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ECW On Sy Fy 9/21/10


We are backstage, where Drew McIntyre and Vladimir Koslov are in the process of plotting to take out Justin Gabriel and Bryan Danielson tonight in the center of the ring. McIntyre and Koslov talk about how both men have humiliated them in recent memory but now, they're going to have the last laugh.


Goldust pinned Kaval with a slam off the top rope in 8:55 Kaval seemed disgusted to be put in the ring with Goldust and showed it, by beating Goldust viciously in the corner several times. Kaval's frustration seemed to boil over and Goldust caught him, giving him a huge slam off of the top rope to score the pin. (C+)


Afterwards, Kaval loses his mind, destroying Goldust with a series of kicks right to the back of the head and a leg lariat in the corner, before hitting a brain buster and a double foot stomp. Kaval yells that he's sick of playing second fiddle to these circus side shows and he begins stomping Goldust's face even more, until security makes their way out. When Josh Mathews tries to get a quick word with Kaval, Kaval pie faces him, before he grabs Mathews, telling him to enjoy his Sports Entertainment while he can, but it will be over rather soon.


The World's Greatest Tag Team defeated the Dudebusters when Benjamin pinned Croft with the T-Bone Suplex in 10:22 The Dudebusters tried to score a win over the World's Greatest Tag Team but they fell short of a victory. The WGTT scored the win when Baretta was held off and Croft was laid out with a T-Bone Suplex for the pin. (C+)


Afterwards, the Specialists are out and they attack the World's Greatest Tag Team. Haas is thrown to the floor, as Benjamin is taken out with a spiked brain buster. Michael Courtier gets on the microphone, as Davis beats on Haas, talking about how ever since they stepped foot on ECW, the Specialists have been treated as second class citizens and put in matches that don't matter. However, since the World's Greatest Tag Team is the only duo approaching a real tag team, that's who they are going to take out. They talk about how they are all about professional wrestling and not sports entertainment, and they will cleanse this brand and the rest of the WWE Universe of the deadly stench of sports entertainment.


ECW Champion Bryan Danielson and Justin Gabriel defeated Vladimir Koslov and Drew McIntyre when Danielson pinned McIntyre with a belly to back suplex into a bridge in 14:22 Justin Gabriel was beaten down in the center of the ring for the vast majority of this match. Gabriel was caught in the corner and double teamed severely for a number of minutes. Gabriel makes the hot tag and Danielson runs wild, taking out all of his opponents. Belly to back suplex into a bridge from Danielson on McIntyre gets the pin. (B-)


Bryan Danielson gets the win, as Justin Gabriel walks off, with Koslov leaving with a scowl on his face. Suddenly the lights begin to flicker, with the voiceover of “THE FUTURE IS HERE!” echoing throughout the arena and a figure enters the ring, before attacking Danielson from behind and giving him a release German Suplex. The hood comes down and a few boos, as Josh Mathews identifies him as Frankie Kazarian. There are some boos of recognition from people who have seen Kazarian's short lived run in WWE, and his work in the minor leagues down in Orlando, but the boos get slightly louder, when Kazarian begins to beat Danielson down and drag him to the top rope, before giving him an ultra violent and sickening piledriver off of the top rope. Danielson has just about had his spinal column splintered from the impact and Kazarian stands over him, yelling about how this was for his own good and he'll thank him later, when he's saved from deprogramming by them and yells that sports entertainers will soon go the way of the Dodo! We fade out, with paramedics coming down to check on the champion.





BHK1978: 2/3

Kijar: 2/3

MattitudeV2: 2/3

Lo-Drew: 2/3



BHK1978: 42/55

Lo-Drew: 39/55

MattitudeV2: 37/55

Kijar: 22/55

ChrisKid: 11/55

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WWE Superstars 9/23/10


Hype for tonight's huge main event from Friday Night Smackdown, where William Regal squares off against Matt Hardy.


Rene Dupree pinned Yoshi Tatsu after a backslide with his feet on the ropes for leverage in 12:22 Both Dupree and Tatsu have a nice little back and forth match, as the announcer's talk about Tatsu's tag team partner, R-Truth, getting the quickest win on the history of RAW against Randy Orton last Monday. Dupree used the ropes for the pin. (B-)


The Specialists defeated Luke Haux and Eddie Craven when Courtier pinned Haux with a spiked brain buster in 6:22 Talk about the chaotic events on ECW and how we're going to have an update on the condition of the ECW Champion Bryan Danielson. The footage is too graphic for the WWE Universe to see on Superstars, but no doubt this situation will be addressed in detail in ECW in the coming weeks. The World's Greatest Tag Team against the Specialists has just been added to Hell in a Cell on October 3rd. The Specialists have an exhibition, with Haux being pinned, as the Specialists gear up for a huge match with the WGTT a week from Sunday. (B-)


A look at all of the events of Monday Night RAW. Just added as of earlier, R-Truth and Randy Orton in a return match from Monday, when R-Truth pinned Orton in three seconds.


William Regal pinned Matt Hardy with a German Suplex in 18:55 An impressive back and forth contest, between two of the best in ring competitors on Smackdown. Regal used some offense to tie Hardy in knots but Hardy staged a comeback, hitting several moves, but Regal shoved him into the corner and snapped off a German Suplex for the pin. (B)


Regal celebrates as hype for Smackdown is made tomorrow night. See you then.





BHK1978: 1/2

MattitudeV2: 1/2

Kijar: 0/2

Lo-Drew: 1/2



BHK1978: 43/57

Lo-Drew: 40/57

MattitudeV2: 38/57

Kijar: 22/57

ChrisKid: 11/57

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WWE Smackdown 9/24/10


Out comes John Cena to loud cheers, as he holds up the World Heavyweight Championship. Cena talks about how he climbed to the top of the mountain once more and is the World Heavyweight Champion. He works the crowd but then he gets all serious. He talks about how the fun and games might be over come October 3rd at Hell in a Cell. He has to step into the ring with a man that many speak of in fear. That man being the Undertaker. The fans explode into cheers. Cena talks about how the Undertaker has put many to rest and he wants what Cena has, indicating to the World Heavyweight Title. Cena talks about how he's fully ready to go to war inside that Cell but he's fighting the Undertaker in his own demented domain. Cena puts this match over as the the biggest match in the history of World Wrestling Entertainment and yells that he's going to throw everything he can at the Undertaker. Cena talks about how he's not intimidated by the mind games, he won't back down, and after Hell in a Cell, we're going to hear it again....THE CHAMP IS STILL HERE! Cena steps back but the lights begin to flicker and the Undertaker's voice comes through the arena. He talks about how Cena better be ready to sacrifice more than his title by stepping inside the Hell in the Cell. The Undertaker promises Cena's greatest test inside Hell in a Cell and vows to make him rest in peace. Cena stands firm but looks slightly shaken, but determined nevertheless to keep the belt and survive Hell in a Cell with the Undertaker.


John Morrison pinned Ted DiBiase with a sunset flip out of the corner in 10:01 DiBiase cut a promo prior to this match, stating that he will get the title back and he will exercise his rematch clause. Two former World Heavyweight Champions did battle tonight, with Morrison gaining several nearfalls, but DiBiase took control and beat down Morrison. DiBiase seemed to be a little ****y, after going toe to toe with the John Cena's and Batista's of the world, he seemed to underestimate Morrison, a foolish mistake on his part, as Morrison sunset flips DiBiase out of the corner for the pin. (B)


Laycool are out, with Michelle McCool talking about how they put Mickie James on the shelf indefinitely and we won't be seeing her ever again. They do fake crying, before Michelle laughs, saying that Mickie got what she deserved, and that they are the dominant divas on Smackdown. Layla than talks about how some little girl off the street wants to make a name for herself and get some traction on Smackdown, well she's going to show that you don't mess with Team Laycool.


Alexandra Madison pinned Layla(w/Michelle McCool) with a Victory Roll in 6:22 Matt Striker comments that Alexandra Madison is not just a beautiful person, but a rather accomplished athlete and ready to take the WWE women's division by storm. She hits a lot of high impact, high energy moves, with a great enthusiasm and works the crowd into a frenzy. Michelle and Layla conspire to get the advantage, but Madison scores the pin after reversing an attempted power bomb into a Victory Roll. The fans cheer, as Alexandra Madison runs down the ramp, bouncing up and down, slapping hands with the fans, as Laycool seeths in the ring. (D-)


Jack Swagger made Kane pass out in a figure four leg lock in 12:22 Kane brutalized Swagger at the bell but Swagger took out his leg with a chop block and viciously went to work on it. Swagger really began to pick apart the right knee of Kane with lots of submission moves and Kane couldn't even stand, but managed to fire off some punches. Choke Slam is a no go and Swagger delivers a dragon screw leg whip, before applying a figure four leglock. Kane is racked with pain and he finally blacks out, causing Swagger to get a huge win on Smackdown. Swagger gets on the microphone and says that he hopes the World Heavyweight Champion John Cena was watching this, because Swagger is coming after his belt. Big talk from Swagger, but can he back it up? After his win over Kane tonight, the odds are looking good. (B)


A look at the Undertaker in Hell in a Cell, his matches with the likes of Shawn Michaels, Mankind, Brock Lesnar, Randy Orton, Batista, Edge, and CM Punk, showing the Undertaker dominating and showing that the hell that many of these men had to endure against the Undertaker.


We see backstage, John Cena sitting on a bench backstage, eyes widened as he shakes his head. Cena might have fought some real wars, but when you go against the Undertaker inside Hell in a Cell, its something more than a war. Cena has nine days left before he enters the confines of the most brutal, deadly, structure in wrestling against a man who is the master in there.


Dolph Ziggler and Chavo Guerrero defeated Cryme Tyme when Ziggler pinned Shad after the Frog Splash from Chavo in 8:55 These two teams have two matches on Superstars and nothing was settled, so they have one final match, a rubber match. JTG is beaten down but Shad enters the ring, making the comeback and takes out Ziggler with a huge spine buster but Chavo catches him with the Frog Splash as JTG is ushered out of the ring and Ziggler pins Shad to win this match. Ziggler and Chavo could be in line for a future Unified Tag Team Title Shot with this victory. (C+)


Christian pinned The Miz with the Killswitch in 9:22 We see Chris Jericho come out to commentary, talking about how Christian was beaten twice in a row and Jericho has nothing prove to beat Christian. Jericho runs down the Big Show as well, talking about how the Big Show has floundered since his tag team with Jericho had broke up and the only reason he won the United States Title was because he had Triple H help him. Jericho continues to rail on the Big Show, as Christian is taken down by the Miz, and worked over but the Miz missed an elbow drop off of the top rope, allowing Christian to put the Miz away with the Killswitch. Afterwards, Jericho enters the ring and cheapshots Christian, giving him a belt shot and a Code Breaker, before taunting him with the Intercontinental Title Belt. Chris Jericho has been Intercontinental Champion eleven times and no doubt he's going to use his latest title victory as leverage to get a shot at the World Heavyweight Title. (B)


We are backstage, with John Morrison being beaten down by Ted DiBiase and rammed right into a set of boxes. DiBiase yells that Morrison got lucky once and it won't happen again. DiBiase beats on Morrison some more and walks off.


Unified Tag Team Champions Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio defeated The Fortunate Sons when Bourne pinned Hennig with the Air Bourne in 15:11 This match was postponed from last week and moved back a week. We see Sheamus and Paul Burchill, the team who will challenge for the Unified Tag Team Titles at Hell in a Cell, watch from the ramp. Rey is beaten down, still not one hundred percent and his knee is killing him. Bourne makes the tag and runs wild. Brett DiBiase is taken out and Rey hits the 6-1-9 on Joe Hennig, allowing Bourne to hit the Air Bourne for the pin, to officially set up the Unified Tag Team Match at Hell in a Cell, a pure battle of speed and agility against brute force when Rey Mysterio and Evan Bourne defend against Burchill and Sheamus. (B+)





Kijar: 3/4

Lo-Drew: 2/4

MattitudeV2: 1/4

BHK1978: 0/4

ChrisKid: 2/4


BHK1978: 43/61

Lo-Drew: 42/61

MattitudeV2: 39/61

Kijar: 25/61

ChrisKid: 13/61

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WWE Monday Night RAW 9/27/10


Unified Tag Team Champion Rey Mysterio vs. Paul Burchill.


Unified Tag Team Champion Evan Bourne vs. Sheamus.


R-Truth, Yoshi Tatsu, and the WWE United States Champion the Big Show vs. Randy Orton and the Hart Dynasty.


Kofi Kingston vs. CM Punk.


Mark Henry vs. Batista.

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