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WWE Monday Night RAW 5/3/10


Edge makes his way out, announcing his arrival to RAW and his first big match is in a little under three weeks at Over the Limit when he gets a shot at the WWE Championship and Randy Orton. Edge talks about how three years ago, he was part of Rated RKO with Orton and since the team broke up, both men had went on to be very successful, holding gold multiple times. However, there is one question. Who would win? Edge says that given the fact that he caught Orton with the Spear not once but twice in the past week, the answer is obvious. Edge talks about how he’ll beat Orton and become the WWE Champion at Over the Limit. Out comes Cody Rhodes to interrupt but Edge mocks him, calling Rhodes a lackey. Rhodes says that Edge can’t beat Orton and he couldn’t beat Rhodes. It is made for tonight, Cody Rhodes against Edge one on one in Edge’s first one on one match on RAW.


Ezekiel Jackson pinned Aden Chambers with the Uranage Slam in 2:40 Jackson utterly obliterated this young man in his first match as part of RAW. Jackson has been a lackey his entire career but he’s looking forward to cutting his own path on RAW. (D-)


Paul Burchill pinned Jamie Noble with the Curb Stomp in 7:20 after Sheamus interfered. Burchill and Noble had a rough and tumble match, as it is announced that Burchill will meet Kofi Kingston as part of Over the Limit and Jamie Noble will take on Sheamus at Over the Limit. Tonight, both matches switch opponents. Noble is sent to the floor where he gets hit with a Bicycle Kick from Sheamus. Sheamus rolls Noble into the ring and Burchill curb stomps him for the pin. (C+)


After the match, Burchill and Sheamus double team Noble until Kofi Kingston runs them off, checking on Noble. Later on tonight, Sheamus will meet Kofi Kingston.


Mark Henry pinned David Hart Smith(w/Tyson Kidd and Natalya) with the World’s Strongest Slam in 6:04 This was a battle of power and strength. Henry blocks a suplex and hits the World’s Strongest Slam for the pin. (B)


After the match, Kidd and Natalya attack Henry. Smith joins in the attack but MVP joins the battle, evening the odds, and Henry and MVP fight off the Hart Dynasty. Some back and forth between the Hart Dynasty and MVP and Mark Henry leads to a Unified Tag Team Match between the two teams being set up for next week.


Rene Dupree pinned the Hurricane after rolling through on a cross body and pulling the tights for leverage in 7:20 The Hurricane is impressive in his first match back on RAW, coming over from ECW but the crafty and ****y Dupree manages to outsmart him, rolling through on the cross body block and putting the feet on the ropes for the pin. ©


Dupree beats on the Hurricane afterwards, but the fans are making some noise, as the Big Show walks down to the ring. Dupree steps back and Show headbutts Dupree, sending him to the floor. Show checks on the Hurricane, as he holds up his hand but Dupree wants no part of the Big Show.


Out comes Maryse after the match, with a noseguard on, cutting a tearful promo about how Beth Phoenix destroyed her face at Extreme Rules and how it took millions of dollars worth of reconstructive surgery. Maryse says that Beth is jealous of her looks not to mention her superior wrestling talent, as Beth only could beat her with a cheapshot. Out comes the WWE Undisputed Women’s Champion Beth Phoenix, with a sour look on her face. Maryse demands that Beth apologize to her and the Glamazon just responds by grabbing Maryse by the throat but a bald woman exits the crowd and attacks Beth Phoenix, hitting her in the back of the head, before applying a Kati-Hajime from behind! Beth struggles, as this mysterious woman has just attacked her from behind and now Maryse hits some kicks to Beth, before she is released and hitting her with a DDT! The mystery woman holds Beth Phoenix down and Maryse has a pair of scissors, cutting a bit of Beth Phoenix’s hair! The fans are booing, as Maryse parades around with the hair!


Kofi Kingston pinned Sheamus with the Trouble in Paradise in 9:55 A pretty intense back and forth match, as these two men are really looking for the win. Sheamus hits a vicious lariat on Kofi and sets up Kofi, going for the Crucifix Power Bomb but Kofi slides down the back and Sheamus turns around, eating the Trouble in Paradise which puts him down for the pin. (B-)


Paul Burchill drags Kofi to the floor and throws him into the ring steps! Kofi is hammered away with a series of elbows to the back of the head, before pulling back the ring mats. Side Slam brings Kofi down on the exposed concrete. Burchill cuts a promo, talking about how Kofi fluked his way into a victory in a Strap Match at Extreme Rules but Kofi has never and will never pin Burchill. At Over the Limit, Burchill will show that Kofi is just a flash in the pan and Burchill is the future of RAW.


Edge pinned Cody Rhodes with the Spear in 8:08. Rhodes is thrown around in the ring, but Rhodes goes right after the foot of Edge, working it over. Rhodes hammers away at Edge, punishing him, getting several nearfalls. Edge fights out of the Sleeperhold, but Rhodes hits him with an elbow. Edge catches him with a spear as he comes off the second rope to score the pin. (B)


Randy Orton enters the ring right behind Edge and goes for a punch but Edge turns around at the last second to block it and punches away at Orton! The fans are cheering, as Edge beats Orton back. Spear takes Orton out! Edge grabs the WWE Championship Belt and holds it up over Orton. Could this be an omen of things to come at Over the Limit?





BHK1978: 4/5

EdgeheaD: 4/5

Lo-Drew: 3/5


Overall May Ratings:

BHK1978: 4/5

EdgeheaD: 4/5

Lo-Drew: 3/5

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ECW On Sy Fy 5/4/10


Tiffany is out to announce that several new wrestlers will be hitting the ring on ECW tonight, both being drafted and part of the new talent initiative. Also she announces the main event of Bryan Danielson and Shelton Benjamin against Charlie Haas and Drew McIntyre.


Kaval made Slam Master J submit to a Dragon Clutch in 5:55 The humorless Kaval makes his debut, using his brutal martial arts talent to quickly destroy Slam Master J. Slam Master J is caught with a vicious running kick in the corner and a double stomp to the back of the head, before applying the Dragon Clutch, cranking on the head and forcing the submission. ©


A video package is shown, hyping up the Dudebusters, Caylan Croft and Trent Baretta, who make their intentions of capturing the Unified Tag Team Titles known and put all of the teams in WWE on notice.


The Rotundo Brothers defeated Alex Ryker and Aden Chambers when Bo Rotundo pinned Ryker with an Elevated DDT in 6:22 The debut of the Rotundo Brothers were meant with a tepid action but Bryon Saxton and Josh Mathews put them over as a great future tag team and second generation superstars, being the sons of Mike Rotundo aka Irwin R. Schyster. Bo Rotundo gets the pin with a vicious DDT, as Alex holds off Chambers. (F)


A video package showing Vladimir Koslov, breaking cinderblocks and boards with his head, talking about how the Ruthless Roundtable caused him to be second banana to William Regal but now Vladimir Koslov will be moving straight to the top. He vows to become ECW Champion, no matter what.


Carlito is out, cutting a promo, talking about how he should be getting an ECW Championship shot and not fighting some rookie. Out comes newcomer Justin Gabriel to face off against Carlito.


Justin Gabriel pinned Carlito with a cradle in 8:22 Carlito had a chip on his shoulder and seemed insulted, but Gabriel managed to show some impressive offense. Eventually, Carlito hit a Hotshot on Gabriel but he spent too much time taunting the crowd, allowing Gabriel to roll up Carlito and score the pin. (D+)


Carlito is enraged after the match and he jumps Gabriel from behind, beating him down in the center of the ring. Gabriel tries to fight back but Carlito hits the Back Stabber and then spits the apple on Gabriel.


Charlie Haas and Drew McIntyre defeated Bryan Danielson and Shelton Benjamin when McIntyre pinned Shelton with the Double Underhook DDT in 9:10 Haas and Shelton had some exchanges, as their past as part of the World’s Greatest Tag Team is brought up. Danielson is isolated for most of this match and beaten up in the corner. Afterwards, Shelton runs wild and cleans house on both men, but is hung up on the ropes and McIntyre hits the Double Underhook DDT for the pin. (B)


McIntyre has pinned the ECW Champion, which looks to put him in line for the next title shot.





Lo-Drew: 1/1

BHK1978: 0/1

ChrisKid: 0/1

Mattitude90: 0/1


Overall May Ratings:

BHK1978: 4/6

EdgeheaD: 4/6

Lo-Drew: 4/6

ChirsKid: 0/6

Mattitude90: 0/6

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WWE Superstars 5/6/10


Hype for tonight’s main event, from Friday Night Smackdown, with Dolph Ziggler squaring off against Christian.


R-Truth pinned Chris Masters with a sunset flip out of the corner in 7:40 R-Truth favors his injured arm, that was injured by Ziggler previously when he was a part of Smackdown and Masters works over the arm. R-Truth makes a comeback but Masters takes him out and hits a shoulderbreaker. He goes for the Masterlock but R-Truth is in the ropes. Masters throws R-Truth into the corner but R-Truth rolls up Masters with a sunset flip for the pin. (B-)


We see a recap from ECW, featuring Drew McIntyre pinning Shelton Benjamin in a tag team match. It is announced here on Superstars, that McIntyre will face off against Shelton Benjamin for the ECW Championship at Over the Limit. However, this week, McIntyre has a big time match against Bryan Danielson, this Tuesday, on ECW on Sy Fy.


Goldust pinned Tyler Reks with the Powerslam in 5:55 The Flamboyant Goldust showed dominance against Reks tonight on Smackdown. Reks gets a few offensive moves but after Reks tries a cross body, Goldust catches him with a punch to the ribs and hits the Powerslam for the pin. ©


A recap of the closing moments of CM Punk and Batista against Rey Mysterio and John Morrison on Smackdown. This week, there will be an announcement for who John Morrison will defend his World Heavyweight Title against at Over the Limit.


A look at the recent events between Edge and Randy Orton, leading up to their WWE Championship Match at Over the Limit. So far, Edge has gotten the better of Orton, laying him out with the Spear three times within three shows and this Monday, both men will be on RAW. No doubt their paths will cross.


WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler pinned Christian with a backslide using the ropes for leverage in a non title match in 10:22 Back and forth match. Ziggler works over the arm of Christian, as the announcers talk about how Ziggler has been really stepping up his submission game as of late. Christian fights out, hitting a Tornado DDT and a frog splash for a nearfall. He goes for the Killswitch but Ziggler manages to counter with a backslide, with both feet on the second rope for the pin. (B)


Ziggler leaves the ring, drawing boos as Christian is in the ring, favoring his shoulder. Hype for Smackdown tomorrow night.




Superstars Results:

BHK1978: 2/3

EdgeHeaD: 2/3

MattitudeV2: 3/3

Lo-Drew: 2/3


Overall May Ratings:

BHK1978: 6/9

EdgeheaD: 6/9

Lo-Drew: 6/9

MattitudeV2: 3/9

ChirsKid: 0/9

Mattitude90: 0/9

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WWE Smackdown 5/7/10


Out comes the Smackdown General Manager Bret Hart to cheers from the crowd, who announces that John Morrison will in fact defend his World Heavyweight Title at Over the Limit but it took some deliberation as to who his opponent as, due to Batista, CM Punk, and Rey Mysterio all making very solid arguments but Bret has come to one conclusion. John Morrison will defend his World Heavyweight Title in a Scramble Match against Punk, Batista, Rey, and a fourth challenger! Bret explains the rules of the Scramble Match. Two men will start out and then every five minutes another man will come in. There can be as many pinfalls or submissions as necessary but the match does have a twenty minute time limit and whoever holds the belt at the end of twenty minutes will be the champion! The Hitman then talks about how he thought long and hard about who the fourth challenger was and he chose the one man who transcends greatness on Smackdown, the one man with a spotless Wrestlemania record, with 18-0, that man being the Undertaker! The Undertaker will be in the Scramble Match, along with CM Punk, Rey Mysterio, Batista, and defending champion John Morrison. Also tonight, Taker will team up with Morrison and Rey to take on Batista, Punk, and a third partner of their choosing!


Evan Bourne pinned Chris Jericho with a backspring cross body block out of the corner in 8:09 The fans go ballistic as Bourne uses his high flying ability to dazzle Jericho in his first match on Smackdown. Jericho cuts Bourne off but takes him too lightly, allowing Bourne to hit a twisting backspring into a cross body block out of nowhere to score the pin. (B)


Afterwards, Jericho jumps Bourne and locks in the Walls of Jericho! Jericho has lost the match to Bourne and is taking it out. Bourne showed that he’s not one to be taken lightly as he can get a victory of nowhere and Jericho, the self proclaimed best in the world at what he does, has been humbled tonight! Referees pulled Jericho off of Bourne with Jericho yelling that Bourne shouldn’t have upstaged him.


Jack Swagger pinned Kung Fu Naki with the Gutwrench Power Bomb in 4:04 Swagger cuts an insert promo, talking about how he’s finally on a brand that appreciates the talents of the “All American American.” Swagger shows some impressive skills, finishing off Funaki with a vicious Gutwrench Power Bomb. (B-)


After the break, Ted DiBiase comes to the ring, United States Belt over his shoulder, with the Money in the Bank Briefcase in one hand and a second briefcase in the other hand, with a large dollar sign on it. DiBiase talks about all of the hardware that he is packing and soon, when the time is right. DiBiase says that he’s going to make all of his opponents an offer. When they compete against him, they can face DiBiase with the United States Title on the line, with the Money in the Bank briefcase on the line, or opt to take a forfeit loss, to take what’s in the second briefcase. And what’s in the second briefcase is cold hard cash. One million dollars in fact. DiBiase says it’s a no brainer, even a knuckle dragging Neanderthal like Kane, who is DiBiase’s opponent tonight, should be able choose. Out comes Kane, who teases going for the Money but declares that he wants that title shot in the briefcase and chokes DiBiase.


Ted DiBiase pinned Kane after Mike Knox hit Kane with a Bicycle Kick to retain the Money in the Bank Briefcase in 7:36 Kane battered DiBiase but DiBiase returned fire. The referee was knocked down, which allowed Mike Knox to enter the ring and hit the Bicycle Kick on Kane which knocked him out and allowed DiBiase an easy pin. (B)


DiBiase cuts a promo, talking about how Kane should have taken the cash and ran, but out comes RAW’s MVP from the crowd. MVP was beaten by DiBiase for the United States Title, as Kane and Knox brawl on the floor. MVP takes out DiBiase from behind with a series of punches. He isn’t a part of Smackdown, someone better get security and MVP hits a leaping clothesline, before hitting the Playmaker to DiBiase laying him out. MVP looks around and picks up the briefcase with the money in it and runs off in the crowd. MVP has stolen that briefcase containing one million dollars cash from DiBiase and the fans cheer this act of theft! DiBiase might still have his title and his Money in the Bank briefcase, but he is out one million dollars.


Batista cuts a promo backstage, talking about how he should have gotten the title shot one on one at Over the Limit but it doesn’t matter because he’ll beat anyone that Bret Hart throws in his way. It doesn’t matter if it’s Punk, Mysterio, or Morrison. Batista says that if Bret Hart thinks for one second that throwing the Undertaker in there is going to slow Batista down, then he’s got another thing coming. He’s going to win the Scramble Match and become the World Heavyweight Champion. As for the six man, Batista expresses his displeasure of being forced to team with Punk and says that Punk is charged with finding a partner, because Batista doesn’t want to lower himself to speaking with anyone else in the lockerroom.


The Miz is out to introduce himself to those without the benefit of cable television. He talks about how awesome he is and how he held the United States Title for over six months but Matt Hardy comes out for their scheduled match to shut him up.


The Miz pinned Matt Hardy after the Skull Crushing Finale in 7:30 A spirited back and forth encounter, with Hardy nearly scoring the pin. In the end, the Miz triumped and hit a Hotshot on Hardy, before hitting the Skull Crushing Finale fort the pin(C+)


We cut backstage, where Vince McMahon is standing, his eyes darting side to side in a paranoid manner as being forced to live the values of Straight Edge is really taking its toll on Vince McMahon. As Punk walks in, McMahon asks if being Straight Edge always make Punk this jumpy. Punk corrects McMahon, saying that it makes him more alert, because substances are not clouding his mind. In comes Lance Cade, who says that he had some problems years back that destroyed his life but adopting Punk’s Straight Edge Lifestyle made him turn his life around and return to WWE. Now he’s on Smackdown and he offers his services to Punk. Punk says that Cade is proof that Straight Edge works and says it would be an honor for Cade to compete. Punk walks off, as Cade registers his astonishment that Punk bought that tripe but at least it got in the main event. McMahon snaps and yells Cade to get out, because he’s giving McMahon a headache.


Booker T pinned Mike Knox with the Book End after Kane distracted Knox in 9:22 Knox and Booker had a back and forth encounter, but Knox works over Booker. Out comes Kane to distract Knox and allow Booker T to hit the Harlem Side Kick, before hitting the Book End to score the pin! (B)


Out comes Bret Hart with security to break up a Kane and Knox brawl, before a match is made between these two men next week.


The Undertaker, Rey Mysterio, and John Morrison defeated CM Punk, Lance Cade, and Batista when Morrison pinned Cade with the Starship Pain in 13:22. Cade really hung his own against the established main event competitors. Rey was beaten down for most of this match, before he makes the tag to the Undertaker, who runs wild. The World Heavyweight Champion is brought in and Cade manages to catch him with a vicious lariat for a nearfall. Pele Kick however connects and Starship Pain gets the win. (B)


Morrison, Rey, and the Undertaker get the win tonight as partners, but at Over the Limit, they will be fighting for the same prize along with Punk and Batista, the World Heavyweight Title in a Scramble Match.




Smackdown Results:

MattitudeV2: 4/6

BHK1978: 5/6

Lo-Drew: 5/6

Mattitude90: 5/6


Overall May Ratings:

BHK1978: 11/15

Lo-Drew: 11/15

MattitudeV2: 7/15

EdgeheaD: 6/15

Mattitude90: 5/15

ChirsKid: 0/15

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WWE RAW 5/10/10


Kofi Kingston and Edge vs. Paul Burchill and Randy Orton.


R-Truth vs. Cody Rhodes.


Eve Torres vs. Mia Mancini(w/Maryse)


Jamie Noble vs. Zack Ryder.


The Big Show vs. Rene Dupree.


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

MVP and Mark Henry vs. The Hart Dynasty©

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Kofi Kingston and Edge vs. Paul Burchill and Randy Orton.


R-Truth vs. Cody Rhodes.


Eve Torres vs. Mia Mancini(w/Maryse)


Jamie Noble vs. Zack Ryder.


The Big Show vs. Rene Dupree.


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

MVP and Mark Henry vs. The Hart Dynasty©

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