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WWE Superstars 4/8/10


Hype for tonight, with a blockbuster tag team match featuring the Hart Dynasty squaring off against an odd team of R-Truth and Finlay. Josh Mathews welcomes us to a night of exclusive matches and getting you caught up in the last week in WWE as we are further removed from Wrestlemania 26 and move towards Extreme Rules on April 25th, including the final battle between two of the most decorated competitors on RAW, with John Cena and Randy Orton for the WWE Championship in a Last Man Standing Match but more on that later. Right now, let’s take a look at an exclusive match between Carlito and Jack Swagger.


Carlito vs. Jack Swagger


Carlito plays the babyface this evening, being beaten down by Swagger, but he makes a comeback, hitting a missile dropkick and a tornado DDT, but Swagger kicks out and catches Carlito as he is coming off the top with a gutshot. Several more exchanges, with the Back Stabber being blocked and Swagger hit the Gutwrench Powerbomb to score the pin.


Winner: Jack Swagger(7:01, C+)


Swagger gets the win tonight on Superstars and continues his steady climb up the ladder in WWE.


****************Commercial Break********************


We get a recap of the Shelton Benjamin and William Regal ECW Championship Match that contained Regal’s last chance at the ECW Championship. Regal threw everything he had at the champion but in the end, Shelton came up on top, pinning Regal. Then we see the closing moments of the Battle Royal, where Zack Ryder manages to eliminate Bryan Danielson, much to the dismay of the WWE Universe, to become the number one contender for the ECW Championship and receive a title shot at Extreme Rules.


This week on ECW, Zack Ryder and Bryan Danielson will meet one on one as Danielson attempts to avenge his loss. Plus the stipulations for the Shelton Benjamin and Zack Ryder match at Extreme Rules will be named.


Still to come, we will see The Hart Dynasty take on two of Smacdown’s most decorated single stars, R-Truth and Finlay in tag team action but coming up next, the events from Smackdown involving Dolph Ziggler, Chris Jericho, and the new World Heavyweight Champion John Morrison. More Superstars right after this time out.


***********************Commercial Break*******************


A video recap is shown of Dolph Ziggler beating Matt Hardy and then later that night, with the confrontation between Chris Jericho and John Morrison, where Ziggler helps Jericho beat down Morrison until Booker T makes the save. Dolph Ziggler has claimed that he can beat John Morrison for the World Heavyweight Title since he beat him for the Intercontinental Title but this week on Smackdown, he has a chance to prove that to a certain extent, when he faces Morrison one on one. Neither belt will be on the line but most certainly it is a chance for Ziggler to prove himself.


Coming up next, the Hart Dynasty against R-Truth and Finlay. More Superstars right after this.


***********************Commercial Break************************


A long video package showing the history between John Cena and Randy Orton, where they will have their final battle for the WWE Championship at Extreme Rules in a Last Man Standing Match where the loser will be banished from the RAW brand forever.


Finlay and R-Truth vs. the Hart Dynasty(w/Natalya)


Finlay and R-Truth might be different in personality but they give the Hart Dynasty some anxious moments, until Finlay is cut off. The announcers talk about how the Hart Dynasty want another crack at the Unified Tag Team Champions Edge and Christian, as Finlay is double teamed in the corner, until he fights out. Tag to R-Truth who runs wild. Lie Detector connects on Smith but it is broken up at two and a half! Finlay enters the ring, taking Kidd out and both men are on the floor. Natalya distracts R-Truth long enough for Smith to hit a belly to back suplex. Finlay is posted and this allows Kidd to be tagged in to hit the Springboard Hart Attack on Truth to score the pin.


Winners: The Hart Dynasty(12:30, B)


The Hart Dynasty get the win tonight on Superstars and we are out of time. See you on Smackdown.




Superstars Results:

BHK1978: 2/2

Mattitude90: 2/2

TracyBrooksFan: 2/2

Lo-Drew: 2/2


Overall Standings for April:

TracyBrooksFan: 13/16

Mattitude90: 13/16

BHK1978: 12/16

Lo-Drew: 12/16

MattitudeV2: 11/16

Mattitude90: 13/16

Destiny: 1/16

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WWE Smackdown 4/9/10


World Heavyweight Champion John Morrison vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler(Non TItle Match)


Mickie James vs. Michelle McCool.


Jimmy Wang Yang vs. Drew McIntyre.


Kane vs. Mike Knox

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WWE Smackdown 4/9/10


The Smackdown General Manager Bret Hart cuts a promo at the start of the show, hyping up tonight’s Fatal Four Way Match where the winner gets a shot at John Morrison and his World Heavyweight Title at Extreme Rules. Four former World Heavyweight Champions in Booker T, Batista, Chris Jericho, and the Undertaker will meet for that title shot. Also, Dolph Ziggler and John Morrison square off in a champion versus champion non title match. All this and more tonight on Smackdown.


Kane vs. Mike Knox(w/Charlie Haas)


This was a vicious brawl, with Kane gaining an early advantage but Haas managed to trip Kane, allowing Knox to get some offense, including a vicious Bicycle Kick which nearly pinned Kane. Knox leaps off with a double axe handle but is caught and Choke Slammed for the pin.


Winner: Kane(6:33, C+)


After the match, Haas attempts to attack Kane but he is beaten down and hit with the Choke Slam, driving him down to the ring. Kane leaves the ring. Obviously Kane has been in a surly mood since losing his WWE Intercontinental Title shot against Dolph Ziggler at Wrestlemania 26 and Haas and Knox felt the heat tonight.


*******************Commercial Break********************


Vince McMahon is the process of berating Drew McIntyre, talking about how Mr. McMahon handed McIntyre the ball and he fumbled with it. He says McIntyre has a match with Jimmy Wang Yang tonight and says that McIntyre will have to start back at the bottom of the ladder. McMahon talks about how McIntyre better shape up and win some matches or he might find himself in deeper trouble. McIntyre leaves and runs into CM Punk, who gives McIntyre a spiel about how he doesn’t have to take anything from Mr. McMahon, how that he has potential but is missing one thing, the values of a Straight Edge lifestyle. Punk says McIntyre could be a future World Heavyweight Champion if he follows the teachings of CM Punk and Punk offers to mentor McIntyre in those ways, but McIntyre just brushes him off, saying that he has a match.


Jimmy Wang Yang vs. Drew McIntyre


Yang manages to get a couple of nearfalls on McIntyre at the bell but McIntyre obliterates Yang after getting on the offense. The fans are trying to rally behind Yang but a vicious overhead belly to belly suplex sets up the Double Underhook DDT for the pin.


Winner: Drew McIntyre(4:11, B)


McIntyre dumps Yang to the floor and cuts a bitter promo, talking about how Wrestlemania 26 was his moment but it was stolen from him. He says he might not be able to end the streak(at least until now next year) and it is now impossible for him to create his own, but he can destroy the Undertaker and McIntyre challenges the Undertaker to a match next week on this program, promising that the party will be over this time. The challenge has been laid out and McIntyre wants to avenge his Wrestlemania 26 and there is no doubt that the Undertaker will accept the challenge.


********************Commercial Break***********************


Michelle McCool vs. Mickie James


Both women exchange punches and kicks right at the bell, with Michelle using some illegal tactics to gain the advantage and hitting a running kick right to the face, before hitting a running dropkick right to the face and beats her down some more. Michelle leaps off the second rope but gets kicked right in the ribs and Mickie returns fire. Michelle uses the ropes for leverage after blocking ten count punches but the referee sees it. Michelle argues with the referee and gets rolled up for the pin.


Winner: Mickie James(7:22, C+)


Mickie gets the pin and Michelle attempts to attack her after the bell but she gets launched over the top rope with a high back body drop. Mickie is in the ring, looking rather pleased with the win and celebrating as the fans cheer her on. Once again, this is a win that could put her in line for a future shot at the Unified Women’s Champion Beth Phoenix.


Batista cuts a promo backstage, talking about how he’s going to enjoy crushing Rey and ending his career for good at Extreme Rules but it might be a busy night as Batista could have a potential World Heavyweight Title Match as well. Batista says that he has had his problems with John Morrison and the last time they met, Batista claims that Morrison got lucky. The luck will run out the next time and Batista will be the World Heavyweight Champion once again. Batista will leave a path of destruction tonight and at Extreme Rules, and he also says he has an open contract for a Stretcher Match next week, to give Rey a preview of what’s to come.


Coming up next. Non Title match between the WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler and the World Heavyweight Champion John Morrison coming up right after this time out on Smackdown.


********************Commercial Break******************


World Heavyweight Champion John Morrison vs. the WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler(Non Title Match)


Chops at the bell and both men trade some holds on the mat, but Morrison pulls out a spinning headscissors and a running dropkick to the face, before he hits a senton backsplash right on Ziggler and beats on him. To the second rope and Morrison hits a twisting forearm smash for a two count. Ziggler catches Morrison and Stun Gun for a two count. Morrison is beaten on some more, as Ziggler hits a running knee, sending Morrison in the corner, before hitting a dropkick in the corner and then a snap mare, before he hits a jumping neck snap. Two count by Ziggler and Ziggler picks up Morrison, hammering away at him. Morrison fights out from underneath but Ziggler cuts him off with a short arm back elbow smash. A series of elbow strikes to the back of the head and Ziggler applies an abdominal stretch but Morrison hiptosses out of that. Morrison beats on Ziggler and leg lariat brings him down. To the second rope and Asai Moonsault to a standing Ziggler, no blocked and Ziggler counters with a shouldebreaker, before he applies a cross armbreaker!


The fans are booing, as Morrison is trapped right in that cross armbreaker but makes it to the ropes for cheers. Ziggler pounds away at the arm of Morrison and hits a single arm DDT, before hanging on and hitting a second one, before hanging on again and hitting a tornado single arm DDT off of the second rope, floating right over into a Fujiwara Armbar. Morrison struggles as Ziggler is really putting the pressure on the arm but there is no tapping out yet. Morrison pushes up and to the ropes. Ziggler hammers away at Morrison some more and drags him to the outside, before wrapping the arm around the ringpost, as Matt Striker talks about how this tactic was normally utilized by the Anderson Brothers, working over the arm of an opponent and Ziggler has adapted it for his own use. A series of scissor stomps on the arm and Ziggler turns it over, before throwing Morrison into the ropes. The head is ducked and Morrison kicks Ziggler, before hitting the Pele Kick! Morrison is slow to cover because the arm and only gets a two on Ziggler. Morrison is up but Ziggler wrenches the arm, before he hits an armbar takedown, right into a cross-face submission hold, putting pressure on the arm, but Morrison once again reaches the ropes.


Ziggler beats on Morrison and hammerlock bodyslam, before he stomps the arm, drawing even more boos and Morrison is rolled over, before Ziggler beats on the arm even more and Ziggler picks up Morrison and wrenches it back and into the ropes. Clothesline is ducked and to the second rope, before Morrison hits a twisting leg lariat takes Ziggler bringing him down. Standing ten count and Morrison is up. Punch is blocked and Morrison chops away at Ziggler, before throwing him into the ropes. Ziggler dodges the attack in the corner and Morrison is on the second rope, before he hits a twisting European Uppercut out of the corner. Morrison kips up to his feet and leaps to the top rope. Starship Pain but Ziggler rolls out of the way. Morrison lands on his feet, but Ziggler grabs Morrison and brings him down with another single arm DDT, before he turns, applying a vicious arm wrenching hold! Ziggler is trying for another submission as the World Heavyweight Champion struggles underneath the move but he makes it to the ropes somehow, someway. Ziggler continues the beating of the arm to more boos.


Ziggler has Morrison on the top rope and super gutbuster coming up. Morrison hits some elbows causing both men to land on the canvas! Ziggler is staggered and gets blasted right in the face with the Pele Kick, before Morrison leaps to the top rope and hits a breath taking Starship Pain for the pin.


Winner: John Morrison(19:55, B)


John Morrison gets the win, holding up the World Heavyweight Title as he will stick around at ringside for the next match, where he’ll see who he’ll defend the belt against at Extreme Rules.


*******************Commercial Break*********************************


CM Punk cuts a promo, inviting all of the fans to attend the intervention of Vince McMahon this Monday by tuning into RAW and said that their support could help the future of World Wrestling Entertainment. Punk also throws out a challenge for whoever is the World Heavyweight Champion after Extreme Rules to put their belt on the line on the special three hour RAW the night after, which will also have the 2010 WWE draft.


We cut to the Hart Dynasty, who inform us that they will be receiving their Unified Tag Team Title return match as part of Extreme Rules against Edge and Christian in a Submissions Count Anywhere Match. They talk about how they were born and bred for submission wrestling in the Dungeon and how Edge and Christian aren’t as verse in submission wrestling and they will fail. Some big words from the Hart Dynasty, it is only a matter of time before we can see if they can back it up.


Coming up next, fatal four way match for number one contendership for the World Heavyweight Title at Extreme Rules featuring Batista, Booker T, Chris Jericho, and the Undertaker.


**********************Commercial Break****************************


Batista vs. Booker T vs. Chris Jericho vs. the Undertaker


This broken down into a four way pretty quickly, with Booker fighting Jericho and the Undertaker and Batista going out it. Eventually, Booker took out Jericho and The Undertaker sent Batista packing, leaving a one on one battle between Booker T and the Undertaker but after some exchanges, the Undertaker hits a vicious choke slam for a two count. The Undertaker hammers away at Booker T some more but Booker T goes low and Harlem Side Kick takes out the Undertaker, but Batista is back in, attacking Booker T. A spinebuster on the Undertaker takes him out, before Batista goes to work on Booker T. Batista shoves Booker into the corner and spear right into the corner. The fans are booing, as Batista hammers away at Booker T. Into the corner ribs first and belly to back suplex no Booker lands on his feet and kneelift to Batista. Off the ropes but Batista mows him down with a clothesline. Batista now beats on the Undertaker, hammering away at him, but the Undertaker fights back hitting a big boot and now he hits on Batista. Wristlock applied as the Undertaker walks the ropes, hitting a punch to the top of the head. The Undertaker beats on Batista and applies a dragon sleeper, but Jericho is back in, breaking it up. Jericho assaults the Undertaker in the corner with punches but the Undertaker counters with the Last Ride out of the corner, folding Jericho up. Booker breaks up the cover at a two count.


Off the ropes and Booker T with kicks to the Undertaker. Booker T hits a Harlem Side Kick which takes the Undertaker to the floor and he beats on Booker T. Kneelift and Axe Kick right to the back of the head. Jericho is up but not for long as Booker T takes him out with the Harlem Side Kick as well. Cover on Jericho but Batista breaks it up. Batista hammers away at Booker T and hits the Batista Bomb. The Undertaker is back in and Batista spears the Undertaker, sending him through the ropes and both men land hard. Booker T is down in the ring and Chris Jericho manages to throw an arm on top to score the pin.


Winner: Chris Jericho(14:40, B)


Chris Jericho gets on the microphone, bragging about his victory and then sets his sights on Morrison who is resting at the commentary table. Jericho says that tonight, he proved that he is the best in the world at what he does, beating three former World Heavyweight Champions and Morrison had his moment in the sun at Wrestlemania but that’s going to be a foot note. Jericho says that Morrison prides himself in climbing the ladder to the top, well he’s done that figuratively, now at Extreme Rules, he’s going to have to do that literally, as John Morrison will defend the World Heavyweight Championship against Chris Jericho in a Ladder Match! Jericho reminds us that he’s never lost a one on one Ladder Match and has even beaten Shawn Michaels in one, a man who pretty much pioneered the Ladder Match. Morrison is going to have a tough first defense at Extreme Rules but he accepts the challenge and the match is on.





TracyBrooksFan: 4/4

Mattitude90: 3/4

Lo-Drew: 3/4

MattitudeV2: 4/4

BHK1978: 3/4



Overall Standings for April:

TracyBrooksFan: 17/20

Mattitude90: 16/20

BHK1978: 15/20

Lo-Drew: 15/20

MattitudeV2: 15/20

Destiny: 1/20

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WWE Monday Night RAW 4/12/10


Christian, Edge, and John Cena vs. Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase, and Randy Orton.


WWE United States Title Match:

Paul Burchill vs. MVP©


Kofi Kingston vs. Carlito.


Mark Henry vs. Rene Dupree.


Melina vs. Maryse.

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WWE Monday Night RAW 4/12/10


Out comes John Cena to a loud reaction, mostly cheers, but some boos as per usual with Cena. Cena cuts a promo, talking about how in thirteen days at Extreme Rules, he will have one more battle with Randy Orton for the WWE Championship in a Last Man Standing Match. Cena talks about how the fans have seen them say this was the last time many times and they subsequently went back on it. This time will be different. This time will be for real. This time the loser will be banished from RAW forever and will be barred from working on the same brand as the winner. Cena talks about how the champ will be here once again.


Out comes Ted DiBiase to interrupt Cena, holding up his Money in the Bank Briefcase. DiBiase talks about how he won Money in the Bank and has a title shot against anyone he chooses. He says even if Cena beats Randy Orton at Extreme Rules, DiBiase could cash in on his title shot and beat Cena as he is broken and ravaged and there is nothing he can do about it. Cena agrees but tells DiBiase to bring it and talks about how DiBiase managed to cheat his way into the Money in the Bank Briefcase. Cena challenges DiBiase right down and DiBiase charges to the ring, before getting attacked by Cena. A small brawl but Cody Rhodes enters the ring and Cena fights him off too. Randy Orton is in as well, the WWE Champion attacking Cena but Cena fights him off, until DiBiase waffles Cena with the briefcase from behind. Legacy stomp Cena three on one until the Unified Tag Team Champions Edge and Christian run from the back.


Edge and Christian fight off Legacy, sending them packing. Some back and forth between Edge and Randy Orton, as these two men have some history being part of Team Rated RKO. Orton accepts the challenge for a six man tag team match tonight, promising some pain for all three of his opponents and hints that Cena might not even make it to Extreme Rules.


*************************Commercial Break*************************


Melina vs. Maryse


Maryse stalls until Melina beats her up. The WWE Undisputed Women’s Champion Beth Phoenix is on commentary and Melina wipes out Maryse with a jumping clothesline. Stomps by Melina on Maryse, but Maryse complains about a hair pull. As the referee admonishes Melina, Maryse has a spray can and she gets Melina right in the eyes. The referee did not see it and Maryse hits a DDT, before she covers Melina to score the pin.


Winner: Maryse(5:05, D+)


Maryse holds up her hand in a token of victory and taunts Beth Phoenix. The WWE Undisputed Women’s Champion goes to make her way to the ring but is jumped by Natalya. Natalya beats on Beth Phoenix at the ringside area and throws her into the ring steps. Maryse jumps down and beats on Beth some more, drawing boos from the crowd. After the damage has been down, Maryse gets her licks in. The announcers talk about how Beth Phoenix will be defending that Undisputed Women’s Title against Maryse as part of Extreme Rules but she has to get past a defense against Natalya on Smackdown this week.


*********************Commercial Break***********************


Rene Dupree cuts a snide promo about the fans, talking about his superiority to all of them. He calls out anyone in the back and is interrupted by Mark Henry. Dupree waves this off but Mark Henry makes his way into the ring and the match is on.


Mark Henry vs. Rene Dupree


Henry beats on Dupree for most of this match but Dupree gets some flurries of offense, including a flying axe handle but he can’t get Henry up for anything. Henry hammers on Dupree and Gorilla Press. Clothesline sends Dupree down to the outside and Dupree just throws his hand up, before leaving the ring and deciding to get the countout.


Winner Via Countout: Mark Henry(4:42, C)


Henry celebrates the win but Dupree enters the ring and attacks Henry from behind. This goes about as well as you could expect for Dupree as he is taken out with the World’s Strongest Slam. Henry celebrates in the ring.


We see CM Punk backstage in a somber mood as he prepares for the intervention of Vince McMahon coming up later tonight.


************************Commercial Break*******************


Primo vs. Sheamus


A brief flurry by Primo, but that is all as Sheamus really mows him down with a clothesline and then beats up Primo. Snake eyes into the corner and Sheamus steps back, hitting a vicious Bicycle Kick nearly decapitating Primo, before setting him up with a helicopter slam and then delivering a crucifix power bomb for the pin.


Winner: Sheamus(3:22, C)


Sheamus cuts a promo, talking about how he is sick of fighting small men and how he deserves respect. He talks about how he should be challenging for championship belts, instead, he is an afterthought. He continues to talk about being overlooked but Jamie Noble rushes out from the crowd! Wait a minute, Noble was retired months ago from Sheamus, but he is in the ring, ready to fight. Sheamus continues to talk as he removes his boot. Sheamus turns around and Noble waffles Sheamus right in the face with the spiked cowboy boot! The fans are cheering as Noble is beating on Sheamus, chopping his white chest and yelling “c’mon boy!” Noble headbutts Sheamus low and continues to pound on him. Sheamus shoves Noble off but his chest has been blistered by those chops and Noble backs off, before he dropkicks Sheamus. Sheamus falls through the ropes and Noble leaps onto him with a cross body. Noble is now choking Sheamus, as security pulls him off. Noble was thought to be retired but now he’s back and wanting some revenge for Sheamus. Sheamus looks angered beyond belief that Noble got the better of him.


******************Commercial Break*****************


Kofi Kingston vs. Carlito


Kofi runs wild early in this match but Carlito cuts Kofi off and beats him down. The announcers talk about how Carlito has been stepping up his game a bit as of late but so far no results and sure enough, even Carlito getting some more vicious offensive flurries in his not enough to take down Kofi Kingston. In fact, Carlito’s ****y parading around at one point proves to be his undoing as Kofi blasts him with the Trouble of Paradise for the pin.


Winner: Kofi Kingston(6:25, B-)


Kofi holds a hand up in victory and Paul Burchill is out, attacking Kofi from behind. Both men exchange punches, as they will be fighting at Extreme Rules in a Strap Match. Burchill takes Kofi to the floor but Kofi pulls Burchill underneath the bottom rope and they continue their brawl, until, Burchill rams Kofi right into the side of the announcer’s table. Burchill stares down Jerry Lawler, before he continues to beat on Kofi, ramming him into the post, before pulling back to the mats and giving him a vicious neckbreaker on the floor! Burchill turns Kofi over and Curb Stomps him right into the concrete for good measure.


Afterwards, Burchill gets on the microphone, talking about how he’s going to whip Kofi like a dog at Extreme Ruels and drag his battered body into all four corners. He then turns his attention to Jerry Lawler, talking about how he hasn’t forgotten how Lawler put his hands on Burchill last week on this program. Burchill says Lawler might have been a great warrior at one point but now he is just a retired, over the hill announcer and not worth Burchill’s breath to take out. However, if Lawler dares put his hands on Burchill again, Lawler will be joining Shawn Michaels right at the retirement home for the broken wrestlers that Burchill has taken out. Lawler gets up, demanding Burchill turn around. Lawler said that Burchill is great attacking defenseless announcers and people from behind but backs off when people fight him straight up. Lawler says that he knows Burchill has a United States Title match tonight but if Burchill wants a fight, then next week, he can have one against Jerry “The King” Lawler. Burchill accepts the challenge for next week, saying that Lawler dug his own grave. Michael Cole on commentary asks Lawler if this is a good idea, as we have seen recently what Burchill is capable of but Lawler says he has to make a stand, even if it puts him in traction for the rest of his life.


CM Punk is walking. Coming up next, the Intervention of Vince McMahon.


************************Commercial Break*********************


We see Punk down to the ring, cutting a very somber promo, talking about how today is an important day, to save a man who has affected the lives of wrestling fans for decades, that being Vince McMahon. Punk talks about how he invited both McMahon’s family and friends to this intervention but for some reason, they appeared to have better things to do. Punk says he’s going to save Vince and convince him that Straight Edge is the only way to go. He talks about how Mr. McMahon has left a legacy of wrestlers who he has stepped over for his own greed and all in the name of Sports Entertainment. Punk talks about how Mr. McMahon has the power to stop all of the disturbing behavior, but chooses to let it go. He allows wrestlers to take one more prescription painkiller to entertain him. He allows them to drink without abandon. He allows them to smoke until their lungs fall out, as long as they perform and put money in his pocket. Punk says that not only has Vince used his wrestlers but he has driven off his family. He talks about how Mr. McMahon’s life is spiraling down ugly and the only way to do so is to follow the values of straight edge. “No smoking, no drinking, no prescription painkillers, no drugs of any sort.”


Punk says that he had hoped that Vince McMahon would show up for his own intervention and if he’s in the back, Punk calls Vince to the ring, as he would like the boss to see the light and pledge his life to the concept of being Straight Edge. Out comes Vince McMahon with a disgusted look on his face and he enters the ring, talking about how Punk has no right to dictate how anyone lives their life and he has no right to dictate how Vince McMahon lives his life. He talks about how Punk might be a great athlete and a great entertainer but that does not give him any right. Vince says that he should just fire Punk right now for trying to disrupt his show but he has a better idea. He says that Punk declined a Street Fight last week with Mr. McMahon but how about they make things interesting. If Punk beats Mr. McMahon in that Street Fight, then Mr. McMahon will embrace the ways of Straight Edge.


Punk goes to accept but Mr. McMahon puts his hand up, saying that Punk should hear the other part of the stipulation. Should Mr. McMahon beat CM Punk, then Punk will join the boss at the bar for a few drinks right after the show. In fact, let’s say that the loser has to make the winner do whatever he says for ninety days. Punk says he’s not sure if Vince will live up to his word and asks for some collateral. Then Punk says he’ll put his career on the line if Vince puts his company on the line. If Punk goes against his word if Vince wins, then he’s done. If Vince goes against his word, then CM Punk becomes the owner of WWE. Vince agrees to the stipulation and offers his hand to Punk to shake it. Punk shakes it and Vince nearly crushes his hand, as Punk grimaces, with both men staring down. A high stakes Street Fight at Extreme Rules. The loser has to do whatever the winner says for ninety days. Pretty much if Punk wins, then Vince McMahon has to go Straight Edge. However, if Punk loses, then he’ll be spending some quality time doing some things that he preached against. Also there will be no going back, as Punk will have to retire should he renege and Vince McMahon will lose everything that he worked for, his empire, to CM Punk should he back off from his Straight Edge vow.


********************Commercial Break*******************


WWE United States Title Match:

Paul Burchill vs. MVP©


MVP wins a brawl to start, throwing Burchill into the corner but Burchill gets the foot up and begins his vicious beating on MVP, as the announcers talk about Jerry Lawler’s match next week with Paul Burchill. Burchill hits three backbreakers in succession, taunting Lawler, before applying a vicious camel clutch, digging the knee into the spine of MVP. MVP fights to his feet and leaping elbow takes him out. Burchill is back up and MVP shoves him into the corner. Ten count punches but Burchill drops MVP on the top rope and hammers away at him, before throwing him into the ropes. Tilt a whirl is countered into a headscissors takeover. MVP has Burchill in the corner and elbows. Yakuza Kick is avoided and Burchill hits a belly to back suplex, before preparing to Curb Stomp MVP, but Kofi Kingston is out on the outside. Kofi suffered a bit of a beating earlier but he’s back. Burchill turns his attention to Kofi and that proves to be a costly mistake, as MVP hits him with a Yakuza Kick from behind before rolling up Burchill to score the pin.


Winner and Still United States Champ: MVP(8:26, B)


Kofi is in the ring and goes after Burchill, but Burchill quickly bails, talking about how he’ll take care of Kofi. The announcers hype up Kofi and Burchill in a Strap Match at Extreme Rules as well as MVP putting his United States Title on the line for a chance to acquire the Money in the Bank Briefcase and that all important title shot.


We have a tense moment backstage with Edge and John Cena, who have their history to say the least but tonight, they are together, along with Christian, to take out Legacy. Edge talks about Cena should not really get too comfortable with that WWE Championship should he win it because Edge is going to make a run for the gold before too long. Cena says that he’s looking forward to going another round with Edge, but right now they have to deal with Legacy. They agree, as Edge, Christian and John Cena are united but can they defeat Legacy. We’ll find out next.


*******************Commercial Break************************


The Unified Tag Team Champs Edge and Christian and John Cena vs. Legacy


Brawl to start, with eventually Edge in the ring, trading punches with Ted DiBiase and throwing him into the ropes, before taking him down with a leaping forearm smash. Edge picks up DiBiase and beats on him with punches, before tagging in Christian. Double suplex brings DiBiase down for a two count. A couple more double team moves by the Unified Tag Team Champions, until Christian is hung up on the top rope to get the heat. The fans are booing as Legacy is taking their turns. Orton enters the ring, nailing Christian with a knee right to the head and a vicious DDT as he is draped over the top rope. DiBiase and Rhodes get their shots in as well. Orton sleeperholds Christian, in an attempt to put him down. Two and a half arm drops, before Christian fights off but Orton hits a modified neckbreaker for a two count. He continues to beat on Christian and throws him into the corners. Orton misses a corner charge and gets taken down by the reverse DDT! Orton rolls over and tags in Cody Rhodes, who grabs Christian but Christian is kicking off and tag made to John Cena.


Cena rushes into the ring, a house of fire, taking about all three members of Legacy. He launches DiBiase over the top rope right into Randy Orton with a high back body drop. Rhodes attacks Cena from behind but as he backs off, Cena hits him with a spinebuster. Off the ropes goes Cena and a leaping shoulder block! Cena picks up Rhodes, hammering away at him. Going for the Attitude Adjustment, but Orton breaks it up with a low blow. Edge enters the ring and Spear to Orton takes him down! DiBiase attacks Edge, but Christian attacks Orton. Meanwhile, Rhodes has the Money in the Bank Briefcase of DiBiase but Cena kicks it right into his face! The fans cheer, as Rhodes falls on the canvas, so Cena can apply the STF to him! Orton and DiBiase have been taken out, as Cena is really putting the hold on and Rhodes taps out when there is no one to save him.


Winners: John Cena, Edge, and Christian(10:21, B)


John Cena goes into his Last Man Standing WWE Championship Match against Randy Orton where the loser will be banished from RAW on a roll, as do Edge and Christian, as they prepare to defend the Unified Tag Team Titles against the Hart Dynasty in a Submissions Count Anywhere Match.





RAW REsults:

BHK1978: 5/5

Lo-Drew: 3/5

TracyBrooksFan: 2/5

MattitudeV2: 3/5

Mattitude90: 3/5


Overall April Standings

BHK1978: 20/25

TracyBrooksFan: 19/25

Mattitude90: 19/25

Lo-Drew: 18/25

MattitudeV2: 18/25

Destiny: 1/20

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