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WWE Superstars 1/21/2010


Announcement for tonight’s huge main event, with Mark Henry, M.V.P, Sheamus, and Jack Swagger, where the winner will face off against the Miz for the WWE United States Title this Monday on RAW.


Santino Marella vs. Cody Rhodes


Cody Rhodes is in the Royal Rumble Match and Santino is looking to make an impact on Superstars. Santino beats on Rhodes in the ring but Rhodes fights back with a kneelift right to the stomach and beats him down for most of the match. Other than a brief comeback flurry that included a dropkick, Santino is beaten down for this match, ending with the Cross Rhodes for the pin.


Winner: Cody Rhodes(4:47, D+)


Cody Rhodes raises his hand, as the fans boo his win tonight.


*******************Commercial Break********************


Lance Cade comes to the ring, talking trash about Bryan Danielson and promising to whoop him on ECW this week. Cade says Danielson is not the greatest wrestler in the world but rather the greatest scam in the world. He only got where he was for being a teacher’s pet to Shawn Michaels and now Cade is going to expose him for the world to see.


Tyler Reks vs. Lance Cade


This is a return match from a couple months ago on this show and Reks gets a bit more offense. Cade still steamrolls Reks for the most part, hitting a running kneelift and a huge bulldog out of the corner. Cade pounds on Reks with a series of elbow strikes to the back of the head, mocking Danielson, before he picks him up and hits a high angle Sidewalk Slam for the pin.


Winner: Lance Cade(3:47, D)


Cade beats on Reks some more and tosses him to the floor, before yelling that he’s going to beat Danielson next week on ECW.


********************Commercial Break***********************


Jimmy Wang Yang(w/Kung Fu Naki) vs. Tyson Kidd(w/David Hart Smith and Natalya)


Yang was a house of fire for most of this match, knocking Kidd around, before hitting a running dropkick sending him to the arena floor, before diving onto him to a round of cheers. Kidd gains the advantage and hammers on Yang, but a splash off the top rope misses. Yang beats on Kidd and knocks David Hart Smith off the ring apron. Smith lands on the floor and Funaki beats on him. The referee is distracted, as Yang is on the top rope, but Natalya grabs Yang’s ankle. Yang tries to fight her off, but Kidd has Yang and a huge power bomb out of the corner. Kidd flips into a jack-knife cradle and scores the pin.


Winner: Tyson Kidd(7:10, C)


The Hart Dynasty steal another victory, as the Unified Tag Team Champions walk out. Kung Fu Naki checks his partner. Apparently, this is far from over between these two tag teams.


*****************Commercial Break*******************


Recap from RAW last Monday, featuring Jim Duggan as the guest host and Randy Orton winning the Royal Rumble Winner Alumni Mini Tournament. Plus the announcement that the Rock will be the General Manager of RAW. This Monday on RAW, the Rock will be the guest host, plus in a huge tag team main event, Ted DiBiase and Paul Burchill take on the WWE Champion Shawn Michaels and John Cena. Also, Katie Lea Burchill will get a WWE Diva’s Title Shot against Melina and much more with the Rock on Monday.


The Miz is walking down to the ring to do guest commentary for the fatal four way number one contenders match. That match is next.


********************Commercial Break***********************


Number One Contendership for the United States Title:

M.V.P. vs. Mark Henry vs. Jack Swagger vs. Sheamus


Lots of brawling and four way spots to begin, with a few nearfalls. Eventually, with M.V.P and Swagger knocked down, Sheamus and Henry lock up. Henry beats on Sheamus and puts him over the top rope to a big pop! The announcers talk about how Sheamus is in the Royal Rumble and Henry has proven that Sheamus can be eliminated. The Miz remarks that he’s going to win the Royal Rumble and go onto the main event at Wrestlemania 26. Henry is dragged underneath the bottom rope and Sheamus and Henry brawl on the floor. M.V.P hits a leaping clothesline in the corner and Yakuza Kick but the Miz is up. M.V.P goes after the Miz, who drops down. Swagger delivers a kneelift to the back of the head and turns him, before hitting a gutwrench power bomb to score the pin and become the number one contender for the United States Title.


Winner: Jack Swagger(9:39, C+)


Swagger stares down the Miz, as Lawler and Cole talk about how M.V.P. had Miz’s number before pinning him twice and forcing Miz to save the title by disqualification. Miz cost M.V.P the match but Swagger looks ready to win the championship.

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So yeah, TEW 2010. I have been busy getting everything ready to go to transition over to that game for this dynasty after the Royal Rumble. I think I'm about ninety five percent of the way done of having a database that is good enough for the purposes of this dynasty ready to go. In fact, about all I have to go is tweak it so it reflects the past two months and make sure everything is all okay. I have been playing a nice little TNA game to help me get the feel for everything in the mean time. There is nothing better than this world than Jeff Hardy and Eric Bischoff bonding backstage over a mutual love of classical musical. And Scott Hall taking Rob Terry under his wing as his protege.


But, we still got six more shows of TEW2008 and indeed six more shows of the January prediction contest.


Superstars Results:

TracyBrooksFan: 3/4

Huntman: 3/4


Overall January:

Rayelek: 29/50

TracyBrooksFan: 31/50

MartinC: 27/50

BHK1978: 19/50

EdgeHeaD: 16/50

Huntman: 11/50

MattitudeV2: 9/50

Lo-Drew: 6/50

TheOmniWarrior: 3/50


WWE Smackdown 1/22/2010


Matt Hardy vs. CM Punk


Maria vs. WWE Women's Champion Michelle McCool(Non Title Match)


Cryme Tyme vs. Mike Knox and Drew McIntyre.


Finlay vs. Charlie Haas.

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Dangit. Got distracted with 2010 and missed the last show.


Matt Hardy vs. CM Punk

-I know Punk can win this, and I think he will.


Maria vs. WWE Women's Champion Michelle McCool(Non Title Match)

-Even though this is a non-title match, I don't see Maria getting the win.


Cryme Tyme vs. Mike Knox and Drew McIntyre

-I want to vote for Knox and McIntyre a lot, but Cryme Tyme are an established team I think they win this.


Finlay vs. Charlie Haas

-Hard to pick, but I sure hope so...

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WWE Smackdown 1/22/2010


Chris Jericho makes his way down to the ring, talking about his match with the Undertaker in nine days at the Royal Rumble. Jericho says that he made Kane tap out in the center of the ring last week. Jericho says that the fans have been talking about since Survivor Series, how Jericho has not really won the title, he just fell on top of the Undertaker after the Big Show knocked him out. Jericho calls the fans pathetic, calling them unable to appreciate his greatness and his glory. Out comes the Smackdown General Manager Bret Hart to interrupt Jericho. He says he has a big main event, with Chris Jericho and a partner of his choosing against the Brothers of Destruction in the main event! The fans cheer this match big time as Jericho says that they are going to see a preview of what’s to come with the Undertaker at the Royal Rumble. Lots of hype tonight.


Charlie Haas and Finlay are getting ready. These two rough and tumble competitors go one on one, coming up next on Smackdown.


********************Commercial Break**********************


Finlay vs. Charlie Haas


Finlay beating on Haas in the center of the ring, before throwing him into the ropes. A running uppercut right to the chest takes on Haas and Finlay beats on him, before going up top but Haas catches him with a pop up superplex to get the heat. Haas beats on Finlay, hammering away at him. German Suplex on Finlay gets a nearfall and Haas continues beating on Finlay. Sleeperhold applied but Finlay fights out and belly to back suplex brings him down. Finlay is on his feet and forearm smash right between the eyes. Finlay beats on Haas in the corner. Running clothesline in the corner and Finlay hammers away at Haas, before hitting a vicious snap suplex. Finlay climbs to the second rope and kneedrop down right across the chest. Haas is rolled over and Finlay beats on him but the fans are booing, as CM Punk walks down to the ring. Punk jaws with Finlay in the ring and Finlay is thrown off of his game. Haas dropkicks Finlay in the knee before he rolls him into the Haas of Pain! The fans are booing as Haas cranks on the hold and Finlay has no choice but to submit! Charlie Haas gets a huge win!


Winner: Charlie Haas(8:55, C)


Haas raises his hand in the air, before sliding underneath the bottom rope and walks to the back, as Punk enters the ring, kicking Finlay in the face and hitting him with the Go to Sleep, laying him out.


We cut backstage, where Dolph Ziggler is stretching, with the WWE Intercontinental Title laying at his feet and Chris Jericho walks, asking Ziggler to team up with him tonight. Ziggler looks a bit conflicted, but when Jericho offers him a World Heavyweight Title match next week in exchange for teaming up with him tonight. Ziggler accepts and its Dolph Ziggler and Chris Jericho against Kane and the Undertaker tonight.


******************Commercial Break*******************


Cryme Tyme vs. Drew McIntyre and Mike Knox


Cryme Tyme have their backs against the wall against a pair of monsters. JTG is caught in the corner and beating down for most of this match. He eventually grabs a hand full of beard of Knox and hits a jawbreaker, before making the tag to Shad, who runs wild a both men. Shad hits a huge leaping shoulder block on McIntyre putting him down but eats a Bicycle Kick right to the face of Shad, before McIntyre hits a Double Underhook DDT bringing down Shad to the canvas.


Winners: Drew McIntyre and Mike Knox(7:42, C-)


Drew McIntyre gets on the microphone, bragging about his undefeated streak and how he’s going to win the Royal Rumble in nine days, before going onto Wrestlemania 26 to face the champion in the main event. McIntyre wishes the Undertaker the best of luck in his match with Chris Jericho, because nothing would be better than McIntyre winning the Rumble and then ending the Undertaker’s Wrestlemania streak and taking his title in one fell swoop, because it would ruin everyone’s Wrestlemania party.


Recap of the Batista/John Morrison match from eight days ago on Superstars, with Morrison picking up the victory. Tonight, these two men will have another match tonight on Smackdown.


*****************Commercial Break*****************


John Morrison vs. Batista


Both of these men are in the Royal Rumble, as Batista beats on Morrison, before throwing him into the corner hard. Morrison bounces into the corner hard and Batista hammers away at him hard, to boos from the crowd, but Morrison fights back with a series of chops, before hitting a leapfrog over Batista. Batista turns around and Morrison hits an arm drag. Batista is back on his feet and Morrison hits a flying forearm, knocking Batista back into the ropes. A dropkick and Batista goes to the floor. Baseball slide right to the chest and Morrison hits a high cross body block to the floor. Batista is rolled back into the ring and Morrison springboards back into the ring, with a forearm smash to Batista as he gets back to his feet. Morrison beats on Batista but Batista catches him and drops him throat first against the top rope. Batista hammers away at Morrison and blitzes him with a vicious clothesline. Batista picks up Morrison and hooks him in a side waistlock, before he brings Morrison down with a side slam. Morrison is down on the canvas and Batista makes the cover hooking the leg. Two count when Morrison manages to roll the shoulder up off the canvas. Batista hammers away at Morrison some more and into the corner hard. Batista kicks Morrison down to the canvas.


Batista hammers on Morrison on the canvas and grabs him in a side headlock, before wrenching on the head. Morrison is picked up off the canvas and Batista drills him with a vicious headbutt right to the face. Morrison is stunned and Batista hits a delayed vertical suplex, before he backs off. Morrison pulls himself up and Batista hits a sick clothesline to the back of the head. Morrison is rolled over for a two count. Batista kicks Morrison right in the head and gets another nearfall. Batista picks up Morrison some more and hammers away at him, with a series of forearms to the side of the head. Over the shoulder of Batista but Morrison drops down and legsweeps Batista. Standing shooting star press knocks the wind out of Batista and only a two count. Morrison beats on Batista and hooks his head. Going for a tornado bulldog but Batista hangs onto Morrison and throws him off. Morrison lands on his feet and this time Batista hits a spear! He missed that move on Superstars and he covers Morrison hooking the leg. Two and nine tenths kick out from Morrison!


Batista is beating on Morrison severely and throws him into the corner hard. The fans boo Batista and Batista takes the time to jaw with the fans, as Morrison leaps to the middle rope, facing the crowd. Batista turns around and Morrison hits a twisting cross body out of the corner to score the pin!


Winner: John Morrison(13:54, B-)


Morrison has gotten the win again and Batista is incensed beyond all belief. Batista goes for Morrison but Morrison ducks the clothesline and waffles Batista with a spectacular pele kick to a huge pop! Morrison really has Batista’s number with two straight wins. Perhaps these two men will square off in the Royal Rumble match up.


*******************Commercial Break*******************


The WWE Women’s Champion Michelle McCool comes out, talking about her match with Beth Phoenix. Michelle says she’s not going to be intimidated by the Glamazon. Michelle says she is the longest term championship holder and the Glamazon is not about to knock her off. She switches gears to the returning Maria, calling her pathetic and says that Maria should have stayed away. Michelle says they were both in the first Diva’s Search but the difference between them is that Michelle McCool is a champion and Maria is a bottom feeder. Tonight, Maria is going to learn her place.


Maria vs. WWE Women’s Champion Michelle McCool(w/Layla)(Non Title Match)


Maria runs wild early, but Layla trips her, allowing Michelle to get the advantage for a short time. Beth Phoenix walks out and stalks Layla around the ring. Michelle is distracted and this allows Maria to roll up Michelle from behind to score an upset victory.


Winner: Maria(4:04, C)


Maria leaves with the win, as Beth Phoenix enters the ring to get her a piece of Michelle, as Layla is in. Michelle shoves Layla into the clutches of Beth Phoenix, allowing a vicious beating from the Glamazon! Michelle McCool takes her title and bolts to the back, as Beth Phoenix hits a huge chicken wing face plant on Layla before nearly breaking her in half with a power bomb. There will be nowhere to run or hide at the Royal Rumble for Michelle McCool, as she puts the WWE Women’s Title on the line against Beth Phoenix.


Coming up next, CM Punk and Matt Hardy, two Smackdown superstars who know each other quite well.


************************Commercial Break******************************


Matt Hardy vs. CM Punk


Both of these men are in the Royal Rumble Match. Hardy beats on Punk to start out this match, but Punk goes to the eyes, before he beats on Hardy with a series of forearm smashes to the side of the head. Running dropkick in the corner and Punk backs off, before he hits a running kneelift in the corner, before hitting a bulldog to Hardy for a two count. More of a beating and a side slam, sets up a springboard kneedrop for a nearfall. Punk beats on Hardy, before throwing him into the ropes. Clothesline is ducked and Hardy comes back with a Side Effect to a huge pop, bringing Punk down for a two count. Hardy pounds away at Punk and ten count punches in the corner, the fans counting along, before Hardy bounces to his feet and hammers away at Punk, before throwing him into the corner. Clothesline in the corner and Twist of Fate, but Punk hangs on, causing Hardy to lose his balance and Punk waffles him right in the face with a huge kick! Punk picks up Hardy and hits the Go to Sleep for the pin!


Winner: CM Punk(9:09, B+)


CM Punk gets the win tonight on Smackdown and goes into the Royal Rumble on a role. Punk would love nothing better than to win the Royal Rumble and have a chance to promote his straight edge agenda by winning the World Heavyweight Championship in the main event of Wrestlemania 26.


Coming up next, the Undertaker and Kane join forces to take on the World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho and the WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler. More Smackdown coming up right after this time out.


******************Commercial Break*********************


The Undertaker and Kane vs. Dolph Ziggler and Chris Jericho


The Undertaker beats on Ziggler to start, as Ziggler bounces around the ring. The WWE Intercontinental Champion is handed off to Kane, who beats on Ziggler in the ring, before hitting him with a high angle flapjack and beats him some more. Jericho cuts Kane off with a knee to the back of the head and Ziggler hits a swinging neckbreaker, putting Kane down to the canvas. Some quick tags in and out from the team of Dolph Ziggler and Chris Jericho. Kane is being slowly worn down. Jericho hits a running knee in the corner and hits a lionsault for a nearfall. He beats on Kane and climbs to the top rope. Double axe handle connecting and some more quick tags, catching Kane off balance. Jericho leaps off the top a second time but gets caught. Kane plants Jericho with a thunderous Choke Slam! A lot has been taken out of Kane and Jericho makes the tag to Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler grabs Kane’s foot but Kane kicks him off and tag made to the Undertaker!


Ziggler backs off, eyes widened, as the Undertaker assaults him with huge punches. The Undertaker throws Ziggler into the ropes and runs him down with a massive big boot. Jericho is knocked off the ring apron to the floor. Ziggler attacks the Undertaker and attempts to take him down but the Undertaker fights back with a series of elbow strikes. Ziggler bounces into the corner with a huge punch, as Jericho is walking away from this match. Kane enters the ring and the Brothers of Destruction take turns, ping ponging Ziggler back and forth. Ziggler is on dream street and the Undertaker and Kane grab the throat of Ziggler, before planting him with a thunderous double choke slam. The Undertaker casts a look at Jericho, who is halfway up the ramp with the belt and he scoops Ziggler up over his shoulder. This could be Chris Jericho in nine days time at the Royal Rumble and the Undertaker hits the Tombstone. Arms are folded across the chest and Ziggler is out for the inevitable pin!


Winners: Kane and the Undertaker(10:52, B)


The announcers hype up Chris Jericho and the Undertaker for the World Heavyweight Title at the Royal Rumble and also the Royal Rumble match but we are out of time for tonight.

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There is nothing better than this world than Jeff Hardy and Eric Bischoff bonding backstage over a mutual love of classical musical. And Scott Hall taking Rob Terry under his wing as his protege.


This is just great! I can picture Jeff and Eric talking about Bach! And anything with Rob Terry makes me laugh, but having Scott Hall as his mentor? Well that is just classic!

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WWE Smackdown Results:

TracyBrooksFan: 1/4

Rayelek: 2/4

Destiny: 1/4

BHK1978: 2/4


Overall January:

TracyBrooksFan: 32/54

Rayelek: 31/54

MartinC: 27/54

BHK1978: 21/54

EdgeHeaD: 16/54

Huntman: 11/54

MattitudeV2: 9/54

Lo-Drew: 6/54

TheOmniWarrior: 3/54

Destiny: 1/54


WWE Monday Night RAW 1/25/10


The WWE Champion Shawn Michaels and John Cena vs. Ted DiBiase and Paul Burchill.


WWE Diva's Title Match:

Katie Lea Burchill vs. Melina©


WWE United States Title Match:

Jack Swagger vs. The Miz©


Over the Top Rope Challenge:

Mark Henry vs. Sheamus.


M.V.P. vs. Chris Masters.

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WWE Monday Night Raw 1/25/2010


After the opening the following sound is heard.




The fans are on their feet cheering, as tonight’s guest host, the Rock, makes his way down to the ring. The sound in the arena is deafening, as the Rock walks out, dressed to the nines as usual, with a smile on his face, as he walks to the ring. He enters the ring and stands on all four sets of turnbuckles, playing to the crowd and raising the people’s eyebrow. The Rock drops down and receives the microphone as the fans are chanting “ROCKY” at full volume. It takes several minutes for the crowd to die down enough for the Rock to state, “Finally The Rock has come back to Monday Night RAW!”


The fans are going crazy for the Rock, as the Rock thanks them for their welcome and says it’s good to be back, standing her before the millions and millions of the Rock’s fans, all chanting his name and sure enough, another loud “ROCKY” chant echoes. The Rock says tonight is going to be a big night, a huge tag team main event, with Paul Burchill and Ted DiBiase joining forces against John Cena and the WWE Champion Shawn Michaels. The Rock talks about how he was a former nine time champion back in the day “before any jabroni can sleep their way to the title.” The Rock says tonight, is going to be the biggest night on RAW in some time and its all thanks to the great run. “If you smell….”




The fans are booing as Randy Orton walks down to the ring. Orton slowly makes his way down to the ring, in about twice the time it took the fans to be quiet long enough for the Rock to speak. Orton slides underneath the bottom rope and grabs the microphone, talking about how it speaks volumes about the WWE Universe, when the fans sing along with the Rock’s catchphrases like sheep. Orton says the Royal Rumble is this Sunday and he’ll take on Kofi Kingston, proving to the world that Kofi is not on the level of Orton. Orton remarks that he has kicked some of the biggest names in WWE right in the head. John Cena, Batista, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, even the owner of the company, Vince McMahon, their skulls have been intimate with the side of Randy Orton’s foot. “But none will be sweeter, then to punt you in the head Rock.”


The Rock grabs the microphone, saying that Orton needs to know his role and shut his mouth. Because the Rock heard him week after week, talking about how the Rock was hiding from him. “The Rock remembers you well Randy Orton. You see, when the Rock was around here each and every week, he remembers you getting coffee for Triple H when you were part of Evolution. You see, to the Rock, you are nothing but a jabroni.” The fans pop huge, as the Rock says he’s laid the smack down on a who’s who of WWE legends and “the only thing you Randy Orton have laid the smack down on, is yourself, at night.” The fans pop and Orton gets red in the face. The Rock stands off and Orton goes to sucker punch the Rock but the Rock dodges and grabs Orton, before planting him with the Rock Bottom to a thunderous round of cheers!


The roof nearly blew off the building! Randy Orton has been laid out and humiliated by tonight’s RAW guest host, as the Rock. Orton rolls to the floor, as Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase come out, to help their leader in Legacy get to the back. The Rock stands in the ring, as the fans continue to chant his name and the Smackdown has been laid on Randy Orton tonight on RAW. The show has barely begun, as we are six days away from the Royal Rumble, with the Rock as the guest host.


******************Commercial Break*******************


Moments ago, the Rock plants Randy Orton with a huge Rock Bottom. The fans are still loud in the arena for this one. After all the weeks of talk, once Randy Orton came face to face with the Rock, he was taken down.


M.V.P. vs. Chris Masters


The power of Masters was not enough to put down the technical knowledge and ability of M.V.P. Masters goes for the Masterlock but M.V.P quickly gets to the ropes, forcing a break. Masters is then dropkicked into the corner and hit with the Drive By Kick for the pin.


Winner: M.V.P. (4:52, C)


M.V.P is part of the Royal Rumble Match this Sunday and he’s in it to win it.


Randy Orton is in the trainer’s area backstage, with an ice pack on his head. Josh Mathews tries to get a word with Orton but Orton says that the Rock might have got him out there tonight, but the night is over. “Before RAW goes off the air, I swear, I will kick the Rock right in the head.” Orton shifts gears to the Royal Rumble, talking about his match with Kofi Kingston and Orton says that Kofi might have strung together a series of impressive wins, but he still has yet to beat Orton and he never will. Orton will be the WWE Champion and he says that he has another announcement. He says that Cody Rhodes has entered the Royal Rumble to win the championship shot and sign it over to Randy Orton. However, Orton states that’s mere collateral. Next week on RAW, Orton will receive a WWE Championship Match, against whomever wins against Shawn Michaels and Ted DiBiase, based on the fact that he beat Shawn Michaels in a non title match before Tables, Ladders, and Chairs. Orton says that while Cody is in there to win in case of a fluke accident next week, Orton doesn’t need to be in the Rumble, because he is going into Wrestlemania 26 defending the title. When Mathews asks what would happen if DiBiase wins the title, Orton angrily kicks him out, accusing him of stirring up trouble with Legacy.


****************Commercial Break****************************


Over the Top Rope Challenge:

Mark Henry vs. Sheamus


The first person to throw their opponent over the top rope with both feet touching the floor is the winner. Both of these men are among the thirty looking for a guaranteed spot in the main event at Wrestlemania. A huge battle, with both men brawling for most of this match. The fans are really getting behind Henry, as he attempts to put Sheamus over the top rope but Sheamus fights back. Sheamus strips the turnbuckle pad and rams Henry into the exposed steel, before hitting a big boot. Sheamus hoists up Henry and dumps him over the top rope for the victory.


Winner: Sheamus(4:55, C-)


Sheamus has put Mark Henry over the top rope with an impressive feat of strength. He is one of the thirty men in the Royal Rumble and could be one of the favorites due to his size. Sheamus steps over the top rope to the floor.


We cut backstage, where Ted DiBiase walks out to Randy Orton, confronting him about the promo he cut. Orton tells DiBiase to relax. He says that he has every confidence in the world that DiBiase will win the WWE Championship at the Royal Rumble and then the next night on RAW, he will do the right thing for Legacy. Orton makes a statement that most people are lucky to hold the title at all and if DiBiase holds it for a day, that is a day more than some. DiBiase questions Orton about what will happen if DiBiase decides to keep his championship for more than a day. Orton gets in DiBiase’s face and says that DiBiase better not try and make a name for himself against Randy Orton. “In face, Ted, you should watch the Royal Rumble and see what I do to a ****y little upstart who tries to make a name for himself against me, when I not only beat Kofi Kingston but end his career by putting him in traction.” In walks Paul Burchill, who says he wants to have a word with DiBiase regarding their tag team match tonight and DiBiase nods, before saying that he’ll catch Burchill in a moment. Burchill turns to Orton and says that if Orton is planning on defending the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania 26, he better plan on it being the last time he steps in the ring, because it’s going to be against the man who wins the Royal Rumble, “The Ripper” Paul Burchill and Burchill promises to dismantle Orton just as much as he will against Cena and Michaels in the main event tonight.


************************Commercial Break*****************


Carlito comes out, calling out Hornswoggle for a match tonight, promising to finally put an end to the midget once and for all but the Rock appears on the Titantron, saying that Hornswoggle could not be here tonight due to his flight having a short delay. The Rock makes fun of Carlito, calling him a walking chia pet and says that tonight, Carlito is going to face a suitable replacement. In walks the Big Show to the ring, to a mixed reaction from the crowd.


Carlito vs. the Big Show


Carlito spits the apple in Show’s face and promptly gets punched out. Carlito is knocked out, the remains of his apple clenched in his hand and Show puts a foot on the chest for the pin.


Winner: The Big Show(:15, C-)


The Big Show gets the win and grabs the microphone, promising to win the Royal Rumble by knocking out each and every competitor one at a time and throwing their lifeless bodies over the top rope. Show says he’s the biggest man in the match and there is not a man alive who could throw him over the top rope by himself.


We cut backstage, where the Rock is backstage, with the Bella Twins, Evan Bourne, Primo, and Santino, talking about the good old days, being more Dwayne Johnson than the Rock. The Rock says being out here tonight reminded him how much he loved being part of WWE and there are just some times where he gets the itch, but his schedule in Hollywood doesn’t allow it. The Rock does state that inside him, there is one more match, one more big night for the great one inside a WWE ring competing but that night would have to be at the top and better than his absolutely best. “Anything less would not be fitting of the great one.” When the Rock realizes that the camera is on, he goes into full on Rock mode, mocking Santino’s unibrow. Santino looks gleeful, honored to be verbally smacked down by the Rock. The Rock sings the Smackdown Hotel song, with the fans in the arena singing along and the Rock says tonight he’s far from done, he’s going to call out a man who he feels is worthy of filling his shoes as the most electrifying man in Sports Entertainment. “If you smell what the Rock….is cooking.”


Hype for the WWE United States Title Match coming up next with the Miz defending his belt against “The All American-American” Jack Swagger.


**************Commercial Break******************


WWE United States Title Match:

Jack Swagger vs. The Miz©


The Miz is wrestled down to the canvas by Swagger who is playing the de-facto babyface tonight. Swagger beats on the Miz and throws him into the corner but the Miz gets an elbow and gains the advantage. Swagger fights out a chinlock with elbows and delivers an overhead belly to belly suplex for a two count. Spine buster by Swagger and pump splash gets a two count. Gutwrench Power Bomb is blocked and the Miz goes low on Swagger. Swagger is brought down with the Skull Crushing Finale for the pin.


Winner: The Miz(7:02, C+)


The Miz gets on the microphone and says that the Rumble is Sunday and the Miz will be winning it. The main event at Wrestlemania 26 will feature the Miz ascending to the top and becoming WWE Wrestlemania 26 because he is the Miz and he’s awesome. The Miz holds up the United States Title, drawing boos. Imagine if the Miz does win the Royal Rumble and goes onto Wrestlemania 26 in the main event. His ego is big right now but it would be hard to fit his head into any arena in the country if he’s going to main event Wrestlemania 26.


*********************Commercial Break****************


WWE Diva’s Title Match:

Katie Lea Burchill vs. Melina©


The rough neck style of Katie Lea put the Diva’s Champion on the defense for several moments of this back and forth encounter. A dragon screw into a vicious Half Crab nearly spelled the end of Melina but she fought out of the hold. Katie Lea beats on Melina some more and sets her up for a superplex but Melina fights off and shoves Katie off the ropes. Katie hits hard and Melina manages to hit a cross body block off the top rope on her recovering opponent, just barely to hold her down for a three count!


Winner and Still WWE Diva’s Champion: Melina(5:57, C+)


Melina raises her hand and Katie has an ugly scowl on her face as she gets up, before she jumps Melina from behind. She beats down Melina in the center of the ring but as she ducks the head, Melina catches her with a DDT. Katie Lea rolls to the floor, clutching her forehead, as Melina celebrates, having weathered another challenge for the WWE Diva’s Championship. Who will be next in Melina’s path?


John Cena and Shawn Michaels are standing by backstage, agreeing to put aside their past differences. Cena remarks that three years ago before Wrestlemania 23, Michaels hit him with the Superkick but Cena beat him in the main event of Wrestlemania 23. Michaels nods, reminding Cena that he beat Cena for the belt at Survivor Series and won a TLC Match. Cena counters with the fact that he beat Michaels last week and HBK points out that it was because Paul Burchill stuck his nose into the match and attacked Cena for the disqualification. Cena and Michaels said they can settle this once and for all later and Michaels agrees, saying that Cena can win the Royal Rumble and they can tangle one more time at Wrestlemania 26. Right now, its Cena and Michaels joining forces against Ted DiBiase and Paul Burchill.


**********************Commercial Break******************


WWE Champion Shawn Michaels and John Cena vs. Paul Burchill and Ted DiBiase


Michaels and Cena manage to clear the ring to start but after a couple of minutes of action, DiBiase distracts Cena, allowing Burchill to jump him from behind. Burchill beats on Cena in the corner, talking trash, before making the tag to DiBiase, who pummels Cena, before taking him down with a swinging neckbreaker. DiBiase climbs to the second rope and drops an elbow to Cena, before handing things over to the rough neck Burchill, who beats on Cena. Vicious spine buster slam but Cena manages to kick out. Burchill taunts on Cena and beats him. Scooping him up over the shoulder but Cena drops down and shoves Burchill off. Burchill bounces off the ropes and Cena hits him with a shoulder block, taking the wind of Burchill. Unfortunately for Cena, the Ripper is closer to the corner and DiBiase enters the ring, hooking the ankle of Cena! The fans are booking but Cena fights off and manages to slip free long enough to make the hot tag to Shawn Michaels!


Michaels runs wild, beating on DiBiase and nearly launches him up into the rafters with a high back body drop. DiBiase is beaten in the ring and Burchill enters the ring, but Michaels fights him off. Cena rejoins Michaels and they both take out the Ripper with a double clothesline, sending him to the floor. Cena rolls to the floor, to continue his battle with Burchill but DiBiase hammers away at Michaels in the ring and throws him into the corner. Powerslam out of the corner and DiBiase covers for a two count, as the brawl between Burchill and Cena continues around the ringside area, with Cena ramming Burchill up against the guardrail. DiBiase climbs to the top rope but Michaels slams him off the top rope to a huge pop! The fans are on their feet, as Michaels climbs to the top rope and drops a huge elbow onto DiBiase, just as Cena is thrown into the ringsteps! Cena took a nasty hit, still recovering from his beatings at the hands of Burchill but the WWE Champion is cueing up the band. DiBiase is on his feet and Michaels goes for the Superkick but DiBiase ducks and hooks Michaels as he regains his balance, before driving him down with the Dream Street to score the pin! Ted DiBiase has just pinned Shawn Michaels!


Winners: Ted DiBiase and Paul Burchill(10:42, B-)


DiBiase is on his feet and holds up three fingers. That’s all it takes to win a match, three seconds and DiBiase just took out the WWE Champion with one fell swoop. If he hits that move this Sunday, he will be the next WWE Champion! DiBiase takes the WWE Championship Belt from the timekeeper and holds it over his head, as the fans are booing. A omen for the Royal Rumble? Could this Sunday be the start of something new, when Ted DiBiase wins his first WWE Championship? DiBiase drops the belt on the chest of the fallen Michaels and walks out. He has the confidence and has been on quite a roll over the past several weeks. Can he cash in and win the WWE Championship against Shawn Michaels? The only way to find out is to watch the Royal Rumble in six days on Pay Per View.


*********************Commercial Break********************


We thank all of the guest hosts over the past few months who have taken time out of their busy schedules to be a part of RAW. Make sure to tune in each and every week to Monday Night RAW for great WWE action and many great surprises as the Road to Wrestlemania begins this Monday.


Out comes the Rock to a huge pop, who gets on the microphone, talking about how tonight has been a great blast to past and it was great to be the Great One, the Most Electrifying Man In Sports Entertainment. The Rock says that if his schedule could allow it, he would do this each and every week, because the fans have been great. The fans chant “ROCKY” and “ONE MORE MATCH” as the Rock just smiles in the ring, before saying “someday” which gets a big pop. The Rock shifts gears, saying that he’s had fun backstage tonight but there is one superstar on RAW, who in particular reminds the Rock of himself. A man who has one of the biggest matches in his life this Sunday at the Royal Rumble, against Randy Orton. The fans are cheering, as the Rock says this man could very well be the new most electrifying superstar in Sports Entertainment…KOFI KINGSTON!


Kofi Kingston makes his way down to the ring, dressed in a nice dress shirt and slacks, wearing sunglasses, as he gets a loud round of cheers, but obviously nothing compared to the Rock. Kofi enters the ring and shakes the Rock’s hand. The Rock talks about how this man is the future of WWE, how he has really stepped up and seized the opportunity. The Rock says this man had a good first couple of years in WWE and admits they were far better than the Rock’s first couple of years in the business. Kofi Kingston thanks the Rock for his kind words, saying that it was an honor and during the Rock’s time on top, he was one of the millions and millions of the Rock’s fans.


Kofi Kingston says he is the future and the future is this Sunday in the Royal Rumble. Several months ago, Randy Orton and Kofi Kingston began their feud. Orton decided to treat Kofi like he was beneath him and Kofi will make Orton regret his arrogance this Sunday. Kofi says Orton has felt first hand what the Trouble in Paradise can do. He’s beaten many of the biggest and many of the best with that hold. “And Orton, this Sunday at the Royal Rumble, you will be the one staring at the ceiling, after being hit with the Trouble in Paradise and you, along with the rest of the world, will know what Kofi Kingston is all about!” The fans are cheering and chanting “KOFI” as the Rock says this Sunday, he’s looking forward to Kofi laying the Smackdown on Randy Orton! The Rock once again thanks the fans, along with WWE for putting this together and his agent for easing up on the WWE thing long enough to let him to guest host RAW.


Suddenly, at the ringside area, a fan is climbing over the guardrail, where he is quickly detained by security. This throws off the attention of the Rock and Kofi Kingston in the ring, as the fan is revealed to be Cody Rhodes in disguise, just as Randy Orton hits the ring and jumps the Rock from behind, taking him down to his hands and knees. Kofi Kingston is dragged to the floor by Cody Rhodes, and Kofi brawls with Cody on the floor but Orton is in the ring as he steps back. Randy Orton just blasts the Rock hard right in the head with the punt!


The fans go into a hush for a minute, as the Rock is on the canvas, unmoving! Kofi Kingston slides into the ring, but Randy Orton escapes the ring, just before Kofi can get his hands on him! The Rock has been taken out, as Orton shields his head, as he makes his way up the ramp, as pieces of garbage fly right at him and the crowd is booing Orton about as loud as they cheered the Rock. Orton and Rhodes escape to the back, as the announcers talk in hushed tones, as the Rock has been laid out in the ring, not even moving. Paramedics are entering the ring, to hopefully revive the Rock but Orton caught him right in the temple with that punt! We slowly fade to black with chants of “ORTON SUCKS” as Kofi Kingston is in the ring, kneeled over the Rock, along with some paramedics. The image of the unconscious Rock is burned in the heads of our fans as we slowly fade to black.

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No predictions on the last show, so the results for after Smackdown obviously remain the same.


ECW on Sy Fy 1/26/2010


Goldust, Shelton Benjamin, and Christian vs. William Regal, Ezekiel Jackson, and Vladimir Koslov.


Tyler Reks and Yoshi Tatsu vs. Vance Archer and Zack Ryder


Bryan Danielson vs. Lance Cade

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ECW on Sy Fy 1/26/2010


Tiffany is backstage, announcing a huge main event, with the ECW Champion William Regal and his Ruthless Roundtable taking on Christian, Shelton Benjamin, and the man who will challenge for the ECW Championship in Goldust.


Bryan Danielson vs. Lance Cade


Danielson manages to dazzle Cade with some mat wrestling at the bell but Cade drills him with a huge kneelift right to the chest. Danielson is doubled over and Cade beats on Danielson, drawing some heel heat. Cade throws Danielson into the corner hard and running clothesline in the corner. Danielson is beaten on and Cade hits a huge gutbuster on Danielson, before talking trash on him. Cade beats on Danielson but Danielson head butts him in the stomach. Danielson fights back with elbow strikes and climbs to the outside, hitting a missile dropkick for a two count. A couple of elbow drops and Danielson applies a guillotine on the mat, before rolling Cade into a pinning predicament for a two count. Danielson is on his feet and Cade kicks Danielson right in the face, before setting him up and hitting a gourdbuster. Two and nine tenths count, when Danielson rolls the shoulder up. Cade stomps Danielson, yelling at him. Danielson is hoisted up and thrown into the corner hard. Danielson is down and Cade taunts him, before bending down and getting rolled up into a small package for the pin!


Winner: Bryan Danielson(9:43, C+)


Cade bounces up to his feet and hammers Danielson with a vicious clothesline to the back of the head. Danielson is beaten down in the ring and Cade hoists up Danielson, before bringing him down with a Hotshot! Danielson is slumped over the top rope and Cade hooks Danielson, before bringing him down with a vicious Teardrop Suplex! The announcers yell this was the finisher of the Heartbreak Kid in the early stages of his career and Cade appears to have taken a page out of the book of his mentor. This feud is far from over.


*********************Commercial Break******************


William Regal is backstage, with the members of his Ruthless Roundtable, talking about the six man tonight. Regal says tonight, he wants a victory and he wants destruction. First they take out Shelton Benjamin, then beat down Christian, and then take out Goldust. There will be just enough of Goldust left after tonight, to beat him at the Royal Rumble. Regal declares that he will bring to an end of the disgrace that is Goldust at the Royal Rumble. The Roundtable is united for tonight.


Zack Ryder is backstage, talking with Rosa Mendes, who complains how she has been off television. Ryder says that is going to change, as he offers Rosa a job as his new image consultant and talks about his goal is to hold championship gold. In comes Vance Archer, who says that Ryder better be ready to come down to the ring tonight, because they have a match with Yoshi Tatsu and Tyler Reks in a minute. Ryder nods, saying that he’s more than ready. “Woo, woo, woo, you know it!” Archer just winces and tells Ryder to please stop saying that, because it’s making him look like a goof. Ryder shrugs, before he picks up his Slammy award, saying that he has a plan for tonight.


**********************Commercial Break********************


Tyler Reks and Yoshi Tatsu vs. Vance Archer and Zack Ryder(w/Rosa Mendes)


Yoshi Tatsu runs wild early, but gets taken out and beaten down for most of the match. He is double teamed for most of the match, as the fans are trying to rally behind him. Tatsu eventually takes out Ryder and crawls towards the corner. Reks steps back and Tatsu in on his feet. Reks grabs Tatsu and snaps his neck across the top rope! The fans are confuses, as Reks drops down, as Archer enters the ring, hitting a vicious big boot to Tatsu, before pulling him up and hitting a stiff inverted DDT to score the pin.


Winners: Vance Archer and Zack Ryder(6:01, D)


Tyler Reks enters the ring and helps beat on Yoshi Tatsu. Reks has joined forces with Vance Archer, Zack Ryder, and Rosa Mendes, but why? Reks picks up Tatsu and hits him with a neckbreaker, drawing a tepid amount of boos.




The Hurricane rushes down to the ring and clears the ring, saving Yoshi Tatsu from a further beating but the damage has already been done to Yoshi Tatsu. This new alliance walks up the rampway.


We cut backstage, where Christian talks about how he plans on winning the Royal Rumble and challenging for the ECW Championship! Suddenly, Shelton Benjamin walks in, telling that Christian better not get used to the idea for winning the Royal Rumble, but Shelton will be the Royal Rumble winner and he’ll use it as his ticket straight to the top. Shelton talks about how he is the best pound for pound wrestler in WWE never to win a major championship. Christian says that Shelton won’t win and he hopes he can personally throw Shelton over the top rope. Goldust walks in and tries to calm both of his partners down, as they have a six man tag team match later tonight. Cooler heads prevail but if Shelton and Christian face off in the Royal Rumble, it could be trouble.


**********************Commercial Break******************


Shelton Benjamin, Goldust, and Christian vs. Vladmir Koslov, Ezekiel Jackson, and ECW Champion William Regal


Shelton Benjamin runs wild, taking all three members of the Roundtable out before hitting a fisherman suplex on the ECW Champion for a close nearfall. Benjamin beats on Regal and tags in Christian, who enters the ring and pounds on Regal but he gets cut off. The Roundtable take turns pounding away at Goldust. The two monsters get most of the offensive, with Regal throwing in a stiff punch or uppercut. Christian manages to catch Jackson with a leg lariat as he comes off the ropes. Tag to Regal and hot tag to Goldust! Goldust enters the ring and runs wild on the Roundtable. Double uppercut between the legs of Koslov and Jackson and Christian and Shelton dive into action, taking them to the floor. Regal grabs Goldust from behind and high angle belly to back suplex. Regal gives the signal and Knee Trembler coming up but Goldust avoids it. Kick to the back of the leg of Regal and Goldust goes for the Curtain Call but Regal drops down the back. Half nelson suplex but Goldust goes behind Regal and shoves him off. Powerslam as Regal comes off the ropes and yes it gets three!


Winners: Goldust, Shelton Benjamin, and Christian(9:04, C-)


For the third time, Goldust has pinned the ECW Champion! Goldust is going into the Royal Rumble with momentum on his side. Regal has his back against the wall for sure. If Goldust can beat him again, then we have perhaps one of the more unlikely ECW title holders since the glory days of Mr. McMahon holding the belt.

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ECW on Sy Fy Results

TracyBrooksFan: 3/3

Huntman: 3/3


Overall January:

TracyBrooksFan: 35/57

Rayelek: 31/57

MartinC: 27/57

BHK1978: 21/57

EdgeHeaD: 16/57

Huntman: 14/57

MattitudeV2: 9/57

Lo-Drew: 6/57

TheOmniWarrior: 3/57

Destiny: 1/57


WWE Superstars 1/28/2010


John Morrison and Kane vs. Drew McIntyre and Batista


The Hurricane vs. Tyson Kidd


Kelly Kelly and Gail Kim vs. Alicia Fox and Jillian Hall.

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WWE Superstars 1/28/2010


Hype for tonight’s huge feature bout, with Kane and John Morrison teaming up to take on Drew McIntyre and Batista in the main event. Now let’s get things kicked wide open with the divas of RAW.


Kelly Kelly and Gail Kim vs. Alicia Fox and Jillian


All four divas brawl, with Kelly getting cut off in the center of the ring. Kelly is beaten down in the center of the ring. She fights them off and makes the tag to Gail Kim, who runs in, a house of fire. Gail takes out Jillian with a missile dropkick for a two count. She continues to beat up Jillian, before climbing to the outside and springboard sunset flip but Jillian hangs onto the ropes, sitting down at Gail to score the pin.


Winners: Jillian and Alicia Fox(7:01, D-)


Jillian and Alicia get the win tonight, as Gail Kim fumes in the ring, unable to believe that she got beaten tonight on Superstars.


Batista is getting ready backstage, when Drew McIntyre walks up to him, asking to discuss strategy for their tag team match later tonight. Batista scowls, saying that they beat both men until they can no longer get up. McIntyre swiftly states that Batista could use a bit more of a plan, considering his inability to beat John Morrison two weeks in a row. Batista gets up and says that if it comes down to himself and McIntyre, then McIntyre will be thrown out. He said that he doesn’t care if Mr. McMahon named McIntyre a future world champion. He doesn’t even care if Jesus Christ himself came down from the heavens and anointed McIntyre. Batista will still toss him out at the Rumble and go onto Wrestlemania to get his title. Then McIntyre’s party will be over. Batista pats McIntyre on the shoulder and tells him that he’ll see him out there.


*********************Commercial Break******************


The Hurricane vs. Tyson Kidd(w/David Hart Smith and Natalya)


Some impressive high flying moves between both of these men, even though some of them were not on target. Kidd misses a springboard kneedrop and the Hurricane backs off, before he hits the Shining Wizard to score the pin.


Winner: The Hurricane(6:58, D+)


David Hart Smith enters the ring and jumps the Hurricane from behind, beating him down in the ring, before hoisting up the Hurricane and hitting a Running Powerslam. Tyson Kidd helps Smith beat down the Hurricane but the fans are cheering as Christian rushes down to the ring. Christian fights them off and the Hart Dynasty scramble. Christian has had his problems in the past with the Hart Dynasty after they cost him the ECW Championship back at TLC.


*********************Commercial Break*************************


We take a look at the RAW Rebound, featuring the Rock as the guest host at RAW to upbeat music. However, the tone takes a turn for the somber, as we see Randy Orton attack the Rock and the punt right to the head of the Rock. We see a slow motion replay of the punt and the fans going insane with boos on Orton. Orton walks up the ramp, as Kofi Kingston stares him down from the ramp, with hatred in his eyes.


The Royal Rumble is this Sunday. The WWE Championship will be at stake, when Shawn Michaels puts the title on the line against Ted DiBiase. Chris Jericho attempts to prove the critics wrong, when he puts the World Heavyweight Title on the line against the Undertaker. Also, Kofi Kingston finally has his chance to rise to the top, when he takes on the man who may now be one of the most hated in the entire WWE, Randy Orton. And finally, the Royal Rumble. Thirty competitors from RAW, Smackdown, and ECW. The fastest sixty minutes in wrestling. The winner will go onto Wrestlemania 26, having a main event, against the challenger of his choosing.


Hype for the main event tonight, with John Morrison and Kane taking on Drew McIntyre and Batista.


****************Commercial Break*********************


John Morrison and Kane vs. Batista and Drew McIntyre


Brawl at the start, with Kane taking out McIntyre with a huge clothesline and Morrison diving over the top rope onto Batista. After a couple of moments, Kane is cut off and Batista nearly takes him out with a vicious clothesline. Batista pounds away at Kane and tags in McIntyre, who goes to work on Kane. Double teaming, until Kane fights out of the corner with a double clothesline. Tag made to Morrison and springboard dropkick takes out McIntyre. Morrison rushes over and beats on Batista, before backing off and then getting kicked right in the face. Batista beats on Morrison and Irish Whip is reversed and McIntyre accidentally clotheslines Batista down! Morrison delivers a leaping dropkick to McIntyre, knocking him to the floor, before climbing to the top rope and springboard shooting star plancha wipes him out! Kane is back in and he beats on Batista, before taking him to the floor. All four men are brawling around the ringside area, as the count gets to upper numbers and eventually all four men are counted out of the ring.


Winner: None(Double Countout; 9:55, C+)


All four men are brawling around the ringside area, as the announcers hype up the Royal Rumble, where all four of these men will be a part of it. The bell continues to ring as the brawl around the ringside area continues.

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BHK1978: 1/3


Overall January:

TracyBrooksFan: 35/60

Rayelek: 31/60

MartinC: 27/60

BHK1978: 22/60

EdgeHeaD: 16/60

Huntman: 14/60

MattitudeV2: 9/60

Lo-Drew: 6/60

TheOmniWarrior: 3/60

Destiny: 1/60


WWE Smackdown 1/29/2010


Finlay vs. CM Punk


John Morrison and R-Truth vs. Drew McIntyre and Mike Knox


Maria, Mickie James, and Beth Phoenix vs. Layla, Natalya, and the WWE Women's Champion Michelle McCool.


Kane vs. Eric Escobar(w/Vickie Guerrero)


Kung Fu Naki, Jimmy Wang Yang, and Matt Hardy vs. Charlie Hass and the Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty.

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WWE Smackdown 1/29/2010


Out comes Dolph Ziggler, the WWE Intercontinental Champion, who promises that he will win at the Royal Rumble, but it won’t be in the Royal Rumble match. No, he’ll be successfully defending his World Heavyweight Title against the Undertaker, after he beats Chris Jericho for it tonight. Ziggler promises to cash in on that title shot and become a double champion. Out comes Chris Jericho to boos, as Jericho says this Sunday, he has the match of his life, against the Undertaker and last week, Ziggler was crushed by the Undertaker and Kane. Therefore, Jericho says he is not going to defend his title against Ziggler. Ziggler will have to win the Royal Rumble.


Bret Hart comes out and says that since Jericho agreed to defend the title, he will do so against Ziggler tonight. Hart says that there is a certain integrity to being a champion. The Smackdown General Manager says if a champion agrees to defend the title, he will not be able to back out of it. Jericho protests this but the Hitman has spoken. The match is on tonight, for the World Heavyweight Title between Chris Jericho and Dolph Ziggler.


**********************Commercial Break********************


Matt Hardy, Jimmy Wang Yang, and Kung Fu Naki vs. Charlie Haas and the WWE Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty(w/Natalya)


A standard six man tag team match, with most of the match being a beating that was focused primarily on Jimmy Wang Yang. Yang made the hot tag to Matt Hardy, who ran wild on all three of his opponents. Side Effect brings David Hart Smith down for a two count but Kidd breaks it up. Haas gets the tag and takes out Hardy, before bringing him down with a swift German Suplex to score the pin.


Winners: The Hart Dynasty and Charlie Hass(7:55, C-)


The Hart Dynasty and Haas celebrate their victory. The Hart Dynasty are a part of that Royal Rumble match and it could come down to Tyson Kidd against David Hart Smith for the main event slot at Wrestlemania 26.


******************Commercial Break********************


Kane vs. Eric Escobar(w/Vickie Guerrero)


Escobar is utterly destroyed by Kane, who is in fact a part of the Royal Rumble match as well. Some offense but Kane just wipes out Escobar with a huge Yakuza Kick, before finishing him off with a thunderous Choke Slam to score the pin.


Winner: Kane(4:05, D)


Kane hits another Choke Slam on Escobar and hoists his body up, before throwing it over the top rope. Kane has been in more Royal Rumbles then anyone else and holds some elimination records. Could this year, could 2010, be Kane’s year? Kane looks dominant tonight against Eric Escobar. Could Kane be going to the main event of Wrestlemania 26?


******************Commercial Break********************


Booker T vs. Alex Riley


This was pretty much an exhibition for Booker T, as the announcers talk about his participation in the Royal Rumble match. Booker hammers away at Riley, hitting a vicious Harlem Side Kick, before he connects with the Axe Kick and Book End for the pin, to put Riley away.


Winner: Booker T(5:21, C+)


Booker T gets on the microphone and cuts a promo, talking about how the Royal Rumble may be his last chance to compete in the main event at a Wrestlemania. Booker vows to get it done at the Rumble, by throwing twenty nine other men over the top rope. Now can you dig it, sucka!


*******************Commercial Break*******************


Maria, Mickie James, and Beth Phoenix vs. Natalya, Layla, and the WWE Women’s Champion Michelle McCool


This was a six diva tag that was a backdrop to pretty much hype the match this Sunday at the Royal Rumble, between Michelle McCool and Beth Phoenix. It ended, with Layla being trapped in the ring and dismantled by Beth Phoenix, ending with a huge double chickenwing face buster putting her down for the pin, as Mickie James fought off Natalya on the floor. Beth Phoenix eyeballs Michelle McCool at ringside, there will be nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, for Michelle at the Royal Rumble.


Winners: Beth Phoenix, Maria, and Mickie James(7:01, D+)


Coming up next, Finlay takes on CM Punk. Two men who will be in the Royal Rumble and will go one on one tonight.


*****************Commercial Break****************************


CM Punk is in the ring, cutting a promo, talking about how this Sunday he is going to defeat 29 other men in the Royal Rumble before he goes onto the main event at Wrestlemania 26 to challenge in the main event. A new era of Straight Edge will strangle Smackdown, as Punk will lead the deviants to a new age of sobriety and will eliminate all of their delusions. Out comes Finlay to interrupt Punk’s preaching and we have a match.


Finlay vs. CM Punk


Finlay beats the tar out of Punk for most of the match. Punk is thrown into the corner hard and Finlay hits a running shoulder block. Kneelift right to the chest and Finlay hooks Punk, before hitting a brain buster, sending him down. Finlay hammers away at Punk in the corner but Punk kicks Finlay in the face and hooks him. Tornado DDT brings Finlay down to the canvas. Punk rolls Finlay over and hammers away at the head. A series of uppercut punches right to the chest and Punk throws him into the corner. Roundhouse kick right to the chest of Finlay and Punk hits a bulldog out of the corner for a two count. Punk beats on Finlay with elbow strikes to the back of the head, before he climbs up top but Finlay beats on him. Finlay slams Punk off the top rope and hits a two clotheslines in succession. Finlay grabs Punk and drops him down onto the top rope throat first. Punk is slumped over and Finlay headbutts Punk, before delivering a tilt a whirl backbreaker brings him down to the canvas. Finlay picks up Punk but Punk rakes the eyes and hits a jawbreaker. Finlay is staggered towards the ropes and Punk hoists him up, before hitting the GTS for the pin!


Winner: CM Punk(10:01, B)


CM Punk scores a huge win tonight on Smackdown and goes into the Royal Rumble on a roll.


**********************Commercial Break*****************************


John Morrison and R-Truth vs. Mike Knox and Drew McIntyre


R-Truth and Morrison run wild early, before diving over the ropes, taking them out with a succession of dives! Morrison beats on Knox and throws him back into the ring and springboard forearm smash, before he tags in R-Truth, who goes to work. R-Truth throws him into the ropes. Running knee brings Knox down and R-Truth goes for Knox but Knox hammers him and hits a high cross body, crushing R-Truth underneath his body. Tag made to Drew McIntyre and he goes to work. McIntyre beats on Truth in the center of the ring and a couple of quick tags, but R-Truth grabs a handful of beard on Knox and tags him down. Tag made to Morrison, who enters the ring and hits a springboard dropkick taking out McIntyre. Morrison hammers away at Knox, taking him down to the floor. Morrison hits a Pele Kick on McIntyre, covering him for a two count, when Knox breaks up the cover. In comes R-Truth to take out Knox and to the floor. Baseball slide by R-Truth and R-Truth hammers away at Knox as Morrison climbs to the top rope. Morrison dives off the top rope but McIntyre catches him with a kick to the gut. McIntyre hooks Morrison and hits a Double Underhook DDT drills him down. McIntyre covers and scores the pin!


Winners: Mike Knox and Drew McIntyre(9:39, C+)


McIntyre gets on the microphone and talks about the Royal Rumble, promising to throw all of the other men out and he taunts the fans, who are booing him because he scored a pinfall victory over John Morrison tonight in this match. McIntyre is one of the favorites to win the Royal Rumble based on his dominating performance as of late.


Coming up next, the World Heavyweight Title is on the line, when Chris Jericho puts the belt on the line against the WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler.


********************Commercial Break******************************


World Heavyweight Title Match:

Dolph Ziggler vs. Chris Jericho©


Jericho beats on Ziggler to start but Ziggler fights back and hits a running forearm smash to Chris Jericho. A series of stiff forearm smashes to the chest of Jericho and Ziggler throws him into the corner. Ten count punches in the corner and Ziggler drops down, before hammering him with a series of punches right in the corner. Ziggler is into the ropes and tilt a whirl but Jericho reverses into a headscissors takeover. Jericho beats on Ziggler and goes for the Walls of Jericho but Ziggler turns it into a cradle for a two count. Jericho bounces up and clotheslines Ziggler, beating on him, before hitting a double underhook backbreaker. Jericho climbs to the outside and springboard clothesline wipes out Ziggler. Bow and arrow submission hold but Ziggler fights out and Jericho beats up Ziggler in the corner, ramming his back into the corner. Ziggler is hoisted up but he punches away at Jericho, causing Jericho to collapse down for a two count.


Ziggler picks up Jericho and beats on him, before going for the Zig Zag, but Jericho hangs onto Ziggler and hooks him. Sleeperhold into a reverse mat slam for a two count and Jericho rolls Ziggler over and beats on him. Suplex brings him down and Jericho climbs to the second rope. Lionsault but Ziggler moves and Jericho lands on his feet. Running knee right to the chest of Ziggler and Jericho picks up Ziggler and puts him on the top rope. Jericho shoves Ziggler off the top rope! Jericho lands on the canvas hard and Ziggler is on the top rope. Ziggler dives off and double axe handle brings him down. Ziggler gets a two count and Ziggler throws Jericho into the ropes. Tilt a whirl into a suplex and Ziggler covers a two count. Ziggler picks up Jericho but Jericho kneelifts him in the stomach. Code Breaker brings Ziggler down to score the pin.


Winner: Chris Jericho(11:40, B)


Chris Jericho takes the belt but the lights go out and the voice of the Undertaker echoes throughout the arena. The Undertaker states that the sands of time of Jericho’s title reign is running out. The Undertaker will win the championship at the Royal Rumble and Jericho will rest in peace. Jericho stands in the ring, yelling that he’s going to still be the champion after the Royal Rumble.

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WWE Royal Rumble 2010 Card:


2010 Royal Rumble Match!:


Featuring: Batista, Big Show, Booker T, Bryan Danielson, Cody Rhodes, CM Punk, Christian, David Hart Smith, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Ezekiel Jackson, Finlay, Hurricane, Jack Swagger, John Cena, John Morrison, Kane, Lance Cade, Mark Henry, Matt Hardy, M.V.P., Paul Burchill, R-Truth, Shelton Benjamin, The Miz, Triple H, Tyson Kidd, Vladimir Koslov, and Zack Ryder


Kofi Kingston vs. Randy Orton


World Heavyweight Title Match:

The Undertaker vs. Chris Jericho©


WWE Championship Match:

Ted DiBiase vs. Shawn Michaels©


ECW Championship Match:

Goldust vs. William Regal©


WWE Women's Title Match:

Beth Phoenix vs. Michelle McCool©

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WWE Royal Rumble 2010 Card:


2010 Royal Rumble Match!:


Featuring: Batista, Big Show, Booker T, Bryan Danielson, Cody Rhodes, CM Punk, Christian, David Hart Smith, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Ezekiel Jackson, Finlay, Hurricane, Jack Swagger, John Cena, John Morrison, Kane, Lance Cade, Mark Henry, Matt Hardy, M.V.P., Paul Burchill, R-Truth, Shelton Benjamin, The Miz, Triple H, Tyson Kidd, Vladimir Koslov, and Zack Ryder


Kofi Kingston vs. Randy Orton


World Heavyweight Title Match:

The Undertaker vs. Chris Jericho©


WWE Championship Match:

Ted DiBiase vs. Shawn Michaels©


ECW Championship Match:

Goldust vs. William Regal©


WWE Women's Title Match:

Beth Phoenix vs. Michelle McCool©

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Royal Rumble Predictions


2010 Royal Rumble Match!:


Featuring: Batista, Big Show, Booker T, Bryan Danielson, Cody Rhodes, CM Punk, Christian, David Hart Smith, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Ezekiel Jackson, Finlay, Hurricane, Jack Swagger, John Cena, John Morrison, Kane, Lance Cade, Mark Henry, Matt Hardy, M.V.P., Paul Burchill, R-Truth, Shelton Benjamin, The Miz, Triple H, Tyson Kidd, Vladimir Koslov,Zack Ryder, SUPRISE ENTRANT

There are only 29 names confirmed so far...


Kofi Kingston vs. Randy Orton

Kofi will need a S.O.S after an R.K.O


World Heavyweight Title Match:

The Undertaker vs. Chris Jericho©

He's Y2J


WWE Championship Match:

Ted DiBiase vs. Shawn Michaels©

I don't see Shawn giving him the rub


ECW Championship Match:

Goldust vs. William Regal©

He deserves a title


WWE Women's Title Match:

Beth Phoenix vs. Michelle McCool©

She's a he

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WWE Royal Rumble 2010


A look at the past Royal Rumbles, leading up to tonight, where thirty men from RAW, Smackdown, and ECW go at it for one prize, a chance to main event at Wrestlemania 26 in Phoenix, Arizona.


ECW Championship Match:

Goldust vs. William Regal©


The Ruthless Roundtable were escorted to the back, leaving this a one on one encounter between the champion and the challenger. Goldust attacks Regal at the bell, beating him from pillar to post, with series punches and kicks. Then a high back body drop nearly launches Regal into orbit. Regal rolls over, begging off and Goldust hammers away at him, drawing cheers from the crowd and inverted atomic drop, before Goldust hits a running uppercut. He beats on Regal for a couple more minutes but Regal catches him with a forearm shot right between the eyes. Regal hammers away at Goldust and European Uppercut, followed by hooking Goldust and double underhook suplex. Regal covers Goldust for a two count. A series of stomps by Regal, pounding away at Goldust. Goldust is worked over with an abdominal stretch but the Bizarre One begins to fight out of the move.


Regal is staggered back and Goldust begins to blister Regal with a series of punches. Into the ropes goes Regal and Goldust hoists him up, before bringing him down with an inverted atomic drop. Regal is stunned and Goldust hits two clotheslines. Regal bounces off the canvas and Goldust grabs Regal, before ramming his face into the top buckle several times in succession. Regal swings at Goldust but Goldust ducks it and kicks Regal in the back of the leg. Goldust hooks Regal and belly to back suplex brings Regal. Cover by Goldust but only a two count. Goldust beats on Regal and throws him into the corner. Running hip attack and Regal is down for a two count. Goldust continues the beating on Regal and hooks him. Delayed vertical suplex brings the champion down and now Goldust gives the signal. He picks up Regal and whips him into the ropes. Powerslam coming up but Regal just drills him with an vicious European Uppercut, before going behind Goldust. Half Nelson Suplex flips Goldust right over onto his face. Goldust spasms from the impact and Regal rolls him over, before applying the Regal Stretch. Goldust struggles, but he has nowhere to go and is forced to submit. As a result, Regal is still the ECW Champion.


Winner and Still ECW Champion: William Regal(9:32, C)


Regal has finally solved the mystery that is Goldust, beating him to keep the ECW Championship tonight at the Royal Rumble. Regal holds up his belt, shoving it underneath the face of Goldust, before he departs from the ringside area.


We go backstage, where there are some drawing for the Royal Rumble. We see CM Punk walk up, saying that tonight is going to be a banner night, as there is going to be a Straight Edge uprising in the Royal Rumble match. Punk draws his number and suddenly looks a bit less confident. When Josh Mathews attempts to get a look, Punk quickly folds the paper in half. The Miz also enters, bragging victory and M.V.P. and Mark Henry as well draw some numbers, with M.V.P. nearly getting into a scuffle with the Miz. In comes Christian, who declares his intention to win the Rumble and use his victory to challenge for the ECW Championship. Christian draws his number and looks pleased, just before he walks into the Ruthless Roundtable but thankfully security breaks this up. Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, and Matt Hardy all draw as well, before Zack Ryder comes around, all ****y, claiming that he’s going to throw the next person who draws out personally. He turns around and is face to face with Kane. Suddenly, Ryder is not too confident, as Kane rips his number from the tumbler. More later, as we need to get down to the ring.


WWE Women’s Title Match:

Beth Phoenix vs. Michelle McCool©


Michelle begs off but Beth Phoenix plants a foot right into the stomach of Michelle McCool. She begins pounding on the WWE Women’s Champion, before dragging her into the center of the ring by the hair and throwing her down. Another two hair drags and Michelle begs off. She attempts a kick but Beth blocks the leg. Attempted enzuigiri but the Glamazon ducks and she grabs the legs of Michelle. Giant Swing to Michelle, dizzying her to the approval of the ground. The back of the head of Michelle McCool connects with the canvas. Michelle is back on her feet, completely dizzied and Beth Phoenix nearly decapitates her with a vicious clothesline. This has been months in the making, the Glamazon has waited for her Women’s Title Shot and she’s making the most of it. Gorilla Press Slam and now Michelle McCool acts like her back has been broken. Michelle rolls around and camel clutch applied, just bending the head back! The fans are going wild, as Michelle manages to reach the ropes, drawing some boos. Beth Phoenix steps back and Michelle grabs her head, before snapping it down across the top rope.


Now the WWE Women’s Champion is control as she goes for a springboard cross body, but Michelle is caught. Huge powerslam by Beth Phoenix! She massages her throat and now Beth Phoenix picks up Michelle, before putting her back across her shoulders. Torture Rack is applied by Beth Phoenix! She is just destroying Michelle McCool tonight, but Michelle “inadvertently kicks the referee right in the face![/b] The referee goes down, as Michelle McCool is dropped and set up, perhaps for a power bomb or even a piledriver, but Layla is on the top rope. Double axe handle down across the back of the Glamazon and Beth Phoenix is staggered but she turns around and nearly clotheslines Layla out of her boots. Layla is hoisted up and thrown right to the arena floor but Michelle McCool has the WWE Women’s Title Belt. She slides into the ring and Beth Phoenix turns around. Michelle freezes, as the Glamazon grabs the belt! The fans are cheering as Michelle fakes a dive, just as the referee gets up. The Glamazon tosses the belt to the side and hoists up Michelle, taking her down with a bone rattling power bomb but the referee is calling for the bell! The fans explode into boos when they realize what is up. The referee is disqualifying Beth Phoenix for a phantom use of the championship belt!


Winner By Disqualification and Still WWE Women’s Champion: Michelle McCool(8:59, C-)


The fans are going insane with boos and Beth Phoenix forearms the referee right in the face, to a huge pop, but Michelle McCool manages escape further wrath. Beth Phoenix is incensed, she had the match under control and that devious tactic from Michelle cost her the title.


We are backstage, where Shelton Benjamin is drawing his Rumble entry. The Big Show walks up, vowing to win as well as he draws and he seems rather pleased with his number. John Morrison is up as is Triple H. Finally, John Cena and Batista show up at about the same time. Both men have an intense staredown, as Cena steps back, inviting Batista to draw and he does. Cena does and Batista tells Cena that he’ll see him in the Rumble and tells Cena to break a leg out there. We have another moment, before we fade out for a look at the WWE Championship match with Shawn Michaels defending against Ted DiBiase, coming up next at the Royal Rumble.


WWE Championship Match:

Ted DiBiase vs. Shawn Michaels©


A series of punches by Michaels on DiBiase after some standard mat fare at the beginning. DiBiase is taken down with an armdrag and Michaels beats on him, drawing some impressive cheers, before he hoists up DiBiase. Inverted atomic drop and Michaels hits some more punches, before he hits a clothesline. DiBiase collects himself on the floor but Michaels follows, beating on DiBiase but DiBiase grabs Michaels and trips him up, causing the Heart Break Kid to smash into the barricade hard. DiBiase beats on Michaels and rams the top of his head into the barricade, before rolling him back into the ring. A series of forearms down across the back and DiBiase hooks Michaels, before taking him down with a short arm clothesline. DiBiase follows that up with a pair of elbow drops. Michaels is picked up and drilled with a kneelift right to the stomach. Michaels is punished even further, as DiBiase delivers a snap mare. To the second rope goes DiBiase and double axe handle to the back of the head. Two count and DiBiase picks up Michaels, before throwing him into the ropes. Tilt a whirl into a backbreaker! Michaels lost four years of his career due to a back injury and DiBiase has that weakness well scouted.


DiBiase pounds away at Michaels and hammers him, before throwing him into the ropes. A vicious spine buster by DiBiase and the back of Michaels just bangs off the canvas. It was a jarring impact and DiBiase climbs to the second rope, before he makes his way to the second rope, facing the crowd. A pump splash like motion, before DiBiase drops a knee into the stomach. Two count and DiBiase applies a bodyscissors, putting pressure on the back and ribs of Shawn Michaels, before he rolls him around, into a Kiwi Roll, dizzying Michaels, before holding him into a pinning predicament. Two count only and DiBiase hammers away at Michaels. Forearm shots to the back and DiBiase throws Michaels into the corner hard. Michaels bounces out, clutching his back. DiBiase grabs Michaels and vertical suplex. Michaels sits up quickly, favoring the back. He picks up Michaels and sleeperhold applied as Michaels comes back off the ropes. DiBiase is really putting the pressure right on Michaels. To his knees and then to his side. Two and a half arm drops, before Michaels begins fighting his way to his feet. A series of elbows to the chest but DiBiase shoves Michaels off. High knee is avoided and Michaels comes back off with a flying forearm smash right across the chest! Both men are down and Michaels kips up at nine and a half!


Michaels staggers forward, favoring the back and he beats on DiBiase with punches. The fans are cheering, as Michaels, one hand on the back, is pounding a knot on the head of DiBiase. Into corner and clothesline right in the corner. DiBiase is stunned and Michaels slams him down, before going to the top rope, facing the crowd! DiBiase is on his feet and falls on the top rope, crotching Michaels on the top buckle! DiBiase climbs up with Michaels, hooking him from behind and attempts a belly to back superplex but Michaels does a backflip, landing on his feet, before he delivers an electric chair drop on DiBiase, sending him out of the corner! Michaels now steps to the outside, favoring his back, as he is on the top rope! Michaels is perched and the Flying Elbow Drop! The fans are on their feet, they know what’s coming now! Time to cue the band for Ted DiBiase. DiBiase is on his feet and Sweet Chin Music is ducked out of the way. DiBiase grabs Michaels, Dream Street coming up perhaps, no Michaels manages to break DiBiase’s grip as he gets him up. DiBiase is staggered and brutal Sweet Chin Music from Michaels! The fans cheer as Michaels makes the cover and gets three, keeping the WWE Championship!


Winner: Shawn Michaels(16:09, B-)


You got to take your hat off to Ted DiBiase. For a man who was receiving his first Pay Per View world title opportunity, he took Michaels to the limit and gave the champion a couple of anxious moments. Had that Dream Street connected, it would have been the end but Michaels just managed to slip free at the last second.


We cut backstage to the locker room of Randy Orton as Josh Mathews tries to get a word, informing us that Orton has not spoken with anyone since his brutal punting of the Rock on Monday and it is hard to tell what his mindset is leading into his match with Kofi Kingston tonight. Out comes a man, who introduces himself as Orton’s attorney. When Mathews tries to get Orton’s thoughts about what he did for the Rock, Orton’s attorney states that Randy Orton is not answering questions about the Rock, because it is not in his best interests to be concerned with the Rock, as the Rock is a Hollywood actor and not a Sports Entertainer anymore. The attorney states that Randy Orton will not be held responsible for what he will do to Kofi Kingston in the ring and orders security to take Mathews away.


A video package look at the World Heavyweight Title Match with Chris Jericho defending against the Undertaker is shown.


World Heavyweight Title Match:

The Undertaker vs. Chris Jericho©


Jericho attacks the Undertaker at the bell but the Undertaker shoves Jericho off. Jericho bounces back to his feet and the Undertaker unloads on him with a series of vicious punches. A huge roundhouse right nearly knocks Jericho halfway over the top rope and the Undertaker hoists up Jericho, before bringing him down with a high back body drop! Jericho struggles to his feet and the Undertaker connects with a thrust to the throat. Elbowsmash right in the corner and the Undertaker launches Jericho across the ring with a biel throw. Jericho bounces up into a massive clothesline and the Undertaker grabs Jericho, pounding away at him with elbows to the side of the head. Wringing out the arm, and the Undertaker is now climbing to the second rope. Vintage Undertaker as he is walking the top rope but Jericho drops down, yanking on the Undertaker’s arm and causing the Undertaker to lose his balance, falling crotch first on the ropes!


The Undertaker is doubled over on the top rope and Jericho springboards to the top rope, before taking him to the outside with a dropkick. The Undertaker hits the floor hard and now Jericho picks up the Undertaker. Undertaker is rolled back into the ring and Jericho beats on the Undertaker with a series of jabs, before throwing him into the corner hard. Corner clothesline and Jericho now talking trash to the Undertaker, before backing off with a kneelift. Jericho climbs to the outside and forearm shot off the second rope right to the top of the head of the Undertaker! The Undertaker is staggered and Jericho hits a spinning leg lariat, taking the Undertaker down. Jericho kneels down, raining in the elbow strikes on the top of the Undertaker’s head. To the second rope as the Undertaker is on his back and Jericho delivers a kneedrop right to the chest of the Undertaker. Jericho beats on the Undertaker and into the corner. Leaping clothesline right in the corner, sets up a running faceplant by Jericho! The Undertaker sits up immediately but not for long, as Jericho dropkicks him to his back, before hitting the lionsault for a two count!


Jericho continues his assault on the Undertaker, turning up the heat with a number of stiff chops. He backs off and goes for the Code Breaker, but the Undertaker hangs on and grabs the legs of Jericho, before launching him over the top rope with a catapult! Jericho lands on the outside, hanging onto the top rope and skins the cat back in, right into a clothesline. Jericho goes head over heels, smashing into the guardrail. The Undertaker comes down onto Jericho with a double axe handle from the ring apron. Undertaker appears to have twisted his knee on the way down and grimaces, but he rolls Jericho back into the ring. Jericho is back to his feet and to the throat going for the choke slam but Jericho counters with a forward rolling bodyscissors for a two count. The Undertaker bounces up and big boots Jericho down! Jericho nearly lands on the back of his neck like an accordion from the impact! The Undertaker scoops up Jericho, before going for the Tombstone, but Jericho manages to twist his body and counter with a headscissors takeover on the Undertaker! Chop block to the front of the Undertaker’s leg! The Undertaker is back on his feet but Jericho delivers a series of leg kicks to the Undertaker before taking him down. Walls of Jericho but the Undertaker counters by putting a choke. The hold is broken and the Undertaker choke slams Jericho down! The belt could change hands right now! No Jericho kicks out at two!


The Undertaker begins beating on Jericho and throws him into the corner. Jericho flips back and the Undertaker hoists up Jericho, before taking him down with a side slam! The Undertaker picks up Jericho and beats on him some more, before scooping him up. Another Tombstone but Jericho slips out the back. Undertaker turns around and clotheslines him down! Jericho is on dream street and the Undertaker grabs him by the throat, before going for another choke slam. Jericho counters in mid move with the Code Breaker! He has hit the Undertaker with it and Jericho raises his hands, wasting about eight or nine seconds of time as he makes the cover but the Undertaker does a powerful kick out! Jericho grabs the Undertaker and props him up in the corner, punching away at him! Stepping back and leaping roundhouse kick in the corner. Jericho climbs to the second rope and rains down the punches but The Undertaker hits the Last Ride out of the corner! Jericho has been folded up like a piece of paper from that move and the Undertaker kneels down. Jericho just barely rolls the shoulder up at two and nine tenths!


The fans are cheering the Undertaker, as he picks Jericho up off the canvas and a series of vicious punches right to the chest. The Undertaker grabs Jericho and wrings out the arm, going to the top rope. Old school by the Undertaker and he leaps off. Jericho catches the legs on the way down and turns the Undertaker into the Walls of Jericho! The fans are booing, as Jericho has the Undertaker turned over right in the center of the ring. This is a very bad position for the Deadman as Jericho leans back on the hold, putting lots of pressure on the Undertaker’s legs and back. The Undertaker has been caught unaware and Jericho has the hold sinked in. The Dead Man is fighting, in an attempt to reach the ropes but Jericho just sits in tighter, with all of his might. The Undertaker just can’t quite reach the ropes. The fans are getting behind the Undertaker as the Dead Man has a pained expression on his face. The Undertaker taps out!


Winner and Still World Heavyweight Champion: Chris Jericho(21:06, B)


The fans are in shock before they are booing! Chris Jericho has done the impossible and made the Undertaker tap out to the Walls of Jericho! No one has ever made the Dead Man tap in his entire career! Chris Jericho gets on his feet, smirking. He’s bragged about beating both Stone Cold Steve Austin and the Rock in the same night but making the Undertaker tap out? Jericho will never let us forget this one! Chris Jericho is still the champion. Many had thought tonight would be the night where the Undertaker regained the title but Jericho managed to pull one out tonight and keeps the World Heavyweight Title tonight!


We are back out and it is now time for the Royal Rumble match. The rules are very simple. Two men will start out. Then every two minutes, a new WWE superstar comes out, until all thirty men come out. A superstar can be eliminated by being thrown over the top rope, with both feet touching the floor. The winner will get a chance of the lifetime. A match for the championship of his choosing, at the main event of Wrestlemania 26! Now let’s see who drew number one.


The fans boos, as CM Punk makes his way down to the ring. No wonder, Punk was down, he is forced to enter the Royal Rumble at Number One. He slides underneath the bottom rope, ready for action. It has been done before, the superstar entering number one winning the entire Rumble but it’s a long uphill struggle and Punk had better be ready for the fight of his life. Now let’s see who drew number two.


John Morrison comes out to cheers, walking to the ring slowly, to conserve energy. Morrison slides underneath the bottom rope, as the bell rings, kicking off this match.


2010 Royal Rumble


Punk and Morrison exchange chops at the bell, with Morrison ducking an elbowsmash and bouncing off with a dropkick, knocking Punk down. Morrison pounds away at Punk and tries to throw him over the top rope immediately, but Punk hangs onto the top rope, landing firmly on the ring apron, before he drills Morrison with a forearm. Punk has to be careful out there, he is already halfway away from being eliminated and he slides underneath the bottom rope, before he beats on Morrison. Snap mare leads to a dropkick to the face. Punk beats on Morrison and GTS but Morrison counters with an armdrag takedown! Punk is back off and goes for a dropkick but Morrison grabs the legs and rocks back. Catapult and Punk sails over the top rope and hangs on. In comes Morrison with a running dropkick but Punk now scissors the bottom ropes with his legs. His hands or any other part of his body can touch the floor, as long as both feet do not. The clock is up. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.


Jack Swagger runs down to the ring, the man who just drew number three, as Morrison is trying to force Punk’s legs apart, to send him all the way to the floor. Swagger attacks Morrison from behind and beats him down in the center of the ring. A fireman’s carry, and Swagger applies a front facelock, before he drills a series of mounted forearm smashes. Swagger grabs Morrison and chokes him on the top rope but Morrison manages to elbow out. To the second rope and Morrison hits a springboard roundhouse kick, as Punk safely scrambles into the ring. Morrison is pounding away at Swagger, trying to get him over the top rope in the corner as Punk catches his breath. Swagger blocks it and Morrison leapfrogs over Swagger’s charge. Swagger turns around and Morrison kneelifts him right in the face. Morrison backs off and dropkick to Swagger. Swagger teeters on the top rope, as Morrison grabs him. Punk attacks Morrison from behind and elbows him across the back of the head. Punk and Swagger are now double teaming Morrison, trying to get him out, as the clock winds down. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, bzzz.


STAND BACK THERE’S A HURRICANE COMING THROUGH! The Hurricane rushes to the ring and goes for CM Punk, pounding him. The Hurricane dives at Punk and hammers away at him. Swagger hits a side suplex on Morrison and climbs to the second rope but a pump splash misses. The Hurricane springboards off of the kneeling Punk and hits Swagger with a leg lariat but once again, Swagger hangs onto the ropes. The Hurricane goes back to work on Punk with an elbowdrop, as Morrison regains his bearings and goes after Swagger. Both men continue to brawl, with no one going over the top rope, as the clock winds out. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, bzzz!


Out comes Ezekiel Jackson at number five. One of the members of William Regal’s Ruthless Roundtable. Jackson enters the ring, cracking his knuckles, this is going to be a hard man to get out. He beats on the Hurricane and Punk looks at him, but Zeke nearly takes his head off with a large clothesline. Every man for himself and down Zeke hoists up Morrison over his head, before throwing him right onto Swagger. Zeke beats on the Hurricane, as Punk wisely hides in a corner, clinging onto the ropes for dear life. The clock winds down once again. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, bzzz!


OH, RADIO, TELL ME EVERYTHING YOU KNOW! Out comes Zack Ryder, the man who draws number six in the Rumble. He quickly stomps away at the downed Hurricane but Zeke grabs Ryder by the throat. Ryder begs off and Morrison jumps Ezekiel from behind. The big man beats on Morrison and hoists him up. Huge bone rattling Uranage Slam brings Morrison down to the canvas. Jack Swagger manages to legsweep Zeke and beat on him but Swagger is thrown. He lands on the ring apron and he quickly scurries into the ring. Ryder leaps to the second rope and yells “WOO, WOO, YOU KNOW IT!” before he drills Ezekiel with a double axe handle. It appears Ryder, Swagger, and Punk are now working together, seeing the threat of Ezekiel Jackson but Jackson fights them off, beating them all down. Morrison leaps on his back, applying a sleeperhold, as the clock winds down. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, bzzz.


Out comes Finlay, as Morrison is flipped over onto his back by Zeke. Finlay enters the ring and beats on Swagger, before he turns his attention to Punk. A running kneelift right to the chest of Punk and Finlay chokes Punk over the top rope, before drilling him with a succession of elbow strikes. Ezekiel Jackson has Morrison up on his shoulders but Morrison fights off and dropkick to the ankle. Another dropkick but Zeke grabs Morrison and kicks him right in the chest. The Hurricane and Ryder fight in the corner, neither able to eliminate each other. Finlay comes close to eliminating Punk but Punk hangs onto the ropes, as Ezekiel grabs Finlay and beats on him but Finlay fights out from underneath, as the clock comes up. Five, four, three, two, one, bzzz.


BOOM and number eight in the Royal Rumble is Kane! Kane walks down to the ring, stepping over the top rope and immediately boots Ryder over the top rope. Zack Ryder has been eliminated by Kane! Ryder flops around on the floor and Kane grabs both Finlay and Punk by the throat before waylaying them with a Double Choke Slam. The Hurricane is in and Kane uppercuts him hard, causing him to nearly snap his own neck over the top rope, before Kane dumps the Hurricane over. Kane eliminates the Hurricane! Jack Swagger attacks Kane but Kane fights him off, hammering away at him and throws him over the top rope. Swagger has been eliminated by Kane! Kane and Zeke have a stare down and beat on each other, choking each other, as the clock runs down. Five, four, three, two, one, bzz!


Out comes Cody Rhodes to the ring, as Kane levels Zeke with a huge clothesline. The big man remains on his feet, as Finlay is up, beating on Punk. Rhodes enters the ring, attacking the downed John Morrison but Kane walks over, hammering away at Rhodes. Finlay has Punk over on the other end of the ring, nearly over the top rope but Punk hangs on and the momentum takes Finlay over the top rope for the elimination!. Rhodes is choked nearly the ropes and Kane scoops up Rhodes, before dumping over the top rope. Cody Rhodes has been eliminated! So much for Rhodes winning the Rumble for Randy Orton! Kane stalks CM Punk in the corner and beats on him. Punk rakes the eyes of Kane, to buy him some time. The clock runs down. Five, Four, Three, Two, One, bzzz!


Out comes Bryan Danielson, number 10 and a third of the field has been out there. Danielson enters the ring and delivers a running kneelift to Morrison. Danielson turns his attention, elbowing away at Jackson in the corner. Jackson staggers in the corner but Punk attacks Danielson from behind. Danielson backs off the ropes but Kane grabs Danielson by the throat. Danielson counters with a series of elbow strikes right to the side of the head. Kneelift to the chest of Kane and attempted high cross body block. Kane catches Danielson and scoops him up, before bringing him down with a huge powerslam. Some more attempted eliminations as the clock runs down. Five, Four, Three, Two, One, Bzzz.


One half of the Unified Tag Team Champions, Tyson Kidd, is the eleventh man in the Royal Rumble. Kidd enters the ring and goes for Morrison but Morrison fights back with some punches. Kidd hits a huge leg lariat and attempts to dump Morrison but fails. Kane clotheslines Kidd down, knocking him for a loop! The fans are cheering, as Kane is a house of fire. Punk has Danielson on his shoulders but Danielson drops down and hoists up Punk, crotching him on the top rope! Danielson drills elbow after elbow, as Punk hangs on, avoiding elimination. Kane attacks Danielson and boots Punk. Punk is teetering, as the clock goes down. Five, Four, Three, Two, One, bzzz.


Out comes the high impact, high octane R-Truth! R-Truth rushes to the ring, attacking Punk just as he manages to pull himself into the ring. Truth spins around and knocks Kidd for a look. Zeke goes for a clothesline but Truth ducks that. Leaping forearm smash takes Zeke down to a knee but Kane grabs Truth. Truth hits a jawbreaker and backs off, before hitting leg lariat. Truth is a house of fire, running wild on everyone and he has CM Punk! Punk is hanging onto the top rope for dear life and Truth punches away at Punk’s hands, causing his grip to slip. Truth is jumped from behind by Ezekiel Jackson but Punk is out…no wait, Punk manages to land on his hands. Both hands hit the floor and now Punk is doing a handstand at ringside. Danielson walks over and kicks at Punk from the ring, trying to make him lose his balance, with both feet touching the floor. Punk manages to tuck his feet underneath the ring apron to hold his balance and pulls himself up, but is in no man’s land as Danielson unloads on him with elbows! The clock runs down. Five, Four, Three, Two, One, bzzz.


Matt Hardy makes his way down to the ring, the number thirteenth entrant in the Royal Rumble. Hardy enters the ring and attacks Ezekiel Jackson, beating him down. Side Effect brings Jackson down, as Truth beats on Danielson, as Punk just narrowly gets back into the ring. Double clothesline by Kane on Danielson and Truth, as Kane chokes Danielson. Punk has managed to scrambled back into the ring, although maybe not for long, as Matt Hardy attacks him. Kidd climbs to the top rope but Kane punches him. Thankfully for Kidd, he lands on the ring apron and manages to scurry back into the ring, in time to get plastered with a Yakuza Kick from Kane. Kane beats on Kidd and attempts to put him out, as the timer comes on, as also Punk once again narrowly avoids get eliminated. Five, Four, Three, Two, One, Bzzz.


Number fourteen is David Hart Smith and he saves his fellow tag team championship partner from getting tossed from Kane. We see Danielson elbow away at Truth as he is hanging in, as Morrison pulls himself to his feet, diving out Tyson Kidd, as Kane fights with David Hart Smith. Zeke is up and he drills Morrison with a double axe handle from behind. Zeke scoops up Morrison and walks him over to the ropes, but Morrison hangs on. Ezekiel Jackson grabs onto the head of Morrison and pushes at him, attempting to crush it like a grape. Morrison shoulder blocks Jackson and slides underneath his legs. Dropkick from behind, but Jackson hangs onto the ropes. Morrison beats on Jackson from behind, as he tries to put the big man over. Kane runs over the Hart Dynasty with a double clothesline, as Punk kicks Hardy down. Punk is trying to remain unseen but Matt beats on him, as the clock winds down. Five, Four, Three, Two, One, Bzzz.


Number fifteen is the Celtic Warrior Sheamus, who makes his way down to the ring. Sheamus enters the ring, a big man and another one, much like Ezekiel Jackson and Kane, it will be a chore to get over the top rope. Sheamus enters the ring and beats on R-Truth, before hoisting him up. Atomic throw brings Truth down. Sheamus grabs Matt Hardy and scoops him over his shoulder. Snake eyes on the top buckle! Hardy stumbles around the ring and Sheamus nearly puts him over with a big boot. Danielson gets more of the same but Kane grabs Sheamus by the throat. Sheamus fights out and now we have a brawl between Sheamus and Kane. Morrison backs up and running dropkick to CM Punk, no Punk hangs onto the ropes again. Morrison is determined to put Punk continues to hang on and Smith hits a huge belly to back suplex. The timer winds down. Five, Four, Three, Two, One, bzzz.


Number sixteen, is the massive Russian, Vladimir Koslov. Koslov enters the ring and a running headbutt takes out Matt Hardy. Koslov attacks Kane as well, as Sheamus goes over, to beat down Bryan Danielson, but Danielson manages to apply a facelock, to lay in the knees, but Sheamus counters with a belly to belly suplex! Sheamus beats on Danielson and hoists him up, attempting to power bomb him over the ropes, but Danielson counters with elbow strikes. More brawling, as everyone attempts to put everyone else other the top rope but fail big time. Punk narrowly avoids elimination two more times, once by Truth and once by Sheamus, as the clock winds down. Five, Four, Three, Two, One, bzzz.


Lance Cade makes his way down to the ring. The rough redneck, who is looking for a Royal Rumble victory in his attempt to punch his ticket for his first Pay Per View main event and Danielson meets Cade, beating him down in the ring. Danielson hammers away at Cade, as both men brawl towards the ropes but Kane rushes over and double clotheslines them over the top rope. Cade and Danielson have been both eliminated by Kane! Cade and Danielson don’t care and they continue their battle around the ringside. Kane takes out the Hart Dynasty, but Koslov and Jackson attack Kane. The Ruthless Roundtable is beating down Kane in the corner. Punk nearly goes over again, but hangs on. Both Morrison and Truth are attempting to get him out, but Sheamus beats on Truth and attempts to eliminate Truth. Truth hangs on. The Ruthless Roundtable just have put Kane over the top rope! Kane has been eliminated by the combined forces of Jackson and Koslov! The announcers talk about how dangerous of a threat that Koslov and Jackson can be if they continue to work together until its down to just them. The remaining competitors in the ring continue to fight without a further incident until the clock winds down.


Number eighteen is Booker T, who gets some fanfare. Booker has stated that he has to win the Royal Rumble or he might not get another opportunity in his career to headline Wrestlemania 26. Booker T enters the ring and attacks Sheamus. Harlem Side Kick wipes out the Celtic Warrior and Punk is pounded by Booker T. Booker has Punk over. Punk nearly lands on the floor but only one foot and he’s back in, for more of a beating. The Hart Dynasty and the Roundtable are having a mini tag team battle on the other end of the ring, as Morrison and Truth do battle. There are no friends in the Rumble for the most part. Booker nearly gets Punk once twice more, as Matt Hardy takes advantage of a downed Sheamus. Some near misses, most of them involving CM Punk, who just narrowly escapes getting eliminated time and time again. The clock runs down. Five, Four, Three, Two, One, bzzz.


Number nineteen is the WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler, who rushes down to the ring and immediately gets attacked by Booker T. Booker T beat Ziggler on a recent episode of Smackdown and now Booker is looking to put Ziggler out but Ziggler hangs onto the ropes. John Morrison fights off the combined forces of the Ruthless Roundtable and the Hart Dynasty, as R-Truth battles Sheamus and Matt Hardy tries to put Punk over. Both Punk and Morrison have been in there for all most forty minutes, they were in there since the beginning. Morrison manages to trick the Ruthless Roundtable into wiping out the Hart Dynasty and Morrison manages to catch Koslov with a springboard roundhouse kick. Sheamus attempts to dump Truth but Truth hangs onto the ropes. Some more action, but no eliminations. Ziggler and Morrison face off, as Booker fights off Zeke, as the Hart Dynasty double team Sheamus. The clock winds down. Five, Four, Three, Two, One, Bzzz.


Number twenty is M.V.P. M.V.P rushes down to the ring and attacks Kidd with a leaping dropkick. He beats on Smith and clotheslines him down. Clothesline to CM Punk and M.V.P goes for the mandatory elimination attempt on Punk but Punk once again evades it. M.V.P delivers a kneelift to Sheamus and Drive By in the corner, but Matt Hardy attacks M.V.P. These two men have both been rivals and tag team partners and are fighting in the Rumble right now. Punk tries to pull himself back into the ring, but Booker T attacks him. Ziggler beats on Morrison but Morrison fights out of the corner. Ziggler drills Morrison. Koslov steps back and running headbutt to the stomach of the WWE Intercontinental Champion. Morrison is hoisted up and drilled down with a spine buster slam! Koslov raises his hand into the air and turns to Zeke, before they attack M.V.P. and Hardy as they brawl near the ropes. The Roundtable are brawling with M.V.P. and Hardy, who are now forced to work together. CM Punk is slumped over the top rope, eyes glazed over, as Booker T is favoring his eye. Punk tries to roll underneath the bottom rope, but Booker reaches down and grabs Punk. The clock is running down, as Booker hammers away at Punk. Five, Four, Three, Two, One, Bzzz.


Number Twenty One is Shelton Benjamin, from ECW! Shelton is perhaps the best pound for pound wrestler to never hold a world championship and what a coup would it be to win the Royal Rumble. He gets greeted by Sheamus, as these two men have had their issues when both were on ECW. Shelton manages to avoid the attacks of Sheamus and step over heel kick! Punk once again narrowly avoids an attack. There is a lot of brawling and bodies in the ring. Many elimination attempts but no one is thrown out as of yet. The fans are on the edge of their seats, as the timer comes off. Five, Four, Three, Two, One!


Out rushes Paul Burchill. The Ripper makes his way down to the ring and attacks CM Punk! Punk looks like he would rather be anyone but the ring, as the Ripper beats on Punk, before he beats on Zeke and then Koslov. Then he turns his attention to R-Truth. Burchill doesn’t care who he fights, as long he hurts someone. Backbreaker on R-Truth and he beats on M.V.P as well. Clothesline right to Morrison but Morrison only goes partially of the way over, allowing him to reenter the ring. The battle between Shelton and Sheamus continues in the ring, as Punk manages to roll behind the downed behind of Ezekiel Jackson, shielding himself partially from the wrath of the other competitors, using Zeke’s massive frame. Burchill nearly puts Matt Hardy over the top rope but Hardy hangs on. David Hart Smith and Tyson Kidd are trying to dump Booker T but Booker just narrowly fights off the combined forces of the Hart Dynasty. Five, Four, Three, Two, One!


WELL IT’S THE BIG SHOW! The action in the ring stops, as the Big Show walks down to the ring, with a scowl on his face. Big Show has promised to knock out anyone in his way and toss them over the top rope. Show enters the ring and he just punches Matt Hardy! Hardy crumples down to the canvas and the Big Show picks up Hardy, throwing him over the top rope! Matt Hardy has been eliminatedShow drills Koslov with a massive headbutt and a double clothesline to both Morrison and M.V.P. Shelton is on the outside and he tries to springboard move but he just gets punched out in mid air. Show throws Shelton’s battered body over the rope, as Ziggler and Truth brawl in the corner. Show grabs Ziggler and punches him out! A punch knocks R-Truth for a loop. Show hoists up Ziggler and tosses him! The big Show has eliminated Dolph Ziggler. Truth is eliminated as well. Show throws out R-Truth. Four men in just over a minute and Show is not done, grabbing Sheamus by the throat. The Celtic Warrior is going up and down with the Choke Slam! Show has to get Sheamus up but Booker T catches him with an Axe Kick as he is doubled over. Morrison, Punk, and the Hart Dynasty rush over, in an attempt to help Booker T put the Big Show over the top rope but the Big Show fights them all off, causing them to fly. The Big Show gives headbutts to all, but he does not have a chance to put anyone over the top rope. Five, Four, Three, Two, One, bzzz.


Out comes Triple H. Triple H rushes into the ring and attacks Paul Burchill, beating him down. Triple H shrugs off a double team attack from the Ruthless Roundtable! The fans are getting behind Triple H, as he grabs Tyson Kidd, before he launches Kidd over the top rope! Tyson Kidd has been eliminated by Triple H! Triple H grabs Koslov and Pedigree to the Russian! Triple H raises his hands in the air and beats on M.V.P, hammering away on him. The Big Show and Triple H have a staredown and Show grabs Triple H by the throat but Triple H goes low. Triple H beats on Big Show. Booker T is up and Triple H hits him with a spine buster! Triple H is dominating the Royal Rumble and he dumps David Hart Smith! Triple H has eliminated David Hart Smith![/b The Game attacks CM Punk, beating him down. Punk is about out of it but Sheamus attacks Triple H from behind. Sheamus manages to get in some offense on Triple H as Punk goes for a roundhouse kick but Sheamus ducks and gets kicked by Punk! Triple H grabs Punk and facebuster down across the knee! Punk flies over the top rope but manages to hang on. Triple H continues his dominance in the Royal Rumble, as the clock runs down. Five, Four, Three, Two, One, Bzzz!


Out comes the Miz, running to the ring but Triple H attacks the Miz as he enters the ring. The Miz is beaten like a dog by Triple H! Triple H is unstoppable in the Royal Rumble so far, with Sheamus being the only one to get a moment of offensive in on him! The Miz is taken out with a spine buster slam! Triple H raises his hand but Punk is back in the ring. Triple H assaults CM Punk. M.V.P. goes right for the Miz, beating him down, but Triple H turns around and wipes out both men with a double clothesline! The battle continues, with all of the competitors in this match brawling and trying to eliminate each other from the match but all of the elimination attempts have failed. Five, Four, Three, Two, One, Bzzz.


Mark Henry is number twenty six and he enters the ring, getting attacked by the Big Show, with a kneelift. Meanwhile, Sheamus beats on M.V.P., before the Miz rushes over and dumps M.V.P. over the top rope to the floor. M.V.P. has been eliminated from this match and Booker T and Burchill brawl in the ring, as Triple H attempts to eliminate Punk. There is a lot of brawling by the ropes, as punches are traded and there are attempted eliminations. Mark Henry nearly gets the Big Show up and over the top rope but Show fights him off. The clock winds down. Five, Four, Three, Two, One, bzzz.


The fans are booing as number twenty seven, Batista rushes down to the ring. Batista enters the ring and assaults John Morrison. No love lost between these two men. Batista continues to beat on Morrison, before he attacks Mark Henry, beating on him. Batista dumps Mark Henry over the top rope! Henry has been eliminated and now Batista hammers away at the Big Show. Punk and Triple H are brawling, but Triple H low bridges Punk and sends him over the top rope. Punk lands with both feet finally hitting the floor. CM Punk has been eliminated! He lasted over fifty minutes in this match and Triple H turns around, to stare down Batista, both these two men go at it. The fans are going nuts, getting behind Batista and Triple H, as they brawl. Burchill and Sheamus are double teaming the Big Show but Show once again fights them off, as Morrison is being battered by the combined forces of the Ruthless Roundtable as the Miz cowers in the corner. The clock winds down. Five, Four, Three, Two, One, Bzzz.


Twenty eight is Drew McIntyre, who makes his way down to the ring. McIntyre goes right after Triple H, attacking him but the Game fights him off. Booker T and Batista begin to brawl, both men having had their share of issues in the past, but the Big Show rushes over and attacks Booker T. Batista manages to muscle up the Big Show and ram him into the corner. Batista beats on Show in the corner, as Morrison is almost put over the top rope by the Ruthless Roundtable! Sheamus hammers away at Ezekiel Jackson, who has been in there the second longest, but Jackson fights back. More brawling, with another mass attempt on the Big Show, but Show fights them off. The clock is winding down. Five, Four, Three, Two, One, Bzzz!


John Cena comes out to a loud round of cheers, at number twenty nine! Cena is here and he enters the ring, beating on the Miz! Vladimir Koslov is attacked as well! Cena drills Sheamus with a kneelift and clotheslines the Celtic Warrior over the top rope. Cena has just eliminated Sheamus from the match!. The fans are cheering as Cena continues to hammer away, this time at Drew McIntyre. Burchill jumps Cena from behind but Cena manages to launch Burchill over the top rope with a high back body drop! Burchill has been eliminated! Cena rushes over and dumps Booker T to the arena floor! Booker T has been eliminated! Cena is clearing outs and he takes down the Miz, applying the STF in the center of the ring. Broken up by McIntrye, who beats on Cena but Cena goes low and clotheslines McIntyre over the top rope. McIntyre has been eliminated! Cena turns around and stares down Batista, but the Big Show grabs Cena and beats on him. Cena fights back and Triple H brawls with Batista. The potential battle between John Cena and Batista was not to be. The clock runs down. Five, Four, Three, Two, One, bzzz


The fans are cheering, as Christian is out, number 30. Our final suspects are Batista, Big Show, Christian, Ezekiel Jackson, John Cena, John Morrison, the Miz, Triple H, and Vladimir Koslov. One of these men will get a main event slot at Wrestlemania 26! Triple H takes out Koslov, as Christian beats on the Miz, completely fresh. Triple H turns around and The Big Show just punches the Game’s lights out! Triple H has just been plastered with a punch right to the face and the Big Show picks up Triple H. Triple H is just dumped over the top rope. Triple H has just been eliminated! He was one of the favorites and one punch, the Big Show just took him out. Show beats on Morrison with a series of hammer blows, before the Ruthless Roundtable attacks the Big Show and both Koslov and Zeke get dumped out of the same time!. Show just accomplished one of the most amazing feats of strength! Show raises his hands on as Christian is really running wild but as he turns around, Show punches Christian out! Christian is picked up and thrown over the top rope as well. The Big Show has just eliminated Christian!. The Big Show now rocks Morrison, Miz, and Batista with headbutts. Cena is slumped against the ropes and it looks like Show is going to put Cena out. Show may win the entire thing, he only has four men left to knock out! Show winds up but Cena avoids the punch. Running shoulderblock to the Big Show. Cena tries to put Show over but Show fights off. Show grabs Cena by the throat but Cena kicks Show low and hoists him up. Cena turns anddelivers the Attitude Adjustment over the top rope onto the Big Show for the elimination! Show crashes onto Zeke, Koslov, and Christian who were down on the floor, yet to get escorted to the back. A group of security is sent spiraling as well!


Now we are down to the final four, Batista, Cena, Miz, and Morrison. One of these men will be going to the main event in Phoenix! Batista hoists up Morrison and spine buster brings him down. Cena delivers a sidewalk slam on the Miz and turns around to face Batista! Batista and Cena begin to brawl in the center of the ring, as the fans are cheering more and more with each punch, as both of these great warriors go back and forth. Cena beats on Batista, throwing him into the ropes. Batista backs off and spear brings Cena down to the canvas! Cena has been folded up like a piece of paper and Batista beats on Cena, hammering away at him. Batista whips Cena into the ropes and spine buster brings him down to the canvas! Cena is down on the canvas and Batista gives the signal. Batista Bomb coming up but Cena counters with a back body drop, sending Batista over the top rope, to eliminate him! Batista lands on the floor and looks pissed. Cena in the ring, but Batista reaches into the ring, grabbing the foot of Cena, in an attempt to drag him out. Cena fights Batista off and The Miz sneaks up behind Cena, dumping him over the top rope and to the floor for the elimination!


Cena is on the floor and Batista clotheslines Cena and rams him into the post! Security is out to pull Batista away, but its down to two men, the Miz and John Morrison. Former tag team partners and one of these men will be heading to the main event at Wrestlemania 26. Miz has been making noise about winning for weeks but he’s just one man away and he’s much fresher than Morrison, who entered at number two. Miz attacks Morrison, beating on him. Morrison fights back from underneath but the Miz drills him. Into the ropes. Clothesline ducked and Morrison wipes out the Miz with an Asai Moonsault! Morrison beats on the Miz and standing shooting star press. The Miz is beaten down some more and Morrison tries to put the Miz over the top rope, but the Miz fights Morrison off! DDT brings Morrison down onto his head! The fans are booing, as the Miz picks up John Morrison and beats on him some more, before throwing him over the top rope no Morrison hangs on and back into the ring. The Miz beats on Morrison and hooks him. Skull Crushing Finale brings Morrison down! This match would be over if Miz could pin him but Miz has to launch him over the top rope. Miz pulls up the battered body of Morrison and throws him over the top rope all the way to the floor. The Miz is going to Wrestlemania 26, to challenge for the championship in the main event!



No, wait John Morrison is still hanging on, barely, with one foot only touching the floor! The Miz is in the ring and Morrison pulls himself into the ring. The Miz’s celebration was premature and now he attacks Morrison, beating on him. The Miz hammers away at Morrison and throws him into the ropes. The Miz yells that he’s awesome and goes for a dropkick but Morrison catches the legs and rocks back with a catapult! The Miz sails over the top rope, landing with both feet over the top rope, to the arena floor. The Miz has been eliminated! John Morrison is going to the main event at Wrestlemania 26!


Winner: John Morrison(63:54, B- )


John Morrison, after entering at number 2, is going to Wrestlemania 26. Morrison celebrates for several minutes, as the fans are really behind him! The Miz nearly had it won but Morrison came out and he’s the man who will be main eventing Wrestlemania 26.


A look at Kofi Kingston against Randy Orton is shown, the highlights of their career from beginning to end.


Kofi Kingston vs. Randy Orton


Kofi immediately decks Orton with a forearm right at the bell, to a loud round of cheers. Kofi is beating on Orton with a series of punches and a clothesline takes him down. Kofi stomps away at Orotn and Orton scurries to the floor but gets a pescado! The fans are really behind Kofi, as Kofi rams a series of elbowsmashes down across the back of the head of Orton. To the middle rope and springboard clothesline takes Orton down. Two count and now Kofi is to the second rope and twists in, before rolling Orton up in a sunset flip for another two count. Kofi blisters the chest of Orton with chops and a series of elbow strikes to the side of the head. Dropkick into the corner and Kofi delivers ten punches in succession, as the fans count along, before he does a back flip and dropkicks Orton again! Orton is doubled over and Kofi delivers a running face plant, before he turns around. Boom Drop down across the chest of Orton! Kofi has the cover on Orton but only a two count! Orton is picked up and Kofi drills Orton with a kick to the ribs. Spinning leg lariat brings Orton down and Kofi with another cover. Two count on Orton and Kofi climbs to the second rope, before he leaps to the top rope. Twisting cross body block misses when Orton ducks out of the way!


Kofi lands on the canvas and Orton rushes over, drilling him with a huge forearm right to the head. Another series of forearms, in rapid fire succession and Orton sets up Kofi, before dropping him stomach first on the top rope. Orton headbutts Kofi and kneelifts him right in the chest. Kofi crumples to the floor, as Orton exits the ring, before he rams Kofi right into the barricade. Orton hoists up Kofi and slams him stomach first onto the barricade with a front suplex. He hooks Kofi and Orton just plasters Kofi with a DDT right on the floor, as he is slumped over the barricade!. Kofi has been rendered unconscious and Orton enters the ring, wiping his hands together, as the referee has no choice but to put the count on Kofi Kingston! Kofi comes to life and manages to roll back into the ring at nine. Orton delivers a cover but only gets a two and nine tenths count! Kofi is still in this match and Orton kneels, talking trash, before he headbutts Kofi right in the face!


Orton picks up Kofi and a series of punches. Orton takes down Kofi and kneelift right to the back of the head, before he applies a headlock, to massive boos from the crowd. Orton is taking the life out Kofi with that cranking headlock but Kofi kips up out of the hold. Orton rolls over and eats a dropkick right to the face! Kofi picks up Orton and hammers him, before throwing him into the corner. Running kneelift right into the corner. Kofi now delivers a reverse mule kick to Orton and climbs behind him. Flying bulldog brings Orton down! The fans are going nuts but only a two count! Kofi winds up, beating on Orton but a low blow doubles Kofi over and a clothesline takes him down. Orton yells at Kofi, paint brushes him in the face and hooks him, before bringing him down with a Hangman’s Neckbreaker. Two count on Kofi and Orton beats on him, before setting him up. Belly to back suplex brings Kofi down to the canvas and Orton drops a knee right onto the chest of Kofi. Another cover and another two count. Orton stomps Kofi and applies a bodyscissors!


Orton works over Kofi, punishing him with the body scissors! The fans are chanting for Kofi, as he struggles his way out of the hold. Kofi manages to break the hold but Orton drills him with a kneelift and vertical suplex brings Kofi down. Orton beats on the back of Kofi’s head and brings him down with a huge DDT! Orton hangs onto the head and meticulously drags Kofi back to his feet. RKO coming up, Orton is milking the moment and Kofi counters with a backslide for a two and a half count! Orton just waited too long and now he just blitzes Kofi with a huge clothesline. Kofi is picked up off the canvas and hammered, onto the shoulders of Orton for a gutbuster! Kofi rolls over, favoring his ribs! Orton beats on Kofi some more and sets him up, dropping him on the top rope. Kofi is hung up and Orton grabs him. Pulling DDT brings Kofi right into the ring! The fans are booing as Orton makes the cover hooking the leg! Kickout at two and nine tenths count! Orton picks up Kofi and beats on him, before pulling him up. Backbreaker on Kofi and now Orton climbs to the outside. Its very odd for Orton to go up top for a high risk move and he leaps off with a frog splash. Kofi rolls out of the way and Orton splatters on the canvas!. Back up to his feet is Kofi and La Magistral Cradle on the downed Orton for a two and nine tenths count!


The fans are cheering as Kofi is mounting a comeback, beating on Orton. Into the corner goes Orton and Kofi drills him with a leaping forearm! Kofi’s got Orton stunned and to the second rope. Kofi kicks Orton in the face and a Frankensteiner out of the corner brings Orton down! Kofi backs up and he lowers the Boom Drop on Orton! Cover by Kofi but Orton kicks out! Kofi beats on Orton and does a handstand, before drilling both of his knees into the face of Orton. Kofi handstands back up, lands on his feet and leaps to the top rope, facing the crowd. Orton is on his feet, staggered and Kofi launches himself off the top rope at Orton with a moonsault! Orton’s legs crumble from underneath him and Kofi makes the cover. Two and nine tenths count when Orton kicks out! Kofi beats on Orton some more and backs up, gaining some momentum, before he swings at Orton but Orton ducks. Kofi spins nearly out of control, losing his balance and Orton grabs Kofi. RKO brings Kofi down to the canvas! The fans go silent, before they are booing! Orton rolls Kofi over and makes the cover. Kofi kicks out just at the last possible instant!


Orton can’t believe it, Kofi just kicked out of the RKO! Kofi is rolled over and pulled up to his hands and knees, as Orton backs up. He’s going to kick Kofi, right in the head. The punt will be the end of Kofi Kingston and Orton measures him. Orton kicks but Kofi manages to roll out of the way at the last second and pop up to his feet. Kofi Kingston drills Randy Orton with the Trouble in Paradise! The fans are going crazy and Kofi makes the cover hooking the leg. The fans count along. One, Two, Three! Kofi Kingston has just pinned Randy Orton cleanly in the center of the ring at the Royal Rumble!


Winner: Kofi Kingston(26:08, A)


Kofi Kingston climbs to second rope and celebrates! He has managed to break through to the top of the pack and he’s beaten Randy Orton one on one at the Royal Rumble, cleanly, after surviving the RKO! The fans are going insane, this is truly been Kofi’s greatest moment.

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