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ECW On Sy Fy 9/7/10


The Specialists are complaining to the ECW General Manager Tiffany, saying that they signed to ECW to be a tag team, but they are put in singles matches, against the World's Greatest Tag Team. Tiffany refuses to back down, saying that there is no singles exclusive or tag team exclusive contracts in ECW, and tonight it will be Michael Courtier against Shelton Benjamin and Lawrence Davis against Charlie Haas. We cut out for hype for tonight.


Shelton Benjamin pinned Michael Courtier with the T-Bone Suplex in 9:55 An impressive back and forth match, with Courtier really showing some impressive fire, but Shelton fights out from underneath, before hitting a spinning heel kick and the T-Bone Suplex to score the win. The Specialists are 0-1 against the WGTT so far in singles matches. (B)


Charlie Haas pinned Lawrence Davis with the German Suplex in 8:05 Haas and Davis do battle throughout this match, trading moves on the match. Davis scored several nearfalls but Haas dropped down with an attempted brain buster, before hitting a German Suplex for the pin. ©


Afterwards, Michael Courtier jumps Haas from behind and the Specialists beat down Haas, hitting a double brain buster on him. Haas spasms on the canvas and Shelton Benjamin runs out, but the Specialists double team him. Courtier lifts up Shelton with a power bomb and Davis comes off the top rope with a missile dropkick. The World's Greatest Tag Team has been laid out, as the Specialists challenge the WGTT to a tag team match.


ECW Champion Bryan Danielson k'oed Trent Baretta with a series of elbow strikes to the head in 4:22 Danielson ran through Baretta like a hot knife through butter, kicking him right in the head and then blitzing him with a belly to back suplex, before elbowing him right in the face again and again, before he is k'oed. (C-)


A figure in silhouette cuts a promo, vowing to take what should have been his, before the system shut him down. He's going to arrive live at Night of the Champions and ECW will get a taste of the evolution of sports entertainment, what Sports Entertainment should be.


We are backstage, where Justin Gabriel cuts a promo, talking about his recent problems with Drew McIntyre and challenges him to a match next week, but McIntyre attacks Gabriel from behind and beats him down with stomps and a suplex right on the concrete. McIntyre accepts the challenge and will beat Gabriel next week.


Vladimir Koslov made Kaval submit to a cross armbreaker in 9:55 Koslov wanted a match against someone with a similar style like Danielson tonight and he is going to face off against Kaval, who uses kicks and chops to punish Koslov. Kaval leaps off the top rope but Koslov catches him up, hitting a spinebuster, before hitting a kick to the face. Koslov pounds away at him and tilt a whirl, shoulderbreaker and Koslov pounds the arm, before applying a cross armbreaker for the tap out. Koslov gets the win tonight as he is going towards Night of Champions to challenge Bryan Danielson for the ECW Championship. (C+)






MattitudeV2: 3/4

BHK1978: 4/4

Kijar: 3/4

Lo-Drew: 3/4


Overall September:

MattitudeV2: 12/15

Lo-Drew: 12/15

BHK1978: 12/15

Kijar: 3/15

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WWE Superstars 9/9/10


Tonight's main event on WGN America, with the Hurricane and Chris Masters taking on the Hart Dynasty, straight from Monday Night RAW.


Cryme Tyme defeated Dolph Ziggler and Chavo Guerrero when JTG pinned Chavo with a reversed small package in 9:55 Two of the top teams on Smackdown do battle, for a future shot at the Unified Tag Team Titles. Shad is beaten in the corner and isolated, being hammered right in the corner, but he fights out. Tag to JTG, who is a house of fire, knocking both men around. JTG takes Chavo into the corner and small package, but Ziggler rolls the move the other way. The referee enters the ring and Shad rolls the move the other way for the pin. Cryme Tyme steals one from Ziggler and Chavo, as both teams are now 1-1 against each other, with a rubber match down the road. (C-)


We see the Hart Dynasty backstage, talking about how they were Unified Tag Team Champions two times, but tonight, they are going to face off against some guy who thinks he's a super hero and some guy who bounces his pecs. Natalya promises victory for the Hart Dynasty and they will become the Unified Tag Team Champions for a third time.


Recap of last week on ECW, where Drew McIntyre lays out Justin Gabriel backstage. Tonight Gabriel is going to be in action, as he prepares for his match with McIntyre next week.


Justin Gabriel pinned Jimmy Wang Yang in 3:22 with the 450 Splash A handy win by Gabriel, as Drew McIntyre cuts an insert promo, talking about how the party is going to be over for Gabriel and he's going to be sent right back to the minors, in traction, this week on ECW. Gabriel with a gutwrench power bomb and a 450 Splash for the pin. (E-)


A recap of the Evan Bourne and Randy Orton match from RAW, with Orton being pinned by Bourne, leading into the Unified Tag Team Title Match at Night of the Champions, with Bourne and Rey defending against Orton and Rhodes.


The Hart Dynasty defeated the Hurricane and Chris Masters when Tyson Kidd pinned Masters with a roll up with the feet on the ropes in 10:01 The Hart Dynasty batter the Hurricane in this match, double teaming him throughout. But the Hurricane fights out of the corner and makes the hot tag, with Masters running wild. Masterlock is applied on Smith but he is not the legal man, with Kidd jumping Masters from behind, and rolling him up using the ropes for the pin. (B-)





Kjar: 1/3

Lo-Drew: 2/3

MattitudeV2: 2/3

BHK1978: 2/3

ChrisKid 2/3




MattitudeV2: 14/18

Lo-Drew: 14/18

BHK1978: 14/18

Kijar: 4/18

ChrisKid: 3/18

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World Heavyweight Title Match:

Booker T vs. Ted DiBiase©


John Cena vs. Jack Swagger.


WWE Intercontinental Title Match:

William Regal vs. Christian©


I really want to pick Regal here but I know he is going to lose.


Kane and Matt Hardy vs. the Fortunate Sons.


I really do not ever want to pick the team of Kane and Matt Hardy to win.:D

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WWE Smackdown 9/10/10


Out comes Batista, who talks about his distaste with the fact that everyone seems to be getting title shots handed to them on a silver platter, where last week, no one could even give him a match. Batista says that the Undertaker has challenged whoever the World Heavyweight Champion, but Batista says that he should be the number one contender for after Night of Champions. He calls out the Undertaker, for them to fight one on one tonight, where the winner faces the champion after Night of Champions. The Undertaker comes out, talking about how he took out Mike Knox last week, buried him alive, and sent him to his eternal torment and tonight if Batista wishes to roll his dice with fate, than the Undertaker will take him out as well. Batista yells that he doesn't care no man, including a Dead Man and its on, number one contenders match tonight between Batista and the Undertaker, winner challenges either Ted DiBiase or John Cena for the title after Night of Champions.


John Cena made Jack Swagger tap out to the STF in 9:55 Cena and Swagger had an intense brawl, with Swagger pulling out some impressive amateur moves and submission holds to punish Cena, but Cena fought out from underneath and applied the STF on Swagger, locking him up for the tap out. (B)


Afterwards, the World Heavyweight Champion Ted DiBiase runs out and tries to attack Cena with the belt but Cena avoids his attack and beats on DiBiase, before hitting a spine buster and shoulderblock. Cena holds up the belt, as DiBiase looks frustrated and Cena tosses the belt, declaring that he's going to have it in nine days.


The Fortunate Sons defeated Kane and Matt Hardy when Hennig pinned Matt Hardy with the Perfect Plex in 10:11 Matt Striker talks about how Matt Hardy and Kane have had their problems in the past, but its all water under the bridge now and something that is in the past. Kane is beaten in the corner two on one, until the tag is made and Matt Hardy is in the ring. Hardy is low bridged and Hennig hits the Perfect Plex for the pin. The Fortunate Sons have another chance to win the Unified Tag Team Titles next week and they could be defending the belts against Legacy at Night of the Champions, should they beat Bourne and Rey in that match. (B)


Ted DiBiase kept the World Heavyweight Title against Booker T with the Dream Street in 15:55 Dibiase, the World Heavyweight Champion, seemed something to prove, against the former World Heavyweight Champion. Booker T wanted to prove to be the spoiler, as it would change the entire complexion of Night of Champions, should he walk out with the title tonight. Booker T got several nearfalls throughout this match, but DiBiase managed to fight his way out of it and apply the Dream Street, after blocking the Book End. (B+)


William Regal cuts a promo, talking about back on ECW, he beat Christian to win the ECW Championship in November and tonight, history is going to repeat itself when he wins the WWE Intercontinental Championship. Out comes Christian, who trades some brief words with William Regal.


Christian pinned William Regal to retain the WWE Intercontinental Title in 14:22 after John Morrison and Chris Jericho both got involved Chris Jericho storms out to do some commentary and talk about how it is a travesty that he is not part of Night of Champions and how he should get a title shot. John Morrison comes out, which distracts Christian and Christian is nearly pinned with a high angle belly to back suplex. Regal pounds away at Christian, but Jericho gets up and Regal goes to yell at him, but this distracts the referee, allowing Morrison to enter the ring and hit a missile dropkick to Regal, which allows Christian to hit the Killswitch for the pin. (B)


After the match, Jericho attacks Morrison and Christian goes to attack Jericho but accidentally clotheslines Morrison, allowing Jericho to hit the Code Breaker on Christian. Jericho poses in the ring and yells that he should be on the Night of Champions card. The announcers talk about how Christian still doesn't have an opponent for the WWE Intercontinental Title Match at Night of Champions.


A look at next week's Unified Tag Team Title Match, with the Fortunate Sons challenging against Rey Mysterio and Evan Bourne.


The Undertaker pinned Batista with the Tombstone Piledriver in 13:22 The announcers speculate that The Undertaker might be less than one hundred percent after his brutal Buried Alive Match with Mike Knox last week. Batista beats on the Undertaker for this match and works him over, but the Undertaker makes the comeback. First Tombstone is avoided and Batista hits a spear for a nearfall. Batista goes for a powerslam but Undertaker reverses it into the Tombstone for the pin. (B+)


The Undertaker will be the next challenger for the World Heavyweight Title after Night of the Champions.





Lo-Drew: 4/4

MattitudeV2: 4/4

ChrisKid: 4/4

BHK1978: 4/4



MattitudeV2: 18/22

Lo-Drew: 18/22

BHK1978: 18/22

ChrisKid: 7/22

Kijar: 4/22

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WWE Monday Night RAW 9/13/10


The WWE Champion Edge makes his way out, talking about how he is going keep the title this Sunday, but out comes CM Punk, who says that he hopes Edge is going to keep the title, because Punk is going to beat Edge when Punk gets a title shot. Edge says that the last time Punk beat him for the title, it was because he was knocked out by Batista. Edge taunts Punk, talking about how his clean living could not beat Edge. Punk talks about how Edge might have held the belt a dozen times, but all of his title reigns might have only added up to a month or two. Edge gets enraged and starts yelling at Punk, but Punk says that he has a huge United States Title defense against the Big Show this Sunday. Edge and Punk start get into it with Edge winning the brawl but Paul Burchill comes out from the back and they take out Edge. Burchill and Punk are double teaming Edge in the corner and Punk holds Edge, so Burchill could smash him right with the belt to the face. Burchill beats on Edge's foot with stomps, as the announcers talk about how Edge lost nearly a year of his career with an Achilles Tendon injury. Burchill drags Edge over and bangs his foot into the ringpost, as Punk grabs a chair, before he folds the chair over the ankle. Punk climbs to the top rope as Burchill stomps the chair with Edge's foot in it twice and Punk leaps off the top rope, with a huge kneedrop right to the chest. The foot of Edge cracks, as security is finally out! Edge is clutching his foot, as the dastardly tactics of Burchill and Punk might have severely injured him, six days before his title match against Paul Burchill.


Katie Lea Burchill and Mia Mancini(w/Maryse) defeated Beth Phoenix and Gail Kim when Mancini made Phoenix pass out to a rear naked choke in 9:22 when Maryse sprayed hair spray into the eyes of Phoenix. Gail Kim was double teamed right in the corner of the ring, beating her down in the corner but she fights out and the Glamazon runs wild. Katie Lea Burchill is taken to the outside and Gail Kim leaps onto her with a cross body block, before Mancini beats on Phoenix. Phoenix fires back but Maryse is on the ring apron. Maryse is grabbed and she sprays something in the eyes of Beth Phoenix, blinding her and Mancini applies a rear naked choke. The arm drops three times. ©


We see backstage, where Edge is having his foot looked at and a greasy looking member of the WWE Board of Directors enters the ring, talking about how this was one of the hottest segments to kick off RAW in many weeks and it is all about the champion getting destroyed. The Board is still looking for a new General Manager for RAW and investigating the CM Punk/Vince McMahon situation, but he was the phone with other representatives and they had idea, to add more drama, excitement, high impact, action adventure programming. Tonight, six days before Night of Champions, Edge will put the WWE Championship on the line against the number one contender Paul Burchill and the WWE United States and 2010 King of the Ring CM Punk in a Triple Threat Match. Edge yells at the representative, talking about how he can barely walk. The board member grins, saying that he knows and just think of the excitement about the fact that the title can change hands six days before Night of the Champions. The board of director representative talks about how Edge might have lost his edge, but he has a chance to get it back tonight. Edge looks angered but calms down, saying that he's going to keep the title tonight and beat both Punk and Burchill in a Triple Threat, before beating them in singles matches.


We see an insert promo by CM Punk, talking about how the Big Show is one dimensional. He's all about size and brute strength, all Choke Slam and knockout punch, no science. He talks about how the Big Show doesn't even know a wristlock from a wristwatch and doubts that he knows one submission move.


The Big Show made Rene Dupree submit to an elevated cobra clutch in 6:22 The Big Show knocks Dupree around but Dupree gets the heat, thanks to Ezekiel Jackson ramming the Big Show right into the ringsteps. Dupree beats on the Big Show but Show fights out with punches. Jackson gets knocked out with a knockout punch, but Dupree takes on the Big Show's leg and applies a reverse kneebar, but Show kicks Dupree off. Dupree bounces off the ropes and Choke Slam but Dupree kicks the Big Show low and goes for a DDT but the Big Show hoists up Dupree with a high back body drop. Show goes for the Knockout Punch, but Dupree ducks the head and Show grabs him, before applying a cobra clutch! Show is squeezing the life out Dupree and lifts him up the ground, violently shaking Dupree and Dupree submits. (C+)


The Big Show wins but CM Punk is out and he hits the Big Show from behind with the United States Championship belt. Punk kicks the Big Show in the face twice, before hitting a running Yakuza Kick and applies an Anaconda Vice but the Big Show is powering out, breaking the hold. Punk backs off as the Big Show stands in the ring, yelling for Punk but Punk keeps running, even leaving the United States Title in the ring and the Big Show chases Punk to the back. The chase is on.


Mark Henry and R-Truth defeated The Hart Dynasty when Mark Henry pinned Tyson Kidd with the World's Strongest Slam in 9:22 R-Truth was trapped in the corner and beaten by the Hart Dynasty, as they are trying to become the number one contenders for the Unified Tag Team Title after Night of Champions. Tag made to Mark Henry, who uses his power to throw around the Hart Dynasty, before hitting the World's Strongest Slam on Kidd for the pin. (B-)


The Unified Tag Team Champions Rey Mysterio and Evan Bourne are called out by Josh Mathews, as Mathews talks about the Unified Tag Team Titles and the schedule they have. Rey talks about how they have defended the belts against the top teams from all three brands but they don't have a tougher task, then the one against Legacy this Sunday. Out comes Cody Rhodes, who talks about how he beat both of the Unified Tag Team Champions on back to back weeks and how he is going to beat them again, when he has the great Randy Orton in his corner. Bourne talks to Rhodes, asking how he can even see, when he's standing in Randy Orton's shadow all of the time. Rey agrees, saying that Rhodes is Orton's lackey, his gopher and Rhodes yells at them to shut up, talking about how Randy Orton is his hero and the greatest champion in the world today. Rhodes begins shoving around the Unified Tag Team Champions and this serves as a distraction, for Randy Orton to slither in the ring and nail Rey right in the back of the leg with a steel pipe! Bourne is attacked from behind and Bourne is beaten down, before Rhodes gives him the Cross Rhodes! Bourne is down and Orton gives him the punt! Bourne is kicked into the next week and Rey's leg is tied in the ropes and beaten, until Orton punts the damaged leg! Rey has had many surgeries on that leg and Legacy has destroyed the Unified Tag Team Champions in the ring, six days before Night of Champions.


We see CM Punk backstage, where Punk is nearly out the door but a man dressed in a hooded shirt attacks Punk, slamming him right into a metal door and beating on him with punches! The hood comes down to reveal the suspended Triple H! Triple H beats on Punk and drills him with a series of elbows to the side of the head but security comes in, to drag Triple H off and Punk steps back and The Big Show punches his lights out! The United States Champion has been waylaid with a hell of a punch and is out on the floor, counting sheep! He might not even wake up until Night of Champions.


An announcement is made, that Punk is out of the Triple Threat with Burchill against Edge for the WWE Championship being the replacement.


Paul Burchill defeated WWE Champion Edge by countout in 15:22. Edge keeps the WWE Championship. Edge jumps Burchill at the bell but Burchill really beats on Edge, going right for the damaged ankle/foot. Burchill destroys Edge, getting several nearfalls with some power moves, but when Burchill leaps off the top rope with an axe handle, Edge spears him. Both men are down and Burchill rolls to the ring apron and Edge drills him with a kneelift, before he goes for a suplex, but Burchill reverses and dumps Edge right onto the floor, onto his leg, with a suplex. Edge's leg crumples out from underneath him and he appears to momentarily black out from the pain. Burchill flips into the ring and breaks the count, as the referee counts for ten. Before Burchill can completely get to his feet, Edge is counted out! (A)


The announcers talk about how this is the third time in two months that Burchill has beaten Edge in some form or fashion and Burchill gets the WWE Championship belt and yells that he should be the champion. Edge gimps around and grabs the microphone, leaned against the steps. Burchill talks about how Edge managed to keep the title on a technicality. Edge cuts off Burchill, talking about how Burchill tried to undercut him, tried to cripple him, but Burchill couldn't get the job done, couldn't pin Edge's shoulders to the mat when the title was on the line. Burchill yells that he put Edge on his back for at least ten seconds, had Edge not been on the outside of the ring, he would be the champion. Out comes the member of the board of directors, who says that based on tonight, Burchill's WWE Championship title shot at Night of Champions against Edge will be on the line in a Last Man Standing Match! The announcers go ballistic, as if Burchill puts Edge down for ten seconds like he did tonight this Sunday, he will become the brand new WWE Champion.





MattitudeV2: 1/3

BHK1978: 1/3

ChrisKid: 2/3

Lo-Drew: 1/3

Kijar: 2/3



MattitudeV2: 19/25

Lo-Drew: 19/25

BHK1978: 19/25

ChrisKid: 9/25

Kijar: 6/25

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