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World Wrestling Entertainment 2009 and Beyond!

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Royal Rumble:

TracyBrooksFan: 3/7

InfectedGT: 2/7


Overall January:

TracyBrooksFan: 38/67

Rayelek: 31/67

MartinC: 27/67

BHK1978: 21/67

EdgeHeaD: 16/67

Huntman: 14/67

MattitudeV2: 9/67

Lo-Drew: 6/67

TheOmniWarrior: 3/67

InfectedGT: 2/67

Destiny: 1/67


And that's it for January. Top three placeholders get a leg up in the prediction standings for February(1st place three points, 2nd place, two points, and 3rd place a point). Yeah, I'm lazy, I know. I said it may have been a Hall of Fame entrant but then I went and mapped out exactly who I wanted to go in. So, there really is no room for anyone else. There will be a big prize in March. I think it may be a signing or a developmental call out or a draft pick or something along those lines. I haven't really worked out the details yet. Or maybe all three. February will have about the same prize scheme.


WWE Monday Night RAW 2/1/2010


WWE Championship:

Randy Orton vs. Shawn Michaels©


Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

Kofi Kingston and Triple H vs. Legacy


Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

John Cena vs. the Miz


Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

M.V.P vs. the Big Show


WWE Diva's Title Match:

Gail Kim vs. Katie Lea Burchill vs. Natalya vs. Melina©

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WWE Championship:

Randy Orton vs. Shawn Michaels©


Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

Kofi Kingston and Triple H vs. Legacy


Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

John Cena vs. the Miz


Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

M.V.P vs. the Big Show


WWE Diva's Title Match:

Gail Kim vs. Katie Lea Burchill vs. Natalya vs. Melina©

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Sorry I missed the Rumble, I know that you post your shows on the actual days of the events but for some reason I just forget to post.


WWE Championship:

Randy Orton vs. Shawn Michaels©


Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

Kofi Kingston and Triple H vs. Legacy


Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

John Cena vs. the Miz


Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

M.V.P vs. the Big Show


WWE Diva's Title Match:

Gail Kim vs. Katie Lea Burchill vs. Natalya vs. Melina©

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WWE Monday Night RAW 2/1/2010


RAW opens up with highlights from the Royal Rumble from last night, with Kofi Kingston’s huge win over Randy Orton.


Out comes the winner of the 2010 Royal Rumble, John Morrison, to loud cheers. Morrison enters the ring, talking about how even though he is a Smackdown competitor, he has the option to challenge for any title in the main event at Wrestlemania 26, including the WWE Championship on RAW. Morrison says he has not quite made up his mind but when he does, the world will know what brand’s title he challenges for. Out comes Randy Orton, who walks down to the ring. Orton downplays his loss to Kofi Kingston last night, saying that Orton is more focused on the WWE Championship, a shot that he’s going to get tonight, whether Kofi beat him or not. Orton tells Morrison that RAW is Orton’s playground and he doesn’t take too kindly to outsiders, just as the Rock found out last week. The fans boo and Orton says that the Rock paid the price, and John Morrison will. Morrison decks Orton, drawing huge cheers, until DiBiase and Rhodes run out and help Orton triple team Morrison but the WWE Champion Shawn Michaels rushes out, to help Morrison fight off Legacy. Michaels and Morrison have a bit of a staredown in the ring, a possible Wrestlemania 26 main event match! Orton cuts a promo on Michaels, talking about how tonight, Orton is going to ascend to the title and achieve his rightful place as WWE Champion.


*****************Commercial Break***********************


WWE Diva’s Title Match:

Gail Kim vs. Natalya vs. Katie Lea Burchill vs. Melina©


Four of the top women on the brand do battle for a chance to become WWE Diva’s Champion and Melina has her back against the wall. Lots of back and forth action in this match, with several nearfalls. It ends when Melina drills Natalya down with the Primal Scream to score the pin, as Gail Kim and Katie Lea were wiped out on the floor.


Winner and Still WWE Diva’s Champion Melina(6:02, C+)


Katie Lea goes after Melina but gets dumped to the floor. A tense staredown between Gail Kim and Melina for a couple minutes, before Melina leaves the ring. Without a clear cut number one contender, Melina seems to have an easy ride as champion over the next couple of weeks or maybe not, as many of the top divas on RAW will be vying for a spot.


Vince McMahon comes down to the ring, talking about the Elimination Chamber Pay Per View in three weeks. The boss says its going to be a night of brutality, as six superstars from RAW, Smackdown, and ECW, get locked inside the Elimination Chamber, with the World Heavyweight, WWE, and ECW Champion being forced to defend. Mr. McMahon announces tonight, there will be qualifying matches for the RAW brand. M.V.P squares off against the Big Show, John Cena takes on WWE United States Champion the Miz, and Triple H and Kofi Kingston take on Legacy. Mr. McMahon says tonight will be only a first step and a preview for the brutality to come. He walks out, as the announcers hype the RAW Elimination Chamber, with four challengers being decided and obviously the defending champion, as Shawn Michaels takes on Randy Orton in the main even tonight.


************************Commercial Break***************


RAW Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

M.V.P. vs. the Big Show


M.V.P uses his speed to take the Big Show off balance but Show quickly pounds away at him. Show destroys M.V.P for most of this match but M.V.P goes low and hits a missile dropkick, dropping the Big Show to one knee. Yakuza Kick right to the face and Show is down on two knees. M.V.P bounces up but Show pops up, grabbing M.V.P by the throat and connecting with the Choke Slam for the pin!


Winner: The Big Show(5:05, B)


Show picks up M.V.P. with an angry scowl on his face and cobra clutches him to death, before shoving him off and drilling him with the Knockout Punch. Show gets on the microphone, stating pain for the other five competitors and he promises to walk out the WWE Championship! M.V.P, one of the top athletes on RAW, felt it tonight and the Big Show has been a more focused giant as of late, based on his dominate performance in the Royal Rumble. Its going to be hard to take him out at his current state of dominance!


***********************Commercial Break***************************


The Miz comes out, talking about how he was so close to winning the Royal Rumble match, but Morrison managed to get lucky enough to throw him out of the ring. Miz says he came to a realization last night. He’s not going to challenge for the championship at Wrestlemania 26. No, he’s going to go into Wrestlemania 26 as a double champion, defending the belt in the main event! The Miz says tonight, he’s going to put John Cena down and he’ll be the first step to ultimate victory in the Elimination Chamber, where he heads to Wrestlemania 26 to defend the WWE Championship because he’s the Miz and he’s awesome!


Non Title Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

John Cena vs. WWE United States Champion the Miz


The Miz is knocked around from pillar to post by Cena. Cena beats on the Miz and hammers away at him but the Miz goes low, to get some offense going. Attempted double axe handle is blocked when Cena punches the Miz. Cena beats on the Miz and slams him down, before hitting the Five Knuckle Shuffle. STF applied on the Miz but he’s in the ropes. Cena rushes after Miz and pounds away at him, before throwing the Miz into the ring right before Paul Burchill jumps Cena from behind!. Burchill just hit Cena with that heavy metal knee brace right in the back of the head and the referee did not see it. Cena is unconscious on the floor and the referee puts the count on Cena, before he reaches ten! The fans are in shock before they begin to boo loudly. The Miz has back doored his way into the Chamber!


Winner By Countout: The Miz(8:28, C+)


The Miz celebrates his win, like he just won in the main event at Wrestlemania 26, as Burchill posts Cena, before hitting a vicious neckbreaker on the floor! Burchill yells that it’s not going to be that easy for Cena, just to throw him out of the Rumble! Burchill says that he hasn’t taken his entire pound of flesh from Cena but tonight, he’s cost Cena his one chance to regain the title! The fans boo, as things between Burchill and Cena continue to heat up.


We cut backstage, where Triple H and Kofi Kingston have a meeting. HHH says that tonight, he and Kofi have to get along for both of them to get inside the Chamber, but the moment that match is over, all bets are off. Triple H says he’s not Randy Orton, he won’t hesitate to put Kofi out when he has the chance. Kofi says that he knows Triple H isn’t Randy Orton but it still won’t stop Kofi from taking out the Game with the Trouble in Paradise when he has the chance. Some tense moments but both men are the same side, for tonight.


******************Commercial Break*****************


Mark Henry and Chavo Guerrero(w/Hornswoggle) vs. Sheamus and Carlito


This was supposed to be Hornswoggle and Henry against Carlito and Sheamus but Chavo was subbed in by Hornswoggle. Chavo is beaten down two on one for a lot of this match by Sheamus and Carlito. Chavo fights out and tag made to Mark Henry. Henry clotheslines Sheamus to the floor and Carlito beats on Henry fro behind but Hornswoggle gets involved, allowing Henry to hit the World’s Strongest Slam for the pin!


Winners: Mark Henry and Chavo Guerrero(4:44, C-)


Sheamus attacks Mark Henry from behind and takes him down. Henry is down and Hornswoggle is in the ring, trapped in the corner! Sheamus stalks Hornswoggle, grabbing the little guy and throwing him into the ring, where he nearly decapitates Hornswoggle with a huge boot! Chavo steps into the ring but gets taken down by a clothesline! Sheamus hoists up Hornswoggle onto his shoulders and drops him throat first onto the top rope! The fans are booing, Sheamus, as he’s just bullying Hornswoggle! Sheamus has Hornswoggle set up, hoisting him into the air. Sheamus obliterates Hornswoggle with a huge Crucifix Power Bomb! Hornswoggle has been folded up like a piece of paper in the ring as Sheamus stands over Hornswoggle, with a grin on his face. Sheamus has ended the career of Jamie Noble and he may have just done the same thing to Hornswoggle. Paramedics come out, to check on Hornswoggle!


**********************Commercial Break*****************


We see the paramedics, rolling Hornswoggle, with an oxygen mask on him, into the ambulance, saying that he has several fractures and internal bleeding before one of them states that he’s gone into shock. Santino walks over, checking on his little buddy, as does Chavo, who looks remorseful! As Hornswoggle is in the ambulance, Santino vows revenge on Sheamus for what he did to Hornswoggle, picking up a piece of pipe, as he goes to hunt for the Celtic Warrior! Chavo turns away, with a sadistic grin on his face, saying that finally Hornswoggle’s out of his life and he can move on!


Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

Kofi Kingston and Triple H vs. Legacy


Pretty good tag team fare to start, with both teams going at it, but the experience of Rhodes and DiBiase as a tag team manage to win out for a while, as Triple H is double teamed. Several impressive moves, keeping the Game off balance! Triple H eventually fights from underneath and decks both Rhodes and DiBiase with a double clothesline! Triple H makes the tag to Kofi, who runs wild. DiBiase is taken to the floor and Trouble in Paradise takes Rhodes down for the pin!


Winners: Triple H and Kofi Kingston(9:50, B)


Kofi Kingston and Triple H join the Miz and the Big Show as the people who will be challenging for the WWE Championship in the RAW Elimination Chamber match.


We see Shawn Michaels and Randy Orton getting ready backstage. Coming up in a matter of moments, they will have their WWE Championship match. These two men have had many great battles and this is the latest in a series. Orton has promises to walk out with the championship tonight and HBK has promised to keep it! Something has to give and we’ll find out exactly who is going to defend the belt in the Elimination Chamber! Coming up next.


**********************Commercial Break**********************


WWE Championship Match:

Randy Orton vs. Shawn Michaels©


The bell rings and Michaels quickly tags Orton with a series of punches, going for the Sweet Chin Music within the first minute, but Orton slides underneath the bottom rope. Michaels leaps over the top rope, with a cross body block right onto Orton and beats on him some more, before rolling him underneath the bottom rope. Michaels enters the ring and hammers away at Orton, series of elbow strikes to the top of the head. Single leg takedown and Michaels attempts to spin around but Orton kicks Michaels into the corner and rolls him up for a two count! Orton beats on Michaels and hammers away at him. Front suplex dumps Michaels on the top rope. DDT off the ropes but Michaels counters with punches and sunset flip to Orton for a two count. More back and forth action, before Orton kneelifts Michaels in the gut and takes him to the canvas, working him over with headlocks and other weardown holds! Michaels is fighting to his feet and Orton throws him into the corner. Leaping dropkick brings Michaels down and Orton hammers away at the ribcage of Michaels, working him over with an abdominal stretch. A series of elbow strikes to the top of the head and to the second rope, but Michaels fights him off throws Orton off.


A pair of clotheslines by Michaels and ten headsmashes into the corner. Orton is on dream street and inverted atomic drop. Leaping forearm smash brings Orton down and Michaels rolls over, before he kips up to his feet. He begins hammering away at Orton, drawing some cheers, as he scoops up Orton and slams him down. Michaels drills a knee to the top of the head, and climbs up. Orton cuts him up and climbs up with Michaels. Superplex brings Michaels off the ropes! Orton floats over for a cover but gets a two and a half count! Orton sets up for the punt of doom but Michaels catches the leg and double leg pickup, right into the reverse figure four leglock! Michaels cranks on the legs, but Orton is now in the ropes! Back and fourth action, as Orton is underneath the ring. Michaels grabs Orton but Orton snaps the neck over the top rope. Michaels staggers and Orton is in the ring. RKO is blocked and Michaels shoves Orton off. Sweet Chin Music is avoided. Another RKO is reversed into a Teardrop Suplex! This was the finisher of the Heart Break Kid as he was coming up and he gets a nearfall. Michaels sets up Orton and beats on him some more. Gutwrench suplex and Michaels climbs to the top rope, facing the crowd. Moonsault to Orton and another close nearfall!


Michaels beats on Orton and into the ropes. Clothesline is ducked on the rebound and Michaels waistlock, before he hits a German Suplex release! Orton’s brains have been rattled and now Michaels looks to the heavens, before he climbs to the top rope! Michaels is on the top rope and Flying Elbow drop but Orton moves. Fake out by Michaels, who lands on his feet, before he drops an elbow down across Orton! Michaels is in the corner, cueing up the band. Sweet Chin Music coming up but Orton once again avoids it and chop blocks HBK! The fans are going nuts with boos as Orton sets up Michaes for the punt but once again HBK avoids it. Oklahoma Side Roll by Michaels to a off balance Orton gets a two count! The fans are cheering as Michaels beats on Orton some more, throwing him into the ropes. Spine buster brings Orton down and now Michaels climbs to the outside! He’s a bit slow, having suffered a chop block that really ratted his knee! Flying elbow drop misses and now Orton is preparing for the punt once again! He goes for Michaels but once again HBK avoids it and kips up, before he levels Orton with the Sweet Chin Music! Michaels staggers, but he falls the wrong way! Normally he collapses on top of his opponent but bad ring positioning. Standing ten count on both men but Orton has recovered, as Michaels does. Both men are on their feet and Michaels going to go for the kick again but Orton ducks it. Attempted backslide by Orton but Michaels kicks his feet and rolls up Orton in a small package for a two count!


Michaels is up and he hammers away at Orton, before slamming him down once again! The fans are cheering Michaels, as he climbs to the top rope, facing the crowd. Moonsault attempt once again as Orton is on his feet no Orton catches him! Orton turns Michaels around, before he swings him, before dropping him down with the RKO in mid air! The fans are booing, as Orton just grins, as he rolls over the deflated form of Michaels. The referee counts three!


Winner and new WWE Champion: Randy Orton(21:07, B+)


Randy Orton grabs the belt. On this night, Orton has once again climbed to the top of the mountain on RAW. A new age of Orton has dawned, as Orton will be defending the championship in the Elimination Chamber. Both of these men have given their all, in one of the greatest main events in recent memory on RAW. Orton holds up the WWE Championship, taunting the fans with it!

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RAW Results:

TracyBrooksFan: 2/5(+3 Bonus Points)

BHK1978: 3/5


February Standings:

TracyBrooksFan: 5/5

BHk1978: 3/5

Rayelek: 2/5

MartinC: 1/5


ECW on Sy Fy 2/2/2010


Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

Christian vs. Shelton Benjamin


Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

Goldust vs. Vance Archer


Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

Bryan Danielson vs. Lance Cade.

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New to your diary. I like what I have read so thought I might make some predictions, so here goes.



Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

Christian vs. Shelton Benjamin


Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

Goldust vs. Vance Archer


Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

Bryan Danielson vs. Lance Cade.

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ECW on Sy Fy 2/2/10


Out comes Tiffany to announce that there will be an Elimination Chamber Match for the ECW Championship. Tonight, there will be three qualifying matches for the Chamber. Bryan Danielson takes on Lance Cade, Goldust takes on Vance Archer, and in the main event, Christian squares off against Shelton Benjamin. Let’s head to the ring, for the first Elimination Chamber Qualifier:


ECW Championship Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

Bryan Danielson vs. Lance Cade


Clips of their last match was shown, with Danielson pulling out the win and Cade snapping beating down Danielson. This week, Cade tries for an attack at the bell but Danielson beats on him. Impressive technical offense, but Cade cuts Danielson down with a clothesline and begins beating him down. Danielson fights back from underneath and high cross body block by Danielson causes both men to stumble over the top rope to the arena floor. Danielson and Cade are fighting on the floor as both men are counted out.


Winners: Double Countout(7:41, C)


Cade and Danielson continue their brawl around the ringside area. Cade manages to knock Danielson into the steps and choke him with a piece of tape, as security comes out. Nothing was settled and as of right now, neither man is in the Elimination Chamber.


William Regal is standing backstage, with the other members of his Ruthless Roundtable, talking about how it’s barbaric that he’s forced to defend his ECW Championship in such a structure. Regal says he’s trying to bring class back to the ECW Championship but he has to defend in inside the Elimination Chamber. Regardless, Regal vows victory, no matter who is in the Chamber.


***********************Commercial Break****************


Elimination Chamber Qualifer:

Goldust vs. Vance Archer


Archer beats down Goldust in the ring for most of this match, but Goldust fights back. Goldust hammers away at Archer but Archer takes him down with a big boot. High risk move by Archer but Goldust catches him and hits the powerslam, managing to hold Archer down for the pin!


Winner: Goldust(7:01, D+)


In comes Zack Ryder, who Goldust attacks. Tyler Reks gets beaten down as well but Vance Archer is up and he attacks Goldust, before bringing him down with a vicious inverted DDT until the lights dim and the Hurricane rushes out, saving Goldust. The Hurricane and Zack Ryder will meet on Superstars on a Qualifying match but Hurricane has now cleared the ring, checking on Goldust, who got a bit of a beating, from the trio of Ryder, Reks, and Archer.


******************Commercial Break*********************


We have a few words from Christian, who says that he entered the Rumble at number thirty and ran into a brick wall named the Big Show. Christian says that he has one more chance to challenge for the ECW Championship and he has to do so by facing Shelton Benjamin tonight. Christian says that he has to get past Shelton to get inside the Chamber and it will be an uphill battle.


We cut backstage elsewhere, where we have a few words from Shelton Benjamin, who talks about how he’s never held a major world championship and he’s the best pound for pound athlete not to hold one. The Elimination Chamber could be his ticket to the ECW Championship and Shelton vows to win, no matter what it takes. He puts over Christian as a tough opponent, but Shelton vows victory tonight.


Coming up next, the next Elimination Chamber qualifier, with Shelton Benjamin going one on one with Christian. More ECW right after this time out.


*********************Commercial Break****************************


Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

Christian vs. Shelton Benjamin


Some back and forth action, before Christian is knocked on the floor and Shelton dives onto him with a somersault plancha. Back into the ring, Shelton uses his amateur skills to dazzle Christian, keeping him off balance for several moments worth of nearfalls but a leaping splash in the corner misses. Christian hits a reverse DDT for two count. He climbs up top but Shelton hits a superplex for a nearfall. T-Bone powerslam but Christian kicks out. 450 Splash hits the knees and Christian sets up Shelton for the Killswitch but it is countered with a German Suplex into a two count. Kick blocked and Money clip connects. Shelton gets a two count and springboard off the top rope is caught. Christian beats on Shelton and high cross body off the top rope. Shelton is thrown through the ropes and Christian dives onto him. Shelton is beaten on and rolled back into the ring, but the WWE Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty are on the floor. Christian is distracted by their presence slightly and Killswitch is twisted out of. Shelton drills Christian with a thrust kick and connects with the Paydirt for the pin.


Winner: Shelton Benjamin(14:30, C+)


Shelton Benjamin has his hand raised in the air and in comes the Hart Dynasty, to stomp a mud hole in Christian but Shelton turns and returns to the ring, fighting off the Hart Dynasty! The fans are cheering, as Shelton is defending Christian. Christian is pulled up to his feet as the Hart Dynasty stand on the ramp, as the odds are even.

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ECW Results:

BHK1978: 1/3

TracyBrooksFan: 1/3

Tripps04: 1/3

nick21985: 0/3



February Standings:

TracyBrooksFan: 6/8

BHk1978: 4/8

Rayelek: 2/8

Tripps04: 1/8

MartinC: 1/8

nick21985: 0/8


WWE Superstars 2/4/2010


Smackdown Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

Finlay vs. Mike Knox vs. CM Punk


ECW Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

The Hurricane vs. Zack Ryder


Evan Bourne vs. Chris Masters

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WWE Superstars 2/4/10


Hype for not one, but two big Elimination Chamber qualifiers. First, from ECW, Zack Ryder goes one on one with the Hurricane. And then three men from Smackdown fight for their right to enter the Chamber, as Finlay, Mike Knox, and CM Punk do battle. Right now, let’s head down to the ring for the Superstars of Monday Night Raw.


Evan Bourne vs. Chris Masters


This was the ultimate speed against power encounter. Once Masters got his hands on Bourne, he threw around the high flyer like a ragdoll for most of the match. Bourne made a comeback, getting a couple of nearfalls on Masters, but missing the Shooting Star Press. This allowed Masters to clamp on the Masterlock for the submission:


Winner: Chris Masters(6:58, C+)


Masters flexes, as he stands over the beaten Evan Bourne tonight on Superstars.


Coming up next, the fourth competitor in the ECW Elimination Chamber will be determined, when the Hurricane squares off against Zack Ryder.


**********************Commercial Break*****************


The Hurricane vs. Zack Ryder(w/Rosa Mendes)


The announcers talk about how the winner of this match will join Goldust, Shelton Benjamin, and defending champion William Regal inside the Elimination Chamber. The announcers talk about how this was supposed to be for the fifth man in the Chamber but Bryan Danielson and Lance Cade fought to a double countout, thus neither man advanced into the Chamber. Some intense back and forth action, with both men trading nearfalls early on until Ryder gets the advantage. Ryder works over the Hurricane, but the Hurricane stages a comeback. Spectacular cross body on Ryder for a nearfall. The Hurricane beats on Ryder some more, but Ryder goes low, before hitting the Zack Attack to advance into the Elimination Chamber


Winner: Zack Ryder(8:52, B)


*******************Commercial Break******************


The recap from RAW is shown, with Randy Orton beating Shawn Michaels for the WWE Championship in a pretty hard fought back and forth match. We also see The Miz, The Big Show, Kofi Kingston, and Triple H securing spots inside the Elimination Chamber. We understand that Shawn Michaels will take his return match inside the Chamber. So it will be Randy Orton defending his newly acquired WWE Championship against former champion Michaels, Triple H, Kofi Kingston, the Miz, and the Big Show in just a little over two weeks at the Elimination Chamber.


Coming up next, the first man inside the Smackdown Chamber will be determined, when Knox, Punk, and Finlay go at it in a Triple Threat Match. More Superstars up next on WGN America.


******************Commercial Break********************


Finlay vs. Mike Knox vs. CM Punk


Knox uses his brute force to knock both men around, until Punk and Finlay join forces to double team the brute Knox. Finlay attacks Punk before he could turn on him and beats on Punk, causing him to take a nasty spill to the floor after dropping him over the top rope. Knox attacks Finlay and beats on him for most of the match, with both men exchange vicious suplexes and slams, along with the usual forearms, punches, and kicks. Knox squashes Finlay with his huge cross body and beats on Finlay, hitting a Samoan Drop, before picking him up. Knox Out is blocked and Finlay fights off Knox, before hammering away at him. Knox cuts Finlay off and beats on him some more, before connecting with the Knox Out but CM Punk reenters the ring, hitting a missile dropkick on Knox, sending him to the floor. He covers Finlay but only gets a two and nine tenths count. Punk dropkicks Knox from behind and beats on Finlay. GTS is blocked and Finlay beats on Punk, until Knox enters the ring, to wipe out both men with a double clothesline! Knox goes for the Bicycle Kick on Punk but Punk ducks and Finlay gets wiped out. This allows Punk to roll up Knox to score the pin.


Winner: CM Punk(11:04, B)


Punk gets the win to be the first man inside the Chamber, other than current champion Chris Jericho. Tune into Smackdown this week as more entrants in the Chamber will be determined.

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Superstars Results:

MattitudeV2: 2/3

TracyBrooksFan: 2/3


February Standings:

TracyBrooksFan: 8/11

BHk1978: 4/11

Rayelek: 2/11

MattitudeV2: 2/11

Tripps04: 1/11

MartinC: 1/11

nick21985: 0/11


WWE Smackdown 2/5/10


Non Title Match(If the Undertaker wins, he's in the Elimination Chamber):

The Undertaker vs. World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho


Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

R-Truth vs. Batista


Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

Booker T vs. Charlie Haas


Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

Kane vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler

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Non Title Match(If the Undertaker wins, he's in the Elimination Chamber):

The Undertaker vs. World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho


Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

R-Truth vs. Batista


Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

Booker T vs. Charlie Haas


Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

Kane vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler

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Non Title Match(If the Undertaker wins, he's in the Elimination Chamber):

The Undertaker vs. World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho


Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

R-Truth vs. Batista


Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

Booker T vs. Charlie Haas


Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

Kane vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler

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Non Title Match(If the Undertaker wins, he's in the Elimination Chamber):

The Undertaker vs. World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho


Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

R-Truth vs. Batista


Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

Booker T vs. Charlie Haas


Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

Kane vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler

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Non Title Match(If the Undertaker wins, he's in the Elimination Chamber):

The Undertaker vs. World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho


Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

R-Truth vs. Batista


Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

Booker T vs. Charlie Haas


Elimination Chamber Qualifier:

Kane vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler

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<p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>WWE Smackdown 2/5/2010</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

The World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho barges into Bret Hart’s office, demanding some answers, regarding his match with the Undertaker tonight. Jericho says he has nothing to prove, having made the Undertaker tap out at the Rumble and he says that he shouldn’t have to defend his belt in the Elimination Chamber as well, because it is less than thirty days since his last title defense. Bret Hart says he knows that Jericho is capable of doing well in the Chamber, that’s why he agreed to showcase the World Heavyweight Title in the Chamber and says that if he has nothing to prove against the Undertaker, then Jericho should have no problem beating him. Jericho agrees and the Hitman reminds Jericho that if the Undertaker should defeat Jericho in this non title match, then he gets a spot in the Chamber. Jericho say she doesn’t sweat that possibility, saying that he beat the Undertaker once and he can do it again. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Elimination Chamber Qualifier:</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>

Kane vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Ziggler runs around but Kane catches him and pounds the stuffing out of Ziggler. A huge boot knocks Ziggler down and Kane continues to beat on Ziggler, but a jawbreaker takes him down and Ziggler takes control for the next few minutes, until he gets caught off top and slammed off. Kane hits a side slam and goes up top, before hitting a flying clothesline for a two count. A powerslam by Kane and picks up Ziggler. Choke Slam but Ziggler grabs onto the rope to block and low blow to Kane, sets up the Zig Zag for the pin and Ziggler advances into the Elimination Chamber. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner: Dolph Ziggler(9:59, B-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Ziggler could very well hold double gold at the Elimination Chamber, as he joins CM Punk and Chris Jericho inside the Elimination Chamber match. </p><p> </p><p>

*****************Commercial Break***********************</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Elimination Chamber Qualifier:</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>

Booker T vs. Charlie Haas</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

A standard back and forth match, with Haas managing to gain an advantage by working over the leg of Booker T. Booker fights back, beating down Haas. Book End is blocked and Haas pulls out a Northern Light Suplex for a nearfall. Haas gets a couple more nearfalls but Booker T manages to catch him coming off the top rope. Vicious Book End drills Haas down to the canvas for the pin. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner: Booker T(9:01, B-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Booker T vows victory in the Elimination Chamber. He came close to beating Chris Jericho for the championship on a couple of occasions and in fact, Booker T was in the first Elimination Chamber match back in 2002, so he knows what its all about. </p><p> </p><p>

**************Commercial Break*******************</p><p> </p><p>

The 2010 Royal Rumble winner John Morrison comes down to the ring, for a scheduled match with Eric Escobar but <strong>Drew McIntyre jumps him from behind on the rampway!</strong> McIntyre beats on Morrison, stomping a complete mudhole in him and walking him dry, before ramming him into the ringpost hard. McIntyre picks up Morrison and drops him stomach first across the metal stairs! He then moves over, grabbing a chair, before he waffles Morrison with it and rolls him into the ring and lays him out with a Double Underhook DDT! McIntyre places the chair in the ribs of Morrison and kneedrops it! McIntyre cuts a scathing promo, talking about how he’s undefeated on Smackdown, no one has been able to pin his shoulders to the mat, not even once. Yet, Morrison is awarded a title shot based on winning a silly little battle royal. McIntyre says that he should have been given the title shot, he was hand selected by Mr. McMahon to be the top competitor on Smackdown. Paramedics attend to Morrison, as McIntyre taunts him, asking if that’s one half of the Wrestlemania main event. McIntyre kicks Morrison, laying him out once again. There will be no match between Eric Escobar and John Morrison tonight. </p><p> </p><p>

McIntyre walks backstage, where Bret Hart angrily confronts him. The Hitman says that McIntyre might think that he’s something because Vince McMahon told him he was a future champion but this is Smackdown and the Hitman is in charge. He needs a replacement match due to McIntyre’s brutal attack on Morrison. Therefore, he tells McIntyre to lace up his boots, because he has a match with Matt Hardy. McIntyre looks at Bret with disgust, saying the Hitman was thrown away like a piece of rubbish by Vince years ago and says that he’s taking it out on McIntyre. </p><p> </p><p>

****************Commercial Break*********************</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Elimination Chamber Qualifier:</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>

R-Truth vs. Batista</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Batista angrily attacks R-Truth at the bell, beating him to a pulp in the ring. Truth manages to sunset flip Batista out of the corner for a nearfall and Batista just responds, by beating Truth down some more. Batista has been in a bad mood ever since last Sunday, when John Cena threw him out of the Royal Rumble. Batista hammers away at R-Truth and spine buster brings him down. Batista Bomb but R-Truth punches out and flips onto his feet, before dropkicking Batista in the corner. Ten count punches and R-Truth drops down, driving Batista down across the knee. Springboard splash to Batista gets a two count. R-Truth climbs to the outside and another high risk move but Batista catches him with, hitting R-Truth with a huge spinebuster and begins ruthlessly choking R-Truth. The referee puts the count on and Batista refuses to break, so the referee calls for the bell, disqualifying Batista.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner By Disqualification: R-Truth(10:01, B-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Batista looks absolutely insane when he realizes that he’s been disqualified and he pummels the referee, before throwing him to the floor. His last chance to get the title until Wrestlemania, completed. He hits the Batista Bomb on R-Truth and demands the microphone. Batista yells that John Cena robbed him of his right to go to Wrestlemania 26 and challenge for the title. He reminds Cena that the one time they fought, Batista handily beat him and put Cena on the injured reserve list for three months. If Batista ever sees Cena again, he will do the job permanently and Cena will be a dead man. In all of this, R-Truth joins CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler, Chris Jericho, and Booker T in the Elimination Chamber. </p><p> </p><p>

*******************Commercial Break*******************</p><p> </p><p>

Vickie Guerrero comes out, with Eric Escobar in tow. Vickie screeches that Escobar is the fastest rising superstar in WWE history and that he should be have been in the Royal Rumble and he should have been in the Elimination Chamber but management is determined to hold him back. Vickie demands that anyone come from the back, throwing out an open challenge and a very familiar beat picks up. </p><p> </p><p>

The Great Khali makes his way to the ring, having returned from several months on the shelf. Escobar backs off and Khali enters the ring, before he chops Escobar down! The fans are really behind Khali as he turns to Vickie. The fans are cheering, waiting to see Vickie Guerrero get hers and The Great Khali walks over…<strong>before he plants a kiss on Vickie Guerrero!</strong> The fans are torn between cheering and revulsion, as Vickie faints. Khali may have slipped her some tongue. Escobar attacks Khali but gets dumped to the floor, as the Great Khali exits the ring. As he does, Vickie Guerrero slowly sits up, watching the Great Khali’s retreating back…with a goofy smile on her face? </p><p> </p><p>

***********************Commercial Break*********************</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Matt Hardy vs. Drew McIntyre</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Hardy got in more than his fair share of offense, but McIntyre brutalized him for most of this match. Hardy staged a late comeback, hitting the Side Effect and an elbow off of the second rope for a nearfall. McIntyre hangs him up on the top rope and brings him down with the Double Underhook DDT to score the pin! </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner: Drew McIntyre(8:12, B)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

McIntyre beats up Hardy some more after the match, as John Morrison runs down to the ring, ribs taped up. Morrison attacks McIntyre, taking him to the floor and gets on the microphone, running down McIntyre. Morrison challenges McIntyre to a mach at Elimination Chamber but McIntyre refuses, saying that there is nothing in it for him. After a moment, Morrison, under anger, agrees to put his Wrestlemania title shot up for grabs which McIntyre accepts. It was obvious that McIntyre had intended to goad Morrison into putting his guaranteed title match on the line and the announcers debate whether Morrison will regret this action. </p><p> </p><p>

*******************Commercial Break******************</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Non Title Match(If the Undertaker Wins, He is in the Elimination Chamber)</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>

The Undertaker vs. Chris Jericho</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Jericho attacked the Undertaker at the bell but the Undertaker quickly shrugged Jericho off, bouncing him around the ring. Jericho is hoisted into the air with a high flapjack and the Undertaker beats on Jericho but Jericho goes to the eyes and goes to work on the Undertaker. Jericho hits a running faceplant and a lionsault for a two count. The Undertaker is beaten on some more but missile dropkick is caught and catapult. Choke Slam is countered into the Code Breaker for a two count. Walls of Jericho but the Undertaker fights it. This time, the Choke Slam drives Jericho down. The Undertaker goes for the Tombstone but Jericho slips out. Spinning leg lariat brings the Undertaker down and Jericho beats on him. Springboard dropkick gets two. Jericho hammers away at the Undertaker and ten count punches is countered with the Last Right, which is promptly countered into a Frankensteiner for a two count. Jericho beats on the Undertaker and goes for the Walls, but the Undertaker manages to counter into the Hell’s Gate, which Jericho taps out to instantly! </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner: The Undertaker(12:30, B-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

After the match, the Undertaker raises his hand, having been the sixth and final man in the Smackdown chamber. Jericho leaves the ring, as the Undertaker stands tall. Could be going to Wrestlemania 26 with both the streak and the championship?</p>

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Smackdown Results:

Lo-Drew: 3/4

MattitudeV2: 3/4

Tripps04: 2/4

TracyBrooksFan: 2/4




February Standings:

TracyBrooksFan: 10/15

MattitudeV2: 5/15

BHk1978: 4/15

Low-Drew: 3/15

Tripps04: 3/15

Rayelek: 2/15

MartinC: 1/15

nick21985: 0/15


WWE Monday Night Raw 2/8/2010


DeGeneration X. vs the WWE Champion Randy Orton and the WWE United States Champion the Miz.


John Cena and the WWE Diva's Champion Melina vs. Paul and Katie Lea Burchill.


Kofi Kingston vs. Ted DiBiase.


No Disqualification Match:

Santino Marella vs. Sheamus


Mark Henry and M.V.P. vs. the Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty(Non Title Match)

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DeGeneration X. vs the WWE Champion Randy Orton and the WWE United States Champion the Miz.


John Cena and the WWE Diva's Champion Melina vs. Paul and Katie Lea Burchill.


Kofi Kingston vs. Ted DiBiase.


No Disqualification Match:

Santino Marella vs. Sheamus


Mark Henry and M.V.P. vs. the Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty(Non Title Match)

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DeGeneration X. vs the WWE Champion Randy Orton and the WWE United States Champion the Miz.


John Cena and the WWE Diva's Champion Melina vs. Paul and Katie Lea Burchill.


Kofi Kingston vs. Ted DiBiase.


No Disqualification Match:

Santino Marella vs. Sheamus


Mark Henry and M.V.P. vs. the Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty(Non Title Match)

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DeGeneration X. vs the WWE Champion Randy Orton and the WWE United States Champion the Miz.


Wow the only person that I do not despise in this match is Randy Orton.


John Cena and the WWE Diva's Champion Melina vs. Paul and Katie Lea Burchill.


Kofi Kingston vs. Ted DiBiase.


No Disqualification Match:

Santino Marella vs. Sheamus


Mark Henry and M.V.P. vs. the Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty(Non Title Match)

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DeGeneration X. vs the WWE Champion Randy Orton and the WWE United States Champion the Miz.


John Cena and the WWE Diva's Champion Melina vs. Paul and Katie Lea Burchill.


Kofi Kingston vs. Ted DiBiase.


No Disqualification Match:

Santino Marella vs. Sheamus


Mark Henry and M.V.P. vs. the Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty(Non Title Match)

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