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ECW On Sy Fy 7/27/10


Shelton Benjamin pinned Caylen Croft with the T-Bone Suplex in 7:22 Benjamin and Croft beat each other down for this match, but Croft leaps into the grasp of Shelton Benjamin, before getting hit with the T-Bone Suplex for the pin. (B-)


Afterwards, Trent Baretta enters the ring, beating down Benjamin. The Dudebusters lay out Shelton in the ring, before hitting him with a double suplex, taking him out, for the second week in a row.


Vladimir Koslov k’oed Bo Rotundo in 3:22 Koslov beats on Rotundo, squashing him in a short amount of time, drilling him with a series of elbows to the head, after a waistlock takedown. (D+)


Goldust cuts a promo, challenging Koslov to a match next week and says that Koslov will never forget the name of Goldust.


Goldust pinned Tyler Reks with the Powerslam in 9:22 Reks and Goldust have a back and forth encounter, with Reks going low and beating on Goldust. Goldust fights out from underneath but Reks leaps off the second rope. Goldust catches him and powerslam brings him down for the pin. ©


A look at Bryan Danielson’s rise throughout ECW since his debut in November 2009, including his recent win in the Best of Seven Series, with Danielson taking on Drew McIntyre for the ECW Championship at Summerslam.


Kaval pinned Bryan Danielson with a reverse cradle after Drew McIntyre interfered in 15:02 McIntyre was on commentary, for this back and forth match, with lots of submission hold, suplexes, and stomps. Danielson stages a comeback after a brutal beating but McIntyre is on the apron. McIntyre snaps the throat of Danielson over the top rope and Kaval counters with a reverse cradle to score the biggest win in his career. (B)





BHK1978: 1/2

EdgeHeaD: 1/2

ChrisKid: 1/2


Overall July:

EdgeheaD: 57/84

BHK1978: 56/84

Lo-DreW: 34/84

TracyBrooksFan: 13/84

ChrisKid: 4/84

jstarr187: 3/84

Raijin Samurai: 3/84

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WWE Superstars 7/29/10


Tonight on WGN America, we’re going to see a huge main event from Smackdown, featuring the former World Heavyweight Champion John Morrison squaring off against the crafty, cunning William Regal. Right now, let’s get to the ring for the Superstars on RAW.


Cody Rhodes pinned the Hurricane with the Cross Rhodes in 8:04 An impressive back and forth match to kick things off on Superstars, with the Hurricane trying to get the win over Rhodes, who has really been stuck in the shadow of Randy Orton for quite some time. The Hurricane missed a springboard clothesline and Rhodes puts the Hurricane away with the Cross Rhodes. (B-)


Yoshi Tatsu pinned David Hart Smith with a sunset flip in 7:22 More action on RAW, featuring the latest chapter in the series of matches between the Hart Dynasty and Yoshi Tatsu and R-Truth, but this time, they are fighting in singles action. Tatsu and Smith have a back and forth match, with Smith using his power but Tatsu made a comeback, hitting a sunset flip out of nowhere for the pin.(B-)


A look at nine days ago on ECW, where Justin Gabriel lasted ten minutes against Carlito and Carlito attacked him, spitting the apple in his face.


Justin Gabriel pinned Carlito with a 450 Splash in 3:56 The fans are cheering Gabriel as he is fired up against Carlito, who has really hit the skids ever since a hot start in WWE years back, beating John Cena in his first match and unfortunately, Carlito has never really lived up to his potential. Carlito missed a kneedrop and Gabriel hit the 450 Splash for the pin. Gabriel rolls to the floor, as Carlito gets on the microphone, yelling that he’s sick of this, he’s sick of being stuck on a third rate brand, and sick of being forced to be in the ring with some scrub rookie off the street every week for the past six months. Carlito demands respect and says that he should be challenging for the ECW Championship at Summerslam, because he’s the only star the brand has. The fans boo and Carlito just throws his hands into the air, storming off angrily. (C-)


Recap of RAW last Monday, with Triple H managing to avoid a beating at the hands of CM Punk and Chris Jericho, with his trusty sledgehammer and making the challenge to a tag team match at Summerslam. Its going to be the return of DeGeneration X, in the first match for Shawn Michaels in nearly four months ever since getting put on the shelf by Paul Burchill, against Chris Jericho and CM Punk. This Monday, Shawn Michaels will be at RAW for the first time.


We look backstage, where Paul Burchill is standing by and he is walking out to the ring. He demands a microphone, talking about how Shawn Michaels is making his big return and the last time he was around, Burchill gave him a sound thrashing. Burchill restates that he plans to challenge for the WWE Championship after Summerslam and demands a match with Shawn Michaels this Monday. Burchill says that he’s going to put HBK back on the disabled list and if Triple H gets in his way, he might be joining him. In fact, Punk and Jericho both better not test their luck, because Burchill is likely to take them out. Burchill has been on quite the dominant streak as of late, beating the man who will challenge for the WWE Championship in Edge back on Saturday Night’s Main Event.


John Morrison pinned William Regal in 9:22 Hype for the World Heavyweight Title Match on Smackdown with Ted DiBiase defending against Batista, and Morrison did hold that belt for a few months earlier this year, and he’s looking to get right back into the title hunt. Both Regal and Morrison are looking to be a part of Summerslam but the card does have limited spots, so you really have to step your game. Morrison and Regal have an intense match, with Regal beating on Morrison with offense, including a violent half nelson suplex but Morrison came back, hitting a corkscrew neckbreaker off the ropes before connecting with the Starship Pain for the pin. Morrison celebrates as we close out for Smackdown hype. (B+)





EdgeHeaD: 3/4

BHK1978: 2/4



Overall July:

EdgeheaD: 60/88

BHK1978: 58/88

Lo-DreW: 34/88

TracyBrooksFan: 13/88

ChrisKid: 4/88

jstarr187: 3/88

Raijin Samurai: 3/89

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WWE Smackdown 7/31/10


World Heavyweight Title Match(Title Can Changes Hands a Countout or a Disqualification):

Batista vs. Ted DiBiase©


Unified Tag Team Champion Rey Mysterio vs. Mike Knox.


Booker T and the WWE Intercontinental Champion Christian vs. Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger.


Mickie James and Kelly Kelly vs. the WWE Undisputed Women's Champion Mia Mancini and Maryse.

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World Heavyweight Title Match(Title Can Changes Hands a Countout or a Disqualification):

Batista vs. Ted DiBiase©


Unified Tag Team Champion Rey Mysterio vs. Mike Knox.


Booker T and the WWE Intercontinental Champion Christian vs. Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger.


Mickie James and Kelly Kelly vs. the WWE Undisputed Women's Champion Mia Mancini and Maryse.

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World Heavyweight Title Match(Title Can Changes Hands a Countout or a Disqualification):

Batista vs. Ted DiBiase©


Unified Tag Team Champion Rey Mysterio vs. Mike Knox.


Booker T and the WWE Intercontinental Champion Christian vs. Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger.


Mickie James and Kelly Kelly vs. the WWE Undisputed Women's Champion Mia Mancini and Maryse.

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WWE Smackdown 7/31/10


World Heavyweight Title Match(Title Can Changes Hands a Countout or a Disqualification):

Batista vs. Ted DiBiase©


Unified Tag Team Champion Rey Mysterio vs. Mike Knox.


Booker T and the WWE Intercontinental Champion Christian vs. Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger.


Mickie James and Kelly Kelly vs. the WWE Undisputed Women's Champion Mia Mancini and Maryse

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WWE Smackdown 7/30/10


Ted DiBiase makes his way out at the start of the show, to boos. DiBiase talks about on Saturday Night’s Main Event, Batista had his one return match and now he is being forced back into the ring against Batista, where the title can change hands on a countout or a disqualification. DiBiase talks about a conspiracy theory against him, talking about how easy it would be for Batista to slip the referee some extra cash and have DiBiase disqualified on trumped up charges, thus awarding Batista the title. DiBiase wants to start early. Out comes Batista to accept and the World Heavyweight Championship will be on the line to kick things off on Smackdown.


World Heavyweight Champion Ted DiBiase defeated Batista via countout in 10:21 after John Cena accidentally clotheslined Batista, when he was brawing with the Fortunate Sons at Ringside. DiBiase stalled for a few minutes, until Batista beat him in the corner. Side slam brings him down and Batista beats on him, hitting a spear for a nearfall. Batista goes for the Batista Bomb but DiBiase shoves Batista into the referee, squashing him in the corner. DiBiase chops away at Batista but Batista shrugs off the attacks and lariats DiBiase down, as Joe Hennig and Brett DiBiase are out. Batista pitches Brett to the outside and Batista hits a spear to Hennig, sending both men to the floor. Batista beats on Hennig but Brett DiBiase is sneaking around but John Cena is out and he spins around, beating on Brett and backing off, but Brett ducks and Batista gets wiped out by a clothesline. A second referee rushes to the ring and enters the ring, barely paying any mind to the carnage and makes ten count, that looked a bit quick, before awarding DiBiase the win. (B)


Afterwards, Batista is up and pissed, before he attacks Cena. Cena and Batista brawl around the ringside area, as DiBiase leaves the ring, with Joe Hennig and Brett DiBiase leaving. Out comes the Smackdown General Manager Bret Hart, who talks about how DiBiase might think he’s smart having cheated the system again and he will still have his World Heavyweight Championship Match against John Cena at Summerslam but he’ll also be defending against Batista, in a Triple Threat Match. Hart also says that Cena and Batista will have to coexist tonight, as they fight all three of the Fortunate Sons in a three on two handicap match. Cena and Batista don’t look too pleased, but Bret yells that he was put in charge of Smackdown all those months ago to bring some order to this brand and that’s what he’s going to do.


Kelly Kelly and Mickie James defeated Mia Mancini and Maryse when Mickie James pinned Mancini with a sunset flip out of the corner in 6:32 Kelly was beaten for most of this match, until she makes a hot tag, with Mickie James running wild in the ring. Maryse and Kelly brawl to the floor, with Mancini beating on Mickie, before charging but Mickie sunset flips the Undisputed Women’s Champion for the pin. This is Mancini’s first pinfall loss in WWE. ©


Mike Knox makes way down to the ring, cutting a promo, talking about how the Undertaker’s mind games do not phase him. Knox knows more about the body and the mind and ways to torment both, so he’s going to punish the Undertaker. He’s going to cause severe trauma to the Undertaker’s frontal lobe at Summerslam, causing him to lose control of his bodily functions and the air will be pumped from his lungs, as the casket closes in on him. Knox calls out Rey Mysterio, as both men are 1-1 in recent weeks against each other and it is the rubber match.


Rey Mysterio pinned Mike Knox with a frog splash in 14:22 An extended match, with Knox hammering on Rey but Rey using his speed to dazzle Knox. A springboard is countered into a Bicycle Kick but Rey manages to barely get underneath the ropes. Knox beats on Rey and pumphandle slam brings him down. Knox goes to the top rope and Knox misses a flying elbow drop. Rey dropkicks Knox right to the back of the head and 6-1-9. Knox is still on his feet and Rey hits a Springboard Sitout Senton to a standing Knox, before heading to the top rope and frog splash connects to Knox for the pin. (B)


Rey leaves the ring, as Knox is on his feet, as theme of the Undertaker echoes throughout the arena. Knox leaves the ring and sees the Casket on the ramp. Knox reaches underneath the ring and grabs a toolbox, before he has a large wrench and begins hammering on the Casket, but Kane pops out from underneath the ramp! The fans cheer, as Kane has not been seen since Knox put him on the shelf. Kane chokes Knox and Choke Slams him right on the casket! The fans are going nuts, as Kane sets the pryo, as The Undertaker talks about how the gates to Knox’s own personal hell is through Kane.


Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler defeated Booker T and the WWE Intercontinental Champion Christian when Swagger pinned Christian after hitting him with the WWE Intercontinental Title Belt in 13:05 An impressive back and forth tag team match, with Booker T getting isolated and double teamed by Ziggler and Swagger in the ring. Booker T makes the tag and Christian runs wild. Ziggler is knocked to the floor but Swagger grabs the WWE Intercontinental Title Belt, before walloping him with the belt for the pin. (B)


We see CM Punk and Chris Jericho in the office of Bret Hart. Punk and Jericho talk about how Shawn Michaels is going to return this Monday and DeGeneration X is the one force that can threaten Punk’s Straight Edge revolution. Punk says that Bret Hart has been doing a good job but he can do better. Punk says that the Hitman has had his problems with both members of DX in the past and perhaps they could form an alliance. Punk says he doesn’t want Bret’s answer now, he wants him to think it over and with that, Punk and Jericho leave.


The Fortunate Sons defeated John Cena and Batista when Ted DiBiase pinned Cena when Batista speared Cena and left him in 12:55 For the entire match, Cena was beaten down three on one, with Batista sitting in the corner, looking rather bored and not offering Cena any help. Cena finally makes the hot tag and Batista runs wild, before he turns around and spears Cena, drawing boos from the crowd and tags Cena back in, before he leaves to the back. DiBiase covers Cena for the pin. (B)


We see the Fortunate Sons continue to pick apart Cena but the Unified Tag Team Champs Rey Mysterio and Evan Bourne make the save. We see Bret Hart come out one final time and make a six man tag team match for next week, with the Fortunate Sons squaring off against Rey Mysterio, Evan Bourne, and John Cena.





EdgeheaD: 4/4

BHK1978: 4/4

ChrisKid: 3/4


Overall July:

EdgeheaD: 64/92

BHK1978: 62/92

Lo-DreW: 34/92

TracyBrooksFan: 13/92

ChrisKid: 4/92

jstarr187: 3/92

Raijin Samurai: 3/92


Edgehead won the prediction contest this month and will get some prize that is yet to be determined. So I'll get that PM out, hopefully before Monday, but don't be surprised if it takes me about a week or so to get it out, because I've been really lazy about getting things done in a timely manner as of late.

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Running a bit late on this, have had Internet issues all weekend, but everything is fixed, hopefully.


WWE Monday Night RAW 8/2/10[/b]


Shawn Michaels vs. Paul Burchill.


WWE United States Champion Jamie Noble vs. WWE Champion Randy Orton(Non Title Match)


MVP vs. Sheamus.


Beth Phoenix and Eve Torres vs. Maryse and the WWE Undisputed Women's Champion Mia Mancini.


The Big Show and the Hurricane vs. Ezekiel JAckson and Rene Dupree.

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Shawn Michaels vs. Paul Burchill.


WWE United States Champion Jamie Noble vs. WWE Champion Randy Orton(Non Title Match)


MVP vs. Sheamus.


Beth Phoenix and Eve Torres vs. Maryse and the WWE Undisputed Women's Champion Mia Mancini.


The Big Show and the Hurricane vs. Ezekiel JAckson and Rene Dupree.

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Shawn Michaels vs. Paul Burchill.


WWE United States Champion Jamie Noble vs. WWE Champion Randy Orton(Non Title Match)


MVP vs. Sheamus.


Beth Phoenix and Eve Torres vs. Maryse and the WWE Undisputed Women's Champion Mia Mancini.


The Big Show and the Hurricane vs. Ezekiel JAckson and Rene Dupree.


I agree..

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Shawn Michaels vs. Paul Burchill.


WWE United States Champion Jamie Noble vs. WWE Champion Randy Orton(Non Title Match)


MVP vs. Sheamus.


Beth Phoenix and Eve Torres vs. Maryse and the WWE Undisputed Women's Champion Mia Mancini.


The Big Show and the Hurricane vs. Ezekiel JAckson and Rene Dupree.

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WWE Monday Night RAW 8/2/10


We kick things off with DeGeneration X starting off the program. Shawn Michaels and Triple H are back together, with HBK talking about how he thought this time he was done but he got a call from Triple H and HBK has his friend’s back no matter what and he does have a few more good matches left in the tank before the sunsets on his career. Triple H talks about how Punk and Jericho are great when the odds are uneven but now that the odds are even, DX is going to triumph. Shawn Michaels also switches tactics, talking about how this past March, he suffered a horrific beating at the hands of Paul Burchill but now HBK is back for some revenge and he’s going to take Burchill out tonight. If you’re not down with that, we’ve got two words for you!


Sheamus pinned MVP with a big boot in 0:20 MVP was caught off guard at the bell and never recovered, getting put away right away in twenty seconds by the Celtic Warrior. (C-)


Out comes Jamie Noble as Sheamus calls him out. Both men will do battle for the United States Title in a Bunkhouse Match. Noble and Sheamus battle at ringside, until security breaks up everything. Tonight, a champion versus champion match between Jamie Noble and Randy Orton will take place.


The Hurricane and the Big Show defeated Ezekiel Jackson and Rene Dupree when Show pinned Dupree with the Knockout Punch in 7:32 Two top teams on RAW do battle, perhaps in an attempt to get themselves noticed and get a future Unified Tag Team Title shot against Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio in the future. The Hurricane was isolated in the corner but tag made to the Big Show, who takes apart both men, before knocking Dupree out with a huge Knockout Punch. (B-)


Edge comes out, talking about how he’s going to be the brand new WWE Champion at Summerslam, escaping the cage but out comes Zack Ryder, who talks about how Edge wouldn’t be anywhere without Zack Ryder, as Ryder helped him retain the title several times on Smackdown, which causes Edge to burst into laughter, looking amused at the credit that Ryder is giving himself for Edge’s success. Ryder challenges Edge to another match tonight, as Edge got lucky last week. Ryder enters the ring as Edge accepts.


Edge pinned Zack Ryder with the Spear in 0:12 Ryder misses a punch and turns around into a Spear for the pin. (C+)


Beth Phoenix and Eve Torres defeated Maryse and the WWE Undisputed Women’s Champion Mia Mancini when Beth Phoenix made Mancini submit to an upside down double chickenwing submission in 7:22 The Undisputed Women’s Champion Mia Mancini is not having a good week, being pinned by Mickie James on Smackdown and now losing to the Glamazon this week by submission. Afterwards, Beth Phoenix gets on the microphone and demands a title shot against Mancini at Summerslam but Maryse butts in, saying that Mickie James is already the number one contender and that is the wrong answer for Beth Phoenix, as she obliterates Maryse, destroying her with the Glam Slam. (C-)


Randy Orton pinned Jamie Noble with the RKO in 18:52 An insane back and forth match with lots of nearfalls. At first, Orton took Noble lightly, a mistake as Noble really has stepped up his game since returning from a career ending injury. Missile dropkick and dragon sleeper but Orton grabs the ropes. Orton beats on Noble and gains several nearfalls but can’t put Noble away. Noble catches Orton with a sunset flip power bomb off of the buckles but only gets a close nearfall. Noble continues to beat on Orton but misses a forearm in the corner, allowing Orton to go for the RKO, but Noble reverses into a backslide. Noble underhooks the arms and manages to muscle Orton up for a double underhook power bomb for another close nearfall. Springboard legdrop gets another close nearfall and Noble scoops up Orton in a tilt a whirl but Orton lands on his feet and plants Noble with the RKO for the pin. (A)


Orton cuts a promo, talking about how Noble put up a fight and that’s the last fight he’s going to ever put up…as he prepares to punt Noble right in the head but Edge rushes out and Spears Orton! The fans are cheering loudly, as Orton has been taken out. Edge cuts a promo, talking about how he’s always one spear away from becoming WWE Champion and how Orton can’t save his title by a countout or a disqualification because he will be locked inside a cage. Edge will be the WWE Champion at Summerslam. Orton clutches his stomach. Edge might have hit the Spear tonight but only after Orton fought for nearly twenty minutes against the scrappy Jamie Noble.


Shawn Michaels made Paul Burchill submit to a cross-face submission hold in 12:20 Burchill had his opponent well scouted and attempted to finish the job that he started back in March but HBK proved to be on the mark. Moonsault was countered with a violent powerslam and Burchill continued to beat down Michaels, nearly pinning him but Michaels fights back. Sweet Chin Music misses and Burchill hits a vicious swinging neckbreaker but does not put Michaels away. Curb Stomp but Michaels is in the ropes. Burchill beats on Michaels but accidentally spears the ringpost, which allows Michaels to take down Burchill with the Divorce Court, before floating over into the cross-face submission hold. Burchill has no choice but to tap out. (B+)


After the match, Triple H joins us to celebrate with Shawn Michaels, as the fans are rocking with the DX celebration, but Chris Jericho and CM Punk crash the party, attacking DX from behind! Jericho hits Michaels with a superkick of his own while CM Punk drills Triple H with the Pedigree, the ultimate humiliation. Jericho cuts a promo, talking about how at Summerslam, Punk and Jericho will be the one’s who have the two words for DX and Punk states:” Straight Edge”. We fade out, as HBK and HHH have been taken out.





Lo-Drew: 4/5

MattitudeV2: 4/5

BHK1978: 5/5



BHK1978: 5/5

MattitudeV2: 4/5

Lo-Drew: 4/5

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Shawn Michaels vs. Paul Burchill.


WWE United States Champion Jamie Noble vs. WWE Champion Randy Orton(Non Title Match)


MVP vs. Sheamus.


Beth Phoenix and Eve Torres vs. Maryse and the WWE Undisputed Women's Champion Mia Mancini.


The Big Show and the Hurricane vs. Ezekiel JAckson and Rene Dupree.

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ECW On Sy Fy 8/3/10


Bryan Danielson is out to talk about his ECW Championship Match at Summerslam but Carlito interrupts, talking about how he should be getting the title shot. Carlito says that he is the biggest star ECW has ever seen and Danielson cuts off Carlito, offering Carlito a chance at his ECW Championship Match, providing Danielson beats Carlito right now. Carlito rushes to the ring and the bell rings to start this match.


Bryan Danielson pinned Carlito with a reverse double chickenwing backslide in 0:05 Carlito goes for a swing but Danielson ducks, chickenwinging both of the arms and rolls up Carlito for a quick flash pin. (C-)


Carlito is up and goes to attack Danielson but Danielson elbows away at him, with Justin Gabriel entering the ring, with Gabriel hitting a missile dropkick to Carlito. Carlito staggers to the floor, cutting an angry promo and challenging Gabriel and Danielson to a tag team match later tonight with Danielson accepting.


The Dudebusters defeated Jimmy Wang Yang and Slam Master J when Croft pinned Yang with a reverse Russian Legsweep in 10:43 Shelton Benjamin cuts an insert promo during this match, promising to take care of the Dudebusters. Slam Master J is beaten in the ring for most of the match but tag is made and Jimmy Wang Yang runs wild for a while, getting another couple of nearfalls. Yang misses a moonsault and Croft puts Yang away with a reverse Russian Legsweep for the pin. (D+)


Goldust battled Vladimir Koslov to a double countout in 8:02 Both men brawl throughout this match and spill to the outside, as the referee puts the count on and both men get counted out. Koslov slams Goldust in the ring steps and knocks him out with a series of elbows after the match. (C-)


Bryan Danielson and Justin Gabriel defeated Kaval and Carlito when Gabriel pinned Carlito with the 450 Splash in 10:22 An impressive tag team encounter. Kaval eventually got sick of Carlito during this match and drilled him with a kick to the head, allowing Gabriel to pin Carlito with the 450 Splash. (B-)


We see Drew McIntyre at the ramp, sarcastically applauding Danielson for his win but he states that he will walk out of Summerslam still the ECW Champion. We fade out on that note.





Lo-Drew: 2/3

BHK1978: 2/3

MattitudeV2: 2/3



BHK1978: 7/8

MattitudeV2: 6/8

Lo-Drew: 4/8

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