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<p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>WWE Monday Night RAW 7/19/10</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Unified Tag Team Titles:</p><p>

Ezekiel Jackson and Rene Dupree vs. Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio©</p><p> </p><p>

Beth Phoenix vs. Natalya. </p><p> </p><p>

Mark Henry vs. Paul Burchill. </p><p> </p><p>

The Hurricane and the Big Show vs. the Hart Dynasty. </p><p> </p><p>

United States Title Match:</p><p>

MVP vs. Jamie Noble©</p>

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<p>Unified Tag Team Titles:</p><p>

Ezekiel Jackson and Rene Dupree vs. <strong>Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio©</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Beth Phoenix</strong> vs. Natalya. </p><p> </p><p>

Mark Henry vs. <strong>Paul Burchill.</strong> </p><p> </p><p>

The Hurricane and the Big Show vs. <strong>the Hart Dynasty.</strong> </p><p> </p><p>

United States Title Match:</p><p>

MVP vs. <strong>Jamie Noble©</strong></p>

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<p>Unified Tag Team Titles:</p><p>

Ezekiel Jackson and Rene Dupree vs. <strong>Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio©</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Beth Phoenix</strong> vs. Natalya. </p><p> </p><p>

Mark Henry vs. <strong>Paul Burchill.</strong> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Hurricane and the Big Show</strong> vs. the Hart Dynasty. </p><p> </p><p>

United States Title Match:</p><p>

MVP vs. <strong>Jamie Noble©</strong></p>

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Unified Tag Team Titles:

Ezekiel Jackson and Rene Dupree vs. Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio©


Beth Phoenix vs. Natalya.


Mark Henry vs. Paul Burchill.


The Hurricane and the Big Show vs. the Hart Dynasty.


United States Title Match:

MVP vs. Jamie Noble©

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WWE Monday Night RAW 7//19/10


We see the WWE Champion Randy Orton make his way down to the ring to a round of boos. Orton talks about how Kofi Kingston will be on the shelf for the foreseeable future, because of that violent punt Orton gave him on Saturday Night’s Main Event. Orton talks about his opponent at Summerslam, Edge. He says that at Summerslam, he’ll prove without a shadow of a doubt of who carried Team Rated RKO all those years ago. Out comes Edge to interrupt. Edge talks about how he went through an utter war with Paul Burchill and lost on Saturday Night’s Main Event, but he says that he might have been looking past Burchill just a little bit, towards Randy Orton and the WWE Championship. Edge talks about how Orton has been saving his title through various means, like getting himself counted out or disqualified or having Cody Rhodes run interference to save him. However, that won’t matter, as at Summerslam, Edge will go one on one with Randy Orton inside the confines of a fifteen foot high steel cage! The fans pop big for that one and Edge says he went to the WWE officials backstage, they made the match, its on. Orton says that Edge must be a fool to allow himself to be locked in a Steel Cage with Randy Orton, with no escape. Orton promises to slowly demolish Edge inside the cage, leaving him a battered shell of his former self. Some more back and forth, as the WWE Championship Match is hyped for Summerslam. It’s Edge against Randy Orton for the WWE Championship in a Steel Cage Match.


Jamie Noble made MVP submit to the Guillotine Choke to retain the United States Title in 7:09 Noble and MVP have some back and forth technical action, but MVP missed a dive out, allowing Noble to hit a swinging neckbreaker, before locking on the Guillotine Choke, before cranking on the neck and forcing a tap out on MVP. (B-)


Noble raises his hand for the victory but Sheamus rushes down to the ring and nearly kicks Noble’s head off. Sheamus grabs the microphone and asks Noble if he remembers the months he spent in traction, because of Sheamus. Sheamus says that he wants championship gold and Noble is going to help him. Sheamus vows to become the United States Champion and tells Noble, “enjoy that belt while you can, fella.” Sheamus walks off, as Noble pulls himself to his feet, dazed, but he sees Sheamus, the man who nearly ended his career all those months back.


The Hart Dynasty defeated The Big Show and the Hurricane when David Hart Smith pinned the Hurricane with the Hart Attack in 8:08 An impressive back and forth tag team match, with the Hart Dynasty putting the Hurricane away, not allowing him to tag the Big Show throughout this match and finishing him off with the Hart Attack. Afterwards, the Big Show enters the ring, to chase off the Hart Dynasty, who scurry to avoid the wrath of Show. (B)


We see CM Punk backstage, talking about how he wants to have everything ready for the end of the show, where he takes his place a top of World Wrestling Entertainment as the owner and he’ll lead the WWE Universe to an entirely new era. Punk says Vince McMahon made the deal and now he’s going to watch as his company goes in the hands of Punk.


Paul Burchill talks about his victory against Edge and says that while he is going back off, he wants the winner of Edge and Orton at Summerslam for the next title match. Out comes Mark Henry and the match begins.


Paul Burchill pinned Mark Henry with a swinging neckbreaker off of the second rope in 8:04 Burchill manages to put Henry away to win this match, after Henry used his strength and power to maul Burchill but Burchill kicks Henry as he is standing on the second rope, before hitting a tornado neckbreaker of sorts to score the pin. (B)


Beth Phoenix pinned Natalya with the Glam Slam in 6:22 Beth Phoenix scored an impressive win over the third generation star in Natalya. Natalya really got some offense in but the Glamazon caught up with her, before hitting the Glam Slam for the pin. ©


Maryse is on the ramp, to taunt Beth Phoenix, and when Beth Phoenix tries to attack her, Mia Mancini attacks Beth Phoenix from behind, beating her. Maryse gives Beth a DDT right on the padded carpets and Mia Mancini slaps on the Kati-Hajime. The locker room empties, to pull Mancini off, as Maryse yells that the Glamazon will never be the champion.


The Unified Tag Team Champions Rey Mysterio and Evan Bourne defeated Rene Dupree and Ezekiel Jackson when Bourne pinned Dupree with the Air Bourne in 8:52 Bourne and Mysterio are fighting champions and Jackson and Dupree accept the open challenge that the Unified Tag Team Champions. Rey is beaten severely for the vast majority of this match but he somehow fights out of the corner and hot tag to Bourne, who runs wild. Zeke is taken out and Rey hits the 6-1-9 on Dupree, before Bourne connects with the Air Bourne for the pin. (B+)


We are back and we see a podium in the ring, as balloons and confetti fall from the sky, as CM Punk walks down to the ring, with a briefcase in hand, dressed in a nice suit, as he steps into the ring. Punk gets on the microphone, talking about how one of the darkest moments in WWE history happened ten days ago on Smackdown and we see Vince McMahon laid out backstage, surrounded by alcoholic beverages and a gobsmacked Punk looking at him. Punk says that while Vince McMahon was never a role model, Punk tried to change him for the better and McMahon doing this slapped him in the face. Still Punk declares a brave new era for the WWE Universe, where all of the wrestlers and the people in the crowd will be one hundred percent drug free. Punk says he will drug test the fans before they even buy a ticket and alcoholic beverages in the concession stands will be a think of the past. The fans boo and chant some very nasty things at Punk. Punk says he’s going to clean up this industry and he is going to make sure that no wrestler in this locker room ever becomes a statistic again. Punk also bans cigarettes and prescription pain killers, and any wrestler who is caught with these items will be subjected to immediate termination. Punk says the fans will thank him later and the fans begin to boo, but Punk says that it doesn’t matter, he’s in charge now and there isn’t a McMahon left who is willing to fight him. Punk makes a bold declaration that no one can stop him now.




The fans on their feet, as CM Punk steps back and we see Triple H walking out from the back. We have not seen Triple H since Wrestlemania 26 where Punk put him on the shelf and now Triple H removes his shirt, before he steps down the ramp and Chris Jericho jumps Triple H from behind! The fans are booing, as Triple H just got hit right in the back of the head by Jericho and now Jericho is beating on the back of the head of Triple H, drawing a loud amount of boos. Jericho slams Triple H into the ring steps and he throws him into the ring, where Punk drills Triple H with forearms right to the back of the head! Jericho and Punk are beating Triple H down in the center of the ring and Punk lifts up Triple H, giving him the GTS. Punk now steps over and signs the contract, making things official. Punk is now the man in charge and what will happen now.





EdgeHeaD: 5/5

BHK1978: 4/5

Lo-Drew: 4/5


Overall July:

BHK1978: 39/63

EdgeheaD: 39/63

Lo-DreW: 31/63

TracyBrooksFan: 13/63

jstarr187: 3/63

Raijin Samurai: 3/63

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<p><span style="color:#800080;"><strong>ECW On Sy Fy 7/20/10</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Bryan Danielson made Carlito submit to the Cattle Mutilation in 8:20</strong></span> The man who will challenge Drew McIntyre for the ECW Championship at Summerslam, Danielson, scored the win over Carlito. Carlito got a number of nearfalls but in the end, Danielson was the one who pulled out the win. </p><p> </p><p>

Drew McIntyre cuts an extended promo on Danielson, taunting him and talking about he can figure out a counter to anything that Danielson has, including that Cattle Mutilation and Summerslam will end with Drew McIntyre walking out as ECW Champion. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Shelton Benjamin pinned Trent Barretta with the Pay Dirt in 5:22</strong></span> Shelton, fresh off him narrowly losing the Best of Seven Series, scores the win over Barretta on ECW tonight, putting him away with the Pay Dirt. <strong>(C-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Afterwards ,Caylen Croft enters the ring and the Dudebusters pound on Shelton Benjamin two on one. Shelton, without any back up, succumbs to a brutal beating, as the Dudebusters stand tall over Shelton Benjamin. </p><p> </p><p>

A look at Justin Gabriel, showing his highlights from his career on ECW. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Kaval pinned Goldust with a double foot stomp off of the second rope in 8:22</strong></span> The brutal kicks and strikes of Kaval proved to be an issue for Goldust, including a violent leg lariat, before Kaval sets Goldust up and hits a vicious double foot stomp, nearly collapsing his chest for the pin. <strong>(C+)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Drew McIntyre pinned Charlie Haas with the Double Underhook DDT in 9:51</strong></span> Main event time on ECW and McIntyre battered Haas for most of this match but Haas fought out from underneath. McIntyre kicked Haas and hit the Double Underhook DDT for the pin. <strong>(B)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Hype for Drew McIntyre against Bryan Danielson for the ECW Championship at Summerslam as we close out. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

-----------------------------------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>


EdgeHeaD: 4/4</p><p>

Lo-DreW: 4/4</p><p>

BHK1978: 4/4</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Overall July:</p><p>

BHK1978: 43/67</p><p>

EdgeheaD: 43/67</p><p>

Lo-DreW: 34/67</p><p>

TracyBrooksFan: 13/67</p><p>

jstarr187: 3/67</p><p>

Raijin Samurai: 3/67</p>

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<p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Dolph Ziggler pinned Booker T with a backslide with his feet for leverage in 12:02</strong></span> The fans are cheering, as Booker and Ziggler beat each other, hammering on each other. Ziggler works on Booker for this match but Booker makes a comeback. Ziggler ducks the Side Kick and backslides Booker T for the pin, with his feet on the ropes for added leverage. <strong>(B)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Vladimir Koslov k’oed Alex Rotundo with a series of elbows to the head in 4:22</strong></span> Rotundo beat on Koslov but the Russian took him down, before taking him down with a waistlock and then elbowing him, until the referee stopped the match. Bo Rotundo ran out to dropkick Koslov back and check on his brother, but then Koslov pummeled Bo and took him out with another series of violent elbow strikes to the head. <strong>(D)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

A look at the end of RAW, with Triple H’s triumphant return being ruined by a two on one attack by CM Punk and Chris Jericho. CM Punk is now the leader of the WWE Universe, after Vince McMahon broke his contract with his deal with CM Punk.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Randy Orton and Cody Rhodes defeated R-Truth and Yoshi Tatsu in 14:52</strong></span> Orton and Rhodes batter R-Truth for most of this match, keeping him isolated in the corner but hot tag to Yoshi Tatsu who runs wild, taking both Orton and Rhodes out. R-Truth takes Rhodes to the floor and Tatsu goes for a springboard cross body block but Orton ducks the move. Tatsu’s wind has been knocked out of him and Orton plants him with the RKO for the pin. <strong>(B+)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Hype for Randy Orton’s WWE Championship defense at Edge in a Steel Cage Match at Summerslam as we fade out. See you on Smackdown. </p><p> </p><p>

-----------------------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>


BHK1978: 2/3</p><p>

EdgeHeaD: 2/3</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Overall July:</p><p>

BHK1978: 45/70</p><p>

EdgeheaD: 45/70</p><p>

Lo-DreW: 34/70</p><p>

TracyBrooksFan: 13/70</p><p>

jstarr187: 3/70</p><p>

Raijin Samurai: 3/70</p>

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<p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>WWE Smackdown 7/24/10</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

John Cena vs. the Miz. </p><p> </p><p>

Number One Contenders Match for the Unified Tag Team Titles:</p><p>

Chrisitan and John Morrison vs. the Fortunate Sons. </p><p> </p><p>

Unified Tag Team Champions Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio vs. William Regal and Lance Cade(Non Title Match)</p><p> </p><p>

Kelly Kelly vs. Undisputed Women's Champion Mia Mancini(Non Title Match)</p><p> </p><p>

Primo vs. Mike Knox</p><p> </p><p>

JTG vs. Jack Swagger</p>

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<p><strong>John Cena</strong> vs. the Miz. </p><p> </p><p>

Number One Contenders Match for the Unified Tag Team Titles:</p><p>

Chrisitan and John Morrison vs. <strong>the Fortunate Sons</strong>. </p><p> </p><p>

Unified Tag Team Champions <strong>Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio</strong> vs. William Regal and Lance Cade(Non Title Match)</p><p> </p><p>

Kelly Kelly vs. Undisputed Women's Champion <strong>Mia Mancini</strong>(Non Title Match)</p><p> </p><p>

Primo vs. <strong>Mike Knox</strong></p><p> </p><p>

JTG vs. <strong>Jack Swagger</strong></p>

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John Cena vs. the Miz.


Number One Contenders Match for the Unified Tag Team Titles:

Chrisitan and John Morrison vs. the Fortunate Sons.


Unified Tag Team Champions Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio vs. William Regal and Lance Cade(Non Title Match)


Kelly Kelly vs. Undisputed Women's Champion Mia Mancini(Non Title Match)


Primo vs. Mike Knox


JTG vs. Jack Swagger


I agree with this.

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WWE Smackdown 7/23/10


The Fortunate Sons defeated Christian and John Morrison to become the number one contenders for the Unified Tag Team Titles in 12:02 We see the Fortunate Sons and Morrison and Christian battle in a return match to see who will challenge Mysterio and Bourne for the Unified Tag Team Titles on Summerslam and it turned out to be the Fortunate Sons, with Ted DiBiase running interference, taking out John Morrison with the Dream Street, allowing Joe Hennig to score the pin. (B)


Ted DiBiase cuts a promo, vowing the Fortunate Sons will walk out of Summerslam with the Unified Tag Team Champions and then switches to John Cena. DiBiase talks about how Cena won’t beat him and he shows clips from several times he has encountered Cena when they were together on RAW, all of them showing DiBiase on the offense and Cena being battered. DiBiase states the only reason that Cena was spared was that Randy Orton was holding Ted DiBiase back but no Orton, means that DiBiase can prove why he was the glue that held Legacy together and he will give Cena the beating of his life at Summerslam. Big words from DiBiase as he is going to put that belt on the line at Summerslam against John Cena. DiBiase also says that Batista has one week to return the championship belt that he stole from him on Saturday Night’s Main Event or he’ll suffer the consequences.


Jack Swagger cuts a promo, showing that he beat Christian last week in tag team action and says that Christian should put the WWE Intercontinental Championship on the line against Swagger. Swagger suggests Summerslam as the venue, as Swagger will beat Christian at the hottest event of the summer, where the entire world is watching. Out comes JTG for his match with Swagger.


Jack Swagger pinned JTG with the Gutwrench Power Bomb in 4:02 Handy win by Swagger, as he cements his case for a WWE Intercontinental Title shot with this decision win over JTG. ©


Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio defeated Lance Cade and William Regal when Bourne pinned Cade with the Air Bourne in 8:55 The Fortunate Sons watched the Unified Tag Team Champions compete in this non title match against Cade and Regal, who appear to be right in the tag team title hunt but fell short tonight. They beat on Rey for some time but Rey made the hot tag and then Bourne put Cade away with the Air Bourne. (B+)


Mia Mancini made Kelly Kelly submit to the Kati-Hajime in 2:33 This was a dominating performance from the Undisputed Women’s Champion, with an Ocean Cyclone Suplex setting up a Kati-Hajime for a submission victory. (D-)


Maryse joins the attack but Mickie James makes the save, beating Mancini off and checking on Kelly. Maryse cuts a promo, challenging Mickie James and Kelly to face her and Mancini next week and Mickie accepts, promising to pin the Undisputed Women’s Champion and get another title shot down the road, perhaps at Summerslam.


Chris Jericho and CM Punk make their way out. Punk talks about how his night was nearly ruined by Triple H but he supposed someone would crash the party, so he had his good friend Chris Jericho stand by and sure enough Triple H walked right into the trap. Punk talks about how the entire locker room is full of people who envy him because he has been able to live a fulfilling life without alcohol, cigarettes, or prescription painkillers. He talks about how he could go for the World Heavyweight or WWE Championship but he’s not going to do that, because he’s the man in charge now and his goal is to stamp out the cancers that are infecting WWE, starting with Triple H. Punk talks about how Triple H fancies himself to be a puppet master, playing with the careers of other men but the puppet master will get hung on his strings. A coin toss decides whether it’s going to be Punk or Jericho to take on Triple H this Monday in Triple H’s first match since his Streetfight with Punk at Wrestlemania 26 and Jericho wins the coin toss, much to his glee, talking about how Triple H tried to damage his career many times, but Jericho will have the last laugh. Punk begs Jericho to leave a small piece of Triple H left, so Punk can finish the job and Jericho agrees, before both men to return to the back.


Mike Knox pinned Primo with the Pump Kick in 3:22 Knox pummeled Primo during this match and finished him off with a pump kick. (C-)


The lights go out and the voice of the Undertaker says Summerslam will be the day of reckoning to Mike Knox. Once again, the druids wheel a casket out, with Mike Knox’s name and Knox leaves the ring, before grabbing a steel chair and standing right above the casket, as it opens, but there is no one inside the casket. The Undertaker says that the casket might be empty right now but it will contain Knox come Summerslam. Taker challenges Knox to a Casket Match at Summerslam and Knox accepts the challenge.


The Miz cuts a promo, promising to beat John Cena tonight in his first singles match on Smackdown. Out comes Cena and the match is on.


John Cena pins the Miz with the Attitude Adjustment in 9:22 The Miz managed to hold his own against Cena, who other than a short match with Dolph Ziggler at Fatal Four Way, has not competed in action since April. The Miz managed to roll up Cena, using the ropes for leverage but the referee catches him at two and the Miz argues with the referee, before he walks into the Attitude Adjustment and gets pinned. (B)


Cena cuts a promo, promising that the champ will be here once more at Summersla. Cena leaves the ring, playing to the crowd and Batista attacks Cena from behind! Batista beats on Cena and waffles him with the World Heavyweight Title Belt that Batista stole from Ted DiBiase after DiBiase got himself blatantly disqualified. Batista slides into the ring and cuts a promo, saying that he’s the champion, despite what the record books say and he dares anyone to try and prove him any differently. Out comes DiBiase, to yell at Batista and the Smackdown General Manager Bret Hart makes a match next week between Ted DiBiase and Batista, where if DiBiase gets himself disqualified or counted out, then he loses the title. We fade out on this note, with that match made for next week.





BHK1978: 6/6

EdgeheadD: 6/6


Overall July:

BHK1978: 51/76

EdgeheaD: 51/76

Lo-DreW: 34/76

TracyBrooksFan: 13/76

jstarr187: 3/76

Raijin Samurai: 3/76

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<p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>WWE Monday Night RAW 7/26/10</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Triple H vs. Chris Jericho. </p><p> </p><p>

Mark Henry vs. WWE Champion Randy Orton(Non Title Match)</p><p> </p><p>

Edge vs. Zack Ryder. </p><p> </p><p>

MVP vs. Paul Burchill. </p><p> </p><p>

Gail Kim and Melina vs. Natalya and Katie Lea Burchill. </p><p> </p><p>

WWE United States Title:</p><p>

Tyson Kidd vs. Jamie Noble©</p>

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<p>Triple H vs. <strong>Chris Jericho</strong>. </p><p> </p><p>

Just because I hate HHH.</p><p> </p><p>

Mark Henry vs. <strong>WWE Champion Randy Orton</strong>(Non Title Match)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Edge</strong> vs. Zack Ryder. </p><p> </p><p>

MVP vs. <strong>Paul Burchill.</strong> </p><p> </p><p>

Gail Kim and Melina vs. <strong>Natalya and Katie Lea Burchill</strong>. </p><p> </p><p>

WWE United States Title:</p><p>

Tyson Kidd vs. <strong>Jamie Noble</strong>©</p>

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<p>Triple H vs. <strong>Chris Jericho</strong>. </p><p> </p><p>

Mark Henry vs. <strong>WWE Champion Randy Orton</strong>(Non Title Match)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Edge</strong> vs. Zack Ryder. </p><p> </p><p>

MVP vs. <strong>Paul Burchill</strong>. </p><p> </p><p>

Gail Kim and Melina vs. <strong>Natalya and Katie Lea Burchill. </strong></p><p> </p><p>

WWE United States Title:</p><p>

<strong>Tyson Kidd </strong> vs. Jamie Noble©</p>

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<p><strong>Triple H</strong> vs. Chris Jericho. </p><p> </p><p>

Mark Henry vs. <strong>WWE Champion Randy Orton(Non Title Match)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Edge</strong> vs. Zack Ryder. </p><p> </p><p>

MVP vs. <strong>Paul Burchill. </strong></p><p> </p><p>

Gail Kim and Melina vs. <strong>Natalya and Katie Lea Burchill. </strong></p><p> </p><p>

WWE United States Title:</p><p>

Tyson Kidd vs. <strong>Jamie Noble©</strong></p>

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WWE Monday Night RAW 7/26/10


Edge pinned Zack Ryder in 6:32 with the Spear We open up things wide open with the man who will challenging for the WWE Championship at Summerslam. Ryder once worked with Edge but now he’s moved up and actually got some offense on Edge, who is looking forward to Randy Orton at Summerslam. Edge hits the Spear for the pin. (B+)


Randy Orton comes out, applauding Edge of the victory, talking about how taxing it must be to beat a guy who only has one pant leg. Orton talks about how Edge will be locked inside the steel cage with Orton. Orton has had the WWE Championship since January, holding the gold longer than anyone else had in three years and he’s going to keep the belt. Edge interrupts, saying that there is no way that he will be denied. He will walk out with the WWE Championship at Summerslam, when he gets his revenge on Orton inside the steel cage. Orton taunts Edge, stating that Edge can’t beat him, no one on RAW can. Orton leaves, as hype for the WWE Championship Match at Summerslam is hyped inside the confines of a fifteen foot high steel cage.


United States Champion Jamie Noble made Tyson Kidd submit to a dragon sleeper to retain the title in 6:55 The underdog United States Champion gets another huge win, in a high flying, back and forth match. Kidd went for a springboard cross body block but Noble dropkicked him in the stomach and applied a dragon sleeper for the submission.(B-)


Noble gets the win and calls out Sheamus. Out comes Sheamus and Noble says since Sheamus wants a piece of him, Noble accepts his challenge for the United States Title Match at Summerslam. Noble says back at Over the Limit, Sheamus got himself disqualified and Noble couldn’t get his revenge, so how about they settle things in a good old fashioned Bunkhouse Match? Come as you are, bring what you want, no countouts, no disqualifications, there must be a winner by pinfall or submission. Sheamus accepts, promising to put Noble in traction but Noble says he’s going to hurt Sheamus, after Sheamus cost Noble six months of his career. A bit more back and forth, as the Bunkhouse Match for the United States Title is set up for Summerslam.


Paul Burchill pinned MVP with the Curb Stomp in 7:02 MVP has been on a bit of a slump as of late, not winning as many matches as he had and tonight, that losing streak continues, against Burchill, who has been on quite the roll as of late, taking MVP off the top rope and then giving him a violent Curb Stomp for the pin. (B)


Triple H cuts a promo, talking about how for four months, he sat on the shelf, as he watched CM Punk run roughshot over WWE. Triple H talks about how Punk might think he has power but the true power is Triple H. Triple H will step into the ring against Chris Jericho tonight and prove why he’s the cerebral assassin. He says that Jericho and Punk might have gotten the drop on him last week but this time, Triple H will get the last laugh.


Melina and Gail Kim defeated Katie Lea Burchill and Natalya when Kim pinned Natalya with the Eat Defeat in 7:32 An impressive back and forth encounter, with Melina getting caught in the corner and double teamed, until the hot tag was made by Gail Kim. Kim rushes in, cleaning house, with Melina returning to take Burchill to the outside and then Gail Kim hits the Eat Defeat on Natalya for the pin. ©


WWE Champion Randy Orton pinned Mark Henry with the RKO in a non title match in 8:32 Mark Henry used his power to bully the WWE Champion and got some close two counts. Orton goes low and connects with the RKO, pinning Henry. (B)


Afterwards, Orton talks about how Henry got his one moment in the sun but he should have just laid back and let Orton finish him off quickly. Orton punts Henry right in the side of the head! Kofi Kingston is still out from that vicious violent punt that Randy Orton gave him on Saturday Night’s Main Event and Henry might be the same. Orton says that in the cage, he will give Edge a severe beating and the kick to the head will be the move that finishes off Edge for good.


Triple H defeated Chris Jericho via disqualification when CM Punk interfered in 12:33 Triple H’s first match since Wrestlemania 26 and he took the fight to Jericho, with several nearfalls, but Jericho fights back. Code Breaker nearly finishes off Triple H but Triple H counters the Walls by kicking Jericho in the corner and hitting a spine buster. Pedigree is set up but Punk comes off the top rope with a missile dropkick, taking Triple H out. (B)


Triple H is double teamed by Punk and Jericho but Triple H slides underneath the bottom rope and grabs the sledgehammer. Triple H enters the ring fully armed and Punk and Jericho wisely leave. Triple H says that he wants both men in the ring at Summerslam, in tag team action. Punk nods his acceptance and Triple H says everyone should figure out who his partner is going to be and if you’re not down with that, we have two words for ya! The fans cheer, as Cole and Lawler scream about this huge tag team match set up for Summerslam.





BHK1978: 4/6

ChrisKid: 3/6

EdgeHeaD: 5/6


Overall July:

EdgeheaD: 56/82

BHK1978: 55/82

Lo-DreW: 34/82

TracyBrooksFan: 13/82

ChrisKid: 3/82

jstarr187: 3/82

Raijin Samurai: 3/82

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