Jordan wasn’t just intent on hurting Mysterio however; he wanted to cripple him. And he looked set on doing so when he grabbed the steel chair and drove it down into Rey’s leg causing a loud guttural scream of anguish from Mysterio. Jordan then placed the chair on the leg of Mysterio before climbing to the top rope. But before Jordan could do any more damage, officials and Road Agents rushed to the ring and surrounded the fallen Mysterio. Jordan finally decided to cut his losses and leave the ring, the jeers ringing out inside the Hara Arena. Batista soon made his way to ringside as EMT’s finally loaded Mysterio onto a stretcher. Batista stood by his side as he was wheeled to the back, the fans standing and applauding Rey.


Cole: What a tragic way to exit the company, to be beaten the way he was at the hands of Orlando Jordan.


Kennedy: Well, JBL asked him to make an impact and he did just that, Cole.




We head backstage, where Burchill and Regal are heading to their car, set to leave the arena when they are jumped by Joey Mercury and Johnny Nitro, their heads heavily bandaged from the attack that they received earlier in the evening. The brits are desperately trying to fend them off, but they were surprisingly saved by Paul London and Brian Kendrick, who held Nitro and Mercury back. But they were less than thrilled, and decided to turn their attention on London and Kendrick. The British Uprising took this opportunity to bail from the brawl, jumping into their vehicle and fleeing the scene as officials try to break up the brawl between Londrick and Nitro and Mercury.


Cole: Well, Nitro and Mercury attempted to get a measure of revenge over The British Uprising for their attack earlier in the evening, until London and Kendrick decided to get involved.


Kennedy: Hold up, how can you be sure that Regal and Burchill are the ones that jumped them. It could just as easily have been London and Kendrick who dished out the beating.


The two teams continued to brawl as more officials looked to break things up. In the distance, Melina was watching, a smile spread across her face.





Matt Hardy vs. Randy Orton


Prior to the match, United States Champion Bobby Lashley took a seat at ringside to get a closer look at this contest. And Matt Hardy was looking to punish The Legend Killer, this being the first time the two had met since Orton put Hardy on the shelf several months prior. But Orton took control very early after an attempted Leg Drop from the top by Hardy was thwarted when Orton knocked him from the top, and Matt’s leg got caught in the ropes. This gave Orton the chance to pound on the injured leg, and Hardy struggled to regain composure during the bout. Orton was using every trick in his bag to cause more damage to the leg, including a Single Leg Boston Crab that almost caused Hardy to tap, but he did eventually make it to the ropes. Hardy did make a comeback, but it was short lived as Orton once again attacked the leg. The result was really a formality, and Orton looked set to finish Hardy with an RKO. But his plan was ruined when Chris Benoit attempted to interject himself into the match. The official tried his very best to keep The Rabid Wolverine from entering the ring. But the crowd soon came alive as in the ring stood Bobby Lashley, who spun Orton around and delivered a Dominator to The Legend Killer. The fans were going wild, but Hardy wasn’t quite as pleased, and began verbally sparring with the US Champ. This cost him however, as Lashley kicked him in the gut and drilled him with another Dominator. The crowd wasn’t quite as receptive to that. Lashley then dragged Hardy’s body on top of Orton’s before grabbing his belt and heading to the back. The official turned around just in time to make the count of three, awarding the victory to Hardy.


Winner: Matt Hardy


Cole: Well, both Hardy AND Orton just got a taste of what Bobby Lashley is capable of.


Kennedy: And I think Randy’s about to get a taste of what Benoit has to offer.


Kennedy was right, as Benoit immediately entered the ring following the match, locking Orton in the Crippler Crossface. Orton was tapping furiously, the official struggling to get Benoit to release the hold. Orton seemed to almost pass out from the pain, and The Rabid Wolverine finally released the hold. But he wasn’t prepared for Matt Hardy, who spun him around and dropped him with a Twist of Fate. Hardy looked at the two fallen men before leaving the ring himself, the message being sent loud and clear.




We get a shot backstage, where Orlando Jordan is walking to his car in the parking lot when he is quickly approached by JBL and his assistant Jillian Hall, who both have wide grins on their faces.


JBL: Now that’s what I’m talking about. That’s showing initiative. I didn’t think you had it in you kid, but I’ll admit I was wrong. That’s the kind of thing I’m looking for, and that’s the kind of thing that’s going to give me the victory at The Bash and finally put The Undertaker to rest. I can’t believe you didn’t....


Bradshaw was cut off, and completely stunned, when Orlando reared back and slapped him square across the jaw, knocking him off balance before Jordan uttered two simple words...”I Quit”. Jordan jumped in his vehicle before speeding away, leaving Jillian to console an irate JBL.





Batista vs. Mark Henry


Prior to the match, WWE Champion John Cena came to ringside to provide commentary with Michael Cole and Mr. Kennedy. But it was the in ring action that most were looking forward to, and Batista seemed to be as good as he’s ever been, if not better. But that’s taking nothing away from “The World’s Strongest Man”, who overpowered “The Animal” on several occasions. Batista even suffered a near fall after being hit with the Worlds Strongest Slam, but he was close enough to get a foot on the rope at the last second. Batista did eventually get himself back to a vertical position, and he made Henry suffer. Batista finally ended things when he hit a brutal Spear and followed up with a vicious Spinebuster for the win, picking up the victory on his return to Friday nights to the joy of the fans inside The Hara Arena.


Winner: Batista


The crowd were on their feet, as was the WWE Champion John Cena, who was applauding the efforts of “The Animal”. Batista made eye contact with the champ, and after am intense staredown, he made a belt motion on his waist, signalling that he was coming for Cena’s title. But the mood in the arena changed suddenly, as a figure came through the crowd, jumping the rail and sliding into the ring. The fans immediately recognised him, as did Cena. Batista quickly turned around and was hit with a violent Spear by none other than Raw’s “Rated R Superstar” EDGE. The crowd were furious as Edge looked down at “The Animal”, his face contorted with anger.


Cole: What in the world is this all about?


Kennedy: Well, Edge said it on Raw that he was upset that the focus had been taken away from him since Batista’s return. He just put the spotlight right back on himself.


The show ended with Edge looking down at the fallen Batista before staring deep into the eyes of Cena, a twisted grin spread across his face.




After Smackdown went off the air, The Undertaker made his presence felt, and he had an impromptu match with Edge. Undertaker defeated Edge with a Tombestone after interference from both Cena AND Batista.








Dark Matches:

Nunzio over Zach Ryder C-

Undertaker over Edge C+


Main Show:

Super Crazy over Kid Kash via DQ C

Bobby Lashley over William Regal B

Melina over Hamada D+

Finlay over Rey Mysterio C+

Matt Hardy over Randy Orton B-

Batista over Mark Henry D+


Show Rating: C+



pauls07 - 3/6 (Total Score= 24)

The Final Countdown - 3/6 (Total Score= 24)

Jingo - 1/6 (Total Score= 16)

Doe-Bomb - 3/6 (Total Score= 11)

Scotland - 3/6 (Total Score: 8)

Kijar - 4/6 (Total Score= 4)



^{-kelly-kelly-}^ - N/A (Total Score: 11)

totti - 4/6 (Total Score= 10)

Hartattack - N/A (Total Score: 4)

The Celt - N/A (Total Score= 4)

Mattitude V2 - N/A (Total Score= 3)

TracyBrooksFan - N/A (Total Score: 3)

BoomKing - N/A (Total Score= 2)

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<IMG SRC="http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/ReyMysterio3.jpg" ALIGN="left">



The rumour mill has been in a spin recently, as many have been told that Mysterio may be legitimately finished with the company following his speech on Friday Night Smackdown. It has been no secret that Mysterio has been unhappy since losing the World Heavyweight Championship several months ago, and he has complained that he is burned out. Again, this is not official, but there are many who believe he has actually walked from the company. We'll keep you up to date on this story as news filters in.


<IMG SRC="http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/wwe/ECW.jpg" ALIGN="left">



Apparently, many in management have been stunned by the success of ECW since it's return, including Vince McMahon. So shocked, in fact, that they have talked about trying to book a bigger arena for Augusts Pay Per View, Heatwave, such as the American Airlines Arena. However, Paul Heyman and crew have convinced McMahon to stick to the original plans, and so the event will go ahead as planned at the Asbury Park Convention Center in Asbury Park, New Jersey. That's not to say they won't eventually branch out into bigger arenas, but for now they want to try to keep that original ECW feel to the product.


<IMG SRC="http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/burchill.jpg"ALIGN="left"><IMG SRC="http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/WilliamRegal7.jpg" ALIGN="left">



WWE Creative are apparently EXTREMELY high on the WWE Tag Team Champions, Paul Burchill and William Regal. The chemistry between the two has really shone through in the past couple of months. Many are touting Burchill as a future Main Eventer, but for now they are expected to continue as a team. Management see the two as a major part in the restructuring of the Tag Team Division.


---Other News---


Benoit and Orton come to blows backstage?

Women's Division to expand?

Aaron Stevens continues to cause upset in the Locker Room?

Warrior to enter Celebrity Big Brother House?

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We are just 6 days away from The Great American Bash live on Pay Per View, and we have an explosive edition of Monday Night Raw to get the juices flowing. "The Rated R Superstar" Edge told John Cena last week that he had an offer for him that he simply couldn't refuse. But before that, he competes in a HUGE main Event when he takes on the Number One Contender for the Intercontinental Championship, "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels. Also, "The Idol" Aaron Stevens heated rivalry with Chavo Guerrero will hopefully be put to rest at The Bash, but first he faces one of his toughest tasks to date when he steps into the ring with "The Game" Triple H, who has had his own problems with Tyson Tomko. And, as announced last week, The Brooklyn Soldiers finally get their hands on Matt Striker and Charlie Haas in a Brooklyn Street Fight for the World Tag Team Titles.


Plus, Trish Stratus will be in action. Also, Victoria has a few words for Mickie James after her sickening acts on Victoria's family last week. Chavo Guerrero will be in the building, and so will The Big Show, but will Kane finally make an appearance, or will "The Largest Athlete in the World" be looking over his shoulder once again? All this and so much more on Monday Night Raw on USA.


Quick Picks:


Edge vs. Shawn Michaels


Non-Title Match:

John Cena vs. The Big Show


Aaron Stevens vs. Triple H


Chavo Guerrero vs. Lance Cade


Brooklyn Street Fight for the World Tag Team Championships:

The Brooklyn Soldiers © vs. Charlie Haas and Matt Striker


Lita vs. Trish Stratus


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Edge vs. Shawn Michaels

Non-Title Match:

John Cena vs. The Big Show

Aaron Stevens vs. Triple H

Chavo Guerrero vs. Lance Cade

Brooklyn Street Fight for the World Tag Team Championships:

The Brooklyn Soldiers © vs. Charlie Haas and Matt Striker

Lita vs. Trish Stratus

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Edge vs. Shawn Michaels


Non-Title Match:

John Cena vs. The Big Show


Aaron Stevens vs. Triple H


Chavo Guerrero vs. Lance Cade


Brooklyn Street Fight for the World Tag Team Championships:

The Brooklyn Soldiers © vs. Charlie Haas and Matt Striker


Lita vs. Trish Stratus

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Just read the whole thing from Page 1 to here. Gotta say, I was little disappointed when I realized I was on the last page, haha. Really good read, man!


Edge vs. Shawn Michaels


Non-Title Match:

John Cena vs. The Big Show - No Contest


Aaron Stevens vs. Triple H


Chavo Guerrero vs. Lance Cade


Brooklyn Street Fight for the World Tag Team Championships:

The Brooklyn Soldiers © vs. Charlie Haas and Matt Striker


Lita vs. Trish Stratus

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Edge vs. Shawn Michaels


Non-Title Match:

John Cena vs. The Big Show


Aaron Stevens vs. Triple H


Chavo Guerrero vs. Lance Cade


Brooklyn Street Fight for the World Tag Team Championships:

The Brooklyn Soldiers © vs. Charlie Haas and Matt Striker


Lita vs. Trish Stratus

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