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ECW On Sy Fy 3/2/10


Hype for tonight, the ECW Championship on the line when Shelton Benjamin defends against William Regal. Also, Money in the Bank Qualifier, when Lance Cade takes on Bryan Danielson.


A history package is shown with Lance Cade and Bryan Danielson, hyping up their history, leading into the Money in the Bank match.


Money in the Bank Qualifier:

Bryan Danielson vs. Lance Cade


Danielson and Cade trade wrestling moves to start, but Cade eventually gets frustrated and drills him with a cheapshot. Cade beats on Danielson in the center of the ring, battering him with a series of elbows, before hitting a vicious suplex. A series of stomps and Cade hammers away at Danielson, before drilling him with a series of elbows. Gutwrench suplex brings Danielson down and Cade beats on Danielson, gaining a series of close nearfalls! Cade slams Danielson into the corner and drills him with a vicious bulldog, bringing Danielson down to the canvas for a two count. Cade hammers away at Danielson, before putting him on the top rope. Climbing up but Danielson counters with a series of elbow strikes to the side of the head. Cade goes down and Danielson hits a missile dropkick for a two count. Danielson climbs to the outside and leaping off the ropes, but Cade catches Danielson and powerslams him down for a two count.


Cade picks up Danielson and a series of forearm smashes right to the chest. Lariat brings Danielson down for a two and a half count. Cade picks up Danielson, a series a chops right to the chest. Into the corner goes Danielson and Cade hooks Danielson. Belly to back suplex brings Danielson down to the canvas to the canvas! To the outside and Cade climbs to the outside. Flying elbow drop misses and Cade favors his arm. Danielson is back to his feet and Danielson beats on Cade with a series of elbows to the back of the head. Into the ropes but Cade has Danielson and Hotshot down across the throat of Danielson! Danielson turns around, clutching his wind pipe and Cade blitzes him with another huge Stan Hansen like lariat for a nearfall! Cade beats on Danielson and tilt a whirl is reversed into a spinning headscissors by Danielson. Danielson guillotines Cade and drives a series of elbows right to the side of the head! Cade is slumped over and Danielson rolls Cade over, before delivering a La Magistral Cradle for the pin.


Winner: Bryan Danielson(10:42, C+)


Bryan Danielson is the sixth man in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match, with Zack Ryder, Matt Hardy, Evan Bourne, R-Truth, and Ted DiBiase. Two more spots are open for the all important title shot that is earned in the main event at Wrestlemania 26.


***************************Commercial Break***********************


We cut backstage, where William Regal is getting ready for his return match against Shelton Benjamin. Regal sends Koslov and Zeke away, saying that he wants to prove why he should be the ECW Champion by beating Shelton Benjamin one on one. Regal says that straight up, Benjamin could not beat him, only in the barbaric structure that is the Elimination Chamber.


**************************Commercial Break************************


Shelton Benjamin cuts a promo, talking about how he clawed his way to the top. How he won’t just lose after one title defense. He said that Regal will get his return match, but after tonight, Shelton Benjamin will officially arrive as ECW Champion. Shelton holds up the ECW Championship, talking about how many great men have held the title and he’s the latest.


Coming up next, the ECW Championship Match, with William Regal against Shelton Benjamin up next on ECW.


*****************Commercial Break**********************


ECW Championship Match:

William Regal vs. Shelton Benjamin©


By the time this match starts, we have approximately thirty minutes left in the show. The importance of this match requires plenty of time and Josh Mathews informs us that there is a standby match of Yoshi Tatsu and Goldust against Vance Archer and Zack Ryder at the ready, in case this match ends early. Both men trade holds, until Shelton fights out and leapfrogs over Regal, before hitting a running spinning leg lariat! Shelton grabs Regal and beats on him, drawing cheers, before a pair of suplexes brings Regal down! Regal attempts to take a powder to the floor but Shelton dives onto him with a tope con hilo, wiping out Regal! Regal is rolled into the ring and Shelton with a shoulder block, before he hits a springboard cross body press for a two count! Shelton picks up Regal and a series of forearm smashes, before he drills him with a kneelift. Leaping onto the shoulders of Regal and bringing him down with a headscissors takeover! Regal is up and kick blocked but the Money Clip is not blocked! Regal is knocked through the ropes and Shelton dives onto Regal. Back into the ring, but Regal catches Shelton right between the eyes with a forearm smash.


Regal beats on Shelton as he is in the ring. A pair of European Uppercuts and Regal beats on Shelton, before delivering a double underhook suplex. Regal applies a chickenwing on the canvas, before he drills the knee into the back of Shelton Benjamin multiple times. Regal forces Shelton onto his feet and a series of forearms to the back. High angle belly to back suplex nearly telescopes Benjamin onto the back of his head! Benjamin is back to his feet and Regal plants a boot firmly in the stomach, before hooking Benjamin. Attempted piledriver but Benjamin fights out with a double leg pick up into a jack-knife cradle for a two count. Benjamin is up and he chops away at Regal. Into the corner and Stinger Splash, followed by a Northern Lights Suplex but Regal rolls the shoulder up! Benjamin grabs Regal and head rammed into the buckles multiple times, before Benjamin catches Regal with a fireman’s carry out of the corner. Regal is on his feet and Benjamin dropkicks Regal down, before he goes to the outside. Springboard clothesline is countered into an European Uppercut in mid move and Regal has Benjamin, before hitting a fisherman suplex! Bridge by Regal but only a two and nine tenths count!


Regal beats on Shelton some more, pounding at him in the center of the ring. Regal has Benjamin onto the shoulders. Forward rolling Samoan Drop, with Benjamin being crushed as Regal somersaults in mid air! Regal makes the cover but only a nearfall! Regal scowls and picks up Benjamin. A pair of European uppercuts and an inverted atomic drop. Regal beats on Benjamin some more and double underhook suplex! Regal backs off and plants some boots firmly into the back of the head of Benjamin! Regal steps back, to measure Shelton but Shelton counters an European Uppercut with a T-Bone Suplex!. Impressive counter by Shelton but a bit slow to cover. Two and nine tenths when Regal kicks out! Shelton picks up Regal and a series of kicks right to the chest, before Shelton hits a spin kick and now to the outside. Slingshot somersault headbutt down across the chest of Regal! Regal is stunned and now Shelton gives the signal. Kick and Paydirt, but Regal fights out. Shelton is staggered and Regal quickly grabs Shelton from behind. Half Nelson Suplex just folds Shelton up right on the back of his head! The fans are booing as Regal makes the cover but somehow the ECW Champion kicks out!


Regal picks up Shelton and drops him roughly facefirst on the canvas, before applying the Regal Stretch! Shelton is struggling against the grip of Regal, as he is really cranking on the Regal Stretch. Shelton is reaching mightily but he is really losing it and the referee checks Shelton. The arm drops two and a half times before Shelton comes back to life! The fans are going absolutely insane, as Shelton makes it to the ropes! Regal drills Shelton with forearms across the back of the head and he grabs Shelton, before setting him up. Piledriver by Regal before Shelton reverses into a high back body drop and bridges, hooking both arms on the way down for the pin!


Winner and Still ECW Champion: Shelton Benjamin(25:42, B)


Regal is incensed and he quickly gets up, as Shelton is still out of it from the Regal Stretch. Regal steals the ECW Championship belt from the referee and waffles Shelton with it! The fans are really booing as Regal pounds away at Shelton, before giving him a Knee Trembler and a belly to back suplex right on the championship belt! Shelton Benjamin has been wiped out tonight and it looks like he’s not moving. He kept the belt but Regal managed to get him in the end. Its obvious that this is far from over between William Regal and Shelton Benjamin.

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TracyBrooksFan: 2/2

BHK1978: 2/2

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Lo-Drew: 2/2



March Standings:

TracyBrooksFan: 11/8

MattitudeV2: 9/8

BHK1978: 7/8

Low-Drew: 6/8

Destiny: 3/8


WWE Superstars 3/4/10


Mark Henry vs. Cody Rhodes


Yoshi Tatsu and Goldust vs. Vance Archer and Zack Ryder


Cryme Tyme vs. Mike Knox and Charlie Haas.

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WWE Superstars 3/4/10


We cut to WWE studios, where Josh Mathews talks about the huge main event from RAW between Cody Rhodes and Mark Henry, along with great tag team action from Smackdown and ECW, along with some highlights from the events of the past week in WWE. Mathews announces that we should get down to the ring for some tag team action, courtesy of Smackdown, with Cryme Tyme squaring against Charlie Haas and Mike Knox, an exclusive match tonight on Superstars.


Charlie Haas and Mike Knox vs. Cryme Tyme


The announcers spend most of this match hyping up the fact that the tag team division on Smackdown appears to be hotter and heavier than ever before, as Cryme Tyme gets the early lead but Knox and Haas cut off JTG and beat him in the corner for several minutes, until the hot tag is made to Shad and he proceeds to clean house! The fans are cheering, as Shad dumps Haas to the outside, but keep your eye on Mike Knox. Knox drills Shad with the Bicycle kick before hitting him with the Knox Out for the pin, as Haas holds off JTG.


Winners: Mike Knox and Charlie Haas(8:01, C+)


Knox and Haas make their way to the back with the win, moving up the ranks on Smackdown and towards a potential shot at the Unified Tag Team Titles.


Still to come, Cody Rhodes against Mark Henry. Coming up next, highlights from ECW on Sy Fy.


*********************Commercial Break******************


Josh Mathews introduces the closing moments of the Shelton Benjamin/William Regal. Both men trade counters, until Shelton comes out on top. Afterwards, Regal gives Shelton a vicious beatdown, as its far from over between these two men. As no doubt both men will be a huge part of this week’s ECW as the road to Wrestlemania 26. However right now, let’s get down to the ring for a match that was taped after the main event of ECW and was scheduled to be a stand by match had the Championship main event last week ended early.


Yoshi Tatsu and Goldust vs. Vance Archer and Zack Ryder(w/Rosa Mendes)


Yoshi and Goldust run wild to start out this match, but Goldust gets cut off quickly and double teamed in the corner, as Josh Mathews and Bryon Saxton talk about Zack’s participation in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match. Goldust fights out and tag made to Yoshi Tatsu, who runs wild on Ryder and Archer. Goldust is back in and he knocks Archer to the floor. Yoshi beats on Ryder, but Rosa is on the ring apron. Yoshi goes after her but she drops down, allowing Zack to hit the Ruff Ryder on Yoshi to score the pin, as Archer rams Goldust into the ringpost.


Winners: Vance Archer and Zack Ryder(7:09, C+)


Archer and Ryder get the win tonight, as Rosa enters the ring to celebrate with her charges. The announcers talk about how Archer and Ryder could be potential challengers for the Unified Tag Team Titles as well.


***********************Commercial Break*********************


Josh Mathews introduces the highlight package from the last week involving John Morrison and Chris Jericho, with highlights from the tag team match involving Chris Jericho and Drew McIntyre against the Undertaker and Morrison last week, with Jericho hitting the Codebreaker on Morrison for the pin. Then we cut to RAW, where Morrison chooses Jericho as his opponent for the Wrestlemania 26 main event and then waffles Jericho with the Pele Kick. A graphic is shown with John Morrison and Chris Jericho for the World Heavyweight Title in the main event at Wrestlemania 26.


Coming up next, Cody Rhodes against Mark Henry. Our feature bout on Superstars coming up next.


*********************Commercial Break************************


The promo of Randy Orton is shown as he vows to fly the Rock in on his own money to the three hour this RAW. Josh talks about how there is a rumor that a ticket has been sent to the Rock but whether or not he has agreed to Orton’s invitation, remains to be seen. We’ll find out as RAW is three hours long and a huge step on the road to Wrestlemania 26. Now let’s head to the ring for the main event, with Cody Rhodes against Mark Henry.


Mark Henry vs. Cody Rhodes


These two men have had their share of battles on the opposite side of tag team matches and Henry put Cody Rhodes on the shelf for a few weeks back in December. Henry uses his power to overwhelm Rhodes but he fought back. Rhodes works over Henry, trying to stay one step ahead of him but Henry fights out of the sleeperhold. Gorilla Press by Henry but a splash is avoided. Cody applies a dragon sleeper and goes for the Cross Rhodes but Henry blocks it and bearhugs Cody. Cody is now shoved off and taken down with the World’s Strongest Slam for the pin.


Winner: Mark Henry(6:55, C-)


Mark Henry gets the win tonight on WWE Superstars, as the announcers talk about how while Henry is without a match at Wrestlemania 26 but no doubt the World’s Strongest Man will find a way to make his way onto the show.

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MattitudeV2: 1/3

TracyBrooksFan: 1/3

Lo-Drew: 1/3

BHK1978: 2/3



March Standings:

TracyBrooksFan: 12/11

MattitudeV2: 10/11

BHK1978: 9/11

Lo-Drew: 7/11

Destiny: 3/11


WWE Smackdown 3/5/10


The Undertaker vs. CM Punk


Money in the Bank Qualifying Match:

Booker T vs. the Miz


Finlay and Kane vs. Dolph Ziggler and Sheamus


John Morrison vs. Jack Swagger.


Beth Phoenix vs. Jillian Hall.


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

Matt Hardy and the Great Khali vs. the Hart Dynasty©

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The Undertaker vs. CM Punk


Money in the Bank Qualifying Match:

Booker T vs. the Miz


Finlay and Kane vs. Dolph Ziggler and Sheamus


John Morrison vs. Jack Swagger.


Beth Phoenix vs. Jillian Hall.


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

Matt Hardy and the Great Khali vs. the Hart Dynasty©

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The Undertaker vs. CM Punk


Money in the Bank Qualifying Match:

Booker T vs. the Miz


Finlay and Kane vs. Dolph Ziggler and Sheamus


John Morrison vs. Jack Swagger.


Beth Phoenix vs. Jillian Hall.


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

Matt Hardy and the Great Khali vs. the Hart Dynasty©

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The Undertaker vs. CM Punk


Money in the Bank Qualifying Match:

Booker T vs. the Miz


Finlay and Kane vs. Dolph Ziggler and Sheamus


John Morrison vs. Jack Swagger.


Beth Phoenix vs. Jillian Hall.


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

Matt Hardy and the Great Khali vs. the Hart Dynasty©

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The Undertaker vs. CM Punk


Money in the Bank Qualifying Match:

Booker T vs. the Miz


Finlay and Kane vs. Dolph Ziggler and Sheamus


John Morrison vs. Jack Swagger.


Beth Phoenix vs. Jillian Hall.


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

Matt Hardy and the Great Khali vs. the Hart Dynasty©

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The Undertaker vs. CM Punk


Money in the Bank Qualifying Match:

Booker T vs. the Miz


Finlay and Kane vs. Dolph Ziggler and Sheamus


John Morrison vs. Jack Swagger.


Beth Phoenix vs. Jillian Hall.


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

Matt Hardy and the Great Khali vs. the Hart Dynasty©

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WWE Smackdown 3/5/10


We cut to an announcement where tonight, we’ll see The Undertaker square off against CM Punk in what should be a huge main event. Both men have big time matches at Wrestlemania 26, with Punk against Triple H and the Undertaker against Drew McIntrye. Right now, let’s get down to the ring.


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

The Great Khali and Matt Hardy vs. the Hart Dynasty©(w/Natalya)


The fans are cheering, as Matt Hardy sends the Hart Dynasty into the Great Khali, who chops them. Hardy eventually gets cut off in the corner and double teamed severely for most of this match, as the announcers talk about Hardy’s participation in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match. Hardy fights back and tags in Great Khali, but the referee was distracted and thus did not see the tag. Khali enters the ring and runs wild on both members of the Hart Dynasty, until he is forced back into the corner. Khali is forced back into the corner and this causes the Hart Dynasty to double team Matt, before taking him out with the Springboard Hart Attack for the pin.


Winners: The Hart Dynasty(8:02, B)


The Hart Dynasty get the win but out comes Christian from the back. Christian says that he wants another match with the Hart Dynasty, with causes Smith to say that Christian blew every shot that they had and why should they give him another match? Christian says that if he loses this time, he’ll leave the Hart Dynasty alone, but he has a partner in fact and the perfect one. Smith accepts the challenge, saying that if Christian and his partner win this Monday, they will receive a Unified Tag Team Title shot at Wrestlemania 26 but if they lose, then they will both be watching Wrestlemania 26 from the locker room while the Hart Dynasty put their belts on the line against a worthy tag team. Christian agrees to those terms and one final shot for Christian and his newest partner to earn a Unified Tag Team Title shot is on for the special blockbuster three hour RAW this Monday.


We cut backstage, where CM Punk is getting ready, when Drew McIntyre and Vince McMahon approach him. McIntyre and McMahon talk to Punk, talking about his match with the Undertaker tonight and how they should work together to take care of the Undertaker. McMahon also puts over CM Punk’s Straight Edge life style and calls Punk a man after his own heart. Mr. McMahon complains that Bret Hart was installed as General Manager of Smackdown behind his back by the Board of Directors, including his own daughter, and put him under an iron clad contract. Punk says that he’ll get the job done tonight against the Undertaker, just like he did against Shawn Michaels and like he’ll get the job done against Triple H at Wrestlemania 26. Punk leaves as Mr. McMahon registers his disgust at Punk’s Straight Edge values but says he’ll have to work with Punk tonight to weaken the Undertaker for Wrestlemania 26.


*************************Commercial Break******************


Jillian makes her way out to the next match and prepares to sing but she is interrupted by Beth Phoenix, as the Glamazon makes her way for her match with Jillian. Beth steps into the ring and the bell rings, kicking off this match.


Beth Phoenix vs. Jillian


Beth Phoenix destroys Jillian but Jillian goes to the eyes and beats down Beth for a while, hitting a swinging neckbreaker before she climbs to the top rope, belting out a tune but a 450 Splash hits the knees! Beth Phoenix is on her feet and she nearly rips Jillian’s head off with a huge clothesline. Beth Phoenix picks up Jillian before hitting the Glam Slam for the pin.


Winner: Beth Phoenix(6:22, C-)


Out comes the Undisputed Women’s Champion Michelle McCool along with Layla and Michelle taunts Beth Phoenix from the ring, before reminding her that if she leaves the ring, she’ll violate the terms of the restraining order. Out comes the Smackdown General Manager Bret Hart, who talks about the restraining order and talking about how the WWE lawyers looked it, before they had it thrown out of the court and invalidated. Michelle freaks out, yelling about how they can’t do that, how she feels unsafe with Beth Phoenix viciously attacking her. Bret says she should feel unsafe, because this Monday on the three hour RAW, she’ll put both her belts on the line against Beth Phoenix. The Glamazon looks pleased, cracking her knuckle as Michelle and Layla freak out, before Bret adds that if Michelle gets herself counted out or disqualified, she’ll be stripped of the titles and Layla is banned from ringside. Both of the women are really freaking out but Beth Phoenix looks pleased, as this Monday, she’ll get her hands on Michelle McCool.


**********************Commercial Break*******************


John Morrison vs. Jack Swagger


The fans are cheering, as the man who will challenge Chris Jericho for the World Heavyweight Championship John Morrison takes on Jack Swagger. Morrison hits a series of forearms right to the chest of Swagger and leaps on his shoulders, before delivering a Victory Roll for a two count. Morrison leaps to the second rope but Swagger ducks and Morrison hits hard, allowing Swagger to take control with his amateur wrestling abilities. A tilt a whirl backbreaker sets up a pump splash for a two count. Gutwrench power bomb is countered into an armdrag and Morrison hits the Pele Kick, before he beats on Swagger and snap suplex. To the second rope and twisting roundhouse kick. Morrison leaps to the top rope and hits the Starship Pain for the pin.


Winner: John Morrison(7:53, B)


Out comes Chris Jericho to taunt John Morrison, drawing boos. Jericho says that Morrison might have barely gotten out a win tonight, but Wrestlemania will be a different story. Jericho says that he’s the best at what he does and he holds up the World Heavyweight title to signify that that fact. Jericho says that Morrison is out of his league and got a lucky shot in on Monday. Morrison will not be able to…Jericho is interrupted when Morrison wipes him out with a springboard shooting star press! The fans are cheering, as Morrison beats on Jericho. Security is out to break up the brawl between the two men who will compete in the main event at Wrestlemania 26. The announcers hype up this impressive match as these two men are pulled apart.


****************************Commercial Break**************************


Finlay and Kane vs. Dolph Ziggler and Sheamus


Ziggler and Sheamus get knocked around by their opponents for the first couple of minutes, until Finlay is trapped in the corner and double teamed for the next couple of minutes. Ziggler uses his technical skills, as Sheamus uses his power to knock around Finlay. Finlay goes low on Sheamus and makes the tag to Kane. Kane enters the ring, cleaning house on both Ziggler and Sheamus. He grabs Ziggler by the throat but Sheamus gets involved. Kane fights off Sheamus and Finlay is in. The referee is losing control and he manages to force Finlay into the corner, in time for Sheamus to spin around and grab Finlay’s shillelagh before he waffles Kane from behind with it, allowing Ziggler to steal a cheap pin on Kane.


Winners: Sheamus and Dolph Ziggler(7:11, C+)


Sheamus and Dolph Ziggler make their way to the back with the win tonight, as Ziggler has managed to get another one over Kane, with a little help from Sheamus. Kane is sitting up, clutching his head and staring down Ziggler and Sheamus with malice from the ring.


Batista is making his way down to the ring. He’s up next, don’t go away.


********************Commercial Break********************


Batista makes his way down to the ring and begins to cut a promo on John Cena. He talks about how Cena has declared that he’ll be at RAW this Monday. Batista nods calmly and says that he dares John Cena to show up on RAW. He was going to allow John Cena to live for a few more weeks before he finished him off at Wrestlemania 26, but if Cena wants to tempt fate, then Batista is going to throw out the welcome mat. Batista calmly says that he’s going to apologize in advance for what he’s going to do to Cena, because he won’t be responsible. A sinister grin appears on the face of Batista, as he walks off.


Hype for RAW this Monday. Randy Orton has sent a ticket to the Rock and we’ll find out if the Rock comes to RAW, when Orton prepares to give the Rock an offer that he can’t refuse. Also, the ECW Champion Shelton Benjamin, the World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho, and the WWE Champion Randy Orton meet in a Triple Threat Match. A twenty man battle royal for the final spot in the Money in the Bank Match, Michelle McCool puts her Undisputed Women’s Title on the line against Beth Phoenix, and so much more. Three hours on RAW, the only show that matters on Monday night.


Coming up next, another Money in the Bank Qualifier, with Booker T taking on the WWE United States Champion the Miz in a non title match. More action, right after this time out.


***********************Commercial Break**********************


Money in the Bank Qualifying Match:

Booker T vs. WWE United States Champion the Miz


MVP makes his way out to watch this match which throws the Miz off, allowing Booker T to gain an early advantage. Booker T beats on the Miz but the Miz goes to the eyes, before taking down Booker T with a swinging neckbreaker and he begins to slowly beat down Booker T, drawing boos as he continues the assault. Several two counts but Booker fights up. Spinaroonie and Harlem Side Kick sends the Miz down for a nearfall. Axe Kick is avoided and the Miz rolls underneath the bottom rope but MVP grabs him and rolls him back into the ring. Miz protests and gets kicked, before hit with the Axe Kick for the pin, allowing Booker T to advance into the Money in the Bank Ladder Match.


Winner: Booker T(8:09, B)


The fans are really cheering as Booker T wins as MVP has gained a measure of revenge on the Miz for costing him the Money in the Bank Qualifier a few weeks ago. Booker T is the seventh man and this Monday, the eighth and final man enters Money in the Bank with a battle royal.


Coming up next, the Undertaker takes on CM Punk.


********************Commercial Break******************


The Undertaker vs. CM Punk


Punk uses his striking on the Undertaker, drilling him with a series of elbows but the Undertaker fights back with a clothesline and a big boot right to the face. Punk is launched into the air with a high back body drop and grabbed by the throat, but Punk grabs him and jawbreaker. Punk drills the Undertaker with a kneelift in the corner and bulldog out of the corner gets a two count. To the outside and Punk drills him with a slingshot elbowdrop for a two count. Punk delivers several more nearfalls before he goes to the outside but the Undertaker catches Punk with a boot to the chest. Choke Slam rocks Punk and the Undertaker gives the signal but Vince McMahon is out. The owner is out and Drew McIntyre is right in the ring. The fans are booing, as McIntyre waffles the Undertaker right in the back with the chair. The referee goes to call for the bell but McMahon stops him, warning that he’ll be fired if he does. Therefore, the referee has no choice to see McIntyre blatantly waffle the Undertaker with a chair and hit a Double Underhook DDT right on the chair. Punk walks over smugly and covers the Undertaker, as the referee counts a very dubious pinfall.


Winner: CM Punk(9:10, B)


The bell rings and Punk gets the win, having beaten both Shawn Michaels and the Undertaker over the past week, even if it was by dubious means. The fans are booing and out comes Bret Hart to the ring. The Smackdown General Manager enters the ring and Vince McMahon backs off. It looks like Mr. McMahon might not be able to get away with this but Drew McIntyre grabs Bret Hart from behind. Bret Hart turns around and this allows Vince McMahon to cheapshot Bret Hart from behind, before ramming him into the ring steps!


The fans go into a hush, as Bret Hart is down, favoring the back of his head. The announcers talk about how Bret was forced to retire because of multiple concussions and how this could have aggravated that problem. McMahon spits on the back of Bret’s head, drawing heat as we fade to black.

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TracyBrooksFan: 4/6

MattitudeV2: 4/6

BHK1978: 5/6

Lo-Drew: 4/6



March Standings:

TracyBrooksFan: 16/17

MattitudeV2: 14/17

BHK1978: 14/17

Lo-Drew: 11/17

Destiny: 3/17


WWE Monday Night RAW 3/8/10


ECW Champion Shelton Benjamin vs. World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho vs. WWE Champion Randy Orton.


Money the Bank Qualifying Battle Royal:

Carlito, Charlie Haas, Chavo Guerrero, Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, Eric Escobar, Finlay, Goldust, Jack Swagger, Jimmy Wang Yang, JTG, Kane, Kofi Kingston, Kung Fu Naki, Lance Cade, Mark Henry, Mike Knox, MVP, Paul Burchill, Shad, Shawn Michaels, Sheamus, The Big Show, The Great Khali, The Hurricane, and the Miz.


Booker T vs. CM Punk.


R-Truth vs. Ted DiBiase.


Bryan Danielson vs. Matt Hardy.


Evan Bourne vs. Zack Ryder.


Christian and a Partner of his Choosing vs. the Hart Dynasty(Non Title Match)


WWE Undisputed Women's Title Match:

Beth Phoenix vs. Michelle McCool©

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ECW Champion Shelton Benjamin vs. World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho vs. WWE Champion Randy Orton.

Money the Bank Qualifying Battle Royal:

Carlito, Charlie Haas, Chavo Guerrero, Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, Eric Escobar, Finlay, Goldust, Jack Swagger, Jimmy Wang Yang, JTG, Kane, Kofi Kingston, Kung Fu Naki, Lance Cade, Mark Henry, Mike Knox, MVP, Paul Burchill, Shad, Shawn Michaels, Sheamus, The Big Show, The Great Khali, The Hurricane, and the Miz.


Booker T vs. CM Punk.


R-Truth vs. Ted DiBiase.


Bryan Danielson vs. Matt Hardy.


Evan Bourne vs. Zack Ryder.


Christian and a Partner of his Choosing vs. the Hart Dynasty(Non Title Match)


WWE Undisputed Women's Title Match:

Beth Phoenix vs. Michelle McCool©

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ECW Champion Shelton Benjamin vs. World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho vs. WWE Champion Randy Orton.


Money the Bank Qualifying Battle Royal:

Carlito, Charlie Haas, Chavo Guerrero, Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, Eric Escobar, Finlay, Goldust, Jack Swagger, Jimmy Wang Yang, JTG, Kane, Kofi Kingston, Kung Fu Naki, Lance Cade, Mark Henry, Mike Knox, MVP, Paul Burchill, Shad, Shawn Michaels, Sheamus, The Big Show, The Great Khali, The Hurricane, and the Miz.


Booker T vs. CM Punk.


R-Truth vs. Ted DiBiase.


Bryan Danielson vs. Matt Hardy.


Evan Bourne vs. Zack Ryder.


Christian and a Partner of his Choosing vs. the Hart Dynasty(Non Title Match)


WWE Undisputed Women's Title Match:

Beth Phoenix vs. Michelle McCool©

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ECW Champion Shelton Benjamin vs. World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho vs. WWE Champion Randy Orton.


Money the Bank Qualifying Battle Royal:

Carlito, Charlie Haas, Chavo Guerrero, Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, Eric Escobar, Finlay, Goldust, Jack Swagger, Jimmy Wang Yang, JTG, Kane, Kofi Kingston, Kung Fu Naki, Lance Cade, Mark Henry, Mike Knox, MVP, Paul Burchill, Shad, Shawn Michaels, Sheamus, The Big Show, The Great Khali, The Hurricane, and the Miz.


Booker T vs. CM Punk.


R-Truth vs. Ted DiBiase.


Bryan Danielson vs. Matt Hardy.


Evan Bourne vs. Zack Ryder.


Christian and a Partner of his Choosing vs. the Hart Dynasty(Non Title Match)


WWE Undisputed Women's Title Match:

Beth Phoenix vs. Michelle McCool©

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ECW Champion Shelton Benjamin vs. World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho vs. WWE Champion Randy Orton.


Money the Bank Qualifying Battle Royal:

Carlito, Charlie Haas, Chavo Guerrero, Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, Eric Escobar, Finlay, Goldust, Jack Swagger, Jimmy Wang Yang, JTG, Kane, Kofi Kingston, Kung Fu Naki, Lance Cade, Mark Henry, Mike Knox, MVP, Paul Burchill, Shad, Shawn Michaels, Sheamus, The Big Show, The Great Khali, The Hurricane, and the Miz.


Booker T vs. CM Punk.


R-Truth vs. Ted DiBiase.


Bryan Danielson vs. Matt Hardy.


Evan Bourne vs. Zack Ryder.


Christian and a Partner of his Choosing vs. the Hart Dynasty(Non Title Match)


WWE Undisputed Women's Title Match:

Beth Phoenix vs. Michelle McCool©

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WWE Monday Night RAW 3/8/10


We cut to the parking lot, where Randy Orton is in wait. Orton says that the ticket has been sent to the Rock to fly in tonight, first class, and now its up to the Rock to show up tonight and face Orton. When Josh Mathews asks Orton what will happen if the Rock does not show up, Orton is angry that possibility is even brought up. Orton yells that he is the WWE Champion and he will not be denied by anyone, including the Rock. With that we get down to the ring, as Orton continues to wait and watch in the parking lot for the potential arrival of the Rock.


Money the Bank Qualifying Battle Royal:

Carlito, Charlie Haas, Chavo Guerrero, Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, Eric Escobar, Finlay, Goldust, Jack Swagger, Jimmy Wang Yang, JTG, Kane, Kofi Kingston, Kung Fu Naki, Lance Cade, Mark Henry, Mike Knox, MVP, Paul Burchill, Shad, Shawn Michaels, Sheamus, The Big Show, The Great Khali, The Hurricane, and the Miz.


Twenty five men fighting for the final spot in the Money in the Bank Match. Right away, several men gang up on the Great Khali and dump him, putting him out right away. Bodies are flying everywhere, the Hurricane, Kung Fu Naki, Jack Swagger, Jimmy Wang Yang, Chavo Guerrero, mostly by the Big Show. Sheamus puts Finlay over the top rope but Finlay waffles him from behind, allowing Shawn Michaels to hit the Superkick eliminating him. The Miz and MVP brawl with MVP putting the Miz over the top rope. Several more minutes of action, until Dolph Ziggler eliminates Kane with help from the Big Show. We are down to four men, Dolph Ziggler, Shawn Michaels, Kofi Kingston, and the Big Show. The winner of this match will go to Wrestlemania 26 to be the final man in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match. We see Ziggler get bounced out in quick order, courtesy of a Shawn Michaels Superkick. Michaels and Kofi are brawling, as the Big Show just stands back, biding his time, before he calmly walks over and clotheslines both men out for the win. The Big Show is in the Money in the Bank.


Winner: The Big Show(14:02, C+)


The Big Show has won but Kofi Kingston and Shawn Michaels are still going at it. The announcers talk about how the Big Show is not a traditional Money in the Bank competitor but he’s in the match. Kofi Kingston and Shawn Michaels are still brawling, after security has broken it up as Josh Mathews gets a few words for the Big Show, talking about his participation in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match. Show just gives a sadistic smirk and says he isn’t the type to climb ladders. With that in mind, he doesn’t really need to. He’s going to enter the match and knock seven other men out with a big punch, so they have no choice but to take the briefcase down for him and award him the title shot. Show declares that he’ll cash in after the main event at Wrestlemania 26 as well and there is nothing whoever is fortunate enough to win the title can do about it. Show wishes his old friend Chris Jericho the best of luck, because they have some issues to settle. The announcers talk about how that Money in the Bank title shot would be dangerous in the hands of a giant, especially one who made his intentions clear, picking off the winner of the main event should they win.


*****************Commercial Break********************


Evan Bourne vs. Zack Ryder(w/Rosa Mendes)


Both of these men are in the Money in the Bank Match and both put on an impressive high flying encounter that will serve them well in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match. Bourne got the advantage early, but Ryder managed to beat down Bourne for most of this match. To the outside, Ryder misses an elbowdrop. Bourne comes back, beating on Ryder and hits a faceplant, before Bourne goes up top. Ryder crotches him and goes up top. Superplex but Bourne fights it and shoves Ryder off. Air Bourne connects and Evan Bourne scores the pin!


Winner: Evan Bourne(7:58, B-)


Evan Bourne gets the win. If there was any superstar that was fit for Money in the Bank, it would be Evan Bourne. Bourne could very well get the chance of the lifetime.


We cut backstage, where Vince McMahon is standing by backstage. Mr. McMahon cuts a promo, how he’ll be in Drew McIntrye’s corner at Wrestlemania 26 against the Undertaker. McMahon says really it’s more for the Undertaker, as he suffered a bit of a beating on Smackdown and there might be certain judgment calls where Mr. McMahon might insist that the time keeper “ring the bell” to prevent the Undertaker from serious injury. McMahon says the time has come for the streak to end and for a new streak to begin. Drew McIntrye 1-0, it begins at Wrestlemania 26. He also adds that tonight Kofi Kingston will be take on Shawn Michaels based on the events of the Battle Royal.


We cut backstage, where Randy Orton is busy yelling at Cody Rhodes for failing to secure the final spot in Money in the Bank and thus Legacy’s dominance, by having two men in the match to ensure victory. Ted DiBiase tells Orton to relax, he has it. The stage hand tells Orton that his match is next and Orton tells Legacy to watch the parking lot and one of them come to the ring immediately if the Rock comes and get Orton, no matter what. “If you can handle it.” Orton leaves, as Rhodes and DiBiase wait for the arrival of the Rock.


Coming up next, Triple Threat Match between the WWE Champion Randy Orton, the World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho, and the ECW Champion Shelton Benjamin. No titles on the line, just bragging rights.


**********************Commercial Break*********************


Shelton Benjamin vs. Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho


The fans are really getting behind Shelton, especially since he is impressive against the two champions from RAW and Smackdown. He hits a Stinger Splash on Jericho before hitting a Northern Lights Suplex for a nearfall. Orton looks rather bored in this match and seems to be preoccupied by the Rock, but he wakes up quickly with a missile dropkick right into his face by Shelton. Shelton beats on Orton, who is forced to fight back. Jericho jumps Shelton and double team by Orton and Jericho. Double suplex and Orton immediately turns on Jericho, hitting him with a clothesline, before viciously stomping his chest. Orton beats on Jericho some more but Shelton is up. Shelton goes for a kick but Orton blocks it and gets hit with the Dragon Whip, sending him to the arena floor! The fans pop big for that one as Shelton hammers away at Jericho. Ten count punches, followed by a Monkey Flip. Shelton gives the signal but William Regal is at ringside. Shelton hits a baseball slide to Regal but turns around right into the Walls of Jericho! Jericho has Shelton trapped, with nowhere to go and he has no choice but to tap out! Chris Jericho is your winner.


Winner: Chris Jericho(10:01, B)


Chris Jericho has won this match. He gets on the microphone, saying that he’s not only the best at the world of what he does, but he’s the top champion in this company bar none. He talks about John Morrison and their World Heavyweight Title Match at Wrestlemania 26, how Morrison must be shaking to face Jericho after seeing one more credential to his already impressive list. The fans boo Jericho. Morrison is just going to be driven to beat Jericho more and they want to see Morrison shut his mouth at Wrestlemania 26! This is Morrison’s big chance but Chris Jericho has some impressive accomplishments under his belt over the past few months. This is Morrison’s first Pay Per View main event and it’s the main event of the grandest stage of them all. Talk about being thrown in on the deep end with the sharks!


************************Commercial Break*********************


Bryan Danielson vs. Matt Hardy


Both of these men are in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match as well and both men exchange a lot of technical wrestling holds and counters, until Hardy manages to knock Danielson back with some punches and a suplex. To the outside and springboard elbow drop gets a two count on Danielson. Hardy beats on Danielson, Twist of Fate is countered with a fireman’s carry into an airplane spin into a Samoan Drop! Danielson picks Hardy up and elbows him across the side of the head. Belly to back set up but Hardy lands on his feet and Side Effect to Danielson gets a two count. To the second rope and legdrop gets another nearfall! Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate once again but Danielson counters by going behind Hardy and waistlock, right into a German Suplex! Danielson bridges for the cover and holds down Hardy long enough to score the pin!


Winner: Bryan Danielson(7:05, B-)


An impressive win by Danielson, perhaps the biggest in his WWE career so far. Hardy is to his feet and he offers a handshake, which Danielson accepts and both men celebrate in the ring for the fans.


We cut to the parking lot, where Orton is fuming, talking about how Shelton Benjamin embarrassed him out there and says that he’s sending Ted DiBiase to Smackdown tomorrow tonight to take out Shelton. Orton says that people like Kofi Kingston, Shelton Benjamin, and John Morrison are beneath his notice and he’s the champion, he deserves respect. The Rock still has not shown up and when Cody offers the suggestion that maybe the Rock thinks Orton is beneath his notice, Orton grabs Cody and slams him against the side of the truck, telling him to never say that. DiBiase dismisses himself, talking about how he has a match with R-Truth and he’s going to ensure that Legacy does not have a perfect loss record tonight.


Coming up next, the Undisputed Women’s Title is on the line, when Michelle McCool defends against Beth Phoenix.


****************************Commercial Break***********************


Undisputed Women’s Title Match:

Beth Phoenix vs. Michelle McCool©


Melina joins Cole and Lawler for commentary, suggesting that she wants the winner of this match for the belts at Wrestlemania 26. Michelle demands that the referee check Beth Phoenix for foreign objects and illegal objects. While he is doing this, Michelle decks the Glamazon with a spin kick, beating her in the corner. A series of forearm smashes right to the chest, before hammering away at her in the corner. Kneelift right in the corner but Beth Phoenix kicks Michelle McCool right in the head. Beth Phoenix drags Michelle up and beats on her, hitting a pair of suplexes, a vertical suplex and a double underhook suplex! Phoenix hammers away at Michelle and into the corner but Michelle kicks her in the face. Beth staggers but returns fire with a clothesline sending her to the floor. Michelle is up and she gets in the face of Melina, spitting her in the face. Melina decks Michelle, beating on her, for the disqualification.


Winner By Disqualification and Still Champion: Michelle McCool(7:05, C+)


The fans are booing, as Michelle has tricked Melina into attacking her to get the easy disqualification against Beth Phoenix and retain her title. Melina beats on Michelle but Beth Phoenix is out and attacks Melina, not too happy about what happened. Layla quickly runs out to sneak Michelle off, but Gail Kim is out, attacking Layla. Michelle escapes to the back, as Melina and Beth Phoenix continue to brawl in the ring. Somehow, Michelle has cheated the system again and walked out with both titles again! One day, this is all going to catch up with her, but not tonight.


William Regal is in Vince McMahon’s office, campaigning for another title shot against Shelton Benjamin and McMahon agrees to give Regal the shot at Wrestlemania 26, under any stipulations that he chooses, providing that Regal do one small favor for him. William Regal will take on the Undertaker tonight. Regal gulps and McMahon just says that Regal does not have to beat him, just distract him, maybe get a few good shots in, until the right time. Regal asks when the right time will be and Mr. McMahon says Regal will know. And that match, its up next.


********************Commercial Break********************


The Undertaker vs. William Regal


Regal attacks the Undertaker right at the bell but the Undertaker shrugs off the attacks, beating Regal in the corner. Regal ducks underneath a corner charge and a pair of European Uppercuts nail the Undertaker! The fans are booing, as Regal grabs the Undertaker, hitting a belly to back suplex but the Undertaker sits up! Regal runs into a big boot and the Undertaker grabs Regal by the throat. Choke Slam delivered and Drew McIntyre is at ringside. The Undertaker goes to the outside, to brawl with McIntyre, but Vince McMahon is behind the Undertaker. The Undertaker turns and grabs Vince by the throat, as the referee makes the count and counts the Undertaker out.


Winner By Countout: William Regal(3:43, B-)


McIntyre waffles the Undertaker from behind and slams him into the ring steps, before rolling him back into the ring. Huge kick to the chest and Double Underhook DDT brings the Undertaker down but there is someone coming from the back. It’s the Smackdown General Manager Bret Hart and he has a pipe!. Bret Hart makes his way down to the ring, swinging the pipe to clear the ring. Bret asks for the microphone and gets it, saying that he’s not going to let Vince screw the Undertaker over at Wrestlemania 26. When Vince attacked Bret from behind on Smackdown, he knocked something loose and awakened a completive fire from within the Hitman. Bret says that he’s going to be in the Undertaker’s corner at Wrestlemania 26 and if Vince tries anything funny, Bret is going to punch Vince’s light outs, revive him, and punch him out again. The fans cheer as Vince McMahon has a spazz attack, yelling that Bret can’t do that, but the Hitman says that he has before and he will again. The Undertaker with Bret Hart in his corner against Drew McIntyre with Vince McMahon in his corner as part of Wrestlemania 26.


************************Commercial Break**********************************


R-Truth vs. Ted DiBiase


Both of these men are in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match and R-Truth fights DiBiase, drawing cheers, but DiBiase grabs R-Truth and delivers a Hotshot to get the heat. DiBiase gains several nearfalls, as the announcers talk about how DiBiase was close to becoming WWE Champion back at the Royal Rumble and a Money in the Bank victory could gain a title shot. As R-Truth fights up, the announcers remind us that everyone who has cashed in the Money in the Bank has gone onto to win the belt when they did. R-Truth hits a leaping side kick and goes for the Lie Detector but DiBiase moves and hits the Dream Street for the pin.


Winner: Ted DiBiase(8:01, B+)


The fans are booing as DiBiase goes into the Money in the Bank Ladder match with some much needed momentum on his side.


A video package is shown, highlighting Diamond Dallas Page, talking about how unique DDP was, going from a manager and a color commentator to a wrestler at such a stage of his career. Not only did he get in the ring but he became one of the top stars of World Championship Wrestling during their hottest period and a three time former WCW World Champions. And we honor this man, by inducting him as part of the Class of 2010 in the WWE Hall of of Fame.


****************************Commercial Break*******************


We cut back to the ring after the break and John Cena is making his way down to the ring, looking a bit banged up even after nearly a month since the Elimination Chamber, but looking determined as ever. Cena talks about how Batista has been talking about week after week how he’s going to take Cena out for good. He has said one thing that was right and that Batista is the only person that Cena has never beaten in the center of the ring! Cena says that he plans to fix that mistake at Wrestlemania 26 when he goes to war. He’s got to beat Batista and he will fight to his very last breath.


Out comes Batista, drawing boos. Batista says that it’s funny that Cena talks about how he’s going to fight to his very last breath, because at Wrestlemania 26, will be Cena’s last breath. Batista says that children and fat women across the world will be in mourning, flags will be at half-staff, as Wrestlemania 26 would be the end of the John Cena era in WWE. Batista enters the ring and says that it sickens him that Cena is this glorified hero, but really he’s just in it for the support and the fans buying and wearing his tacky merchandise and spouting off his catchphrases. Batista is in it for himself and he says that Cena is going to regret the moment he ever threw Batista out of the Royal Rumble and robbed him out of his Wrestlemania title opportunity. Cena says that if Batista wants a piece of him, they do not need to wait until Wrestlemania but Batista says that he’s not going to fight Cena, he swears on the heads of his children that he is not going to finish off Cena at Wrestlemania. The fans boo and Batista puts his hands up, with Cena turning to play the fans and Batista immediately hits a clothesline to the back of Cena’s head!


What a lowlife piece of trash Batista is! Batista is stomping Cena, dropping a knee onto the back of the head. Stepping back and Batista hits the spear, before he yells that Cena should have stayed in his hospital bed. Batista grabs Cena and puts him on the top rope. Batista is up and he has Cena set up. Not the Batista Bomb straight to the floor from the top rope! Rey Mysterio is still on the shelf from this and Cena is less than a hundred percent as is! Batista yells that it could be easy to snap Cena’s spine and paralyze him for life or worse, all it takes is one move but he’s not going to do that. He wants to show up Cena at Wrestlemania 26 and not a moment before. Batista drops down, before he just delivers a standard Batista Bomb on Cena! Cena is still worse for wear but at least he did not suffer that dangerous super Batista Bomb all the way to the floor like Rey Mysterio did back at Survivor Series. Cena could have suffered further injuries to begin and Batista is being booed. What a scumbag!


*************************Commercial Break***********************


We see what happened moments again, with Batista wiping out John Cena quite handily. Cena has been taken to the back for medical attention. Cena will take on Batista at Wrestlemania 26 and while it would be nice for Cena to gain some revenge on Batista, it might not happen in his condition.


Booker T vs. CM Punk


Punk is beaten by Booker T for most of the early part of this match but when Punk is dumped over the floor, he skins the cat, before he delivers a neck snap to Booker. Punk hits a springboard knee drop right to the chest of Booker T for a two count. He continues to beat on Booker, driving a series of forearms right to the chest and kneelift in the corner sets up a bulldog. Punk is on the top rope but he dives off right into the knees of Booker T! Booker fights off, hitting a series of chops and into the ropes. Flapjack brings Punk down and Harlem Side Kick gets a two and a half count. Book End is blocked and Punk delivers a roundhouse kick, before hitting the GTS on Booker T for the pin.


Winner: CM Punk(7:21, B+)


CM Punk cuts a promo drawing boos but the fans cheer as Triple H makes his way down from the crowd. We have not seen Triple H since Punk attacked him at the Elimination Chamber, as Punk talks about how he is going to beat Triple H at the grandest stage of them all but in comes the Game, who attacks Punk from behind. Punk quickly leaves, not wanting any part of Triple H right now. Triple H stands in the ring and says that at Wrestlemania 26, he’s going to put an end to Punk’s preaching once and for all. He’ll be shut up for good and the fans pop. “And if you’re not down with that, I have two words for you.” The fans yell “SUCK IT!” as Punk is fuming up the ramp. CM Punk against Triple H as part of Wrestlemania 26!


***************************Commercial Break**************************


The Hart Dynasty are in the ring, when Christian comes out, talking about how tonight he has a great partner for their non title match. “In fact, you might say my partner totally reeks of awesomeness.”


“You think you know me!”


The fans give a loud pop, welcoming back “The Rated R Superstar” Edge. The last time we saw Edge, he suffered an Achilles tendon injury. Now the former seven time tag team champions Edge and Christian have reunited. When Christian said he found a partner, he wasn’t kidding. The Hart Dynasty look less confident.


The Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty(w/Natalya) vs. Edge and Christian(Non Title Match)


Most of this match is Christian being beaten down two on one but the fans are getting behind Christian, rallying behind him and Christian manages to make the hot tag. Edge enters the ring and he runs wild on the Hart Dynasty! The fans are cheering, as Edge backs off and hits the Spear on David Hart Smith. Tyson Kidd attempts to interfere but Christian cuts him off as Edge scores the pin.


Winners: Edge and Christian(5:05, B+)


In their first match together in years, Edge and Christian have gotten the victory and as a result, have secured a Unified Tag Team Title return match against the Hart Dynasty at the grandest stage of them all. Edge and Christian have won two of their seven tag team titles at Wrestlemania, in back to back triple threat tag team ladder matches! At Wrestlemania 26, they have a chance to win number eight.


Coming up next, don’t you go away, as Kofi Kingston will square off against Shawn Michaels. These two men went at it earlier tonight and tonight they try to settle things in the ring.


************************Commercial Break***********************


Kofi Kingston vs. Shawn Michaels


Both men tear into each other. Michaels is smart avoiding the Trouble in Paradise Kick at least three times, before he goes right to work on Kofi Kingston! The fans are cheering, as Kofi fights up and both men have a double knock down. Kofi gets up to his feet and as does Michaels, as they beat each other down. Leaping clothesline and Boom Drop gets a nearfall. Kofi beats on Michaels and climbs to the outside. He leapfrogs over Michaels, who was in position for the Superkick and onto the shoulders for a Victory Roll for a two count. Kofi blisters the chest of Michaels with chops and into the corner. Leaping forearm in the corner and Kofi signals, going for the Trouble in Paradise but Michaels again avoids the kick, before he has Kofi up into a tilt a whirl powerslam! To the outside and Michaels hits the Flying Elbow Drop! He is up, tuning up the band and Sweet Chin Music is ducked and Kofi connects with a legsweep! Michaels hits the canvas and to the top rope facing the crowd goes Kofi but Michaels knocks Kofi from behind and climbs to the top rope. Michaels hits a belly to back superplex to Kofi with both men on the top rope! The fans explode into cheers, but both men have been rendered unconscious as Michaels has hit hard as well! The referee puts a standing ten count on both men and calls for the bell. Both men have been knocked unconscious and this match has been rendered a draw.


Winner: Double Countout(9:00, C)


Medical attention as both of these men hit hard with that vicious belly to back superplex. Several replays are shown. Kofi is folded up on the back of his head, but Michaels had no way to protect the back of his head and it smacked hard. Both men are being helped in the ring.


We cut to the parking lot, where Orton angrily punches the side of the trailer, as he walks off, yelling that he can’t believe it. Orton storms down to the ring but about two minutes after he has left, a limo pulls up to the parking lot. It appears that Orton is going to the ring to address the Rock after this commercial break, but is that him in the limo? Stay tuned!


*******************Commercial Break***********************


Out comes Randy Orton, sliding underneath the bottom rope and he begins to tear into the Rock, calling him a coward. Orton said that he set everything up for the Rock, he did not need to pay anything. All he had to take was a few hours out of his schedule and hear Orton’s proposal, an offer that he could not be refused. Orton says that he’s the WWE Champion, he’s not to be denied! He says that since the Rock disrespected him and the fans disrespected him, he’s walk out of the ring tonight and keep walking. Wrestlemania 26 would tank without Randy Orton and since Orton does not have to defend his belt until the 1st of April to meet the thirty day requirement, he’s not going to compete on this show! The fans are really booing and Orton says that they’ve brought it upon themselves, with their disrespect and the fact that they continue to bring up the Rock who has not…




Out comes the Rock to loud cheers. The fans are going nuts as the Rock comes down and Orton takes a step back, with a sour look on his face. The Rock enters the ring and says that Orton practically begged him to be here and even decided to send the Rock a plane ticket to be here. Apparently, the Rock says that Orton has an offer that the Great One can’t refuse. The fans are buzzing as Orton says that they have been talking about it, what would happen if the Rock squares off against Randy Orton? Orton says he is offering the Rock one more chance to electrify the WWE Universe. One more chance to compete at the grandest stage of the them all. “The Rock against Randy Orton at Wrestlemania 26, a dream match for the ages!” The Rock ponders the question and turns to Orton. “Well Randy Orton, let the Rock say to your challenge…no.”


The fans are confused, as the Rock says that there is nothing that he needs to prove by beating Randy Orton in the center of the ring. Time and time again, the Rock has stepped into the ring but his time is done. Orton’s the champion now and Orton should be secure in that, even though he’s never beaten someone like the Rock. Orton completely loses it, saying that the Rock should be honored to be in the ring with Randy Orton. “Rock, you ran off to Hollywood, because you couldn’t take the heat from people like me, who were younger, stronger, and faster. I need this match Rock and you know you want it to, but you are too scared. Scared that you won’t hack it anymore in the ring, that I’ll expose you as someone who can’t go anymore. Let me tell you this Rock. One on one and I’ll put the WWE Championship on the line. “ The fans explode into a loud round of cheers as the Rock looks at Orton, with a smirk on his face. “So let the Rock get this straight, you’ll put your belt, The WWE Championship, on line for a match against the Rock at the grandest stage of them all, at Wrestlemania 26. For a chance for you Randy Orton to go one on one with the Great One!” Orton confirms this and the Rock ponders this before raising an eyebrow. “Well, Randy Orton, The Rock has one thing to say. You’ve got your match at Wrestlemania 26, and the Rock will lay the Smackdown on your Rooty Poo Candy Ass if you smell what the Rock….is cooking!”


We have the match, Randy Orton against the Rock for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania 26 and Orton nods, before he goes to attack the Rock but the Rock turns around and grabs Orton. Rock Bottom plants Randy Orton! The fans are going nuts! The Rock stands over Randy Orton, having laid him out with the Rock Bottom. The fans are cheering as the Rock is back, even if it for one night only. However, the announcers raise this important question. What happens if the Rock wins the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania 26?

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on kofi and michaels match you have the end result listed as a Double Countout. Wouldn't it be a double knockout since they're both in the ring? this was a confusing match so i am not sure if they were in the ring or outside.


It's a countout as the referee initates a 10 count while both men are down and if he reaches the count of ten then it is a countout.

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TracyBrooksFan: 4/8

MattitudeV2: 7/8

Lo-Drew: 5/8

BHK1978: 5/8


March Standings:

MattitudeV2: 21/25

TracyBrooksFan: 20/25

BHK1978: 19/25

Lo-Drew: 16/25

Destiny: 3/17


ECW On Sy Fy 3/9/10


ECW Champion Shelton Benjamin vs. Ted DiBiase(Non Title Match)


The Hurricane vs. Zack Ryder.


Bryan Danielson and Matt Hardy vs. Jack Swagger and Lance Cade.

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