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WWE 2006: New Year, New Stars, New Beginnings

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That show-ending segment with ECW was phenomenal. I love that you had Heyman & co outmaneuver Vince, because ECW existing as a "WWE brand" always felt wrong. I know that's what they are, of course, but having them exist as their own entity as far as the storyline is concerned really helps with the rebel attitude. I'm very much looking forward to the launch of ECW.


Thanks once again FC. Really glad you enjoyed it. I'm really pleased with how it all played out. I've been looking forward to this point in the story, as I've had so many ideas in my head on which way to go with it, but I'm very pleased with it so far. Much like you, I don't think it was right that ECW was just another WWE brand, and could have done so much more as a separate entity, which is what I'm going for.


This is pretty critical point of the story of ECW.


The problem is this: If you want people to tune into the new ECW people have to like them, thus they have to be the faces.


However, the top talent in WWE are Cena and Mysterio...two faces. Things are delicate to say the least.


I think so far you've gotten people on board for ECW as the faces; painting them as sympathetic underdogs against the evil McMahon's empire. Case in point: Shelton Benjamin.



Taking the WHC off Mysterio surprised me. I honestly have no idea how your running with that. It could really go anywhere. Will RVD hold for a while on ECW, or will Mysterio take it back at ONS 2? And what will Rhino make of it, because crucially he was the last ECW Champion...he's got the *real* ECW belt and the lineage behind him.


Thank you very much for the feedback. It's actually very helpful and has made me rethink certain aspects of the story. It is very difficult to get the balance right between getting people to support ECW whilst at the same time putting them against some of the top babyface stars. But as the story progresses I think things will work themselves out. I still have 5 weeks of in game time before ONS, by which point I hope to have these kind of issues sorted out. Thanks once again for the constructive feedback. Very much appreciated.

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Update on the future of ECW, Triple H Unhappy, Mickie James Backstage Attitude


- Reports from inside WWE headquarters suggest that the plan for ECW is to run it as it's own company of sorts. Obviously, it will still be run by Vince McMahon and WWE. However, the plan is to try to promote it as a separate entity entirely, with it's own Pay Per Views and, possibly, allowing for a "Supershow" of sorts between WWE and ECW at certain points down the road. None of this is confirmed as of yet, but many believe this is the direction in which Vince is leaning.


- Triple H is apparently unhappy once again, this time over having to lose in the match between himself, Edge and Tomko this week on RAW. Hunter has apparently told upper management that Tomko "isn't ready for the big time", and is pushing to have himself put into the match at Judgment Day. We reported that he was also upset several weeks ago regarding Edge being added to his feud with Cena, feeling that he TOO was not ready.


- Mickie James was aparently a very positive influence in the Locker Room this past week on RAW. She seemed to be very bubbly and indulged some of the talent with road stories from her days on the independents. According to one source, "Mickie has been a breath of fresh air. It's amazing just how she can be such a sweet, caring individual backstage, and yet play a psycho bitch to perfection in front of the camera. It boggles the mind".


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This past Monday Night on RAW, World Wrestling Entertainment experienced it's darkest hour, as Paul Heyman, Mick Foley and Tommy Dreamer STOLE ECW from under my nose, declaring war on my company. After speaking with my legal team, it appears that, unfortunately, there is nothing I can do. They purchased ECW fair and square. However, in their quest to destroy what I have worked over 25 years to create, they made a huge error. On RAW, RVD cashed in his Money in the Bank Briefcase and defeated Rey Mysterio, becoming World Heavyweight Champion. Rob Van Dam, whether you like it or not, until June 4th when ECW returns to the Hammerstein Ballroom, you are still under contract to World Wrestling Entertainment. And that means that I expect you at every show we hold until that day. And the first order of business is for Rey Mysterio to get his automatic rematch for the title, which will take place on Smackdown this week. And as for Paul Heyman and ECW, they will no longer be welcomed into any arena where a WWE show is taking place. And any attempt to infiltrate the building will be dealt with in any way we see fit. You fired the first shot, Heyman. But this war will be over before it even begins if I have anything to do with it. I guarantee it.


Vince McMahon,

World Wrestling Entertainment Chairman.

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Landover, Maryland's USAir Arena plays host to this weeks edition of Friday Night Smackdown. And after the events of the past week, these are exciting times in the WWE. And, as announced on WWE.com this week, Rob Van Dam is forced to defend his newly acquired World Heavyweight Championship when he takes on former Champion Rey Mysterio. And with ECW no longer welcome in the building, it will be interesting to see how this one goes down. Also, despite his actions in the past few weeks, Bobby Lashley gets a chance at gold, when he faces Finlay to determine a new Number One Contender for the United States Championship. Speaking of the U.S Champion, after putting both Chris Benoit and Matt Hardy in the hospital, Randy Orton must be feeling pretty smug. But this week, he takes on one half of the Full Blooded Italians, Tony Mamaluke, in non title action.


Also this week, it is rumoured that PAUL BURCHILL will finally make an appearance to confront William Regal and address the rumours concerning himself and Paul Heyman. And Kurt Angle will also be in one on one action this week. Don't miss this weeks exciting edition on Friday Night Smackdown on The CW.


Quick Picks:


World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Rob Van Dam © vs. Rey Mysterio


WWE Tag Team Championship Match:

MNM © vs. ???


Number One Contenders Match for United States Championship:

Bobby Lashley vs. Finlay


Non-Title Match:

Randy Orton vs. Tony Mamaluke


Kurt Angle vs. Paul London


The Mexicools vs. The Pitbulls


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World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Rob Van Dam © vs. Rey Mysterio


WWE Tag Team Championship Match:

MNM © vs. ???


Number One Contenders Match for United States Championship:

Bobby Lashley vs. Finlay


Non-Title Match:

Randy Orton vs. Tony Mamaluke


Kurt Angle vs. Paul London


The Mexicools vs. The Pitbulls

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Thank you very much for the feedback. It's actually very helpful and has made me rethink certain aspects of the story.

Celt has a tendency to do that. He probably doesn't even realize how much influence he's had on my booking in my own diary.


And now that I've said that, he's sure to be strutting around with an inflated ego. :cool:


World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Rob Van Dam © vs. Rey Mysterio

-My hunch is that, despite Vinnie Mac's best efforts, RVD still has the title heading into ONS (if you're keeping that name for ECW's PPV), so he should retain here.


WWE Tag Team Championship Match:

MNM © vs. ???

-Something tells me Londrick will be winning the titles relatively soon, so I can't see MNM losing them to this mystery team.


Number One Contenders Match for United States Championship:

Bobby Lashley vs. Finlay

-Could go either way; I could easily see Lashley, who seems to be in the midst of a heel turn, get DQ'ed for excessive brutality.


Non-Title Match:

Randy Orton vs. Tony Mamaluke

-If Mamaluke couldn't buy a win in my ROH diary, why should his luck be any different in the biggest promotion in the world? :D


Kurt Angle vs. Paul London

-Could be a damn good match, if given some time. But, as much as I like him, I see no way for London to win this one.


The Mexicools vs. The Pitbulls

-The Mexicools are ready to implode.

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World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Rob Van Dam © vs. Rey Mysterio


WWE Tag Team Championship Match:

MNM © vs. ???


Number One Contenders Match for United States Championship:

Bobby Lashley vs. Finlay


Non-Title Match:

Randy Orton vs. Tony Mamaluke


Kurt Angle vs. Paul London


The Mexicools vs. The Pitbulls

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Celt has a tendency to do that. He probably doesn't even realize how much influence he's had on my booking in my own diary.


And now that I've said that, he's sure to be strutting around with an inflated ego. :cool: [/qoute]


Does Ric Flair Strut


OOOOOOOhhhhhh YYYYYYYYEeeeaaaaAAAAHHHH! Freak out Freak out Freak out! Hmmm yeah when the Macho Celt speaks the world listens with an ear open Mean Gene [/Randy Savage]


World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Rob Van Dam © vs. Rey Mysterio

I get the feeling the WHC be the centerpiece of the main event of ONS, so RVD is going to hold it til at least then.


WWE Tag Team Championship Match:

MNM © vs. ???

This is the WWE; with the most over people in the world. There's very few people who can bring in that can go immediately over the regulars so I'm going with MNM


Number One Contenders Match for United States Championship:

Bobby Lashley vs. Finlay

It's the WWE; the big monster men always go over :)


Non-Title Match:

Randy Orton vs. Tony Mamaluke

Today Orton, you die by Randy Orton's sword


Kurt Angle vs. Paul London

No way that on Planet Earth London goes over. However London will get major props from the audience if he is seen as being able to "hang" with Angle


The Mexicools vs. The Pitbulls

You know that Super Crazy used to be in ECW...I wonder if he might want to go back there? Hhhmmm

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Tuesday, Week 1, May 2006




Location: USAir Arena (Mid Atlantic)


Attendance: 9,277


Announce Team:


Michael Cole & Mr. Kennedy




Dark Match:

Orlando Jordan defeated Tatanka




Before the show begins, the screen fades in to a shot of the face of WWE Chairman Vince McMahon. His face is full of anger as he reads out the same statement that was posted on the company website several days ago.


McMahon: This past Monday Night on RAW, World Wrestling Entertainment experienced its darkest hour, as Paul Heyman, Mick Foley and Tommy Dreamer STOLE ECW from under my nose, declaring war on my company. After speaking with my legal team, it appears that, unfortunately, there is nothing I can do. They purchased ECW fair and square. However, in their quest to destroy what I have worked over 25 years to create, they made a huge error. On RAW, RVD cashed in his Money in the Bank Briefcase and defeated Rey Mysterio, becoming World Heavyweight Champion. Rob Van Dam, whether you like it or not, until June 4th when ECW returns to the Hammerstein Ballroom, you are still under contract to World Wrestling Entertainment. And that means that I expect you at every show we hold until that day. And the first order of business is for Rey Mysterio to get his automatic rematch for the title, which will take place on Smackdown tonight. And as for Paul Heyman and ECW, they will no longer be welcomed into any arena where a WWE show is taking place. And any attempt to infiltrate the building will be dealt with in any way we see fit. You fired the first shot, Heyman. But this war will be over before it even begins if I have anything to do with it. I guarantee it.


The camera then fades out, and the opening Smackdown video plays.


<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="



The pyro explodes as 9,277 fans rise to their feet in the USAir Arena in Landover, Maryland. As always, Michael Cole and Mr. Kennedy are on hand to provide commentary.


Cole: Over 9,000 have jam packed The USAir Arena tonight for what is sure to be an EXPLOSIVE edition of Smackdown. And tonight, in possibly the most important match in Smackdown history, Rey Mysterio goes one on one with Rob Van Dam for the World Heavyweight Championship.


Kennedy: Van Dam and ECW have gained possession of the title, and it is ESSENTIAL that Mysterio brings the title back home, or who knows WHAT will happen.




Number One Contenders Match for United States Championship:


Bobby Lashley vs. Finlay


Bobby Lashley has become a changed man since returning to Smackdown, a true force to be reckoned with, and despite all his efforts, Finlay just could not compete with this new violent streak of Bobby Lashley. Lashley threw the veteran Finlay around the ring like a rag doll, punishing The Fighting Irishman. Finlay tried to fight back, but Lashley was just too much for him. Lashley mercifully ended it all with The Dominator, picking up the win and becoming the Number One Contender to Randy Orton’s United States Championship.


Winner, and Number One Contender for the United States Title: Bobby Lashley


Lashley’s hand was raised high in the air as he was declared the winner. But as Finlay rose to his feet, Lashley decided to send a message, kicking The Fighting Irishman HARD in the ribs before lifting him up and planting him with The Dominator. The official begged Lashley to leave him, and after several seconds of intimidating the official, Lashley finally left the ring. The fans were still solidly behind him, but there was certainly something off with Lashley.


Cole: I have to say, Lashley makes me a little uncomfortable.


Kennedy: That’s because you’re a pre-pubescent little girl, Mikey. Grow a pair will ya.




The cameras are in the Parking Lot, where the same coach from Monday Night Raw pulls in, and out steps Rob Van Dam. He is followed by Paul Heyman and several ECW stars. The ECW contingent try to follow RVD into the building, but the World Heavyweight Champion stops them in their tracks.


RVD: Look, I’ll be fine. You heard what McMahon said. Like it or not I gotta do this alone.


Heyman: Rob, you’re out of your mind. You’re walking into a lion’s den here. If you go in there alone they are going to rip you apart. Please Rob, we’ll find a way in. Just don’t do this.


Foley: Paul’s right, Rob. This is madness. I know better than anybody how Vince McMahon works. We will find a way inside. Just don’t go it alone.


RVD: Listen, I know you guys are only looking out for me, but you don’t have to. Just trust me. I got it covered. Get back on the coach. I can do this. I promise.


With that, Rob Van Dam entered the Devil’s Layer, entering the USAir Arena on his own, and leaving his brand looking worried as Security stood by, waiting for one of them to make a wrong move.


Cole: Will somebody get those guys out of here? I don’t even like the fact that Van Dam is in the building, never mind Heyman and his pack of wolves.




The cameras are following William Regal through the corridors of the USAir Arena. As he is about to pass General Manager Teddy Long’s Office, the door opens and out steps Paul Burchill, who hasn’t been seen in weeks. The two men stare at each other for long moments before Regal finally speaks.


Regal: What, you have nothing to say to me? I’ve been trying to contact you for weeks. And you don’t even give me the courtesy of a phone call. What the hell have I done to you to deserve to be treated like this? I saw something in you. I took you under my wing. And this is how you repay the favour? You can’t even look me in the eye when I speak to you. LOOK AT ME, YOU ARROGANT LITTLE SOD. I made you, sunshine. Now I want an explanation. And I want it NOW.


Burchill: ....meet me in the ring. I’ll explain everything.


Burchill then simply walked away from his mentor, leaving Regal none the wiser, and still angered by what he sees as a total lack of respect from his protégé.





The Mexicools vs. The Pitbulls


The Mexicools seemed to have been having serious problems the past few weeks, but that seemed to be behind them now as the two seemed to work extremely well with each other, and almost got the early win when they hit a Moonsault/Legdrop combo on Kid Kash for a close two. Noble took control when he entered the fray, and had Crazy in serious trouble with a Single Leg Boston Crab. Crazy slowly dragged himself into his corner and desperately stretched to make the tag. Psicosis held his hand out, almost touching fingertips with his partner before he pulled away and jumped from the apron, infuriating the fans. Noble pulled Crazy into the centre of the ring and locked in the Trailer Hitch. With Psicosis looking on, Crazy had no choice but to tap out.


Winners: The Pitbulls


Noble and Kash celebrated their win before retreating to the back as Psicosis slid back into the ring. His face was completely emotionless as he looked down at his former partner. The crowd were not at all happy, but that didn’t seem to faze Psicosis who began putting the boots to the Cruiserweight Champion before dragging him to the outside and pounding his head against the Security Barrier on the outside. Psicosis was relentless in his attack, sending Super Crazy flying into the Steel Steps. Psicosis then grabbed a Chair from ringside. Crazy dragged himself up on the stairs, but was immediately sent down again with a brutal chair shot. Super Crazy was bleeding heavily as Psicosis dropped the chair and headed to the back as EMT’s rushed to ringside to check on the condition of Super Crazy.


Kennedy: The Mexicools are dead.


Cole: Super Crazy is hurt badly. I can’t believe what Psicosis has done here. These two were like brothers. I just don’t understand this at all.




The crowd in Maryland go nuts when the cameras backstage show Rey Mysterio arriving to the arena. Despite the mask, Rey’s body language showed his frustration over what occurred on Raw on Monday Night. Josh Matthews was on hand to try to get a word with the former World Champion.


Matthews: Rey, I just wondered what your thought are on losing the World Heavyweight Championship this past Monday on Raw, and your thoughts on your immediate rematch tonight? ....Rey?


Matthews was out of luck, as Mysterio simply walked past him, ignoring his questions.


Cole: Mysterio is clearly in no mood to talk here tonight. And who can blame him after the week he has had so far.


Kennedy: Well, I’m no Mysterio fan, but I gotta admit I’ll be rooting for him here tonight.




General Manager Theodore Long is sat in his office when through the door steps Paul London and Brian Kendrick. Long is a little confused by the interruption, but he allows them in.


Long: How’s it hanging, playas? What can I do for you?


London: Ask him.


Kendrick: No, you ask him.


London: It was you’re idea.


Kendrick: Whatever. Alright. Teddy, we want another shot at MNM for the titles.


London: We know we can beat them. We just want one more shot. That’s all we ask. If we can’t beat them, we don’t get another shot as long as they wear the gold. What do ya say, Teddy?


Long: I’m afraid I can’t do that, boys. Look, I don’t doubt that you have the tools to be tag champs. But you have had title shot after title shot, and you just haven’t been able to pull it off. So I’m going to have to decline your request. And besides, I’ve already promised somebody else a shot at the gold. Now please, if you will excuse me, I really do have to get back to work. I’m sorry.


London and Kendrick look at each other, both confused as to who this mystery team is. The two were clearly dejected, but eventually they left the office of Teddy Long, who seemed genuinely disappointed that he could not give London and Kendrick what they wanted.




“Burn in My Light” by Mercy Drive hits signalling the arrival of United States Champion Randy Orton. Despite the fact that he has put two of Smackdown’s brightest stars, Chris Benoit AND Matt Hardy, out of commission, he looks a little uneasy as he heads towards the ring. The crowd shower him with “You Suck” chants as he grabs a microphone from ringside.


Orton: At Backlash, “The Legend Killer” added another victim to his hit list. Matt Hardy tried, and FAILED, to take the United States Championship away from me. And now Teddy Long, as always, is trying to screw me over once again. He thinks he is going to get one over on me. I proved him wrong at Wrestlemania. I proved him wrong at Backlash. And at Judgment Day, I will prove him wrong again when I end Bobby Lashley’s legend before it even begins. You may intimidate other, LESSER men. But you have never dealt with anybody quite like Randy Orton. So tonight, let me show you EXACTLY what you can look forward to at Judgment Day.


Orton dropped the mic as the theme for The Full Blooded Italians hit and out stepped Tony Mamaluke, who was accompanied by Nunzio. Mamaluke stepped through the ropes, and the fight was on.


Non – Title Match:


Randy Orton vs. Tony Mamaluke


This one was over before it even started, as Orton immediately hit the RKO as Mamaluke stepped through the ropes. But Orton wanted to send a clear message to Lashley, lifting Mamaluke up and planting him with a second RKO. Orton could have made the cover there, but the sick smirk that spread across his face showed that he was enjoying himself way too much. To really send the message home, Orton dropped Mamaluke with a Twist of Fate before locking in a Crippler Crossface, a slap in the face to both Hardy AND Benoit. Mamaluke had no choice but to tap out to the clearly deranged United States Champion.


Winner: Randy Orton.


The crowd abused Orton as he raised his hand in victory. Nunzio stepped through the ropes to check on his partner. But Orton decided to drive the message home, dropping Nunzio with the RKO. But the crowd came alive as Bobby Lashley slowly made his way to the ring. As Lashley climbed through the ropes, Orton decided to bail out the other side, grabbing his United States title on the way out. Orton backed up the ramp as Lashley stood in the ring. He looked down at the two Full Blooded Italians before deciding to send a message of his own. Lashley lifted Mamaluke to his feet before pressing him over his head and throwing him over the ropes and onto the steel ramp, eliciting a loud groan from the audience. He then picked up Nunzio and delivered a vicious Dominator. Orton looked terrified as Lashley stared a hole through him, the message clearly sent.


Cole: Orton may be in for a world of hurt at Judgment Day. Bobby Lashley is a One Man Wrecking Crew.


Kennedy: He’s an animal, Cole. He doesn’t seem to care who he hurts. I think we may be looking at the next United States Champion.




We once again head to the office of General Manager Teddy Long, who is joined by WWE Chairman Vince McMahon, making a rare Smackdown appearance.


Long: I assure you, we have security surrounding the arena. We have taken all necessary precautions to ensure Heyman and ECW do not get into the building.


McMahon: You better hope to god that they don’t. I want everything to go perfect tonight. If they get in here tonight, it’s on your head.


McMahon then storms out of the office, leaving Long visibly nervous. But he has no time to rest, as John Bradshaw Layfield walks into the office, flanked by his associates Orlando Jordan and Jillian Hall.


Long: Look, I really don’t have time for this, John. What do you want?


JBL: I really couldn’t care less whether this is a good time for you or not. You need to know that you are out of your mind if you think that Mexican jumping bean is the man to bring the World Heavyweight Championship back to Smackdown. You know as well as I do that he isn’t a World Champion. He should never have held that belt in the first place. Teddy, if you want the World Title back in Smackdown’s possession, I’m your man. I’ve wanted to get my hands on those ECW rejects for a LONG time. Just put me out there. Rey is gonna screw up just like he always does. Let me deal with Van Dam.


Long: I appreciate you trying to help, John. But I have faith in Mysterio. So let’s just see how things go tonight.


JBL: It’s your call, Teddy. But you know it’s the wrong one.


JBL and his cronies walked out of Long’s office, his words hanging in the air like a bad smell.




We return from commercial, where the crowd show their “respect” to William Regal as he stands in the centre of the ring, microphone in hand.


Regal: Paul, I’m out here, as you requested. Now I think it’s about time you came out here and gave me an explanation. And it better be a bloody good one.


There is a short pause before Burchill finally makes his way to the ring. There is no emotion on his face as he steps through the ropes. But there is plenty of emotion on the face of Regal, who is itching to get the answers he is looking for from his protégé.


Burchill: First of all, I have to apologise to you, Bill. You’re right, you took me under your wing and you helped build me into the man I am. And you didn’t deserve the treatment I have shown these past few weeks. For that I apologise. But there was a reason for it. You see, you were right. Paul Heyman did approach me about joining ECW. I felt that I had gone as far as I could with you. I felt I could break out on my own. And when Heyman made the offer, I’ll be honest, I was tempted. I was tempted to leave Smackdown and become the superstar I know I can be. But I wouldn’t just be leaving Smackdown, would I? I would be leaving you. These idiots in the audience may not understand it, but you are like a father to me. You have been by my side through the best AND worst of times. When things have been tough, you have given me a good slap and helped me pull it together. You motivate me like nobody else. And I knew I couldn’t just leave you. So that’s why I made an offer. I made an offer to Teddy Long. And I gave him my assurance that I would not defect to ECW. But I would only stay on one condition. And that condition is that he gives the both of us a shot at the Tag Team Championships. And he accepted. So tonight, we get that opportunity. I stayed for you. And tonight, we become WWE Tag Team Champions and we take them home to the greatest country in the world, England. Tonight, we make Britain proud. And tonight, I make you proud.


Burchill drops the mic as he looks into the eyes of his mentor. Regal bursts with pride at his protégé Paul Burchill as the two hug in the centre of the ring. It appears that the match will take place immediately, as the theme song of MNM hits, and out step the Tag Team Champions, who storm to the ring, furious at what is taking place. Melina is almost pulling her hair out as Nitro and Mercury dive into the ring, and the fight was on.


WWE Tag Team Championship Match:




MNM © vs. Paul Burchill and William Regal


The fans seemed to actually get behind the champs in this match, more to do with the fact that they didn’t want to see the brits hold the titles. The two teams were pretty evenly matched, and actually produced one of the best matches of the night. Mercury and Nitro were resorting to every trick in the book in order to keep hold of their prized possessions. But the British contingent, especially Burchill, seemed immune to their tactics. Burchill looked extremely focused since his hiatus, clearly intent on impressing his mentor. A vicious Brain Buster by Burchill almost secured the win, but Mercury was able to kick out at two. The cameras did catch a glimpse of London and Kendrick watching intently backstage, clearly still smarting from the rejection of their request earlier in the night. Melina decided to try to make her presence felt, jumping up on the apron and giving Burchill a good glimpse of her “assets”. But the saliva that hit Melina in the face showed that he was not interested. But the distraction was enough for Mercury and Nitro to hit the Snapshot. Mercury made the cover, but Regal managed to insert himself into the match to break the fall. Regal sent Nitro to the outside before hitting a Tiger Suplex on Mercury and helping Burchill to his feet. With Nitro on the outside, Regal told Burchill to finish the job. Burchill hit the C-4 and looked to have the match won. But Burchill wanted to prove his loyalty to Regal, tagging him in and asking Regal to do the honours. Regal smiled as he locked the Regal Stretch on Mercury. Nitro tried to intervene, but Burchill held him off. Mercury was in immense pain and had no choice but to tap out. Burchill and Regal had shocked the world, becoming the new Tag Team Champions.


Winners, and NEW WWE Tag Team Champions: Paul Burchill and William Regal


The crowd were far from happy at the events that had taken place. And, as could be seen from backstage, the reaction from London and Kendrick were distraught that the British contingent was able to achieve what they had tried so many times to do. Regal and Burchill embraced in the centre of the ring before showing off their newly won belts to the baying crowd. Nitro and Mercury were on the outside, distraught at their loss. But not quite as distraught as Melina, who was screaming in a blind rage at the two men, furious that they had lost what she deemed as HER title belts. Melina stormed to the back furiously as Regal and Burchill continued to celebrate in the ring.


Cole: So this is why London and Kendrick were refused a title shot. I can’t believe Burchill has forced the General Manager to make this match.


Kennedy: Hey, those brits are smart people. Burchill conned and bribed his way to the tag team titles. Tony Blair would be proud.




Bobby Lashley is backstage with his bags over his shoulder, ready to leave the USAir Arena, when he is approached by Teddy Long.


Long: Bobby, I need to talk to you, playa. Look, despite everything you have done these past few weeks, I gave you a shot at the United States Championship. Now, I don’t want to regret that decision. Bobby, you have to stop with the sneak attacks and attacking innocent people. F.B.I didn’t deserve what you did to them tonight. And neither did Finlay. Now, I have every faith that you will become United States Champion at Judgment Day. But you have to stop with this behaviour. I have no problem in stripping you of your title shot if you don’t calm down. Do I make myself clear?


Lashley could not stop himself from laughing in Teddy Longs face before walking out of the building, infuriating the General Manager, who seemed to be losing control by the second.


Cole: Seriously, what has gotten into Bobby Lashley? Ever since he returned to Friday Nights, he has been a totally different person.


Kennedy: Personally, I love it.




A video is played hyping the upcoming arrival of Smackdown’s newest Superstar...


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Cole: Well, the wait is almost over, because it has been confirmed that CM Punk makes his debut to Friday Night Smackdown next week in his home town of Chicago, Illinois. I can’t wait.


Kennedy: Oh, fantastic. Can’t wait to see what this kid can do. Blah, blah, blah. Let’s see what all the hype is about.





Kurt Angle vs. Paul London


London may have been devastated over what had gone on previously in the night, but he had to stay focused if he was going to survive his match with Kurt Angle, who was clearly still infuriated after failing to defeat The Undertaker at Backlash. And if what he did following his match with The Deadman was anything to go by, Angle was a very unstable individual. But London surprisingly held his own against the Olympic Gold Medallist, going hold for hold with him and, at one point, locking Angle in his own hold, The Ankle Lock. But Angle was able to break free. Angle took control from there and looked to end it with the Angle Slam, but London freed himself from the move before hitting Angle with the Dropsault. London headed up top and was looking for a MAJOR upset as he came off the top rope with the London Calling. But Angle had it scouted, moving out of the way and sending London crashing into the mat. Angle decided to finish him off, locking in the Ankle Lock and causing Paul London to tap out before the pain became too much.


Winner: Kurt Angle


Paul London rolled out of the ring, although he could be extremely proud of his efforts. Angle’s hand was raised by the official before the lights in the arena went out. The crowd rumbled with anticipation, knowing what was coming next. And low and behold, as the lights came back on, The Undertaker was stood in the centre of the ring. Angle immediately bolted from the ring. Taker’s leg was heavily wrapped after the damage caused by Angle at Backlash, yet still Angle wanted no part of The Deadman. Angle walked through the curtain as Undertaker posed for the crowd. But he wasn’t expecting the appearance of John Bradshaw Layfield, who came seemingly from nowhere and delivered a brutal Clothesline from Hell to The Undertaker. The crowd booed venomously at the dastardly JBL, who stood above The Phenom, a grin spread across his lips.




The cameras are backstage once again, where Rob Van Dam has left the locker room, the World Heavyweight Championship wrapped around his waist. As he heads down the narrow corridors of the USAir Arena, he passes several Smackdown Superstars who look at RVD with disgust and utter contempt for what he has done. He bumps into the large frame of Mark Henry, who stares long and hard at the World Champion before letting him by. RVD simply shrugs it off and makes his way towards the ring for his bout against Rey Mysterio.




World Heavyweight Championship Match:




Rob Van Dam © vs. Rey Mysterio


This was a huge match up for both men involved, as both of them tried desperately to impress their respective boss and bring the gold to their respective brands. The fans seemed split between the two, both men clearly popular amongst the fans in Maryland. Mysterio was intent on making RVD pay for his actions on Raw, and looked to take out the legs of Van Dam, leaving him unable to hit his trademark manoeuvres. But Van Dam seemed very focused, the pressure of being World Champion clearly not phasing him. Van Dam got a near fall in the early going, hitting a vicious DDT before springing from the middle rope and dropping on to Mysterio with a Springboard Legdrop for a close two count. The match went back and forth for the majority of the bout. But things would soon turn, when Van Dam missed a Spin Kick and got his foot caught in the ropes, allowing Mysterio to hit a Springboard Dropkick, sending Van Dam to the outside. The crowd rose to their feet as Mysterio went to dive through the ropes onto RVD. But Van Dam seemed to have the move scouted and side stepped Mysterio, who went crashing into the Security Barrier head first. Van Dam wasn’t going to hang around, pushing Mysterio into the ring and heading straight to the top rope. Van Dam came crashing down from the top rope with the Five Star Frog Splash. Unfortunately for him, there was nobody underneath him, as Mysterio had rolled out of the way. Rey decided not to waste any time, and headed to the apron before hitting Van Dam with a Springboard Frog Splash. The crowd rose to their feet as Mysterio made the cover, and the gasp from the audience echoed as Van Dam kicked out at two. Mysterio was stunned, and intended to make Van Dam pay. He waited for him to rise before nailing him with a dropkick into the ropes, setting him up for the 619. But RVD managed to move out of the way as Mysterio swung through the ropes, and delivered a sick Spin Kick, sending Mysterio down. But things were about to get dangerous for the World Heavyweight Champion as Mark Henry came down to the ring. Van Dam saw him coming, and hit a Suicide Dive to the outside onto The World’s Strongest Man. The official was distracted by what was taking place on the outside, as was Mysterio. But Mysterio made a mistake in taking his eye off the ball, as when he turned around he was hit with The Gore. Rhino, somehow, had made his way into the arena. Mysterio was out cold as Van Dam, who seemed oblivious to what just happened, jumped to the top rope and connected with the Five Star Frog Splash on Mysterio. Van Dam made the cover and got the three count, successfully defending the World Heavyweight Championship.


Winner, and STILL World Heavyweight Champion: Rob Van Dam


Van Dam didn’t have time to celebrate as it seemed most of the locker room was emptying out. RVD spotted Rhino in the crowd and headed towards him. Van Dam looked almost angry as he realised what had happened. But the two didn’t have time for arguments, as they bolted from the arena, several superstars chasing after them.


Cole: Van Dam steals another one for ECW. Somebody needs to do something about this. Smackdown is in serious trouble.


The final moments of Smackdown saw several Superstars help Rey Mysterio to his feet, the rage in his eyes evident for all to see.





Kurt Angle and John Bradshaw Layfield were defeated by The Undertaker and Rey Mysterio in a tag team match after the show went off the air.



Dark Matches:

Orlando Jordan over Tatanka C

Rey Mysterio & The Undertaker over John Bradshaw Layfield & Kurt Angle B


Main Show:

Bobby Lashley over Finlay D+

The Pitbulls over The Mexicools C-

Randy Orton over Tony Mamaluke C+

Paul Burchill & William Regal over MNM to win the WWE Tag Team Championships B

Kurt Angle over Paul London B

Rob Van Dam over Rey Mysterio to retain World Heavyweight Championship B-


Show Rating: B



MichiganHero - 5/6

The Final Countdown - 5/6

Jingo - 5/6

The Celt - 5/6

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WWE Sign new TV Deal, Major Independent star Signed by WWE, Rene Dupree News


- There are reports filtering in that World Wrestling Entertainment have signed a contract with FX to air a new television show within the next month. It is unknown which TV show the channel will be broadcasting, but it will almost certainly be the new home of ECW.


- There are also rumours that major independent star Bryan Danielson has signed a developmental deal with the WWE. The speculation comes after Danielson gave in his notice to Ring of Honor this week. WWE's new Head Booker has had his eye on Danielson for a while rumour has it, and has now decided to act upon his wish.


- Rene Dupree has finally recovered after a hernia kept him out of action for several months. He is expected to return to TV within the next few weeks, resuming his partnership with Rob Conway. However, with Silvain Grenier no longer with the company, it is believed that the La Resistance name will be dropped.


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- There are also rumours that major independent star Bryan Danielson has signed a developmental deal with the WWE. The speculation comes after Danielson gave in his notice to Ring of Honor this week. WWE's new Head Booker has had his eye on Danielson for a while rumour has it, and has now decided to act upon his wish.

Hooray! Perhaps he'll smack Michael Cole around a bit! :D

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California's V.Thompson Arena will be the venue for this weeks edition of Monday Night Raw. And things are certainly heating up. After Tyson Tomko's shocking victory, which gained him a title shot at Judgment Day, Triple H must still be smarting. But he will have to be focused this week as he takes on "The Latino Warrior" Chavo Guerrero. Plus, Rene Dupree makes his return from injury, teaming with his partner Rob Conway to take on Elijah Burke and JTG, The Brooklyn Soldiers. And Mickie James and Trish Stratus will hook up once again, this time in Tag Team action as Mickie and Candice Michelle take on Trish and Maria.


Also on Raw, Carlito has promised to call out "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels after what he did last week. Will Michaels even be in the arena this coming Monday? Also, The Cutting Edge returns with Edge, and his special guest will be none other than the WWE Champion John Cena. And in MAJOR news, Vince McMahon has invited Paul Heyman to The V.Thompson Arena ALONE and will address the World Heavyweight Championship situation. All this and so much more, be sure to tune into Monday Night Raw on USA.


Quick Picks:


Edge vs. Ric Flair


Chavo Guerrero vs. Triple H


The Big Show vs. Tyson Tomko


Rene Dupree & Rob Conway vs. The Brooklyn Soldiers


Carlito vs. Charlie Haas


Candice Michelle & Mickie James vs. Maria & Trish Stratus

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Edge vs. Ric Flair


Chavo Guerrero vs. Triple H


The Big Show vs. Tyson Tomko


Rene Dupree & Rob Conway vs. The Brooklyn Soldiers

Carlito vs. Charlie Haas


Candice Michelle & Mickie James vs. Maria & Trish Stratus

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Quick Picks:


Edge vs. Ric Flair


Chavo Guerrero vs. Triple H


The Big Show vs. Tyson Tomko


Rene Dupree & Rob Conway vs. The Brooklyn Soldiers


Carlito vs. Charlie Haas


Candice Michelle & Mickie James vs. Maria & Trish Stratus

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Edge vs. Ric Flair

-The Rated R Superstar needs the win.


Chavo Guerrero vs. Triple H

-Going out on a MAJOR limb here. For some reason, I just see Chavo scoring the upset, setting up a rematch at Judgment Day.


The Big Show vs. Tyson Tomko

-Tomko needs the win to continue his build as a credible challenger to the title.


Rene Dupree & Rob Conway vs. The Brooklyn Soldiers

-TBS (home of WCW Saturday Nights!) get the win, though Cade & Murdoch probably show up at some point.


Carlito vs. Charlie Haas

-Haas is about to get some apple spit on him.


Candice Michelle & Mickie James vs. Maria & Trish Stratus

-A tag match seems like a good time for the champ to drop one, though Victoria could be a wild card in this one.

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Edge vs. Ric Flair

Even with a slight shift in focus over to ECW, at least for the moment, a light needs to be shined on Edge as he solidifies his posistion on top of the the WWE ladder. Edge needs to win matches like these, and convintingly.


Chavo Guerrero vs. Triple H

No, I'm sorry, but I cannot buy little Chavito going over the game on a random RAW. It's just not going to happen.


The Big Show vs. Tyson Tomko

I agree with FC, a big win here will really boost Tomko's crediblity.


Rene Dupree & Rob Conway vs. The Brooklyn Soldiers

I sense TBS will take the win here to further the audience impulse to look at what's new and shiny. However, I sense post match some angry RAW boys send a message to ECW.


Carlito vs. Charlie Haas

Carlito sends a message to McMahon that he a man of usefullness.


Candice Michelle & Mickie James vs. Maria & Trish Stratus


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Great Diary here man! I gotta say, I'm LOVING Shawn as the IC Champ at this point... as it definitely brings a lot of prestige back to the belt.


Edge vs. Ric Flair


Chavo Guerrero vs. Triple H


The Big Show vs. Tyson Tomko


Rene Dupree & Rob Conway vs. The Brooklyn Soldiers


Carlito vs. Charlie Haas


Candice Michelle & Mickie James vs. Maria & Trish Stratus

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Monday, Week 2, May 2006




Location: The V.Thompson Arena (South West)

Attendance: 8,117

Announce Team:


Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler



Dark Match:

Val Venis defeated Jimmy Snuka Jr with The Money Shot




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The usual Raw opening begins, with pyro exploding before the camera pans round to the fans in attendance, who are clearly pumped up for another exciting Monday Night Raw.


Ross: California’s V.Thompson Arena is packed to the rafters for another action packed edition of Monday Night Raw. I’m Jim Ross alongside Jerry “The King” Lawler. And tonight, we have word that Paul Heyman has been invited here by WWE Chairman Vince McMahon to discuss the future of what I guess we could now call ECW’S World Heavyweight Championship.


Lawler: I can’t wait for that, JR. But we are going to kick off with The Cutting Edge. This one is gonna be explosive.




The Opening chords of “Metalingus” by Alter Bridge hits as Edge comes out to the stage, accompanied by the lovely Lita, set to host his chat show known as “The Cutting Edge”. The fans in California were less than welcoming to “The Rated R Superstar” as he stepped through the ropes. Edge took the microphone from one of the seats that were in the ring. Edge had to wait quite some time for the crowd to quiet down before he could begin.


Edge: Well, as always, what a warm reception here in Cali. You know, people have been asking me for weeks “Edge, why have you taken your loss at Backlash so badly”? Are you serious? For months, I have had to sit back as John Cena makes a mockery of the WWE Title. And for so long I wanted to do what nobody else seems to be able to do; to beat John Cena. But I’ve been held back at every obstacle. Whether it is management, politics or just Mick Foley sticking his nose in my business, there is always something getting in the way. And when I finally get my shot, MY night to shine, Cena SCREWS me out of the title. I mean let’s be honest here, if it was just me and Cena, one on one, he wouldn’t stand a chance. And deep down he knows it. I mean, he’s even giving title shots to people like Chavo Guerrero for Christ sake. Because he’s avoiding me, just like he always does. Ever since The Royal Rumble when he STOLE the WWE Championship from me, he has avoided me at every turn. Well not anymore. Sooner or later you are going to have to step in the ring with me one on one. And you know as well as I do that when you do, you can kiss goodbye to your title. I got a taste of what it’s like to be champion. And I LOVED it. I want more. And I don’t give a damn what happens at Judgment Day against Tomko, you are looking at the NEXT WWE Champion, “The Rated R Superstar” Edge. So without further ado, let me introduce my guest tonight. A coward, a thief, a fraud and a low life that doesn’t deserve to stand in the same ring as me, let alone be in possession of MY title. Ladies and gentlemen, I give to you John Cena.


The crowd erupt at the mere mention of Cena’s name. Edge awaits the arrival of Cena, but it doesn’t happen, because the theme music of “The Latino Warrior” Chavo Guerrero hits instead. The fans cheer for Guerrero as Edge looks on confused at the interruption. Chavo looks incensed as he stomps to the ring. Edge attempts to try to question Chavo on why he was out there. But he was cut off abruptly when Chavo took Edge down with a double leg takedown and started to pound away on Edge. The fans were on their feet as Guerrero tore into Edge, clearly angered by Edge interfering in his match last week and costing Chavo the title. Lita tried to jump on Guerrero’s back, but she was quickly tossed aside before Guerrero went at it with Edge once again. Officials swarmed the ring and separated the two, who were trying to tear each other limb from limb. The crowd jeered once again as Raw General Manager Eric Bischoff arrived on the stage, mic in hand.


Bischoff: Enough, both of you stop right now. I’m getting sick of this. As if I don’t have enough to worry about with Paul Heyman and his band of misfits, now I have to deal with the two of you. Well I have come up with a plan to deal with it. It seems the both of you are intent on becoming WWE Champion, to stake your claim to the title. Well tonight we find out whether you two are worthy of facing the champ. Now as we know, John Cena already has an opponent for Judgment Day, Tyson Tomko. But here’s what I’m going to do. Tonight, there will be two matches. Edge, tonight you will face off against “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair. And Chavo, you will go one on one with “The Game” Triple H. And the winners of those two matches will meet at Judgment Day in a Number One Contenders match. And the winner of that bout gets a title shot anytime they choose within 30 days. You want to prove yourselves? You do it tonight. Now get them out of my ring. I got a show to run.


The crowd seem excited at the prospect of one or even BOTH of these men heading to Judgment Day to fight for a shot at the title.


Ross: What an announcement by our General Manager, and what a way to kick off Monday Night Raw.


Lawler: I knew it was gonna be explosive tonight, but I didn’t expect it so soon. We haven’t even started yet.





Rene Dupree & Rob Conway vs. The Brooklyn Soldiers


Rene Dupree looked pretty impressive in his return to WWE, and managed to cause some problems for JTG and Burke. But the Soldiers have been on a roll since their debut at Backlash, and that trend continued here, with JTG picking up the victory after hitting Rob Conway with The Mug Shot (Fall Forward Diving Face Buster). The Brooklyn Soldiers continue to roll on Monday Night Raw.


Winners: The Brooklyn Soldiers


The crowd were firmly behind The Soldiers as the official raised their hands in victory. JTG grabbed a microphone from ringside, ready to address the audience. But he never got a chance to speak, as Cade and Murdoch slowly made their way down the ramp. The Soldiers didn’t waste any time, meeting the World Tag Team Champions on the entrance ramp, and once again the fight was on. The crowd were going crazy as the two teams battled it out. In a familiar scene, officials made their way out to try to split the teams apart, with limited success.


Ross: This is becoming a common occurrence on RAW. Something needs to be done.


Lawler: Well, I’m sure Bischoff will have something to say about it.




The cameras head backstage as a limousine pulls into The V.Thompson Arena. The driver steps out to allow the passengers out of the vehicle. The fans erupt as ECW General Manager Paul Heyman and World Heavyweight Champion Rob Van Dam step out of the vehicle. The two men make their way into the arena when they are stopped by a plethora of Security Guards, who surround the two men.


Heyman: We are invited guests, gentlemen. So if you would be so kind as to step out of the way please.


Guard: Sorry, Mr Heyman. But Mr. McMahon invited you and you alone. I cannot allow Rob Van Dam to enter the building.


RVD: Hold up. McMahon said he wanted me to be at every show. I’m only doing what he asked, dude.


Guard: And I’m only doing what he asked of me, sir. I’m sorry, but I can only allow Mr. Heyman into the building. Those are the boss’s orders, sir.


RVD: That sucks, man.


Heyman: Alright, look, I’m going to go in there, make the announcement and get out. Don’t worry. Just wait in the car for me. I have this covered.


RVD: Come on, Paul. You can’t go in alone. You kept trying to convince me not to go it alone on Smackdown. Hell, you even sent Rhino in there because you didn’t think I could go it alone. Paul, don’t do it, please.


Heyman: Rob, I can do it. Rhino wasn’t there because I didn’t trust you to get the job done. He was there for insurance. Don’t worry. I have insurance tonight as well. Trust me. I’ll see you later.


Heyman entered the building, leaving RVD shouting at him to reconsider as Security held him back.


Ross: Well, I don’t like the thought of Heyman being in the building. But surely he is walking into a death trap coming in here alone.


Lawler: It’s no more than that snake deserves, JR.




The cameras then head into the Locker Room, where Edge is seen completely trashing the place, furious at what transpired between himself and Chavo earlier in the evening. Lita tries in vain to calm “The Rated R Superstar”, but it was simply no use. He finally turned to his partner in crime and bellowed his frustrations.


Edge: Who the hell does he think he is? He thinks he can take me on? He has no idea what he has gotten himself into.


Lita: Baby, calm down. We will deal with Chavo when the time comes. But you have to concentrate on tonight. You have a chance to become Number One Contender. All you have to do is beat Ric Flair tonight and then go on to Judgment Day and beat the winner of the Chavo/Triple H match tonight. Who knows, Chavo might even make it past Triple H tonight.


Edge: I don’t give a damn whether he makes it past Hunter tonight or not. He’s on my hit list no matter what. He’s made an enemy out of me. BIG mistake.


Lita: Look, just concern yourself with Flair, OK? Everything else will fall into place. Just calm down, baby.


Edge’s face is filled with anger, and it seems he could explode at any point. But Lita calms him down, and he storms from the locker room, Lita following close behind.


Ross: Chavo may have awakened the demon inside of Edge here tonight. I don’t think I’ve seen him like this before.


Lawler: As if Chavo doesn’t have enough to worry about with facing Triple H here tonight. Now he has Edge on the war path. Things are looking bad for “The Latino Warrior” tonight.





Candice Michelle & Mickie James vs. Maria & Trish Stratus


Maria and Trish worked surprisingly well with each other in this contest, whereas Candice seemed more concerned with breaking a nail than helping out her partner. When Candice did take her attention away from herself, she and Mickie made a pretty good unit, and Candice was close to gaining the victory over Maria with a devastating Jaw Breaker, but she only managed a two count. Maria got the tag to Trish, and she took control, knocking Mickie to the outside and taking the fight to Candice. One Stratusfaction later, and Trish picks up the win for her team, pleasing the California crowd.


Winners: Maria & Trish Stratus.


Candice rolled out of the ring after her defeat and headed to the back as the official raised the hands of both Maria and Stratus. The crowd roared their approval. But the celebrations were cut short when the psychotic Mickie James attacked Trish from behind, sending her to the mat. Maria tried to intervene on Trish’s behalf, but a Mick Kick to the skull soon sent her down. Mickie continued to punish Trish with heavy rights to the head, Trish trying her best to cover up and protect herself. Things were about to take a turn as Victoria slid into the ring and went straight for Mickie, hammering her with rights and lefts before sending her to the outside with a clothesline. Trish slowly rose to her feet and gained eye contact with Victoria. Victoria, obviously still angered over Trish’s interruption in her match the previous week, kicked Trish in the gut and dropped her with the Widows Peak. Mickie watched the goings on as she backed up the ramp, Victoria staring a hole through the Women’s Champion. But the action came to a halt as General Manager Eric Bischoff appeared on the Titan Tron.


Bischoff: Ladies, ladies. It’s clearly obvious that, just like some of the males on our roster, you three have a problem sorting your differences out. Well, allow me to sort them for you, because at Judgment Day the three of you will compete in a Triple Threat Match. It will be Women’s Champion Mickie James versus Trish Stratus versus Victoria for the Women’s Title. Tear each other apart. Do whatever you have to do. Just sort this thing out.


The crowd certainly approved of Bischoff’s announcement. Trish was still on the mat as Victoria and Mickie stared each other down, Mickie holding her title belt close to her chest and seemingly talking to herself.




Chavo Guerrero is walking down the hallowed halls of The V.Thompson Arena when he is stopped by the WWE Champion John Cena. The crowd (the majority of them anyway) rise to their feet at the mere sight of the champ. The two men stare at each other for long moments before Cena extends his hand towards Chavo and the two shake hands.


Cena: I just wanted to say that it was an honour to face you last week. You made everybody proud. And I’m sure if he was here, Eddie would have been proud too.


Chavo: Thanks, man. It means a lot to me.


Cena: I just wanted to say good luck tonight. And be careful. I know you’re filled with confidence tonight. But I know for a fact that wherever Triple H is, Tomko isn’t far behind. And I just want you to know that if you need it, I got your back tonight.


Chavo: Thanks for the offer, John. But I’ve got it. I’m not afraid. It’s my time. And I’m not going to let either of them take it from me. But thanks for the offer man.


The two shake hands again before Chavo heads off. Cena walks in the opposite direction and turns a corner...and walks straight into a Big Boot from Tyson Tomko. Cena hits the deck immediately, his head hitting the concrete. Tomko looks down at his handy work before walking away from the scene.


Ross: What a cowardly attack by Tomko. Cena has been the victim of that move more than anybody else on the RAW roster.


Lawler: I hate to say it, but I don’t know if anybody can stop Tyson Tomko, not even The WWE Champion.




“I Spit In The Face Of People Who Don’t Want To Be Cool”. The mere sound of Carlito’s cheerful theme sends the fans into a frenzy, jeering The Caribbean Superstar as he heads to the ring, a big grin on his face. Carlito grabs a microphone as he steps through the ropes, the fans disgust for him clearly not affecting him in any way.


Carlito: Last week, I opened up the eyes of the entire world. I showed just how weak, how pathetic and how PAST IT the Heartbreak Kid really is. You see, when that backstabbing piece of garbage Shelton Benjamin failed to get the job done, Mr McMahon was in a rut. He didn’t know what else to do. That is until he saw my match with Michaels a couple of weeks ago on RAW. And he knew that I had what it took to get the job done. He knew that I wouldn’t let him down like Benjamin. So, when Benjamin failed ONCE AGAIN at Backlash, I came in as his back-up plan. And I did what he asked of me; I took out The Heartbreak Kid. I beat him within an inch of his life. The man can barely stand. And now, the final nail in the coffin will come at Judgment Day, when he faces me for the Intercontinental Championship. And if he doesn’t show, not only will he lose his title, but he will be in breach of his contract, and Mr McMahon can finally do what he has wanted to do for so many months; FIRE Shawn Michaels. But it seems I may not have done as good a job as I thought, because I hear that Shawn Michaels is in the building tonight. He has somehow dragged his crippled ass out of the hospital and into the arena. That’s not cool. So how about you come on down, Shawn. Come on down and let me finish you once and for all.


Carlito dropped the mic and signalled for HBK to come down to the ring. The fans in attendance were surprised but excited for the arrival of Shawn Michaels. HBK’s “Sexy Boy” theme hit and the roof almost blew off The V.Thompson Arena. Carlito looked pumped, looking to finish the job. But the fans mood was brought down drastically when somebody walked through the curtain. However, it wasn’t who the fans were expecting. A man dressed as Shawn Michaels, from the ponytail to the tights with the broken heart on the side, came stumbling to the ring on crutches. Carlito’s grin spread wide across his face as the imposter crawled into the ring and tried to do Michaels’ signature muscle pose, falling flat on his face. Carlito dragged him to his feet and propped him in the corner before grabbing the microphone once more. The crowd’s jeers were deafening.


Carlito: I have to say, I admire your guts, Shawn. Even when you’re clearly in so much pain, you still manage to turn up and face me. That’s cool. Unfortunately, you made a big mistake.


Carlito dropped the mic and nailed the imposter with Sweet Chin Music. He fell to the floor in a heap, with Carlito looking down. Carlito grabbed an apple and went to take a bite when the music of his opponent for the evening, Charlie Haas, hit the P.A system. Haas slid into the ring, and the match was on



Carlito vs. Charlie Haas


This match was pretty short to say the least, with Carlito completely focused and with a sudden mean streak that hadn’t been apparent before. Haas tried to stand toe to toe with The Caribbean Superstar, but it was all in vain. Carlito was clearly sending a message to Shawn Michaels, punishing Haas from beginning to end. Carlito ended proceedings quickly when he hit Haas with The Backstabber for the pinfall victory.


Winner: Carlito


The fans bombarded Carlito with abuse as Lillian Garcia announced Carlito as the victor. Carlito wasn’t going to end it there, as he took his apple and took a huge chunk out of it before spitting it over the body of Charlie Haas. The fans were less than pleased with Carlito as he raised his hands in the air.


Ross: A total lack of respect shown by Carlito here. He knew damn well Michaels wasn’t going to turn up tonight, so he pulls a stunt like that.


Lawler: I guess the big question has to be whether HBK will turn up at Judgment Day.




The cameras head backstage where Tomko is sat in the Locker Room, slightly out of breath from his attack on John Cena earlier in the night. He gets to his feet however when Triple H enters the room. Tomko stares down The Game for several moments before he begins to speak.


Tomko: I have nothing to say to you, Hunter.


Triple H: Listen, buddy...


Tomko: No, you listen to me. I did nothing wrong last week. I earned myself a shot at John Cena and the WWE Championship at Judgment Day. I expected you to be supportive. I expected you to stick by me. And yet all week you have ignored my phone calls, ignored my e-mails. You have done everything to avoid me. So screw you.


Triple H: Look, Tyson. I know I wasn’t as supportive as I should have been. You know how much the WWE Title means to me, and I was a little pissed off that it wasn’t me. But I’m happy for you, man. If anyone else deserves that shot, it’s you. I’m gonna support you, and I’ll be there to raise your hand when you BEAT John Cena at Judgment Day. And when I clean the floor with Chavo tonight, and go on to face whoever it is I will face at Judgment Day, it would be an HONOUR for me to face you for YOUR WWE Championship. We can’t fall out over something as small as this. Come on. Let’s just leave it in the past and move on.


Tomko:....ok. I’m sorry.


The two men hug and Triple H leaves, but Tomko still looks like he has his doubts.


The cameras catch Triple H outside of the locker room. He walks down the corridor and bumps into the large frame of The Big Show, who looks down at The Game. Triple H hands Big Show an envelope before walking away. Show opens the envelope and it is FILLED with cash. Big Show smiles before walking away, leaving the fans confused as to what just happened.


Ross: What the hell was that all about, King?


Lawler: I have no idea, JR. But it can’t be a good thing.





The Big Show vs. Tyson Tomko


Tomko had no idea who his opponent for the evening would be for the evening, and was as surprised as everybody else when The Big Show came out to face him. JR and The King reminded the fans of what happened with Big Show last week, in which his interview was cut short by a trash can in the backstage area bursting into flames, spooking the big man. Tomko actually put up a brave fight against The Largest Athlete in the World, and had the fans on their feet when he delivered a Spine Buster to the behemoth for a close two count. Big Show’s size became a big factor in the match however, as he managed to toss The Problem Solver around before there was an echo that went through the arena when Big Show’s hand met with Tomko’s chest. Big Show went to end the contest with The Chokeslam, but Tomko put the boots to the huge tree trunk legs of The Big Show before coming off the ropes and landing a massive lariat for a two. The fans showed their disdain as Triple H walked onto the stage, and it became apparent what the envelope of money was for. Tomko spotted The Game on the entrance, and looked completely confused as to what was going on. The distraction cost him dearly, as he walked right into the gigantic hand of The Big Show and was drilled with a Chokeslam. But just as Big Show went to make a cover, huge flames burst from the ring posts before a video began to play on the Titan Tron...


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The video ended, and Big Show looked absolutely terrified. But the memory was soon erased from his mind, as he turned into a HUGE Big Boot from Tomko. Tyson made the cover and got the victory, much to the shock of The Game.


Winner: Tyson Tomko


Tyson Tomko’s hand was raised high in the air as he was announced the victor. He went to the corner turnbuckle and looked Triple H dead in the eye. Triple H looked like he had soiled himself, seeing that his plan had backfired. Tomko’s face was beet red as he continued to stare down his so-called friend.


Ross: I think Triple H may want to get life insurance after tonight. He screwed up big time here.


Lawler: You’re not kidding. Tomko is an animal at the best of times.




After returning from commercial, the cameras pan around The V.Thompson Arena, getting a glimpse of the rabid California crowd. But the cameras quickly cut backstage, where a fight has broken out between Ric Flair and Aaron Stevens. Security is already on the scene, trying to split the two apart. It looks like Flair is busted open once again, but he is oblivious to it as he tries to get his hands around the throat of The Idol.


Ross: This thing is getting out of hand between these two men.


Lawler: I agree. But how will this affect Flair? He has a match coming up next. Surely he isn’t going to be 100%.




Number One Contenders Match 1:


Edge vs. Ric Flair


Flairs head was heavily bandaged for this match after the backstage brawl with Aaron Stevens. Flair clearly wasn’t at his beast, and The Rated R Superstar exploited that. Edge tore at the bandage, exposing the wound before laying hard right hands into his skull, opening the cut wider. Flair was swinging wildly at Edge, who loved every second of punishing The Nature Boy, but he was in trouble when one of his frantic swings connected with Edge’s jaw, and before he knew it Flair was all over him with chops and punches. A Suplex from the middle rope almost gave Flair the win, but Edge managed to power out at two. Edge managed to regain control of the match after a thumb to the eye stopped Flair’s momentum. An Implant DDT was almost enough to end The Nature Boys title hopes, but he was able to get a shoulder up JUST before the three count. Lita tried to get involved, jumping on the apron and distracting the official. But it seemed to do more harm than good, as Flair sent Edge flying into Lita, knocking her to the floor. Flair then took Edge down and locked in the Figure Four Leg Lock. The crowd begged for Edge to tap out as he screamed in agony. But an influx of Security was flowing through the curtain as Aaron Stevens tries to get to Flair. The Nature Boy breaks the hold and begs for Stevens to get in the ring, but The Idol is being held back by security. Flair’s hatred for Stevens finally cost him as he turned straight into a Spear from Edge, who made the cover and got the victory, earning a Number One Contenders shot at Judgment Day.


Winner: Edge


Edge was led to the back by Lita after his victory, both happy with what they had accomplished. But the night wasn’t over for Flair. After getting back to his feet after his loss, he stepped straight into the lion’s den, breaking through security and going at it with Stevens. “Flair” chants echoed around as the two men laid into each other once again, security struggling to contain the two as we head to commercial.




We return from commercial, where Vince McMahon is stood in the centre of the ring. He is accompanied by Raw General Manager Eric Bischoff. The ring is completely surrounded by Security, Officials and Road Agents, ensuring that nobody infiltrates the arena. McMahon tries to speak, but the “***hole” chants are deafening. He decides to continue anyway.


McMahon: Nice to see the people of California are as uncouth as ever. Now, tonight I have invited a man who has tried to destroy my creation. Something I have worked long and hard to build. Last Week, RVD and ECW gained possession of the World Heavyweight Championship. Now, whether Heyman likes it or not, that title is property of WWE. So I think we need to address this situation. So without further ado, please welcome Paul Heyman.


The crowd gave Heyman a warm reception as he headed for the ring, no music to accompany him. A huge “ECW” chant rang out in the arena as Heyman looked around him. He caught sight of the security that was surrounding the ring, and couldn’t help but laugh to himself. He stepped through the ropes. He looked at Bischoff, whose disdain for Heyman was clear for all to see.


Heyman: Well Vince, it’s good to see you invited your lapdog down here tonight. It’s a big step down from running Nitro, isn’t it Eric. So, what do you want?


McMahon: Heyman, I have to admit, after having time to think about it, I quite admire what you have done. You took MY property from right under my nose. You, Dreamer and Foley managed to pull the wool over my eyes. Not a lot of men can say that. But you see, that doesn’t mean I’m going to allow you to destroy MY empire. The World Heavyweight Championship is WWE property. And, until June 4th at One Night Stand, Rob Van Dam is still WWE property. So, whether you like it or not, I have the pleasure of announcing that on this week’s edition of Smackdown, Rob Van Dam will defend his World Heavyweight Championship against John Bradshaw Layfield.


The crowd were not happy about the announcement. But Bischoff was grinning from ear to ear.


Heyman: Sorry, Vince, but I don’t think so.


McMahon: Paul, I don’t think you heard me. I OWN them. So you don’t really have a choice in the matter.


Heyman: Maybe I don’t have a choice. But Rob certainly has a choice. Because Rob Van Dam’s contract states that, as a champion, he must defend the title every 30 days. And he is only REQUIRED to defend his title if a Number One Contender is officially confirmed either by a contest to determine a Number One Contender, or if a particular Superstar gets a majority vote by the WWE Board of Directors. So RVD is not REQUIRED to defend his title on Smackdown. He defended it last Friday against Mysterio. Vince, you really should read through your own contracts.


McMahon: You son of a bitch.


Heyman: Yes, I am. But Rob, whether you believe it or not, is a fighting champion. He enjoys competition. He thrives on it. So I’m sure he will be more than willing to face JBL in a non-title match. But RVD, myself, Tommy Dreamer and Mick Foley have come up with an offer that I think will suit all of us.


McMahon: You expect me to take an offer from you?


Heyman: Hear me out Vince. As I said, RVD is a fighting champion. And so he is making the offer to you. You get yourself a Number One Contender, and Rob Van Dam would be more than happy to face that man for the title at One Night Stand on June 4th.


McMahon: Keep talking.


Heyman: Now, if your Number One Contender can defeat Rob Van Dam, he becomes World Heavyweight Champion, he brings it back “home” to the WWE, and you never have to worry about little old ECW again.


McMahon: And if he loses?


Heyman: If your Number One Contender loses, the World Heavyweight Championship becomes property of ECW, and we rechristen it the ECW World Heavyweight Championship.


The crowd roar their approval as McMahon’s eyes widen. Bischoff tries to convince McMahon not to take the offer. McMahon is obviously weighing up the pros and cons of Heyman’s proposal before turning to Heyman and getting straight up in his face.


McMahon: Mr. Heyman, I ACCEPT your proposal. This week on Smackdown I will find my Number One Contender. And at One Night Stand, he will DEFEAT Rob Van Dam and take back what is rightfully...MINE.


Heyman: May the best man win, Vince. Oh, and as for you, Bischoff. I extend the same offer to you. You want ECW out of your life? Then you gather up as many men as you can, and I will arrange for them to participate against my ECW athletes. One Night Stand will be the night we prove our superiority. If there is one thing you should know about ECW, it’s that we never back down from a fight. So I thank you for inviting me here, and I’m sure I will see you at One Night Stand.


Bischoff: Not so fast, Heyman. You think you can drop a bombshell like that and expect to just walk away. You know me better than that, Paul. We couldn’t let you go without a little leaving present. Good luck in all your future endeavours.


Heyman was confused by Bischoff’s words, and was unprepared for the sneak attack by the World Tag Team Champions Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch, who put the boots to Heyman. Carlito soon made his way to the ring and joined in the beatdown. The crowd came alive as, from the crowd, RVD, Rhino, Shelton Benjamin and several others tried to gain access to the ring, but the security surrounding the ring held them off. Carlito nailed Heyman with The Back Stabber as McMahon and Bischoff laughed hysterically. Cade and Murdoch then grabbed Heyman and threw him over the security barrier, landing at the feet of the ECW contingent. McMahon and his cronies headed to the back as the ECW stars attended to an injured Paul Heyman.




Number One Contenders Match 2:


Chavo Guerrero vs. Triple H


The roles seemed to be reversed in this bout, with Triple H looking shaken up after his failed attempt at teaching Tomko a lesson, and Guerrero seemingly fired up for the contest after Cena’s words of encouragement. And from the get go, Chavo was all over The Game, using his speed to his advantage, running circles around Triple H before hitting a Head Scissors, sending Hunter to the outside. Chavo followed Triple H to the outside and slammed his head into every conceivable surface until a low blow and an Irish Whip into the steel steps swung the momentum in Hunters favour. Back in the ring, The Game continued the offence, and a Spinning Spinebuster was almost enough to finish The Latino Warrior, but Chavo’s shoulder came off the mat at the last second. Triple H locked an Indian Death Lock on Chavo, a move he hadn’t used in quite some time. Chavo was clearly in pain, but he did manage to reach the ropes to break the hold. Hunter was getting clearly frustrated with Chavo, and went to end things with The Pedigree, but Chavo was able to escape the hold and rolled Triple H up with a School Boy pin. Hunter was only just able to get the shoulder up. Chavo seemed to get in the zone, and it appeared he may cause a major upset when he hit the Three Amigos Suplex. Guerrero headed up top and went for the Frog Splash. But as he came down, Triple H raised his knees, and Chavo came crashing down, his ribs connecting with Hunters knees. Chavo rolled around in agony, and Hunter was ready to finish him off. But there was a commotion in the crowd as Tyson Tomko made his way to the ring. Hunter’s eyes widened at the sight of The Problem Solver. Tomko forced his way into the ring as Triple H backed into the corner. The official begged Tomko to get out of the ring. But Tomko pushed the official aside...and nailed CHAVO with a Big Boot to the jaw. Triple H looked puzzled by his actions. But the puzzled look became one of anger and shock as the official called for the bell... and awarded the match to Chavo Guerrero as a result of a disqualification. Tomko had just handed Chavo a shot at the Number One Contendership at Judgment Day.


Winner (Via Disqualification): Chavo Guerrero


The fans were going crazy at the announcement that Chavo Guerrero would face Edge at Judgment Day. Chavo rolled to the outside in pain as Tomko left a furious Triple H on his own in the ring. Hunter was almost tearing his own hair out, screaming obscenities at Tomko as “Chavo” chants rang out. Tomko stopped at the entrance way and looked at the irate Triple H. Tomko could be seen mouthing the words “Now were even”. Hunter was exploding in the ring. But the crowd exploded as on the entrance way, John Cena had arrived, spinning Tomko around and delivering the F-U on the steel entrance way. Tomko looked to be out cold thanks to the WWE Champion.


Ross: What a way to end tonight’s episode of Raw; Chavo Guerrero is heading to Judgment Day to face Edge, Triple H has been screwed by his own Problem Solver, and John Cena has gotten a measure of revenge on Tomko.


Lawler: And we still have one more episode of Raw before the showdown at Judgment Day. I can’t wait.


The show closes with Triple H still fuming in the ring as John Cena stands tall above his Judgment Day opponent.






Dark Match:


Val Venis over Jimmy Snuka Jr C+


Main Show:


The Brooklyn Soldiers over Rene Dupree & Rob Conway E-

Trish Stratus & Maria over Candice Michelle & Mickie James C+

Carlito over Charlie Haas

Tyson Tomko over The Big Show C+

Edge over Ric Flair B+

Chavo Guerrero over Triple H via DQ B


Show Rating: B




Jingo - 4/6

MartinC - 1/6

The Final Countdown - 6/6

The Celt - 4/6

JudgeJuryExecutioner - 3/6

MichiganHero - 4/6

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Rene Dupree in hot water already, Former ECW Tag Team set to return, Tomko Injured


- Rene Dupree, after only just returning from injury, has been suspended for 30 days for a violation of the Wellness Programe. It is believed Dupree was asked to end his steroid habit whilst he was out injured, but a drug test earlier in the week showed that he was still using. What this means for Dupree's future is uncertain, but there have been whispers that some higher ups are lobbying for McMahon to end his contract.


- Although the contracts have yet to be signed, it is believed that both Mikey Whipwreck and Yoshihiro Tajiri are close to signing contracts with WWE, presumably to add them to the ECW roster. Whether it will be a one shot deal or a long term contract remains to be seen, but the contracts should be signed within the next 48 hours.


- Number One Contender Tyson Tomko had a slight scare this Monday on Raw. After recieving an F-U onto the steel ramp by John Cena, it is reported that Tomko had trouble walking in the backstage area and had an ice pack strapped to him. He is said to be fine now, but WWE Management have pulled him from this weeks house shows to ensure he makes a full recovery and is fit to go at Judgment Day


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I feel perhaps more pleased than I should that I correctly predicted Chavo beating H's, even if it didn't go down like I had imagined it would.


If Dupree screws up again, I'd cut him loose. Not like he'd be some great loss.


Well the plan was always to have Chavo win, but I never expected anybody to predict his victory, so well done to you. I really want to build Chavo up, but I felt at this point people wouldn't really buy Chavo going over The Game cleanly, hence the DQ finish.


I'm seriously contemplating dumping Dupree. Him and Conway were basically my job guys anyway, and I don't have any big plans to change that soon. I'm trying to build the tag division up without bringing in too many new teams in at the same time, so we shall see how it pans out.

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