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World Wrestling Entertainment 2009 and Beyond!

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World Heavyweight Title Match:

John Morrison vs. CM Punk©


Kane vs. The Big Show.


Bryan Danielson vs. Rey Mysterio.


ECW Champion Shelton Benjamin vs. WWE Champion Randy Orton(Non Title Match)


Mark Henry vs. Mike Knox.


Maria and Mickie James vs. Katie Lea Burchill and Jillian Hall.

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World Heavyweight Title Match:

John Morrison vs. CM Punk©


Kane vs. The Big Show.


Bryan Danielson vs. Rey Mysterio.


ECW Champion Shelton Benjamin vs. WWE Champion Randy Orton(Non Title Match)


Mark Henry vs. Mike Knox.


Maria and Mickie James vs. Katie Lea Burchill and Jillian Hall.

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World Heavyweight Title Match:

John Morrison© vs. CM Punk


Kane vs. The Big Show.


Bryan Danielson vs. Rey Mysterio.


ECW Champion Shelton Benjamin vs. WWE Champion Randy Orton(Non Title Match)


Mark Henry vs. Mike Knox.


Maria and Mickie James vs. Katie Lea Burchill and Jillian Hall.

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WWE Monday Night RAW 4/26/10


John Cena’s music plays and the fans cheer to kick off this three hour draft RAW but out comes the WWE Champion Randy Orton, to taunt the fans, talking about how they will never see John Cena again on this program, based on Orton’s victory in the Last Man Standing Match. Orton says that no one is expendable and everyone will fall to the RKO. He then calls out his opponent for tonight, in the first draft pick match, the ECW Champion Shelton Benjamin and warns everyone that gets drafted to RAW, that they better not stand in his way.


Shelton Benjamin(ECW) defeated Randy Orton(RAW) via countout in 12:09 to earn a draft pick for ECW. A pretty intense back and forth match, with Orton getting frustrated at his inability to put Shelton away. Shelton dazzled Orton with a series of high flying and high impact moves, until Orton decided to take a powder and the countout, not wanting another moment of Shelton. It appears that Orton was still feeling the effects of that brutal Last Man Standing Match. (B+)


The pictures come up on the titantron and after a moment, it is revealed that the ECW draft pick is Drew McIntyre from Smackdown. McIntrye comes out, looking it a surly mood, before he goes nose to nose with Shelton Benjamin, the two men staring down, before security gets between them before an incident can happen.


Jillian Hall and Katie Lea Burchill(RAW) defeated Maria and Mickie James(Smackdown) when Katie Lea pinned Maria with a Northern Lights Bomb in 5:52 These four women had an intense tag team match but in the end, the RAW women prevailed, but in the end, Mickie is taken to the floor and Katie pins Maria with a vicious Northern Lights Bomb. ©


The draft screen is shown and the pick is the WWE Undisputed Women’s Champion Beth Phoenix, who is coming to RAW. While she can be on all three brands due to holding the title, her official home is RAW!


R-Truth(Smackdown) pinned Carlito(RAW) with the Lie Detector in 6:22 Another quick and fast paced back and forth match, for a draft pick. R-Truth just beat down Carlito but Carlito make a comeback, beating down R-Truth. Truth is knocked around the ring but stages a comeback before hitting the Lie Detector for the pin. (B-)


The draft screen comes up and the pick for Smackdown is….Ted DiBiase! The WWE United States Champion and Money in the Bank holder has a new home on Friday nights. DiBiase makes his way to the ring, holding up his briefcase in one hand and his title belt in the other. The United States Title Belt has been lost to Smackdown and the foundations of Legacy have been cracked.


Mike Knox(Smackdown) defeated Mark Henry(RAW) in 7:11 with the Bicycle Kick Two big men battered each other for the better part of this match. Knox is thrown down with a huge powerslam but manages to catch Henry off guard, before taking him down with the Bicycle Kick for the pin. (C+)


Once again, the draft screen comes up, as we wonder who the next pick could be in the 2010 WWE Draft. The lights flash as Smackdown will get another competitor and that competitor turns out to be Christian! Captain Charisma moves from ECW to Friday Night Smackdown and Christian walks out to soak in the cheers from the WWE Universe. Christian will no doubt be a great addition to Smackdown.


Evan Bourne and Primo(RAW) defeated Vance Archer and Tyler Reks(ECW) in 6:01 when Bourne pinned Reks with the Air Bourne. This was an impressive back and forth tag team match, with Primo being caught in the corner and double teamed but Bourne is tagged in and he runs wild, before hitting a faceplant on Reks, before hitting the Air Bourne for the pin. ©


The draft pick graphic is up, with Zack Ryder coming to RAW! Ryder walks out, pumping his fist in the air and celebrating his arrival to Monday nights from ECW.


World Heavyweight Champion John Morrison and CM Punk battled to a no contest in 12:02 when Batista destroyed both men This was not a draft pick match but this was for the World Heavyweight Title. Both of these men had a great back and forth match, with Punk getting advantage, as the announcers talk about how Vince McMahon is being educated in the Straight Edge lifestyle and we’ll get our first look at the brand new Mr. McMahon this Friday on Smackdown. Morrison makes a comeback and hits a springboard leg lariat. Punk avoids the Starship Pain, but Morrison lands on his feet, until Batista runs in and destroys both men with a double lariat. The referee gets thrown to the floor. (B)


Batista Bomb to Morrison and then Batista Bomb to Punk! Batista cuts an angry promo, talking about how he should have gotten a title shot, because he pinned the champion on Smackdown last Friday and all Punk did was beat up a senior citizen last night. Batista also claims that Rey’s victory over him in the Stretcher Match was a fluke but declares that he’s done with Rey, he wants the championship and he will make Morrison respect him. Batista walks off.


The Big Show(RAW) pinned Kane(Smackdown) with the Knockout Punch in 8:20 A battle between these two big men, brawling around the ring. Kane hits a huge Yakuza Kick to the Big Show and a clothesline. Kane goes for the Choke Slam but the Big Show kicks him and hits the Knockout Punch sending Kane down. Show covers for the pin. (B)


The draft picker is up and the image stops on R-Truth. R-Truth comes out, rapping and playing to the crowd, asking the crowd what’s up, as the fans chant along. R-Truth will be a part of Monday nights and he should be a great addition to RAW.


Rey Mysterio(Smackdown) pinned Bryan Danielson(ECW) when Rey pinned Danielson after reversing a super Gutbuster to a super Rana in 11:04. Both men have a fantastic back and forth match, with Danielson hammering away at Rey, pulling out a lot of moves, including a Dragon Suplex! Danielson is really showing something against the former World Heavyweight Champion Rey and is digging deep into his offense! Danielson sets up Rey for the Super Gutbuster but Rey counters with the Super Rana for the pin. (B+)


Rey and Danielson shake hands and celebrate for the crowd, as the draft pick comes up for Smackdown as it reveals….The Miz! The Miz comes out, with a ****y swagger, announcing to Smackdown will now be a must see program because he’s the Miz and he’s awesome! The Miz is now on Friday Nights!


Kofi Kingston(RAW) won a battle royal for two picks, last eliminating Batista(Smackdown) after the Trouble in Paradise in 13:22. Other competitors in this match were: Booker T(Smackdown), Chris Jericho(Smackdown), Dolph Ziggler(Smackdown), Ezekiel Jackson(ECW), Jack Swagger(Raw), Matt Hardy(Smackdown), MVP(RAW), Paul Burchill(RAW), Sheamus(RAW), The Hurricane(ECW), Vladimir Koslov(ECW), Yoshi Tatsu(ECW), and William Regal(ECW) This was an incredible battle royal with five men from each brand fighting for two draft picks. The ring got cleared, leaving two men from RAW and two men from Smackdown, with Paul Burchill and Kofi Kingston taking on Chris Jericho and Batista but not for long, as Burchill, still sore from his loss last night, turned on Kofi and brutalized him. Kofi was nearly sent over the top rope, but he skins the cat and takes out Burchill. This leaves Kofi two on one against two Smackdown competitors, but a miscommunication allows Jericho to be taken out. Batista hits a spear and a spinebuster, before going for the Batista Bomb but Kofi flips onto his feet and chops away at Batista, before hitting the Trouble in Paradise, knocking Batista to the floor for the win. (B)


Out comes Burchill back to the ring to brawl with Kofi, as both men disappear to the back. The WWE Champion Randy Orton comes out, to cut a promo, burying both Smackdown and ECW as having subpar talent and he says that no one that gets drafted in these two picks could be a challenge for his title. The first is David Hart Smith, who comes out and puts Orton over as a great champion and a great man. Orton says that Smith has potential if he follows Randy Orton. Orton says that he’s in a good mood and vows to defend the title against the next man who gets drafted at May 23rd at Over the Limit, musing that it will be some washout like Jimmy Wang Yang or Tyler Reks that gets drafted. The draft lottery comes up and the pick is revealed to be….Edge!


Orton looks at the screen but Edge is coming from the crowd. The fans are cheering and Orton turns around to see what is up. Edge spears Randy Orton to a thunderous pop! Edge gets on the microphone, talking about how last night, Orton cost him his Unified Tag Team Titles, so Edge is going to return the favor by taking Orton’s WWE Championship at Over the Limit! The Champion has been wiped out and Edge leaves the ring, leaving Orton his wake. May 23rd it appears that the WWE Championship will be on the line when Edge takes on Randy Orton at Over the Limit!




RAW Results:

Mattitude90: 0/6

Lo-Drew: 3/6

BHK1978: 1/6

MattitudeV2: 1/6


Overall April Standings

BHK1978: 50/76

Lo-Drew: 50/76

MattitudeV2: 49/76

Mattitude90: 43/76

TracyBrooksFan: 32/76

Destiny: 5/76

ChrisKid: 2/76

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ECW On Sy Fy 4/27/10


Zack Ryder comes out, talking about his last night on ECW and how he will become the WWE Champion but then Bryan Danielson is out to shut him up. Danielson challenges Ryder to one last match before he moves over to RAW this Monday and Ryder ****ily accepts.


Bryan Danielson made Zack Ryder submit to a dragon sleeper in 8:02 Danielson avenged his loss to Ryder earlier this month as Ryder appeared to take Danielson lightly, a mistake that cost him dearly. Danielson worked over Ryder, before slapping on a vicious dragon sleeper for the submission. (B-)


The Hurricane cuts a promo about Lance Cade, talking about how tonight he is going to avenge all of the wrongs caused by Cade.


Yoshi Tatsu pinned Vladimir Koslov with the Roundhouse Kick in 6:33 The Cardiac Kid scored another big win over the giant Russian. Koslov seemed intent to avenge his loss of last week, but once again, Tatsu proved to be the better match. ©


The Hurricane pinned Lance Cade with the Shining Wizard in 7:22 Cade used his roughneck style to beat down the would be avenger of ECW but the Hurricane fought out from underneath. The Hurricane hit the Overcast Neckbreaker for a nearfall but Cade rebounded. The Hurricane avoid a Lariat and dropkicked Cade, before hitting the Shining Wizard to finally score a decisive win over Cade. (C+)


ECW Champion Shelton Benjamin pinned Tyler Reks with the Paydirt in 10:08 in a Non Title Match Reks seemed rather determined to make a name for himself at the expense of Benjamin but the ECW Champion proved why he has the belt, avoiding a Missile Dropkick, before he puts Reks away with the Paydirt. (B)


Shelton leaves the ring but Drew McIntyre jumps him from behind. McIntrye is destroying Shelton Benjamin. The newest member of the ECW roster is laying waste to the champion and throws him right into the ring steps before McIntyre stands over Shelton and holds up the ECW Championship, as we slowly fade to black with a reminder to tune into WWE.com at Noon Eastern tomorrow for the Supplemental Draft.





Lo-Drew: 3/4

MattitudeV2: 3/4

BHK1978: 3/4

Mattitude90: 3/4


Overall April Standings

BHK1978: 53/80

Lo-Drew: 53/80

MattitudeV2: 52/80

Mattitude90: 52/80

TracyBrooksFan: 32/80

Destiny: 5/80

ChrisKid: 2/80

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And now, the results of the 2010 WWE Supplemental Draft!


Yoshi Tatsu from ECW to RAW

Evan Bourne from RAW to Smackdown

Jimmy Wang Yang from Smackdown to ECW

Tyson Kidd from Smackdown to RAW

Jack Swagger from RAW to Smackdown

Carlito from RAW to ECW.

Ezekiel Jackson from ECW to RAW

William Regal from ECW to Smackdown

Charlie Haas from Smackdown to ECW

The Hurricane from ECW to RAW

Lance Cade from ECW to Smackdown

Natalya from Smackdown to RAW

Kelly Kelly from RAW to Smackdown

Vance Archer from ECW to RAW

Primo from RAW to Smackdown

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WWE Superstars 4/29/10


Kofi Kingston and Jamie Noble vs. Paul Burchill and Sheamus.


Jimmy Wang Yang vs. Charlie Haas.


The Bella Twins, Melina, and Gail Kim vs. Katie Lea Burchill, Natalya, Jillian Hall, and Eve Torres.

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WWE Superstars 4/29/10


Hype for tonight’s main event from RAW featuring Kofi Kingston and Jamie Noble joining forces to take on two monsters in Paul Burchill and Sheamus. Also, news of the Supplemental Draft that happened on WWE.com yesterday.


Katie Lea Burchill, Natalya, Jillian, and Eve Torres defeated The Bella Twins, Melina, and Gail Kim when Katie Lea pinned Brie Bella with a Twisting Neckbreaker in 8:02. The divas are in action to kick things off tonight on Superstars and had a wild eight Diva tag team match. In the end, Katie Lea scored the pin on Brie Bella, to perhaps establish herself as a contender for Beth Phoenix and her Undisputed Women’s Title. (C-)


We cut to Josh Mathews, who is standing by with former ECW announcer and current WWE.com representative Joey Styles, who is talking about all of the movements in the supplemental draft. To RAW, Yoshi Tatsu, Tyson Kidd, Ezekiel Jackson, The Hurricane, Natalya, and Vance Archer were drafted. Smackdown received, Evan Bourne, Jack Swagger, William Regal, Lance Cade, Kelly Kelly, and Primo Colon. And ECW received Jimmy Wang Yang, Carlito, and Charlie Haas. The new rosters will be official effective May 1st.


Charlie Haas made Jimmy Wang Yang submit to a bodyscissors front facelock in 6:22 This is the final match between these two men as part of Smackdown, before they move to ECW. Haas used his superior wrestling skills to batter Jimmy Wang Yang and apply a front facelock, adding a bodyscissors for a tap out.


Hype for Smackdown, with R-Truth competing in his final Smackdown match getting a WWE Intercontinental Match with Dolph Ziggler. Can R-Truth win the WWE Intercontinental Title and bring it to RAW? Plus, Drew McIntyre and Edge do battle one on one in their final match on Smackdown, before they go to ECW and RAW respectively.


Kofi Kingston and Jamie Noble defeated Sheamus and Paul Burchill in 10:07 Noble and Kofi played the underdogs against a pair of monsters tonight. Noble is beaten down in the ring for most of the match, until Kofi makes the hot tag and enters the ring, running wild and hits the Trouble in Paradise on Sheamus for the pin, as Burchill is cut off by Noble. (B-)


Kofi and Noble celebrate as Superstars goes off the air.



MattitudeV2: 1/3

Mattitude90: 3/3

BHK1978: 2/3

Lo-Drew: 2/2



Overall April Standings

BHK1978: 55/83

Lo-Drew: 55/83

Mattitude90: 55/83

MattitudeV2: 53/83

TracyBrooksFan: 32/83

Destiny: 5/83

ChrisKid: 2/83

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WWE Smackdown 4/30/10


Rey Mysterio and World Heavyweight Champion John Morrison vs. Batista and CM Punk.


Edge vs. Drew McIntyre.


WWE Intercontinental Title Match:

R-Truth vs. Dolph Ziggler©


Matt Hardy vs. Chris Jericho.

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WWE Smackdown 4/30/10


We kick things off with Batista coming out and demanding a shot against John Morrison tonight. He is followed by CM Punk, who declares that he had the title won on Monday before Batista stuck his nose in and he should get the title shot. Out comes Rey Mysterio, who makes a claim that have should get the title match, having beaten Batista twice. Finally, John Morrison comes out, talking about how he is a fighting champion and will give each of them a title shot but Bret Hart is out, talking about how there will be no title match tonight, instead there will be a tag team main event featuring Batista and CM Punk taking on Rey Mysterio and the World Heavyweight Champion John Morrison.


Mike Knox pinned Kung Fu Naki with the Bicycle Kick in 4:02 Knox destroyed his opponent tonight, showing a commanding performance. Funaki got a brief offensive flurry but in the end, Knox hit the Bicycle Kick and pinned Funaki. (C+)


Knox cuts a promo talking about how he is the best big man on Smackdown but out comes Kane to dispute this. Kane and Knox get into a battle with Kane sending Knox to the floor. Knox decides to make a retreat instead of facing Kane straight up.


Chris Jericho made Matt Hardy submit to the Walls of Jericho in 9:44 Jericho and Hardy battled tonight, with Jericho trying to get back on track, after losing his return match for the World Heavyweight Title at Extreme Rules. Hardy managed to get several nearfalls on Jericho but in the end, Jericho twisted him into the Walls of Jericho. Hardy fought but had no choice but to tap. (B)


Jericho beats on Hardy after the match and tosses him to the floor. Jericho has started at the bottom of the ladder and wants to move back up.


We see the Miz, who announces his arrival to Smackdown next week, stating that he’s going to run roughshot over all of the Smackdown talent because he’s the Miz and he’s awesome! The Miz will make his debut on Smackdown next week, along with many new superstars brought over to Friday nights from the draft.


WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler defeated R-Truth via countout when Ziggler rammed Truth’s shoulder into the ringpost in 12:33 R-Truth was hoping to bring the WWE Intercontinental Title to RAW but Ziggler proved to be just craftier than R-Truth, sending him right into the ringpost and injuring the shoulder that Ziggler aggravated two weeks ago on Superstars. After the match, Ziggler slaps on the cross face chickenwing, giving further injury to the arm and sending Truth over to RAW with an injured shoulder. (C+)


We see Vince McMahon make his way down to the ring, looking much like a child who had been dragged to a gathering that he could not find any interest of whatsoever. He cuts a promo, talking about how ever since last Sunday, he has to live the Straight Edge life style and he has been even more on edge then ever before. Mr. McMahon says that in ninety days though he will be smiling, because he is going to make sure CM Punk’s life is a living hell and he pays for what he’s done to Mr. McMahon. Out comes Punk, who claims that he is doing the boss a favor. After Mr. McMahon is done, he will be a card carrying member of Straight Edge. McMahon snarls and says he will have his day and Punk will regret. Punk says that the boss will thank him and this Monday, his training intensifies and if he steps one toenail out of line, he will lose his company. Mr. McMahon looks like he would like nothing better than to punch Punk upside the head but he has to abide by the stipulations and both men leave the ring.


Edge pinned Drew McIntyre with the Spear in 10:01 It should be noted that this is Edge’s first one on one match since returning from injury, as all of his other matches have been in tag team matches. Both of these men will be leaving this show after tonight, Edge going to RAW and McIntyre going to ECW. Both men seemed to want to end their night on a plus note but it is Edge who gets the last laugh, backdropping out of a double underhook DDT before hitting the Spear for the pin. (B)


After the match, the WWE Champion Randy Orton exited the crowd, but Edge turned the tables and hit the Spear on Orton. For the second show in a row, Orton has been punked out by Edge. Both men will square off for the WWE Championship as part of Extreme Rules.


CM Punk and Batista defeated Rey Mysterio and the World Heavyweight Champion John Morrison in 13:04 An intense and nail biting back and forth match. There were many nearfalls, with Morrison taking the beating. Rey comes in and runs wild but as he goes for a springboard, Batista catches him with a spear. Just as Batista is about ready to finish off Rey, Punk tags himself in and kicks Rey, before hitting the GTS for the pin. (B)


Punk scores a big win, as the announcers speculate on who the number one contender for Over The Limit will be.




Smackdown Results:

Lo-Drew: 4/4

BHK1978: 4/4

MattitudeV2: 4/4

Mattitude90: 4/4



Overall April Standings

BHK1978: 59/87

Lo-Drew: 59/87

Mattitude90: 59/87

MattitudeV2: 57/87

TracyBrooksFan: 32/87

Destiny: 5/87

ChrisKid: 2/87


So we have a three way tie between BHK1978, Lo-Drew, and Mattitude90. Therefore, I have a trivia question that will be used as a tie breaker. The First Person out of the three people tied for first place to PM me the correct answer will be awarded one point and will win the April Prediction Contest and the prize


There is only one person on the real life WWE Roster that was brought in for the Invasion as part of the twenty four wrestlers who had contracts rolling over from WCW that is still on the roster today. Send your answer via PM.


Edit: And Lo-Drew got it. The correct answer was Chavo Guerrero! Thanks for playing and we'll start again fresh with a new contest on RAW.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BHK1978" data-cite="BHK1978" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25097" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Darn it Lo-Drew!!!!<p> </p><p> I didn't know the answer anyway!<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Well, lucky for me I did</p>
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