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Pick Your Poison: WWE Champion Randy Ortonvs. an opponent chosen by Kofi Kingston


Pick Your Poison: Kofi Kingston vs. an opponent chosen by Randy Orton.


The Big Show vs. Sheamus.


Unified Tag Team Champions Evan Bourne and Rey Mysteriovs. Zack Ryder and Chris Masters(Non Title Match)


WWE United States Title Match:

"The Redneck Messiah" Jamie Noble vs. MVP©

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Pick Your Poison: WWE Champion Randy Orton vs. an opponent chosen by Kofi Kingston


Pick Your Poison: Kofi Kingston vs. an opponent chosen by Randy Orton.


The Big Show vs. Sheamus.


Unified Tag Team Champions Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio vs. Zack Ryder and Chris Masters(Non Title Match)


WWE United States Title Match:

"The Redneck Messiah" Jamie Noble vs. MVP©

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Pick Your Poison: WWE Champion Randy Orton vs. an opponent chosen by Kofi Kingston


Pick Your Poison: Kofi Kingston vs. an opponent chosen by Randy Orton.


The Big Show vs. Sheamus.


Unified Tag Team Champions Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio vs. Zack Ryder and Chris Masters(Non Title Match)


WWE United States Title Match:

"The Redneck Messiah" Jamie Noble vs. MVP©

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Pick Your Poison: WWE Champion Randy Orton vs. an opponent chosen by Kofi Kingston


Pick Your Poison: Kofi Kingston vs. an opponent chosen by Randy Orton.


The Big Show vs. Sheamus.


Unified Tag Team Champions Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio vs. Zack Ryder and Chris Masters(Non Title Match)


WWE United States Title Match:

"The Redneck Messiah" Jamie Noble vs. MVP©

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WWE RAW 7/5/10


Tonight it’s going to be Pick Your Poison between Kofi Kingston and WWE Champion Randy Orton. Out comes Kofi Kingston for his match and Randy Orton comes out with Cody Rhodes. It appears that Rhodes is the opponent but suddenly, Jack Swagger comes out and attacks Kofi from behind.


Kofi Kingston pinned Jack Swagger with the Trouble in Paradise in 9:22 Swagger has been brought over to Smackdown as Kofi’s opponent and he beats on Kofi, but Kofi fights back from underneath. Several back and forth moves, gaining several nearfalls. Attempted Gutwrench Power Bomb but Kofi slides down the backdoor and hits the Trouble in Paradise from Swagger for the pin. (C+)


Look at last week, with Jamie Noble pinning Rene Dupree after a distraction from MVP. Tonight as a result of this victory, Noble will face off against MVP for the United States Title.


WWE United States Champion MVP defeated Jamie Noble via disqualification when Rene Dupree and Ezekiel Jackson interfered in 10:01 Noble and MVP had a back and forth match, trading some holds. Noble locked a submission hold on MVP but MVP fought out and hit a high back body drop, before hitting a Yakuza Kick in the corner but Dupree and Ezekiel Jackson attacks MVP in the ring. (B)


Jackson and Rene Dupree beat down MVP until Jamie Noble fights back, with dropkicks, allowing MVP to recover and help Noble fight them off. Noble and MVP have a staredown, with Noble looking at the United States Title Belt, indicating that he will have it next time.


Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio defeated Zack Ryder and Chris Masters when Bourne pinned Ryder with the Air Bourne in 10:44 Masters and Ryder team up in an attempt to make an impact on RAW. Rey is trapped in the ring two on one for most of this match but Rey fights out and Bourne enters the ring, fighting both men off. Masters accidentally hits Ryder and Rey takes Masters out, before Bourne hits him with the Air Bourne for the pin. (B)


Ryder is up and he berates Masters but Ryder blocks a punch and Masters applies the Masterlock, cranking on the neck! The fans are cheering, as Masters is cranking on the neck of Ryder, before Masters hoists up Ryder, before bringing him down with a full nelson slam before leaving the ring. Ryder’s attitude got him.


A look at Sheamus and the Big Show, leading to this match tonight.


Sheamus pinned the Big Show after ramming him into the exposed buckles and hitting a loaded big boot in 8:22 These two big men fought tonight on RAW. Show battered Sheamus across the ring, but Sheamus fought out with a low blow and beat Show down but Show fights back, the referee getting bumped. This allows Sheamus to slip a foreign object into his boot and beat on Show, before removing the turnbuckle padding. Show goes for the knockout punch but Sheamus avoids it and shoves Show into the buckles, before Sheamus drills him with a loaded big boot for the pin. Sheamus stands over the laid out Big Show, taunting him (B-)


A Triple Threat Match for the United States Title involving Jamie Noble, Rene Dupree, and MVP is announced for Saturday Night’s Main Event.


We see Paul Burchill out, calling out Edge and Edge comes out, on crutches, after the beating that Burchill gave him at Fatal Four Way. Burchill says he just wants one final match to prove himself, that he belongs in the main event scene. Edge says that Burchill beat him severely and he is not cleared to wrestle for several weeks. Burchill says Edge won’t be cleared to wrestle ever, if he doesn’t give him the match. Burchill says once he beats Edge, he’ll back off. Edge says that win, lose, or draw, he’s done with Burchill after the match and Burchill nods, before Edge accepts the challenge and they waffles Burchill with the crutch, drawing cheers. Edge beats on Burchill and Burchill leaves the ring, looking a bit embarrassed.


Out comes Randy Orton for his Pick Your Poison Match and Kofi Kingston calls out Orton’s opponent…The World Heavyweight Champion Ted DiBiase! DiBiase makes his way down to the ring, handing Kofi a briefcase, before he walks down to the ring. DiBiase has a microphone and says that he’s going to prove that in Legacy, DiBiase should have been the leader as Orton was an inferior competitor. DiBiase walks to the ring, as the announcers hype up this huge champion versus champion match.


Ted DiBiase pinned Randy Orton with the Dream Street in 14:02 Back and forth action, with both men not wanting to give up anything. Orton seemed frustrated as DiBiase had all of his moves scouted and eventually the RKO is reversed into the Dream Street for the pin and DiBiase has just pinned his former leader of Legacy. DiBiase gets some momentum as he puts the World Heavyweight Title on the line against Batista on Saturday Night’s Main Event. (B+)





Lo-DreW: 3/5

Raijin Samurai: 3/5

BHK1978: 4/5

EdgeHeaD: 4/5


Overall July:

EdgeheadD: 11/13

BHK1978: 10/13

Lo-DreW: 6/13

TracyBrooksFan: 5/13

Raijin Samurai: 3/13

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<p>Best of Seven Series Match Four:</p><p>

<strong>Bryan Danielson</strong> vs. Shelton Benjamin. </p><p> </p><p>

Justin Gabriel vs. <strong>Charlie Haas.</strong> </p><p> </p><p>

Slam Master J vs. <strong>Kaval.</strong></p>

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<p><span style="color:#800080;"><strong>ECW On Sy Fy 7/6/10</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Drew McIntyre cuts a promo, talking about how the Best of Seven Series is going to determine hi sacrificial lab at Summerslam, whether it is Danielson and Benjamin. Tonight we’ll see Match Four in the series, with Danielson up 2-1 tonight. Danielson only needs to win two more times to win the series while Benjamin must beat his opponent three times. McIntyre calls out anyone from the back and Alex Rotundo comes out to accept the open challenge of the ECW Champion. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Drew McIntyre pinned Alex Rotundo with the Double Underhook DDT in 6:02</strong></span> This match was highlighted by the Dudebusters coming down to the ring and this threw Rotundo off, which allowed McIntyre to viciously slam him into the canvas, before hitting a bone rattling Double Underhook DDT for the pin. <strong>(C+)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

After the match, the Dudebusters, in an attempt to get notice, put a whipping up Alex Rotundo, until his brother Bo makes the save and they fight off the Dudebusters. The Rotundo Brothers and the Dudebusters will likely collide down the road in tag team action on ECW. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Kaval pinned Slam Master J with a double foot stomp off of the second rope in 4:33</strong></span> Slam Master J lost to Kaval several weeks back on ECW and a second try seemed to not go as well. Kaval with his mastery of martial arts, really battered Slam Master J, hitting a vicious spin kick and then the double foot stomp right to the face off of the second rope for the pin. <strong>(C-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

A look at the flamboyant Goldust, one of our more colorful superstars on ECW and who has resurrected his career as of late on ECW after a several year slump. He’s also had some problems with Vladimir Koslov in recent weeks. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Goldust pinned David Young with the Powerslam in 0:44</strong></span> This was a squash, as Goldust defeated his opponent rather handily. <strong>(D+)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Out comes Koslov afterwards and Goldust is caught off guard with a takedown and Koslov just elbows Goldust in the head time and time again, until he has been rendered unconscious. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Charlie Haas pinned Justin Gabriel with the German Suplex in 6:22</strong></span> Carlito is on commentary, ripping on Justin Gabriel, talking about how ever since Gabriel beat Carlito on that fluke, he’s never beaten anyone. Gabriel was caught with the German Suplex and pinned, thanks to Carlito offering a timely distraction. <strong>(C-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Carlito gets on the microphone and cuts a promo, talking about how not will Gabriel never beat him again, but Gabriel can’t last ten minutes with Carlito. When Carlito is trash talking, Gabriel dropkicks Carlito to the floor. Gabriel cuts a fired up promo, challenging Carlito to a match next week. If Gabriel can beat Carlito or last ten minutes with him, then Carlito will have to say that he respects Gabriel and raise his hand. If Gabriel loses to Carlito, then Gabriel will carry Carlito’s bags and be his personal lackey. Carlito accepts, talking about how he’ll only need five minutes to beat Gabriel. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Shelton Benjamin pinned Bryan Danielson with a 450 Splash in 12:06</strong></span> Match four of the series ended with Benjamin tying up the series, in an impressive back and forth contest. Several nearfalls throughout this match but a neck snap set up a 450 Splash from Benjamin hit perfectly and the series tying up. Match five next week, match six on Superstars in nine days, and if its needed, the final match on Saturday Night’s Main Event. <strong>(B)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

----------------------------------------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>

ECW On Sy Fy:</p><p>

TracyBrooksFan: 3/3</p><p>

BHK1978: 3/3</p><p>

Lo-Drew: 2/3</p><p> </p><p>

Overall July:</p><p>

BHK1978: 13/16</p><p>

EdgeheaD: 11/16</p><p>

Lo-DreW: 8/16</p><p>

TracyBrooksFan: 8/16</p><p>

Raijin Samurai: 3/16</p>

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WWE Superstars 7/8/10


Hype for tonight’s main event on Monday Night RAW will see Yoshi Tatsu and R-Truth squaring off against the Hart Dynasty.


Gail Kim pinned Katie Lea Burchill with the Eat Defeat in 7:22 An impressive back and forth women’s match, with both women scoring nearfalls throughout this match. Eventually, Gail Kim finishes off her adversary with the Eat Defeat. (C+)


A look at the latest match of the Best of Seven Series between Bryan Danielson and Shelton Benjamin, with Benjamin tying up the series 2-2 with his latest win.


Jimmy Wang Yang pinned Tyler Reks with the Moonsault in 4:42 Reks tried to make a name for himself, after being on a treadmill on ECW as of late, but Yang managed to fight him off for long enough to hit the Moonsault for the pin. (E-)


Recap of the recent events involving Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio against CM Punk and Chris Jericho leading up to their Best Two Out of Three Falls Match on Saturday Night’s Main Event. On Smackdown, CM Punk will face off against Rey Mysterio and also Chris Jericho has a chance to win even more gold, against the WWE Intercontinental Champion Christian.


Dolph Ziggler pinned Primo with the Zig Zag in 7:07 The hot and fiery Primo battled with Ziggler but Ziggler used a few cheap tactics to keep Primo off balance. A brief comeback but Ziggler handily finished him off with the Zig Zag. ©


A look at the events leading up to tonight’s main event with Yoshi Tatsu and R-Truth facing off against the Hart Dynasty. Tonight these two teams write another chapter in their recent rivalry.


The Hart Dynasty defeated Yoshi Tatsu and R-Truth when Smith pinned R-Truth with a roll up after Natalya got involved in 12:22 The Hart Dynasty spent the majority of this match keeping Tatsu isolated in the ring. Yoshi fought out from underneath and makes the hot tag to R-Truth, who runs wild. Lie Detector on Kidd but he was not the legal man. Natalya distracted Truth, enough for Smith to clobber Truth from behind and roll him up for the pin, with the Hart Dynasty avenging their three previous losses to Tatsu and Truth. (B)





EdgeHeaD: 3/4

BHK1978: 3/4

TracyBrooksFan: 2/4

Lo-Drew: 3/4


Overall July:

BHK1978: 16/20

EdgeheaD: 14/20

Lo-DreW: 11/20

TracyBrooksFan: 10/20

Raijin Samurai: 3/20

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WWE Smackdown 7/9/10


We cut to the backstage area, where Ted DiBiase is sitting dressed in a suit, with the World Heavyweight Championship draped over his lap and a briefcase full of money at the side. DiBiase talks about how Batista’s not worth his time and he shouldn’t have to be obligated to defend the title against someone that he already beat at Fatal Four Way. He offers a one million dollar bounty to anyone who could permanently put Batista on the shelf. DiBiase has just declared open season on Batista tonight on Smackdown. Its obvious that DiBiase is not confident that he can beat Batista on Saturday Night’s Main Event.


Rey Mysterio pinned CM Punk with a sunset flip out of the corner in 14:04 A preview match for the Unified Tag Team Title Match, where Bourne and Mysterio defend against CM Punk and Chris Jericho. Jericho is busy preparing for a WWE Intercontinental Title Shot later tonight against Christian so Punk and Mysterio have a fair, one on one match. Punk gained several nearfalls but Rey sunset flips Punk out of the corner for the pin. (B)


Matt Hardy pinned Lance Cade with the Twist of Fate in 6:44 The brutal roughneck Cade battered Hardy for most of this match but a flying elbow drop missed and Hardy hit the Twist of Fate out of nowhere for the pin. (B-)


William Regal comes out, cracking his knuckles and walking to the ring, before he cuts a promo, calling out Batista. Batista calmly walks out, as Regal challenges him to a fight. Its obvious that Regal is trying to collect that bounty that Ted DiBiase put on Batista. Batista walks down to the ring and gets jumped by Dolph Ziggler and the Miz on the ramp. Both men are trying to collect the bounty, but Batista fights them off, until Regal clobbers Batista from behind and beats on him, as we see John Morrison and the WWE Intercontinental Champion Christian run out to help fight the Miz and Ziggler to the back.


Batista pinned William Regal with the spear in 5:59 Regal managed to batter Batista for most of this match and used his roughneck tactics, and submission wrestling to try and injure Batista but Batista pulled the win with a spear, nearly breaking Regal in half. ©


Batista cuts a promo, talking about how he’s going to be the next World Heavyweight Champion but no sooner than the Fortunate Sons runs from the back, in an attempt to get the bounty. Brett DiBiase and Joe Hennig are trying to take out Batista and collect the money on behalf of their leader, but out come Christian and Morrison to help Batista fight off the Fortunate Sons. Batista yells that he doesn’t need their help and attacks Morrison with a violent lariat and beats on Christian in the corner, until he leaves to avoid any other bounty seekers. Batista doesn’t have any friends on Smackdown and the efforts of Morrison and Christian to twice save him were rewarded with hostility.


John Morrison pinned Jack Swagger with the Starship Pain in 10:44 The fans are booing as Swagger attacked Morrison, who was groggy from Batista’s lariat. Morrison and Swagger have a back and forth match, with Swagger determined to make a statement and prove himself as part of the top of the heap of Smackdown. Morrison hits the Pele and finishes off Swagger with the Starship Pain. Morrison would like nothing better than to regain the World Heavyweight Title after only holding it for a couple of months but he’s got to get in line with many other contenders. (B+)


Mike Knox defeated JTG with the Bicycle Kick in 5:55 Knox battled one half of Cryme Tyme tonight. After wins over the likes of Kane, the Undertaker, Rey Mysterio, and Evan Bourne recently on Smackdown, JTG proved to be no problem for Knox to take out. (C-)


The lights go out and the loud gong of the Undertaker echoes throughout the arena. A druid walks down to the ring and hands a black wreath to Knox. Knox rips it to pieces, before he beats the druid senseless and knocks him out with the Bicycle Kick. The voice of the Undertaker says that Knox should have completely buried the Undertaker when he had the chance.


CM Punk and Chris Jericho are backstage, with Vince McMahon, who is rocking back and forth, muttering about eight more days. Yes indeed, on Saturday Night’s Main Event, Vince McMahon will be released from his Straight Edge obligations from CM Punk and you can bet there will be hell to pay. Punk and Jericho discuss the bounty put on Batista and summarize that it would be a good idea, as Punk can use the capital to help spread his straight edge revolution. Punk picks up a baseball bat and says he’s going to look for Batista, while Jericho goes out and wins the WWE Intercontinental Title.


WWE Intercontinental Champion Christian pinned Chris Jericho with a small package to retain the title in 18:44 Lots of nearfalls, as both of these men know each other very well, having been both tag team partners and rivals in the past. Frog Splash from Christian misses and Jericho puts on the Walls but Christian gets to the ropes. Jericho beats on Christian some more and Code Breaker brings Christian down for a two and nine tenths count. Another Walls of Jericho is reversed into a small package for the pin. (B+)


We cut backstage, where CM Punk continues his search for Batista and finds him, eating a foot right to his face and Batista waffles Punk with his luggage. Punk goes down, clutching his head in pain and dazed, as Batista makes his way to the limo and gets out of the arena, as Punk walks over and opens the door, before his eyes widen in shock.


We pan back to see Mr. McMahon passed out on the floor, with several empty alcoholic beverage containers around him and one in his hand. The announcers speak in hushed voices that Mr. McMahon cracked and broke the stipulations based on their match back at Extreme Rules and we fade out, before we can fully investigate this.





EdgeHeaD: 2/4

Lo-Drew: 4/4

BHK1978: 2/4

TracyBrooksFan: 3/4


Overall July:

BHK1978: 18/24

EdgeheaD: 16/24

Lo-DreW: 15/24

TracyBrooksFan: 13/24

Raijin Samurai: 3/24

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WWE Monday Night RAW 7/12/10


Kofi Kingston and a Partner of his Choosing vs. Randy Orton and a partner of his choosing.


The Hurricane vs. Paul Burchill.


R-Truth vs. Sheamus.


Jamie Noble and the WWE United States Champion MVP vs. Rene Dupree and Ezekiel Jackson.


Melina, Beth Phoenix, and Gail Kim vs. Katie Lea Burchill, Jillian, and Natalya.

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Kofi Kingston and a Partner of his Choosing vs. Randy Orton and a partner of his choosing.


The Hurricane vs. Paul Burchill.


R-Truth vs. Sheamus.


Jamie Noble and the WWE United States Champion MVP vs. Rene Dupree and Ezekiel Jackson.


Melina, Beth Phoenix, and Gail Kim vs. Katie Lea Burchill, Jillian, and Natalya.

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Kofi Kingston and a Partner of his Choosing vs. Randy Orton and a partner of his choosing.


The Hurricane vs. Paul Burchill.


R-Truth vs. Sheamus.


Jamie Noble and the WWE United States Champion MVP vs. Rene Dupree and Ezekiel Jackson.


Melina, Beth Phoenix, and Gail Kim vs. Katie Lea Burchill, Jillian, and Natalya.

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