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WWE 2006: New Year, New Stars, New Beginnings

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Smackdown, Week 4, April 2006




Location: American Bank Center (Mid South)

Attendance: 8,802


Announce Team:


Michael Cole




• In the Dark Match for the evening, Simon Dean picked up the win over Stevie Richards. After the bout, Richards extended his hand, and Simon Dean reluctantly shook it.




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Smackdowns opening video played before the pyro exploded and almost 9,000 fans rose to their feet, ready for the explosive action that can only be seen on Smackdown. Michael Cole was solo at the announce desk after last week when his long time friend and broadcast partner Tazz walked out on him.


Cole: Welcome to Friday Night Smackdown from The America Bank Center. And as you can see I’m here alone tonight after a so called friend turned his back on the brand that made him a star and decided to return to ECW. Now, I have a job to do so I’m going to try to be as professional as I can be. But Tazz, I just want you to know that I considered you a part of my family. And if you want to turn your back to join up with the biggest con man in this business, that’s your cross to bare, not mine. With that being said, lets get to the action where tonight...


Michael Cole was suddenly interrupted by a familiar call....


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That's right, Mr. Kennedy was back on Friday Night Smackdown. Kennedy got a mixed reception from the crowd as the microphone was lowered from the ceiling above the stage.


Kennedy: Ladies and gentlemen, it is YOUR honour and YOUR privilege to be graced by the presence of the single greatest competitor in the WWE. And Michael Cole, I saw what happened between you and that jacked up Leprechaun Tazz last week. Now you look a little lonely down there all by yourself. So I gathered that since my injury hasn’t healed 100%, I could make myself useful in another way. So allow me to introduce your new TEMPORARY broadcast partner, from Green Bay, Wisconsin, the man who will go down in history as the greatest Superstar in WWE history, and your NEXT WWE World Heavyweight Champion, the man know around the world as MISTERRRRRRRRRRRR KENNEDYYYYYYYY............ Kennedyyyyyyyyy.


Michael Cole looked in utter shock as Mr. Kennedy strutted down to ringside and took a seat next to Cole.


Kennedy: Did you miss me, Mikey?


Cole: What the hell did I do to deserve this?


Kennedy: You say like it’s a negative. Just follow me, kid. You’ll be fine.




WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match:





Super Crazy © vs. Kid Kash


This was a very high tempo match, with Crazy getting the majority of the offence on the slightly smaller Kid Kash. Kash did manage to get himself into the match, but only after a low blow behind the officials back, which lead to Kash hitting his patented Brain Buster. Crazy almost had his shoulders pinned to the mat for the three, but he was close enough to the ropes to get his foot on the bottom rope and break the count. Things took an interesting turn when Kid Kash’s tag partner Jamie Noble entered the fray, causing Crazy to become distracted. Noble climbed up to the apron in the hopes of getting Crazy to take the bait, which he did. However, Crazy was quick enough to move out of the way from Kid Kash who was looking to attack Crazy from behind. Crazy moved, sending Kash into Noble and causing Noble to fall from the apron. This was enough to allow Crazy to hit a picture perfect Dropkick to the face and followed up with the Trifecta Moonsault for the victory.


Winner, and STILL WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Super Crazy


Super Crazy was handed his title belt from the official. He was also handed a beatdown as Kid Kash and Noble beat the champion down into the mat. Many thought Psicosis would rush down to save the day as he appeared at the entrance way. However, he simply stood and watched as Noble and Kash laid waste to the Cruiserweight Champion. Kash delivered a brutal Money Maker on Crazy. After the damage had been done, Psicosis finally rushed the ring as Noble and Kash bolted. Psicosis then played the part of the helpful friend as he tried to get his partner to his feet.


Cole: I don’t think Super Crazy realises that Psicosis just stood back and watched as Noble and Kid Kash beat him down.


Kennedy: I saw nothing wrong with that, Mikey. Psicosis was just weighing up his options. You do make some ridiculous observations. No wonder Tazz walked.


Speaking of Tazz, Kennedy announced that “The Human Suplex Machine” would be in the building tonight to confront Michael Cole. Cole seemed to scoff at the idea.




The cameras go backstage just in time to see the arrival of World Heavyweight Champion Rey Mysterio as the fans went absolutely crazy. Mysterio walked into the arena. His bag over one shoulder and his title belt hung over the other.


Cole: Well there is the Heavyweight Champion, and apparently he will be out here later on to discuss his potential match against one of four men at Backlash. What will he have to say?


Kennedy: Who cares? When I’m back at 100%, that belt will be around my waist anyway. But still, it’s gonna be very interesting to see what he has to say here tonight.





Johnny Nitro vs. Paul London


London was still in possession of Johnny Nitro’s Tag Team title that he stole from him last week, and taunted him with it prior to the bell. This may have been a mistake, as it only seemed to urge Nitro on. Nitro looked very dangerous as he beat London from pillar to post, dazing London and causing him to let his guard down even further, which in turn allowed Nitro to take the fight to London even more. The crowd however were firmly behind Paul London, and that energy seemed to spur him on, making a spirited comeback and managing to hit a beautiful Standing Moonsault for a very close two count. The fight went back and forth between the two, until London managed to hit a Slingshot into the corner and followed it up with a Standing Hurricanrana. London headed up top and was looking to hit the London Calling, but he was distracted by the appearance of Joey Mercury on the outside. But London wasn’t about to allow him to ruin his moment, and dove to the outside onto Mercury as the fans erupted. The official was distracted by what was happening on the outside, and failed to see Brian Kendrick enter from the crowd and hit Nitro with the Sliced Bread #2. London then made his way back into the ring and covered Nitro for the three count, picking up a vital victory before their showdown at Backlash.


Winner: Paul London


Following the bout, both Brian Kendrick and Joey Mercury entered the ring, and the battle commenced. Both teams waged war on each other and, try as he might, the official could not separate the four men involved. It took a team of officials to eventually split the two teams. Mercury took this opportunity to head to the timekeepers table and take back the titles that London and Kendrick stole from them the week before both men bolted to the top of the entrance way. Nitro had a microphone in one hand as he clutched has title with his other.


Nitro: That’s it, I’ve had enough. No more games. No more jokes. At Wrestlemania, we beat you two jokes. At Backlash, we will finish you. Now, hit our music.


The crowd showered the Tag Team Champions with abuse as they held their title belts high in the air, with London and Kendrick stood in the centre of the ring, their usual smiles replaced with disgust.




The instrumental version of the Kiss song “War Machine” hit as former Smackdown Broadcaster Tazz arrives at the entrance way. He gets a mixed reaction from the fans in attendance. The mood was indeed about to change, as Tazz was joined by Joey Styles as they both entered the ring. Cole was emotionless as Tazz grabbed a microphone from ringside.


Tazz: You know, it’s been a pretty tough week for me, and my head and my heart have been fighting it out over what I should do. Now, Teddy Long has given me this time to get everything off my chest, so I’m just gonna shoot from the hip and tell it how it is. When I left ECW and was bought into the WWE in 2000, I was on top of the world. I was in the best shape of my life and I was ready to show the world exactly what I could do. I came out to this ring and I busted my ass every single week. The fans went crazy for me. They appreciated all my efforts. Unfortunately, the powers that be in the back didn’t. I was a wrecking machine, and they went out of their way to make me look like garbage. So, when injury struck, I knew it was time to step down and let somebody else take the spotlight. I contemplated what to do with my life. I wasn’t sure whether to just walk away, leave it all behind. And then....then you came to me, Cole. You came up to me backstage and told me to give announcing a shot. And so, from that day, I sat next to you every week and I learned a craft. You helped me with that. And I will be eternally grateful for that. You became like a brother to me, Cole. You were family, and although we had our differences at that desk, when we got behind that curtain, we were like big kids, messing around, and raising hell. I got to see a side of you that not a lot of people see. And I truly loved being a part of Smackdown. But you see, I also have a past. I have other people in my life, people who I am loyal to. People like Paul Heyman. Without Paul Heyman, Tazz wouldn’t be where he is right now. I owe everything I am and everything I have to Paul Heyman. And for weeks, FOR WEEKS, you have sat there and ran your mouth about Paul Heyman and ECW. And I took it, I listened to you bitch and moan. Well I got news for you, Cole. I got tired of it. Because ECW means the world to me. It’s where I became a star, it was where I had my best matches and it is where I consider a home away from home. So when Heyman made the offer to team with Joey Styles and announce for ECW, I jumped at the chance. Cole, you were a friend, you were family. But now, you don’t mean **** to me. So you can kiss my ass, because our little friendship, it’s over. I’m ECW born. I’m ECW bred. And when the time comes, I’ll be ECW dead. And Kennedy, good luck. You’re gonna need it. Vince McMahon opened the gates to their own personal hell when they bought ECW back. Beat us if you can. SURVIVE IF WE LET YOU.


The fans actually gave Tazz a warm reception after his heartfelt speech. Michael Cole was unmoved however, staring a hole through Tazz as Mr. Kennedy repeated again and again that “You got owned, Mikey. You got owned”.




Backstage, William Regal is on his cell phone once again, attempting to contact his protégé Paul Burchill.


Regal: Paul, it’s me again. It’s been weeks now. You can’t keep ignoring me. This won’t just go away. We need to talk about things. I really don’t know what Heyman has said to you, but please, just talk to me. You don’t need Heyman. But you need me. So for Christ sake just call me so we can settle this. You have my number. Call me.


Regal hangs up the phone, a mixture of worry and anger etched across his face.




Number One Contenders Match #1:



Booker T vs. Kurt Angle


This was the first of two matches to determine who would face each other for a shot at Mysterio’s title at Backlash. And the two men went all out to get what they felt they deserved. Angle was intense as ever as he looked to get his hands on Mysterio one more time, and decided to try to keep the taller Booker T off his feet. This strategy worked for a while as Angle used his vast array of submission manoeuvres to keep Booker grounded. The 5 time WCW Champion was able to get himself into the match when he side stepped Angle who came charging towards him, sending him to the outside and allowing Sharmell to get a few shots in. Booker followed him to the outside, where they both traded blows until Booker sent Angle sailing into the steel steps. The two eventually returned to the ring, where Booker seemed to be in control. He looked to finish things with the Scissor Kick, but Angle moved before hitting the Angle Slam on Booker. He made the cover, but Booker BARELY got his shoulder up off the mat. Angle pulled the straps down, ready to lock in the Ankle Lock, when Sharmell jumped on the apron. Angle went to confront her, but Sharmell slapped him and sent him staggering into the Book End. Sharmell was screaming at the official as this was happening, distracting him and immediately after Booker hit the Book End, from out of nowhere came Bobby Lashley, who hadn’t been seen in weeks, and struck Booker with a steel chair before heading to the outside of the ring, stalking Sharmell. Angle managed to drag himself over to his opponent and made the cover, gaining a victory and getting one step closer to his ultimate goal.


Winner: Kurt Angle


Angle immediately left the ring when Lashley re-entered the ring with the steel chair. The official tried to stop Lashley, but Bobby swatted him away like a fly. He then waited for Booker to rise to his feet before dropping him with another shot to the head with the chair. Sharmell attempted to stop Lashley, stepping in front of him and pleading. Lashley grabbed her by the hair and threw her into the corner before delivering another sickening chairshot to Booker T, busting him open. Lashley dragged Booker out of the ring and up the ramp by his legs as officials tried in vain to stop him. But he swatted them all away before reaching the Entrance Ramp. Bobby looked down at Booker, whose eyes were filled with fear as he begged Lashley to stop. Lashley had a deranged look in his eyes as he lifted Booker to his feet and, in one swift movement, drilled Booker T with a Powerbomb, sending him crashing off the stage and through a table below. The crowd were in a frenzy as Lashley looked down at his handy work, his eyes wide and his face etched with anger. EMT’s rushed to the scene as Sharmell screamed at the side of her husband.


Cole: Booker T has done some pretty despicable things, but even he doesn’t deserve what just happened.


Kennedy: I don’t think I have ever seen Bobby Lashley like this. That was scary.




We are backstage, where Nunzio and Tony Mamaluke, The F.B.I, are heading towards the ring ready for their No disqualification Match against The Bashams, when they are stopped by ECW General Manager Paul Heyman.


Heyman: Hi, boys. So, you ready for your match?


Nunzio: You know us, Paul. We’re always ready.


Heyman: Don’t I know it. So, have you boys thought about my offer?


Mamaluke: Yeah, we’ve thought about it. Look, we really appreciate the offer Paul. We really do. But we’re finally making a name for ourselves here on Smackdown. People are finally looking at us as a serious threat. We are doing well. And I think it would be in our best interest to stay here.


Nunzio: Look, we’re not saying we can’t do business in the future, but right now, we’re gonna have to say no. Sorry Paul.


Heyman: No apologies required. That’s your choice and I respect it. Good look, fellas. Knock them dead.


Heyman shook hands with both men as they headed to the ring.




John Bradshaw Layfield is in the Locker Room preparing for his match with The Undertaker. He is joined by Jillian Hall and Orlando Jordan, who seems worried.


Jordan: Look, let me help. I can help you out. You wanna face Mysterio at Backlash? Then let me help you.


JBL: What are you saying; you don’t think I can beat him?


Jordan: That’s not what I’m saying. It’s just...


JBL: You don’t think I can do it, do you? Just because he got lucky at Wrestlemania, you think that means he has my number. He beat me once. One time, that’s it. I can beat him. And tonight, I’m gonna prove it. Without your help. If I see you anywhere near that ring tonight, I swear to god I’m gonna put you in the unemployment line.


With that, JBL stormed out, leaving Jordan and Hall shaking their heads.


Cole: JBL seems extremely paranoid. Let’s hope his head is in the game tonight when he faces The Deadman.


Kennedy: What do you think of my shoes? $500 these bad boys cost me.


Cole: What the hell are you talking about? Can you just stop talking about yourself for 2 seconds?






No Disqualification Match:



The Basham Brothers vs. The F.B.I


After costing The Bashams the Tag Team Titles last week, this match could really be contained in a No Disqualification Match. And, despite the fact that Mamaluke and Nunzio were better known for their technical wizardry, they also showed their “extreme” roots in this one, rocking The Bashams with chair shots, trash can shots as well as a well placed Singapore Cane directed at the lower regions of Danny Basham by Mamaluke. The Bashams were no slouches either, using their size advantage to overpower their smaller opponents. The Bashams had the advantage until Nunzio hit The Sicilian Slice onto a steel chair. It looked to be all over, but they didn’t see THE SANDMAN enter the ring and deliver a cane shot to the head of Nunzio. Mamaluke was also oblivious to the fact that SABU had entered the ring, and threw a steel chair into his face. The two extremists looked at both Bashams before the four men smiled at each other. It was clear what had happened. The Bashams put Nunzio away with a Spike Piledriver onto a chair, picking up the win.


Winners: The Basham Brothers


The four men quickly exited through the crowd before anything else happened. Several superstars headed to the ring to check on The F.B.I.


Cole: This is typical Heyman. He doesn’t get what he wants so he sends out a god damn hit squad. And now he has taken The Bashams to ECW. Well good riddance, I say.


Kennedy: Well, after all the problems they had with Teddy Long, it was only a matter of time. Maybe if Teddy did his job this might not be happening.


Cole: How dare you blame him? This is all Heyman’s fault and you know it.




We get a shot of Hamada speaking to a Japanese stage hand backstage, when from out of nowhere she is attacked by Melina. Melina bounces her head off of a nearby table over and over again, dazing The Japanese Sensation. Melina is screaming wildly at Hamada as Road Agents pull her away.


Cole: Wow, who knew that this thing would escalate so quickly between these two. Hamada has only been here for a few weeks, and yet she really seems to have gotten under the skin of Melina. It’s really getting personal.


Kennedy: Is that all you can say about it? Mikey, there’s two chicks rolling around tearing chunks out of each other. That’s not personal, that’s hot. Please, don’t ask me to stand up from behind this desk.


Cole: Stop, please stop.




P.O.D’s “Booyaka” hits the P.A system and out walks World Heavyweight Champion Rey Mysterio. The fans are on their feet for the Master of the 619. Mysterio remains on the stage with a microphone in hand as the fans slowly quiet down.


Mysterio: I’m gonna make this quick. Last week, I managed to retain my World Heavyweight Title against Kurt Angle. But not without controversy, since JBL interfered. You see, that seems to be a recurring theme these past few weeks, people interfering in my match-ups. You see, I’m three weeks into my title reign and people already doubt me. They don’t believe that I can hold on to this title without somebody giving me a helping hand. But I’m used to the criticism. I’ve had it my entire life. But I never let it stop me. And time after time, I’ve proved them all wrong. Nobody truly believed that I would ever be stood here as World Heavyweight Champion. But I did it. I realised my dream. And all I want is to prove that I belong in this position. So, whether it’s Kurt Angle, John Bradshaw Layfield or even if it’s The Phenom himself, I’m letting you all know one thing; if you want this title, you’re going to have to kill me. I worked too hard for too long to let it slip away. I intend on holding on to this title for a very long time. So if you...


Mysterio was stopped in his tracks when Kurt Angle attacked him from behind and locked in the Ankle Lock on the stage. Mysterio cried out in pain, tapping furiously as Angle cranked it in. When the damage was finally done, Angle released the hold as the fans let him know how they felt. Angle took hold of Mysterio’s title and held it up over his head as he looked down at his fallen foe.


Cole: What a cowardly attack by Angle. As if Mysterio doesn’t have enough to worry about not knowing who his opponent will be at Backlash, now he has to deal with this.


Kennedy: It’s all part of being a champion, Cole. Something you know nothing about.




A video plays in the arena as well as to the viewers at home hyping the debut of “The Straight-Edge Superstar...


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Cole: I’m really psyched up for the young CM Punk. Drug Free, Alcohol Free and ready to show just what he can do here on Friday nights.


Kennedy: Being alcohol free doesn’t make you cool. Have a beer and lighten up, Punk.





Finlay vs. Matt Hardy


Hardy was surprisingly dominant in this match, obviously looking to send a message to Randy Orton ahead of their title match at Backlash. Hardy kept the veteran Finlay under control, and was close to ending the match early with the Side Effect, but Finlay managed to get his shoulder up at two. Finlay did get some offence in, nailing Hardy with some vicious right hands and delivering a perfect Superplex from the second rope for a two. Midway through the bout, Randy Orton decided to show his face, watching the match from the middle of the ramp. This only seemed to spur on Hardy, who fought his way back into the contest. After a valiant comeback, Hardy finally ended the match when he locked Finlay’s head under his arm and, staring deep into the eyes of Orton, delivered the Twist of Fate to secure the victory.


Winner: Matt Hardy


After the bout, Hardy’s hand was raised to the delight of the fans. Hardy opened the ropes and offered Orton the chance to step into the ring. It seemed Orton was ready to take Hardy up on his offer, however he had second thoughts as he backed up the ramp, holding his title above his head the entire time as Hardy continued to stare a hole through him.




General Manager Theodore Long is standing backstage talking to Road Agent and WWE Legend Ricky Steamboat.


Long: He’s taking our entire roster, Ricky. First Gregory Helms, now The Bashams. Who’s gonna be next playa.


Steamboat: I don’t know, Teddy.


Long: I’ll talk to you later. Bobby, hold up.


Long runs towards Bobby Lashley, who has his bags and is ready to leave the arena.


Long: Bobby, what were you thinking out there tonight? I know things have been heated between you and Booker T, but what you did was uncalled for. You could have ended his career, you do realise that don’t you?


Lashley had a grin on his face before he pushed Teddy Long over a catering table and stormed out of the arena.


Cole: What the hell has gotten into Bobby Lashley?


Kennedy: I don’t know, but I love it.




Number One Contenders Match #2:



John Bradshaw Layfield vs. The Undertaker


After an amazing bout at Wrestlemania, these two men looked to put on another great bout. And they sure didn’t disappoint. JBL seemed to learn from his mistakes from ‘Mania, and in the early going he was in total control. Taker began to get into the match with his deadly strikes, but Bradshaw was able to take back control of his opponent. Many were shocked that he decided not to let Orlando Jordan help in this match up, but he quickly silenced those critics, and almost ended the bout after going for the Clothesline from Hell, but Undertaker managed to duck and hit a big boot to the Texan. The match continued to go back and forth between the two, with neither man wanting to back down. Taker went up top and walked the ropes, looking to hit Old School. But JBL had it well scouted and pushed The Deadman off the top, sending him crashing into the Security Barrier on the outside. JBL took time to compose himself before heading to the outside and throwing The Undertaker into the crowd and heading back to the ring. JBL was clearly looking for a count out victory, and he almost got it. But The Phenom was able to get back in after 9, infuriating JBL. Bradshaw made a fatal mistake however. After hitting Taker with the Clothesline from Hell and seemingly having the match in the bag, John decided to add insult to injury and lifted Taker up, looking to deliver a Tombstone Piledriver of his own. But his plan backfired, as Undertaker was able to reverse the move and drill JBL with his own Tombstone. Taker made the cover and got the three count, securing his spot in the Number One Contenders Match against Kurt Angle at Backlash.


Winner: The Undertaker


The crowd were on their feet as The Undertaker was declared the winner. But the celebrations were short lived as Orlando Jordan entered the ring and attempted to beat The Undertaker into the mat. But Taker had it covered, and Jordan received a Chokeslam for his trouble. As Undertaker went to celebrate again, the music of Kurt Angle hit, and he made his way down the ramp and into the ring, going face to face with The Undertaker.


Cole: Oh man, what a match this is going to be at Backlash. Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle, the winner going on to face Rey Mysterio later in the evening.


Kennedy: Either way, Mysterio is screwed.


The show ends with Undertaker and Kurt Angle nose to nose, the crowd rumbling with anticipation.





Dark Match:

Simon Dean over Stevie Richards C-


Main Show:

Super Crazy over Kid Kash to retain Cruiserweight Title D+

Paul London over Johnny Nitro C

Kurt Angle over Booker T B

The Basham Brothers over The F.B.I C

Matt Hardy over Finlay B-

The Undertaker over John Bradshaw Layfield A


Show Rating: B




Destiny: 4/6

Jingo: 5/6

The Final Countdown: 5/6

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World Wrestling Entertainment today announce the departure of Ashley Massaro and Dustin Rhodes (Goldust) effective immediately. We wish both of them the very best of luck in all their future endeavours.


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Match Line-Up



World Heavyweight Championship:

Rey Mysterio © vs. ???


Rey Mysterio has perhaps the toughest task out of anybody at Backlash, as he has absolutely no idea who he will be defending his title against. But if there's one thing we have learnt, it is that Mysterio will be prepared to fight no matter who his opponent may be.



Number One Contenders Match:

Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker


An absolute classic bout is sure to be had when these two competitors battle it out to determine who will face Mysterio in the Main Event for the World Heavyweight Title. Angle is looking to regain the title he lost at Wrestlemania 22, where as The Undertaker will be looking to win the title for the very first time. These two will put it all on the line for a shot at the belt.



WWE Championship:

John Cena © vs. Edge vs. Triple H


Cena has had several run ins with Triple H, as well as his henchman Tyson Tomko, since the weeks leading up to Wrestlemania. Now add "The Rated R Superstar" Edge into the mix, and it seems John Cena is almost guarenteed to lose the title at Backlash. But Cena has overcome the odds time and again in his career. Can he do it one more time at Backlash?



Steel Cage Match for WWE Intercontinental Championship:

Shelton Benjamin © vs. Shawn Michaels


This match may have the most at stake for the two participants. Benjamin has vowed to Mr. McMahon that he will end HBK's career inside the Steel Cage. And he will have to do just that, as McMahon has let Benjamin know that if he fails to defeat Michaels, not only will he lose his title, but he will also lose his job. This has gotten very personal, and it will finally come to a head this Sunday.



WWE United States Championship:

Randy Orton © vs. Matt Hardy


After winning the United States Title and severely injuring Chris Benoit in the process, Orton has had no time to enjoy his reign as champion, as he has had his hand full with Benoit's close friend, Matt Hardy. The past few weeks have become very heated between the two, and it can only be settled one way. Can Orton successfully defend his title, or will Hardy end "The Legend Killer's" reign before it can truly begin?



WWE Womens Championship:

Mickie James © vs. Trish Stratus


The deranged Mickie has changed severely since her debut as the sweet Super Fan of Trish Stratus. Who knew that things would escalate to this point. Mickie has made many enemies since coming to the WWE, including Victoria in the past few weeks. Will she be involved in this match at some point? And even if she does, is there ANYBODY who can stop, quite possibly, the most dangerous Womens Champion in WWE history?



WWE Tag Team Championship:

MNM © vs. Paul London & Brian Kendrick


The fun loving London and Kendrick have shown their serious side lately in their quest for Tag Team Gold. Since their defeat at Wrestlemania, they have constantly gotten into the heads of both Joey Mercury and Johnny Nitro, including stealing their tag titles. At bBacklash, London and Kendrick look to make those titles their own.



WWE World Tag Team Championship:

Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch © vs. ???


Several weeks ago, Cade and Murdoch made a challenge to any team from around the world to face them at Backlash. There have been many rumors about who will take them up on their challenge. Who will answer the challenge, and will they be able to walk away with gold around their waists.



Chavo Guerrero vs. Matt Striker


Ever since Chavo Guerrero defeated Matt Striker for a spot in the Money in the Bank Match at Wrestlemania, Striker has been determined to extract his revenge on Chavo. But Guerrero has given as good as he has got, and the two finally attempt to settle the score at Backlash.


Quick Picks:


World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Rey Mysterio © vs. ???


Number One Contenders Match:

Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker


WWE Championship Match:

John Cena © vs. Edge vs. Triple H


Steel Cage Match for the Intercontinental Championship:

Shelton Benjamin © vs. Shawn Michaels


WWE United States Championship Match:

Randy Orton © vs. Matt Hardy


WWE Womens Championship Match:

Mickie James © vs. Trish Stratus


WWE Tag Team Championship Match:

MNM © vs. London & Kendrick


WWE World Tag Team Championship:

Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch vs. ???


Chavo Guerrero vs. Matt Striker

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Guest cmdrsam
JW, I must apoligize sir. I tend to skip over the WWE/F works. Just a bad habit and no offense intended to anybody else out there. But this is a phenominal read. Really great work done here. I will have to refrain from picking right now. But I will have to read some more on this and try and catch up. Good job.
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<p>World Heavyweight Championship Match:</p><p>

<strong>Rey Mysterio</strong> © vs. Kurt Angle</p><p> </p><p>

Number One Contenders Match:</p><p>

<strong>Kurt Angle</strong> vs. The Undertaker</p><p> </p><p>

WWE Championship Match:</p><p>

John Cena © vs. <strong>Edge</strong> vs. Triple H</p><p> </p><p>

Steel Cage Match for the Intercontinental Championship:</p><p>

<strong>Shelton Benjamin</strong> © vs. Shawn Michaels</p><p> </p><p>

WWE United States Championship Match:</p><p>

<strong>Randy Orton</strong> © vs. Matt Hardy</p><p> </p><p>

WWE Womens Championship Match:</p><p>

<strong>Mickie James</strong> © vs. Trish Stratus</p><p> </p><p>

WWE Tag Team Championship Match:</p><p>

<strong>MNM</strong> © vs. London & Kendrick</p><p> </p><p>

WWE World Tag Team Championship:</p><p>

Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch vs. <strong>???</strong></p><p><strong>


<strong>Chavo Guerrero</strong> vs. Matt Striker</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="cmdrsam" data-cite="cmdrsam" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24967" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>JW, I must apoligize sir. I tend to skip over the WWE/F works. Just a bad habit and no offense intended to anybody else out there. But this is a phenominal read. Really great work done here. I will have to refrain from picking right now. But I will have to read some more on this and try and catch up. Good job.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thank you very much. Very much appreciated. I realise there are a lot of WWF/E dynasties out there, so it is a tough job to hook people in. But this was perhaps one of my favourite periods of time in wrestling (with the exception of the Attitude era) and after several failed diaries to my name, this one just feels right. It's still not up to the standard I would like it, but after going through the diary myself, I know I have improved dramatically, and hopefully will continue to do so. Thank you very much for jumping on board.</p>
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<p>World Heavyweight Championship Match:</p><p>

<strong>Rey Mysterio ©</strong> vs. ???</p><p> </p><p>

Number One Contenders Match:</p><p>

<strong>Kurt Angle</strong> vs. The Undertaker</p><p> </p><p>

WWE Championship Match:</p><p>

<strong>John Cena ©</strong> vs. Edge vs. Triple H</p><p> </p><p>

Steel Cage Match for the Intercontinental Championship:</p><p>

Shelton Benjamin © vs. <strong>Shawn Michaels</strong></p><p>

-Perhaps a risk, considering both the stipulation and the fact that Shawn really is above the IC title. I have a whacky theory that led to me going out on a limb here, but I don't want to share it now on the (very slim) chance that I am right and wind up spoiling your plans. </p><p> </p><p>

WWE United States Championship Match:</p><p>

<strong>Randy Orton ©</strong> vs. Matt Hardy</p><p> </p><p>

WWE Womens Championship Match:</p><p>

<strong>Mickie James ©</strong> vs. Trish Stratus</p><p> </p><p>

WWE Tag Team Championship Match:</p><p>

<strong>MNM ©</strong> vs. London & Kendrick</p><p> </p><p>

WWE World Tag Team Championship:</p><p>

Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch vs. <strong>???</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chavo Guerrero</strong> vs. Matt Striker</p><p> </p><p>

I really like the graphics for the PPV matches, by the way. Makes the show feel like a true event. I am jealous...no way could I manage something like that. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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Quick Picks:


World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Rey Mysterio © vs. ???


Number One Contenders Match:

Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker


WWE Championship Match:

John Cena © vs. Edge vs. Triple H


Steel Cage Match for the Intercontinental Championship:

Shelton Benjamin © vs. Shawn Michaels


WWE United States Championship Match:

Randy Orton © vs. Matt Hardy


WWE Womens Championship Match:

Mickie James © vs. Trish Stratus


WWE Tag Team Championship Match:

MNM © vs. London & Kendrick


WWE World Tag Team Championship:

Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch vs. ???


Chavo Guerrero vs. Matt Striker

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World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Rey Mysterio © vs. ???


Number One Contenders Match:

Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker


WWE Championship Match:

John Cena © vs. Edge vs. Triple H


Steel Cage Match for the Intercontinental Championship:

Shelton Benjamin © vs. Shawn Michaels


WWE United States Championship Match:

Randy Orton © vs. Matt Hardy


WWE Womens Championship Match:

Mickie James © vs. Trish Stratus


WWE Tag Team Championship Match:

MNM © vs. London & Kendrick


WWE World Tag Team Championship:

Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch vs. ???


Chavo Guerrero vs. Matt Striker

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World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Rey Mysterio © vs. ???


Number One Contenders Match:

Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker


WWE Championship Match:

John Cena © vs. Edge vs. Triple H


Steel Cage Match for the Intercontinental Championship:

Shelton Benjamin © vs. Shawn Michaels


WWE United States Championship Match:

Randy Orton © vs. Matt Hardy


WWE Womens Championship Match:

Mickie James © vs. Trish Stratus


WWE Tag Team Championship Match:

MNM © vs. London & Kendrick


WWE World Tag Team Championship:

Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch vs. ???


Chavo Guerrero vs. Matt Striker


No....Goldust is gone! Why?! Anyways, keep up great work JW.

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World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Rey Mysterio © vs. ???


Number One Contenders Match:

Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker


WWE Championship Match:

John Cena © vs. Edge vs. Triple H


Steel Cage Match for the Intercontinental Championship:

Shelton Benjamin © vs. Shawn Michaels


WWE United States Championship Match:

Randy Orton © vs. Matt Hardy


WWE Womens Championship Match:

Mickie James © vs. Trish Stratus


WWE Tag Team Championship Match:

MNM © vs. London & Kendrick


WWE World Tag Team Championship:

Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch vs. ???


Chavo Guerrero vs. Matt Striker

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Sunday, Week 4, April 2006


The Kemper Arena hosts Backlash 2006

The Official attendance is 15,000 (Sell-Out)


The Backlash Official Theme is




And now Raw, Smackdown and Subway present...





The Kemper Arena comes alive following the opening video package. The place is packed to the rafters, every one of them on their feet and ready for an amazing night of action as only the WWE can provide.


Ross: 15,000 jam packed into the Kemper Arena here in Kansas City for what is sure to be an explosive night. Welcome to Backlash. I’m “Good Ol’ JR” Jim Ross alongside Jerry “The King” Lawler. And King, what a night we have in store tonight.


Lawler: You’re not kidding J.R. But I have to say I’m really looking forward to that Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship. John Cena defends against Triple H and “The Rated R Superstar” Edge.


Ross: That’s gonna be a slobber knocker, no doubt. And right now let me hand you over to our Smackdown colleagues, Michael Cole and...


Kennedy: Mrrrrrrrrrrrr Kennedyyyyyyyyyy.


Cole: Do you have to do that so...


Kennedy: Kennedyyyyyyyy.


Cole: Anyway, Smackdown has a hell of a line-up for Backlash. But the question on everybody’s lips is who will Rey Mysterio be defending his World Heavyweight Championship against?


Kennedy: The Undertaker and Kurt Angle battle it out to determine who will face Mysterio in tonight’s Main Event. Let’s not waste anymore time, Mikey. Let’s get to it.






Chavo Guerrero vs. Matt Striker




This confrontation has been brewing ever since Chavo unceremoniously dumped Matt Striker out of contention for the Money in the Bank Match prior to Wrestlemania. And the animosity was evident as Striker attempted to do serious damage to Guerrero in the early going, working on the legs and wearing down the lower back of Chavo. The fans inside the Kemper Arena were firmly behind Chavo, and the support seemed to urge him on, allowing him to get to his feet and attempt a comeback, but Striker, a former school teacher, was able to outsmart Guerrero, taking him down again. Guerrero made some good comebacks during the match, but it was evident that he was struggling, his legs obviously weakened by Striker. A single Leg Boston Crab was close to ending the match for Guerrero, as Striker synched it in right in the centre of the ring. The Latino Warrior showed alot of heart however and managed to slowly crawl his way to the ropes to break the hold. Striker, clearly frustrated, decided to try to end the match, attempting to hit Guerrero with the Three Amigos, a clear slap in the face of Chavo. After hitting two Suplex’s, Guerrero managed to block the execution of the third, and delivered the Three Amigos Triple Suplex himself, delighting the crowd. Chavo looked up to the heavens and headed up top, ready to deliver the Frog Splash. Striker was too fast for him however, and sent him crotch first into the turnbuckle. Striker then headed up top and attempted a Superplex from the top rope, but Chavo was able to counter it and send Striker face first into the canvas. This allowed Chavo to point to the heavens before delivering a Frog Splash. The official counted the three, awarding the match to Chavo Guerrero.


Winner: Chavo Guerrero


Ross: Guerrero gets the victory here, much to the disappointment of Matt Striker.


Lawler: Well, you can’t take anything away from Striker. He put up a valiant effort, but in the end it just wasn’t enough to stop “The Latino Warrior”.




Benjamin makes a final plea:




Backstage, Vince McMahon is stood in his office when Shelton Benjamin storms in to talk to the boss.


McMahon: Haven’t you ever heard of knocking?


Benjamin: Look, Mr. McMahon, please, I need you to reconsider the stipulation for tonight's match.


McMahon: What’s the problem? Look, if you don’t think you can get the job done tonight, I can put you out of your misery now.


Benjamin: NO. Please, god, no. I can do it. But, you know, just in case something happens beyond my control, I can’t lose my job because of it. I just can’t. I need you to...


McMahon: Enough, ENOUGH. Shelton, it’s very simple. Tonight, you END Shawn Michaels career. I want the final image of The Heartbreak Kid to be of him being wheeled out of that ring on a damn stretcher. And if you don’t do that, it will be YOUR career that will be over. Now get the hell out of my office.


Dejected, Shelton Benjamin walks out of McMahon’s office. But Vince didn’t have time to rest, as Raw General Manager Eric Bischoff storms into the office.


McMahon: I don’t even know why I have a door to my office, nobody uses the damn thing. What do you want, Eric?


Bischoff: Mr. McMahon, you have to do something about Heyman.


McMahon: What about him?


Bischoff: Look, me and Teddy Long don’t see eye to eye on much, but we can both see that Heyman is trying to destroy our rosters. He’s screwing us over, and he’s screwing you over too. And now I hear that he and his little band of misfits are on their way to the building. You have to do something about it, sir.


McMahon: I can’t do that, Eric.


Bischoff: Why not?


McMahon: Because I invited them.


Bischoff: WHAT!?!?


McMahon: Look, I gave Heyman full access to Raw and Smackdown to scout for talent. Now, if neither of you are capable of keeping your roster happy, then they will always have a spot with Heyman. I invited them. And that’s really all there is to it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have work to attend to.


Bischoff: But Mr. McMahon...


McMahon: GET OUT.


Realising that he was fighting a losing battle, Bischoff walked out of McMahon’s office, allowing him to continue his work in relative peace.




WWE United States Championship Match:




Randy Orton © vs. Matt Hardy




Ever since Randy Orton put Chris Benoit on the shelf at Wrestlemania, Matt Hardy has been looking for retribution on behalf of his fallen friend. And he went straight to work in this match, not even allowing Orton to get in the ring, throwing lefts and rights on the outside before he even made it to the ring. The two brawled around ringside for several minutes, with Hardy bouncing Orton’s head off of anything solid that he could find. The momentum soon changed when Orton hit a Drop Toe Hold onto the steel steps before throwing him back inside the ring. The official was finally able to call for the bell to begin the match. From there, Orton was in full control of an obviously dazed Matt Hardy, who was stumbling around the ring, the effects of the steel steps to the head taking their toll. Orton almost ended the bout early on, hitting his modified Backbreaker, dropping Hardy spine first across his own back. Hardy found the strength to kick out at two however. Hardy did manage to get some offence in, fighting his way to his feet, the crowd backing his every shot. But Orton took him down at every turn. But Orton was caught off guard by a Side Effect from out of nowhere, and almost fell to the manoeuvre, but was just able to get his shoulder up. Hardy had Orton rocking from there as the crowd roared their approval. Hardy looked to end the proceedings with the Twist of Fate, but Orton had it scouted, and pushed Hardy into the official, knocking him to the ground. With the official out on the mat, Orton resorted to hitting a low blow on Hardy, sending HIM to the mat. Orton decided to resort to even more drastic measures, heading outside and grabbing a steel chair. He re-entered the ring with the chair in hand, waiting for Hardy to rise. As Matt rose from the ground, Orton swung the chair, but Hardy was fast enough to duck before kicking Orton in the gut, causing him to drop the weapon. Then, in one swift motion, he nailed the Twist of Fate onto the steel chair. The official began to stir as Hardy made the cover. The ref was able to make the slow count. One....two....thre-NO! Orton managed to grab the bottom rope before the official was able to make the count, frustrating Hardy. Matt decided to take to the air as he went to the top rope, but Orton once again used the official to his advantage, pushing him into the ropes and causing Hardy to land crotch first onto the top turnbuckle. Orton got to his feet and, seeing his opportunity, hit Hardy with the very same move that took out Chris Benoit at Wrestlemania, hitting the RKO from the top rope. Hardy’s body was twisted as he landed, and Orton crawled over and made the cover for the one, two, three, retaining his United States Championship.


Winner, and STILL United States Champion: Randy Orton


Cole: Randy Orton retains here tonight, but things do not look good for Matt Hardy here.


Kennedy: Very reminiscent of what happened to Chris Benoit at Wrestlemania, and it looks like Hardy is gonna need treatment.


Orton backed up the ramp, his title belt held close to his chest as EMT’s rushed to the ring to attend to Matt Hardy. He was put on a stretcher, a neck brace in place, and was carried to the back as the crowd gave Matt a standing ovation.




Mexicools melt down!




The cameras head backstage where it seems tag team partners Psicosis and Cruiserweight Champion Super Crazy are having a heated argument in Spanish presumably, as the camera can not pick up what is being said. Eventually, Psicosis pushes Super Crazy and storms off, clearly unhappy about something.


Cole: Things have gotten very tense between these two men the past couple of weeks, and it seems it may have boiled over here tonight.


Kennedy: Well, I don’t think I would have known what they were saying if the cameras HAD picked up what was being said. I don’t speak idiot.




Before the next match takes place, Cade and Murdoch head to the ring, the jeers from the red hot crowd almost deafening. Murdoch took a mic from ringside and waited for the crowd to quiet down.


Murdoch: Well, for weeks we have been coming to this ring to issue an Open Challenge for tonight. And, low and behold, nobody has been man enough to accept. It’s not like I blame them. We are the most dominant tag team in ALL of the WWE. Those pretty boys MNM ain’t got nothin’ on the two of us. So, this is the last chance. We challenge ANYBODY to come out here and try to take these titles from us. You got thirty seconds to get to this ring, and if you don’t, then Lillian, I want you to declare us the winners of this match. Now, come on out.


The crowd were anxious to see who would appear. The arena was silent for a few moments before “Side 2 Side” by Three 6 Mafia hit. Nobody appeared from the entrance way, but two unfamiliar faces came through the crowd...




One of them had a mike in hand, and addressed the two men in the ring.


JTG: Yo, playboys. Maybe you haven’t heard the news, but you two clowns ain’t as good as you like to think. And I think it’s about time somebody shut them mouths of yours. And who better to do it than me, JTG, and my boy Elijah Burke. These Brooklyn Soldiers are about to take that gold from your waist and add it to the gold that hangs from our necks. The Tag Team division on RAW just changed gear. Lace up, playas.


With that, the two men jumped the security barrier and headed into the ring. The fight was on.


WWE World Tag Team Championship Match:




Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch © vs. Brooklyn Soldiers




From the opening bell, the crowd actually got behind these newcomers as they took the fight to the champions from the get go, with JTG throwing Murdoch to the outside, where he soon followed. That left Cade in the ring with Elijah Burke, who was extremely impressive. A beautiful Neckbreaker was almost enough to end proceedings quickly, but Cade rolled out of the ring to regroup. Meanwhile, JTG and Murdoch were brawling around the ringside area, with JTG driving Murdoch’s head into the steel steps before Irish Whipping him into the Security barrier. Cade came to try to help his partner out., hitting JTG from behind. None of them were expecting Elijah Burke to dive through the ropes, taking out all three men and bringing the crowd to life. The newcomers were looking very impressive, and may actually pick up the shock victory. The four men continued to brawl, and clearly didn’t hear the official begin the 10 count. When nobody attempted to make it back into the ring, the official had no choice but to call for the bell, calling a Double Count Out.


Result: Double Count Out


Ross: Well, these two newcomers, Elijah Burke and JTG, looked extremely impressive here tonight. But it seems the moment seems to have overwhelmed them, causing the Count Out finish here.


Lawler: I don’t think it’s over, JR. LOOK OUT!


King and JR were right to move, as Burke sent Cade over the announce table before hitting him with lefts and rights. JTG and Murdoch had made their way into the crowd and were fighting amongst the rabid fans in the Kemper Arena. Security finally headed to both fights to try to separate the four men as they tore into each other. JTG and Elijah Burke may not have got the victory, but they have sure made an impact.




Josh Matthews interviews Kurt Angle:




Matthews: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, Kurt Angle. And Kurt, tonight you get the chance to challenge for the World Heavyweight Title once again, but first you will have to take on The Undertaker in order to get there. Your thoughts?


Angle: Josh, do you know how many sleepless nights I have had since Wrestlemania? Do you have any idea what I have been through since being screwed out of MY title? I can’t eat. I can’t sleep. Because every waking moment is spent thinking of ways I can punish Rey Mysterio for taking away the most important thing in my life. My wife, I can always get a new one of those. My children, I can make a dozen more. But that belt, that is a treasure. And it belongs to me. And I’ll be DAMNED if I’m gonna let an overgrown, walking, talking, living zombie keep me away from my destiny. Undertaker, you were once the best in the business. But right now, the best is stood right here. And once I finish you off, Mysterio, I take that belt from around your waist. And whilst I’m there, I will snap your ankle. And everybody’s favourite underdog will be DEAD AND BURIED. Oh, it’s true. It’s DAMN true. Now get out of my face.




Before the next bout takes place, Michael Cole and Mr Kennedy give the fans at home an update on the condition of Booker T.


Cole: Now as those who watched Smackdown this past Friday will know, Booker T was injured as a result of Bobby Lashley’s brutal attack, culminating in Lashley sending Booker T off the stage and through a table below. Now, we have been informed tonight that Booker T suffered a severe break in his left leg as well as shattering his left elbow. He has also apparently been suffering with shooting pains in his spine. It’s unsure when, or indeed IF, Booker T will return to action. But doctors are keeping a close eye on his condition, and as soon as we have more news for you, we will give you an update. But in the meantime we wish Booker a speedy recovery.


Kennedy: It’s always hard to see a fellow performer go through what Booker T is going through, so I wish him all the best.




Number One Contenders Match:



Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker




The crowd were buzzing for this one, as two of the very best in the world were set to lock up. Angle tried to use his amateur background to his advantage in the early going, attempting to out-wrestle “The Phenom”. But Taker had a few tricks up his sleeve, and the veteran thwarted Angle’s efforts, even managing to lock in an impressive Leg Bar submission. Angle began to panic, and quickly clawed his way to the ropes. When this strategy failed, Angle decided to attempt to throw fists at The Undertaker, a very costly mistake, as Taker, being one of the best strikers in the WWE, turned Angle’s legs to jelly, rocking him with rights and lefts. Angle decided to head to the outside to regroup. But Undertaker soon followed him out and continued the beating on the outside. Angle tried his best to get away from his opponent, but Taker managed to catch up with him at every attempt. Undertaker sent Angle face first onto the ring apron before setting him up and hitting a huge Legdrop from the apron across Angle’s throat, vintage Undertaker. The two finally made their way back into the ring, where the carnage continued. Angle managed to get himself back into the contest when Undertaker went for the Snake eyes, but he mistimed the boot and got himself caught up in the ropes, allowing Angle to make the most of the opportunity, working on the left leg of The Undertaker. Taker was in genuine trouble as Kurt put the boots to the knee, trying to do as much damage as possible to the leg, making it easier to lock in the dangerous Ankle Lock. Taker did manage to get to his feet on several occasions, but each time he did, Angle was there to cut the legs from under him. Undertaker was stunned when Angle hit him with the Angle Slam, but he was only able to garner a two count, much to Kurt’s amazement. Kurt decided that it was time to end proceedings, and pulled down the straps, waiting to apply the Ankle Lock. As Taker got to his feet, Kurt grabbed the leg of the Deadman, but Taker managed to grab Angle around the throat and attempt a Chokeslam, but his leg gave way from underneath him and he was easy pickings for Angle, who landed a second Angle Slam for the one...two...thr-KICKOUT AT TWO. Angle was incensed, kicking the ropes in frustration. Angle then locked the Ankle Lock on “The Phenom”, causing him to scream out in pain. Undertaker was practically pulling his own hair out as Angle synched the hold in. But Undertaker would rather pass out than tap out, and clawed his way to the ropes, breaking the hold. As Taker rose to his feet, Kurt went for yet another Angle Slam. But Undertaker had it scouted this time, escaping the move before wrapping his hand around Angle’s neck and driving him down with a Chokeslam. Taker made the cover. One....two....thre-NO. Somehow Angle got his shoulder up at two. Taker signalled for the Tombstone and lifted Kurt onto his shoulder. Angle was able to wriggle free and connect with a THIRD Angle Slam. Angle should have made the cover, but he decided he wanted to put an end to it once and for all. Angle headed for the top rope and attempted to hit a Moonsault. Angle obviously hadn’t seen Taker get to his feet, and as he flew through the air, Undertaker caught him and drilled him into the mat with the Tombstone Piledriver. He made the cover on Angle. One...two...three! The Undertaker will face Rey Mysterio for the World Heavyweight Title in the Main Event.


Winner, and Number One Contender: The Undertaker


Kennedy: I’ll give credit where it’s due, Undertaker managed to fight through the pain and come out victorious.


Cole: And now Rey Mysterio has an absolutely HUGE mountain to climb when he puts his title on the line against The Undertaker...WAIT A MINUTE.


The Undertaker turned around and walked straight into a Clothesline from Hell by JBL, who had managed to sneak into the ring following the bell. JBL ripped his jacket off and threw his hat onto the body of “The Deadman” as he put the boots to him. He then lifted him to his feet and delivered ANOTHER Clothesline from Hell before finally leaving the ring as the crowd showered him with abuse. Meanwhile, Kurt Angle finally came around. He finally realised that he had been beaten, and went absolutely nuts, kicking the ropes and turnbuckles in frustration. That frustration was soon turned onto The Undertaker, as Angle applied the Ankle Lock in the centre of the ring. He was clearly screaming “That’s my belt” as he wrapped his legs around Taker’s, still trying to snap the ankle. Eventually, Officials, Road Agents and EMT’s ran out to the ring and tried to pry Angle off of The Undertaker. After several minutes, Angle was finally dragged to the back by officials as EMT’s treated the Deadman, leaving many to wonder what condition he would be in for his title match later in the evening.




Jonathan Coachman interviews Shawn Michaels




Coachman: Ladies and gentlemen...


Michaels: JULY 23rd 1995. Does that date ring a bell, “Coach”? That was the date I won my last Intercontinental title. Almost 11 years ago. Quite a long time, isn’t it? But tonight, it’s not about titles. Tonight is about survival. Because I know if I don’t win, Shelton Benjamin is gonna brutalise me. He has everything to lose. He’s gonna be fighting for his life, his career. So I need to put on the performance of my LIFE. I need to win this match. And in doing so not only will I become a four-time Intercontinental champion, but I send Shelton Benjamin out of the WWE for good. And after everything him and McMahon have thrown at me, it’s no more than he deserves. Shelton, you stole the show at Wrestlemania, I won’t deny that. But tonight, “The Heartbreak Kid” gets his retribution inside a 16 foot tall steel cage. At Wrestlemania, you were at the top of the mountain. Tonight, I put you back at the bottom of the pile.




WWE Women’s Championship:




Mickie James © vs. Trish Stratus




The hatred between these two was visible the second the bell rang, with Trish taking Mickie down and throwing fists at her head. Mickie tried to protect herself, but Trish was intent on making Mickie pay for her recent actions. Their match at Wrestlemania was described as one of the most brutal women’s matches of all times, and at times this match seemed to be going the same way, with both divas dishing out equal punishment to each other. Trish sent Mickie to the outside before a Baseball Slide sent Mickie onto her back. Trish continued the attack, hitting an Irish Whip and sending Mickie sailing over the Security barrier. Trish followed her into the crowd and the two continued the brawl. But Mickie eventually sent Trish throat first into the barrier before throwing her back to ringside and eventually back into the ring before the official could count them out. Once in the ring, Mickie took control for a good portion of the match, and almost put Trish away when she went for the Mick Kick. But Trish was able to catch her foot, swing her around and land the Stratusfaction Bulldog. Trish made the cover, but Mickie was too close to the ropes and managed to get her foot on it. After several minutes of the two women slugging it out, Victoria headed to the ring, looking for retribution on Mickie. She climbed the apron as the official tried to get her to leave. He hadn’t seen that Victoria had thrown a lead pipe into the ring for Trish to use. Trish picked up the pipe and looked at Victoria, perplexed at why she would ask her to resort to such actions. Her time wasting cost her, as Mickie took the pipe from her hands and landed a blow to the ribs before landing the Mickie-D-T. She got the officials attention, counting the three and awarding the victory to Mickie James.


Winner, and STILL WWE Women’s Champion: Mickie James


Mickie didn’t hang around after her victory, grabbing her title and heading to the back before either Diva could get their hands on her. Victoria entered the ring and attempted to help Trish to her feet. Trish accepted her hand, getting to her feet. She then nailed Victoria with a Chick Kick, clearly blaming Victoria for her loss. Trish exited the ring as the crowd chanted her name, leaving Victoria holding her head in the ring.




A video is played in the arena, hyping the arrival of “The Straight Edge Superstar” CM Punk...


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Cole: It’s almost time for the debut of CM Punk. How excited are you to see this young kid on Friday nights?


Kennedy: Not very excited, really. “Oh, look at me. I don’t drink. I don’t smoke. I don’t do drugs”. How very nice for you. You also obviously don’t get laid very often either. But what the hell. I guess it’ll be interesting to see what all the hype is about.




Stevens makes his point:




The cameras are backstage, where Road Agents are desperately trying to get Aaron Stevens off of a bloodied Ric Flair. Stevens has a chain around the neck of Flair, and chokes the life out of “The Nature Boy”.


Ross: What a damn disgrace. There are better ways of making a name for yourself that this. Stevens has shown just what kind of man he is right here.


Lawler: Somebody better get Stevens off of him soon, Flair’s face is turning blue.


Stevens finally let’s go of Flair when his personal assistant Michelle McCool reasons with him. The two walk away, leaving staff to try to help the fallen Flair.




WWE Tag Team Championship Match:




MNM © vs. Paul London & Brian Kendrick




The usually fun loving, happy-go-lucky London and Kendrick were all business in this bout, looking to win their first Tag Team Championship together. But Nitro and Mercury certainly were not playing games on this particular night. The early going in this match was dominated by the champions, as they tried their hardest to keep Paul London away from his partner by any means necessary, even if that included using Melina to distract the official long enough to take London down to the mat and continue to dominate. Eventually, the crowd began to get behind London, who responded to the reaction by taking the fight to Nitro, as well as knocking Mercury from the apron. But he soon walked into a Leg Lariat by Nitro which gained a LONG two count. Nitro locked in a Rear Chin Lock, trying to keep London grounded, but the crowd reaction for the challengers were deafening, and eventually it lead to London rising to his feet and fighting his way out of the hold before delivering a Dropsault and diving across the ring to make the tag to Kendrick, who went to town on BOTH tag champions. London managed to lend a hand, and the two men sent MNM to the outside with double Clotheslines. Kendrick dropped to his hands and knees, and the crowd rose to their feet as Paul London hit the ropes and launched himself off of the back of his partner, hitting a Moonsault onto the two men on the outside, and eliciting a “Holy ****” chant from the fans in attendance. The match went back and forth between the two teams, but the challengers seemed to have the upper hand. The end of the match saw Kendrick send Mercury to the outside, leaving London in the ring with Johnny Nitro. Nitro tried to take control, but London was fired up, and hit a fantastic Tornado DDT. London was feeling it, and headed to the top rope. Melina jumped on the apron and distracted the official, but that didn’t stop Paul from hitting the London Calling on Nitro. The official was still distracted by Melina. But Melina was stopped in her tracks when HAMADA pulled her from the apron and the two brawled outside the ring. Meanwhile, Mercury had somehow taken Kendrick out of the match, throwing him into the crowd. With the official distracted, Mercury hit a low blow on London before both he and Nitro delivered the Snapshot to London. Mercury got the attention of the ref, who turned around as Nitro made the cover. The official counted the three, giving MNM the tainted victory.


Winners, and STILL WWE Tag Team Champions: MNM


Cole: What a cheap win by MNM. How can they be proud of that?


Kennedy: Stop your belly aching, Cole. They did what they had to do. And more importantly, they got the job done. Good work by Nitro and Mercury. Oh, and Melina.


The fight continued, with both teams fighting their way to the back following the match, as well as Melina and Hamada going at it.




Edge has a plan...




The cameras are backstage, where “The Rated R Superstar” Edge is talking to somebody from the dressing room door. The cameras cannot hear what is being said. They also fail to see who it is Edge is talking to. All they do see is Edge hand a large sum of money to somebody, who eagerly takes the cash from him. Edge smiles arrogantly before walking away.


Ross: Who was that? And what has Edge planned here?


Lawler: Who knows, JR? Maybe it’s a little insurance policy for tonight when he gets in the ring with Triple H and Cena.









The cameras pan across the crowd as they hold up their signs. The crowd is red hot. They become even more unglued as Rob Van Dam, The Sandman, Sabu, Balls Mahoney, Tazz, Gregory Helms and The Bashams make their way through the crowd and take a seat in the front row. The crowd gives them a pretty big response, with a big ECW chant ringing through the arena. Conspicuous by his absence is Paul Heyman.




Steel Cage Match for WWE Intercontinental Championship:




Shelton Benjamin © vs. Shawn Michaels




The tension in this contest could be felt the second the door of the steel cage was closed, with Shelton and Michaels looking into each other’s eyes, neither man backing down. When the bell rang, the fight was on, and the crowd went wild as both men went tooth and nail. The match was even for the majority of the match, with neither man really taking the upper hand. Benjamin had literally EVERYTHING to lose, and any attempts by HBK to escape the cage were thwarted by the Intercontinental Champion. Benjamin was fighting for his very career, and he shown that, trying to take out the legs of HBK, which would prevent him from attempting to climb the cage. But Michaels stopped his attempts with some hard chops to the chest before rearing back and going for Sweet Chin Music early on. But Shelton was too fast and moved out of the way, causing Michaels to kick the cage door open, and allowing him to make a quick escape...until Shelton grabbed his leg at the last second, dragging him back into the cage. Shelton took control for a while, and really went to work on the back of HBK, obviously aware of Shawn’s back problems in the past. Three consecutive Back Breakers seemed to cause Michaels a great deal of discomfort as Shelton went for the pin. One...two...NO. Realising that this would not be enough to satisfy McMahon, Shelton lifted Michaels up off of the mat and continued to inflict pain. He then began to use the cage as a weapon, driving him spine first into the steel structure. HBK’s face was etched with pain with every shot he took, and it seemed Benjamin was going to fulfil his promise to Mr. McMahon. HBK fought back with some hard chops, but Benjamin soon put him down with the Exploder Suplex. In any other match, Benjamin may have gone for the victory, however with everything that was on the line for Benjamin, he decided to inflict more damage, and locked in a Camel Clutch, putting the pressure on the neck and spine of “The Heartbreak Kid”. The crowd were urging Michaels on, practically the entire arena on their feet, the “HBK” chants echoing around the building. Shelton may have let the fans get to him as Michaels got to his feet, Shelton still on his back. HBK then backed into the steel cage, sending Shelton into the structure. Shawn began to take control, sending Benjamin into steel head first. He threw him into all four sides of the cage, each time causing steel to meet skull. The forth one clearly did some damage, as Shelton’s eyebrow was clearly busted open. HBK was relentless in his attack, continuing to throw Shelton into the cage. But Michaels was caught by surprise when, after being thrown into the cage once again, Benjamin bounced back and connected with a Sweet Chin Music from out of nowhere, eliciting a gasp from the crowd. Benjamin obviously just wanted to leave this bout still in one peace, and slowly crawled towards the door of the cage. He was very slow in making it there, but Michaels had barely moved. It seemed Benjamin had the match won. That is until Mr. McMahon made his way to the ring. Just as Benjamin was halfway out of the cage, McMahon pushed him back inside, berating him and yelling at him to “finish the job or lose yours”. Benjamin had no choice but to re-enter the ring. He stood up and turned...and walked right into Sweet Chin Music. The crowed were on their feet as the referee made the count. One...two...thre-KICKOUT BY SHELTON BENJAMIN! The crowd were stunned, as was HBK, he held his head in his hands. Michaels headed for the door when he finally noticed McMahon standing outside, the hatred in his eyes evident for all to see. Realising he couldn’t get out through the door, and with his back seemingly too injured to climb the cage, Michaels decided to tune up the band. The crowd rumbled in anticipation as Shelton rose to his feet and turned, and was met with the Sweet Chin...NO. Benjamin caught the leg of Michaels and spun him around. He locked Michaels by the head and leg, looking to connect with the Exploder Suplex, when Michaels rolled him up in a Small Package. The official made the count once again. One...two...thre...Kick out by Benjamin. Both men quickly get to their feet, but the crowd explode when Shelton walks straight into Sweet Chin Music. Michaels makes the cover. One...two...THREE. Shawn Michaels has become a four-time Intercontinental Champion. And, for Shelton Benjamin, the dream was over.


Winner, and NEW WWE Intercontinental Champion: Shawn Michaels


The fans in the Kemper Arena were in raptures as Lillian Garcia announced Shawn Michaels as the new Intercontinental Champion. Michaels exited the cage, where Mr. McMahon stood, his piercing stare looking directly into the eyes of Shawn Michaels. HBK was handed his title belt before he headed to the back. He stopped on the stage and posed for the fans with his newly won title before retreating to the back. McMahon had a microphone in his hand as the fans began their usual chant of “Na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye”. McMahon looked at Benjamin as he rose to his feet, tears filling his eyes, before McMahon dealt the final blow with the infamous words; “YOU’RE FIRED”. Shelton walked from the ring, his head hung low as he wiped tears from his eyes. The cameras stayed with him as he walked through the backstage area. He clearly didn’t want to hang around after his humiliating loss, heading straight to the parking lot. On his way, he did bump into former tag team partner Charlie Haas, he looked him dead in the eyes before turning his back and walking away. Benjamin looked a broken man as he headed for the door marked “Exit”. He pulled the handle on the door, and was all set to leave....when a hand grabbed him by the shoulder and stopped him in his tracks.


Heyman: I think we should talk.


The final image of Shelton Benjamin was one of him and Paul Heyman exiting the arena together.




Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship:




John Cena © vs. Edge vs. Triple H




This match-up was all out war from the very start, with all three men going at it. Anybody who thought that there may be an alliance formed between any of these men was sadly mistaken. Triple H did back off slightly when Edge and Cena began to duke it out, letting them wear each other down, before getting into the action, tossing Edge from the ring so he could concentrate on the champ. Triple H was determined not to make the same mistake that he made at Wrestlemania, and did not take Cena lightly. Hunter held the advantage in the early going, and set Cena up for the Pedigree, but Cena was able to break the hold and nail a Back Body Drop on “The Game”. But Cena was surprised when he walked right into a Spear from Edge. Edge made the cover, but Cena was close enough to the ropes to break it. Edge then took control, giving boots to both Triple H and Cena, trying to keep the advantage. Eventually Triple H was able to get to his feet and fired back with some right hands before throwing Edge into the ropes and hitting a Spinning Spinebuster for a very close two count. Cena rose to his feet, but was hit with the same manoeuvre by “The Game”, who once again gained a close two count from the official. The fight went back and forth between all three men for some time. Things were about to change however, as Tyson Tomko slowly made his way to the ring. Nobody had noticed Tomko’s arrival, with Edge brawling with Cena on the outside as Triple H tried to get to his feet inside the ring. Edge attempted to drive Cena’s head into the announce table, but Cena reversed it, sending Edge Skull first into the wood. The official tried to get both men in the ring, obviously allowing all three men a little more leeway than usual in such an important match. But he had to step in as Edge grabbed a chair from ringside. As he went to connect with Cena’s head, the official grabbed the chair from him. Edge was furious, and as he and the official argued, Cena became the victim of a Tyson Tomko Big Boot. Cena, who was no stranger to the foot of Tomko, fell to the floor immediately. Tomko threw Cena back in the ring, where Triple H was waiting, lifting him up and drilling him with the Pedigree. Tomko forced the official to make the count. The ref finally entered the ring and made the count. One...two...thr-Edge breaks the count. Cena had been bailed out by “The Rated R Superstar”, as Edge lifted Hunter to his feet and connected with the Impaler DDT. Edge made another cover, but only managed a two count. Edge was starting to get frustrated, and as the official turned his back, Edge hit him from behind, knocking him out. The fans were not impressed with Edge’s tactics as he went to the outside and grabbed the steel chair. He stood waiting to hit the first thing that moved. Unfortunately, Cena was the first to his feet, and so was the first to taste steel as Edge cracked the chair over his skull. Edge then waited for Hunter to rise. Triple stood and turned towards Edge, who was ready and waiting to strike. But he was caught off guard by Tomko, who took the chair from him and landed a chairshot of his own. Edge then stumbled straight into the Pedigree. Triple H was about to steal this match, and the title, as the majority of the crowd began a “Cena” chant. But things were about to make a shocking turn, as THE BIG SHOW headed towards the ring. Tomko charged at him as he entered the ring, but he received a Chokeslam for his trouble. Triple H tried to reason with the giant, but to no avail, as he too became a victim of the Chokeslam. Big Show went to the aid of Edge, and it was apparent that this was the mystery man Edge was talking to earlier in the evening. He helped Edge to his feet and shook his hand before retreating to the back. Edge was all smiles as he lifted the official to his feet and made the cover on Triple H. The official was groggy, but he did manage to make the count. One...two...thre-CENA PULLS HIM AWAY. Cena grabbed the leg of Edge and dragged him off of Triple H before quickly locking in the STFU. The crowd were on their feet, begging Edge to tap. Edge was in absolute agony as he clawed at the canvas, attempting to grab hold of anything. But Cena had it synched in the center of the ring. Edge held on for a while, but eventually, he had no choice but to tap out.


Winner, and STILL WWE Champion: John Cena


The crowd came alive for the champ as he was awarded the victory. Cena held his title up high in the air as the Kemper Arena showed their appreciation to the champ. But the mood turned sour quickly, as Tomko turned Cena around and delivered yet ANOTHER Big Boot to the champ. The crowd were angered by Tomko, who helped Triple H to his feet before helping him to the back as the fans jeered the two men. Triple H was desperate to go back and get his hands on Cena, but Tomko practically dragged him to the back.






World Heavyweight Championship Match:




Rey Mysterio © vs. The Undertaker




Before the bout started, it was announced that both Kurt Angle AND John Bradshaw Layfield were banned from ringside for this contest after what happened earlier in the night. You would think that this would give The Undertaker a HUGE advantage going into this match. But the damage done to Undertaker’s leg in his previous bout was evident for all to see, bandaged and strapped up, and Mysterio took full advantage of it. Undertaker was seriously struggling to stay on his feet at the beginning of the bout, and his injury almost caused a quick upset by Mysterio, who hit a dropkick to the knee, sending Undertaker into the ropes and allowing Rey to attempt the 619. But Undertaker was able to move out of the way just in time before hitting a Big Boot to the head with his good leg. But the pain was obvious on the face of The Phenom. Rey continued to work on the leg for the majority of the match, and at one point hit a tremendous move, spring boarding from the top rope and landing a perfect Knee Drop to the injured limb of The Deadman for a close two count. Undertaker did manage to muster enough energy to get himself back into the fight, landing heavy rights and lefts to the head of Mysterio. A Big Boot and Leg Drop almost put Mysterio away, but the injury caused him to take a little too long to make the cover, and was only able to get a two count on the champion. Undertaker obviously realized that he had to end the match as soon as possible, and grabbed Mysterio by the throat for the Chokeslam. As Taker lifted Rey up, Mysterio somehow managed to get himself on the shoulders of The Undertaker before spinning around and landing a Hurricanrana, sending Taker into the ropes, a perfect position to land the 619, which he did. Mysterio then put the final touch on it, jumping up and hitting a Springboard Frog Splash. Mysterio made the cover. One...two...thre-KICKOUT. Mysterio was holding his head in his hands, unsure of what he needed to do to keep this monster down. His time wasting cost him, as The Undertaker sat up and grabbed Mysterio by the throat again. They both rose to their feet, and Undertaker drilled Mysterio before making the cover. One...two...thr-NO. Mysterio was able to kick out at two. Undertaker’s face was one of anger, frustration and immense pain as he made the cut throat signal, which could only mean one thing. Mysterio rose to his feet, where The Undertaker was waiting for him. He lifted Rey onto his shoulder ready for the Tombstone Piledriver. But Rey had it scouted and slipped out behind him before delivering a Dropkick to the back, sending Taker into the ropes again, set for the 619. As Mysterio went for the move, Taker was ready, catching Mysterio’s feet and lifting him up, perfectly positioned for the Tombstone. But again, Mysterio managed to get free, hitting a Head Scissors on Taker. Mysterio then jumped onto the ropes and attempted a Springboard Cross Body. But The Phenom caught him AGAIN. But this time there was no escape, and Undertaker dropped him with the Tombstone. This was surely the end of Mysterio’s reign as World Heavyweight Champion. But the move seemed to do more damage to The Undertaker, who grabbed at the knee in agony. Undertaker was unable to make the cover following the move, desperately clutching at the injured body part. He finally manages to drag himself over to Mysterio to make the cover. One...two...thre-MYSTERIO KICKS OUT. The Undertaker took way too long to make the cover, and he was punished for it. Undertaker slowly lifted Mysterio from the mat, ready to deliver ANOTHER Tombstone. But, from literally nowhere, Mysterio rolled Undertaker up with a Small Package. One...two...THREE. Mysterio got possibly the biggest win of his career, defeating The Undertaker with a roll up. The crowd were stunned, but were equally as excited that Mysterio had retained the title.


Winner, and STILL World Heavyweight Champion: Rey Mysterio


Undertaker rolled to the outside of the ring, still grabbing at the knee as Mysterio was handed his World Heavyweight Title and held it high in the air as the fans in the Kemper Arena cheered him on. But something was brewing, as there was a commotion in the front row of the crowd where the ECW performers were jumping the guard rail, some of them holding ECW signs. The eight men jumped onto the ring apron as Mysterio stood alone in the centre of the ring. As the men entered the ring, one man stood toe to toe with Mysterio: “Mr Money in the Bank” himself, Rob Van Dam. RVD held his briefcase high in the air as Mysterio looked on. That’s when Mysterio felt the blow from the Singapore Cane of The Sandman. Immediately, the entire ECW contingent began to beat down Mysterio as RVD stood and watched. Mysterio could barely stand as they held Mysterio up for RVD, who threw his briefcase at Mysterio and nailed him with the Van Daminator. RVD began talking to the official, and it looked as if he was about to cash in his Money in the Bank briefcase. But all eight men quickly bailed when The Undertaker limped back into the ring. Even when injured, the presence of The Deadman was enough for the ECW stars to retreat through the crowd. The fans came alive as The Undertaker extended his hand towards Mysterio. In a true show of respect, Mysterio accepted Taker’s handshake. The final image as Backlash went off the air was of the Undertaker handing Mysterio HIS World Heavyweight Title, the fans in attendance roaring their approval.






Chavo Guerrero over Matt Striker C+

Randy Orton over Matt Hardy to retain United States Championship C

Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch over Brooklyn Soldiers to retain World Tag Team Championships D+

The Undertaker over Kurt Angle B

Mickie James over Trish Stratus to retain Women’s Championship C-

MNM defeat London & Kendrick to retain Tag Team Championships C

Shawn Michaels over Shelton Benjamin to WIN the Intercontinental Championship B+

John Cena over Edge and Triple H to retain WWE Championship B

Rey Mysterio over The Undertaker to retain World Heavyweight Championship B-


Show Rating: B

PPV Buy rate: 4.04




Jingo: 5/9

The Final Countdown: 7/9

nick21985: 5/9

TracyBrooksFan: 5/9

Tweek It: 4/9

Mattitude90: 3/9

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Heyman: I think we should talk.


The final image of Shelton Benjamin was one of him and Paul Heyman exiting the arena together.


I KNEW it! :D I felt like ECW needed another semi-big name, and the stipulation facing Shelton seemed like a great way to get it done.


Great show. I like pairing JTG with Elijah instead of Shad; I think they'd make for a far more interesting team .

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Greetings, and welcome to another instalment of "The Truth" with me, Jack Savage. As usual, I will be delving into the big stories surrounding the wrestling world. On todays edition, we look at the recent offering from World Wrestling Entertainment, Backlash. Lets not waste any more time. Lets get to it...


- The opening contest between Chavo Guerrero and Matt Striker was alot beter than I anticipated. The two seemed to gel pretty well out there, with Chavo standing out as usual. I believe it really is only a matter of time before we see Chavo battling for the title in the Main Event.


The Savage Truth: A very solid opener to get the fans going. I give this one a C+.


-The backstage skit between Shelton Benjamin and Vince McMahon was very well done, with Benjamin pleading for McMahon to change his mind regarding the stipulation. Benjamin has stepped up his game so much since starting his programme with Shawn Michaels, including his promos. He really has become one of the focal points of the WWE. If he can continue to keep this standard up after this feud, he has a good chance of being a true Main Event star. This segment gets a B. Eric Bischoff also had a promo in this same segment conserning the arrival of ECW. Eric put across how worried he was about the group very well. I'm enjoying the build up to ECW so far. This segment also gets a B.


-The United States Championship Match was a little disappointing for me. Both Orton and Hardy can do so much better than this. After Orton's tremendous display against Benoit last month at Wrestlemania, I was expecting alot more. And we know that Hardy can perform at a higer level than this. But the two just didn't seem to click.


The Savage Truth: A disappointing contest to say the least. It wasn't terrible by any means, but it could have been so much more. I give this match a C.


- Super Crazy and Psicosis were seen backstage arguing in the next segment, although nothing can be heard. I like both men, but I believe the team has run it's corse, so it's good to see they are looking to split the group. I have seen Psicosis working heel in Mexico, and he is phenominal in that role. Let's hope he can do the same on Smackdown and reinvigorate the Cruiserweight Division. This gets a C-.


- The promo and eventuall revealing of Cade and Murdoch's opponents was done very well in my view. Trevor Murdoch is very under-rated on the mic, and he did a good job of hyping it up. The eventual revealing of JTG and Elijah Burke, known as The Brooklyn Soldiers (not the greatest name, but hey, WWE have had worse names. Head Cheese, anyone?) was also pretty well done. They both have a good look, and by the sounds of it, JTG can cut a pretty decent promo. I'd give the build-up a C+. The match itself was good for what it was. It was extremely short, but it did what it was designed to do; to introduce the Brooklyn Soldiers and to present them as a serious threat to the tag team champs.


The Savage Truth: A very short match that did it's job perfectly. It gets a D+ from me.


- Angle's promos have always been good, but this one certainly made me chuckle. His comments about his own wife and kids had me giggling, despite the fact that he looked extremely uncomfortable when saying it. But Angle put his match with The Undertaker over well too. This promo gets a B rating. The actual match between the two was also a bit of a letdown. Don't get me wrong, it was still a great contest, but the two have had alot better matches in the past, and I believe they could have done better. I was VERY surprised to see The Undertaker get the win in this match, as I though maybe this would be the night we finally saw the conclusion to the Angle/Mysterio feud that has been brewing since the Rumble. But I guess that will come down the road sometime soon.


The Savage Truth:A good contest, but certainly not one of their best. A B rating is all I can give this one.


-The angle following the match involving the attack by JBL as well as the brutal assault by Angle was done extremely well, getting over how frustrated Angle was over the loss, as well as continuing the JBL/Taker feud AND putting a question mark on just how well Undertaker could compete in the Main Event. A good segment that gets a B+.


- HBK promos seem to be a very scarce thing these days, but his promo to hype the Cage Match with Shelton was of a good quality, as is everything else Michaels seems to do. HBK really has helped with the development of Shelton Benjamin, and it will be a shame for this feud to end really. A B+ for this promo from me.


- The Women's Title match was another good outing by Mickie and Trish. I think the sheer brutality of their encounter at Wrestlemania puts it abov this match. But this was still a decent contest between the two. It's good to see they have begun to use Victoria a lot more and are incorporating her into this feud. There is talk that the Women's Title may soon be defended on BOTH brands, which would be a fantastic idea, as I believe there could be alot of different match ups available when you add the likes of Melina and Hamada into the mix.


The Savage Truth: Another good match between these two divas. Nothing spectacular, but still a damn good effort from the two. This gets a C-.


-Aaron Stevens is slowly starting to grow on me. I was unsure about him when he first debuted on RAW, but his feud with Flair seems to be elevating him slightly, and he looks alot more confident in what he does, as was shown with the attack angle backstage. Flair, as always, bled a bucket full. He really is a crazy old bastard for doing the things he still does at his age. This angle gets a C.


- MNM's victory over Londrick was a little disappointing for me. The match itself was decent, but I think London and Kendrick really deserve a run with the belts. They are consistently the most entertaining tag team as far as in ring ability goes. Hopefully it happens soon, but it would have been nice to see it at Backlash.


The Savage Truth: A decent match, but damn it, give Londrick the belts. SOON. A C rating for this match.


- Edge talking to the mystery man backstage did it's job, building suspense for the title match later in the show. This segment rates a B+.


- I was surprised at how big a reaction the ECW contingent got when they entered the arena, especially when you consider that a good portion of them were working lower card matches just a few months ago, as well as the other half being unknown to a good portion of the WWE fans. A C+ for this segment.


- HBK and Shelton Benjamin stole the show ONCE AGAIN in the Steel Cage Match. This two are absolutely phenomenal together and, as I said before, it is a real shame that the feud has to end, as I believe they have a few matches left in them. It was'nt quite up to the standard of their Wrestlemania match, but it would be difficult to top what they did in that bout. I wasn't sure who would win this contest, as it is obvious that HBK is FAR too good for the I.C Title. But after what happened following the match with Paul Heyman (Which, by the way, gets a B+ rating), it makes sense. I also like the fact that Shelton is heading to ECW. Despite the fact that Shelton has come along way these past few moths, I think he may still struggle to get in the Main Event picture with the likes of Cena, HBK, Edge and Tomko (who is really coming along in leaps and bounds) hogging the spots. Whereas he has a real chance to shine in the land of extreme.


The Savage Truth: A fantastic offering from the two, and a tremendous way to end this feud. I give this match a B+.


- The Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship was pretty good. Edge really stood out in this one, and has added alot to the Cena/HHH feud. I think if anybody is to end Cena's title reign, it should be "The Rated R Superstar". One person who I must praise however is Tyson Tomko. His popularity has sky-rocketed since he became Triple H's "Problem Solver" and I truly believe that Tomko is just about ready to step out on his own and become a Main Event star on RAW. He has all the tools to succeed, and I would be very surprised if he doesn't have a run with a World Title before the year is through.


The Savage Truth: A great bout between the three with Edge shing in the match. I give this match a B.


- Despite the fact that Mysterio and The Undertaker are so different in size and style, they actually put on a fantastic match. Alot of it was down to the great job Taker did of selling his injury. I think it was a good idea to go with an injury angle, as I think it would have been difficult to believe that Mysterio could defeat Undertaker cleanly without some kind of assistance or advantage. I think this win adds a lot of credibility to Mysterio's title reign.


The Savage Truth: A good bout between the bout, and a big step on solidifying Mysterio as a credible World Champion. I give this match a B-.


-The final segment involving Mysterio and ECW brings up alot of questions as to who RVD will cash in his briefcase on. It is believed he will almost certainly be cashing it in before or even AT One Night Stand in June. But this was a good segment that helped build the ECW brand even more. it gets a B+ rating.


THE FINAL WORD:An enjoyable Pay Per View from Vince McMahon and company. Nothing majorly bad on the PPV, and an epic match between Shelton and Michaels once again. Backlash 2006 gets a B rating from yours truly.


*** In other news, it is believed that CM Punk will be making his debut within the next week or two and will eventually begin a feud with Mr. Kennedy, who is almost at 100% after his injury. This seems to be why Kennedy has been putting Punk down on commentary the past few weeks. How true this rumour is, is anybodies guess. But it seems one or two people in upper management are keen to push Punk hard within the next few months.


***There are big rumours surrounding a major announcement concerning ECW that will be revealed on this weeks episode of RAW. It is unknown what this announcement is, as many are keeping very tight lipped about the whole thing. But it is expected to be a big step in the build up to One Night Stand and the eventual rebirth of ECW. Stay tuned to wrestlexperts.com for more news as we get it.


So, there you have. Another instalment of "The Truth" is in the bag. Thanks for reading. From Jack Savage here at wrestlexperts.com, goodbye.

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I KNEW it! :D I felt like ECW needed another semi-big name, and the stipulation facing Shelton seemed like a great way to get it done.


Great show. I like pairing JTG with Elijah instead of Shad; I think they'd make for a far more interesting team .


Thanks for the feedback, glad you enjoyed it. My plan was always to have him go to ECW. Since his feud with Michaels, his in-game popularity has sky-rocketed, and I felt he would be a great addition to the new ECW. I was toying with the idea of bringing Shad and JTG in together, but I have other plans for Shad further down the road. Plus I thought JTG and Burke could be quite an interesting combination. I have a few ideas floating around regarding those two, but we will just have to wait and see which way I go with them.

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Manchester, New Hampshire plays host to Monday Night Raw this week, and after last nights Backlash Pay Per View, there will be many questions to answer. Shawn Michaels has promised to address the fans in celebration of his Intercontinental Title victory over Shelton Benjamin. But Michaels must first get through Shelton's former partner Charlie Haas in non-title competition. Plus, Eric Bischoff has made a match between Mickie James and Victoria. And if Victoria can pick up the victory, she will earn a title shot at Judgement Day in 3 weeks time. And one half of RAW's newest tag team, The Brooklyn Soldiers, will be in action as Elijah Burke takes on Matt Striker, who will be more than a little frustrated after his loss to Chavo Guerrero at Backlash.


Also, Triple H has vowed that he WILL be in the building to make a statement regarding both John Cena AND Edge. Plus, Smackdown's World Heavyweight Champion Rey Mysterio has promised to be at the arena to confront Rob Van Dam and the rest of the ECW contingent after what happened following his match with The Undertaker at Backlash. Speaking of ECW, there will be a HUGE announcement regarding ECW, as Paul Heyman will be in New Hampshire. With all this and so much more, you really must tune in to Monday Night Raw on USA.


Quick Picks:


WWE Championship Match:

John Cena © vs. Chavo Guerrero


Number One Contenders Match:

Edge vs. Triple H vs. Tyson Tomko


Non-Title Match:

Charlie Haas vs. Shawn Michaels


Elijah Burke vs. Matt Striker


Non-Title Match:

Mickie James vs. Victoria

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WWE Championship Match:

John Cena © vs. Chavo Guerrero

-There's an outside chance that Chavo wins by countout or DQ, but I'm staying on the safe side.


Number One Contenders Match:

Edge vs. Triple H vs. Tyson Tomko

-Tomko takes the win and potentially creates a rift between he & HHH.


Non-Title Match:

Charlie Haas vs. Shawn Michaels

-HBK stays hot after his MOTN with Shelton.


Elijah Burke vs. Matt Striker

-Possibly by DQ with a run-in from Cade and/or Murdoch.


Non-Title Match:

Mickie James vs. Victoria: No Contest

-I see Trish getting involved and there not being a conclusive winner, setting up a 3 way for Judgement Day.

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Now that ECW is getting underway I'm ready to hop abroad this diary


WWE Championship Match:

John Cena © vs. Chavo Guerrero


Number One Contenders Match:

Edge vs. Triple H vs. Tyson Tomko


Non-Title Match:

Charlie Haas vs. Shawn Michaels


Elijah Burke vs. Matt Striker


Non-Title Match:

Mickie James vs. Victoria

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WWE Championship Match:

John Cena © vs. Chavo Guerrero


Number One Contenders Match:

Edge vs. Triple H vs. Tyson Tomko


Non-Title Match:

Charlie Haas vs. Shawn Michaels

Elijah Burke vs. Matt Striker


Non-Title Match:

Mickie James vs. Victoria

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Monday, Week 1, May 2006




Location: Verizon Wireless Arena (New England)

Attendance: 10,000 (Sell Out)


Announce Team:


Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler




Dark Match:

• Eugene defeated Jimmy Snuka Jr. with a Rock Bottom.




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The show opens with the usual pyro display before the sold out Verizon Wireless Arena comes alive for another edition of Monday Night Raw. Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler, as always, are on hand to provide commentary.


Ross: Manchester, New Hampshire is the host for what is sure to be an explosive night here on Raw. We have plenty of action. And prior to the show, Eric Bischoff made the announcement that we will have a Triple Threat Match to determine the new Number One Contender for the WWE Championship, as Edge takes on Triple H AND Tyson Tomko.


Lawler: And don’t forget, Smackdown’s World Heavyweight Champion Rey Mysterio has promised to be here tonight to confront Rob Van Dam and ECW after what happened last night at Backlash. I can’t wait.




The crowd erupted (the majority of them at least) as “My Time is Now” hit the P.A system, and out stepped John Cena, still in possession of the WWE Championship. Cena slapped hands with the crowd as he made his way to the ring. He grabbed a microphone from ringside before stepping through the ropes. It took a while for the “Cena” chants to die down before he could begin to speak.


Cena: Well, like it or loath it, THE CHAMP IS STILL HERE. Last night, I had the distinct “pleasure” of facing two men who, to put it kindly, don’t care too much for me. They were determined to make sure I didn’t leave Backlash with the WWE Championship. And, I’ll be honest, it was a struggle. But I managed to get the victory by making Edge TAP OUT. Now, I no neither Triple H nor Edge have arrived to the arena yet, and I’m pretty sure that they will have something to say to me. But I want you both to know one thing; If you want some, come get some. And now I hear that our fine General Manager has made a Triple Threat Match tonight to determine who will get a shot at this belt at Judgment Day between Edge, Triple H and Tyson Tomko. Now, you all know my feelings on Hunter and Edge, but I got a bone to pick with you as well, Tomko. Because for the past few months, I’ve been on the receiving end of that Big Boot of yours. And, to be quite honest, I’m getting pretty damn sick of it. Maybe one day you will have the guts to look me in the eye, man to man, and try to take me out instead of jumping me from behind. But I guess it must be hard trying to get out of Triple H’s shadow. So good luck to all three men, because it makes no difference to me. At Judgment Day, I will be ready for anybody...


The champ was cut short by the soothing sounds of “Ohhhhh, Chavo”. Chavo Guerrero stepped through the curtain to a pretty good response. Cena looked slightly puzzled as Chavo entered the ring, microphone in hand. He then extended his hand to Cena, who graciously accepted the handshake.


Guerrero: First of all, I want to congratulate you on your victory last night at Backlash. You put on a hell of a performance and you deserve to be stood here as WWE Champion. I have a lot of respect for you Cena. You take a lot of criticism from a lot of people, but when it comes down to business, you always get the job done. I respect that. But you see, last night I finally got Matt Striker off my back and I can finally concentrate on doing what I said I would do ever since I returned to RAW, and that is to keep the Guerrero name alive. To make my Uncle proud. And I know he will be looking down on me now and his heart will be bursting with pride as I make the biggest decision of my life. You see, I want to be just like him. And the only way I can do that is to go for the one piece of gold that has eluded me. John Cena, I am making a challenge to face you right here tonight for the WWE Championship.


The crowd come unglued at the prospect of seeing Chavo and Cena face off for the title. Cena looks around at the rabid crowd as he contemplates putting his title on the line against The Latino Warrior.


Cena: Chavo, I respect your family more than you could ever imagine. And I respect the fact that unlike some people around here, you had the guts to come out here, look me in the eye and make the challenge. So if it’s a title shot you want, then it’s a title shot you get. John Cena versus Chavo Guerrero tonight for the WWE Championship.


The crowd came to their feet as the two men shook hands before Cena left the ring. Chavo was smiling and pointing to the heavens as Cena headed back through the curtain.


Ross: What an announcement we just heard. Chavo Guerrero will challenge John Cena for the WWE Title here tonight.


Lawler: What a way to kick off RAW, JR.




Non-Title Match:


Mickie James vs. Victoria


The stipulation in this match stated that if Victoria got the win, she would get a shot at Mickie’s title at Judgment Day, and Victoria went all out to get the win. Mickie was taken slightly off guard by Victoria’s onslaught, and had to resort to pushing the official into Victoria before she could mount a comeback. After several minutes of back and forth action, Trish Stratus sauntered down to ringside. Victoria hit the ropes, and Trish grabbed the leg, tripping her. This was obvious retaliation for Victoria costing Trish her match with Mickie at Backlash. Mickie took full advantage, nailing a Mick Kick and making the cover for the three.


Winner: Mickie James


With the match officially over, Mickie decided to take advantage of the fallen Victoria, and began attacking her as Trish slowly made her way to the back. Stratus stopped halfway up the ramp, clearly seeing that she should at least lend a hand to Victoria, who was being destroyed by the unstable Women’s Champion. Trish finally sprinted to the ring, but was met with a Mick Kick by Mickie James. Relatively happy with her actions, James grabbed her title belt, whispering to the inanimate object as she headed to the back, leaving both Victoria and Trish out cold in the centre of the ring.




A coach rolls into the Parking Lot of the Verizon Wireless Arena. The doors open, and out steps Paul Heyman, who is soon followed by Rob Van Dam and the rest of the ECW contingent. The only man who seemed to be missing was Shelton Benjamin, which isn’t surprising considering that he wasn’t an official member as yet. As the group make their way into the building, they are stopped by a swarm of security guards.


Heyman: Is there a problem here, boys?


Security Guard: We are under strict orders that we cannot allow any of your roster into the building. As an invited guest, you may enter, Mr. Heyman. But your group must leave the building immediately.


Heyman: Has Bischoff told you this? Well, sorry to break it to you, but Mr. McMahon gave us full permission to scout talent from any roster. So please, step aside.


Security Guard: These orders were not from Mr. Bischoff, sir. These were orders direct from Mr. McMahon. He also wants you to know that he expects you in the ring later tonight. Sir.


Heyman was stunned and slightly puzzled as he turned to his troops.


Heyman: OK, don’t worry. You boys get back on the coach and wait for me. I’ll handle this.


RVD: Come on, Paulie. We need to be there with you. We’re a team.


Heyman: Just trust me, Rob. I’ve got this covered.


With that, Heyman entered the building. Gregory Helms wore a look of disgust before spitting at the feet of the security guard. The group retreated from the scene, RVD in particular not happy with what went down.




We head into the locker room, where Triple H and Tomko are discussing their Triple Threat Match with Edge later in the evening.


HHH: I mean, what is Bischoff thinking putting both of us in a match against each other here tonight? Its bull****. So look, we just stick to the game plan, OK? We go out there, we take care of Edge, and then you can step aside so I can get my rematch for the title. It’s about time...


Tomko: Whoa, hold up. Why do I have to step aside?


HHH: Are you serious? You’re not ready to face the champ. Just do what I say and we’ll be fi...


Tomko surprises Triple H when he pushes him full force, sending him crashing into the lockers before storming out. Triple H is completely shocked, and somewhat scared, of what just occurred.


Lawler: Looks like there may be trouble in paradise, JR.


Ross: I think The Game may have pushed Tomko too far this time.





Elijah Burke vs. Matt Striker


Striker seemed a little off his game in this contest, the loss to Chavo Guerrero at Backlash clearly still playing on his mind. Elijah Burke on the other hand seemed to be in on his game entirely, and really took it to the former school teacher. JTG was on the outside, shouting encouragement to his partner as he seemed to control the match. Striker had a few flurries of offence, but his head didn’t really seem to be in it, and at around the 7 minute mark, Elijah put an end to Strikers misery when he whipped him into the corner and drilled his knees into Striker’s spine in a move he calls The Elijah Express. Burke hooked the leg and the official counted the three, giving Elijah Burke the victory on his RAW début.


Winner: Elijah Burke


Striker slowly rolled out of the ring and headed to the back, his head hung low. JTG stepped into the ring and handed a microphone to his partner.


Burke: A fine début, if I do say so myself. But you know what? I still got a lot of energy to burn off. So Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch, how about you two boys come on out here, and we can finish what we started last night.


The crowd came to life, hoping to see another brawl erupt. It didn’t take long, as the World Tag Team Champions stormed through the curtain. They never quite made it to the ring, as The Brooklyn Soldiers met them on the ramp, and the fight was on. The four men really tore into each other, with all four individuals heading into the crowd, fighting amongst the red hot crowd in New Hampshire. Security tried their best to split the men up, with little joy.


Lawler: Well, they may have only made their debut last night at Backlash, but Elijah Burke and JTG have really made their presence felt.


Ross: Well, the champs said they wanted competition. I think they may have found it.




The cameras get a shot backstage, where “The Rated R Superstar” Edge is trashing the catering area, still clearly upset over tapping out to John Cena at Backlash. Lita is desperately trying to calm him down, but it doesn’t seem to be doing any good at all, as Edge continues to flip out. Eventually Edge gets worn out and storms away, Lita quickly following.


Ross: If this is the kind of mood Edge is in now, I would hate to think what he’s prepared to do later tonight against Triple H and Tomko.




We head into the locker room, where Jonathan Coachman attempts to get a few words with Matt Striker, who is packing his bags.


Coachman: Matt, may I just get a few words? After your loss to Chavo Guerrero as well as your loss to newcomer Elijah Burke here tonight, what is next for Matt Striker?


Striker: All I ever wanted was to be a Professional Wrestler. That was my crazy little dream. And I have tried my best to be the best, to make a name for myself and to become a champion. And yet after all the hard work and sacrifice, what have I got to show for it? Where’s my championship belt? Where’s the fast cars, the champagne, the women? I don’t even get a look in. And maybe I have to face facts. And the fact is, I’m just not good enough. So, you wanna know what is next for Matt Striker? What’s next is I am going to pack my bags, I’m gonna get into my car, I’m gonna drive home, and I’m gonna go spend time with my wife, because this isn’t worth it anymore. I quit.


With those simple words, Striker storms out, leaving Coachman, as well as the rest of the arena, in utter shock.




Triple Threat Number One Contender Match:


Edge vs. Triple H vs. Tyson Tomko


Triple H and Tomko managed to work well together in the early going of this match, keeping Edge grounded in the corner. But Edge, still angered by his loss at Backlash, seemed to have a full tank, and managed to fight his way back into the match, taking Tomko out with the Edgecution at one point for a close two count. Triple H was eager to get the win, and a Spinning Spinebuster on Edge almost gained him the victory. But again, he was only able to manage a two. The match soon broke down, with Edge taking both men on. All three men battled valiantly for a good 15 minutes. Triple H went for a High Knee into the face of Edge, but Edge ducked, and The Game went crashing into Tomko, sending him to the outside. Edge decided to try to capitalize on this, and went to hit the Spear. But Hunter was able to dodge the bullet, sending Edge crashing into the ring post. Edge stumbled around the ring, and was unfortunate enough to walk into Triple H, who was there ready to hit the Pedigree. As he hooked the arms, Edge managed to get out of the hold and hit the ropes before crushing Triple H with a devastating Spear. Edge had the match well and truly won. But he never envisioned that as he rose to his feet, he would be hit with a Big Boot by Tomko, sending him crumbling in a heap onto the mat. Tomko looked down at both men for a few seconds before making the cover on Edge. The official made the three count, and Tyson Tomko earned himself a title shot at Judgment Day.


Winner: Tyson Tomko


The crowd were in absolute shock, as quite frankly, nobody expected “The Problem Solver” to pick up the win. The official raised Tomko’s hand in the air as he let out a primal scream. As this was happening, Triple H was just coming around, and on seeing the scene before him unfold, he gazed at his partner. Tomko looked down at “The Game” and grabbed his hand, helping him to his feet before opening the ropes for him and letting him through. Hunter was utterly confused, yet he made his way to the back with Tomko, a puzzled expression across his face the entire time. Meanwhile, Edge had totally flipped in the ring, berating the official, the fans and anybody else that was within earshot. Lita tried to calm him down, but he simply shoved her to the ground before storming away as the crowd let their feelings be known towards “The Rated R Superstar”.


Ross: Edge has completely lost it here tonight.


Lawler: You’re right, JR. But I’m more in shock that Tomko has earned himself a shot at the WWE Championship at Judgment Day.




We return from commercial break, and the fans come alive as a large “Woooooo” echoes through the arena, and out steps “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair. His head as heavily bandaged after the brutal assault by Aaron Stevens at Backlash. Flair is clearly in a pissed off mood as he stomps towards ringside and grabs a microphone from Lillian Garcia. He steps through the ropes and wastes no time in addressing “The Idol”.


Flair: STEVENS! This is it. No more games. No more attacks. Get your ass out here now. You wanna make a name for yourself off MY back, MY blood, MY sweat, and MY tears? We’ll come on out. I’ll make you famous. Get out here.


Flair was going nuts, throwing his jacket down to the mat, begging Aaron Stevens to come to the ring and get what was coming to him. There was no answer, and Flair was starting to get agitated when suddenly, Aaron Stevens was shown on the Titantron, standing in the Parking Lot with his assistant Michelle McCool.


Stevens: Ric, first of all may I say it’s an honour that you feel so strongly about me and my actions that you have decided to interrupt this fine show to vent your frustration. And as much as I would love to come down there and finish what I started last night, as much pleasure as it would give to beat you into the ground and lay to rest your so called “Legend”, the fact is I’m a busy man. I have many things I have to do, and quite frankly, they take priority over you. I got Spielberg on the phone constantly. He’s a real pain in the ass. I’ve told him so many times, I don’t wanna work with Depp or Cruise. I got an offer to play a recurring role in CSI. I’ve got offers coming at me left, right and centre. I don’t have time for you, Flair. When I’m ready to finish you, trust me, I will.


Flair didn’t catch a word of what was being said, as he had already fled from the ring and was making his way to the Parking Lot. Stevens was so caught up with in his tirade, he didn’t hear the footsteps of Flair behind him, who hit him like a truck, sending him into one of the parked cars in the Parking Lot. Before he knew it, the two were rolling around on the concrete, laying fists into each other as McCool screamed for her associate to stop. Eventually, security came along to separate the two, but it was no easy feat, as both men were hell bent on destroying the other.


Ross: This one has gotten so personal between these two. This can only end one way; badly.


Lawler: I have to agree with you. I honestly believe that this place really isn’t big enough for the both of them.




Non-Title Match:


Charlie Haas vs. Shawn Michaels


Shawn Michaels was all smiles after his hard fought victory over Shelton Benjamin at Backlash, effectively ending Shelton’s WWE career, and earning a forth Intercontinental Title in the process. And he was full of confidence as he completely controlled the match against Charlie Haas. Charlie put up a valiant effort, but HBK had him covered the entire time, and after 5 minutes of action, Michaels hit the Sweet Chin Music, and it was lights out for Haas as Michaels made the cover and earned the victory.


Winner: Shawn Michaels


The fans were in raptures as Michaels was declared the winner. Michaels was handed his newly won Intercontinental Championship. He grabbed a mic from ringside. “HBK” chants were ringing loudly as Michaels raised the microphone.


Michaels: Well look who has gold around his waist once again. At Backlash, I faced one of the toughest challenges of my career when I stepped into a Steel Cage with Shelton Benjamin. And I’m not going to take anything away from Benjamin. He took me to my limits. He gave me a hell of a fight. But after everything that he and Vinnie Mac have thrown at me, there was NO way that I was leaving Backlash without the Intercontinental Championship. And so I did what I said I would do. I became a four time Intercontinental Champion. But the icing on the cake was the fact that I sent Benjamin packing. And that’s worth all the agony I went through. So now the question is “What’s next for The Heartbreak Kid”? I mean, what can I do after winning the Intercontinental Title? Well, it’s been almost 11 years since I last won this belt. And if there’s one thing I remember from those good old days, it was that I was a fighting champion, and I would put this belt on the line anytime, anywhere. So this is why I am putting it out there; anyone who wants a shot at HBK, all you gotta do is ask. I may be a little older, my hips might not be what they used to be, but Shawn Michaels can still dance. Anybody crazy enough to step up and take this belt, take your best shot, because HBK intends to hold on to this title for a long LONG time.


The crowd erupted as HBK’s music hit again, Michaels raising his title high overhead. But the party came to a horrifying halt as Michaels was struck in the back HARD. He looked up from the canvas, and saw CARLITO standing above him, chair in hand. Carlito slammed the chair across HBK’s spine again, the sound echoing throughout the arena. Carlito lifted the weakened body of Michaels from the mat before delivering a Back Stabber. Michaels was in clear pain as Carlito grabbed the chair and went to work on Michaels’ back, slamming the steel into him over and over again. The crowd were livid with Carlito, but he seemed to be oblivious to it as he continued the BRUTAL assault. EMT’s and Officials rushed the ring and surrounded Carlito, preventing him from doing anymore damage to Michaels, who wasn’t moving. Carlito finally headed backstage as the EMT’s strapped Michaels to a Stretcher and slowly wheeled him up the ramp.


Lawler: This really doesn’t look good for Shawn Michaels.


Ross: Michaels was ecstatic over winning the Intercontinental Championship for a fourth time last night. But Carlito has completely ruined this moment, but why? WAIT A DAMN MINUTE!


Ross was incensed as Carlito came back through the curtain and pushed Michaels off the stretcher. Nobody could quite believe the ruthlessness of Carlito as he lifted Michaels up and delivered another Back Stabber on the ramp. Michaels’ body was twisted out of shape as Carlito spat his apple on the lifeless body of Michaels. Carlito grabbed HBK’s Title belt and raised it high above his head as the crowd bombarded him with abuse. Carlito finally threw the belt down onto the body of Michaels before finally leaving, the damage clearly done.




Jonathan Coachman is backstage as he is set to interview The Largest Athlete in the World.


Coachman: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, The Big Show. And Big Show, I guess I have to ask why you tried to help Edge in his quest to win the title last night at Backlash.


Show: What did I tell you a couple of weeks back, Coach? If you have the cash, then you have my attention. Edge paid me a VERY large sum of cash to take care of Cena or Hunter. And that’s what I did. So he didn’t win. That wasn’t my job. I did what I was asked. I got paid for it. That’s what I do, Coach. And my offer stands to anybody else that has the green. If you flash the cash, then you can...


Suddenly, the lights in the backstage area went out. There was a lot of noise and commotion for several seconds, when suddenly a nearby trash can explodes into flames. Big Show was shaken by the scene as he looked at the flames flickering in the darkened halls of the Verizon Wireless Arena.


Ross: What the hell just happened there?


Lawler: I have no idea, JR. But it sure spooked The Big Show, which is no easy feat.




WWE Championship Match:




John Cena © vs. Chavo Guerrero


The crowd seemed to be rooting for both men in this one, the crowd obviously pleased that Guerrero was getting a shot at the title. And for the first few minutes of the match, he had Cena seriously shaken up, completely out wrestling the champ and causing him to slide to the outside to regroup and compose himself. Chavo wasn’t going to let the champ rest, and a Suicide Dive to the outside took Cena out. Chavo surprised everybody with how he held his own against the champ, but Cena isn’t wearing the gold for nothing, as he punished Chavo in the ring as Chavo went for the Three Amigos, Cena managed to reverse it with a HUGE Suplex of his own for the two count. The two were very evenly matched for the majority of the match. Cena looked to put Chavo away with the F-U, but Chavo fought his way out and nailed Cena with a beautiful Standing Hurricanrana. Chavo ascended to the top rope and was looking to gain the shocking win with the Frog Splash. But Cena scrambled to his feet and knocked Chavo off his perch before getting him on his shoulders for the F-U. But Cena wasn’t expecting the arrival of Edge, who Speared Cena out of his boots before laying the boots into Chavo, causing the official to call for the bell.


Result: No Contest


Edge was relentless in his assault as he drilled Chavo with an Implant DDT. He then waited for Cena to rise before hitting him with another Spear, taking him down once again. Edge was absolutely irate as he headed to the outside and grabbed a steel chair. But as he headed back into the ring, he was met by the Big Boot of Tyson Tomko, who had made his way to the ring without Edge’s knowledge. Tomko went to leave the ring, but as he saw Chavo get to his feet, the urge was too much, and he landed a Big Boot to Guerrero, sending him to the canvas. But as Tomko turned around, he was the unexpected victim of the F-U by Cena, the crowd clearly approving. Cena grabbed his title belt and held it high, the bodies scattered around his feet.


Ross: Somehow, some way, John Cena is standing tall. But will this be the scene at Judgment day in 3 weeks time?


The cameras head backstage, where Vince McMahon is heading for the ring, ready to address Paul Heyman.




“No Chance in Hell” hits the P.A system and out through the curtain comes WWE Chairman Vince McMahon. His usual swagger is replaced by a somewhat subdued walk towards the ring, a look of concern on his face. McMahon enters the ring and grabs the microphone from Lillian Garcia.


McMahon: First of all, I would like to start by congratulating Carlito on the stellar job he did here tonight. After what I saw from Carlito last week, when he kicked out of the Sweet Chin Music and putting up one hell of a fight, I knew what I had to do, I knew he would be my backup plan. And after Shelton failed in his task ONCE AGAIN, the time was right to put plan B into action. And boy, what a plan it was. I knew I couldn’t fire you Shawn because of your contract, which is a bunch of crap as far as I’m concerned. But it’s not over for you Shawn. You see, I know you’re a proud man. I know that now you hold that gold, you see yourself as a fighting champion. So in three weeks time, you will get your chance to prove just how “gutsy” you really are. Because at Judgment Day you WILL defend your Intercontinental Championship against Carlito. And if you don’t turn up, that my friend will be a breach of your contract. So not only will you be STRIPPED of the Intercontinental Championship, but, just like I did Shelton Benjamin last night, I will FIRE YOUR ASS. And I will take great joy in doing so. Now that I have that out of my system, it’s time to get to business. At this time, I would like to invite Paul Heyman down to the ring please.


There was a short pause before Heyman made his way out, no music, no flashing lights. The majority of the fans were behind Heyman as he stepped through the ropes. Heyman extended his hand to shake the hand of the WWE Chairman. But he didn’t expect McMahon to rear back and slap Heyman HARD across the face. Heyman staggered back, shocked at what McMahon just did.


McMahon: WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? I give you this opportunity to revive ECW and you just spit in my face, is that it?


Heyman: What are you talking about?


McMahon: You know damn well what I’m talking about. I fired Shelton Benjamin last night. I sent him home. He has no job, no future here. Yet there you are, arm around his shoulder, telling him you want to talk? I gave you permission to scout anybody. But that was just a slap in the face. I think you may be forgetting something, Heyman; you may run ECW, but I OWN ECW. So I say who comes and who goes. And I am TELLING you, Shelton Benjamin will NOT be a part of your roster, not as long as my name is Vince McMahon. Do you understand me? From now on, you run EVERYBODY you hire through me.


Heyman’s head was hung low, McMahon sensing that he had broken the ECW General Manager. But as Heyman raised his head, the trademark evil grin was spread wide across his face as the fans rumbled, anticipating that something big was about to happen.


McMahon: Is something amusing you, Paul?


Heyman: Oh Vince, Vince, Vince. For somebody who has made billions of dollars off of OTHER PEOPLES BACKS, you really are one of the dumbest son of a bitches I have ever met in my life. You really think you had me under control? You really think I was gonna do things YOUR way? Vince, it just goes to show that you honestly know NOTHING about ECW and what it stands for. We don’t play by YOUR rules, Vince. We do things OUR way. We do what WE choose to do, not what you WANT us to do. For years, you built your company on the ideas of other people. Let’s face it, without ECW, you would never have had an “Attitude” era. Your company would have crumbled and Ted Turner and Eric Bischoff would have been dancing on the grave of the WWE. That’s the truth and you know it. You have made a name for yourself off of other people’s hard work, while you sit back and reap the rewards. Well I think it’s about time you got a little taste of your own medicine, Vince. So allow me to introduce to you two people you know very well...


There was a pause for several seconds before we hear a car screech and shattering glass as two men walk through the curtain...




The crowd erupted as Foley made his way to the ring. Although he was unknown to some of the fans, Tommy Dreamer got a pretty good reaction too. They both stepped through the ropes and shook hands with Heyman, Tommy and Paul even sharing a warm, heartfelt hug in the middle of the ring. McMahon looked utterly confused as a large “Foley” chant rang out through the arena.


Heyman: Now, I know you know Mick Foley. And believe it or not, you even hired Tommy a while back, although I doubt you remember since, just like every other star you took from my company, you treated them like ****. But I thought maybe I would let them come out here and say a few words. Tommy?


Heyman handed the mic to Tommy, who got a small “Tommy” chant from the fans in attendance.


Dreamer: Remember me, Vince? Nah didn’t think so. Just to jog your memory, I was the guy you made drink from a toilet bowl to get ratings. Nice job, Vince. You know, for 7 years, I busted my ass for ECW. ECW was my life, my passion. We did things that the guys in your company wouldn’t dream of. We put our bodies on the line for the entertainment of these fans. We made a name for ourselves. So it broke my heart when, week after week, you would steal our ideas, you would rape everything that we had worked hard to create, and you named it “Attitude”. And for years I felt bitter about that. And, I’ll be honest, I felt like a whore when I agreed to work for you. But last year at One Night Stand, when I stood in the Hammerstein Ball Room, with a room full of die hard ECW fans, I knew at that moment what I wanted. And that’s to bury you, Vince. To take everything you worked for, and crap all over it, just like you did to us.


Tommy then handed the microphone to Foley, who got a huge pop from the crowd.


Foley: You know, when I was beaten by Edge at Wrestlemania, as I was wheeled out on a stretcher and as a laid there in my hospital bed, waiting for the nurse to come and make me feel just that little bit better, the one thing that consoled me was the fact that I knew you would call and ask me how I was. It didn’t matter that you knew I wasn’t in the best shape; the fact that you would care enough to call would be enough for me. I mean, after everything I have done for you to help build your company into what it is today, I knew you wouldn’t let me down. And after all the blood sweat and sacrifices I made for you Vince, what happened? YOU LET ME DOWN. YOU LEFT ME IN SOME PISS STAINED HOSPITAL BED, IN AGONY, WAITING FOR A CALL that I knew would never come. Because everything that anybody has ever said about you is true. You don’t give a DAMN about the people who work for you, people who would die for this company. Once you have gotten all the use that you can out of them, you throw them in the trash. And then I heard that ECW was making a comeback. And as much as I love the WWE, the fact is you never loved me back.


McMahon: What the hell are you idiots getting at here?


Heyman: Vince, people are sick and tired of the same old crap week in, week out. They want something different. They want something new.


McMahon: Well, guess what Heyman? That isn’t gonna come from you. Because effective immediately, your contract is hereby terminated. You’re fired, Heyman. So get the hell out of my ring.


Heyman: Vince, you don’t own me. You don’t own my contract.....and you don’t own ECW.


McMahon did his infamous gulp as the crowd went wild at what was transpiring.


Heyman: Vince, you should know by now I’m not a man to be trusted. You see, I’m not a wealthy man. And neither is Tommy. And, while he is very well off thanks to you, Foley is by no means a millionaire. But together we scrapped and clawed together as much cash as we possibly could. And in December of 2005, we headed up to Connecticut, and we spoke with your lovely wife Linda, and we pitched the question to her; How would you feel about selling the rights of ECW to myself, Dreamer and Foley. And she thought long and hard about it....but she ACCEPTED our offer, Vince. She sold the ECW name and library to us. We OWN ECW, Vince. No longer will the ECW name be tarnished and raped by the likes of you. No longer will ECW be held down by the tyranny of Vincent Kennedy McMahon. ECW is its own entity. You truly did open up the gates to your own hell when you reintroduced ECW. Vince, your days on top of the wrestling world are well and truly over. Oh, and Vince, I can hire and fire whoever I want. Welcome to hell.


The fans were going insane as Vince’s jaw was on the ground. The rest of his body would soon join it as he was spun around, and SHELTON BENJAMIN was there to greet him with a T-Bone Suplex. Foley, Dreamer and Benjamin began a beat-down of McMahon. Eventually, the backstage area seemed to empty out as Eric Bischoff sent out several superstars, including individuals such as Cena, Big Show and the Brooklyn Soldiers, who came to the aid of McMahon. But through the crowd came some of the ECW contingent, including a few old faces, all sporting black “ECW” T-Shirts...






The invaders jumped the guard rail, and the fight was on. No amount of security or officials could split the brawl apart, the fight spreading throughout the arena, in the crowd, through the backstage area and anywhere else they could cause damage to each other. McMahon was helped to the back as Heyman stood in the centre of the ring, admiring his handy work. His party was about to come to a halt however as World Heavyweight Champion Rey Mysterio stormed to the ring. He stepped through the ropes and grabbed hold of Heyman, screaming at him and asking where Rob Van Dam was, who was conspicuous by his absence. Heyman backed down from Mysterio, who was clearly enraged with the entire ECW group after what they did at Backlash. Heyman was begging for Mysterio to stop, but Mysterio would not back down, and eventually laid Heyman out with a right hand. But as he turned around, the crowd were stunned as a figure came charging towards him and hit him with a move many people hadn’t seen in quite some time; The Gore, GORE, GORE...




Yes, Rhino had returned home, helping Heyman to his feet. As Heyman shook his head, trying to gain his balance, he pointed into the crowd and waved for somebody to come down to the ring. That person was none other than Rob Van Dam, who sprinted through the crowd and jumped the barrier and into the ring. Rhino dragged an official into the ring and RVD handed in his Money in the Bank Briefcase. Van Dam was cashing in his guaranteed title shot amidst the war that was taking place around them. The official looked like he wanted no part of it, but reluctantly he called for the bell, and the match was on.


World Heavyweight Championship Match:




Rey Mysterio © vs. Rob Van Dam


You could not even call this a match, as the second the bell rang, RVD went to the top rope. He looked down to the fallen Mysterio, who was still in pain from the Gore by Rhino. RVD came crashing down onto Mysterio with the Five Star Frog Splash. RVD made the cover. One...two...three. And just like that, RVD was the new World Heavyweight Champion.


Winner, and NEW World Heavyweight Champion: Rob Van Dam


The crowd actually exploded at Van Dam’s title win. But there was no time to celebrate, as the RAW superstars, who just realised what was happening, headed towards the ring in anger. Van Dam, Rhino and Heyman headed into the crowd, where they were met by their ECW brethren. The ECW members hoisted Van Dam on to their shoulders as RVD held his newly won title high in the air for all to see.


Ross: I can’t believe it. Rob Van Dam has stolen the World Heavyweight Championship. But what does that mean? Is the Heavyweight Title headed to ECW?


Lawler: They can’t do that, surely. I knew it was a bad idea bringing ECW back.


The show ended with RVD still celebrating in the crowd with his title belt, leaving many to wonder just what the future held regarding The World Heavyweight Championship.






Dark Match:

Eugene over Jimmy Snuka Jr. C+


Main Show:

Mickie James over Victoria C

Elijah Burke over Matt Striker C+

Tyson Tomko over Edge and Triple H C+

Shawn Michaels over Charlie Haas B-

No Contest between Chavo Guerrero and John Cena C+

Rob Van Dam over Rey Mysterio to WIN World Heavyweight Championship C


Show Rating: C+




The Final Countdown - 3/5

The Celt - 2/5

Jingo - 3/5

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That show-ending segment with ECW was phenomenal. I love that you had Heyman & co outmaneuver Vince, because ECW existing as a "WWE brand" always felt wrong. I know that's what they are, of course, but having them exist as their own entity as far as the storyline is concerned really helps with the rebel attitude. I'm very much looking forward to the launch of ECW.
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This is pretty critical point of the story of ECW.


The problem is this: If you want people to tune into the new ECW people have to like them, thus they have to be the faces.


However, the top talent in WWE are Cena and Mysterio...two faces. Things are delicate to say the least.


I think so far you've gotten people on board for ECW as the faces; painting them as sympathetic underdogs against the evil McMahon's empire. Case in point: Shelton Benjamin.



Taking the WHC off Mysterio surprised me. I honestly have no idea how your running with that. It could really go anywhere. Will RVD hold for a while on ECW, or will Mysterio take it back at ONS 2? And what will Rhino make of it, because crucially he was the last ECW Champion...he's got the *real* ECW belt and the lineage behind him.

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