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WWE Smackdown 11/13/09


We cut backstage where Chris Jericho is talking with Mike Knox, dressed in a white lab coat and thick glasses, with his wrestling gear underneath and his beard tied back. Knox is going to square off against the Undertaker tonight. Jericho says its imperative that Knox does some damage to the Undertaker tonight. Knox nods, talking about how there are 206 bones in the human body and he knows seven ways to break each of them. Tonight, the Undertaker is going to get a demonstration of what it’s like to step into the ring with a man as dangerous as he is.


Hype for tonight, the Undertaker takes on Mike Knox. Finlay and Drew McIntyre go one on one. Also, John Morrison puts the WWE Intercontinental Title on the line one more time against Dolph Ziggler and much more.


Rey Mysterio vs. Charlie Haas


Haas attacks Rey at the bell and takes advantage of the distracted state that Rey has to be in, due to his recent problems with Batista. It is announced during this match that Rey and Batista will square off at Survivor Series, as Haas works Rey down to the mat. The high point of the offense being a German Suplex by Haas but Rey kicks out. Haas continues to work over Rey but tilt a whirl countered into a headscissors. Rey dials it up, 6-1-9 connects. Haas flies backwards and Rey springboards in with a splash but Haas moves out of the way. Haas delivers an Oklahoma Side Roll for a two count. Haas beats on Rey some more and launches him over the top rope. Rey skins the cat on the way in and shoulder to the midsection, before he sunset flips Haas to score the pin!


Winner: Rey Mysterio(5:58, B-)


Rey is up after the match, as Haas attempts to attack him afterwards, but he gets back dropped to the arena floor. The crowd is booing as Batista walks to the ring. Rey takes a step back, saying that he doesn’t want to fight his former friend but Batista is not going to give him the chance. Batista destroys Rey with a vicious lariat! Rey crumples like a piece of paper and Batista pulls Rey over, hammering away, before setting him up for the Batista Bomb. Batista yells that it would be so easy to break Rey in half right now, end his career but he’s going to give Rey one chance. Walk out of the ring, walk out of Smackdown, walk out of WWE period. If Rey apologizes for costing Batista the title and agrees to leave, then Batista will let him live. If not, then they’ll be peeling him off the canvas. Batista says Rey has seven days to make up his mind and he tosses Rey over the top rope, causing Rey to land on the arena floor. Rey is hurt and Batista walks out. These two men are penciled in for Survivor Series but Batista has agreed to let Rey off, if Rey just leaves. We’ll have to keep an eye on this situation


*****************Commercial Break****************


Recap from last week, where R-Truth beat CM Punk thanks to help from referee Scott Armstrong.


Jimmy Wang Yang vs. CM Punk


Much like last week, Scott Armstrong is the referee and Punk argues, allowing Yang to get him with a cross body for a close nearfall at the bell. Punk turns the tables rather quickly and beats on Yang for a few minutes. A series of vicious kicks in the corner and Scott Armstrong attempts to pull Punk off but Punk disregards his warnings, so Armstrong just calls for the disqualification!


Winner By Disqualification: Jimmy Wang Yang(3:20, C)


Punk is none too happy to say the least and he grabs Scott Armstrong. Scott Armstrong manages to shove Punk off and Punk raises his hands, backing off. Armstrong turns his back for a second and Punk kicks him right in the back of the head. Armstrong is picked up as Punk hoists him to his shoulders, before drilling him down with the Go to Sleep. He picks up Jimmy Wang Yang and gives him the same treatment. Punk is standing in the ring but the crowd is cheering, as R-Truth runs down to the ring. A bit too late, but R-Truth is peppering Punk with jabs, before knocking him to the arena floor. Punk decides to bail, seeing as R-Truth is fresh and doesn’t have his back turned.


We cut backstage, with Teddy Long watching the chaos and Vince McMahon walks in, reminding Teddy that he’s still on probation. Mr. McMahon talks about an idea that Teddy had, a five on five Survivor Series match, featuring CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Eric Escobar, and Kane against John Morrison, R-Truth, Matt Hardy, Finlay, and referee Scott Armstrong. Teddy looks like he doesn’t know what Mr. McMahon is talking about but quickly agrees that match is on tap. Mr. McMahon nods approvingly, saying that Teddy’s on the right track but he’s still on probation and with that, we fade out.


****************Commercial Break********************


Beth Phoenix and Mickie James vs. Layla and the WWE Women’s Champion Michelle McCool


The past between Beth Phoenix and Mickie James is well documented and they are only teaming up tonight, for a chance to tangle with the egotistical WWE Women’s Champion Michelle McCool and her understudy, Layla. Layla is in there for most of the match, taking a bit of a beating, with Michelle only coming in for a brief period when Mickie James is down. Once Beth Phoenix gets back into the ring, Michelle decides to make herself scarce. Layla is victimized to a brutal power bomb and a butterfly Canadian Backbreaker for the submission.


Winners: Beth Phoenix and Mickie James(D+, 5:05)


After the match, Beth looks like she’s about ready to go for Michelle but Michelle gets on the microphone, to tell her to wait a minute. Beth pauses for a brief moment, along with Mickie, as Michelle says while they might not get along, they do have one thing in common. They are Smackdown talent. Unlike the RAW divas, who are only concerned with the next photo shoot, they are focused on what goes on in the ring. Michelle argues that they should join her, Natalya, and Layla in the five on five women’s RAW versus Smackdown, classic Survivor Series match at Survivor Series. Michelle promises to give each of them a Women’s Title Shot if they agree and Mickie agrees, with Beth warning Michelle that if she tries to back out, then it will be the last thing she ever does as an active competitor on Smackdown. The Five on Five Divas Match at Survivor Series, RAW vs. Smackdown is hyped up with WWE Diva’s Champion Melina, Kelly Kelly, Gail Kim, Alicia Fox, and Eve Torres taking on WWE Women’s Champion Michelle McCool, Mickie James, Beth Phoenix, Layla, and Natalya as part of Survivor Series in a classic Survivor Series match.


Coming up next, Dolph Ziggler gets one more title shot against John Morrison. Can Ziggler cash in and win the WWE Intercontinental Title? Find out as Smackdown returns.


**************Commercial Break*****************


WWE Intercontinental Title Match:

Dolph Ziggler vs. John Morrison©


Some standard mat work to start, before Morrison kips up out of a side headlock and delivers a pair of hiptosses. Ziggler is on dream street and Morrison leapfrogs over him, before taking him down with a monkey flip. Ziggler is on the floor and Morrison dives over the top rope with a cross body. Back into the ring, where Morrison hits a springboard dropkick for a two count. Morrison continues the offense, with strikes and low level power moves. The highest impact move would be a spinning heel kick off the ropes and Ziggler kicks out of that at two. Morrison ducks the head and Ziggler knees him right in the face. Morrison staggers back and Ziggler unloads on him with a savate kick. Two count on Morrison and Ziggler beats on him. Morrison is hoisted up and Ziggler takes him down with a fireman’s carry gutbuster. The wind has been knocked out of Morrison and Ziggler covers. Only a two count. Ziggler goes back to the attack and picks up Morrison. Snap suplex and Ziggler goes to the top rope. Kneedrop to the face of Morrison gets a two count. A double underhook suplex and a bulldog headlock but Morrison still kicks out. Ziggler is beginning to get frustrated and he applies a sleeperhold in an attempt to wear Morrison down, but Morrison runs up the buckles, before he back flips into a pinning predicament for the count of two.


Ziggler is back up on the offense and beats Morrison down with forearms to the chest. Off into the corner and Ziggler takes him down with a spinebuster. Ziggler looks to be moments away from beating Morrison and he attempts to Zig Zag him down but Morrison avoids that move and grabs the arms of Ziggler. Going for the backslide but Ziggler lands on his feet. DDT drills Morrison!. Morrison flips over onto his back and Ziggler with another cover hooking the leg. Two count and Ziggler immediately punches away at Morrison, before beating him with stomps and then chops. Off into the ropes and tilt a whirl suplex. Ziggler is up and La Magistral Cradle. Two count on Morrison and now Ziggler off into the ropes. Head ducked and Morrison delivers a sunset flip. No Ziggler sits down, hooking both legs. One, Two, No Morrison rolls into the sunset flip. Two count before Ziggler rolls back the other way. Another nearfall and Morrison rolls back into the sunset flip. Two count before Ziggler reverses into a jack-knife cradle. Morrison bridges out at two and a half and backslides Ziggler for a very close nearfall! Ziggler is on his feet and goes for a punch but Morrison ducks it. Morrison leaps to the second rope and roundhouse kick brings Ziggler down. Morrison pulls Ziggler in position. To the top rope. Starship Pain, no Ziggler rolls out of the way, wait Morrison lands on his feet and turns, before delivering a standing shooting star press to Ziggler. Only a two count.


Morrison beats on Ziggler and head rammed ten times into the top buckle, before he delivers a running bulldog. Morrison is poised, ready to go up to the top rope. Slingshot clothesline and now Morrison rolls over, before kipping up to his feet and hitting a somersault senton. Another two count and Morrison is throwing everything he has at Ziggler but he’s not staying down. Morrison leaps onto the shoulders, attempting a Victory Roll but Ziggler counters with an electric chair drop. Standing ten count and Ziggler is up, before he picks up Morrison. Vicious belly to back suplex and now Ziggler backs off. He charges Morrison but Zig Zag is once again narrowly avoided. Waistlock by Morrison, no Ziggler counters with a forward roll. Two count once again and Morrison kicks out of that one. Ziggler is back on his feet and Morrison delivers a Pele style kick to rock Ziggler. To the top rope goes Morrison again for the Starship Pain no Ziggler cuts him off. Morrison is crotched on the top rope and Ziggler climbs up, beating him him. A belly to back suplex off the top rope by Ziggler perhaps, this could spell the end. Ziggler has Morrison but Morrison turns in mid air, shifting his weight, so he lands on top of Ziggler!. Ziggler takes the worst of the fall and Morrison is on top long enough to just score the pin!


Winner: John Morrison(18:08, C+)


That wasn’t easy, but John Morrison is still the WWE Intercontinental Champion. Ziggler had the Starship Pain well scouted, Morrison had the Zig Zag well scouted, but in the end, it was Morrison’s ability to maneuver a high risk move where he came out ahead that proved to be the difference maker. Morrison holds up the belt as Ziggler fumes, he thought he was walking out with the belt tonight. Both of these men will be on opposite teams at Survivor Series when it’s John Morrison, R-Truth, Matt Hardy, Finlay, and Scott Armstrong against CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler, Kane, Drew McIntyre, and Eric Escobar.


*******************Commercial Break****************************


We cut backstage, where the ECW Champion William Regal arrives backstage. Teddy Long walks up with security and says that since Regal’s not officially on this show, he’ll have to ask him to leave but Mr. McMahon says Regal’s here as his guest and Teddy should treat him respect. Mr. McMahon says it’s good to see a man with class and dignity as ECW Champion again and Regal nods, saying that he hopes to bring the belt up to another level, even though the General Manager is not equipped for being nothing more than a street walker. Regal says he has some business to conduct and Mr. McMahon just waves him off, allowing Regal to be on his merry way. Mr. McMahon says there’s a real champion, unlike the Undertaker.


A recap of the recent events involving Drew McIntyre and Finlay, leading up to their match tonight.


Finlay vs. Drew McIntyre


This was not as much of a wrestling match, as it was a bar room brawl. Both men wailed on each other with punches and kicks, before Finlay throws McIntyre to the floor and beats him but the large Englishman throws Finlay into the ring steps and throws him into the ring to beat him down. McIntyre uses his power to keep Finlay off balance but Finlay fights out from underneath. McIntyre eventually goes low and grabs Finlay’s shillagh, before he waffles Finlay with it right in front of the referee for the disqualification.


Winner By Disqualification: Finlay(5:01, C-)


McIntyre is not done as he continues to take the shillagh to the ribs of Finlay over and over again, until Finlay is left in the ring, a battered, beaten mess, nine days before both men are on opposite teams at Survivor Series.


We cut backstage, where William Regal is in talks with the Hart Dynasty, David Hart Smith and Tyson Kidd. Regal talks about how he’s going to face a team captained by Christian at Survivor Series and while he has Koslov and Jackson, he still is two men short. Regal says he would love nothing better than to have the top tag team in WWE today on his team, he cleared it with Mr. McMahon to send them over to ECW for the next couple of weeks temporarily, in exchange for Regal defending the ECW Championship on Smackdown. The Hart Dynasty eagerly agree and Regal has his team at Survivor Series. The announcers inform us that it will be the Ruthless Roundtable of William Regal, Vladmir Koslov, and Ezekiel Jackson and the Hart Dynasty against Christian, Yoshi Tatsu, Goldust, Tommy Dreamer, and a fifth partner yet to be chosen at Survivor Series.


Scott Armstrong is in the paramedic area, as Josh Mathews tries to get a word him with. Armstrong says that while he competed for quite some time, he retired for a reason to become a WWE official. He just doesn’t have it anymore. So he’ll back out of Survivor Series, at the risk of losing his job, because he doesn’t want to be a liability to his team. When Josh questions if that would leave Team Morrison at a five on four situation, Armstrong shakes his head, saying that he will find a fifth man to be on that team. When Josh asks Armstrong who that fifth man might be, he calmly replies. “Oh you didn’t know. Well I better call somebody.”


Coming up next, the World Heavyweight Champion the Undertaker takes on the diabolical, the sinister, the brutal, Professor of Pain, Mike Knox. Our main event, next on Smackdown.


***********Commercial Break*************


Before the next match, Mr. McMahon comes out, with Teddy Long, looking very uncomfortable. Mr. McMahon says that Teddy Long had a good idea to spice up the main event for tonight. “Well tell them Teddy, what are you waiting for?” After a moment, Teddy announces that tonight’s match is for the World Heavyweight Title between Mike Knox and the Undertaker and if the Undertaker loses by disqualification or countout, he loses the championship. Not only that but if he loses, he’s out of the Survivor Series and it will be a three way between the Big Show, Chris Jericho, and Mike Knox. To make sure things are fair, Chris Jericho will be the guest referee and the Big Show will be the guest ringside enforcer. The deck is stacked against the Undertaker tonight and Vince says that’s good, but not great and says that Teddy’s still on probation.


World Heavyweight Title Match:

Mike Knox vs. The Undertaker©


The Undertaker beats on Mike Knox, with Jericho applying a lightning fast five count. Taker turns around and stares down Jericho, before Knox attacks the Undertaker from behind, beating him down. Belly to belly suplex on the Undertaker but he sits up before Knox can make the cover and they can fast count the Undertaker. Knox beats on the Undertaker and backbreaker to the Undertaker. Undertaker fights out quickly, so Jericho couldn’t say he submitted and the Undertaker grabs Knox by the throat, but Jericho warns him and counts pretty fast. Taker shoves Knox down and legdrop to Knox. The Undertaker beats on Knox and clotheslines him to the arena floor. The Undertaker exits the ring but the Big Show goes for the Undertaker. The Undertaker turns around and beats on the Big Show with Knox entering the ring and Jericho preparing the ten count, but the Undertaker rolls the Big Show into the ring, rolling him over Jericho and knocking him down to stop the count. The Undertaker enters the ring and beats on the Big Show, before sending him to the floor. Knox attacks the Undertaker from behind but the Undertaker counters with a big boot!


The Big Show is down on the floor and Jericho is back up but the Undertaker grabs him by the throat. The fans are cheering as Jericho is about to call for the bell but the Undertaker choke slams Jericho down to the canvas. The bell couldn’t ring anywhere, due to Knox stealing the ring bell and entering the ring, before he clobbers the Undertaker with it! The Undertaker goes down, as Mr. McMahon watches on the ramp, yelling we need another referee out here. Out comes another referee and cover on the Undertaker but he kicks out. The Big Show enters the ring and knocks out the referee with on punch, as Knox has a steel chair and he works over the kidneys of the Undertaker with it. Knox holds the Undertaker as the Big Show measures him but The Undertaker moves out of the way and The Big Show knocks out Mike Knox!. The Undertaker grabs the chair and waffles the Big Show with it. Jericho is up, groggy and the Undertaker scoops him up, before Tombstoning him down to the canvas. Jericho has been knocked out and the Undertaker picks up Mike Knox, before hitting him with a Tombstone as well! The Undertaker drags the unconscious Jericho over and slaps the canvas three times, registering the pin! Teddy Long tells the timekeeper to ring the bell, this match is over!


Winner: The Undertaker(9:58, C-)


Mr. McMahon is freaking out, demanding Long explain himself but Long said that the Undertaker’s still the champion and he’s going to go onto Survivor Series to defend the belts against the Big Show and Chris Jericho. McMahon looks absolutely enraged and says he should fire Teddy Long but he won’t, not right now. Instead, the Undertaker will reunite with his brother Kane next week to take on Chris Jericho and the Big Show for the Unified Tag Team Titles! The fans are confused, before they cheer, as the announcers are puzzled. The Brothers of Destruction are reunited next week and have a chance to become the Unified Tag Team Champions! See you next week for that.

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TracyBrooksFan: 3/5



Standings So Far for November:

TracyBrooksFan: 4/15

BHK1978: 4/15

Huntman: 3/15

The Mystery: 2/15



Still plenty of chances to predict with several shows left in November. Including....


RAW Card


Triple H vs. WWE Unified Tag Team Champion Chris Jericho vs. WWE Unified Tag Team Champion the Big Show.


Ted DiBiase vs. Kofi Kingston.


Gail Kim and Melina vs. Jillian Hall and Katie Lea Burchill.


Shawn Michaels vs. Paul Burchill.

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WWE Monday Night RAW 11/16/09


We are six days away from Survivor Series with the big main event between Shawn Michaels, Triple H, and John Cena for the WWE championship. Tonight, Triple H, the Big Show, and Chris Jericho meet in a triple threat match. The combined forces of Jericho and Big Show defeated John Cena and Shawn Michaels on back to back weeks, can they go three for three against the Game? Also, the legendary and always controversial “Rowdy” Roddy Piper will be in the house as the guest host tonight on RAW.


The very distinctive music of the ECW Champion William Regal begins to play, much to the confusion of the fans and the announcers, but the fans quickly boo as Regal comes out, lead by his Ruthless Roundtable of Ezekiel Jackson and Vladimir Koslov, not to mention the Hart Dynasty of David Hart Smith, Tyson Kidd, and Natalya. The Roundtable and the Hart Dynasty will join forces at Survivor Series to take on Christian, Yoshi Tatsu, Goldust, Tommy Dreamer, and a fifth man to be named but what are these men doing on RAW? They are either ECW or Smackdown talent. The fans in Madison Square Garden boo as Regal takes the microphone.


Regal begins talking about how his plan worked, how he decisively beat Christian last week on ECW, holding the belt over his shoulder. Regal said when Christian said it was Regal’s last shot, he arranged with Mr. McMahon to put a stipulation in the contract that stated Christian had to go to the bottom of the ladder if he lost the match. “Basically, as it regards to getting a rematch, you’re out of luck, sunshine.” Regal says he beat Christian and this Sunday, Regal will finish the job, along with the group of competitors in the ring. He puts over the power of Zeke and Koslov and the Hart Dynasty’s ability to combine high flying and power. Then Regal says he’s a master technician and the best in the world. He holds up the ECW Championship, declaring that he’s going to hold this belt for the rest of his life and he’ll be defending it in wheelchair matches when he’s ninety.


Out comes John Cena to interrupt Regal. Regal sneers at Cena, as if he is a commoner beneath his notice. Cena says he’ll give Regal his due, he won the ECW Championship in perhaps the toughest, closest contested match of the year. But, that’s ECW and this is RAW and “here Regal, this is the brand where the big guns are and you’re just a pistol!” Regal says Cena is a pampered prince who would not last five minutes in ECW. He was protected during his career, handpicked as the future, he got to the top of the mountain. Regal had to fight through adversity to become ECW Champion. He was saddled with “a bloody retard, a rubbish Japanese stereotype, and some scoundrel that thought he was a pirate.” He was put on ECW and he went through it all, despite having to deal with a tart that he wouldn’t pay fifty pence for. Regal invites Cena into the ring for a fight. Cena calmly responds: “Actions speak louder than words”.


Cena charges into the ring, going after William Regal, but Koslov and Ezekiel Jackson immediately attack him, double teaming him in the ring. The Hart Dynasty get their shots in, as Regal steps in but the fans are cheering. Out comes Christian from the crowd. The former ECW Champion, who enters the ring, to dropkick Ezekiel. Koslov gets the better of Christian but the fans cheer even more as Goldust and Tommy Dreamer exit the crowd. The odds are still a bit lopsided until Yoshi Tatsu enters the ring. Five on five now, with the babyfaces clearing the ring to cheers.


Cue the bagpipes and the fans explode into cheers, as the guest host of RAW tonight, “Rowdy” Roddy Piper makes his way out, with security. Piper says he loves a good fight as much as the next guy but he is asking for security to clear all the wrestlers that are not on RAW out of the ring and escort them from the building. “Except for you, Regal”. Piper says he saw enough of this to know that Regal and Cena has some issue that needs to be resolved and what better way than to do it than a fight tonight. One on one, the ECW Champion squares off against the WWE Champion, William Regal takes on John Cena! Regal says that Piper can’t do that, but Piper says that he can and he’ll make sure Regal gets into the ring. When Regal tries to argue that Mr. McMahon won’t like that, Piper says that “if Vince has a problem, he can take it up with old Hot Rod and I don’t think he wants to tangle with me.” The fans cheer, as the announcers hype up tonight’s big match between William Regal and John Cena.


Coming up next, last week on ECW, Paul Burchill lost a match with the Hurricane where he was banished from ECW. He(along with his sister, Katie), has landed on RAW and he has a tough first task this week, against one of the men who will compete at Survivor Series in the main event for the WWE Championship, Shawn Michaels. That bout is next.


**************Commercial Break****************


Shawn Michaels vs. Paul Burchill(w/Katie Lea Burchill)


Burchill attacks Shawn Michaels right at the bell, trying to make an impact in his first match on RAW. Michaels is thrown in the corner and Burchill beats him in the corner, kneelift destroys him. Series of elbows into the corner and Michaels is thrown across the ring. Burchill charges into the foot and Burchill staggers. Michaels climbs to the second rope and forearm smash right to the head. Burchill staggers back and Michaels with a series of jabs, before throwing him into the ropes. Dropkick takes Burchill down to the canvas and Michaels rolls him over. Elbows to the back of Burchill and Michaels throws him into the corner. Backbreaker and Burchill is down. Michaels poses in the corner and goes for a clothesline but Burchill drops down and drop toe hold to Michaels. Burchill delivers a series of elbows right to the back of the head and picks up Michaels. Slams him down and Michaels favors his back. We are reminded that Michaels had a temporarily career ending back injury that kept him out of the ring for four years and Burchill has this well scouted, working over it with forearms and a high back body drop. Michaels is hoisted up and driven down with a spinebuster. Another cover but Burchill can’t quite put Michaels away.


Backbreaker and the spine of Michaels is being bent over the braced knee of Burchill. This is more painful, as the metal of that brace is digging into the spine of Michaels but he fights out. Michaels pounds away at Burchill but Burchill hit a kneelift to the back and Michaels is hoisted up. Belly to back suplex brings him down and now Burchill climbs to the top rope. Flying kneedrop and the metal of the brace connects with the head of Michaels. The fans explode into boos, as Burchill is exploiting the fact that he’s allowed to wear the metal braces on his knee. Cover on Michaels but only a two and a half count. Burchill picks up Michaels and goes for a Rock Bottom but Michaels elbows out. Burchill with a clothesline, no ducked and double clothesline takes both men down. Standing ten count and Michaels kips up at nine, favoring his back, as Burchill is back on his feet. Punch blocked and Michaels hammers away at Burchill. Chops in the corner and Michaels throws Burchill into the ropes but Burchill comes back with a huge clothesline. Michaels is hoisted up and Burchill brings him down with a back cracker like move, ramming the previously injured back of Michaels into both of the knee braces. Burchill yells: “Kip up from that!” before he makes the cover. Two and nine tenths as Michaels kicks out. Burchill picks up Michaels again and belly to back suplex, no Michaels lands on his feet, clutching his back, but when Burchill turns around, Michaels waffles him with the Sweet Chin Music. Michaels collapses on top of Burchill to score the pin.


Winner: Shawn Michaels(B, 8:21)


The announcers put over Burchill as taking Shawn Michaels to the limit and also put over the Sweet Chin Music as a dangerous finishing move. All it takes is that one move and a man is down for three. Both John Cena and Shawn Michaels’s DX partner, Triple H should watch out for that.


We cut backstage, where Gail Kim is preparing for her match tonight, when the WWE Women’s Champion Michelle McCool walks in on her. Michelle says it must be a shame for Gail to be forced into a shadow of someone who doesn’t have a tenth of her talent. Michelle says she’s talking about Melina, the WWE Diva’s Champion. “Gail, you could wrestle circles around her but she’s keeping you out of the spotlight, pretending to be your friend. Is she really? Or is she afraid that you might beat her to win the Diva’s Title?”. In comes Melina, who tells Michelle to leave, before she regrets stepping backstage. Michelle throws her hands up, before she turns to Gail, telling her to think about it before she walks off. We cut to Gail Kim, who looks deep in thought, almost pondering what Michelle told her, as we fade out.


*********Commercial Break**********


Ted DiBiase is warming up, when Randy Orton confronts him. DiBiase has a match with Kofi Kingston tonight and Orton doesn’t want DiBiase to beat Kofi, he wants him to hurt Kofi. DiBiase says tonight he’s going to beat Kofi Kingston but not for Orton but for himself. He then remarks, in a bit of a sarcastic tone: “Catch you later, boss”. With that, DiBiase leaves, as Orton stands in the backstage area, with a stoic expression on his face but if one looks close enough, they could see the fire in his eyes.


Kofi Kingston vs. Ted DiBiase


Kofi Kingston used his speed and agility to take Ted DiBiase down. A leaping dropkick knocked DiBiase to the floor but Kofi delivered a breath taking somersault plancha, to wipe out DiBiase. Kofi beats on DiBiase and back into the ring. Leapfrog over DiBiase, before Kofi leaps over the top rope to the apron, leaps to the top rope, and leaps onto DiBiase with a cross body all in the blink of an eye. This gets a two count and Kofi continues to pound away on DiBiase but clothesline stops Kofi dead in his tracks. DiBiase beats on Kofi, pounding away on him with punch after punch, before he hits a gutwrench suplex. A series of elbowdrops to Kofi Kingston, before DiBiase delivers a gutwrench suplex for a two count. Chops and DiBiase slowly wears down Kofi, but Kofi fights back, with a spinning heel kick. Chop battle, won by Kofi and leapfrog over DiBiase but DiBiase elbows Kofi in the face. Scooped up over the shoulder and powerslam brings Kofi down for a two count. DiBiase picks up Kofi and another powerslam, before he climbs to the top rope. High risk move on the way but an elbow drop misses. DiBiase wiped himself up and Kofi is up. A series of kicks to the ribs, before DiBiase is staggered enough for the Trouble in Paradise to connect and score the pin!


Winner: Kofi Kingston(6:45, B-)


Kofi Kingston gets the win and the fans boo, as Randy Orton comes down to the ring. He congratulates Kofi on his win but it will be different at Survivor Series. M.V.P, Mark Henry, Primo, Evan Bourne, and Kofi Kingston will all step into the ring and fall one by one. One victory doesn’t matter. Kofi Kingston offers Orton to come down to the ring, so they can get Survivor Series started early and Orton declines but Cody Rhodes is in the ring. Kofi Kingston attacks Rhodes, knocking him down, allowing Orton to rush into the ring. Clothesline to the back of the head of Kofi Kingston and Orton beats Kofi Kingston down and goes for the punt but Kofi rolls out of the way. Orton loses his balance and Kofi kips up to his feet, before he wallops Orton with the Trouble in Paradise! Orton drops to the canvas hard, knocked unconscious, and out comes Primo, Mark Henry, M.V.P, and Evan Bourne from the back, to celebrate with Kofi Kingston, as the Miz and Jack Swagger are out as well, to check on the unconscious Randy Orton, along with Cody Rhodes. Five on five classic Survivor Series elimination match, with Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase, Jack Swagger, and the Miz against Kofi Kingston, M.V.P, and Mark Henry. Kofi Kingston got one over Randy Orton tonight.


We cut backstage, where “Rowdy” Roddy Piper is talking about his feud with Mr. T to Santino and Festus, embellishing it as if he had destroyed T. In comes, Chavo, who complains about how he doesn’t have a match tonight, how he’s a third generation competitor and he demands respect. Chavo also adds that he wants a real match, not against any midgets or people who go crazy when the bell rings or Santino. Santino takes offense but the Hot Rod cuts in, saying that if Chavo wants a match, then he’ll get one…against “Rowdy” Roddy Piper. Piper then pie faces Chavo, knocking him down to the ground and Chavo bounces up to his feet, but Piper calls for security, holding up a bell before he ran it. Festus charges Chavo and spears him through the door and beats him with a series of punches. Piper watches for a minute, before he rings the bell again and Festus backs up, but Chavo is already battered.


*******************Commercial Break******************


Gail Kim and Melina vs. Katie Lea Burchill and Jillian Hall


Katie and Jillian attack at the bell, sending Melina to the floor, with Gail Kim being double teamed. Burchill beats on Kim in the corner with a series of punches, before throwing her into the ropes and hitting a tilt a whirl backbreaker, beating her down in the ring. Tag to Jillian. Punches and a bodyslam, before Jillian climbs to the second rope, singing, but she misses a legdrop. Gail Kim is on her feet and knocks Jillian around, before dropkicking Katie off of the ring apron. Katie hits the ground and Jillian is taken down with a headscissors, but Melina tags in. Gail is confused, as Melina enters the ring, beating on Jillian, before hitting a standing sunset flip power bomb, driving Jillian down and scores the pin.


Winners: Melina and Gail Kim(3:21, D+)


The fans are cheering, but Gail Kim gets in Melina’s face, with Gail demanding why she stole the victory, saying she had the match under control. Melina looks confused, trying to explain they got the victory as Kelly Kelly and Eve Torres run out to attempt to separate the two arguing women. Gail Kim yells: “Maybe she was right” and walks off, leaving the RAW divas in disarray


*****************Commercial Break*******************


”Rowdy” Roddy Piper vs. Chavo Guerrero


Chavo attacks Piper as he enters the ring, beating him down with a series of chops and punches, but the fans are cheering, as Hornswoggle comes out from underneath the ring, with a coconut in hand. Hornswoggle enters the ring, coconut in hand before he swings it and smashes it over the head of Chavo. Chavo is staggered and Roddy Piper low blows Chavo, before he rolls him up to score the pin!


Winner: Roddy Piper(1:41, C)


After the bell, Hornswoggle climbs to the top rope and hits the Tadpole Splash on Chavo, to cheers, as Piper and Hornswoggle celebrate in the ring. Once again, Chavo has been humiliated. Can things get any worse for this guy?


We cut backstage, where Josh Mathews is talking to Triple H, about his triple threat match with Chris Jericho and the Big Show tonight. Triple H says that tonight, he will defy the odds and beat the unified tag team champions. And at Survivor Series, he’s going to walk in the match and out as the WWE Champion. At that minute, Shawn Michaels appears, saying that Triple H seems to be confident that he’ll win. Triple H says yes he is. Shawn says that they agree on one thing, both are confident that they’ll win. “But only one can win and with all due respect, Game, everyone will be hearing the tunes of some Sweet Chin Music”. Some tensions between DX, leading into the Triple Threat Match, where they will join John Cena in their match for the WWE Championship.


*************Commercial Break****************


WWE Champion John Cena vs. ECW Champion William Regal


Both men trade punches at the bell, before Regal catches Cena with a kneelift to the face and a headbutt right to the face, before he takes him down and a series of forearms to the back of the head, before Cena is picked up. A series of kicks right to the midsection and Regal throws Cena into the corner hard. Elbowsmash in the corner and Regal beats on Cena, before hooking him. Double underhook suplex brings Cena down and Regal makes the cover for a two count. Forearms and another two count, before he drops a kneedrop right to the chest, before Cena is hoisted up. Regal throws Cena into the ropes. European Uppercut ducks and Cena bounces off the ropes, connecting with a shoulder tackle. Regal bounces to his feet and Cena jabs away at Regal, before hitting a swinging neckbreaker for a two count. Cena beats on Regal and drop toe hold, into an STF but Regal is quickly into the ropes. Cena beats on Regal but a headbutt from Regal stuns Cena and Regal grabs him, before bringing him down with a Northern Lights Suplex. Bridge for a two count and Regal beats on Cena, before crossing Cena’s own arms across his throat, in a straightjacket like submission.


Regal leans back on the hold, working over Cena but Cena struggles out. Cena is thrown in the corner sternum first and Regal hooks him, before delivering a cradle belly to back suplex. Only a two count and Regal beats on Cena, hammering away at him, before going for a piledriver but Cena counters with a high back body drop. Cena hoists up Regal and Gorilla Press throws him down. Regal begs off and Cena beats on Regal, before throwing him into the corner. Leaping avalanche in the corner and Regal is stunned. To the shoulders, attempted Attitude Adjustment but Regal drops down and shoves Cena off the ropes. European Uppercut catches him and Regal has Cena, with a double underhook suplex. Regal rolls over Cena and another pair of European Uppercuts, before stepping behind. Half nelson works Cena and Regal suplexes Cena from the move. The fans explode into boos as Regal steps over Cena, making the cover to hooking the leg for a two count. Regal beats on Cena and goes for the Knee Trembler but Cena avoids it. Leaping forearm off the ropes and Cena picks up Regal, onto the shoulders. Attitude Adjustment is countered once again and Regal rolls up Cena in a sunset flip. Two count and Regal beats on Cena, hoisting him over the shoulder. Upside down in position for a powerslam but Cena drops down, reversing the position and hoists up Regal, before hitting the Attitude Adjustment! The fans cheer, with a few boos mixed in. Three seconds later scores the pin.


Winner: John Cena(11:41, B-)


Cena gets the win tonight, beating the ECW Champion. Props to Regal as he took the WWE Champion to the limit. Cena had a tough match tonight and he has an even tougher one this Sunday in a Triple Threat Match against Shawn Michaels and Triple H.


**********************Commercial Break*****************************


We see the Miz storming Roddy Piper’s office, demanding why he was left off the show tonight. The Miz says he’s the Miz, he’s awesome and he’s the WWE United States Champion. He beat John Morrison at Cyber Sunday and this was the second week he got left off of RAW. The Miz says that he deserves a big opponent and Piper agrees, saying that in his last act as guest host, he’s going to make a match for the Miz for Superstars and he will have a big opponent. The WWE United States Champion the Miz will defend his belt against Mark Henry this week on Superstars! The Miz sputters, but Piper says he has spoken.


Tonight we’ve had a lot of fun with “Rowdy” Roddy Piper as the guest host of RAW and next week’s guest host is not a bad thing, it’s a good thing. Former three time WCW World Champion Diamond Dallas Page guest hosts on RAW next week, along with all the fallout from Survivor Series.


Next is our main event, with Triple H facing off against Chris Jericho and the Big Show in a Triple Threat Match. The Unified Tag Team Champions have gone two for two against the competitors in the RAW main event match for the WWE Championship at Survivor Series. Can they make a clean sweep, knocking off Triple H?


*************************Commercial Break*************************


Triple H vs. The Big Show vs. Chris Jericho


Triple H attacks Jericho at the bell, quickly taking him out with a facebuster, but a double axe handle to the back of the head of Triple H drops him to a knee. The Big Show pounds on Triple H, hammering him with a series of forearm smashes in the corner. Triple H is staggered and Show chokes him with his foot, as Jericho recovers. Show holds Triple H so Jericho can go to work. A side slam sets up Triple H for a senton from Jericho. Cover from Jericho gets a two count. Jericho picks up Triple H but Triple H fights back, for a few seconds, before the Big Show boots him right in the face. Another two on one assault in the corner, with Triple H swinging a punch or a kick, when he can but mostly struggling. The Big Show hoists up Jericho and slams him on top of Triple H for a two count. The Big Show picks up Triple H but Triple H goes low and then grabs Jericho, before he throws him headfirst into the groin of the Big Show. Show falls to the floor and Triple H catches Jericho with a spinebuster for a two count. Triple H beats on Jericho but ducks the head too soon, eating a Rocker Dropper. Jericho looks at the Big Show, who is down on the floor, before he hammers away at Triple H. Running bulldog and Jericho picks up Triple H, before working over the previously injured quadriceps muscle, applying a figure four leglock. Triple H gets the ropes as Jericho continues to pour on the assault.


Jericho beats on Triple H but reversed and high knee. Jericho is down but Triple H rolls over, right where the Big Show chokes him out from the arena floor. Headbutt and Triple H is back into the ring. The Big Show enters the ring and assaults Triple H, before holding him, so a recovered Jericho can kick him. Triple H goes low on the Big Show, before he clotheslines Jericho. Once again, Triple H is somehow fighting off these two on one odds as he suplexes Jericho. He then pounds away at the Big Show, punching at him in the corner. Turned around and Jericho leaps up, before he hits the Code Breaker on the Game! Triple H is rolled over and Jericho covers for a two and nine tenths count. Jericho picks up Triple H and hammers him some more, attempted Irish whip, no Triple H reverses it. Show comes out of nowhere with a kick to the face, before Triple H can attack Jericho. Some more double teaming, as Triple H. The Game is down and Jericho holds up Triple H. The Big Show measures Triple H but knockout punch levels Jericho! The fans cheer, as Triple H delivers a high knee to the Big Show, before he collapses on top of an unconscious Jericho…for a two and a half count, when the Big Show pulls him off. The Big Show grabs Triple H by the throat but Triple H kicks the Big Show low. Triple H delivers a drop toe hold, and causes the Big Show to fall on top of Jericho. The Big Show bonked his head and Triple H manages to roll Show off of Jericho and covers Jericho but Show breaks up the cover once again! The Big Show goes for the Choke Slam but Triple H counters with a DDT this time, before he turns and puts the Big Show in a cross-face submission hold! Show struggles, as Jericho is still unconscious and Show eventually taps out, giving Triple H the victory.


Winner: Triple H(13:13, B+)


Triple H managed to defy the odds, winning this match tonight. Jericho is slowly coming to, his face swelling from when the Big Show decked him and Triple H leaves the ring. Triple H is on the ramp, as the two Triple Threat Matches are hyped up for Survivor Series. John Cena putting the WWE Championship on the line against Triple H and Shawn Michaels. The Undertaker putting the World Heavyweight Title on the line against the Big Show and Chris Jericho. All that and more this Sunday on Survivor Series!

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BHK1978: 3/4

Huntman: 2/4

TracyBrooksFan: 2/4


Standings For November.

BHK1978: 7/19

TracyBrooksFan: 6/19

Huntman: 5/19

The Mystery: 2/19



ECW Card:


Christian vs. Ezekiel Jackson.


Tommy Dreamer vs. Vladimir Koslov.


Yoshi Tatsu vs. Tyson Kidd.

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ECW On Sy Fy 11/17/09


Recap from last week, with William Regal triumphing over Christian to capture the ECW Championship. We cut to clips from last night on RAW, where Regal’s scheme is exposed, that Christian has to go to the bottom of the ladder and also his close match with John Cena, where in the end, Cena managed to hit the Attitude Adjustment on Regal to pin him.


After a hiatus of one week, we welcome you to the return of the Abraham Washington Show! Abe is out, with his usual unique brand of comedy, with Tony Atlas laughing in an over the top manner in everything. After a couple of minutes of hijinx, out comes the ECW Champion William Regal, who comes onto the stage, scowling at the set up on the Abraham Washington Show. Abe says it’s a pleasure to have Regal on the show and its nice to see that two sophisticated, refined men can sit down and have a nice chat. This gets some laughter from Tony Atlas, who looks about ready to roll on the floor. Regal turns his nose up, but he sits on the couch, saying that he agreed to lower himself to be on this show, so he could clear some things up. Washington asks him about the match with Cena on Monday, but Regal says he’s not going to talk about that one. He instead talks about his ECW Championship victory and how after several months, he finally got one over Christian. The fans are booing, as Regal tells them to shut up, as far as he’s concerned, their nothing but a bunch of common scoundrels.


Shifting gears to the Survivor Series, Regal says that he recruited the Hart Dynasty for a very simple reason. He informs us of the old talent exchange agreement between ECW and Smackdown was never deactivated, its just it has been out of use. He found this out and went straight to Mr. McMahon, to arrange for the Hart Dynasty to be on his team, because they are the top young tag team in the world. Mr. McMahon agreed, on the condition that Regal returned the favor, defending his ECW Championship against a Smackdown talent. Regal agreed to this and now he has a team for Survivor Series, of Ezekiel Jackson, Vladimir Koslov, David Hart Smith, Tyson Kidd, and of course himself. Regal says that Christian, Goldust, Tommy Dreamer, and Yoshi Tatsu don’t stand a chance and whatever fifth man Christian manages to drag up, it won’t matter. “Knowing him, its probably the Hurricane or that peasant Tyler Reks or that scoundrel Zack Ryder. We can take care of them easily.” Regal says since he has these things cleared up, talking about how Christian will suffer further pain against Ezekiel Jackson in the main event, he’s off the show and he’s walking to the back. Abe looks flummoxed before he says, this was a great show, tune in next week for another entertaining Abraham Washington show, which causes Tony Atlas to laugh like a madman.


*********************Commercial Break********************


Yoshi Tatsu(w/Goldust) vs. Tyson Kidd(w/David Hart Smith and Natalya)


An interpromotional match of sorts, with Kidd and Yoshi Tatsu trading some high impact, high flying moves, with the crowd taking a while to get into it, but eventually they turned things around towards the end. Kidd missed a springboard cross body block, allowing Yoshi Tatsu to hit a spinning roundhouse kick to score the pin.


Winner: Yoshi Tatsu(5:23, D-)


Yoshi Tatsu gets the win, as the Hart Dynasty stew on the ramp. In the first of a series of matches between Regal’s team and Christian’s team tonight, Christian’s team is ahead. The fans are cheering, as Goldust enters the ring to celebrate with Yoshi.


A look at Vance Archer, his dominate performance his first two match. Archer looks to have a bright future in ECW.


******************Commercial Break***************


Tommy Dreamer vs. Vladimir Koslov


This was not a technical match by any means. Two men exchanging punches and kicks, with Koslov using his power to throw Dreamer around. The highlight of this offense being a massive suplex from Koslov but Dreamer had a secret weapon. He sent Koslov into the ring steps and rolled him back into the ring, before he grabs the Singapore cane. He enters the ring and waffles Koslov with the weapon for the disqualification!


Winner By Disqualification: Vladimir Koslov(6:03, C+)


Dreamer continues to destroy Koslov with cane shots, until Ezekiel Jackson comes out and attacks Dreamer, saving his fellow Ruthless Roundtable member. Koslov is up and two on one, until Yoshi Tatsu and Goldust run out, to save their Survivor Series team mate. The brawl continues in the ring, with Dreamer getting back up and swinging the cane like a madman.


A promo for Superstars, hyping up what should be an exciting match between the Hurricane and Shelton Benjamin. After banishing Burchill from ECW, the Hurricane wants to follow up that performance with a victory over Shelton Benjamin on Thursday night on WGN America.


***********************Commercial Break*************************


Christian vs. Ezekiel Jackson


Christian goes right on the attack at the bell, with a series of punches, before he takes Ezekiel down to one knee with a flying forearm. Running dropkick to the face and Christian picks up Jackson, beating on him, but as he charges Ezekiel, he gets mowed down with a clothesline. Ezekiel picks up Christian, choking him, before hoisting him up and throwing him into the corner. Christian bounces back into a sidewalk slam for a two count. Jackson beats on Christian some more, working a bearhug, in an attempt to put Christian down. Christian fights out of the hold, but Jackson throws him around some more. Christian bounces around off the canvas and Jackson applies a long chinlock, but at two and a half arm drops, Christian fights out, with elbows to the midsection. Jackson is staggered back into the corner and Christian climbs to the second rope and rains down with the ten count punches. Inverted DDT is blocked when Jackson biels Christian to the canvas. Christian bounces back up and to the outside. Flying clothesline takes the big man off of his feet and Christian climbs to the other side. Frog Splash connects and Christian covers Jackson but only a two count! Christian beats on Jackson, hammering him with elbows to the side of the head, before hooking the massive arms. Can he turn him for the Killswitch, no Jackson has Christian on his shoulders, but Christian counters with a Victory Roll for a two count. Christian beats on Jackson and hooks the head, before he connects with a Tornado DDT. Jackson is down and Christian hoists up Jackson, this time he might have been put out and the Killswitch is going to be the final part. William Regal rushes into the ring and decks the doubled over Christian with the Knee Trembler for the disqualification.


Winner By Disqualification: Christian(8:31, C+)


Regal continues to beat down Christian, with Tommy Dreamer trying to make the save but Koslov cuts him off. Yoshi Tatsu and Goldust are cut off by the Hart Dynasty, as there is a brawl. Christian manages to dropkick Regal but another figure comes from the back. A few fans cheer when they recognize who it is but most of them are unfamiliar with this man. Bryon Saxton and Josh Mathews inform us this man is Bryan Danielson, a man who was trained by no less than Shawn Michaels, in fact the star pupil of the Shawn Michaels Wrestling Academy and one of the top independent competitors in the world. Danielson enters the ring and helps clean house, with the fans getting slightly behind him, as Regal and his henchmen are ran off. Christian introduces Danielson to the fans in the arena and says that he will be the fifth man on his team at Survivor Series. Christian, Bryan Danielson, Yoshi Tatsu, Goldust, and Tommy Dreamer against William Regal, Vladimir Koslov, Ezekiel Jackson, Tyson Kidd, and David Hart Smith.

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ECW Results:

TracyBrooksFan: 2/3

Huntman: 1/3

Destiny: 2/3

Rayelek: 0/3

BHK1978: 2/3



November Standings:

BHK1978: 9/22

TracyBrooksFan: 8/22

Huntman: 6/22


The Mystery: 2/22

Rayelek: 0/22


WWE Superstars Card:


WWE United States Title Match:

Mark Henry vs. the Miz©


The Hurricane vs. Shelton Benjamin.


WWE Intercontinental Champion John Morrison vs. Mike Knox.

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WWE United States Title Match:

Mark Henry vs. the Miz©


Because he is the MIZ and he is awsome...well no not really but he should beat Mark.


The Hurricane vs. Shelton Benjamin.


I am a huge Shelton fan so I have to go with him.


WWE Intercontinental Champion John Morrison vs. Mike Knox.

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WWE Superstars 11/19/09


Hype for tonight’s main event on WGN America, with the Miz defending the WWE United States Title on the line against Mark Henry. Two men on opposite teams at Survivor Series defend the belt in the main event tonight.


WWE Intercontinental Champion John Morrison vs. Mike Knox


Knox attacks Morrison at the bell, beating him down in the corner, as the announcers put Knox over as a dangerous competitor and also talk about Morrison’s role at Survivor Series. Knox throws Morrison into the corner but Knox hits the boot of Morrison. Morrison delivers a leaping dropkick taking Knox down. Knox is on his feet and Morrison delivers a series of forearms right to the chest of Knox, before throwing him into the ropes. Huge leg lariat knocks Knox down and Morrison backs off, delivering a somersault splash right to the chest of Knox for a two count. Morrison picks up Knox but Knox delivers a forearm to the midsection. More forearms and Knox throws Morrison to the canvas. Morrison is choked, with the referee putting the count on him, before Morrison picks him up. Knox beats on Morrison and hoists up Morrison on the shoulders, before he turns and drops Morrison backwards with a vicious Samoan Drop. Knox covers, for a two count. Knox headbutts Morrison and gutwrench suplex brings him down. Knox beats on Morrison and bounces off the ropes. Morrison is up and Knox crushes Morrison with his cross body block. Cover hooking the leg but Morrison kicks out! Knox continues to beat down Morrison in the center of the ring, throwing him into the corner. Knox clotheslines Morrison and hoists him up, with a vicious spinning side slam. Another cover and another count. Knox turns over Morrison and applies a camel clutch. We’ll be right back with more of this match, right after this commercial break.


******************Commercial Break*************************


Knox pounds away at Morrison in the corner and presses him over his head, before dropping him on the top rope. Knox has been working Morrison all over the commercial break and Morrison is thrown into the corner, flipping halfway in, before he is hung in the Tree of Woe. Knox kicks Morrison in the chest, with the referee forcing a break. Knox picks up Morrison and forearms to the back. Reverse facelock and Morrison is hoisted up but he drops down. Knox turns around and Morrison delivers a leaping roundhouse kick right to the chest. Knox is down to a knee and Morrison delivers a savate kick right to the chest of Knox. Knox is down and Morrison backs up, before hitting a standing shooting star press for a two count. Morrison climbs to the top rope, but Knox is up, blocking Morrison, pounding away at him. To the top rope and Knox hooks Morrison. Belly to belly suplex off the top rope from Knox!. The fans gasp, as Morrison was nearly put through the mat. Knox makes a cover, but a two count. Knox beats on Morrison and delivers a T-Bone Suplex. Very close nearfall, as Knox came a fraction of a second away from beating Morrison. Knox picks up Morrison and short arm clothesline brings him down, before Knox climbs to the top rope. Knox is on the top rope and he dives off, but a swandive headbutt misses when Morrison rolls out of the way. Knox is down on the canvas and Morrison is up, before hooking the arm and rolling up Knox for a La Magistral Cradle for the pin!


Winner: John Morrison(13:17, B)


John Morrison gets his hand raised, as the fans cheer. At Survivor Series, Morrison will team up with R-Truth, Finlay, Matt Hardy, and a fifth partner to be determined against CM Punk, Kane, Drew McIntyre, Dolph Ziggler, and Eric Escobar.


A video package hyping up the World Heavyweight Title Match for Survivor Series, with the Undertaker defending against Chris Jericho and the Big Show. Also hype for Smackdown, with the Brothers of Destruction reuniting for a Unified Tag Team Title Shot against the Big Show and Chris Jericho.


********************Commercial Break********************************


We come back with the superstars of ECW!


The Hurricane vs. Shelton Benjamin


The Hurricane banished Paul Burchill from ECW and now he’s looking for a victory tonight to continue his roll against the Gold Standard. Both men trade holds for the first bit of the match but the Hurricane pounds away at Shelton Benjamin, throwing him into the ropes. Leapfrog, monkey flip, and a series of arm drags. Shelton bounces back to his feet and the Hurricane beats on Shelton with a series of forearms, before throwing him into the corner. Leaping dropkick right to the chest of Shelton Benjamin and Shelton staggers, before the Hurricane climbs to the second rope. He jumps off, right into a reverse spin kick from Shelton. Benjamin continues to beat on the Hurricane and Northern Lights Suplex brings the Hurricane down for the count of two. To the outside goes Shelton Benjamin and springboard to the middle of the second rope, with a springboard clothesline wipes out the Hurricane for a two count. Dragon sleeper applied by Benjamin but the Hurricane fights up to his feet. Shoved off and Benjamin goes for a kick but the Hurricane blocks the leg. Spin around and Shelton Benjamin caught the Hurricane with a spin kick wiping him out. Shelton collapses on top of the Hurricane for a two count.


The fans are chanting for the Hurricane, but Shelton applies a front facelock, kneeing him in the face, before hoisting him up with a delayed vertical suplex. Benjamin leaps to the outside and to the middle of the top rope. Springboard 450 Splash by Shelton Benjamin, no the Hurricane rolls out of the way, wait Shelton lands on his feet and delivers a running dropkick to the face of the Hurricane. Shelton Benjamin picks up the Hurricane and into the corner. Punches in the corner and Shelton Benjamin charges the Hurricane in the corner. Leaping avalanche misses when the Hurricane ducks out of the way. Roll up for a two count by the Hurricane. Shelton Benjamin bounces up to his feet and reverse thrust kick wipes out the Hurricane. The Hurricane is hoisted up, waistlock and German Suplex into a bridge. The Hurricane rolls the shoulder up at the count of two and nine tenths. Shelton Benjamin climbs to the outside, all the way to the top rope. The Hurricane is up and a missile dropkick for another nearfall! Shelton looks frustrated, he can’t keep the Hurricane down at all! Benjamin beats on the Hurricane with chops right to the chest, before throwing him into the ropes. Hoisted up but the Hurricane counters with a DDT in mid move! Cover by the Hurricane but Benjamin kicks out at a two and a half count! The Hurricane hoists up Benjamin, Eye of the Hurricane is blocked and Benjamin twists out, before hooking him. Overhead T-Bone Suplex brings the Hurricane down to the canvas! Another cover but the Hurricane kicks out once again. Shelton beats on the Hurricane and steps back. Attempted Paydirt, but the Hurricane blocks it with an elbow strike, before hooking the arms of Shelton and twisting him around. The fans explode into cheers, as the Hurricane has Shelton upside down, in position for the Vertebreaker, but Benjamin fights it! Shelton drops down to his knees, before the Hurricane quickly spins around and connects with the Shining Wizard out of nowhere before he scores the pin!


Winner: The Hurricane(10:47, B)


The fans are cheering as the Hurricane scored the pin tonight on Superstars in a hard fought match against Shelton Benjamin. The Hurricane may be in line for a future shot at ECW Champion William Regal with a few more solid victories like that!


*******************Commercial Break**********************


RAW Rebound is shown from last Monday, with guest host “Rowdy” Roddy Piper and also highlighting the victories of Shawn Michaels(against Paul Burchill), John Cena(over William Regal), and Triple H(in a Triple Threat Match with Chris Jericho and The Big Show), leading into their three way WWE Championship match at Survivor Series. Next week the guest host on RAW is Diamond Dallas Page!


WWE United States Title Match:

Mark Henry vs. the Miz©


The power of Mark Henry overwhelmed the Miz to kick off this main event on Superstars. The Miz struggled in the corner, as Henry hammered away at the United States Champion, before delivering a Gorilla Press Slam. The Miz is beaten some more, but he manages to go to the eyes and take Henry down with an awkward swinging neckbreaker. Henry is pounded for a while, with the Miz throwing everything he can at the much larger man to get the pin. The Miz climbs to the top rope but Mark Henry slams him off the top rope. Avalanche in the corner and Henry delivers a belly to belly suplex, setting up a splash for a close nearfall. Henry applies a bearhug, trying to squeeze the life out of the Miz but the Miz fires back. He hooks the arms and Skull Crushing Finale, no he can’t keep his arms locked around Mark Henry and thus Henry powers out. The Miz falls into the buckles and reaches behind his back, untying the top turnbuckle. Henry knees the Miz, as he has stripped the corner pad from the corner. Henry charges the Miz, full head of steam but Miz ducks and Henry hits the exposed steel chest first, before the Miz rolls him up to score the pin.


Winner and Still United States Champion: The Miz(6:32, D+)


The Miz gets the win this week on WWE Superstars. Randy Orton, the Miz, Ted DiBiase, Cody Rhodes, and Jack Swagger take on Kofi Kingston, Mark Henry, M.V.P., Evan Bourne, and Primo in a five on five classic Survivor Series elimination match but right now we are out of time. See you on Smackdown and this Sunday at Survivor Series!

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Superstars Results:

TracyBrooksFan: 2/3

BHK1978: 2/3



November Standings:

BHK1978: 11/25

TracyBrooksFan: 10/25

Huntman: 6/25


The Mystery: 2/25

Rayelek: 0/25



WWE Smackdown Card


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

The Undertaker and Kane vs. the Big Show and Chris Jericho©


ECW Championship Match:

Shad Gaspard vs. William Regal©


Kung Fu Naki vs. Drew McIntyre.


R-Truth and Matt Hardy vs. CM Punk and Eric Escobar(w/Vickie Guerrero)

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Unified Tag Team Title Match:

The Undertaker and Kane vs. the Big Show and Chris Jericho©


I don't see the champs dropping the belt right now, though if anyone, Taker and Kane would be a cool team to win it.


ECW Championship Match:

Shad Gaspard vs. William Regal©


Regal's not gonna drop this soon after winning the belt, especially to Shad.


Kung Fu Naki vs. Drew McIntyre.


McIntyre is one of my favorite wrestlers and I will never vote against him, lol.


R-Truth and Matt Hardy vs. CM Punk and Eric Escobar(w/Vickie Guerrero)


I see Punk having big issues with losing to Truth/Hardy in the game, so I'm gonna pick him. Escobar could use a little momentum/overness too.

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Unified Tag Team Title Match:

The Undertaker & Kane vs. Big Show and Chris Jericho© Retain.


ECW Championship Match:

Shad Gaspard vs. William Regal© Regal will keep the title.


Kung Fu Naki vs. Drew McIntyre

McIntyre will win here comfortably.


R-Truth and Matt Hardy vs. CM Punk and Eric Escobar(w/Vickie Guerrero) I can see Truth and Hardy winning after Truth pins Escobar.

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Okay I never watch Smackdown at all, so forgive me if these picks are way off.


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

The Undertaker and Kane vs. the Big Show and Chris Jericho©


ECW Championship Match:

Shad Gaspard vs. William Regal©


Kung Fu Naki vs. Drew McIntyre.


R-Truth and Matt Hardy vs. CM Punk and Eric Escobar(w/Vickie Guerrero)

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WWE Smackdown 11/20/09


Hype for tonight’s Smackdown main event, featuring Chris Jericho and the Big Show defending the belts against the Brothers of Destruction tonight.


Matt Hardy and R-Truth vs. CM Punk and Eric Escobar(w/Vickie Guerrero)


All four men brawl, with the heels getting sent to the floor. After the battle cools down, with R-Truth beats on CM Punk with a series of jabs and throws him into the ropes. High back body drop brings him down and Truth pounds away on Punk. Some quick tags in and out with Matt Hardy, double teaming Punk. Eventually, Truth ducks the head and Punk hits a swinging neckbreaker, to gain the heat on R-Truth. Truth is beaten down in the ring by Punk with kicks and chops, before he tags in Eric Escobar who works on Truth. Punk is tagged back in and some double teaming, as Matt Hardy attempts to rally the fans behind Truth. The fans are on their feet, cheering as Punk applies a sleeperhold on R-Truth. The fans chant “let’s go Truth!” Two and a half arm drops before R-Truth fights up to his feet and jawbreaker. Race to the corner. Tag to Escobar and tag to Matt Hardy. Hardy enters the ring, cleaning house with clotheslines. Side Effect takes out Escobar for a two count and Punk beats on Hardy, but R-Truth enters the ring, delivering a high cross body to Punk, sending both men to the floor. Escobar slams Hardy down and goes to the top rope but he misses a kneedrop. Escobar is stunned and Hardy hooks him, before taking him down with the Twist of Fate to score the pin!


Winners: Matt Hardy and R-Truth(7:51, B-)


The fans are cheering, as R-Truth and Matt Hardy celebrate in the ring. The announcers take this time to hype up Survivor Series, with John Morrison, R-Truth, Matt Hardy, Finlay, and a fifth man to be determined against CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Eric Escobar, and Kane!


We cut backstage, where the Unified Tag Team Champions the Big Show and Chris Jericho are in the middle of an argument. Show says that if he had hit Jericho on purpose, he would have known it. Jericho says that the Big Show better remember his place, without Jericho, he wouldn’t be unified tag team champion but that’s not important. Jericho says tonight they have to take on two monsters, in the Brothers of Destruction. They have to remain focused. Show nods, saying that they will but at Survivor Series, its every man for himself and after Show takes out the Undertaker, then Jericho better be ready for a fight. After a tense moment, we slowly fade out.


********************Commercial Break***********************


Kung Fu Naki vs. Drew McIntyre


Kung Fu Naki goes for a kick but McIntyre catches it and makes him down in the center of the ring. McIntyre destroys his opponent with a vicious beating, ending in a belly to back suplex, before delivering a double underhook DDT for the pin.


Winner: Drew McIntyre(2:01, C)


McIntrye gets the win but the fans are cheering, as Finlay is out from the back and he pulls the victor underneath the bottom rope to the arena floor. Finlay begins wailing on McIntyre with a series of vicious punches right to the face. McIntyre tries to fight back but Finlay spears him into the barricade. Finlay swings his shillelagh, but McIntyre ducks and the weapon bashes against the barricade. McIntyre doesn’t seem too confident, now that he has to fight Finlay straight up. Last week, McIntyre lost to Finlay via disqualification with that very weapon that Finlay now holds and security is out to break up this fight. Both of these men will be on opposing teams at Survivor Series.


We cut backstage, where the ECW Champion William Regal is getting warmed up. Mr. McMahon walks in and the two men shake hands. McMahon says that tonight, as per their agreement, Regal has his first title defense. Regal nods, saying that he’s going to thrash that bloody awful Shad Gaspard and keep the ECW Championship. Mr. McMahon says he likes Regal’s confidence, it shows he’s a winner and a champion. Regal nods, and says he hopes that Christian, Yoshi Tatsu, Goldust, Tommy Dreamer, and Bryan Danielson are all watching, because tonight is going to be a mere sampling. Mr. McMahon nods: “Violence, brutality, mayhem…all elements of quality family friendly programming!” cries Mr. McMahon Regal walks off, as Mr. McMahon has his usual crazed look as the ECW Championship is on the line next.


*******************Commercial Break*********************


ECW Championship Match:

Shad Gaspard vs. William Regal©


The first title defense for Regal, as Shad attacks him at the bell, using his power to overwhelm Regal. The ECW Champion is knocked from pillar to post for a couple of minutes, with a huge spinebuster being the main part of the offense. The announcers(Striker) in particular, put over the fact that Shad is so used to being in a tag team match, that he keeps looking towards the corner instinctively for a potential tag. Regal goes to work on the leg of Gaspard, wearing him down. A vicious kneebar and Regal scissors the leg, stomping it. A double underhook suplex and several European Uppercuts are thrown in addition to the leg work but when Regal goes to the top rope, Shad throws him off. Once again looking for the tag, but no one there because this is a single’s match. Shad pounds away at Regal and into the ropes. Two clotheslines and Regal is hoisted up. Samoan Drop nearly flattens Regal for a two count. Shad picks up Regal and punches to the head, before he hits a belly to belly suplex but the fans are booing as the Hart Dynasty is out to cause trouble. JTG rushes out to brawl with them, but Shad is distracted and Regal takes advantage of this with a chop block. Shad’s leg is taken out from underneath him and Regal connects with the Knee Trembler to score the pin.


Winner and Still ECW Champion: William Regal(7:27, C)


The Hart Dynasty beat up JTG on the floor and throw him into the ring. Cryme Tyme is beaten down three on two, but the fans are cheering. It’s Christian, coming from the crowd. Christian climbs to the top rope and takes out Regal with a missile dropkick. The Hart Dynasty go after Christian but Christian manages to fight them off, until Cryme Tyme recover and begin to brawl with Tyson Kidd and David Hart Smith. A wild situation in the ring as we have to go to a commercial. More Smackdown after this!


****************Commercial Break***************


Cryme Tyme and Christian vs. The Hart Dynasty(w/Natalya) and the ECW Champion William Regal


We see JTG sending Tyson Kidd flying into the air with a high back body drop, as this match was made by General Manager Teddy Long during the commercial break. JTG beats on Tyson Kidd and flips him into the corner. To the second rope and ten count punches, before JTG flips onto his feet and running dropkick to the corner. Quick tags to Shad in and out, with both men wearing down Tyson Kidd, but David Hart Smith eventually catches JTG with a clothesline from behind, allowing Tyson Kidd to drive him facefirst into the canvas with a running bulldog. Back and forth tags, keeping JTG trapped in the heel corner. Regal catches him with some stiff shots, but mostly it’s the Hart Dynasty, beating him down in the corner. Eventually, David Hart Smith ducks the head, allowing JTG to leapfrog over him. Turn around and dropkick. Tag made to Regal and tag made to Shad, who enters the ring. House of fire for about a minute but Regal takes the leg of Shad out from underneath him, leading to another three on one assault, this time on the leg of Shad Gaspard that was injured in the previous match.


Half Boston Crab by David Hart Smith, with the leg held and Tyson Kidd delivers two dropkicks. Shad’s leg was picked apart pretty well in his ECW Championship match just moments ago, and now it’s being even further punished. Shad is thrown into the corner and huge suplex, before Regal is in the ring. Regal beats on Shad, delivering a double underhook suplex for a two count. Standing Indian Deathlock applied, working on the leg some more but Shad fights out. Eventually Shad clotheslines Regal, at the same time Regal wipes him out with an European Uppercut. The fans are cheering, as Regal tags in Kidd and hot tag made to Christian. Christian enters the ring, running wild on the heels, knocking them around. Kidd is hooked and vicious reverse DDT brings him down. Broken up by David Hart Smith at the last second and Cryme Tyme gets involved, along with Regal, leading to a wild brawl, with all six men brawling. G9 takes on Tyson Kidd, but David Hart Smith scoops up JTG, hitting him with the powerslam. Shad hooks Smith and vicious spine buster brings him down. Shad is still bent over and gets hit with the Knee Trembler to the face by Regal but as Regal is bent over, Christian hooks the arms and turns Regal over, taking him down with the Killswitch. The referee, having lost track of who the legal man was, counts Christian’s pin on Regal! Christian has just pinned the ECW Champion!


Winners: Christian and Cryme Tyme(12:01, C+)


Christian has beaten William Regal and thus has an argument for a return shot at the ECW Championship down the road. Regal is up and protests he was not the legal man.


The women on the Smackdown side for Survivor Series(minus Natalya, of course) are having a meeting. Michelle says that since she’s the Women’s Champion, they should follow her lead, but Beth Phoenix is not done with this and neither is Mickie James. The Glamazon takes a menacing step forward and Layla steps in front of McCool, but Beth just casually shoves her away like she was nothing. Phoenix says Michelle better realize that the only reason she’s on this team is that she was promised a title shot. Michelle nods, saying she’s not forgotten about that but Phoenix should show some respect. Because now she has Melina and Gail Kim at odds based on a few well chosen words and the other women on the team aren’t experienced enough to deal with the Smackdown team. “Well they might be experienced in other things more than us, but I was talking about in the ring.” Michelle says that they will win in a clean sweep if they follow her lead. There are some tensions on the Smackdown team, with Beth Phoenix not trusting Michelle and Mickie James having second thoughts of aligning herself with this team. Nevertheless it will be Michelle McCool, Beth Phoenix, Mickie James, Natalya, and Layla taking on Melina, Gail Kim, Kelly Kelly, Eve Torres, and Alicia Fox at Survivor Series in a five on five classic Survivor Series elimination match.


**********************Commercial Break***************************


Scott Armstrong is in the ring, to announce his replacement for Survivor Series but he is interrupted by Charlie Haas. Haas gets on the microphone, stating that he’s angry that a referee gets time on the show when he doesn’t. Haas shoves Scott Armstrong, who begins to fight back, but gets overwhelmed with a Northern Lights Suplex release. Haas bullies Armstrong some more.


“Yo, it’s me, it’s me, it’s that D-O-Double G!”


The fans are confused but there is a respectable amount of cheers, as The Road Dogg rushes out to the ring!. The announcers are shocked, as the Road Dogg has made his return to WWE after nearly a decade of being away. The Road Dogg enters the ring, knocking around Haas with a series of jabs. Those who are not old enough to remember the Road Dogg quickly get behind him due to his charisma. On commentary, Striker runs down the Road Dogg’s credentials, a veteran of Desert Storm, a former multi time WWE Tag Team Champion, a former WWE Intercontinental Champion, and the younger brother of referee Scott Armstrong. Road Dogg gets on the microphone, saying that if Haas wants a fight, then he’s got one. The bell rings, and we have a match.


The Road Dogg vs. Charlie Haas


Pretty much a showcase for the Road Dogg, who does his usual moves. Series of jabs, before he knocks his opponent down with a clothesline. The shaky legs kneedrop, which gets a huge pop from the fans and he rams Haas into the corner multiple times, before finishing him off with the Dogg Pound Pumphandle Slam to score the pin.


Winner: The Road Dogg(2:32, C)


After the match, the Road Dogg gets on the microphone and announces that he is the fifth man on John Morrison’s team at Survivor Series and says that CM Punk has bitten off more than he can chew. John Morrison, R-Truth, Matt Hardy, Finlay, and the Road Dogg take on CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Eric Escobar, and Kane at Survivor Series!


Batista is walking to the ring and we cut to a split screen with Rey Mysterio walking to the ring. Tonight we’ll get Rey’s answer. Retirement or a match with Batista at Survivor Series?


******************Commercial Break*******************************


Batista is out, to a pretty sizeable round of boos. He talks about the events of Bragging Rights, where Rey stabbed him in the back of the last time. He does not regret his attack on Rey that night but out of respect for their former friendship, he’s going to offer Rey one opportunity to get out of the beating of his life at Survivor Series. Get into the ring and apologize, before walking out and never coming back. Not on Smackdown, not on RAW, not on ECW, not anywhere in wrestling. If Batista hears word that Rey wrestled anywhere again, then he will track him down and put him in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. It’s Rey’s choice, if he wants to tempt fate and step back into the ring with Batista at Survivor Series, then Batista says he apologizes to Rey’s family with what might happen, because it will be on Rey’s own head.


Out comes Rey Mysterio, dressed in street clothes, looking rather subdued. Rey enters the ring and says that he regrets breaking up that pin at Bragging Rights, because it ruined a good friendship. He said in WWE, he has had two really close friends. One of them was Eddie Guerrero and the other was Batista. One is dead and after Bragging Rights, the other might as well be. Rey said that Batista worked hard to come back from numerous injuries but now he’s a changed man, he’s let this one setback get to him. Batista isn’t the man that Rey became friends with, he doesn’t know what he is, but he has changed. Batista interrupts Rey, to tell him to think for another minute, think of his wife, think of his kids, think about the millions upon millions of people who look up to him and what they would think if Rey suffered a horrific beating at Survivor Series. Batista steps back and hands Rey the microphone.


Rey looks around for a minute, the fans chant “please don’t retire”. Batista takes the microphone back in disgust, asking them if they can really consider themselves fans of Rey, trying to prompt him to enter a fight that he can’t win. Batista says he could crush Rey in no time flat and not break a sweat doing it but if Rey stepped into the ring at Survivor Series, then Rey would break plenty. Batista says Rey was always a charity case. A talented wrestler but when he stepped into the ring with the big men, he fell. Rey grabs the microphone and says that Batista won’t be feeling this ****y after Survivor Series, when Rey beats him in the center of the ring. The fans cheer and Batista just states. “Guess you didn’t learn Rey. I’m not going to wait until Survivor Series. In fact, right now, I’m going to bash your head in!”


With that, Batista goes for a lariat but Rey manages to duck and dropkick right to the back of Batista. Batista falls on the ropes and Rey hits the 6-1-9. Batista is back to his feet immediately and more angry and embarrassed then injured but Rey is on the ramp, taunting Batista. Rey has the microphone and says that Batista might be able to tear him to shreds, but he’ll have to catch Rey first. The announcers hype up Batista against Rey Mysterio at Survivor Series, former friends colliding!


Coming up next, the Unified Tag Team Titles are on the line, when the World Heavyweight Champion the Undertaker teams with his brother Kane to face off against Chris Jericho and the Big Show. The Brothers of Destruction reunite, as Smackdown comes back right after this.


*******************Commercial Break****************************


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

The Undertaker and Kane vs. The Big Show and Chris Jericho©


A brawl to start out, with Kane and the Undertaker taking Jericho out, before they double team the Big Show. The Undertaker beats on the Big Show in the corner and sends him into the opposite corner, before he hits a clothesline. Tag made to Kane and the Brothers of Destruction hit a double suplex to take out the Big Show. Kane beats on the Big Show and chokes him but Jericho is on the apron. Kane takes out Jericho but gets a boot right to the back of the head from the Big Show. Show delivers a pair of massive headbutts and makes the tag to Chris Jericho, who pulls out a slingshot elbow drop for the count of two. Jericho continues to beat on Kane with chops and backs off, so the Big Show can choke Kane from behind in the corner. Spin kick in the corner and Jericho holds Kane so Show can tag in. Massive body shots and Show hoists up Kane, before taking him down with a bone rattling side slam. Two count and Show beats on Kane some more with elbows to the back of the head, before tagging in Jericho. Held for a leaping forearm and Jericho continues his assault on Kane. To the middle rope, with an attempted moonsault, but Kane catches Jericho and powerslams him down. Race to the corner and tag to the Big Show, who grabs Kane but Kane pops up, with an enzuigiri and tags in the Undertaker.


The Undertaker is in the ring, massive right hands to the Big Show. A clothesline drops Jericho down to the canvas and the Undertaker throws Jericho into the ropes. Big Boot and the Undertaker hammers Show in the corner with body shots. Wristlock on the Big Show and old school by the Undertaker. Show is dropped to a knee and the Undertaker grabs the Big Show by the throat. Kane enters the ring to help out and huge double choke slam from the Brothers of Destruction taken out the Big Show!. The ring may have moved right there but Jericho is back, to dropkick the Undertaker. The Undertaker catches Jericho and flings him to the floor, before making the tag to Kane. Kane enters the ring as the Undertaker gives chase to Jericho. Kane makes the cover but only a two count on the Big Show. Kane picks up the Big Show, as Jericho knocks the Undertaker into the ring steps. Big boot by Kane and vicious DDT takes down the Big Show! Jericho is on the top rope but Kane grabs him by the throat! Kane has Jericho, who struggles, but a swinging choke slam as Jericho is perched on the top rope. Kane turns around and the big punch by the Big Show knocks him unconscious!. Kane has been rendered unconscious with one shot like so many before him and the Big Show scores the easy pin.


Winners: The Big Show and Chris Jericho(12:02, B)


The Undertaker is back in the ring and hits the Big Show in the head with a steel chair. The Big Show is down and the Undertaker traps him in the Hell’s Gate. The vicious submission hold that was once banned for a time is now on the Big Show and Jericho is up, before he rolls to the outside, not stopping the Undertaker from punishing his partner. Jericho yells: “that’s your receipt, Show”, talking about the accidental knockout punch from Monday. The Big Show is released, as the Undertaker stands in the ring, holding up the World Heavyweight Title. The Big Show clutches his throat, as the Undertaker stares down Jericho from the ring, with Jericho indicating that he wants to be champion. Smackdown goes off the air with plenty of hype for the three way match between the World Heavyweight Champion the Undertaker, the Big Show, and Chris Jericho this Sunday. See you at Survivor Series.

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Smackdown Results:

TracyBrooksFan: 2/4

Raylek: 3/4

Destiny: 4/4

BHK1978: 4/4


November Standings:

BHK1978: 16/29

TracyBrooksFan: 12/29


Huntman: 6/29

Rayelek: 3/29

The Mystery: 2/29


Survivor Series Card


Now its time for the Survivor Series! As one of the big four Pay Per Views, you get double the points for getting predictions correct in standard and triple the points for getting the prediction correct in title matches. Plus several chances for additional bonus points. While the Pay Per View is not the deciding factor in the prediction contest, it may be an excellent tool.


WWE Championship Match:

Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H vs. John Cena©



World Heavyweight Title Match:

Chris Jericho vs. the Big Show vs. the Undertaker©



Rey Mysterio vs. Batista.


Team Kofi(Kofi Kingston, M.V.P., Mark Henry, Primo, and Evan Bourne) vs. Team Orton(Randy Orton, The Miz, Ted DiBiase, Jack Swagger, and Cody Rhodes)

BONUS PREDICTION POINT-WHO WILL BE THE SURVIVOR OR SURVIVORS(Note, you have to predict exactly to get the point):


Team RAW(Melina, Gail Kim, Kelly Kelly, Alicia Fox, and Eve Torres) vs. Team Smackdown(Michelle McCool, Beth Phoenix, Mickie James, Natalya, and Layla)

BONUS PREDICTION POINT-WHO WILL BE THE SURVIVOR OR SURVIVORS(Note you have to predict exactly to get credit):


Team Christian(Christian, Bryan Danielson, Yoshi Tatsu, Goldust, and Tommy Dreamer) vs. the Ruthless Rountable(William Regal, Ezekiel Jackson, Vladimir Koslov, David Hart Smith, and Tyson Kidd)

BONUS PREDICTION POINT-WHO WILL BE THE SURVIVOR OR SURVIVORS(Note, you have to predict exactly for credit):


Team Morrison(John Morrison, R-Truth, Matt Hardy, Finlay, and the Road Dogg) vs. Team Punk(CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler, Kane, Drew McIntyre, and Eric Escobar)

BONUS PREDICTION POINT-WHO WILL BE THE SURVIVOR OR SURVIVORS(Note you have to predict exactly to get credit):

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WWE Championship Match:

Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H vs. John Cena©



World Heavyweight Title Match:

Chris Jericho vs. the Big Show vs. the Undertaker©



Rey Mysterio vs. Batista.


Team Kofi(Kofi Kingston, M.V.P., Mark Henry, Primo, and Evan Bourne) vs. Team Orton(Randy Orton, The Miz, Ted DiBiase, Jack Swagger, and Cody Rhodes)

BONUS PREDICTION POINT-WHO WILL BE THE SURVIVOR OR SURVIVORS(Note, you have to predict exactly to get the point): Randy Orton


Team RAW(Melina, Gail Kim, Kelly Kelly, Alicia Fox, and Eve Torres) vs. Team Smackdown(Michelle McCool, Beth Phoenix, Mickie James, Natalya, and Layla)

BONUS PREDICTION POINT-WHO WILL BE THE SURVIVOR OR SURVIVORS(Note you have to predict exactly to get credit): McCool,Mickie,Natalya,Beth


Team Christian(Christian, Bryan Danielson, Yoshi Tatsu, Goldust, and Tommy Dreamer) vs. the Ruthless Rountable(William Regal, Ezekiel Jackson, Vladimir Koslov, David Hart Smith, and Tyson Kidd)

BONUS PREDICTION POINT-WHO WILL BE THE SURVIVOR OR SURVIVORS(Note, you have to predict exactly for credit): Christian and Danielson


Team Morrison(John Morrison, R-Truth, Matt Hardy, Finlay, and the Road Dogg) vs. Team Punk(CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler, Kane, Drew McIntyre, and Eric Escobar)

BONUS PREDICTION POINT-WHO WILL BE THE SURVIVOR OR SURVIVORS(Note you have to predict exactly to get credit): CM Punk

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