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ECW On Sy Fy 8/31/10


Hype for tonight’s huge main event, featuring the number one contender to the ECW Championship Vladimir Koslov, squaring off against the high flying Rey Mysterio, one half of the Unified Tag Team Champions.


Drew McIntyre pinned Goldust with the Double Underhook DDT in 7:33 The Flamboyant, colorful veteran know as Goldust, did battle with the former ECW Champion Drew McIntyre. McIntyre is now out of the title picture and he’s taking it out on Goldust. Goldust is stomped viciously in the corner but he makes a comeback, until McIntyre goes low and takes him down with a Double Underhook DDT for the pin. (C+)


Drew McIntyre is on the microphone after the match, calling out Justin Gabriel and putting the badmouth on him. Out rushes Gabriel to brawl with McIntyre. Gabriel takes down McIntyre with a reverse spin kick and stands in the ring, taunting McIntyre, who kicks the stairs in frustration.


The Specialists defeated Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas when Michael Courtier pinned Stevens with a Spiked Brain Buster in 3:22 Stevens and Douglas were a tag team that competed in a minor league promotion based out of Orlando, but they were no match for the Specialists, who put them away. Lawerence Davis and Michael Courtier finished them off with a Spiked Brain Buster. Afterwards, Davis says that Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas have called themselves the World’s Greatest Tag Team, but until they beat the Specialists, they will only be second best at best. (C-)


ECW Champion Bryan Danielson k’oed Caylen Croft with a rolling elbow smash in 4:22 Danielson, after failing to win the King of the Ring Tournament last night, is a man on a mission and he takes out Caylen Croft, dumping him with a series of suplexes, a series of stomps to the face, before knocking out Croft with a vicious rolling elbow smash. Danielson just proved that Vladimir Koslov does not have the most dangerous elbow strike in wrestling. (B-)


The shadowed figure talks about how the time for talking is nearly at the end. They can’t stop the future from coming, that will change ECW and then the entire WWE universe. The shadowed figure talks about how they’ve tried to stop him, but they only delayed him for a few years. Now he’s coming and the future is coming for the ECW Championship. Right now that man is Bryan Danielson and he’s going to suffer for the sins of a company that tried to stop the inevitable.


Kaval made Jimmy Wang Yang submit to a Dragon Clutch in 5:55 Kaval destroyed Yang throughout this match, hitting an inverted brain buster, a double stomp to the back of the head, and a Dragon Clutch for the submission. ©


We are backstage, with Rey Mysterio and Evan Bourne, who are preparing for Rey’s match with Koslov. Rey tells Evan to stay in the back, because this is a match that Rey has to win on his own. Bourne agrees and Rey is sent out for this match.


Vladimir Koslov k’oed Rey Mysterio with a violent elbow strike to the head as Rey went for a springboard move in 7:52 Rey hits a series of high impact moves but Koslov take him down. Koslov hammers away on Rey, before hitting a huge spinebuster for a nearfall. Rey fights out of a move and 6-1-9. Rey is to the outside and springboard, but Koslov elbows him right in the face for the pin. (B+)


Hype for Vladimir Koslov against Bryan Danielson for the ECW Championship at Night of the Champions.





Lo-Drew: 3/4

boothy77: 3/4

BHK1978: 3/4

ChrisKid: 3/4

MattitudeV2: 4/4


Final August Standings:


Lo-Drew: 68/113

BHK1978: 67/113

MattitudeV2: 65/113

ChrisKid: 36/113

boothy77: 10/113

BoomKing: 8/113

EdgeHeaD: 5/113

Kijar: 5/113

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WWF Superstars 9/2/10


Hype for tonight's main event on WGN America, featuring JTG squaring off against the multi time World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho.


Yoshi Tatsu pinned Zack Ryder with a Roundhouse kick in 7:22 Ryder's never ending war of words with the ring crew continues, as he taunts them when he enters the ring and eats a number of vicious kicks, strikes, and high impact blows from Yoshi Tatsu. Tatsu leaps to the top rope and comes off with a springboard clothesline, before he beats on Ryder but Ryder cuts him off. Ryder hits a vicious DDT but he goes to yell at a member of the ring crew, who is sitting by the guardrail, in the event that we have something go wrong with our ring. Ryder yells that he's going to finish off Tatsu and turns around right into a Roundhouse Kick right in the mouth to score the pin. (B-)


Hype for the huge Buried Alive Match between Mike Knox and the Undertaker tommorrow night on Smackdown.


Shelton Benjamin pinned Trent Baretta with the Paydirt in 8:58Croft and Haas were sent to the back, to make this a one on one match between these two men. They talk about the Specialists calling out the World's Greatest Tag Team on ECW. Right now, Shelton Benjamin kicks him right in the face, before hitting a spin kick in the corner and hitting a Stinger Splash, before hitting him with the Paydirt, after Baretta controlled the early part of the match. (B)


Look at CM Punk beating Bryan Danielson to win the 2010 King of the Ring Tournament on the 900th RAW and also, Punk vowing to use his guaranteed match in the tournament to face the WWE Champion, whoever that may be.


Chris Jericho made JTG submit to the Walls of Jericho in 13:22 The high flying, high impact, JTG did battle with Chris Jericho tonight. Jericho and JTG exchanged chops, punches, and a huge leg lariat, with JTG gaining some nearfalls. Jericho used the crafty cunning that brought him to a number of championships but JTG managed to make a comeback. JTG goes for a springboard dropkick but Jericho avoids it, before putting on the Walls of Jericho for the submission to win this match. Jericho is no doubt going to have more victories and more championships in his future. (B)





BHK1978: 2/3

Lo-Drew: 3/3

MattitudeV2: 3/3



MattitudeV2: 3/3

Lo-Drew: 3/3

BHK1978: 2/3

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WWE Smackdown 9/3/10


Buried Alive Match:

The Undertaker vs. Mike Knox.


John Cena vs. Joe Hennig.


John Morrison, Booker T, and Kane vs. the Miz, William Regal, and Jack Swagger.


WWE Intercontinental Champion Christian vs. World Heavyweight Champion Ted DiBiase(Non Title Match).

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Buried Alive Match:

The Undertaker vs. Mike Knox.


John Cena vs. Joe Hennig.


John Morrison, Booker T, and Kane vs. the Miz, William Regal, and Jack Swagger.


WWE Intercontinental Champion Christian vs. World Heavyweight Champion Ted DiBiase(Non Title Match).

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Buried Alive Match:

The Undertaker vs. Mike Knox.


John Cena vs. Joe Hennig.


John Morrison, Booker T, and Kane vs. the Miz, William Regal, and Jack Swagger.


WWE Intercontinental Champion Christian vs. World Heavyweight Champion Ted DiBiase(Non Title Match).


I approve

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WWE Smackdown 9/3/10


Footage of the history between Mike Knox and the Undertaker tonight in a Buried Alive Match. We see the structure, with several tons of dirt and the makeshift grave, where one man will be buried alive. They will be put deep underneath the earth.


We see the World Heavyweight Champion Ted DiBiase, who talks about how in sixteen more days, he is going to square off against John Cena with the World Heavyweight Title on the line at Night of Champions. The fans around the world have stated that DiBiase is pretty much holding the belt but DiBiase says that Cena is going to fail to win the title. He talks about how the champ won't be here, because DiBiase will have the belt. Out comes the WWE Intercontinental Champion Christian, who talks about how DiBiase has been running his mouth for almost ten minutes and nearly beat Christian once tonight, by boring him half to death. Christian says that he's going to be DiBiase tonight, because that's how he rolls.


World Heavyweight Champion Ted DiBiase defeated WWE Intercontinental Champion Christian with the Dream Street in 11:44 Back and forth match, with DiBiase gaining the advantage early, but Christian fighting back with a series of elbows to the side of the head and a springboard back elbow smash out of the corner. He hits a reverse DDT but Frog Splash misses and DiBiase hits the Dream Street for the pin. (B)


We are backstage and Maryse is gargling with mouthwash, with two other empty bottles on the floor, still smarting from the kiss that Santino gave her on Monday, as Mia Mancini stands in the background. In comes Laycool, who talk about how Michelle should get a Unified Women's Title Shot, because of what happened to Mickie last week. Maryse curses them out in French but Mia accepts the challenge, talking about how she's a fighting champion and she's going to destroy all challengers, which Maryse is not happy about at all.


The Miz, Jack Swagger, and William Regal defeated John Morrison, Booker T, and Kane when Swagger pinned Morrison with the Gutwrench Power Bomb in 11:11 The announcers talk about how these six men are looking for a WWE Intercontinental Title shot at Night of the Champions but Chris Jericho comes down for commentary, talking about how he should get the title shot, because of his impressive resume. Swagger steals Regal's pin and scores a huge win on Morrison, who has hit a slump ever since losing the World Heavyweight Title. Regal and Swagger get into it but Kane attacks both of them after the match. Chris Jericho enters the ring and lays out Kane with the Code Breaker. (B)


John Cena is out, talking about how he went nearly ten months without a belt around his waist. Ever since Survivor Series, he has been without the gold, but it will change in sixteen days, because everyone around the world will realize that the champ is here at Night of Champions. Cena calls out Joe Hennig for their match.


John Cena made Joe Hennig submit to the STF in 10:11 An impressive back and forth match, with Hennig gaining several impressive nearfalls on Cena, including a huge spinebuster, before hitting a leaping knee right to the head and a running double axe handle for a nearfall. Hennig pounds away at Cena and sleeperhold but Cena fights out, before hitting a running shoulderblock, before Cena hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Attitude Adjustment is blocked and Hennig elbows Cena in the head several times, before going for the Perfect Plex, but Cena blocks and counters with a single leg, right into the STF, for the tap out! Cena is 2-0 against the Fortunate Sons and he will be facing off against Ted DiBiase for the World Heavyweight Title at Night of Champions. (B+)


Mike Knox is backstage, talking about the Undertaker. The sands of time are slipping away on the Undertaker, soon Knox will cause the Undertaker to meet his maker. Knox won't be the one who will rest in peace, rather the Undertaker will be when he is buried alive. Knox walks over and buries an Undertaker action figure in a sandbox, before he pours gasoline on the sandbox and then lights it on fire, talking about how this will be a sign of things to come.


Unified Women's Champion Mia Mancini(w/Maryse) defeated Michelle McCool(w/Layla) with a rear naked choke in 4:22 Maryse distracted Michelle, hitting a DDT on Layla on the floor to knock her out, allowing Mancini to hit a belly to back suplex, before applying a rear naked choke and making Michelle tap out. (D)


One more look at the Buried Alive, as coming up next, the Undertaker squares off against Mike Knox.


The Undertaker defeated Mike Knox in a Buried Alive Match in 18:55 The Undertaker was attacked right at the bell with a chairshot, as the hood of his robe is knocked off, to reveal that he is wearing his Phantom of the Opera style mask from 1995, to protect the facial injuries that Knox gave him at Fatal Four Way. Knox and Taker brawl through the crowd, with Knox hitting a cross body off of the balcony and Knox grabs a police baton and beats the Undertaker with it but the Undertaker kicks the chair into his face and gives him a beil toss over the guardrail, onto the gravesite, before the Undertaker hits a dive over the guardrail, onto Knox. Both men continue to brawl onto the gravesite, but Knox reverses an Irish Whip into the headstone and then hits the Bicycle Kick, before he drills the Undertaker in the ribs twice with the wheelbarrow. Knox applies a sleeperhold to the Undertaker, forcing him down into the grave, trying to smother him into the dirt. Knox then kicks the Undertaker into the grave and goes over, to grab the shovel, but the Undertaker sits up and pulls himself out of the grave. The shovel is swung but the Undertaker blocks it and grabs the shovel, before jabbing it into the chest of Knox, before denting the shovel over the head of Knox! Knox drops down, concussed and the Undertaker grabs Knox, before giving him a choke slam right into the wheelbarrow and then rolls Knox over, before dumping him right into the grave. Knox is down and the Undertaker pounds away at him, as Knox tries to escape the grave, before applying the Hell's Gate to Knox, right at the edge of the grave. Knox is slumped in the grave and when the Undertaker lets go, Knox's unconscious form just slumps into the grave. The Undertaker dumps dirt in the grave, until Knox is completely covered. (B)


We see the Undertaker afterwards, to continue to bury Knox with more shovelfuls of dirt and the Undertaker raises his hands, before a bolt of lightning appears to blast from the sky, setting the grave on fire. The Undertaker steps down, before he cuts a promo, talking about Knox has been sent straight to the depths of his own eternal torment. The Undertaker says that since another soul has been buried, he wants only one thing and that is the World Heavyweight Championship. He will hold that belt one more time, before he fades into the darkness. The Undertaker has thrown down the gauntlet.





BHK1978: 4/4

MattitudeV2: 4/4

Lo-Drew: 4/4



Overall September:

MattitudeV2: 7/7

Lo-Drew: 7/7

BHK1978: 6/7

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WWE Monday Night RAW 9/6/10


We see CM Punk backstage, talking about his King of the Ring win last week and how all of the pieces are nearly in place. He will face the winner of the Edge/Paul Burchill match at Night of Champions for the WWE Championship as part of our October Pay Per View, Hell in a Cell. Punk says that he wants the champion whoever it is, at his very best and in a match where there will be no excuses where Punk wins the title. Out comes one of the representatives from the WWE Board of Directors, who congratulates Punk on his win last week, but states that Punk has to defend his United States Title between now or Night of Champions to qualify for the thirty day rule. Punk just shrugs it off, saying that the Board of Directors can have the United States Title, because he's got the WWE Championship shot. The Board of Director refuses to accept this, stating that if Punk forfeits that title, based on new rules, there will be a ninety day window where he cannot receive any championship matches and he will be stripped of any upcoming title matches. Punk protests, but shakes his head, suggesting Santino or Chris Masters or the Hurricane as potential challengers but out comes Shawn Michaels from the crowd as he will be Punk's opponent tonight. Punk turns around, eating the Sweet Chin Music. Punk is laid out, as it will be Shawn Michaels challlenging CM Punk for the United States Title later on tonight.


Beth Phoenix defeated Katie Lea Burchill in a No Disqualification Match in 6:22 with the Glam Slam This match was signed, based on a favor that Maryse did for the Board of Directors. Katie Lea Burchill used some weapons to punish the Glamazon but she was slammed off the top rope through the table, before the Glam Slam connects for the pin. Afterwards, Maryse distracs Beth, allowing Mia Mancini to sneak in and choke Beth Phoenix out from behind, with a rear naked choke. Mia Mancini will put her Undisputed Women's Champinship on the line against Beth Phoenix at Night of the Champions in thirteen days. (D+)


Out comes Zack Ryder, who continues his never ending war with the ring crew. Ryder throws a member of the ring crew into the ring and tells the ring crew member to say that Ryder deserves his job more, because he's a WWE Superstar. The ring crew member actually shoves Ryder away and hits him with a couple of punches, but Ryder kicks him right in the face and goes to attack him, as Dunn and Marcos, two other members of the ring crew, attempt to push them around, but out comes the Big Show. Show enters the ring and grabs Ryder from behind, before giving him a headbutt, to start their match.


The Big Show pinned Zack Ryder with the Knockout Punch in 1:11 Ryder managed to fight off the big Show long enough to leap to the top rope but he gets punched right in the chest, before getting punched right in the face and pinned. The Big Show will challenge CM Punk or Shawn Michaels for the United States Title at Night of Champions and he scores a huge win tonight. (C+)


Randy Orton is out, talking about the fact that he has been banished from competing for the WWE Championship for the next six months but he's not going to let that beat him, because when he and Cody Rhodes win the Unified Tag Team Championships, Orton can go to other brands and challenge for either the ECW or World Heavyweight Championships. Orton calls out Evan Bourne, for a taste of what is to come.


Evan Bourne pinned Randy Orton with the Air Bourne in 14:22 An impressive back and forth match, with both men giving it their all tonight. Bourne hit a vicious missile dropkick to Orton, nailing him right in the face, but Orton makes a comeback with a neckbreaker, beating Bourne down and DDT out of the corner gets a two count. Orton hits some punches and Superplex but Bourne blocks it and shoves Orton off. Orton hits his head and Bourne hits the Air Bourne to score the pin! (A)


Cody Rhodes is out and Bourne fights him off but Orton attacks him from behind. Orton teases a punt but Rey Mysterio comes out, chasing Orton and Rhodes off. Evan Bourne is helped up, to celebrate his big win tonight against Orton. Evan Bourne proved tonight that he can hang with the top stars and there might be no star bigger than Randy Orton.


Edge and Kofi Kingston defeated Paul Burchill and Sheamus when Kofi pinned Sheamus with the Trouble in Paradise in 15:02 Both teams had a back and forth encounter tonight, trading chops, punches, and kicks, until Edge is trapped in the corner and double teamed by Sheamus and Burchill. Burchill and Sheamus put a huge beating on their opponent, punishing the WWE Champion but Edge makes the tag and Kofi runs wild. Edge and Burchill fight to the back and Sheamus goes for the Celtic Cross but Kofi wiggles out and leaps up, connecting with the Trouble in Paradise for the pin. (B)


We see Shawn Michaels backstage, who says that Triple H might be put on the bench but he's stepping into the ring with CM Punk to gain a measure of revenge tonight.


CM Punk made Shawn Michaels tap out the Anaconda Vice in 12:22 to keep the United States Title Last week, Punk beat the student of Shawn Michaels, in Bryan Danielson and tonight he beats the teacher. Back and forth match, with both men blocking their top moves. Eventually Michaels goes for the Flying Elbow Drop but Punk moves and he kicks Michaels right in the face, before locking in the Anaconda Vice! Michaels struggles to escape but Punk has a good grip on this hold and Punk has no choice but to make Michaels tap out, a rare submission loss for the Heart Break Kid. Punk keeps the United States Title and will no doubt be looking forward to his future WWE Championship shot. (B+)





Lo-Drew: 2/4

MattitudeV2: 2/4

BHK1978: 2/4



Overall September:

MattitudeV2: 9/11

Lo-Drew: 9/11

BHK1978: 8/11

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