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WWE Superstars 5/27/10


Hype for tonight’s main event on WGNAmerica featuring The Miz against Matt Hardy from Friday Night Smackdown.


Gail Kim pinned Jillian with the Eat Defeat in 6:44 Two of RAW’s most impressive divas fight. The winner of this match could be in line for a WWE Undisputed Women’s Title Shot from Mia Mancini. Jillian missed a splash and Gail hit the Eat Defeat from the pin. ©


Recap of nine days ago on ECW, when Kaval beat Jimmy Wang Yang. Tonight there is a return match.


Kaval made Jimmy Wang Yang submit with the Dragon Clutch in 7:59 Kaval beat on Yang for most of this match but Yang takes Kaval takes him out and dives to the floor. A couple of nearfalls but Kaval kicks Yang, before hitting him with a brain buster and a double stomp right to the face, before applying a Dragon Clutch and cranking on the neck for the tap out. ©


Hype for the next Pay Per View, Fatal Four Way on June 20th. All championship matches will be Fatal Four Way Matches.


R-Truth pinned Zack Ryder with the Lie Detector in 8:55 The fans are booing as Ryder ****ily beats down Truth but Truth makes a comeback, before hitting a catapult into the corner. Lie Detector gets the pin. (B-)


Recap of the recent events between Edge and Randy Orton. Randy Orton will defend his WWE Championship in a Fatal Four Way Match on June 20th and you got to believe that Edge is one of the front runners for a title shot at Orton on that night.


The Miz pinned Matt Hardy with the Skull Crushing Finale in 10:55 The fans are booing as the ****y Miz batters Matt Hardy for most of this match,but Hardy staged a comeback. Side Effect gets a two count on the Miz. Hardy hits a clothesline and a flying elbowdrop. Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate but the Miz shoves Hardy and spinebuster, before the Miz sets up Hardy and hits the Skull Crushing Finale for the pin. (B-)


The Miz celebrates to the boos of the fans.





Destiny: 4/4

MartinC: 3/4

Lo-DreW: 4/4

BHK1978: 4/4

EdgeHeaD: 3/4


Overall May Ratings:

Lo-Drew: 54/77

BHK1978: 52/77

EdgeheaD: 51/77

MattitudeV2: 24/77

MartinC: 20/77

Destiny: 14/77

Mattitude90: 5/77

nick21985: 3/77

ChirsKid: 3/77

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WWE Smackdown 5/28/10


Out comes Batista, who talks about how he gift wrapped the World Heavyweight Championship and handed it to Ted DiBiase. He talks about how the Scramble Match was a deliberate away to cost him the title, because they are afraid of Batista holding the belt. Batista says that DiBiase should come out and give him a title shot right now, because if Batista had not destroyed Morrison after the match, DiBiase would not be World Heavyweight Champion. Instead, Booker T comes out and after a bit of back and forth, the scheduled match between Booker T and Batista gets jump started.


Batista pinned Booker T with the Batista Bomb in 8:55 Batista beats down Booker for a lot of this match but Booker stages a comeback, gaining a number of close nearfalls. Axe Kick gets a two and nine tenths count and Booker beats on Batista, but gets cut off with a low blow and a spinebuster brings Booker down, setting him up for the Batista Bomb for the pin. Batista rants and raves after the match about being the uncrowned World Heavyweight Champion. (B+)


CM Punk is backstage, with his straight edge disciple, Vince McMahon, who looks even more surly. Punk talks about how he was this close to ushering a new era as the Straight Edge champion and Morrison took out from his grasp. Mr. McMahon informs Punk that he should prove his superiority to Morrison in the ring tonight. Punk agrees and Mr. McMahon says the match is already signed. Punk looks less confident when it was a reality but he agrees to take on Morrison. Punk goes off to prepare, as Mr. McMahon sinks back to a chair, rubbing his temples, glad to be rid of Punk. Cryme Tyme is partying in the backstage era with some workers and there is alcohol flowing. Mr. McMahon takes a step towards it, remarking how he hasn’t had a drink in nearly a month and even that “cheap bootlegged stuff” will do, even its not the fine wine the chairman is used to. Still he remembers his vow that he has to follow the Straight Edge lifestyle for ninety days or he will lose his company. Mr. McMahon snaps by kicking them all out. JTG remarks that Mr. McMahon is uptight these days and Shad suggests that he needs a drink to loosen up.


William Regal and Lance Cade defeated Kung Fu Naki and Primo when Regal pinned Primo with the Knee Trembler in 4:22 A decisive victory from the new team of Regal and Cade tonight on Smackdown, as they beat down their two opponents handily. (C+)


Kane defeated Mike Knox via disqualification when Knox hit Kane with the hammer to the ring bell in 7:44 The wars between Kane and Mike Knox continue, with Knox utilizing a hammer to brutalize Kane. Afterwards, Knox appears to break Kane’s fingers on his chokeslamming hand with the bell hammer. Knox says that he’s just negated the one weapon that people fear from Kane and he gives Kane a vicious Bicycle Kick for good measure. Knox has yet to score a pinfall or submission over Kane but he has left the Big Red Machine lying. (B-)


We see Vince McMahon backstage, looking crazed and paranoid, when Jack Swagger steps in. Swagger talks about how he doesn’t have a match tonight when Vince has “WELL NOW YOU DO”. Shad of Cryme Tyme against Jack Swagger. Swagger suggest that Vince should chill out and he offers him a cigarette which causes Mr. McMahon to really flip his lid. “YOU KNOW WHAT…SCREW SHAD. YOU’VE GOT THE UNDERTAKER!” Swagger steps back in fear as Mr. McMahon throws a picture frame, causing Swagger to scurry. Vince McMahon yells that this Straight Edge garbage is killing him but he’s going to kill Punk when the ninety days are up.


Evan Bourne pinned Chavo Guerrero with the Air Bourne in 6:44 An impressive match with Bourne, defeating the veteran Chavo. Bourne is really kicking things up on Smackdown, in a fresh environment, after coming over from RAW. Bourne avoids the Frog Splash, before hitting a drop sault and then the Air Bourne for the pin. (B-)


Chris Jericho comes out, applauding Bourne and said that Bourne is obviously a very lucky man but luck can only get him so far. Bourne responds that he beat Jericho at Over the Limit for the third time and Jericho says that Bourne’s three times lucky, but Jericho says the next time they go into the ring, he will have the last laugh. Bourne suggests that they find out next week and Jericho accepts, saying that he’s going to put this matter to rest once and for all and move on with his life to win the World Heavyweight Title. Bourne turns but Jericho enters the ring and attacks Bourne. Bourne fights Jericho and throws him to the floor, before diving onto him to a big pop! Bourne and Jericho one more time next week.


[bThe Undertaker defeated Jack Swagger via countout in 7:00[/b] Swagger used his wrestling but the Undertaker shrugged off his assaults and beat Swagger senseless. Swagger avoided the Tombstone and opted for the countout, giving the Undertaker the win. Afterwards, Swagger entered the ring but the Undertaker fought off Swagger again with a thunderous choke slam. (B)


Swagger attacks the Undertaker from behind afterwards, but the Undertaker rocks him with a choke slam. Taker stands tall over the fallen “All American American.”


Out comes the new World Heavyweight Champion Ted DiBiase, to brag about his title victory but Christian interrupts DiBiase, stating that three times he beat DiBiase in the past two weeks. The numbers do not lie, Christian should be the number one contender. DiBiase says that Christian might have scored a few wins and perhaps he does have a point but he says Christian should get in line. Out comes Dolph Ziggler, who has a beef with Christian. Ziggler says that Christian won the WWE Intercontinental Title but he didn’t earn that title. Rather, he stole the belt from Ziggler by pinning DiBiase. Ziggler talks about how it’s a sham that someone can lose the belt without being pinned or forced to submit. Christian offers Ziggler a title shot next week, saying that he’s a fighting champion and Ziggler agrees, but DiBiase tries to cheap shot Christian. Christian fights back but Ziggler jumps Christian from behind and two on one beatdown, until John Morrison runs out, making the save. Morrison eyeballs DiBiase and the World Heavyweight Title Belt he lost but in comes CM Punk to get a jump on Morrison and the main event begins.


John Morrison pinned CM Punk with the Starship Pain in 14:55 Both of these men should impressive competitive fire tonight, pounding on each other with chops and punches. The fans are getting behind Morrison but Punk cuts him off. GTS is avoided and Morrison gets several nearfalls until Punk turns the match to his favor. GTS is countered a second time with an armdrag and Pele Kick, before Morrison connects with the Starship Pain for the pin. (B)


Morrison gets on the microphone, declaring that he has a return match clause and he’s going to take it next week. He’ll see how good DiBiase is when the match is fair and even. The fans cheer as two big title matches, with Dolph Ziggler against Christian and John Morrison against Ted DiBiase next week on Friday Night Smackdown.





BHK1978: 4/5

MartinC: 4/5

Lo-Drew: 4/5

MattitudeV2: 4/5

EdgeheaDL 5/5


Overall May Ratings:

Lo-Drew: 58/82

BHK1978: 56/82

EdgeheaD: 56/82

MattitudeV2: 28/82

MartinC: 24/82

Destiny: 14/82

Mattitude90: 5/82

nick21985: 3/82

ChirsKid: 3/82

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WWE Monday Night RAW 5/31/10


Fatal Four Way Qualifier:

Edge vs. Sheamus.


Fatal Four Way Qualifier:

Kofi Kingston vs. Paul Burchill.


Fatal Four Way Qualifier:

The Big Show vs. Rene Dupree.


Non Title Match:

Yoshi Tatsu and a mystery partner against Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty.


Eve Torres, Melina, Gail Kim, and Beth Phoenix vs. Jillian, Natalya, Katie Lea Burchill, and the WWE Undisputed Women's Champion Mia Mancini.

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WWE Monday Night RAW 5/31/10


Fatal Four Way Qualifier:

Edge vs. Sheamus.


Fatal Four Way Qualifier:

Kofi Kingston vs. Paul Burchill.


Fatal Four Way Qualifier:

The Big Show vs. Rene Dupree.


Non Title Match:

Yoshi Tatsu and a mystery partner against Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty.


Eve Torres, Melina, Gail Kim, and Beth Phoenix vs. Jillian, Natalya, Katie Lea Burchill, and the WWE Undisputed Women's Champion Mia Mancini.

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Fatal Four Way Qualifier:

Edge vs. Sheamus.


Fatal Four Way Qualifier:

Kofi Kingston vs. Paul Burchill.


Fatal Four Way Qualifier:

The Big Show vs. Rene Dupree.


Non Title Match:

Yoshi Tatsu and a mystery partner against Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty.


Eve Torres, Melina, Gail Kim, and Beth Phoenix vs. Jillian, Natalya, Katie Lea Burchill, and the WWE Undisputed Women's Champion Mia Mancini.

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WWE Monday Night RAW 5/31/10


Fatal Four Way Qualifier:

Edge vs. Sheamus.


Fatal Four Way Qualifier:

Kofi Kingston vs. Paul Burchill.


Fatal Four Way Qualifier:

The Big Show vs. Rene Dupree.


Non Title Match:

Yoshi Tatsu and a mystery partner against Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty.


Eve Torres, Melina, Gail Kim, and Beth Phoenix vs. Jillian, Natalya, Katie Lea Burchill, and the WWE Undisputed Women's Champion Mia Mancini.

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Fatal Four Way Qualifier:

Edge vs. Sheamus.


Fatal Four Way Qualifier:

Kofi Kingston vs. Paul Burchill.


Fatal Four Way Qualifier:

The Big Show vs. Rene Dupree.


Non Title Match:

Yoshi Tatsu and a mystery partner against Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty.


Eve Torres, Melina, Gail Kim, and Beth Phoenix vs. Jillian, Natalya, Katie Lea Burchill, and the WWE Undisputed Women's Champion Mia Mancini.

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Fatal Four Way Qualifier:

Edge vs. Sheamus.


Fatal Four Way Qualifier:

Kofi Kingston vs. Paul Burchill.


Fatal Four Way Qualifier:

The Big Show vs. Rene Dupree.


Non Title Match:

Yoshi Tatsu and a mystery partner against Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty.


Eve Torres, Melina, Gail Kim, and Beth Phoenix vs. Jillian, Natalya, Katie Lea Burchill, and the WWE Undisputed Women's Champion Mia Mancini

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WWE Monday Night RAW 5/31/10


The WWE Champion Randy Orton is out, talking about how he has to defend his championship against three men at the Fatal Four Way Pay Per View. He says that it doesn’t matter who is going to face him, the end result will still be the same every time, Randy Orton will be WWE Champion. The three qualifying matches are talked bout with Edge against Sheamus, The Big Show against Rene Dupree, and Kofi Kingston against Paul Burchill. Whoever wins those three matches will go up against Orton for the WWE Championship at Fatal Four Way.


The WWE Undisputed Women’s Champion Mia Mancini(w/Maryse), Jillian, Katie Lea Burchill, and Natalya defeated Beth Phoenix, Gail Kim, Melina, and Eve Torres when Mancini made Eve submit to the Kati Hajime in 9:55 A wild eight diva tag, with Beth Phoenix trying to get her hands on the woman who beat her for the belt eight days ago but fails every time. Eve is the one that is caught and forced to tap out. ©


Paul Burchill is backstage, when Edge bumps into him. Burchill and Edge exchange words, with Burchill saying that it’s time for Edge to step aside and let Burchill challenge for the title. Burchill holds up the United States Title that he picked up. Edge remarks he could pick up the WWE Diva’s Title belt but that doesn’t make him champion. Edge says that he’s going to go out there and take out Sheamus and he wishes Burchill the best of luck against Kofi Kingston, because Edge hopes that they meet in the Fatal Four Way Match, because he would love nothing better than to shut down Burchill.


Sheamus pinned Edge with the Bicycle Kick after Burchill interfered in 14:22 to advance to the WWE Championship Fatal Four Way Match This was an intense match, with Edge taking the legs out from underneath the Celtic Warrior. Sheamus came back but Edge fought from underneath. Edge hit the Spear on Sheamus but Burchill ran out. Edge took care of him but he got a knee to the head, allowing Sheamus to put Edge away with the Bicycle Kick. (B+)


Afterwards, Sheamus and Burchill beat on Edge, until Jamie Noble and Kofi Kingston ran out to make the save, chasing off Sheamus and Burchill from giving Edge a beating. Tonight Burchill meets Kofi Kingston in a Fatal Four Way Qualifier.


Rene Dupree and Ezekiel Jackson are out, with Dupree talking about how he’s going to be WWE Champion, all he has to do is beat the Big Show.


The Big Show pinned Rene Dupree(w/Ezekiel Jackson) with the knockout punch in 5:59 to advance into the WWE Championship Fatal Four Way Match. Dupree got something punched, his mouth. Dupree was put down for the count and Show advanced. (B)


Show is attacked by Ezekiel Jackson and Jackson muscles Show up for a huge belly to back suplex. Jackson then beats on Show some more with elbows until security pulls him off.


Out comes the Hart Dynasty to talk about last week how Yoshi Tatsu got one over David Hart Smith. They threw out the challenge for Tatsu to choose a partner to face them and Tatsu comes out, before waving R-Truth out of the back, who comes out to a decent sized pop as Truth and Tatsu are ready for this non title match with the Unified Tag Team Champions.


R-Truth and Yoshi Tatsu defeated the Hart Dynasty in a non title match in 13:12 when Truth pinned Smith with the Lie Detector Tatsu was in the ring for most of this match, but the fans were rallying behind him until he makes the tag to R-Truth, who enters the ring, cleaning house. Kidd is thrown to the floor and Tatsu dives onto him, allowing R-Truth to hit the Lie Detector on Smith for the pin. Lawler and Cole hype up that R-Truth and Tatsu might have just put themselves in line for a Unified Tag Team Title Shot with that win. (B-)


Kofi Kingston pinned Paul Burchill with the Trouble in Paradise in 19:55 after Edge broke Burchill’s concentration at ringside Randy Orton joined us on commentary, side stepping the fact that he’s never been able to pin Kofi Kingston in a one on one contest. Burchill seemed willing to destroy Kofi but Kofi kept fighting, showing the heart and desire that it takes to become a champion. Burchill managed to catch Kofi off guard but Edge was on the ramp, taunting Burchill. Burchill took his attention off his for a split second, long enough for Kofi to pop him right in the mouth with the Trouble in Paradise for the pin. (B)


Edge and Burchill brawl, as Randy Orton’s title match for Fatal Four Way is set, with Randy Orton defending the WWE Championship against Kofi Kingston, Sheamus, and the Big Show but Burchill and Edge are really exchanging punches around the ringside area. The brawl continues, as we are out of time. Burchill and Edge are still ripping into each other as we fade to black.




RAW Results:

Lo-Drew: 1/5

BHK1978: 1/5

MartinC: 4/5

EdgeHeaD: 3/5

MattitudeV2: 2/5



Overall May Ratings:

EdgeheaD: 59/87

Lo-Drew: 59/87

BHK1978: 57/87

MattitudeV2: 29/87

MartinC: 28/85

Destiny: 14/87

Mattitude90: 5/87

nick21985: 3/87

ChirsKid: 3/87


So we end with a tie between Edgehead and Lo-Drew. Therefore, it's trivia time to break the tie. First person to PM me answer to this question correctly will get the prize for this month. The WWE Women's Title was on the line only twice in the history of RAW in the main event. Name the competitors in at least one of the matches(or both if you prefer).


EDIT: Lo Drew got it. Lita fought both Stephanie McMahon and Trish Stratus respectively in the only two times the Women's Championship was on the line in the main event of RAW.

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ECW On Sy Fy 6/1/10


Drew McIntyre cuts a promo, vowing victory in Shelton Benjamin’s return match for the ECW Championship tonight. McIntyre said he beat Shelton nine days ago at Over the Limit and he can do it again.


Charlie Haas against Bryan Danielson ended in a double pin in 16:40 Both of the top two technical wrestlers on ECW had quite the battle, as they had several nearfalls and submission holds and counters. Danielson was caught in a German Suplex but all four shoulders were on the mat. As a result, this match was ruled a double pin. (B-)


A video package highlighting the Dudebusters, who will be in action this week on Superstars, against Jimmy Wang Yang and Slam Master J.


Kaval defeated Aden Chambers with the Dragon Clutch in 4:40 Kaval beats his opponent down in the center of the ring for most of this match, drawing boos, delivering a brain buster, a double stomp to the back of the head, and a Dragon Clutch for the submission. (D+)


Shelton Benjamin defeated ECW Champion Drew McIntyre via disqualification when McIntyre blatantly shoved the referee down in 18:55 The fans were getting behind Shelton in his quest to regain the ECW Championship. He gave McIntyre quite a beating throughout this match, with the fans really exploding in cheers throughout this entire match but McIntyre got frustrated, and finally just shoved the referee, blatantly getting himself disqualified to keep the title. (B)


McIntyre leaves to the ring to a loud round of boos, as Shelton stands in the ring but ECW General Manager Tiffany comes out, to announce that McIntyre will defend his belt against Shelton Benjamin again at Fatal Four Way, but also against Charlie Haas and Bryan Danielson and not only that, it will be Extreme Rules, so McIntyre can’t save the title. Drew McIntyre defends the ECW Championship in an Extreme Rules Fatal Four Way Match against Charlie Haas, Bryan Danielson, and Shelton Benjamin at Fatal Four Way!



ECW Results:

EdgeHeaD: 0/2

Lo-Drew: 0/2

MattitudeV2: 0/2

BHK1978: 0/2


Overall Standings for June:

EdgeHeaD: 0/2

Lo-Drew: 0/2

MattitudeV2: 0/2

BHK1978: 0/2

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